Report of Activities Part B
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/ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA I GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA L PAPER 76-1B REPORT OF ACTIVITIES PART B Energy, Mines and Energie, Mines et I* Reswrces Canada Ressources Canada Technical edfilng and canpilatlm P.J. Grtfln H. Dumych B.J. W. Irish hoducnm editing and layout LmaR. Yahonry Angelica F. V. Koops Richard PLr Tnmd md ohecksd by Dsbbla Busby Jane1 Glllfland Shoran Parnhmn W. E. Andenon GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION DIVISION 5; 2 1976 DlVlSlON DE L'INFORMATION G~OLOGIQUE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAPER 76-1B REPORT OF ACTIVITIES PART B O Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1976 Available by mail from Printing and Publishing Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9, from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa, KIA 0E8 and at Canadian Government Bookstores: HALIFAX 1683 Barrington Street MONTREAL 640 St. Catherine Street West OTTAWA 171 Slater Street TORONTO 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG 393 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER 800 Granville Street or through your bookseller Price: Canada: $5. 00 Catalogue No. M44-76-1B Other countries: $6. 00 Price subject to change without notice TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ............................................................ vii ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY J. -L. BOUVIER and SYDNEY ABBEY: Improvements in the ltscrew-rodll method for determination of lithium, rubidium and cesium ................ W. H. CHAMP and C. F. MEEDS: Application of spectrochemical methods to trace element determinations in geological materials ...................... APPALACHIAN GEOLOGY W. H. POOLE: Plate tectonic evolution of the Canadian Appalachian region ...... CORDILLERAN GEOLOGY R. G. CURRIE and J. E. MULLER: Magnetic susceptibility as a diagnostic parameter of Vancouver Island volcanic rocks ............................ P. R. FERMOR and R. A. PRICE: Imbricate structures in the Lewis thrust sheet around the Cate Creek and Haig Brook windows, southeastern British Columbia ...................................................... J. K. GLOVER and R. A. PRICE: Stratigraphy and structure of the Windermere Supergroup, southern Kootenay Arc, British Columbia .................... S. P. GORDEY and D. J. TEMPELMAN-KLUIT: Stratigraphic and structural studies in the Pelly Mountains, Yukon Territory .......................... GEOCHEMISTRY I. R. JONASSON: Trace metals in snow strata as indicators of silver-arsenide vein mineralization, Camsell River area, District of Mackenzie ............ GEOPHYSICS A. DICAIRE, T. R. FLINT, H. W. C. KNAPP, D. OLSON, and P. SAWATZKY: The Geological Survey of Canada aeromagnetic gradiometer system: Aprogressreport ...................................................... R. L. GRASTY: The circle of investigation of airborne gamma-ray spectrometers .......................................................... R. L. GRASTY: The 'field of viewt of gamma-ray detectors - a discussion .... P. J. HOOD and E. READY: Federal-Provincial Aeromagnetic Survey Program ofcanada: A progress report .................................. T. J. KATSUBE: New requirements for electrical exploration methods and for 1aboratoryR andD .................................................... A. K. SINHA: A technique for obtaining correct ground resistivity from airborne wave tilt measuring systems ..................................... D. SWAN, I. FRYDECKY, and R. G. CURRIE: A library of computer programs for the processing of hyperbolic and range-range navigation data .......... MARINE GEOSCIENCE I.A. HARDY and D. C. UMPLEBY: Lithostratigraphy of the Labrador Shelf . L. F. JANSA: Lower Paleozoic Radiolaria-bearing limestones from the BaffinIsland shelf ...................................................... GEORGE PATTON: Estuarine sedimentary dynamics in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia .............................................. MINERAL DEPOSITS L. D. AYRES and D. J. FINDLAY: Precambrian porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits in Ontario and Saskatchewan .................................... J. L. JAMBOR and W. J. McMILLAN: Distribution and origin of the "Gypsum Line" in the Valley Copper porphyry deposit, Highland Valley, British Columbia ...................................................... V. RUZICKA: Evaluation of uranium resources in the Elliot Lake-Blind River area, Ontario .......................................................... MINERALOGY H. G. ANSELL, G. J. PRINGLE, and A. C. ROBERTS: A hydrated neodymium- lanthanum carbonate from Curitiba, Parana, Brazil ...................... J. L. JAMBOR: New occurrences of the hybrid sulphide tochilinite ............ J. L. JAMBOR, A. G. PLANT, and H. R. STEACY: A dawsonite-bearing silicocarbonatite sill from Montreal Island, Quebec ........................ R. M. MacKay and M. Zentilli: Mineralogical observations on the copper- uranium occurrence at Black Brook, Nova Scotia .......................... ANN P. SABINA: The Francon Quarry, a mineral locality .................... PALEOMAGNETISM W. F. FAHRIG: Paleomagnetism and age of the Schefferville diabase dykes ...... E. J. SCHWARZ: Paleomagnetism of the Circum-Ungava Belt: East coast ofHudson Bay .......................................................... PALEONTOLOGY M. S. BARSS and B. CRILLEY: A mounting medium for palynological residues . W. W. BRIDEAUX: Taxonomic notes and illustrations of selected dinoflagellate cyst species from the Gulf Mobil Parsons N-10 well ........................ M. J. COPELAND: Leperditicopid ostracodes as Silurian biostratigraphic indices ................................................................ W. S. HOPKINS, JR, and A. R. SWEET: A microflora from a short section of the Paleogene Kishenehn Formation, southeastern British Columbia ............ R. A. McLEAN: Genera and stratigraphic distribution of the Silurian and Devonian rugose coral family Cystiphyllidae Edwards and Haime .......... 295 A. E. H. PEDDER: Initial records of two unusual Late Silurian rugose coral generafromYukonTerritory ............................................ 285 A. E. H. PEDDER: First records of five rugose coral genera from Upper Silurian rocks of the Canadian Arctic Islands ............................ 287 PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY ERICH DIMROTH: Physical volcanology and sedimentology of the Abitibi greenstonebelt, Qu6bec ............................................ 107 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY: ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY STUDIES J.E. GALE, K. RAVEN, J. DUGAL, and P. BROWN: Subsurface containment of solid radioactive wastes .................................... ....... 147 J. S. 0. LAU and D. E. LAWRENCE: Winter ground-ice distribution for selected map-areas, Mackenzie Valley ............................................ 161 R. N. YONG and P. B. FRANSHAM: Dynamic behaviour and response of sensitive clays of Champlain Sea deposits ................................ 371 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY: INVENTORY MAPPING AND STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES J. E. ARMSTRONG and S. R. HICOCK: Quaternary multiple valley development of the lower Coquitlam Valley, Coquitlam, British Columbia (92 G/7c) ...... 197 J. J. CLAGUE: Pleistocene sediments in the northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia ..................................................... 157 J. -M. DUBOIS: Lev6 prkliminaire du complexe morainique de Manitou-Matamek sur la CGte Nord de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent .................. 89 D. R. GRANT: Reconnaissance of early and middle Wisconsinan deposits along the Yarmouth-Digby coast of Nova Scoiia ................................ 363 C. TARNOCAI: Soils of Bathurst, Cornwallis, and adjacent islands, DistrictofFranklin .............................................. 137 S. C. ZOLTAI and V. WOO: Soils and vegetation of Somerset and Prince of Wales islands, District of Franklin ...................................... 143 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY: PALEOECOLOGYAND GEOCHRONOLOGY W. BLAKE, JR: Sea and land relations during the last 15 000 years in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Archipelago .............................. 201 D. C. FORD and H. P. SCHWARCZ: Radiometric age studies of speleothem ...... 151 L. V. HILLS and R. M. BUSTIN: Picea banksii Hills & Ogilvie from Axel Heiberg Island, District of Franklin ...................................... 61 Page D.M. JONES, W. W. SHILTS, and R. W. WE1 : Heavy metal content of tundra plant species ..........................................................P 273 S. LICHTI-FEDEROVICH: A preliminary list of diatoms from sea floor sediments in Croker Bay, Devon Island, District of Franklin .............. 133 JOHN V. MATTHEWS, JR: Insect fossils from the Beaufort Formation: geological and biological significance .................................... 217 QUATERNARY MARINE GEOLOGY C J. L. LUTERNAUER: Fraser Delta sedimentation, Vancouver, British Columbia . 169 QUATERNARY SEDIMENTOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY T. J. DAY and J. C. ANDERSON: Observations on river ice, Thomsen River, Banks Island, District of Franklin ...................................... 187 T. J. DAY and R. J. GALE: Geomorphology of some Arctic gullies, Banks Island, DistrictofFranklin .................................................... 173 A. S. DYKE: Tors and associated weathering phenomena, Somerset Island, DistrictofFranklin ................................................ 209 J. ROSS MACKAY: The age of the Ibyuk pingo, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, District of Mackenzie .................................................... 59 R. B. TAYLOR: Nearshore observations along the east coast of Melville Island, District ofFranklin .................................................... 43 STRATIGRAPHYAND STRUCTURALGEOLOGY H. R. BALKWILL and W. S. HOPKINS,