r r ^ fx. ' THE ONE H U M ^D AND THIRD v w e p - ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE Baptist JJissiowy SoGiety







L onsdale B u il d in g s, Ch an c er y L ane, W.C.


A ' v',







Notice in reference to Bequests... ' “... iv Committee and Officers for 1895-96 vi List of Sub-Committees—1895-96 ... ' . vii Honorary Members ...... vii District and Corresponding Secretaries ...... ix Rules and Regulations for Auxiliaries ...... xii Plan and Regulations of the Society ...... xiv Minutes of the General Meeting ...... xvi Annual Public Meeting...... xviii New Mission House, Bopoto Station, Upper Congo River...... Frontispiece 2 R epobt ...... 3 India ...... 10 C ey lon ...... 39 China ...... 45 Palestine ...... 65 A f r i c a ...... 66 West Indies ...... 83 Brittany ...... 87 Italy ...... 88 Centenary Fund ...... 97 Finances ...... 98

APPENDIX No. I. List of Missionaries, showing the Dates of their Appointments, &o...... 101

APPENDIX No. II. Stations, Missionaries, &c...... 110

APPENDIX No. III. Statistics for 1894-5 126 Tabular View ...... 130 Summary for 1894-5 ...... 135

APPENDIX No. IV. Missionaries, Native Evangelists, Bible Women, &c., specially supported ... 136

APPENDIX No. V. ^ Annual Subscriptions ...... i v Collections at Annual Services...... iv ^ Donations received at the Mission House ...... iv ** Legacies...... vii Contributions from Auxiliaries...... viii S. Dividends, Interest, House Account, &e...... cxlii Special Funds ...... cxliii > Centenary F und...... cxliii Summary of Contributions ...... cxlv jCGeneral Summary of Cash A c co u n t...... cxlviii ^ Abstract of the Cadi A ccount...... c-1 Special Funds A ccount...... clviii 'A Widows and Orphans’ Account ...... clix Legacy Reserve Fund ...... clx Centenary F u n d ...... dxi Life Subscribers ... clxii 1% iv ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPOST- [1895.


As the kind intentions of some of the deoeased friends of the Society have been rendered abortive for want of correct knowledge o£the law, the Committee call special attention to tho following directions ¡—

R e q u i s i t e s f o e V a l i d i t y o p Wira,.—It should be remembered in the first place that (a) A will must be in writing, and signed at the foot or end thereof by the Testator or by some other person in his presence and by his direction; (6) Such signature must be made or acknowledged by the Testator in the presence of two Witnesses, who must be present at the same time, and (c) Such Witnesses must attest and subsoribe the will in the presence qfthe Testator.

G i f t s b y W i u t o Ch a b i t a b l e I nstitutions .— Gifts by will to the Baptist Missionary Society and other Charitable Institutions were formerly subject to restrictions stated in the “ Notice in Reference to Bequests” oontained in previous reports. But the effect of the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, 1891 (51 and 58 Viet. o. 73), Secs. 3 and 6 and 9, is that no gift in favour of a Charitable Institution, made by the will of a Testator dying after August 5th, 1891, can be void by reason of the subject matter of the gift being land or an interest in land. The distinction formerly drawn between personal property which is an interest in land (that is, in anyway secured upon or payable out of land) and pure personalty is abolished, and even land may now be lawfully given by will to a Charitable Institution. But lands so given must be sold within one year from the Testator’s death, or such extended period as may be determined by the Court or the. Charity Commissioners, and if not .sold within such period it will vest in the official Trustee of Charity Lands, and the Charity Commissioners will order it to be sold, and the net proceeds of sale to be paid to the official Trustees of Charity Fonds in trust for the Charity in favour of which the laud has been given (Sec. 8).

1.—B e q u e s t o f a n O r d i n a r y P e c u n i a r y L e g a c y t o t h e S o c i e t y .—In this case there is no need for the provision formerly inserted in wills directing the legacy to be paid exclusively out of such parts of the Testator’s estate as might lawfully be disposed of for charitable purposes. The bequest may be in the following form :—

“ I give to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society the sum of £ , free of duty, for the general purposes of the said Society ” (or, if so desired, “ for the Translation Fund of the said Society,” or “ for the School Fund of the said Sooiety” ).

2.—Bequest to the Society or a Pecuwiaey Legacy made Payable out op the Proceeds op Saxe and the Conversion op the Testator’s Real and Personal Estate, ob op a Share op such Proceeds.— Very frequently a Testator gives his real and personal estate or his residuary estate to Trustees on trust to sell, and out of the proceeds of sale to pay the legacies previously bequeathed, which may include a legacy to the Society. And a Testator may now bequeath a share of such proceeds to the Society. In these cases, although perhaps not essential, it is considered prndent, at all events until the interpretation of the above- mentioned Act has been settled by judicial decision, to add to the gift of the pecuniary legacy or share to the Society the following direction:—

** And I direct that in case all the real and leasehold estate comprised in the devise and bequest in trust for sale herein contained shall not bo sold within one year from my death then the said legaoy (or share) herein bequeathed to the said Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society, and the duty thereon shall be paid out of the proceeds of sale and conversion of my personal estate and the proceeds of sale of such of my real and leasehold estate as shall be sold within one year after my death in priority to all other legacies (or shares) payable thereout.” 1895.] ONE ttTJNDEED AND THIED EEFOET. V

8.—G ift by W ill of La.nd to the Society. —If land or a house of any tenure or a freehold or leasehold ground-rent ia intended to be given to the Society, it should be given to a Trustee or Trustees on trust to sell within one year after the Testator’s death if practicable, and to receive the net purchase money and pay it to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Society. The Testator will probably desire that the Succession Duty on the gift and also the cost of any application which may be necessary to extend the period of one year within which the sale must be made under the above-mentioned Act shall be paid out of his general estate. A gift by will of freehold land or a freehold house or a freehold ground-rent for the benefit of the Society may be made in the following form

“ I give unto and to the use of (names of Trustees), their heirs and assigns, my freehold (description of land or house or ground-rent) upon trust to sell the same if practicable within •ne year from my death, and to receive the proceeds of sale thereof and thereout, and out of the rents and profits until sale to pay the expenses of such sale and all necessary outgoings, and to pay the residue of such proceeds and rents and profits to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society for the general purposes of the said Society. And I direct that the Succession Duty payable in respect of the above gift and also the costs of any application to extend the period for sale under the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, 1891, shall be paid out of my general estate.”

A gift by will of leasehold land or a leasehold house or a leasehold ground-rent for the benefit cf the Society may be made in the following form:—

“ I give to (names of Trustees), their executors, administrators, and assigns, my leasehold -(description of land or house or ground-rent) upon trust to sell the same if practicable within one year from my death, and to receive the proceeds of sale thereof and thereout, and out of the rents an,d profits until sale to pay the expenses of such sale and the rent reserved by the lease under which the same premises are held and all other necessary outgoings, and to pay the residue of such proceeds and rents and profits to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society for the general purposes of the said Society. And I direct that the Succession Duty payable in respect of the above gift and also the costs of any application to extend the period for Sale under the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, 1891, shall be paid out of my general estate.” v i ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

Com m ittee anfc ©fficers, 1895*96*


Honorary Secretary.—EDWARD BEAN UNDERHILL, E sq., LL.D.

General Secretary.—ALFRED HENRY BAYNE3, E sq., F.R.A.S. Association Secretary.—Ret. JOHN BROWN MYERS. Secretary of Bible Translation Society Auxiliary.—Rev. WILLIAM HILL. Auditors. M esses. J. JENNINGS, J. M. BELL (since deceased), H. KEEN, a n d P. TERRY (Jun.). Bankers.—M esses. BARCLAY, BEVAN, TRITTON & CO., 54, Lombard Street. Committee. ATKINSON, R e v . J. H., Liverpool. MEAD, Me. J. B., London. BAILEY, R e v . J., B.A., Sheffield. MEDHURST, R e v . T. W ., Cardiff. BAILLIE, R e v . J., London. MEDLEY, R e v . E., B.A., London. BARRAN, Me. A., J.P., Leeds. MOjxRIS, R e v . J. A., Aberystwyth. BIRD, R e v . B., Plymouth. MORRIS, R ev. T. M., Ipswich. BRISCOE, R e v . J. T., Bristol. MORRIS, R e v . W., Treorky. BROWN, R e v . C., Hornsey. OLNEY, M e . T. H., London. CHOWN, M e . JOHN, London. OWEN, R e v . J., Swansea. CLARKE, M e . A ldeem an D., High PARKINSON, M e . W. C., L.C.C., Wycombe. London. COLLIER, M e . E. P., J.P., Reading. PAYNE, Mb. W ., London. DAVIES, R e v . D., Brighton. PENNY, Mb. T. S., Taunton. DOBSON, R e v . N., Deal. PHILLIPS, R ev. T., B.A., Kettering. EVANS, R e v . B., Aberdare. PRICE, Mb. C., Hampstead. FORBES, R e v . J. T., M.A., Newcastle. ROBERTS, R e v . J. E., M.A., B.D., GANGE, R e v . E. G., London. Manchester. GLOVER, R ev . R., D.D., Bristol. SHAKESPEARE, R e v . J. H., M.A , Norwich. GOULD, R e v . G. P., M.A., London. SHORT, R e v . G., B.A., Salisbury. GRAY, R e v . R., Birmingham. SKEMP, R e v . C. W ., Bradford. GREENHOUGH, R e v . J. G., M.A., Leicester. SKERRY, R e v . W. R., London. GRIFFITHS, M b . R. FOULKES, SMITH, Me. J. J., J.P., Watford. London. SPURRIER, Rev. E., Colchester. HAWKER, R e v . G., London. TARN, R e v . T. G., Cambridge. HENDERSON, R e v . E., London. THEW, R e v . J., L eicester. HILL, R e v . G., M.A., Nottingham. VINCENT, R e v . S., Plymouth. LUSH, Db. PERCY, London. WHERRY, Me. A l d e r m a n , J.P., Bourne ■ MARNHAM, Mb. F. J., Addlestone. WHITLEY, Me. THOS., Southsea. MARNHAM, M b . J., J.P., Boxmoor. WILLIAMS, R e v . H. C., Corwen. MARTIN, R e v . T. H ., Glasgow. WOOD, R e v . J. R . , London. AND THE OFFICERS OF THE ZENANA MISSION AS FOLLOWS I— President—M rs. R ioke tt. Treasurer— M rs. U n d e r h il l. Son. Foreign and Financial Secretary— M iss A n g u s. Son. Min. Secretary^-M iss E d ith A ngus. Son. Some Secretary— M iss H ild a B owseb. 1895.] ONE HTTNDBED A.ND THIRD REPORT. TU



R e t . J. ALDIS, Bradford-on-A t o t i. R e t . J. CULROSS, D.D., Bristol. R e t . S. S. ALLSOP, Burton-on-Trent. R e t . E. EDWARDS, Torquay. R e t . JOSEPH ANGUS, D.D., London. Ret. S. G. GREEN, D.D., London. R e t . T. BARRASS, Peterborough. M b . J. J. GURNEY, J.P., Newcastle. Mb. W. W. BAYNES, J.P., D.L., R e t . W. LANDELS, D.D., Edinburgh. London. R e t . A. McLAREN, D.D., Manchester. Mb. W l . BEMBRIDGE, J.P., Ripley. Mb. J. SHORT MoMASTER, Toronto. Mb. H. M. BOMPAS, M.A., Q.C., P b o f e s s o k MULLER, Amsterdam. London. R e t . WILLIAM ORTON, Leicester. R e t . S. H. BOOTH, D.D., London. M b . EDWARD RAWLINGS, London. Mb. HOWARD BOWSER, Glasgow. M b . ED. ROBINSON. J.P., Bristol. R e t . J. JENKYN BROWN, Birmingliam. R e t . J. A. SPURGEON, D.D., London. R e t . J. T. BROWN, Northampton. R e t . Db. UNDERWOOD, Burton-on- Mb. S. B. BURTON, F.R.G.S., New- Trent. castle-on-Tyne. R e t . T. A, WHEELER, Norwich. R e t . J. CLIFFORD, M. A.,D.D.,London R e t . CHAS. WILLIAMS, Accrington.

H o n o b a b y M e m b e b s o f C o m m i t t e e (ex-officio), being Presidents or Principals of

Denominational Colleges, in accordance with Regulation, p. x y .

R e t . GETHIN DAVJLES, D.D., Bangor R e t . W. J. HENDERSON, B.A., Bristol College. College. R e t . T. W. DAVIES, D.D., Nottingham R e t . E. PARKER, D.D., Manchester College. College. R e t . W. EDWARDS, D.D., Cardiff R e t . R. H . ROBERTS, B.A., Regent’s College. Park College. Ret. T. V. TYMMS, Rawdon College.


Inbia anb Cjeglon.

Chairman.—R e v . J. J. BROWN.

BARRASS, R e t . T. PAYNE, Mb. W . BEMBRLDGE, Mb. W . B. RAWLINGS, Mb. EDWABD. BRISCOE, R e t . J. T. SHAKESPEARE, R e v . J. H., M.A, DOBSON, R e t . N. SMITH, Mb. J. J., J.P. FORBES, R e v . J. T., M.A. THEW, R e v . JAS. GANGE, R e t . E. G. VINCENT, R e v . S. GLOVER, R e t . R ., D.D. - WHEELER, R e v . T. A. GOULD, R e v . G. P., M.A. WHERRY, Mb. W . R., J.P. GRAY, R e t . R. WILLIAMS, R e v . C. HILL, R e t . G., M.A. WOOD, R e v . J. R. MARTIN, R e v . T. H.

AND THE OFFICERS OF THE ZENANA MISSION. viü ONË HtriiDRÈD And i í í i b D kePo s ï . [1895


Chairman.—R e v . R. GLOVER, D.D.

B ARRAN, Me. A., J.P. MEDHURST, R e v . T. W. BAYNES, Mb. W. W., J.P. a n d D.L. MORRIS, R e v . T. M. BIRD, R e v . B. OWEN, R e v . JAMES. BROWN, Rev. C. PHILLIPS, R e v . T., B.A. BROWN, R e v . J. J. ROBINSON, Mb. E., J.P. EVANS, R e v . B. SKEMP, R e v . 0. W. GREENHOUGH, R e v . J. G., M.A. SPURRIER, R e v . E. GRIFFITHS, M b . R . FOULKES. TARN, R e v . T. G . GURNEY, M b . J. J., J.P. VINCENT, R e v . S. HAWKER, R e v . G. WHEELER, R ev . T. A. HENDERSON, R e v . E.


Chairman.—Me. J. MARNHAM, J.P.

ATKINSON, R e v . J. H. LANDELS, R e v . W ., D.D. BAILEY, R e v . J., B.A. MEDLEY, R e v . E „ B.A. BAILLIE, R e v . J. MORRIS, R e v . J. A. BARRASS, R e v . T. MORRIS, R e v . W m . BROWN, R e v . J. T. PARKINSON, Mb. W. C., L.C.C. BURTON, Mb. S. B. PENNY, Mb. T. S. CLARKE, M b . A ld e b h a n D. SHORT, R e v . GEO., B.A. COLLIER, M b . E. P., J.P. SKERRY, R e v . W. R . DAVIES, R e v . D. WHITLEY, Mb. THOS. GREENHOUGH, R e v . J. G., M .A . WILLIAMS, R e v . C. GURNEY, M b . J. J., J.P.

Jinan«. Chairman.—Mb. W. C. PARKINSON, L.C.C.

BAYNES, Mb. W. W., J.P. a n d D.L. MEAD, Mb. J. B. BOMPAS, Mb. H. M., M.A., Q.C. 0LNEY,M b. t . h . CHOWN, Mb. J. PAYNE, Mb. W. COLLIER, Mb. E. P., J.P. PRICE, Mb. C. GURNEY, M b . J. J., J.P. ROBINSON, Mb. ED., J.P. LUSH, Db. PERCY. SMITH, Mb. JOHN JAMES, J.P. MARNHAM, Mb. J., J.P. WHITLEY, Mb. THOS. MARNHAM, Mb. F. J.


Chairman.—R e v . GEO. SHORT, B.A.

BROWN, R e v . J. 3. MORRIS, R e v . T. M. DOBSON, R e v . N. MORRIS, R e v . Wm. GANGE, R e v . E. G. RAWLINGS, Mb. EDWARD. GLOVER, R ev . R ., D.D. SKEMP, R e v . C. W . GREEN, R e v . S. G., D.D. SMITH, Mr. J. J., J.P. GREENHOUGH, R e v . J. G., M.A WILLIAMS, R e v . CHAS. HILL, R e v . GEO., MA.. WILLIAMS, R e v . H. C. LANDELS, R e v . W ., D.D. WOOD, R e v . J. R. MEDLEY, R e v . E., B.A. 1895J ONE fiÜNDRED AND THIRD HEP ORT.


ENGLAND. Bedfordshire Rev. G. Durrell ... Leighton Buzzard Rev. H. G. Stembridge Biggleswade Rev. P. Thompson ...... Luton Berkshire Mr. J. J. Cooper ...... Reading Rev. J. Cave ...... Wokingham Buckinghamshire Rev. J. Edwards ...... Haddenham Mr. D. Clarke ...... High Wycombe Rev. L. G. Carter ...... Chesham Rev. W. Coombs ...... Princes Risborough Cambridgeshire Rev. T. G. Tam ...... Cambridge Mr. J. F. Tyars ...... Wisbech Rev. J. A. Wilson ...... Isleham Cheshire Rev. J. S. Hughes ...... Hill Cliff Mr. R. Bate ...... Tarporley Cornwall Rev. M. L. Gaunt Helston Cumberland... Rev. W. H. Elliott ...... Maryport Derbyshire ... Rev. W . F. Harris ...... Derby Devonshire ...... Rev. E. C. Pike, B.A...... Exeter Rev. G. F. Owen Torrington Rev. W . Emery ...... Torquay Rev. Ben well Bird ...... Plymouth Dorsetshire ... Mr. S. J. Fowler ...... Weymouth Rev. R. Walker ...... Poole Essex Rev. F. Edwards, B.A. Harlow Rev. E. Spurrier Cplchester Gloucestershire Mr. T. Whittard ...... Cheltenham Rev. F. E. Blackaby...... Stow-on-the-Wold Rev. T. Wilkinson ...... Tewkesbury Rev. A. M. N ickalls...... JTailsworth Rev. W . R o s s ...... Coleford Hampshire ... Rev. W . V. Robinson, B.A. ... Boscombe Rev. J. P. Williams ... Southsea Rev. E. R. Pullen ...... Shirley Rev. A. W . Wood ...... Winchester Isle of Wight tt Rev. E. B. Pearson ...... Ryde Herefordshire Mr. Geo. K ing...... Hereford Hertfordshire Mr. C. R. Cheeseman...... Hitchin Mr. J. Fisk ...... St. Albans Mr. Putnam ...... Tring Mr. J. J. Smith ...... Watford Huntingdonshire Rev. R. F. Guyton ...... Huntingdon Kent...... Rev. W . Townsend ...... Canterbury Lancashire ... Rev. Chas. Williams ... Accrington Mr. J. Fletcher...... Oldham Rev. J. McCleery ...... Ramsbottom Rev. B. Bowker ...... Bury Rev. J. H. Atkinson ... \ Rev. R. Lewis...... j Liverpool Rev. W . H. Harris ...... Preston Rev. J. E. Roberts, M.A. Manchester Rev. H. V. Thomas ... Atherton Rev. S. Caldwell ... Clayton-le-Moors Mr. W. Taylor...... Bolton Mr. R. Watson...... Rochdale Leicestershire Rev. J. G. Greenhough, M.A. ) Rev. J. Cornish...... ) Leicester Rev. S. P. Carey, M.A. Loughborough Rev. J". R._Qrodfrey ... • ... Barlestone ONE HUNDRED AND THÎBD BEFOÊT. [1895

Lincolnshire. Rev. G-. H. Bennett ...... Bourne Monmouthshire Rev. S. R. Young ...... Abergavenny Rev. G. H. Cook ...... Maindee Norfolk Rev. J. BE. Shakespeare, M.A. Norwich Rev. J. H. Jones ...... Yarmouth Rev. T. Perry ... King’s Lynn North Northamptonshire Rev. J. T. Brown Northampton South Northamptonshire , Mr. W. Meadows ...... Kettering Northumberland ... Mr. J. J. Gurney, J.P. j- Newcastle-on-Tyne Mr. E. H. Angas Nottinghamshire ... Rev. G. Hill, M.A. ... Nottingham Oxfordshire ...... Rev. T. Bentley Chipping Norton Rev. J, Dann ... Oxford Shropshire ... Rev. A. Lester ... Dawley Somersetshire Rev. Geo.W. Humphreys, B.A Wellington Rev. H. Hardin Montacute Mr. G. H. Leonard Clifton Rev. R. Richard Bristol Rev. J. Walker... Frome Rev. B. Oriel ...... Bath Rev. W. Owen...... Wells Staffordshire Rev. J. C. Whitaker ... Prince’s End Rev. G. Buckley Hanley Rev. A. H. Lee Walsall Suffolk Rev. T. M. Morris Ipswich Rev. J. M. Hamilton ... Lowestoft Surrey Mr. F. Hepburn Sutton Mr. T. R. Hope Redhill Sussex Rev. W. R. Peacock ... Hastings Rev. D. Davies...... Brighton Warwickshire Rev. J. J. Brown Birmingham Mr. F. W. Franklin ... Coventry Rev. G. A. Willis Leamington Rev. J. M a n n ...... Umberslade Wiltshire Rev. George Short, B.A. Salisbury Rev. W . H. J. Page ... Caine Mr. Donaldson...... Trowbridge Worcestershire Rev. E. W. Berry Redditch Rev. T. Fisk ...... Kidderminster Yorkshire ... Mr. W . Barber... Bradford Rev. C. W. Skemp Rev. F. Allsop...... Brearley Rev. E. R. Lewis Bingley Mr. J. H. H ill...... Hull Rev. F. D. Tranter Driffield Rev. J. H. Robinson ... Halifax Mr. Clifton Town Leeds Rev. C. Payne ... Dewsbury Mr. F. E. Smith Sheffield Mr. B. Dixon ... Rev. W. G ay ...... Golcar Rev. T. Cotes ...... Todmorden


North Rev. Gethin Davies, D.D. ... Bangor Rev. 0. Davies ...... Carnarvon Mr. T. T. Marks ...... Llandudno Rev. H. C. W illiam s...... Corwen

South Wales Rev. R. Evans...... Llanelly Rev. Robert Lloyd ...... Castletown Rev. B. Evans...... Aberdare 1895.] OKE HUNDRED AND iH IR D REPORT-. xi

South. Wales (continued) .. Rev. W. G. Davies Penarth Rev. A. Tilly ... | Cardiff Rev. T. W. Medimrst Rev. J. Owen ... | Swansea Rev. D. B. Davies Rev. J. A. Morris Aberystwith Rev. W. Morris Treorky Rev. T. E. Williams Newtown Rev. W. D. Young Llanbister Road Rev. D. Price ... > Merthyr Rev. H. Jenkins

SCOTLAND. Mr. A. G-ibb Aberdeen Mr. Chas. Anderson Edinburgh Mr. R. Anderson Dundee Mr. W. Mathewson Dunfermline Rev. T. H. Martin Glasgow Mr. D. Lockhart Glasgow Rev. G. Yuille ... Stirling

IRELAND. Rev. J. D. Gilmore ...... Brannoxtown

CHA1TNEL ISLANDS. Mr. F. E. Cabeldu ...... Jersey Mr. W. Ozanne ... Guernsey

FOREIGN. Mr. S. Colgate...... New York, U.S.A. xii ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1896.





1. T h a t the fundamental principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society have the cordial approbation of this Auxiliary. 2. That this Society be denominated the Auxiliary, in aid of the fundB of the Baptist Missionary Society, and that all the Churches in the County be re­ quested to co-operate in promoting this important object. 3. That all persons subscribing annually Half-a-G-uinea or upwards, or five Guineas at one time, shall be members of this Auxiliary ; that all such subscribers of Half-a- Guinea shall be entitled to the abstract of the Annual Report; and of one Guinea and upwards to the large Report of the Parent Society. 4. That the business of the Auxiliary shall be conducted by a Committee, with one or two Secretaries and a Treasurer. The Committee to hold its meetings quarterly in different places in the County. 5. That the whole amount of money received by this Auxiliary, after deducting necessary expenses, shall be remitted annually, or oftener, to the Treasurer of the Parent Society in London, with an Alphabetical List of Collections and Subscriptions. 6. That a General Meeting of the Members of the Auxiliary shall be held annually, when a Report of the Proceedings shall be presented, intelligence communicated of the operations of the Mission, and a Committee and Officers appointed for the ensuing year. [It is desirable that arrangements for the Aminat Meeting should' be announced at the previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee.] 7. That the following Gentlemen be the Committee for the present year:— and that be Treasurer, and Seoretary.


1. T h a t the principles and objects of the Baptist Missionary Society, formed in the year 1792, are oordially approved of by this Society. 2. That this Sooiety be designated the Missionary Society. 3. That all persons subscribing One Penny per ‘Week or more, Ten Shillings and Sixpence, and upwards, annually, or Five Pounds at one time, shall be Members of the Society. 4. That the Sooiety be under the direction of a Committee of Twelve Persons, including a Treasurer and Secretary, and that the following be the Committee and Officers for the present year, viz.—


T beasü beb. S e c b e t a b ï.

5. That the Committee meet monthly to receive the Contributions from the Collectors,' and pay over the amounts to the Treasurer, to be remitted annually, or oftener, to! the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 1 6. That a General Meeting of this Congregational Missionary Society be held Annually on the last Tuesday of , for the purpose of receiving the Report of Proceedings, and appointing a Committee for the following year. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. Xlil


1. T hat this Branch be formed for th e purpose of contributing to the Funds of th« Baptist Mission, and of promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the Kingdom of Christ. 2. That this Branch be under the direction of a Committee of such persons as collect Sixpence per -week and upwards ; or are subscribers of Half>a-Guinea and upwards per annum. 3. That the Committee meet Monthly to pay over the Contributions to the Treasurer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 4. That a General Meeting of the Bran oh be held on the last Thursday of in each year, when the accounts shall be balanced, and paid over to the Treasurer of the , or to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 5. That the following be the Members of the Committee.


1. T h a t this Association be formed for the purpose of contributing to the funds of the Baptist Misgion, and of promoting a spirit of enterprise in extending the Kingdom of Christ. 2. That every person subscribing One Penny per Week, and upwards, be a member of the Association. 3. That this Association be under the direction of a Committee, selected from such persons as collect Sixpence per Week and upwards. 4. That the Committee meet Quarterly to pay over the contributions to the Treasurer, and receive Missionary intelligence. 5. That an Anniversary Meeting of the Association be held in connection with the . annual meeting of the Congregation, when the accounts shall be balanced and paid over to the Treasurer of the Congregational Auxiliary, or to the Treasurer of the Parent Society. 6. That the following be the Members and Officers of the Committee.


1 . T h a t this Association be formed for the purpose of aiding the funds of the Baptist Missionary Society, and that it consist of all Scholars and Teaohers contributing or collecting One Penny per week or upwards towards its funds. 2. That the friends and neighbours of the Children be invited to contribute to this Association. 3. That the Superintendents and Teachers whose classes contribute constitute a Committee to carry the object of the Branch into efiEect. i 4. That the consent of the parents be obtained before any child is allowed to become a subscriber. . That the amount contributed by the Association be paid'over every Quarter to the f Treasurer of the Parent Society. ‘ xiv ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.



The name by which the Society has been, and is, designated is “ T he B a ptist M issio n ar y So ciety,” including “ The Particular Baptist Missionary Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen,” which was formed in 1792, and “ The General Baptist Missionary Society,” which was formed in 1816.

o b je c t . The great object of this Society is the diffusion of the knowledge of the religion of Jesus Christ throughout the whole world, beyond the British Isles, by the preaching of the Gospel, the translation and pub­ lication of the Holy Scriptures, and the establishment of schools.

MEMBERS. The following persons shall be considered Members—viz., pastors of churches making an annual contribution ; ministers who collect annually; and all Christian persons concurring in the objects of the Society, who are donors of ten pounds and upwards, or subscribers of ten shillings and sixpence annually to its funds.

GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS. A General Meeting of Members only shall be held annually, at which the Committee and Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuiDg, the Auditors of accounts appointed, and any other business pertaining to the Society transacted. In choosing the Committee and Officers, the Chairman of the Meeting .hall receive all names which it may be intended to propose. Out of the list so obtained, forby-two Members of the Committee shall be chosen by oallot, those who have the greater number of votes being the persons elected, and the Members so elected shall be empowered to fill up the number to fifty-four Members, as required by the following rule, from the list of nominations presented at the Annual Meeting.

COMMITTEE. That the affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee of fifty-four persons, two-thirds of whom shall be residents beyond twelve miles of St. Paul’s ; the Committee to meet monthly, or oftener, in London, on a fixed day, for the despatch of business ; seven Members to be deemed a quorum ; the Committee to be empowered to fill up vacancies. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT, XV

PUBLIC MEETINGS. A Public Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, when the list of the Committee shall be read, the accounts presented, and the pro­ ceedings of the previous year reported. The Committee shall also be empowered to summon Public Meetings in London or elsewhere, when­ ever the interests of the Society may seem to require.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. All Treasurers and Secretaries of Missionary Auxiliaries shall be C orresponding M e m b e r s of the Committee, together with such persons as it may be found necessary to add to their number.

HONORARY MEMBERS. The General Meeting of Members shall also be empowered to appoint as H o n o r a r y M e m b e r s of the Committee any who have rendered important services to the Society ; provided the nomination of such Honorary Members of Committee shall proceed only from a resolution of the General Committee of the Society, or from six Members of the Society who are combined therein.

HONORARY MEMBERS (EX~OFFICIO). Presidents or Principals of Denominational Colleges shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee of the Society.

MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ENTITLED TO VOTE AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS. All Honorary and Corresponding Members of the Committee, and all Ministers, who are members of the Society, who may occasionally be in London; and also Ministers residing in Loudon, similarly qualified, together with the Treasurers and Secretaries of London Auxiliaries, shall be entitled to attend and vote at the Meetings of the Committee.

FUNDS. All moneys received on behalf of the Society shall be lodged in the hands of the Treasurer, or of Trustees to be chosen by the Society. When the amount received shall exceed the sum needed for the current expenses of the month, it shall be invested in the Public Funds, until required for the use of the Mission.

ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION. No alteration in the constitution of the Society shall be made without twelve months’ notice having been given at a previous Annual General Meeting. xwi ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895,


HELD IN THE MISSION HOUSE, PUENIYAL STREET, HOLBORN, E.C,, T u e s d a y , A p r il 23rd, 1895.

1. After singing a hymn and reading the Scriptures, the Rev. W. A.

H obbs, of Minehead, offered prayer.

2. On the motion of the G e n er al Se cretar y, JOSEPH RUSSELL, E sq., of Port Glasgow, was unanimously oalled to the chair. 8. The Digest of Minutes of the Committee for the past year was

brought up and read by the G e n er al Secr etar y. 4. The Officers presented and read the Report of the Committee, together with the Balance-sheet and Abstraot of Accounts for the past year, as passed by the Auditors.

5. On the motion of the Rev. T . Y. T ymms, of Rawdon College, seconded by the Rev. J. H. Sh a k e sp e a r e , M.A., of Norwich, it was resolved:— That the Report now presented, and the audited Balanoe-sheet and Statement of Accounts, as duly certified by the Auditors, be received, adopted, and published ia the usual way.

6. On the nomination of the Committee, moved by E d w ard R a w ­

l in g s, Esq., of Wimbledon, seconded by J. B. M e a d , Esq., of Brockley, it was unanimously resolved :— That the Rev. Alexander McLaren, D.D., of Manchester, be elected an Honorary Member of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, having rendered important services to the Mission. 7. On the nomination of the Committee, moved by the Rev. R.

Glo ver , D.D., of Bristol, seconded by the Rev. T . Y. T ym m s, of Rawdon College, it was unanimously resolved :— That the Rev. William Landels, D.D., of Edinburgh, be elected an Honorary Member of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, having rendered important services to the Mission.

8. On the nomination of the Committee, moved by E. B . U n d e r h il l ,

Esq., LL.D., of Hampstead, seconded by the Rev. J. T, B r o w n , of Northampton, it was unanimously resolved :— That the Rev. Charles Williams, of Accrington, be elected an Honorary Member of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, having rendered important services to the Mission. 9. On the nomination of the Committee, moved by the Rev. E.

M e d le y, B.A., of Clapton, seconded by the Rev. G. Short, B A ., of Salisbury, it was unanimously resolved :— That S. B. Burton, Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, be elected an Honorary Member i§96.j $NjS tithiiiBfiij AND TltlRD BEPOlW» Xvii of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Sociaty, having rendered important services to the Mission.

10. On the nomination of the Committee, moved by the G eneral

Secretar y, seconded by F. E. Sm it h , Esq., of Sheffield, it was unanimously resolved:— That Alfred Robinson, Esq., J.P., of Bristol, be elected an Honoiary Member of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, having rendered important services to the Mission. 11. On the motion of G-. Sh eph erd , Esq., of Baoup, seconded by T.

W h it l e y , Esq., of Southsea, it was resolved :— That the following gentlemen be requested to act as Scrutineers, to report the result of the examination of the balloting papers to the officers of the Society for publication—viz., Messrs. C. B. Chapman, J. Jennings, C. H. Chapman, A. Grant, J. M. Bell, H. Keen, C. E. Smith, R. Pearoe, and W. W. Parkinson. 12. The lists of nominations of Members to serve on the Committee having been supplied, the voting papers were collected and referred to the Scrutineers.

13. On the motion of the Rev. J. G. Gr een h ou gh, M.A., of

Leicester, seconded by T. H. Ol n e y , Esq., of London, it was resolved:— That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to William R. Rickett, Esq., for his valuable services as Treasurer during the past year, and that he be respectfully and earnestly requested to oontinue them during the year ensuing.

14. On the motion of Dr. Per cy L u sh , of London, seconded by

C. F . F oster, Esq., of Cambridge, it was resolved :— That the best thanks of this Meeting be given to Alfred Henry Baynes, Esq., for his efficient services as General Secretary during the past year, and that he be earnestly requested to continue them during the year ensuing. 15. On the motion of T. S. P e n n y , Esq., of Taunton, seconded by

Rev. Dr. W atson, of China, it was resolved :— That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to the Rev. J. B. Myers, the Association Secretary of the Society, for his valuable services in connection with the deputation and association work of the Mission during the past year, and that he be requested to continue his services in the ensuing year. 16. On the motion of Rev. W . Em ery, of Torquay, seconded by J. J. G urn ey, Esq., J.P., of Newcastle, it was resolved :— That the best thanks of this Meeting be given to the Auditors for their efficient services during the past year, and that the following gentlemen be requested to act •as Auditors for the year ensuing—viz., Messrs. John Jennings, J. M. Bell, H. Keen, and W . W . Parkinson. 17. On the motion of W . R. Rickett, Esq., seconded by the Rev. •J. T. B row n , of Northampton, the following resolution was passed ■unanimously That the cordial thanks of this meeting be given to Joseph Russell, Esq., of Port ^Glasgow, for his kind and efficient servioee in the Chair. 18. The foregoing Minutes were read and confirmed. 19. The Meeting was closed with the Benediction. 2 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT«. [1895.


OF THE Baptist fllMssionar^ Society



The Eight Hon. the Lord O v e r t o u n , of Dumbarton, in the Chair.

1. The Meeting was opened by singing a hymn, and prayer conducted by the Rev. J. J. T u r n e r , of China.

2. The G en er al Sec r etar y (Mr. Alfred Henry Baynes) presented and read extracts from the One Hundred and Third Annual Report.

3. Mr. W. R. R ic k e tt (the Treasurer) addressed the Meeting, and presented and read the Balance-sheet as duly certified by the Auditors.

4. The following Resolution, moved by the Rev. IL Glo ver , D.D., of Bristol, seconded by E. R a w l in g s , Esq., of Wimbledon, was carried Unanimously :— That the Committee and supporters of the Baptist Missionary Society, in annual meeting assembled, desire to convey to the directors and officers of the London Missionary Society their hearty and sincere congratulations on the occasion of their centenary celebration. They thank God for the marvellous blessing that has attended the labours of their missionaries during the past hundred years in so many different parts of the world, and they earnestly pray that the new century of missionary achievement may be marked by even still larger blessing and richer success, and that the recent “ Forward Movement” may secure such blessing as shall inspire other kindred societies to nobler effort and completer consecration in taking the Gospel of the grace of God to the regions beyond.

5. The next Resolution, moved by the Rev. C. A. B e r r y , D.D., of

Wolverhampton, seconded by the Rev. D a n ie l J ones, of Patna, N.W.P., India, was agreed to unanimously :— That this meeting rejoices in the progress reported from the various parts of the mission-field, and thankfully acknowledges that, notwithstanding the prevailing commercial depression and agricultural distress, the contributions from the churches show a decided increase, and it most earnestly trusts that, as further efforts are made to improve the finances of the Society, the present disparity between income and expenditure may not only be removed, but that also abundant encouragement may be given to the committee to extend the operations of the Society into the “ regions beyond.” 6. The Meeting-closed with the Doxology and Benediction.

NEW MISSION h o u s e , BOPOTO s t a t io n , u p p e r CONGO RIVER.— {From a Photograph.) ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT.

The year just closed has been to the Committee and the friends of the Society throughout the country one of unusual anxiety. Commencing with a large Debt it seemed clear that plans for extension of the work and for much-needed increase in the staff would have to be held in abeyance until the finances of the Society would justify enlarged outlay. Nor were the prospects of increased resources at home of a hopeful oharacter. Widespread distress, consequent upon diminished foreign commerce and home trade, the critical condition of agriculture, failures and fraudB, strikes and competition, induced the fear of a diminished rather than of an increased income. Happily this fear has passed away, and the Committee thankfully record the fact thac the gifts from the churches for the year just closed exhibit an increase over the receipts for the previous year. Still the Committee are greatly straitened by the present financial position of the Society. They are not only unable to meet the urgent appeals that reach them by almost every mail for reinforcements, but the maintenance in efficiency of present fields of work is a perplexing problem. Which­ ever way they turn their eyes to scan the harvest-field, the signs of the times betoken the paramount duty of “ putting in the sickle.” Work afield to-day is advancing as never before. The final triumph of the Gospel is as sure as are ' the promises of God. What we need to realise is, that duty 4 ONE HUNDRED AND THIED REPORT. [1895. ig ours, results are God’s. “ We are not responsible for conversions, but we are for contact.” The clear call that comes to us is to go “ everywhere ” and preach the Gospel to every creature. Some may cry “ retrenoh,” but the Master bids us go FORWARD. The last command and promise of our LORD, which have inspired all true service and sacrifice in the past, echo with constantly accumulating force and emphasis, louder and clearer, in face of the marvellous openings of to-day, and happy indeed shall we be if, like Paul, we are “ not dis­ obedient unto the heavenly vision.” If, however, the Committee record special anxieties at home, they also thankfully chronicle special encouragements on the field. From all three of the great continents to some extent occupied by the Society, India, China, and Africa, the brethren report manifest tokens of the Divine blessing ; numerous conversions, notwithstanding, in some cases, bitter persecution; a more widespread appreciation of individual responsibility to spread the Gospel on the part of those who have received i t ; a growing spirit of self-support and independence; and the opening up and the evangelisation of new fields by native Christians them­ selves, entirely at their own cost.

MISSIONARIES ON FURLOUGH. The following missionaries are at present in this country on furlough seeking health and refreshment by a season of rest and change :—

From I n d ia .— Revs. H. Patterson, Patna City ; R. H. Tregillus, Jessore ; Denham Robinson, Serampore; J. D. Bate, Allahabad; Daniel Jones, Patna ; J. G. Pike, Cuttack ; A. Long, Russell Khondah; Herbert Ander­ son, Calcutta ; and W. S. Mitchell, Patna City.

From Ch in a .—Revs. W. A. Wills, Chouping, Shantung, and Dr. Russell Watson, Tsing Chu Fu, Shantung. The following brethren are also expected in this country shortly :— The Revs. Timothy Richard, Shanghai; E. C. Nickalls and S. B. Drake, Chouping, Shantung ; and G. B. Farthing, Tai Yueu Fu, Shansi. From the Congo.— The Revs. A. E. Scrivener, Lukolela; F. G. Harrison, Bolobo; Philip Davies, B.A., Wathen; S. C. Gordon, Stanley Pool, and G. R. Pople, Underhill. 9 The following missionaries have ceased their connection with the Society during the past year Revs. George Hughes, of Perizpore ; T. Rutland, of Orissa; J. F. Hill, of Cuttack; F. A. Jefferd, Bolobo; and W- S, Thomson, Ceylon. .1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 5

[Rev. R. D. Darby, in consequence of Mrs. Darby’s health, is unable to resume his labours on the Congo.]


The undermentioned workers, after furlough, have resumed work in renewed health and strength,

In I n d ia .—Miss Leigh, Cuttack ; and the Revs. A. Teichmann, Periz- pore ; R. Wright Hay, Dacca ; W. Carey, Barisal; Thos. Bailey, Cuttack ; H. E. Crudgington, G. J. Dann, and Stephan S. Thomas, Delhi.

In C h i n a .— Revs. F. Harman, Shantung ; and Evan Morgan, Shensi.

On the Congo.— Revs. W. H. White, Bopoto; and R. H. Carson Graham and H. Ross Phillips, San Salvador. The following brethren have during the past year paid brief visits to England, and have returned to their stations :— The Revs. Lawson Forfeitt, Underhill, Congo; Alfred L. Jenkins, Morlaix; and W. K. Landels, of Turin. The following changes have also been made during the year:—Revs. W. J. Price, from Delhi to Bankipore ; J. G. Kerry, from Dacca to Barisal; E. P. Davey, from Agra to Patna ; A. E. Collier, from Delhi to Bankipore; G-. W- Bevan, from Maldah to Calcutta ; W. Davies, from Maldah to Serampore College (pro tem.) ; and Babu B. N. Banerjea, from Baraset to Maldah.

REINFORCEMENTS. During the past year the following reinforcements have been sent out:—

To In d ia .— Revs. Chas. E. Wilson, B.A., Jessore ; Thos. Watson, Barisal; and F. Yincent Thomas, B.A., MB., Kharrar and Kalka. To the Congo.— Revs. H. T. Stonelake, Bopoto ; S. M. Field, Bolobo (in charge of Mission steamers), Upper Congo River; and J. R. M. Stephens, Underhill, Lower Congo River.

GONE HOME- Early in the year the sad tidings reached England of the almost sudden death of the Rev. F. R. Oram, at Bopoto Station, on the Upper Congo. The Rev. George Grenfell^ who was with Mr. Oram during his illness, wrote :— “ His last articulate •words uttered just before I relieved Mr. Clark were words of prayer : ‘ May my testimony be made a blessing, for Jesus Christ’s sake.’ Then came a pause, and last of all; * And now, dear Lord, take me.’ 6 ONE HT7NDBED AND THIBD BEP0BT. [1895.

4 ‘ I shall not soon forget the sorrow of the poor boys whom onr dear brother had so lovingly and faithfully taught, when they realised that their good 4 mondole ’ was dead. These wild Bopoto lads had never before known suoh a friend—so good, so patient, so wise—to help and lead them. He bore these lads in his heart, and so laboured with them and for them that they knew he loved them, and in their hearts his memory will be very sweet for long years to come. God grant that they may take to heart the lessons he tried so hard to teach them. 4 4 Our hearts are very, very heavy, but not for our dear brother’s sake, for with him it is far better than with us. We are sad beoause we have lost a brave and warm-hearted comrade—a comrade well-equipped, and one whose help at this juncture we sorely need. Such a loss at such a time is especially trying. But it comes as yet another call to labour on, and to wait in readiness ; and to you at home may it come as yet another call for help from Oongoland.” His sun has gone down while it was yet day ; but the memory of his labours, his love, and his whole-hearted devotion to the highest good of the Congo peoples, will live for long years to oome in their hearts, revealing in practical form the spirit of the Master he loved so well and served so faithfully. To the worldly disciple, the Mission-field seems one great Necropolis ; one vast sepulchre of blighted lives, and buried hopes. Hundreds have died in Africa’s pestilential land, in the early days of their work; while, in the cannibal islands of the South Seas, scores of saintly souls have laid * their bodies on the martyr-altar of love and devotion to Christ, while the worldly disciple stands by, and asks : “ To what purpose is this waste ? ” Yainly does the selfishness that clutches the prey of temporal advantage, wait for an answer ; for the spirit of missions is the spirit of Christ, b e c a u s e its essence is unselfishness ; it gives to those from whom we cannot hope to receive, and bids to the feast those who can­ not bid us back again. The carnal mind must die if the spiritual is to live, and the miser spirit expires when the missionary spirit is born. In November, John Chamberlain Page, of Barisal, Bengal, entered into rest. One of the noblest missionaries ever given to India. In the beautiful words of the Rev. W. Carey ‘ ‘ His life closed with fifteen years of seclusion and mental darkness. He had so long waited for the Beautiful Gate to open, that men who knew him during the thirty-seven years of his ceaseless missionary toil, almost forgot to think of him as still on the earthly side. To many, in all parts of the world, the news of his death will come as a welcome relief. The valley of the shadow is past; gloom, and loneliness, and tears, have given place to God’s sunlight on the celestial hills, the glory of Christ’s presence, and the joy of recognition from dear human faces now as the angels in heaven. He has entered through the gates into the city—the city of perfect service and eternal peace. We can but praise the Saviour as we try to think what that means to him of emancipation of heart and brain. 44 The main facts of his life are soon told. He was bom at Monghyr, on the banks of the Ganges, November 28th, 1822. His mother was the daughter of a Colonel; his 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 7 father, a Captain in the East India Company’s servioe, and Fort-Adjutant at Monghyr. In April, 1841, he was acoepted as a missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society, and some time afterwards was stationed in Barisal, in Eastern Bengal. Twenty years later when he left the district, worn out with privations, exposure, oonstant attacks of fever, and excessive toil, it was with 4 agony of m ind ’ at the thought of separation from 4 his beloved people.’ He found a scattered flock, no Churches formed, no schools even, no regular stations, but one chapel, and not more than four or five native preachers living without their families in an unsettled state of mind. He left an organised of church members numbering a thousand souls, fifteen well appointed stations, and a large number of schools. He was the idol of his people, a tower of strength to the timid and the oppressed, a judgment swift and sudden to the evil-doer. That very impetuosity of spirit which was his greates weakness, was also his greatest strength. He identified himself at all times with the wrongs of the pooi peasant—whether Christian or Hindu—and proved himself over and over again a true knight-errant of the Cross on their behalf. Withal, he moved among his flock in the happiest familiarity of Christian love. No mask would he wear to hide the kindliness of face or heart. What he was, they saw him. What he had—and often more than he had—was freely theirs for Christ’s sake. 4‘The people for whom he spent the best years of heart and life, love him with a deathless love, and know him to have been a man sent from God. Their tears will make the grass ever green that grows on his grave. Their faith in the Saviour is his life’s richest reward. 44 He has left for a brief space a wife, whose unfailing sympathy and unselfish devotion cheered him through his years of toil and conflict, and who now only waits for the call of the Master to renew that perfeot friendship in the land of light and love. The pastors of two most important Baptist churches in India, the Revs. R. M. Julian of the Circular Road Church, Calcutta, and A. E. Barrell, of the Bellasis Road church, Bycullah, Bombay, have during the past year been sorely stricken by the loss of their wives. Both these earnest servants of Christ leave behind them blessed memories of unselfish service and loving sympathy, in all efforts for the spiritual interests of the people of the two great cities in which they lived and laboured. The names also of two other, devoted workers who have entered into rest during the past year should be recorded here, viz. :—Mrs. Eliza B. Brooks, widow of the late Rev. Wm. Brooks, of the Cuttack Mission Press, Orissa, and Mrs. Gamble, widow of the late Rev. W. H. Gamble, of Port of Spain, Trinidad. The churches in Jamaica have suffered a great bereavement by the death of Mr. Thomas Oughton, Solicitor, of Kingston, Jamaica, and son of the late Rev. Samuel Oughton, for many years pastor of East Queen Street Baptist Church, of which Mr. Oughton was a member at the time of his death. The Jamaica Reporter writes : 44 In early life Mr. Oughton intended to follow his father’s steps, and give himself to the work of the ministry, but afterwards his plan was altered, and he undertook the R ONE HUNDRED A.KD THIRD REPOBT. [1895.

study of law, with the success that is so well known in the island, and which has been repeatedly acknowledged by the high appointments conferred on him by the Govern­ ment. Though in his latter years the claims of his profession left him little time for other work, some years ago, when East Queen Street Church was without a pastor, Mr. Oughton was most actively engaged in supplying the vacant place, and in keeping together the church in the time of its need. During his long and useful life his unswerving integrity impressed itself upon all who became associated with him, and made the firm of which he was the head a guarantee for an honourable and pure administration of the law.’ '

The Committee have also been saddened by the removal of generous and attached friends at home—Mr. Thomas D. Paul, J.P., of Leicester, County Treasurer of the Society ; and Thomas Davies, D.D., of Haverfordwest. Both these honoured brethren were for many years active members of the Executive of the Mission, and for some years past honorary members of Committee. Mr. John Edward Tresidder, of Walworth, for many years a member of the Mission Committee, one of the founders of the Young Men’s Missionary Association, and one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Sunday School Union, will long be remembered as a warm friend of the Society, and deeply interested in its growth and prosperity ; and Mr. Charles Holliday, for ten yeare Secretary of the Young Men’s Missionary

Association, and closely identified with the work of the Society. “ B l e s s e d ABE THE DEAD THAT DIE IN THE LOKD.”


Early in the year an important conference was held between delegates duly appointed representing the Zenana Mission and the Baptist Mission, with a view to see if some practical steps could be suggested to bring into closer concert the two organisations. As the result of this conference the delegates reported to their respective committees:—

“ That in the unanimous judgment of the delegates it is highly desirable that such an arrangement should be instituted between the Baptist Missionary Society and the Zenana Mission, as at present subsists between the Baptist Missionary Society and the Bible Translation Society, by which the officers of each Mission shall be ex-officio members of both Committees, and this Conference of Delegates therefore unanimously recommends to their respective Committees the following resolution for adoption, viz.:— 1 That the Zenana Missionary Society be received as an auxiliary of the Baptist Miss sionary Society, and its officers fully recognised as members of the Baptist Missionary Society’s Committee, in pursuance of the regulations of the Society relative to members entitled to vote at meetings of Committee, it being also distinctly understood that the officers of the Baptist Missionary Society shall also be recognised as full members of the Zenana Missionary Committee, and entitled to attejid and vote at oil meetings of the Zenana Committee,’ ” .1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 9

Subsequently, this recommendation was adopted and confirmed by the Committees of both organisations, and during the larger part of the year just closed the arrangement has been in active operation, to the mutual advantage of both institutions. The Committee desire to express their devout thankfulness at the safe return of Miss Angus, one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Zenana Mission, from her recent visit to India—a visit the results of which they confidently anticipate will prove of signal and lasting advantage to the ohurches at home, as they are well assured it has already proved a great blessing and refreshment to the workers abroad.


The Committee sincerely sympathises with the Committee of the Young Men’s Missionary Association in the loss they have sustained by the death of their seoretary, Mr. Charles Holliday. They are glad to bear testimony to the valuable work done by the Association amongst the Sunday-schools and Juvenile Auxiliaries of the metropolitan districts. The publications of the Association have been of wide-spread influence, and their missionary lectures, illustrated by dissolving views, have been much appreciated. The Committee trust that arrangements for the future conduct of the Association, now under consideration, may result in the adoption of plans which may result in yet larger blessing and extended usefulness.


The Committee greatly rejoice in the growth and vigour of the missionary organisations of the Colonial churches, and they are devoutly thankful to learn that the past year has been one of signal blessing and success. There are at present Bix societies working in Eastern Bengal :—

The South A u str alian or F urreedpore M issionar y So ciety, in the Furreedpore and Pubua Districts : President—Rev. S. Fairey, Frewville ; Yice-president—Mr. J. Yiner Smith, Adelaide ; General Secretary—Rev. J. Price, Mount Barker ; and Treasurer—Mr. J. H. Cheetham, Grenfell Street, Adelaide.

The Qu een sland M issio n ar y Society, in the Noakhali District : President—Rev. W. Whale, City Tabernacle ; Secretary—Rev. W Poole, South “Brisbane ; and Treasurer— Mr, Geo. Grimes, Queen Street. 10 ONE HTTNDBED AND THIRD BEPOBT. [1895.

The N e w Sou th W al e s M issio n ar y Society, in the Oommillah District: Secretary—the Rev. F. Hibberd, Oarlingford.

The N e w Z e alan d M issio n ar y Society, in Northern Tipperah District, Brahmanbaria, &c. : President— Rev G. D. Cox, Auckland; Treasurer—Mr. S. G. Martin, Wellington; Secretary— Rev, H. H. Driver, Dunedin.

The T asm a n ia n M issio n a r y So ciety in connection with the South Australian Mission, in the Furreedpore and Pubna Districts: President— Wm. Gibson, Esq., Perth; and Secretary—Miss Darling, Perth.

The V icto rian M issio n a r y So ciety : Treasurer—Mr. D. C. Rees, Middle Brighton ; Secretary.—Rev. A. W. W ebb, Geelong. These Societies, while working in association with the parent Society, are quite independent, and are directed and financed by their own Boards of Management.

Eastern fllMssions.

INDIA, PRINCIPAL STATIONS BENGAL—Calcutta, Howrah, Serampore, South Villages, Bishtopore, Jessore, Khoolna, Dinagepore, Dacca, Julpigori, Rungpore, Bogra, Maldah, Purneah, Barisal, Madaripore, Perizpore, Chittagong, Soory, and Jamtara. ORISSA.—Cuttack, Pipli, Puri, Sambalpore, Berhampore, and Russell Khondah. NORTH-WEST.—Monghyr, Patna, Bankipore, Dinapore, Gy a, Agra, Muttra, Delhi, Pulwall, Simla, Karrar Kalka. STATIONS...... 183 Missionaries—European and Native (13 in England) 78 Native Evangelists ...... 110

It has been well said of India that— “ It has a much greater population, diverse in race, language, and religion, than any of the great empires of antiquity. Comparing it -with modem great territorial dominions, it is next in extent to British North America, the United States, Russia, and China. But it is far more fertile and forty times as populous as the first; it h»a four times the population of the second; three times that of the third, and stands second only to the last. Africa has a greater area, but a less population. Europe, excluding Russia and Scandinavia, has about the same area and population, but not an equal diversity of race, religion, or language. It has an area thirteen times that of Great Britain and Ireland, and almost eight times their population. It is rich in 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIfiD BEPOBT. 11

natural endowments—in stupendous mountains, great rivers, fertile plains, find can produce almost anything in abundance that human ingenuity and civilisation may demand, while its inhabitants generally are industrious, peaceful, and intellectual. It is eight thousand miles away from our own coasts, and fourteen thousand as it has usually been reached. We went there with no thought of conquest and possession. History proves that we did not dream of these, and that not seldom we have shrunk from forward movements with dismay. The people are alien to us in almost every feature of nationality—in race, language, colour, religion; and yet with apparently the most inadequate resources, and no strain but twice on our power, we have marched on, absorbing kingdoms, states, tribes, until directly or indirectly our empire includes one-sixth of the human race, speaking a hundred different languages and dialects. And these great nationalities and numerous tribes are governed with marvellous ease and with the slightest display of forces. Such is India physically and racially.”

It is in this Empire the Christian Church is working to-day, as those men worked who built the superb palaces and tombs which still dominate the cities and towns of the Mohammedan conquest. Far down into the foundations they sank— with what infinite patience we may imagine— vast masses of dull red sandstone, and built them up into mighty walls, that only lose their gloom when glowing in the setting sun ; but on the summit they placed, as if to last for ever, some structure of fair, white pierced and fretted stone, so fitting and beautiful, so airy and delicate, as to look like a marble dream. Let us only be patient and unfaltering, working bravely at the foundation of a Christian India, casting into it true hearts and noble lives—the named and the nameless together—treasures of thought and treasures of the priceless years ; for already there is rising up on that sure foundation the vision of our faith and hope ; once the dream, but to-day, to some extent at least, the fair and stately fact of a regenerated Christian India, a frag­ ment of that great city, the Holy Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from GOD, where the nations of the saved walk in the light of His glory.


The Rev. George Kerry, of Calcutta, the Indian Financial Secretary of the Society, reporting on the work of the past year, writes :—

“ The Lord who promised, when He sent forth His disciples on their great evangelistic Mission, ‘ to be with them to the end of the age,’ has not failed to fulfil His promise. The number gathered into the visible and organised churches is not so great as we could wish; but the evidence tha the Word of God is mighty, and that the Spirit of God is working, wherever the Word is preached and read, increases on every hand. In many districts the people are being awakened to take an unusual interest in the Person, Work, and Teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian teaching and doctrine ar« being accepted in a remarkable way, in modification of old-established Hindu beliefs iuad practices. Christian truths are gradually being accepted, not quite in the form 12 ONE HTTNDBED AND TH1ED BEPOBT. [1895.

Western Christianity, but in such a -way as gives new meaning to old Hindu notions. Thus, recently, a distinguished Indian orator and scholar, in addressing more than a thousand of his educated countrymen, explained the old Pantheism as being consistent with the belief in a personal God, as being the Divine immanence and transcendence in regard to all things. He further explained transmigration as meaning the degrada­ tion or elevation of man by wickedness or goodness, and in other ways endeavoured to give a new meaning to corrupt and foolish popular Hinduism. “ There can be no doubt that the ■wide and growing diffusion of the Word of God is working a marvellous change in the beliefs and practices of multitudes of the more thoughtful and educated people of India. Unconsciously they are drifting towards the Christ of God.” CHEERING SIGNS.

The Rey. G. H. Hook, of the Lai Bazaar Church, Calcutta, writes :— * ‘ Sometimes I am struck with the way in which Christianity gets mixed up with the religions of this country. For the natives are quite clever in grafting on English words to their own language, and adopting a dress half English and half native ; and so, in like maimer, they get into the way of mixing up Christianity with Hinduism and Mohammedanism. Thus the Brahmo Somaj puts Christ among its prophets, and the Hindus class TTim among their gods. 1 And,’ said a Mohammedan to me one day, ‘ we want Jesus Christ, and we want Mohammed too, only you do not want Mohammed.’ ‘ Ah! that is because Jesus only is enough for me,’ I said. ‘ Perhaps you will one day dispense with Mohammed, as the Jews did with Moses when they accepted Christ, and find Christ to be all and in all.’ Then said another man : ‘ .Ah ! the day is coming when we pbn.ll all be one religion. Our sacred books tell us that, but they do not say what that religion will be. Some think it will be Christianity, for it is making rapid strides.’ So that by this you see that some of them look forward to a great change that is coming on. Said one man to me the other day, * The times are getting old, and the earth is wearing out, and God is going shortly to make a new earth ; for I believe a great Prophet is yet to come, the last of all, and that is Jesus Christ, and you believe that Christ is coming again to cleanse the earth.’ Yet these men were not Christians who said and thought in this way. “ In a hundred different ways Christianity is permeating and leavening native society, n-nrl the unconscious influence that Christian men and women have upon the natives is a

great factor in the winning of the people’s hearts for Christ. One day I w p surprised to hear a Christian hymn in a part of the land where there were no Christians, and, listening deeply, the words came out clearly— “ ‘ What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear P * “ And when I came near I found a band of young men, all heathens, sitting down and singing this hymn, and others, who were trying to learn the words, were grouped around them. So I said: ‘ Do you like that hymn ? ’ And they replied : ‘ Oh yes! the words are so sweet, and so we sit and sing them in the evening-time. ’ And one of the men told me that he had learnt it as a little boy in the Sunday-school, and had sung it to the others, and they had learnt it of him. And then they began to sing again— “ ‘ Can we find a Friend so faithful, 1 Who will all our sorrows share P Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer I ’ 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD BEP0B3Y 13

“ And in that eventide, before the sun went down, I told them of the Friend we have in Jesus, and of the yearning there is in His heart to be friends with us. And whether these men yielded to the claims of Jesus I shall not know till ‘ He makefch up His jewels; 7 but in the distance far away, after I had left, I could hear the sweet strain come floating over and over again, and rising and falling with the evening breeze— “ ‘ Do thy friends despise, forsake thee ? Take it to the Lord in prayer ; In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there ! ’ ”

The Rev. Herbert Anderson, of Calcutta, referring to the apparently glow progress of Christianity, writes :— “ ‘ The conversion of India is yet to try the faith and patience of the Church of Christ in Great Britain.’ So wrote an aged missionary, after a life-long service in this vast heathen city, and we who, year by year, try to sum up in brief reports the progress of the work, have but to eoho and re-echo the truth of the above words. Professed conversions are painfully few, baptisms still fewer, except in those favoured districts of the Empire which lie outside the boundaries of conservative Hindu influence ; and yet there is not one disheartened missionary, or one disbelieving worker whose mind forebodes failure in bringing India to the feet of Christ. And the reason is not far to seek. Face to face with the forces against them, they understand, as others cannot, the need of quiet, patient preparation for the day of victory, and they alone can realise something of the powers of the ‘ spiritual hosts of wickedness,’ against which the fight is waged, in a way that those not present cannot; being on the field, every token of good cheer, every hopeful influence working without as well as within the sphere of their im­ mediate evangelistic labours, aids in establishing faith and perpetuating zeal; and they are constantly seeing and hearing something which reveals the silent and mighty influence at work below the surface of Hinduism, which one day must inevitably result in the great advance of the Kingdom of Christ. For example, a Babu came to me for a Bible two or three years ago. A month or two ago I met him on the street, and asked him if he was reading it. ‘ Yes, regularly,’ he replied, ‘ and what is more I oould tell you of numbers who, unknown to any Christians, are reading their Bibles and praying to Christ every day they live.’ Or again, only to-day I visited a temple of the great god Narayan, and in conversation with the priest, learned that the name of Christ is on the lips of worshippers at Hindu shrines. ‘ Your Christ, our Khrisna,’ is a phrase one hears from thousands of lips. ’ Tis false, but the name will give way to the reality when the lifted One draws all men unto Himself. And, once again, the same truth is exemplified in the work that is going on among the children of India. One day this year we had seven or eight hundred Hindu boys and girls in the largest church in the city, regular attendants at city Sunday-schools, and permitted by their parents to attend a huge mass meeting to receive still more of that truth which, when once it enters into the young heart, will bear fruit to life eternal. The devil must be extra busy in some other part of the earth, or else he has lost the balance of his mind to permit the work of to-day among the children of India. Nay, rather a stronger fhn,n he is repeating the call, ‘ Suffer the little ones to come,’ and Satan is powerless to prevent it.” The Rev. Benjamin Evans, of Monghyr, reports :— “ Just as the hot weather set in, the district was greatly agitated by the ‘ tree- daubing scare,’ concerning which our dailies wrote ad nauseam. Our district magis­ trate in his annual report, attributes the strange movement to a ‘ religious revival ’ ; 14 Olifi HU lit) itEti AH±i T&Ifi±> be it that Ot otherwise, that there is an awakening among the people goes without gain-* say. During my career as a missionary, I haVe never known such a spirit of inquiry as has been manifested during the past year. Many have been the inquirers that have oome to the Mission House, some, doubtless, from motives other than the best; whilst not a few have been moved by desires intense to know the truth as seen by the way in which they have sat far into the night conversing on those things that pertain to salvation.”

The Rev. Chas. Jordan writes from Calcutta :— “ The results of the year’s work are not equal to our wishes and longings. But no one can mingle with the people without perceiving and feeling that Christ is an ever­ growing centre of attraction and power in India. Here, in the midst of difficulties and trials to faith, His own word is being fulfilled, ‘ I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.’ If there be as yet but few baptisms, there are large numbers in this city alone who have lost all faith in Hinduism and idols. A Bengali gentleman, who is postmaster in Dharamatola, not long since Baid that there were numbers of educated Bengalis who, although outside of and unknown to the Christian Church, yet read the Bible an 1 pray to God daily. If Christ’s servants abound in faith, hope, and love, the Lord of the harvest will see to the ingathering.”


“ Preaching,” wrote Henry Martyn, “ from its very nature and from the testimony of history, must ever be the chief means of leading men to conviction and decision, and every other method of making known the Gospel must be but an aid.” By the roadside, in bazaars and streets, villages and hamlets, in native fairs, by river ghaut, at sacred festivals, and in public conveyances, has the good seed of the Kingdom been cast during the past year. Reporting upon this special department of Mission work, the Rev. J. Ellison, of Rungpore, Northern Bengal, writes :—

“ Towards the end of the cold season I was led to visit a small mela, about twenty miles from the Civil Station, where I found some low-caste people who for over ten years had been wanting to know more of Christ. They had heard of Him from one of their religious leaders, who, many years ago, having listened to the preaching of the Gospel in Dinagepur, and being greatly impressed by the story of Jesus, returned to his home, and told his disciples to renounce the names of the Hindu gods, and use the name of Jesus. He passed away, but his successor continued to use the name as a charm against all manner of disease, and, I was told, with manifest success, for many whom the village doctor failed to heal were restored from sickness by using the name of Christ. Be that as it may, this religious leader and his disciples we found very anxious to know more ©f Christ. He and some of his disciples came and stayed until nearly midnight in my tent, just drinking in the Water of Life. Since then we have frequently visited them, and on one occasion several of them walked twenty-eight miles in one day to hear more of the good news.” 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 15

The Rev. T. R. Edwards refers to his vernacular itinerant work in the Serampore district as follows :—

“ A special feature of our work this year was, that we took round with us a magic - lantern, with a number of beautiful views on the Life of our Lord. It is difficult to give an idea of the sensation this produced. Police inspectors, zemindars, babus, and doctors all came to us with pressing invitations to show the lantern at their houses. Consequently we had the joy of preaching Christ iu the halls of zemindar’s palaces, in specially constructed booths, in tents erected on the public roads, in school-houses, and many other places. “ In one case we gave the exhibition in a large booth, constructed specially for one of the annual Pujahs. For such occasions a zemindar goes to great expense to erect a large booth of bamboos and mats in front of the idol temple. Room is provided for many hundreds of people. A part is screened off for the sole use of the ladies. Then invitations are issued to the whole neighbourhood to come and join in the fun and singing attending the Pujah, or worship. Occasionally a company of actors is hired from Calcutta, to come and act a religious play for the delectation of the assembled multitudes. It was in such a booth, and on the very day of the Taj ah, that we had the pleasure of exhibiting the Life of Jesus Christ by means of the lantern. The Tvjah was hurried to make way for our pictures and preaching and singing. The hall was filled with eager and delighted hearers, and the portion reserved for the women was also crowded. Thus it came about that, in a booth specially constructed for devout idolaters to pay their devotions to an idol, the people heard, instead, of G-od’s great love to them in Christ. We heard afterwards that the promoters of this Pujah had en­ gaged a Calcutta Theatrical Company to come and give a religious play, but that they had been disappointed by their non-appearance, and this was the cause we were so urgently requested to exhibit our lantern. Whether this be so or not, it gave us a grand opportunity of testifying for Christ to hundreds of people who probably had never heard His Name. We hope the time will soon come when Jesus Christ will take the place and suppress all idol worship throughout the land.”

The Rev. J. G. Potter, of A^ra, reports that “ while out in the district preaching to the people he observed one man especially who appeared to be greatly interested in the address. He followed us and heard several more evangelistic addresses. He then came forward, and publicly confessed his personal faith and trust in the Saviour. We therefore took him down to the river, when, in the presence of the people who crowded the riverside, he made his confession of faith. His testimony was very simple, and, we believe, sincere. Looking toward the many temples thronged with worshippers, he said, ‘ I regard them and their con­ tents as ston« ’ ; and then pointing to the sacred River Jumna he said, ‘ I regard that as only water.’ He then declared, ‘ I am a great sinner, but my faith is in Christ who came to save sinners, whom I believe has save I me.’ It was a fine object lesson for the people, to whom we explained baptism as setting forth death, burial, and resurrection. I read a passage of Scripture, gave an address, and offered prayer, and one of the preachers with me baptized the man. We have the man’s name and address, and can follow him with our prayers ; but since he lives far away from us, possibly we shall be able to do little more for him. Last Sunday I baptized four people after the morning service. First, the wife of one of our preachers, who has long bsen waiting thus to confess Christ. After this woman I baptized a young Mohammedan of fairly good education, and then two lais belonging to our Christian community. It is a great joy tj baptize such joung men, who give promise of great usefulness in the future. To- 3 16 ONE H 0NDRKD ANT) THIRD REPORT. [1895. morrow I hope to visit the Agra leper asylum, where I hear of more candidates for baptism. We rejoice in the privilege of being sowers, still more when the Lord of the harvest gives us also the joy of reaping.”

The Rev. P. E. Heberlet gives an interesting account of a preaching tour with his evangelist helpers, Daniel Das and John Pal, amongst the Gondas, in the Pulna State. Mr. Heberlet writes :— “ When Daniel proceeded to exhibit the pictures of the Life of Christ, all the Gondas came together, men, women, and children, and as the story proceeded their interest deepened. A great impression was produced by the Crucifixion and the Ascension; and, when the story -ended, some others flung away their necklets in token of their renunciation of idolatry and acceptance of the Gospel message. Two women also, one being the wife of the man who first received the truth, and the other a widow, declared that they gave themselves to the service of Him who had died for them. “ Feeling that a good work had begun among these people, Daniel pitched his tent hard by, and set himself joyfully to instruct them further, John also helping. The newly-made converts told Daniel that they were the disciples of a Guru, or religious guide, in a neighbouring village, who had a number of followers, and whom they would call to hear the new doctrine. This they did, and the man came next day, bringing some of his favourite followers with him. Believing that the secret of the Lord was with him, he came not to be instructed but to instruct Daniel, and began by making a display of his knowledge. When Daniel began to speak, however, the man found out that there were some things he did not know, and as the doctrine of Christ crucified, was set forth he listened in perfect silence. At the end he quietly took his leave without another word, his disciples, who had sat by in silence, going quietly after him. The following day he came back again to say that he was convinced of the truth of the things he had heard, and that he had determined to become a follower of Christ adding that he would lead all his own disciples to become disciples of the True Guru, Jesus Those of them who were present with him were already persuaded of the truth in Christ Jesus, they said, and needed no further exhortation to believe in Him. “ Daniel’s joy was unbounded. He wrote urging me to come down there, for he knew that it was my intention to travel in other directions ; and after a few days set out himself to fetch me. His new friends were exceedingly sorry to let him go ; but he comforted them with the assurance that he would soon be back in their midst. “ On his return to Budipadar, I went with him. The people were waiting for us, and received us gladly. Proceeding to question them, I soon found that, though ignorant of many things, seven of them, including the two women, had laid firm hold of the truth that JesuB was crucified for our sine and raised again for our justification, and this made me glad. The first convert, Judab the Guru, and his favourite disciple Gobinda, seemed never to weary of hearing more and more about the new faith they had embraced, and of singing Christian hymns. We baptized eight converts in three days.” The Rev. W- Bowen James, of Jalpaiguri, writes:— In Jalpaiguri, the burden of our work has been the proclamation of the Gospel to the Hindus and Mohammedans, and the distribution among them of the Word of God. Daily in the bazaar, when in the station, and in the neighbouring markets, the love of Christ has been made known, and we have reason to believe that His love has touched many a heart. A few 'weeks ago, in the Jalpaiguri bazaar, a woman was seen in the crowd, listening attentively to our preaching. In that same crowd 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 17

were also seen a number of men glancing contemptuously at her, and some were making coarse jests at her expense, evidently regarding her as a fallen character. In spite of this cruel attitude, she kept her place, and remained listening to the close of the preaching, and when our Scriptures were offered for sale, she came forward, and glancing over them said, ' I want the Life of Jesus Christ,’ referring to the title-page of the Gospels which, in the Bengali versi >n, is printed on the cover in large type. Even in Jalpaiguri, where women, especially the Rajbonshi women, enjoy more free­ dom than their sisters in some, districts do, they often come in for a large amount of criticism and censure when seen in the crowd listening to the preaching of the Gospel. But the little some of them know of ‘ The Life of Jesus Christ’ has made an impre.-sion deep enough upon their minds to make them long and strive, in spite of censure and opposition, to know more of Him.”

THE NATIYE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. The Rev. Robfc. Spurgeon, referring to the exceeding poverty of most of the church members in Barisal, and their great sufferings during the recent visitation of famine, has been much cheered by the evident and earnest desire of these churches, poverty and want notwithstanding, to do their utmost to support their own church ordinances. He writes :— “ It was with great trepidation that I commenced my annual tour among the churches. I had hoped that the distress was over; but even in June terrible accounts of suffering and want reached me. Only a few rupees were left for distri­ bution. God Himself had prepared our way before us, however; for everywhere a remarkable spirit of gratitude manifested itself by gifts. God’s great goodness in preserving all during the season of want was the theme of almost every conversation, and address. Babus Permanondo, Prio Nath, and Dyal Sirkar spoke with telling effect. Instead of appeals for relief we saw the people bringing the produce of their fields and gardens into God’s house. What a change ! And around us everywhere the fields were waving with the promise of an extra fine harvest, where last year only a wide stretch of water rippled in the sunlight. No wonder that gratitude sprang up in every heart! And I must not forget to mention the special expenditure incurred by some of the churches this very year. At Bakal the chapel has been rebuilt by the brethren. At Chabikapar the long-desired plank wall has been put up at a cost of Rs. 80. At Rampotee our brethren have completely furnished their little place of worship with seats and a table ; a far more respectable appearance being thus given to the interior. Our chapel at Barisal was entirely re-thatched at a cost of Rs. 100 ; and over Rs. 500 was raised for various objects. The Katira Church also rebuilt their chapel, making- it larger, and thus providing better accommodation. Nothing of this is remarkable except to those who witnessed the season of want, suffering, and distress, and watched the efforts of the people to give what was evidently needed for the worship of God.”

The Rev. W- R. James, of Madaripore, reports :— “ The terrible famine distress is now over, and this year the harvests are exceptionally good. People say that during the last twenty years or so they did not have such good crops as they are now gathering. Many, however, have been reduced for a time to absolute penury ; and it will take another year, at least, before they cm be fairly on their feet again. “ For fully six months nearly all our time was taken up with relief work. 8* 18 OWE HUNDRED AND THIRD KEPOKT. [1895.

“ While the distress lasted, the churches sufferei also from spiritual want. Thank God, this also is passing away, and the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle-dove is already heard in some parts of the land. We hope, indeed, that the time to favour our Zion, yea, that the set time is come. Quite a spirit of revival has broken out in one of the churches, and we had the pleasure the other day of receiving thirty-two persons into the church by baptism. There have been several baptisms in some of the other churches, too, and altogether between seventy and eighty persons were baptized last year, and we hear that there are many more inquirers ready to be received into the church. A deeper interest is felt in religion, and a warmer feeling seems to possess a considerable number of our people, and in Koligram the attendance at the Sunday services has been so good that many have frequently had to stand out in the verandah from want of room inside the chapel. It is to be hoped that this spirit will prove contagious, and that it will spread throughout the rest of the churches. “ The influence of the churches is slowly, yet surely, telling on the surrounding populations. We have reason to believe that Hinduism has only the slenderest hold on thousands of Hindus who live in the neighbourhood of our churches. As usual, a few have come over and have joined the Christian community this year, but the number is not large. During the distress we could have made hundreds Christians for a rupee each, if we had only made nominal conversion to Christianity a condition of help. But rather than get conversions by such means, we prefer waiting till we see the people influenced by more spiritual motives. As showing how the Gospel affects outsiders, I may mention the fact that a well-to-do family—consisting of about a hundred persons —m the neighbourhood of Dighaliya have given up idol worship for more than five years, and they are holding meetings on Sundays among themselves, when addresses are given and songs sung in honour of the one true God. During the last rainy season we paid two visits to these very interesting people, and were greatly encouraged by what we heard and saw. It was a case of very genuine heathen piety, getting dissatisfied with idolatry, and of men searching for the true God, if haply they may find Him.”

The Rev. W. Bowen James, of Dinagepore and Jalpaiguri, referring to the native Christians in his district, writes : —

‘ ‘ Where there is life there must be either progress or decay. If we compare these people with what they should be, we must at once admit that they are still far from reaching the goal. We should like to see more earnestness and zeal manifested in the cause of Christ, especially by the Bengalis, some of whom, on account of their intelligence and education, might be a great power for good if they only yielded themselves more fully to Christ. Still, with all their faults, and they are many, these people supply us with abundant reason to thank God and take courage. The progress made by some of them is truly great. It is not idolatry only they have given up, but gross immorality, foul language, and the desecx-ation of the Sabbath ; and with these many have had to give up their relations and friends, which means a great deal. “ Any observant person passing through one of our Christian villages on the Sabbath cannot help noticing the contrast between it and the heathen and Mohammedan villages around. The people in the latter are seen at their various occupations on the Sunday like any other day, ploughing, sowing, reaping, trading—everything goes on just the same. But over the Christian village there breathes the peaceful calm which the Lord’s-day briugs with it to the Lord’s people in all lands, and which here is only broken by the sound of the drum or the bell, as the case may be, calling the people to worship, and 1895.] 0 _\TE HUNDRED AND THIKD KEPOET. 19

by the songs of praise which rise on high to Him who loved them, and gave Himself a ransom for them. “ There have been during the year, in Dinagepore and Jalpaiguri, nineteen candidates for baptism, of whom ten only have been baptized ; six at Mukrampore, all in the bloom of youth, and all members of Christian families; one in the town of Dinagepore, a convert from Hinduism; and three at Jalpaiguri, the three being converts from among the heathen.”

Mr. McLean records a marked growth in the spiritual tone of the Chittagong Church. He reports :— ‘ ‘ There have been seventeen baptisms during the year. The Lord has added to His Church here, and for this our hearts are full of praise. Of these seventeen it becomes us to speak with all humility, as Satan is ever ready to turn our praise into a song of mourning. Of these, nine are converts from Buddhism, five were Roman Catholics, one is a convert from Hinduism, and the remaining two were nominal Christians. Eight of the above were baptized at different times from among the Maghs of the Hill Tracts in the Kamaphuli River. The Hindu who was baptized was the first-fruits from the tea-garden work at Chandpur. The stand he took—for he was only a coolie working for weekly wages—before his baptism was a very firm and decided one, especially when a pcmehayet was called to outcaste him if he decided to be a Christian. In their own fashion he was summoned to a solemn conclave of-his fellow-workmen, and putting the question to him a betel-nut was held in the hand of the headman, who said he would cut it in two as a sign of his being for ever outcasted should he reply in the negative. The man quietly, but boldly, said he would no longer worship after their fashion. He has been subjected since to annoyances and persecution, sometimes amounting to boycotting. His wife was taken away from him for a time, and he was obliged to seek a home for himself elsewhere. She has since returned, but I believe he is still without a proper home of his own.”

The Rev. Herbert J. Thomas, writing from Delhi, reports :— “ Our Central native Christian church has not yet seen its way to the choice of a pastor in the place of Benjamin Ali, whose death I reported last year. I have been endeavouring to throw the pastoral responsibilities upon the deacons, at whose meetings I am always present as a co-worker. They look after the church members and inquirers, visit the absentees and the sick, advise the church when monetary aid can be appropriately rendered from the church funds, and, in fact, unite the pastoral with their own duties as deacons. The church continues to support Paul as their own home missionary. Thirteen have been baptized this year, and two more of those who fell away in the great temptation of 1891 have been restored ; but death and revision have removed twenty-nine; the present number in fellowship, exclusive of Europeans, is 265.”

The Rev. Imam Masih mentions a cheering incident of bread cast upon the waters and found after many days. He writes :— “ I have visited two stations—viz., Jhagjar and Rohtak—after twenty-seven years. On this occasion I came across an old man, named Jarnna Dags, to whom I had given a New Testament in Hindi some years ago. What was my joy to find him a true believer of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had been baptized by some of the missionaries of the Cambridge Mission. “ No sooner had he heard my voice than he asked me: ‘ Are you Padri Imam 20 ONE H im DEED AND THIED EEPOET. [1895.

Masih ? ’ and said, ‘ 1 took a book from you long ago, and the Word of God has opened my eyes. Since my views changed, the whole village rose against me and turned me out. Now I am living in a hut in the jungle.’ This is cause for great thankfulness to the Lord of the harvest, and we ought to take great encouragement from it. I was allowed to see the fruits of my labour after twenty-seven years. Brethren, let us not be discouraged if we do not see immediate results of our labours, and if our efforts to further the Kingdom do not seem to be successful! ”


SERAMPORE. The Principal of the College, the Rev. E. S. Summer?, M.A., writes : —

“ We again have reason to rejoice in a year of successful work. The two most noticeable and interesting features are the very considerable increase of the Vernacular Theological Class, and the dismissal to work in the mission-field of the first students of the newly-formed Normal Class, after a three years’ course. The new students number some young men of considerable attainments and power ; and the three young men who pass out from the Normal Class to become teachers are young men of some ability and decided Christian character, and will, we expect, be of great Bervice in the places to which they are going.”

At the close of the year the Rev. T. R. and Mrs. Edwards, at the request of the Committee, returned to Serampore from Jessore, and Mr. Edwards has now resumed work in the College, Mr. Norledge taking the oversight of the Jessore district. Referring to the various departments of work in the College, Mr. Summers refers first to

“T h e T h e o l o g i c a l C l a s s e s . “ (1) The English Theological Class. “ The five young men who were in this class last year have continued their studies with industry and success. The results both of the Midsummer and Final Examina­ tions were satisfactory ; but, owing to illness before and during the last examination, the marks obtained by Anukul Chunder Ghose and Rai Koomar Rai were not so good as otherwise they would have been. The other three students showed by their marks that ihey had considerably improved. “ The course of study this year has been as follows :—

I.—B i b l e I ntroduction . 1. Stoughton’s History of the Progress of Divine Revelation. (The Prophets and the New Testament.) 2. Outlines of Life of Christ. (Death and Resurrection.)

II.—A p o l o g e t i c s . 1. Paley’s Evidences (all 40 pages). 2. Row’s Evidences (all 100 pages). 3. Paley’s Horse Paulina; (to the end of Galatians).

III.—E x e g e s i s —Epistle to the Romans (Revised Version). 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 21

IV.—Ethics—W ayland’s Moral Science.

V.—L i t e r a t u r e a n d L a n g u a g e . Greek—Smith’s Principia. Greek History—Fyffe’s Primer. Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book I.

VI-—R e p e t i t i o n —(the Revised Version). 1 Peter, and Romans v.-viii.

VII.—E x a m i n a t i o n i n L o g i c , The Book of Acts, and Genesis. “ In addition to their studies, the students have taken an active part in preaching in their own language, with the students studying in the Vernacular Class. “ (2) The Vernacular Theological Class. “ We began the year with seven students, four of whom were entering upon their third year and three upon their second. The new entries were twelve in number— subsequently reduced to eight—some of whom had been studying on trial for some months in the preceding year. Four of the new students came from Jessore and Khoolna; three came from Backergunge and Furreedpur, and five from the South Villages. “ It will be noticed that the admissions have been much larger than usual, but the students are above rather than below the average. Of the ten who presented them­ selves for the final examination, all, save one, obtained over forty per cent, of the marks, and five obtained over fifty per cent. This is very promising, as it proves that the quality of students outside is improving, and that quality has not been sacrificed, on this occasion, to quantity. “ The number of books that can be studied in the vernacular is limited, and the study is necessarily largely confined to the study of the Bible. A fair proportion of Bible-books have been studied, and theology, geography, and history have had their claims attended to. The following is the list of subjects studied:— “ A.—Books of the Bible: (i.) With printed Commentary—Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians. (ii.) Without printed Commentary, but lectured upon in class—1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, Ezra and Nehemiah, Jeremiah (i.-xx.),'Ezekiel (i.-xxiv. ; xxxiii.-xxxix.), Luke. “ B.—Theological and other Books: Rouse’s Theology (Shihya Shar), Scripture Geography, History of the Hindus. ‘ 1 C.—Repetition—1st Peter, 2nd Timothy. “ At the close of the session the four senior students were accepted for work by the Conference—viz., Benjamin Baroe and Dinanath Boiragee, from Backergunge; Manmata Bannerjea, from Baraset; and Russik Chunder Mandol, from the South Villages. “ (3) The Normal Class. “ There were nineteen students in the Normal Class at the beginning of the year, of whom three formed the first division, and were studying Bengali literature, and some of the subjects of the third year Government Normal Course. During the year thirteen studen*s have entered, but several of them were of an unsatisfactory character, and after a time, more or less short, left or were dismissed. Altogether eight students left or were dismissed without completing their course. The three young men forming the first division have completed a three years’ course, and though they might have benefited by a fourth year, yet, as positions of usefulness were ready for them to fill, and they were desirous to enter on the active work of teaching, they have been accepted for teaching work in Backergunge and the South Villages. One of them will take ar 22 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. important post in connection with the Boarding School at Bistapur. It is a matter of satisfaction that they are not only qualified for teaching, but are young men of tried Christian character, and fairly familiar with the Scriptures.

“ (4) The Boarding School. “ There is nothing of a special kind to record about the Boarding School this year. The number of boys has been about sixty during the year. Mr. Grhose has managed the school with his usual ability and earnestness. One boy will be sent up for the Entrance Examination in February next, and we have every expectation of having an tinusually good entrance class for the coming year. One student from the Theological Class, and two students from the Normal Class, who are entering on active work at the beginning of next year (1895), received their first training in the school, and doubtless owed their success later on to the foundation that was laid in the Boarding School. This remark specially applies in the department of Christian knowledge and character.

“ (5) English Preaching. “ The English service has been carried on regularly throughout the year. The congregations have been fairly good. They consist of a European element from the residents of the town, and more particularly from the people connected with the jute mills, and of a Bengali element mainly consisting of our students who understand sufficient of English to be able to profit by a service in that language. The students of the English Theological Class, two or three of the Vernacular Theological Class, and about a dozen of the school boys are expected to, and do, attend regularly. It is felt that such attendance is a most profitable thing for them, as it trains them in a service that is of a more solemnising, and intellectually and spiritually more stimulating, kind than the ordinary service carried on m the Bengali language.”

(6) Evangelistic Work. The Rev. T. R. Edwards writes :— “ My report has necessarily to be divided into two parts. The one relates to work in the Serampore district, and the other to work in Jessore. “ The months of November, December, January, and a part of February were spent in taking itinerating tours in the country districts around Serampore. In my report for the previous year I gave a detailed account of the towns and villages I had visited, and of the kindly reception the people had given to me. This cold season, I again visited the same places, and spent many days at each, renewing the acquaint­ ances mide and seeking to deepen the impressions left on their hearts. Again we had the same favourable reception on the part of the people ; and again we were urged to establish mission stations at some of the places. Again inquirers declared, 4 Unless you send Christian teachers to come and live amongst us and to instruct us in the truths of this new religion, how can you expect us to embrace your faith ? ’ ”


CUTTACK. The Committee are glad to report the return to Cuttack of the Rev. Thoa. Bailey, after a season of rest and refreshment at home. Mr. Bailey has now resumed Gharge of the Cuttack Training Institution. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIKD REPObT.

During his absence Brethren Young and Yaughan, assisted by Brethren Shein Sahu and Niladn Naik have carried on the work of the Institution. The Rev. A. H. Young, M.A., reports :— “ The senior student left at the close of last session, and two new students joined us at the beginning of the session now ended. The present number is eight. The subjects of study were part of the Epistle to the Romans, Acts of the Apostles, Butler’s Analogy, Lectures on Theology, Whateley’s Christian Evidences, Church History, the Gospel of Mark in English, an initiatory English Grammar, and some English Selec­ tions. A sermon and a skeleton-sermon were prepared weekly by two of the students, and, in the criticising of them, special attention was given to the instruction of the students, as to how best to prepare their sermons and to set forth the truths of the Gospel in such a way as to attract the attention and reach the hearts of those to whom they may in future minister. In additon to this, the students had frequent practice in preaching in the bazaars, and while itinerating with missionaries and experienced evangelists. The work of the past session was not so satisfactory as that of the previous year, because of the frequent absence of the students from fever and other ailments, which not only necessitated their absence from the classes, but so reduced their strength that they could not for some time after their return give proper attention to their studies.”


DELHI. During the absence of the Rev. Stephen S. Thomas, the Principal of the Institution, on furlough at home, the Rev. W. J. Price superintended the work ; and on his removal to Bankipore, at the close of the year, the Rev. G. J. Dann was in charge until the return of Mr. Thomas in February, 1895. Mr. Price, reporting on the work of the Institution, writes :— “ I took over charge of the Institution from Mr. S. S. Thomas before he proceeded to England in February, 1894. ‘ ‘ At its session, on the 5th and 6th of March, the Consulting Committee accepted Domingo and Ganpat, two brethren sent from Ayr a by Mr. Potter, for training as evangelists. The latter, after four month’s reading, abruptly left, being influenced thereto no doubt by the death of his child, and by the fact that he found the work too difficult. Domingo has continued steadily at his work, and has read Genesis and Exodus, and the geography of Palestine in Urdu; the Harmony of the Gospels, Badmbaran, and Hindudharmprasidlikaran, in Hindi. He has also been examined in Genesis and Exodus by Mr. Stubbs, of Patna, gaining 63 per cent, marks, and in Scripture Geography by Mr. H. J. Thomas, gaining C2| per cent, marks. A severe attack of fever prevented his taking other examinations. ‘ ‘ The Boarding School Boys numbered forty-nine, but three having recently left there are now forty-six. These are divided into eight classes. At the annual examination, conducted by the Government School Inspectors, twenty-one of the boys were advanced to higher classes. “ Joel Lai has passed the Entrance Examination of thePanjiib University, in the first 24 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. division, besides carrying off several prizes in St. Stephen’s College, where he has been studying. He has since entered on the Intermediate course, and hopes in due time to take his B.A. degree. A Bible-class has been held for the boys twice a week. The older boys have studied topically such subjects as Sin, Repentance, Faith, &c., and have also consecutively read portions of the Acts of the Apostles. In the month of May one of them, Jawahir, of Palwal, aged about fourteen, died of pneumonia. He was one of our best boys, and we have solid ground for hope that death to him was gain. Generally the conduct of the boys has been good. “ Mr. I. Masih left for Calcutta early in September, and his place has been taken by Mr. J. Sampson, who gives promise of being the right man in the right place.” The Rev. Iman Masih, now removed to Calcutta, but who for several years past has done very valuable work for the Institution, writes :— ‘ ‘ I had the supervision of the Persian Reading, Writing, and Grammar, of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Middle Classes, and also held a Bible-class twice a week after school. “ I took the whole of Genesis and twenty chapters of Exodus. ‘ ‘ I regret to say that one of our boarders, a boy of sixteen, named Jawahar, died from pneumonia this year, after an illness of three days. Fiuding his case hopeless, I called in the Principal. He came and asked him : ' Do you rest on the Lord Jesus Christ ? ’ B e gave a prompt answer: ‘ My spirit is united with the Lord’s ; I am only separated from Him in body. Lo ! Angels are present to take me to my Heavenly Father’s arms.’ So saying he breathed his last. ‘ ‘ After a few days his eldest brother, Inyat Masih, who passed his examination in the Theological Institution and was working at Chaprauli, died from consumption. When I went on my missionary tour to Palwal, I saw the father of these two boys, and was struck with his Christian submission and resignation. He quoted to me the text of Job : ‘ The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord.’ ” For some time past the Committee have been anxious to secure a more healthy location for the Institution, and they are glad now to report that very suitable premises have been acquired outside the Cashmere Grate, where the students will have the advantage of a large compound for exercise and a building well adapted to meet all needful requirements.

CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY DAY SCHOOLS. There were at the close of last year 0 , 1 1 children in regular attendance in the Christian elementary day schools in India belonging to the Society, taught by a st.tff of 2 3 1 native Christian teachers. These figures exhibit an increase on those of the previous year, and these figures would have been still larger had the returns from the Kharrar and Kalka districts been received and included in the totals now given. Reporting upon the work of the 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIBD REPORT. 25

BISHTOPORE BOARDING SCHOOL. the Rev. Khristanga Biswas writes :— “ The work of the Bishtopore Boarding School has been well conducted. The number in the boarding school during the year has been twenty-three ; among them twenty boys are supported by the Birmingham Young Men’s Missionary Association. The boys are regularly instructed in each subject with care, and they have also been well instructed in Scripture knowledge, and they have studied the Sunday-school subjects, and joined in the Scripture Union Reading Association. At the end of the year 1893 six boys appeared iu the Scripture Union examination, and four passed in the third division. At the beginning of the year four boys were sent to Serampore. The boys are divided into three classes. Four boys read in the fir-dt class, eight boys read in the second class, and the rest are in the third class.”

Id September Mrs. A. Williamson visited Bishtopore, accompanied by Miss Taylor, and examined the boys, and remarks as follows :— “ I visited the Bishtopore Boys’ Boarding School, and examined the pupils in their various studies. They are evidently well taught, especially in Scripture. They answer readily, and seem to understand what they read.”

The Rev. A. H. Young, M.A., the Headmaster of the Cuttack High School, reports :— “ At the close of the year the number of pupils on the roll was 182, and during the last six months of the year the numbers varied from 182 to 193. Two of the pupils passed the last Matriculation Examination of the Calcutta University, and about six months ago one of our former pupils obtained the degree of B.A., making the second graduate from our Christian community here. About the same time another of our former scholars passed out of the Cuttack Medical School.

“N o b m a l S c h o o l f o e V e r n a c u l a r T e a c h e r s . “ This school has now been in existence some fourteen months. Two of those who were admitted were found to be qualified as teachers in elementary schools because of an examination they had previously passed, and they were sent, after a few months, to take charge of our village schools. Other three from various reasons ceased to attend the classes. Only three are now in attendance, but we hope to begin another class soon. “P r o t e s t a n t E t t e o p e a n H i g h S c h o o l . “ The number of pupils on the roll at the end of September was fifty-one. In February last the school was visited by Sir Alfred Croft, Director of Public Instruction, Bengal, and was examined by the Inspector of Schools in the same month. The payment of grants-in-aid by results—i.e., on the result of individual examination of the pupils in all standards and subjects—has been abolished, and a new system, which, it is hoped, will prove beneficial, has been adopted. The usual annual Govern­ ment report not being necessary, it is now not given to us. “ Four of our pupils were presented at the Middle Scholarship Examination for European schools and six at the Primary, all of whom passed successfully.”

With regard to the Circle School work in Jessore, the Rev. T. R. Edwards writes:— “ Let it be borne in mind, then, that these schools all belong virtually to the 26 ONE HINDREIV ANT) THIRD REPORT. [1895. villagers, "who provide the school-houses and pay the major portion of the teachers’ salaries. They have come under the superintendence of the Baptist Mission at the special request of the villagers and schoolmasters. One reason for this is that the villagers feel the entire support of the schools too heavy for them, and are glad to hand over their superintendence to us, with full permission to us to introduce our Christian books, and to give regular Christian instruction in return for a small monthly grant. This is a plan which works to the entire satisfaction of the villagers and teachers, as well as of the Mission. We thus get the superintendence of a large number of children, whom we have the grand opportunity of training in the truths of Christianity. “ The superintendence of the schools is carried on by Christian Circle teachers. This means that each Christian teacher has a circle of schools, generally consisting of six, to superintend. Ee is expected to visit each school as often as possible during the month, and to give religious instruction to the scholars, as well as to see that their other studies are not neglected. ‘ ‘ In addition to the visits of the Circle teacher, the superintending missionary goes round as frequently as he can and examines the boys in their studies, giving special attention to the Christian subjects. On such occasions the school-house and yard are generally crowded with villagers who have boys in the school. They listen with great interest in the examination of their sons, and are pleased when they do well. Especially is this the case when the yearly distribution of prizes takes place. Always after these examinations a splendid opportunity is afforded x>f preaching Christ to the villagers. The fact that we are taking trouble in the education of their children, and spending money on that account, convinces them that our motives are good, and produces the most friendly feeling. And when people are in this state of mind it is easy to understand that they will accord ready hearing to the truth as it is in Jesus. “ It is difficult to overstate the importance of this school work as a means of evan­ gelising in the villages. In these schools, as I have pointed out, we have no less than 816 boys under our care. All of these are learning the rudiments of Christianity, and are getting regular instruction in the great truths of our religion. Moreover, in connection with these schools large numbers of villagers are brought constantly under the sound of the Gospel whose minds and hearts are predisposed to the truth. Does not all this show that a grand field for work is presented to us in the Jessore district ?”

The Rev. Herbert J. Thomas reports on school work in Delhi:— “ We have now eight schools in and around the city, and eight in the district; the number of boys on the rolls is 418. At our Scripture examination, last Christmas, there was a capital muster, and the prizes of caps, coats, pictures, &c., were fairly earned. The annual examination by the Government Inspector, too, was more encouraging than usual. Two more baptisms this year point to seed sown in these schools.”

The Rev. 0. Jordan, of Calcutta, reports :— “ The Tresidder School, which owes its existence to the liberality of the late Mr. J. E. Tresidder, of London, has been carried on during the year. The boys who compose it belong, for the most part, to the low castes. 1 hey are the children of shoemakers, sweepers, and porters. Some, who did not know a single letter of the alphabet when they came to us, can now read and write well, and have made progress also in arithmetic. The children are bright, and come to school with glee. On Sundays they come to Sunday-school, and have gained much knowledge of the life of Christ and the way of salvation, besides having committed to memory various portions or verses of Scripture. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 27

“ The Brahmanical High School Sunday-school has also been carried on throughout the year. The teacher of these boys during the week is a Brahman by caste. He gives us the use of the' school-room on Sundays gratuitously, and himself takes his place as a scholar with the small class that have been reading the Gospel of Matthew in English during the past year. This man declares himself a Christian; but, alas! like many more, shriuks from baptism. Three boys have each professed themselves believers in the Lord Jesus, and one of them has written me letters indicating much knowledge of the way of salvation, and of the work of Christ. I entertain the hope that by-and-by, when free from dependence and the trammels of their surroundings, they will formally profess their faith in the Saviour. One little lad belonging to this school met with an accident. He was the child of a sweeper. During the time that he was laid up, he used regularly to pray in his home, ’ and was, so far as I could learn, unmolested by his relatives.”


There are now 5,313 Sunday-school scholars and 313 Sunday-school teachers connected with our native churches in India— a very large increase on the returns for the previous year, when they stood at 3,572 scholars and 290 teachers ; and these returns do not include the totals of the Kharrar and Kalka districts, which have not yet been received. Refer­ ring to Sunday-school work, the Rev. Arthur Jewson, of Calcutta, writes :—

“ There are 250 boys in the eight Sunday-schools which I superintend. One of these is taught by a Bengali gentleman, who is employed as a clerk in the General Post Office. During the past two years he haa seldom been absent from his class. His love and tact are so great that no hope of treat or reward is held out to the scholars. Some fifty or sixty little Hindu boys gather about him Sunday after Sunday; and full many a lesson in teaching have I learned by watching him at his work. The scholars are all taught by voluntary, unpaid Christian young men, and often when returning from their inspection my heart has rejoiced with the glad consciousness that the King­ dom of God is indeed at hand. “ Being Secretary of the Bengal Sunday School Union, I have had to arrange for committee meetings, social meetings, prayer meetings, mass meetings, both of English and of Bengali children, and a three days’ convention. These meetings have, without an exception, been such as to cheer, stimulate, and instruct, and the large audiences have shown how popular they have become. “ Last year I reported having written fifty-two Lessons on the Life of Christ; during the current year I have brought out twenty-six similar Lessons in English, and hope to complete the set early next year. These Lessons have supplied me with a splendid reason for visiting Bengali gentlemen in their homes. I had previously met with many rebuffs. Tracts were despised, the publications of the Christian Literature Society had been seen before, and Englishmen are not held in the same esteem in Calcutta as in country places; but notwithstanding these disadvantages, when armed with my Lessons, I have gained admittance and consideration everywhere. I have had many interesting talks about the Saviour, and have sold many copies of the first thirty Lessons on the Life of Christ. “ I have also regularly held a Bible-class for Bengali students in the Albert College, 28 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD RETORT. [189-5

and have superintended the weekly English service which is held in the Intally Chapel f o r Bengali students and others. ”

The Rev. J. Stubbs, of Patna, reports :—

“ We have been successful, through God’s blessing, in starting, in some outhouses in our compound, what will, I trust, become a flourishing Sunday-school We com­ menced at the beginning of the year with fifty-three children, whom we personally invited to attend, and the school has steadily grown in numbers and interest. At present we have nearly a hundred boys and thirteen girls. As much prejudice against f.his kind of effort, especially amongst the girls, has been pxcited in Gulzarbagh in days gone by, and as this prejudice still continues, we hold the children with a slender grasp, and so we need much special prayer on the part of our friends at home, that we may have much wisdom and grace in carrying on this most important branch of our work. Since the school began, we have had three quarterly week-evening examina­ tions, when we have tested the progress made by the children in learning Scripture, catechism, and bhajans, and the result has delighted not only ourselves, but other Christian European friends whom we have invited to be present. “ I am convinced that in this Sunday-school work we are, by the instruction imparted every week, undermining heathenism in the most effective way. We are not only inserting in the minds of the children themselves Scriptural truth, but we are malrinor every child a missionary, for they go home and sing and repeat our message to their parents and brothers and sisters. Some of the boys have accompanied me sometimes to the bazaar, and have stood by my side through the service. They have sung the bhajans with us, and have counted it an honour to hold our umbrella or book while we have been speaking. Amid all the din of the Muharram procession, I heard one of them singing lustily the praises of Jesus in a bhajan he had learned at the school. I trust that in more ways than one our school-work may be a means of blessing to many. “ During the year I have had the privilege of translating into Hindi one of the late Mr C. H. Spurgeon’s sermons. It is No. 1,500, on ‘ The Uplifting of the Brazen Serpent,’ and sets forth the way of Salvation in an interesting and forcible manner. In English it has been the means of leading many into the light. Some years ago a friend paid for the insertion of it«, as an advertisement, in English, in a Calcutta newspaper. Mrs. Spurgeon especially asked me to translate the sermon, and she has borne the entire cost of printing an edition of 5,000. Many of them have already been sold, not only in Bengal and the North-West Provinces, but in the Central Provinces, on the one hand, and Burmah on the other. I hope they will all be sold in due time, and then the proceeds will be used to pay for the printing of the translation of another suitable sermon.”

It is evident that far greater interest is being exhibited in Sunday- school work than ever before, and there is a growing sense of its value in leading the young to the Saviour. In the next Report the Committee hope to give more detailed informa­ tion in view of the fact that at the recent Triennial Meeting of the Indian Missionary Conferences, in Calcutta, it was resolved to appoint three Sunday-school secretaries, one for Bengal, one for OriSra, and one for the North-West Provinces, who shall be specially charged with the collection 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 29

and presentation to the annual meetings of Conference of accurate statistics, such information to be printed with the Conference proceedings.



Mrs. Buckley, notwithstanding her advanced age, devotes herself with rare devotion to the work of the Cuttack Orphanage. The return of Miss Leigh, after a season of furlough at home, will doubtless be a great comfort to Mrs. Buckley. Miss G-leazer, who had taken the place of Miss Leigh while on furlough, writes :— “ During the year nine girls have been baptized, and ten have left the school on their marriage. Those who leave in this way are scattered over a considerable area— Calcutta, Balasore, &c., besides our different Christian villages. These girls have it in their power to exert a wide influence for good in their new homes, and, important as the educational work is, it is mainly so as a means to this end. Our great desire is to see our girls, while under our care, becoming true followers of Christ, and growing in Christian grace and character, that they may, when they leave us, become in their turn missionaries to their less favoured sisters. “ Ten children have been received this year. Two of them came under very sad circumstances. The elder of the two was brought in by her mother, a very poor widow. On the way back to her home the woman took a chill and died in a few days Poor little Ruth felt the departure of her mother very keenly, and was only just beginning to settle down among her new companions when the sad tidings came. The child was almost broken-hearted, and refused to be comforted until the arrival of her tiny three-year-old sister, Sontosh, when the necessity for being ‘ school-mother ’ to the little one seemed to turn thè child’s thoughts from her great sorrow. The children were left almost entirely friendless, so the younger ones were taken into the Orphanages until other arrangements could be made for them. “ One of our monitors has had a heavy trial to bear. Just before Christmas she left us to be married. After two brief months of wedded life her husband died. And the poor little two-months’ bride was left a homeless widow, for her father-in-law was very poor, and almost refused to keep her. She had been an exceptionally u°eful monitor, and we were just then in great need of teachers, so, contrary to our usual custom, we, after a short interval, received her back into the school at her own earnest request, and she is now quietly going on with her former work. “ Besides the sixty-three of our own girls who appear in the school-room, fifteen others come from the Christian villages near. “ At the examination in October, 1893, one of our pupils gained the gold medal given by the Rani of Kanika to the girl who obtains a higher number of marks than any other in the whole of Orissa. This was gained in what is known as the Minor or Middle English Examination ; and this is the first time in the history of the school that a candidate has been sent up for it. In the January examination one candidate gained a scholarship of Rs. 2 per mensem for two years. At the examination held in September, 1894, one pupil passed in the Middle English Examination, four in the Middle Vernacular, and four in the Upper Primary. 30 ONE HUNDRED A.ND TfilhD REPORT. [ 1895.

“ The hearty co-operation of the teachers in the school has rendered the work of the year much more easy than it would otherwise have been, and much credit is due to them for the way in which their own share of the work has been performed.” The Rev. John Vaughan also reports :— ‘ ‘ The number on the Orphanage roll is eighty-seven, precisely the number reported last year. The children suffered from fever and other ailments in the spring of the year, but since that time have, we are thankful to say, enjoyed fairly good health. Their behaviour has, on the whole, been good. Rice has been exceptionally dear for some time past, but is a little cheaper now. Mrs. Buckley—well known and beloved— has suffered acutely during the rains, but is now improving. Mrs. Vaughan has rendered all the help she could in the care of the children. IN abakumar has been specially useful in several departments, and has worked most heartily. Lily Prohoraj, adopted many years ago by Dr. and Mrs. Buckley, laboured for part of the year as a teacher in the school, but has now married Mr. Baptist, one of our most promising and helpful young men. She leaves with the best wishes and most earnest prayers of the orphans she loved. "When Miss Leigh returns she will resume her accustomed duties in the school, and Miss Grleazer will devote herself to work among Hindu and Christian females. Whilst a very hearty welcome will assuredly be accorded to Miss Leigh, the girls will ever retain a grateful sense of Miss G-leazer’s labours during the past two years.”

THE BOYS’ ORPHANAGE, CUTTACK. The Rev. J. Gr. Pike reports :— “ The number on the roll this year is thirty-six; of these, twenty-seven are resident, and nine live with their widowed mothers; the latter are not fully supported, but receive help to the extent of one rupee per month; one boy only, an epileptic, getting as much as one rupee eight annas. “ Of the twenty-seven resident boys, six are working at the Mission Press, and four are being trained as domestic servants. “ The conduct of the boys generally tas been very good. They have a little Association amongst themselves, and hold meetings from time to time, and once a year they invite a few friends to join them in a pleasant evening gathering. A report is read and a few brief addresses given, winding up with tea and sweetmeats. “ It is a continued cause for thankfulness that the health of the children has been good throughout the year ; although, as I write this report, we are anxious about one lad who has had a fit, which, I am afraid, looks like epilepsy. The boy is at present in the general hospital, and we are hoping for the best.”

WORK AMONGST ENGLISH-SPEAKING NATIYE STUDENTS. The Rev. R. Wright Hay has now returned to Dacca, thoroughly restored to health by his prolonged furlough in England, and the native student community has warmly welcomed back their friend and teacher. The Rev. J. D. Morris, who has been carrying on, during the absence of Mr. Hay, special work amongst native students, writes :— “ During the past year students have been to read the Bible with me, both in English and Bengali. The most hopeful part of our work is among the students, of 1895.] ONE HUNDRED JLND THIRD REPORT. 31 whom there is a considerable number in Dacca. I have had some very encouraging cases, both among students and others whom I had the privilege of instructing in Divine truths. “ One young man, a Mohammedan, living in the premises of the Nawab, along with a Moulvie, and attending the Nawab’s Free School, came to read the Bible with me about April or May last. Being a searcher after the truth, he was soon led to see that Christ was God’s Son and his Saviour. On the great festive day of the Mohammedans, the Id, he came to me with a letter written partly in English and partly in Bengali, containing an account of his faith in Christ. Soon after it was arranged that he should be baptized. Just when he was expected to come for his baptism, the Moulvie with whom he was staying, possibly getting to know his intentions, sent him away from Dacca on an errand to a distant place. "We lost sight of him for nearly a month, after which he appeared and told us the cause of his absence. Soon after this—viz., on July 27th—he was baptized in our Mission chapel. Immediately after his baptism he went at our request to tell his friends that he was a Christian. These friends at first would not believe him, but when he assured them that he was baptized, they brought him to the Moulvie, with whom he was staying, who got so enraged that he was about to whip him, when his little daughter, to whom Abdul, the convert, had acted as tutor, begged that he might not be so treated. The Moulvie then ordered him to be shut up in a room without food, the food that was prepared for him being given to a dog. The little girl took pity on Abdul, and gave him a couple of guavas, which was all the food he had that day till the evening, when the servant who had locked him up came and opened the door, and said that he was not going to serve in that house any more, and told Abdul to do as he pleased; whereupon Abdul came on to us and had some food. He slept in the Mission House that night, and early next morning left for his village home, with a good supply of Gospels and tracts, a Bengali New Testament, and a copy of Dr. Pfander’s ‘ Mizan-ul-haq,’ or ‘ Balance of Truth.’ He distributed some of the Gospels and tracts in his village, and gave the last named book to his father to read. The latter showed some displeasure at his son becoming a Christian; the mother fearing that he might be harmed by remaining there, told him to look out for himself. He accordingly took the hint, and returned to us. He has been staying with us, and attending his school as before. The Moulvie of the school tried by kindness as well as by argument to make him recant, but Abdul, knowing somewhat of the Koran, silenced him. Some of Abdul’s Mohammedan friends in school were intending to follow his example, but were deterred by threatenings they received from the school Moulvie and others. Lately, Abdul was taken home by his father, who came all the way from his village, having heard of his illness, from which he had, long before his father’s arrival, recovered. Seeing that he was firm in his adherence to Christ, and that he was desirous of returning to us, the father paid his boat hire, and sent him back to us, after keeping him at home for three days. ** Another encouraging case is that of an intelligent young Hindu, who read the Bible with me in English for some months, and then declared his faith in Christ, but did not express any desire for baptism. I did not like to press the subject on him, because he was instructing his wife in Christian truth. I thought it would be-well for husband and wife to be baptized together. He has lately expressed a desire to be baptized, n-nd said that his wife was ready to follow him. “ Another case still is that of a learned Mohammedan gentleman, a Munsiff here some time, lately transferred to Aurangabad, in the Gya district. He read the Bibl° with me for a short time. He was greatly influenced towards Christ while he was in England studying law, for he used often to hear Mr. Spurgeon preach in the Taber­ nacle. He told us that he could not understand how any intelligent man could believe 4 32 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

in Mohammedanism, but that his faith in Christ was not yet perfected. I have -written to Brother Prem Ghand, of Gya, to see him.”

The Bev. C. Jordan, of Calcutta, has also been engaged in special work amongst the native students of that great University city. He writes:— "Some of the native student class have been visited regularly in their lodgings in the students’ quarter of the city. I have had Bible-classes with them in Punchanon Tola, Mir Jaffir’s Lane and Bam Kant Mis try’s Lane. My visits have been welcomed. The students have most readily united with me in prayer, and some have added a hearty ‘ Amen’ at the end. During the year two of these students have died. With one of these I used to pray during his long illness. The other, whom I visited in hospital, died from an accident. In addition to these domiciliary visits I have had an opportunity, at intervals, of addressing some two or three hundred at a time at the General Assembly’s Institution on week-days, also, on Sundays, a smaller number at Bhowanipore, Intally, and the afore-mentioned Institution of the General Assembly’s Mission. One student, by the name of Hari Madav Sen, declared himself a believer in Christ. The day for his baptism was fixed. But the outcry and turbulence of his friends prevented bis baptism at the last moment. I have since seen this young man. He was in great distress of mind, and was seeking employment as a teacher in a mission school.” MISSION MEDICAL WORK. Without question Mission Medical work is a great factor in overcoming prejudice, and in opening closed doors to the free entrance of the Gospel message. The missionary who is able to go about “ healing the sick ” is literally following in the footsteps of Ms Divine Lord and Master. By this means lie not only gains a listening ear, but he commends Christianity as “ a benediction to all men.” Our brethren during the' past year have done good work in this direction. The Rev. Gogon Chunder Dutt, of Khoolna, writes:— “ During the year thousands of patients have received medicine from me, and heard the Gospel of Christ in this district, and ix£ the district of Dacca. I am thankful to Dr. Lazarus, of Benares, and my friends both in India and England, for their kindly supplying me with funds and medicines. Medicine is a great help, to introduce the Go«pel in the country. In Dacca, while I was the guest of Messrs. Kerry and Morris, I visited a friend one day who was suffering from fever; and on my way to his house I found a poor Mohammedan woman suffering from a terrible attack of fever, and lying near the drain. I gave her suitable medicine, and induced a neighbour to give her shelter. After an hour or so the fever left her, and a great crowd gathered around my gharry. I preached the Gospel, and told them that ‘ I am also a Dacca man.’ I then told them of my conversion, and the people seemed to listen to me with breathless attention. After the cure of this woman, patients began to come to me to tho Mission House of Dacca, and when I found that the Mission House was about to be converted into an hospital, I hired a boat. “ I visited my native village in the district of Dacca, carrying with me the sword of the Gospel and preached and distributed medicine to my countrymen. After my 1895.] ONE HTTNDBED AND lilJ S *% E P O IftV ‘ w • 33 return to Dacca, I spent nearly two months in my'im'ejjf boa^ The poor pqlients.used to come to my boat for medicine, and the weU-to-dosM^g?SiBed to send their oarriages for me to visit them in their houses. Thus I became very popular there, and had many opportunities for preaching the Gospel; and at the time of my departure, a well-to-do Hindu gave a splendid dinner, and the rich Hindu ladies who had been benefited by my medicine showed their gratitude by sending valuable clothes for my wife.” During the absence of the Kev. H. E. Crudgington on furlough in England, Saul David has had charge of the Delhi Dispensary and the Medical Mission. Reporting on this work, the Rev. Herbert J. Thomas writes :— “ Our brother, Said David, has been called upon to pasB through deep waters, his two dear little boys in quick succession having been taken from him. Eight bravely have he and his wife witnessed to the sustaining power of Christ, both in the long patient weeks of nursing and suspense, and in the resignation to the better will of God that was twice called for. This, of course, interfered with the regular working of the Dispensary, which, in fact, was obliged to be carried on for one month by Joshua. Still the report-book shows a total of 15,794 visits paid by 5,207 patients, averaging 56 a day throughout the twelve months ending 31st October. In addition to these Saul David paid 1,207 visits to patients in their own homes, and gave 438 prescriptions to such as could afford to buy their own medicines. Nearly 55 rupees was received from patients supplied from our own stock. We are again indebted to the Delhi Municipality for their grant of Es. 150, and also to the District Board for a valuable gift of quinine. “ Each morning, on the assembling of the patients, a short service is conducted by Saul David, and a large number of Gospels and leaflets have been distributed.” Many other brethren send reports showing the great blessing that has followed Medical Missionary work, in some instances resulting in direct conversion. TRANSLATION AND LITERARY WORK. THE CALCUTTA AND CUTTACK MISSION PRESSES.

CALCUTTA. The Rev. Gr. H. Rouse, M.A., D.D., gives the following report of Literary and Translation work during the past year :— “ I have not much to report as to work done during the year, except that the revision of the Bengali Bible has been continued and the printing of it has been commenced. “ One important change decided on during the year has been in regard to the use of what is called the ‘ honorific form of the third person ’ in the narrative portions of the Bible. In Bengali there are two forms of pronouns and verbs, the ordinary and the honorific, in the second and third person. In the case of the second person, there is no difficulty; if God’s Word states that a certain man said so and so, we give the words he would have said had he spoken Bengali. But in the case of the third person, the writer himself is responsible for the form used, and hence we need to consider carefully what form God’s Spirit would approve. Formerly the honorific was not so much used as at present, and the custom introduced by Dr. Carey, and continued by Dr. Yatesj was to use the honorific only of God, and the ordinary form of all other 4* 34 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. persons. Dr. W«nger, in his last version, used the honorific also of angels, and in some parts of the Bible he used it of kings, prophets, and so forth; but no alteration was made in the historical parts. The tendency in current Bengali has been to use the honorific more and more ; and it therefore grates much upon the Bengali ear to hear the ordinary form used of persons like Noah, Abraham, Daniel, and so forth, whom the sacred writers would have spoken of with so much respect. On the other hand, the difficulty has been where to draw the line in regard to the use of the two forms. Ordinary Bengali, being written by those who are not Christians, honours men chiefly according to their worldly position: it would use the honorific of the rich, the great, the learned, but not of the poor, however good they might be ; and it would honour the self-righteous ascetic, in spite of his dirt, pride, and selfishness, but it would despise the godly peasant. To follow current usage absolutely would, therefore) appear to be unworthy of the Word of God. At the same time, in a version prepared exclusively for the use of Bengalis, it is important to make it as pleasing as we can to the Bengali ear. I have endeavoured to strike the mean in the matter, following current usage as far as possible, but deviating from it where it would seem to give a wrong impression as to what is really ‘ honourable ’ in the sight of God. “ The new edition is in type up to Exodus xxxii., and we shall proceed with the printing as rapidly as possible. ‘ ‘ A small edition is being struck off on better paper and in quarto size, containing at the bottom of the page references and alternative readings selected from the 'Flnglis'h Authorised or Revised Bible. This edition will be suitable for students and others, who will be able to consult the references, and to use the wide margin for manuscript notes. It will also be useful as a pulpit Bible. ‘ ‘ As the Committee of the Bible Translation Society has approved of the recommenda­ tions made by the last Bengali Conference in regard to the Bengali Bible, we propose to print in Hebrew poetry form all those parts of the Old Testament which are put in this form in the English Revised Bible. I also hope, when the present edition without notes is printed off, to somewhat enlarge the notes and references which appear in the Bible Translation Society edition of the Bible published in 1892. “ In my last report I referred to my having brought out a selection of Scripture extracts in Bengali, giving a connected view of the life and teaching of Christ, called ‘ The Joyful News of the Lord Jesus Christ.’ We printed 5,000, and the edition was soon exhausted. We are printing a new edition, and hope soon to stereotype it. In accordance with a resolution passed at last year’s N. W.P. Conference, at Monghyr, we have brought out an edition of the same book in Hindu, under the title, Mangal Fat ha. The work was done by Brethren Jones, Prem Chand, and myself. “ The Commentary on Genesis, in Bengali, is now being printed, and is in type to about the middle of the book. The notes are partly Brother .Allen’s, aod partly my own.” SCRIPTURES AND TRACTS, & c,


U nder th e Superintendence of th e K ey. J oseph W . T homas. For Bible Translation Society.Beng.: New Test., Fcp. 8vo ... 1 000 Beng. : Glad Tidings ...... 5,000 „ Bible, Demy 8vo "(in Press) „ History of Joseph ... 5,000 „ Bible, Demy 4to. (in Press) ,, Genesis i.—ix...... 5,000 Mus. Beng. : Matthew ...... 5,000 Psqlms ...... (in Press) „ Luke ...... 6,000 1690.] OÎTB lttTNÌ>REÌ> À N Ì) T R IÈ D B E P 0 E Ï . 85

Hindi: Glad Tidings ... 5,000 Beng.: Acts ...... a. 6,000 „ Matthew...... 5,000 ,, Proverbs...... 5,000 ,, Mark ...... 5,000 Kaithi: Mark ...... 5,000 ,, Luke ...... 5,000 ,, Acts ...... 3,000 ,, New Test., Or. 8vo (in Press) Beng.: New Test., Fcp. 8vo ... 6,000 Kaithi: Mark ...... 3,000 ,, ,, Demy 8vo ... 2,500 ,, Acts ... 2,500 For various Societies or Individuals. For American Baptist Mission Union. Garo : Titus to Revelation B e n g a l i . B S.S. Lessons ...... 60,000 Assamese : Matthew ... 5,000 Standard S.S. L esson s...... ,, Mark...... 5,000 Gospel History of Jesus Christ, ,, Luke ... 8,000 Parts I. and II., each...... 500 ,, John...... 5,000 Discussion between a Moulvi and „ Lines Left Out ... 1,000 a Missionary ...... 2,000 Periodicals. Debt ...... 5,000 Common P rayer...... 500 English : I.S.S. Journal ... 15,750 A Letter to Policemen, and four ,, Evangelist ... other Tracts ...... 10,000 ,, Darjeeling News and Life of Christ ...... 1,000 Notes...... • •• Power from Heaven ...... 1,000 „ Our Bond ... 3,650 Life of Dr. Carey...... 5,000 Beng.: Khristiya Bandhab ... 7,200 Hindi: DutPatrika ... 4,800 T i b e t a n . Garo: Achikin Repang ...... 2,000 Tracts (three) ...... 7,000 Catechism...... 1,000 For Bible Society Songs ...... 500 Beng.: Mark ...... 10,000 ,, Luke ...... 20,000 M a n ip t e b i. „ John ...... 10,000 Tracts (three) 6,000 For Calcutta Tract Society and C.L. Society, §c. English : The Flood...... 1,000 ,, My Sin and My Saviour...... 5,000 ,, Moral Dynamic of Christianity...... 5,000 ,, What Jesus said of the Kingdom of God ... 5,000 ,, Recent Progress of the Rest Day Question ... 1,500 „ History of the Repeal of the Lord’s Day Act 2,000 „ Sunday School Influence on Health and National Prosperity...... 1,000 ,, The Teaching of Jesus C h rist...... 5,000 Bengali: Monthly Messenger and Zenana Leaflets ... 4,020,000 „ Twenty-nine Free Distribution Leaflets ... 2,016,000 Mussalmani-Bengali: Five „ ,, ... 30,000

CUTTACK. The following report on the progress made in the revision of the Orissa Bible is from the Eev. J. €r. Pike, who writes:— “ In connection with my colleague, Brother Shem Sahu, I have, for the greater part of the year, given rather more than three hours each morning to this work. Even during the cold season, when I went on a preaching tour, the work did not stop, for we 36 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. travelled by river and spent a part of most days in the boat at our revision, whilst we availed ourselves of every opportunity for preaching in the numerous villages that we passed. In the same way, when spending a month at Pooree, in order to superintend the building of our new mission bungalow, part of each day was devoted to revision. We have then lost no time, and yet cannot report a very large number of pages com­ pleted. We began the year with the sixth chapter of Judges, and we have just finished the Second Book of Samuel. The importance of the work grows upon me daily, and I do not see how quicker progress can be made, unless our brother Shem Sahu could be freed from his college and other duties, so that he, with the missionary in charge of the work, might devote more hours per day to it. I feel strongly that it would be wrong to hurry the work much, as we want a new supply of Bibles ; and, other reasons apart, to hurry it through the press now would mean work having to be done over again in the near future. When we speak of wanting Bibles, it should be understood, however, that we have always a good supply of New Testaments, single Gospels, and separate books of the Old Testament, as Psalms, Proverbs, and Isaiah, in hand. We have also, in separate form, all the early books of the Bible, as far as revised.” CUTTACK PRESS. The Bev. J. F. Hill, the Superintendent of the Cuttack Press, supplies the following report as to work done during the past year :—

“ During the past year we have printed 36,000 Scriptures portions and 72,250 tracts and books. In addition to the above, 3,000 copies of the ‘ Life of Christ,’ as far as page 128, have been printed, also 1,000 copies of ‘ Church History,’ as far as page 48. The edition of the Bible passing through the press has advanced from page 233 to page 320 (1 Sam. xx. 8). The Book of 1st Samuel in separate form has also been printed as far as this chapter. The following is the year’s list of publications :—

Scripture Portions. Pages. Copies. Joshua ...... I ll 3,000 Judges ...... 114 3,000 Ruth,...... 16 3,000 1 Samuel (in part) Proverbs ...... 78 2,000

Bible (in part) ...... 319 11,000 Bible Translation Society. Matthew (P ro se )...... 94 4,000 Luke...... 106 ... 4,000 Mark (Verse) ...... 78 5,000 Luke... . 134 4,000 A cts...... 104 3,000 Psalms (Verse) ...... 278 3,000 Scripture Lessons, Part I I ...... 121 2,000

Life of Christ (in p a r t)...... 915 25,000 Orissa Tract Society. Miracles of Christ...... 36 3,000 Catechism of Nonconformity ...... 44 1,000 Epitome of True Religion ...... 24 3,000 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIED BEPOBT. 37

Pages. Copies. Divine Alphabet ...... 12 5,000 Way of Salvation...... 12 8,000 Jagannath Tested ...... 32 10,000 True Refuge ...... 24 5,00» True Christian ...... 12 3,000 Destroyer of Delusion ...... 24 3,000 Strictures on Hinduism ...... 28 3,000 Objections Refuted ...... 28 3,000 Idolatiy ...... 26 3,000 Way of Salvation Tested...... 26 3,000 Won by Kindness ...... 26 3,000 Flowers of F a b le ...... 13 3,000 The Redeemer ...... 12 1,000 Current Sayings ...... 14 250 Elementary Catechism ...... 36 5,000 Leaflet, “ The Saviour” ...... 2 5,000 Selection of Poetical Tracts ...... 192 2,000

Church History (in part)...... 623 72,250 The Committee report, with much regret, that Mr. Hill has been com­ pelled, by the continued ill-health of his daughter and her inability to live in India, to resign his connection with the Society and return home. They record with grateful appreciation the faithful services rendered by their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, to the Orissa Mission, and especially by Mr. Hill in the management of the Cuttack Press. ANGLO-INDIAN CHURCHES. CIRCULAR ROAD, CALCUTTA. Reporting upon the work of the past year, the Rev. R, M. Julian writes :— “ The work of the church has been carried on throughout the year with regularity. The congregations up to the breaking of the rains were good, but during the wet season there has been the usual falling off in numbers. The work of the Sunday-school has been steadily prosecuted. * The Young People’s Guild ’ was continued up to the rains, and many useful and interesting lectures were given. The session which closed last June was certainly the most successful the Guild has yet had. “ The attention and energy of the church has been turned principally in one direction, In the last report it was stated that efforts were already being made to raise funds for the erection of a hall in the chapel compound, and the hope was expressed that the hall might be finished in time for the Triennial Conference. It has called for an unusual effort to accomplish thiB ; but it is a great pleasure to report that it has been most satisfactorily accomplished. Not only has a very pretty and commodious hall been built, but it is paid for. “ The Church is certainly able to look back upon a year of unusual temporal prosperity, but evidences of spiritual good have not been wanting. Though there have been few additions to the membership of the church during the year, we are pleased to report that, as the year dosed, there were seven candidates for church membership.” 38 ONE ttUNDfcEl) AND IfilED EEiOET.

LAL BAZAAR CHURCH, CALCUTTA. The Rev. G-. H. Hook, the pastor of the Lai Bazaar Church, Calcutta, reports:— “ Our church work has given us great pleasure this year : not because it has been any easier—it has been harder—but because it was the channel through which rich spiritual blessings came to our souls. On some Sabbath days, like Paul, we hardly knew whether we were in the body, or out of the body, while breaking the Bread of Life to God’s people. We held evangelistic services in the early part of the year for three months, with a service five days in the week. The chapel was often crowded to excess. Sixteen have been baptized in the year, and our membership is 150, and yet our church is still a poor church, in the poorest part of Calcutta. We want to repair the chapel premises shortly, if the Lord wills. All that we need is in TTis hand, and we know He will give it to us, and we are trying ‘ to be conformed to the image of His Son,’ that we may lack nothing; for He has said He will withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly.”

AGRA, N.W.P. With regard to the Havelock Baptist Church, Agra, the Rev. J. Gr. Potter reports :— “ After three years of faithful and earnest work, Mr. Day left for England in April last. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Day testified to their respect and esteem by a substantial gift of money on the occasion of their departure. After Mr. Day had resigned his position as pastor, Mr. Potter, as the senior -missionary of the station, was elected to fill the vacancy till a successor to Mr. Day should be found. “ With the valued help of Messrs. Davy and Hale, all the Sunday and week-evening meetings have been sustained throughout the year. “ Our prayers and efforts in the matter of securing a successor to Mr. Day have been crowned with success, and in October the Rev. G. R. M. Roche undertook the charge of the church and congregation. Already we see signs of revived interest in all the services, and therefore look forward hopefully to the future. With regular and systematic visiting, bright services, and patient, persevering work, we hope yet to see the Havelock Chapel filled as in days gone by.”

ALLAHABAD. The Rev. J. R. Hewison, pastor of the Cannington Baptist Church, Allahabad, in his annual letter, writes :— “ Let us be encouraged by the many evidences we have of God’s blessing upon our work. “ Let us go forward in still greater effort to greater blessings and mightier victories.” The Church reports :— “ We bless God for His great goodness to us during another year. For nearly two years we were without a pastor. On the 7th March, 1893, our present pastor and Mrs. Hewison arrived in Allahabad, and met with a very warm welcome. “ The past year has been one of real progress, and very good work has been done quietly and unostentatiously.” 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 39

DINAPORE. The Rev. S J Jones, the pastor of the Dinapore Baptist Church, con­ templates voyaging to England this spring for a season of rest and change, his return f.o Dinapore being somewhat uncertain. As a temporary arrangement, the missionaries at Bankipore and Patna will undertake to mike the best arrangements possible for the continuance of the services at Dinapore until the return of Mr. Jones or the arrival of a new pastor.


The Rev. H. E. Barrell, the pastor of the Bellasis Road Baptist Church, Bombay, has, during the past year, had many tokens of the Divine blessing on his ministry. The church is prospering, and all departments of Christian effort are in active operation. Mr. Barrell contemplates visiting England during the next few months for a short season of rest and refreshment. The Committee heartily rejoice in the prosperity of these independent self-supporting Baptist churches in India, and they pray that they may con­ tinue to enjoy in the future, even in yet larger measure than in the past, manifest tokens of the Divine benediction.


PRINCIPAL STATIONS Colombo, Kandy, and Ratnapura. STATIONS...... 99 Missionaries (1 in England) ...... 4 Native Evangelists ... .« 24

It is matter for sincere regret that one of the three new brethren recently sent to reinforce the Ceylon Mission, Mr. W. S. Thomson, has felt himself compelled by pressing family afflictions to retire from the field. Mr. Thomson keenly regrets having to relinquish “ the one great desire of his life,” but in loyalty to what he is convinced is his clear path of duty, no other course appeared open to him. Mr. W. D. Hankinson, who has almost completed his probationary 40 ONE HUNDRED A.ND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

course, has made striking progress in the acquisition of the Singhalese vernacular, and already has greatly endeared himself to all classes of the Island community. Mr. A. McOallum, M.A., has entered upon the study of the vernacular with great earnestness. Mr. Waldock writes :—

“ It has been a very great pleasure to welcome our brother, Mr. McCallum, who, we sincerely trust, will long be spared to use his gifts and learning in the Master’s service in Ceylon. He, I need scarcely say, is pursuing the study of the vernacular with the diligence and docility without which it cannot be acquired.”

Eeporting upon the work during the past year, the Rev. F. D. Waldock writes:— “ Personally, the administration of this and the Sabaragamuwa district has supplied me with abundance of work. In addition, a good deal of attention to the self-supporting churches in their new start has been demanded. During the latter part of the year as much time as could be secured has been spent in work for the revision of our New Testament, which we trust Mr. Carter, the translator, who is now in New Zealand, will effect, with the help of suggestions from the Committee of our Conference here. Besides, I have lately been engaged in assisting the studies of one of our agents to qualify him for taking the status of a full evangelist. “ The Day-schools have 2,438 scholars, a slight increase on 1893 ; and the Sunday- schools 1,052, as compared with 927 only in 1893, and 84 teachers as compared with 69.”


Mrs. Waldock, who for so many years past has conducted this most important institution with signal blessing, writes :—

“ This school, which has been established more than forty years, has accommodation for forty girls, many of whom are the daughters of Buddhist parents. The past year closed with a full number of pupils, although, through the prevalence of a mild epidemic, some of them had to retum to their homes before the term closed. This sickness also, in some measure, interfered with the Government examination, of which the report was not quite so favourable as ufiual. “ We are glad to be able to state that we have not been without tokens of the Divine blessing during the year, two of the girls having made a profession of their faith by baptism in November last. Several more desired to be baptized, but for various reasons we thought it better they should wait a little longer. One of these was the daughter of Buddhist parents, who refused their consent to her baptism. She remains in the school, and her conduct is most exemplary. The parents say that when she is o f age- she can do as she likes, so that we. hope, ¿when the time comes, she will have courage to confess Christ. “ One of the girls who left last year has begun a Sunday-school in her village which is increasing in numbers, and comprises boys as well as girls. One of the old girls died at the close of last year. She was the teacher of the Matakooly Girls’ School. She was always to be found at the women’s prayer-meeting held in the 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 41

village, and was a punctual and earnest Sunday-school teacher, and on several occasions accompanied me to the Leper Hospital. She was ill for some time, and was visited by the missionary and other friends. Being absent from Colombo, I had not the oppor­ tunity of seeing her, but almost her last words to Mr. Waldock were a kind message to myself. A few minutes before her death, she asked the girl who lived with her to sing the favourite hymn— “ ‘ There is a fountain filled with blood ’— and joined with her feeble voice, and while singing passed away. “ I cannot help expressing my gratitude to 'friends in England for their many proofs of interest and sympathy with the school; especially to Miss Vickers, who keeps up a regular correspondence with two of my girls, from which they derived great profit, both mental and spiritual.”

CINNAMON GARDENS ENGLISH BAPTIST CHURCH* During the interval between the departure of the Rev. Frank Durbin» the former pastor, at the end of November, 1893, and the arrival of the Rev. T. J. Stockley, the present pastor, on June 12th, 1894, the English services at the Cinnamon Gardens Church were conducted by the mission­ aries of the Society, the Rev. F. D. Waldock, at the earnest request of the church, temporarily undertaking the pastoral oversight. The Rev. T. J. Stockley has kindly furnished the following report:—

“ An English-speaking church in the midst of a large heathen population should surely be an interesting living and missionary church. This was what I felt when I was led to think of English work in a foreign land ; and now, after seven months’ residence here in Colombo, I feel it more deeply still. I shall therefore be profoundly grateful if I may be used of the Master to lead His people into the reception of much of the Holy Spirit’s power, and then out to the heathen in loving missionary labour. The need is immense. With a population of 130,000 people, and not more than 30,000 at the most even nominally Christian, we are constantly face to face with the overwhelming need. And when one sees the ignorance and superstition of most, and the wickedness and sufferings of many of the people, one just longs for the day when every church member shall be an earnest missionary. Beyond all things, we pray that God may save His people here from falling into the condition of so many ‘ Christians ’—a condition in which the heathenism of the heathen produces no pang of grief, and leads to no prayerful effort to save. With yearnings such as these, we are seeking to do our little best amidst many difficulties. “ Among our direct missionary labours we have the work of a Singhalese Bible- woman, supported by the Baptist Endeavourers of the Sheffield District. She takes different districts weekly, visits from house to house, speaks the message of the Gospel wherever she can get a hearing, and conducts little meetings of women and children in the homes of some of the people. Her work is very difficult, but her visits-are finding more favour with the people than at first, and we know that her constant sowing of the ‘ good seed ’ cannot be in vain. “ Then our Christian Endeavour Society carries on a weekly open-air meeting in Singhalese and Tamil. With the aid of our baby-organ, and some Tamil lyrics and Singhalese choruses, we are able to secure a good audience. The attention is devout, and the tracts given away at the close of the meeting are most eagerly asked for. 42 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ Thus, in various ways, we are seeking to carry out the great commission to preach the Gospel to every creature. The results are with the Lord, but we trust that from this field we may be honoured to reap large sheaves of golden grain to the glory of the Great Husbandman.”

The Colombo Geand Pass N ative Church, which for now more than thirty-one years has held on its way as an entirely self-supporting church, reports—by its pastor, the Rev. J. S. Perera—a year of happy and success­ ful service, and has a present membership of 124. The Sunday-school exhibits cheering results from the increasingly earnest work of the teachers, and recently a Buddhist family has been most regular in attendance at the services, the husband wishing to publicly profess his faith in the Saviour by baptism. From South Colombo Mr. Henry de Silva reports :—

“ The Sunday services in the Cinnamon Gardens Church have been well sustained. “ Evangelistic meetings have been held in many neighbouring villages, as well as a series of cottage services in many more. “ An open-air service is held eveiy week opposite the Cinnamon Gardens Church, and special evangelistic visits have been paid to hospitals and houses, and other places in the city, and a large number of tracts distributed. u Two converts have been baptized, and two more are now waiting. ”

DISTRICT STATIONS. Encouraging Reports have also been received from twenty-four stations in the outlying districts. A full list of these stations will appear in the Ceylon statistics of the large Annual Report to be issued shortly. As will be seen from the following Report from the Rev. W. D. Hankinson, a new Btation has recently been opened at Chilaw, a town on the sea-coast. Mr. Hankinson writes :— “ While residing in Colombo it was my privilege to visit almost all our occupied dis­ tricts, and to preach often to both Christians and non-Christians either in ‘ lame ’ Singhalese, or by the help of an interpreter. One of the native brethren generally accompanied me on these trips, interpreted for me when required, helped me to under­ stand the people, and taught me a good deal of Singhalese into the bargain. “ During the early part of June I was able to visit our occupied district in the North-Western Province. This visit was paid chiefly at the invitation of the self-sup­ porting church at Madampe, the only church we have in the province. Though solitary, the church has many signs of prosperity about it. It has its day-schools close by, and good Sunday-schools connected with them, and may become, we hope, in future days, quite a missionary church in that needy province. The pastor, Mr. J. E. Perera, who, in spite of frequent fever, has stuck well to his post, accompanied me to various parts of the district. We visited Chilaw, a sea-coast town, where the people are in much need of the Gospel. We were able to do work among the Singhalese and Tamil speaking people, and since that visit I am glad to say we have been able to spare an Evangelist for the work there, and we hope that through his instrumentality a good work may be begun in Chilaw. Having been able to visit the same district 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 4 3 during the last month, I find that the former visit was not in vain ; and there is every hope of a successful work as soon as we are able to meet the need more adequately. One difficulty is that the district is very feverish, and this is trying to the health of our workers. “ The work in Colombo city I found to be full of interest, and I may speak especially of the agricultural students, among whom a good work has been begun. Mr. Stockley, taking up work after his arrival, found much encouragement among them and signs of definite blessing.”



Ratnapura, the head station of the Sabaragamuwa District, is fifty-six miles from Colombo, and during the past year the work in this district has been in charge of Mr. Aponso, under the general superintendence of Mr. Waldock, of Colombo. The Committee hope, during the coming year, to be able to place a European missionary in charge of this large and important field, the urgent needs of which can only be very inadequately met by occasional visits from Colombo. During the past year Mr. Waldock, Mr. Hankinson, and Mr. Thomson, have all visited the stations in this district. With regard to Ratnapura, Mr. Aponso reports :—

“ Our school work has been most energetically maintained. Weekly evangelistic visits are paid to the Hospital and the Jail. Numerous villages are systematically visited, and the Gospel message delivered from house to house and individual appeals made, while a large number of tracts have been carefully distributed.” There are four additional out-stations in thig district.


The Rev. H. A. Lapham sends the following encouraging details relative to the present policy of ceasing to pay pastors of native churches by funds from the Society, and throwing the privilege of maintaining these brethren by contributions raised by the churches themselves.


Mr. Lapham writes:— “ All our native churches are now self-supporting, and as yet we see a great deal of benefit, but absolutely no loss, arising from the enforcement of the system, in spite of 44 ONE HTTNDKED AND THIED REPORT. [1895. prognostications oi disaster. Kandy Church has done wonderfully well this year. The church has sustained its own services throughout the year entirely, holding four services a week in the chapel (besides cottage meetings), with help from me only once a month. It has collected altogether Rs. 282-92. Its total increase in membership was thirteen (eleven by baptism). Through its young men it evangelises a good deal in the surrounding villages. “ Matale Church has been steadily pursuing its way under the pastorate of Mr. Dharmakirtti. Mr. Dharmakirtti is the only pastor we have in this Kandyan District, and he is without stipend. Our n.im is to induce the churches to minister to them­ selves, the luxury of a paid pastor being entirely beyond their means in most cases. No paid and trained minister could more competently fill the pulpit than Mr. Dharmakirtti, and, as he has now retired from government service, he will have more time than heretofore for pastoral work. “ Gompola Church has sustained a regular morning service on Sundays throughout the year, chiefly by the help of Mr. Ranisinghe. A secretary, treasurer, and com­ mittee have been elected, and I think that they will soon make arrangements for carrying on their services through paid ‘ supplies.’

“M a t a l e B a z a a b P e e a c h i n g R oo m : has been doing good service, and has gained a footing as the centre of our work in Matale and a general place of concourse for religious conversation and discussion. Our Bible-woman, who, with her family, lives in the back part of the premises, is an energetic worker and cheerful talker, and is able to keep the place (which is open all day, with large coloured pictures on the walls, and papers and booklets on the table) going ordinarily. As leisure offers, the evangelist, or a student, or the missionary drops in and spends half-an-hour or an hour there. The coming of one of them is generally followed, within ten minutes or so, by the collection of some few (often many) for conversation, inquiry, or discussion. The place is fast taking its place among the institutions of the town. "We sell books there too, and though we do not push this side of the institution much, we make enough there to pay for all the books and tracts we give away gratuitously, and to have a small balance in hand.

“ T r a i n i n g o f S t u d e n t s . “ Messrs. Markus and Peiris have studied with me since the 1st of September. Up to the 15th of December they had usually two hours a day with me for- five days a week. We have taken up the subjects prescribed by Conference for first-year men. They have been very attentive and diligent, and appear already to have much profited. It has been a pleasure to teach them, though it has greatly increased the pressure of work upon me. For in view of the remarkable intellectual progress going on in Ceylon in these days, almost rivalling that of Japan, we dare not be content with giving our Tnan a mere smattering. With the view of raising the general standard of Biblical knowledge among the younger members of our Churches, I have a fortnightly workers’ training class both in Kandy and Matale, there being in each place some eight or ten members of the class.”

Encouraging reports of Evangelistic work in Kandy, Kalugastota, Kaduganuwa, Gampola, and Matale have been received. Numerous bap­ tisms have taken place, and Christian Elementary Sohool work has been well maintained. There are »Is© a considerable number ©f inquirers awaiting baptism» 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 45


PRINCIPAL STATIONS SHANTUNG—Ch’ing Chou Fu (T’sing Chu Pu) and Chouping. SHENSI—Hsi-an-Fu, San Yuan Hsien. SHANSI—Tai Yuen Fu, Shao Tien Tzee, Hsin Chow. STATIONS...... 213 Missionaries (6 in England and 1 in Shanghai) ... 21 Native Evangelists ...... 32

The year just closed has been one of special trial and anxiety with regard to our work and workers in China. With heartful thanksgiving we record the fact that, notwithstanding manifest danger, consequent upon the war, our brethren and sisters, with their children, have hitherto suffered no harm. In the words of one of our missionaries, “ We have been kept in great peace of mind, even in the presence of tumult and disorder, and the Chinese about us appear to trust and befriend us in a way they have never done before.” As all the tidings that have been received by the Committee have at once been made public in the Missionary Herald, it will not be needful to repeat here what has already been put before the churches. Notwith­ standing the unsettled and agitated condition of the country, a careful perusal of the following reports will reveal the fact that the past year has been one of special blessing and progress amongst the Chinese Christian community. There has been a large number of conversions, a growing development of aggressive self-supporting church life in the converts, and a widespread spirit of inquiry and trustfulness on the part of the people, notwithstanding war, famine, pestilence, and poverty. On all hands the prospects are stimulating, and it is quite evident to those who are best able to read the signs of the times in China, “ that out of the present strife, conflict, and confusion will come a future the like of which has never yet dawned upon that vast Empire.” In the words of the Rev. Dr. Griffith John, of Hankow, written to the Secretary of this Society only a few weeks ago :— “ We are, I confidently believe, on the eve of very marvellous develop­ ments in China. The old civilisation is about to break up, and a new order of things is at our doors. * 46 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ Should it be my privilege to be at home in 1896, and able to declare the fact that the whole of China, not excepting Hunan, was really and truly open, and that the gates of Tibet were no longer shut, it would indeed be intense gladness to me. “ This war is going to be a source of great blessing to China. It is an awful chastisement, but China needed it, and will be all the better for it. “ G-od is dealing with these nations in His own way, and I, for one, am looking to the future with boundless hope. “ Be prepared, my friend, for the new era in the Far East. Tour mission­ aries are doing a noble work in the North, but believe me, you will soon have a louder call from China, and you will have to obey, financial difficul­ ties notwithstanding. You will have to enlarge the place of your tents.” Most regretfully the statement has to be repeated which for two years past has appeared in the Annual Report :— “ No reinforcements have been sent out to China during the past year,” and yet Shansi has been promised two additional brethren for more than four years, and the two missionaries there to-day are overburdened with the work, and are wistfully turning their eyes homewards and wondering how it is the churches in this land do not supply the help so urgently needed to gather in the harvest sheaves, and Shensi and Shantung are also longing for additional labourers.


T h e N a t iv e Ch r istia n Chu rch . The following Report aB to the progress and work of the Native Christian Church in Tsing Chu Fu has been supplied by the Rev. Percy Bruce, B.A. :— “ In describing the work of the year, I would say that its chief characteristic is an appreciable advance in the direction of consolidation. The methods adopted in the previous years for more adequate instruction of the members have been patiently persisted in, and there is on the part of both men and women a deepening desire to understand the Scriptures. “ During the year, classes for Christian women have been held in the spring and autumn. These have been of a less limited character than the classes of 1893, a third class, composed of young unmarried women, having been formed. Forty women, in three distinct classes, have been under regular instruction. The same women are invited to return each season, and thus a more thorough and more systematic course of study is followed than would otherwise be possible. The senior class, con­ sisting of twelve elderly women, most of whom are over fifty years of age, have, in thè 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 47

course of the four classes they have attended since January, 1893, completed the study of Mark’s Gospel. “ The total membership of the church now stands at 1,340. Since the last report 88 have been baptized, and there are now 144 candidates under instruction with a view to baptism, besides 321 other inquirers who worship regularly with us. This year there are no particular stations with very large additions to their numbers. But this is no discouragement. I have noticed that when there is a large and sudden increase in the number of inquirers at the station, there is a considerable proportion of them who have no enduring faith, but are carried away by the enthusiasm of the hour, and soon lapse into heathenism. This has an injurious effect on the rest. The period of diminishing numbers is so trying that often the station which a year or two ago was buoyant with success has become one in which hope and faith have almost died out. I am glad to say that the increase this year has been more general and healthy. All over the church they are coming forward in twos and threes to throw in their lot with the people of God. “ This year a modification has been made in the arrangement for the support of the pastors. Hitherto the contributions brought in at the half-yearly meetings have all gone into one fund, from which the pastors have received fixed and equal salaries. Henceforth, whatever any one district subscribes will go to the pastor of that district, while a new Pastors’ Salary Augmentation Fund has been started, subscribed to by the richer men of the church, the object of which is, in the first instance, to supplement the salaries of pastors in poorer districts; and, secondly, to increase the salaries of all, so that instead of being in part depending on their farms, they may be able to give their whole time absolutely to the work of the church. The new fund has been heartily supported, and the subscriptions to the old fund, instead of being in any way diverted are more this year than in any previous year. “ The total contributions for all purposes during the year are 1,070 dols. Of this 350 dols. is for the support of the ministry, including the entertainment of the pastors when fulfilling preaching appointments; 530 dols. is the amount subscribed fron> this district for boys in village schools and the City School, and for students in the Training Institute, expenses which in most other missions are borne entirely by the parent society; the rest of the above sum has been contributed for incidental church expenses, the Poor Fund, and evangelistic work. “ As you know, part of my work is that of teaching Old Testament in the Institute. Since the Institute was reopened, a little over a year ago, we have gone through the history up to the end of the period of the Judges ; introductions to the books from Genesis to Judges, and the Book of Job; with an exposition of Genesis and half of Exodus.” THE G0TCH-R0BINS0N NATIYE CHRISTIAN TRAINING INSTITUTION. An event of singular and unique interest in connection with the Shan­ tung Mission has been the Conference of Missionaries held in Tsing Chu Fu, which was attended by forty-two workers, representing, besides those of our own Society, American Baptist, English Methodist, China Inland, Canadian Presbyterian, Swedish Baptist, and American Independent and Presbyterian societies. The Conference was remarkable as being the fir-t held in Shantung, ^nd it was striking that bo large a number pf foreigners could assemble 6 48 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

in an interior city without disturbance. Tsing Chu Fu, in all its long history, has never seen so many “ foreign devils ” within its'walls; yet men and women in Chinese dress, or in English dress, were allowed to go about in peace and perfect safety. The objects of the Conference were (1) a better comprehension of the several methods of work now carried on throughout the province (Shan­ tung) ; and (2) mutual encouragement in the one great mission—the Christian enlightenment of the people of Shantung. Papers were read and discussed on the following subjects: “ How may the Native Church become Self-Supporting ? ” “ The Poverty of Shantung : its Causes and Remedy ” ; “ The Attitude of the Native Church toward the Government” ; and on Theological Education, Medical Work, and Woman’s Work for Women. “ Boys’ Schools ” and “ Church Music for Chinese ” were on the programme, but were crowded out for want of time. The Conference was an unusually helpful and successful one : none seemed to go away disappointed ; those especially who work in the interior, in isolated positions, were cheered and stimulated by meeting with so many fellow-workers, and by hearing of the progress of the work in other parts of this great province. Referring to the new building for the Gotch-Robinson Training Institu­ tion, one of the delegates to the Conference wrote :— “ Inside the ancient -walls of Tsing Chu Fu City has recently been built up a novel building, in Chinese style of architecture externally, beautifully arranged "without and •within. It is the handsome gift of a Christian gentleman at Bristol, Ed. Robinson, Esq., to the English Baptist Mission of that city, and is called the Gotch-Robinson College. It contains a good chapel, rooms for classes, theological and scientific, pretty little dormitories for about sixty Btudents, a missionary house, and, the most novel of all for an inland city, a beautiful museum of stuffed birds, beasts, and fishes, chiefly native; a collection of fossils, shells, and various things of interest, and for general instruction in the works of God and in Western science. This being open to the public free of charge, is greatly appreciated by the more intelligent part of the populace, and is not without its value in helping forward mission work in some lines.”

GOTCH-ROBINSON COLLEGE. Reporting on the work of the Institution during the past year, the Principal, the Rev. J. S. Whitewright, sends the following details :— “ The number of students in the Training Institution was increased this year from 27 to 46. With regard to their work, I am glad to be able to report that the progress made by the great majority has been good. They have continued their evangelistic work, taking part in turn in the daily preaching to the heathen in the city chapel, in visiting the villages round about the city, distributing pamphlets and preaching, and in helping some of the weaker Christian stations in the neighbourhood. “ We recently called for volunteers to do special evangelistic work in the city and suburbs on Sundays. Fourteen responded, and the city and suburbs have been marked 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 49

out in districts for systematic visitation. The Christiana of the city are "working with them in thin effort, introducing them to homes where, "without tkeir help, they might have difficulty of access. “ With regard to their studies, the students taking the full course have completed the study of Mark, -with Dr. Faber’s Commentary, begun last year. They are now- engaged in the study of 1 Corinthians. The first half of the ‘ Chi-tu shih In ’ (‘ Life of Christ’ ), by the late Dr. Williamson, has been read, together with the ‘ Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation.’ Mr. Bruce has continued his work on the Old Testament to the end of Judges. Mr. Couling has taken two' classes per week on General History. “ The ‘ Lay Preachers’ ’ section has also studied Mark, Corinthians, and Old Testa­ ment as above, but in a more elementary way. Homiletic and other classes have been held, as in former years. We have been indebted to the Rev. F. Chalfant, of the American Presbyterian Mission, Wei-hsieu, for kind services rendered in assisting at examinations and in addressing the students on several occasions. ‘ ‘ The Leaders’ Classes were held in the spring and autumn. The new buildings which were completed this spring for their accommodation enable us to carry on these classes with more convenience and efficiency than formerly. The men showed that they appreciated our attempts to keep them as leaders and workers in their stations. “ With regard to work, in the city, in spite of the many hostile reports that are being circulated (we as foreigners being supposed to be in some way connected with the Japanese in the war now going on), we have been able to go on with our work without any difficulty. In the spring special work was done among the students attending the prefectural examinations. It would take too long to give a detailed account of this. It is a matter for great thankfulness that many thousands of these young men respect­ fully listened to the preaching of the Gospel.”

THE NATIYE CHRISTIAN BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL. . The following report has been received from the Rev. Samuel Couling as to school work during the past year :—

“ As regards the C m B o a k d h j g S c h o o l , .this is the first year’s work since the enlargement of the school and the building of the new premises. In accordance with Chinese usage we have given the school a fine-sounding name, with the difference, how­ ever, that we shall try to act up to it : the name is Kuang-te Shu-ymn, which means Dissemination of Virtue College. u We began with sixty scholars, but several have fallen out during the year. The work has been satisfactory. Examinations have been held in the various classes at intervals by different brethren of this and other missions, and certificates have been given to the successful scholars in each subject. The boys value these certificates very much, and work hard for them, and will treasure them up in the hope of thus passing through the whole course of study, and obtaining a special certificate to that effect. That the examinations are not a mere name may be proved by the fact that half the boys, on an average, have failed in each first examination in each subject. I think that hence­ forth the best way to report the'amount of work done will be by giving the number of certificates granted. For this year they are as follows :—Geography, 30 ; Geography— Physical, 7 ; Astronomy (Primer), 7 ; Life of Christ, 23 ; Geometry I., 12 ; Geometry II., 2; Geometry III. and IV., 5 ; Chemistry (Elementary Practical), 8. “ Unfortunately, the Chinese year-end, when the other examinations take place, is not yet. I expect a good number to pass in all or some of the following subjects:— Life of the Apostle Paul, Old Testament History, General History, Elementary Chemistry, Arithmetic, Algebra. 5* 50 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ The results of these further examinations must be reported next year. “ The friends who have taken all the trouble of these examinations are Messrs. Bruce, Smyth, Shorrock, and Dr. Paterson, of our own Mission, and Rev. F. H. Chalfant, of the American Presbyterians. “ I may say that I have been giving special attention to the teaching of the Bible ; all the younger boys ha^e been taught the Life of Christ; a large class has been taught Old Testament History three times per week ; another large class is working for the second tirnp. through the Life of Paul. This last class is held on Sunday after­ noons in the chapel, and is attended by a good many besides the school-boys. “ I am glad to say that the amounts paid this year bear a higher proportion to our expenditure than ever before, very close upon one-half of the food bill having been paid by the parents. It must be remembered that this is about equivalent to the full support of the boy if living in his own home, besides which they lose his labour. In fhiR matter we still lead the van and set an example to many schools. “ To show that the school is appreciated by the native church, it may be mentioned that I have forty applicants to examine for the six or eight vacancies which have to be filled next year. “ "With regard to the V i l l a g e D a y S c h o o l s , I cannot write so satisfactorily. Con­ sidering the scarcity of good teachers, and the poverty of the people, the schools have been as numerous and as well attended as could be expected. There have been schools in 36 stations, with 367 children on the books. How to get the village children effectively. Anri regularly taught is, however, a problem not yet solved by this or any mission;. though of course a great deal of good is effected in the attempt. The war will probably cause the next year’s schools to be much fewer in number than this year’s.”


DISTRICT WORK. In the previous report it was stated that the Rev. E. C. NickaUs was suffering from a very grave attack of fever, contracted during a brief visit to Shanghai. In consequence of this illness he was unable to resume work in the Chouping district for several months in the earlier part of the year. During such time, however, the Rev. Alfred G-. Jones undertook the general superintendence of the district work. Mr. Nickalls reports :— “ During the past year many of us have been ill, two or three dangerously ill. God has been very merciful to us; of our workers we lost none, though Dr. and Mrs. Watson were bereaved of their little daughter. M^ich of the illness was contracted through weakness, the direct result of overwork. When will the churches strengthen your hands, so that you can send us the much-needed reinforcements ? Will they be delayed until some of us are lost through the overstrain ? Two facts should ever be clearly before the denomination: (1) Shantung is one of the most fruitful fields in all the world on which to sow the Word ; (2) the work of this Mission is not one which can be contracted or expanded according to the strength of the staff. Without forcing, it is ever increasing; whenever a worker is withdrawn, his responsibilities must be instantly laid on others. If we were doing simple evangelistic work among an indifferent people, the withdrawal of a worker would not increase the labours of those remaining, But this Mission must carry daily the burden of many increasing churches, which if joyous when the burden-bearers are many, but crushing when, as now, they are few. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 51

“ The comities of Chi-tung, half of dumping, Ching-cheng, half of Pu-tai, and Pin-chow have been my charge. Work was also undertaken in Li-chin county, one of the most literary of the province. We hesitated long before beginning new work. With shrinking numbers and increasing cares, it was what men often call foolish. But to some of us the leading of God was manifest, so it was undertaken in faith. “ The work in Pin-chow, Pu-tai, and Ching-cheng, though it has, of course, suffered much from the lack of Mr. Harmon’s care, has more than maintained its position. In Pin-chow and Ching-cheng there have been several new stations opened. But in Pu-tai the work has greatly increased, and the whole prospect is very encouraging. This is due not to any efforts of mine, for my visits have been very rare and always hurried. But we have an evangelist there, Chaoihsin, who is a very earnest Christian and an interesting man. He is under thirty years of age, and his inexperience, added to an impetuous disposition, leads him into positions at once awkward and ludicrous. But his ability, enthusiasm, and real devotion to the work of the Gospel endear him to the Christians, and make him useful to the conversion of the heathen. “ When I gave an account of my stewardship to Mr. Harmon, I found that in the two and a half counties of his field under my care nearly all the old stations were in existence, and fifteen new ones had been established. Mr. Harmon’s district has now been transferred to him. “ Classes for the ‘ leaders’ have again been held this winter. Messrs. Drake, Harmon, and I explained portions of the New Testament. Lectures on Natural Theology and Astronomy were given by natives. The first chapter of Colossians was memorised.” Referring to the progress of the work in the district in charge of the Rev. W. A. Wills, but temporarily taken over by the Rev. E. Burt, B.A., during the furlough of Mr. Wills in England, Mr. Burt writes :— “ I have visited Mr. Wills’ district since coming back from the coast, and held the annual Presbyteries, or Association meetings. Most of the male members from our seven little churches were present. We first took the Lord’s Supper together, and then the leaders and deacons reported on the work of the past year. In Chih-Chu’an county the churches have hardly yet recovered from the effects of the persecution which broke out early in the year, just on the eve of their pastor’s departure for England. “ We get the brightest and most earnest of Christians under our personal influence for, say, half a month, and you will understand how much more satisfactory tbiw is than an occasional visit of a few hours only to their station. This time there were upwards of 150 men in together, and, to make the teaching effective, they were divided into three groups. All the men have had the benefit of being taught by three different missionaries—Mr. Drake, Mr. Harman, and Mr. Nickalls. Native evangelists have also assisted in the teaching, and the magic lantern has been put to good use to illustrate the truths of Christianity and the elements of astronomy. Besides all this, there have been other and more informal meetings between the missionaries and the men, when trial sermons have been given and criticised, or hints given on the proper way of read­ ing the Scriptures in public, or passages of Scripture been learnt by heart and recited.”

MEDICAL MISSION WORK- : Without question mission medical work is a great object lesson to the heathen. Well has it been said: “ Just what Jesus Christ’s miracles of healing did for the world more than eighteen hundred years ago to 52 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. excite gratitude, to allay race-hatred, to lessen the bitterness of opposite religions, to overcome evil by good, so now, though in a modified degree, does the mission medical work reach the hearts of men and lead them to think better of the religion of Jesus Christ.” In the words of Sir Rutherford Alcock : “ Medical mission work in the Empire of China is the golden key to open up that vast land to the spirit and aims of the Christian religion. Already the ministration of mercy and relief has produced marvels, and cannot fail to bring about still more striking changes.” During the past year Dr. and Mrs. Russell Watson have been at home on furlough, and Dr. T. C. Paterson ha»; been conducting and superintend­ ing the medical mission work in Tsing Chu Fu city. He reports as follows :—

“ Notwithstanding the absence of Dr. and Mrs. Watson, and my long illness since their departure, the medical missionary work here has continued without intermission during another year, owing, to a great extent, to the very competent and reliable service which the hospital native senior assistant now renders, and to the devoted way in which the hospital evangelist attends to his duties. Thus, without a break, the Gospel of Christ has been preached in TTis own appointed way, by ‘ healing the sick and saying unto them, the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you,’ and has received His blessing. “ The medical class continues its work for another year. Six months ago sickness and death stepped in and claimed one of its number. “ I send you a statement in figures, in the form that I sec you are annually supplied with. “ Hospital in-patients :— Men ...... 222 W om en...... 33 255 Dispensary out-patients:— Men ...... 11,687 W om en...... 3,174 14,861 Poisoning cases treated (of these 55 recovered) 57 Special visits made to patients at a distance 40

Total 15,213'” From Chouping the Rev. E. C. Smyth sends the following report of Chouping Dispensary and Hospital for 1894 :— “ We are getting well established in this city and district, and curiosity to see the foreigner and his drugs is reduced to a minimum. Of course, there is still considerable prejudice against us and superstition concerning us, such as fear of becoming a learner of the doctrine through the action of Western medicine on the heart, and the belief that our drugs are a compound of children’s hearts and eyes. In a new district it is unwise to be too affectionate with, or pay too much attention to, little children, owing to superstition and rumour ; where we are well known fhiw is very different. Our object is to undermine this prejudice and superstition by using thé many opportunities 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 53 this work affords of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We trust that the in-patients whilst with us, under Christian influence and instruction, may receive correct ideas of Christianity, and be led by the Holy Spirit to surrender themselves entirely to its life-saving and soul-satisfying benefits. It is impossible to tell in a report the results of our work upon the hearts of our patients, for I am convinced that the practical exhibition of the spirit of benevolence which the Gospel inspires, appeals more forcibly to them than our exhortations. For them to see us care for, wait upon, and sympathise with the helpless, full of disease, is an object-lesson, and makes more impression upon them than our preaching and pleading. “ During the year, I have visited Ching yang tien tzu, in the county of Chang Chiu twice a moon and Chow Tsun three times a moon to dispense medicine and speak to the people about the Gospel. In the spring, I visited the county of Li Chang, more than a day’s journey from this city, to baptize eight candidates examined last autumn. The village, Meng Chia Chuang, being amongst the bills where stone is plentiful, the Christians set to work to build a baptistry, and made a very good job of it. On mj^ arrival, quite a crowd of people had gathered together, and I improved the occasion by explaining the ordinance of baptism, and urging all to serve the true and living God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In the afternoon, we had a communion service. Amongst those baptized is a bright old woman of seventy, nearly blind, who is able to repeat about twenty hymns, catechism, and many passages from the New Testament. She is taught by her son, who was also baptized, and whom she once bitterly persecuted. There were also four members of one family baptized. The father, a farmer, is a very strict vegetarian of thirty years’ standing, and neither indulges in smoking nor drinking. Am sorry to say he is very proud and inclined to trust too much to his morality, although he confesses the Gospel satisfies the long-felt need of his heart. We ask your prayers on behalf of these Christians that they may be strengthened and fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.

“ Annual Report op Chou P’ino Dispensary and H ospital for 1894. Males. Females. November, 1893, dispensed to 261 144 December „ 297 124 January 1894 290 106 February „ 355 136 March „ 362 171 April „ 373 188 May „ 519 271 June „ 321 216 July „ 335 162 August „ 548 286 September „ 336 224 October „ 365 167 4,362 2,195 Poisoning Cases .52 «- 18 In-patients , 74 12 4,488 2,225 Total number of Patients, 6,713.

Table of Attendance, indicating Growth of Work. Out-patients. In-patients. November, 1889, to October, 1890 2,904 „ 1890 „ 1891 4,125 11 „ 1891 „ 1892 6,080 43 „ 1892 „ 1893 6,960 58 1893 „ 1894 6,713 86 54 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ R e p o e t o f t h e W o e k i n C h o u - t s ’ u n f o e 1894. “ During the furlough of Mr. Wills, the work in thin important town is entrusted to my care, with the help of medical assistant Cheng tae Fan and the evangelist. “ Am happy to say the year just closed has been one of steady growth. I knew it would be impossible to do much in the way of extension, so determined to hold and strengthen existing advantages. “ As before, Chou-ts’un has been regularly visited three times a month and fre­ quently on Sundays. The attendance at the dispensary has not been so large as last year, owing to the war and other reasons, but still we have dispensed to about 2,000 patients, visited sick homes, and saved many attempts at suicide.”

WORK IN THE COUNTIES. The Rev. S. D. Drake, who has charge of the work in the northern counties, writes :— “ Another year has passed away, and in some respects a very trying year it has been. The northern districts have again suffered from floods, and many people have not gathered a harvest during two years. This circumstance has forced many to leave home in search of work, and among them some whom I had hoped to baptize. “ Again, the war with Japan has presented an opportunity for the circulation of anti-foreign and anti-Christian reports, such as foreigners were all to be banished from the country, and native Christians to lose their heads. These reports have terrified some of the newer learners, and so reduced the numbers attending worship. I am, however, glad to report that hitherto I have not heard of any of the baptized discontinuing their attendance on this account. “ Trying though the year has been, yet progress has been made, and you will be glad to learn that 105 men and women have been baptized. “ It is now barely six years since I began the work in Kao Tuan and Hsin Cheng counties. At the present time there are 228 Church members. “ During the past year a pleasing event has taken place—viz., the Christians under my care have made a start at providing themselves with something like pastoral oversight. They have not provided pastors, but they have selected four Christian men to act as teaching elders. “ These elders have each a separate district, and each is to visit the Christians Irving in his district four times a year. The Christians contribute a fixed sum of money to defray travelling expenses and to meet the loss involved through absence from home. “ This agency, it is expected, will be fruitful of good, and ultimately result in a native pastorate.” SHANSI, T A ’I Y U EN TTJ. For years past our brethren have been earnestly labouring in the Ta’i Yuen Fu district amid difficulties and discouragements that would have depressed and disheartened men less devoted, persistent, and confident. Nor have the promised reinforcements for which our brethren have pleaded so earnestly for years past, and which the needs of the work demand so urgently, been sent out, owing to the painful pressure of financial exigencies. Yet, amid all discouragements and disappointments, the following report 1S95.] ONE HtTNDJEtED AND T H IK D REPOST« 55

from the Rev. Gr. B. Farthing cannot be read without thanksgiving and hopeful expectation of larger blessings in the immediate future :— “ The report of another year’s work is due. One is thankful to say that though it has been a year of great difficulty, it has been one of no small success. The mere success 'which is marked by additions to the church-roll "would hare been larger but for the persecution "which broke out in the two fields of Pe’ng To’u and Chiao Ch’eng, which are specially in my charge. The increase of membership for the year has been: Ta’i Yuan Fu City, 1; Pe’n To’u, 4; Chiao Ch’eng, 14; a total of 19. When the deputation reported concerning Ta’i Tuan Fu, they sadly told of the poor church-roll, which only had four names inscribed upon it. That was a shook to them, but even that was not the worst. After they had gone it seemed right to remove two of the four names, as the men were opium sots, one of them being a gambler. Thus we were reduced to a membership of two only, and felt far happier than with the four. It was the early spring of 1891 when Dr. Glover and Mr. Morris were with us, and they, after inquiry, had much faith in the missionaries, but little hope of the work. It is not surprising that they felt thus. But now, at the end of 1894, how do we stand ? Forty have been baptized in the interval, an average of ten for each year. Our membership, exclusive of Shih T’ieh and Hsiao Tien, which were not then included in the T’ai Tuan Fu Church, is now 41, there having been one death. Of the 41,Chiao Ch’eng has 25; T ’ai Tuan Fu City, 12 ; and Pe’ng T’ou, 4. I have been moved to put these figures forward, because I wish friends at home to realise the way in which God’s blessing has been vouchsafed to us. The additions will multiply with an ever increasing ratio. The body of adherents which we have gathered around us is many times larger than our membership. ‘ Forty in four years !—a small enough increase, and nothing of which to be proud,’ somebody may say. ‘ Just so,’ we respond; ‘ we are not proud—but humbly grateful.’ There are fields from which hundreds, perhaps thousands, may have been gathered; but nearly all of these forty were redeemed from the ‘ lower depth beneath the depth.’ Sunk in the opium vice, having lost even those remnants of truth and justice which are usually retained and prized by wanderers from God, this was their state. Helpless, hoping nothing; in bonds which they were powerless to break, our Saviour visited them, and by His Almighty strength wrested them from their enemy, healed them by His grace, and set them on the way of truth, with their faces towards the light of Heaven. It has been the Gospel, or rather the living Christ of the Gospels, which has effected their cure and salvation. The grand old Gospel is ever winning for itself the hearts of men, and weaning them from sin, and so attesting itself the power of God unto salvation. “ T ’ai T uan F u City.—The opium refuge in this city has never once been without patients through the year. In all ninety-three men have been treated. Of these five only broke away and failed to make a complete cure. Thus eighty-eight have gained freedom from this degrading habit. “ The patients learn of Christ, are taught to pray, and pointed to the only One who can redeem and save. They yield to TTis claim, and there are many who have ceased, to worship idols, and are feeling their way into the light. “ Our City School has been carried on through the year with much encouragement. The average attendance has been fifteen, the numbers on the books twenty-three. Thi* school has never been more popular than at the present time. “ Chiao Cheng.—The work at this station has passed through a period of trial. Our helper, Pai Hsiao Ken, was taken seriously ill at the beginning of the year, and has only just lately sufficiently recovered to resume his full duties. Tii Hsien T’ung took charge of the refuge work and daily services, and Han Meng Pao volunteered for the 56 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

Sunday public preaching •when the missionary could not be present, and so things were happily carried on without injury to the work. “ In the Opium Refuge 135 men have been under treatment. Of these, twenty-two broke from restraint, and the return home of another was sanctioned because of the dis­ tressing tidings which came from his home that his mother and wife having quarrelled, the mother in her rage had taken opium and ended her life. Thus 112 men have been discharged free from craving. Besides these, twelve women were helped by our Chris­ tians and successfully gave up the habit at their own homes. Imagine what it means to a prisoner to have the fetters knocked off and be led out of his dungeon into freedom— that is just what this change means to these people. How full they are of laughter and praise ! How they rejoice in their new lease of life ! Best of all is it to find that so many of them give the glory to God as being—what it really is—His own gracious and marvellous work. “ The total cost of Chiao Cheng for the past year was £26 19s. 8d. Subscriptions and opium refuge receipts realised the sum of £22 7s. 7d. ; the charge to the Society for this station was, therefore, only £ i 12s. Id. The illness of Pai Hsien Sheng naturally increased our expenditure, otherwise, I believe, this station would have fulfilled my expectations concerning it, and have raised all the funds necessary for carrying it on. No work will ever win my sympathy that does not find a fair portion of its expenses. There is nothing easier than to open and run stations when the money is all supplied by the Mission. “ It is my wont to constantly urge the claims of God upon the resources of His people, and to lay upon the consciences of the Christians the real meaning and use of mission funds; that they are to be viewed as a match to kindle the fire, and not as fuel to feed the flame ; as a key to open the door, and not as a perpetual endowment for all the needs of the house ; as nourishment for infant weakness, and not as support for manly vigour ; and as a stimulus to generosity, and not as encouragement to niggardliness. It is our experience that when a man puts down something for God’s cause, he retains his self-respect, and makes a better Christian. “ The T ’ai Yuan Fu church has done fairly well this year. After paying the station expenses of P’ing T’ou, or, rather, that part of the expense which remained after what the people there did themselves, there is still a balance in hand of £4 5s. 2d. The P’ing T ’ou work is carried on apart from mission funds. Of course, we have no grand premises there—only two rooms and a kitchen in the house of a family named Li. These are amply sufficient for our present needs. Some of the subscriptions made by the people themselves have been in kind—a form by a carpenter; potatoes, eggs, &c., by the farmers. ‘ According to what a man hath ’ they read in Scripture, and act upon it. The evangelist, Liu Ching Hsiian, who itinerates in the neighbourhood of P’ing T ’ou, and makes it his headquarters, is supported by the Sunday-school at Harrogate. We were much cheered by the offer which came to us from the Harrogate friends to support an evangelist in our field. At P’ing T’ou, four men were baptized this year. There has been a case of persecution in that district, but the magistrate quickly put things straight for us.” SHIH TIEH AND HSIAO TIEN TZU. The Rev. Arthur Sowerby, jointly with Mr. Farthing, has carried on the work in Tai Yuen Fu city, while taking sole charge of Shih Tieh and Hsiao Tien Tzu. Reporting on both these oentres of work, Mr. Sowerby first refers to SHIH TIEH. He writes:— 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 57

“ At Shih Tieh, our old friend Mr. Hu is still •working faithfully, but he is getting on in years ; he is now sixty-five, and has been in poor health, and is not able to do so much as formerly. We have with him as caretaker and cook, for the opium patients, another man of the same name (Hu), a good Christian man, who also does what he can in the work. My wife and I spent five weeks here in the spring, and a good many people came round us, especially women and children. Our friend, Miss Shakleton, who went with us, and her Bible-woman elder, sister Wang, gave us a great deal of valuable help in teaching them. If only one could spend six months a year in this place, instead of six weeks, a good harvest of souls might be hoped for. “ The Christians here are anxious to have their children well taught, and two little girls, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Chang Hal Ch’ uan, both church members, have spent some months at Shih Tieh under Mr. H u ’ b instruction. Five boys, the sons of Christians, have also had the same advantage. The cost to the Mission has only been a few shillings. “ The opium patients have not been so many this year as formerly, but that is largely accounted for by the war, the rumours of which have reached Shansi, and scare the village people considerably. The common report around the villages near Shih Tieh is that the foreigners have rebelled, the missionaries have gone home in consequence (some people believe they have gone to manage the war), and all the Christians are to be killed, and therefore they are fighting shy of us just now. “ Our landlord is outwardly as deaf as a post, but with his inward ears opened, h has entered the Church by baptism.”

HSIAO TIEN TZU. “ The attempt to establish an opium refuge here has failed; the reason mainly being that the patients who wish to be cured prefer to come up to T ’ai Tuen Fu, and be directly under our own treatment. In other respects the work is going steadily forward. In the autumn I baptized three men. Two of them were inquirers before I returned to England in 1890 ; the other is a doctor in a village called Ta Ts’un, five li distant from Hsiao Tien Tzu. This is one of the largest villages in the district, and I am hopeful that it may become a centre of Christian light. ’ ’

T’AI YUEN FU. “ The work in this city has been much the same as in previous years, but the Bpecial feature I would notice has been the number of hearers we have had in our shop on the main street. In no previous year have I seen anything like the same number of attentive listeners, and ever since my return from Shih T’ieh I have spent a large time in the shop. Mr. Farthing and I have worked together in this city, and his return to England next spring will leave a very large amount of work on my hands. His presence here will be very much missed, and I cannot look forward to the work to be done next year without considerable anxiety. Opium Patients— Hsiao Tien ...... 1 Shih Tieh ... _ 9 ,, ,, (out-patients) ... 4 Total ...... 14 HSIN CHEO. The Rev. Herbert Dixon, reviewing the work of the past year in the Ham Cheo district, writes :— “ I am thankful to be able to report solid progress—progress not merely in numbers, 58 ONE HUNDRED AND THlBD REPOST. [1895.

but also in quality of our Church members. The year has been the most unsettled one since we commenced work here, owing to the outbreak of war with Japan, and it was with some amount of apprehension that we heard of the various defeats of the Chinese armies. But instead of injuring our preaching, the war has given us increased opportunities of approaching the people; the density of their ignorance as to any country, or even province, outside their own, leading, or rather compelling, them to turn to the foreigner for information. And thanks to the attractions of a terrestrial globe, which a lady in England kindly presented to me, our book-shop has been more frequented than ever before, not only by farmers, but by business men and scholars ; a n d a le s s o n in geography has afforded a B p le n d id opportunity to proclaim the wisdom and power of the God of the whole earth. “ During the summer we had the joy of baptizing seven men, all of whom had given evidence of change of life, and two of whom had given up their old employment rather than be entangled in idolatrous customs. “ Our out-stations have continued steadily at work. That at Chi Ttun has not, however, fulfilled its early promise of rapid progress, and no additions to the Church have come from there this year. But our two flourishing schools at Pan Shihtzn and Yao Chih axe both the outcome of our work there, and, as will appear under our school report, some ten inquirers have come in connection with those schools. Our Ting Heiang out-station has furnished one addition to the Church—a kindly, gentle old man, who broke with idolatry some three years since. Tso Mo Chen station there has had to pass through a time of trial, but has come out unharmed. One convert there has been ill-treated on account of non-payment of temple dues. Being summoned to appear before the heads of the temple, he firmly refused to comply with their demands for immediate payment of the dues, and, in accordance with a pre-arranged plan, was suddenly seized by seven powerful men, and thrown from the temple platform into the court below; there he was kicked and beaten unmercifully, and finally dragged out into a stony river-bed, where one bully proposed smashing his head with a boulder, and thus ending all future temple disputes. But the policeman of the place now interfered, and, instead of Trilling him, they decided to tie him up inside the temple, and starve him into submission. However, the policeman fearing the proceedings might involve him in trouble with the magistrate of the district, offered to stand security for the payment of the dues, and our convert, Mr. Wang, was released. An attempt at conciliation having failed, an appeal was made to the district magistrate. This at once brought the offenders to their knees, ready to do anything he might direct. We assured them of our friendliness, promised to overlook the past on condition that a suitable apology were made to Mr. Wang, and that his name was at once struck off the temple bookB. The result was that half-a-dozen other inquirers have all refused their temple dues, and trouble that was brewing in another district all quietly passed away. “ Our schools, like other parts of the work, have given us much cause for praise and thanksgiving, though, in one or two instances, we have felt disappointment. “ Our three schools at Ting Beiang, Pan Shihtzn, and Yao Chih, stand out splendidly. A few days ago I accompanied Mr. Chao to examine two of these schools. The boys are a bright, intelligent lot, and all of them passed their examina­ tions with credit. At Yao Chih the teacher has been of much service in spreading a knowledge of the truth amongst the villagers generally, and he now reckons some dozen of them have been impressed with the Gospel.” SHENSI. The record of the year’s work in the distant province of Shensi is largely » story of famine and fever, poverty and pestilence. 1895.] 0UE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 59

Mr. Moir Duncan early in the year was smitten down by a violent attack of typhoid fever, and for many weeks his life was despaired of. But the brethren in Shensi are full of hope, as will be seen from the following reports, and the recent arrival of the Bev. Evan Morgan has greatly cheered them. The Bev. A. Gr. Shorrock, B.A., writes :— ‘ ‘ The famine from which this district has suffered more or less for the last three years continued up till June, when a bountiful harvest was reaped. The price of grain was at once reduced one-fourth, and as there is every prospect of a good spring harvest, the people are ¡'immensely relieved. The long continuance of the drought, however, has had a most distressing effect. In many cases where, two or three years ago, there were groups of neat straw-thatched cottages, filled with hopeful and hard-working immigrants, there are now only bare walls and general desolation. “ The deaths this year from famine, fever, and other causes have been very numerous. Among those who have passed away are two Church members, and several promising adherents. Some of these bore a remarkably clear testimony to a living faith in Christ. A man named Chang, who had worshipped with us for two years, had a premonition that his end was near, though, to all appearance, as well as usual; and so, calling together his children and grandchildren, he solemnly exhorted them to be faithful believers in Christ, and on no account to be intimidated by enemies to the truth. He then went peacefully to rest, and never woke again. A young Shantung immigrant, a candidate for baptism, seemed particularly bright one Sunday evening, reading and singing until an unusually late hour. In the night he was taken ill, and died the following day. “ Year by year we are radiating out further from the Shantung immigrants, and are now getting a secure footing in places entirely occupied by the native population. Regular preaching is now carried on in the densely-populated cities of Hsi-an-fu and San Yuan and we shall gradually become more occupied with work in these important centres. From these places the Word of Life is being sounded forth to the surrounding country districts. “ Our Evangelistic Association is proving of undoubted value in developing the gifts of Christians, nnfl putting upon them the onus of spreading the Gospel by voluntary effort, instead of depending upon paid agencies. The members of the Association now number forty-two. They meet every three months for devotional purposes and transaction of business, and also to be examined in the prescribed course of study. They are individually pledged (1) to devote at least one day a month to evangelistic work ; (2) to study the course prescribed; »-nd (3) to contribute funds for sending workers further afield. At our last meeting, in October, most were examined on the first nine chapters in Acts, and many others on Christian Evidences and the Religions of China. Reports were also given in of voluntary work done by the various members, with special reference to experiences calling for deliberation, thanksgiving, or prayer. Eleven men were also appointed by the members to preach in more remote districts, for from five to forty-five days, according to the number of votes received by each. The sum of two pounds odd, contributed during the previous three months, was divided among them, 100 cash—or about threepence per day—being allowed for inn and food expenses. This work is entirely voluntary, travelling expenses only being allowed to those elected for service in more distant places, such funds being provided entirely by the Association. When it is remembered that the famine is barely over, and that even now many are in great poverty, it will be seen that the work of this Association speaks of no little self-denia Even the women and children have helped. From their scanty earnings at the 60 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

spinning-wheel the women have given their mite, and the children have cheerfully gathered baskets of dry grass and firewood, with the proceeds of which they have con­ tributed their few cash. “ In November last we invited about forty men from our various stations for ten dayB’ special instruction. The gathering together in this way not only brings us all into close contact with each other, but the sense of unity and strength creates brotherliness and enthusiasm. Mr. Duncan and I lectured daily on Introduction to New Testament and Epistle to Homans respectively, while our trained helpers, Lui and Sun, took up parts of Acts and Genesis. The evenings were occupied with devotional, missionary, and other meetings. Would that all our leaders might be mighty in the Scriptures, and possessed of the life and light that come from intimate acquaintance with God’s W ord! Only so will our church be a pure and living church—the abode of the mighty Spirit of God. “ Not the least important and promising of our work is among the young. In our nine boys’ schools there have been about 140 scholars during the year. It is only on condition that the boy remains in the school two years at least that we consent to receive and help him. We thus secure that every scholar shall not only learn to read, but also become acquainted with the main facts of Christian truth. In the first year early Old Testament history, Catechism, hymns, and elements of geography are taught, in addition to the books of the ordinary schools, while scholars of two and three years’ standing study the Gospels, Christian Evidences, Old Testament history, physical science, and geography. Mr. Duncan and myself have taken part in the instruction of the more advanced boys, Mr. Duncan taking the Parables and physiology and arithmetic, and the Old Testament history and astronomy. These boys vary in age from thirteen to twenty, and there is every reason to believe that some, at least, have yielded to Christ. In all cases we seek that the teachers be in thorough sympathy with us in aiming first at the spiritual welfare of the scholars. We look upon our schools not so much as educational institutions as effective evangelistic agencies. “ Our girls’ boarding school has now been established nearly three years, and the conviction grows upon us that it supplies a very real need. It is a great rarity to meet with a woman who can read and write in this part of China. Her mind is usually undisciplined and ignorant, and it is almost impossible for her to follow and remember an orderly address. Our girls’ school is doing away with this. The girls are proving themselves as capable in every way as the boys, and their bright, intelligent faces contrast greatly with their less favoured sisters. “ The horrid custom of footbinding is receiving its death-blow among us. We have alw ays sought to inculcate a strong sentiment against this practice in the church and schools. Out of thirty-six girls twenty-eight have unbound feet. The remaining eight would gladly remove their bandages if their mothers or future mothers-in-law were willing. Christianity is proving here, as elsewhere, a special boon to woman. A few months ago the first-fruits of the school were gathered into the church, when one of the former pupils was baptized. W e expect some other of the Benior girls to follow her example before long. “ Let me say in closing how impossible it is to tabulate results. It may seem a small thing to have added only some ten names to our church-roll, but this says nothing of the increasing spirit of inquiry among promising natives. The seed has been sown broadcast these two or three years, and it seems now to be taking hold in various districts. May it bring forth fruit abundantly ! Now that Mr. Morgan has arrived, we shall be able to extend operations to regions further afield. We are all of one mind in seeking to establish a thoroughly spiritual and self-supporting church in which Christ shall reign. “ The dangers of the past year have not been few. Wolves still abound, and we 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 61 sometimes see them in the country, skulking behind village walls or trotting leisurely to their haunts. We have heard many disquieting rumours of war and rebellion, and of threatened violence; famine and fever have wrought havoc among us, and some few who were formerly adherents have become enemies to the truth. But from all perils the Lord has delivered us, and here we are, hopefully looking into the future, knowing that in this far interior province there is being raised up a people to be the eternal glory of Christ.” HSI-AN-FU. Rev. Moir B. Duncan, M.A., reports :— “ The work here can only be understood by knowing something of the conditions under which it has been conducted. Of this great plain it can truly be said : “ ‘ Affliction is enamour’d of thy parts, And thou art wedded to calamity,’ for poverty and persecution, famine and fever—mere words in the vocabulary of most people—have been the overshadowing realities of daily life. On to April dire distress continued to scatter the people and supplant our work. “ The end of famine saw the beginning of famine-fever. An epidemic spread like a prairie-fire. Every hamlet and nearly every home suffered. In Hsi-an and San Yuan cities many dead lay where they died on the streets—the stench of their decomposing corpses filling the noisome air. It is at such a time that the utter night of heathenism is known. Fear, despair, agony, death—for these the faiths of China have no alleviation or antidote. We rendered whatever assistance our limited means enabled, but that was like a loaf of bread to a perishing multitude. Our supply of antipyretics was soon exhausted, but not before we had the joy of knowing that t’r.ere were circles of saved around the centres of our help. For the next three months a severe attack of typhoid fever laid me aside. Then our two pastor-evangelists were unfit for duty—Sun from fever and Liu from an abscess. For a time it seemed as if both the workers and their work had irretrievably suffered. It is impossible, therefore, to report much progress. We have been holding the field more than fighting the foe, and if we have not conquered it may be something not to have capitulated. “ As an instance of the faith and earnestness of some of the Christians I may mention that when the fever was at its height, and there seemed no hope of my recovery, they met on four successive days for united intercessory prayer. The orisis once past, they again assembled for thanksgiving, and, in evidence that their gratitude was not mere empty words, contributed 12,000 cash to form a Poor Fund, an offering prompted by thankfulness and made by sacrifice. “ Generally speaking the work this, as compared with last, year has been less exten­ sive, but more intensive—less in superficies, but more in depth. Within the Prefecture of Hsi-an there are sixteen station, with an average attendance of about 650 worship­ pers. Singly these stations are poor and inconspicuous, but together they form lines of Christian light—feeble, flickering, yet luminous compared with the surrounding darkness. These are evidences of light from the Light of men. “ The Church of over sixty members is little in advance of the incipient stage. The progress we long to see has been retarded by the famine and its consequences. Never­ theless, something has been done towards consolidating an indigenous and aggressive church that shall exist to actualise the Kingdom of God. “ Self-supporting Efforts have again been largely abortive—not from any fault in either their plan or principle, but simply from their being chiefly barren fields instead of fruitful harvests. At four stations land was cultivated—the proceeds being intended for church funds. At one station nothing was reaped ; at another a loss was incurred ; 62 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. at another only a small sum was realised ; while at the fourth there was a fairly large yield. Given ordinary circumstances their united labour ought to have reached £11 18s.; whereas, owing to failure in crops, they only received £1 15s. In other words, their labours this year have been potentially the equivalent of the sum sufficient for the maintenance of the pastors we are anxious to see them support. “ Extension.—Three new stations have been opened during the year ; but as evidence of a progressive spirit we can point to the fact that at six stations a building suitable for school and chapel has been either built or bought; the entire cost of land, labour, and material being defrayed by the Christians, excepting a contribution of 8s. or 1 Os. per chapel towards the cost of timber. In addition, these extremely poor people contributed over £8 to the various schemes of the church. That small amount is relatively a large sum, n.Ttrl is positive evidence of vital growth; mere accretion would be as easy as useless. “ Increase.—The increase has not been large, partly because famine scattered and fever cut off some of our best converts ; partly because we determine we would have a quali­ tative—a-nrl not only a quantitative—increase; so that while over thirty applied for baptism, only ten were received. We would like to see health combined with knowledge in those who are admitted into membership. “ Medical Work has been prosecuted this year with less systematic vigour, partly from interruption, partly because our hope of a qualified man has been disappointed ; but chiefly because it has outgrown our empirical resources and limited energies. So, instead of being able to extend, we have had to retrench, and the opium work to almost entirely abandon. The results, however, have been increasingly encouraging^ and more than ever convince us of the imperative need and grand opportunity for a medical missionary. So long as our duty is written in the faces of the suffering poor, so long shall both conscience and compassion alike compel us to continue our inadequate exertions. “ ITsi-an-fu.—During the year a house has been rented and peaceably occupied as a centre for work in this important city, likely, if report be true, to become again the capital of the Empire. Sickness broke the continuity of my efforts, but various agencies have been in operation. “ The Book Shop, during the twenty-one months of its existence, has sold £321 worth of books—surely a fairly large circulation of light. Owing, however, to heavy and unforeseen losses caused by the shrinkage of silver and the excessive rates for freightage on account of the war, this useful agency for the propagation of truth must, I fear, be closed. It has been an invaluable medium of intercourse with officials and scholars; several times I have been invited to state the principal facts of Christianity to companies of leading men, who would not have dared to countenance me elsewhere. * “ Breaching has been carried on in various quarters of the city to Mohammedans, Manchus, and Chinese. A movable tent afforded a locus standi on the crowded marts or busy squares, where we sang hymns, declared our message, and scattered books. Thousands have thus heard the three It’s of the Gospel. Since September a regular service has been held on Sundays, and daily preaching continued at the house.”

WOMEN’S WORK. Mrs. Moir Duncan writes :— “ Work amongst the women is now extensive and still extends. The means at present adopted for helping them are :— “ (1) Weekly Bible-classes.—Twice a week, as last year, I conduct a Bible-class at two centres, easily accessible by the women of five villages. The united membership fifty-eight. Our text-book is Matthew’s Gospel, which many of them can now read with fair fluency, and some with intelligent interest—a great advance on what obtained two years ago, when title simplest book was to them a mere blank. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 63

“ (2) Bi-monthly Conferences.—Many of the -women in our distant stations would gladly attend such a class, but as I cannot possibly meet thin demand, we seek to help thftm in another way. The whole church-area we have divided into three districts, in each of which we hold a bi-monthly meeting, to be attended by all who care to come from the surrounding villages. A course of lessons is prescribed, which the women are expected to prepare during the two months’ interval. Portions of Scripture, hymns, catechism, are committed to memory, characters in common use recognised, and Old Testament history read by the more advanced. Each woman is submitted to a careful examination on however much of the curriculum she has attempted, and the results are afterwards written in large characters and fixed on their chapel walls. When first we suggested this plan to these poor ignorant women their one answer was,' Impossible, impossible, we can never learn to read ’ ; but now in almost every station we find a little group of earnest learners, eager to advance, and thirsting to know more fully the Way of Life. It fills my heart with joy to meet them at their bi-monthly conferences and see how intently they listen to addresses given. “ (3) Special Class for Promising Women.—This autumn we had our first class for promising women from our out-stations. Some twenty came, «-nfl remained a week. My husband and Mr. Shorrock, Sun, and Liu all helped me in this work, each taking up a different subject. Lessons from Old Testament history, the most important points of the Gospels, lessons from the Parables, singing, and explanation of hymns were amongst the subjects treated. The women gave rapt and intelligent attention throughout. In private conversation I elicited much that gave me joy hope. rt These are our present plans of work. What direct results have we seen ? “ I cannot see right into their hearts—a privilege not often offered us by the Chinese; but I think many have been touched, if not turned. Twelve applied for baptism, three of whom we accepted. All of them expressed a desire to follow Christ, and all except three gave clear testimony of faith, but we thought it better to submit most of them to further test, and to give them fuller instruction before receiving them into the Church. Others, while they have not asked for baptism, can tell of spiritual help received during the year. “ The work waiting to be done here is more than I can overtake. I rejoice to t.Viink that in another year the women will meet in Mrs. Morgan a friend so well equipped in the language and so full of zeal for their salvation. In all my work this year, as last, I have had the constant help of my husband and our indefatigable evangelist, Sun. “ In closing, let me add a little about our girls’ school. Necessarily most of my time is devoted to it. This year has been one of almost unbroken peace—the girls, with few exceptions, entering heartily into their studies, submitting more willingly to our strict discipline, passing their examinations with credit, and, best of all, showing an increase of love for the truth. Not a few of the senior girls manifest a real devotion to Christ and two or three of them strive, by prayer and personal appeal, to win others to His service. Just yesterday the eldest girl—an enthusiastic Christian—told me how she and two like-minded companions were conferring one with another this week on how to get their unconverted school-fellows to come out for Christ. She seemed possessed with a burning impatience to see them saved. They concluded to set apart more timA for special prayer on this behalf. May God answer them abundantly ! ” SHANGHAI. CHFISTIAJ* LITERATURE FOR CHINA. The Rev. T. Richard reports that “ the past year has been one of special encouragement, notwithstanding the widespread havoc of war.” 6 64 ONE HUNDBED AND THIRD REPOST. [1 8 9 5 .,

Perhaps the most significant event has been that the high Chinese mandarins have commenced to publicly recognise the value of the work of the Christian Literature Society, and to contribute towards its expenses. The Eeporb states that :— “ The Viceroy, Chang Ghih-tung, in Hankow, Central China, the next in import­ ance to Li Hung-chang, the great Viceroy in Tientsin, has sent us a subscription of 1.000 taels (about £150) ; and two others—the Taotai Nieh of Shanghai, and one of the managers of the China merchants—have sent us smaller sums of 100 and forty dollars, respectively. The three native dailies in Shanghai published in extenso our Chinese Annual Report for last year. We have never had any subscription from the Chinese for this work before, and therefore feel much encouraged by this beginning of interest. Above all, we have received letters from the interior, even as far as the province of Szechuen, assuring us that our books have been the means of removing prejudice and suspicion, and of increasing friendliness between the mandarins and the missionaries. “L abgke I n c r e a s e i n N e w P ublications . “ This year we have been able to publish a larger number of religious and general books than in any previous year. These—though not large in size—are of superior quality, and the editions are of 2,000 each book. “ Dr. Allen is preparing ‘ The Witnesses, or Portable Evidences of Christianity,’ which is coming out serially, comprising the conversion and Christian experience of representative men from the great religions of the East, giving the reasons why they found Shintoism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Mohammedanism unsatisfactory; auù. wLj they found Christianity satisfactory. Two of the above are already in the press. “F b e e D iotbibtxtion o f L i t e r a t u r e . “ Besides the free distribution of books amongst the Chinese University students, the missionaries in Nanking selected from our catalogue $100 worth for free distribution in that great centre, from which our literature would be carried home by the students to all parts of three provinces. Altogether, in all the provinces, there were 260,000 pp. distri­ buted gratis. If the number of pages in Dr. Faber’s work on * Christian Civilisation * be added, which we are this year distributing gratis to each of the higher mandarins of the Empire, through the liberality of Pastor Kranz, and which alone amounts to 3.260.000 pp., that would make a total of 3,520,000 pp. This record, we believe, surpasses anything of the kind hitherto done by any Book or Tract Society in China.

\ “ S a l e o p B o o k s . “ Though we are glad to be able to make large free distributions, our chief hope in inflngTip.ing’ the Chinese mind is from the sale of our publications. We are glad to report increase in this direction also. In 1890-91 the sales amounted t o ...... §561.72 This year 1893-94 they amounted to $2,184.00 “ A Chinese gentleman, seeing our list, has lately sent in orders for $20 worth of fViam for his own reading. 2,000 copies of our publications were bought in order to distribute them gratis among the students of Honan. “ The Viceroy of Tientsin recently asked, ‘ What is the good of Christianity ? ’ A book answering that question was prepared and published by our Society. Last year he offered a prize on ‘ How to Reform Chinese Religions.’ This is full of significance, vpaina.ting that the m in d of the great Viceroy is not satisfied with the present state of the religion of China, which till recently all mandarins considered the best in ¿he world. - 1895.] ONE HUN DEED AND TH1BD EEPOKX. 65

“ O u b A im . “ Our aim is to reach, the higher and the educated classes of China, men and women, so that the countless poor in China may he delivered, and to bring about a renaissance of a fourth of the human race by following principles which are as certain in their action as those which make water flow downward and sparks fly upward. Instead of selfish principles, which in the end only destroy nations as well as individuals, we intend to base all enlightenment on Christian principles of love and goodwill to all. “ "What we greatly want, then, is for Christians to hear God’s call to them in this new and marvellous opening of His Providence in China to-day. Hitherto the Chinese have been asleep, now they are beginning to wake up by the thunder-elap of war, which threatens their conservative.and non-progressive civilisation. £100 annuallyfor each of the twenty-one provincial capitals, and £20 annually for each of the 200 prefectures, will enable us to systematically reach all the active leaders of the empire with the best Christian literature. Who will become responsible for raising funds for one of the larger or one of the lesser lights ? Such persons shall verily shine like stars in the heaven of the Chinese mind.” During the current year Mr. Richard contemplates taking furlough in this country, and during his visit many of our churches and congregations ■will have the opportunity of hearing from the lips of Mr. Richard himself of the marvellous progress and success of this Christian literature work throughout the length and breadth of the Chinese Empire.

PALESTINE, PRINCIPAL STATION ¡-Nablous. STATIONS...... - 7 Missionary ... 1 The Rev. Youhannah El Karey, reporting on his work in Nablous and district during the past year, writes :— “ Our Nablous work is divided into two branches—the mission house and our own house. The mission house consists of the chapel and schools for boys and girls ; it is placed in the principal street of the town where our work is carried on. Every Lord’s« day morning our chapel is filled up with our members and hearers, these consisting of our church members and nominal Christians. Being in the town, no Mohammedan dare enter or be seen about the mission house; thus we reserve our house for the meetings, so that Mohammedans may attend and listen to the Word of Life, and still go home unobserved. “ We have had the addition of a whole family—father, mother, and children ; they were of the Greek Church; now they have joined our Church, having, we trust, tested how good the Lord is, and have accepted His Gospel, as it is in our Lord Jesus. They attend all our services attentively. “ The D ay Schools— boys and girls— are in the mission premises, beneath the chapel. The boys, many of them, have left, and others have filled up their places. Some have either left for business, or moved to a higher school. There are eighteen boys— Samaritans, Jews, a,p.d Christians. We do not give our scholars any secular learning —simply Christian instruction. Our school girls consist of Jews, Samaritans, Chris­ tians, and a few Mohammedans, who come secretly, altogether numbering thirty-four. Every girl is taught the Gospel as it is in Jesus; in the afternoon they^are taught needlework and knitting. 66 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ T h e s e c o n d 'w o r k i s i n o u r p r i v a t e h o u s e . As I Have already said, we live at present outside the city; I am thankful for it, as our Mohammedans can attend our meetings undisturbed, nobody seeing them, to give the Government report of their attending the forbidden service. We have a large room prepared for the purpose, with every comfort. It is opened every afternoon till midnight, when I speak and pray with those who attend. “ Our sub-station, R a f i d i a , opened in 1892, had this year another family added to the four others. The teacher holds evening services every Sunday and Thursday. Every Sunday morning our people come to our chapel, where we hold the service together at Nablous. Sunday evenings they hold their own meeting in the room whioh also serves as our schoolroom. We have twenty children, boys and girls; we only teach these simply the Word of our Lord.

Of our second sub-station, S a m a r i a . Here the Greek Church opposed us b y opening a school. Now I am thankful to write that they have left with their school, and those who joined them have returned back. By His grace we have six families meeting every Lord’s-day in the same house.

“ I n B a t e I m r e e n I regret to say we have no addition to the little church this year.

“ I n B u b k a we hired a room to preach in, and a good work is going on there.

“ The little church in J e r u s a l e m still holds on, and every Lord’s-day they meet together in their dwelling.” In a more recent letter Mr. El Karey reports a promising evangelistic work amongst a number of travelling Arabs, who exhibited great interest in the Gospel message, and urged him to pay them regular visits. They gladly accepted books and tracts, and promised to read them carefully.

Western fllMssions, AFRICA. TH E CONGO FREE STATE.

UPPER AND LOWER CONGO RIYER STATIONS. PRINCIPAL STATIONS ON THE LOWER CONGO Underbill (Tunduwa), Wathen (Ngombe), and San Salvador. PRINCIPAL STATIONS ON THE UPPER CONGO Arthington (Stanley Pool), Bolobo (Liverpool), Lukolela, Munsembi, Bopoto, and Mojembo. Missionaries (3 in England) ...... 27 Female Missionary ...... 1 The following is a list of the stations established and occupied by the Society on the Lower and Upper Congo River :—

O n t h e L o w e r C ongo : San Salvador.—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis (en route for England), Mr. and Mrs. Carson Graham, and Mr. Ross Phillips (Mrs. Phillips in England). 1895.] ONE HTTNDBED AND THIBD BEPOBT. 67

Underhill.— Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawson Forfeitt (Mr. and Mrs. John Pinnock and Mr. Pople en route for England) and Mr. J. R. M. Stephens. Wathm.— Mr. and Mrs. Bentley (Mr. Philip Davies, B.A., in England), and Mr. George Cameron.

On t h e U p p e r Congo : Arihington.—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roger (Mr. S. A. Gordon in England). Bolobo—Mr. and Mrs. George Grenfell, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Glennie, Mr. J. A. Fuller. Lukolela.—Mr. James Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitehead (and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Scrivener in England). Munsembi.—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weeks (en route for England), Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, and Mr. Stonelake. Bopoto.—Mr. and Mrs. William L. Forfeitt, Mr. G. D. Brown, and Mr. Kirkland. Mojembo.—Not yet occupied. Mr. H. White (Mrs. White in England). Ss. Pecwe and Goodwill.—Mr. and Mrs. Harrison (in England) and Mr. S. M. Field. The work of the Mission, during the past year, on the great Congo River, and in the territory of the Congo Free State, has made steady pro­ gress ; and the reports sent home by the brethren indicate clearly that the Gospel is taking hold of the people, and producing results in their lives and habits of a most cheering character. Having received Christ for themselves, the native converts are earnestly anxious to make H im known to their fellow-countrymen; and their aggressive evangelistic labours have been followed by much of the Divine blessing. This evangelistic work is carried on, moreover, entirely at their own cost» their evangelists being wholly supported by the contributions of the native church. Much valuable work has been done in translating and printing; and the Mission Press at Lukolela— the gift of Mr. Wade, of Halifax—has been in constant use during the past year. School-work, also, exhibits real progress, as will be specially seen from the following reports. If the progress of Christianity in Africa be deemed by some to be slow, let us never forget the centuries of utter neglect that have been the lot of this “ Dark Continent,” the deep moral degradation in which the natives have been, and still are, sunk, and the cruel wrongs inflicted on them for generations in connection with the accursed slave trade. Let us remember, too, that Africa has had none of the uplifting helps 68 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. with which Christians in this country are favoured. No noble ideals, no refining influences, no restraining or upbuilding laws, no sense of moral obligation to God, the main end of life being the gratification of purely animal instincts and tastes. And then to all this let us add the havoc and ruin wrought in more recent times by the infamous liquor traffic, one of the greatest stumbling-blocks to the progress of the Gospel in Africa to-day. Well, indeed, might King Maliki write :— * ‘ Imported gin has ruined my country. It impels my people to violence and mad­ ness. I have been compelled to issue an edict that any dwelling where gin is sold is to be burned to the ground, and every drunken person to suffer death. I have told the Christian European traders that I will agree to everything except the importation of gin.” And adds the late Sir Richard Burton :— “ It is my sincere and deliberate conviction that if the hateful slave trade were revived with all its horrors, and Africa could get rid of the white man with his rum, gin, and gunpowder, which he only has introduced, Africa would be a great gainer by the exchange.” The statement recently made in the magazine of the American Baptist Missionary Union, on the authority of one of their Congo missionaries, that “ Congo natives who work or supply produce for the trading companies are c o m p e lle d by law to receive a large part of their pay in rum or gin,” is of so astounding a character as to demand immediate inquiry, it being impossible to suppose, if it be true, that His Majesty King Leopold is aware of such practices carried on by the officers and representatives of the Congo Free State Government.

LOWER CONGO R IYER. UNDERHILL STATION. At Underhill Station all goods for the Congo Mission are received and forwarded by caravan carriers to Stanley Pool, for shipment by the Peace or Goodwill for the distant up-river stations. This work demands incessant care and involves great responsibility. During the past year the Rev. Lawson Forfeitt and Mrs. Forfeitt, Mr. and Mrs. John Pinnock, and Mr. G. Pople have discharged these onerous duties, and by their business capacities, sagacity, and tact have overcome many threatening and embarrassing difficulties. Reporting on the work of the station, Mr. Lawson Forfeitt writes :— “ In the transport service of the Mission—except on the San Salvador road—the past has been a very trying year. On two occasions for lengthened periods, at the begin­ ning, and now at the end of the year, there have been serious difficulties and hindrances, the causes of which have been fully explained in the course of my regular 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 69

correspondence. The situation remains unchanged at the present time, but we earnestly hope that the representations of the Committee to the King at Brussels may result in an improved condition of affairs. The attitude of the Governor-General when the representatives of the Protestant Missions had an interview recently with him on the subject was, however, anything but reassuring. We are endeavouring to obtain porters from the San Salvador district, in Portuguese Congo, but as yet not many consent to cany in Free State territory. “ The railway is being steadily pushed forward towards Stanley Pool. The hope is expressed that in another year the half-way point, Kompese, will be reached. It is satisfactory to know that the laying of the remaining portion of the line will be much less difficult than has been the case with the first section. Two years ago 500 China­ men were brought to work on the railway, it being thought they would prove suitable as labourers in this trying climate. The last steamer which left Congo took away those who were left of the party—180. A few ran away from the railway works, but all the rest died within the two years. I do not think the experiment will be repeated. The completion of the railway will so entirely change the condition of the transport service that we may well pray for its successful and speedy accomplishment. “ In February I received a letter from the Governor-General, asking if we could send from our Mission two boys, who possessed some knowledge of printing, to the Antwerp Exhibition, to assist in the Printing Department of the Congo Section, to show the public what could be done by Congo natives. Mr. Bentley was here at the tim9, and he wrote at once to Wathen, and two boys—Baluti and Nelamvu—were selected to go to Europe. On their return here, two or three months ago, the Governor wrote me a special letter of thanks, and reported that the conduct of the lads had been most satisfactory. “ The new State Commissioner for this district has paid one visit to Underhill, and was much interested in the arrangement and work of the station. We were also very pleased to welcome in February last Her Britannic Majesty’s Consul, Mr. W. Clayton Pickers gill, C.B., on the occasion of bis first visit to the Congo. He stayed a week at Underhill before returning to his headquarters on the coast, St. Paul de Loanda. He ■writes me that he hopes to come again soon, and this time to visit the Upper Congo. “ The usual Sabbath meetings for worship and the preaching of the Gospel have been regularly held, as also a short daily service for workmen and carriers. Sometimes there have been more than one hundred present. Two of our young men, who were inquirers last year, have now been baptized, upon a confession of their change of heart, and their life, and behaviour hitherto have given us both pleasure and satisfaction. Another young man wished also to be baptized, but as he soon returns to San Salvador at the end of his year’s work at Underhill, we haye thought it best to refer his case to the San Salvador Church, that he may make his public profession amongst his own people in the place where he will in future reside. “ Mrs. Forfeitt teaches the house-boys attached to the station on alternate afternoons in our house, and they show much interest in their lessons. It is difficult here to get even the few house-boys we need, as there are no native towns near, and those boys who are willing to come from a distance to spend a year at work on the river as a rule find more remunerative employment and much greater freedom at the many trading factories, the State establishments, and railway engineers’ quarters in and around the port of Matadi. The ocean steamers coming up river have been regularly visited with tracts, Scripture portions, &c., as in former years. As you know, several other missions have at Matadi their base stations for the reception and despatch of goods, and for the transaction of business with the State Government. About a year ago I made a proposal to hold a United Communion Service on the first Sunday in each month. It is conducted in turn by the brethren of the different missions, and has 70 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. proved a season of great help and comfort to us all. Besides the missionaries resident at and near Matadi, there are usually present a number of other missionaries who have either newly arrived from England, Sweden, and America on their way to the interior, or those who have come down country to join home-going steamers. There have sometimes been over twenty present at the service.”

Both Mr. Pinnock and Mr. Pople will probably take furlough during the present year. Mr. Pinnock has been eleven years in Africa without a change to England. During the absence of these two brethren from Africa, the Committee have designated Mr. J. R. M. Stephens, of Bournemouth, recently accepted for Congo Mission service, for work at Underhill, in association with Mr. LawBon Forfeitt.

SAN SALVADOR. The following report for the past year, by the Rev. Thos. Lewis, gives an encouraging account of the growth and evangelistic zeal of the Native Christian Church, and of the progress of the day and Sunday schools. Mr. Lewis writes “ In reviewing the work of the past year, we have much cause for thankfulness and praise for the blessing which has followed our labours. For more than half the year my wife and I were alone on the station, but we enjoyed exceptionally good health during that time, so that we were able to keep all the work well in hand. The only branch of work which suffered from our short-handedness was that of itineration. We could not spend much time in visiting distant districts or break up new ground, and we had to be content with visiting the sub-stations and the towns in close proximity to San Salvador. “ The usual services have been well attended. The congregations have been larger and more even than at any previous time ; and this is also true of the Sunday-school, which now has 135 scholars arranged in seven classes. Early in the past year we started a daily service in the chapel at 8.30 in the morning for reading, singing, and prayer. We had for a long time felt the need of this, and we have found it to be a great help and blessing. Sometimes we have our chapel quite full, and it is always well attended by the natives, and much appreciated. We fixed upon this hour so as to be convenient to those who come to get medicine, for we open our dispensary immediately afterwards. “ Medical Work has received our usual attention. Until last year no record was kept of our dispensary work. At the end of the year our books showed that 6,137 visits had been made, and medicine given. A large number were suffering from ulcers. In addition to these ordinary patients we have, during the year, vaccinated 4,602 people, some of whom came from a very long distance. This makes a total of 10,739 attended to. “ School Work.—We are making sure and steady progress in thin part of our work. The number of boarders has been reduced, and now we only keep on the station those whom we need for our work as servants, &c. The number of day scholars has increased, and the work done is good and satisfactory. At San Salvador and the three ont-stations we have a total of 243 children. “ Church Work.—As is generally the case with a growing native church, there are 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 71 new difficulties and new disappointments presenting themselves continually, and we have experienced no exception to the rule. Still, in spite of all disappointments, the good work is flourishing. We have baptized nineteen people, and three others who have been baptized on the upper river, and who have returned to their home at San Salvador, have been received. This shows a net increase of nineteen in the year, making a total of sixty-eight members at present. There is, just now, a decided spirit of inquiry among the people at San Salvador and in the neighbouring towns. Some who have been for years attending our meetings, but unwilling to give up their country customs in reference to marriage, &c., are now coming forward, and we have good hope of them. The influence of our teaching has been very marked lately, for in several instances in the towns visited regularly by our church members, the people have made a bold stand against wrong. “ The members, as in previous years, have continued their evangelistic work in the towns, and their labours are blessed. “ The work of our native evangelists at the out-stations is full of hope. At the three places (Mawunze, Mbanzamputu, and Kimpesi) the services have been well attended, and the schools have considerably increased. “ The contributions of the church towards the maintenance of teachers, and all expenses connected with the out-stations, have been well sustained. The total amount contributed towards this fund during 1894 was §329. ‘ ‘ On New Tear’s Day we started a Chapel Building Fund, when §200 were collected. It is the intention of the church (and the proposal is quite their own), ar soon as sufficient money is in hand, to build a large permanent chapel of stone, with iron roofing and cemented floor. With this in view, they intend, for the next two or three years, to devote the New Tear’s Day collection towards this building fund. “ Tou remember that last year they sent their New Tear’s offering for Mr. Dixon’s work in China. So a part of our service this year was taken up in reading letters from Mr. Dixon, and also from the Chinese native Christians. The letter from them was written in Chinese characters, and we had a real Chinaman (who had made his way to San Salvador) to read it to the people in Chinese. This caused them much pleasure and amusement, and the Chinaman received quite an ovation at the close. “ Our relations with the Portuguese Government continue most friendly. They give us no trouble, and make no restrictions; and, on the whole, their presence is an influence for good.”


The Rev. W. Holman Bentley writes from Wat hen as follows :— “ The year 1894 has seen considerable progress in all departments of the work at Wathen. “ N a t i v e C h u b c h . “ The year opened with a membership of 11; since then 3 have been added by transfer, and 19 on profession of faith by baptism; so that during the year the church has increased in membership from 11 to 33. This large increase in one year is due, in some measure, to the fact that there were no baptisms in 1893. Mr. Davies only could speak the language, and as Mr. Bentley was expected to return at an early date baptisms were delayed. “ Hitherto the church has been recruited from those who had been for some time under our influence as scholars, or as workpeople; but this year we have had the joy of welcoming three from the towns near to the station, and we are expecting that others will he ready before long to follow their example, both men and women, 72 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

Several are coming to our services -with a frequency which confirms their expression of desire to know more about Jesus ; we have reason to believe that a work of grace is going on in their hearts. At the same time we find a greater readiness to listen to the Gospel in many towns, and the outlook is very cheering and full of hope. “ Among the station people themselves there has been a spiritual awakening. A very good number have been coming to us for religious conversation and personal instruc­ tion ; and we have often been surprised to note the anxiety of mind, the sense of sinfulness and weakness, and the desire for a thorough conversion and newness of life. The earnestness and spiritual power of the native Christians in speaking with the others have been very marked, and have been potent factors in the bringing in of this goodly number. There are many young people of good promise, some of whom we cannot doubt have experienced a change of heart. It is not well to baptize as soon as we get the profession of the lips; we need to see the change in the life that it is un­ mistakable. Our church members are equally alive to the necessity of care in admission to the church ; it is most interesting to hear their views expressed, as one and another is proposed for fellowship. The quarrelsome, unfriendly boy has become gentle and kindly ; the sour face has a new light in it ; the proud, overbearing lad has become thoroughly changed; the young man who could never be trusted to do his work properly two days running, tries now to please, and acts on a new principle entirely ; the lazy, worthless fellow, who always sat down when one’s back was turned, may be found at work if surprised by the ‘ master of works.’ Of course, there is nothing strange in all this; it is just how the Gospel has always worked, yet there is something ever new in it all, and to us, who have worked so long, to see anything like an awaken­ ing, it is delightfully encouraging.

“E vangelistic W o e s . * ‘ All the church members engage in evangelistic work, and on Sunday visit the towns round within a radius of two hours ; others go out from Saturday to Monday, or for a longer time, to the towns further afield.

“ S c h o o l "W o r k . “ The year commenced with a school-roll of 96 ; it closes with 156 scholars at the school on the station ; while the outpost schools, to be referred to later, have an average of 25 scholars in attendance, with still more upon the books. “ The Station School work has been carried on by Dr. Webb during four months of the year; during the remaining eight months Mrs. Bentley has resumed charge of it. “ The scholars are recruited from the district around, some even coming from a distance of seventy miles. The number includes some of our workpeople, who return a proportion of their pay for the time spent in school. Only twelve of the scholars are girls; of these, three have come to us this year. We have, beside this, four little orphan children, who are too young to go to school. ‘ ‘ The boys are employed in cultivating, printing, house and general duties. Only a few who do special work receive any pay, but we have to feed and clothe them all. This expense is very largely borne by Sunday-schools in England, who undertake the support of certain children, and we invite still further co-operation in this; it is good for our scholars to know that there are English children who are interested in them personally, and it is unquestionably a success in the Sunday-schools at home; it arouses a far greater interest in Mission-work when the children can think of their own boy or girl. “ T h e S chool B u ild in g . “ The material for the-Bchool building, so kindly given to us by the Jate 'Sir Charles Wathen, is now nearly all safely here, and the construction will be commenced in a week 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 73

or two (February 12th). The transport moved very slowly in the early part of the year, and our stores were much reduced. When things began to move we wore so far behindhand that the school loads had to give place to the necessities of life ; hence the long delay. We hope that it will be erected before this appears in print. School and the services have to bo conducted in Mr. Bentley’s house meanwhile.

<£ S u n d a y - s c h o o l . “ The church members conduct a Sunday-school, superintended by Mr. Cameron, at which all the station folk are present. Some young men will be out on short evan­ gelistic tours, but the number of those absent is more than made up by natives and old scholars who come in from the towns round to attend the Sunday-school.

“ T e m p e r a n c e W o b k . “ We have also started a Band of Hope, although it has scarcely taken a name yet. We have already taken forty-six pledges from natives ; nearly all our church members have signed. We expect a large increase at our next meeting. It is a very necessary work, for drunkenness is very common, palm wine being the chief intoxicant. “ We did not feel that such pledges should be taken in the earlier days. We are making it quite a native movement, and keeping in the background ourselves as far as possible with that intent. At our last temperance meeting a number of our people spoke, three rising at one time to speak, so ready and interested were they.

“E vangelistic O u t p o s t s . “ Two outposts for evangelistic work have been supported entirely by the native church. The evangelists in charge conduct schools, and have been diligent in visiting the towns in their district. One is four hours distant from here, the other fifty miles ; the more remote outpost was not occupied during the latter part of 1893 and the beginning of 1894 ; but the work has been resumed under more hopeful circumstances. The work had been much hindered by the jealousies of the fourteen local chiefs ; because the evangelist was living in the towns of the chief who had requested him to come, the other chiefs would have nothing to do with him. Now it has been arranged that he should build a little station of his own in no one town, but on a hill between them all; so now they reckon that he belongs to them all. The building operations are nearly completed, and we trust that when we have news, in a week or two, that we shall hear that things are in a more encouraging condition. “ One of our scholars returned to his town in the middle of the year, and has married and settled down; we are glad to know that he is doing his best for his district; he is conducting a school in his town, and has about twelve in regular attendance, and others come as their business permits. He receives no support, but does all on his own account; and in this way he is setting a splendid example to the others in the school here, who are much interested in his work. He holds a little service every evening, which is well attended. Already he reports that two are anxiously seeking the Saviour, and others are interested, but not so far advanced. “ At the outpost, four hours from here, there are two whom we hope soon to welcome into church fellowship. All this is most encouraging to the church. The contributions have been well maintained, and at the end of the year we felt that fresh work could be undertaken; so another outpost school was started one and a half hours away, in the town of the great chief of the district. This was commenced in the first days of January, and when the people are at home we have had as many as eighty to school, and still more at the morning and evening services. 74 ONE HTOTDEED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

“ L it e e a tu b e . “ The event of the year has been the arrival of the New Testament in Kongo which is being eagerly studied day by day. “ The first small edition will soon be exhausted ; 530 copies have been sent out,and a larger edition must be asked for at once. “ The three books for which the Religious Tract Society gave suoh liberalgrants are also selling, and being well read. The arithmetic is in use. ‘ ‘ The appendix to the Kongo Dictionary and Grammar has been completed, and will be published before this can reach England.

*! W a t h e n P e e s s . “ The Wathen Press has not been able to turn out anything this year. It has been set up with new type through the kindness of friends at the Congregational Church at Bromley, in Kent, in response to an appeal from their late pastor, the Rev. R. H. Lovell, M.A. The type has arrived and has been distributed, so we shall be ready to commence work at once, and have already plenty to go on with. “ Mrs. Bentley has nearly ready for it a 1 Conversation book in French, Kongo, Portuguese, and Dutch (practically the same as Flemish, for North Belgians).’ A new edition of Kongo hymns is needed; also a geography of Africa. Dr. Webb is preparing an ‘ Outlines of Physiology ’ (Kongo), this is to be printed here.”

MEDICAL WORK- Dr. S. Roberts Webb sends the following report as to Missionary Medical W ork:— “ Some account of the medical work done at this station will be expected. “ No regular reoord of attendance is kept, but on one day taken at random 120 indi­ viduals were treated. This is perhaps a little higher than the average of the last six months, though there was no unusual crowd on that occasion. < < Many of these, including both station people and people from the towns, had but slight complaints, but we also get more serious cases, and I think I see a little more readiness to submit to necessary treatment. Such an increase in the number of patients has necessitated an increase in the number of assistants. Three of the church members are now occupied the greater part of the working-day in this work, and are able to take a good deal off my shoulders. 1 ‘ I am attempting to teach these boys a little about the various diseases that we meet with, and hope that in the future they may be able to help their fellow oountry-men in times of sickness, and to instruct them with regard to the very elementary facts of nature, of which they are in ignorance. As an instance of their ignorance, I may mention that the possession of a stomach, as proved by post-mortem examination, is regarded as incontestable evidence that its owner was a witch. * ‘ During the year three grass houses have been built to afford accommodation for patients who stay on the station while under treatment, but we still find difficulty in the housing of serious cases which need special attention. “ Since last January we have had visits from several white men, who have come here for treatment, and, among other distinguished strangers, we reckon the King of Kongo, who came all the way from San Salvador, an eight days’ journey, without the slightest intention of obeying his medical attendant, and went away but little benefited. “ Surgical cases, if we exclude ulcers, are still not conspicuous by their number, though some few gun-shot and gun-burst cases have been treated. The most successful surgical case was that of a man who was stabbed in the chest. The wound penetrated into the lung, and necessitated an operation, fropi whiph hp m$de a good recovery, 1895.] OlfE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 75

“ I have begun to teach Elementary Physiology to a few of the elder boys, but find the same difficulty that others have found elsewhere in obtaining the appropriate terms with which to translate the necessary ideas. “ I have no conversions to record among the patients, but the Word of the living God has come to many while staying here seeking relief from their ailments. They have come from the other side of the river, and many also from long distances on this side, so a large section of country is thus, to some extent, influenced. “ Sis Word cannot return unto Him void; and the seeds of kindness shown to them in the name of TTim ‘ who went about doing good and healing,’ will spring up and grow, even though it be in secret, and the fruit will be found, tLoagh perhaps only after many days. “ In this hope we do our work, and follow in the steps of Him who gave as a com­ mand to His seventy disciples (and Burely to us also), ‘ Heal the sick and say unto them, The Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.’ ”

Reviewing the past twelve months the Rev. George Cameron reports :—

“ We look back gratefully, and forward hopefully. By the good hand of our God upon us, we have had more converts and more inquirers than ever before, and more evidences of earnest spiritual life in the lives of the native Christians.”

Appealing earnestly for farther help and speedy reinforcement, Mr. Cameron writes■

‘ ‘ Tears ago, when the Angel of Death seemed to be let loose in Congo, and each succeeding mail brought news of death, the churches counted the cost, and resolved that the work should be carried on. Since then great advance has been made, and the blessing of God has been manifest. It is a cause of thankfulness that we have now eight stations fully equipped in Congo, from which the light of life is spreading to the nations which are sitting in the surrounding gloom. “ But even when we take the most hopeful view of the progress of the work of our own and other societies, we cannot fail to see that we are still a long way from the accomplishment of our object—the evangelisation of the Congo basin. The magnitude of the task is not properly understood. The Congo territory, first heard of only a few years ago, has a greater area than India. To many who have some knowledge of Indian affairs, and to whom ‘ Congo ’ is only a name, this will be hard to realise ; but suoh is the fact. Our own stations form a line more than a thousand miles long; but how short that line looks on the map ! During the last few years the Congo basin has been traversed in every direction, and everywhere people have been found, all having for religion only a degrading fetishism well called devil worship. “ It is impossible to say how many different languages are spoken in this vast region, but probably there are not less than one hundred, and in about ten of those only is the Gospel being preached. “ We are in a position to carry the message of salvation to some of the tribes that are still in darkness. The Peace and Goodwill are able to undertake more than the supplying of the stations already established on the Upper River; but there are no men to open new Btations. The call for men was never more urgent than it is now, for the need was never so well known as it is now. Through many open doors of opportunity the appeal is sounding: * Come over and help us.’ “ In the greater part of Africa the average day of the labourer is short. We may, therefore, with all the more earnestness pray the Lord of the harvest that He would eend forth labourers into His harvest.” 76 ONE HUBDKED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895.



The Rev. J. L. Roger, reporting on the work during the past year at Stanley Pool, states that:—

“ All the w ort in every branch, at tbia station has m ade steady progress. “ In respect to our building and brick-making first. We have spent a good deal of energy in this line during the year, and I feel we may congratulate ourselves on a measure of success. Mr. Gordon’s house has been completed ; it was not half finished when I wrote the fl-nmml report last year. We have made and burned altogether some 76,000 bricks, all of which has been done by our school boys, and in a very primitive style, for we have no machinery of any kind to assist us. At present the boys dig out their own clay, mix it by treading, then carry it up to the place where they are making the bricks in little wooden moulds. They make two at a time; these, are laid out in the sun for a few days, and in due time burned. Quite small boys can do this, and enjoy the work. Out of these bricks we have built a kitchen and provision store ; also a large house for our school boys. This has been done entirely by themselves, excepting the woodwork of the roof. It is forty feet by twenty, and divided into two good-sized rooms, neatly laid with square flooring tiles. In this house we can sleep forty-five boys. How I wish we had as many to put in, but we haven’t. After putting up these building's I had some thousands of bricks over, so these I sold to the Dutch trading- house, »rid with the money have cleared the whole expense of the new house for the boys. “ We are now fully engaged in making bricks and cutting wood for a new chapel and visitors’ house, both of which I hope to have put up during the next dry season. “ We have regularly carried on school-work, and have at present twenty-six boys and two girls. Mrs. Roger and I have taken school every afternoon, and the boys have made very satisfactory progress. “ In the month of August ‘ His Excellency the Governor-General of the Congo Free State,’ accompanied by his staff, paid a visit to this station, and seemed very pleased with all the work going on here. I pointed out to him all the buildings we had put up, »rid he was astonished that such work had been done by the native boys; even questioned if we had not employed coast-masoners. He went into the school, and put the children through an examination in reading, &c. On one small boy reading to to him out of ‘ Lusansu Lu Nkand ’a Nzambi,’ which is the highest class-book we have, he patted bim on the head, and said, ‘ Well done, as good as a white boy.’ “ For the spiritual part of our work we have cause for devout thankfulness. During the year we have baptized four of our school lads. We formed a Christian church here on the baptism of the first two boys, and with other baptized members have now six on the church roll. “ I am pleased to tell you that our weekly Bible-class has greatly increased in. interest during the year; eight lads regularly attend, and often more, in reading and f.nlTring' about God’s word. In this way it has aroused many points for explanation, and1 from that several have been led to inquire about their own soul’s salvation. I have' had private talks with three other of our school lads in this way, and one workman,- and was rejoiced to find they have a very clear idea of the way of salvation, and arer desirous of joining us in church fellowship. . 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 77

“ One otlier encouraging feature is the wonderful interest that continues in our fortnightly collections. They have steadily increased since we began last May. “ I am thankful to tell you both Mrs. Roger and myself are in the best of health. We haven’t had a day’s illness for the last eight months.”

BOLOBO. Bolobo may fittingly be called the Dockyard of the Mission ; the home of the steamers Peace and Goodwill ; the place where all re-fits and repairs are executed ; where the great Congo navigator, George Grenfell, resides, together with Mr. S. N. Field, Joint Commander of the Fleet with Mr. Grenfell. Here, also, Mr. and Mrs. Glennie are living and working. Reporting on the work of the year, the Rev. R. Glennie writes

“ We have baptized seven youths this year. »“ Samuel Martin, Nkosi, and Mawangu were first baptized. Samuel has returned to his home, but we feel confident that he carries with him the Grace of God in his heart and a zeal for souls. “ Nkosi, a protégé of Mr. F. Butler, Birmingham, is, perhaps, fourteen years of age ; has been with me since May, 1890 ; professed faith in Christ, January, 1801 ; and was baptized January 28th this year. He still attends school ; but assists in the store, and buys rations for workmen and children. His naturally impetuous spirit now seeks outlet in telling the story of Christ’s love to his neighbours. “ Baptized at the same time, Mawangu, (aprotégé of King’s Heath Sunday-school, Birmingham) has, in his humble and calm walk with God, given us great joy. One night he, with two companions, sought refuge on the Peace, to escape being sacrificed to the anger of a townsman. We gave them sanctuary, and the Gospel has brought life and salvation. In the four years he has been with us he has done well in school, and appears to have a future of quiet usefulness before him. “ Of those baptized, Nga-makala is the first of the Bolobo people to ‘ put on Christ.’ He is over sixteen years of age perhaps ; has followed Christ for three years ; suffered persecution for Christ’s sake, and has been beaten for his outspokenness in condemning sin in high quarters. He is freebom. When he speaks in any of the towns, his birth and address Becure a respectful hearing for his message, even when he is laying bare their wickedness. He is a master of the language ; and it may be the church will ask that he renounce his desire to be a carpenter for the work of an evangelist. “ Fataki is eighteen or nineteen years of age, comes from the district of Stanley Falls, and has been with us for some years. Since leaving school he has been assisting the blacksmith. His conversion is more recent than the others, but he has given good evidence of a change of heart. ‘ ‘ Mafuta and Disasi have also been with us a few years, having come from the Stanley Falls district. They accompanied Mr. Grenfell on his recent delimitation journey, and proved valuable helpers. In Mafuta’s case a few months’ stay with Mr Scrivener at Lokolela, in 1890, saw the beginning of the work of grace. In bim we have seen the lion become a lamb. He is an acceptable preacher, and has translated one or two hymns from the Congo hymn-book. He is proving very handy in the engine-room of our steamer, and hopes to become an engineer. “ Disasi, his companion and junior by a year or so, first declared his interest in Christ by bringing me a translation of the hymn, ‘ Jesus who lives above the sky.’ Humbly and prayerfully has he walked ever since ; and after Jbis three years’ trial we 78 ONE HUNDRED AND XHlKD ttEPOM. [1895.

have acceded to his request to publicly confess Christ by baptism. He also has shown some mechanical ability, and is seeking to fit himself for an engineer. “ The influence of decision for Christ of these youths upon the young people has been very marked, and we feel a reasonable optimism is required of us in looking-at the future of the Church here. Pray that a rich measure of the spirit of truth may rest upon them, and that their testimony may be God’s means of bringing many here into the peace and love of the Gospel.” In addition to his many and weighty responsibilities associated with up-river work, Mr. Grenfell has been engaged in building a new school- house. He writes:— “ Our new school-house is making good progress, the foundations being in, and the front end wall being above the ground. Our bricks are the best calculated to stand the test of time of any that we have seen made'on the Congo. We have to dig the clay at some little distance, and bring it up river by boat, but it is of splendid quality—so good, in fact, that we are sanguine of being able to make tiles for the roof. We hope to have the tile-press ready by the end of the week, and to make an early trial burning. -The fourth kiln of bricks is being stacked. Our kilns are only small, this last, which is our largest, only holding some 14,000. More than half the timber is in, and has been sawn up. Our roof span of twenty-eight feet is quite an ambitious one for the Congo. The bricks are being made and laid by Upper Congo people. With the exception of one Accra carpenter, the people engaged on the wood-work are also all natives.” Mr. Grenfell describes in the following incident the constant necessity for great care in the navigation of the vast Congo waterway. Reporting from Stanley Pool, on board the ss. Goodwill, at the close of the year, he writes :— “ The last mail« we sent off from Bolobo have been lost on board the French vedette, Courlrt. “ The Courbet had brought down from the Sanga River, which traverses the ‘ hinterland ’ of the Cameroons, the Governor of the French Congo, Count de Brazza, who spent a night with us. Just three hours after leaving our beach, the Courbet struck a rock, and went down in twelve fathoms of water. The engineer and two white passengers were drowned, and also six natives. De Brazza, his secretary, the captain, and a member of the expedition of the late Due d’Uzes, escaped with their lives after being in the water for nearly twenty minutes; but all papers, despatches, observations, and instruments were lost. This is the most serious catastrophe of the kind that we have had on the Congo. In addition to the lives and documents lost, the loss of the steamer at a time like this, when the French are so much in need of transport, is one that will make itself felt. The Courbet, though not nearly so large as the Goodwill, cost a great deal more money. “ The Courbet went down just opposite Mr. Billington’s Station (A.B.M.A.) at Burmba, and the canoes which he sent off were largely instrumental in rescuing those who were saved. The Goodwill being out for a trial trip, after the fitting of the new shaft, arrived on the spot just as the rescued were getting into dry clothes, and, naturally enough, our surprise was very great to find our friends in so sorry a plight. Under the circumstances, and sympathising as we did, from having ourselves on more than one occasion very narrowly escaped a similar disaster, we felt there was nothing for it but to prolong our trip as far as the Pool, though we had only started out from Bolobo for a few hours’ run. . . . * 1895.] ONE H u n d r e d a n d THIRD REPORT. 79

“ We landed Comit de Brazza and his companions in misfortune at Brazzaville, and the Count asked me to convey to our Society his sincere thanks for the help rendered by the Goodwill. I was very glad to be of service to the Governor of the French Congo, though I was very sorry that the occasion for rendering it was so sad.”

LUKOLELA- The work at Lukolela during the past year has been most encouraging, and Mr. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead have been much cheered by manifest tokens of the Divine blessing. Mr. Clark reports :— “ Our boys’ school flourishes, and numbers between thirty and forty boys in regular attendance. There are several who desire baptism, and some of them we have good reason to believe have really been bom again. The church has commenced a system of fortnightly offerings, which are to go to build a suitable place of worship, and the people give gladly. “ During the year I have made several evangelistic trips with our boat, visiting a great number of the towns within a week’s journey of us. “ The house I am building for Mr. Scrivener is now more than half finished. I hope it will be completed in a few months. “ Mr. Whitehead will give you all particulars about the work of the printing-office. “ Our work has been greatly furthered and helped by Mrs. Whitehead’s presence and assistance in teaching the women and girls, and showing herself to be their warm friend. She has won their confidence, esteem, and love in a most remarkable manner. “ Many signs seem to tell us that there will be a great blessing here soon. Oh that the Lord would hasten i t ! We praise TTim for TTi'h help in 1894, and trust we shall * see greater things than these ’ in 1895.”

THE HANNAH WADE PRINTING PRESS. So far as printing is concerned, Lukolela may fittingly be called the “ Seramjpore ” o f the Congo Mission. Moreover, as was the case with the now historical Serampore Press, the Lukolela Press is worked without cost to the Mission, as the work executed pays for itself. The following report from the Eev. John Whitehead gives a very in* teresting epitome of the press work of the year. Mr. Whitehead writes:—

“ Our plant and material at present had an invoice value of £300, but this represents £600 out here through transport and packing. Mr. Wade gave us three-quarters of this. By means of it we have issued many useful little books for our brethren on this river. Up to the end of last year the following books had been printed:— “ In Bobangi.—Njembo, 64 pp. cr. 8vo ; Monkana, mo boss, 52 pp. cr. 8vo ; Matayo, 68 pp. cr. 8vo ; Bibo bing’ o monkana mo Nyambe, 54 pp. 6mo; Mainbi masiso, 140 pp. cr. 8vo ; Abalayama, 66 pp. cr. 8vo; Njembo nciso, 8 pp. cr. 8vo ; Bibo bi batu ba Yambo, 126 pp. or. 8vo; large cards, the Commandments, 20 in. X 30 in .; large cards, Lord’s Prayer, 20 in. X 15 in. “ These are all out of print, except Maiabi masiso, and new editions are oailed for. 7 80 ONE HUNDRED AND THIflD BEPOBT. [1895.

“ For Bopoto.—Hymns, 12 p p .; Monkanda mwa litangi, 74 pp. “ For Monsembe.—Monkanda mo lotanga bo, 20 pp. ; Mokanda mwa litangi mwa libale, 34 p p .; Yoko mpo ya Libanza, 36 pp. “ For Equator, Nsan ya Dabidi, Bonkanda wa Loanda, 70 pp. “ For Bonginda, Nsango ea Yesn, 76 pp. Bonkanda wa Mbanda, two editions, 1st 68 pp., 2nd 70 pp. “ For lolango, Banyi ba Jisn. ‘ ‘ And many such things as school cards, circular forms, Communion cards, headings. ‘ ‘ This year we have printed— “ For Bopoto, stories from Genesis by the late Mr. Oram, 136 pp. “ For Monsembe, Mabanza, 46 pp. “ For Lolanga, An Ileku Primer, 20 pp. ‘ ‘ We have also printed and published a little work of great importance to us all in Africa, ‘ Malarial Fevers,’ by Dr. Sims, 32 pp. “ We have.in hand a hymn-book for Bobangi, 123 pieces; also translation of Mark for Bobangi readers ; also Luke’s Gospel for the Congo Balolo Mission; also two Bible-story books for Monsembe. We have been busy, too, with binding books for our brethren, as well as printing all sorts of jobs to meet various urgencies. ‘ ‘ The boys have left school, and will now be engaged the whole of each day in printing, &c. I have five boys busy learning this art. “ We hope to be able to do much more this year in printing books for Bobangi readers, for with the further quantity of type which Mr. Wade is sending us a good deal of trouble will be spared us in the matter of sorts. “ The press is destined, I am sure, to be a powerful instrument for Christianising the natives. As readers increase it will do here what it can do at home for a book is a great power even here. ‘ ‘ I have aimed at economy in the office, and nothing is wasted; the work is not by any means a drain on the Society, i t f u l l y p a y s i t s o w n w a y , and this point—self- support—is always kept in view. Even the books sold to the natives are purchased at prices enabling us to cover the cost of printing them. “ But if we could only get a small stereotyping apparatus, we could dispense with a good deal of expense in the way of type. Don’t you think, dear Mr. Baynes, that some of the H rrat.t) readers might like to buy us one P “ Mr. Clark will, I have no doubt, tell you all about the Btation, and I will only just mention one more matter—our great thankfulness to God that both my wife’s and my own health have been so exceedingly good during the past year.”


Mr. and Mrs. Weeks have probably ere this left the Congo for England on furlough. Mr. Weeks has been for seven years in Africa without a change, and we are thankful to say that both he and Mrs. Weeks have enjoyed excellent health. Reporting upon the work at Monsembi station, he writes

“ During the past few months our school for boys has increased considerably; we have fifty now on the books, and an attendance daily of about forty. A pleasant' feature of our school work is that both the schools, boys and girls, with nearly eighty' scholars, do not coot the Mission £6 per year. No boys are boarded on the place,- 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 81

cxcept the few who work regularly about the house and garden. They come day by day when we ring the bell, and exhibit great earnestness in learning; this is proved by the fact that several have written out their native stories on slates and brought them to me. I have received so many that, after little editing, I sent them to Lukolela, and Mr. Whitehead has printed them for us. The book will be a very useful school book, and a storehouse of pure idiomatic phrases for our own use. TV e have been able to print several books, and have others in preparation. Our hymns and tunes are very popular; the boys and girls seem never tired of singing them. Books printed in the vernacular and distributed among those boys who can read are greatly prized, carried about with them, and read on all occasions ; they become a source of light to others. Some who will not come to service will sit and listen to a boy reading a chapter of Bible stories. We have very bright hopes of some of our senior lads, for Bome have shown a marked change for the better, and we think the change is wrought of God. They have eagerly desired to be baptized, but, profiting by the sadly bought experience of some neighbouring stations of sister missions, we have put them off for a few months; in the meantime we shall teach them privately in some of the great elementary truths of our faith. May God give us grace and wisdom to build with living stones now a spiritual temple in which He will delight to dwell! Building carefully now will save us many a tear and many a heartache by and by.” Mr. and Mrs. Weeks will leave at Monsembi Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and Mr. H. T. Stonelake. BOPOTO. “ Shadow and sunshine, joy and sorrow, are workiug together for good. This seems to me to be the history of our Congo Mission work,” wrote the late W. P. Balfern, in the last letter but one received by the Secretary ; and the Rev. William L. Forfeitt, his colleague, looking back upon the experiences of the past year, writes :— “ It has been a year in which sorrows and joys have been strangely mingled, but all have come to us from the same loving hand. We bow to the Divine will in calling two beloved colleagues to their rest and reward, within three days of each other ; bu our darkened horizon has been re-illumined, for two other brethren have come to our help, Messrs. Brown and Kirkland, and we are looking into the future with bright hopes of united and effectual effort to extend Christ’s Kingdom in this distant centre. “ We have been greatly cheered of late by signs of spiritual awakening amongst our lads, some of whom, we trust, have ‘ chosen the good part,’ and in due time we hope to baptize those who shall form the nucleus of the Church of Christ in this place. The sore temptations of the young in these dark realms are incalculable. Hence we feel the importance of being assured of a real change of heart, and that they rightly understand the step they take in publioly confessing Christ. This spirit of inquiry has filled us with hope, and given us fresh enthusiasm in our work. “ The attendance at our services continues very good, and the attentiveness of the people to what is being spoken to them leads us to hope that the good seed is no being sown in vain, even had we not the Saviour’s promise, * My word shall not return unto Me void.’ “ Early in the year a much-needed girls’ school was started by Mrs. Forfeitt, which continues to be a great success and very popular, and the girls are very dis­ appointed if the school-bedl does not ring at the usual hour» A number of the boys 7* 82 O iii HtTNDBED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. can now read and write intelligently, and are very proud to possess a copy of * Stories from Genesis,’ which Mr. Oram translated just before his death. Sometimes a number of incredulous hearts from the town will come to me with a note which a schoolboy has written, and stand amazed as I read out to them its contents. “ Building work necessarily still oocupies a good deal of attention, and a new house has been erected, a photograph of which I now send you (see frontispiece). It is inhabited by my two colleagues, though not yet completed. We are just now engaged in making additions to my house, including a verandah on three sides, which will make it much more cool and healthy. “ The many unexpected changes during the year have prevented us from engaging in the itineration work we had hoped to do ; and, now that our staff is oompleied, we labour under the great misfortune of having lost our boat. The river has not yet sufficiently fallen to allow of our further search. It will, indeed, be a great disappointment to us, and a heavy loss, if we are unable to recover it. “ I am glad to say we are all in the best of health.”


In October last Mr. S. M. Field, after a season of rest and change in the United States, reached Bolobo, and took over charge, in association with Mr. Grenfell, of the two Mission steamers. Of the new Centenary ship Mr. Field writes :— “ I feel very proud of the Goodwill, she is indeed in every respect a most beautiful boat, and will do, I am confident, fine work for the Mission in the future. With this second steamer we shall be able to keep them both in good repair; we could not do this before, as the absolutely needful work was far too much for one boat only. The Goodwill is, indeed, all we could desire; roomy, comfortable, and convenient ; bums any sort of wood, makes quick steam, and travels at a great rate. Our boys say she is by very far the best, the quickest, and the most handy boat on the Congo. Messrs. Thomeycroft have done well for our Congo Mission by this steamer.”

With regard to the Peace Mr. Field reports :— ‘ ‘ The Peace, after her hard and continuous work, needs extensive repairs urgently and these will be undertaken at once. The bottom is in a bad condition. I hope soon her new boiler will reach here, when we shall at once put it in.”

Referring to his impression of the present state of Mission work, after an absence of two years, Mr. Field writes :— “ Great progress has been made since I was last here. Without doubt the Gospel is making itself powerfully felt. On all hands and in many diverse directions schools are progressing at a rapid rate, and, best of all, numerous oonverts are coming out for Christ. The beginnings were small, but, thank God, the dawn is breaking. All our brethren are hard at i t : school-work, teaohing, preaching, building, steamers to run and repair, language work, reducing the unwritten to character, keeping up regular Gospel services, itinerant evangelistic labours, and seeking to bring personal influence to bear upon individual cases—in all this there is no time to be idle; the call is, ‘ Work while it is day, the night oometh.’ ” 1895.] ONE HUNDBED AND THIBD BEPOBT. 88 Ube W est Jnblcs Mission.

BAHAMAS DISTRICT AND OUT ISLANDS. PRINCIPAL STATIONS ¡—Nassau and Inagua. No. of Islands ...... 19 Missionary ...... 1 Native Evangelists ...... 87 SAN DOMINGO, TURKS, AND CAICOS ISLANDS. PRINCIPAL STATIONS Puerto Plata and Grand Turk. STATIONS...... 13 Missionary ...... 1 Evangelists ...... 34 TRINIDAD. PRINCIPAL STATION Port of Spain and San Fernando. STATIONS...... 23 Missionary ...... 1 Native Evangelists ...... 16 JAMAICA. CALABAR COLLEGE, KINGSTON. Missionaries ...... 3



The Rev. C. A. Dann, of Nassau, reports :— “ Our work in Nassau connected with Zion Church has greatly prospered, and that in the face of uncommon difficulties and severe trials. Last summer my sister was very seriously ill, and anxiety about her caused a breakdown in my own health ; but outside friends came to our help grandly, with the result that she is strong again and my sickness has passed away. Foremost among our friends has been our beloved brother, Rev. Francis Moon. Our congregations are very encouraging, especially those on Sunday nights. After making somewhat heavy deductions, we can record a clear increase of 38 in membership. I have baptized 22 during the year, and expect very soon to immerse a number more. Our Sunday-school, under my sister’s superintendency, is in a growing state, and a larger proportion of the elder scholars stay with us, and after giving evidence of conversion, join the church. Monetarily, we are advancing with quick steps towards entire self-support, the contributions during the past year, in spite of severe depression in trade, showing a very marked increase 84 ONE HUNDRED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895. upon those of the previous year. Our people have also contributed well for the Congo Mission, and have been well seconded in this by the church at Ragged Island.”


With regard to work in the out Islands, Mr. Dann states :—

“ Peace is gradually settling upon the churches which have been disturbed, and my anxieties concerning them have greatly lessened in consequence. I have visited, since my last report, churches on Bimini, Grand Bahama, Ragged Island, and Abaco, with most pleasing results. Our native pastors have worked well, our brother Hercules Rolle, of Cat Island, being entitled to special mention in that respect. New chapels have been opened within the past twelve months at Watlings Island, and at Freetown and McLain’s Town, Grand Bahama ; other buildings are approaching completion. ‘ ‘ My missionary visits to these churches, though fraught with real hardships, are among the very brightest aspects of my labour in these parts.”

The Committee are thankful to hear such cheering tidings ; the policy of independence and self-support inaugurated two years ago has evidently called forth the best energies of the Bahamas churches, and the Committee trust that in twelvemonths’ time they will be able to leave these churches to the blessing of God and their own resources entirely. In the mean­ while they have agreed cheerfully to do what is needful to retain Mr. Dann in his present position.


The action of the Committee, as fully set forth in the last Report, in reducing by one-fourth the amount of pecuniary assistance during the past year, has evidently had a very healthy and beneficial effect, and there is every prospect that in three years’ time the whole of these Turks and Caicios Islands, and San Domingo Churches, will be in such a financial position as will admit of their undertaking the entire pecuniary burden involved in self-support. The Rev. J. H. Pusey writes from Grand Trunk :—

“ Eighteen hundred and ninety-four has been our second experimental year to effect amongst the workers, and the work respectively, a spirit of increased liberality, independence, and self-support. “ Throughout the year has continued a cheering Bpirit of union in our scattered stations in the islands and San Domingo, and our public services have been well and regularly attended. "We again regret to record serious losses by death of several of the officers and members of our churches. These all died in faith. To God he all the glory. Forty-eight have been baptized during the past year.” ,1895.] ONE HUNDBED AND TH1BD BEPOBT. 85 TRINIDAD. The Report of the work in Trinidad for the past year presents many features of encouragement, and justifies the anticipation that, at the end of the term laid down by the Committee, all the Churches connected with this Mission will also be in a position to undertake the financial responsibilities of self-support and maintenance of Christian worship.

PORT OF SPAIN- The Rev. R. E. Gammon, reporting on Port of Spain Church, states:— “ There have been twelve baptisms in the Port of Spain Church during the past year, and, in spite of trying circumstances and many difficulties, we are able lo report progress. Evangelistic services have been regularly carried on, on Sundays, in two or three of the suburbs of the city. At Belmont Mr. W. H. Gamble (son of our former missionary) has, at his own cost, rented a hall and preaches there twice a week ; and a small Sunday-school has also been established, which is doing very good work.”

The work at C h a g u a n a s has also been vigorously carried on by members from the Port of Spain Church ; and brethren Gamble, Elcock, Sealey, Cook, and Greenidge, have done good service at this station.


The oversight of the churches in the Southern district is also in the hands of the Rev. R. E. Gammon, who states :— “ Forty-nine converts have been baptized in these churches during the past year, and the pastors report fifty-seven as now waiting for baptism. “ Several of the churches have been busy, either building new chapels or enlarging old ones. “ The work at Princes Town is suffering greatly for the want of a suitable chapel; but the people there are really too poor to build one. “ We are praying and trusting for brighter and better times during the new year.”



“ During the past year this Institution has claimed a largo share of attention. From lengthened correspondence with the committee in Jamaica it has appeared that the college buildings stand in need of extensive repairs, and some portions of recon­ struction. It thus became expedient for some competent member of the home Committee to visit the island, with a view to a careful inspection, and to report thereon, with an estimate of the probable expenditure, on the most economic scale consistent with efficiency. Our valued and experienced friend, Mr. Burton, of N e wcastle - on - Tyne, was, therefore, earnestly requested to render this service. And after much thought, at great 86 ONE HTXNDBED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895.

personal sacrifice, he generously accepted the commission. In the month of August he accordingly embarked for Kingston. On his arrival, accompanied by the tutors, he proceeded to take a general view of the premises. With as little delay as possible tho College Managing Committee met to give Mr. Burton a cordial welcome, when a further inspection in detail was made. Our friend returned some time before the autumnal meetings at Newcastle, when he submitted his report to the Committee, estimating the probable cost of the repairs and reconstruction needed at between £600 and £700. A resolution gratefully acknowledging the important service was heartily and unanimously passed. This report was in due course forwarded to the oommittee in Jamaica, by which, with some minor suggestions, it has been unanimously accepted. “ With much satisfaction the Committee are able to record that the work of the college has proceeded without interruption during the entire session, the tutors continuing to distribute their instructions, in their respective lines of tuition, between the classes of both branches of the institution. The president bears special'testimony to the exemplary conduct of the theological students. ‘ ‘ At the commencement of the session one candidate was admitted to the theological department, and twelve to the normal school. At the close, five young men cpmpleted their term of residence, two to enter on ministerial work in Clarendon and Portland, and three to engage in day-school teaching. At the annual session of the Jamaica Baptist Union four Calabar men were admitted as ministerial members, while it is gratifying to record that all the eight students who formed the theological class of the president in 1892 are now pastors of important churches in different parts of the island. “ The usual examination in connection with the theological and normal sohool branches of the college took place at Christmas, but the reports of the examiners are not yet to hand.”

THE JAMAICA CHURCHES. ‘ ‘ The churches are reported generally to have gone on quietly with their ordinary work, and without much in the direction of special effort, while more than average prosperity has been graciously vouchsafed. “ The following are the church statistics for 1894 :— Baptized.. 2,413 Restored .. 1,329 Received ,, 716—4,458 Died 673 Excluded.. 1,517 Dismissed 603 Withdrawn 66 Erased .. 681 = 3,540

Clear Increase 918 “ The present membership is 36,777, and the number of inquirers 4,832 ; local preachers 408, deacons and leaders 1,665, chapel accommodation 83,404. There are 61 out-stations and 551 class-houses. These figures include eight new churches. The large number of new churches drafted from older ones is an interesting and important feature. This extension work is the more satisfactory in view of the manifest activity of other denominations in almost every populous locality. In this growing fruit of the labours of the Society our friends will rejoice, while they magnify the Grace of God in thus perpetuating His work from one generation to another.” 1895.] ONE HUNDBED AND THIRD BEPOBT. 87

European Missions.


BRITTANY. PRINCIPAL STATION :-Morlaix. STATIONS...... k ...... 8 Missionary ...... 1 Native Evangelists ...... 3

Reporting on the past year’s experiences at the various stations connected with the Brittany work, the Rev. Alfred L. Jenkins writes :—

“ Morlaix.—In this, the centre of the Mission, the work has been carried on along the usual lines, the French services being held in our chapel, and the Breton meetings in the suburbs, at the Madeleine, and at Troudoustin. Our congregation, formerly com­ posed of French and Swiss Protestants, belonging to various denominations, has under­ gone a change within the last few years ; the older members have disappeared through death or removals, and their places have been taken by a different class of people— converts from Roman Catholicism. One of these, a teacher in our public school, is at present in Wales, preparing for the ministry in his own country ; whilst another young man, a teacher also, is looking forward to active service as a schoolmaster and evangelist in connection with our Mission. “ Madeleine.—In this suburb of our town we have continued to feel the effects of that opposition which the clergy has for some time past carried on with unabated zeal against our work. ‘ 1 Troudoustin.—The meetings in this second suburb of Morlaix have been well attended during the winter months, when alone they can conveniently be held. This part of our town is unfortunately inhabited by a low class of people, whose moral ideas are very loose, and on whom it is difficult to produce lastingimpressions. “ Primel.—This sub-station, on the coast, has been one of the most encouraging ones in connection with our Breton work. “ Roscoff.—Our Sailors’ Rest in this small seaport town has again rendered good service. Mr. and Mrs. Messeroy have been unremitting in their efforts to secure this good result. .Night after night, during the winter time, young men have come and spent a quiet evening in the well-lighted and comfortable reading-room, singing Moody and Sankey’s hymns or listening to the reading of the Word. “ Last autumn, Rev. Daniel Davies, with his wife, came from Wales with a view to settling down in Brittany should Providence so order it, and they have taken their abode in Roscoff. My presence not being so much needed, my visits have been fewer this year than before. Roscoff and its surrounding district is very much under the influence of the clergy, but what is being done in connection with the Sailors’ Rest is paving the way for the spread of Gospel truth in that neighbourhood.

“ T h e G-utlly. <( The work has been carried on in several places w the neighbourhood of C&rtraix, 68 ONE HUNDRED AND TH1BD BEPORI. [ 1895. and more especially in this hamlet. In this locality the people have shown from the first a great desire that we should do a permanent work in their midst. As they are about four miles from the nearest school, they were particulary anxious to have one. After visiting them for two years, we felt that we could not do otherwise than try and supply their great need. "We had the right man to place there, but we needed the funds. It was in connection with this new move that I visited England last October. Although I have not succeeded in getting all we need, I trust that before this year is out the school will be built, and a new and interesting station will be added to the Mission.

“L a n n e a n o n . “ Erom our friend Mr. Collobert, our evangelist at this place, I receive a cheering report. That opposition he complained of some years ago has considerably diminished at Lanneanon itself. The meetings in the Mission Hall have been held regularly on the Sabbath, with an average number of thirty to thirty-five attendants. About 300 patients have come during the year to seek medical advice, or to get their sores or wounds dressed.

“ S c e i p t u b e D istribution . “ Our colporteurs, Hervet and Morvan, have carried on their good work of selling the Scriptures throughout the year, besides that of helping me and the evangelists with the meetings. Between them they have sold 917 Bibles and New Testaments, which, considering the difficulty of the work in such a country as this, means no gmn.11 amount of labour done.” ITALY, PRINCIPAL STATIONS NORTH ITALY—Turin and Genoa. CENTRAL ITALY.

TUSCAN DISTRICT. Florence and Leghorn, and to the south as far as Arezzo, and to the west as far as Cecina. ROMAN DISTRICT. City of Rome, Tivoli, Civita Vecchia, Orbitello, and Grosetto, ■with Viterbo and Comato, to the west, and Subiaco, Benedetto, and Salmona to the east. SOUTH ITALY—Naples, Avellino, and Calitri. STATIONS...... 30 Missionaries ...... 5 Female Missionary ...... 1 Native Evangelists ...... 14

NORTHERN DISTRICT. Reporting on the past year’s work in the northern district of Italy, the Rev. W. K. Landels writes relative to'Turin “ Our Church Membership has increased but little during the year. Six new converts have been added to the roll, we have lost four members, and our numbers now stand 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 89 at sixty-two. Of these, fifty-two may be considered as effective working members ; seven are residing out of Turin, and three are unsatisfactory. “ Our Tract Work has been carried on with energy, many of our brethren taking part in it. About 100,000 tracts have been distributed in Turin and in the towns and villages round about. “ The English Services at Bergo Cinisio, formerly at Martinetto, have been held regularly once' a fortnight all the year, with the exception of two months in the summer. They have been, I think, better attended and more appreciated than in any former year. There is now a movement on foot to open a hall and to begin an Italian work in that district. We expect that our English friends there will take a practical interest in it and contribute towards the expenses incurred. 11 Finances.—The spirit of liberality and independence, which, for sometime back, has been developing itself among our brethren, has, during the past year, been fully maintained. Our Church has raised for general purposes, Lire 674,72, and for evangelistic work, Lire 476,38 ; in all, Lire 1,151, 10, or £46 0s. 10|d. This is Is. 9d- less than last year ; but, considering the fact that during these twelve months we have not received anything from visitors, our brethren have in reality done better than * before. “ Evangelistic Effort.—We have with joy noted among our members an increasing desire to make known the glad tidings of the Gospel to others. Not only have they paid the entire expenses connected with our halls in Vanchiglia and Meana, but they have seized every opportunity of holding cottage meetings in different parts of the city. These are attended by audiences varying from half a dozen up to between twenty and thirty persons. We have with us now two or three young men who regularly take charge of evangelistic services, and preach with much acceptance. u Our work outside the city has been most encouraging. It has been carried on principally in the Valley of Lusa, and we have now regularly established meetings in Monpantero and Meana, two village districts on either side of the city of Lusa. “ Mompantero.—It was on the" 19th June, 1892, that we first received an invitation to visit this place and to preach the Gospel to a little group of friends. During the latter half of that year an occasional visit was paid to them, and it was only at the beginning of 1894 that a regular fortnightly service was established. The station is now worked in connection with Meana, a meeting being held every Sunday morning. We have been able, by the grace of God, to form a small Church, consisting of nine members. Eight of these have publicly confessed Christ by baptism, the ninth being too ill to submit to the ceremony. “ Meana.—During the past nine months a remarkable work of grace has been going on among the people. “ Meana is a struggling parish, composed of seventeen villages and hamlets, numbering in all about 2,000 inhabitants. The life there is of a most primitive description ; the houses, as a rule, are very wretched, with no attempt whatever at comfort—bare stone walls, vaulted ceilings, mud or cement floors, no sign of painting or papering anywhere ; they are, however, weather-proof, and built to stand for centuries. The people, inured to a hard life, seem to me of strong character, and likely to stand firm once that they have accepted any principle; and therefore I have great hopes that the work there will endure and continually increase. “ No church has as yet been formed in Meana; a number of the leading men, however, and among them three Town Councillors, have given in their names, and signed a paper as adherents, promising thereby to give their moral and material 90 ONE EUNDKED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895.

support. A collection is now taken every Sunday. We trust that before long we shall see a strong and self-supporting church established there.”

Signor Greco reports as to the work in


“ Our meetings have always been crowded, so much so that our hall has not been sufficiently large to give accommodation to those who have oome to listen to the Gospel message. At most of our meetings a part of the congregation has been obliged to stand during the whole service ; and many have had to go away, not being able to get in at all. “ During the course of the year we had the joy of seeing thirty persons in our meetings convinced of sin, and, by the work of the Holy Spirit, bom again. These were all added to the church, which now numbers 132 members. Our losses have been few ; a number of our members have, however, been obliged to leave Genoa temporarily on military service. Our hope and prayer is that, wherever duty leads them, they may bear witness to the Truth, and be the means of bringing others to the Saviour. “ Our Sunday-school has not grown in numbers ; it has, however, made good progress, in other respects. We have thirty children ; all of them attentive, intelligent, and, from week to week, adding to their store of knowledge in Divine things. “ In financial matters, our church has made some progress, although our brethren do not by any means do what they might. We raised, in all, about 700 francs (£28); which was spent, in part, for cleaning, lighting, &c.; in part in helping the poor, and in part for the payment of the increase of rent—100 francs having been sent to our Committee for that purpose.”

Mr. Landels supplies the following statistics relative to Turin and Genoa:— “ Summary of Statistics.—Missionary, 1; evangelists, 2; stations and sub-stations, 7 ; baptized, 25 ; received otherwise, 20 ; losses, 7 ; total number of members, 203 ; Sunday-school scholars—girls, 48, boys, 52 ; teachers, 10 ; number of tracts distributed, about 120,000 ; number of services held, about 1,000 ; hand-bills, &c., printed and distributed, 40,345. Money raised in Turin and district, £48 5s. 2§d.; in Genoa, £28 ; in all, £76 5s. 2|d.”



The Eev. 3ST. H. Shaw, who is in charge of the Tuscan District, reports as follows

“ FliOBENCE. “ The past year has been a trying one, taxing energy and testing faith to an unusual degree. Italy has only escaped bankruptcy by imposing additional hardens on & people already taxed to whp/t seejned the utmost extent possible, 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD BEPOBT. 91

“ In Florence, the failures of the principal local banks, dragging in their train of ruin many other failures, cast a dark shadow over the opening of the year. “ The Members of the Church.—"We have during the year baptized nine persons at Florence, one of whom is a minister of another denomination and is preaching the Gospel in the North. The Church numbers fifty-one members. Of these, four are in other parts of Italy. There are twenty-five whom we can hope only rarely to see at our meetings, perhaps some of them never, ancl of the remaining twenty-two only two or three are able to render to the church any service beyond that of the quiet testi­ mony of their lives. “ Notwithstanding all this, we have had many encouragements. Many of our meetings have been ‘ times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord,’ and the preaching of the Gospel has resulted in conversions and in manifest blessing to some who have not yet thrown in their lot with us. “ Our Finances.—Notwithstanding its extreme poverty the Church has shown a dis­ position to give. It has raised for all purposes £21 15s., of which £2 12s. (together with £4 given by an outsider for that purpose) have gone to the relief of the sick poor, and the remaining £19 3s. have been paid to the Mission, £14 10s. 7d. of it covering the local expenses of gas, chapel-keeper, &c. Now £21 15s. will look a small sum to English eyes, but to anyone knowing the condition of those who have given it, it is full of promise. “ Our Branches.—At Via Palayznolo we have continued to preach with some small improvement in the attendances. At Prato we have lost three of the brethren by death. We continue, in hope of obtaining there a more suitable hall for the evangeli­ sation of that city of 19,000 inhabitants, and centre of superstition, in particular the worship of the Virgin Mary’s Girdle. At San Donato a meeting of from fifteen to twenty persons has been held once a week in a private house. “ Our Colporteur Evangelist has made large numbers of visits in Florence and the surrounding towns and villages, now and then selling a New Testament and judiciously distributing large numbers of tracts. Here and there he meets with encouragement, now and then with opposition, but generally has to contend against a dead weight of indifference.”

LEGHORN. “ The work has been carried on as usual at Leghorn. One young man has been arrested for disturbing the meeting and throwing offensive matter over the evangelist. Six new members have been received during the year, and Sig. Baratti seems to be very hopeful. He has visited, now and then, other towns, and at Faulia and Viareggio has aroused considerable interest in the Gospel. In the former place quite a demonstration Was made in hiB honour. He hopes that a few persons have embraced Christ as their Saviour, but the enthusiasm of the many is not sustained by motives that endure, and disappears like froth when the spiritual aims of the evangelist are understood.”


The Central, or Roman, District, embracing the City of Rome and a large number of towns in the Roman provinces, is under the direction of the Rev. James Wall, who has associated with him his son, the Rev. James Campbell Wall, and Miss Yates. 92 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPOET. [1895.

Reporting upon the work of the past year Mr. Wall writes :— ‘ ‘ The past year has been one of anxiety to all who are interested in the future of Italy. The country has suffered from a series of convulsions. In her colony, rebellion, at home earthquakes, insurrection, and treason. It seemed that constitutional government and trial by jury would hardly survive in this country. Under the strong hand of Sig. Crispi the drifting ship has been brought round to the wind again, and the prospect is now a promising one. “ Still, no one can understand the state of Italy who does not recognise the Vatican as the source of .her trouble. Here this is patent to all. The fact that what to Italy is pestilence and ruin, to the Vatican is returning health and restoration, shows that one or other of these antagonists must fall finally before the other can give attention to other matters. Until that fatal moment the present state of things must continue, at least in Rome, though not necessarily in all other parts of the country, for here lies the peculiarly Roman question. This keeps up a state of great irritation in all Italy, which in Rome, centre of the national nervous system, is sometimes exceedingly intense. “ Such a condition of things maintains that uncertainty which is so favourable to the success of Papal intrigue. A healthy, free, and thriving social condition is beyond the influence of the priest; it is the morbid state which serves his purpose, and which he therefore seeks first to induce and then to make use of. The morally- weakened organism becomes the victim of this infection.”



PIAZZA IN LUCINA. “ Lucina.—Although the alterations in the mission premises were terminated a year Bince, the entrance to the enlarged hall remained as it was before until last October, hen the work for the widened entrance was commenced. The state of the building re­ quired the greatest caution on the part of the builder. It is now completed and forms a commodious and eligible entrance. “ Worship.—The service on the Sunday morning is for believers, and is as obligatory as we can make it. It is a very simple service. A short address is followed by the administering of the Lord’s Supper and a collection. During the past year the attendance has been larger than on any form«: one, and I tViinV there is increasing appreciation of the Truth, of which the Supper is the symbol—the living, present Lord embodied in His saints ; the source of ministry, worship, sacrifice, enthusiasm for souls. ‘ ‘ The Baptisms during the year—thirty-six in number—have been times of refreshing. Some have come from the very heart of the Papal party here ; more than one has lost all in consequence, and was threatened with the knife. “ Breaching.—During Lent there was preaching at the station every night except Saturdays. The titles of the discourses were published, and the meetings were largely attended. Many were impressed, and left their names in the register kept in the hall. Throughout the year the congregations have been good, sometimes large, even in the hottest season. “ Sunday-schools.—This branch of the mission is more difficult in Lucina than at the other stations in Rome, because, being in the centre of the oity, it is farther from those 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 93 parks where children of the working classes are more easily found. Notwithstanding this, we have one hundred on the register, which is revised every quarter, and a good attendance.”


“ T b a s t e v e e e . “ During the first part of the year, this station has been in the hands of our friend, Sig. Dal Canto, and, later, has been conducted by Sig. Ambrosini, a young man of decided Christian character and evangelistic abilities.

“P i a z z a V i t t o k i o E m a n u e l e . “ This station has been in the hands of Sig. Nesi when he has not been away in the direction of Tivoli, Avezzano, and S. Benedetto. The meeting is good, the Sunday- school very numerous, and the medical missions immense. Miss Yates takes the deepest interest in this station.

“B o r o o . “ Here, within a few yards of the Vatican, in the midst of people pensioned or employed by the Pope, we have a meeting, a Sunday-school, and a medical mission. The room iB often too small to hold the people. Sig. G-iordani, a faithful worker, preaches here when he is in Rome.

“ P O E TA T b IONFALE. “ Here, outside the gate of the city by which the victorious armies of Rome entered the city in triumph, there is now a mass of unfinished buildings where the criminals and the famishing welter in filth and crime. Here we have a locale, and every night one of our deacons expounds the Scriptures to as many as can crowd into the room. The Sunday- school is well attended, and we might increase it greatly had we the means.”


“B i b l e W o b k . “ We always give the first place in our efforts to the dissemination of the Scriptures. Evangelisation succeeds, and is appreciated in proportion as the Scriptures are read. The numbers of copies sold by the various societies are so small, and the success of the Bible-hunting and Bible-burning priests so great, that I have thought the little 1 could do would be done best in the direction of those regions unvisited by colporteurs and among those classes which seem closed to all other efforts.

“ B i b l e P l a c a e d . ‘ ‘ I have an a.tmna.1 contract with a Roman bill-sticking society which secures to me the permanent use of 100 spaces of 3 by 4 feet. I have these occupied by beautifully ■coloured texts, which we can change every month. These, like lamps in the temple, •shed their light on the crowds in the busiest parts of the city.

“T h e P o s t . “ The post seems to be as important in modem Christian work as the Roman ijpoad was in the first oentury. During the past year we have sent out ►nearly 60,000 tracts, 16,000 gospels, and 1,000 testaments. Each small packet con­ tained my address. Many therefore availed themselves of the opportunity of writing to me. From these letters I have received muoh encouragement, and have also learned 'what marvellous facility the post offers the missionary of sending comfort and salva­ tion to the ends of the earth. 94 ONE HUNDRED AND THlHD REPORT. [1895.

“ T r a c t s . “ Besides the tegular distribution of tracts before the doors of our locali, where thousands of leaflets and invitations are given away every week, we have the northern part of Rome—the Campus Martius—divided into tract districts. These are visited regularly from week to week, the old tracts being exchanged for new ones.”

THE WORK IN THE YIA URBANA. Reporting on the work of the Yia Urbana, and in the district, the Rev. Jas. Campbell Wall writes :— “ The story of another year reminds me of Christ’s wonderful picture—the Parable of the Sower—a scene so familiar, that many might pass it without notice, yet full of teaching, and striking on account of its simplicity. “ The sowing of precious seed, and persevering effort to cover as wide an area as possible ; the hopeful scattering where little might be looked for in return, and the apparent failure where beaten tracts and rocky soil yielded no entrance to the living germ; all are reflected in our experience.”

Referring to the work in the VIA DEGLI EQI, Mr. Campbell Wall says :— “ Signor Petocchi, who has charge of this station, writes:—‘ The preaching of the Gospel in this, the lowest quarter of Rome, has excited in a special way the hatred and Opposition of the priests. The curate of San Lorenzo, the basilica adjoining the cemetery, has spared no effort to destroy our work. His spies informed him of all who entered our hall. These were visited, and every means was resorted to in order that they should be prevented from returning. Calumnies, threats, promises, material aid, family relations or business connections were all turned to account, and with consider­ able results. Parents would rush into the hall and drag forth their children; husbands would roughly call out their wives or wives their husbands, often disturbing our services with foul language or creating a commotion at the doors. Groups of children, sent by the priest, would gather to shout “ Viva Maria ” in the street, accusing us of blaspheming Mary, and striving to prevent the preacher from being heard. Yet in the face of such opposition, through God’s grace, several converts have been gathered in. Three have been baptized during this year, and five more are at present candidates for baptism.’ ” WORK IN THE ROMAN PR0YINCE8. The Rev. James Wall sends cheering accounts of evangelistic work carried on during the past year in the. following towns, viz. :— Orvieto, Civita Yecchia, Orbitello, Assisi, Viterbo, Tivoli, San Benedetto, Santaione, and Valeria, THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT. The Rev. Robert Walker reports on the work in the Naples District the following effect:— 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT- 95

‘ ‘ Last year I laid great stress on the fact that a number of young people in our church in Naples were full of the desire to help on the work, and on their assistance I based very largely the hopes of success to which I gave expression in my report. It is with very great pleasure and gratitude that I first refer to them again this year. During 1894 it has been a source of great comfort to me to see a few of these young men make very decided progress in the Divine life, and grow in their attachment to the church and its associations. Their number is not great, but it is gradually increasing, and for many reasons it is well that the increase is gradual. “ During a good part of the year Mrs. Walker was unable to continue her Bible- class and prayer-meetings with the young women; but towards the end of the year we made preparations for resuming the class, and now it is larger and more promising than ever it was. We hope to see at least a dozen young women present every Sunday morning at it. Three members of this class were accepted for baptism the first week of this year (1895), and we hope that at least three more of the actual members will be brought in this year. “ The work of our colporteur, thanks to the continued generosity of our friend Miss Emery, has been continued during the whole year. Both in the harbour and in the city, and in the districts which he visits in the provinces of Naples, Salerno, and Avellino, he has gone about distributing tracts, and selling Bibles and other Christian books. To many he has told the story of the Gospel, who never heard it from anyone else,”


“ Signor Libonati’s work has been, as usual, chiefly devoted to the soldiers and villages in the neighbourhood of Avellino. ‘ ‘ Among the soldiers he finds it easy to work with a large measure of] success, and Signor Libonati manages to get and keep a hold on a good many of them.”

CALITRI. “ By the blessing of God this station continues to enjoy a large measure of prosperity, in the midst of continued opposition from the priests. In one of his last letters Signor Barone said he felt thankful to the priests, for it seemed as if their opposition sent the people to his meetings. During the last year, one of the pleasing features of the work has been the readiness of the women to obey the command of Christ, and submit to baptism in His name. One by one the obstacles are being overcome, and the feeling of respect for Signor Barone and his work is widening'and d e e p e n in g among the people. Up to the present there have been 33 baptisms, i.e., in 1892 there were 13 ; in 1893, 6 ; and last year 14. There are now 19 inquirers, of whom we hope soon to see a good many take a decided stand for Christ.”


One of the most Apostolic of modern missionaries wrote recently :— “ Converts are being gathered in, churches are multiplying, and the work of the Lord is prospering in the hands of His servants. “ Whilst full of courage and full of faith in the ultimate and complete triumph of the Gospel, many, however, feel there is something yet wanting. 8 96 ONE HTXNDBED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895.

“ True, we need more men and more money, but there is yet a higher want. More perfect methods of working ? Yes, doubtless; but there is yet a need more pressing and vital still. In my inmost soul I feel that the one pressing need of to-day is a fuller baptism of the Divine power. “ The great secret of the success of the Apostles lay not so much in what they did and said, as in the presence of Christ in them, and with them. They saw with the eyes of Christ, felt with His heart, and worked with His energies. They were nothing, Christ was everything. Christ was living, breathing, triumphing in their personal lives. “ Their entire nature being replete with His life, their spirits bathed in His light, and their souls kindled with the fires of His love, they moved in the midst of men as embodiments of supernatural p o w e b . They spoke with the demonstration of the Spirit; when they came in contact with men, a mysterious energy went out of them, and under their vitalising touch dead souls started into life. “ This is what pastors must be if Christendom is ever to become really Christlike, and this is what all God’s children must be made if God’s will is ever to be accomplished in us and through us.” More than a hundred years ago a young missionary lay dying at thirty- eight years of age, one of the holiest men and one of the most remarkable missionaries ever given to the Christian Church. His dying counsel to his brother, whom he desired to succeed him, was “ to strive earnestly to obtain much of the grace of the Holy Ghost; for without this,” said he, “ what­ ever reason or oratory we may employ, we do but make use of stumps instead of hands.” Well might William Carey write of this man :— “ Let us often look at David Brainerd in the back woods of America pouring out his inmost soul before God for the perishing heathen, without whose salvation nothing could make him happy.” Living in a small hut, just large enough to hold himself and his bed; surrounded by the people he loved so well and served so faithfully, his biographer tells us :— “ The impressions wrought by his words were comparatively insignificant by the side of the marvellous power and influence of his Christ-like life and significant deeds. His very shadow seemed an inspiration, and his life a Gospel.” Oh, Holy Ghost, come upon all Thy children in all Thy fulness, and teach us the secret of the irresistible might of their weakness; of doing great things for G od, through the indwelling energy of Christ’s Divine Spirit 1 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 97

THE CENTENARY FUND. In the last Report the total amount of the Centenary Fund, including payments, promises, and interest on investment of contributions, was reported to be ¿8117,442 19s. Od. This being composed of donations paid ...... ¿8109,197 18 5 Donations promised, but not then paid ...... 5,677 6 6 Interest on funds in vested ...... 2,567 14 1

¿8117,442 19 0 This total has beeen increased during the year just closed by a sum of £1,275 Os. Id., further interest on invested funds, making a grand total of £118,717 19s. Id. Of this total, a sum of £2,126 12s. 8d. is still outstanding, balance of contributions promised, but not yet paid. The grand total of contributions paid and promised amounts to ...... £114,875 4 11 And interest received on funds invested ...... 3,842 14 2

Total, to March 31st, 1895 £118,717 19 1 It may be well here to recapitulate the various ob jects con tem ­ plated b y the origin al appeal for a Thanksgiving Fund of ,£100,000. F irst.— The extinction of any Debts incurred during the course of the appeal. Second.— The creation of a working Capital Fund (say, of £ 2 0 ,0 0 0 ), to render unnecessary Loans from Bankers. Third.— The establishment of a Fund for the outfit, passage, and proba­ tionary expenses of One Hundred additional Missionaries (say £ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ). Fourth.— To create a Fund for the building of Chapels, Schools, and Mission Houses, in various parts of the mission-field (say £ 10 ,00 0 ). Fifth.— To meet the cost of the building, equipment, transit, and recon­ struction of a new Steamer for the Congo Mission. Sixth.— The balance of the ¿8100,000, after providing for above objects, to be devoted to the training of Native Pastors, Evangelists, and School Teachers, and the Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It was anticipated that all the expenses connected with the collection of such a Fund could be met by the interest upon the investment of contribu­ tions, an anticipation fully realised, with a balance in favour of interest of ¿8928 10s. lid. 98 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

The actual paym ents on account of the objects contemplated by the original appeal have been as under :— Debts on accounts for 1891-2 and 1892-3 ¿30,514 10 10 Working capital fund paid to Baptist Missionary Society 2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 Additional missionaries’ outfit and passage, £ 1 ,0 0 0 ; probationary cost (first year), £ 1 ,0 0 0 ; “ Zenana Mission for additional missionaries,” £ 1 ,0 0 0 ... 3,000 0 0 Cost of Congo Steamer “ G oodw ill,” building, transit and reconstruction...... 6,094 13 4 Building “ G-otch-Robinson College ” Boarding and High School at Tsing Chu Fu, Shantung 2,750 10 0 Expenses of raising Fund, Centenary Yolumes, &c., travelling and agency ...... 2,914 3 3

£65,273 17 5 Leaving still in hand, on account of above-mentioned objects, as u n d e r ...... 37,640 5 10

£102,914 3 3

Yiz. :—Additional Missionaries’ Fund...... £ 2 7 ,0 0 0 0 0 Buildings at various station s...... 7,249 & 8 Training and equipment of Native Agents, and for Scripture Translation ...... 3,390 16 2

£37,640 5 10 Deducting this £102,914 3s. 3d. from the total amount of receipts, promises, and interest—viz., £118,717 19s. Id.—there is a balance left of £15,803 15s. 10d., which up to date has not been specially appropriated. In view of the present heavy debt of £ 2 2 ,8 6 0 5s* 6d. pressing upon the Society, in the judgment of the Committee it will be wise to devote this unappropriated balance of £15,803 15s. 10d., of Centenary Fund con­ tributions and interest, towards the extinction of the present debt, thus reducing the amount due to the Treasurer to £ 7,0 56 9s. 8d. FINANCES. It will be remembered with regard to the debt of 1 8 0 3 - 4 of £14,183 8s. lOd., that it was resolved at the last annual members’ meeting, upon the recommendation of the outgoing Committee : — “ To suspend any special appeal for its liquidation, and to concentrate the energies of the churches upon efforts to make the annual income equal to the expenditure.” Witk this object in view, early iq. the year, special plans were arranged. 1895.] OlîE fitiiïDHÈÎ) ANÎ) T HlKD KÜPoSÏ. §9

for a personal visitation of all the churches, upon the lines indicated in the last annual report, the entire country being divided into districts, and well-known brethren undertaking to carry through the visitation scheme. It would be certainly premature to attempt to estimate at present the actual outcome of this work, as in many cases known to the officers the benefits will not be realised until the new year. It is, however, cheering and hopeful to find that the church contributions for the year just closed exhibit an increase over those of the previous year of £2,419 3s. lOd. £1,140 15s. 9d. has also been specially contributed in addition to avert debt, a considerable proportion of which has been given in response to the recent appeal. The Total Receipts upon General Ac­ count amount to £00,000 19s. 4d., an increase of £3,310 5s. 3d. on those of the previous years. This increase would have been considerably larger but for a decrease in Colonial contributions of £843 5s. 9d,, consequent, no doubt, upon recent Australian financial difficulties, £500 7S. 9d* in gifts for special stations and funds, and £300 on Translation Account. It is satisfactory to find that the Receipts for the Widows and Orphans’ Fund have during the past year been sufficient to meet all the outgoings. Tbe Total [Expenditure upon General Account for the past year has amounted to £08,753 lOS., a decrease of £1,868 17s. 7d. on that of the previous year. The actual debt upon the year just çlosed is £8,753 lOS. 8d. To this must be added the debt from the previous year, £14,183 8s. lOd. (less £ 7 0 on Widows and Orphans’ Account), making a total debt to­ day, as shown by the balance-sheet, of £33,800 5 S . Od. Should this be reduced by the unappropriated balance of the Centenary Fund, it will stand at £7,050 Os. 8d. The Committee earnestly hope that before the close of the current month further considerable sums will be received in response to the recent appeal, and they recommend that then the balance of Debt, if any, be written off the Legacy Reserve Fund, so that the new year may commence with a clear balance-sheet. They make this recommendation largely in view of the fact that they have recently received intimation that a certain sum will, through the generous kindness of the representatives of the late Sir Charles Wathen, of Bristol, be paid to the Treasurer of the Mission as a gift, in pursuance of the directions of the late Sir Charles, who, however, died without having given legal form to this liberal intention. It is, however, most Important that the Churches and friends of the Society should distinctly understand that the 100 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895. present Expenditure of the Society is nearly £9,000 in excess of tlie regular .Receipts, and that unless the ordinary income for the new year be increased by £9,000, a farther heavy l>eht will be created by March next, which the Committee will be unable to lessen by any help from reserve funds, all such assistance having been exhausted in clearing off the present deficiency. Looking to the future, it is to be noted with thanks­ giving that there are some indications of commercial and financial improve­ ment, and the Committee confidently trust that reviving mercantile prosperity will issue in a considerable enlargement of permanent receipts. The expenditure of the Mission has undergone careful scrutiny, and reductions have been made ; and with these and an enlarged income arising from new and augmented annual subscriptions, consequent upon the recent personal visitation of the churches, the Committee trust that an approximation to equilibrium between receipts and expenditure may be secured. Already there are encouraging signs of quickened missionary zeal, and of a deeper appreciation of individual responsibility in the sublime enterprise of giving the Gospel of the Grace of God to the world. What we really need as individual Christians is well expressed in almost the last words of the late Dr. A. J. Gordon, of Boston : “ Let us never forget that our chief business as disciples of Christ is to give the Gospel to those who have it not. He who is not a missionary Christian will be a missing Christian when the great day comes for bestowing the rewards of service. Therefore : “ Ask yourself daily what the Lord would have you do in connection with the work of carrying the news of salvation to the perishing millions. Search carefully whether He would have you go yourself to the heathen if you have the youth and fitness required for the work. Or, if you cannot go in person: “ Inquire diligently what blood mortgage there is upon your property in the interest of foreign missions—how much you owe to the heathen because of what you owe to Christ for redeeming you with His precious blood. I warn you that it will go hard with you when your Lord comes to reckon with you if He finds your wealth invested in superfluous luxuries or hoarded up in needless accumulations instead of being sacredly devoted to giving the Gospel to the lost. “ But remember that consecrated giviugr will be impos­ sible unless there be first a consecrated giver. Therefore; I counsel you to seek the special grace and anointing of the Holy Spirit, that He may work in you that consecration of heart and life on which so much depends.” APPENDIX I. 1895.]


Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address ®f Correspondent. N HNRD N TID REPORT, THIRD AND HUNDRED ONE

*AHen, I., M.A. ... May 17th, 1863 B.M., Cortes Island, Brit. Columbia •Anderson, J. H. ... Dec. 0th, 1853... (in England) ...... Wright, Miss E., 84, Kensington Park Road, S.W. Anderson, H. June 8tb,1880... B.M., 37, Elliot Road, Calcutta, India (in England) Bailey, T...... Dec., 1861 B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India ... Balfour, J., M.A. ... July 17th, 1883 Calabar College, Kingston, Jamaica Shawyer, Mr. J. J., 12, Wood Street, Swindon. Baneqea, B. N. ... April 18th, 1872 B.M., Maldah, Northern Bengal, India Barnett, T. H. ... April 22nd, 1880 B.M., 67, King’s Road, Howrah, Layton, Mr. Walter T., East Worcestershire Waterworks Co., Calcutta, Bengal, India Burcot Pumping Station, near Bromsgrove. Barrel!, H. E. English Baptist Church, Bellasis Road, Bycullah, Bombay Bate, J. D Oct. 10th, 1865 B.M., Allahabad, N.W.P., India Weymouth, R. F., D.Lit., 33, Alfred Road, Acton, W. (in England) Bell, Joh n ...... June 18th, 1895 Congo ...... Bentley, W. Holman Feb. 19th, 1879 Congo ...... Dover, William R., 7, Richmond Place, Russell Road, Holloway, N .; and Warmington, Miss H. B., 50, Wigmore Street, W. Bevan, G. W. July 17th, 1889 B.M., Calcutta, India (in England) •Bion, R...... Bush, Mr. H. W., 44, Parchmore-road, Thornton Heath. Dec. 17th, 1850 B.M., Monghyr, Bengal, India ... Hawkins, Mr. Henry J., Osborn^ House, WyldsLane, Wsrcester. Biswas, K...... Baptist Mission Press, 41, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, India ♦Broadway, D.P. ... Nov. 4th, 1856 B.M., Monghyr, N.W.P., India ... Brown, G. D. Mar. 15th, 1892 Congo ...... Hawkes, Miss Maud, 22, Abercromby Square, Liverpool r and Cornford, Mr. E. W-, 63, Hagley Road, Stourbridge. Bruce, J. P., B.A__ Oct. 4th, 1886... B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson &Co., Egerton, Mr. A. G., 13, Werneth Hall Road, The Coppice, Chefoo, China Oldham, Lancashire. Name and Address of Correspondent. Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station.

Burt, E. W., M.A. April 22nd, 1892 B.M., c/o Messrs, Fergusson & Co., Baker, Mr. Frank, Rowanbank, Shawlands, Glasgow; and Chefoo, China Walker, Mr. J. E., 33, Shrewsbury Road, Sheffield. Cameron, 0. July 16th, 1884 Congo Hepburn, Miss E. M., Heathedge, Haslemere, Surrey; John­ stone, Mrs. W., 4, Albert Road, Southport. Carey, W. ... Dec. 16th, 1884 B.M., Barisal, Backergunge, K Findlay, Mr. George B., 16, Langside Road, Glasgow. Bengal, India N HNRD N TID EEPOET. THIED AND HUNDRED ONE Chand, Prem Gya, North India...... Chowdhry, Roman- Baptist Mission Press, 41, Lower ath B. Circular Road, Calcutta, India Clarke, J. A. Nov. 20th, 1888 Congo ...... Thomas, Mr. S. J., 10, Richmond Terrace, Breck Road, Liver­ pool ; and Rudkin, Mr. A. P., 9, August Road, Liverpool. Collier, A. E. June 20th, 1893 B.M., Sultangunge, Mahendru, Patna Tombs, Mr. T. Charles, 40, New Road, Aylesbury. Couling, S. ... Feb. 19th, 1884 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Chefoo, North China Crawford, F. Y. ... Pastor, English Baptist Church, Allahabad, N.W.P. Crudgington, H. E. Jan. 15th, 1879 B.M., Delhi, Punjab, India Marsden, Mr. J. W., West View, Witton, Blackburn. Dann, C. A. Sept., 1892 ... Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, Nassau, N.P., Bahamas Dann, G. J. Oct. 7th, 1884 B.M., Delhi, Punjab, India Davies, P., B.A. ... Mar. 17th, 1885 Congo ...... Davies, W..~ . ... July 17th, 1889 B.M., Maldah, Northern Bengal, Bevan, Miss, 21, Silverdale Road, Birkenhead. India (in England) Davy, E. P. Nov. 15th, 1892 B.M., Patna, Northern India Dawbarn, Miss L. Y. Jan. 20th, 1886 Hirakawa Cho, Gochome 20, Koji- machi Ku, Tokyo, Japan De Hailes, Miss Lily July 17th, 1895 Congo (shortly leaving England)... M. D’Cruz, J A. Mar. 15th, 1881 B.M., Serampore College, Bengal, Bannister, Mr. H. C., 21, Gloucester Crescent, Regent’s Park, India N. W .; and Macaulay, Mrs., Thalatta Lodge, Portrush, Ireland. Dixon, H. ... July 9th, 1879... B.M., c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Hutchinson, Mr. S., 47, St. Paul’s Road, Canonbury, N. ; and Tientsin, North China...... , Crosbie, Mr., 2, Parkhurst Road, New Southgate, N. Donald, D. L. July 19th, 1893 B.M., Barisal, Backergunge, E. Bengal, India 895.] Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address of Correspondent.

Drake, S. B. June 8th, 1886... B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Best, Mr. William, 3, Belle Yue, Bradford. Chefoo, North China (in England) Duncan, Moil B., Jan. 20th, 1886 c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Hankow, Kew, Mr. John, Albert Street, Newark-on-Trent. Hu-pe, North China M.A. Labrum, Miss E. A. Sevenoaks. Dutt, G. C...... September, 1867 B.M., Khoolna, Bengal, India ... ♦East, D. J. Ang. 19th, 1851 Late President, Calabar College, REPORT. THIRD AND HUNDBED ONE Kingston, Jamaica (in England) Clements, Mrs. C. R., Wantage Berks.; Raws, Rev. J. G., Edwards, T. R. July 8th, 1879... B.M., Serampore College, Bengal, India Gwenholme, East Park Road, Harrogate; and Spurr, Mr. F. C., 11, South Luton Place, Cardiff. ElKarey,Youhannah B.M., Nablous, vid Jaffa, Palestine Sharpington, Miss E. E., 9, The Paragon, Streatham Hill, S. W. April" 21st, 1881 B.M., Rungpore, Bengal, India ... Raynes, Mr. Alfred E., 62, Woodsome Road, Highgate, N. Eilison, J. R. Sutton, Miss, 152, Victoria-road, Aston, Birmingham. Evans, Benjamin ... April 22nd, 1880 B.M., Monghyr, Bengal, India Nov. 7th, 1854 B.M., Mussoorie, N.W.P., India... Hood, Mr. C., 7, Calvert Terrace, Swansea. •Evans, Thomas ... Catlow, Mr. Thomas, 268, Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. Farthing, G. B. ... Mar. 16th, 1886 B.M., c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Tientsin, North China (in England) Field, S. M. April 20th, 1894 Congo ...... May 21st, 1889 Congo ...... Collier, Mr. E. P., Grovelands, Tilehurst, near Reading. Forfeitt, J. Lawson Cooper, Mr. J. J., Ravensworth, Brunswick Hill, Reading. Forfeitt, W. L. ... Mar. 19th, 1889 Congo ...... Forsyth, R. 0. June 17th, 1884 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Chefoo, North China ...... Nov. 19th, 1889 Congo ...... Parkes Miss E., c/o Mrs. Tedder, 219, Latimer Road, NottingHill. Fuller, J. A. A. ... Holden, Mr. J. S., Slade Hill, Studen, near Buxton, Derby­ Gammon, R. E. ... July 8th, 1875 B.M., Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies shire. Ghose, Bhagaboti B.M., Serampore College, Bengal, India Churn Hopkins, Mr. C. G., Clarence Terrace, Silverhill, St. Leonards. Glennie, Robert ... July 17th, 1889 Congo ...... Mar. 17th, 1890 Congo (on furlough) ...... Dewing Miss, 3, Yictoria Road, Rusholme, Manchester, and Gordon, S. C. Read,’ Mr. S. A., 94 and 95, Cheapside, E.C. Barker Miss, Bins wood, Enys Road, Eastbourne; and Fox, Graham, R. H. C.... June 8th, 1886... Congo ...... Mrs.H. C., Wingfield, Stoke, Devonport. Hawkes, Mr. Joseph, Stoneycroft, Heathfield Road, Hands- Grenfell, G. Nov. 5th, 1874... Congo ...... worth, Birmingham. Hale, F. W. June 20th, 1893 B.M., Agra, N.W.P., India Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address of Correspondent. ©

Hankinson, W. D. Jan. 18th, 1893 B.M., Matale, Colombo, Ceylon... Maden, Mr. J. H., Spring Bank, Ramsbottom, near Man­ chester { Smith, Mr. P. H., Rawdon College, near Leeds; and Town, Mr. J. Clifton, 81, 83, and 85, Albion St., Leeds.. Harmon, Frank ... Feb. 15th, 1887 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Jordan, Mr. P., The Stores, Teddington. Chefoo, North China Hasler, J. I B.A. Nov. 15th, 1892 B.M., Delhi, Punjab, India Anderson, Mr. Robert, 7, Clarendon-terrace, Dundee.

Hay, R. W. Feb. 19th, 1884 B. M., Dacca, Eastern Bengal, India Noise, Mr. W. H., 42, Blue Boar Row, Salisbury. BEPOBT. THIBD AND HTJNBBED ONE Heberiet, P. E. Dec., 1878 B.M., Sambulpur, Central Pro­ Walker, Mr. J. E., 33, Shrewsbury Road, Sheffield. vinces, India Hook, G. H. Feb. 3rd, 1880... Pastor, Lai Bazaar Baptist Church, Calcutta, India Howells, Geo., B.A. July 17th, 1895 India (studying Oriental languages at Oxford for 12 months) James, Arthur, B.A, Jan., 1893 President, Calabar College, King­ Williams, Miss, 129, Grenfell Street, Adelaide, South ston, Jamaica Australia. James, W. Bowen.., July 8th, 1878... B.M., Julpaigori, Bengal, India Mathewson, Miss Christian, 5, Comely Park Place, Dunferm­ line, N.B. ; Evans, Mr. R. D., Llys Meddyg, Blaenau, James, W. R. Nov. 28th, 1877 B.M., Madaripore, Furreedpore, Festiniog ; and Wells, Miss Edith A., Westfield Villa, The Eastern Bengal, India Chase, Southgate, N.

Jarry, F. W. Juno 18th, 1895 India (not stationed, shortly leaving England) Jones, Mr. E. Rees, c/o Walter Partridge, Esq., 192, Cromwell Jenkins, A. L. Dec. 17th, 1872 B.M., Morlaix, Finisterre, France Road, South Kensington. Jewson, A ..« April 21st, 1881 B.M., 48, Ripon Street, Calcutta, Robinson, Mrs. Edward, 23, Westfield Park, Redland, Bristol. India Jones, A. G. July 4th, 1876... B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Benham, Mr. Frederick, 4, Albert Terrace, Albert Road, Ohefoo, North China Regent’s Park, N.W. Jonès, D. ... July 7th, 1874... B.M., Patna, Northern Bengal, India (in England) Jones, S. J. Pastor, Baptist Church, Dinapore, N. India (in England) Jordan, 0. ... July 18th, 1869 3, Middle Road, Intally, Calcutta, India oo CO 1895.] Name of Missionary. When, accepted. Station. Name and Address of Correspondent.

Julian, R. M. Oct., 1892 Pastor, Circular Road Baptist Church, Calcutta, India (in Eng­ a land) Kerry, George Feb. 5th, 1856... 84, South Road, Intally, Calcutta, India 1 ‘ Kerry, J. G. June 21st, 1881 B.M., Barisal, Backergunge, East­ Bridgewater, Mr. H. 0., Aylestone Park, Leicester. ern Bengal, India REPORT. THIRD AND HUNDRED ONE Kirkland* R. H. Jan. 18th, 1893 Congo ...... Dover, Mr.W. R., 7, Richmond Place, Russell Road, Holloway, N. Lacey, R. L. Dec., 1887 B.M., Berhampore, Ganjam, India Landels, W. K. Sept. 23rd, 1875 B.M., 51, Corso Siccardi, Turin, Lithgow, Mr. Samuel, 84, Wimpole St., Cavendish Square, W. Italy Lapham, H; A. Oct. 18th, 1880 B.M., Matale, Ceylon ...... Elders, Mr. F., 1, Strand, Todmorden, Yorks; and Hawkes, Miss Maud, 22, Abercromby Square, Liverpool. Leigh, Miss Nov., 1872 ... B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India Lewis, T. ... Dec. 1st, 1882... Congo (in England) ...... Allen, Mr. C., 137, Fort Road, Bermondsey; and Ashley, Mrs., 1, Commercial Buildings, ChobhamRoad, Woking, Surrey. Long, Arthur June 20th, 1893 Russell Khonda, Ganjam, Orissa, f India (in England) Massih, Imam B.M., Baptist Mission Press, 41, Southwell, Miss Clara R., Gurrey Lodge, Child’s Hill, N.W. Lower Circular Road, Calcutta McCallum, J., M. A., Feb. 20th, 1894 B.M., c/o Rev. F. D. Waldock, B.D. Maradana, Colombo, Ceylon McIntosh, R. M. ... Dec. 16th, 1884 B.M., Muttra, N.W.P., India ... Lewis, Mr. Frank E., 15, Llantwit Street, Cardiff. McKenna, A. Oct. 28th, 1856 B.M., Soory, Beerbhoom, Bengal, India McLean, A. J. Nov. 15th, 1887 B.M., Chittagong, Eastern Bengal, Arnold, Mr. Wm., Drumannon, Loughall, co. Armagh, Ireland; India and Paine, Mr. Arthur, 12, Lascelles Terrace, Roundhay Road, Leeds. Mitchell, W. S. Mar. 17th, 1885 B. M., Patna, North era Bengal,India King, Miss Ellen, Selsley, near Stroud, Gloucestershire. (in England) Mookerjee, Sat Soron B. M., Dacca, EastemBengal, India Morgan, Evan Feb. ’19th,” 1884 B.M., c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Halstead, Mr. James, Bright Yilla, Harle, Syke, near Burnley, Hankow, Hu-pe, North China Lancashire. Morris, J. D. Feb. 15th, 1887 B.M., Dacca, Eastern Bengal, India Briant, Miss S. A., 20, South Side, Clapham Common, S.W. o Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and AddreBS of Correspondent. OS

Nickalls, E. 0. ... Jan. 20th, 1886 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Gurney, Mr. and Mrs. W. G., 11, Wellington Square, Chelten­ Chefoo, North China (in England) ham. Norledge, T. W. July 17th, 1889 B.M., Jessore, Eastern Bengal, Brock, Mr. W. E., 16, Ellerdale Road, Hampstead, N.W. India Patterson, H. ... Feb. 19th, 1884 B.M., Patna, North India (in Redshaw, Mr. W. W., 122, Newport Road, Middlesborough. England, returning shortly) N HNRD N IiE BEÌPOBT. IfiIED AND HUNDREDONE Paterson, Thos. C., April 22nd; 1892 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., M.B., C.M. Chefoo, North China Phillips, H. R. June 8th, 1886... Congo ...... Cornwell, Mr. David, Plassey Street, Penarth, Cardiff; and Walker, Mr. J. E., 33, Shrewsbury Road, Sheffield. Pike, J. G.... Feb., 1874 ... B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India (in England) Pinnock, John July 20th, 1887 Congo ...... Birrill, Mr. W., 42, Penn Road, Camden Road, London, N .W .; and Hunter, Mr. H. B., Tulketh Street, Southport. Pople, G. R. July 28th, 1892 Congo (in England) ...... Hussey, Mr. J. E., Oakfield Villa, 206, Wells Road, Totter- ... down, Bristol; and Cruickshank, Rev. J., Crewkerne, Somerset. Potter, J. G. Jan. 18th, 1881 B.M., Agra, N.W.P., India Chrystal, Rev. J. R., Almada Grange, Hamilton, N.B. Pratt, W., M.A. ... Jan. 15th, 1890 Calabar College, Kingston, Jamaica, Knott, Mrs. Herbert, Aingarth, Stalybridge, Cheshire. Pastor, East Queen St. Baptist Church Price, W. J. July 10th, 18 77 B.M., Bankipore, North India ... Rix, Miss Jane W., Thrandeston, Schole, Norfolk. Pusey, J. H. ... Feb. 3rd, 1880... B.M., Grand Turk, Turks Island, Jenkins, Miss Mary E., 13, West Bank Road, Higher Tranmere, "West Indies near Birkenhead; and Walker, Mr. J. E., 33, Shrewsbury Road, Sheffield. Richard, T...... April 22nd, 1869 B.M., 1, Quinsan Road, Shanghai, Hart, Mr. Sydney J., Dorset House, Luton, Chatham. China Robinson, D. ... Deo. 16th, 1884 B.M., Serampore College, Bengal, India (in England, returning shortly) Roche, G. R. M...... Pastor, English Baptist Church, Agra, N.W.P., India Roger, Joseph L. ... Nov. 20th, 1888 Congo ...... Walker, Miss, Woodside, London Road, Leicester ; Sawday, Rev. C. B., 9, Clarendon Place, Leeds ; and Whittome, Mr.., Prosppct House, Lake’s End, near Wisbech. 1895.] Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address of Oorrespondent.

Rouse, G. H., M.A., Dec. 4th, 1860 ... Baptist Mission Press, 41, Lower Betts, Mr. John T., Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. LL.B., D.D. Circular Road, Calcutta, India Saha, Shem 1861...... B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India ... Scrivener, A. E. ... Mar. 17th, 1885 Congo ...... Tuckwell, Rev. J., Trematon, Acton Lane, Harlesden, N.W. Shaw, N. H. 1878...... B.M., 1, Piazza Cavour, Florence, Italy

Shorrock, A. G.,B.A June 8th, 1886... B.M., c/o Agent, 0. I. Mission, Blomfield, Rev. W. E., Eversley, Ipswich. REPOET. THIBD AND HTTNDEED ONE Hankow, Hu-pe, North China Sircar, John B.M., Barisal, Backergunge, East­ ern Bengal, India Smith, G. A. Jan. 21st, 189] B.M., Simla, N.W.P., India ... Allen, Mr. C. P., 35, Ivory Place, Richmond Street, Brighton. Smith, Jas...... Mar. 16th, 1852 B.M., Simla, N.W. P., India Watson, Mr. R., J.P., Thrum Hall, Rochdale. Smyth, E. C. July 19th, 1884 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Davis, Mr. R. W., Grange Road West, Middlesborough. Chefoo, North China Sowerby, A. Jan. 18th, 1881 B.M., c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Archard, Mr. A., Sunny Mount, Beechen Cliff, Bath. Tientsin, North China Spurgeon, R. Nov. 6th, 1873... B. M., Barisal, Backergunge, Jones, Mr. W. S., 7, Chichester Street, Chester. Eastern Bengal, India Stapleton, Walter Nov. 19th, 1889 Congo ...... Blewett, Mr. Ed., 107, Egerton Road, Bishopston, Bristol.

Stephens, J. R. M... Dec. 18th, 1894 Congo ...... Southwell, Miss Clara R., Gurrey Lodge, Child’s Hill, N.W. Stockley, T. I. Pastor, English Baptist Church, Burnham, Mrs., 2, Connaught Place, Harrogate, Yorks. Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo, t Ceylon Stonelake, Henry T. June 19th, 1894 Congo ...... Wadlow, Mrs. Florence, Kidbrooke Manor, Blackheath, S.E. Stubbs, J...... Oct. 7th, 1884... B.M., Patna, North India Macaulay, Mrs. R. 0., Thalatta Lodge, Portrush, Ireland. Summers, E. S., July 6th, 1876... B.M., Serampore College, Bengal, Summers, Mr. E., 30, Lower Breck Road, Liverpool. B.A. India Teichmann, A. June 8th, 1883... B.M., Pirojpore, Backergunge, Mack, Mr. James S., Coveyheugh, Reston, Berwickshire; Dunn, Bengal, India Mr. W. V., Orchard Road, Graington, near Birmingham. Thomas, F. V., B. A., Nov. 20th, 1894 B.M., Kharar, Simla, N.W.P., M.B. , India Thomas, H. J. ... Jan. 18th, 1881 B.M., Delhi, Punjab, India 108

Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address of Correspondent.

Thomas, J. W. July 10th, 1867 Baptist Mission Press, 41, Lower Vines, Mr. F., 114, Green Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham. Circular Road, Calcutta, India Thomas, S. S. July 15th, 1885 B.M., 27, Civil Lines, Delhi, Pun­ Gregory, Miss M., Chearsley, Aylesbury, Bucks. jab, India Tregillus, R. H. Mar. 18th, 1885 B.M., Khoolna, Bengal, India (in

England) BEPOBT, THIBD AND HUNDBED ONE Tucker. Leonard. Nov. 19th, 1891 Calabar College, Kingston, Jamaica M.A. Turner, J. J. June 8th, 1883... B.M., c/o Agent, C. I. Mission, Burnham, Mrs., 2, Connaught Place, Harrogate, Yorks. Tientsin, North China (in Eng­ land) Vaughan, J. Dec., 1878...... B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India Waldock, F. D. April 23rd, 1862 B.M., Maradana, Colombo, Ceylon Fox, Mr. H. C., Wingfield, Stoke, Devonport; and Vickers, Miss S. E., Grove Music Academy, 8, Cairns Street, Prince’s Avenue, Liverpool. Walker, R. .„ Jan. 13th, 1880 B.M., 175, ViaForia, Naples, Italy Lang, Rev. W. L., 2, Pittville Lawn, Cheltenham. Wall, J. ... Sept. 25th, 1871 B.M., 35, Piazza di San Lorenso, Mead, Mr. J. B., Endsleigh, Wickham Road, Brockley, S.E. Via Lucina, Rome, Italy WaU, J. 0.... July 17th, 1889 B.M., 154a, Via Urbana, Est, Rome, Italy Watson, J. R., M.B. Jan. 16th, 1884 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Underwood, Mr. T. J., 7, Princes Buildings, Bath. Chefoo, North China (in Eng­ land) Watson, Thos. June 20th, 1893 B.M., Barisal, Backergunge, East­ ern Bengal, India Weeks, J. H. Oct. 11th, 1881 Congo ...... White, H. Mar. 19th, 1889 Congo ...... Evans, Mrs. Hadrian, Trebyholme, Harrogate. Whitehead, John June 17th, 1890 Congo ...... Macaulay, Mrs. R. O., Thalatta Lodge, Portrush, Ireland j and Lord, Mr. W. S., 29, Ashmount, Mizzy Road, Rochdale. Whitewright, J. S.~ Jan. 18th, 1881 B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Dexter, Mr. B., 28, High Street, Chepstow. Chefoo, North China Wilkins, Gordon ... Nov. 15th, 1892 B.M., Sambalpur, C.P., India ... Allen, Mr. C. P., 35, Ivory Place, Richmond Street, Brighton. Wilkinson, A. B .... June 20th, 1893 Udayagiri, Ganjam, Orissa, India 1895.] 1895.]

Name of Missionary. When accepted. Station. Name and Address of Correspondent.

Wills, W. A. Oct. 6th, 1885... B.M., c/o Messrs. Fergusson & Co., Jones, Mr. W. S., 7, Chichester Street, Chester, Chefoo, North China (in Eng­ land) Wilson, C. E., B.A. July 18th, 1894 B.M., Jessore, Eastern Bengal, India

Yates, Miss... July 19th, 1887 B.M., 35, Piazza di San Lorenso, Jones, Miss Frances B., Trentham House, The Avenue, Acton BEPOBT. ; THIBD AND HUNDBED ONE Yia Lucina, Rome, Italy and Fleming, Miss C. W., 171, Hospital Street, Glasgow. Young, A. H., M.A. 1885 ...... B.M., Cuttack, Orissa, India


B.M.—Baptist Missionary, should follow the name in all addresses so indicated.

N.W.P.—North-Western Provinces (India).

All Congo Missionaries should be addressedB ev. , c/o The Missionary in Charge, Baptist Mission Station, Underhill, Matadi, Congo Free State, West Central Africa; and letters marked “ Via Antwerp.”

C. I. Mission, “ China Inland Mission ” should be written in full.

* Eetlred from active service. 109 110 ONE HUNDEED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.




BENGAL. Station formed. 1801—C a l c u t t a ...... G-. K e b b y ...... G-. H. R ouse, M.A., D.D.

Mrs. R ouse

J . W . T h o m a s ...... I n a y a t Ali (Pensioner) Mrs. T h o m a s

T a b a C h o b o n B a n e b j e a

H o m o n a t h R a t C h o w d h e e y

C h a s . J oed an Mrs. JOBDAN A. Jewson Mrs. J ew son

I m a m M a s i h

F . W . J a b b y (not stationed, shortly leaving England)

1818—C i r c u l a r R o a d . . . M . J u l i a n (Pastor of English Baptist Church) in England

1809—L a l B a z a b . *Gr. H . H o o k (Pastor of English Baptist Church)

Mrs. H o o k

1822—S o u t h C o l i n g a . . . * G -o g a n C h u n d e b D a s s (Pastor of Native Church)

1839—I n t a l l y (Bengali) T WENTY-yOUB P e B - GUNNAHS (South Villages and Mutlah District)

* Entirely supported by local funds. 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIED REPORT. I l l

•1844—Bishtopore ...... K hbistanga B iswas ... E vangelis'ts: — J onathon Rothkhali...... Mondal, Prossanna Coo- Rajarampore...... mar Guain, Sassi Bhooson Biswas, ^Grogon Chunder Mondal, ^Koylash Boy- 1827—N ursigdarchoke ragi, Prabhudan Singh Russool Mohammed Choke ...... School Teachers:—*Mohen- North Luckyantipore dro Lall Biswas, Baboo- Bolakhali...... ram Sirdar, Shadon Mach Khali ...... Chowdhoory, Dwarika South Luckyantipore Nath Khan,Kartik Chun­ Dhanghatta ...... der Mondal, Dhiraj Chunder Mondal, Nobin Chunder Mondal, Earn 1829—Khari ...... Chunder Nuskur, Deben- dro Nath Biswas, fGopal 1868—Port Canning...... Chunder Mondol, fPar- Bagmari...... boty Choron Roy, Khagra ...... tRomanath Mondol* fPeter Mondol, JRojoni- Kamarghanti...... kanto Haidar, JA uccct Harbhanga ...... Chuuder Mondol Borea ...... 6 Girls’ School Teachers».— Ten Pastors : — Mothoora Nath Haidar, Bodon Chand Sirdar Pensioners:—Doorgachoron Mondal, Luckhinaran Pundit § Bible Women:— Mrs. K. Haidar, Biddaboty Shantb, Shomo Moni Arung Colporteur :—||Amrita Lall Shanth

Debendro Nath Biswas, G-opal Chunder Sirdar, Amritto Lall Shanth, Bongshi Bodon Ghose, Durga Kanta Chuker- butty, Sashi Bushan Biswas, Shadon Chunder Chowhdry

* Supported by Bir. T. M. M. A t Pastors. Supported by the Port Canning Co. § Supported by the Zenana Fund. 1] Supported by B. T. S. Funds 9 1 1 2 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

1 85 6— Baraset ...... Padma Lochan Ray, K. N. Singha 1818— H o W B A H ...... T. H. B abnett Dino Nath Sarkar (wholly Mrs. B abnett supported by the English Baptist Church) Prio Nath

1799— Sebampobe ...... E . S. Summebs, B.A Normal Class Pundit:— Mrs. Summebs Durga Kanta Chuckra- T . R . E dw abds butty^ Mrs. E dw abds Evangelists: — Haran Ch. D. Robinson j Dey, Moti Lai Sircar returning (Singhur), Joy Deb Pundit Mrs. R obinson ) shortly (Singhur), (not supported J. A. D’Cbttz (on sick by the Society), Pronov Ch., Mondol B h agaboti C h u b n G h OSE C olporteur: — Aghomath Bannerjea —J essobe ...... 1804 T. W . N obledge Evangelists: Simon Mon­ < Mago ora, Dowlat Mrs. N obledge dol, Dhonai Biswas Pumo pore, Andoolbaria C. E. W ilson , B.A. Chundra Biswas, Shad- J HtNIDA han Chundra Sarkar, and Debendranath Roy M abgoobah ... . Circle Teachers : — Satya CharanBannerjea,Sharai- tuttya Biswas, Janoki Nath Acharjya, Sristid- hor Biswas Colporteurs:—Daim Biswas, Khettra Nath Biswas, Ropal Uddin Biswas Bible Woman : — Rebecca Biswas

K h o o l n a ...... G o g o n O h t j n d e b Dutt ... Nilmony Sircar, R.C. Ghose, Shamodanga, Ku- R . H. T b e g iilu s \ In Anundo Sircar ,Beny Sircar, dumdi, Booridanga, Mrs. T b e g iliu s J England Neem Chand, Absolom Malgazee, Narricol- Biswas, Tariny Sircar, Bho- tollah, Shellabunya, lanath, Moddun Mohun Begumpore Sircar, N. K. Nath, J. Biswas, G. C. Sircar, Bim- naryan, J. K. Dass, S. Sircar, K. C. Sircar

180 5- -D in a g e p o b e ...... W. B ow en J ames Russick L. Shah, Marcus, Jalpaiguri, Sadama- Mrs. J ames Lockon (School Master), hal, Baburhaut, Gurga Choron Dass, Ray gunge, Kalka- Bipin Behari Haidar, Joy pore, Noyapara, Chandra* Dass Bygoonbari,Pagold- ewan, Mukrampore, Lukma 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 113

1890—Rungporb ... .. J. R. E llison ...... P. K. Sircar Mrs. E llison 1890—M at.tiatt...... W. D av ies (in England) ... Samuel Christian Gr. W . B evan (in England) B eo jo N a th B a n erjea Jibon K. Maity 18-16—Dacca ...... ^ R. W. H a y ...... Evangelists :—Protap Chan- Mrs. H a y dar Dew Ty, Bimalanda Nag 1848—Dayapur J J. D . M obbis

1880—Sabhar ...... Sat S obon M ookebjee 1849^—Munshiganj ...... Upendra Ghose 1882—Roypura...... Ram Chandra Dass 1867—O obcmxlijA ...... Ram Ch under, Binad Behari Madaceya, Jangalya, Ghose, Prem Ananda, Khandal, Kadariya Eshan 1867—M ymensing* ...... RamDyal Dass (Colporteur). Birisiri, Sonekanda, Abhay KumarNath, Chan­ Bon go w dra Nath Dass, Ram Nath, Ghosh, Gobinda C. K. Shah, P. R. Chakrabarfcti 1878—C a c h a b ...... Kalinugger

1828—BAOKEBGUNGEDistrct. R. Spubgeon Kironodoy Ghose, Ram- Barisaul, Damshar, Mrs. Spubgeon soonder Sirkar, Prio Nath Morakhati, Kotal- W . Ca b e y Nath, Nilumber Mooker- bari, Indurkhani, Mrs. Ca b e y jea, Probhat C. Sirkar, Oichermart, Chobi- J ohn Sibc ab Premanando Sirkar, Dyal kapar, Bakal, Ash- J. Gr. K e r r y C. Sirkar, Bishonath Sircar kor, Ramshil, Raja- Mrs. K e b b y pore, Amgram, Am- D . L. D onald boliya, Bagdah, Hé­ T. W atson ron, Inagram, Dan- dover, Kaonea,Ban- J . H . A ndebson Retired Pastors of Self-supporting and in Mrs. A ndebson churches:—(Askor) Nobin daripara, Dorpara, England Rampoti, Sajira, Chundra Sircar, (Ambolia) Muladi, Perarpar, Pastor deceased, (Bagdha) Shammar, Anondo- Anon do, (Indoorkanee) Sri paxi, R ajehan, Nath Sircar, (Anondopur) Basile, Balokehi, Nilcomol Sirkar, (Pipra- Monda kul, Shashi- katee) without Pastor, gram, Ourabonia, (Dhamshar) Lalit Mohun Kalamagha, Pot- Daes, (Katalbaree) with­ char, Jamla, out Pastor, (Sanuhar) Rajchar Gooroo Choron

* The work in this district is supported by the Australian Churches. 9* 114 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895.

1886—M ad ab ipob e ...... W. R. J ames Assistant Missionary: Koy- M rs. J ames lash Chandra Sircar O u t S t a t i o n s .— Chundra Kumar Sirkar, Dighaliya, Sua- Dwarik Biswas, Manik gram, Koligram, Chakrabarti Nobogram, Pakhor, Pastors of Native Churches: Ramshil, Kotaliya, (Suagram) Nanda Kumar, Kadambari, Uttor- (Narikelbari)Mohesh Hai­ p a r, S b o ld a n , dar, (Madra) Nobin Madra, Narikelbari, Sirkar, (Koligram) Shitol Chokesingh, Moo- Sirkar, (Kotaliya) Nodi- sooria, Dharabas- ram, (Nobogram) Bhojon hail, Hiron, Jaigiri Ojha

1889— P ibo jp oe e A . T . T eichmann Orunodoy G-hose, John Kalmega, Oura- Mrs. T eic h m a n n Haidar, Haranondo bunia, Bister Kanti Mondol

1881— C hittagong A. J. M cL ean Radha Nath Dass, Nobin Chandpore, Chan- M rs. M cL e a n Chunder Dutt, Lakshman draguna Chunder Sirkar, Ko Shwe Lan, M. K. Bo

1818—Sooby, B eebbh oom ... A. M cK en na Nepal C. Patra, Umachurtm M rs. M cK en na Nath, Indra Mohun Das


1816— M o n g h y b ...... B. E v a n s ...... Lachhman Dass, Bhai

Mrs. E v a n s Haran Dass, Suk Pal, D. Karan, B.A., Bahadur, Jumalpore R. B ion i . , Pastor of Hindustani Mrs. Bion } Mehred Church. D . P. B b oa d w a y \ _ •««- t. J Retired Mrs. Bboadway )

1816— P atn a ...... H. P attebson 1 ^ , Mathew Pande, ChhidaLal, F England, _ ( returning Ram Lai Sing, Shem, Mrs. Pattebson ) ghortly John Paul, Shem, Mirza A. E . C ollieb Ali, Ram Charan E. P, D av y Mrs. D a v y B an kipobe ...... W. S. M itchell | j n Ali Jan, Luther, Manni La]

M r s . M i t c h e l l j England Kobiraj, Zuhann^ D. J ones j , r \ In England Mrs. J on es ) J ohn Stubbs Mrs. Stubbs

W . J. P b i c e

M r s . P b i c e 1895.] ONE HUNDSED AND THIRD REPORT. 115

D in a poe e ...... *3. J . J ones (Pastor of Eng- Julius lish Baptist Church) (in England) G y a ...... P bem C h an d ...... Henry, Benode, Isa Das, Dhumna Sukhi, Gharibwa, Bhag­ Kapya wan Deen

1867—A l l a h a b a d ...... J. D. B ate ) Mrs. B a te } In BngUnd *F. V. C eaw p oed (Pastor of English B aptist Church)

1834— A q b a ...... J. G. P otteb ...... Evangelists: — (Shamsha- Mrs. P otteb bad) Eati Earn, Nand F. W. H ale Kishore, (Achneyra)Bhag- wan Dass, (Dholepore) Masih Charan, (Agra) Sulieman, John Paul, Salig Superannuated :—Jacob, Manook Dass

M ttttba ...... E . M . M cI ntosh Colporteurs: — Gabriel, M rs. M cI ntosh Behari Evangelist:—Taqub Christian Teachers:—Tim­ othy, Marcus, Cornelius, Thomas, Mr. D. Souza, Wilson, Moti Paul, Es- wori Das A g b a ...... *G. E . M. E oohe Havelock English Baptist Church

1 8 1 8 — D e l h i . Darya G-anj, H . J. T homas ... Native Doctor:—Saul David Sabzi Mandi, Shah- Mrs. H . J. T homas E vangeh' sts:—Anand Masih, dara, Id Gah, Pahar S. S. T homas Lakhu, Joshua, J. Samp­ Ganj, Nabi Karim, Mrs. S. S. T homas son, J. David, Tika Mahrauli, Purana H . E. C btjdgington Colporteurs : — Daud, J. Qila, Furidabad, Mrs. C btjdgington Williams Palwal, Chaprauli, G. J. D an n Schoolmasters : — Y aqub, Hodal, Loui, Bar- Mrs. D an n Loka, Daniel Arif Masih, ant, Ballabgarh J. I. H ableb, B.A. Dharm Sinh, Nanda, James, Sagir Hussain, Isa Cham, Daniel, Yaqub Kanha, Prem Masih, Asa, and Thana

M ussoete ...... T hos. E vans (retired)

* Entirely supported by local funds. 116 ONE HUNDRED A ^ D THIRD REPORT. [1895.

1 8 6 5 — S im l a ...... J a m e s S m i i h ...... Preachers:—Silas Paul (Ko- Kharar, Khizera- Mrs. J. S m ith rali), Nathaniel (Chuni bad, Cimni Kalan G -e o r g e A. S m ith Kalan), Pran Das (Chuni Nalagarh, Solkian, F. V- T h o m a s, B.A., M.B. Kalan), Khush Hal Masih Sialbah, Jutog, (Purowl) Kalka, Gundowlee Colporteurs:—Thoka(Paint- pur), Goojer Singh (Mean- pur), Genda Singh (Sol­ kian) School Teachers :—(Korali) Caleb, (Khiderabad) An­ tonie Abrahim, (Sialbah) Bhola Singh, (Manakpur) Nihal Singh, (Sialbah Ma- jari) Masih Das, (Khar- rar) Filouri, A. Munshie, (Manouli) Lai Chand, (Chuni Kalan) Charta Singh, (Manakpur Khera) Rodoo

B o m b a y ...... H. E. BAEEErii* (Pasto.r of English Baptist CLurch, Bellasis Road, Bjculiahj


1825—Beehampoee ... R . L . L a c e y i „ , , Niladri Naik, Ananta Ds.s , , \ In England... Mrs. Lacey ) Tama Patra (retired), Cyprian Santra, Krupaa- G. H. W i l k i n s ...... indhu Mah an ty, Balaji Jenna

1849—Padei Polli .. 1861—Russelkondah A. L o n g .“ . . ■ ). In England Poomanand Mahanty Mrs. Long ... j U d a y a g ib i A. B. W ilkinson 1822—C uttack ...... T . B a i l e y 1868— M aomtltiANpatn a J. G. Pike (in England) Duli Patra 1883—Bhoieapoee ... J . V a u g h a n ...... 1882— Houqhpatna ... Mrs. V a u g h a n Miss L e i g h A. H . Y o u n g , M.A. Miss Batoubs Miss Glbazbb Miss T h a t c h e b S h e m S a h u 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. 117

1841—C h a g a ...... Thoma Santra

1839—K h u n d i t t u r ...... Jacob Sahu

1871—A q u a p a d d a ......

1873—M inchtnpatna | Mitianandra Behera 1883—M a n g a l p o b e . . . )

1868—K e n d b a p a b a ...... Kapileswara Das

K h o o b d a h ...... Bala Krishna Rath

1840—P i p l i and Puki, s Balunkeswar Pradhan, Joy- Visited by the Missionaries B i l k p a d a and As- f ananda Singh, Rajabal- from Cuttack EAYAPUB j labh Jee Jacheck

S y l h e t , A s s a m )

1868—B onamalipoee ...... D. G. Mahanty

1865—B i l e p a d a ...... 1879—S a m b a x t u b ...... P. E. H e b e r l e t ...... Daniel Das, John Pal, Banchanidhi Mahapatra, Chas. Pati, Abraham Prushti, Simeon Das. 1 8 8 9 — T e l a n p a l i ...... Retired Evangelists— Kumbhu Haik, Mukunda Das, Mukunda Sahu N.B.—Mr. Geo. Howells, i.A., accepted for issa, is studying Oriental languages at Oxford, and goes o in Autumn, 1896.


1812—C o l o m b o D i s t r i c t ... F. D . "W a l d o c k

Mrs. W a l d o c k

J. M c C a l l u m , M.A., B.D.

1812—C o l o m b o , C i n n a m o n T. I. S t o c k l e y * (Pastor of

G a r d e n s English Church)

1813—C o l o m b o — G band ‘

P ass J. S. Perera f 1845—C o l o m b o — M a t TAKKUUYA

1887—C o l o m b o , S o u t h ... Henry de Silva 1832—Biyamyila and Im - ' BULGODA 1839—Makewita 1840—H endala ...... * J. Migel Perera t 1863—Batagama......

1817— H a n w e l l a 1817—W elgam a

Maintained by Local Funds. + Pastor of Self-supporting Ohurch. 118 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPORT. [1895-

838—K o t i k a w a t t a J. W. Per era* 842—G o n a w a l a } 865—K o r a l a w e l l a and D. A. Benjamin* M o b a t x x w a

870—M a d a m p e ...... J. Raphael Perera*

872—R a y i g a m K o b a i e M. H. Perera 886—A t i s a w e l l a . . . J. D. D. Perera 887—W a e a g o d a Peter Perera 891—D i y a g a m a Don Andris 891—V e y a n g o d a D. B. Lewis 891—K a n d u b o d a . . . W- D. Botejue 893—K a n d a n a ...... Charles Peries S93—Ran aha...... D. H. Perera 893—W a l a l l a w i t i K o e- ALE

894—W e l i p e n n a D. R. d’Alwis 894—C h x l a t v . . . C. D. Hendrick W. Weeraratna, studying to qualify for an Evangelist. And 43 Day School Teachers.

Sababagamuwa D is -

TEIOT ...... W. D. H a n k i n s o n 1878—R a t n a p t j b a Gr. A. Aponso 1874— PEUiADTjLliA ... G. A. Aponso (pro tem.) 1881—B a l a n g o d a S. R. Perera 1890—R a k w a n a ...... T. Silva And 10 Day School Teachers.

Kandy Disteict— 1841—K a n d y D. W. Abayaratna, Church Committee 1841—GaMpola ... H. D. Daniel, Church Com­ mittee 1841—Gampola ... D. H. Perera 1837—M a t a l e (Town) H. A. L a th a m C. P. Dharmakirtit Mrs. L a p h a m .

1837—M a t a ih (District) ... Juan Silva 1887—M atale and R attota J. A. Markua K attjgastota ... 1854— KADtfGANNAWA Amaris de Silva 1863—K o bhjakm an a...

1887—G alagedaba & H a e i- SPATTUWA And 15 Day School Teachers.

* Pastor of Self-supporting Church. t Unpaid Pastor. 1 8 9 5 .3 OKE HUNDBED AND THIRD BEPOBT. 119


S h a n s i, N o b t h C h i n a .

Date. Station or Sub-Station. Missionaries. Evangelists and Schoolmasters. 1878—T’AI YUAN FU ...\ / ¥ u Yü Feng


1885—H siao T ik n T zu A . S o w e b b y ...... Chang Shang Ku 1889—S h i h T’ ie h Mrs. S o w e b b y Hu Tung Te 1891—Ch iao C h ’ e n g ... Gr. B. F a b t h in q ) In Pai Hsiao Ken 1893—P’ in g T ’ou ... Mrs. F a b t h i n g > England Liu Ch’ing Hsiian


T’a i Y uan F u Master :—Yang Wei Ch’un J. J. T u b n e b i T , C h iao C h ’ eng m \ In England Wang Ti Chii Mrs. Tubnee ' S h ih T ’ ekh ... i Evangelist.

1885—H S IN C H O W /Chao Hsia Yiin


1889— Ch’i Ts’un Ho Ts’un Kuei 1891—Ting Hsiang . Ssu T ’ien Hsi 1891— Tso M o Chen .

1892— T a i C h o w H. D i x o n Wen Su Ch’ing Schools > Mrs. D i x o n (in England)

Hsnsr Chow . Tung S.S. C h ’ i T s’ u n . Chou S S. T in g H s ia n g Wu S.S. P a n S h i h T z u Wang S.S. Y a o C h i h . .. Chia S. S. M i w g W a n g , T s’ u n , ^Wang S.S.

S h a n t u n g .

1877—Ch’ing ChouFu City, J. S. W h i t e we i g h t Pastor : — Cheng yii jen (T’sing Chu Fu) with Mrs. W hite weight Supported by Native 87 stations in thefol- S. C o u li n g Church:—Wang pao t’ai, lowing counties:— Mrs. Couung (in England) Wu chien ch’ eng, Nieh I tu R. C. Fobsyth t’ung ngan, Sun yii ch’ing, Shou kuang Mrs. Foesyth Wang ming, Li tien ying Lin chih J.R. W atson, M .B. 1 InEng- Evangelists : — Sun ch’ang Lin ch’ü Mrs. W atson ) land ch’ing, Yen shou t’ing, J. P. Bbuoe, B.A. Wang lien k’o M r s . B b u o e (And 32 Day School T . C . P a t e b s o n , M .B., C.M. Teachers) 120 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD RKPOBT. [1895.

1889—Chou P’ing City, A. G. J o n e s ...... Evangelists : — Sun wan ■with. 105 stations in Mrs. J o n e s ch’un, Yen tao ngan, Chi the following coun­ W . A. W ells (iji England] ch’iian jen, Chia hsiyiian, ties:— S. B. D e a x e ) Kung li yeh, Yuan hung Chou p’ing Mrs D b a e e } * ■ » * * ■ ’«' yuan, Sun i chung, Cheng Ch’ang shan F. H a r m o n tao ngan, T’eng, Yin Kao yuan Mrs. H a r m o n chiieh, Tu, Chao, Chang, Hsin ch’ eng E. C. N i c k a l l s \ , Feng hsin, Shih, Wang, „ \ In England Po hsing Mrs. N i c k a l l s J Liu ju ts’ai, Lii P’u t’ai E. C. S m y th (And 51 Day School Pin chou Mrs. S m y th Teachers) Ch’ing ch’ eng E. W. B u r t , B.A. Ch’i tung Mrs. B u r t Po shan Chih ch’uan Li ch’eng Chang ch’iu

S h e n s i . S h e n s i ...... M oie B. Duncan, M .A Pastor - Evangelists :—Sun Mrs. D u n c a n Han Ch’ing, Liu Tan A . G. Shorrook, B.A. Chih Evan Morgan Evangelists:—Wang Y u a n , Mrs. M o r g a n (in England, Wang Tau Yu shortly returning to China) Native Preachers are elected S t a t io n s :— by ballot, and paid by the 1894—Provincial City: Hsi- Evangelistic Association an-fu ...... 1893—County Town: San Schoolmasters:—(a) Of Yuan ...... Girls’ School: WangShou 1892—County Village : Fu Hao Liu Liang; (b) Of Yin T’sun ...... Boys’ Schools : Chang T ’ung Tao, Wang Hsiang Su b -S tations : Keng, YiianTeng Ao, Lii 1892—T’ai Ho T’sun...... Yii Te, Nieh Ling Hsiao, 1892—Nan Kuan Shan ... Li Ch’i Ch’ang, Wang 1893—Pei Kuan Shan Ch’uan Kung, Chou An 1893—Fang T’sun ...... Pang, Sun Pao Ch’ing 1894—Wan Li ...... 1894—Ch’ao I Chuang 1894—Nieh Chia P u ...... 1893—Wan Hsien T ’un ... 1894—Ch’ing Liang Szu ... 1893—K ’ang Wu T’sun ... 1893—T’ung W a n g ...... 1893—Mu T ’a Szu ...... 1893—Yen Liang Chen ... TJneetablished places: a few ......

S h a n g h a i ...... T . R i c h a r d

Mrs R i c h a k d (In England) 1895.] ONE HDNDBED AND IHIKD BEPOBT. 121


Nablous ... Y o u h a n n a h E l K a b e y 1888—Sa m ab ia .. Mrs. E l K a b e y 1888—B ate M eeen 1890—C oobcood ... 1890—B oobkehn

R aetdia ...

1 8 9 3 — B u b k a

1 8 9 4 — N u b J e b e e n

WEST INDIES. TRINIDAD. 1 8 4 3 — P o e t o f S p a i n R. E. G am m on

B e l m o n t ...... Mrs. G am m on

1 8 4 3 — C o u v a ...... James Saunders

C a r e n a g e , M a y a b o C. Butler

R o a d

1878—C h a g u a n a s ......

C abapichaima . . . W. A. Patrick

1 8 6 1 — S a n F e r n a n d o

1 8 8 7 — P b i n c e s T o w n James Saunders

1 8 4 9 — F o u r t h C o m p a n y . . . Charles Webb

1 8 4 9 — N e w G r a n t , o r F i r s t

C o m p a n y A. Elvin 1 8 5 9 — M a t i l d a B o u n d a r y Pompey Floyd

1 8 4 9 — T h i r d C o m p a n y . . . Thomas McLeod

1 8 7 5 — C o b y a l Charles Webb

1 8 4 9 — F i f t h C o m p a n y . . . Robert Andrews

1 8 4 9 — S i x t h C o m p a n y Duncan Fraser

1 8 7 9 — M o n t s e e r a t ...... C. Webb

1 8 8 0 — M o b u g a ...... J. B. Giliaxd

1 8 9 0 — S t . J u l i e n ’ s V i l l a g e C. Butler

1 8 9 0 — F o e t G e o b g e ...... Thomas McLeod

E l s w i o k V i l l a g e . . . P. P. A. Bontour

M o b o ...... E. Cooper

C u n a p o ...... James Birchwood

T o b b i b T e a c e James Birchwood BAHAMAS. N e w P r o v i d e n c e . . .

1 8 3 3 — N a s s a u C. A. D a n n (Pastor of Zion Fox H ill...... Baptist Church) Adelaide...... Miss D a n n ...... A n d b o s I s l a n d (1 0 J. Rolle and J. Edgcomb s t a t io n s ) A b a o o , L i t t l e A b a o o , J. A. Hanna, J. Laroda G e a n d B a h a m a ,

B o p n i , a n d M o s s I s l a n d (11 s t a t io n s ) ELBUTHEBA(2stations) 122 ONE HTTNDBED AND THIBD BEFOBT. [1895.

C a t I s l a n d Hercules Rolle S a n S a l v a d o r (12 s t a t io n s )

E x u m a (6 stations) Isaac Rolle R a g g e d I s l a n d C. Maycock

1 8 5 3 — I n a g u a (3 stations)

F o r t u n e I s l a n d

C r o o k e d I s l a n d (2 s t a t io n s )

M a y a g u a n a (3 s t a ­ Geo. Green t io n s )

A c k l i n ’s (2 stations)

L o n g I s l a n d (6 s t a Essex Wilson t io n s )

R u m C a y ( 2 s t a ­ t io n s )

W a t l i n g I s l a n d s (2 stations)


1 8 4 3 - -S t . D o m i n g o , Oscar Stubbs P u e r t o P l a t a

1 8 8 0 - -M o n t e C h r i s t x Anthony Gilbert

G r a n d T u r k . . . J. H. P u s e y S a l t C a y ...... Schoolmasters: N. Astwood East Harbour T. T. Godet Loruner’s .. Joseph J. Tucker Bambarrow ... Mount Peto ... Bottle Creek J. E. Clarke Kew ...... G. C. Thomas Blue Hills ... J. Irons Five Keys ...

K i n g s t o n ......

The week-day schools at Salt Cay, East Harbour, Lorimer’s, Bottle Creek, Kew, and Blue Hills are sustained by the Turks Island Government.


1818— K i n g s t o n ......

Calabar Institution A r t h u r J a m e s , B.A. (President)

Mrs. J a m e s

J. B a l f o u r , M.A. (Classical Tutor)

Mrs. B a l f o u r

L. T u c k e r , M.A. (Normal School Tutor) ^ 1895.] ONE HUNDBED AND THIED BEPOET. 123

East Queen Street W. P r a t t , M.A. (Pastor) * M r s . P b a t t . Secretary—Rev. P. W i l l i a m s , Bethel Town

J a m a ic a B a p t is t M is s io n a r y S o c ie t y .

Secretary—Rev. E. J. H e w e t t , Anchovy P.O. Treasurer—Rev. J. K in g d o n , Falmouth P.O. Committee—Revs. A. G-. K ib k h a m , C. E. Hendeeson, S. J. Washington, W . M. W ebb, P. W illiams, P. F. Schobtjbgh, G. E. Hendeeson, W . Peatt, M.A., and A. J a m es, B.A. Honorary Members—Revs. D. J. E a s t and G. R. H e n d e e s o n . Ex Officio—Rev. C. C h a p m a n , Chairman of the Jamaica Baptist Union Rev. C. Chapman, Secretary, Day SUbol Society, Montego Bay P.O. Rev. W. H e a d , do. Sunday School Society, Cave Valley P.O. Associate Members—Revs. Chas. Sibley and W. D. H e n d e e s o n .

M issionaeies C o n n e c te d w i t h t h e J a m a ic a B a p t is t M is s io n a e y S o c ie t y . Jacmel, H aiti...... L. T. Evans St. Marc, Haiti G. Angus Belize, B. Honduras C. Brown Port-au-Prince, Haiti L. Hippolyte, M.A. Cienfuegos, Cuba ... Cayman Brae...... W. H. Rutty Limon, Costa Rica... J. H. Sobey, J. Hayter Boscas-del-Toro ... A. W. Meredith


CONGO. Lower River:— W . B e n t l e y B e n t l e y 1 8 7 9 —San Salvadob ...... H. and Mrs. Mbanza Mputu... G. Gbeneell and Mrs. G b e n f e l l Mawunze...... J . H. W e e k s and Mrs. W e e k s K im pesi...... G . C a m e e o n Davies, B.A. 1 8 8 2 —Tundtjwa, or U n d e b - P. TTTT.Ti A . E. SCBIVENEE Mrs. SCBTVENEB 1887— LtrKUNGA (for Trans­ port work only) R. H. C. G b a h a m (Mrs. G b a h a m in England) R. Phillips P h i l l i p s 1 8 8 4 — N g o m b e , or W a t h e n H. (and Mrs. in England) Upper River:— Thomas Lewis and Mrs. L e w i s (in England) John Pinnock and Mrs. P in n o c k 1 8 8 2 —Stanley Pool, or J. A. Claek Abthington J . L. R o g e r and Mrs. R o g e b 1 8 8 4 — Lttkolela, or L i v e r ­ W . L. F o e f e i t t and Mrs. F o b f e i t t p o o l H. W h i t e and Mrs. W h i t e 1 8 8 8 —Bolobo ......

* Maintained entirely by local funds. 124 ONE HTJNDBED AND THIBD BEPOBT. [1895.

/ J. L a w s o n F o r f e i t t and Mrs. F o r f e i t t . R. G l e n n i e and Mrs. G l e n n i e W . H . Stapleton and Mrs. S t a p l b t o n J. A. A. F u l l e r S. 0. Gordon (on furlough)

1 8 9 1 — Munsembe... J o h n W h i t e h e a d a n d Mrs. W h i t e h e a d 1 8 9 1 —Bopoto G. D. B r o w n 1 8 9 3 —1 G. R. P o p l e (in England) R. H. K i r k l a n d

S. M. F i e l d

H. T. S t o n e l a k e

J. R. M. S t e p h e n s Shortly leaving England ____ }



1 8 3 4 — Morlaix ... A. L. J e n k i n s Morvan (Colporteur) Collo- Primel ... Mrs. J e n k i n s bert and *Lohou (Evan­ Carkatx ... gelists), Messervy, +Her- The G ttilly vet. P l o u n e o u r 1 8 7 7 — Madeleine

1 8 8 2 — L a n n e a n o u

1 8 8 8 — R o s c o f f . . .

1 8 9 0 — D i b e n

T b o n d o n s t i n ITALY. NORTHERN DIVISION.

1 8 7 0 - -T u r i n (5 1 C o e s o

S i c c a r d i ) W. K. L a n d e l s ...... Sig. P. E. Jahier

M r s . L a n d e l s

9 V i a S a l u z z o

2 7 V i a M . V i t t o r i a

10 V i a G u a s t a l l a J

B e r g o C e n i s i o

M e a n a ......

M o m p a n t e e o ......

1 8 7 9 — G e n o a Sig. Nardi Greco

3 6 P i a z z a D E F E R ­ RA UT ...... (Worked from Turin.)

S anpierdarena § . . .

1 8 9 2 — Monoat.tero j : ......

S u s a ......

* Partially supported. t Supports himself. J Expenses borne by church in Turin. § Supported by church in Genoa* 1895.] ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD RErORT. 125 CENTRAL DIVISION. Roman Di&trict :— 1870— 35 Piazza in Luoina, R o m e ...... J ames W a l l ...... Sig. Dal Cauto Mrs. J ames W a l l ......

T e a b t a v e e b ...... Miss Y a t e s ...... 1 87 3— V i a U r b a n a , R o m e J. C am pbell W a ll ...... Mrs. J. C. W all V i a D e g l i E q u i . .. Sig. Petocchi V i a d e i C a m p a n i ...

V i a C onsolazione ...

M o n t i ......

P ia z z a . V ic t o r

E m a n u e l e Sig. E. Nesi

T i t o l i ......

S . B e n e d e t t o

S a n t A j o n e ...... Sig. Giordani Antonio B o r g o ......

P o s t a T r io n f a l e . . .

L ic e n z a ......

V i c ov a r o ......

M a r e m m a D is t b ic t . (Worked from Rome.)

1887— C i v i t a V e c c h ia

1884— C e c in a ......

C o r n e t o ......

M on t A l t o ......

O r b it e l l o ......

V it e r b o ...... Sig. Ageno

O r v ie t o ......

A s s is i ...... Sig. Ambrosini

F o l o n i c a ...... Tuscan, District ;—

1 88 0— F l o r e n c e ...... N a t h a n ie l H. Sh a w Sig. Allegri P ia z z a S . T r in i t à ... Mrs. Sh a w Sig. Melani

P r a t o ......

V i a P a l a z z u o l o ...

S a n D on a to ......

L e g h o r n ...... Sig. Baratti SOUTHERN DIVISION,

1876— N a p l e s R. W alk e r Sig. Tummulo Mrs. W a lk e r

1885— A v e l l in o ...... Sig. Libonati

C auteri Sig. A. Barone Retired from full service, though in some cases Mission work is still engaged in :—I saac A llen, M .A ., J. H. A nderson, R. B ion, T . E vans, T h os. M a r t in , D. P. B ro ad w a y, all of India ; J. J. F u lle r, late of Cameroone ; and D. J. E ast, late Principal of Calabar College, Jamaica. 126



N o t e .— In many cases these figures are incomplete, in consequence of the non-receipt of the needful returns. 'Ö Q> • GQ© o a Increase Total No. o^ §13 E No. of Scholars. .ao ■§ 1 o 03 . ■aj» •n QO 2 during l-S -8 c3 'S Members. P u nÖ O*3the Year Day. Sabbath 5 « CD s Names of Stations. £ 2 OS ° o S 1 H tw œ m ■? œ DD g o h 3 *** ° 3 S 'S Churches. E

Pastors of Pastors Eng] » !z ê 55 0>H £^0.9 J5 [ [ European. .

Bengal. Calcutta...... 13 1 „ CircularRoad i e 1 3 124 Ï 3 39 20 11 „ Lall Bazar... 1 i 16 16 150 40 40 12 „ Intally...... i 1 13 34 3 161 280. 95 15 9 „ »Colinga ...... 1 Howrah...... i ï 3 Ï4 2 47 25 16 Ï5 65 66 9 Baraset ...... l 1 5 19 32 4 5 1 24-Pergunnahs and 1 6 25 20 22 14 33 408 1571 182 341 71 148 16 Serampore...... 4 4 7 2 5 19 23 4 84 179 120 60 60 80 9 Jessore, Magoorah, and Jhenida...... 2 6 27 b 70 206 32 847 23 22 3 2 10 13 17 Ï6 20 14 300 1000 40 380 30 180 7 Barisal ...... 6 9 19 30 44 5 1128 3460 278 460 276 22? 34 •Pirojpore...... 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 14 30 1 9 1 19 3 Madaripore ...... 1 4 22 18 81 14 99 2 1080 3487 490 95 177 21 Dinajpore and Jal- paiguri ...... 1 4 2 11 10 2 6 2 234 556 4 16 IV 43 5 Dacca...... 3 4 2 4 1 2 2 7 71 154 35 60 35 60 7 Chittagong ...... 1 4 4 3 17 1 5 18 45 73 67 .14 72 4 Maldah ...... 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 16 Rungpore ...... 1 1 Ï 1 2 3 13 8 8 6 ë 2 Suri, Beerbhoom..... 1 3 8 1 i 1 4 51 94 72 284 lb 48 4

O b i b s a . Cuttack, &c...... 6 ... 11 29 8 23 10 40 45 945 2649 215 475 314 453 66 Piplee, &c...... 4 6 4 1 6 15 193 574 52 55 70 62 14 ï 10 5 21 68 Sambalpore...... 2 3 3 2 4 6 2 48 5 ÏÔl 14 38 17 23 9 Berhampore...... 1 4 2 2 22 7 5 216 440 37 8 74 83 15 Russell Khonda and Udayagiri...... 2 2 ...

N.-W. P r o v i n c e s . Monghyr ...... 1 1 6 2 1 4 41 42 103 163 231 40 161 9 Patna, Gulzarbagh.. 2 1 1 8 9 2 12 28 14 90 3 Bankipore and Dina- pore ...... 5 1 2 4 2 3 9 13 13 29 81 50 70 v y 78 8 Gya...... 1 1 y 1 10 37 140 12 30 20 40 2 Agra, including Havelock Chapel 2 1 8 10 3 9 2 35 58 140 260 250 10 Muttra ...... 1 1 1 Delhi ...... 5 8 18 14 Ï6 3 32 28 268 463 979 606 32 •Simla and Kalka... 1 2 ... Kharar ...... 2 ... 4 i i 13 Ì6 25 23 371 600 134 Allahabad...... 1 1 ... Bombay...... 1

71 6 110 222 183 350 195 365 602 5932 16007 1343 4812 2491 2972 325

* No returns. Previous numbers given. Not accounted for in the foregoing figures, Retired Missionaries, 7. Mr. F. W. Jarry, recently accepted, not stationed, included for the present in Calcutta “ Number of Missionaries.” N.B.—Mr. Geo. Howells, B.A., accepted for Orissa, still studying at Oxford, leaving in Autumn. 1896, not included in above table. , m CEYLON, CHINA, PALESTINE, AND EUROPE.

S 'ie o 'aerease ?otal No. of No. of Scholars. • 3 0 S . 1during s i ' I M . a Church he year 3 5 Members. Day. Sabbath : Ì £

r§ S s * 1 O -'.a § § * 3u C5a) 0 ö Names of Stations. H O ¡1 30 o J ñ 2& ¡2 ? “ >> 03 0* $2 F-. ^ S i 1 : O 3^ 3 1 1 =02 J 03 C5 pq Girls. n O â ■_> Native. 3 neueiveu. a> 0

1 Baptized. otherwise. otherwise. 1 Í5 No. of Evangelists.! European. 5 1 1 H i;5 ai* Colombo District...... 2 1 3 I 4011 i Cinnamon Gardens ...... "2 2 "3 "5 177 75 85 14 Grand Pass ...... i* 5 2 3 124 . . . Î 27 45 8 Mattakkuliya ...... 2 4 "i 1 I 50 29 9 4 33 68 8 South...... i 2 6 2 64 60 38 18 6 Biyamvila and Imbnlgoda 1* 7 10 "3 78 19 i 236 41 23 4 Makówita...... 5 4 3 62 68 173 9 10 2 Hendala...... 2 Ï Ï 28 7 5 2 Batagama...... "i 2 18 43 49 Hanwella ...... 1 24 Welgaina ...... "i 2 20 86 "2 "è "i Kotikawatta...... "i* 4 3 "2 64 122 254 30 33 5 Gonawala ...... 4 2 2 20 54 89 169 47 29 7 Koralawella & Moratuwa ”{* 1 2 1 53 10 20 29 39 5 Idadampe ...... 1‘ 4 3 "s 2 60 40 173 75 166 13 Rayigam Korale...... 1 1 3 7 57 Diyagama...... 1 2 1 ... 30 41 23 9 2 Welipenna...... 1 2 3 6 1 Avisawella...... I Ï 4 ÏÔ 46 5 25 2 Waragoda...... 1 1 4 4 28 12 15 1 Veyangoda ...... 1 1 3 51 7 17 1 Kaaduboda ...... 1 2 3 "5 38 89 Kandana ...... 1 2 Rasala...... 1 2 "i Chilaw...... 2f 2 Kandy...... 1 1 iï "3 i "i 47 21 47 4Ï 48 iï Katugastota...... 4 1 15 153 6 33 4 Matale Town...... 2 "2 "4 16 35 25 6 Matale District...... ‘Ï "e 2 Ï ... 71 2 Rattota ...... 12 24 Gampola...... 'Ï 2 2 22 20 19 ”7 "2 Kadugannawa...... 1 5 16 Kongammana...... ï 23 "à Ï4 8 Ï4 Ï Maligatamu...... "i 24 Matale...... 28 Kakirawa ...... i 56 Elwela ...... 1 46 Ulap&ne ...... 1 33 Ratnapura ...... Ï "7 5 Ï ï 'Ï 2¿í 76 143 18 61 8 Pelmadulla ...... 1 1 59 Balangoda...... "i 1 4 30 Rakwana ...... 1 1 4 27 2 Ï "4 Ï Totals., 4 1 24 68 99 23 13 53 179 860 977 2197 628 831 119

C h i n a — Shansi—Tai Yuen Fu,&c. 4 9 8 10 30 100 2 112 Shantung —T’sing Chou Fu, &c...... 6 3 J2 87 88 6 46 1340 10 300 269 259 47 Chou Ping...... 7 18 61 100 231 18 1195 7 487 Shensi...... 3 2 11 16 10 Ï 4 61 36 136 36 136 Shanghai ...... 1 ... Totals...... 21 32 102 213 359 6 68 2696 55 1035 295 395 47

P a l e s t i n e Nablous...... ) 4 1 112 58 34 32 19 6 Samaria, &c...... J 1 7 7 E u e o p e Brittany...... 1 3 8 2 35 12 13 2 Italy, North...... 1 2 7 35 ÏÔ 7 20C 48 62 10 ,, Central,RomanDist. 3 6 • •• 15 64 24 303 161 268 18 „ ,, Tuscan 1 3 5 10 S Ï3 78 25 19 5 u South...... 1 3 3 42 6 40 85 37 30 67 Totals...... 7 17 38 161 45 62 704 283 382 102 * Pastors of Self-supporting Churches. t Studying to qualify himself for a full Evangelist* $ Only one Church for the whole District. 0 Mrs. Waldock’s Boarding School. 10 128


m CQ 'd i JO 'o I Cuerease! ^ 4 Total No. of No. of Scholars. Church ë ;d A œ 1 uuring ■O . R S) !g *! fi o ¡the Year 2 5 Members. Day. Sabbath GO 5 3 « a

T deksIsla.nds&SanDomihgo - 1 4 1 1 2 5 190 93 84 14 2 1 1 5 '45 15 16 ft East Harbour...... 4 1 1 18 fl 80 fl8 ?? A 1 1 1 I? 5 92 50 40 11 2 1 fi 1 32 16 11 5 fl 1 1 1 1 43 flO 18 5 1 1 fi 4 84 76 70 10 3 1 1 X 104 57 48 9 9Blue Hills...... 4 1 1 4 114 56 4s) 9Blue 2 1 1 21 13 10 a 2 X X 23 16 11 2 Puerbo Plato ...... 1 1 1 2 24 59 46 IS 2 1 5 4 36 31 19 6 1 34 7 13 48 12 22 530 439 96

Bahamas— 3 X 22 32 16 1 201 58 102 14 Abaco and Morse Island ..... 10 4 11 8 15 194 i 53 100 30 Bahama and Bimini ...... 14 7 30 5 10 421 jl02 104 27 14 14 17 33 14 908 ¡384, 441 87 Andros Island ...... 13 10 49 3 fl fl 455 ... 125 145 3? 2 fl 1 90 fll 31 11 8 8 26 21 309 96 103 20 Long Cay, Crooked Island Acklins Island, and Maya- guana ...... 10 10 11 261 69 95 27 Bum Cay & Watling’s Islanc 5 5 ... 197 81 67 22 Bagged Island ...... fl 1 fl *5 63 56 47 A 3 fl 12 2 ■ ' 186 78 90 20 s 2 3 126 20 43 1 *" ffll Totals ...... 1 87 67 178 106 108 1 3411 1143 1367 303

* No returns. Last figures repeated. 129


Increase Total No. of No. of S cholars. J3o during Church the Year Members. Day. Sabbath XI . s g

. S 3 Names of Stations. . « § <ß 0Q g J? Teachers...... & o 6"1

Sub-stations. Sub-stations. |

Received Received a o No. No. of Day-school Baptized. otherwise. otherwise. 1 European. No. No. of Evangelists. No. of andl Stations thel during Decrease No. of No. of Missionaries*! year by Death, &c.|

ï ï ï Boys. 1 ¡3


C o n g o — San Salvador...... f 2 ... 4 11) 3 3 68 100 144 71 «4 6 Tunduwa, or Underhill...... 1 2 2 Ngombe, or Wathen ...... 2 ... 3 14 8 ... 25 7 78 7 78 7 Lukunga (Transport Depot)... 1 Stanley Pool, or Arthington.. ... 2 1 4 2 6 2 23 2 28 8 Lukolela, or Liverpool ...... 1 1 1 I 2 6 y 32 *Bolobo, ss. Peace & Goodwill 2 1 1 1 7 20 30 20 20 *Bopoto ...... 1 I 100 ♦Munsembc ....'...... 1 3b 3« iö 36 ... *Mojembo ...... U .i ... 1 ......

T o t a l s ...... 27 6 : 6 15 41 9 5 114 180 443 110 226 16 1 1

* No returns. Previous figures repeated. The nature of the’work at Underhill and its circumstances as to locality render it impossible to have all branches of work organised as at an ordinary station. Directly religious work conp sists of daily and Sabbath services for workmen and carriers. TABULAR VIEW

Of the Churches connected with the Jamaica Baptist Union for the Yeah 1894.

CQ . § OQ œ 00 CÛ Net to a No 1 No. Church and Parish. Minister. Local Deaths. Member Erasure! Church Inquirers. Preacher Station â formed. Receivals. Dismissal Baptisms, Exclusion Chapel Ac Chapel Decrease. & Increase. Out-station Restoration commenced commodatii 14 10 2 37 55 550 5 65 1 W. Pratt, M. A.... 1816 1821 1000 1 61 13 63 9 1 15 2 East Queen-st., Kingston 2 10 1 3 X 6 130 Hanover-street ,, J. Balfour, M.A. 1826 1827 600 1 96 3 300 ... Ebenezer, St. Andrew...... J. 0. Duhaney .. 1844 1867 60 4 1842 1888 250 ... 5 4 Bethlehem ,, ...... 48 1877 1877 300 58 6 e Temple Hall „ ...... 200 ... 6 Providence ,...... 1843 20 7 C. E. Henderson 1876 1877 200 ••• ‘ 8 126 2 ÏÏ 8 7 Bethany » ..... 1886 160 Ï6 4 2 3 4 8 Hope Hill ,...... W. Pratt, M.A.... n 2 4 32 4 9 1886 200 ...... £t 9 Dallas Castle ...... E. H, Cunning. ÙO 1 3 160 "i 14 10 1887 200 1 ë 1 ’ ï 6 11 10 Mount Privilege „ ..... 2 ... 3 ”7 34 1 1887 200 2 4 32 12 11 Hopeful Ville „ ..... 16 2 8 16 "3 8 18 310 A. P. Watson.. 1866 1867 650 34 21 235 3 16 13 12 Morant Bay, St. Thomas.. 600 24 7 3 4 80 12 9 Prospect Pen »» 1868 1868 20 it0 g 9 280 3 30 14 13 1868 1&73 500 ... 31 23. 1 7 14 Arcadia ,, 12 7 7 3Ï 95 3 9 15 Hebron „ 188 i 1884 n 3 42 2 11 16 15 1884 1884 200 'ë 3 A 16 Shiloh „ 18 31 "2 60 40 460 4 30 17 GL Pearn, M.D... 1866 1867 400 26 22 13 11 319 7 18 17 Monklands ,, Ï 16 11 5 1 20 ... Richmond Yale „ 1872 1872 260 14 84 2 19 18 1882 188» 150 16 4 ••• O 20 19 Minto Gap ,, 1 A. 2 2 83 1 1891 300 6 2 1 284 6 34 21 80 River Head „ 600' "i 40 16 2 8 9 3 4 34 Yallahs ,i ■■ T. G. Somers.. 1826 1827 n *8 4 165 3 43 22 21 1846 1846 500 8 7 3 4 66 23 23 Stokes Hall ,, W. P.Sibley .. 6 8 7 1 Ï Ï 180 3 1864 1864 400 10 "3 14 142 2 6 24 23 Leith Hall „ 300 i 16 6 3 4 4 "i Sunning Hill „ .. E. H. Cunning... 1887 1887 3 "è "3 102 18 26 24 1855 1856 400 4 5 1 2 6 26 25 Port Antonio, Portland .. S. C. Morris ...... 2 ••• 7 6 61 1863 1864 300 2 ... ;;; 29 ... 27 26 Hephaibah „ 500 Tabernacle „ 1863 1864 2 17 91 "i 21 28 27 1870 1871 400 2Ï 2 2 e 14 29 St. Marg*ret’s Bay„ R. R. James. "2 2 3 83 2 250 1 4 2 47 6 30 Mount Carmel ,, 3 3 1 3 ••1 2 1870 1871 460 3 21 11 31 Fellowship „ 200 3 Beulah >, 1890 *2 "2 ’ 4 3 297 6 68 32 ... Ï7 5 2 5 Ï4 W. P. Sibley 1831 1831 500 4 4 11 28 158 4 12 33 Belle Castl» >, 600 7 3 1 8 12 Buff Bay » W. D. Brown.. 1824 1824 4 4 2 13 106 2 6 34 300 ... 10- 3 6 10 1873 1873 Q *2 62 1 3 35 TrancjuSity M 200 6 9 ••• Bethbara ,, 1871 1871 A 4 36 1 1 36 1886 1886 160 2 4 2 ... "i 54 11 37 Millbank », E. H. Canning. 4 2 2 2 'Ï 4 ! J. J. Porter .... 1880 1881 200 6 "Ó 395 " 4 38 Hope Bay ,, 800 "i 11 7 2 “ 3 16 ! Port Maria, St. Mary . W. D. Henderson 1826 1828 19 ... 359 3 43 39 1827 1829 800 1 25 4 1 8 I ^ 10 40 Oraeabessa ,» 3 j \ 1 74 1 1862 1862 160 7 3 1 ^ 83 1 23 41 Mount Lebanon ,, 10 6 3 2 1 8 1 9 Wnn Hill* M 250

Annntto Bay, St. Mary ...... C. Barron...... 1824 1824 1000 40 18 1 3 2 22 ï 31 419 3 30 42 Mount Angus, ,, ...... C. S. Brown ...... 1828 1842 300 ’Ï 21 20 1 8 25 1 12 "4 400 2 43 43 Clonmel „ ...... if ...... 1862 1862 360 20 4 3 2 5 i ... 19 132 2 28 44 Wallingford ,, ...... »1 ••#... 1849 1871 400 8 1 I 3 ... 5 86 4 7 45 Barronville ...... 1886 1888 160 13 3 1 3 ... 12 92 1 14 46 Wheeler’s Mount „ ...... J. Duthie...... 200 3 3 1 3 ï 1 ... 50 2 13 47 Three Hills „ ...... F. Edmonds ..... 1888 1889 250 Ï i’i 3 ... 3 3 "d ...... 5 98 1 17 43 SpanishTownI.,St.Catherine 0. E. Henderson 1819 1819 1000 20 5 5 9 4 8 ... 484 127 49 Sligoville „ „ 1834 1836 300 4 2 Ï 1 4 ... 2 ... 160 ... 34 60 Ebenezer, Sp. Town „ W. A. Tucker ... 1852 1852 700 " i 23 21 3 29 5 ...... 28 ë 446 1 60 51 Hartlands „ » 1870 1870 200 ... 10 2 1 9 4 S 75 20 62 Bower Wood „ „ 1878 300 ... 10 3 ”2 I 1 9 80 15 63 Mount Nebo „ J. Duthie...... 1824 1825 650 17 12 2 6 25 's 6 i ï 33S "4 69 54 Jericho „ J. J. Kendon..... 1834 1834 1200 " i 18 20 It 31 1 ï 6 13 510 12 131 55 Mount Hermon „ 1) ...... 1834 1834 1000 1 16 18 Ï IS 19 1 ... 374 4 78 66 Ewarton „ 1881 1884 700 7 5 1 5 8 1 ... 1 223 6 48 57 Redwood „ ff ...... 1886 1887 800 14 4 1 9 1 1 ë ... 124 6 24 68 Zion Hill E. Arnett ...... 1833 1833 360 ••• ...... 207 5» Bethel „ »• ...... 1882 1884 400 ...... 214 60 Linstead „ 1883 1885 600 ...... 63 ... 61 Buxton Town ,, »» ...... 1885 200 ...... 160 62 Mount Industry ,, 1886 1889 200 ...... 66 63 Old Harbour ,, J. T, Dillon ...... 1824 1826 400 n 13 2 « " è ÏÔ 97 "2 Ï8 04 Shiloh „ ft «••••• • •• 1886 250 » ... 4 10 ... "5 103 3 11 65 Brown’s Hall ,, • •• 150 3 ... I 2 ... !" ... 61 1 6 66 Ebenezer „ Vacant...... • •• 1860 184 ... 4 "4 46 6 67 Point Hill ,, T. S. Johnson ... 1834 1836 600 Ï 30 " i 1 6 12 ï "è "9 316 3 49 68 Shady Grove „ ,, 1846 300 2 1 1 3 ” 3 43 9 69 Mount Merrick ,, If ••• 1843 1843 650 9 9 "3 2 11 ... "7 "ï 201 "3 70 Ashley Ville „ 1867 1867 200 2 ... 2 ...... 72 “ 5 71 Lucky "Valley ,, E. Jones...... 1834 1879 260 Ï 4 2 "2 102 ”2 48 72 Mount Olivet „ ...... 1880 1881 200 2 "5 2 3 ... 2 100 2 12 73 Ebenezer, 4 Paths, Clarendon S. A. Armstrong 1834 1834 400 " i 21 13 2 4 9 ... 23 263 3 29 74 Jubilee ,, 1844 1844 700 1 13 10 4 10 ï .1. "2 6 236 3 20 75 Elim 1839 1861 350 1 6 4 1 ... 9 76 3 8 76 Mount Zion „ T. S. Johnson ... 1839 1848 300 • •• 4 " i "i 14 ’ 2 ï 13 ... 32 186 3 6 77 Bethlehem „ Vacant...... 1868 1867 370 10 2 11 9 2 13 23 196 1 12 78 Spring Mount „ ,, ...... 1870 1870 200 6 4 10 00 79 Croft’s Hill „ ...... 350 72 80 Hayes ,, J. T. Dillon, actg 1829 1829 600 "i 108 81 Enon ,, R. H. Hobson ... 1860 1859 300 1 " i 2 ... Ï "7 1 91 *5 ‘ë 82 Cross ,, >> 1860 1859 250 4 3 4 1 2 ... ! ■2 fl 47 2 6 83 Rosewell „ J. T. Dillon • •• 1888 400 Ï 3 2 2 4 2 "4 1 4 87 2 11 84 Free Town ,, ,, ...... 1886 200 1 9 11 9 1 4 24 90 2 8 85 Mount Zion ,, John Y a ir...... 1839 1843 400 6 7 6 4 11 Ï8 20 34 268 7 12 86 Kilsythe „ ,, ...... 1834 1860 330 3 4 2 14 28 3 40 237 ... 87 Leicesterflold ,, ,, ...... 260 S 3 10 18 203 6 ... 88 Smithville ,, » . . . 300 ... Ï3 4 2 4 7 1 .m ... 7 289 8 14 89 Prospect „ „ ...... 1873 1878 400 ...... 6 2 9 6 "7 149 3 12 90 John Austins ,, ,, ...... 1880 1881 200 ...... 2 4 3 119 3 91 Top Hill ,, ...... 1882 1887 200 ... 6 7 Ï 27 ... "2 4 20 104 2 18 92 John’s Hall ,, W. Head...... 1860 1863 300 ... 12 6 ‘ 3 8 ë 133 4 22 93 Tweed side ,, 1886 160 2 ...... 6 ïo 14 103 3 14 94 ” ... co bO

139 Litchfield, Trelawny...... W. J. Mornon ... 1884 1885 150 ... 11 2 3 ... 6 1 6 2 140 Freeman's Hall „ ...... 1 79 31 139 1889 100 5 2 1 5 3 1 3 35 11 140 141 Montego Bay I., St. James E; Mowl ...... 1824 1824 2000 30 14 ’*8 14 7 6 142 Montego Bay II. „ 1 6 18 457 "é 109 141 C. Chapman...... 1849 1849 900 67 35 2 6 8 2 1 3 84 647 44 142 148 Salter’s Hill „ W. N. Brown ... 1824 1825 1700 60 32 144 8 14 32 3 5 10 36 581 ”e 123 143 Sudbury „ „ 1840 1879 800 16 14 5 5 11 3 5 11 145 Lottery „ ,, 201 2 32 144 1893 200 9 16 1 1 11 6 8 96 1 47 145 146 Mount Carey „ E. J. Hewett..... 1835 1835 1800 2 56 44 2 26 30 1 12 33 147 Bethtephil ,, 863 4 86 148 P. F, Schoburgh 1835 1835 700 2 51 14 1 10 14 3 39 593 2 80 147 148 Shortwood ,, P. Williams ...... 1835 1835 800 1 30 11 2 16 18 12 149 Maldon „ 7 io 548 120 148 T. O. Hutchins... 1838 1865 700 1 17 24 3 17 21 348 87 149 & E. J. Touzalin 150 Springfield „ ,, 1881 400 22 16 151 2 4 12 24 302 81 150 Bass Grove ,, 1875 200 4 3 1 6 63 61 77 22 151 152 Lucea, Hanover...... W. Burke ...... 1826 1827 1500 15 16 2 6 13 70 2 2 60 153 Mount Moriah, Hanover... 202 "2 16 152 1827 1878 300 1 10 4 1 14 127 2 23 153 154 Fletcher’s Grove „ C. Chapman..... 1839 1841 400 14 9 155 ’ 4 3 2 4 10 131 23 154 Watford Hill „ W. M. Christie ... 1838 1838 800 20 24 2 4 20 13 9 156 Friendship ...... 405 1 64 165 ...... 1881 1881 300 17 3 4 11 "2 4 i 164 1 38 156 167 Gurney’s Mount „ ,, ...... 1829 1830 700 64 17 6 13 1 i 50 158 Mount Peto „ 440 4 68 157 E. J. Hewett...... 1849 1851 500 44 17 1 11 19 1 1 5 25 411 4 42 158 159 Green Island „ R. E. Bennett ... 1828 1831 600 9 1 1 1 3 5 160 Sav-la-Mar, Westmoreland 74 2 6 159 A. G. Kirkham... 1829 1829 1000 10 3 "4 2 2 25 12 241 2 49 160 161 Sutcliffe Mount „ 1838 1868 500 162 1» ••• 3 1 3 6 "2 10 17 332 3 46 161 Grace Hill „ »» 1888 250 4 4 7 1 8 163 Bethel Town „ 138 4 37 162 P. Williams ...... 1835 1838 800 44 18 "e 12 22 4 10 20 627 3 74 163 164 St. Leonards „ ,, 1870 1893 400 12 165 7 6 25 78 46 164 Fuller’s Field ,, R. E. Bennett ... 1827 1828 600 12 8 * 1 "3 "8 ‘ 4 3 3 166 Townhead ,, 167 1 35 165 Isaac S. Tate..... 1887 1890 300 15 5 2 5 6 11 100 3 43 166 167 Williamsfleld „ „ 1890 350 19 2 2 2 19 1 "i 3 168 Sharon, St. Elizabeth..... "3 111 2 21 167 S. I. Marson...... 1872 1873 400 15 6 1 2 4 2 7 7 133 1 43 168 169 Burn’s Savannah ...... ,, 1875 1880 250 6 170 1 4 5 3 1 17 115 98 1 19 169 Hewett’s View ...... T. E. Marston ... 1834 1848 300 13 4 5 6 2 9 5 171 Nightingale Grove...... 146 2 25 170 „ 1879 1879 250 11 "i 1 i 13 3 79 3 29 171 172 Arlington ,, ...... 1881 1886 160 "i 9 1 173 "ö 1 4 54 2 172 Wallingford ...... C. Sibley...... !'! 1852 1852 700 1 29 "7 1 4 4 5 24 258 47 174 Yauxhall ,, ...... 1840 s 173 ...... 1840 300 12 1 9 ” 5 4 5 133 3 13 174 175 Elders]ie ...... 1870 200 ” ...... 1879 7 2 5 4 95 2 28 175

Churches received in February, 1895.

176 Robin’s Bay, St. Elizabeth... C. Barron ...... 1893 1894 100 5 5 21 177 Keith „ ...... 1 20 29 2 17 176 W. M. W ebb..... 1880 1894 200 70 70 70 178 Trittonville ,, ' ...... A. G. Eccleston... 1894 2 16 177 179 98 98 98 13 178 Buckingham ,, ...... T. C. Hutchins... 1894 200 13 10 65 "i 87 180 Claremont ...... 87 20 179 W. Burke ...... 1894 320 69 69 69 181 Frankfleld ,, ...... J.Y air...... 1894 1 11 180 182 8 6 48 62 62 2 6 181 Douce ...... 1890 1894 200 8 5 3 2 14 183 Kendal ...... 1894 62 3 9 182 R.E. Bennett ... 180 10 1 i 3 4 62 3 6 183 83404 51 2413 1329 716 673 1517 803 66 681 1762 844 36777 408 4832 •5

. ö œ .

o Local Deaths. formed. Station Church M Members Inquirers Erasures. Preachers Baptisms. Receivals. Dismissals

Chapel Ac- Chapel W Restoration Increase. Increase. I Out-station Decrease. Withdrawa commenced commodatlo

Churches belonging to the Union, in other Countries. 1886 1887 200 3 4 7 63 1886 1887 180 ...... 45 Sobeyville „ " 31 ... Union Tabernacle ,, 1891 1892 300 ...... 1886 1887 160 ... 21 4 6 19 100 4 " i Port Limon, Costa R ica ...... J. H.’ Sobey and 1888 1890 450 27 4 10 1 ii J. Hayter 64 2 5 Jacmel, Haiti ...... L. Ton Evans ... 1845 760 3 1 3 2 2 ... Received February, 1895. 77 1 10 Bocas-del-Toro...... A. W. Meredith 9 2 5 16 2030 3 37 9 15 6 13 4 4 6 35 7 391 7 19


40 Schools have sent no returns, but supposing them to have T e a c h e b s . S c h o l a r s . been in the same position numerically as when last reported, the total number of teachers would be 2,591, and scholars No. of 29,111; a decrease of 35 teachers, and an increase of 856 scholars. Sex not Sex not Schools. Male. Total. Male. stated. Total. stated. Some returns omit the average attendance, but 145 schools Female. Female. ■with 2,217 teachers give their averasre as 1,486 and 154 schools with 25,668 scholars give their average as 14,601. The number of baptisms reported is 1,154, enquirers 2,203, church members 6,603, adults 3,262. 203 1,385 920 13 2,318 12,233 13,778 112 26,123 SUMMARY OF APPROXIMATE STATISTICS, 1894-95.

West Ind. Africa Islands, Kot yet India. Ceylon. China. Palestine. Europe. (Congo). excluding Jamaica. stationed. T o t a l . Jamaica.

1 3 7 Missionaries and Assistant Missionaries) 7 0 4 2 1 1 7 2 7 3 3 1 wholly supported by B . M. S...... /

Missionaries partly supported by B . M. S. ... •• •• •• •• «•

hr 8 Superannuated Missionaries...... t •• •• •• •• 1

6 8 Pastors of Self-supporting Churches...... 6 1 •• 6 1

7 4 1 1 1 0 2 4 3 2 1 7 6 1 3 7 4 1 5

. . | .. • 1 1 2 Evangelist Pensioners ...... 1 2 •• •• ••

8 9 9 Stations and Sub-stations...... 1 8 3 9 9 2 1 3 7 3 8 1 5 1 0 3 2 4 1 • •

3 , 6 6 9 3 5 0 2 8 3 5 9 1 5 1 4 1 2 9 0 2 , 4 5 0 t •

5 , 4 0 6 37,168 53,773 Number of Members...... 6 , 5 3 4 1 , 0 3 9 2 , 6 9 6 1 1 2 7 0 4 1 1 4

6 6 0 Day-sohool Teachers...... 2 2 2 6 8 1 0 2 7 •• 5 9 2 4 7

Sabbath-school Teachers ...... 3 2 5 1 1 9 4 7 6 1 0 2 1 5 4 4 0 2 , 5 9 1 3 , 6 4 5

3 7 , 3 0 2 Day Scholars ...... 6 , 1 5 5 3 , 1 7 4 1 , 0 9 0 9 2 •• 6 2 3 6 8 2 6 , 1 0 0

Sabbath Soholars ...... 5 , 4 6 3 1 , 4 5 9 6 9 0 5 1 6 6 5 3 3 6 3 , 9 8 8 2 9 , 1 1 1 4 1 , 7 6 3 APPENDIX IV.



Name. Station. Supported by Rev. F. W. Hale ... Agra, N.W.P., India . Bournemouth, Westbourne Missionary Prayer Union Rev. J. L. Roger and Mrs. Arthington, Upper Congo... Leicester, Melbourne H&ll Roger Church Rev. G. D. Brown...... Bopoto, Upper Congo ... Bradford Y.M.M.A. Rev. R. H. Kirkland Do. do. ... Brighton, Holland Road Church. A Missionary ... Congo ...... | Mr. John Mamham, J.P., Do. ... India...... / Boxmoor Do. Do...... Mr .E.Rawlings, Wimbledon



Prossonno Coomar Guain ... South Villages ... Harrow-on-the-Hill, Byron Hill Sunday-school An Evangelist Do. ... Birmingham Y.M.M.A. Kailas Chandra Bairagi Do. ... Clapham, Grafton Square Sunday-school Gogon Chunder Mondol Do. ... London, Peckham, Rye Lane Sunday-school Prabhu Dan Sing ... Mutlah ._ Todmorden, Shore Sunday- school Ram Chunder Ghose Khoolna ... London, Peckham Park Road Sunday-school Beny Sircar...... Do. ... London, Stockwell Sunday- school Joseph Biswas Do. ... Dunfermline Sunday- school Orunodoy Ghose ... Turki, Barisal ... Wakefield J.M.S. Prabhat Chandra Dass Barisal ...... London, Bermondsey, Had- don Hall Sunday-school Nilumbor Mookerjea Do. ... London, Camberwell, Den­ mark Place Sunday-school 137

Name. Station. Supported, by Promanando Sircar ... Barisal ... London, St. John’s Wood, Workman’s Hall Sunday- school Ram Soonder Sircar ... Do. ... London, Victoria Park, Grove Road Sunday- school Kiroonoday Ghose ... Do. ... Paisley, Victoria Place Bisho Nath ... Do. ... Kirkcaldy, Whyte’s Cause­ way, Missionary Working Society Robin Chandra Dass .. Serampore ...... Bristol Indoo Nath Sircar... .. Do...... Bristol, Old King Street T.P.S.C.E. Manik Chakrabati ... .. Madaripore...... Cheltenham, Salem Chapel Sunday-school Debendraneth Roy,.. .. Margoorah ...... Swadlincote Sunday-school London, Upper Holloway .. Julpaigori...... Bepin Behari Haidar Ch. Y.P.S.C.E. Prayer Bindu Nath Sircar... .. Dacca ...... ¡ Union Protap Chandra Dewy .. Do...... Landport, Marie - le - bonne Sunday-school An Evangelist Do...... Liverpool, Richmond Chapel Y.P.S.C.E. Bimal Aranda Nay .. Do...... Torquay, Upton Vale Sunday-school Nobin Chunder Dutt .. Chittagong...... Miss Salter’s Bible-clasp, Streatham Haranando Mondol .. Rungpore ...... Red Hill Sunday-school P. K. Sirkar Do...... Bridgewater Y.P.S.C.E. Kopeleswara Das ... .. Khundittur, Orissa ... Streatham, Lewin Road Sunday-school M. Das .. Cuttack ) Windsor, Victoria Stree Wm. Santra...... Berhampore... J Church Bhikari Santra .. Sambalpur, Orissa...... PeterboroughSunday-schoo Balaji Jenna .. Berhampore, Ganjam ... Norwich, St. Clement’s Rati Ram ...... Agra ...... Portsea, Kent-street Sunday- school P aul...... Do...... ■j London, Peckham Park Rd. A Colporteur .. Do...... I Sunday-school Y.M.E.B. Joshua ...... Palwal ...... Bath, Manvers Street Sun­ day-school Saul D avid...... Delhi...... London,Bermondsey,Drum- mond-road Sunday-school Kali Charan .. Dinapore ... Southampton, East-street An Evangelist .. Gulzarbagh...... Falmouth Sunday-school Baktowas Sing .. Kharrer .„ Beckenham Sunday-schoo An Evangelist .. Delhi ...... Sutton CHINA.

Name. Station Supported by Nieh Y in g ...... Tsing Chu Fu, Shantung... Accrington, Cannon Street Sunday-school Yang Tung Sban ... Do. do. London, Bloomsbury Sun­ day-school An Evangelist Do. do. Ipswich, Burlington Ch., Mr. Piper’s Class Hsun Ch’ang Ch’ing Do. do. Birmingham, Erdington Chang PuYiin Do. do. ) Men’s Bible Class Feng J. Hsin Do. do. Cirencester Sunday-school Cheng-tao-an ... Chou Ping, Shantung London, Peckham Rye Lane Sunday-school Kung-li-yeh Do. do. Preston, Fishergate Sunday - school Medical Helper Do. do. Leeds, Y.M.M.A. Chao-sheng-chin ... Do. do. Nunhead, Edith Road Sun­ day-school Yan J. Ling ...... Chi Tsun, Shansi Harrogate Sunday-school Ho Tsun I ...... Hsin Chou, Shansi...... Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Foster, Cambridge An Evangelist ... San Yuen, Shensi...... Bideford Sunday-school


Evangelist...... Home ...... Mr. J. B. Mead, Brockley


James Showers ... Bolobo, Upper Congo , London, Highgate Road Sunday-school Nlemvo ,, ...... Wathen, Lower Congo , London, Ferme Park Chapel



Bible Women Madaripore, Bengal ... British and Foreign Bible Society Do! Do. do. ... Mrs. Baker, Luton Bible Woman Cuttack, Orissa Luton, Park St., T.P.S.C.E. Do. Do. do. London, Westboume Park Chapel Bible Women Orissa ...... British and Foreign Bible 139



S ebam pobe C ollege.

,Name. Supported by A Native Student Mrs. Burroughs, Atherton, Manchester Do. Miss Christina Noble Do. Birmingham Y.M.M.S.

Calcutta, I n ta lly O b ph a n a g e .

Shudamena London, Putney, Union Chapel Sunday-school Two Girls London, Upper Holloway Sunday-school Girl ... Bristol Two Girls ... Frome, Badcox Lane Sunday-school One Girl Frome, Shepherd’s Barton Sunday-school Do. Devonport Sunday-school Boy ... Stirling, Bible-class

D e l h i, Mb. H eb beb t T homas’ s S chool.

Orphan Boy. Putney, Werter Hoad Sunday-school

J essobe S chool. Ehoshal | Wallington Sunday-school Golabdi

B ab isa l School.

An Orphan...... Mrs. Fox, Plymouth

A(&a. Dhanwanti ... Watford, Beechen Grrove Y.P.M.A.

O b ISSA, CUTiACK O b p h a k a g e .

iT&me» Supported by Remarks, Ratnanloni ...... , Caversham Working Party Passed the Lower Primary Examination; gained a Scholarship. Intelligent and good Kimdanil ...... Do. do. In the Middle Vernacular Class. Well-behaved and industrious Ruth,,. t>. Do. do. Aged 7. At present in the Infant Class. Has taken the place of Mar- loti, who has left the school 140

Name Supported by Remarks. Saboti Rev. J. Watts, Derby A very good girl. Has passed the Lower Primary Examination; is now in the Upper Primary Class Lucy Appa ... The late Mr. Grose’s Bible- In spite of frequent absen­ class, Stoke-on-Trent ces from illness has passed the Upper Primary Ex­ amination and gained a Scholarship. Has good abilities. Minika ...... Mr. Thorp’s Bible-class, A clever, bright girl; now Reading reading in the Upper Primary J essie ...... Dover Street Sunday-school, Passed last year in the Leicester Lower Primary Examina­ tion, now in the Upper Primary Class. Atten­ tive and well-behaved Jennie ...... Miss Lucy Ward, High A quiet, good child, read­ Fields, Leicester ing in the Lower Primary Sontosh Kumari ...... Westboume Park Chapel Has taken the place of (Children’s Sunday morn­ Sati Padi, who is now a ing Service) monitor. Sontosh Ku- mari is a very bright little girl of three years Tara...... Do. do. Has made fair progress during the past year L ily ...... Do. do. Been promoted to the 7th class. A good child Ollie...... AHerton, Central Sunday- Is motherless, and has a school blind father; in the 5th class. A good child Naomi ...... Ladies’ Monitor Class, Tod- In the Lower Primary morden, Lancashire Class, diligent and well- behaved Lydia ...... Ferme Park Sunday-school, Passed the Upper Primary London Examination; now in the Middle Vernacular Class. Conduct very good Mookta ...... Mrs. Walshaw’s Bible-class, An' orphan. Not very TTn.lifn.-r bright, but a good child Bhaggiabolli ... Westboume Park Working An orphan. Has made fair Party progress during the past year. Precilla ... Do. do. A quiet, grave child

Larboni ...... Do. do. Has made fair progress in school. Well-behaved Susannah Do» do. A very interesting child» Good at lessons and play 141

Name. Supported by Remarks. Juliaime Miss Kate Warwick, Hali­ Makes but slow progress; fax behaves well Imogene Hall Park Sunday-school, Reading in the Middle London. In connection Vernacular Class. Has with Westboume Park also joined the English Chapel Bible R eading Class. Very intelligent Dhormishta ...... Mrs. Henderson, 21, Victoria Reading in the Low er Road, Clapham, London Primary Class, and is well-behaved Bidhu Trinity Sunday - school, Reading in the Lower Derby Primary Class. Gives no trouble Molika ...... Mrs. Gleazer, London Reading in the Low er Primary Class. A good child Susila ...... Jean, Maude, and Elsie ... Reading in the L ow er Primary Class. A very bright, happy child Assili, or Lily Stevenson ... New Basford Sunday-sch., Has recovered from the per Mrs. Weston effects^of neglect and ill- usage, and greatly im­ proved in every way. Most desirous to learn William Rawson St Do. do. A very bright, happy little son fellow. Very playful and quick, but not strong in health Esther ...... Sunday-school at Trinity Gives promise of being a Chapel, Edgware Road, clever pupil. In the in­ London fant class. A loveable child Prionath Beheri Do. do. Sarah ...... City Road Sunday-school, Not very bright, but is im­ Bristol proving ; needs careful training lizzie ... Senior Girls’ Bible-class, In the Infant Class. A Bunyan Baptist Chapel, very bright, hopeful pupil Norbiton Bhaggiabotti Jam boo ... Biggleswade Old Meeting Sunday-school A Boy ...... Do. do. Ruth ...... Bath, Hay Hill Chapel, Junior Society of Chris­ tian Endeavour G ir l...... Leicester, Eriar Lane John Das ...... Westboume Park Chil­ dren’s Service Jonathan Das ...... Do. do. Mosa...... : > Peterborough 142


U n d e b h ill Statio n.

Karne. Supported by Kinsengwa London, Belle Isle Mission Sunday-school Lezi ... Heading, Wycliffe Chapel Sunday-school Boy ... Boscombe Sunday-school Lusala Boscombe, Mr. Stephen’s Young Men’s Class Boy ... Bath, Twer ton Sunday-school

San Sa-lvadob Statio n .

Elembe ,. London, Bloomsbury “ Help-in-Need Society ” Ntumba Do. do. do. Daniel Jones London, Brockley Road Sunday-school Edith Do. do. do. Selenga London, Denmark Place Juvenile Missionary Society Ndungani .. London, Hampstead, Heath Street Young Women* Bible-class Diambi London, New Southgate Sunday-school (Mrs. Huxley’ Class) B o y ...... London, Putney, Werter Road Sunday-school B o y ...... London, Stockwell Sunday-school (2nd Bible-class) Diongwa London, Wood Green Sunday-school Manwana Do. do. do. Manteya London, Woolwich, Queen Street Sunday-school Mavakala .. Luton, Christian Band G ir l...... Lyme Regis, Miss Ellis’s Class Diakenga .. Bournemouth, Lansdowne Sunday-school Lombo Colchester, Eld Lane Bukusu Romsey Sunday-school Veza...... Watford, Beeohen Grove Juvenile Missionary Auxiliar Marakala .. Bath Nsukula Teddington Chapel Young Women’s Bible-class Kwayele Worthing Sadidi Birmingham, Small Heath Sunday-school Nkanu Harrogate Sunday-school Diamamaina Do. do. Lufiaulwisu.. Edinburgh, Dublin Street Juvenile Missionary Auxiliar Dialungana.. Glasgow, Cambridge Street- Y.P.S.C.E» B o y ...... Mr. John Oriel, Dowlais Ntantu Mr. Isaac Saunders, Broomfield G irl...... Mr. J. Graham Wright and Mies M. Di Wright 143

W ath e n S ta tio n .

Name. Supported by Mpongi London, Acton Sunday-school Situa .. London, Bloomsbury Chapel Boy and Girl London, Brixton, Gresham Sunday-school Mpukuta London, Brixton, New Park Hoad Sunday-school Nsimba London, Brondesbury Sunday-school Wadodwa ... London, Campsboume Chapel, Y.W.B.C. Luyambula... London, Clapton, Downs Chapel Young Men’s Bible- class Kimfwema ... London, Clapton, Waterloo Rooms Sunday-school Ponte London, Denmark Place Sunday-school Matuba London, Devonshire Square Chapel Sunday-school Zeka...... Do. do. ' do. Makwekwe ... London, Finsbury Pk. Congregational Chapel Y.M.C.A. Mabika London, Hampstead, Heath Street Sunday-school Ntinani London, Hampstead, Heath Street Juvenile Missionary Auxiliary Matu...... Do. do. do. Kiantongona London, Highbury Sunday-school Manenga London, Bang’s Cross, Vernon Chapel Sunday-school A Girl Do. do. do. Nkunku London, Penge Sunday-school T om i...... London, Shoreditch Chapel Sunday-school Nlandu Do. do. Mbandila Do. do. "Wamfula Do. do. Kupesa London, Stockwell Orphanage Nkelani Do. do. G ir l...... London, Stockwell Sunday-school (two Girls’ Classes) Mini Mapwapwala. London, Westminster, Romney Street Sunday-school Mbala and another. Maidenhead Sunday-school Tornatala Plymouth, Lower Street Sunday-school Wabela Do. do. Kipati Do. do. Tembo Loughton Sunday-school Diamoneka Gloucester Sunday-school Matomena Do. do. Bakana Watford, Mr. Gosling and friends Wankwama Orpington Ponde Tunbridge Wells Y.P.S.C.E. Mbanza Ramsgate, Ellington Ch. Sunday-school Mata... Lancaster Kinsengwa Liverpool, Toxteth Tabernacle Soka... Do. do. Lubaki Manchester, Rusholme Road Congregational Chapel. First Women’s Class and Thursday Afternoon Women’ s Meeting Natim Do. do, do. 11 144

Name. Supported by Dimbu ...... Nottingham, Derby Road Sunday-school (Mies Dunn’ s Class) Mabanza ...... Bath, Manvers Street Sunday-school Mayala ...... Bridgwater, Sunday Morning Class B o y ...... Bristol, City Road Sunday-school Nsompi ...... Tipton, Prince’s End Sunday-school Wamba ...... West Croydon Sunday-school Diambwana...... Do. do. Nkongo ...... Huddersfield, Lindley Oakes Chapel Juvenile Mission­ ary Society Nsona ...... Do. do. do. Win7i ...... Sutton-in-Craven, Croashills Sunday-school Nyanu ...... • •• Dowlais, Beulah Kapata ...... Cambuslang, Pastor’s,Bible-class Boy ...... Glasgow, Frederick Street Y.P.S.C.E. Tinli...... Belgian Sunday-schools EliseLomani ...... Miss Winterbotham, Dursley

A rth in gton Sta tio n .

Zikubaka ...... London, Balham, Ramsden Road Sunday-school Kalengo ...... London, Campsbourne Mission Sunday-school M anseude...... London, Forest Gate Sunday-school Batoba ...... Cambridge, St. Andrew’ s Street Sunday-school N zurum bi...... Chipping Campden Fwelekeni ...... Coseley, Providence Sunday-school Tomi...... Mitcham Sunday-school Kiyedi ...... Melksham, Young Men’s Class Kidengi ...... Dundee, Long Wynd Sunday-school Mayazi ...... Kirkcaldy, Whyte’s Causeway Sunday-school Nkendi ...... Jamaica, Hastings Chapel Sunday-school

B olobo Statio n ,

Musola ...... London, BrixtoD, Raleigh Park Sunday-school Másele London, Brockley Road Sunday-school ‘ ‘ Blackshaw ’ ’ (Ngamakala) London, Lower Tooting, Summer’s Town Mission Yendalolo ... London, Maze Pond Young Men’s Class Mpungi Saffron Walden Sunday-school Luvusu Edenbridge James Clemens Liverpool, Myrtle Street Sunday-school Fwataki Liverpool, Toxteth Tabernacle Nyamba Warrington, Golbome-street Sunday-school Malakara ...... Bath, Bethesda Chapel Little Dot ... Do. do. Nkosi Birmingham, Mr. F. Butler Mawangu ... Birmingham, King's Heath Sunday-school Akwiya ., ... Downton Chapel Young Women’s Bible-class 145

Name. Supported by Ngancwe Galashiels Sunday-school (Senior Class) Loleka Glasgow, Frederick Street, Gallowgate BranohT.M.C.A.

L u kolela Station.

Boy and Girl London, Lower Norwood, Gipsy Road Sunday-school Daniel Etuwe Powell Tiverton Sunday-school B o y ...... Barking Road. Tabernacle Lokuli ...... West Hartlepool Mompolenge Southampton, Carlton Sunday-school Eyonga ...... Winchester Sunday-school Lobungibwengo Folkestone T.P.S.C.E. Bayinankolo Kettering Sunday-school, Boys’ and Girls’ First Classes and Middle School Mosolo ...... Do. do. do. Lisongola ... Driffield Bayinelenge... Leeds, York Road Sunday-school Monkako ...... Rotherham Sunday-school Mokolobilengwa Misses Knight and Glazier Bakatambesi Mr. 0. H. Knight

M onsembe Station.

Mapunju Boxmoor Y.P.S.C.E. Bondoko Hemel Hempstead Y.P.S.C.E. Yoka... Tring, High Street Sunday-school Boy ... Stroud Y.P.S.C.E. Salamo Atherton Sunday-school Mungalu Mrs. McGhee, Glasgow Mabondo Rev. Geo. McCrie, Glasgow Elonga Mrs. Rose, Glasgow Dimeka Do. do.

B opoto Station .

Linyaka London, Highbury, St. Ann’s Place Motheri’ Meeting Dikundu Drayton London, Tottenham, West Green Sunday-school Nzanzala Reading, Carey Chapel Sunday-school Botumbila ... Stockton-on-Tees, Northcote-street Sunday-school, Mrs. McKenzie’s Class EciH...... Bishops Stortford Lifilu Bushey, Chalk Hill, Missionary Working Party Besumu Norwich, St. Mary’s Juvenile Missionary Association (Mr. Shead’s Class) Baluti Frome, Shepherd’s Barton Sunday-school Mbembu Hastings Liminamina... Devizes Sunday-school Matombi ... Caine 1 1 * 146

A boy each is supported also by—

London, Bermondsey, Haddon Hall Sun­ Hitchin, Mrs. Braund and friends day- Bchool St. Albans, Mr. Gibbs’ Bible-class Do., Catford Hill Sunday-school Egremont, Liscard Road Sunday-school Do., Upton Chapel Sunday-school Todmorden Sunday-school Luton, Union Chipel, Pastor’s Christian Dalkeith Sunday-school Band Glasgow, JohnKnox Street Sunday-school Saltash Mr. H. Evans, Aberdare


Boy in Mr. Couling’s School, Tsing Chu Fu, Shantung, by Lower Westgate Chapel Sunday-school, Scarborough.

Girl in Mr. Duncan’s School, Shensi, by Bristol Two girls in Mr. Duncan’s School, Shensi, by “ Working Partner,” Goldwig, Fishguard.

A child in the Mary Stephenson School, Sbensi, by the West Coombe House Missionary Circle. APPENDIX—No. V.



Feom Apbil, 1 8 9 4 , t o M arch 3 1 , 1 8 9 5 .


£ s. a. £ s. d. £l s. A. B. F.*...... Barnden, Mr and Mits ... 1 0 0 Birrell, Mr H. G...... 4 0 A Friend ...... 25 0 0 Barnes, Mr Theodore ... 1 1 0 Do., for W & O ...... 1 0 A Friend ...... 1 1 0 Barnhill, Mrs, for India 5 0 0 Birt, Rev Isaiah, B .A .... 0 10 A Friend, Victoria, Aus­ Do., for Congo...... 5 0 0 Blackwell, Mr J. S 0 10 tralia* ...... Barrat, Mr E. F...... 0 10 6 Blinkhorn, Rev R. R. ... 1 0 A Friend, Ipswich...... B 0 0 Barratc, Mr Josiah 0 10 6 Blyth, Miss P. A. (2 yrs.) 2 0 Addenbrooke, Mr J. S.... 1 10 0 Barrett, Mrs Thomas*... Boffey, Mr J...... 0 10 Aldis, Mrs, Walsall ...... 0 10 6 Barry, Mr J. T...... 2 2 0 Booker, Mrs* ...... Allen, Mrs E. P., Auck­ Do., for Italy ...... 1 1 0 Bowman, RevW.R.,B.A. 0 10 land, New Zealand ... 10 0 0 Do., for China...... 2 2 0 Braden, M rs...... 1 1 Allen, Rev Isaac, M.A, .. 5 0 0 Bartrop, Miss ...... 1 3 0 Brain, Mr H., Brymbo ... 1 0 Allgood, Mr Thos...... 1 0 0 Bass, Mr W. K...... 0 10 6 Brawn, Miss...... 1 1 Anderson, Mr Chas., Batchelor, Mr Gains 1 0 0 Briggs, Mr R. R...... 0 10 Edinburgh...... 10 0 0 Baynes, Mr A. H...... 5 5 0 Brown, Rev J. J...... 0 10 Andrews, Mr E. P., Bir­ Baynes, Mrs A. H 5 5 0 Bruton, Mr R.* ...... mingham ...... 1 0 0 Baynes, Mr N. H...... 1 1 0 Buck, Mr ...... 1 1 Anonymous ...... 8 0 0 Baynes, Miss H. K. 1 1 0 Bums, Rev Dawson, Anstie, MissE. M. (2yrs.) 1 0 0 Beach, Mr E. T...... 5 6 0 D.D.* Archer, Rev W. E...... 1 1 0 Beale, Miss, Bath ...... 6 0 0 Burrow, Mr F., LL.D.... 5 5 Arrowsmith, Mr G...... 0 10 0 Beaumont,Mrs,Edinburgh 1 10 0 Butterworth, Mr R. H.... 2 2 Ashcroft, Miss* ...... BeeclifE, Rev R. J...... 1 10 0 Byerley, Mr G. E...... 1 1 Atkinson, Mr L., Burnley 1 1 0 Beilby, Dr G. T...... 1 0 0 Byerley, Mrs, for N P ... 1 1 “ A Working Man,” Hit- Do.,furAri>...... 1 0 0 Byerley, Miss C. M 0 10 chin...... 0 10 0 Do., for W A 0 ...... 1 0 0 Cadby, Mr P...... 50 0 Bacon, Mr Alfred ...... 1 1 0 Benham, Mr L. A . 1 1 0 Cadby, Mrs ...... 1 1 Baddeley, Mr P.* ...... Benham.Dr H.,for W&O 1 1 0 Canham, Mrs W. E 0 12 Bailey, Mx J., sen.* ...... Bennett, Mrs E...... 2 2 0 Carlill, Miss* ...... Bailey, Mr E. H., Ken- Do., In Memoriam 2 2 0 Carpenter, Captain ..... 1 2 xnark, Australia 0 10 0 Bennett, Mrs,Waterford* Carter, Miss, for Conga 5 0 Baker, Mrs, Luton, for Bennett, Rev J. L 1 0 0 Cartwright, Mr and support o f Bible women, Bentall, Miss C...... 0 10 6 Mrs R.* ...... India ...... 12 0 0 Benwell,MrW.,for Congo 1 7 6 Casson, Mr W...... 2 0 Baker, Rev T., B.A..... 0 10 6 Best, MiBS F .* ...... Chapman, Mr A ...... 1 6 Baldwin, Mrs A...... 0 30 0 Betts, Mr, St. Leonards* Chapman, Mr J. L 3 3 Balls, Mrs W...... ■...... 0 10 0 Betts, Rev H. J.* ...... “ Chemist” ...... 1 1 Banister, Mr H. C.* ...... Betts, Mrs, Pembnry 1 0 0 Chew, Mrs* ...... Banister, Miss R. P.... 1 1 0 Bickham, Miss May, for Christian, Miss J...... 2 2 Barber, Mr 0...... 0 10 6 China...... :...... 1 1 0 Clare, Miss Alice...... 2 0 Barker, Miss...... 0 15 0 Billing, Mr Jos...... 1 0 0 Clark, Mr H. and Miss 10 0 Barnard, Mr & MrsG. L.* Binns, M rs*...... CliBsold, Miss ...... 2 0 * These subscriptions ■were not received up to the time of closing the accounts. £ R. d. £ H. d. £ s. d. Cockbi.ll, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Galer, Mr C...... 0 10 6 Hudson, Miss*...... Cole, Mrs W. R...... 1 1 0 Gatty, Mr C. H.*...... Hull, Mr and M iss...... 2 7 0 Collinson, Mr E. C. (2 Gibbons, Miss C. A.* Humphrey, Mr W. B. ... 1 10 0 years)...... 1 1 0 Gibson, Air W. S...... 0 10 6 Hussey, Mr D.* ...... Conran, Major H...... 5 0 0 Gilford, Mr W., Redhill... 2 0 0 Imeary, Mr R. K...... 2 0 0 Conway, Mr J., Ilfra­ Gissing, Mr S...... 0 10 6 In memory of Mrs G.Hill, combe ...... 1 1 0 Glover, Mr J. Howard ... 5 0 0 per E. H...... 1 1 0 Cooke, Mr T. B.* ...... Goodman, Mr John...... 10 0 0 In Memoriam, Rev T. Cope, Mrs* ...... Goodman,Mr T , Royston 5 0 0 Burditt, M.A...... 2 2 0 Cotton, Mr Rd., Helston 5 0 0 Gosling, Mr H. T. B., Jnglis, Mrs ...... 1 10 0 Courtney, Mrs J...... 0 10 0 (amount collected), for Inglis, Miss ...... 1 0 u Cowdy, Rev S., LL.D.... 1 0 0 support o f" Bakana,” Irish, Mr F. (2 years) ... 2 2 0 Cox, Mr T., Luton...... 0 10 6 in Mrs Bentley's school 5 0 0 Isley, Mr E...... 1 1 0 Croll, Mrs* ...... Gott, Mr...... 1 1 0 Jacob, Mr E. G., for 1 n n 0 10 fi W & O ...... fi 0 l> Crowther, Mr J...... 0 10 6 Graves, M rs...... 1 1 0 Jackson, Mrs C., Edin­ Crudgington, Miss...... 1 l 0 Grayson, Mr E. J...... 1 1 0 burgh ...... 10 0 0 C. S. H. P., for Bengali Greenstreet, Mrs...... 5 0 0 Jackson, Mr Thomas..... 10 10 0 School...... 1 0 0 Greet, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Jackson, Pastor G. W .... 0 10 6 Cunnington,Miss,Oundle 1 l 0 Gregory, Miss M ...... 1 0 0 James, Miss Ada, for Curr, Mr T.*...... Griffith, Mr M. H., Ex- China...... 0 17 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ft J. H. A...... 1 6 ?, C. W. F...... 0 10 0 Gurney, Mrs H...... 2 0 0 Jay, Mr and Mrs A. M. ... 1 0 0 Dadd, Mrs, and Barber, H. E ...... 0 10 6 Jay, Miss Dora J...... 0 10 0 Willie ...... 1 7 0 H. H. C...... 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr G. W., M.A. 3 u 0 Danford, Mr Warren* ... Hall, Mr E., Luton...... 0 10 0 Johnson, Mr John, Wigan 5 5 0 Daniel, Mrs, Luton ...... 2 0 0 Hall, Mrs M. A., St. Johnson, Mr W...... 1 0 0 Davies, Miss M. J.* ...... Leonard’s-on-Sei ...... 1 0 0 Johnston, Mrs, b y - Davies, Mr E. W.*...... Hall, Mrs, for N P ...... 1 0 0 Freeman, Mr...... 1 1 0 Davies, Mr J. M...... 0 10 0 Hamer, Mr J., Penybont 1 1 0 Ward, Mr C. W. R...... 0 10 Ü Davies, M rs...... 2 0 0 Hancorn, Mr Jas. (3 yrs) 3 15 0 Ward, Mrs C. W. R. ... 0 10 0 Day, Mrs Ruth ...... 0 10 0 Hancorn, Mr W. (2 yrs.) 2 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 7 0 Deacon, Mr H...... 1 1 0 Handford, Mr E...... 3 3 0 Jones, Mr W...... 5 0 0 Dean, Rev W...... 0 10 0 Harper, Mr W., Madeley 1 0 0 Jones, Mr T. Em lyn...... 1 1 0 0 15 0 0 13 0 Jones, Mr W., Hoylake* Diaper, Mr W...... 1 0 0 Haward, Mr C .*...... Jones, Rev E., Maesteg 1 1 0 Dodd, Mr J. T. G...... 6 0 0 Haynes, Messrs R. & S.... 1 0 0 Jones, Mr J., Filey ...... 1 5 0 Do., for Congo...... 5 0 0 Haynes, Mr T. (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 Karby, Miss...... I 1 0 Dolling, Mrs...... 0 15 0 Haynes, Mrs Thirza...... 2 2 0 Do., for Congo...... 1 1 0 Dowson, Mr J...... 2 2 0 Hayter, Mr Harrison..... 5 0 0 K. A...... 10 0 0 DowBon, Mrs*...... Heasman, Mrs.*...... King, Rev W. H...... 0 10 0 Eason, Mr 0., Dublin* ... “ Help-in-Need Society,” Kingerlee, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Eastman, Mr W. E...... 0 10 0 for support o f Elembe Kingerlee, Mr G...... 10 10 0 East, Rev D. J...... 2 0 0 and Utumba, vnder Knight & Glazier,Misses, “ Eccles” ...... 6 0 0 M r Lewis, San Sal­ for support of Congo Ecroyd, Mrs...... 2 2 0 vador ...... 10 0 0 boy “ Mokolobilengwa Erhninfinn, Mr .T.* ... Henderson, Rev W. T .... 1 1 0 under Mr Clark...... 6 0 0 Edminson, Mrs ...... 7 0 0 Henderson, Mr H. W. ... 1 1 0 Knight, Mr Oliver H., for Edmond, Mrs, Edinburgh 1 0 0 Hepburn,. Mrs...... 2 0 0 support o f Congo boy Edwards, Mrs R...... 0 10 0 Hepburn, Miss E. M...... 2 2 0 Bakatambesi ...... 2 10 0 Elliott, Mr S., Penzance 1 5 0 Hepburn, Miss S...... 1 10 0 Knight, Mr R...... 0 10 0 E. M. A * ...... 9, n 0 Knight, Mr \V. Duncan... 5 0 0 Evans, Mr Howell, for Do., for W & O...... 0 10 0 Lamb, Mrs Bertha...... 1 0 0 training NP, Congo... 5 0 0 H. H. K ...... 1 16 0 Lang, Mrs, Paignton* ... Evans, Mr J. L.*...... Hill, Rev J. F. and Mrs* Larard, Mr J. (2 years)... 2 0 0 Ewart, Mr W...... 0 10 0 Hill, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Lee, Rev J. Padiham (2 Farley, Miss* ...... Hill, Mr and Mrs Isaac... 1 1 0 years) ...... 1 5 Ü Feamall, Mr W...... 1 0 0 Hine, Miss* ...... Leonard, Mr J. H...... 6 0 0 Fergusson, Miss M. M., Hinea&Waterman,Misses 2 2 0 Leonard, Mrs Everett*... Crieff, for India..... 1 1 0 Hinton, Miss S. A...... 1 0 0 Leonard, Mr Jas. and 1 1 n 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ft Fisher, Mr H. G.* ...... Hodges, Mr E. A.*...... Lewis, Mr J., Aberdare... 0 10 0 Fletcher, Mr A. E.* ...... Holder, Mrs F...... 1 0 fi Lewis, Rev T. & Mrs...... 10 0 0 Flower, Mrs, York...... 1 0 0 Holland, Mr & Mrs F. W. 2 2 0 Lewis, Miss C...... 1 1 0 F. M. B., for Congo ...... 1 0 0 Hooper, Mrs...... 1 6 6 Lewis, Mrs Mary ...... 0 10 0 K n o n t fi 0 Forsyth, Mr J. 8...... 0 10 6 Horsfield, Mr T., for Lloyd, Mr G. A...... 1 1 0 Foster, Misses, Sabden... 8 8 0 Orissa (2 years)...... 2 0 0 Lloyd, Mr Thos. (2 yrs.) 1 0 0 Fountain, Mr W...... 6 0 0 Horsfield, Mrs T., for do. 1 0 0 Lockwood, Mr J. H. (2 Fowler, Mr W.* ...... Horton, Mr and Mrs W... 2 2 0 years)...... 1 0 6 Franklin, Mr J. W...... 1 1 0 Do., for Congo...... 1 1 0 Lovell, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Fraser,Mrs,Bournemouth 2 2 0 Houghton, Mr W, C...... 16 0 0 Lovell, MIsb...... 0 10 6 Freer, Mr F. A...... 10 0 0 Howland, M rs...... 0 10 0 Laokham, Mr J...... 0 10 tt Gale, M iss...... 3 3 0 Hoy, Mr and Mrs F...... 1 1 e Luntley, Mr & Mrs P. H. 10 0 0 Do., for W & 0 ...... 0 10 0 Hubbard, Mr S...... 5 0 e L. W. O., for Congo..... 0 10 0 * These subscriptions were not received up to the time of closing the accounts. Ill

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. McClelland, Dr R. B., Poole, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Sinkwell, Mrs, Dunstablo 0 lu i; J.P.* ...... Do., for Congo...... 0 12 0 Slack, Mrs...... 30 0 0 Mcllvain, Misses, for Do., for China.... .0 12 0 Slater, Mr Jas...... 2 2 <> Congo ...... 10 0 0 Do., for Naples ...... 0 12 0 Do., for Congo...... 110 McAlley, Miss...... 0 15 0 Porter, Mr E. R. S .* ...... Small, Rev G., M.A 1 0 0 McCormack, Mr A., for Potter, Mr and Mrs*...... Smart, Mr Jas. Elgin 0 10 6 Congo ...... 0 10 0 Powell, Mr S. R...... 1 0 0 Smith,General Nepean... 1 0 0 Marchant, Miss E. S., for Powell, Mr W. (2 yrs.)... 1 0 0 Smith, Mr A. Gurney* ... Khond Mission ...... 0 10 0 Powell, Mr & Mrs Chas. 1 1 0 Smith, Mr T., Harrow ... 1 1 0 Mamham, Mr J., for Pratt, Mr C., Wickenden 5 0 0 Smith, Miss Lydia 0 10 0 Congo missionary ...300 0 0 Pratten, Mrs ...... 3 0 0 Smith, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Do., for Indian mis­ Price, Mr B.* ...... Smith, Miss R ...... 1 1 0 sionary ...... 70 0 0 Price, Rev E., Granville, Smith, Rev James 1 1 0 Massey, Mrs S. E...... 1 0 0 N.8.W...... 0 10 0 Smout, Mr J. * ...... Massie, Mr Robert* ...... Pringle, Miss (2years)... 1 0 0 Sonndy, Miss S...... 0 10 0 Masters, Mr and Mrs Pumphrey, Mr H 0 10 6 Southey, Mr Jas.*...... John...... 12 0 0 Rabbeth, Mr J. E.* .... . Sowerby, Mr E. J 0 10 0 Mayo, Rev W., for Congo 0 10 0 Rainbow, M rs...... 0 10 0 Speed, Mr E. J.*...... Mead, Mr G...... 0 10 0 Randall, Mr and Mrs,for Spurr, Mr W. H...... 5 5 0 Mead, Mr J. B., for Mr Monsembi, Congo* ... Spurr, Rev F. C...... 2 2 0 Wall’s work, Rome ...100 0 0 Rawlings, Mr E...... 100 0 0 Starkey, Mr P. J...... 1 0 0 Melhuish, Mr C...... 1 1 0 Do., for support of Steer, Mr A...... 4 0 0 Mendham, Mrs*...... Missionary ...... 272 0 0 Stevenson, Mr Jno. T., Merrick, Mr W. G...... 0 10 6 Rawson, Miss, for Mrs Auckland, New Zea­ Milligan, the late Mrs Wall’s work, Home ... 5 0 0 land (2 years I...... 20 0 0 E. J...... 1 0 0 Raynes, Mr A. E...... 10 10 0 Stidston, Mr W. A., Los Mills, Mr G. M. W. 1 1 0 Rees, MrD,, Llandeloy... 25 0 0 Gatos, California (2 Do., for. Congo...... 1 1 0 Reichel, Mrs...... 1 0 0 years) ...... 2 10 o Mills, Mr J-MH...... 1 1 0 Rennard, Mrs * ...... Stokes, Mr & Mrs G. J. 2 -10 .0 Mitchell, Miss C., St. Reid, Mr Jas., Keiss 0 10 0 Stokes, Mrs C...... 0.10 0 Andrews...... 3 0 0 Rix, Mr G. R...... 1 0 0 Stoneman, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Mitchell, Mrs W...... 1 0 0 Roberts, Mr D...... 0 10 6 Sturge, Rev A.,for Indian Moore, Mr E. B...... 0 10 6 Do., for Congo...... 0 10 6 M ission...... 0 10 (1 Moore, Rev J. H...... 3 0 0 Robertson, Mrs*...... Swan,MrW., Exmouth... 2 15 0 Morgan, Mr John, Wal­ Robinson,Mr and MrsE., Swift, Mr J. H .*...... thamstow ...... 1 0 0 Bristol, for India ...100 0 0 Swinton, Mr G...... 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr Joel* ...... Do., for China...... 100 0 0 Symington, Mr Jas 2 12 0 Morgan, Mr R...... 3 0 0 Do., for Congo...... 100 0 0 Talbot, R. and L. (2yrs.) 2 0 0 Do. for Congo ...... 3 0 0 Do., for Italy ...... 100 0 0 Tarring, Mr and Mrs C. Morgan, Mrs T...... 1 0 0 Robinson, Miss ...... 0 10 0 J., Constantinople 5 0 0 Morrant, Mr S...... 1 0 0 Rob inson,Miss,for Con# o 0 10 0 Taylor, Mr Benj., Bristol 1 1 0 Morten, Mr J. S...... 5 0 0 Room, Mrs, Finchley *... Taylor, Rev J. and Mrs, Mailings, Miss M...... 1 0 0 Rose, Mrs, Glasgow, for Denholme* ...... Murray, Mr P. W. R.* ... support of Congo boy T. E. R...... 2 0 0 Mnrsell, Mrs J.P...... 1 1 0 under Mr Stapleton* Thomas, Mr F. J...... 0 10 0 Newboult, Mr Alfred..... 4 4 0 Rosser, Mrs, Treherbert 1 0 0 Thomson, Mr G. B 1 1 0 Do., for- W & O ...... 1 1 0 Rowe, Mr W., Mold Thompson, Miss F 0 10 6 Nicholson, Mr P. E. •...... 1 1- 0 (2 yrs.) ...... 2 0 0 Thompson, Mrs ...... 0 10 ts Nicoll, Mrs W.,f or Bibles Russell, Mr Joseph 250 0 0 Thorp, Mr W. R.* ...... fo r Congo...... 1 0 0 Rust, Mrs, Leicester, for Tillotson.MrW.,Lowestoft 0 10 0 Noble, Miss C., for train­ Khond Mission ...... 1 1 0 ToU, Rev J...... 0 15 0 ing N P, India ...... 12 0 0 Sampson, Miss B. H. ...10 0 Tooth, Mrs...... 1 2 0 Noel, Rev Horace, M.A. 5 0 0 Sargeant, Mr E. G 1 1 0 Tresidder, Rev H. J 0 10 0 Oldneve, Mr W. T...... 0 10 0 Sargeant, Mr S...... 1 0 0 Trestrail, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 Oliver, Mrs R, G.*...... Saunders, Mr Isaac, for Turley, Mr...... 1 0 0 Ollard, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 San Salvador 0 10 0 Tyson, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 Olsen, Mr T.* ...... Do., for support o f Underwood, Mrs, for Osborne,Miss,Eastbourne 1 1 0 “ Mantu” ...... 5 0 0 Orissa ...... 2 0 0 Page, Miss C. Selfe ...... 5 0 0 Sayce, Mr G...... 5 0 0 Veasey, Mr G. A...... 1 10 0 Do., for W & O ...... 1 0 0 Schauffer, Rev L...... 0 10 0 Viney, Miss E. M 1 0 0 Parry, Mrs J. C.*...... Scheiss, Mr E...... 5 5 0 Voelcker, M rs...... 2 2 0 Pattison, Mr S. R...... 1 1 0 Scholefield, Mr J, W.* ... Do., for Congo ..... 1 1 0 Payne,Misses,Eastbourne 1 11 0 Scott, Miss E., for Congo 3 0 0 Walker, M rs ...... 2 2 0 Do., for Congo...... 0 10 0 Scrivener, Mrs J. 0., for Walker, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Pearce, Miss E...... 0 10 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Walker, Mr Jas...... 5 0 0 Pearce, Mr T.*...... Scrivener, Miss R., for Walter, Mrs, for Bengali Pedley, Miss A, J...... 2 2 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 School* ...... Peek, Mr H...... 2 0 0 Self, Mr W...... 0 10 0 Waiters, Mrs...... 0 10 G Peel, Mr J...... 0 10 0 Sears, Mr A. E.,for Congo 0 10 0 Wame, Mr W. J., Phila­ Pennell,5 Mrs...... 2 2 0 Sharman, Mr W. J...... 2 2 0 delphia (2 years) 4 0 0 Pentelow, Mr J., senr.... 1 1 0 Do., for W & O ...... 0 10 0 Watkins, Mr B...... 5 0 0 Perry, Mrs K., for Congo 0 12 6 Sharpe, Mr W ...... 1 1 0 West, Mr A. B...... 2 0 0 Pewtress,MrH.W. (2yrs.) 4 4 0 Sheldon, Mr J., Tenby... 1 1 0 West, Mr F.* ...... Phillips, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 Shorrock, Mr E., for Weymouth, Dr R. F 1 1 0 Pierce, Mr J. J...... 5 0 0 Work in Shensi 2 2 0 Weymouth, Mrs*...... Pitt, MrG...... 5 0 0 Skeats, MrG. W...... 2 2 0 Whitaker, Mr P. J 2 2 0 Pontifex, Mr John H. ... 1 1 0 ! Do., for W & 0 ...... 0 IQ 0 Do., for Congo...... 0 10 6 * These subscriptions were not received up to the time of closing the accounts. iv

£ ö. <1. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whitaker, Mr Laurence 1 6 0 WinterbOtham, Miss E., Young, Mrs, Brighton, Whitchurch, Miss G. B. 5 0 0 for support of Congo for China ...... 2 0 0 White, Mrs S.*...... dirl under MrsBentley 6 0 0 Under 10s..... 10 19 5 White, Rev F. H...... 1 0 0 Winter, Mr T. B...... 2 2 0 Do., for China... 0 5 0 W. H. W...... 10 0 0 Withers, Mr H...... 0 10 0 Do., for Congo...... 0 7 C Wigner, Rev J. T...... 0 10 6 Woolcott, Mr S.*...... Do., for Italy ...... 0 5 0 Wilkinson, Mrs, Sabden 3 0 0 Workman, Mr C...... 0 10 0 Wilkinson, Mrs T. L. ... 1 1 0 Wright, Mr T. A...... 0 10 0 SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR Wilkinson, Mr Randle ... 1 0 0 Wright, Mr J. Graham, PALESTINE MISSION. Wilkinson, Rev T 1 0 0 and Marion D. Wright, Williams, Mr W. 8...... 0 10 0 for support o f Congo Per Mrs A. Pearce Gould. Williams, Miss M ...... 0 10 0 girl under Mrs Graham 5 0 0 Chick, Mr S...... 1 1 0 Williams,Mr J.K., Brom­ Wyatt, Mr J, E...... 0 10 6 Graham, Miss...... 0 10 0 ley ...... 1 1 0 York, Miss...... 2 2 0 “ In Memoriam,” Lady Wilshere, Misses...... 1 3 6 Do., for China...... 1 1 0 Lush ...... 3 3 0 Wilson, Mr J...... 1 1 0 Do., for Cong.J...... 1 1 0 Rawlings, Mr E...... 2 2 0 Winsford, Mr & Mrs W. 5 0 0 Do., “ In Memoriain” 1 1 0 Walker, Dr Dunbar ...... 1 1 0 Do., for W & O ...... 1 0 0 Yorston, Mr A. G.* ...... Wmterbotham.Mr W. H. 5 0 0 Young, Miss...... 0 10 0 £2,567 13 5 * These subscriptions were not received up to the time of closing the accounts.

COLLECTIONS AT ANNUAL SERVICES, 1894. £ s. a. Public Meeting at Exeter Hall...... ~...... 74 2 0 Young People’s Meeting...... 70 15 11 Annual Sermon at Bloomsbury Chapel ...... 18 16 0 Sermon to Young Men and Women at Bloomsbury Chapel...... 11 3 6 £174 17 5

DONATIONS RECEIVED AT THE MISSION HOUSE. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. A. B., for Debt ...... 1 0 0 A Friend, Plymouth, per Anderson. Misses, Dan- ▲. B., Barry Dock, for Rev J. J. Fuller, for dee ...... 2 10 0 Congo...... 0 10 0 A frica...... 100 0 0 Anonyma, per Rev G. A. C., a Small G ift 0 10 0 A Friend, Wolvey ...... 1 0 0 Davies, Redhill ...... 100 0 0 Ac worth, Mr Jas., for A Friend of Foreign Mis­ Anonymous, A New Lai Bazaar Chapel ... 2 0 0 sions, Perth, N.B 10 0 0 Year’s Thankoffering.. 10 0 0 A. E. S...... 0 10 0 A Friend, Bedminster ... 0 10 0 Anonymous ...... 0 10 0 A Friend ...... 100 0 0 A. Friend, per Rev J. B. Anonymous ...... 1 0 0 A Friend...... 95 0 0 Myers, for W Jb O ... 5 0 0 Anon...... 0 10 0 A Friend ...... 20 0 0 Do., for Debt...... 10 0 0 Anon...... 0 11 0 A Friend ...... 18 15 4 Do., for W

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. A Thankoffering from C. L., for Debt...-*...... 0 10 6 F. M. B., for Congo ...... 1 0 0 grateful parents for Clark, Rev J. A., Congo 10 0 0 Do., for Deficiency ... 1 0 0 conversion of their son 5 0 0 Clark, Mr Joseph, for Franks, Miss E...... 2 0 0 A Tithe, for Debt ...... 1 0 0 Congo...... 5 0 0 Freeman, Misses...... 0 19 1 Austin, Mr J. B...... 0 10 6 Clarke, Mrs ...... 3 0 0 French, Mrs H. (box) ... 1 10 0 A. W...... 2 0 0 Cleaver, Mr Richard 25 0 0 Friends ...... 2 0 0 Do., for W $ 0 ...... 1 0 0 Clifford, Miss E., Chel­ “ Friends” ...... 10 0 0 A Well-wisher...... 1 0 0 tenham, for Congo 0 10 0 Friend, per Rev R. A Well-wisher, for Debt 5 0 0 Clissold, Miss ...... 2 0 0 Glover, D.D., for Debt 5 0 0 A Well-wisher...... 1 10 0 Clutterbuck, Mrs E 0 10 0 Friends, Leicester...... 3 3 0 Bacon, Miss E. R., for Coats, Sir Thos. Glen, Friends, per Mr W. T. D ebt...... 5 0 0 Bart..,...... 200 0 0 Long, for chapel at Balfern, Mrs, proceeds of Cockbiil, MissM. (box)... 1 0 0 Rusaell-Konda ...... 1 11 0 sale of butterflies, &c., Cockbill, Mr and Mrs, for Fryer, Mr A., for China 1 10 0 collected by the late Congo...... 0 10 6 Fuller, Rev J. J., amount Rev W. P. Balfern 12 0 0 Cole, Rev T. J., for Congo 5 0 0 collected for books fo r Barcham, Miss, for Cole, Mr W. R., for Cameroons ...... 6 6 0 Oris-ia...... 4 10 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Furness, Mr John ...... 4 0 0 Barker, Miss, for Debt ..100 Coley, Mr W., Hinckley 0 15 0 F. W., Cheshire ...... 1 0 0 Barker, Mr Joseph, Collier, Ernest W. (box) 1 15 0 Garratt, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Liverpool ...... 5 0 0 Collier, Miss, Thirza 0 10 0 G. C...... 5 0 0 Bamden, Mrs T. (box) ...180 Conway, Mr John, Ilfra­ G. H...... 2 10 0 “ Beckington,” for combe, for Debt ...... 2 0 0 Godfrey, Rev W. S...... 1 1 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Cooke, Miss Hilda (box) 1 7 6 G. O., per Colporteur S. “ B. E.,” for Congo ...... 0 10 0 Cooper-Jackson, Miss, Bartlett ...... 100 0 Beilby, Miss M. M 0 10 0 Bournemouth, for Gover, Mrs Mary Ann ... 99 19 11 Bell, Mrs, for Congo 10 10 0 drugs and instru­ Gowiug, Miss ...... 0 13 G Benham, Mr W. J.’, B.A., ments fo r Mr Harmon, Gray, Mr & Mrs Parker, for Lai Bazaar Chapel 1 1 0 China...... 2 2 0 for Bev P. Bruce's Bible-class at St. John’s 4 4 0 Coxeter, Mr S , the late 8 10 0 work, China...... 5 0 0 Bible Translation Society, Crampton, MrW...... 1 1 0 Do., for Reo A. G. to v T ...... 9J0 0 0 Cripps, Mr Jno , J.P 25 0 0 Shorrock’s work, Bilbrough, Mr Alfred, for Crowe, Mrs S. C...... 0 10 0 China...... 5 0 0 Debt...... 20 0 0 Calross, Mr Allan ...... 2 2 0 G. R. L., for orphangirl Binns, Mr J. W., Brad­ Camming, Mr W., Ayr under Mrs Ellis, India 3 0 0 ford ...... 8 19 8 (box) ...... 0 16 0 Grove, M r...... 1 0 0 Blackheath School for Curtis, Mr E. 0., for bell G. W. R...... 41 0 7 Sons of Missionaries ..270 fo r San Salvador, “ H ” ...... 1 0 0 Blake, Miss Millie, for Congo...... 5 0 0 Hale, Mr Arthur...... 0 10 6 Congo...... 0 10 6 Daintree, Miss M. M 0 10 0 Hackney, Rev W., M.A. 2 0 0 Box, “ E. O.” ...... 0 12 0 “ Daisy Hope ” ...... 1 0 0 Halford, Mr S. H...... 0 10 0 Brady, Mr James ...... 0 10 0 Darby, Mr and Mrs R.D., Hammond, Mr N. (box) 0 14 7 Breewood, Rev T...... 1 10 0 for new missionary Harris, Mr Wm., for British & Foreign Bible for Congo...... 15 0 0 Debt...... 5 5 0 Society, for Bible Wo- Davy, Mr E...... 110 Harrison, Mrs S., for me i, Orissa ..... 47 11 2 Davy, Mr W. F...... 0 10 6 Deficiency...... 1 0 0 Brown, Mrs ...... 5 0 0 Dawbam. Miss, Tokyo ..20 0 0 Harrison, Rev J. S. (box) 0 12 0 Brugmann, Mr G., for Dawson.Miss, Lancaster, Hay, Miss Jessie (box)... 0 17 0 Congo...... 4) 0 0 for Mr Hankinson’s Hayward, Rev G. A., “ Buchan, N.B.” ...... 5 0 0 Tract Work, Ceylon... 5 0 0 M.A., for Debt...... 1 0 0 Budding, Miss E. A., for Dean, Mr G. H., Sitting- Hepburn, Miss S...... 2 0 0 NP ...... 1 0 0 bourne...... 5 0 0 Do. (box) ...... 9 15 8 Ball, Mr B ...... 0 10 6 Do., for surgical in­ Heron, Miss, amount Burroughs, Mr S. M., for struments for Mr collected for China ... 0 15 9 Debt...... 21 0 0 Harmon, China 5 0 0 H. G., for Congo...... 6 0 0 Bushill, Mr T. W., for Mr “ Derby, per W. G.,” for Do., for China...... 4 0 0 ¡Talker’8 Work, Naples 0 10 0 Orissa...... 1 0 0 H. H. K., for Debt 1 0 0 Butler, Philip andLeolin, Diamond, Mrs, and Mrs Hiley, Mr Lemuel ...... 5 0 0 for A frica...... 0 10 6 Stewart, for Congo 0 10 0 Hill, Miss (box) ...... 1 0 6 Cameron, Rev George, D. M. L „ for D ebt 1 0 0 Hill, Miss J ...... 5 0 0 for D ebt...... 5 0 0 Dadderidge, Mrs R. for Hine, Miss (Christmas Campion, Mr J. B. E., Congo...... 1 0 0 offering)...... 0 10 0 New Year’s Gift 3 0 0 Eadie, Mrs (box)...... 0 10 0 Hines and Waterman Carrington, Mr E. T., E. A., for Debt...... 0 10 10 (box), for Congo...... 1 16 6 for Debt...... _0 10 0 E. A. S...... 0 10 0 Hinson, Mr A. (box).... 0 15 6 Carmichael, Miss, for E. G., for Congo...... 5 0 0 Hipkiss, Mr W. H...... 0 10 0 Lai Bazaar Chapel ... 10 0 0 E. H...... 1 0 0 H. N. D...... 100 0 0 Gattell, Mrs, for Cam­ E. M., for Congo...... 0 10 6 Home for Working Girls ■ eroon* School ...... 1 0 0 E. M. W., for Borne ... 0 10 0 in London, Amount C. B. (box)...... 0 10 0 Erskine, Mrs, Dublin ... 0 10 0 collected in the Mis­ C. C...... 5 0 0 E. S. 0 ...... 10 0 0 sionary Boxes at the Chapman, Mr A., for Mrs Evangelist, Plymouth ... 20 0 0 various Homes during Shorrock's Girls’ Feisser, Miss (box), for 1891 ...... 7 11 0 School...... 2 0 0 Congo ...... 0 16 0 Honeyman, Mr G...... 3 3 0 Chidley, Mr Jaa., Thank- Fellowes, Mrs, St.Helier 116 0 “ Hope” ...... 4 10 0 offering ...... 0 12 0 Feme, Mr H. B...... 5 6 6 “ Hope,” for Debt 0 10 0 Christmas Thankoffer- F. H. T.O...... 1 0 0 Hopwoód, Mr Geo., ing, for Debt...... 6 0 0 F. H. T. O., for Debt 1 0 0 Thankoffering,for Congo 1 1 0 v i

£ s. d. £ s. d. Hopwood, Mr G. E., for Marriott, Mrs M. A 2 2 0 Parkinson, Mr W. C., lie b t...... 1 1 0 Martin, Mr and Mrs L.C.C.. for Lai Bazaar Horsfell, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Henry, Southsea 10 0 0 Chapel ...... 1 0 0 Howe, Mr, Lee...... 1 0 0 Massie, Mr Robert 1 0 0 “ Part of a tenth,” for Hughes, Mr Jas...... 0 10 0 MatthewBon, Mr W 25 0 0 Debt...... 1 0. 0. “ Hunslet” ...... 1 0 0 Matt. vi. 3 ...... 5 0 0 Pastors’ College (box) ... 4 2 o Hutchinson, Mr S. (box) 1 1 o McDonald, Miss, Staly- Paterson, Mr J...... 6 0 0 “ H, W. M.,” in Memory bridge, amouDt col­ Patterson, Rev. H. and of Rev C. M. Birrell... 6 0 0 lected for school at Mrs ...... 5 0 0 In loving memory of her Wathen Station, Congo 1 2 0 Payne, Misses, East­ boy, from his affec­ McFarlane, RevD.,Tiree 1 0 0 bourne (box)...... 1 16 0 tionate Mother...... 6 0 0 Mclnnes, Mrs M. A , Payne, Mrs (box) ...... 1 0 0 ln Memoriam, G. M. Thankoffering...... 0 15 0 Payne, Mr James ...... li) 0 o Merricks...... 0 10 0 McLaren, Miss Janet ... 1 2 6 Phillips, Mr W. A .1 1 0 In Memoriam, Mr James M. E., for China...... 5 0 0 Phillips, Mr W. G 1 5 Hobson ...... 5 0 0 Do., for Congo...... 5 0 0 P. L., for Debt...... 0 10 0 In Memoriam, J. H. H., M. Ecassius ...... 0 10 0 Poole, Mr Arthur L., for June 2nd, for Congo... 5 0 0 “ Meg,” for Congo 50 0 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 In Memoriam ...... 5 0 0 Do., for Ind ia...... 50 0 0 Porter, Mr J. G., Oldham, Do., for Congo...... 2 0 0 Do., for China...... 25 0 0 for Congo ...... 1 0 0 Do., for Italy ...... 0 10 0 M. E., per Rev. A. T. Pratten, Mrs (box) 1 0 o Do., for W & O ...... 0 10 0 Head ...... 0 10 0 Proceeds from sale of In Memoriam, C. L., Mendham, Mis, for Debt 0 10 6 butterflies collected by Stratford-on-Avon, for Meredith, Mr J. B., for W. P. B...... 5 0 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Rev. R. Walker's Pryor, Miss M.. for *■ Jabez,” for Debt 5 0 0 Naples Special Ap- medicine chest fi r N P James C., and Sisters peal Defence Fund ... 2 2 0 Satsooran Mookerjee... 0 10 0 (box), for China 0 15 0 M. H...... 0 10 0 Pye, Miss, Chester — James, Miss A. (box), for Midland Baptiss College Family Contributions 1 3 6 China...... 0 15 0 (boxes) ...... 1 10 7 Quick, Mr James...... 20 o u James, Miss S. B 1 10 0 Miller, Mr and Mrs, Ranken, Miss Jane, for J. C. H. (boxes), per Preston, for In d ia ... 10 0 0 Congo...... 2 0 o B. R. A „ ...... 2 0 0 Mitchell, Mrs,' for Congo 5 0 0 Rawdon College...... 2 17 0 Jenkins, I^evL A. LI., More Breakfast Table Rawlings, Mr Edward... 21 0 O amount collected for Crumbs, 26, Carleton- Do., Mrs Edward ...... 21 0 0 building at Guilty...... 43 5 0 road...... 0 18 6 Readers of the “ Chris­ Jephcott, Mr, Thank- M. P. R., in Memory of tian,” per Morgan & offering, for Debt ...... 0 10 0 F. R. Oram, for Congo 5 0 0 Scott ...... 11 19 3 J. G. A., Glasgow ...... 1 4 0 M. S., per Miss Brawn... 0 10 0 Do., tor India ...... 112 0 Johnston, Mr Arthur, for M., Wm. and Isabel, for Do., for Congo...... 2 0 0 Congo ...... 0 10 0 Congo ...... 1 0 0 Do.,for KhondMission 0 9 1 Jones, Mrs (box), for Murton, Mrs, for new Reed, Miss S. A ...... 1 0 0 China...... 0 12 6 building at Ghuilly ... 10 0 0 Regent’s Park College.... 3 13 0 Jones, Mr E,, Buckley ... 0 10 0 “ N. B.” ...... 25 0 0 Rennison, Miss E. M., Jooes, Mrs, for texts in Neal, Miss L. E., for the late ...... 0 11 0 Calcutta tramcars ... 0 11 0 Congo...... 0 10 0 Reyner Trust Fond ...... 100 0 0 Keevil, Mr N., Bourton... 0 10 0, Ness, Mrs ...... 20 0 0 R. J. B., ThankofiEaring 3 0 0 Kelsey, Mr H. R ...... 5 5 0 Neve, Miss Ella (box), Roberts, Miss E. (box), King, Mr S ...... 0 10 0 for Congo ...... 1 0 0 for Congo ...... 1 0 0 Kingerlee, Mr G.,Special 6 0 0 N. E. W., Newport 1 10 0 Roberts, Mr D., for W&0 1 1 0 Knott, Mrs, for 'Debt 1 0 0 Newsome, Miss M., for Robinson,MrAlfred,J.P.100 0 0 Landels, Rev. W., D.D... 5 0 0 Debt...... 0 10 0 Robinson, Mr W. L., Lane, Mr Jas., Watroa, “ Nominis Umbra ” ...... 99 0 0‘ Coventry, for Mr New Zealand, Thank- N. S ...... 2 0 0 Walker’s work, Naples 5 0 0 offering for Mr Staple• Nutter’s, Mr, family, Robson, Miss ...... 0 10 6 ton’s work,nnrvtfilr Congoflnmstn...... 5 0 0 Cambridge, for Mr Roger, Rev J.L. and Mrs 15 0 0 “ Larches,” for India... 10 0 0 Phillips' work, Congo 1 0 0 Rooke, Mrs, In Memory Leigh, Miss ...... 1 0 0 “ Of Thine own have I of T. G. Riooke...... 20 0 0 Leonard, Rev. H. C., given Thee ” ...... 20 0 0 Rose, Mr and M rs 2 0 0 M.A...... 0 10 0 Office B ox ...... 3 12 3 Rose, Mr Andrew A 50 0 0 Leonard, Mrs H. C., the Olney, Mr T. H., for Lai Do., for W 4- O ...... 25 0 0 late ...... 0 10 0 Bazaar Chapel ...... 5 0 0. Rose, MrOhas., fov Debt 100 0 0 Lewitt, Mrs (New Year’s O. P. O ...... 2 0 0 Rush, Miss, per H. S*. Gift)...... 6 0 0 One from the North |...... 5 0 0 (box) ...... 3 2 2 “ Little Em ” ...... 2 0 0 “ One who owes,” for Sale of jewellery ...... 14 0 7 L. J., for Congo...... 1 0 0 Congo...... 40 0 0 Salter’s, Miss E. K., Long, Rev. A ...... 2 0 0 One whom Jesus loves... 5 0 0 Bible-class, for support Do., Contents of box ... 1 0 0 Osborne, Miss, East­ of Nobin Chunder Dutt 16 0 0 Lucas, Mrs A. G...... 1 1 0 bourne...... 1 1 0 Do., for Congo...... ,0 7 6 Macalpine, Hilda, Fred­ Our Family Christmas Sax, C...... 0 10 0 erick, and Bernard Offering...... 7 2 6 School for Missionaries’ (box) ...... 1 5 0 Overstone, Miss M. S., Daughters, Sevenoaks 2 2 0 Macalpine, Mr A...... 0 10 0 Newport, for Mr Hay's Scott, Mrs, Cardiff, for Macdonald, M rs...... 1 1 0 H alt fo r Young Men’s Africa...... 1 0 0 Mackenzie, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Class, Dacca...... 2 0 0 Scott, Mrs Jane, Dundee 1 0 0 Marnham, Mr John, J.P., Palmer, Rev J...... 1 0 0 Scrivener, Rev A. E 10 0 0 for medicine chest for Palmer, Rev J.,for Congo 1 10 0 S. E...... 2 10 0. Mr Stubbs, I n d ia ...... 3 11 9 Parker, Mr E...... 0 12 0 Sears, Mr & Mrs, Hendon 1 0 0 vii

£ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Seivwright, Mr John, Thomas, Mr Daniel ...... 50 0 0 W. G...... 0 10 0 for D ebt...... 1 0 0 Thomas,Mrs W., Llanelly 30 0 0 Whitley, Mr Thomas 6 0 0 Sharpe,Miss M., for Congo 0 10 0 Do , Thankoffering for Williams, Mr G., Reed- Shorrock, Mr E., for 50 years full of blessing 50 0 0 ham, for Concio ...... 1 1 0 Work in Shensi, China l 1 0 Thomson, Bros, (box) ... 1 12 0 Williams, Mr W. 8 ...... 0 10 0 Simpson, Mr E. K...... 2 0 0 Thornton, Rev J. S...... 0 10 6 Wilmot, Miss R. (box) .236 Small, Rev Geo., M.A., Tilly, Miss M...... 0 10 0 Do., *’ Do without ” for D ebt...... 5 0 0 Trevor,Mrs,Weekly pence 1 15 6 (bags) ...... 0 16 6 Smith, Mr J. J., J.P.,for Trustees of the late Winkwortli, Mr B 0 10 0 Lai Bazaar Chapel... 2 0 0 Michael Rowan, oE Wise, Miss Annie, for Smith, Mr J.E.T., for Congo 0 10 0 Glasgow, for Congo Congo...... 0 10 0 Snalam, Rev John, for M ission...... 50 0 0 W. J ...... 0 10 0 India ...... 1 0 0 Turk, Mr T. R...... 2 0 0 Wood, Mr Thos...... 0 10 0 Solvyns, Baroness, for Turner, Mr Cecil Polhill 0 10 0 Woodeson, Mr T. H 0 10 0 Congo ...... 10 0 0 Turner, Mrs (b ox)...... 3 14 1 Woodhams, Mr E., pro­ Stevens, Misses B. and Two and One, for Debt . 10 0 0 ceeds from Pines and E., amount collected Two Friends, Lymington 6 0 0 Sunday pennies ...... 1 5 6 for Congo ...... 1 4 0 Underhill, Dr and Mrs ... 20 0 0 Woollinga, Mr S. K., Stones, Mrs M. Y...... 1 0 0 Wade, Mr Geo...... 0 10 0 amount collected 3 0 0 St. Paul’s Missionary Walker, Miss E., for W. T., Hendon...... 20 0 0 Society ...... 6 15 0 weighing machine and W. W...... 100 0 0 Supper. Mrs, for Mr carriage to Congo ...... 1 5 0 Xmas Thankoffering 20 0 0 Julian, Calcutta ..... 1 0 0 W. and J.E. M.,for Congo 1 0 0 X. Y. Z., Australia ...... 2 0 0 “ Supplementary ” 5 0 0 Wates, Mr Joseph ...... 6J 0 0 Y.M M A, for China Sutton, Mrs, for China . 0 10 0 Watt, Mrs Robeit, for Schools ...... 2 17 0 Swain, Messrs Joseph, Congo ...... 0 18 0 York, Miss E., for D ebt. 2 2 0 & Son ...... 0 0 Watkins, Mr B. (box) ... 1 16 7 Do., for N P ...... 0 5 0 Swan, Mr Andrew, Stir­ W. D. M...... 10 0 0 Young, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 ling (box) ...... 6 6 0 Wearing, Mr W. B., for Young, Mrs, Helens­ Sykes, Mrs, Calcutta..... 2 2 0 Debt...... 2 0 0 burgh, for Debt ...... 25 0 0 Talbot, Miss Lilian, “ We are Debtors,” for Do.,for medicine chest for Congo ...... 3 0 0 Debt...... 50 0 0 forSotSoron ...... 1 18 0 Do. (amount collected) 1 0 0 Weightman, Miss J., for Y. S. G...... 1 1 0 Taylor, Miss R. E...... 0 10 0 Mr Clark’s Work, “ Zimri,” for support o f Taylor, Mr S., for Work Congo ...... 0 12 6 girl in Mr Shorroclc’s in Shensi ...... 0 10 0 Weeks, Rev J. H., Congo 16 0 0 School...... 0 10 0 Tebbuc’s, Miss (box) .... 1 2 0 Wells, Miss E. A., class, Under 10s...... 20 12 8 Thankoffering...... 0 10 0 for Mrs Couling's Do., for Congo...... 2 17 3 The Ladies' Negro Friend work, China...... 1 10 0 Do.,forDeW...... 1 6 6 Society, for Congo West Coombe House Schools ...... 5 0 0 Missionary Circle, for £4,660 2 3 The William Taylor Trust support o f child in Fund, for Calabar the Mary Stephenson College ...... 100 0 0 School, Shensi...... 6 0 0

LEGACIES. £ s. d. £ s. d. Barker, Trustees of the late Mr A. C., Macfarlane, the late Miss Martha M., of Aberdeen, proportion of Residue, of Leeds, by Mr J. P. Macfarlane ... 60 0 0 by Messrs. Morice



■When contributions are given for special objects, they are denoted as follows The letter T is placed before the sum when it is intended for Translations; N P, for Native Preachers; W it 0, for Widows and Orphans. N.B.—It will be found that, in some instances, the connection of Churches in Auxiliary Societies interfere with the correctness of county arrangement ; but this cannot be avoided without inconvenience.

Xontxm By Mr J. Mack. Christian Band... 0 19 0 Donations : Farrow, Miss ... 0 12 0 Prayer meetings 0 10 7 Y.W.C.A...... 0 5 Bridges,Mr&Mrs 2 0 0 AND ITS VICINITY. Gale, M iss 0 12 0 3 Pedley, Dr S. E. 10 0 0 Mack, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Muhlethaler, Mr 0 10 0 40 19 6 Under 10s...... 0 15 7 Currell, Mrs 0 10 0 Garrett, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 ABBEY ROAD, By Mr Aberdeen. Under 10s...... 0 6 1 ARTHUR STREET, ST. JOHN’S WOOD. Green, Mr M. ... 2 2 0 By Miss Carrington. Under 10s...... 2 3 1 KING’S CROSS. Rev H. E. Stone. Buck, Mrs 1 1 0 Carrington,Mr J. 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 By Mr Knight. Collections 16 19 9 Carrington,MrS. 6 6 0 Do., for W & O 6 6 0 Burrows, Mrs ... 0 12 0 Carrington,MrsS. 2 2 0 Contribs., M ission Under 10s...... 1 6 0 Carrington, Miss 0 10 0 BATTERSEA. school (3 yrs.) Crossley, Miss... 0 10 0 for support o f By Mrs Cooper. Davis,Rev W. A. 0 10 6 York Road. A’ P, Preman- Davies, Mr R. O. 1 1 0 Wilmot, Miss ... 0 13 0 Engall, Mr & Mrs 2 2 0 Rev W. Hamilton. ando Sircar, Under 10b...... 1 8 0 Barisal ...... 23 1 9 Walker, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Collections 3 3 0 Under 10s...... 2 1 7 Contribs., 1894... 18 14 9 By Miss Wilmott. Do , public mtg. I l l 6 Do., for W & O 2 2 0 Subscriptions : Morgan, Mr ...... 0 12 0 43 2 8 Contribs.,S.-sch., Under 103...... 0 3 0 for Matnapura By Mr Comber. ALPERTON. School, Ceylon 12 0 0 By Mr T. Gold. Prayer mtg. box 0 6 2 Aberdeen, Mr & Rev A. J. W. Back. Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Early, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Holder, Mr 0 10 6 Under lfs 1 17 3 Collections 4 0 4 Subscriptions (2 years): Kent, Mr ...... 0 10 6 . Do., for Wit O 1 4 0 Gale.Mr&MrsF.U. 1 1 0 Lodge, Mrs ...... 1 11 6 By Mr Pope ...... 0 6 0 Sunday-school... 8 1 9 Hamilton,RevW. 1 1 0 Lodge, M r o 10 0 Hazledene, Mrs 0 10 0 Thompson, Mr... 1 1 0 Boxes by : Subscriptions: Moring, Mr ...... 0 16 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Goodrich, Mrs ... 0 13 0 Hamp, M r 2 2 0 Newton, Mr A .. 1 0 0 Iddles, Mrs ...... 0 7 2 Leete, M r 2 2 0 Newton, Mr C.... 1 0 o By Mr H. A. Henderson. Jones, Miss S. ... 1 6 0 Do., (Don.) ... 2 2 0 Parsons,Mrs,and Do.,for Debt... 1 1 0 Dyer, Miss... 2 6 0 Green, Mr Chas. 1 1 0 Under 10s..... 0 2 6 Henderson, Mrs 1 0 0 07 16 1 Leete, Mr Jos.... 2 2 0 Jordan, Mr 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 9 4 Under 10s...... 1 7 6 26 17 2 ACTON. 18 4 6 By Mr H. J. Harvey. Rev W. A. Davis. BATTERSEA PARK. Spillar, Mr 0 10 0 Collections 2 10 0 ARTHUR STREET, Under 10s...... 8 2 6 Do., for W & 0 2 8 9 CAMBERWELL GATE. Rev W. Stott. Sunday-school... 12 4 0 Rev R, A. Elvey. Collec. for W

BELLE ISLE MISSION. Contribs., for sup­ Cooper, Mrs 0 16 6 BOROUGH ROAD. port o f Congo Cooper, Miss 0 12 0 Mr J. Benson. boy...... 5 0 0 Edwards, Mr 0 10 0 Rev F. C. Hughes. Do., for Bengali Francis, Mr E.... 1 1 0 Collections 6 0 5 School ...... 10 0 0 Hagger,Mr & Mrs 1 10 0 Collections 2 12 3 Sunday - school, Jeffreys, Miss ... 0 10 0 Do., Sun.-sch.. 0 16 3 Brewery-rd. 120 10 4 Martin, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Do., public for Bengali Spearing, Mrs ... 0 15 0 meeting 3 8 0 School 10 0 0 Timbrell, Mr and Do , for W Sf 0 2 3 0 Do., for Congo Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Sunday-8ch. and boy under Mr BLOOMSBURY. Under 10s...... 1 5 0 Bible-classes 8 14 5 Pinnock 6 1 4 Rev J. Baillie. Do., for NP... 0 15 0 Do.,Blundell-st. 7 2 5 Do., for Mr Collecting cards 9 18 3 Collections 28 13 7 By Miss Smith. Tregillus ... 0 2 6 Do., for W $ 0 12 1 0 Bomford, Mr and Subscriptions : Contributions ...157 8 0 JXIXB ...... U 1U Collected by Allison, Mr J. J. 0 10 6 Contrib., S.-sch. 2 12 0 Powell, Mrs ..... 1 0 0 S ontham & Askew, Anonymous ...... 1 0 0 Do., for Barisal Whitehom, Mr... 2 0 0 Messrs ...... 1 9 5 Benson, Mr J. ... 5 0 0 School 6 16 0 Wilson, Mr & Mrs 3 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Do., for sup­ Under 10s...... 1 11 2 port of Tang 20 0 10 Boxes by Tung Shan, By Miss Evans. under Mr Benson, Mr C. J. 1 9 2 Harmon, Daunton, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Cone, Mrs ...... 0 17 0 China ...... 5 0 0 Elgar, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 BOW. Jones, Miss A. G. 1 4 8 Evans, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Do., for Congo Rev W. J. N. Vanstone. Reeve, M r 1 12 9 g irl“ Situa,” Guyton, Miss ... 0 14 0 Tree, Miss V 0 13 2 under Mrs Harris, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 Collections 3 1 6 Under 10s...... 6 15 2 Bentley ...... 5 0 0 Matthews, Mr F. 0 15 0 Do., for W, and Mrs 3 0 0 Bomford, Mrs ... 0 5 0 Collections 7 0 0 PrabhatOhan- Benham, Mr Jno. 10 0 0 Edwards, Mr 0 16 ô Do., publicmtg. 2 2 0 dra D ass 30 0 0 Bell, Miss O 10 0 Do., for W $ U 3 2 4 X LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. [1895.

Contribs.,S.-sch., BBIXTOH. ContbB.,for Congo 6 0 0 Subscriptions : 5 0 for India ... 1 Gresham Chapel. Do., for gwppori Briggs, Mies 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 1 4 6 o f Congo boy 6 0 0 Rev F. G. Wheeler. Brown, Miss 0 10 0 Do.,for swpport Do., tor support Chisholm, Mr . . . 2 0 0 (rfboy under Ooll., for W & O 1 0 0 o f Congo girl 6 0 0 Chisholm,MrB.R. 0 10 0 Dr Webb, Creek-st. S.-sch. 8 10 6 Do., Sun.-sch. 0 13 0 Chi8holm,MrG.P. 0 10 0 Congo ...... 5 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 9 18 4 PrayerUnionSubs. 1 12 2 Do., for China 1 5 0 Shaftesbury Hall Chisholm, Mr P. Weekly contribs. 8 15 6 Sunday-school 1 12 5 de C...... 0 10 0 11 11 4 SpecialContribs., Chisholm, Miss... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : for D ebt 34 14 0 Dent, Mr...... 0 10 0 YoungChristians, Gearing, Mrs W. 0 10 0 Beale, Mr ...... 0 10 0 BBIXTON. Herring, M r 0 10 0 Cartwright, Mrs 0 10 6 Union 2 5 6 Tresidder.Miss... 0 10 0 Dalton, M rs...... 0 10 0 Kenyon Chapel. Do., for China 0 7 6 Wood, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Goodall, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 0 16 0 Green, Rev Dr... 2 2 0 Rev J. Douglas, M.A. Green, Rev S. W. 1 1 0 Collections...... 14 10 0 By Mrs Lewis. Sun.-sch. Contributions : Green, Mr A ...... 1 1 0 Do., for W ic O 4 4 0 Abbiss, Mr...... 1 0 0 Boxes in classes 25 9 2 Higgs, Mr and Do., S.-sch. ... 1 15 6 Baines, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 Mrs Geo...... 3 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 35 18 4 Carlile, Mr...... 0 10 e Collected by InMemoriam ... 10 0 0 MrsDouglas’Bible Francis, Mr ..... 1 1 0 Jones, Mrs D. ... 0 15 6 class...... 0 10 0 Francis, Mr H.... 1 1 0 Curtis, Misses ... 0 6 6 Millar, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Box ...... 0 4 7 Hammer,MrsE.J s Dent, Miss J. ... 0 16 8 Millar, Miss ...... 1 1 0 and family..... 2 10 0 Digby, Miss E.... 0 10 7 Rapkin.MissE.H. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Haycraft, Mrs... 0 10 0 Farnsworth,Miss 0 4 3 Rixon, M r...... 1 1 0 Jacobs, Mr...... 0 10 0 Gearing, Mr E.G. 0 7 3 Salter, M iss..... 4 0 0 By Miss A. Green. Lewis, Mrs, Sen. 0 10 0 Gibbons, Miss J. 0 6 » Saltor, Miss M.... 4 0 0 Alder, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Topley, Misses... 0 10 0 Harris, Miss 1 9 7 Salter, Miss E. K. 4 0 0 Boyce, M r...... 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Marchant, Miss .078 Smith, M r...... 0 10 6 Jupp, Miss...... 1 1 0 Nicholas, Miss D. 0 8 8 Ward, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 By Miss Whale. Stammers, Miss Warren,Mr G. A. 6 5 0 D. and Mr H... 1 0 3 Watson, Mr .... 0 10 0 By Miss Dora E. Douglas. Barker, M rs...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Hildyard, Mr ... 1 1 0 By Miss Young. Higgs, Miss S. N. 1 0 0 Lewis, Rev J. ... 1 0 0 Keevil, Mr ..... 1 0 0 72 14 10 Mead, Mr & Mrs 25 0 0 Curtis, Mr & Mrs 0 12 Ô Piper,Mr E.W.H. 0 12 0 Preston, Mr E. J. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 8 8 Spratt, Mr J. J. 1 1 0 Wallis, Mr...... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 2 2 0 Whale, Mr &Mrs 1 1 0 48 7 11 BRIXTON. Under 10s...... 2 9 0 By Miss il. Robertson Wynne Road. By Miss Ryder. £24 o f above sum fo r Mrs Child, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Hay's School, Dacca, Birt, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Rev Dr Z. T. Dowen. Fenton, Mr G. S. 0 10 0 and £8 6s. 5d./or Congo. Hayter, Miss E. 0 10 0 Goode, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 4 4 0 Higgs, Mr W. ... 1 1 0 Miller, M r...... 0 10 0 Do., for W & 0 2 10 0 Laidlaw, Mr R... 1 0 0 Reeve,Miss 'don.) 0 16 0 BRONDESBURY. Lesty, Mr ...... 0 10 Ryder, Miss...... 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 17 11 6 Rev C. W. Tick. Do., for Bari- Rogers, M iss.... 1 1 0 Yarley, Miss, for sai School... 6 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 3 4 China...... 1 1 0 Collections 11 19 3 Do., for Japan 0 10 6 Do.,annual mtg. 2 0 0 Subscriptions : By Miss Irvine... 1 8 2 Do., for Congo 0 10 6 Do., for IF A U 6 7 0 By Mrs Dowen Wates, M r...... 10 0 0 Sunday - school, 74 16 6 Wates, Mrs ..... 1 1 0 forCongo boy, Adams, Mr R. ... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 11 0 Fsimba ...... 6 0 0 Cowdy, Mr W.W. 0 10 6 By Mrs H. De Rucisett Do., for Mr Davis, Mr F. J... 0 10 0 Pople,Congo 15 0 0 Dowen, Rev Dr.. 1 1 0 B B 1X T O N . A Friend ...... 2 0 0 SeniorGirls’ class, Greenop.MrW.C. 0 10 6 Raleigh Park. Berry, Mr J...... 0 10 0 for do...... 2 0 0 Hawley, Miss ... 1 1 0 Cox, M iG. ... , 0 10 6 Children’s service, Izard, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Rev F. Carter. De Russett.MrH. 0 10 6 for Congo ...... 0 8 2 James, Mr J...... 0 10 G Knight, Mr E. J. 0 10 6 Contribs.o/a,l895 1 9 0 Jordan, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Collections 4 6 0 Measures, Mr ... 1 5 0 Pearce, Mr R. S. 0 10 0 Sindall, Mr A. ... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Pearce,Mrs&Miss 0 10 0 Contribs. ,iorsup- port o f Congo Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Arnold, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Stevens, Mr ..... 0 10 0 boy,“ Musola” 5 0 0 Box by Balkwill, Miss... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 4 6 Balkwill, Misses 2 2 0 Mitchell, Mr J. T. 0 7 4 Boxes by 9 6 0 Boocock, Mr and Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Barratt, Miss ... 0 15 6 196 11 2 Chown, M rs 1 1 0 •Cliff 3rd, Mrs..... 1 1 0 Ohown, Mr John 16 0 0 BROCKLEY ROAD. Chown,Mr Jas... 1 0 0 31 6 5 BROMPTON. Deveson, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Rev J. Lewis. Onslow Chapel. Edwards, Mr (2 years) 2 2 0 B B IXT0JT. Collections 34 15 4 Rev J. Garden. Born, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Do., for W * o 11 17 6 St. Ann’s Road Collections 3 19 6 Huiih, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 6 11 Do., for WJc O 1 15 O Micklem, Mr 5 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 6 7 Do.,do.,for JFd O 3 10 0 Do. ,tea& public Morgan, Mrs 0 10 0 Dó.,do., for NP 6 0 0 meeting 2 1 0 Read, Mr 0 10 0 1895.] LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. XI

Sexton, Mr 2 2 0 Calder, MrW. A. 1 5 0 Subscriptions; Motivier, Mrs ... 1 0 0 0 Sheen, M r 0 10 0 Capern, Miss ... 1 4 A Thankoffering 4 0 0 Mitchell, Mr 0 14 6 Do., Special ... 0 10 0 Cowley, Mr W.... 0 12 0 Parkinson,MrsF. 5 0 0 Brown, Rev J. A. 5 5 0 Parkinson, Mr Starkey, Mr S. P. 2 2 0 Cowley, Miss E. 0 16 0 Read, Mr H. H... 1 1 0 Thompson,Mrs W. 1 1 0 Cross, Mr & Mrs 0 12 0 By Miss Tyrer ... 3 8 0 W. C., l . c . c . . . . 25 0 0 Vick, Rev C. W. 0 10 6 Cross, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Parkinson, Mrs Ward, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Dickes, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 44 14 10 W. C...... 3 0 0 Watt, Mr ...... 6 5 0 Dickes, Miss E. 0 10 0 Peacock, Miss ... 0 15 0 Weekes, Mr (2 Edwards,MrW. J. 1 1 0 Pewtress, Mr ... 1 1 0 years)...... 40 0 0 Flaxman, Mr ... 1 4 0 Scroggie, Mrs ... 1 10 0 Whitaker, Mr ... 0 10 6 Gover, Mrs, sen. 2 2 0 Ci-MBEBWELÜ. Smith, Mr Jonas 5 0 0 Winbush, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Do., family Mansion House. Smith, Miss E.... 0 10 0 Winckworth, Mr 1 1 0 gleanings ... 3 0 0 Spooner, M r 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 2 14 9 Grace, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Rev G. W. Linnecar. Taylor, Miss 1 0 0 Ham, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Terry, Misses ... 1 10 0 Boxes by Harrop, Mr ...... 0 11 0 Contributions ... 6 12 6 Wattson, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Harr op, MrG. H. 0 12 0 Do.,Prayermtgs.2 10 0 Whitlock, Mr ... 1 0 0 Bakers, Mr W. S. 0 7 0 Hewson & Whit- Do., Sun.-sch. 2 15 0 Under 10s...... 12 17 9 Horn, Mr ...... 0 11 6 combe, Misses 0 11 0 Malley, Mr 0 9 6 Higgs, Mr F. ... 5 0 0 11 17 6 For Congo Mission. Read, Winifred 0 6 6 Hubble, Mr ...... 0 13 0 WeekeR, Dolly ... ’0 10 6 Jackson, Mr .... 0 12 0 Brown, Mr J. S. 0 10 6 Wright, Mrs 0 6 C Julian, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Budd, Mr ...... 0 10 C Under 6s 0 6 11 Lewis, Mrs J. P. 2 2 0 CAMDEN ROAD. Flint, M rs 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 1 1 0 Gorton, Mr ...... 0 10 0 136 9 6 Lewis, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Rev G. Hawker. Haines, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Less expenses 1 0 0 Lovegrove, Mr... 0 12 0 Harrison, Mr G. 0 10 C Ortzen, Miss 0 10 0 Finance Secretary, Hartland, Mr ... 0 10 0 135 9 6 Parker, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Hawker, Rev G. 1 1 0 Pollard, Miss ... 3 0 0 MrW.C. Parkinson, L.C.C. Jecks, Mrs 1 1 0 Redman, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Lehmann, Mr ... 0 10 0 Richards, Miss... 0 10 0 Collections 22 6 10 Parkinson,MrsF.J.l 0 0 BUNKILL ADULT Skerry,RevW. R. 3 3 0 Do., for W& O 10 7 8 Parkinson, Mr SCHOOL. Smith,MrNorton 3 0 0 Do., Goodinge- W. C...... 10 0 0 Thompson, Mr S. 2 2 0 road...... 3 1 6 Parkinson, Mrs Contribs., for W. C...... 2 0 0 Congo...... 3 0 0 Towler, Mrs, and Contribs.,S.-sch. 37 6 4 Miss Ludlow... 0 18 0 Do., for N P... 5 0 0 Pewtress, Mr ... 1 1 0 Unwin, Mr ...... 0 10 0 T>o.,tarBarisal Smith, Mr Jonas 2 0 0 Williams, Mr D. 1 1 0 School 10 0 0 Taylor, Miss 0 10 0 Wattson, Mrs ... 0 10 0 CAMBERWELL. Wilson, Mr J...... 0 15 0 Proceeds of sale, Wood, Mr & Mrs 10 10 0 for Congo ...... 161 6 6 Whitlock, Mr ... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 1 6 Denmark Place. Wood, Mr H. E. 4 4 0 Yamton, Mrs ... 0 15 0 Donations for Italy. 374 5 7 Rev W. R. Skerry. Young, Mrs J. C. 1 10 0 Under 10s...... 3 15 5 Anon...... 5 0 0 Taylor, Miss 1 0 0 Collections ...... 14 5 2 Do., for W & 0 8 3 2 OomberMemorial Fund,by Subscriptions: Contribs., Juv.Soc. Mrs A. L. Muggeridge CASTLE STREET. for N P ,N i- Armitage, Mrs... 0 10 0 lumber,Mook- Appleton, Mr W. 0 10 6 Beddow, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Oxford Market. erjee...... 24 0 0 Dickes, MrW., b . a 0 10 0 Bennett, Miss E. 0 11 0 ■ Do.,f or support King, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 Bennett, Miss S. 0 10 0 Welsh Church. o f Congo boy, Muggeridge, Mrs Brough, Mrs 1 0 0 Selenga ...... 5 0 0 and Miss ...... 1 0 0 Brough, Mr F. ... 3 0 0 Rev R. E. Williams. Do., for sup­ Muggeridge, Mr Brown, Mr J. S. 1 0 6 port of Congo & Mrs A.Lee... 1 0 0 Budd, Mr ..... 3 3 0 Collections 4 11 0 girl, Ponté, Pollard, Miss M. 1 0 0 Commin, Mrs ... 0 12 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 4 0 under Mrs Steane, M rs...... 0 10 0 Davis, Mrs R 0 10 6 Do., for N P ... 4 16 0 Bentley ...... 5 0 0 Thompson,Mr S. 0 10 0 Dick, Mr...... 0 10 0 Prayer meetings 3 0 2 Do., lor Indian Tritton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Flint, M rs 0 10 0 Prater Union ... 2 3 o NormalClass 2 0 0 Whitley, Miss ... 0 10 0 Gorton, Mr 1 0 0 Do., for O. C. Wilson, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Gorton, M rs 0 30 0 Subscriptions: Dutt’s medi­ Wood, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 Gorton, Mr A. W. 0 12 0 cine chest ... 1 0 0 Wood, Mr H. B. 1 0 0 Greenbank,Mr... 1 0 0 Davies, Miss H. 0 10 0 Do., Sun.-sch., Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 7 6 Haines, Mr ...... 1 1 o Green, Mr R. ... 1 l o for China sch. 6 0 0 Harrison, Mr G. 0 10 6 Green, Mrs R. ... 1 1 0 Do., for 2VP ... 1 16 0 149 15 9 Hartland, Mr ... 1 0 0 Hinds, Mr John 0 10 6 Prayer Union Hartland, Miss... 0 13 0 Morgan, Mr H. 3 3 0 Contribs., by Hawker, Rev G. 2 2 0 Rowlands, Mr G., Miss Brewster 1 4 0 CAMBERWELL, Henderson, Mrs 1 10 0 3. p...... 1 10 0 WednesdayEven- Homer, Mr W.... 0 12 0 Thomas, Mr J .... 0 10 6 ing Bible-class 0 11 0 Cottage Green. Jennens, Mr 0 15 6 Themas, Mrs ... 0 lo- ö Keeble, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Yng. Men’s class 0 5 0 Rev J. A. Brown,‘M.R.C. S. Thomas, Miss E. 0 10 6 Keen, Mr ...... 3 0 0 Walters, Mr J. C. 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Collections ...... 4 19 10 King, Mr ...... 1 1 0 i Withycoinbe.Miss 0 10 0 Do., for W & O 1 1 0 Lehmann,MrT.W. 0 14 6 Under 10s...... 7 12 8 Appleton, Mr W. 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 0 0 May, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Birt.M r...... 0 12 0 Do., for Congo 10 0 0 May, Miss 0 12 0 38 14 4 Calder.MrJ.A.H. 2 15 0 Do., for China 10 0 0 May, Mr Leo 0 12 0 x i i LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. [1895.

CHALK FARM. CHISWICK. Subscriptions : Subscriptions for Congo : Berkley Road. Annandale Road. Aldis, Mr ...... 5 0 0 Baines, Mr...... 13 0 0 Baines, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Baines, Miss...... 0 14 0 Rev A. Walker. Rev A. G. Edgerton. Baines, Miss 2 0 0 Baines, Miss E... 0 12 6 Barclay, Mrs 1 1 0 Baines, Mr P. ... 0 12 6 Collection...... 2 0 0 Collections 5 4 6 Bearne, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 10 0 Bass, Miss M. J. 0 10 0 Do., for W & O 1 1 0 Bentley, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Beame, Mr and Contributions ... 3 3 6 8 10 0 Bentley, Mr E.L. 0 10 6 Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Dou Sun.-soh. 14 16 5 Brown, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Brown,MrW.Pym 0 12 0 Cattrall, Mr P. J. 3 10 0 Comber, Mr T.... 0 13 6 24 5 5 Clifford’s Savings 0 10 0 Crowhurst, Mr... 0 11 9 CHELSEA. Coulson, Mr and Davies, Mr W. C. 1 1 0 Mrs ...... 3 3 0 Francis, Mr F.C. 0 13 0 Lower Sloane Street. Cox, Mr G 4 4 0 Hardy, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 CLAPHAM. Davies, Misses... 2 0 0 Kale, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Rev J. Spence. Dearsley,MrJ.H. 0 10 0 Kemp, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Grafton Square. Erith, Mr H. G. 2 2 0 Collections-...... 6 5 0 Kent, Mr ...... 3 3 0 Flear, Mr & Mrs Kidd, Mr J...... 1 10 0 Do., for W de 0 2 0 0 Rev T. Hanger. F. W...... 0 10 0 Sunday-school ... 7 16 6 Lachner, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Collections 2 19 8 Francis, M r 1 3 0 Lewis, M r ...... 2 0 0 Men’s Bible-class 0 10 6 Do., for W & 0 1 2 6 Gallenkamp,Mrs 0 10 6 Sundries...... 1 7 9 Lowe, Mr F...... 0 10 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 13 11 6 Garland, Mx 3 3 0 Medley, Rev E... 1 1 0 Do., for support Gee. Miss ...... 0 10 0 Merry, Mr G 1 0 0 Subscriptions of N P under Griffiths, Rev P. 0 10 6 Mold, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Mr Anderson, Hardy, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 W. E...... 0 14 5 Bastard, Miss ... Hardy, M iss 0 10 6 Bavistock, Miss 0 10 6 In d ia ...... 13 0 0 Mold, Miss C. E. 3 0 0 Beck, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Prayer meetings 0 19 7 Hickm an, Mr and Oram, Mr ...... 5 0 0 Brown, Mr E. F. 0 10 6 Mrs ...... 3 3 0 Perkins, Miss ... 1 0 0 Coutts, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Hodges, M r 0 10 0 Reynolds, Mr ... 0 15 0 Dibble, M r...... 1 1 0 Vears, Mrs 0 11 0 Howard, M r 3 3 0 Smith, Mr A. J. 0 11 9 Howard, Mr J.... 0 10 0 Soul, Mr J. S. ... 0 10 0 Mawby, Miss ... 0 10 6 Williams, Mr ... 0 10 0 Kale, Mr & Mrs.. 0 10 0 Palmer, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 2 9 Tozer, Mr F. E. 0 10 6 Kemp, Mrs 0 10 0 Voia, Mr A. B.... 0 10 0 Ransome, Miss... 0 10 6 Kent, Mr ...... 5 5 0 Steggall, Mr...... 1 1 0 Boxes by Wellum, M r ..... 0 14 6 Kidd, Mr J 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 14 3 9 Under 10s...... 0 3 0 Leonard;MrE.W. 0 10 0 Barstead, Miss... 0 7 11 Boxes by Bone, M rs 0 6 9 Lewis, M r 3 0 0 Boxes by Marsden, Mr J.W. 5 0 0 Clarke, Miss 0 4 5 Davies, A. & M. 0 14 6 Barker, Mr ...... 0 7 3 Hanger, Misses 0 10 7 Medley, Rev E .. 3 3 0 Bird, Mrs ...... 0 6 3 Mold, Mr W 1 10 0 Davies, J. and I. 1 4 6 Hillier, Mrs ...... 0 19 2 Mayor, A. & R .. 0 9 0 Bockett, Miss ... 0 9 11 North, Miss ...... 0 3 0 Naetrowsky, Mr Brown, Mr E. F. 0 12 6 and M rs 0 10 6 Sapsworth, Mrs, Surman, Mrs ... 0 2 0 and household 0 18 10 Burch, M r...... 1 0 6 Young, Miss 0 4 0 Oram, Mr ...... 5 0 0 Coutts, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Payne, M r 30 0 0 Twallin, Mr C.... 0 9 7 Under 5s...... 0 2 10 Darmes, Mrs...... 0 6 5 35 13 7 Payne, Mr A. W. 2 2 0 Dibble, Mr ...... 0 12 11 Pike, Mr B. G .... 0 10 0 Gill. Miss ...... 0 13 0 Pollard, Mr ...... 0 10 0 360 14 9 Green, Miss ...... 0 9 3 Prentice, M r 1 0 0 Less expenses 12 14 8 Jessop, Miss...... 0 5 3 Pullin, Mrs ...... 0 15 6 Legg, Mr C. C.... 0 11 0 CLAPTON. Rippin, Mr A. R. 0 10 0 348 0 1 Owen, Mr J. M. 0 11 0 Downs Chapel. Smith, Mr C. E. 1 6 0 Page, Mr C...... 0 13 1 Smith, Mr and Ransome, Miss... 0 7 6 Rev E. Medley, B.A. MrsH. G 1 1 0 Steggall, M r...... 1 13 6 Swinstead, Mr... 0 10 6 COMMERCIAL ROAD. Sieggall, Mr, jun. 0 5 9 Collections...... 60 3 11 Tew, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Worby, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Do., for W& 0 16 11 9 Wallace, Mrs ... 0 12 0 Rev J. Fletcher. Young, Mrs ...... 0 8 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 18 6 11 Winpenny, Mrs 0 10 6 Collections 6 0 10 Under 6s...... 2 1 0 Do., for Congo 1 18 1 Wright, Mr G. W. 1 0 0 Do., for W& 0 2 6 5 Do., for Mr Under 10s...... 10 19 4 Contribs.. S.-sch. 14 18 6 For N P by Bentley’s boys 7 2 6 Profit on lecture 0 10 0 Boxes by Dibble, Miss..... 0 1 3 Do., Rendles- Sundries...... 0 7 9 Humphrey, Miss 0 10 6 ham-road,for Birt, Maud...... 0 18 11 Y.P.S.C.E 6 8 0 Player, Miss...... 0 5 2 Congo ...... 7 16 1 Bowie, Mr, and Do., Waterloo family...... 0 8 0 Subscriptions : 38 18 4 Rooms, for Chalk, Miss E.... 0 12 6 Congo...... 3 11 4 Comber, Mr T.... 0 7 0 Bourne, Mr ...... 0 10 6 E. W...... 0 13 3 Dodsworth, Miss 0 10 6 Special Donations : Gallenkamp, B., Drummond, Mrs 0 10 0 CHILD’S HILL. E., and J...... 0 6 1 Fletcher, Rev J. 0 10 6 Baines, Mr...... 10 0 0 Glover, Mr, and Pegg, M rs 2 0 0 Rev J. S. Poulton. Do., for Mr family ...... 0 6 4 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Collection ...... 1 14 4 Dixon’s School Greenfield,H.&W. 0 5 3 Collected by Contrbs. S.-sch. 6 17 0 work, China... 5 0 0 Groves, Miss ... 0 6 6 Coll. by Mr Cox 0 10 0 Butler,Mr,for Do. 5 0 0 Hardy, Misses... 1 3 0 Bartlett, M r 0 10 9 Y. P. S.C.E., for Gordon, Mr ...... 10 0 0 Medley, Christine 0 6 7 Branch, Mrs 2 10 0 Congo 0 6 0 Medley, BevE.... 2 0 0 Peacock, Ethel & Hennessy, Miss 0 12 0 Oram, Mr ...... 10 0 0 Ernest ...... 0 16 2 Hennessey, MasterO 12 5 9 6 4 Payne, M r...... 10 0 0 Shwenk, Rose... 0 9 e Hunt, Miss E .... 0 16 6 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Under 5s, ...... 2 0 2 Tidbury, Miss ... 0 17 8 LONDON ANI) ITS VICINITY. xiii

DALSTON. BALING- Y.M.C.A. By Miss Fleming. O 8 Queen’s Road. Contributions ... 0 10 0 Rule, Mr...... 0 12 0 2 1 Rev G. W. Ovenden. Do., for Congo o 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 41 1 Coll., for W & 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 By Miss J. McLacliIan. 1 19 Harris, Mr A. ... 0 10 0 39 2 DEPTFORD. Holt, Mr...... 0 10 6 EALING. Thomas, Rev S... 1 0 0 Octavius Street. Under 10s...... 0 18 6 Haven Green. LL. Rev D. Honour. Boxes by Rev E. Thomas. Collections 1 12 6 Headland, Edith 0 9 0 3 4 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 14 0 Collections 5 19 8 1 18 Mitchell, Horace 0 5 6 Do., for W

Boxes bÿ ENFIELD HIGHWAY. FINSBURY PARK. HACKNEY. Mare Street. Biggs, Mrs 0 6 4 Totteridge Road. Congregational Chapel. Fowle, Mrs ...... 2 16 7 Y.M.C.U., for Rev J. E. Bennett, B.A. Pester, Mrs ...... 0 6 6 Rev A. W. Welch. support o f Collections 14 7 10 Collections 3 2 0 Congo boy under Do., for W d O 3 0 0 11 6 7 Mr Bentley ... 6 0 0 Prayer meetings 3 15 6 Less expenses 0 8 6 Do., for W f O 1 2 3 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 13 0 Contribs.,S.-sch., Mare-street 33 9 10 10 18 1 6 17 3 Do.,Ann’s-place 4 13 2 FOREST GATE. Contribs.,foriVf> 0 19 0 Young Women’s Rev J. H. French. class ...... 0 5 0 FERME PARK. Subscriptions : ELDON STREET. Collections 7 3 5 Rev C. Brown. Contribs., S.-sch. 3 8 10 Ansell, Mr G. G. 0 10 Do., for Ben­ Bennett, Rev J. Welsh Chapel. Collections 13 9 gali School . 10 0 0 E. and Mrs ... 1 0 Collec.,forTPr&0 6 0 Do., for China Cole, Mr E. W.... 1 4 Contributions ... 12 6 9 Sunday-school... 30 7 School ...... 6 0 0 Cole, Mr W 0 10 Do., Boxes 2 6 Contribs.,for sup­ Cotton, Mr 1 0 Home Boxes ... 1 16 port o f Man- Cotton, Mrs ...... 0 12 Youngmen’s class 3 0 sendi, Congo.- 3 4 9 Daffome, Mr J.J. 0 12 Contribs., on acc. 6 10 Diss, Mrs ...... 1 0 ENFIELD. Subscriptions: Dubook,MrR.W. 0 12 Subscriptions : Boddy, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 Dubock, Mrs E. 0 12 Rev G. W. White. Cowland, Miss... 0 10 Edwards, Mrs ... 0 12 Barnard, Mr W. 1 Roome, Mr 0 10 Ford, Mr & Mrs 0 12 Barnard, Mrs ... 0 12 Wooldridge, Mr Collections 7 0 7 Barnard, Miss ... 0 13 Do.,for Indian Do., for IVd; O 2 11 4 and M rs 0 10 Schools ...... Bell, Mr J. A. ... 1 1 Under 10s.... 8 8 Sun.-sch. boxeB 17 0 3 Bell, Misses A. Garland, Mr T. Young Men’s and M...... 0 13 (the late) ...... 1 0 Bible-class, for Bishop, Mr W. .. 5 0 40 5 6 Gopp, Miss ...... 0 12 Congo ...... 0 14 7 Less Heralds Gray, Miss 0 10 Bishop, Mr F. E. 1 0 and expenses 1 17 1 Hyett, Mr ...... 1 4 Bishop, Mr H. J. 1 4 King, Mr ...... 0 10 Subscriptions: Brewis, Mrs G.... 2 0 38 8 5 Liversidge, Mr... 1 1 Brown, Rev C.... 2 2 Mead, Mr ...... 1 6 Angas, Mr 0 14 0 Cockhead, Mrs 2 2 Mead, Mrs 1 6 Arlow, M r 2 0 0 Cooke, Mrs ...... 1 16 Miall, Rev W. ... 1 I Biscoe, M r 0 10 0 Cunningham,Mrs 0 10 FOX COURT. Pendrill, Mrs ... 1 6 Garrard, M r 0 10 6 Dudley, Mr G. ... 0 10 Reitz, Mr ...... 0 12 Gari&rd, Mr S. J. 0 10 6 Duff, M iss 2 2 Ragged School. Rippin, Miss 0 10 Harris, Miss 1 1 0 Fletcher, Mr A.E. 2 0 Contributions 0 8 6 Rippin, Mr, j.p. 3 0 Hinton, Mr F. J. 4 0 0 Fletcher, Mrs ... 1 0 Roberts, Mr J. E. 0 12 Horne, Miss ...... 0 12 0 For Christ’s sake 1 2 Scott, Mrs...... 0 12 Jordan, Mr 0 12 0 Godby, Miss 0 12 Sorrell, Mr J. F. Manning, Miss... 0 10 0 Halford, Mr J.... 1 1 0 12 FULHAM. Sturges, Mr E.... 0 12 Povey, M r 1 0 ® Harding, Misses 0 12 Vicaiy, Mr P. ... 0 10 Povey, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Harding, Mr B... 0 12 Dawes Road. Whitlock, Mrs ... 0 10 Rooke, Miss ...... 6 5 0 Hiller, Mr F . 1 1 Wilman, Mr ...... 0 12 Tingle, Mr 0 10 6 Johnson, Mr R., Rev R. C. Evill. Wood.Mrs&'Misses 1 4 Vincent, Mr J.... 0 10 6 for Orissa 3 3 Collec., for W #■ 0 0 12 Wright, Mr W. J. 0 12 Vincent, Mr R.F. 2 12 0 Longson, Mrs ... 1 12 Under 10s...... 10 9 Wales, Mr H. C. 5 0 0 Do., for Congo 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 7 5 Wales, Mr H. C., King, M rs 0 12 Collected for Indian jun...... , 0 10 6 Mann, Mr J 0 14 7 17 11 Schools by Wates, Mr and Nokes, Mr W. ... 2 2 Ansell, Miss 1 9 2 Mrs ...... 3 3 0 Nokes, M iss 1 10 Grimwood, M r... 1 4 3 Wathan,Mr 0 14 0 Pinkstone, Mr T. 0 12 Hinton, Mr E. ... 0 9 8 Warder, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Priestley, Mr H... 3 0 GT. HUNTER STREET. Thorpe, Miss ... 0 5 0 White, RevG.W. Sanderson, M. K, 0 10 Contribs. ,Mission- Webb, Miss M.... 1 14 11 and M rs 0 10 0 Savage, Misses.. 0 12 school...... 2 0 0 Wood, Miss ...... 0 6 0 Whitley, Mr C.F. 2 0 0 Scott, Mrs T 1 1 YoungMen’s class 0 5 0 Wyatt, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Terry, Mr&MrsP. 6 0 Under 6s 0 4 0 Under 10s...... 3 6 6 Terry, Miss ...... 0 10 Walton, Mr A.... 0 12 Boxes by GUNNERSBURY. Boxes by Watson, Mrs G... 0 12 Bedford, E. W. 0 4 Webb, Mr P. C. 1 1 Rev J. P. Clark, M.A. Carrington, Miss 0 2 Commander .Mies 0 11 0 Williams, Mr C. 8 0 Mead, Miss... 0 14 Crouch, Miss and Williams, Mrs R. 2 10 Collections ...... 8 2 8 Masters ...... 0 6 10 Winterton, Mrs 0 10 Do...... 2 13 8 108 11 8 Fountain, M rs... 0 2 9 Do., for Congo 1 1 Do., for W 4" 0 1 9 3 Less Heralds Howell, Mr ...... 1 6 2 Under 10s.... 5 4 Sunday-school... 1 8 0 s 11 3 10 Steane, Miss 0 3 9 Prayer meetings 0 19 9 Welch, Mrs ..... 0 3 6 134 8 E. E. Clark’s box 0 4 3 87 7 10 Wheeler, Mrs ... 0 6 10 Less expenses 3 10 Subscription 0 6 0 £20 of above Bum is for 67 17 7 130 18 4 15 2 7 support of Majibar school, India. ' 1895.] LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. XV

H A C K lfE * . Ritchie, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Chaplin, Miss ... 0 12 0 Boxes by Skelton, Mrs 0 12 0 Clayton, M r 0 12 0 Hampden Chapel. Sladdin, M r 1 10 0 Culley, Miss A. E. 1 4 0 Ayris, Miss E. ... 0 11 4 Brett, Miss H. ... 0 11 4 Rev J, Hillman. Toy, Miss E 0 13 0 Culley, Miss F. E. 1 0 0 "Watson,Mr & Mrs 0 13 0 Cuming,Mr,Mrs, Courtier, Mrs ... 1 16 6 Collection ...... 2 6 0 Webb, Mr 0. E. 10 10 0 and Miss 1 0 2 Sunday-school... 4 4 1 Webb, Mr M. E. 6 0 0 Evans, Mr E. H. 0 10 0 1541 17 3 YoungMen’s class 0 12 8 Webb, Miss ...... 1 10 0 Farrer, Rev W. 1 1 0 Less expanses 1 14 7 YoungWomen’Bdo.l 0 0 Webb, Mr E. S. 3 0 0 Farrer, Mrs and Y.P.S.C.E 0 7 6 Webb, Miss B. M. 1 16 0 Miss A...... 3 12 0 1540 2 8 Webb, Mr & Mrs Ferguson, Mr & 8 10 3 H. (2 years) ... 6 6 0 Mrs A. M 5 18 0 Welsh, Mr A. ... 1 1 0 Forster,Mr & Mrs, HANWELL. Welsh, Mr R. E. 0 12 0 for Congo ...... 1 8 6 HAMMERSMITH. West, Miss 0 15 0 Foskett, Misses... 0 11 0 Rev G. R. Lowden, Willis, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Fowler, Miss 1 1 0 F.R.G.S. Rev W. Page, B.A. Willis, Mr ...... 1 2 0 Franks, Miss ... 2 8 0 Under 10s...... 0 8 0 Gore, Miss ...... 0 12 0 Collec. (moiety) 2 10 0 Collections.,...... 5 12 5 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 1 4 Do., for TV&O 5 0 0 Griffiths,Mr,!J.P. 5 5 0 91 3 6 Griffiths, Miss ... 1 10 0 Contribs., Sundy. Subscriptions: sch.for Bengali Griffiths, Miss M. 1 10 0 Boys' School... 10 10 0 Guess, Mr & Mrs 0 13 0 Harcourt.MrC.H. 2 2 0 Moiety of above, Hewetson, Mr J. 5 0 0 Do. China Girls' for Baptist Willatts, Mr B.... 1 1 0 School...... 10 10 0 Hewetson, Mr F. 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 0 14 6 M ission 45 11 9 Hewetson, Misses 1 17 0 Do.,Flora Gdns. 0 12 0 Collec.,forTfr«& O 28 0 9 Y.W.C.A., for Juvenile Mission Hopkins, Mrs ... 0 12 0 7 8 10 China...... 1 0 0 Hughes, Mr & Mrs 1 7 10 Association, for Hurford, Mr 0 13 0 support of boys Subscriptions: Jackson, Miss ... 0 12 0 HARLESDEN. a t Wathen Jackson, Miss A. 0 12 0 Crowe, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Station ...... 6 1 6 James, Mr W. M. 2 0 0 Rev B. Thomas. Do., Christian Crowe, Mr Ed.... 0 10 0 Johns, Mrs 0 13 0 Collections 6 5 0 Lord, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 E ndeavour King, Mr C. B., Society, for Do., for W& 0 2 12 6 Page, Rev W., b.a..1 1 0 for Congo ...... 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 9 7 8 Penney, Mrs...... 1 0 0 do...... 2 8 2 Kitson, Miss 0 11 0 Sifton, M r...... 9 0 0 Do., Boxes, for Labrum, M r 0 12 0 Subscriptions: Sifton, Miss ..... 0 10 0 do...... 10 6 1 Liddiard, Mrs & Stenton, Mrs , .. 0 10 0 Sunday-sch., for Miss...... 0 15 0 Balls, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 2 6 6 support o f Maraham, Mr H. 51 10 0 Chew, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Congo boy Chew, Mrs 0 10 6 Boxes by McGregor, Mr ... 0 11 0 “ Mabika” ... 5 0 0 N. T. N...... 2 2 0 Harding, Mr 0 10 6 McIntosh, Mrs C. 0 10 2 Do., for sup­ Olliffy, M r 1 1 0 H. F., for Congo Sifton, Mrs ...... 4 1 8 port of In­ Osborn, M rs 3 0 0 (don.) ...... 0 10 6 dian Sun­ Perrins, Mr ...... 2 7 6 Under 10s...... 0 3 6 day-school ... 10 0 0 55 4 9 Price, Mr & Mrs 24 0 0 Box by Less expenses 0 5 0 Young Women’s Price, Mr A 0 12 0 Bible-class, for Price, Mr C. T.... 0 12 0 Chew, Dorothy... 0 16 6 64 19 9 support of Reynolds, Miss, Ndu ngani, for Congo 0 18 0 For N P, by under Mrs Rickett, Mr 1000 0 0 Lewis, Congo 5 0 0 Balls, Dolly ...... 0 10 0 HAMMEHSHrrH. Rickett, Mr A.N. 1 1 0 Betties, Miss 0 3 3 Rickett, Mr H. C. 1 1 0 Waterloo-street. Subscriptions; Chew, Miss D. J. 0 17 0 Rickett, Mr G. R. 1 1 0 Humphrey, Gertie 0 7 4 Confcrib, Mis.- Rickett,MissU.C. 1 1 0 Aldons, Mr & Mrs 0 13 6 Luck, Lilly ...... 0 1 6 school...... 0 10 6 Rickett,MissE.G. 1 1 0 Palmer, Miss 0 2 6 Subscription 0 5 0 Alexander, Mr... 0 11 0 Robinson, Miss... 0 12 0 Allen, Mrs 2 0 0 Sanguin, Miss ... 0 12 0 22 19 3 0 15 6 Angus, Rev Dr 5 5 0 Satchell, M r 20 0 0 Angus, Mr & Mrs Scammell,MrA.T. 1 1 0 C. J...... 10 0 0 Slipper, Misses 0 18 0 Angus, Miss M. E. 2 0 0 Smith, Miss F.... 6 0 0 HARLINGTON. HAMPSTEAD. Angus, Miss E. A. 1 12 6 Southwell, Mr ... 15 0 0 Angus, Mr W. G. 2 0 0 Southwell, Miss 4 4 0 Heath Street. Archer, Mr E. A. 1 8 0 Spencer, Miss ... 0 11 6 Collections 4 8 6 Atkinson, Mr G. 3 10 0 Rev W. Brock. Spiers, Mrs. and Ayris, Misses ... 0 15 0 family...... 2 7 6 Collections 27 6 6 Bacon, Miss R. 1 0 0 Toy, Mr & Mrs... 0 14 0 HARMONDSWORTH. Barnett, Mrs, for Underhill,Dr and Subscriptions 1 China 0 10 0 Mrs ...... 20 0 0 Y.M.C. A. Prayer Do., for Congo 0 10 0 Wardley, Miss ... 0 10 0 Meeting 0 7 7 French, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Baynes, M rs 1 1 0 Holmes, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Wardley, MissL. 1 2 0 Bean, M rs 0 12 0 Wardley, Mr A... 1 1 0 James, Mr E. ... 1 10 0 Beard, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Ware, Mr R 1 4 0 King» Miss 0 10 0 Beasley, Mrs ... 1 13 0 HARRINGAY. Lyon, Mr B. A. 10 0 0 Webb, Mr C. E., Bethell, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 for Congo ...... 150 0 0 Lyon, Mr H. G. 5 0 0 Brock, Rev W.... 10 0 0 Emmanuel Church, Lyon, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Welsh, Mrs J. B. 0 12 0 Brock, Mr W. E. 1 4 0 Williams, Mr ... 1 0 0 Rev W. Frith. ìiyon, Mr A. P. 0 12 0 Busby, Miss E. 0 12 0 Price, Mr & Mrs Under 10s...... 10 2 4 Carlill, Mrs ...... 0 11 0 J)o.,iovCongo 0 5 0 Contrib., S.*sch. 0 15 6 E. S...... 6 10 0 Cave, Mrs ..... 1 1 0 12* LONDON AND ITS VICIHITY. [1895.

HARROW-ON-l'EE‘ Subscriptions: Boxes by Pearson, M r 0 10 6 HILL. Pickworth, Mr... 1 1 0 Bankart, Miss C. 0 10 0 Briggs, Mrs ...... 0 Raynes, Mr ...... 5 5 0 Rev W. Dyson. Collier, Mrs ..... 1 1 0 King, Miss ...... 0 Searle, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Cross, Mr B...... 0 10 6 Mansell. Misses. 0 Smith, Mr and Collections 7 0 0 Fennings, Mr. B. 1 1 0 Mrs T. W 2 2 0 Do., for W $ O 1 0 0 Lorimer, Mrs D. 0 10 6 97 0 0 Tombs, Mr 2 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Shirley, Mr S. ... 1 1 0 Wade, Mr ...... 1 1 0 for N P, Pro- Taylor, Mr W. ... 2 2 o Weight, Mrs 1 1 0 shonno, India 7 17 10 Theobald, Mr ... 0 10 6 HIGHGATE. Zumbeck, Mr ... 1 1 O Woodgate, Mr J. 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 1 4 0 Southwood Lane. 149 16 » Walduck, Mr Rev J. H. Barnard. T. H., for India, 2 10 0 Boxes by T>o.,fov-Congo 2 10 0 Collections 1 17 3 HONOR OAK. Do., for Debt 5 0 0 Christian Endea­ Do., for W & O 2 0 0 vour ...... 0 6 I Contribs.,S.-BCh. 3 13 11 Rev G. H. Heynes. Collier, Clarence 0 7 Collections 6 3 0 Collected by Cook, Miss Jane 0 5 ! Subscriptions: Do., Sun.-sch. 0 17 2 Fillmore, Mrs ... 1 15 6 Ling, Mr, family By Mrs Edmondson. Do.,public mtg. 2 2 8 and class ...... 0 17 Proceeds of Mr 27 13 4 Loriraer, M., A., i Barnard,Rev J.H. 0 10 6 Will’s lecture 2 16 0 & D...... 0 5 Barnard, Mrs ... 0 10 6 MrsManby’s class, Medway, Mr, and Under 10s...... 0 5 0 for Congo ...... 2 0 0 family ...... 0 12 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 19 0 HAWLEY ROAD. Seymour. Mrs ... 0 5 Boxes by Do., for Congo 10 0 0 Smart, Harold... 0 9 . Barber, Miss, for Saturday prayer St. Paul’s Chapel. Under 5s 0 6 i Congo...... 0 3 5 meeting ...... 0 6 10 ; Davies, Mrs C. ... 0 5 5 Subscriptions: Coll., for W & O 2 19 3 i Edmondson, Mrs 0 17 8 Pastor, for Congo 0 12 6 A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Smith, Mrs E. ... 0 7 3 Aldridge, Mr ... 0 10 6 Story, Mrs 0 4 3 Heynes, RevG.H. 0 10 0 By Mrs Barnard ! Stovold, Mr, for Mills, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 HIGHBURY HILL. C m go...... 0 3 7 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Barnard,Mr&Mrs 2 0 0 Cooper,Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Rev W. Stevenson. By Mrs John Penny. Under 10e...... 0 6 6 Collections. 13 5 Morton, Mr A. Stanford, m .b . 0 10 6 By Miss Elliott Do.,publicmtg. 5 16 HIGHGATB. Morton, Mr J. C. 0 10 6 Do., Mr Hay’s Penny, Mrs John 2 2 0 Gore, Mrs ...... 1 0 Ö meeting 2 15 Archway Road. 6 0 Do., for W & O 8 11 Sears, Mrs 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 Rev A. F. Riley. Contribs., S.-sch. 27 19 For N P, by Collected by Sundries...... 2 0 Collection ...... 5 10 8 Contribs., S.-sch., Cole, Miss L 0 16 6 Allen. Miss ...... '0 16 6 Subscriptions: for Congo ...... 7 13 7 Pool, M iss 0 8 0 Foot, Mrs R...... 0 12 6 Howe, MissF. ... 1 2 0 Edmondson, Mr 13 4 3 40 18 2 Mills, Mrs ...... 0 3 6 and M rs 2 2 0

Boxes by By Miss Moule. HORNSEY. HIGHGATE ROAD. Barnard, Mrs ... 1 3 7 Evans, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Campsbourne Road. Edwards, Mrs ... 0 2 0 Rev J. Stephens, M.A. Hunt, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 18 4 Griffin, Mr ...... 0 16 8 Mansell, MrE. S. 2 2 0 Sanger, Miss..... 1 5 0 Moule, Mrs & Miss 0 10 0 Contributions ... 47 3 Do., for N P ... 0 9 1 Woraley, Mr...... 0 3 6 Do., for Congo 9 6 Smith,MrRussell 3 3 0 11 7 5 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Do., for China 1 15 13 7 6 Contribs.,S.-sch., for support of By Miss Cheshire. J. Showers, HOUNSLOW. Congo' 36 0 HAYES. A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Do., for India 6 0 Rev J. BameB. Cheshire,Mr..».. 0 10 6 Do., for China 5 0 Coll., for W& 0 1 1 0 Salem Chapel. Goodman, RevW. 0 10 C Do,, by Rev J. Smith, Mr J. P. . 10 0 0 Stephens,u.a, Coll., for W Je 0 0 10 0 Smith, Mrs J. P. 5 0 0 for Mr Shor- Staple, M r 0 10 6 rock’s Girls’ ISLINGTON. Thomas, Mr W. K. 0 10 6 School,Shensi 4 0 Cross Street.. Under 10s...... 1 0 0 HENDON. Subscriptions: Rev F. A. Jones. By-Miss E. Williamson. Coxeter, Mr ...... 16 15 Collections....— 7 8 3' Coll., for W&O 4 0 0 Coxeter, Mrs, for Do., for W&O S 15 0 Prayer meetings 6 19 4 Darke, M r 0 10 0 Congo 3 10 Boxes ...... 0 19 10 Men’s Bible-class 1 15 0 Dodd, Miss ...... 2 0 0 Do., for China 3 10 Contribs., S.-sc. 19 4 2 Women’s do...... 1 0 0 Dodd, Mr ...... 4 0 0 Coxeter, Miss ... 0 10 Do., for Barisal Sundav-school... 15 8 10 Williamson, Dr 0 10 6 Gray, Mr ^Parker 1 0 School 5 0 O', Do.,Ssation-halT 1 0 10 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Harman, Mr 2 2 Prayer meetings 2 5 8 1895.] LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. xvii

Subscription- s: Todd, Miss 0 5 5 MAZE POND CHAPEL.: Subscriptions: Ward, Mrs 0 5 0 By Miss Young. Williams, Miss J. 0 7 0 Collections...... 5 4 3 A Friend, per Le Cler, Miss 3 12 Under 5s 0 16 10 Do., for W & O 5 0 0 Pastor T. Spur­ Under 10s...... 1 0 Do., annual mtg. 1 4 0 geon ...... 0 10 0 13 12 9 Prayer meetings 1 11 9 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 By Mr-Evans. Contribs.,S.-sch., Alderton, Mr J. 1 1 0 by Y.M.M.A. 10 15 0 Alldis, Mr 0 10 6 Bennett, Mrs.” .... 0 lo Do., for N P ... 1 0 0 Allison, Mr C. F. 1 1 0 Jones, Miss ...... 0 10 KENS AL RISE. Bond, Mr ...... 2 2 0 Jones, Rev F. A. Do., for Rev J. H. Weeks, Brooke, Mr ..... 0 10 0 & Mrs ...... 3 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 1 6 Bull, Mr B 0 10 6 McCormick, Mr. 1 0 Congo, per R. H. Tyrer 1 10 0 Buswell, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Mier, Miss 0 10 Young women’s Cane, Mr G 1 0 u Parley, Miss 1 0 KENSINGTON. Bible-class ... 4 8 0 Catterson,MrS.P. 0 10 0 Smith, Miss ...... 0 15 Young men’s do., Chamberlain, Mr 1 1 0 Ward, Mr...... 1 0 Homton Street. for support o f Chilvers, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 6 Boxes ...... 28 6 2 Congo boy unclet Cockrell, M r 0 10 0 Collected by | Sunday-school... 3 7 2 Mr Glennie... 3 0 0 Corsan, Mr 0 10 6 Deamer, Miss ... 0 10 0 Clark, Mr...... 0 6 31 13 4 Subscriptions: E. J. E...... 10 0 0 Ellwood, Mrs ... 10 0 0 53 8 By Mr Eastty. El vie, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Eastty, Mr J. ... 1 1 Everett, Mr ..... 1 1 0 KENTISH TOWN. Southgate, Mrs... 1 1 Everett, Mr J .... 1 1 0 ISLINGTON. Fairey, Miss 0 10 0 Ragged School. Whymper, Mr J. 1 0 Fisher, Mr F. ... 2 2 0 Salters’ Hall Chapel. Whymper, Mr C. 1 0 Contribs., for Frisby, Mr 1 1 0 Rev A. Bax. Congo . 1 2 0 ¡ By Mr J. Mays, jun. Fry, Mrs...... 0 10 6 G. P. J...... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 4 9 Habben, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Green, M r 1 0 0 Do., for W& O Harrison, Mr ... 3 3 0 Greenop, M r 1 1 0 (2 years) 8 0 KILBURN. Henry, Mr...... 0 10 6 Grose, Mr ...... 10 10 0 Sunday-sch., for Mays, Mr J...... 1 1 0 Grose, Mr J. W.. 1 1 0 Central School, Canterbury Road. Mays, Mrs, sen... 0 10 0 Grose, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Backerpunge 10 0 Rev H. B. Murray. Tims, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Grose, Miss H. A. 0 10 6 Do., for Congo 1 0 Tracey, Mr...... 10 fi Contribs., S.-sch., 0 Gyles, Mr W 1 1 0 Do., for Native Tregear, M r..... 1 1 0 Hadland, Miss M. 0 10 6 School,Congo 5 0 for Congo ... 2 1 Do., for iV P... 0 7 Tyrer, Mr ...... 1 11 6 Hall, Mr J 3 3 0 Subscriptions: Boxes Tyrer, Miss M.E. 0 10 6 Halls, Miss 0 10 0 Tyrer, Miss A. M. 0 10 e Harder,, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Badenoch,MrP.S. 1 0 Under 10s...... 1 1 6 Haseldine, Mr ... 0 10 0 Beament, Mrs ... 0 12 Hawkey, Mrs ... 1-1 0 Codner, Mr ...... 0 10 By Miss B. Mays. Heath, Miss ..... 1 0 0 Dodd, Misses 0 15 Hellier, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Donsee, Mrs 0 12 Lever. Mr ...... 0 10 Higgs, Mrs ..... 5 0 0 Hughes, M r 1 0 KINGSGATE STREET. Saunders, Mrs... 0 10 Higgs, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Jeffery, Mr. A.... 1 0 Rev H. Thomas. Under 10s...... 1 9 Higgs, Miss C. .. 1 0 0 Lindley, Mr ...... 2 0 By Miss Allen ... 0 17 Higgs, Mr W. ... 1 0 Collection ...... I l l 7 By Mr Anderton 1 9 Pidding, Miss ... 0 10 Contribs.,S.-sch. 2 3 4 Hill, Mr Jos 3 3 0 Ridley, Miss 2 0 Hill, Mr E. J 1 0 0 Do., by Miss Boxes by Do., for Congo 1 0 Anniss 2 8 10 Hooper, MisB ... 0 10 6 Skinner,Mr&Miss 0 10 0 7 2 Howard, Mrs 0 10 6 Stevens, Mr S. J. 0 10 Subscription : 0 2 6 ; Johnson, Mr E... 2 2 0 Westwood, Mrs.. 1 0 0 3 6 Jones, Miss E. E. 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 14 Elsegood, Mr (2 0 2 4 Kerridge, Mr ... 1 1 0 years)...... 1 0 0 Kohlbeck, Mr ... 0 10 0 43 3 3 51 17 9, Lawson, Mr J .... 1 0 0 7 3 9 1 12 0 Lewis, Mrs 1 1 0 Lovell, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 JOHN STREET. 53 5 3 M'Caig, Prof A .. 1 1 0 Mannington,MrW.l 1 0 Rev J. E. Shephard. LAMBETH. Mills, Mr W 5 0 0 i Monro, Mrs C .... 0 10 6 Collections 3 6 Hutton Road. Moore, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Do., Sun.-sc.... 1 6 Contribs.,S.-sch., METROPOLITAN Mullis,Mr T...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: for Bengali Newman, Mr G... 0 10 6 School 6 0 0 TABERNACLE. Norris, M r 1 0 0 Deighton, Mr ... 1 0 Do., for China Rev Thomas Spurgeon. Norris, Miss 0 10 6 Deighton, Mrs ... 0 10 School 2 0 0 Olney, Mr H. K. 1 1 0 Heap, Miss A. ... 2 0 Collections 112 10 0 Olney, Mr T. H.100 0 0 Strangeways.Mr J. 1 10 8 0 0 j Contribs., Sun.- Olney, Mr W. ...220 Under 10s...... 0 10 .school, for Olney, Mrs W .... 2 2 0 M r Week’s Parker, Mr J. B.. 2 2 0 Boxes by I Work,Congo 25 0 0 Passmore, Mr Jos. 5 0 0 Bertram, Mrs ... 0 5 LANSDOWNE PLACE. Do.,Missionary Passmore, Mrs J. 1 1 0 Frost, Miss D. ... 0 6 Union, for Passmore,MrJ.E. 5 0 0 Gray, Mrs E o 9 Ragged School. Barisaul ... 5 5 0 Passmore, Mr J., Green, Mrs ...... 0 10 ChristianBand... 2 12 6 Balance from last junr...... 2 2 0 Pgstell, Mr 0 5 year...... 6 17 0 Payne, Mr W. ... 1 0 0 x v i i i HONDON AND ITS TICINITT. [1895.

Phillips, Mr C.... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Freeth, Mrs and Contribs., Sun.- Phillips, Mr P. R. 1 1 0 Misses...... 0 10 0 sch...... 4 10 10 Phillips, Miss ... 1 1 0 Carson, Mr J 1 0 0 Hunt, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Do. for N P Phillips, Mrs 0 10 6 Crisp, Mrs 0 10 6 Rabbeth, Mr G. under M r Phillips, Mr E. 2 2 0 Gill, Mr W. H .... 1 4 0 Wilshere...... 2 2 0 H.Anderson, Phillips,MrW. A. 1 1 0 Joyce, Mrs 2 2 0 Short, Mr ...... 1 1 0 India ...... 15 0 0 “ Phoebe” ...... 1 1 0 Middleditch, Mrs 0 10 6 Spink, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Do., for N P Rainbow, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Picton, Miss 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 4 6 under Mr Raybould, Mrs... 1 1 0 Prior, Mr B 2 2 0 Wilts,China 15 0 0 Redman, M r...... 0 10 6 Prior, Mr E. R... 0 10 6 By Miss Bartle. Do.,foTJiarisal Round, M r...... 0 10 0 Rooke, Mr A. B. 3 3 0 School ...... 2 0 0 Toms, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Seales, M r...... 0 10 0 Do., for N P ... 1 0 0 Rouse, Mr F ...... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Sadler, Miss .... 0 10 0 Upton-Davis, Mr Do.,MissField’s Sawyer, Mr ...... 0 10 0 and Miss 1 1 0 class for Sharpingt on,Mrs 0 10 0 Wilkes, Mr and By Miss A. Cove. Congo 8 0 0 Sharpinifton,Miss 0 10 0 Mrs C...... 5 5 0 Head, Mrs H. ... 1 0 0 Do.,do..amount Stevens, Mr J.... 1 1 0 Woolley, MrT.B. 2 2 0 Jones, Miss ...... 0 10 0 collected 1 15 4 Stevens, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 2 7 6 Jones, Miss L. ... 0 10 6 Do.,Mi8sChubb’s Stiff, Mr Jas..... 5 0 0 Do., for Congo 0 13 6 class...... 2 2 0 Stockbridge, Mr 0 10 6 47 11 1 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 Proceeds of Summers, Mr T. 1 1- 0 2 5 8 lecture 0 17 1 Thomas, Mrs H. 1 0 0 By Mrs Cove.... 0 17 2 SeniorY.P.S.C.E. 0 14 2 Thompson, Mr F. 2 2 0 45 5 5 Do., for China 0 7 6 Thompson,MrsF. 1 1 0 Boxes by Do., for Miss Tenniswood, Mrs 0 10 0 Loosley, Misses 1 16 3 Compston’s Vickery, M r..... 1 1 0 Pickard, M r ...... 1 8 10 School, Cal­ Wakeford, MrW. 1 1 0 NORTH LONDON DIS­ cutta ...... 0 10 6 Warren, Mr ...... 0 10 6 TRICT OF LONDON 104 16 2 Do., for Mrs Waters, Mr C .... 1 1 0 BAPTIST ASSOCIA­ Williamson's Watkins, Mr...... 0 10 6 TION. work,Bengal 0 10 6 Watling, MrC.... 1 1 0 JuniorY.P.S.C.E. 3 3 2 Watts, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Collection at Cross NUNHEAD. Websdale, Mrs... 1 0 0 Street Chapel 1 10 0 Whittle, Mr F.... 1 1 0 Edith Road. Subscriptions: Wilson, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 W. J. X ...... 1 0 0 Rev C. P. Sawday. Ashby, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Woollacott, Mr E. 3 3 0 NOTTING HILL. Baker, M r 1 1 0 Woollard, Mr ... 1 1 0 Collections, &c... 8 8 Ladbroke Grove. Do., for W & 0 1 11 Beste, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Worth, Mr...... 1 1 0 Bone, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 19 0 Rev J. F. Shearer. Briscoe,Rev J. T. 2 2 0 Brown, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 410 8 0 Treasurer, Mr W. E. Cove. Burgess, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Less expenses Collections 2 5 0 Clnbb, Miss ...... 0 10 6 and amount Corke, Miss ...... 1 10 0 received too Contribs. S. sch. PADDINGTON. (2 years) 60 2 8 Creasey, M r 0 10 6 late ...... 8 12 6 Praed Street. Crowhurst, Mr... 0 10 0 Do., for W& 0 2 1 3 Evans, Mr J. L .. 2 0 0 Rev J. Briggs. 406 15 6 Subscriptions : Do. for Debt... 1 0 0 Collection ...... 1 0 Field, M rs 0 10 0 By Miss Reddan. Contribs., S.-sch. 8 9 Gibbons, Mrs 0 10 6 Gilbert, Mrs 0 10 6 NEW SOUTHGATE. Cove, Mr 6 12 0 Reddan, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Collected by Horniblow, Mr & Rev G. Freeman. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Dickson, Miss ... 2 15 Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Eastlake, Miss... 1 7 Howieson, Mr & Collection ...... 4 19 5 By Miss Llewellen. Mrs J. T 2 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 7 18 1 13 12 6 Hubble, M rs 1 3 4 Do.,MrAbbot's Llewellen, Mr k Lanning, Mr 0 10 6 c la s s , fo r Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Maopherson,Miss 0 10 0 Congo 1 0 2 Under 10s...... 1 8 6 M. J...... 0 14 0 Do., Mrs Hux­ Owen, Mr...... 0 10 0 ley’s class,for By Mrs Platts. PARSONS GREEN. Palmer, Mr ...... 0 10 0 support o f Mission. Picken, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Diambi,under Bartle, Mr J 0 10 0 Sheppard, Mr & M r Lewis ...5 0 0 Dyson, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 10 Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Young M en’s Fripp, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 The Choir 0 10 6 Evangelical Hope, Mrs 0 15 0 The Cricket Club 0 17 0 Society ...... 1 5 0 Hope, Mr McN. 0 10 6 Trotman, Mr & Loosley, Mr & PECKHAM. Mrs ...... 0 10 0 20 0 8 Mrs G...... 1 1 0 Whittaker, Miss 0 10 0 Pickard, Mr ...... 2 2 0 Ladies’ Mission­ Womell, Miss ... 0 10 0 Platts, M r 0 10 0 ary prayer Wright, Mrs 0 10 0 Roberts, Mr A.... 1 1 0 meetings ...... 1 17 Under 10s...... 6 5 10 NORTH FINCHLEY. Shearer, Mrs 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 8 6 Rev A. B. Middleditch. 115 18 9 By Miss Freeth. Less expenses 0 9 3

PECKHAM, By Mrs Catt. By Mrs Pearce Gould. McLaren, Mr D. 15 0 Park Road. Sumner Road. Leader, Mr G. ... 1 10 0 Leader, Miss 0 12 0 Contribs., Sun., By Mrs Redford. Rev F. James. soh., for China Lush, Mr 0. M.... 6 5 0 School'...... 6 0 0 Williams, Mrs ... 1 1 Lush, Dr ...... 10 0 0 Collections 9 9 By Mrs Barrett... 0 5 Moody, Mrs ...... 1 18 6 Do., for W& 0 6 10 By Miss Pickers- Poole, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. gill ...... 0 14 Sturt, Mrs 10 0 0 for support o f PECKHAM RYE. Williams, Misses 0 11 0 Under 10s...... 0 8 0 N P , Mam Barry Road. Chunder Chose, 148 7 5 Khoolnea . ... 20 0 Sunday-school... 1 18 7 By Miss Gould. Do., for N P, Barnett, Mrs (don) 0 10 0 Paul, Agra ... 12 0 PUTNEY. Benham, Mrs ... 2 2 0 PECKHAM EYE. Miss Dashwood’s Werter Road. Calvert, Miss ... 0 12 0 class...... 1 0 Tabernacle. Chandler, Mr & Young Men’sEvan- Rev S. H. Wilkinson. MrsB.,Worsley 0 0 0 gelistic Band Contribs., S.-sch. 3 10 0 Chappie, Mrs ... 1 1 0 for Colporteur Y.P.S.C.E. leo- Collections ..... 6 16 0 Gould, Mr & Mrs under Mr Pot­ turo...... 1 1 0 Coll. for W & O 2 10 0 A. Pearce ...... 50 0 0 ter, Agra ...... 5 11 S.-sch. Contrbs. 5 0 0 Gould, Rev G. P. 15 0 0 Boxes ...... 14 4 2 Gould, Miss ...... 1 10 0 Donation: ------! Habershon, Dr 3 0 0 28 10 2 ! Lillie, Miss M .... 2 0 0 A Well wisher for POPLAR. ------: Neal, Mrs ...110 Mr Potter’s Payling, Miss ... 0 10 6 work, Agra ... 3 0 Cotton Street, Pearce, Mr R. ...2 2 0 Rev W. Joynes. REGENT’S PARK Roberts,RevR.H. 5 5 0 Subscriptions: CHAPEL. Smith, Mr S. P. 1 0 0 Collections 3 0 0 Spokes, Miss M. 0 10 G Archer, Mr C. ... 1 0 0 Y.P.S.C.E. for Rev E. G. Gange. Under 10s...... 1 1 0 Brazil, Mr T. ... 1 0 0 China...... 0 5 0 James, Rev F. (2 Collections 34 14 10 By Mrs B. W. Chandler. years)...... 2 0 0 Boxes by Do., for W $ 0 12 13 0 Pitts, Mr A...... 5 0 0 Contribs.,S.-Sch. 20 0 0 Gange, Rev G. G. 5 0 0 Potter, Mr H. ... 2 2 0 Horn, Mr T 0 9 4 Westaway, Miss, Rodwell, Miss ... 0 12 0 Westbrook, Miss 0 9 6 class, for Congo 3 8 0 Smith, Mrs Ann 10 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E 2 2 0 Do., Thank- By Mrs Pitts. 4 3 10 oSering for health given 5 6 0 Chapman, Mr A. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 2 6 4 Hunt, Mr ...... 0 10 0 By Miss Gill. Phillip, Mr and POPLAR & BROMLEY. By Miss Jones. Bennyworth, Mr 0 10 0 Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Tabernacle. Angus, Miss 1 5 0 Under 10s 2 1 6 Blake, Mr ...... 1 5 0 Carton, Mr...... Beaney, Miss ... 0 10 0 Contribs. S.-Sch. 0 10 0 0 12 0 Brown, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 By Miss R. Archer. Cheeseman, Miss 0 10 0 Bushnell.Mr 1 1 0 Gill, Miss ...... 1 6 6 Crossfield, Miss 0 11 0 Bonnett, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Gill, Mies J. 0 10 0 Crudgington, Miss 0 10 0 Under 10s. 0 12 0 POTTERS BAR. Outram, Mr . .. 1 1 0 10 0 Dixon, Miss ...... 1 4 0 By Mr Defen 0 9 0 Phillips, Mr ..... 1 Edwards, Miss ... 0 12 o By Mr Farrow... 0 11 0 Rev J. Dupee. Quiekenden, Miss 0 10 0 Tarr, Miss...... Johnson, Miss L. Collection ...... 1 3 0 0 11 0 M...... 0 11 3 Boxes by Tarry, Miss 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 0 8 6 Whitehead, Miss 0 12 Jones, Mrs 0 10 0 Subscriptions ... 0 13 0 0 Puckett, Miss ... 0 12 0 Gibson, Miss J. 1 3 6 Wynn, Miss ..... 0 14 9 Under 10s...... 1 Williams, Mr and Under 5s...... 0 4 0 11 3 Miss...... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 13 0 80 13 9 By Miss Pegram. By Miss Williams. PUTNEY. Dickson, Mr 1 0 0 Knight, Mr ..... 1 0 0 Webb, Mr & Mrs 1 10 n Union Church. Knight, Misses... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 8 0 PECKHAM. Margerison,Misses 1 12 6 Rev R. A. Redford, LL.B. Phillips, Misses 1 13 6 By Miss M. S. Draper. Norfolk Street. Under 10s, ... 1 4 5 Collec. (moiety) 9 7 7 Heron, Misses ... 0 12 0 Coll., for W & 0 0 15 Do., for W

Thankofferingfor SHOREDITCH TABER. Subscription : Collected l?y Congo ...... 1 0 NACLE. Brooks, Mr R. H. 0 10 Cornish, M r 0 6 Walker, Mr W. 0 12 Croxford, Mrs ... -0 5 Under 10s...... 2 1 Rev W. Cuff. 59 1 9 Gardner, Miss ... 1 13 Collection ...... 5 0 Gotch, Mr ...... 1 10 By Miss AVellings. Do., for W 4r O 8 16 Hill, Miss ...... 0 10 McKay, Miss R. 1 4 Asti by, Miss 0 10 Contribs., S.-sch., Bergin, Mr 0 15 for support o f STOCKWELL ORPHANAGE. Marshall, M rs... 0 16 Bult, Mr & Mrs 2 8 fou r Congo Mitcbell. Miss ... Weeks, Miss 0 13 boys, under Contribs., S.-sch. 7 2 6 Nunn, Mrs...... Under 10s...... 0 17 Mr Bentley ... 20 Do., for support Prentice, Miss... o f boy and Remington, Miss 33 16 3 girl under Smitb, Miss S. C. By Mrs Abrey. Mr Bentley, Venables, Miss .. 4 10 Burnell, M rs 0 11 Congo ...... 10 0 C Wiugrave, Miss 3 6 Under 10s...... 0 12 Young, Miss 1 4 0 SILVERTOWN. 17 2 5 Under Es...... 0 6 3 By Miss Entwistlo. Rev T. J. Pollard. 136 8 4 Head, Miss A. ... 0 13 Under 10s...... 0 10 Collection ...... 0 15 Contribs., S.-ach. 3 13 STOKE NEWINGTON. By Miss Knight. DevonshireSquareChapel. STRATFORD. Major Road. Kidman, Miss ... 0 10 0 Rev G. P. McKay. Under 10s. 0 18 0 Rev T. Maycock, Collections 12 11 3 Contribution 0 By Miss Burrough. SOUTHALL. Do.,for W & O 7 7 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 Rev T. G. Williams. Contribs. S.-sch., Burrough, M r.... 1 1 0 perY.M.M.A. 33 12 0 1 5 0 Under 10s. 1 5 0 Collection ...... 0 14 Do., do., for Do., for W & O 0 10 support of Boxes by Sunday-school... 4 10 Congo boy and STRATFORD GROVE. Bult, Kate...... 2 7 0 girl under Dickson, Daisy... 1 19 11 6 15 2 Mr Bentley 10 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 12 10 Gould, Hugh...... 3 6 7 Do., do., for Y.P.S.C.E 2 5 3 Smith, Gilbert J. 1 1 9 China Schs. 5 0 0 ¡Smith, Winnie... 1 4 11 T)o.,foTBengali Walker, W. & B. 0 10 5 SOUTH LONDON Trainingtich.12 0 C Webb, Mary 0 11 1 TABERNACLE. Under 10s., 2 12 3 Subscriptions : TEDDINGTON. Rev E. Roberts. By Mrs Elgar. 304 6 8 Rev R. J. Williamson. Less expenses 4 18 7 Coll., for W Je O 3 13 0 Aylett, Miss...... 0 10 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 0 0 — ! Copper wheat,Mrs 0 10 0 Y.W.B.C., for 299 8 1 Day, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 support of Elgar, Mrs...... 1 1 0 i Congo girl SPENCER PLACE. Evans, Mies ... 0 10 0 A'sukula 5 0 0 Goodwin, Mr ... 1 1 0 ! Boy6’ Brigade ROTHERHITHE. Rev P. Gast. Goodwin, Mrs ... 0 10 c Bible-class 2 0 0 New Road. Jloggau, Miss ... 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 7 18 8 Ireland, Mr ...... 0 10 0 10 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 17 9 J. H. A ...... 1 10 0 Do., for China Laver, M r...... 0 10 6 School 3 11 11 Pearse, Mr P. S. 1 0 0 STOCKWELL. Perry, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 TOTTENHAM. 4 9-8 Tappolet, Miss... 0 10 0 Rev W. W. Sidey. Rev A. Mursell. Under 10s...... 0 7 3 Collections 5 3 10 Collections 4 0 0 Do., public mtg. 1 8 1 ST. PETER’S PARK. Do., for W # 0 2 2 2 By Miss A. E. Smith. Contribs., S.-sch. 27 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 12 7 8 Adlam, Miss..... 0 12 0 Bev J. M. Cox. Do., for China Subscriptions: School 5 0 0 Elgar, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Field, M rs...... 0 12 0 Bourne, Mr ..... 0 10 6 Contribs. S.-sch. 4 7 0 Do., for Bengali 0 School ...... 2 8 g Smith, Miss A. E. 0 12 Brown, Mr Walter 1 1 0 Do. ,for NPBeni Under 10s ..... 1 19 6 Oloudsley, Mr J. 10 0 0 un«er G. C. Ginn, Mr F. R., SHEPHERD’S BUSH. Dutt, Khool- By Miss Lowe (2 yrs.) Bible-class ... 2 5 0 nea ...... 15 0 0 Callcutt, Mr 4 4 0 Ginn, Mr G. C.... 0 10 0 Tabernacle. Do.,for support Bmitb, Mr E. H. 2 2 0 Green, Mr B. S. 0 10 0 o f Congo boy 5 0 0 ! Wright, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Jennens, Mr J. S. 1 1 0 Rev G. W. Pope. Do.,for tupport Under 10s ...... 0 8 6 Moore, M r 0 10 6 of Congo boy Ottrey, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 18 15 6 under Mr By Mrs Matthews. Pedley, Miss 2 2 0 Do., Sun.-sch. 5 13 0 B tn tley 5 0 Pedley, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Y.W.B.C...... 0 16 6 t Carter, Mr G. ... 1 1 0 Rowe, Mr ...... 0 10 6. Collected by : Page, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Sidey, RevW. W. 1 0 0 25 6 0 ! Men’s Bible-class 0 14 0 Wallace, Rev R. 0 10 o Glover, Miss 7 13 0 Under 10p...... 1 7 6 Under 10s...... 3 9 0 1895.] LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. x x i

Boxes by UPTON CHAPEL. Contribs.,S.-sch., WALWORTH. Brown, Miss M. 1 16 4 for Congo ...6 0 0 Eldridge, Mrs ... 0 8 7 Rev W. Williams. Do., for support East Street. Harding, Miss... 0 3 7 o f boy and girl Rev E. T. Davis. Collections 15 17 9 at Wathen Haywood, Walter 0 3 0 Collections 1 13 5 Herald box ..... 0 15 5 Do., for W& Ò 6 0 0 Station, Congo\2 0 0 Contribs.,S.-sch., Y.M. Society, per Contribs., S.-sch. 8 4 8 Ottrey, Mrs ...... 0 8 4 Christian Band, Parnwell, Mrs ... 0 3 4 for NP 1 2 6 Y.M.M.A 40 0 0 Under 3s 0 5 0 Do., for Congo Mothers’ meeting for China ..... 0 10 0 boyFlekai ” 8 0 0 for Congo ...... 0 15 0 10 8 1 62 16 6 Do., for Barisal School ...... 8 0 0 66 15 2 Do , for China School...... 6 0 0 WALWORTH ROAD. TWICKENHAM. Deacons’ box ... 1 12 0 Rev E. H. Brown. Subscriptions : VICTORIA DOCKS. Rev W. J. Mills. Collections 2 15 0 A Friend, M. H. 0 10 0 Union Church. Treasurer, Mrs Gilbert Do., for W&O 1 8 0 Boxali, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 Do., St. Mar­ Rev J. Foster. Secretary, Miss Potts. garet’s 3 15 7 Chapman, Mr R. 0 10 6 Clark, Mr J. 105 0 0 Coll. for W&O 0 15 0 Contribs.,forZ)<3&< 2 4 8 Cox, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Collections 15 3 8 Young women’s Cox, Miss, for Do. valedictory Bible-class...... 0 14 3 Congo ...... 1 1 0 meeting 21 8 5 Sunday-school... 3 11 9 Prayer mtg. box 1 9 1 Everett, Mr Jas.. 1 0 0 VICTORIA ‘PARK. Do., for Goffon Everett, MrW. E. 0 10 0 Social meeting... 1 3 9 C hunder Frewin, Mrs ... 1 10 0 Grove Road. Boxes ...... 0 4 7 H. A. P. .:...... 0 10 0 Young women’s Do., St. Mar­ Hollands, Mr A. 1 1 0 Rev W. Thomas. Bible-class 1 0 0 garet’s ...... 4 12 6 1 0 Y.P.S.C.E 2 4 5 Do., Whitton Hollands, Mr G. 1 Collections 5 0 0 Gospel Hall 1 8 10 Hollands, Mr H. 0 10 () Do., for W& O 2 9 2 Hollands, Mrs H. 0 10 6 Prayer meetings 2 10 0 Subscriptions : Subscriptions: Johnson, Mr J... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 0 0 A Friend, for Johnson, Miss J., Do., for JV P, Congo...... 0 10 0 Braithwaite, Mr for Congo 0 10 0 RamSoonder Battley, Mr ...... 2 0 0 and Mrs ..... 2 2 0 Matcham, Dr ... 2 2 0 Dey,Barisal 20 0 0 Burgess. Mr H. 1 1 0 Under 10s..... 0 6 0 Millard, Mr S. E. 2 2 0 Do., special fo r Gilbert, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Nelson, Mr J. ... 0 10 6 do...... 3 0 6 Gilbert, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Boxes by Payne, Mr W. ... 1 0 0 Christian Band, UreeD, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Healey, Miss A. 0 3 6 I'ensam.Mr A. C. 1 0 0 for R. S. Dey... 0 10 6 Hardy, Mr 0 10 0 Thomas, Miss M. 0 4 0 Perry, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Don. for Books Harfleld, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Stiff, Mr W. 2 2 0 fo r R. S.Dey’s Inder, Mr ...... 0 10 6 35 6 1 Stiff, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 daughter ..... 0 7 6 Macowan, MrW. 1 0 0 Underwood, Mr 0 10 0 Mills, Rev W. J. 1 0 0 Unwin, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 38 17 8 Payne, Mr and W arton, Mrs, senr. 0 10 0 Mrs ...... 0 10 6 UPPER HOLLOWAY. Wart on, Mrs 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr... 1 1 0 Williams, Rev W. 2 2 0 Robertson, Mrs... 0 10 6 Rev J. R. Wood. Wüls, Mr G. S.V. 0 10 0 WALTHAMSTOW.' Robertson, Mr A. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 11 6 Robertson,MrsA. 0 10 0 Collections 28 10 0 Wood Street. Robertson, Mr G. 0 10 6 Do , for W $ O 6 19 4 Boxes by Rev W. Hetherirgton. Shoveller, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 87 3 3 Stapleford, Mr... 2 0 0 Do., for India 0 8 6 Howell, Mr 0 5 0 Coll. (moiety) ... 3 2 3 Tresidder.MrJ.E. 10 10 0 Do., for China 0 4 0 Do., for W&O Williams, Mr A. 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 0 4 0 Lockte, Mr R...... 0 6 2 Stiff, Miss M. H. 0 8 8 (moiety) 1 10 0 Wilson, Mr C. ...10 0 Do., for Debt... 41 5 3 Contribs., S.-sch. Under 10s...... 4 19 6 YouDg men’s (one third) 4 1 7 Bible-class... 0 18 10 181 8 7 By MissKevan... 0 15 4 Do., for Congo 12 6 5 Subscriptions (2 years). Do., for H P, Clarke, Mr E 1 1 0 82 13 9 India ...... 2 13 3 Less expenses 2 7 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. 47 3 3 Whittingham,Mr L’o., for Bengali VAUXHALL. W. E...... 10 10 0 Under 10s...... 4 18 3 80 6 3 School 10 0 0 1 9 6 Do.,forsupport Collec., Sun.-sch. Contributions ... 13 17 2 25 6 1 o f two girls Do., Sun.-sch... 20 3 6 in Intally WAXWOBTH. School 8 0 0 35 10 2 WALTH1MSTOW. Ebenezer Sunday-school. Y.P. S. C.E. Prayer Un;on, for Contribs., for JV f , Bindu Boundary Road. Barisal Sell. 12 14 4 NathSirlcar, Rev W. Murray. Do., for China Dacca 23 11 4 VERNON SQUARE. Schools ...... 2 12 0 Rupert-road Mig.- Contributions ... 5 1 3 Do., Sunday school^... 8 15 11 Rev J. T. Mateer. Do., S.-sch. ... 6 13 4 Evening-sch. 1 2 0 278 3 4 Collections.. 4 6 0 11 14 7 16 9 0 Do.,for W&O 3 13 8 x xii LONDON AND ITS VICINITY. [1895.

WANDSWORTH. Sly, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Boxes by Sly, Mr G. W. ... 0 10 0 Barker, Miss .1 2 3 East Hill. Undor 10s ...... 3 18 7 Batten, M rs...... 1 1 0 Do., for Bible- Saull, M rs 0 5 5 Rev J. W. Ewing, M.A. By Miss Henderson. women ...... 1 1 0 Thomas, Mrs 0 12 8 Bennett, Miss ... 1 0 0 Vincent, M r 0 5 7 Collections 7 6 4 Chapman, Mr ...10 0 Under 2s .030 Dunbar, Dr ...... 4 0 0 Chapman, Mr J.W. 2 2 0 Do., for W & O 5 6 8 Do., for Bible- Contribs., S.-sch. 11 15 7 Do., for W

Grover, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 BEDFORD. For If P, by Henton, Mrs..... 0 JO 0 Kirtland, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Lander, Mrs..... 0 10 6 Matthews, Miss 1 0 0 Mill Street. Ashton, Miss 0 15 0 Goodman, Mrs... 0 5 0 Meyhill, Miss ... 0 10 6 Mirylees, Mr and Rowe, M r ...... 0 10 0 Mrs (2 years) . 6 6 0 Rev. W. Turner. Napier, M rs 0 6 9 Watts, Mrs 0 13 0 Squires, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Morgan,RevG.H. 1 0 0 Collections 11 0 Staines, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Page,Miss(2yrs.) 7 0 0 Do., for W & 0 2 6 46 16 11 Under 10s...... 3 IQ 6 Porter, M r...... 1 10 0 ContribH., S.-soh. 3 2 Richardson, Mr 1 0 0 Less expenses 1 0 0 1895. Scarr, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Simmonds, M r.. 0 10 6 45 16 11 Collections...... 2 14 4 Smith, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Gale, Mr F 0 10 Do., for W # 0 1 0 0 Trafford, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Gamman, Mr F. 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 8 3 Whiffin, Mr 1 1 0 Garlick, Mr J. ... 1 0 Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 8 0 Under 10s...... 3 9 7 Hardiman, Mary BIGGLESWADE. R...... 1 2 Subscriptions : Box by Jarvis, Mr G 0 10 Rev H. G. Stembridge. Jarvis, Mr S 1 5 Carter, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Ventris, Mifis R. 1 12 1 Lee, Mr F 1 0 Collections 7 18 1 Chambers, M r... 0 10 0 Leete, Mr W .H. 1 0 Do., for W A O 0 15 2 Cookson, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Shorley, Mr J. ... 0 10 Contribs., S.-sch. 10 17 6 Gilham, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Timmis, Mrs 1 0 Do., for N P ... 0 10 11 Rowe, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Boddingtonclasses2 11 3 Squires, Mr '...... 0 10 0 Turner, Rev W... 0 15 Staines, Mrs..... 0 1J 0 Whiting, Mr J..., 0 10 WOOD GREEN. Under 10s...... 0 12 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 3 6 0 Purser, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Rev W. W. Haines. Prayer Union Subs.: 33 14 4 Vipan,Mrs 1 0 0 Less expenses 0 7 6 Collections 4 5 6 Timmis, Miss M. 0 13 Webb, MrG. J.... 0 10 0 Do., for W& O 3 3 3 Whiting, Miss L. 1 10 0 Winters, Mr D. P. 1 0 0 6 10 Prayer meetings 0 6 5 Whiting, Miss M. 1 0 0 Wright,MissM.A. 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Under 10s...... 0 10 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 for support o f two Congo 31 17 0 Boxes by HOUGHTON REGIS. boys...... 7 10 0 Broom, Miss E.... 0 8 3 Do.,ior£engali White, M r 0 3 7 Rev J. T. Frost. School 7 6 11 Collections 2 10 6 27 10 0 Contribs.,for NP 1 7 5 1 6 5 Subscriptions Rev. J. Brown, D.D. Do.,Sun.-sch... 0 15 4 Baker, Mrs . . , 1 0 0 Colls, (moiety)... 9 17 8 26 3 7 Subscription: Botterell, Mr 1 0 0 Do., for W A O 6 0 0 Cook, Mr M 1 0 0 Deering, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Elstow Sun.-sch. Haines, EevW.W. 0 10 6 (moiety)...... 0 10 0 BLUNHAM. Boxes by Robins, Mr 0 10 0 Goldington, do... 0 10 10 Searle, M r...... 1 1 0 Kempston S.-sch. Old Meeting. Fletcher,Mr,class 1 4 0 Under 10s, 3 4 5 (moiety)...... 0 17 9 Harris, Miss 0 6 9 Burton, Mr A. F. Horsier, Miss L. 0 12 2 Subs, and Boxes (box) ...... o Boxes by (moiety)...... 0 17 4 Collected by Arding, Mr ...... 0 7 6 Donations: Hiller, Mrs 0 8 9 A Friend, for COTTON END. Cumberland,MissFl 0 2 Hunt, Miss ...... 0 9 8 Mr H. Wright Rev W. H. Smith. Horsier, Miss K. 0 10 30 Pearce, Mrs ...... 0 10 9 Hay's work in Horton, Miss E. 0 13 0 Under fis 0 17 2 Dacca...... 5 0 0 Collection ...... l 18 Ward, Miss E. ... 0 13 6 Mackenzie, Mr 33 1 10 (Sale of 10 13 7 8 0 cushion and CRANFIELD. 0 hymn books)... 0 12 0 £8,439 9 0 Rev. S. McAlister. 10 5 7 Subscriptions: Contributions ... 2 12 Blackburn, Mrs... 1 0 Carruthers.MrT.G.l 1 KEYSOE. J3eòfor£)0bire. Forster, Miss 0 10 DUNSTABLE. Goodman, Mrs... 1 0 Rev T. Varley. Lucas, Mrs 1 0 West Street. Collec.,for W & O 0 5 3 AMPTHTT.T,. Lucas, Miss ...... 0 10 Rev E. A. Smith. Piggott, Mrs 2 10 1894. Union Chapel. Rose, Mr E. P .... 2 2 Rose, Mrs, sen ... 2 10 Collections 4 4 3 LEIGHTON BUZZARD. Rev J. H. Kelly. Watts, Rev T. ... 1 10 Do., for W A 0 0 16 6 Watts, Mr T. H. 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 0 0 HocklifEe Road. Coll., for W & O 0 10 Do.,forC,0« 3'0 0 4 Y.P.S.C.E..'...... 0 19 6 Rev Geo. DurrelL Under 10s...... 5 12 Contributions ... 3 4 Subscriptions: Collections ...... 6 12 8 Do., for K P... 0 18 Boxes by Do., for W A O 1 18 0 Chamlx- s, Mr ... 0 10 0 Do., Heath 0 8 7 4 13 2 Ashton, Miss 0 8 Cpo> .on, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 14 6 Under 2s, ...... 4 Oj-uam, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Do., for NP... 1 4 1 BEDFORDSHIRE. [1895.

Subscriptions : Class Boxes by Evans, Mrs ...... 0 2 0 Boxes by Hooper, Louis ... By Miss A. Aveline. Bigg, Mr...... 1 4 8 0 8 2 Infant class 0 1 0 Burditt, Miss ... 2 12 2 Runcieman, Mrs 0 4 2 Mallery, Mr and 0 1 Aveline, Miss A. 0 10 0 Burditt, Miss N. 2 3 5 Sanders, Mrs J. 3 MrsJ. Y 0 7 0 Garside, Mr 1 0 0 Sanders, Miss ... 0 2 6 0 Cookson, Miss ... 0 10 5 Trustrum, Miss 0 Roberts, Miss, Kent, Miss...... 0 10 Eames, Miss . , 0 2 0 7 8 class ...... 0 4 6 Sindall, Miss..... 1 0 0 Heel, Miss S. ... 0 11 4 For N P, by Young men’s class 0 4 0 Tompkins, Mrs 0 10 0 Heel, Miss F. ... 0 11 8 Under 10s...... 1 19 0 How, Miss...... 1 14 8 Abrams, L. , 0 4 6 For X P, by By Miss Meadley. Hucklesby, Mr G. 0 5 7 Bird., E d ...... 0 4 0 Humphrey, Miss 0 12 2 Bontwood, Cyril 0 4 10 Askew, Lydia ... 0 5 0 Deverell, Mr J.... 0 15 0 Infants ...... 0 8 2 Cunningham, Eva 0 5 0 Askew, Thomas 0 2 6 Deverell, Mr T... 0 10 0 Lane, Miss...... 1 1 7 Day, A...... 0 6 0 Boughton, Mary 0 6 3 Purser, Mr J 0 13 0 Mayes, Miss ... , 0 15 5 Holland, Lily ... 0 5 0 Dawson, Maud 0 13 5 Turney, Miss ... 0 10 0 Osborn, Miss ... 0 6 0 Nelson, P...... 0 4 6 Dove, Florrie ... 0 4 5 Under 10s...... 2 0 6 Wootton, Miss ... 0 15 0 Osborne, Nellie .. 0 5 8 Fleet, Emma 0 3 0 Wren, Mias ...... 0 15 0 Rendrew, George 0 8 6 Francis, C.

Boses by 3Becftsbire. For N P, by Hodges, Miss ... 0 10 0 Gardener, Miss O' 7 6 Jackson, Mr A. 6 0 0 Abel, E. and M, 0 9 6 Knight,Rev G. J. 0 10 0 Markham,MissG. 0 14 3 ABINGDON. Keens, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 Plowman, Theo. 0 7 6 Cane, Ruth ...... 0 2 C Rev W. H. Doggett. Cox, W...... 0 0 9 Lewendon.MrW. 0 10 6 Morgan, Ivor ... 0 6 , Nias, Mr T. M.... 0 10 0 Collections...... 5 2 7 Wheeler, J...... 0 5 0 |Thank offering, 15 2 6 Do., for W&O 2 2 0 Wintle, Annie ... 0 2 0 for Congo .. 1 5 0 0 2 6 Do., Marcham 0 5 6 Under 2s...... 0 5 2 Tabb, Mrs 0 10 0 Do., Drayton... 0 11 0 Whitington, Mr. 0 10 0 15 0 0 Prayer-mtg. box 1 19 5 17 9 3 Juv. Society , . 7 6 0 Box by 1 Jackson, Frank 0 3 10 STEVINGTON. Subscriptions : Coxeter, Mr .... 5 0 0 FIFIELD MISSION. 54 16 1 1 Rev S. Williams. Coxeter, Mr J .... 1 0 0 0 11 0 Coll. for W& O 0 3 Coxeter, Miss ... 1 0 0 By Mr Reynolds. 1 Prayer mtg. box 0 10 Cullen, Mr E. ... 1 1 0 51 £ 1 Doggett Rev W.H. 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 3 14 8 Subscriptions: Doggett, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Evans, Miss ..... 1 0 0 Williams, Rev S. 0 10 READING. Gardiner, Mr S. 1 1 0 MAIDENHEAD. A Friend, per do. 0 10 Hore, Mr ...... 0 10 0 United Collections. Jones, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Rev. H. J. Preece. Payne, Mrs 1 0 0 Pumphrey, Mr... 0 10 0 Collections 3 17 8 Communion ser­ Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Do., for W db O 1 8 6 vies, for IV & O l 18 1 STOTFOLD. Do., Boyn Hill O il 8 United meeting of Evangelical Rev. J. Hart. Boxes by Contribs., S.-sch. 7 12 3 “ Heralds” 0 6 7 Free Churches 4 16 6 Coll., for W

2 O l ’or N P, by By Mrs Pratley. By Miss May 13 6 Collier...... 0 10 3 O O Hart, M. & M. ... 0 4 7 Chard, Mrs ...... 0 10 10 0 Minchin, M r 0 10 13 4 HURST. Pratley, Mr W.... 1 10 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 0 Collections...... 1 9 1 10 0 Sunday-school.. . 1 5 10 o o By Miss "Vicars. o o Subscriptions Ayres, Mr P 0 10 Broad Street Congrega­ o o Pratley, Mr 0.... 1 0 tional Church. o o Dunn, Mr W. . . 1 0 0 Y.P.S.C.E 1 6 10 o Dunn, Mrs W .. . 0 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 Y.P.S.C.E.,forici- 6 1 Pullen, Mr E. . . 0 1 0 0 Harmon,China 0 10 6 Under 10s..... 1 6 By Miss Wells. .er. For N P, by Whitfield, Miss... 1 0 2 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 SANDHUEST. 0 5 6 0 0 Brown, Winnie Dunn, W...... , 0 1 0 0 90 12 9! Bev James Bose. 10 0 Frazer, Sarah . . 0 5 8 O 0 SUvey, Alice ... 0 7 3 Coll., for W & O 1 1 O 0 Contributions ... 16 15 10 o Seymour, Jno.. . 0 6 0 BEADING. Priest, Grace . . 0 7 3 2 O Wyclifie Chapel. 17 16 6 10 O O O EAST 1LSLEY. Rev W. G. Hailstone. 3 O Collections...... 0 9 5 Collections 4 8 1 O Sunday-school. . 1 0 0 Do., for W $ O 5 0 SUNNINGDALE. 6 2 Contribs., S.-sch. 13 11 For N P, by Do., for N P... 5 14 Collections . 2 11 Do., for Congo Do., Special... 0 10 Elliott, H. E..... 0 7 0 boy under Mr Horsman, Ada. . 0 4 2 Do., for W A O 0 10 16 O J. L. Forfeitt 5 0 Missionary Circle 13 6 Y.P.S.C.E 1 3 boxes ...... 3 12 9 1 O WEST ILSLEX. 17 O Collection ...... 0 4 10 Subscriptions: 7 5 0 >er. By Miss Grace. 5 O SHEBFIELD GBEEN. Ball, Mrs ...... 2 0 15 O Collections...... 1 0 4 Bray, Mr ...... 0 10 WALLINGFOBD. 10 O F. H. Jackson’s Simmons,MrW.R. 3 0 O O box ...... 0 4 4 Withers, Mrs 0 10 Bev H. B. Salt. 10 O Under 10s...... 2 13 O O Subscription : Collections 7 5 11 O O By Miss Cane. Do., for W& O 2 12 0 By Mrs E. Jackson. Do., Cholsey... 0 7 0 10 O Butler, M r 0 10 2 O Jackson, Mr F. 1 1 0 Do., for Congo 0 16 Weekly Pence by 15 O Cane, Miss...... 1 0 STEEATLEY. Do., for W

Boxes bÿ Boxes by JBucftinflbamsbire. Patterson, Janet 2 2 9 Baker, Mr C 0 8 1 "Webb, Lizzie 2 3 0 Cross, Miss L. ... 0 15 9 Webb, Archie ...16 0 Ewell, Miss ...... 0 7 8 AMEBSHAM. Ellaway, Miss J. 0 4 9 Seymour, Mrs 1 10 0 Under 6s 0 2 0 Freeman, Miss... 1 11 7 Lower Baptist Chapel. Sborney, Misses 0 10 0 27 4 5 60 10 8 Sunday-school... 0 12 0 Bev J. W. Colley. Less expenses 0 13 0 Troughton, Miss Less expenses 0 6 6 0 6 0 Collections ...... 3 7 8 26 17 11 Do., for W $ 0 1 0 0 49 17 8 For N P, by Contribs.,S.-sch. 8 11 4

Bird, F...... 0 2 3 £21 of above sum for CHESHAM. Lardner, M. 0 2 0 support of \two Native Subscriptions : Lower Chapel. Lydford, P...... 0 2 10 preachers, India. Holt, Mr J...... 0 10 0 Salt, Cecil...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Bev L. G. Carter, Sercombe, E .... 0 4 0 WOKINGHAM. Collections 6 2 2 Shepherd, E. 0 2 8 13 14 0 Under 2s...... 0 4 2 Do., for W Jr 0 2 2 0 Rev J. Cave. Less expenses 0 7 0 Do., juvenile... 0 9 4 Contribs.,Sun-sch. 6 19 11 46 0 3 Collections 6 10 11 13 7 0 Less expenses 0 12 0 Do., for W

Boxes by GOLD HILL. CHEAKSLEY. Lo osely b o w . Collection ...... 0 6 8 Atkins, M rsF.... 0 $ 2 Collections 2 0 1 Sunday School... 0 6 6 Collections 1 5 6 Barnes, Mr C. ...0 7 0 Contribs., S.-soh. 3 0 0 Bible class ..... 0 7 10 MissOakley’sbox 0 9 9 Bateman, Miss N. 0 14 2 Miss Gregory’s finmm, Mrs ...... 0 4 6 5 0 1 box ...... 0 5 2 1 15 3 Hoare, Mrs W.... 0 4 7 How, Miss E. ... 0 8 2 11 12 10 Keen, Mr G 0 4 4 0 18 4 Keen, Mr H 0 3 3 MURSLEY. GBEAT MAELOW. Palmer, Miss I... 0 8 0 10 14 6 Payne, Mrs \V.... 0 7 9 Bev. J. A. Andrews. Pearce, Mrs G.... 0 2 0 Collections 0 10 10 Beading, Miss E. 0 7 0 Do., public Coll., for W & O 0 11 0 Rogers, Miss L. 0 13 0 meeting 1 17 2 HIGH WYCOMBE. Contribs., S.-sch. 0 14 0 Sedgwick, Mr E. 0 1 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 11 10 Stratford, Mr C. 0 5 0 Do., for W o.,iorW& 0 0 10 0 Less expenses Do., for W& O 1 6 0 Wall, Beatrice ... 0 2 9 Towersey ...... 3 6 8 (10s. 6d.) and Contrib., S.-sch. 6 0 9 Weedon, Mrs ... 0 1 6 Do., for W t O 0 4 6 Home Mis­ Cuddington ...... 0 8 0 sions (£810s.) 9 0 6 Boxes by 7 11 6 Adcock, Mr ...... 0 7 6 Less expenses 0 0 6 Subscriptions. 46 0 9 Bushby, Mr ...... 0 3 8 Crockett, Miss E. 0 5 3 7 11 0 Clarke, Mr E. ... 0 10 0 Clarke, Mr W .... 0 10 0 Dorsett, Mr ..... 1 10 3 LONG CBENDON. Hill, M r...... 0 17 0 Under 10s...... 0 1 0 Prayer meeting 0 7 9 Bogers, Miss...... 0 5 6 FENNY STRATFOBD. Boxes by Bev J. L. Cooper. Horton,Miss,class 0 15 1 16 9 8 Bev H. S. Smith. Contribs.,S.-sch. 0 10 0 Horton, Miss A. 0 5 6 Coll., for W Js 0 1 0 0 Less expenses 0 10 0 Bose, Miss, class 0 3 8 CoU., for W # O 1 0 0 Simmons, E 0 1 6 1 10 0 15 19 8 Sunday School... 1 6 4 1895.] BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CAMBRIDGESHIRE.

QUAINTON. WRAYSBURY. Bird, Mr J. B. ... 1 1 0 Fyson, M r 0 10 0 Bird, Mr and Mrs Gifford, Mr F. ... 0 10 0 Rev H. J. Lester. Collection« 5 10 1 W. K...... 1 0 0 Mansfield, Mr S. 1 1 0 Sunday-school... 0 16 10 Bowes, Mr => ...... 1 0 0 Maris, Mr H 0 10 0 Collection ...... 1 16 0 Foster, Mr J. E. 1 0 0 Rickett, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Do., for VT & 0 0 6 8 Foster, Miss 0 10 0 Shippey, Mr G .. 0 10 0 Boxes by Johnson.MrW.H. 2 0 0 Tarn, Rov T. G... 1 1 0 2 2 Macmillan, Mr... 1 0 0 Warren, Mr G.... 1 0 0 8 A. Y. B...... 3 19 0 Watts, Mr J. S., Watta, Mr J. S... 0 10 6 Bailey, A. and E. 0 3 1 the lftto ...... 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 2 19 0 Cartwright, J. 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 14 6 SPEEN. 1 Clark, H. G...... 1 0 0 1895. Holloway, Miss.. 0 9 4 By Miss Nutter. Rev W. Harrison. M. M. D...... 3 lb 0 Apthorpe. Mr G. 0 10 0 Roscndale ...... 1 0 0 Bidwelt, Mrs 0 10 0 Bird, Mr W. K .. 0 10 O Collection ...... 0 11 6 The Cottage...... 2 0 0 Doggett, Mr S'. C. 1 10 0 Bird, M iss 0 10 0 Do., for W (fro 0 10 0 Watts, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Holmden.Mr S. N. 1 1 O’ Bond, Mr W 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 3 3 Worth, Mrs ...... 0 8 0 Liilev, Mr W. E. 1 1 0 Brown, Mr E 0 10 0 Lilley, MissC. ... 0 10 0 Foster, Mr G. E. 5 0 0 2 4 9 10 15 4 Mansfield, Mr S. 20 0 0 Foster, Mr C. F. 5 0 0 Mansfield, Mr A. 1 0 0 Foster, Mr J. E... 1 1 0 Nutter, Mr Smith 2 2 0 Fyson, M r 0 10 0 £29110 1 Nutter, Miss 0 10 0 Mansfield, Mr S. 1 1 0 STANTONBURY. Nutter, Miss R. 1 0 0 ; Maris, Mr H 0 10 0 Tarn, Rev T. G. 3 0 0 Rickett, Mr 2 2 0 Collection ...... 0 12 0 Shippey, Mr G... 0 10 0 Do., for W tb U 0 10 6 j By Miss Johnson. Tarn, Rev T. G... 1 1 0 Cambridgeshire. Barker, Mr J. B. 1 1 0 |Warren, Mr G.... 1 1 0 Hodson, Mrs 0 10 G : Under 10s...... 2 14 0 CAMBRIDGE. Johnson, Mr H. 0 10 6 1 Johnson, Miss C. 1 0 0; 905 2 2 STONY STRATFORD. St. Andrew’ s Street. Ì Peters, Miss 1 1 0 j Sheldrick.MrJ.F. 0 10 0 Rev S. Cheshire. Rev T. G. Tam. ; Smith, Mr C. W. 0 15 6 : CA.MBBIDGS. Smith, Mr & Mrs. Collection ...... 3 10 10' Collections 37 15 9 G.J...... 1 1 0 Mill Road. Do., Lough ton 0 18 4j Do., for W

For N P, by GBANTCHESTER. MELBOURN. WISBECH. Rev R. A. BelsViam. Cox, W. H 0 6 : Contrïbs., S.-sch. 6 United Meetings. Kelsey, W. B. ... 0 Dc., for A P ... 0 Collection ...... 1 10 6 Pentelow, L 0 Y.P.S.C.E., for Collection ...... 4 4 2 Wakefield, S. ... 0 Subscription : W&O...... 0 10 7 Juvenile service 1 7 0 Profit on tea 0 15 6 Dilley, Miss ...... 1 15 0 2 7 1 6 6 8 2 17 6 CHATTERIS. PRICKWILLOW. 3 9 2 GREAT SHELFORD. Rev W. K. Bryce. Coll., for W&O 0 5 0 Coll., for W & O 1 0 0 Rev. D. Bruce. Do., for Debt . 0 14 0 Collections, &c... 7 G For NP, by Upper Hill Street. Do., for W tt O 1 0 Rev J. W. Campbell. CHERRYHINTON. Contribs., for NP 0 14 Cross, Georgiana 0 2 8 Campbell, P. D. 0 0 6 Collections ...... 7 7 0 Contribs., S.-soli. 0 5 Lee, Alice M...... 0 3 9 Do. Yictoria-rd. 1 10 0 Do., for N P ... 0 11 Leonard, A. A. ... 0 5 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 17 1 3 Peachey, Matilda 0 3 2 Southwell, Mr, 0 16 «3 Turner,Elizabeth 0 4 4 Bible-class ... 1 2 6 HADDENHAM. Boxes ...... 0 17 11 CHESTERTON. Rev. W. Higgins. Subscriptions: Coll., for W & O 1 10 0 A Friend, per Rev T. T. Ball. Rev J. W. Collection ...... 1 15 2 Subscriptions: S WAVE SB Y. 0 10 0 6 Do., forTF & O 1 0 0 Biddall, Mrs 1 10 0 Rev B. G. Knight. V.O 10 Contribs., B.-sch. 1 12 4 4 0 0 Tebbutt, Mr W... 1 10 0 Collections ...... 2 11 9 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 10 9 1 1 0 6 2 6 Dawbam, Mrs G. 1 0 0 5 2 0 Edginton, Mr J. 1 0 0 Gardiner, Mrs ... 2 0 0 COTTENHAM. Gardiner, Miss... 2 0 0 Rev C. T. Allen. HARSTON. Gardiner,MrF.J. 1 0 0 TRUMPIN GTON. Gardiner,MrsF.J . 0 10 0 Collections...... 6 0 5 Rev F. Potter. Contribution ... 0 2 10 Gromitt,Mrs J.E. 0 10 0 Do.,for W&O 1 0 0 Hewitt, Mr J. W. u 16 0 Minister’s fee ... 1 10 0 Collections 4 1 King, Mrs (spel.) 2 0 0 Do.,for W&O 0 15 Markillie, Mr ... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Contribs., for NP 3 0 WATERBEACH. Osborn, Mr R. H. 0 10 0 Rev H. Jenner. Southwell, Mr & Bull, MrW. ,, 0 10 0 7 16 8 Mi «-A...... 1 1 0 Cross, Mr J...... 2 0 0 Collection ...... 2 8 6 . 1 0 0 Few, Miss E. ... 0 10 0 Do., for W&O 1 0 0 2 2 0 Goode, Mrs F. ... 1 0 0 5 3 11 Norman, Mr F. .. 0 10 0 HISTON. 3 8 6 Piggott, Mr A .... 1 0 0 56 14 1 Smith, Mr John 1 0 0 Rev R. Smith. Less cost of Smith, Mr Josiah 0 10 0 Heralds...... 2 8 3 Smith, Mr Tom 0 10 0 Collections 3 9 Do., for W& O 0 16 WHITTLESEA. Todd, Mr Ezra... 0 10 0 54 5 10 Todd, Mr John 0 10 0 Boxes ...... 1 2 Collections 1 5 6 Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Miss Torbell’s prayer-meeting WISBECH. Boxes by class...... 1 1 0 Piggott, Miss ... 0 3 8 Sunday school... 1 5 6 Ely Place. Smith, Mrs J. ... 0 13 5 Rev A. G. Everett. LANDBEACH. 3 12 0 Collection ...... 2 0 Collections ...... 4 3 10 Do., for W tt O Do., for W de U 1 1 0 (2 years) 1 0 Prayer meetings 1 16 8 WILBURTON. Contribs.,S.-sch. 3 5 6 GAMLINGAY. Contribution 0 11 0 Rev H. J. Milledge. Subscriptions: By Miss S. E. Anderson. Collections 5 13 Boxes ...... 2 2 WILLINGHAM. Anderson.MrC.B. 0 10 0 MARCH. Dawbarn, Mr G. 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Rev J. Carvath. Centenary Chapel. Hutchinson, MrW. 0 10 0 Dew, Mrs ...... 0 10 Coll., for W&O 0 12 0 Mancrief, Mr ... 0 10 0 Grey, Mrs J 0 10 Rev I. L. Near. Conorib., for NP 0 17 2 Peggs, Misses ... 0 10 0 'J yars, M r 0 10 6 8 I!) Coll., for W & O 2 2 Wherry, Mrs 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 1 3 0 1895.] CAMBRIDGESHIRE — CHESHIRE.

By Miss Halford. CHESTER. Boxes by Gbesbire. Halford, Mrs and Grosvenor Park. Miss...... 0 12 0 Bennet, M rs..... 0 4 0 ALTRINGHAM. Diver, Mrs...... 0 11 3 Jones, Mrs J. C. 0 10 6 Rev J. B. Morgan. Walker, Mrs and Houghton, Mrs . 0 14 2 Sunday-school... 0 3 0 Tabernacle. Miss...... 0 12 0 Collections 4 7 8 Under 10s .... 1 5 6 Rev F. C. Lloyd. 4 2 11 Contributions ... 23 1 2 Do., for N P... 1 9 4 By Miss Pooley. Coll., for W If O 0 11 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 19 7 0 10 0 28 18 3 S. E...... MILDENHALL. Subscriptions ... 5 11 9 Under 10s...... 0 4 0 Self-denial week 1 6 0 Rev H. M. Burt Collected by 16 11 10 Baker, Mrs . , 0 6 0 Collection ...... 1 0 2 FRODSHAM. Bothamley, Mrs 0 9 9 Do., for W&O 0 10 0 Dawbarn, Mrs R. 0 16 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 18 8 Union Church. AUDLEM. Mehew, Mrs ... . 0 8 0 Rev A. H. Sayers. Pratt, Miss L. ... 1 2 5 Boxes by Rev J. F. Matthews. Stubbing, Mrs ... 0 5 0 Brown, Annie ... 0 2 10 Contributions .. 4 10 3 Teed, Mrs ...... 0 4 0 Burt, Mrs, young Collections ...... 0 13 5 Thirkle, Mrs..... 0 4 G ladies ...... 1 5 0 Do., servants 0 8 0 Do., for W & O 0 4 0 Before Grace Boxes. Davey, Mrs ,. . 0 17 1 Sunday-school... 0 15 7 Gee, Miss L...... 0 6 1 Contribs., forNP 0 5 0 HASLIN GTON. Bedford, Miss ... 0 3 5 Gee, Mrs...... 0 3 Clayden, Mrs ... 0 3 3 3 1 18 0 Collections 2 6 0 Holmes, Miss ... 0 4 11 Do., for W

ISLEHAM. 6 7 0 CHESTER. Contributions ... 5 1 6 Pound Lane. 1148 13 6 Welsh Chapel. Less expenses, Rev. M. F. Wynne. LITTLE LEIGH. Rev J. A. Wilson. £4 8s. 8d., and Collections ...... 2 0 0 balaiiceinhand, Collections 0 14 0 Rev J. Aldis, Junr. £15 13s. 8d...... 20 2 4 Subscriptions ... 0 9 6 Subscription : Collections ...... 1 0 4 £1128 11 2 1 3 6 Rigby, Miss, box 1 15 0 Wilson,Rev J. A. 0 10 6 Sunday-school... 0 11 0 13* x x x i i CHESHIRE— CORNWALL. [1895.

Subweriptions : | TAEPOELEY. For N P, by REDRUTH. Aldis, E^v J. juu. 1 0 0 Collections ...... Hooper, E...... 0 2 3 Eev F. W. Rejno'ds. Barber, Mr ...... 1 0 .0 Do., for W it 0 Kitto, AlifcS 0 6 0 Sun.-sch , Girls M ynard, H!...... 0 3 0 6 6 4 Do., Boys Pirigeon, A. L... 0 7 0 0 1 10 White,William .. 0 5 1 Subscriptions : 5 4 6 4 7 0 ST. AUSTELL. AstOD, Mr Jos. 5 0 0 j Aston, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Eev E. Osborne. MACCLESFIELD. j Aston, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 FALMOUTH. Aston, Mr R 1 0 0 Collections 3 0 0 Eev E. A. Hobby. ! Aston, Mr and Eev C. T. Johnson. Do.,pub mtng. 2 10 0 I Mrs John ...... 0 10 0 Collections...... 7 5 0 Proceeds of tea 4 12 11 Coll. for W

Hough, A. B. ... 0 9 1 00 15 4 1 ** 1 1 ** 1 Rev H. Smart. Weekly Pence by 16 14 6 For N P, by Less expenses 0 0 6 Davey, Ida ...... 0 7 McFadyean, Mrs 1 7 4 WARFORD & BEAM- Gynn, Annie 0 5 Stumbles, Miss A. 1 4 0 15 14 0 HALL. Strike, A...... 0 10 Under Is 0 0 For N P, by Eev J. Davenport. Blight, G...... 0 3 6 POYNTON. 1 3 8 Downe, A 1 0 0 ColL for I f i O 0 8 0 0 0 4 Nicholson, B 0 8 7 Rev G. Walker. Nicholson, M. J. 0 2 0 Collections...... 2 11 9 £ 1 7 8 19 4 1 3 4 Paine, A...... 0 4 0 Do., for W ifr 0 0 7 6 Widdecombe, A. 0 3 5 Sunday-school... 1 19 4 Boxes by LISKEARD. 25 7 1ft Ashton, Miss A. 0 4 4 Rev C. F. Perry. Birch, Miss H. .. 0 7 8 Cornwall, Contributions ... 4 16 0 Butterworth, TRUEO. Miss A ...... 0 8 2 Cashmore, G. A. 0 4 0 Rev F. G. Smith. Dakin, Miss S.... 0 6 3 CALSTOCK PENZANCE. Isherwood, Mi ssA. 0 n 2 AND METHERILL. Clarence Street. Collections..... 1 19 Unwin, Harold... 0 7 e Subscriptions 3 16 Walker, Miss 0 17 6 Rev A. Pidgeon. Collections 6 Under 2s...... , 0 1 7 Do., for FT it O 1 6 15 0 Collections...... 1 6 8 10 0 Do., for Wdk 0 0 10 £ 1 3 8 1 10 Sun.-sch. box ... I 7 3 895]. CUMBERLAND— DERBYSHIRE. x x x i i i

Cumberland. Pearmain, E 0 7 DERBY. Subscriptions : Powers, Mrs 0 2 United Meetings. By Miss Ellis. CARLISLE. 3 9 Ellis, Mr E. C. ...220 Collection,public Ellis, Miss (don.) 1 0 6 Rev F. C. Haggart. meeting 16 11 Under 10s...... 0 7 C £ 2 8 16 Do., children s Contribs., S.-soh. 1 4 6 service ...... 4 13 I By Mrs Mills. Proceeds of ! Hall, Mr W 0 10 6 Exhibition 4 18 2>erbgsbire. j By Miss E. A. Hill. GREAT BROUGHTON. Ji ‘Abell, Mr fm ..., 0 10 6 BELPER. Rev A. Greer. ¡Allsop, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Cho erton, Mr G. 2 2 0 Collections ...... 3 15 Collection...... 0 12 0 DEEBX. I Cooper.Mr&MrsG. 0 10 6 Do., for W* # O 0 10 ! Fearn, Mr & Mis 0 10 0 Boses by Trinity Chapel. I Frost, Mrs 1 1 0 Subscription: ! Hawksworth, Mr Lister, Philip ... 0 9 0 Bakewell,Mr and Rev W. F. Harris. and M rs 0 10 6 Wood, Wilson ... 0 10 9 Mrs Jas 2 2 Hill, Mrs James 1 1 0 Collections 4 12 9 Hill, Miss E. Ada 1 1 0 1 11 9 Collected by Do., for W & O 1 15 0 Salisbury,RevJ., Less expenses 0 2 G Bakewell, Miss A. 1 6 I M.A...... 0 15 0 Subscriptions: ; Warner, M> John 0 10 6 7 13 ! Juvenile Society. By Miss Shilton. Less expenses 0 4 Annual collectn. 4 7 9 A. H. S...... 2 0 0 Collection ...... 2 16 0 MARYPORT. 7 9 2 A. L. S...... 0 10 0 Contribs., for iVP 1 12 0 C. S...... 1 0 0 Rev W. H. Elliott. Dawbarn.MrR.Y. 1 1 0 By Miss Cholerton. CHELLASTON. E. L. S...... 0 10 0 Collections 1 1 7 Ford. Mr W 0 10 0 Bryer, Mr G 1 0 0 Contribs., Central Collection ...... 1 2 Harris, RevW.F. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 8 Sunday-school 8 13 3 Haslam.MrW. G. 1 1 0 Do .Grasslot do. 0 13 11 H. M. S...... 0 10 0 Collected by Do., Netherton 0 6 Holbrook, Mr F. 0 10 0 Ashover, F 0 11 1 CHESTERFIELD. I. M. S...... 0 10 0 Bowler, A 0 17 5 Subscriptions : King, Mr J 0 10 0 Carline, M 0 17 3 Anonymous ...... 0 10 0 Rev R. I. Mesquitta. Potts, Miss 0 10 0 Cholerton, E 0 14 6 Simpson, MrE.H. 0 10 6 Cooper, T 2 4 1 Banks & Hewitt, Collections 4 11 9 Messrs...... 1 1 0 Stones, Mrs M.... 1 0 0 Dorling, K 1 15 2 Do., for W& O 0 17 7 Under 10s...... 4 9 8 Doughty, B. H... 1 9 7 Hine, Mr A 3 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 2 2 Hine, Mr W 3 0 0 j Doughty, G. A... 1 19 8 Collected by I Doughty, K 1 6 4 Robinson,MrH.A. 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Under 10s...... 1 5 0 Eccleshare, E .... 4 11 8 Taylor,MrH.E. J. 0 10 0 Eaton, Lillie 1 4 11 ; Handy, E 0 11 2 Alawbey, Harry 0 10 6 Hendiey, D 1 7 4 Boxes by By Misses Lamb and Mawbey, Tom ... 1 2 4 Marriott. Milner, Arthur... 1 11 6 Hill, H. 0...... 2 16 3 Collins, Sarah ... 0 6 1 • Hill, W...... 0 16 10 Burton, Miss .. ,, 0 10 0 Moore, Fred 0 3 5 Mills, F...... 0 14 6 Crone, Mr, and Wilkinson, Arthur 1 11 8 family...... 0 8 10 Haslam,Mr W.L. 0 10 0 Mills, J...... 0 15 8 Lamb, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Moore, M...... 0 12 4 Elliott, Gertie ... 0 5 3 Boxes by Hansen, Dora ... 0 10 0 Marriott, Miss... 0 10 6 Wilmot, E 1 4 2 Sharp, Mrs ..... 0 7 6 S. E...... 5 0 0 Beattie, Minnie, Under 10s...... 3 1 11 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Under 5s 0 5 8 and Lilley 1 0 0 Willington. Edie...... 0 7 9 Collections 3 2 0 22 17 22 9 0 Holbrook, Mr ... 0 6 2 7 2 2 6 0 4 3 Ida ...... 0 7 1 Junction Street. Sunday-school... 5 5 4 22 13 4 20 6 6 Rev P. A. Hudgell. 35 19 7 Collections 2 2 0 CLAY CROSS. WORKINGTON. (£4 of above for sup- i Boyer Street. Rev J. H. Brookt-bank. Collection ...... 1 G : port o f Bidnu Mukhi ¿»'Collections 0 13 Do., for W 4r O 0 H 0 Cuttack Orphanage.) j Collection ...... 1 3 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 11 Littleover. Sewing class 10 0 0 Collections 1 2 0 Subscription : Subscription: Brooksbank, Rev St Mary's Gate. J. H...... 1 0 0 Slater, Mr E 2 DERBY. Collected by Rev. Abi aham Mills. Boxes by Osmaston Road. Wheeler, Miss ... O Collections 10 11 Bennett, Sam ... 0 3 6 bo., for W

Subscriptions : By Miss Reynolds. Subscription : LOS COE. By Mrs Underwood. Jephson, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Stevenson, Miss 5 0 Bev W. F. Harris. Underwood, Rev Jephson, Mr T. 1 4 0 W., D.D...... 1 0 0 McIntyre, Mr and Collected by Collections 3 0 0 Underwood, Rev Mrs ...... 0 10 0 A., m.a...... 0 10 0 Taylor, Mr E. ... 0 12 0 Abell, Miss ...... 0 10 Under 10s...... 1 5 0 Mills, Miss W. ... 0 13 Underwood,Mies 0 10 0 ME AS HAM AND Under 10s...... 0 18 3‘ Wilton, Miss 0 13 By Miss Renwick. NETHERSEAL. By Mrs T. H. Harrison. 13 8 0 Renwick, Mr and 0 3 0 Bennett, Mr W. l i p - Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Rev W. S. Lord. Winfield, Mr and Harrison,Mr and 13 5 0 MEASHAM. Mrs ...... 5 0 -6 Mrs W. 0 12 0 McConnell, Mr J. 0 10 6, Under 10s...... 0 11 10 Collections 3 15 6 Moore, Mrs 0 12 0 Do., for W & O 1 18 0 Moore, Mr J. M. 0 10 6 By Miss R. Munton. HEANOR. Contribs., S.-sch. 3 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 1 0 Munton, Miss E. 0 10 0 Collec. (less ex­ Subscriptions: By Mrs Cholerton. Under 10s...... 1 3 3 penses) ...... 2 0 Boss, Mr M 1 0 0 Bennett,Mr T. H. 1 0 0 Boss, Mr W. H.... 0 10 0 Boam, MrC 0 10 0 Collected by Cholerton, Mr Lord, Rev W. S. 0 10 6 Goodall, Mrs, box 1 3 0 ILKESTON. Orzell, MrM. ... 0 10 0 and Mrs J 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Mursell, Rev J. Harrison,Miss A. 1 2 1 South Street. and Mrs 4 4 0 Horobin, Miss ... 1 3 8 Mursell, J. L 0 12 0 Hudson,Miss..... 0 17 10 Collections...... 1 17 1 Collected by Storer, Mrs ...... 1 4 4 Contribs. for Ottewell, Mr A. Tudor, Miss .... 0 12 0 Orzell,MissClara 3 (don.) ...... 1 1 0 0 5 0 Orzell,Miss Mary 0 0 4 0 Under 10s...... 0 14 3 Juvenile Auxiliary. JTETHEBSEAI,. By Mrs Lamb. Sund.-sch.classes 20 3 4 Subscription : lam b, Mrs 2 2 0 Collections 1 Collected by Briggs, Mr Wm. 0 10 Miss Richardson’s Lamb,Miss M. B. 0 1:’ 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 Smith, Mr J 0 10 6 box ...... 0 Barton, Miss ___ 0 17 8 Stevenson, Mrs 0 10 6 Collected by Under 10s...... 2 13 9 Bennett, Walter 1 2 11 Subscriptions : Horobin, Miss ... 0 1 2 0 0 Statham, Miss J. 0 7 5 Barnes, Mr B. ... 1 6 7 Shakespeare, Mr 1 By Mrs Woodroffe. Manners, Mrs ... 0 3 10 Tagg, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Bennett, Mr and Winfield, Misses 0 7 3 Potter, M iss...... 1 6 6 Mrs S., jun. ... 1 4 0 102 1 9 Spencer,Miss ... 2 8 0 APPLEBT. Earp, Mr and Wheeldon, Miss 0 15 8 Mrs F...... 1 4 0 Wilmot, Miss ... 1 3 4 Contributions ... 0 4 6 Stevenson, Mrs 0 10 6 Winfield, Mrs T. 0 10 0 DEBBY. 10 13 1 19 13 6 Woodroffe, Mr Less expenses 0 18 6 Less expenses 0 3 0 and M rs 1 4 0 Watson Street. Under 10s...... 2 8 6 0 13 7 19 10 0 Collections...... 2 11 1 By Mrs George. Fielding,Mr&Mrs 0 12 0 Subscriptions IIiKZSTOIT. MELBOURNE. George, Rev&Mrs 0 12 0 By Miss Hatfield. Queen Street. Goodall, Mr & Rev D. Chinnery. Mrs W 0 12 0 Rev G. D. JeScott. Dean, Mr G. .... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 5 Collections, &c... 5 1 Collections 8 2 7 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Do., for W&O 1 2 7 By Mrs Marhin. Subscriptions: Machia, Mrs 0 10 0 Collected by 5 6 6 0 5 3 Under 10s...... 1 6 0 Gray, Walter ... 1 3 0 Berrisford, M r... 2 0 0 Hemming, Mrs... 0 2 0 5 1 3 Dunnicliffe.MrT. 0 10 0 By Mrs Matthews. King, Miss G. ... 0 5 3 Earp, M rs 2 2 0 Hunt, Mrs 0 10 0 Roome, William 0 3 6 Earp, Miss M. B. 0 10 6 Ottewell, Mr and Seal, Ada ...... 0 5 10 Hair, Mrs ...... 0 10 G Mrs A 2 2 0 Seal, Arthur.... 0 6 6 LANGLE 7 MILL. Jefferson, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 10 6 Smith, Miss H. 0 5 6 Richardson, Mr 5 0 0 Upton, Miss R.... 0 5 0 Collections 3 0 Tomlinson, Miss 5 0 0 By Mrs A. Moore. Do.,forIF£0 0 10 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Argyle, Mr & Mr3 0 12 0 6 13 8 Moore.Mr & Mrs, Collected by and family... 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 1 9 6 Bedells, Miss E. 2 4 0 DUFFIELD. LONG EATON. 'l’ivey, Miss E .... 1 18 6 By Mrs Offiler. Chapel Street. Juvenile Auxiliary. Bennett, Mr S., Collections...... 3 1 0 Bev E, Webb. sen...... 1 1 0 Do., for IV4- O 1 0 0 Boys’ school 0 18 8 Offiler, Mrs 1 1 0 Do., Public Contributions ... 2 2 Girls’ school ... 1 3 0 •Under 10s...... 1 10 10 meeting ...... 2 10 0 Do., gfnior class 1 17 1 1895.] DERBYSHIRE DEVONSHIRE. XXXV

Collected by Juvenile Auxiliary. SWANWICK. Harris, Miss 0 3 3 Hodge, Miss ... 0 3 3 Ensor, Amy ...... 0 8 10 Sun.-sch. (boys) 0 19 3 Rev W. C. Sage, M.A Lang, Mr J. H.... 0 7 2 Do. (girls; 0 17 11 MurfixL, Bertha... 2 0 11 Boxes ...... 1 18 8 8 18 Collected by Collections...... 1 4 4 36 5 8 Do., for W Jc O 0 12 0 Loss expenses 0 3 Less expenses 0 15 0 Clatworchy.B. A. 0 5 Clegg, Margaret 0 6 Collected by 35 10 8 Turner, Clara ... 0 8 10 Wall, Jessie ...... 0 2 Barratt, Miss B. 3 8 8 Haslarn, Miss ... 0 2 6 RID DINGS. 11 12 10 Walker, Miss F. 1 11 8 ASH WATER DISTRICT. Less expenses 0 3 Rev W. C. Sage, B.D. 8 17 10 Contributions ... 2 10 0 Collections 1 6 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 12 2 WIRKSWORTH, &o. BAMPTON. Collected by SMALLEY. Rev B. Noble. Rev E. Scott. Parkin, Miss A. 0 14 6 Rev E. Hilton. Bradshaw, Mr W. 1 12 4 Collections: Collection ...... 0 15 0 Boxes by 7 4 0 Contribs,, S.-sch. 1 5 0 Hilton, E .. 0 15 10 Wirksworth ... 3 18 1 Ratcliffe, Thos... 0 4 2 Shottle...... 2 0 9 Stafford, Chas 0 9 2 Bonsall ...... 0 8 10 RIPLEY. Wright, Jas 0 11 10 Noble, Mrs, class 1 0 0 Bible-class box... 0 8 0 Collections 3 3 11 2 1 0 BARNSTAPLE. Young men s Less expenses 0 2 6 Subscriptions Bible class 1 1 11 Boutport Street. Hatchett, Mr J. 0 10 6 Youngwomen’sdo. 1 0 8 1 18 6 Rev G. R. Hem. Infant class 0 16 5 Hunt, Mr & Mrs R...... 0 10 0 Collections 5 11 3 Subscriptions. Noble, Rev B. ... 0 10 6 Do., for W & 0 1 0 0 SWADLINCOTE. Starkey, Mr J.H. 0 10 6 Sunday-school... 3 8 3 Argile, Mr, sen. ..100 Wheatcroft, Mr Do., Bradiford 0 10 -0 Argile, Mr, jun... 1 0 0 Rev K. Bond. G. H. 0 10 0 Do.,Green-lane 0 8 2 Bembridge, Mr... 1 0 0 Do., In Memo- Bible-class ..... 0 10 8 Collections 5 4 4 riam, Howard Contribs., for N P 2 4 0 Collected by Do., for W & O 1 8 4 Wilkins , 1 0 0 Missionary social 1 0 11 Wilkins, Mrs , 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Adams, Adeline' 0 3 1 Adult class ...... 1 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Argile, Mansfield 2 4 11 Hartshorne ...... 0 5 10 Blackwell, Mr F. 1 10 0 Barfield, Alfred 0 10 0 12 17 2 Fletcher, Misses 2 2 0 Gee, Nellie 13 4 Subscriptions : Less expenses 0 12 9 Do., for W <$■ O 1 1 0 Gibson,. Ada „.... 1 3 10 Morris, Mr 0 10 0 Grundy, John ... 0 4 0 Bond, EtfcvK. ... 2 0 0 12 4 5 Packer, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Lee, Hilda 0 19 2 Buckley, Mr H... 0 10 0 Prideaux, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Richards, Mr W. 0 10 6 Milaes, Joseph .. 0 12 8 Clarke, Mr E 0 10 0 488 6 0 Oldham, Albert 1 12 8 Goodman, Mr W. 0 10 6 Less district Under 10s...... 2 12 6 Pickering, Elizth. 1 12 8 Toplis, Mr C. ... 0 10 0 expenses.... 2 18 5 Smith, Elizabeth 1 4 3 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Boxes by Stanley, Florence 1 5 10 Friend...... 0 1 5 Under 2s 0 0 8 Collected by £485 6 7 Dobbs, M iss 0 10 0 Hood, A...... 0 3 7 22 0 0 Cholerton, Miss 2 4 2 Prideaux, J. H. 0 12 0 Richards, Ethel 0 7 4 Juvenile Auxiliary. 2>ev>on6btre. Richards, W. H. 0 12 9 SAWLEY. Collection ...... 3 10 8 Tucker, Miss E. 3 1 4 Girls’ classes 4 9 2 Turner, W 0 5 0 Collections... 2 15 0 Boys’ do...... 4 8 8 APPLEDORE. Do., for IF 4 0 0 7 6 28 12 3 Collected by Rev W. L. Crathem. Less expenses 0 9 0 Subscriptions: Banton, M. & M. 0 7 0 Collections 3 3 28 3 3 Bennett,MrW.P. 0 10 0 Goodhead, Nellie 0 17 4 Do., for IV <£ O 0 10 Bennett, Mr G.H. 0 10 0 G iodhead, W. & F. 0 11 10 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 6 Frearson, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Goodman, C 0 14 0 BIDEFORD. Winters, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Plummer, L. ... 0 9 6 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Thorp, John 0 16 2 Darracott, Mrs 3 1 Rov F. Durbin. Toplis, M. & M. 0 12 10 Thompson, RevD. 0 10 By Miss A. T. Turner (2 Whetton, S. & H. 0 6 8 Under 10s...... 0 5 Collections 4 14 7 years). Under 5s 0 4 2 S.-sch., fo r sup­ Boxes by port of Chinese Turner, Mr C. ... 1 1 0 33 8 6 Evangelists Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Less expenses 1 17 3 Blackmore, Miss 0 1 under Mr Crathem, Mrs . 0 10 Sknrroclc ...... 10 0 0 Collected by 31 11 3 Darracott, Miss 0 15 Weekly subs. ... 2 3 11 Clegg, Margaret 0 16 8 i Fishwick, Mies ...0 2 Abbotsham ...... 0 13 3 xxxvi DEVONSHIRE. [1895.

Subscriptions : BRAYFORD. CROYDE AND DEVOKBOBT. GEORGEHAM. Morics Square. Bennett, Mr S..,. 0 10 6 Rev J. Breewood. Goaman & Son... 0 10 6 Rev W. Leyshon. Rev H. N. Mitchell. Hanson,Mr W.D. 1 1 0 Collection ...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 19 6 Collections. 5 0 0 Subscriptions : Do., special ... 3 15 0 21 13 3 Bament, Mr G ... 2 0 0 Do.,atMrStone- 0 11 0 BRIXHAM. Under 10s...... 0 7 6 lake’s valedic­ tory service 7 15 6 21 2 3 Rev W. A. Barker. 2 7 Do., for W&O I 4 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 8 11 Collections ...... 2 7 7 Y ouiigmen's class, Do , for W & O 0 10 6 lor Congo ..... 1 10 0 BOVEY TRACEY. Sunday-school... 13 15 8 CULLOMPTON. Rev J. Home. Subscriptions: Collections 1 13 0 Subscriptions: Do., for W & O 0 5 0 Collections 7 7 11 A Friend, for Sunday-school... 0 12 0 Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Barker.RevW.A. 0 10 0 Mitchell,RevH.N. 1 1 0 Tully, Mr W. G. 1 1 0 Boxes by Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 0 2 0 Collected by Dear, Miss. 0 10 7 Holman, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Harris, Prank... 0 3 0 Box by Smith, Mr C. K. 2 0 0 Bradshaw. Mrs... 1 8 0 Northage, Mrs... 1 12 1 Haydon, Miss R. 0 5 6 Barker, M rs 1 0 0 Haywood, Mr ... 0 14 7 Boxes by White, Miss ...... 1 2 0 Lavers, Miss 0 5 8 19 6 9 Baker, Mrs ...... 0 3 4 28 16 6 Olding, Miss 0 3 6 Less expenses 0 10 0 Buruard, Mrs & Smith, Mrs ...... 0 JO 0 Miss...... 0 13 0 Steer, Mr ...... 0 7 10 Labdon, M rs 0 5 10 DEVONPOBT. Steer, Walter ... 0 3 9 Spurway, Miss... 0 3 2 Pembroke Street. Tucker, Mr ...... 0 8 9 Taylor, Miss 0 5 1 Turner, Sydney 0 4 9 Rev. J. Hines. BUDLEIGH SAL- White, Miss 0 16 2 11 18 4 Collection ...... 0 12 3 Under 2s 0 2 11 TERTON. Less expenses 0 4 6 For N P, by Rev W. Sullivan. 11 13 10 DOLTON, &c. Winkle, Alice ... 0 5 6 Collection ...... 0 14 0 Wyatt, Rhoda... 0 5 6 Do.,for W & 0 0 5 0 Rev G. J. Whiting. Subscription 0 5 0 Contributions ... 2 7 0 7 18 0 Sunday-school... 0 10 0 DARTMOUTH. Rev J. G. Scott. 1 14 0 Collections 2 8 3 EXETER. BRADNINCH. Do., for W ¿eO 0 15 0 South Street. Praver Union Rev R. C. Lemin. CHUDLEIGH. Subs ...... 1 11 0 RevD. P. McPherson,B.D. Collections 5 16 2 Sunday-school... 2 16 10 Rev C. Stovell. Collections 7 0 9 Do., for W & O 2 7 2 Do., for W <£ O 0 16 0 James, Mr, cla*s 0 17 9 Collection 1 7 10 Boxes by Penny - a - week Sunday-school... 0 6 6 Do., for W *r O 0 10 0 Irish, Miss 0 13 0 collection ...... 3 9 11 Contribs.,S.-sch. 2 15 11 Scott, Mrs 0 13 1 Prayer meetings 0 12 4 Subscriptions : Do., for N P ... 1 0 8 Sunday-school... 0 5 8 Hepburn,MrT.H. 20 0 0 8 17 2 Do., Wonford .044 Subscription: Less expenses 0 3 6 Subscriptions: By Miss A. Kicks. Woolland, Mrs... 1 0 0 8 13 8 Chudley, Mr W. 1 0 0 Lemin, Rev R. C. 0 10 0 Dunn, Mr F. S.... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Collected by Gibbmgs Mr ... 0 10 0 Merrick,Mr A. B, 0 10 6 By Mrs Ball. Davis, Mrs ...... 1 12 2 DEYONPORT. Puttock, Mr U.S. 0 10 6 Ball, Mrs...... 0 10 0 8 6 7 Rowse. Miss 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 13 9 Hope Chapel. Smith,Mr Tuy lor 1 1 0 Rev A. Braine. Wilson, Mr T. M. 2 2 0 Boxes 1 y Under 10s...... 1 6 0 Collections 4 5 0 Daw, Emma 0 2 1 COMBE MAB.TIN AND Do., for W & O 1 0 0 Dickson, K 0 6 9 21 9 0 EENTISBURY. 0 11 0 Griffin, Rose 0 8 8 Subscriptions: Hepburn, J. P.... 1 6 7 Rev W. Ewens. Richards, W. ... 0 1 10 Braine, Rev A.... 0 10 6 20 18 0 Stumbles,MrW.H. 0 10 6 Collections 1 15 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 35 17 3 Do., for W & O 0 10 6 EXETER. Boxes ...... 3 2 3 Collected by Bartholomew Street. BRATON FLEMING. 5 7 9 Stumbles, Mrs... 0 12 6 Rev E. Francis. Less expenses 0 3 9 Toaer, Mrs 0 8 1 Collection ...... 2 0 0 Contribs., for Self-denial week 2 1 6 Congo...... 1 10 0 7 16 7 Penny - a - week subs...... 0 14 3 1895.] DEVONSHIRE. xxxvii

Subscriptions: I 8HEEPWASH. KINGSBRIDGE. MORETON a AMP- STEAD. Francis, Rev E. 0 10 0 Weekly pence by Rev W. T. Adey. M. 0 ...... 1 1 ® I Jeffery, Mr R. H. 0 3 6 Pike, Rev E. C... 1 1 Collection ...... 1 0 0 Collections...... 12 10 3 Do., for W* 0 0 6 0 Pike, Mrs ...... 0 10 For iV P, by Do., for VV ¿c Ü 1 lú 6 Pike, Miss 0 10 Contribs., forJVP 0 8 4 Jeffery, Miss N... 0 Juvenile Asscn., Pike, Miss A 0 10 for China .... 4 14 9 Pike, Mr 0 ...... 1 0 9 11 13 5 Sunday-school... 5 3 Pike, Mr H 0 10 Yi ung men’soiass 0 7 7 Under 10s...... 1 1 Young women's Bible-class..... 0 10 0 NEWTON ABBOTT. 11 10 HEMYOCK AND Boxes ...... 3 18 6 SAINTHILL. Y.P.S.C.E., for Rev S. Lyne. debt...... 1 10 0 EXMOUTH. Rev J. L. Smith. Do., service < f Collection ...... 5 0 6 soug...... 1 0 0 Do., for W¿k O 1 5 0 Subscriptions: AFriend.Sainthill 0 17 6 Con ribs., S.-sch. 4 13 0 fcLemyock ...... 5 7 3 Subscriptions: Da, tor N P... 0 17 11 Boon, Mr R 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 0 17 6 Prestige, Mr G... 1 1 0 Anon...... 2 0 0 Subscription: Do., for debt... 4 4 0 Hooper, Mr .... 2 0 0 Under 10s.... 0 7 G Jarvis, M s E. ... 1 0 0 Randall, Mies, for Congo ... 0 10 0 HONITON. Under 10d...... 0 15 0 0 5 Rev A. Stock, B.A., B.D. Do. ,f or Congo 0 Collected by F EITHELS TO OK, &c. Collection ...... 1 4 5 38 1 -1 Kerry, Lucy 1 8 Prayer meetings 0 8 8 Less expenses 0 8 0 Lyne, Willie 1 16 Rev A. O. Shaw. Subscription: 37 13 4 19 1 4 Contributions ... 5 0 0 Less expenses 0 3 6 Lille’y, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Boxes by MALBOR UGH AND HATHERLEIGH. Brockway, Mre. 0 8 6 ÜiLCOMBE. Do.,class 0 6 0 Rev G. W. Ball. OKEHAMPTON. Rev C. L. Gordon. Lilley, Miss ...... 0 12 5 Do.,class 0 10 5 Malboiou^U ..... 1 12 4 Kev E. C. Monk. Collections 2 3 1 Matthews, Mrd... 0 4 7 Do., bun.-suh. 1 1 0 Du., lor W <£ u 0 10 0 Sanders, Mrs ... 0 6 0 Salcoinbe ...... 1 2 3 Collection ...... 1 1 7 Slade, C...... 0 1 10 Do., Sun.-sch. 1 6 9 Do., for W& O 0 10 0 Donations: Stock, Mr, class 0 2 6 Chamings, Mr C. 1 0 0 titocK, Mrs, do .. 0 5 3 5 2 4 1 11 7 Gordon,Mrfli Mrs 1 0 0 Do. (don) ...... 0 10 0 Collected by Southcombe, Mr Brockway, Mrs . 0 15 2 MODBURY. PAIGNTON. and Mrs S.... 1 0 0 Lilley, Miss ...... 0 16 6 Rev W. F. Price. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Sanaers, Mrs ... 0 8 0 Rev E. Spanton. Stock, Mrs 0 19 4 Collections 2 19 0 Weekly pence by Collection ...... 2 3 9 Do., for W dc O 0 19 0 Bartlett, Miss ... 0 5 2 7 19 7 Do., for \V&O 0 8 0 Juvenile Aux. ... 4 4 5 Essery, Mias .... 0 5 2 Less o/a last year 1 10 4 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 6 2 Essery, MissM.B. 0 5 0 Subscription; Boxes ...... 0 11 10 6 9 3 Friend, Miss 0 5 0 Rendle, Mr H .... 0 10 6 Knowles, Miss... u 5 0 Subscriptions: Larkworthy,Miss 0 5 4 ILFRACOMBE. Collected by Goodridge.Mrs... 0 10 0 Rftbbich, MrG.M. 1 0 0 Boxes by Rev T. Philpot. Pearse, Miss B... 2 0 9 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Chaining, Miss... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 9 11 For N P, by Gordon, Mrs 0 (i 7 For N P, by Hine, T...... 0 4 6 Brown, A...... 0 8 6 For 1V P, by King, Emily 0 3 3 Harvey, Fred ... 0 2 4 Mitchelmore, H„ 0 5 0 Legge, Willie ... 0 2 u Essery, John 0 5 0 KILMINGTON AND Rendle, Nellie ...0 8 0 Stockwell, L 0 3 1 Motts, Frank ... 0 6 0 LOUGHWOOD. Spanton, Chas... 0 5 6 Kabbich, Amy ... 0 2 6 Spanton, Thos... 0 4 1 Skitch, J...... 0 1 6 Weymouth,Emily 0 4 0 INWAKDIiKlaH. Rev R. Bastable. Woods, Fred 0 3 2 15 6 3 Weekly pence by Contributions ... 11 10 0 Slee, Miss S 0 6 3 Coll., for \V

Contribs., Lower- Pearce, MrW. G. 0 10 6 Treleaven, M r.. 0 10 0 ns ! st. Sun.-sch., Popham, Mrs ... 6 0 0 Watt, Mr C...... 2 0 0 0 10 6 for Congo Prance, Miss E. I. 1 0 0 Watt, Mr E...... 2 0 0 1 1 0 boy''Gliarles Risdon, Mr R. ... 1 1 0 Wood, Mrs C. .. 5 0 0 1 0 0 Harvey.” ... 6 0 0 Rowe, Misses ... 0 10 0 Wood, Mr C...... 0 12 6 0 10 0 Do., for Congo Serpell.Mr E. W. 10 0 0 Yeo, Mr John .. 6 0 0 0 12 0 girl, “ Fanny Serpell,Mrs S. N. 3 0 0 Under 10s...... 6 12 0 Chappie, Mr. 1 0 0 Louisa Free­ Stephenson,MrR. 1 0 0 0 10 0 man.” ...... 6 Trewartha, Miss 0 10 0 Boxes by 0 10 6 Trowt, Miss ...... 10 0 0 Bird, MrB Benwell 1 6 0 10 6 31 16 2 Tucker, Misses... 1 1 0 Blanchard, Mrs 0 16 1 1 0 Less expenses 3 16 6 Vincent,Mr E. S. 0 10 0 Cross, Miss B. ... 0 14 1 1 0 Vincent, Rev S. 10 0 0 Loveless, Miss... 0 18 G. H. L. 0 10 6 27 18 8 Webber, Mr W. L 1 0 0 Weeks, Mr F.... 0 10 0 White, Mr W. J. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 2 18 0 0 10 0 PLTMOOTH. 1 0 0 CABGBBEH. STOKE RIVERS. Roberts, Mr, In George Street. Memoriam...... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 1 6 8 Contributions ... 0 15 0 2 2 0 Rev S. Vincent. Braunds, Mrs W. 0 10 6 (box) ...... 0 7 4 2 2 0 Contribs., weekly SWIMBRIDGE. 0 10 0 offerings 61 6 8 lO B D . 1 0 0 Do.,for W & O 10 5 0 1 1 0 United prayer Coll., for W tfc O 0 10 0 Wood, Mr H. Contributions ... 6 12 1 . 0 10 0 meetings . ... 4 4 3 1 11 0 Subscriptions for HOOE. N P, India 2 0 0 TEIGNMOUTH, &c. Box by Do., for N P, Contributions ... 3 11 6 A frica 0 18 0 Rev S. J. Thorpe. 0 13 8 Contribs., S.-seh. 22 7 4 259 14 4 Collected by the Collections ...... 1 12 5 coll. by yonng people Do., for W & O 0 14 11 1 10 0 of the congre­ Sun.-sch. boxes 1 0 11 Wilcox, Miss A. 1 5 3 gation ...... 25 19 4 PLTMOITE. Ferris, Mrs, for Boxes ...... 11 9 2 Mutley Chapel Congo...... 2 12 0 50 11 7 Home M. box ... 5 0 0 0 6 8 Dower Street Rev Benwell Bird. For N F, by Temperance Hobbs, Ethel 0 2 0 50 4 11 Society ...... 0 10 0 Weekly offerings 17 2 6 0 2 0 Prayer meetings 2 13 5 0 2 1 For M rShorroclc's School, Sunday-sc h o o 1, Labdon, Miss M. 0 3 6 Shensi. for Congo 22 19 10 Buckland” per 0 2 4 TORQUAY. Young friends ..150 Miss Nicholson 3 1 0 0 12 2 Upton Vale. Collected by Miss Do., per Rev H. 0 4 0 May Groser ... 13 16 6 Henderson .. 0 10 10 Rev W. Emery. Millbrook,per do. 0 6 8 6 8 2 Subscriptions: Collections 14 10 0 Subscriptions: Do., for W & O 5 5 0 Adams, Misses... 1 0 0 Barton...... 0 19 0 Babb.Mr H. R.... 2 0 0 Adams, Mr B, ... 3 10 0 THORVERTON. Ball, Mr W. H.... 0 10 6 Hele S.-school... 0 19 10 Adams, Mr E. R. 0 10 0 Prayer-mtg. box 1 11 0 Do., for Debt 0 10 6 Do., for Congo 1 0 0 Rev G. Keen. Bates, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Alger, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Bickley, Mrs. ... 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 0 10 6 Collection ...... 0 9 0 for support o f Cawse, Misses ... 1 0 0 Do., for China 0 10 6 Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 N P, Bimal Fox, Mrs H. C. 1 1 0 Alger, Miss M G. 0 10 0 Ananda Nay, 0 19 0 D a cci...... 18 0 0 Granville, Misses 0 15 0 Bird, Rev Benwell 4 0 0 Mr Phillip’s Greenway, Mr H. 1 1 0 Blanchard, Mrs . 0 10 0 Bible-class ... 0 10 9 Greenway, Mr H., Blight, Mr 1 0 0 Miss J. Coomb’s jun...... 1 1 0 Browne, Mrs 0 10 0 TIVERTON. Y.W.C.A. class 2 3 0 Grigg, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Cross, Mrs B. C. 0 10 0 Penny - a - week Groser, Mr A. ... 2 2 0 Crossing, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Rev J. F. Toone, B.A. Hawkes, Mr W. 10 0 0 Greenway, Mr J. 2 2 0 system...... 10 11 0 Horton, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Greenway, Mrs 0 10 6 Collections 7 17 S) Y.P.S.C.E 1 8 8 Horton, Miss .... 2 0 0 “ Harvey ” ...... 5 0 0 Do., at Ash Subscriptions: Horton,Miss E.P. 2 0 0 Hawken, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Thomas ..... 0 10 Howland,MrH J. 2 0 ,0 Honey, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Do., f >r W & O 2 2 Bailey, Mr W. ... 1 6 0 Jewers, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Kitts, Mr E 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 5 2 Couch, M r 0 10 6 Knight, MrW. S. 1 0 0 Lean, Mr ...... 1 0 0 F ar t hi n g - a - Durbin, Mr 2 2 0 Lethbridge,MrW. 0 10 Morcom, Miss ... 0 10 6 week coll., for Edwards, Rev E. 2 2 0 Lewam, Mr G. 0 10 0 Peatchcott, Mrs 1 10 0 support of Emery, Rev W. 1 10 0 Lew am, Mr W. 0 10 Phillips, Mrs N. 0 10 0 Congo boy, Emery,MissH.E. 0 10 6 Maitland, Mr 0 10 0 Searle, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Daniel Btewê Et herington,Rev Nicholson,Mrs T. 2 2 0 Seymour, Mr ... 1 0 0 Powell...... 5 0 0 W. D...... 1 0 0 Nicholson .Misses 2 10 0 Shellabear, Mr... 0 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E., curi­ Ford, Mr...... 0 13 0 Nicholson,MrH.M. 0 10 0 Stuttaford, Mrs 0 10 0 osity exhibition 3 5 0 Gomm, Miss 1 1 O 1895.] DEVONSHIRE DOK8ETSHIBE. xxxix

Harding, M r..... 1 1 0 Boxes by 0 3 0 LYME REGIS. Hayward,RevG.A.1 0 0 Bible-class...... 0 8 6 Sherry, Mias K. 0 5 9 Hughan, M r..... 1 1 0 0 2 0 Rev E. Marks. Jordan, Mr ..... 4 0 Under 2s...... 0 4 9 1 Collections 1 11 0 Kerswill,Mr,J .P. 1 10 0 For N P, by 4 16 0 Kimber, Mr 1 1 0 0 10 0 Do., for iV& O 0 10 0 Kimber. Miss ... 0 10 6 Jones, Miss A.... 0 3 2 Boxes ...... 10 11 11 King, Miss ..... 0 10 0 RabjohnSjMLSsF. 0 8 9 4 6 6 Miss Ellis’s class, Lane, Mr John... 1 0 0 for support of Lane, Mrs J...... 1 0 0 PRESCOTT. Congo girl 0 1 1 1 Pickard, Mr&Mrs 1 10 0 Collections...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Tarr, Mr J...... 0 10 0 Donation ...... 0 5 0 DORCHESTER Thomas, Mr J.... 1 10 0 Bangay, Dr ...... 0 10 0 Thomas,Mr W.E. 0 10 0 For N P, by Rev R. B. Clare irhuell, M r...... 1 1 0 13 14 0 Hawkins,Clement 0 3 0 Collection ...... 1 0 6 Turner, Mr T. P., Perris, Wal'er ... 0 12 0 Less expenses 0 10 11 1 0 Do., for W~it O 0 14 9 for Congo ..... 1 Salter, Mr J...... 0 2 6 Contributions, for Veall, Miss ... . 0 10 0 Quick, Miss E. .. 0 2 0 Congo...... 0 5 0 13 3 1 Woolaway, Mrs. 0 10 6 Taylor, Miss E... 0 6 0 Under 10s...... 2 10 Do., for Mr 1 Thomas, Mias F. 0 5 0 Wall’s work, Collected by Mom« ...... 1 0 0 PoOLE. 8 0 0 7 Quarterly mtg... 0 3 2 Cox, Miss ...... 1 0 Less expenses 0 17 0 Boxes ...... 1 0 0 Rev R. Walker. Rowell, Miss J. 2 11 0 Proceed-of lecLureO 15 0 For N P, by 6 11 0 Sunday-school... 4 13 9 Collections ...... 3 36 9 Bailey, Jessie ... 0 5 3 Coll., for W & O 1 8 8 Collected by ti.-sch. boxes 4 12 11 Codings, E...... 0 3 0 YARCOMBE. Cox, Ethel...... 0 8 0 Hicks, Bertie.... 1 1 5 Monthly meetings 1 6 3 Sanders, Nellie 0 4 0 Contributions ... 0 18 0 YoimgMen’s class 0 19 4 W ebber, Victor... 0 4 5 10 11 1 Young Women’s Wreyford, Con­ For N P, by class ...... 0 17 2 stance ...... 0 5 0 Mrs Allen’s box 0 17 0 Under 2s...... 0 5 2 Drake, Beattie... 0 5 2 GILLINGHAM. French, Lizzie ... 0 6 3 Subscriptions: 90 2 11 Pike, Sissie ...... 0 5 4 Rev T. Hayden. Less printing 0 16 6 Pike, Archie...... 0 2 4 Allen, Mr & Mrs 1 10 0 SpiUer, Tom...... 0 5 5 Subscriptions: Godwin, Mr J. P. 5 5 0 Harman, Mr G. 1 0 0 89 6 5 2 2 6 Weare, Mr 0 10 0 Hobbs, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Soul, Mr T. P. ... 5 0 0 1 Wiilker, Rev R. 0 10 0 TORRINGTON. £967 7 Collected by Under 10s...... 1 1 6 Hayden & King, Rev G. F. Owen. Misses...... 1 1 6 For N P, by Contribs, 1894 ...2 2 0 Dorsetsbire. Allen, Miss ...... 0 Do., 1895...... 2 15 0 2 0 6 Allen, Leslie 0 BRIDPORT. Bolt, Wm...... 0 4 17 0 Cole, Ethel ...... 0 Rev W. E. Foote. HEATHERLANDS. Hall, Edith ...... 0 Coll., for W & O 0 17 0 Hawkes, Miss ... 0 TOTNES. Contribs., S.-seh. 3 4 10 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 15 0 Lambert, Hilda.. 0 Rev G. D. Evans. ICennett, Wm. ... 0 Subscriptions: Poole, Bertie 0 6 Collection...... 15 14 Codner, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Randall, F. R. Do., for W & O 2 2 5 1WERNE MINSTER. (Corfe) ...... 0 3 0 1 0 0 Cleal, Mr...... 0 10 0 Men’s Bible-class Field, Mr E. G... 2 2 0 Spinney,Chas.... 0 2 4 Prajer-mtg. box 1 3 9 Miller, M r 0 10 0 Rev J. E. Evans. tone, Florence.. 0 4 4 Boxes ...... 1 7 3 Under 10s...... 1 18 6 Boxes by Walker, F. & A... 0 9 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 4 6 Walker &Loseby, Evans, Mrs ...... 0 4 4 Y.P.S.C.E...... 9 5 9 9 12 4 Misses...... 0 12 2 Green, Mrs E. ...030 Wilkins, Miss F. 0 6 0 38 18 1 Husband, Mrs E. 0 2 7 Woolf, Miss ...... 0 9 1 Less expenses 0 12 3 Kerley, Miss 0 2 6 Under 2s 0 9 9 BUCKLAND NEWTON. Lawrence,Mrs G. 0 3 10 38 5 10 Collections 0 17 5 Roberts, Miss A. 0 3 0 33 15 1 Do., for W & 0 0 6 6 Sunday-school... 0 0 0 0 10 0 Bible-class ...... 0 10 0 Cards for N P, by UFFCULME AND 33 4 7 PRESCOTT. Boxes by Evans, Miss M... 0 8 3 Batten, Mrs H.... 0 8 0 Green, Miss E.... 0 6 9 Rev W. Gillard. Back, Amy 0 11 6 Kerley,Miss H... 0 8 0 PYDELTRENTHIDE. Croad, Mrs J 0 4 8 Lawrence,MissB. 0 10 6 ÏÏFÏCUME. Sherry, Miss B.. 0 11 0 Collections 1 16 10 Collections...... 2 7 4 Under 3s 0 0 11 2 19 3 Proceeds of Less expenses 0 0 7 lecture...... 0 6 0 Subscriptions : For N P, by Sparkes,Mr S.... 0 10 0 Beck, F. G 0 6 0 2 2 10 Under 10s...... 0 13 6 Beck, Edith ...... 0 3 3 x l DORSETSHIRE DURHAM. [1895.

SHERBORNE. For N P, by DARLINGTON. Collected by Rev F. J. Walkey. Brown, J. and E. 0 3 4 Grange Road. Johnson, Mrs ... 1 13 6 Cox, J. T...... 0 4 0 Robson, Mrs 1 3 1 Collections. 0 17 0 Dixon, E. and F. 0 3 6 Rev J. Duncan, M.A. Gibson, Jennie... 0 8 0 31 14 1 Hall, Herbert ... 0 8 2 Collections 6 9 8 McNamara, M. Do., ior W <& O 1 7 4 UPPER PARKSTONE. and F...... 0 4 1 Contribs., S.-sch 2 15 7 Peart, Chas 0 4 8 HAMSTERLEY. Rev R. B. Morrison. Nicholson, Olive 0 4 0 Subscriptions: Taylor, W 0 1 7 Rev W. H. Rowling. Coll., for W db O 8 0 Misses Wilson and A. Contributions ... 3 15 0 7 5 2 Wilkinson. Collections 1 19 8 Do., ior W & O 0 5 0 A Friend, per Boxes ...... 1 6 0 4 3 0 Mrs Jacob 0 12 0 Backhouse,Mrs A. 1 0 0 Subscriptions : BLACKHILL AND Bartlett,,Mr G. W. 1 0 0 Bartlett, Mrs 1 0 0 Backhouse,MrW. 1 0 0 WEYMOUTH. ROWLEY. Bean, Miss J. M. 0 10 0 Backhouse,MrsA. 1 0 0 Bowler, Mr A. ... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Rev G. Robinson. Rev E. W. Jenkins. Davies, Mr R. W. 1 1 0 Jacob, Mr E.W. .. 1 0 0 6 0 8 Collections...... 5 5 5 Collections 3 10 8 Jacob, Mrs E. W. 1 0 0 Less expenses 0 2 7 Do., for W & O 1 10 0 Mounsey, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 13 7 8 Rowley Boxes. Pease, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Do., Putton ... 3 5 18 1 10 8 Bryan, Jonathan 0 2 5 Pease, Mr A 1 0 0 Proceeds of Pease, Mrs G. ... 1 0 0 lecture...... 0 7 0 Cowan,Miss E. A. 0 3 0 A Friend (don.).. 2 Gallie. Mias 0 6 0 Wh'tton, Mr 0 10 0 JARROW-ON-T YNE. 2 0 Golightly, Miss Williamson,MrE. 1 0 0 E. A ...... 0 6 0 Wilson, MrG. D. 10 0 0 Grange Road. Subscriptions: Leybourne.MiasE. 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 1 12 6 Proud, Miss G.... 0 7 6 Rev W. M. Hudson. By Miss R. Beale. Smith. Miss L. J. 0 7 9 Davies Mrs R.W., Smith, Miss S.A. 0 7 9 andWilliamson, Coll., for W & O 1 10 0 Beale, Miss R .... 2 0 0 Thompson, MissM. 1 2 0 Miss...... 4 8 1 Contribs. ,for JV P 0 8 0 Beddome, Miss... 0 10 0 Boxes, &c 3 8 6 Dennis, Mrs 1 4 0 Blackhill Boxes. Collected by Do., for China 0 14 2 Fowler, Mr S. J. 1 1 0 Hallett, M rs..... 2 0 0 Barrow, Miss E. 0 4 3 Bowen, Mrs ...... 1 1 8 6 1 2 Hawkes, Mr, sen. 0 10 6 Davies, Mrs 0 4 0 Gibbon, Miss 1 7 0 Humphrey, Mr J. 1 0 0 Elliott, Miss J. E. 0 2 0 Hardy, Miss A. 1 4 4 Read, Mr J. ,,, 1 1 0 Hope, John S. ... 0 2 6 Robens, Mr J. E. 2 0 0 Jones, Miss ..... 1 1 0 43 9 2 MIDDLETON-IN-TEES- Under 10s... 2 19 10 Jones, Miss F .... 0 5 0 DALE. Postle, Miss E ... 0 2 9 Collected by Raw, William ... 0 5 5 GATESHEAD. Rev J. Charter. Reid, Miss M. E. 0 2 0 Fowler, Elsie ... 0 5 0 Siddle, Miss J.... 0 7 0 Small sums ... 0 3 0 Rev D. P. Packer. Collections,Hude 3 5 0 Siddle, Miss F... 0 3 0 Do., for IV

Rowe, Maggie ... 0 4 4 WATERHOUSES. EßSCi. S anderson, Bertie 0 3 8 Under 2s...... 0 8 11 Collections...... 2 17 8 7 7 Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 15 0 ASHDON. For y -P, by 2 0 Collected by Rev J. Sage. 15 6 Broadwith, Lillie 0 2 0 Burgess, Lcuie... 0 9 0 Bell, Mrs...... 0 10 8 Collection ...... 2 0 11 6 6 Grey, Ethel ...... 0 3 3 James, Master ... 0 2 4 Do., for W & O 0 17 2 Henderson, Mary 0 3 6 James, Florrie... 0 3 1 4 5 3 Lawson, Jas. ... 0 2 8 Subscriptions : TH. Sanderson, M .... 0 3 3 Parsons, Mr C. 0 10 6 Welsh, Lillie..... 0 3 9 WEST HARTLEPOOL. Under 2s...... 0 9 10 Sage, Rev J 0 10 6 1 4 40 10 7 Rev A. W. Curwood. Boxes by Collections...... 2 2 6 Plack, Miss L .... 0 7 $ Do., Public Frost, Mrs. 0 1 4 )S. SOUTH SHIELDS. Meeting..... 2 12 9 Hagger, Mrs A. 0 5 10 Tabernacle. Do., for Vf

BRENTWOOD. EARL’ S COLNE. Subscriptions LANGHAM. Rev W. Walker. Rev W. R. Foster. Butch er ,Rev J. W. 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Chaplin, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Collections 2 2 0 Coll., for W & O 1 0 0 Chaplin,Mrs T... 1 1 0 Blyth, Mrs W. ... 0 10 ( Contribs., S.-sch. 1 11 6 Contribs., for A^P 2 8 10 Edwards, Rev F. 1 1 0 Blyth,Mr&Mrs T. 1 0 i Bible-class ...... 0 9 4 Edwards, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Blyth, Mrs C. S. 0 10 ( 3 13 6 Donation ...... 0 10 0 Edwards,MrF.C. 1 1 0 Box ...... 0 1 11 Parker, Mr...... 0 10 6 2 0 ( Shirley, Mr ... 0 10 6 4 10 1 Whittaker, Mrs . 1 0 0 Whittaker,Misses 0 10 6 LEYTON. BURNHAM. Whittaker, Mr C. D., M.A ...... 1 1 0 Rev G. T. Bailey. Rev C. D. Gooding. GREAT LEIGHS. Whittaker,MrJ.C. 0 10 6 Rev H. Putterell. Young, Mr...... 1 I 0 Collections 3 16 3 Under 10s.... 0 10 Do , for W&O 1 12 0 Coll., for W & 0 0 12 5 Collections 2 10 6 0 Contribs.,foriVP 1 9 5 Do., S.-sch. ... 0 13 <| Offertory ...... 7 15 9 Boxes by Young men’s class 4 14 4 Subscription : 2 1 10 Sunday-school... 0 4 2 Archer, Miss 0 11 3 Freeman, Mr D. 0 10 0 Subscription: Baker, Mrs...... 0 3 0 Bradd, Mrs ..... 0 3 4 Boxes by Holland, Mr G.... 1 0 0 Butcher, Rev J.W. 1 1 0 CLACTON-ON-SEA. Collected by Day, Annie 0 11 0 Bailey, Miss 0 5 0 Edwards, Rev F. 2 6 9 Clack, Mr ..... 0 4 6 Christ Church. Eve, Mrs...... 0 9 0 Ellis, Mrs A...... 0 2 11 Cook, Mr G 1 1 8 Willis, Mrs ...... 2 3 0 Foster, Miss 0 3 1 Dick, Miss 0 6 4 Rev C. J. Gayler. Wood, Mrs 0 7 9 Little, Emma ... 0 5 2 Mills, Mies 0 3 2 Mapes, Fanny ... 0 3 10 Stevens, Mr W. 2 2 8 Contributions ... 12 10 0 19 4 6 Miller, Miss ..... 111 0 Do.,Bible-class 0 12 0 10 14 10 Shipton, H. 0 5 6 GREAT SAMPFORD. Young, Mr...... 2 17 7 COLCHESTER. LEYTONSTONE. Rev G. Hider. For N P, by Subscription: Rev J. Bradford. Eld Lane. Day, W ...... 0 13 3 Hider, Rev G. ... 0 10 0 Springham, E.... 0 7 0 Rev E. Spurrier. Hider,Mrs (don.) 0 10 0 Contribs.,S.-seh. 30 14 11 Collection,...... 8 10 0 Collections 11 18 0 For -iV P, by Ladies’ Auxiliary. Do., for W&O 5 13 0 Do., for W&O 1 10 0 Subscriptions Sunday-school... 4 10 0 Gowlett, Laura .037 By Miss Edwards. (1894) ...... 18 11 1 Do., Parson’s Ridgewell, Edith 0 8 4 Collection ...... 7 8 8 Heath ...... 0 5 9 Under Is 0 0 7 Death, Misses ... 0 10 0 Mr Webb’s class 0 14 8 Miller, Miss 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Mr Carrington’s 1 12 6 Bacon, Miss 2 0 0 do...... 0 10 0 Banbury, Mr ... 1 0 0 Boxes ...... 6 18 10 By Miss Vardy. Bradford, Rev J. 1 1 0 Cards, for N P... 2 13 4 HALSTEAD. Burgess, M r..... 1 1 0 Y.P.S.C.E 1 3 4 Vardy, M iss 0 10 0 Rev A. B. Preston. Under 10s...... 1 0 6 Hooper, Mr G .... 5 0 0 Hooper, Mrs ... 0 12 6 Donations: Collections 4 13 2 80 10 11 Howard, Mr 0 10 0 Do., for W&O 1 5 0 Less expenses 0 4 0 Hutchison, Mr... 1 1 0 Chitham, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 5 15 5 Lester, Mrs , ,, 1 1 0 Jarmin, Mrs, in 80 6 11 Leutchford, Mr 0 10 6 memory of Subscription: Linom, Mrs 0 10 0 E. A. L 0 10 0 Lush, Hr ...... 0 10 0 Simmons, Mr W. 1 1 0 M...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Spurgeon, Mrs... 1 1 0 Boxes by HORNCHURCH. Turquand, Mrs... 0 11 0 .A mold, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Clover, Mrs O. ..,10 0 Iress, Miss ,, , 1 0 0 Carrington, Mr & Other boxes ...... 3 10 5 Rev A, W. Holden. Under 10s...... 2 13 8 Mrs ...... 0 10 0 George, M rs 0 10 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 16 0 91 10 4 Gosling, Mr ...... 0 10 0 17 5 0 Jarmin, Mrs 1 3 0 Letch, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 HARLOW. MYTONSTONE. Spurrier, Rev E. 1 1 0 ILFORD. Stevens, Mrs ... 2 2 0 Rev J. W. Butcher. Cann Hall Road. Went, Mr J 1 1 0 Rev J. Parker, M.A. Wicks, Mr J 1 0 0 Collections 10 13 0 Rev G. T. Ennals. Under 10s...... 0 19 0 Do., pub. mtg. 2 5 7 Collection ...... 3 7 0 Do. .missionary Do., for W&O 1 0 0 Collection ...... 5 1 4 42 2 5! lectures ...... 2 9 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. 2 14 6 Do., S.-sch. ... 0 12 8 Less expenses 0 14 0 Do., for W& O 2 0 0 Parker, Mrs, class 1 0 0 Contribs., for NP 0 17 8 Sunday-school... 1 17 0 41 8 5j Sale of work, per 8 1 6 6 11 8 Mrs Chaplin ... 35 3 2 1895.] ESSEX— GLOUCESTERSHIRE. x l i i i

LOUGHTQN. ROMFORD. For N P, by WALTHAM ABBEY. Rev J. A. Jones. Rev J. M. Steven. Viney, Marjorie Rev G. H. Kilby. (2 years) 17 1 Collections 4 15 I Collections 2 10 Collections 2 2 0 Do ,pub. mtug. 1 4 11 Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 0 51 13 9 Sunday-school... 5 16 2 Do., for W & 0 3 7 6 Christian Band i. 1 9 6 Do.,HoiieyLane 0 4 6 Prayer meetings 3 16 9 collecting cards 3 6 Young Men’s cluss 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch., 50 4 3 Contribs., for NP 0 16 11 per Y.M.M.A., Subscriptions : for Congo ..... 12 4 9 10 0 1 Do., for support Adams, Mr W .... 0 10 o f Congo boy 5 0 0 Simpson, Mr 0 10 SOUTHEND. Donation ...... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr J 0 10 Steven,Rev J. M. 1 1 Tabernacle. WALTHAM CROSS. Subscriptions : Tann, Mrs 0 10 Tann, Misses ... 0 12 Rev E. Dyer. Eleanor Hall. By Miss Fennell. Weir, Mr W 0 10 Contribs.,S.-sch. 0 18 6 Brawn, Mr 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 11 Coll., for W & O 1 9 6 Edwards, Mr 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 7 11 6 Fennell, Miss ... 0 10 0 Box by Proceeds of Gould, M rs 1 1 0 lecture ...... 1 4 0 | WOODFORD. Gould, Mr G. S. 0 10 0 Adams, Mr W .... 0 11 Gould, Mr J. H. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: I George Lane. Harris, Mr B. ... 0 10 0 Hudson, Miss ... 1 0 0 By Mrs Wheeler. Rev J. R. Cox. Jones, Rev J. A. 0 10 0 Lincoln, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Dyer, Rev E. and Contribs., S.-sch. 3 3 0 Nathan, Mr ..... 0 10 0 SAFFRON WALDEN. Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Spurge, Mrs 0 10 6 Wheeler, Mr F. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 1 1 4 Rev A. Rollason. Wood, Mr H. ...10 0 Wood, Mr H. E... 1 0 0 A Friend (special) 1 3 o Boxes by Collections...... 4 10 0 Mathews, Mr A. 0 10 6 Do.,public mtg. 3 8 0 Under 10s...... 3 4 6 Neville, Mr R. ... 0 3 3 Do., for W&O 1 1 0 Boxes by Neville, Miss A. 0 7 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 2 1 16 9 6 Do., fo r Mr Griffith, Mrs 0 4 0 For N P, by Harri s o n’s Picton, Mrs ...... 0 9 8 Brawn,Miss E.G. 2 1 10 boy, Mpungi 5 0 0 SOUTHEND, Wenden, Mrs ... 0 8 4 Cuthbert,Miss-C. 0 6 0 Men’s class ...... 1 0 4 Rogers, Miss 0 2 8 Clarence Road. £ 18 6 Subscriptions : Rev F. A. Hogbin. ' Penny-a-week, by A Friend ...... 2 0 0 Butcher, Miss G. 2 6 9 Barton, Mr D. ... 2 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 15 3 WOODFOBD. True, Miss 2 6 7 Brown, Mr...... 1 1 0 Donation ...... 0 2 6 Butcher, Miss ... 1 1 0 Union Church. 47 15 6 Gibson, Miss...... 3 3 0 5 17 0 Gibson, Mr E. B. 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Goddard,MrA. R. 1 1 0 By Miss E. Dora Cook. MALDON. Porteous, Mr G. 0 10 6 Starling, Miss ... 2 2 0 THEYDON BOIS. Cook, Mrs E. R. 1 1 0 Rev F. C. Morris. Tuke, Mr W. M. 1 1 0 Tozer, Mrs 1 1 0 Collections 2 2 6 Tuke, Miss (don ) 1 1 0 Tozer, Mrs A. H. 0 10 6 Do., for W & O 0 8 6 Viney, Mr A. E. 2 2 0 Collections 0 12 0 Winters, Miss ... 1 1 0 Boxes ...... 1 0 9 Sunday-school... 1 4 4 Sun.-sch.ool, for 2 12 6 Congo 0 9 3 3 15 4 Collected by Do., for JV P ... u 4 0 £506 14 10 Butcher, Miss ... 0 16 3 MANOR PARK:. Gamman, Miss... 0 19 2 2 6 9 Redhead, Miss... 0 14 0 Rev F. D. Robbins. Starling, Miss... 2 14 0 Viney, Mrs...... 0 19 0 ©loucestersbire. Contribs., S.-sch. I 12 0 Wilkinson, Mrs... 1 14 0 THORPE LE SOKEN. W ilkinson,Mrs J. 0 9 0 Collections 1 0 0 AYENING. POTTER STREET. Boxes by Mrs Hadler’s Rev A. P. McKenzie. Barton, Lily...... 0 10 0 class...... 0 16 0 Rev W. E. Frost. Cowell, Kathleen 0 7 0 Boxes ...... 0 5 0 Collections 3 0 0 Jeffery, Miss...... 0 3 1 2 0 0 Collections 0 16 10 Service of song 1 0 0 Pits tow, M rs.... 1 0 9 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 0 3 R'tilings, Miss E. 0 10 7 Frost, Mrs, Richardson, E.... 0 3 3 Bible-class ... 1 1 0 Rol lason, Stanley and Kathie ... 1 0 0 UPTON CROSS. Boxes by RAYLEIGH. Viney, Mr, Prayer meetings 0 14 0 children ...... 0 16 0 Collec., Sun.-sch. 1 0 0 Clarke, Mr Jos. 0 5 5 W ilkinson,Winnie 0 2 8 Clarke, Mrs J.... 0 8 0 x liv GLOUCESTERSHIRE. [1895.

Essex, Mrs 0. ... 1 11 6 ollected by Whittard, Mr T. 2 0 0 Boxes by Fowles, Miss S. 0 10 0 Whittard, Misses 3 3 0 Do., for T. 0 7 6 Bolton, Mrs ...... 0 11 8 Whittard, Miss Morris, M. & E... .0 11 4 Glnstonbury, Mr 1 8 10 James, M iss 2 0 1 M. S...... 0 10 6 Sa-lter, Mrs C. .. 0 3 3 Holbrow, Mr H. 0 7 0 Keyes, Miss ...... 3 4 1 Wilkins,Mrs, and Suiter, Geo. F .... 0 5 6 Taylor, Mr...... 0 19 0 Sayce, Mrs 2 12 6 family, “ In Taylor, Mrs T. T. 0 3 0 Smith, Mrs H. ... 1 8 0 Memoriam” ... 1 1 0 Walker,Mrs E. P. 0 13 6 11 15 4 Wilkins, Miss Winterbotham,Mr Under 2s. 0 1 8 Less expenses 0 0 6 (box) ...... 0 9 6 James 1 1 0 Under 10s..... 4 7 0 32 15 3 11 14 10 60 9 1 Boxes by EASTCOMBE. BeckinB!sale,MissC 0 5 4 Cheltenham :. Comely,MissKitty 0 7 3 Rev J. Evans. BLAKENEY. Freeman, Mr T. 0 6 0 Salem Chapel. Martin, Mr, and Collections ...... 1 14 10 Collections...... 1 2 6 family...... 1 3 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 5 0 Sunday-school... 4 5 5 Stockwell, Mr, Christian Band... 0 8 1 Rev.R. G-. Fairbaim, B.A. children 0 9 2 Subscriptions : Boxes by Collections 25 1 7 Collected by Charley, Mr J. S. 0 10 6 Do., for W & 0 6 10 7 Clarke, Misses... 0 4 9 Cotton, Mr M. F. 1 1 0 D o , prayer Adams, Miss K. 0 3 6 Clements, Miss A. 0 2 1 Davies, Rev M. P. 1 1 6 meetings ... 1 7 11 Beard, Miss A.... 0 7 0 Cox, Miss ...... 0 11 1 Morse, Mr C...... 0 10 0 Do., Golden Eden, Miss 0 11 10 Evans, Miss L.... 0 6 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 6 Valley 2 0 0 Whittard, Miss Owen, Miss L. ... 0 5 2 Contribs.,S.-sch. 5 0 6 M.S...... 3 13 0 Skenton, Mr F... 0 3 2 9 11 5 Do., for N P, Whittard, Miss Smith, Miss ...... 0 2 0 Manik ...... 18 0 0 C., ioxN P . 1 7 6 Smith, Mr A..... 0 3 2 GasHreen S.-sch. 8 7 9 Williams, Mr...... 0 5 3 Leckhampton do. 2 9 7 141 17 2 Under 2s...... 0 1 5 CHALFORD. ChristianBand... 3 0 9 Less expenses 0 18 9 Ladies’ Associa­ Cards by Rev D. R. Morgan. tion, per Mrs 140 18 5 How...... 3 15 6 Cook, Miss J. ... 0 2 6 Collections...... 6 6 5 Young people’s Cox, Miss ...... 0 11 1 Do., Frampton 0 9 1 meeting ...... 0 16 9 Critchley, Miss... 0 8 2 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 CHIPPING SODBURY. Oavis, Mr G...... 0 5 3 Do., Cards 1 7 1 Subscriptions&Donations: Gardner, Miss F. 0 2 6 Rev A. Lemon. Smith, Miss*...... 0 9 6 Subscriptions : Anon ...... 1 0 0 Beckingsale,MrA. 3 3 0 Contributions ... 6 18 6 7 11 0 Clark, Mr C. E. 2 10 0 Beckingsale,MrB. 1 1 0 Morgan,RevD.R. 0 10 6 Do. (donation) 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Beckingsale.MrF. 1 1 0 Do. (donation) 1 1 0 EASTINGDON. 13 5 7 Beetham.MrsW.C. 0 10 0 COLEFORD. Bloodworth,MrsJ. 0 10 6 Nupend Chapel. Brown, Miss 1 0 0 Rev W. Ross. C. C...... 5 5 0 Collections...... 1 19 6 CHA.RLTON KINGS Do.,NewTear’s Collections 4 19^.0 Do., at Lecture 0 10 7 Offering 3 3 0 Do.,forfF

Graoe, M r ...... 1 1 0 LYDBROOK. STROUD. For N P, by Quartus ...... 1 0 0 Sims, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Rev A'W. Latham. Rev C. A. Davis. Browning, Mabel 0 3 0 Thomas,Mr J.W. 2 2 0 Jenner, Amy 0 3 0 Wilkins, Miss ... 1 0 0 Contributions ...430 Collections 5 16 10 Lusty, Willie 0 2 0 Wilson, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Do., forW & O 1 0 0 Ryland, Nellie... 0 3 3 Under 10s...... 4 5 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 14 7 Soles, Nellie .... 0 4 9 LYDNEY. Do., for NP ... 1 7 9 Woodward, Elsie 0 12 0 Woodward, Florrie 71 4 3 Y.P.S.C.E., for Rev E. Davis. stipport of and Clara ...... 0 12 0 Congo boy Woodward,Will e 0 5 0 Contributions ... 10 0 0 under Mr GOSINGTON SLIM- Stonelake ...... 3 0 0 1895. BRIDGE. Collections 2 12 3 MISCHINHAMPTON. Subscriptions: Do.,for W&O 0 10 0 Rev G. Steele. Contribs., S.-scb. 3 0 10 Rev H. J. Wicks. Bishop, Miss 1 0 0 For 2V P, by Do.,for Italy... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 2 12 10 Clissold, Mr ..... 1 0 0 For N P, by Browning, Walter 0 3 5 Do., Sun.-Sch. 2 2 2 Evans, Mr, for Browning, Mabel 0 3 6 Harding, Edgar 0 5 3 Italy ...... 1 0 0 Soles, Nellie 0 3 6 Medcroft, Percy 0 5 10 4 15 0 Gay, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Woodward, Elsie Under 10s...... 0 10 0 and Daisy ... 0 10 0 0 14 6 Under 2s 0 2 2 26 19 2 OLD SODBURY. Weekly subscriptions by KINGSTANLEY. Rev A. J. Parker, Woodward, Mies Collection ...... 2 2 4 TETBURY. Edith ...... 2 17 8 Do., for W&O 0 10 0 Contributions ... 0 10 0 Contribs.,S. sch. 6 10 11 Rev T. N. Smith. 16 18 1 Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 17 1 0 8 0 SHORTWOOD. Collections...... 1 2 2 Do.,for W&O 0 6 16 10 1 Subscriptions: Rev A. Nicka’ls. Gwinnell, Mrs, Collected by for China ..... C Collections...... 9 0 5 0 10 Do., for W& 0 2 4 4 Cleaver, Mrs..... 0 2 1 WOTTON-UNDER- In remembrance Do.,prayer mtg. 1 1 10 Cox, Miss ...... 0 2 7 EDGE. of a beloved Contribs., S.-sch. 8 0 0 Fisher, Miss..... 0 4 0 sister ...... 0 10 0 Jones, Mrs...... 0 3 5 Rev S. Mann. King, Miss E. ... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Jones, Mrs, junr 0 3 6 King, Miss M .... 1 0 0 Selbe, Miss ..... 0 4 0 Collections 3 2 7 Under 10s...... 0 5 « Antill, Mrs B. ... 0 10 0 Street, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Do.,for W&O 0 10 0 Clissold, Miss ... 0 10 0 Street, Emma Contribs., S.-ech. 3 4 4 Boxes by Clissold, Mrs J. 1 0 0 and Ernest...... 1 8 0 Austin, Mr...... 0 5 0 King, Mr H. J. H. 1 0 0 Williams, Reggie 0 4 0 Subscriptions: Bshop, Mr...... 0 15 0 Newman, Mr ... 1 0 0 Under 2s...... 0 3 1 Nickalls, Rev A. 0 10 6 Bartlett, Miss ... 1 0 0 For N P, by Norton, M rs...... 2 0 0 4 13 6 Burford, M r 1 o 0 Do.,forCongo 0 10 0 Less expenses 0 10 0 Davy, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Beard, Miss A.... 0 6 10 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Pinniger, Mrs ...100 Cox, Miss ...... 0 5 0 4 3 6 Winter, Mr J. T. 1 1 o Knee, Miss A. ... 0 6 6 Boxes by Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Lusty, Mias A.... 0 5 0 Allway, M iss..... 0 5 0 Smith, MissE.... 0 4 0 Antill, Mrs...... 0 6 0 TEWKESBURY. oxes by Williams,Miss R. 0 5 2 Blaekmore, H.... 0 3 7 Comock, Mrs ... o 7 0 Clifford, Emmie. 0 12 3 Rev J. E. Brett. 15 18 4 Lawrence, Mr ... 0 4 2 Domaney, Miss.. 0 9 0 Morgan, Miss ... 0 4 5 Fawkes, Bertie... 0 2 9 Contribs., S.-Ech. (2 years) 6 4 Frost, K. and F. 2 3 0 la 8 6 Harris, Mrs 0 7 6 Less expenses 0 8 6 LONGHOPE. j Jenner, Rose...... 0 9 6 THORNBURY. King, M rs...... 0 3 4 12 0 0 Rev G. Neighbour. Malpas, Mrs...... 0 3 5 Morris, Agnes ... 0 4 4 Rev G. Rees. Sunday-school... 1 4 5 Neale, Lilian...... 0 2 3 Contents of box 0 7 Boxes by Newman, Miss... 0 4 6 East Gloucestershire. Newth, Mi3s...... 0 2 0 Bradley,Mr W. A. 0 5 0 Nickalls, Elsie... 0 5 11 ARLINGTON. Bradley, Miss ... O 7 5 PifEe, Mrs-...... 0 3 3 WINST0NE. Coleman, Mrs ... 0 2 5 Sawyer, Miss ... 0 5 6 Collections 1 15 2 Cook, Mrs J 0 2 3 Tilly, Alice...... 0 5 3 Collection ...... 0 7 Do., for W&O 0 12 0 Dowding, Miss ..047 Weight, Lily...... 0 3 2 Sun.-sch. (Girls) 0 12 7 Gingell, Mr ...... 0 5 2 Under 2s...... 0 3 1 Do. (BoysJ 0 18 6 Neighbour,RevG. 0 6 9 WOODCHESTER. Weekly pence by Parry, Miss E.... 0 5 34 19 2 Miss Spencer 0 13 0 Sterry,MrC.,jun. 0 3 0 Less expenses 0 13 7 1694. Collections ...... 2 0 Subscriptions : 3 6 6 34 5 7 Do., for W&O 0 10 Belcher, Mr L.... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 3 Coles, Mr W 0 10 0 1 4 GLOUCESTERSHIRE—HAMPSHIRE. [1895.

Boxes ...... 0 16 0 Perry, Mrs E. ... 0 10 0 Wood, Miss E.... 0 2 9 Contribs., forJVP 0 10 0 Perry, Mrs S. ... 0 7 0 Notgrove boxes, 7 Do.,tarsupport 1895 ...... 3 18 0 0 o f Congo boy, 5 13 0 21 4 9 10 Nezurmbi ... 1 5 0 Subscriptions : LECHLADE. Smith, Mr J 0 10 0 STOW-ON-THE-WOLD. Wright, Capt ... 0 10 0 Rev W. J. McKittrick. Rev F. E. Blackaby. 4 16 0 Contributions ... 1 13 9 0 Collections 3 9 2 3 Do., Special... 1 2 6 Do., for W & O 1 10 0 1 CIRENCESTER. MAISEYHAMPTON. Contributions... 22 6 3 4 Rev J. Neighbour. Rev A. R. Morgan. 28 7 11 Less Heralds 0 12 0 Collections 7 9 7 Contributions ... 3 13 10 Do.,¡for W db O 1 10 0 27 15 11 Contribs.,S.-scb., for support o f 677 13 0 Chinese Evan­ Less District 6 gelist ...... 7 10 0 MILTON. expenses 3 0 0 2 6 Subscriptions : Rev G. W. Davidson. £674 13 0 1 0 Brewin, Mrs W. 1 0 0 Collections 4 5 0 Freeman, Mr R. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 11 18 0 6 Hiscock, Mr J.... 1 1 0 Lawrence, Mr J. 1 -1 0 16 3 0 Legg, Mr F...... 1 1 0 Ibampsbire. MulliDgs, Mr J. 1 1 0 0 Wearing, Mr W. 1 1 0 0 ANDOVER. 0 Box by NAUNTON AND 0 GUITING. Rev J. Husler. 0 Tombs, Miss L... 1 6 0 0 Rev W. E. Goodman. Collections 7 7 0 0 For N P by Do., for JV& O 1 6 8 6 Coll., for W it 0 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 0 6 Fletcher, Reggie 0 5 6 Naunton...... 4 5 10 Young ’People’s 3 Gadfield, B. & E. 0 3 9 Do., Special...0 15 0 Working Party 2 10 0 King, W...... 0 4 0 Guiting ...... 1 6 11 Prayer-meetings 0 15 9 Lawrence,C.&E. 1 1 0 Notgrove ...... 0 5 3 Legg, Raymond 1 16 2 Subscriptions: Orpet, F. & T. ... 0 7 0 Subscriptions : Beale, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Strange, N. 0 3 1 Buckland, Mr ... 1 1 0 Tranter, W. 0 3 6 Comely, Mr T .... 1 0 0 Clarke, Miss 0 10 0 Turner, Violet... 0 9 0 10 Goodman, Re vW. 1 0 0 Edwards, Mr 0 10 0 Winstone, F...... 0 5 6 Under 10s...... 0 8 7 Hasler, Rev J .... 0 10 0 9 Under 2s...... 0 2 8 Kent Mr T. H .... 0 10 6 0 Boxes by Rogers, Mr 0 10 0 20 11 9 Young, Mr 2 0 0 Less expenses 1 2 0 Dunford, Miss E., Young Mr H. ... 1 1 0 0 class...... 1 11 6 28 9 9 Dunford, Miss J. 0 8 9 Donations. Goodman, Mtb, class...... 1 10 0 Davies, Mr 0 10 0 5 Guiting S.-sch.... 0 11 6 Davies, M rs 0 10 0 6 CTJTSDEAN. Smith, Mrs J. ... 0 15 11 6 Westfield chil­ Boxes by LI Rev C. Sirett. dren ...... 0 7 0 Penny, Mrs ...... 0 11 4 Wragg, A da 0 3 6 0 Contributions ... 4 8 0 Watts, Mr G 0 11 3 For N P by 29 16 0 4 Less expenses 0 10 0 0 Hanks, Bertie ... 0 3 2 FAIRFORD. James, Fanny ... 0 6 0 29 6 0 4 Tranter, Nellie... 0 4 4 Rev A. R. Morgan. Under 2s 0 3 6 Collections 2 9 6 Notgrove, Boxes, 1894. ASHLEY. Do.,for W&O 1 0 o ff. Perry, Mrs E. ... 2 7 6 Rev E. Edginton. Boxes by Perry, Miss N .... 0 4 8 Collection 0 18 7 Cook, Mr E 0 11 0 Perry, Mr S 0 4 4 Sunday-Sch. Box 0 17 0 0 Green, Master ... 0 11 6 Perry, Mr F. R... 0 15 9 Monthly Subs.... 1 18 9 0 Morgan,Edwin... 0 4 0 Wood, Miss A,... 0 5 0 Collecting Cards 2 8 0 1895.] HAMPSHIRE. xlvii

Donations : Trew, M rs 0 7 Contribs., S.-sch. 13 0 Subscription: Walden,Mrs,sen. 0 2 Do., for N P ... 0 11 Bompas, Miss ... 0 10 0 Holes, Miss ...... 0 10 o Ward, Mrs 0 11 Prayer mtg. box 1 0 Perkins,Mr H.... 0 10 0 Under 2s 0 2 Boxes by Perkine, Mrs 0 10 0 Subscriptions : 50 13 A Friend ...... 0 12 4 7 12 4 Less expenses 0 7 Allen, Mr J. J.... 1 1 0 Daish, Mrs...... 0 2 2 Barrett, Mr P. ... 1 0 0 May, Mrs ...... 0 9 7 69 6 5 Beale, Mr A 1 1 0 Pitt, Mrs...... 0 10 2 Beale, Mrs A., Truckle, M rs... 0 6 2 BEAULIEU RAILS. for Congo ...... 0 10 6 Whicher, Mrs ... 2 3 4 I Chapman, Miss 0 10 6 Woods, Mrs ...... 0 5 2 Rev H. New. BOURNEMOUTH. I Chew, Miss, for I Congo ...... 0 10 Juvenile Association. Contribution ... Lansdowne Chapel. i Chew, Miss E., Contribs.,for ArP for do...... 0 10 Boxes by Rev W. C. Minifie. I Cholmondeley, I Lady M 1 0 Dixon, John 0 5 3 Collections 11 10 5; Clark, Mr ...... 1 1 Dixon, Lily ...... 0 4 3 Do., for W & 0 3 3 Lush, Fred ...... 0 7 6 4 Clark, Mrs 0 10 Sturgess, E. & S, 0 3 0 BLACKFIELD. Contribs.,S.-sch. G 7 0 Colman, Mr R., Do., for support J.P...... 5 5 Under 2s 0 0 5 Collection ...... 1 o f Congo boy 5 0 0 Colman, Mrs R. 0 10 Seed Pennies by Do.,for W & O 0 Prayer-mtg. box 4 10 6 Davis, Mr A. ... 0 10 Contribs.,for NP 1 Bible-class 1 0 0 Doggett.MrT.W. 2 0 Sturgess, Emily 0 4 0 Elliott, Mr G. ... 0 10 Sturgess, I. & E. 0 3 0 2 17 8 Subscriptions : Gould, Mrs ..... 4 0 Gould, Mr C 1 1 For N P, by By Mrs W. Hay don. Holt, Mr...... 1 1 Knight, Miss ... 0 10 Harrison,Thos... 0 12 6 BOSCOMBE. Baraaby, Mr..... 1 1 0 Lewis, Mr&MrsF. 10 10 Lansley, Alice ... 0 7 0 Clark, Mr J. W. 1 1 0 Mead, Mr ...... 1 1 Lush, Ada 0 6 0 Rev W. Y. Robinson. B.A. Clarke, Rev H. 1 0 0 Pyner, M r 1 1 Sturgess, Emily 1 1 0 Cooper, M rs...... 1 0 0 Quertier, M r 1 0 Collec. for W ¡t O 2 10 0 Fippard, Mrs ... 0 13 0 Rickards, Mr ... 1 1 1 1 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 12 13 Garside, M rs.... 0 Searle, Miss 2 2 btockbbidge . Do., tov N P ... 1 17 4 Goodchild, Mr Tarleton, Miss ... 0 10 Do., for support W. H...... 0 10 6 Townsend, Mrs 0 10 Coll., for W db O 0 10 0 o f Congo boy Haydon, Mr W. 1 1 0 Turner, Mr ...... 0 10 Sunday-school... 1 14 0 “ Minikina” 0 0 Howell, M iss..... 1 1 0 Wainwright,Rev GO 10 Bible-class 1 5 i Young men’s Hume, Mr & Mrs Wilson, Mr J. ... 2 7 class, for sup­ J. K...... 3 0 0 X. Y. Z...... 2 0 Boxes by port o f Congo Jones, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 4 boy, “ Lusala” 5 0 0 Meredith, Mr ... 0 10 6 Fry, T. and E.... 0 4 10 Prayer meetings 2 17 2 Reed, Miss L. ... 0 10 0 Boxes by Sillence, Mr ..... 0 13 0 PrayerUnionsubs 2 13 0 Ridley, Mr...... 1 1 0 Teasdale, Chas... 0 3 6 Saunders, Mr ... 1 1 0 Blakeley, Mrs ... 0 2 Ventham, Ernest 0 7 1 Subscriptions : Warren, Miss ... 0 10 0 Chew, Miss E. ... 0 7 Under 10s...... 3 3 6 Colman, P. A. ... 0 4 Seed Pennies by Dunn, Mrs W. N. 0 10 0 Lewis, Misses & Hazell, Mr...... 1 0 0 For N P, by Master...... 0 17 Fry, S. and P .... 0 2 6 Miller, MissM.... 2 2 0 Rickards, Misses Teasdale, George 0 8 0 Mitchell, Mr G. 1 0 0 First Class Girls 0 5 & Master 0 9 Under Is 0 1 1 Parker,Misses... 1 0 0 Haydon, Fritz ... 0 6 Searle, M iss 0 3 Parsons, Miss ... 1 0 0 Haydon, Margt. 0 4 For N P, by Simmons, Mrs... 2 2 0 Horsey, Ernest . 0 2 203 8 1 Tomkins, Mr G. 1 1 0 Reid, Frank 0 2 Brown, Beatrice 0 2 6 Robinson, Rev Under 2s 0 5 Fry, Tom ...... 1 6 0 W. V,, 0 10 6 Homer, Kate ... 0 2 1 Under 10s...... 0 16 7 51 11 BROCKENHURST. Teasdale, Geo— 0 6 3 Less expenses 0 13 Tiley, Edith 0 3 2 Workers’ Union, by Miss Rev G. Read. Watts, Ed 0 1 4 Perkins. 60 17 8 CoH., for W & O 0 12 0 2i 3 8 Carter, Miss, for Contributions ... 3 6 0 Less expenses 0 3 10 China...... 1 6 0 Sunday-school... 1 6 0 Cooper, M r...... 2 10 0 BOUBNEMOUIH. Do., iovNP... 5 0 0 23 19 10 Dickson, Misses 0 12 0 Hazel, Mr...... 0 12 6 Westbouj ne. 10 2 0 Moneympnt.Miss 1 0 0 Siinmous, Mr ... 0 12 0 Rev G. Wainwright. CHRISTCHURCH. Tomkins, Mr , , 1 6 0 What ford, Miss 0 10 0 BROUGHTON. Collections 18 2 3 Coll., for W JtO 0 8 0 Yates, M r...... 0 12 0 Do., for Congo 6 0 0 Under 10s...... 3 10 6 Rev H. A. Tree. Prayer meetings 0 10 0 Do., for W * O 3 5 6 Bible-class, for Missionary Prayer Congo...... 4 5 0 Boxes by Union, for Collections 4 14 0 Bailey, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 support o f Do., for W à 0 1 12 0 5 3 9 Mitchell, Mrs G. 1 4 9 M r H ale, Prayer-mtg., box 0 10 9 iScott, Mrs...... 0 2 8 Jn^ia ...... 112 6 0 Sunday-school... 1 3 2 14* x l v i i i HAMPSHIRE. [1895.

COSHAM. PORTSMOUTH Simmons, Mr ... 0 10 0 DISTRICT AUXI LI ART. Under 10s.. 2 6 4 Rev W. H. Barham. Hobbs’ By Miss Light, legacy...... 0 7 Mr J. A. Byerley, for Congo ...... 0 18 0 Coll., for W db 0 0 5 0 Treasurer. Contributions ... 2 5 0 Subscriptions: 131 5 1 A Friend ...... 0 10 Public Meetings : 2 10 0 Andrews, Capt... 0 10 Bath, Mr H. T... 0 10 4 9 7 SOUTHSEA. CollinB, Rev J.... 0 10 7 3 0 3 10 0 EASTLEIGH. Fumer, M rs 2 0 Elm Grove. Under 10s...... 1 17 15 Coll., for W db O 0 8 0 2 7 Rev J. P. Williams. Contributions ... 3 12 0 For N P, by Do., for ¿V P... 0 6 6 Doro, H...... 0 5 Collections...... 15 0 3 Hookey, W 0 6 FOBTSBA. Do., for WJt O 5 0 0 4 6 6 Medley, R D 0 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 66 15 0 Pitt, F...... 0 8 Kent Street. Subscriptions : 27 15 RevW. J. Buchanan. By Mrs Scott. FLEET. Less District Collections 3 6 0 expenses 1 15 0 Rev J. S. Fidge. Do., for W & O 1 15 0 Chalcraft, Mr ... 0 10 Contribs.,S.-sch. 16 15 4 Colverson, Mr, 26 0 2 Prayer-meetings 0 13 8 and family ... 1 4 0 Coll., for W & O 1 6 0 Dyer, Mr J...... 0 10 6 Chapel box ...... 0 17 3 Subscriptions : Garnett, Mrs..... 1 0 0 S.-school box ... 1 14 6 Gilbert, M iss.... 0 10 0 LYNDHURST. Gray, Mr W 1 1 0 Hutchens, Mr ... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : May, Mr R. R .... 8 0 0 Neobard, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Edwards,Mr J. J. 0 10 0 Rev T. W. Scamell. Do. (donation) 4 0 0 Skinner, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Edwards,Mr J.B. 0 10 0 Robinson. Miss 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 4 9 4 Pollard, Miss...... 1 0 0 Collection ...... 0 9 Ridoutt, Mr F .... 0 10 Do., for W & O 0 11 Tilly, Mr B 0 10 By Mrs Porter. Boxes by Subscriptions ... 2 15 Do., Class ...... 1 15 Boxes ...... 0 5 Warn, Mr Jas.... 1 1 Bracher, M r...... 0 10 Beasley,Albert... 0 6 2 Contribs.,for HP 1 8 Under 10s...... 1 2 Elsie, Mr ...... 1 0 Feesey, Emma... 0 1 0 Ford, M rs...... 0 10 Munn, Mrs...... 0 7 7 5 10 41 11 3 Foxwell,MrF.A. 0 10 Wakefield, Mr ... 1 7 9 Horn, Mr ...... 1 1 Woodman, Jessie 0 7 6 Kay, Mr F. W.... 0 10 POBTSMOTTTH. Knight, Mr ...... 1 1 8 7 9 MILFORD. Liddell, Mrs...... 0 10 Lake Road. Merritt, Mr G. ... 0 10 Rev G. R. Tanswell. Miller, Mr C...... 0 10 LOCKERLEY AND Rev C. Joseph. Miller, Mr W. ... 1 1 Collection 1 3 2 Morrish, M r...... 0 12 MOTTISFONT Do., for W ¿e Q 0 15 0 Collections 14 5 1 Painter, Mrs ... 0 10 Sunday-school ...090 Do., for WdbO 6 0 0 Parkhouse, Mr... 1 1 Lockerley. Prayer meetings 6 4 8 Porter, M r...... 2 2 Subscriptions: Contribs.,S.-sch. 36 12 0 Porter, Miss B. 0 10 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 13 0 Do., for NP... 0 3 0 Gibbs, Mr & Mrs 2 0 0 Boxes ...... 33 3 1 Southey, Mr J.... 2 0 For N P, by Tanswell.RevG.R., Turnbull, Mrs ... 0 10 and M rs 0 10 6 Young men’s Under 10s...... 10 7 Bible-class 7 4 11 Annetts, Arthur 0 16 6 WestbourneS.-sch.4 1» Elcock, Florence 0 9 10 Fcr N P, by 7 By Miss Williams. Hurst, Frank ... 0 8 8 Buckingham Place Hopkins, L 0 10 7 Sunday-school 0 7 5 Bell, Mr ...... 0 10 Paddock,Emiline 0 16 3 Ingrem, Ethel... 0 7 10 Pritchard, Jas.... 0 11 4 Budd, Miss ...... 0 10 Roud, Florence... 0 Lawrence, Ada 0 3 9 Subscriptions: Hills, Mr ...... 0 10 4 11 Peckhatn, —...... 0 9 6 Martin, Mr H. ... 1 0 Southwell,Louisa 1 2 0 Anonymous 1 1 0 Reed, A da 0 15 0 Benney, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Miall, Mrs...... 0 10 Rickman, Frank 0 6 4 Blake, Mr J. H. 0 10 6 Tilly, Miss ...... 0 10 MOTTISFONT. Rogers, Harry... 0 4 1 Byerley, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Tilly, Miss S. ... 0 10 Whitley, M r...... 2 10 Contributions ... 4 10 2 Capper, Mr and 7 14 9 Mrs (don.) 1 10 0 Whitley, Mrs ... 2 0 Williams,RevJ.P. 0 10 13 12 8 Farenden. Mr ... 0 10 0 Freeman, Mr O. 0 10 0 Williams, Miss... 0 10 Joseph, Rev C.... 2 10 0 Young, Mr . 0 10 ODIKAM. Light, Mr W. R. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 3 19 Napier, Mr C .... 0 10 6 LYMINGTON. Hillside Mission- By Miss Riley. room ...... 0 6 Outridge, Mr 1 0 0 Rev J. Colling. Owen, Mr A. J. 0 12 0 Whitley, M r 2 10 0 Palmer, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Under 10s. ... 0 10 4 Collections 5 15 0 Subscription : Parnell, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Do., for W db O 1 4 6 Fountain, Mr W. 10 0 Porter, Mr A. ... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 11 9 1 Ridoutt, Mr F.... 0 10 6 By Miss Stans wood. Pastor’s Bible- Roberts, Mr R. J. 3 3 0 Martin, Mr 10 0 Q class...... 0 6 7 Roberts, Mrs R.J. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 3 0 1895.] HAMPSHIRE.

Collected by G o s p o b t . Waterlooville. Holloway,J.&A. 0 6 0 Judd, Miss 0 6 6 Miller, Miss ..... 0 12 4 Stoke Road. Rev C. H. Thomas. Moore, Mrs ...... 0 5 6 Spencer, Miss ... 0 10 9 Rev J. Pitman. Newman, Miss... 0 5 0 Shilling, Miss ...0 6 1 Collection ...... 1 0 0 Collections 3 15 4 SelectBible-cla8s 0 5 7 Sunday-school... 1 4 3 Do., for IF

SOTTHAKFTOtr. Boxes by WINCHESTER. NITON. Barrow, Mrs 0 7 11 Rev A. W. Wood. Rev J. Bateman. Carlton Chapel. Morris, W. & E. 0 2 9 Collections 1 11 2 Rev N. T. J. Miller. Collections...... 3 17 0 16 10 1 Do., for W dsO 1 3 0 Do.,for W&O 1 1 5 Contribs., for^i* 1 11 9 Collections...... 3 1 1 Less cost of Y.P.S.C.E., for 2 10 6 Do., for W & O 1 5 0 Heralds) ...... support of Subscription: Prayer meetings 0 11 9 Congo boy...... 7 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 9 0 0 44 5 7 Proceeds of Bale Dabell, Mr C. ...110 Do., for Congo 5 0 0 of w ork...... 25 0 0 Do., for boy Contribs., S. -sch. 8 11 6 Boxes by under Mr SWAY. Attrill, Charles 0 4 1 Scrivener ... 5 0 0 Subscriptions: Bateman, Stanley 0 12 0 Collection ...... 0 12 0 Dabell, Morris... 1 0 0 Subscriptions Dyer, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 2 8 Sunday-sc h o o 1, Osmond, M r 0 10 Edwards, Mrs ... for N P ...... 1 7 0 Eldridge. Mrs ... 0 6 0 Hardiman, Mr C. 0 10 0 Wood, Rev A. W. 0 10 Jacobs, Miss A. 0 4 5 Miller,RevN.T.J. 0 10 6 Wyeth, Mr 0 10 Jacobs, Miss W. 0 7 0 Newnam, Mr W. 1 1 0 1 19 0 By Mrs Gotch. Norris, Eva ..... 0 4 2 Paul, Mr M...... 0 10 6 Palmer, William 0 7 0 Tanner, M rs...... 1 1 0 Gotch, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 Sbeath, Miss ... 0 4 1 Under 10s...... 1 7 0 WALLOP Do., for sup­ Squibb, M rs...... 0 3 0 port o f Squibb, Walwin 0 2 4 Boxes by Collections...... 0 18 4 Congo boy... 2 10 0 Westmore, Mrs 1 5 5 Do., for W & O 1 3 4 Parfitt, Mr 0 10 6 Wheeler, Mrs ... 0 7 6 Chappel, M r...... 0 4 1 Contribs., S -sch. 2 3 0 Under 10s...... 3 17 0 Gregory, Mrs ... 0 4 4 Weekly subscrip­ 10 16 7 Harris, Mrs ...... 0 2 6 Boxes by tions by Miss Less expenses 0 0 fl Jenner, Mrs ...... 0 3 0 Hoare...... 3 11 1 White, Mrs ...... 0 4 4 Hennen, Miss ... 0 10 0 10 15 10 Windsor, M r .... 0 2 0 Rounds, Master 0 7 4 0 0 8 Rumble, Miss ... 0 11 5 Boxes by Under 2s...... Webb, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Gotch, Winifred 1 0 0 ROUD, near GODSHILL. 29 18 9 For N P, by Gotch, BernardC. 1 0 3 Hoare, M iss...... 0 11 0 Blake, Eva ...... 0 3 6 Collections...... 1 2 8 Horn, Louisa ... 0 8 10 Classes for N P, by Box by sotriHAMPTOir. Knight, Alice ... 0 3 7 Rounds, Leonard 0 4 7 Allnutt, Mr 0 3 6 Kingswell, Miss 1 5 0 Portland Chapel. Rumble, Lavinia 0 4 4 Bumage, Mrs ... 0 4 5 Rumble, Henry 0 8 0 2 7 8 Rev Carey Bonner. Collett, Mrs ...... 0 4 2 Gurney, Mr ..... 0 9 0 7 10 3 Hawkes, Miss ... 0 18 0 Collections 7 14 0 Less expenses 0 3 6 Do., for F A O 3 11 0 Holliday, Mrs ... 0 5 6 RYDE. Contribs., S.-sch. 20 6 7 Hopkins, Mr 0 5 0 Park Road. Prayer meeting.. 0 11 11 7 12 9 Tarrant, Miss ... 0 7 5 Young men’s class 1 10 0 Under 2s...... 0 3 0 Rev E. Haggis. Collections...... 1 0 0 65 19 9 Sunday-school... 3 7 0 Subscriptions: WHITCHURCH. Less expenses 0 7 0 By Miss Burnett. 4 7 0 Collections...... 2 16 0 65 12 9 Sparks, M rs 0 12 0 Do., for W «fc O 0 15 0 S.-sch. boxes...... 1 6 5 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 1,209 9 3 EYDE. Less district By Miss Hunt. Subscriptiors : expenses . 3 0 11 George Street. A Friend ...... 0 10 6 Rev E. B. Pearson. Hunt, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Brown, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 £1,206 8 4 M. S...... 0 12 0 Cox, Mr J ...... 0 10 6 Collection...... 5 11 8 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Humphries, Mrs 0 10 0 Do., for W ¿b O 3 12 0 Humphries, Miss 0 10 0 Do.,pub.mtng. 3 0 5 By Miss Miller. Roe, Mrs, and Prayer mtg. box 1 3 0 Godwin, Miss 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 0 0 Phillips,Mr&Mrs 2 0 0 5sle of Mtgbt. Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 7 6 Under 10s...... 0 11 4 Box by Subscriptions: Gunstone,MissM. 0 4 6 COLWELL. By Mrs Benest. By Miss Clarkson. For N P, by Collections 3 4 4 Bulpitt, Mr ...... 0 10 G Brook, Mr E. F. 1 1 0 Davies, Mr W. H. 0 10 0 Barlow, Miss J. 0 3 6 Boxes by Daish, Mr W. H. 1 1 0 D’Elboux, Mr ... 0 12 0 Hutchence.Miss E. 0 11 C Davis, Mrs B. B. 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 2 10 4 Hutchence, MissF.O 16 0 Hills, Mrs A 0 10 0 Giles, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hynes, Mrs H.... 1 1 0 Hockin, Miss ... 1 1 0 Collected by 10 4 11 Radford, Mr J... 0 11 0 Pearson, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Less expenses 0 4 6 Sunday-school... 0 9 8 Simonds, P rof... 1 1 0 Branford, Mr ... 1 9 2 Simonds, Mrs, Burnett', Mrs F. J. 0 15 10 10 0 5 5 16 0 for Congo ... 1 1 0 Vivian* Miss K. 1 3 9 - Under 10s...... 0 5 0 1895,] ISLE OF W IGHT— HEREFORDSHIRE,

Boxes by Sunday-school boxes by GARWAY. Boxes by Brook, Harold... 0 14 0 Adcock, Mr W.... 0 7 5 Rev J. Hook. Davies, Miss 0 16 2 Gatrall, Clara ... C 1 6 Fennings, Mr A. 0 14 2 Dean, Miss L. ... 0 18 5 Hayward, Mrs... 0 10 7 Fennings, Miss 0 4 4 Garway S.-sch.... 0 17 6 Jacob, Miss ...... 0 4 10 HopkiDS, Miss... 0 5 0 Hallett, Mr G. ... 0 1 5 Do., for NP ... 0 4 0 Jones, Mi's. Jas. 0 11 2 Nicklin, Thos ... 0 2 6 James, M iss 0 C G Orcop, for do. ... 0 6 0 King, Miss 1 18 0 Spencer, Miss E. 0 6 8 Lillywhite, Miss 0 3 6 Norton, for do.... 0 12 6 Lacey, Mrs ..... 1 14 0 Luck, Miss 0 2 2 Lydiard, Louis... 0 2 9 33 6 10 Noyce, Mr R. ... 0 6 7 2 0 0 Midson, Mrs 0 G 1 Less expenses 0 17 0 Paskins, Mr E.... 0 5 3 Pearce, Mrs W. 0 8 3 Paskins. Mr O.... 0 5 10 Riley, M rs 0 7 0 32 9 10 Peach, Mr D. ... 0 6 10 Rogers, Mrs J. .. 0 1L 0 Romney, M r 0 6 6 GORSLEY. “ The Firs ” ...... 4 4 0 Ward, Master ... 0 4 0 8 11 6 Rev E. Ashton. Classes for N P, by SANDOWN. Less expenses 0 6 2 Collections ...... 1 16 11 Rev A. G. Short. Colwell, Miss ... 0 10 0 8 8 4 Subscriptions: Fisher, Miss 0 2 3 Collection ...... 2 1 7 Gregg, Miss ...... 0 5 1 Do., for W & 0 0 10 6 £80 8 8 Ashton, Rev E.... 0 10 0 Guise, Miss ...... 0 4 10 Sunday-school... 1 14 3 Moody, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Howells, Miss ... 0 9 6 Moody, Mrs J .... 0 10 0 lies, Mr ...... 0 3 5 Boxes by Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Infants ...... 2 0 6 Jacob, Miss ...... 0 3 5 Anning, Miss ... 0 1 11 Boxes by Casford, Miss ... 0 6 ^6 IfjeceforDsbire. Jacob, Mr ...... 0 2 6 Collins&Goodall, Clutterbuck, Mrs 0 14 0 Johnson, M r 0 5 6 Cornwell, Mrs R. 0 1 10 Jones, Miss ...... 0 3 2 Misses...... 0 10 o EWIAS HAROLD. Gibbons, Miss N. 0 12 Cracknel!, Mrs... 0 16 5 Kedward, Mr ... 0 12 0 Goulding, Miss .. 0 11 0 Riley, Mr ...... 0 1 8 Short, Miss 0 4 2 Rey T, Williams, Vince, Mrs...... 1 2 6 Jones, Miss ...... 1 5 3 Saunders, Miss 0 4 0 Phillips, Miss ... 0 9 10 Ward, Mr ...... 0 9 0 Collections 0 17 7 4 0 Phillips, Mr W... 0 5 0 Williams, Miss... 0 3 2 Donation ...... 0 5 Webb, Mrs 0 5 3 Woodward, Miss 0 2 7 Less expenses 0 6 6 Young women... 2 3 3 For N P, by 6 17 8 8 0 Young men ...... 3 7 10 6 |Clarke, Mr J o 2 Prosser, Miss F. 0 3 110 0 0 Sirretfc, Miss A. 0 2 HEREFORD. VENTNOR. Williams, Mr G. 0 0 Under 2s 0 1 Rev J. Meredith. KINGTON. Rev J. N. Rootham. 1 18 5 Collections ...... 6 17 0 Rev W. B. Nichols. Collections...... 2 19 8 Less expenses 0 3 5 Do., pub. mtg. 8 0 3 Sun.-sch. boxes 2 0 10 Do., for W & O 2 13 0 Miss Remsbury’s Contribs., S.-sch. Collection ...... i 12 6 box ...... 0 4 9 bags...... 25 3 8 Miss Ashford’s Y.P.S.C.E 1 9 8 Donation. card, for JV'P.. 0 5 0 FOWNHOPE. Subscriptions: Bebb, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Donation : Rev W, Pontifex. Beeson, Mr S. ... 0 10 0 2 2 6 Pope, Mr R. ... 1 0 Beeson, F. & S. 0 10 0 0 Collection ...... 0 13 11 Cook,Mr Truman 2 0 0 Do., for W & O 0 10 0 Cook, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 6 10 3 LLANERCOED. Less expenses 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 11 1 Davies, Mrs ..... 5 0 0 6 9 Davies, Miss L. 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Friend, M iss 2 0 0 Sunday-school... 1 0 o 6 3 6 Godwin, Mr ...... 1 0 0 A Friend, per W. Jacob, Mr J 1 0 0 Pontifex 0 10 0 King, Mr and Mrs PETERCHURCH. Paine, Mr W. ...100 F. G...... 1 0 0 WELLOW. Pontifex, Rev W. 0 10 6 King, C. J. & H. 0 15 0 Rev J. Beard. Contributions ... 3 3 0 King, Mr G 4 4 0 Collection ...... 1 0 0 For JV P, by Lacey, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 Godsal, Edward 0 1 9 Meredith, Rev. J, 0 10 G Subscriptions. Pontife'X, Jos. R. 0 8 0 Pearce, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 WEST COWES Rowberry, Harry 0 13 2 Pearce, Mr and Pearce, Mr Jas... 0 10 0 Rowberry, Bertie 0 10 2 Mrs W...... 1 1 0 Rev G. Sparks. Pearce, Mr T. ... 0 10 0 Stone, Dora ...... 0 7 9 Riley, Mr ...... 1 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Collections...... 3 G 3 Thomas, G. & W. 0 9 2 Rogers, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Rogers, Mr H. ... 1 1 0 Boxes by Boxes by St. Dalmas, Mr A. de ...... 5 0 0 Cooper, Mrs H... 0 8 0 1 0 0 Tbankoffering... 5 0 0 Cooper, Mrs G... 0 3 9 0 G 8 Williams, Miss... 0 10 0 ROS3. Fidgett, Mr ..... 0 2 6 0 6 0 Under 10s...... 2 10 10 James, D...... 0 G 0 0 10 0 Rev J. J. Knight. Moore, Percy ... 0 3 7 Collected for N P, by Trask, M r ...... 0 8 6 8 7 2 Collections 2 16 11 Weeks, M r...... 0 5 6 Pearce, Miss Ada 1 7 9 Do., for W& O 1 4 0 lir HEREFORDSHIRE—HERTFORDSHIRE, [1895.

Sunday-school... 2 s 2 Cards by Margrave, Miss , BUSHEY. MrsMarsh’sBible- Saunders, B . class...... 1 10 0 Godsall, Miss A. 0 10 Stapleton, Mrs.. Rev H. T. Spufford. Mother’sMeeting 0 7 6 Godsall, William 0 7 Walton, Mr ...... 0 8 17 15 3 Collections...... Subscriptions: Less expenses 0 16 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. Part proceeds of Blake, Mr T...... 1 1 0 16 18 9 sale of work, for Congo ...... 5 0 0 Daniel, Mr...... 0 10 6 Less district Knight, Mr ..... 0 10 6 1 10 6 Subscriptions: Marsh, Mr...... 0 10 0 BISHOP’S S TORTFORD. Pike, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 £ 1 6 0 17 7 By Mis Bailey. Seymour, Mrs ... 0 15 0 Rev W. Walker. Southall, Mr... 0 10 6 Bailey, Mr T...... 2 2 0. Under 10s. .... 2 3 6 8 16 6 Blackburn, Mr J. 0 10 0 Ibertforbsbire. jsunaay-sohooi... S 4 0 1 1 0 Boxes by 4 16 6 Under 10s...... 1 13 0 0 2 6 Daniel, Mr...... 0 5 0 BARNET. Boxes by Davies, Misses... 0 8 9 Boxes by Duffield, Mrs ... 0 5 2 Tabernacle. Bailey, Mrs ...... 0 8 Jenkins, Mrs...... 0 2 6 Manning,Miss N. 0 1 6 Hart, Fanny 0 4 Moss, Miss...... 0 6 11 Rev P. J. Smart. ! Prayer meeting. 0 8 2 Infant class ..... 0 16 Norman, Miss N. 1 0 10 Robinson, Miss . 0 3 6 Wilson, Frank 0 3 Coll., Sun.-sch... 8 6 Webb, Miss B.... 0 5 10 Phillips, Miss B. 0 5 0 Collecting boo.ts 7 11 Wilson, Mr. .chil­ Plaisten, Mrs ... 0 2 0 dren ...... 0 2 6 Under 2s...... 0 G 6 Oontribs.,for N P 8 2 12 18 6 Subscriptions : Less expenses 0 14 6 25 10 6 18 0 9 Less expenses 0 10 8 Hopwood.MrG.E. 3 3 12 4 0 HopwoodjMiss .. 0 10 17 10 1 Do., for China 1 0 CHESHÜNT. Do., for Congo 0 10 BOVINGDON. Under 10s...... 0 5 Windmill Lane. Collection ...... 0 13 Collected by RYEFORD. Do., iorW&O 0 4 Contribs., S.-sch., Crowsley, Maud 1 0 10 for N Jf ...... 1 Rev E. Watkins. First class girls 0 2 1 Harding, Agnes 0 10 4 Subscription: Collection ...... 0 7 5 Harris, Tom & A. 0 5 11 Washbourne.Mrs 1 0 0 Hopwood, G. E... 0 3 6 BOXMOOR. Cards by Hughes, Eveline 0 8 6 Huxley, Roy...... 1 0 4 Rev F. J. Flatt. Creese, Cissie ... Ingram, Sophia 0 4 4 Watkins, Ethel . Lockhart, Teresa 1 14 1 Collections 22 3 Watkins,E rely ne Lockhart, Miss... 0 8 1 Do., iovWirO 4 13 CHIPPERFIELD. Waikins, Gladys 1 10 Sennet,Raymond 0 8 3 Sunday-school... 2 6 Wilks, Bessie ... 2 6 Sunday-school... 0 9 6 Rev J. Pringle. Williams, Nellie Subscriptions : Tomlin, Ernest... 0 6 7 Collections...... 2 18 Weatherley, P.... 0 16 3 Flatt, Rev F. J... 0 10 1 11 1 2 0 Webb, Gertie...... 0 8 9 Orchard, Mr L.... 1 Do., for W «fe 0 Under 2s...... 0 2 5 Prayer meetings 0 6 Collected by Subscription: 16 2 4 Lygrave, Miss E. 1 STANSBATCH. Steane, Mrs ...... 6 Rev S. Watkins. Boxes by BERKHAMPSTED. Collected by Atkins, M r...... 0 5 6 Wallinger, Miss 1 Cards., for N 1J 1 Badrick, M r..... 0 8 3 Subscription 0 < Rev J. F. Smythe. Bunce, Mrs .... 0 8 2 Boxes by Collections 4 2 11 Dunbar, Mr ..... 1 1 1 Do., for W 4" O 2 0 0 Durrant, Miss .. 0 5 0 Eales, Mrs 0 7 8 Contribs.,S.-sch. 3 17 10 Glenister, Mr .. 0 3 7 Edmonds, Mrs... 0 2 0 Higby, Mrs ..... 0 4 4 Johnstone, Miss 0 6 0 Subscriptions: Howe, Miss L... 0 3 7 Paveley, Miss ... 0 10 2 WHITESTONE. King, Mr ...... 0 11 2 Wallinger, Mrs... 0 12 By Miss R. C. Sills. Marnham, Mr . 4 12 11 Rev W. Price. Monk, M r ...... 0 4 0 14 6 0 East, Miss 0 10 0 Pearce, M r...... 2 1 3 Less expenses 0 5 4 Collections 0 17 Norris, Mr C 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 0 13 Redding, Miss ... 0 3 4 Squires, Miss ... 0 10 0 Rolph,MrsE.... 3 0 14 0 8 Under 10s...... 2 1 0 Sears, Mr J...... 0 1 8 Boxes by Toms, Mr ...... 0 17 3 Collected by Godwin, Miss ... 1 9 11 Tripp, Mrs...... 0 4 7 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD. Lewis, Miss B.... 0 18 7 i Bunker, Ella..... 0 3 0 Ward, Miss .... . 0 1 10 Lewis, Miss Eva 0 2 9 Christian Band 0 14 6 Young, Mr...... 0 12 2 Rev W. W. Robinson. Lewis, Mrs H .... 0 17 Cousins, J...... 0 8 3 Price, M rs 0 6 Howard, Mabel 0 10 0 41 6 10 Collections.. 6.17 Walton, Mrs 0 4 King, Wilfred ... 0 12 6 Do., for W& O. 1 8 1895.] HERTFORDSHIRE. liii

Snn-sch., boys... 4 11 2 Russell,Mr G. W. 1 1 0 Whitwell. NEW BARNET. Do., girls ..... 3 18 5 Whaley, Mr ..... 0 10 6 Do., infants ... 0 5 8 Wolfe. Mr J. W. 2 2 0 Collections...... 1 0 0 Rev A. E. Jones. Y. P. S. C. E,for Under 10s... 2 0 6 Collection ...... 4 3 1 support of Collected by Congo boy C 1 4 Boxes by Do.,for W&O 2 14 9 Sunday-school ..14 0 9 Cheeseman, Mrs 0 10 0 Edwards, Florrie 1 0 Subscriptions: 1 Do., for N P... 0 3 8 Daintree, Mrs ... 0 14 2 Juv. Miss. Soy. 1 12 6 By Mrs Chennells. Foster, Miss .. . 0 14 4 Boxes by Foster, Mr J. H. 0 12 4 Y.P.S.C.E 0 8 0 Chennells, Mr ... 1 0 0 Butterfield, Rose 0 3 5 Gat ward, Miss... 0 11 3 0 4 0 George, Mrs .... 0 10 6 Hall, Mrs ...... 0 10 3 Cain, Albert...... Subscriptions : Monk, Mr J. , . 0 10 0 Cain, Stephen ... 0 7 8 Jeeves, Miss . ,. 0 2 0 6 Osborn, Mrs W... 1 10 0 Newton, Miss L. 0 10 0 Day, Annie ..... 0 3 By Mrs Bowden. Under 10s...... 2 0 9 Nicholls, Mrs ... 0 11 1 Edwards, Mary 0 7 10 Beall, Mr J 4 0 0 Roberts, Mrs 0 10 4 Lee, Bertha ...... 0 3 6 Bowden, Mr J.... 3 10 0 By Mrs Culverhouse. 0 10 0 Parsons, Miss ... 0 1 11 Russell,MrsG.W. Sharp, Clara..... 0 3 7. Gibson, Mr E. A. 5 0 0 Austin, Mrs C. J. 1 1 0 Street, Miss ...... 0 5 0 0 2 10 Jones, Rev A. E. 1 0 0 Pariss, Mr B. T. 0 10 6 Ward, Miss ...... Lowe, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s. 0 0 0 For N P, by 30 19 5 Pavitt, M r 2 2 0 1 10 3 Randall, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Boxes by Cheeseman,Gertie 0 12 0 Less expenses S...... 1 0 0 Foster, Miss 0 16 0 Austin, Miss D. 0 5 4 29 9 2 Smith, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Sharp,Francis G. 0 12 0 Summerfield, Mr 1 1 <• Chennells, Mrs .. 0 5 0 Scholars...... 3 12 8 Orchard, Mrs A., 0 14 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 6 Osborn, Mrs W. 1 1 0 76 13 10 By Mrs G. Pavitt. Woods, Mrs W... 0 4 0 Less expenses 0 8 6 KING’S LANGLEY. Woods, Mrs, for Bishop, Mr T. ... 1 1 0 Congo...... 0 4 9 76 5 4 Rev D. McMillan. Lewis, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Under 2s...... 0 3 6 Pavitt, Mr G. ... 2 2 0 Wilkinson, Mrs... 4 0 0 For N P, by Collections 0 18 6 HITCHIN. Do., for W dbO 0 4 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 AtiBtin, Miss D... 0 4 9 Hunton Bridge, Banfield, Emily.. 0 2 2 Walsworth Hoad. for do...... 0 5 2 By Miss Lucas. Burge, Miss M. .. 0 2 1 Rev T. H. Smith. Abbotts Langley, Beach, Mr W. C. 2 2 0 Chennells,Master for do...... 0 7 0 Green, Mr ...... 0 10 0 and Miss...... 1 5 0 Collections...... 1 17 1 Contribs., S.-s 'h. 0 10 3 Hunt, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Orchard, G...... 0 2 0 Do., pub. mtg. 1 19 1 Do., for JV P... 0 17 6 Lucas, Mr F 1 1 0 Parris, H. B...... 0 5 0 Do., for W dt O 1 9 8 Hunton Bridge Reeves, Mrs, for Stapleton, Miss ST. 0 2 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 11 6 Sun.-sch 0 8 6 Congo...... 0 10 0 Under 2s...... 0 6 3 Prayer meetings 0 3 0 Dei., for N P... 0 8 10 Tucker, Miss B. 0 10 0 AbbottsLangley, Turner, Miss 1 0 0 34 18 0 Subscriptions for N P ...... 0 13 0 Less expenses 0 C 0 By Miss Morgan. Under 10s...... 0 16 0 Burls, Mr E. J. P. 5 0 0 4 12 9 Boxes by 34 12 0 Halsey, Mr Geo. 1 0 0 Beach, Mr W. C. 0 10 11 Parker, Mrs ,,, , 0 10 G Cooper, Mr ...... 0 3 1 Smart, Mr J...... 0 10 6 Green, Miss P.... 0 7 11 HITCHIN. Under 10s...... 0 13 6 MARK TATE STREET. Whatley, M r 1 16 10 Salem Chapel. Boxes by Rev J. S. Bruce. 61 1 0 Rev C. S. Hull. Farrer, Miss...... 0 7 0 Foster, Ada ..... 0 5 4 Collection ...... 0 16 0 Collections...... 12 4 1 Griggs Winnie... 0 5 2 Do., for Wdb O 0 15 11 NORTHCHÜRCH. Do., for W & O 4 9 0 Halsey, Herbert 0 10 G S.-sch. box 2 3 6 Do.,prayer mtgs 3 16 4 Holmes, Emily... 0 10 6 Contribs., for NP 5 3 8 Rev A. Bosher. Contribs.,S.-sch. 11 2 1 Morgan, Miss ... 0 9 0 Proceeds of Good Coll., for W éc O Parker, Henry... 0 12 4 Subscriptions: (2 years) 1 12 0 Friday meeting 4 1 6 Smith, Ella ...... 0 11 10 Collected by Mrs Cook, Mrs T 3 0 0 Sunday-school... 0 4 6 Wright, Charles 0 3 11 Munn, Mrs 1 1 0 Braund, for 1 16 0 Congo boys ... 0 15 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 0 Collected by 13 13 1 Subscriptions Bird, Ethel ..... 1 1 3 Bettinson, Mr ... 10 0 0 Bird, Fred...... 1 2 10 REDBOURN. Bullen, Mr...... 1 1 0 Culper, Nellie ... 0 8 4 Collections 1 4 6 Cheeseman, Mr 0 10 6 Davies, Charlie.. 0 2 4 MILL END. Daintree, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Ewen, Mr ...... 0 12 6 Doggett, Mr __ 2 2 0 Humphries,Annie 0 13 0 Rev J. W. Thomas. E. O. A...... 2 2 0 James, Sarah ... 0 12 2 RICKMANSWORTH. Foster, Mr M. H. 2 2 0 Parker, John..... 1 9 3 Coll., for W

Subscriptions : Hardy,Rev C. M. 1 4 0 THING. Mills, M rs 0 10 0 Hitchcock, M r... 0 12 0 Myers, Rev J. B. Fisk, RevW 6 0 0 Lewis, Mr A. ...100 High Street. and M rs 3 0 0 Pearce, Mr W ... 0 10 0 Lewis, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 Myers, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr ... 0 10 0 Neave, Miss 0 10 0 Rev C. Pearce. Myers,Miss Ruth 1 1 0 Smart, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 13 0 Myers, Mr J. E... 0 10 0 Ward, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 9 13 0 Rowse, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 By Miss Holderness. Do., for Con/fo Sheppard, Miss 0 16 0 Box by boy under Mr Short, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Ward, Mrs 2 3 4 Bowers, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Stapleton ... 2 0 0 Smith, Mr J. J .. 20 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 6 Smith, Mrs J. J. 3 3 0 17 8 3 Subscriptions (2 years.) : Smith, Mr H. ... 2 5 0 By Miss A. A. Lewis. Less expenses 0 5 6 Stephens, Mr ...110 Smith, Miss C. G. 1 1 0 Page, Dr ...... 3 0 0 Woods,Mr W. for Smith, Miss E. M. 1 0 0 17 2 9 Page, Miss ...... 1 10 0 Congo...... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr J. G. 15 15 « Savage, Mr ...... 0 12 0 Smith, Mrs J. G. 5 5 0 Thomas, M r 1 10 0 13 15 0 Smith, Miss E. S. 3 3 0 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Smith,Miss C..., 2 2 0 ST. ALBANS. Smith, Miss E.... 2 2 0 Dagnall Street. By Miss Wiles. Smith, Miss Edith 2 2 0 WARE. Smith, Miss M. J. 2 2 0 Rev C. M. Hardy, B.A. Betts, Mrs 6 0 0 Smith, Mr Fred 2 2 0 Collections 15 3 6 Church, Miss ... 15 0 0 By Mr B. Medcalf. Smith, Mr & Mrs Forder, Mr ...... 8 8 0 Do., for WAO 4 15 10 Subscriptions : C .K 6 6 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 6 2 Pellant, Mrs and Smith, Mr W. L. 6 0 0 Miss...... 0 10 0 Gibbs, Mr, Bible- Medcalf, Mr B.... 1 11 6 Smitli, Mrs W. L. 1 1 0 class, for sup­ Whitbread, Miss 0 10 0 Smith, Mr & Mrs Wiles, Mr J 4 4 0 Medcalf, Dr E. S. 0 10 6 port o f Congo Pavey, Mr G. ... 0 10 6 A. K...... 5 0 0. boy ...... 5 0 0 Wiles, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Tidcombe, Miss 1 0 0 Y. W. Bible-class 1 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Tucker, Mr W.... 1 0 0 SopwellLaneMis. Walker, Mr A.... 2 0 0 sion Hall 0 17 9 Boxes by Walker,MrWatson Park-street prayer A. L...... 0 10 0 (don.) ...... 5 5 0 meeting 0 3 10 Bastow, Miss, WATFORD. Under 10s...... 8 10 3 Thankoffering... o 10 0 class...... 0 4 6 Subscriptions : Boxall, M iss 0 10 11 Rev J. Stuart. By Miss Catling 2 19 7 Element. Mrs ... 0 5 6 Glover, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Wells, Mrs 0 2 6 Collections 39 3 8 By Mr A. Walker 1 18 4 King, M rs 0 10 0 Do., for W ¿e O 7 0 0 For N P, by Leavesden 1 5 0 For China Medical Fund, By Miss Fisk. Contribs. ,S.-sch. 41 13 10 by Miss Ella Smith. French, A. and S. 1 1 0 Do.,Leavesden 2 10 0 Christian, Mr ... 0 10 6 Hare, K. W 0 15 0 Fisk, Miss...... 2 2 0 Clump Society... 10 15 0 Smith, Mr J. J. 1 1 0 Hitchcock, A. ... 0 19 2 Y.P.S.C.E 0 6 11 Smith, Mrs J. J. 0 10 0 Fisk, Miss E. ...2 2 0 Humphrey, A. E. 0 10 0 Young People’s Smith, Miss E. M. 0 10 0 Fisk, Mr W 0 12 0 Association 5 0 0 Smith, Misses ... 0 10 0 Waddington.Mrs 0 10 0 124 1 0 Do.,for support Under 10s...... 0 4 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 0 Less expenses 1 9 1 o f Congo boy, By Miss Bamforth. “ Veza ” ...... 5 0 0 Boxes by 122 11 11 Do., for sup­ Fisk, Mr...... 10 0 0 port of Hari Allen, Mr J 0 5 0 Rodgers, Miss M. 1 10 0 Ram’s daugh­ Alsford, Mrs 0 3 6 Sprigings, Mr ... 0 10 0 SARRATT. ter, “ Dhau- Andrews, Mrs J., Under 10s...... 0 10 0 wanti,” Agra 4 0 0 children 0 7 8 Collections 1 0 0 Do., for China Beckley, Miss M. 0 12 4 By Mrs French. Do., for W

Walker, Mr A,, HAIL WESTON. ST. NEOT3. Boxes by family...... 1 3 1 Rev W. E. Davies. Banks, Mr W .... 0 13 1 Rev R. D. Cooper. Berry, Mr ...... 0 8 5 265 3 7 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 7 9 Boakes, Miss N. 0 8 0 Less expenses 1 4 6 Coll. (moiety) ... 3 19 Bradley, Mr AY. 2 4 2 Coleman, Miss... 0 12 9 263 19 1 Gower, Mrs ..... 0 7 11 HARTFORD. £799 19 5 Luckhurst, MrE. 0 6 1 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 4 6 WOODHURST. May lam, Mrs ... 0 10 2 Milham, Mr J .... 0 8 9 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 5 Offen, Mr ...... 0 8 2 S.-sch. do. ... 0 5 Shepherd, Mrs... 0 8 2 1bunting5onsbire. HOUGHTON. Solley, Miss ...... 0 5 3 Rev H. Bell. Stone, Miss ..... 0 5 9 Treasurer: Mr G. D. Day. Tanton, Miss 0 7 5 Coll. (moiety) ... 2 5 Taylor, Mr J. ... 0 5 8 Secretary: Rev H. Bell. Tayler, Mr W .... 0 5 4 YELLING. Thompson, Mrs 0 6 0 All collections after Ser­ Underwood, Mr 0 13 0 mons and Public Meet­ HUNTINGDON. Coll. (moiety) ... 0 10 Whitaker, Mr B, 0 15 7 ings, also Widows’ and Rev R. F. Guyton. Under os 2 3 6 Orphans’ Fund, equally divided between Baptist Coll. (moiety) ... 6 10 8 S.-sell, (moiety) 3 16 7 38 15 10 and London Missionary Less expenses 0 7 6 Societies. Sun ,-sch. for Rev FOR W & O FUND. A. Jevoson 5 0 0 38 8 4 Subscriptions and boxes Proceeds of tea Buckden ...... 0 6 0 appropriated as directed. (moiety) 1 16 3 Eynesbury 2 0 0 Quarterly subs. Godmanchester 0 16 0 Balance of Con- (moiety) 0 6 0 Huntingdon 2 14 11 BECKENHAM. tribs., 1S93... 15 17 4 Subscriptions: St. Ives...... 4 10 0 Do., 1891...... 13 13 8 Yelling ...... 0 5 0 Elm Road. Cater, Mr R. W. 1 1 0 Dear, Mrs M 0 10 0 10 11 11 RevR. S. Fleming, M.A. BLUNTISHAM. Foster, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Hunter, Mrs 0 10 6 Moiety of above Collections 9 15 3 Rev W. E. S. Rowland, Newberry, Mr... 0 10 0 for Baptist Do., for W & O 4 3 2 M.A. Ridgley, Mr T. B. 0 10 0 Mission ...... 5 6 0 Do., pub. mtg. 7 5 0 Sarll, Mr E 0 15 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 13 19 8 Coll. (moiety) ... 3 3 1 Todd, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Boxes ...... 9 5 5 Coll., for W db O 1 0 0 Wright,MrsW.L. 0 15 0 Contribs.,for NP 0 1L 6 Collected bv Mrs Wimpress, Mrs 0 10 0 BatemanBrown, Subscriptions : Subscriptions : Under 10s...... 0 17 6 for Italian Boot, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Jackson, M r...... 0 10 0 Boxes by M ission...... Carter, Mr 2 2 0 Rowland,RevW.E.O 10 0 Doble, Mr F 1 1 0 Tebbutt, Mr C. P. 1 0 0 Guyton, A . 0 8 2 117 18 10 Doble, Mrs F. ... 0 10 6 Vail, M iss...... 0 10 0 Sarll, G...... 0 5 10 Less expenses Doble, Mrs H. ... 0 10 6 Fleming,Rev R.S. 1 1 0 Boxes by 25 12 6 and balance in hand ...... 16 17 4 Greenwood, Mr 1 1 0 Barrett, Miss K. 0 5 0 Less expenses 0 9 3 Grose, M r 1 1 0 Beldam, Miss M. 5 5 10 Harbidge, Misses 0 10 0 Bid well, Miss ... 0 5 7 25 3 3 £101 1 6 Harold, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Farr, Miss E. ... 0 6 0 J. A...... 3 3 0 Hensman.MissL. 0 14 4 L.S.D...... 0 30 0 Jewson, Ida and LITTLE STUKELEY. Porter, Miss 0 10 0 Phyllis ...... 0 8 6 Skeen, M r 0 10 6 Smith, Miss M.... 0 6 6 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 5 0 Smith, Mr W. ... 2 2 0 Squires, Miss K. 0 2 0 •Kent. Thompson, Mr S. 10 0 0 Tebbutt, Miss A. 0 12 0 Thompson, Mrs 2 2 0 Tebbutt, Miss M. 0 5 6 OF FORD. Toone, M r 0 10 6 Vestry...... 0 6 0 ASHFORD. Under 10s...... 2 15 0 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 8 11 16 1 10 Sunday-school ... 0 11 0 Rev J. Whitaker. 76 0 0 Collections ..... 6 12 0 Do., for W & O 2 0 0 BUCKDEN. Contribs.,forNP 2 8 10 BELVEDERE. Rev G. Brown. ST. IVES. Do., Sun.-sch. (less cost of Rev A. C. Chambers. Coll. (moiety) ... 0 12 Rev D. McFadyen, B.A. Heralds) ... 7 2 10 Mrs Hyde’s box 0 5 Collections 5 3 10 Do., for W & O 0 7 6 Coll. (moiety) 11 15 2 Subscriptions : 0 17 7 S.-sch. do. 11 3 0 Sunday-school... 10 11 11 Do., for N P ... 11111 Subscription : Bradley, Mr W. 1 0 0 Clark, Rev T. ...2 0 0 Subsciiptions : GODMANCHESTER. I Ulph, Mr J. B.... 1 0 0 Wicks, Mr T 1 0 0 Willes, Mr E. G. Abbott, Mr J. A. 1 1 0 Sunday-school... 0 10 6 (2 years).. 4 0 0 David, M r 1 0 0 Under 10s... 0 8 6 Goodman, Mr, ... .0.10 6 KENT. [1895.

Box by Subscriptions: Collectors’ books 25 15 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 18 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 29 6 0 Co., Borstal ... 4 18 10 Turner, Miss 0 15 0 Burnett, Mrs A. H. 0 10 0 Do., for NP ... 6 0 6 Do., Luton-road 4 5 0 Withers, Miss ...100 Young men’s Do., Blue Bell 0 10 0 21 1 class ..... 4 17 10 Luton-rd. Junior Boxes by Young women’s Y.P.S.C.E., for Barton, Willie ... 0 4 0 class...... 2 10 0 Mr Harmon, Howard, M r 0 14 3 Sale of fruit 1 1 6 China...... 0 14 6 BESSELS GREEN. P.yle, Mr...... 0 G 0 Contributions ... 5 9 0 Shawyer, Miss 0 6 3 Proceeds of con­ Subscriptions: Chipstead, nr. Sevenoaks. Withers, Miss ... 0 18 9 cert ...... 1 0 0 Withers, Miss B. 1 0 0 Private boxes ... 10 6 10 By Miss Wyles. Rev J. Cattell. Cramphom, Mrs 0 10 0 Collection ...... 6 11 8 13 13 4 Subscription: Ellingham, M r... 0 10 0 Do.,for W&O 1 5 1 Harvey, Mrs, for Evans, Miss ..... 1 0 0 Sunday-school... 3 6 3 Congo 5 0 0 Hart, Mr ;...... 1 0 0 Boxes ...... 18 7 3 BROMLEY. Hobday, M r 1 1 0 Goathnrst Com­ Park Road 102 0 6 Jackson, M r 5 0 0 mon School ... 1 2 5 Less expenses. 1 8 6 Read, Mr P 0 12 0 Profit on tea ., 0 7 10 Rev R. Silvey. Wyles, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Collec. for W&O 0 15 0 100 12 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 6 Subscriptions: Contribs., S.-sch. 4 10 0 Boxes by Cattell, Mr...... 2 0 0 Subscription: Chaplin, Miss L. 0 5 0 Cattell, Mrs 2 0 0 CATFORD HILL. Crampton.Mrs... 1 1 6 Paine, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Luntley, Miss ... 2 2 0 Gibbs, M rs 0 19 0 Collections 6 12 2 Glover. Mrs ...... 0 5 0 For iV P, by 7 7 0 Do., pub. mtg. 2 0 0 Hart, Master A... 0 7 4 Do., for W&O 2 4 0 Harvey, Mrs 0 14 0 Cannon, George 0 15 0 Sunday-school... 8 16 10 Cheeseman.John 0 11 0 Kirsop, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Do., for support Littlejohn, Mi83 . 0 8 10 Collins, Elizabeth 0 7 9 o f Conoo boy... 5 0 0 Dow, Ethel ...... 0 18 3 Farwig-Wesleyan Mission, Milton,Masl er F. 0 15 1 Bell Green, coll. 1 0 7 Osborn, Miss D. 0 7 6 Newton, Maud... 1 4 8 Do., Sun.-sch. 13 2 11 Smith, Emma ... 0 3 3 ibutions ... 2 2 0 Rand, Mrs 0 6 8 Bible-class,girls’, Saker, Miss ...... 2 2 0 trading pennies 1 0 5 Sims, Mr ...... 0 10 0 B E O M L E X COMMON. Tree, Mrs W 0 9 8 Subscriptious: Collections 2 8 10 Under 5s _1 4 7 Do., Y.P.S.C.E. 1 1 7 A Friend, S.S.... 0 10 0 BEXLEY HEATH. Do., public Beasley, Mr ...... 0 10 0 48 14 3 meeting ..... 2 5 2 Buttfield, Mr and Less expenses 0 5 0 Trinity Chapel. Proceeds of one Mrs ...... 0 10 0 penny by alady 0 12 0 Friston, Mr ..... 0 10 6 48 9 3 Rev G. Smith. Greenwood,RevT. 2 0 0 Collection ...... 4 0 Subscriptions: Greenwood,MrsT. 1 0 0 Harvey, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Do., for W & O 1 1 Hodder.Mr M. H. 2 2 0 Kelk, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 CRAYFORD. Contribs.,S.-sch. 0 0 Lewis, Mr Thos. 3 3 0 Kieser, Mr 2 2 0 T. J. N...... 0 10 6 Miles, Mr A 0 10 0 Rev G. Webb. Whiteman, Mr J. 0 10 6 Morson, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Coll., for W & O 1 2 0 Parker, Mr J. T. 0 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E. 0 17 3 Boxes by Priestly,Mr& Mrs 5 0 0 Field, Mr ...... 1 0 4 Smith, Mr & Mrs 1 10 9 BRABOURNE. Griflin, Miss 0 14 5 A...... 0 10 0 Jones, Miss A .... 0 3 9 Stening.MrH.W. 1 0 0 Rev G. H. Gill. Lambert, Miss... 4 12 0 Taylor, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 0 16 Lane, Miss 0 1 4 Wise, Mr E. C.... 2 2 0 CROCKEN HILL. Do., for W & O 0 8 Manwaring, Mr 0 16 1 Under 10s...... 5 16 7 Sunday-school... 0 8 Nettleton, Sami. 1 10 3 Rev J. H. Marshall. Prayer meeting 0 5 Palmer, Mr ...... 0 3 11 Boxes by Collections ...... 3 5 0 Reason, Miss A. 0 16 3 Prior, Miss 0 16 4 Do., for W&O 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Ryan, Mr ...... 0 4 9 Sunday-school... 1 10 0 Sparks, John ... 0 13 8 West, Miss 0 5 6 West, Miss E. ... 0 8 4 Sharwood, Mr E. 0 10 Taylor, M rs 0 9 11 5 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 6 Whiteman, Mr H. 0 6 6 Under 5s 0 14 0 Westbrook, Miss F .l 6 3 Y.P.S.C.E 1 14 8 67 13 2 Less amount DARTFORD. 27 7 8 voted to other societies 10 6 6 0 15 0 Rev H. Spendelow. BRASTED. 26 12 8 57 6 8 Collections 2 0 0 Rev W. Burnett. Do., public meeting ...... 2 0 6 CHATHAM. Collections 3 3 7 CANTERBURY. Do., for W&O 1 0 0 Do., for W&O 0 17 6 Sunday-school... 6 7 11 Rev W. Townsend. Rev W. Osborne. Sunday-school... 3 12 Box by Prayer meeting I Collections...... Collections 7 1 8 Collections 8 9 4 box ...... 1 0 0 Do., for W&O 3 11 0 Do., for W&O 2 15 5 Lonergan, Miss. 0 17 0 1895.] KENT. lvii

For N P , by DOVER. EAST PLUM STB AD. EYTHORNE. Banks, Jessie ... 0 5 3 Browne, Gertie . 0 9 0 Salem Chapel. Rev T. Henson. Rev O. Stanley. Cook, Nellie ...... 0 2 9 Collection ...... 0 16 6 Robson, H...... 0 3 10 Rev E. J. Edwards. Collections 3 12 4 Contribs., for Do., for W <£ O 2 11 0 Seager, Mabel... 0 3 5 Collections ...... 18 0 1 Congo...... 0 5 7 Seager, Grace ... 0 2 0 Do., Bamswell 0 19 7 2 Do.,for W & O 6 8 6 Do., Easlry ... 0 15 10 Williamson, T.... 0 7 Do.,Ewell,Ewell 1 2 1 Other sums ... 0 3 9 Do., Woodnes- Minnis, and borough ...... 0 4 9 St.Margarets 1 6 5 13 18 0 Contribs., Eastry Contribs., S.-sch. 19 16 7 EDENBRIDGE. Sunday-sch. 1 8 9 Do., for N P ... 5 16 5 Do., Eythorne 0 18 2 Do., Ewell 1 0 0 Rev R. H. Powell. Do., Bamswell 0 9 0 DEAL. Boxes ...... 24 4 9 Collections...... 5 9 9 Do., WoodneB- Rev N. Dobson borough..... 0 8 8 Donations for M r Stubbs’ Do., for W ¿c 0 1 1 0 Collections...... 8 19 6 School, Patna. Do., S.-sch. ... 1 3 7 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 17 3 Donation Do., for W & 0 3 0 0 A Friend...... 2 10 0 Do., S.-sch. ... 1 13 6 Do., Marlpit Hill 1 2 9 Harvey, MrThos. 0 10 0 Allen, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Do.,Hasted ... 1 3 6 Proceeds of Christian Band 0 18 9 Congo sale ... 42 10 0 Subscriptions : Edwards, Mrs ..100 Subscriptions : Freegard, Mr .. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Harvey, Mr Wm. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 0 Cheal, Mr C...... 0 10 6 Harvey, Mr Farwig, Mr H. A. 1 1 0 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Troward ...... 0 10 0 A Friend of Mis­ Hammer, Mr G. 2 12 6 Harvey, Mr John 1 1 0 sions ...... 0 10 0 Alexander, Mr... 0 10 0 Stanford, Mr J. 2 2 0 Knott, A. E. and AChurch Member Allen, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Boxes by Wm., Eastry... 2 0 0 for Italy...... 1 1 0 Cockburn, Mrs Wvborn, Mr R.... 1 0 0 Do., for Congo 1 0 0 (2 years) 0 10 0 Archibald, John 0 3 1 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Do., tor Debt.. 1 0 0 Edwin, Mr, J.P. 0 10 0 Ashby, Mrs ...... 0 11 8 Betteridge.Mr D. 1 1 0 Farmar, Mrs 0 10 0 Blackman, Nellie 0 7 8 By Mrs Jno. Harvey. Clark, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Do. (don.) 0 10 6 Brencbley, Maud 0 2 4 Clark, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Freegerd, Mr ... 0 10 0 Cheal, Alec...... 0 6 0 Clark, Mr W. ... 0 12 0 Cox, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Ilnnnington.Mrs 0 10 0 Greenaway, M.... 0 9 3 Harvey, Mrs J. 1 1 0 D. and N., per Hobday, M r 3 0 0 Mitchell, Miss B. 0 12 11 Under 10s...... 0 9 4 Mr Dobson ... 0 10 0 Jarry, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Sands, Levi ...... 0 4 4 Dobson, Rev N. 4 0 0 Lining ton, Mr ... 0 10 0 Stanford, Mr J. 0 14 2 By Mrs Brockman. Friend, Mr W. B. 0 10 6 Macdougall, Mr 1 1 0 Tidy, Misses..... 0 5 9 Giraud, Miss..... 0 10 6 Payne, M r 1 1 0 Winchester, Mrs 0 3 10 Brockman, Mrs 0 12 6 Kingsford, Mr & Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Under 2s...... 0 7 1 Chandler, Miss... 0 12 6 Mrs E...... 0 10 0 Under 10s, 0 3 0 Ottaway, Mr & By Miss Ashdown. For N P, by Mrs ...... 1 2 6 Anon ...... 1 0 0 i Bentley, Amy ... 0 5 0 By Miss Span ton 0 8 0 Pledge, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Ashdown, Miss 0 10 0 ! Denton, Albert .. 0 10 2 Roope, MrT., J.P. 1 1 0 Foreman, Mrs ... 0 10 0 j Ford, Thomas ... 0 6 0 Russell, Miss ... 0 10 6 By Miss Edith Clark, Haddon, Miss ... 1 1 0 Jeffery, Harry... 0 6 2 for Congo. Taylor, Mr 0 10 0 Hills, M rs 2 0 0 1 Tant, Lizzie ..... 0 6 0 Tmley, Mr 0 10 0 Mowll, Mrs 1 0 0 Harvey,Mrs John 1 1 0 Wellden, Mr T... 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 25 5 3 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 West, Mr W 0 10 0 Less' expenses 0 4 2 Woodland, Miss 1 1 0 By Miss M. J. Ashdown. Boxes by Under 10s...... 0 5 0 25 1 1 Ashdown, Mr C. 1 0 0 Boxes by Ayers, Nellie and Ashdown ,MissM. 0 10 0 Augustus ...... 1 10 0 AFriend,Walmer 0 13 11 Cole, Miss ...... 0 10 0 (£& of above for Conge Bayley, W. D .... 0 7 8 Brazier, Mrs 0 9 1 Denne, Mr 0 10 0 boy under Mr Grenfell.) Bean, J...... 0 7 7 Clark, Ernest W. 1 6 6 Under 10s...... 1 18 0 Bradley, Miss ... 0 4 8 Cottew, Mrs 1 1 0 Broadley, Miss E. 0 6 0 Millen, Mrs H. E. 1 2 0 By Mrs Baker. ERITH. Clark, Miss E. E. 0 10 4 Pledge, Miss 0 6 5 Baker, M r 0 10 0 Rev J. E. Martin. Clark, Mr A. B. 0 3 1 Pordige, Miss A. 1 6 0 Clark, Ernest ... 0 6 2 Tapping, Mrs ... 0 3 1 Edwards,E. J.& R. 2 2 0 Collection ...... 1 3 8 Gregory, Miss ... 0 10 0 Clark, H. and S. 0 3 6 Wakeham, Mr ... 3 16 10 Sunday-school... 3 10 0 Eythorne Chapel 0 5 6 Watkins, Mrs ... 0 19 6 Hitchcock, M r... 0 12 0 Contribs.,weekly Morris,Miss (2yrs.) 0 10 0 Harvey,MrsEach o 10 0 Wellden, Mrs C. B. 0 8 4 pence, &c 8 7 9 Harvey,Mrs Jno. 0 14 0 Wood, Mrs 1 7 0 By Miss Broadley. Subscription: Holthum, Mr R. 1 19 6 Hopkins, Mr...... 0 5 2 Sunday-school classes, by A Friend, for Matthews, Miss . 1 0 0 In memory of McDiarmid, Miss 0 15 11 W & 0 1 0 9 dear Willie 0 15 0 Pledge, Miss...... 1 19 0 Do,, for N P .. 1 0 9 14 1 .5 Kennett, John... 0 2 1 Pordige, Miss ... 1 5 0 iroadley, Miss.. 1 5 0 Lawrence, Mrs... 0 3 10 Taylor, Mr 0 16 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Minter, Arthur... 0 7 6 Wellden, Mr C.B. 0 12 9 ETNSFORD. Morgan, Mrs 0 6 9 : Wellden, Mrs T. 2 2 0 113 11 6 Morgan, Mrs J. 0 2 6 !.. Under 10s...... 3 18 11 Less expenses 0 7 0 Rev H. Dunkley. Nash, M rs 0 2 7 Pay, Mrs ...... 0 3 10 101 8 3 113 4 6 Sunday-school... 2 0 0 Philpot, Mrs...... 0 3 .0 Port, Mary....'...., 0 6 3 KENT. [1895. i 14 6 Casbon, Miss Y. 1 6 4 Subscription : Watchurst, Mrs 2 2 0 I 3 2 Clark, Miss E. R. 1 6 1 Willis,MrW.,Q.C. 5 0 0 I 5 6 Do., box .. 0 5 4 Kendon, RevJ.J. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 19 4 I 2 7 Fawcett & Ross, » 4 7 Misses ...... 3 10 4 2 10 0 05 0 11 i 5 0 Iverson, MissW. 0 10 10 i 2 8 Iverson, Miss F, 3 14 7 ' 6 11 Pilcher,MissM. A 0 10 4 EAST GREENWICH. LEE. ' 10 0 Pilcher, Miss S. 1 4 4 2 7 Sherwood,MissC. 3 5 6 Azof Street. Bromley Road. Simpson, Misses 4 12 10 Vickers, Miss ... 2 8 0 Rev W. E. Wells. Rev J. W. Davies. Waite, Miss ...... 2 8 0 12 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 13 9 Collection ...... 1 17 0 Watkins, M iss... 2 12 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 15 0 5 6 Wood, Mr ...... 0 15 0 ' 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E 0 12 6 17 0 67 5 8 HAWK.HURST. Boxes by 10 0 Less £3 2s. Od. 0 0 expenses,and Rev S. J. Henman. Davies, Mr 2 10 1 £2 17s. Cd. Dice, Mr...... 0 13 8 0 6 received too Contrib., S.-soh. 2 6 6 Peters, Miss E... 0 9 0 5 0 late ...... 5 19 6 8 17 3 15 6 61 6 2 HERNE BAY. Collection 1 1 t LEWISHAM ROAD. FOOTS CRAY. in. Rev E. Harborough. Rev E. A. Tydeman. 11 6 KINGSDOWN. Collections 5 11 10 11 6 Collections, &c... 15 0 0 Do., for W & O 2 1 6 Contrib., S.-sch. 7 2 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 13 0 Juvenile Auxy. 12 10 0 3 0 Bodianis, Mrs, 22 2 0 box ...... 0 5 0 Subscriptions: For JV P, by A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Baskcomb, Mr... 1 0 0 FOREST HILL. Hayman, Sydney 0 6 6 Beaumont, Mr S. 0 10 0 Pankhurst, Hy. 0 4 4 Beaumont, Messrs 10 0 Sydenham Chapel. Jessop, Gertie ... 0 8 7 G. and H 0 10 0 Wadlow, Ethel... 0 12 0 Saw, M r...... 0 10 0 Rev J. C. Foster. West, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 6 16 6 3 10 2 Under 10s...... 0 3 0 Do., for Wtk O 4 19 3 y. Contribs.,S.-sch. 8 0 4 24 6 4 0 9 Do., for N P... 0 18 10 LEE. 8 1 Mothers’ meeting 0 2 6 Rev F. G. French. Subscriptions: MAIDSTONE. Collections...... 8 0 0 8 2 Barker, Miss, for Do., for W tt O 3 0 0 Union Street. 11 4 ! Congo...... 0 13 6 Do., Juvenile... 0 16 10 18 5 Catchpole, Mr S. 1 1 0 MissionaryAssn., Rev G. Walker. 8 6 Orowhurst, Mr... 1 1 0 " for Barisal Collections 6 13 0 Deacon, Mr ...... 0 10 0 School...... 6 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. C 6 10 Easton, Mr 0 10 6 Do., for China 10 0 Foster, Rev J. C. 0 10 0 School...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: George, Mr 2 2 0 Do., for Congo 0 10 0 10 0 George, M rs 0 10 0 Prayer mtg. box 1 3 3 Bartholomew,Mr 1 1 0 10 0 Harvey,Misses... 0 10 0 Box at School for Boorman,Mr B.P. 1 1 0 10 0 Ireland, Miss ... 1 1 0 the Sons of Collier, Mr...... 0 10 0 10 0 Keevil, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Missionaries... 0 10 0 Jennings, Mr ... 1 0 0 10 0 Lamg, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Randall,Mr F.W .330 10 6 McIntosh, Mr ... 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Randall, Mrs ... 1 1 0 10 0 Simmons, Miss 0 12 0 Robinson,MrC.E. 1 0 0 Warren, Miss ... 0 10 0 Barnaby, Sir N. 2 2 0 Thorogood.MrE. 0 10 6 10 0 Bowman, Mrs ... 10 0 Under 10s...... 6 9 4 0 10 0 Wood, Mr J 0 10 6 Brooks, Mr 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 8 3 10 6 Butcher, Mr ,,, , 1 0 38 8 3 0 10 6 Less expenses 0 5 7 Doughtv, Mr , 0 10 6 Boxes by 1 0 Edwards, Mrs ... 1 1 0 10 0 Randall, Mrs ... 0 6 10 38 2 8 Higham, Mrs ... 2 2 0 10 0 Marten, Mrs ,,, 1 1 0 Vile, M iss 0 7 7 10 0 Micklem, Mr 21 0 0 Woods, Miss 0 6 0 10 6 Mott, Mr...... 12 4 0 10 0 GOUDHURST. Oathwaite, Mrs 1 0 0 For N P, by Rev J. J. Kendon. Pewtress, Mrs E. 1 0 0 Archer, T 0 5 8 Pe wtress,Mr J. W. 1 1 0 Burden, H 0 9 3 14 0 Collection ...... 1 10 0 Pewtress, MrE... 1 0 0 Burgess, L 0 10 3 0 5 Sunday-school... 0 10 0 Tucker, Mr E. 1 0 0 Gayler, F 0 11 6 ' 1895.] KENT. lix

Logan, H...... 0 6 6 Maynard, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Subscription: j Saffery, Mrs..... 0 5 2 Luck, R...... 0 5 « Rapson, Mr J. ... 2 2 0 „ , , „ „ „ Saunders,MissT. 0 5 5 Mayger, B...... 0 6 3 Robinson, Mr R. 0 10 6 Penn, Mr G 0 10 0 | Simpson, Mrs ... 0 5 1 Parsons, G...... 0 7 0 Shepherd, Mr ... 0 10 0 0 12 9 Robinson, E..... 0 12 0 Wakeling, Mr ... 1 0 0 0 7 6 Startup, A...... 0 5 2 Under 10s...... 0 15 0 1 12 3 Startup, D ...... 0 5 7 Boxes by 59 12 10 Startup, F...... 0 5 2 PLUMSTEAD. Walker, B...... 0 6 3 Brigg, Rev B. ... 0 2 3 0 6 2 Walker, I...... 0 8 0 Ouervorst, Mr ... 0 6 2 Conduit Road. Williams, B...... 0 6 10 Flakins, Miss L. 0 16 2 59 6 8 Under 5s...... 0 5 1 Collection ...... 2 19 0 Gurney, Mr Jas. 0 11 2 Sunday-school... 0 18 1 Prayer meetings 2 11 30 1 9 For Ar P, by BAMSGAZE. Less expenses 0 10 4 Burden, Geo 0 9 4 Ellington Chapel. 29 11 5 0 5 3 0 1 0 Rev W. J. Wall. 0 5 0 PLUMSTEAD. Collections 2 0 MAIDSTONE. 52 4 5 Park Road. Do., public King Street. mtg. (moiety) 2 3 Less Heralds Subscriptions ... 1 1 3 1 0 Rev J. W. Cole. Rev W. Friend. Sunday-school... 10 G 49 3 5 Doctor support Collections...... 5 8 6 W. C. (don.) 0 10 of Congo boy, Do., for W & O 3 5 3 “ Mbamba ” 5 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 2 10 Contributions ... 5 0 0 Girls’ Guild ...... 3 8 6 NEW BROMPTON. RAMSGATE. Subscriptions: 25 10 9 Rev. W. W. Blocksidge. Cavendish Chapel. Less printing 0 4 0 Bentlif, Mr S. ... 1 0 0 Coll., for W & 0 1 10 6 Cox, Mr W...... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 18 8 Rev T. Hancocks. 25 G 9 Day, Mr W., J.P. 1 0 0 Do., for N P ... 0 18 0 Edmett, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 1 19 0 Collections 7 2 5 Friend, Rev W. 0 10 0 Do., for W& O 2 10 0 ROCHESTER. Harvey,Mr T. S. 0 10 0 7 6 2 Do., Special ... 1 19 2 In Memoriam ... 1 0 0 Young women’s Rev G. A. Miller. King, Mr G. H. 1 1 0 Bible-class 0 15 2 McVitae, Mr J.... 1 1 0 Men’s do...... 0 12 2 Collections 4 2 2 Roberts,MrJ.,J.P. 0 10 0 ORPINGTON. Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 19 0 Sunday-school... 1 0 7 Wells, Mr 0. M. 0 10 6 Do., for NP... 0 10 1 0 Bible-class 0 10 5 Under 10s. .... 1 70 6 : Rev W. Usher, M.D Prayer meetings 4 12 10 Vestry...... 0 8 2 I Collections ...... 4 G 10 Y.P.S.C.E 2 5 0 | Do. pub. mtng. 12 19 1 Boxes by j Prayer meetings 1 18 2 Subscriptions: Arnold, Mr S. ... 0 2 0 j Profit on tea 0 19 9 A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Carter, Miss L... 0 2 11 MARGATE. i Sunday-school... 14 9 0 Hinds, Miss ...... 2 2 0 Collard, Miss M. 0 5 1 Do., Crofton ... 1 13 1 Hoilgman.MrsA. Fearon, Mrs...... 0 4 2 Rev B. Brigg. Do.,Ford Croft 0 11 3 D., sen...... 1 10 0 Folk, Mrs ...... 0 8 6 Boys’ Brigade ... 1 4 6 Goodwin, Miss... 0 3 7 Dr Usher’s Bible- Collections...... 6 17 0 Collected by Hadlum, Miss ... 0 2 1 Do., for W & O 4 0 0 class...... 1 9 8 Haisman, M rs... 0 6 4 Sun.-sch. boxes 14 6 6 Donations Hoare, Miss ...... 4 16 2 Hales, Mr C...... 1 0 0 Do., collection 0 13 9 Ridge, Miss A.... 3 11 6 Marling, Master 0 10 11 Do., flower Blofield, Mr 0 13 11 Hurdman,Mrs U. 0 8 0 service ...... 0 5 10 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 Boxes by Jaekson, Miss ... 0 13 3 Prayer- meetings 0 17 0 Boxes by Alexander, Mrs 0 8 7 James, Mrs A. 0 2 8 Proceeds of Dr Biggs, Mr E...... 0 18 6 Ashdown, Mis... 0 12 0 Jenkins, Mr G... 0 5 4 Watson’s lecture 2 18 6 Cook, Mrs ...... 1 11 3 Bailey, Miss...... 0 14 4 Lester, Miss H... 0 5 8 Edwards, Miss... 0 14 11 Palmer, Mrs E... 0 12 9 Subscriptions: Baily, Miss R .... 0 5 0 Higgs, Misses ... 0 8 6 Beerling, Mr..... 0 7 6 Perkins, MisB A. 0 3 11 Jones, Miss and 0 5 1 Robins, Mrs E.... 0 2 7 Admans, M r...... 0 10 0 Bond, Mr ...... 0 2 2 Andrews, Mr W. 0 10 6 Masters ...... 1 5 2 Bridge, M iss..... 0 18 0 Savill, Miss E .... Brigg, Rev B. ... 1 1 0 Vinson, M rs..... 7 2 7 Brooks, Mr A. ... 0 13 0 Simpson, Mrs R. 0 3 5 Brigg, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Danes, Mrs ...... 0 5 3 Under 2s...... 0 4 7 Burge, Miss ...... 2 2 0 52 11 8 Denne, Mr...... 0 5 10 Collected by Cadby, Mrs Jno. 0 10 0 Less expenses 3 17 0 Emerson, Mrs ... 0 6 3 2 0 5 7 Hales, Miss E .... 0 7 3 Cosh, Mr...... 0 0 Fonblouque, Mr. Kuight, Miss A. 0 2 3 Docking, M r..... 0 10 0 48 14 8 Harmer, Mrs..... 0 5 0 1 0 7 Palmer, Master B. 0 14 0 Elcome, Mr G .... 0 10 6 Hancocks, Mrs... Watts, Miss ...... 0 4 0 Ende'rby, Mr..... 0 10 0 Hodgman.Mr W. Y.P.S.C.E 0 2 0 Gurney, Mrs..... 0 10 0 PEMBURY. Hope, Mrs R. ... 0 10 0 How, Miss M. ... 1 1 0 Jarrett, Miss...... 0 11 9 For N P, by Ind, Mr F ...... 0 10 6 Union Church. Marshall, Mr S. 1 9 8 Ind, Mrs F...... 0 10 6 Marshall, MrsW. 0 10 10 Bridgeman, Miss Ind, Mr T. M. ... 1 1 0 Rev A. Graham. Masters, Mrs ... 0 5 11 R...... 0 2 0 Jewhurst, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Coll., for W O 0 11 6 Maxted, Miss ... 0 5 2 Bristow, Miss K. 0 6 2 Maynard, Mr ... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 5 0 Ross, Mrs ...... 0 7 0 Clarke, Mr C. B. 2 3 0 Ix KENT. [1895.

Robinson, Mrs... 0 2 1 SID0UP. ST. PETERS. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Spooner, Miss E. 0 5 0 Steer, Miss D. ... 0 2 0 Rev. G. Simmons. Rev J. T. Castle. Rev J. Smith. Collection 1 0 0 Collections ...... 14 11 6 17 0 0 Collection ...... 6 18 6 Do., for W & O 2 2 0 Coll., for W & O 1 7 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 7 9 Y.P.S.C.E., for Subscriptions : SUTTON-AT-HOME. support of Congo SANDHURST. Angus, Mrs ...... 1 1 boy, Ponde ... 3 0 0 Bampton, Mrs ... 1 1 Iron Room. Rev T. G. Atkinson. Noble, Mr W. ... 2 2 Subscriptions : Noble, Mrs 1 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 7 7 Bareli am, Mr ... 2 2 0 Collections 3 12 Searle, Mr A 0 10 Finch, Mr G 1 1 0 Collected by Do., for W O 1 12 Boxes by Contribs.,for NP 1 19 0 Collected by Blight, Mrs...... 2 10 5 Poster, Blanch Subscriptions: Boyce, Miss ...... 0 5 11 and Mabel 0 17 6 ;, Mr ...... 18 15 8 Brockimrst, Mr 1 0 8 Ballard, Mr E ... 0 10 0 Cowdy, Mr J. B. 0 17 7 5 1 49 19 11 Collins, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Dugdale.Miss ... 0 12 4 Oakes, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Dugdale, Miss K. 0 12 0 Gladdish, Miss E. 0 4 10 Howard, Miss H. 0 13 0 WEST MALLING. Ladies of Hamil­ TENDERDEN. ton College ... 0 8 1 Rev D. Mace. Searle, Mr A. ... 0 15 0 Rev J. Glaskin. Searle, Mrs A. ... 0 11 8 Collection ...... 2 2 o SEVENOAKS. Searle, MissE.... 0 2 10 Coll., for TT 0 1 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 10 7 Do., for TV A O 1 4 9 Rev C. Rudge. Whitehead, Mr... 0 6 6 Contribs.,forNP 3 14 3 Collections 7 13 11 23 1 5 Subscriptions : Do., for W éc O 1 10 6 Banks, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Contribs ,S.-sch. 6 10 9 Boorman, Miss A. 0 10 0 Boorman.Mr&Mrs. 2 2 0 SITTINGBOURNE. WHITSTABLE. Subscription : Brown, Mr & Mrs 2 0 0 Faulding,Mr&Mrs 2 10 0 Rev J. Doubleday. Rev H. R. Fassmore. 1 0 0 Finn, Miss 0 10 0 Collections...... 12 18 •, Rogers, Mr M. ...2 0 0 Contributions ... 6 3 0 1i j Rogers, Mr W.... 0 10 0 Boxes by Do., for Wdk O 3 5 1 Sunday-sch.boxes 6 11 a | Stokes, Mr F. E. 0 10 0 8 Under 10s...... 1 2 2 0 10 0 Home boxes...... 6 9 0 WOOLWICH. Howland, Mrs... 1 7 0 Y. P. S. C. E. for Collected by Jackson, Mrs China...... 4 0 0 Queen Street. (class) ...... 1 0 0 Maud and Bertha Forward, Miss... 0 9 0 14 6 Willis’s bazaar 0 10 0 1 12 Rev T. Jones. 0 4 6 Proceeds of tea... 5 8 2 Contribs.,S.-sch., 0 5 3 18 6 0 for Barisal 0 2 6 Subscriptions: School 6 0 0 0 9 2 Do., for China 0 6 5 Dean, Mr...... 10 0 0 Sch'iol 1 0 0 0 10 0 Dean, M rs...... 5 0 0 TONBRIDGE. Bo.,for support 1 0 0 In memory of the o f Congo boy 5 0 0 late Mrs Henry Rev J. H. Blake. Do., for N P ... 1 2 5 23 4 6 Tucker...... 1 10 0 0 12 6 Thomas, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 1 10 0 13 2 5 Willis, Mr H. J... 0 10 6 Coll., for W Ss O 1 2 10 22 12 0 Wyles, M r...... 0 10 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 7 13 4 Under 10s...... 0 17 0 Do., for 1891 & 1892 ...... 10 13 10 WOOLWICH. 57 19 ® Contribs.,for NP 2 5 5 Anglesea Road. SHOOTER’S HILL ROAD Less expenses and amount Subscriptions : Rev W. F. Edgerton. voted to Ze- Rev W. L. Mackenzie. Ives, Mr T 0 10 0 Collection ...... 2 2 6 nanaMission 11 9 ChristianBand... 2 10 0 Collections 3 4 9 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 Do., for W & 0 3 0 0 46 10 4 12 6 Contribs., S.-sch 31 9 7 Boxes by Y.P.S.C.E 1 17 0 Brooker, Miss .. 0 5 5 Constable, Mrs.. 0 18 9 WOOLWICH. 39 11 4 SMARDEN. East, Mrs ...... 0 15 2 Parson’s Hill. Rev G. E. Ansden. Owen, Mrs...... 0 11 0 Pearch, Mr 0 6 5 Collection ...... 0 14 Roper, Miss 0 5 0 Rev J. Wilson, Under 5s...... SHOREHAM. Do., for W ie 0 0 3 2 15 0 Contrib.,S.-sch... 2 10 0 S.-sch.,for Congo 1 0 0 0 17 0 30 16 2 £1,5571410 189Ô.] LANCASHIRE. lxi

Xancasbire. Skinner, Mr J..., 0 10 0 BOOTLE. Steele, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 Steele, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Astley Bridge. Welsh Church. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE Stewart, Mrs ,. 0 10 6 Stubbs, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev G. Williams. Rev J. H. Hughes. Welbeck Street. Taverner, Mr T. 0 16 0 Tavlor, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 Collections...... 10 11 4 Collection ...... 0 15 Rev E. Hopkins. Under 10s...... 2 12 5 Contribs.,for ifP 0 12 Boxes, &c Boxes ...... 1 0 Contributions ... 15 0 0 By Mrs Gordon Gaskill, Alice ... 0 9 0 Prayer meetings 1 3 Cole, Rev C...... 1 0 0 Haslam, Mrs W. 0 9 4 Subscriptions ... 2 11 Under 10s...... 0 0 Isherwood, Flor. 0 5 6 7 Jackson,Gertrude 0 8 0 ATHERTON. Boxes by Kay, Mrs, sen.... 1 0 0 Less expenses 0 Kay, Florence ... 1 6 0 Rev H. V. Thomas. Bowen, Miss . ,. 0 5 0 Mayoh, William 0 12 2 6 19 2 Bowker, Miss M. 0 5 0 Nightingale, E .. 1 1 0 Coll., for W & O 1 11 3 Bradshaw ,Mrs J. 0 7 4 Nightingale, Mrs Contributions ... 20 12 8 Carr, Miss M. A. 0 4 3 J. (the lata) ... 0 7 9 DISLEY. Do., for sup­ Fowler, Gladys, Pastor’s study ... 0 10 6 port o f Congo Gordon, & Elsie 1 2 0 Widow’s mite ... 0 8 0 girl under Mr Kay, Master W... 0 7 0 Rev J. Lister. Stapleton ... 2 0 0 Lord, Miss L 0 5 6 17 8 6 Maxfleld, Masker 0 5 0 Collection ...... 1 13 0 Collected by Pountney, Mrs .. 0 6 6 Relph, Miss Kate 0 5 0 Burrows, Mrs Stott, M rs...... 0 7 0 BOLTON. INSKIP. Miles F...... 4 5 6 Vickers, Miss E. 0 5 0 Watson, Miss ... 0 5 0 Farn worth. 28 9 5 Rev O. Maden. Sunday-school Classes. Rev S. Jones. Coll., for W & 0 Collections 1 6 6 (2 years)... 1 12 10 Armitt, Mr A. S. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 0 14 6 "BARROW-IN- FURNESS Clarke, Miss...... 0 6 0 Claydon, Miss ... 0 15 0 Subscription : Coll. and boxes 2 5 4 Green, Mr R. M. 0 5 9 LANCASTER. Holt, Mr John... 1 0 0 Evans.Mr&MrsA. 2 0 0 Kay, M iss...... 1 1 0 Rev J. Baxandall. Poynton, Miss... 0 15 0 3 19 11 BLACKPOOL. Steele, Miss ...... 0 7 0 Collections ...... 6 1 6 Steele, Mr J. F. 0 10 0 Do., for W A O 4 2 10 Collections...... 1 12 0 Taverner. Mr T. 2 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 15 2 0 Do., for W A O 1 li 0 Tavlor, Miss .... 0 5 8 BOLTOIT. Contribs.,S.-sch, 8 to 0 Under 5s...... 0 17 10 Subscriptions: Do., for 2VP... 0 17 6 Horwich : Enon Ch. Bell, Mr Ja s 0 15 57 9 3 Lawson, Mrs 1 0 12 17 6 Collections 1 11 Nelson, Mr at Mrs 0 10 Do., for W <& 0 0 5 Under 10s...... 1 16

BOLTOIT. 1 16 3| 29 7 10 BOLTON. Less expenses 0 16 0 Zion Chapel. Total Bolton Aux. 91 1 7 | Claremont Chapel. Less expenses 5 1 1 ; Rev W. L. Williams. 28 11 io Rev C. Cole. Collections 2 16 2 Collections 8 7 8 Do., for W é O 0 12 0 LEIGH. Do.,pub. mtng. 5 7 10 Do., for W

LIVERPOOL. I Silk, Mr J 1 1 0 Sing, Mr Joshua 20 0 0 Roberts,Mr R.H. Silk, Mr 0 ...... 0 10 0 Stirling, Mr ...... 0 12 0 (In memory of) 1 0 0 Myrtle Street. |Slater. MrJ. K. 1 1 0 Warden, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Roberts,Mr D. E. 1 0 0 Under 12s...... 0 9 6 Whipp, Mr 0 10 6 Roberts,MrsD.E. 1 0 0 Rev J. Thomas, M.A. Under 10s...... 2 7 6 Roberts,Mr W..10 0 Williams,MrH.J. 2 0 0 Church donation, 199 3 9 Less expenses 1 17 3 Boxes by Williams, Mrs ... 2 0 0 for W it 0 ...... 15 10 0 Williams,MrH.R. 0 15 0 Collections and 197 6 6 Atkinson, Miss Williams,Mr J.S. 0 10 0 monthly contri­ Edith A 2 6 3 tions...... 150 7 4 Domony, Mrs ... 0 7 1 93 10 9 Coll., Mill-street 1 1 0 Lilian, Marjorie, ltQ&sIIomeMiss. 2 0 0 Do., Aughton 2 2 0 Of this sum the follow­ ing amounts are for Rob, & Frank, Do., Solway-st 0 12 3 for China ...... 1 9 6 96 10 9 Do., Brynn ... 0 15 0 Special Objects:— Do.,Carlestown 1 1 0 Milligan, Miss ... 2 3 6 For two Congo Tassell, Miss...... 0 14 0 Contribs., Juv. Whipp, Mr,family 0 12 0 Miss. Aux., boys under Mr LIVERPOOL. Cameron ...... 10 0 0 for Rev IV. 229 9 11 Webb's Tre- For boy under Kensington Chapel. lawney Sch., Ur Darby...... 5 0 0 Jamaica...... 15 0 0 For Mr Crudg- Rev E. E. Walter. Do., do., for ington’s work, LIVERPOOL. CalabarColl.. In d ia ...... 10 0 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 24 15 0 Jamaica...... 15 0 0 For Mr Dixon's Pembroke Chapel. Home boxes 26 9 7 work, China... 10 0 0 Do., for Rev T. Rev C. F. Aked. C. Hutchins' For medical 51 4 7 work, Wathen 10 0 0 school work, Coll., for W & 0 2 7 7 Jamaica...... 10 0 0 Do., for Rev R. Donation: LIVERPOOL. W. Hay’s LIVERPOOL. . school work, King, Mr Geo. ...5 0 0 Tue Brook. Dacca...... 10 0 0 Richmond Chapel. Do., for Mr 7 7 7 Collections...... 2 1 9 Spurgeon's Rev J. H. Atkinson. Contributions ... 5 C 9 school work, B arisal...... 5 0 0 Collections 21 15 8 Subscriptions : Do., for Congo 1 0 0 LIVERPOOL, A Friend ...... 0 1? 0 Donations: Do , p ib. mtg. (moiety)...... 3 17 2 Everton Village—Welsh. Williams, Mr ... 0 10 0 A Friend ...... 1 17 6 Do., for WJcO 13 6 6 Barker,MrT.,J.P. 1 1 0 Coutribs., S.-sch. 31 13 0 Rev D. Powell. 8 10 6 Bickham, Mies... 1 1 0 Do., for S P... 0 12 5 Crennell, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Leadenhall-street Collections ...... 6 3 .6 Dawbam, Miss Mission ...... 0 6 8 Do., for W dt 0 0 19 7 LIVERPOOL. ,E. Y...... 2 0 0 Quarterly sub­ Contribs.,forNP 4 5 11 Hope,MrT.A.,J.P.10 0 0 scriptions ...... 29 5 3 Prayer meeting 1 9 10 Fabius ChapeL Johns, Mr M. ...110 Y.P.S.C.E., for Sunday-school ... 5 18 4 Wicks. Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 N P, under Boxes, &c 13 0 7 Rev C. R. Green. Wildbore, Mrs... 1 0 0 Rev R. W. Collections ...... 2 2 6 Hay, Dacca 25 0 0 Subscriptions : Do., for f f i 0 1 2 0 246 0 1 Do., for medi- Edwards, Mr W. l 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 16 0 Less expenses 4 13 3 ■ cine chest Do., for N P 3 0 0 fo r do...... 2 0 0 Evans, Mr T. J. l 0 0 241 6 10 Francis, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 6 14 0 Subscriptions InMemory, “Little Rowley” ...... 1 0 0 16 14 6 A Friend,per Rev Jenkins, Mr D.... 3 0 0 LIVERPOOL. J. H. Atkinson 20 0 0 Jones, M rs...... 0 14 0 Anonymous ..... 30 0 0 Toxteth Tabernacle. Jones, Mr R. W. 0 10 0 LIVERPOOL. Arton, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Jones, Mrs...... 0 13 0 Rev S. J. Jones. Atkinson, Rev Kennedy, Mrs ... 2 0 0 Princes Grate. J. H...... 5 0 0 Lilly, Mr Jno. ... 0 10 0 Rev R. Lewis. Collections 33 11 6 Brunt, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Owen, Mr O...... 1 0 0 Do., for W & 0 3 13 3 Bunney, Mr 0 10 0 Owens, Mr John 10 0 0 Collections 32 1 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. 31 7 0 Carmichael. Mr 1 0 0 Owens, Mrs John 10 0 0 Sunday-school... 25 0 0 Do.,Mill-stSch. 23 17 1 Dickins, M r ...... 1 0 0 Owens, Mr Owen 4 0 0 Y.W.B.C., pro­ Ebenezer Hall Harrison, Mr...... 0 10 0 Owens,Mrs Owen 3 0 0 ceeds of lecture . 1 3 0 School..... 12 16 1 Jones, Mr D...... 0 10 0 Owens, Mr R. ... 1 0 0 Family boxes (84) 77 14 4 Jones. Mr R...... 2 0 0 Owens, Mr A. ... 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Lee, Mr T...... 0 10 6 Owens, Miss M. 1 0 0 By Mr T. B. Garnett, Subscriptions: Lewis, M r...... 0 10 0 Parry, Mr John Bell, M r...... 1 0 0 Morrow, Mr ...... 1 0 0 (In memory of) 4 0 0 Cole, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Donaldson, Mrs 1 0 0 Mort, Mrs & Miss 0 10 0 Parry, Mrs...... 4 0 0 Coley, MissE. ... 0 10 C Do. i for China 1 10 0 Parry, Mr. J...... 1 0 0 Parry, Mr D...... 1 0 0 Drysdale, Mrs... 3 0 C Do., for Congo 1 10 0 Parry, M r...... 0 10 0 Parry, Mr John 1 0 0 Golding, Miss H. Ferguson, Mrs... 1 1 0 Parry, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Parry, Mr T.. 1 0 0 for India ... 1 0 < Hayward, Mr, Parry, Mr J...... 0 10 0 Parry, Mr Wm. 1 0 0 Do., for Congo 1 0 C for Congo ...... 1 1 0 Randles ,Mr&Mrs 0 10 0 Parry, Miss J . ... 1 0 0 Jones, Mr'R. . ... 1 0,<] Lockhart, M rs... 5 0 0 Rankin, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Parry, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Lewis, Rev R. ... 1 1 ( Parkin, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Rogers, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Powell, Rev D.... 2 0 0 Missionary pupil 2 17 ( LANCASHIRE. lx iü lo o LIVERPOOL. Seacombe, Welsh Church. Morris, Mr John 1 1 0 o o Under 10s...... 1 17 a o o Mile Ena. Contribs.,for NP 0 11 11 10 6 Contributions ... 6 15 1 20 10 11 10 6 Less Welsh Home 4 0 Widnes. Mission ...... 2 17 10 LIVERPOOL. Rev E. L. Jones. 17 13 i Walton. Contribs., S.-sch. 1 0 0 5 3 Collection ...... 1 7 5 Y.P.S.C.E...... 1 0 7 15 6 Boxes ...... 1 3 10 Do., for ÌVP... 0 7 7 BIRKENHEAD. 17 7 Do., for Congo 0 2 6 1 4 2 11 3 Jackson Street. 10 0 2 10 8 7 2 Rev R. Frame. 16 3 LIVERPOOL. Contributions ... 7 5 3 5 0 BOOTLH. Collections...... 1 13 3 5 0 Carisbrooke. Do. for N P ... 1 0 10 5 O Litherland Road. 6 4 Rev W. Bathgate. Contributions ... 3 8 11 9 19 4 6 6 Collection ...... 2 19 0 Do.. S.-sch.... 0 10 6 Contributions. ,for Youngmen’s class 0 8 6 7 11 Congo...... 4 4 0 BIRKENHEAD. 4 8 11 Clifton Road. 7 3 0 Contributions ... 6 2 0 BISIEKHIAI. LIVEBPOOL. elsh. Grange Lane. Cottenham Street and EÖEEMOXT. Empire Street. Rev S. W. Bowser, B.A. Liscard Road. 11 8 Rev C. Roberts. Coll., for W A O 3 11 8 Contributions' ... 37 10 2 Collections...... 2 13 10 Do., for Congo 2 2 0 Rev A. Gordon, M.A, 10 0 Contributions ... 4 0 0 Do,, for S.-sch. 20 0 0 Collections...... 4 16 10 10 0 Do., for W A Ö 1 18 2 0 0 6 13 10 63 3 10 Subscriptions ... 11 18 0 17 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 17 0 6 Do.,iorsupport 8 8 LIVERPOOL. BIRKENHEAD. o f Congo boy 3 0 0 Edge Lane (Welsh). WelshChurch, Woodlands. 38 13 6

Contributions ... 4 15 e Rey J. Davies. HEW BRIGHTON. elsh. Collection,Sunday evg. service 0 11 0 Rev E. Morley. L LIVERPOOL. Do. for W A O 0 6 0 Collec. for W AO 1 4 6 Byrom Street. Contribs., S.-sch. 3 16 7 1 6 Sunday-school... 1 3 6 1 7 Rev F. G. West. Subscriptions : Subscriptions : 2 11 Collections...... 2 16 9 4 2 Davies, Mr S., Bourne, Mr J. H. 1 10 0 for Congo ...... 0 10 0 Pedder, Miss, for LIVERPOOL. Gwinllanydd...... 0 10 6 Congo ...... r 0 0 0 0 Jones, Mr J. S ... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 9 0 St.Helen’sJubileeChurch. Jones, Mr W. G., for Italy...... 0 10 6 Rev N. MacLeod. 6 7 0 10 6 Roberts, Mr R.... 0 15 0 Under 10s...... 1 19 6 10 6 Contributions ... 4 10 7 T o t a l , L i v e r p o o l 6 0 Coll., for WAO 0 10 0 Box by A u x i l i a r y 1170 5 2 10 6 Oontribs.jforJT P 0 4 6 Less expenses 31 8 10 0 0 Ellis, Mr H. T.... 0 12 0 10 0 6 5 1 1135 16 4 For N P, by Cobum, Hannah 0 4 6 LIVERPOOL. Davies, J. O...... 0 7 4 2 7 MANCHESTER AND 8 9 St Helen’s Central Church Jones, Mabel...... 0 6 0 SALFORD AUXILIARY. Jones, Jos. W.... 0 11 3 6 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 10 0 Jones, Bernard.., 1 2 9 Collection at pub­ 5 0 0 3 6 0 Jones, James ... 0 lic meeting ... 15 1 1 Garston. Lloyd, Grace.::... 0 4 4 5 0 Williams, Mary 0 3 0 17 6 Rev J. Thomas. Williams, Evan 0 3 0 MANCHESTER. Under 2s, 6d. 0 14 11 6 1 Contributions ... 0 15 4 Union Chapel. Do.,S.-soh. ... 3 6 2 Special Contributions for Revs A. Maclaren, D.D., & 6 1 Collec.for W db O 0 8 6 Diben Station, Brittany. J. E. Roberts,. M.A., B.D. 0 0 4 10 0 Jones, Mr W. G 1 10 0 Collections 54 1 4 Jones, Miss M, J, 1 10 0 Do., for WAO le 16 10 1 5 * LAJïCASSlîiË. [189Ô.

Contribs-.for/te&i, Subscriptions: HANCI1EBÌBS; SALFOED. per Bev J. E. Roberts, B D... 17 7 6 By Mrs Nickson. Coupland Stfget. Great George Street. Wilmot - street Boyd, Mr A 1 0 0 Bev J. O’Neil Campbell. Mission S.-sch. 47 7 0 Davies, Mr R. ... 0 12 0 Bev J. J. Hargreaves. Subscriptions ...123 18 1 Duncan, Mr A.... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 1 18 6 Do., by Mr B. Nickson, Mr C.... 1 1 0 Collections 3 13 0 Perkins, Mrs 0 10 0 Do., for W&O 2 2 5 Adshead, for MANCHESTEE. ItalianMssn. 32 4 6 Smith, Mrs W.... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 5 0 Mr W. S.Churchill, Spencer, Mr W. 0 10 0 Upper Medlock Street. Do., forNP ... 1 15 2 Young, Mr W 0 10 0 for Congo ...... 10 0 0 Welsh Chapel. Y.P.S.C.E...... 5 10 0 Subscriptions: By Mrs T. Spencer. Collection ...... 0 13 10 Bury, Mrs P 0 10 0 310 5 3 Spencer,MrT.... 2 0 0 Boxes ...... 1 4 7 Spencer,MrsT.... 0 10 0 Cards, for A P ... 1 10 10 Clarke, Dr A. 0. 0 10 0 Spencer, Mrs W. 0 1J 0 Famworth,MrJ.H.0 10 0 Subscriptions : Griffiths, Miss ... 0 10 0 HANCHES1EB. Under 10s...... 0 8 6 Roberts, Mr E., Hargreaves,RevJ. 0 10 O Hoyle, Mr J 0 10 6 Moss Side. 40 9 10 and Son ...... 1 0 0 Roberts, Mr J .... 1 1 0 Lonsdale, Mr K. 1 0 0 Rev A. W. H. Streuli. Under 10s...... 2 2 6 Pogson, M rs 1 0 0 MANCHESTEE. Pogson, Mr .Tos. 0 10 6 Collections 12 14 4 7 12 9 Eopplewell,Mr... 0 10 0 Do., for W& O 6 0 0 Rusholme Road Congre­ Less Home Weightman,MrG. 0 10 6 Juv, Miss. Soc....l50 0 0 gational Chapel. Mission and Willett, Mr F. ... 0 10 0 Rev Dr Thomson. expenses ... 1 2 3 Woodeson, Mr ... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 1 1 Subscriptions : First women’s class 6 10 6 By Miss E. Sargent. and Thursday afternoon Collected by women’s mtg., Sargent, Mr W. 1 0 0 HAN CHESTEB. Barlow, Mrs 0 12 8 Do., fcr Congo 0 10 0 for school Queen’s Park. Carson, Miss ... 1 12 6 Streuli, Rev A.... 1 0 0 work at War- Hoyle, Mrs ...... 0 17 9 TiLlotsoa, Miss... 0 10 0 then Station, Bev T. W. Thomason. Pogson, M rs 0 12 6 Young, Miss 0 11 0 Congo 25 0 0 Shepherd, Miss 0 2 3 Under 10s...... 1 9 0 Do., for support Coll. (moiety) ...2 7 0 of two Congo Do., for W A O 1 0 0 By Miss Tillotson. boys, “ Lu- Boxes by 3 7 0 bakki ” and Bowker, Miss ... 0 6 0 Bougliey, Mr ... 3 3 0 “ N tim a” ... 10 0 0 Hindle, M rs 0 12 0 Carr, Mr M 0 12 0 Welch, Mrs ...... 0 8 1 Cox, Mr G. E. ... 0 12 0 35 0 0 HANCHE STEE. Hawes, Mr W.... 0 10 0 Brighton Grove. Ward, Mr P 0 10 0 24 12 5 Under 10s...... 0 17 0 HAN CHESTER. Collections ...... 2 11 10 Do., for W AO 1 17 6 By Miss Smith. Gorion,Wellington Street. Contribs., S.-sch. 1 11 3 Bev T. Armstrong. Students’ Aux..., 2 7 0 SIEETFOED. Sykes, Mr Jas. .. 2 2 0 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 1 3 4 Collections ...... 2 18 I Union Chapel,Edge Lane. Do., fur W dc O 1 0 6 Bilbrough, Miss 1 1 0 By Miss Woodcock. Contribs., S.-sch. 4 12 11 Marshall,RevJ.T. 1 0 0 Bev, G. N. Williams. Parker, Rev Dr 5 0 0 Walkden, Misses 0 12 0 8 11 6 Parker, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Collec.,for W $ O 2 2 6 Under 10s...... 1 0 6 Ridgway, Mrs ...110 Contributions Bidgway, Miss... 1 0 0 (moiety) 16 1 2 By Mrs Pifleld. MANCHESTER. Towler, BevB.E. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 6 Fifield, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Gorton, Clowes Street. Under 10s...... 2 17 10 Bev W. A. Livingstone. 19 10 1 By Miss Silvey. Collections 1 9 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 2 6 Wilson, Mr B. ... 0 10 0 Do., United MANCHESTER. Oakfleld Chapel. Under 10s...... 1 0 0 schools ...... 2 17 8 Upper Brook Street. Emanuel Church. Collection ...... 3 8 5 By Miss Barrili 0 9 6 6 9 10 Do., Sun.-sch. 2 16 11 By Mr J. J Jervis 0 6 0 Bev W. Owen. Do., torW & O 2 0 0 By Miss Payne... 0 1 8 Contributions ... 6 6 0 Sunday-school... 9 0 0 By Mrs Shaw ... 0 14 6 HANCHISTES. Do., forJV P... 2 8 5 Prayer meetings 0 13 4 190 7 8 Slade Lane, Longsight. Pendleton. Y.P.8.C.E...... 0 16 11 Collections 1 14 2 Sunday-school... 8 8 4 Bev J. G. Skemp, M.A. Subscriptions : HAN CHESTEB. Subscriptions : Collections 1 2 4 Boullen, Mr 0__ 0 10 6 IGrosvenor Street. Do., United EdminsontMrL.T. 2 2 0 Bev E. B. Woods, B.A. Compton,MrJ.W. 1 1 0 Service ...... 4 8 6 Edminson, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions ... 1 9 7 Inglish,Mr W.W. 3 0 0 Collections 6 8 1 Montgomery,Miss 1 10 0 Do., for W tk 0 1 8 8 11 13 6 7 0 5 Sutherland, Mr 1 1 0 Juv, Miss. Soc,... 25 1 7 Under 10s.,„... 0 15 6 1895.] LANCASHIRE.

Collected by Collected by West, Miss 1 1 0 Boxes by Bryer, Miss ...... l o 8 West, Mr & Mrs Brittain, Harriet 0 3 5 Croft, Master ... 0 3 8 Alexander,MissA. 0 8 11 John...... 2 2 0 Manning, J. W. 0 10 10 Humphreys,Miss 1 19 10 Broadhurst,John 1 5 1 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Brooks, Abel ... 2 5 6 Shepley, Esther 0 17 6 Monthly subscrip­ Whitaker, F. ... 0 6 7 33 11 2 Brooks,MissE.A. 0 14 0 tions, by MisB Dean, Mr S 0 17 6 West ...... 6 10 7 Dean, Miss E ... 4 0 6 8'13 6 Harrop, Miss B. 2 9 10 33 4 0 OPENSHAW. Heap, Miss L. ... 1 16 2 Rev L. M. Thomas. Hopwooti.MissH. 0 17 10 O l d h a m . Jacques, Miss E. 0 9 5 Royton, Bethesda. Collection ...... o 13 11 Newton, Miss A. 0 10 6 King Street. Contribs., S.-sch., Shaw, Mr Jas.... 0 10 0 Rev W. B. Buttle. for JV P ...... 0 12 8 Under 2s 0 2 4 Collections 16 1 6 Do., for Wd-O 4 0 3 Coll., for W & 0 1 2 0 Collected by 23 16 9 Contribs.,S.-sch. 11 2 9 Christian Band, Parr, Miss 3 0 0 for Congo ..... 7 8 0 PRESTON. Proceeds of en­ 4 5 7 ST ALY B HEDGE. tertainment ... 3 8 9 Fishergate Chapel. Cross Leech Street. Sale of books ... 0 3 10 Rev W. H. Harris. Rev A. Bowden. Boxes by Collections 6 19 2 WITHINGTON. Do., for W & O 1 4 6 Brierley, Mr J.... 0 10 10 Rev H. C. Wagnell. Collection ...... 1 1 6 Sun.-sch. boxes 2 11 3 Do., pub. mtpr. 4 2 3 Broad Jent.MissL. 0 11 6 “ Mercy ” boxes, Contributions ... 7 10 0 Do., Sun.-sch. 0 5 3 Davis, Mr C 0 9 U tor HP, China 11 17 2 Do., for W & U 0 11 0 Etchells, Mr G... 0 9 Boxes ...... 1 0 6 Fletcher, Mr J., Subscriptions : Y.P.S.C.C 0 7 2 and family 1 13 LOWER BBOFQHTOK. Anderton, Mrs .. 0 10 0 Haigh, Miss C... 0 11 Brown, Mr, J.P. 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Hardman, Miss, turness, M r 0 10 0 Coll., for W & 0 0 14 0 class...... 0 9 10 Contributions ... 4 10 9 Goodair, Mr T.... 0 12 0 By Miss Bo it den. Holroyd, Mr S... 0 4 2 Hamilton,Mr, J.P. 1 1 0 Do...... 2 5 4 Holroyd.MrT.W. 1 0 9 Bowden, Rev A. Hamilton, Miss 1 1 0 Lees, Mr J 0 6 6 Harris, Rev W. H. 0 10 0 7 10 1 and Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Mills, Mrs J 0 9 0 Bowden, Mr A. C. 0 10 0 Hugh, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Marsden, Mrs J. 0 10 0 Lainb, Mrs 2 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 8 6 Newton, Miss F. 0 8 0 HYDE. Maynard, Mr NewtOD, Mr R... 1 7 3 Alderman, J.P. 1 1 0 8 16 2 Orme, Miss K .... 4 9 Rev W. M. R.McAleese. Less expenses 0 12 6 Maynard, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Rothwell, Miss S. 0 13 0 Maynard, Mrs Collections 0 18 2 Schofield, Mr S. 0 19 10 W. H...... 0 10 0 Do., f-tr w a o 0 7 0 Slater, MisS 0 18 6 Powell, Mr W. K., Contribs.,for NP 0 2 2 Wardle, Mrs J.... 0 3 9 J.P...... 2 2 0 B oxes...... 1 5 2 T o t a l M a n c h e s t e r Washington,MrW. 0 11 1 Under 10s...... 2 16 8 A u x i l i a r y . . 815 12 3 Wild, Mr D. S. .. 0 6 0 2 12 6 Less expenses 5 11 10 Wood, Mrs 0 14 0 Under 2s 0 4 9

60 6 5 PRESTON. ECCLES. Pole Street. Rev E. K. Everett. MORECAMBE. OLDHAM. Rev C. H. Ryall. Collection 3 15 3 Rev H. C. Wagnell. Pitt Street. Collections 9 5 5 Do., for W £ O 2 10 0 Coll., for W & O 0 9 3 Rev W, Hughes. Do , for do. ... 2 10 0 Contributions ... 3 6 11 Do., for W& 0 1 1 6 Sunday-school ...7 0 0 Contribs., per Collection 2 0 MissA.Bowker 1 11 6 Subscriptions : 15 15 3 Aveline, Mr ...... 0 11 0 5 7 HOLLINWOOD. Walker, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Rev T. Smedley. Under 10s...... 0 6 0 STOCKPORT. Collection ...... 2 4 Boxes by Rev J. Pywell. OLDHAM. Do., for JF«fc O 0 12 Manchester Street. Aveline, Misses E. Collections ...... 6 0 and Y ...... 0 7 1 Do., for W $ O 2 0 Rev L. Morris. Billing, Miss M. 0 6 7 Billing&rruerton, 8 0 0 Collections...... 10 14 9 OLDHAM. Misses...... 0 6 8 Do., for W A O 0 16 8 Royton, Oldham Road. Harrison, Mrs ... 0 7 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 9 7 Walker, Harold 1 7 3 BTALYBRIDGX. Do., for ¿Vi3 ... 1 12 3 Collections 4 11 8 Smaller sums 0 19 9 Boxes ...... 1 2 8 Do., for W& 0 0 10 6 ■Wakefield Road. Subscriptions: Subscriptions : 15 8 4 Rev C. Rushby. 0 14 10 Walker, Mr H.... 1 0 0 Shepley, Mr J.... 0 10 6 Collections ...... 6 7 8 West, Mr & Mrs Whiteley, Mr W. 0 10 6 14 13 6 P o„ Sun.*ach. l i e T. j!...... § 2 0 Ui$er 10s...... 0 12 0 Ixvi LANCASHIRE. [Ì895.

PEESTOIT. ST. ANNE’S-ON-THE- Hesketh, Mrs ... 0 12 0 SEA. Perris, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Aahton-on-Ribble. Collection ...... 2 1 Stansfleld, Mr Rev B. A. Evans. Mothers’ meeting 1 11 Rev J. W. Varley. W. H...... 0 10 6 S.-school boxes... 1 9 Collection,1894... 2 0 6 Under 10s...... 1 12 0 Collection e and Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 subscriptions 34 3 404 12 Contribs., for NP 0 18 6 By Miss Taylor. Do., for WtkO 3 18 Less expenses 10 4 Illingworth,MrW. 1 0 0 Boxes by 38 1 8 391 7 10 Law, M r...... 1 I 0 Less expenses 0 15 6 Brierley, Mrs ... 0 4 5 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Walker, Mrs 0 7 9 By Miss Ritchie. 37 6 2 SOCHDAEE. Whitaker, Mrs... 0 4 8 Newbold, Ebenezer. Worsley, Mrs ...050 Travis, M r 1 4 0 Under 2s 0 3 0 Under 10s...... 2 8 6 Rsv D. O. Davies. ROCHDALE. Collection ...... 3 11 1895. 65 11 1 West Street. Do., for W & O 0 0 Collection ...... 1 6 0 Do., for W AO 0 13 3 Rev W. J. Packer. Subscription : Contribs., for NP 0 5 7 BOTJTHPOBT. Collections 40 2 Fletcher, Mr E. 0 10 Tabernacle. Do., for W

WEST LEIGH. East Lancashire. For support of B A C t P . Fi eh Ying, Dangerous Corner. ACCRINGTON. China...... 20 0 0 . Zion Chapel. Contributions ... 9 0 0 School work, Cannon Street. under Mrs Rev S. J. Baker. Graham,Congo 10 0 0 Rev C. Williams. Collection ...... 4 10 1 Do., for JF 4- O 1 1 0 WIGAN. Collections ...... 28 9 3 ACCEIITQTON. Vote, for D ebt... 1 0 0 King Street. Do., for IF & O 0 4 0 Barnes Street, Contribs.,forXte&£ 51 8 Snbcriptions : g Contributions ... 6 11 3 Rev G. J. Cliff. Profit on tea ...... 1 7 By Miss Stocks. Collections 12 II 6 Subscription: Pickup, Mr L. .. 0 12 0 Do.,for B'tO 1 10 0 BACUF. IJnder 10s...... 3 10 10 Contribs.,S.-sch. 21 0 10 Haworth, Mr W.f Young women, J.P.,in memory Coll. at united By Mrs J. S. Varley. per Mr John of his father, services ...... 5 16 11 Sm ith...... 10 0 0 for Italy ...... 25 0 0 Do., juv. mtng. 2 6 9 Ashworth, Mr P. 0 12 0 Greenwood.MrD. 0 12 0 Subscriptions for Congo ; Ladies’ Association. 8 3 8 Varley, Mr J. S. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 4 5 2 Crook, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Collected by Johnson, Mr W .. 1 1 0 BACTTP. By Miss Sutcliffe. Starr, Mr Ja».... 0 11 0 Barlow, Miss 11 17 6 Broughton, Miss 3 5 0 Ebenezer. Sutcliffe, Mr H. 0 12 0 For N P, by Bury, Mrs J 4 1 0 Rev F. Overend. Under 10s...... 1 6 6 Entwistle, Mrs Baldwin, R 0 5 0 Joseph...... 11 12 0 Collections 21 18 By Mrs Baker. Baxter, M...... 0 1 3 Farnworth, Miss 3 9 0 Do., for IV& O 5 0 Green, C. E 0 6 1 Haworth, Miss... 12 14 0 Missionary teas 2 5 Rhodes, Miss ... 011 9 Lowther, W 0 3 9 Li'l, Mrs...... 4 3 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 15 8 Under 10s...... 2 10 8 Macalpine, Mrs 12 4 0 Box, by Mr G. 54 0 5 Rushworth,MrsF. 2 16 0 Shepherd ...... 4 12 By Miss Pickup. Less expenses 0 11 0 Williams, Miss... 5 3 0 Subscriptions and Pickup, Miss ... 1 4 0 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 63 9 5 Willow Street S.-school. Donations : A Friend...... 1 1 Collected by Collection ...... 6 16 0 Aitkinson, Miss Contributions ... 31 1 9 M. S...... 0 10 Cooper, Miss E. 1 13 0 WIGAN. Collinge, Mr and Smith, M iss 0 7. 11 Collected by Mrs ...... 0 10 Scarisbrick Street. Boxes by Smith, Miss, for Howorth, Mr J. 1 0 Rev F. G. Kemp. School work... 4 0 0 Howorth, Mr W. 0 10 Dyson, Mr J., Law, Mr John... 5 5 and family 1 1 3 Collections...'...... 2 10 0 Royds Street Branch. Law, Mrs John... 1 1 Sharp, J. H 0 13 0 Coll. for W & O 1 4 6 Law, Miss 1 1 Secretary ...... 0 7 6 Irayer mtg. box. 1 12 8 Collection ...... 1 15 9 Law, Mrs John A. 1 10 Special Contribs., Coll., for W & O 1 5 2 Overend, Rev F. 1 1 For N P, by : for D ebt ...... 1 6 0 Sunday-school... 10 8 8 Ratcliffe, Mr J. 0 10 Shepherd, Mr G. 20’ 0 Atkinson, Ada... 0 2 2 Boxes by Collected by Shepherd,Mrs G. 3 3 Baron, George ... 0 2 4 Shepherd,Mis?A. 0 10 Under 2s 0 4 7 Armstrong,Mr J. 0 5 0 Broughton, Mrs 2 13 9 Shepherd, Mrs... 6 0 Barton, Mr ...... 0 2 8 Dewhurst, Miss Shepherd, Mrs, Cartwright, Miss 0 2 3 1 12 8 29 3 9 4 10 Fisher, Miss N... 1 9 0 Jas., sen 1 1 Davies, Mr G. ... 0 Heap, Miss A. ... 2 0 7 Shepherd,Mr Jas. 1 1 Farrimond, Miss 0 2 6 Houlker, Mrs G. BACTJP. Forshaw, Misses 0 10 0 1 8 11 Shepherd,MrsJas. 1 0 Makin, Miss...... 1 15 6 Shepherd.G. &H. 0 10 Irwell Terrace. Gibson, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Press, Miss E. A. 1 19 9 Under 10s...... 2 5 Gibson, Miss M. 0 5 0 Rev T. B. Field. 5 0 Smith, Miss E.A. 0 11 Gibson, Miss H. 0 Sto well, Miss ... 1 9 For JVP, by Coll., for W 4 O 1 0 0 Grundy, Miss ... 0 4 4 Wood, Miss A.... 1 12 Hall, Miss ...... 0 4 3 Hargreaves, Miss Contributions ... 7 4 10 Do., for N P ... 0 16 7 Kemp, Misses ... 0 4 8 Huncoat Branch. Alice S...... 0 13 Langshaw,MrG. 0 11 0 Law, Miss J. A. 0 15 Marsden, Mr E... 1 0 0 Collection ...... 4 13 4 Law, Miss E. B. 0 15 9 1 5 Means, Miss ...... 0 2 0 Law, Mies Lena 0 13 Rigby, Miss M... 0 3 2 260 7 11 Lord, Miss E. A. 0 1 BACTTP. Stephenson,Miss 0 2 2 Less expenses Maden, Miss Alice 0 7 Sykes, Mr J...... 0 3 0 and amount Pilling, R. J. ... 0 4 South Street. Taylor, Mrs J. R. 0 2 6 received too Shepherd, Miss E. 0 10 Collection 1 0 0 Telford, Mr R.... 0 5 0 late ...... 32 1 8 Shepherd,George 0 15 Under 2s...... 0 3 6 Shepherd, Henry 0 12 228 6 3 BA.CUP. 12 6 0 103 4 , AoreMill. Less expenses 2 13 Less -expenses 0 1 0 Rev G. Charlesworth. £30 of above Sunday-sch. 12 5 0 contributions to be ap­ 100 10 Collection 10 0 propriated as follows:— Ixviii LANCASHIRE. [1895.

BLACKBURN. Jackson, Mrs W. 0 10 0 CLAYTON-LE-MOORS. Plant, Rev T. A. 0 10 0 Montague Street. Under 10s...... I l l Haggate. Rev S. Caldwell. By Miss Lawson 0 4 4 Collections 6 10 11 Rev-M. H. Whetnall. Collection ...... 15 16 1° Do., for W& 0 1 0 0 Boxes...... 13 8 0 Contribs., 1895 . . 5 2 0 Collections...... 7 9 9 Boxes by Do., for W * O 1 13 11 Hargreaves,Misses Subscriptions: Beard wood, Mr, A. andF. ... 1 2 1 for Mr Shor- Plant, Rev T. A., CaMwell, Rev S. 0 10 6 rock's work, children 0 12 0 BURY. Kenyon,Mr O. S. 5 0 0 China...... 0 10 6 Rushton, Mr T. 0 10 0 Boxes ...... 1 16 6 32 18 Knowsley Street. Collected by Less expenses 0 5 11 10 8 Rev B. Bowker. Kenyon, L 2 12 0 32 13 5 Collections 4 1 3 Boxes by BRIERCLIFFE. Do., for W & O 0 10 10 Best, Mrs ...... 0 8 3 Rev A. Gray. Subscriptions: Caldwell, A. E.... 0 4 6 Mount Pleasant. Collections...... 5 14 0 Whittaker,MrW. 0 10 0 Coupe, Mr John 0 9 10 Do.,for W&O 1 14 6 Under 10s...... 1 7 6 Holgate, H 0 2 1 Rev J. P. Newman. Howarth, M. E... 0 8 0 Subscriptions : Contributions ... 10 0 9 Boxes by Rushton, Miss D. 1 12 1 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Bowker, Norah 0 10 3 Waterhouse, G. 0 7 2 Atkinson, Mr L. 1 1 0 Rothwell, D 0 2 0 Atkinson, Mr F. 0 10 0 ■B Ü B N X E Y . Sedgwick, Cissy 0 9 0 24 17 4 Barker, Mr A. ... 0 10 0 Greenwood,MrH. 0 10 6 Ebenezer. 7 10 10 Jackson, Mr Jas. 1 0 0 Rev 8. C. Alderidge. Jackson, Mr J.... 0 10 0 CLITHEROE. BURY. Kippax, Mr W. 1 10 0 Collections 10 15 Rev R. A. Boothman. Leaver, Mr. Jas. 0 10 0 Do., for W

Collected by For N P, by PJLDIHAM. SUNNYSIDE. Finder, Mr T. ... 0 14 3 Crabtree, T. . , . 0 8 7 Pendle Street. Rev A. Tyldsley. Hudson, H. ... . 0 11 8 Rev J. Lee. 2 15 0 Hudson, J. W .. . 0 11 3 Collection ...... 0 14 Jackson, G. ... . 0 9 11 Collection ...... 1 14 8 Stanworth, F. . . 0 5 1 DOALS. Stan worth, W .. . 0 5 6 Whitaker, H. . . 0 30 1 WATERBARN. RAMS BOTTOM. Rev A. Harrison. Whitaker, R,,., 4 Rev S. R. Aldridge, LL.D. Rev J. McCleery. Collections...... 3 11 0 . 3 18 5 Do.,for W&O 0 15 0 Collections 13 1 j Collections 8 7 0 0 : Do., for W & 0 2 0 0 Quarterly subs. 7 17 Do., for W & O 2 15 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 12 4 LTJMB. Do., at district 12 6 0 meeting (less Subscriptions ... 3 15 0 Rev B. T. Davies. expenses) ... 3 6 19 11 4 EDGESIDE. ’Contributions . . 10 13 2 Subscriptions : Less cost of Heralds 1 0 0 Rev R. Heyworth. A Friend...... 1 0 Barnes, Mr J. ... 0 10 18 14 4 Collection ...... 2 0 0 MILLGATE. Cronkshaw, Mr 0 10 Do., for W & O 0 10 0 In Memoriam ... 1 3 Rev J. Evans. McCleery, Rev J. 0 15 2 10 0 Collection 1 1 0 Maden, Mr J. H. 5 0 WATERFOOT. Do., for W & 0 0 11 0 Do., for JV P ... 0 10 Maden, Mrs J. H. 0 10 Rev A. D. Garrow. GOOD SHAW. 1 12 0 Maden, Mrs J .... 1 0 Collection ...... 2 15 0 Do., for Bebt... 1 0 Rev T. Thomas Maden, Mrs H.... 1 0 Do., S.-sch. ... 2 13 1 Collections...... 8 7 0 NELSON. Maden, Miss 0 10 Collected by Do., for fV $ O 1 5 0 Rostron, Mrs 1 0 Carr Road. Shore, Mr and Ashworth, Miss 0 10 8 M rs...... 1 0 Clayton, Miss ... 0 17 6 Subscriptions : Rev D. McCallum. Shentcn, Mr T. 0 10 0 Skelton, Mr R. P. 1 0 Stanley, Miss ... 0 12 0 Thomas, Rev T. 1 0 0 Collections...... 12 13 3 Under 10s...... 0 5 Do., for IV & O 2 0 0 Boxes by Boxes by 11 2 0 Sunday-school... 9 14 11 Ashworth, MissE. 0 3 6 “ Taisy ” ...... 1 0 Parkinson, Miss 0 2 5 Subscriptions (2 years). Bell, Miss A 0 12 HÄSLING DEN. A Lay Preacher’s “ For the Regions 7 14 0 Fees...... 2 0 0 Beyond” ...... 0 10 Trinity Chapel. Gill, Mrs...... 1 10 0 Male monitors’ £3936 12 11 Leach, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 Bible-class, for Collections ...... 3 5 0 Bengali School 6 0 Do., for W & O 2 0 0 Collected by Contribs., S.-sch. 0 8 8 Ault, T. H...... 0 7 4 42 18 Penny - a - week Baldwin,MissA.J. 0 16 7 ^Leicestershire. system...... 7 2 6 Dobney, M ss L. 0 7 6 Hargreaves, Miss RAWTENSTALL. ARNSBY. Subscription: M.A...... 1 9 2 Rev W. Morgan. Knowles, Mr R. 1 1 0 Lord, Mies S. A. 0 16 9 Collections ...... 1 10 6 Collections 3 1 10 Nuttall, Miss A. 0 8 6 Do., for W dt O 0 16 1 Do.,for W& 0 1 0 0 22 17 2 Phillips, Miss ... 0 15 0 Sunday-school... 3 2 0 Robinson, Miss L 0 5 5 Contribs., for 2\7P 1 3 1 Senior class ...... 1 11 6 Stanley, Miss H. 1 11 7 Boxes ...... 2 3 2 Sale of flowers by HASLINGDEN. Taylor, Lionel... 0 12 5 Miss if night... 3 0 0 Windie, Miss S... 0 8 3 5 12 10 Bury Road. Subscriptions: Rev M. Gledhill. 37 16 8 SABDEM. Horton, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Collections...... 7 14 4 Less expenses 1 18 7 Collections 11 13 11 Knight, Miss ... 1 0 0 Dn., for WdbO 1 8 2 Knight, Mr S. ... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 12 9 35 IS 1 Do., for fV db O 2 0 0 Prayer meetings 0 9 1 S.-sch., girls 6 11 7 Do., boys ...... 7 ]0 0 Boxes by Boxes by OSWALDTWISTLE. Contribs.,for NP 1 13 4 Knight, Miss ... 0 10 2 Subscriptions : Kn'ght, E. & A. 0 9 6 Coupe, Miss J.... 0 5 0 Coll., for W & O 1 18 2 Lee, Miss S 0 8 0 Hallam, Mr R .... 0 7 6 Contributions ... 52 18 0 Townsend, Miss 0 10 0 Hallam, A. & F. 0 10 0 Wilkinson, Mrs 3 0 0 15 13 9 Rostron, Miss A. 0 2 11 51 16 2 Tattersall, Miss 0 5 0 32 18 10 Lees expenses 12 14 9 ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH PADIHAM. and £5 paid to other AND PACKINGTON. Burnley Road. societies 5 15 0 HÜRSTWOOD. Rev J. D. T. Humphreys. Oontribs, S.rsch. 3 6 8 27 3 10 Coll. for W & Q 0 5 Collections 10 J5 jg LEICESTERSHIRE. [1895.

Donation: Subscriptions : b a b t o h v B o x e s b y Bruce, Miss A .M. 0 10 6 Turner, Mr S. ... 5 0, 0 By Miss Goadby. Bosworth, Emma 0 6 3 Turner, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Clarke, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Compton, Lois... 1 8 6 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Calladine, Mr G. 0 10 0 Deacon,FannyH. 0 12 7 Boxes by Evans, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Farmer, Mary ... 0 5 6 32 4 1 Orchard, Mrs G. 1 1 0 Clarke, Ernest... 0 14 0 Goodman, Mabel 0 5 1 Clarke, William 0 2 4 Orcherd, G. D. Humphrey, Ethel 0 6 3 and A...... 0 10 0 Dean, James 0 3 6 Insley, Sydney... 0 8 2 Pickboume, L. .. 2 6 6 Salisbury, Mrs J. 2 2 0 Jackson, Amy E. 0 2 6 BRUNTINGTHO RPE. Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Young women’s Moore, Phoebe ... 0 6 0 class...... 0 2 3 Perking, Jas. H. 3 11 6 Collection 0 15 6 Under 2s...... 0 1 6 Collected by Wells, Florence 0 6 5 An old Collector 0 2 6 Under 2s 0 1 10 7 4 3 Baxter, Mary ... 0 6 0 Burton,ISdith ... 1 3 4 bagwobth. Boxesby CASTLE DONINGTON. Girls’ 1st class... 0 5 0 Ball, Rebecca ... 0 4 0 Hatton, Mabel... 0 8 9 Collections 2 16 10 COALVILLE. Johnson, Ada ... 0 3 6 Do., pub. mtg. 2 16 0 Matthews, Eliz. 0 4 0 Lovett, Emma... 0 3 8 Ebenezer. Orchard, S. M. Contribs., Sun.- Massey, Reginald 0 3 10 school, 1894 2 13 2 and A. D 0 17 10 Miles, Rose ...... 0 2 5 Rev J. H. Grant. Scott, Alice E.... 0 9 0 Orme, Mary...... 0 2 8 Do., 1895...... 2 9 2 Smith, K. E 0 9 1 Collection 15 6 Orme, Winnie ... 0 7 8 Subscriptions (2 years) : Do;., for W

FOXTON. Young men’s class 2 Archdeacon-lane By Mrs W. B. Blackwell. Young -women’s juv. meeting... 3 5 10 Rev W. T. Moat class...... 3 0 3 Belvoir-st. do.... 5 11 8 Aspell, Mr W. ... 1 1 0 Collections 1 0 Bennett, Misses 3 0 0 Do., pub. mtg. 1 1 Subscriptions: Bennett,Mr H. S. 0 10 0 Blackwell,MrW.B. 1 1 0 Subscriptions: By Mrs Barker. Clifton, Dr G. ... 1 1 0 Hall, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Binley, Miss 0 10 Dennis, M rs 1 I.KIOEBTEB. Johnson, Mr J. 1 1 0 Smith, Mr A. ... 0 10 Smith, Mr James- Moore, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Symington, Mrs 0 10 Under 10s...... 0 Belvoir Street. Wates, Mr & Mrs 10 0 0 West, Mrs ...... 0 10 Wates. Mr A. C. 4 0 0 Under 10s.. Juvenile Collectors. Rev J. Thew. Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Booth, Richard... 0 2 6 Brooks, Tom. 1 10 6 Collections 24 12 Underwood,ErnestO 7 0 Do., for W é 0 7 10 By Mrs H. Gee. Contribs., S.-sch. 1 1 COIÆORTON BRANCH. for Congo ... 28 8 Adderle.v, Mr...... HATHERN. Do.,Abbey-gate 3 0 Baines, Miss...... 1 0 Collection and Aylestone ...... 1 4 Bedells, Mr J. ... 1 0 Coll. for W & O 0 8 6 juv. collectors 2 19 7 Dodgson, Mrs ... 2 2 Collected by Donation : Ellis, Miss K. ... 0 10 23 9 9 Gee, Mr (the late) 1 1 Puller, Mr F. ...060 Less expenses 0 5 6 T. D. P. 6 0 0 Goddard, Miss ... 10 0 Goddard, MrJ.W. 10 0 0 14 6 23 4 3 Subscriptions : Viccars, Mr and By Miss Eames. MrsG. H 2 0 Youne, Mr J.....; 0 10 Bolton, Mr F. ... 110 HUSBANDS Under 10s ...... 1 0 HINCKLEY. Bugby, Misses ... 1 1 BOSWORTH. Eames, Misses .. 4 0 By Miss Patey. Rev P. Williams. Rev B. Dickins. Franklin, Miss ..11 Hancock, Mr 4 0 Collections...... 1 2 Goodman, Mr ... 0 10 Coll. for W & 0 Pollard, Mr ...... 1 1 Goodman, Miss 0 10 Contributions ... Do., for W

LEICESTEB. Snowden, Mr E. 0 10 6 By Mrs Bass. LEICESTER. Stevens, Mr G. H. 1 1 0 Charles Street. Stevenson, Mr G. 2 2 0 Bass, M rs...... 0 10 0 Friar Lane. Brown, Mrs E.... 0 10 0 Bev B. Caven, B.A. Swann, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Bev J. Evans. Wand, Mr S 1 1 0 Brown, Mrs T... 1 1 0 Collections 6 9 3 Wilshere, Mrs T. 2 2 0 Bucklar, Mrs ... 0 15 0 Collections 5 1 6 Contribs., 8un.- Wood, Aid. E. ... 5 5 0 Major, M r...... 1 0 0 Do., for W & 0 2 0 0 scb., for N P... 1 15 3 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 15 0 Subscriptions (2 years): By Mrs Hewitt Subscriptions: By Miss Chamberlain. By Mrs Stubbins. By Mrs Fox. Ashby, Mr T. ... 0 10 6 Hewitt,Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 Ashby. Mr W. ... 3 3 0 Chamberlin, Mr A. 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Bell, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Caven,BevB.,B.A. 1 1 0 Collier, Mr J. ... 0 10 6 Evans, Bev J. ...110 Fox, Mr 0 ...... 0 10 6 Crosslev, Miss ... 0 10 0 By Miss Jesson Farran, Miss...... 2 0 0 Hern, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Ellis, Mrs F 0 10 6 Carryer,BevT.H. 0 10 6 Little Lizzie and Mather, Mr S. ... 2 2 0 Faire, Mr S 0 10 6 Gnssie, for Pickering-, Mrs... 1 1 Fullerton, Bev 0 Faire, Mr J 0 10 6 W.Y ...... 5 0 0 Orphan 4 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Gunn, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Thompson,Misses 1 0 0 Packer, Miss ... 4 4 0 By Miss Tates. Halford, Mr A... 1 1 0 Tnbb, Misses 1 2 0 Pochin, Mr J. ... 2 2 0 Hardy, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 8 0 Bayns, Miss 1 0 0 Ellis, Mr J 0 10 6 Hardy, Mr E. ... 0 10 6 Boberts, Mrs 0 10 0 Meadows, Mr ... 0 10 0 Hewitt, Mr ...... 0 10 0 By Miss Laxton. Smith, Mrs F .... 1 0 0 Williamson, Mr.. 0 10 6 Kelly, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Stubbins, Mrs ... 4 4 0 Under 10s...... 1 13 6 Lennard, Mr S. 1 1 0 Burford, M r..... 1 0 0 Stubbins,MrA.Y. Meaden, Mrs 0 10 8 Garratt, Misses.. 0 13 0 (Chicago) ...... 1 0 By Miss Allen. T.vler, Mrs 0 10 0 Tomlinson, Mr... 1 1 0 Stubbins, MrT.K. Viccars, Mr W.... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 (Adelaide)... 2 2 0 Allen, Mr & Mrs 0 10 6 Windley, Mr 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Burden, Mr O. ... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 2 5 0 By Mrs Bastali. Colton, Mr W. ... 1 1 0 By Mrs S. Wright and Harwood, Mr ... 0 10 0 For N P {2 yrs), by Moore, M r...... 0 10 0 Mrs Arnatt. Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Skinner, Mr C. .. 0 10 0 Amatt, Mr 0 10 0 Bawson, Maggie 1 14 6 Bradbury, Mr ... 0 16 0 Boxes by Bawson, Gertie.. 1 7 6 By Mrs J. E. Pickard. Spell, Frank 0 6 2 Flint, Mr S 1 0 0 Mclnnes, Mrs ... 0 4 7 1 0 Hubbard, Mr ... 0 10 0 Mather, Mr ...... 0 13 9 Wakely, Alice ... 0 9 0 Pickard, Mr A... 1 Pike. Mr B. W... 1 0 6 Rod well, Mr Under 5s 1 2 7 Pickard, Mr J. E. 5 0 0 . 0 16 3 0 Wright, Mrs S. .. 0 10 0 Sarson, Miss ,,. 0 1 11 Vice, Mr...... 0 10 Under 10s...... 1 18 0 Vestry ...... 8 1 103 2 11 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 By Miss Anderson. 22 17 7 By Miss Wilshere. Bayless, Miss ... 0 10 0 LEICESTER. Toller, Mr W. N. 5 0 0 Shelton, M r 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 11 0 LEICESTER. Emanuel Church. 127 16 7 Juvenile Auxiliary. Victoria Road Church. Bev G. S. Saunders. Contribs., 1894... 25 18 1 Bev J. G. Greenhougb, Contributions ... 4 4 0 Sunday - school M.A. classes...... 17 6 9 LEICESTER. Young men’s Collections 25 14 9 class...... 2 3 0 Do...... 2 12 S Harvey Lane. Contribs., Sun.* LEICESTER. Bev J. Cornish. Collected b y - sch., for Congo 23 5 6 Green’s, Miss, Melbourne Hall. Collections...... 7 11 7 Cox, Alioe 0 o 9 class ...... 2 0 0 Coll.. for IFW &db 0 1 16 0 Hands, Ernest ..111 Bawson, Mr.Chil- Bev W. Y. Fullerton. Sunday-school... 21 2 1 Hubbard, Evelyn 1 0 0 dren’s sale of Do., trading Lucas, Nelly....;. 2 6 0 work ...... 0 5 0 Contributions for support pence ...... 6 1 9 9 Merrall, Arthur.. 0 8 6 o f Bev J. L. Roger, Congo. Cropstone ...... 1 12 6 Taylor, Ethel ... 110 2 Subscriptions: Huncote...... 1 15 6 Yates, Edith 2 0 0 By Mrs H. W. Wilsbere. Collections 17 13 1 Under5s 0 5 10 Do., for ifiO 3 0 0 Subscriptions: Bennett, Mr A.... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 43 11 0 96 7 2 Hay croft. Miss ..110 Do., Y.P.S.C.E. 5 0 0 Bailey, Mr (don.) 0 10 0 Palmer, Miss 1 1 0 Nine boxes ...... 2 13 6 Berry, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Viccars, Mrs G .. 5 6 0 OxEord-st. school 4 6 9 Bridgewater, Mr Wilshere,MrsH.W.O 10 6 and Mrs H. O. 0 10 0 LEICESTER. Subscriptions : Butler, Mrs J. A. Archdeacon Lane. By Miss Cave. (2 yrs.) ...... 0 12 0 Greenhongfb, Bev By Mrs A. Bust. Cornish, Bev J... 1 0 0 Bev W. Bishop. J. G.. M.A. ...220 Tn Memoriam, Franklin, Misses 1 1 o Carryer, Mr B.... 1 1 0 Daisy F ox 1 10 0 Collections 3 8 10 Harvey, M rs 1 1 0 Bust,Mr & Mes A. 10 0 0 Norris, Mr&Mrs 0 10 0 Do., for W * 0 1 10 0 Lorrimer, Mr A... 0 10 6 Bust, Mrs ...... 6 0 0 Shield,Mr&MrsW. 0 10 0 Contribs., Sun.- Pochin, Mr B 1 1 0 Toller, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 6 4 9 st-hool...... 19 10 0 Pochin, Mr H .... 0 10 0 Walker, Misses... 1 0 0 Bawson, Mr Jno. 1 1 0 Walker, Mr B. ... 1 0 0 54 16 2 24 8 10 Boper, Mrs ..... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 6 3 IfeÌCESTEfiSHlBÈ lxxiii

LOUGHBOROUGH. LOUGHBOROUGH AND LEICESTER. Subscriptions: DISTRICT BAPTIST Dover Street. Crawley, Mr W. 0 10 6 Baxter Gate. UNION. Forth, Rev J. C. 1 0 0 Bev W. Evans. Hackett, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Eevs E. Stevenson and Proceeds of Lectures, per Miller, Mr J 1 1 0 R. F. Handford. Rev S. P. Carey, M.A. Collections 7 16 8 Watts, Mr W. ... 0 10 o Belton...... 1 0 7 Do., for W ic O 3 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Collections 9 16 8 Broughton 0 12 8 Profit on break­ Do., for W A 0 2 2 0 Hathern...... 1 7 0 fast ...... 2 0 6 Collected by Norman ton ...... 0 8 3 Adkin, Elizabeth 0 4 0 Subscriptions : Rempstone ...... 0 11 1 Subscriptions: Booker, Emma... 0 2 6 By Miss Stevenson. Rothley...... 0 5 9 By Mrs Thirlby. Dunn, Ethel 0 2 4 Sileby...... 0 5 0 Gentle, Beatrice 1 6 6 Adcock, Coun­ Sutton Bonning- A Friend ...... 0 10 6 Gentle, Gertrude 0 8 0 cillor ...... 0 15 6 ton ...... 0 10 0 Bailey, Mr S. C. 0 10 6 Johnson, Alice... 0 4 0 Bradshaw, Mrs 0 12 0 Whitwick ...... 0 8 6 Benskin, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Keevil, Amy 0 4 0 Bumpus, • Alder­ Wymeswold 0 13 1 Bott, Mrs E., for Lovett, Agnes ... 0 10 0 man, J.P 0 10 0 Congo ..... 1 0 0 Pratt, Gertrude.. 0 0 0 Uandford.RevR. ET.O 10 C 6 1 11 Bott, Mrs G 1 0 0 Purdy, William.. 0 4 10 In memory of Less expenses 0 16 2 Brooks, M rs 0 13 0 Purdy, Kate 0 3 6 Mrs Bass ...... 0 10 0 Carrington,MrH. 1 1 0 Smith, Annie ... 0 8 8 Ratcliffe, Mr R. 1 0 0 5 5 9 Carryer, Miss ... 0 10 6 Spring, Miss L... 3 4 3 Stevenson, RevE. 1 0 0 Cholerton, Mr A. 0 10 6 Sc'mson. Lucy... 0 5 0 Wale, Mr J. H. 2 0 0 Collier, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Tacey, Fanny ... 0 17 6 Under 10s...... 0 9 0 MARKET HARBORO’. Cooper, Mr G. ...110 Tacey, Edith 0 17 6 Cooper, Mrs G.... 1 1 0 Ward, Edith A... 0 3 11 By MissN. Clarke 2 2 6 Rev C. A. Slack. Cowling, Mr S. 0 10 6 Webster, Annie. 0 12 4 Deacon, Miss ...330 Whymant,MissE. 0 5 0 Juven le Auxiliary. Contributions ... 1 0 0 Evans, Rev W.... 2 0 0 Wightman, MissL. 0 5 0 Sunday-school... 4 H 7 Fox, Mrs W 1 0 0 Williamson, A.... 0 5 1 Sun.-schl. classes 18 10 7 Do., for N P ... 0 12 4 Orton, Rev W.... 2 2 0 Williamson,Edith 0 7 2 Contribs.,forJVP 0 5 0 Payne, Mr G. ...2 2 0 Under 2e 0 3 3 6 5 11 Springthorpe.Mrs 0 10 0 Boxes by Thirlby, Mrs W. 0 10 6 29 7 1« Tyler, Mr W. ... 2 2 0 Court, Master & MELTON MOWBRAY. Wilford, Mr J.... 1 1 0 Mil-8 E...... 0 12 6 Do.,for Home 0 10 6 LEICESTEB. Handford,Misses 0 14 0 Rev J. Ney. Under 10s...... 2 8 0 Belgrave Boai Whatnall,Master 0 5 3 Under 5s 1 6 2 Collection ...... 2 1 9 By Mr Medhnrst. Tabernacle. Do., for W AO 0 10 0 Collected by For Khond Mission. Rev W. Priestnall. Donation: Bentley, Miss P. 0 5 10 Medhnrst, Mr ... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 0 17 6 Berry, M r 1 0 0 Working Mens’ Chamberlain,Miss 0 6 8 Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 Goode, Miss P.... 0 5 5 Association... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 3 6 Collected by Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Jewell, Miss A... 0 5 6 Levers, Miss L. 0 19 5 Leake, Miss E.... 1 3 0 3 11 0 Vickers, Mias M. 0 8 3 Matthias, Mrs ... 0 2 9 Juvenile Ancillary. Under 5s 0 15 11 Prayer meetings 2 8 7 For N JP, by Snn.-schl., girls’ 14 8 8 LEICESTER. 46 8 8 Do., boys’ ...... 1 13 0 Geeson, Emily... 0 4 0 Goodburn, Emily 0 8 1 Clarendon Hall. Collected by Horn, Fred ...... 0 2 2 Irons, John ...... 0 1 6 Bailey, Miss E .. 0 16 0 Bev F. J. Feltham. LOUGHBOROUGH. King, Harriet ... 0 3 0 Castleman, Thos. 0 4 3 Contribs.,S.-sehl 10 6 7 Key, Fanny 0 4 5 Chaplin, Miss E. 1 6 0 Mrs. Feltham’s Wood Gate. Lansdell, Kmily 0 3 0 Dove, Miss E. ... 2 11 6 Bible-clasa 8 1 3 Smith, Lizzie ... 0 12 0 Fowkes, Fred..., 0 4 10 Boxes ...... 3 12 1 Rev S. P. Carey, M.A. Taylor, Grace ... 0 2 6 Poole, Reggie ... 1 14 0 Chinese curio Taylor, John ... 0 4 4 Potter,Miss L.... 0 13 2 exhibition 0 7 6 Collections 10 18 10 Simons, MisB M. 0 13 0 Do., for W A O 2 0 0 7 2 6 Simons, Howard 0 11 6 22 6 5 Do., United S.- Less expenses 0 2 6 Simons, Frank... 0 2 4 schl. gather­ Tyler, Miss May 0 7 1 ing ...... 1 1 3 7 0 0 LEICESTER. Do., United 69 8 1 Y.P.S.C.E. Overton Hoad. social ...... 1 0 0 MELTOH HOWBEjLY. LEICESTER. Contribs.,S.-schl. 0 12 0 Donations ; By Mr C. Thompson. Carley Street. Clemerson.Exors. Subscription; Bev J. C. Forth. of the late Mrs 20 0 0 Berry, Mr W. ... 1 0 0 LONG WHATTON. Moss, Miss 0 19 6 Collections 4 5 6 Box by Do., for W A 0 2 4 1 Collection 13 9 85 13 7 Contritos., S,-sch. 6 16 6 Thompson, Mrs 0 7 0 Ixxiv LEICESTERSHIRE LINCOLNSHIRE. [1895.

For N P , by By Mrs North. WHIT WICK. Boxes by Croslier, Miss M. 1 3 9 Fragment box ... 1 10 1 Collection 0 11 6 Cheer, Nellie 0 2 9 Thompson,MissG. 1' 2 9 Smith, Mr J. 8... 0 10 0 Darby, John W. 0 2 10 Smith, Mrs S., & Graves, Sissie ... 0 2 5 3 13 6 Friend, for Massey, Florence 0 3 4 -Rome...... ; 0 10 0 WOODHOUSE EAVES. Massey, Nellie... 0 1 7 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Rook, Ethel ..... 0 5 3 Collection ...... 3 0 0 Shaw, Edith 0 6 6 MONKS’ KIRBY AND By Mrs Rockley 0 9 3 Do., for W 4r O 0 7 0 Shaw, lom ...... 0 6 0 PAILTON. 10 14 6 Collected by Rev E. Gilbert. Less Heralds . 0 12 0 WITHAM GBEElf. Beadsmore, Miss 1 1 Collections 2 0 0 10 2 6 Hicklin, J. H. ... 1 2 Collected by Do., for W & 0 0 12 3 Smith, Miss S .... 0 17 Subscriptions ... 0 15 0 Upton, Miss A.... 0 19 Broughton, Ruth 0 7 9 ROTHLEY. Brown, Lizzie ... 0 15 8 3 7 3 7 7 Martin, Mary ... 1 10 5 Collection ...... 0 16 7 Tooley, Florrie... 0 4 2 Do., tar Debt... 0 10 3 1215 16 Upsall, Florrie... 1 1 4 Do., for W <&0 0 5 0 Less county ex­ MOUNTSORREL. penses ...... 9 4 Boxes by Collections 2 8 1 11 10 Hensman, Miss, Sunday-school... 0 18 0 £1206 12 0 class ...... 0 3 3 Jessop, Mr, class 0 2 6 S ADDIN GTON Noble, Miss ...... 0 2 8 Collection ...... 0 8 6 30 14 5 ^Lincolnshire. NORTH KILWORTH. Less expenses 1 0 0 Collection 0 10 0 SHEEPSHED. 29 14 5 BOSTON. Belton Street. Collection ...... 1 3 4 High Street. OADBY. Donation ...... 0 7 8 BOSTON. Rev C. Waterton. Salem Chapel. Rev W. G. Branch. 1 11 0 Collections 3 4 8 Collections...... 1 17 0 Sun.-sch.,for2)eM 0 3 6 Rev W. Sexton. Do., for W & O 0 14 7 SHEEPSHID. Y.P.S.C.E., by Collections...... 2 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 4 9 Misses Wood & Do.,Cowbridge 0 4 1 Charnwood Road. Marshall 1 13 6 Do., Holland Subscriptions; Rev E. Andrews. Fen ...... 1 19 0 Subscriptions: Subscription 0 5 0 Goddard, Mr J 0 10 6 Contributions ... 3 17 Siddans, Mr W... 0 10 6 Cheer, M r 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Collected by By Mrs Tyler. Barsby, L 0 4 0 For NP, by SUTTON- IN-THE -ELMS Norris, Frances 0 8 11 Butler, Miss C. .. 0 8 3 AND COSBY. Shaw, Mr G 0 10 6 Norris, John. 0 3 11 Ware, Mr J 0 10 0 Goddard, Miss J. 0 13 6 Bev W. Bull, B.A. North, A 0 3 8 Stnrgess.Miss E. 0 13 6 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Sexton, H. C...... 0 10 6 Collection, CoBby 1 2 8 17 7 Do., Sutton ... 2 1 By MIsb Starbuck. Boxes by Less expenses 0 0 3 Contribs.,Sunday- school, Cosby. 1 16 Grayshon, Miss . 0 10 0 Cheetham, Miss 0 4 8 8 17 4 Under 10s...... 0 7 2 Two boxes 0 4 2 Subscription: Mission Basket, by For tr P, by Biddle, Mrs (2 QUEENTBOROCTGH. years) 1 0 Starbuck, Miss, & B&rsby, L 0 2 8 Tyler, Mrs 1 1 2 Leafe, 0 ...... 0 3 0 6 19 Collection ...... 0 5 8 Sexton, Ralph ... 0 13 8 By Juvenile Collectors. Tooley, J. and A. 0 1 6 Brooklesby, Geo. 0 14 6 7 10 9 SYSTON. Butler, Florence 0 2 0 QUORNDON. Cheer, Bertie ... 2 6 9 Less expenses 0 7 3 Rev W. Maynard. Cheer, Walter ... 1 8 4 Collections ...... 3 9 8 7 3 6 Collection ...... 1 9 3 Ewen, Willie.....'. 1 10 2 Do., for W 4c 0 0 12 6 Jessop, Frank... 0 14 0 Sunday-school... 1 0 3 Mason, Mary ... 0 8 9 Do., fo r -¿V i* ... 0 8 0 Mitchell, Ernest 0 10 2 THURLASTON. Mitchell,Elizabeth 0 16 0 Subscriptions: BOURNE. Donation: Nidd, Minnie ... 0 18 2 Nidd, Ettie 0 16 1 Rev. G. H. Bennett. By.Miss Supper, Herbert, Mr and Storr, Sydney ... 2 17 6 Supper, Mrs and Mrs, per Rev ' Weigntman,Frank 1 8 1 Collections 8 17 10 Misses...... 0 10 0 J, Cornish...... 3 0 0 Weightman, H... 1 1 3 Do., for W

Subscriptions Subscriptions: Juvenile Auxiliary. Featherstone, H. 0 2 1 Ridgway, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Jarrom, Mrs .... 1 0 Collections ...... 1 4 5 Frith, T. W 0 6 0 Stubbs, Mrs J. M. l 0 0 Sellars, Mr & Mrs 0 10 Locking, Chas ..055 Swift, Mr J. T... 0 10 0 Sellars, Miss M. 0 10 Boxes by Medcalf, E 0 4 0 Wherry, Mr & Mrs Under 10s...... 0 10 Baxter, Mr 0 15 0 Robinson, Daisy 0 10 6 W. R...... 10 0 0 Bradbury, Mrs... 0 10 5 Stamp, Harold... 0 2 7 Do., for Debt 5 0 0 Box by Broughton, Miss 0 8 0 Under 2s 0 2 4 Wherry, Mrs E. 1 1 0 Hare, Mrs J 0 5 Brown, Misses... 1 0 0 For If P, by Brown, Miss P... 0 2 6 Bedford, Carrie . 0 6 5 By Mrs Wyles 4 1 Brown, Miss S... 0 6 0 Less expenses 0 3 Brown, Miss 0 3 5 Bedford, Ethel... 0 7 0 Bennett,RcvG.H. 0 10 0 Carrington, Miss 0 3 5 Cumblidge,K.&N. 0 5 4 Bishop, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 3 18 3 Class, Mr ...... 1 10 6 Lee, Lily & Edith .0 6 3 Story, Mr and Class, Miss ...... 0 4 6 Under 2s...... 0 4 2 Mrs J...... 0 10 0 Collins, Miss 0 5 0 New Clee. Under 10s. 1 2 0 EPWORTH. Gresswell, Mr ... 0 6 2 Sunday-school... 0.18 Houlden, Mr 0 2 6 4 Juvenile Collectors. Rev G. Camp. Do., Quarterly Infants ...... 0 4 10 collection ... 0 11 2 Bennett, Willie... 0 7 6 Collection ...... 0 15 Jackman, Mr ... 0 2 8 Bible-class box... 0 9 3 Do., for W & 0 0 9 Morgan & Miller, Boxes by Ellicock, Jennie 4 1 5 Misses ...... 0 4 0 Connell, Mr ...... 0 10 3 Ellicock, Annie Boxes, by Pendegrass, Mr 0 13 0 Hillam, Mr ...... 0 6 3 and Florrie ... 2 15 5 Anderson, Miss.. 0 13 Westoby, Mr 0 1 6 Machin, Nellie ... 0 10 4 Gibson, Miss 0 16 Whitmore, Daisy 0 C 11 36 15 0 Stubley, Fanny 0 2 3 RimingtoD, Miss 0 10 Whitmore, Leslie 0 4 2 Less expenses 0 18 6 Tory, A da...... 0 15 0 Veal, Agnes ... , 0 8 9 3 5 1 20 5 2 35 16 6 Wherry, Annie... 1 12 9 Less expenses 0 13 0 Woolley, Louisa 0 12 0 GOSBERTON. 19 12 2 HORNCASTLE. CÌ.WTHOBCE. Rev F. Todd. Collections ...... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 0 17 3 Sun.-sch. box ... 0 16 10 Collection ...... 0 15 0 GREAT GRIMSBY. MOETOIT. Do., for W de O 0 5 0 Tabernacle. 1 7 4 Collections...... 0 18 6 Less expenses 0 3 6 Sunday-school... 1 4 8 Rev J. Edmonds. Collections 7 11 10 1 3 10 Subscription : GRANTHAM. Do., for W & O 1 0 0 Allatt, Mr T. P. 1 0 0 Rev G. B. Bowler. Do.,pub.-meetg 2 0 9 Quarterly coll. in KIRTON LINDSEY. Juvenile Collectors. 1894. school... 1 19 1 Rev W. Smith. Collections 4 1 Contribs.,S.-sch. 6 10 10 Belcher, Mary... 0 13 3 Y.P.S.C.K 0 17 7 Coll., for W 4 0 0 9 8 Bradford, Emma 0 6 9 Do., for W&O 0 12 Brooks, Geo...... 0 4 6 Sunday-school... 1 17 Subscriptions: Fields, Edward.. 0 11 3 LINCOLN. Lambert, Ellen... 0 18 8 Subscription: Brown, Mr G. ... 1 1 0 Pridmore, Chari. 0 6 6 Stanyon, M r 0 12 Dobson, Mr Aid. 0 10 6 United Meetings. Newton, Mary... 0 9 7 Dobson, Mr J. H. 0 10 0 Coll. at pub.-mtg. 2 10 9 Scotney, Henry 0 9 3 1895. Edmonds, Rev J. 0 10 6 Do., Sun.-sch.. 1 6 3 Scotney, Fred... 0 3 0 Collections 2 9 Husbands, Mr ... 0 10 0 Wyer, M ary...... 0 4 2 Do., for W A O 0 10 In memory of 3 17 0 Do.,Bottesford 0 7 Samuel J. Less expenses 1 12 o DYKE. Sunday-school... 2 9 Dobson ...... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 0 2 6 0 Collection...... 0 17 9 Subscriptions: Subscriptions ... 0 15 0 Boxes by Harrison, Mr 0 10 6 Box by Barwood, Mrs ... 0 8 4 LINOOLJT. 0 12 0 Carr, Mrs ...... 0 14 2 Wilcox, A. and P. 0 9 6 0 3 3 Cullum, Mrs 0 5 ,5 Cooper Memorial Chapel. Dobetm,MissM.A. 1 1 0 Rev F. A. Jackson. 61 5 7 11 5 4 Gale, Mrs ...... 0 5 0 0 6 8 Kitchen, Miss E. 0 7 10 Collections ...... 2 12 0 Pawney, Miss E. 1 1 0 Do., for IT4 0 1 6 O 13 19 8 Chairman’s don. 2 2 0 BURGH AND Wilson’s Model steamer “ Peace,' ’ Contribs., S.-sch. 4 3 1 MONKSTHORPE. for Congo ...... 0 10 6 Do., for N P ... 1 0 0 Rev G. F. Pitts. GRIMSBY. Under 2s 0 1 2 Subscriptions: Hood, Mr & Mrs 6 0 0 Coll., iorW d: 0 0 6 Freeman. Street. JUvenile Collectors. Mears, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Rev R. C. Ford, M.A. Bedford, Ernest 0 8 7 Oncken, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Bee, Annie ...... 0 2 0 Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Collections 7 2 CONINGSBT. Bee, Harry ...... 0 2 0 Do., for W & O 1 13 Brown, John 0 5 1 Collected by Bey A. Evans. Brown, Lucy...... 0 6 0 Morley, Wm...4„. 0-17 6 Subscriptions : Cordell, Joseph 0 2 2 Muse, Miss 1 7 2 Collections..;.. 1 0 Brown, Mrs T . 2 0 Dobson, Daisy... 0 2 6 Willerton, Ethel 1 3 10 D o, for W 8e 0 0 -6 Ford, R evR . C. 0 10 Dring, Florence 0 3 1 Small sums ... 0. 7 10 lfcxVi LINCOLNSHIRE— »OKFOJLÈ;. [1895.

Boxesby Subscriptions: By Mrs Atton. Subscriptions: Brumby. M iss... 0 5 10 By Mrs Jackson and Squier, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Legrice, Mr C.... 0 10 6 Clifton, Laura & Mrs Godsmark. Under 10s...... 1 1 6 Stebbings,MrW. 0 10 0 Hilda ...... 0 8 5 Wordingham.Miss 0 10 0 Forman, Herbert 0 6 0 Burton, Miss 0 10 0 Hall, M r...... 0 8 2 Godsmark, M r... 0 10 6 Juvenile Auxiliary. Boxes by Hayes, Agnes .. 0 10 0 Jackson,RevE.H. 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 4 7 6 0 5 7 Under 10s...... 4 10 0 Greenacre, Alfred 0 8 9 Hillman,Herbert Contribs.,forNP 0 8 6 Hawes, Miss E. 0 8 7 Hood, Geo. F. ... 0 5 0 Profit on tea 0 9 6 0 Le Grice, Miss... 12 6 Hood, W. Carey 0 5 Boxes by Stebbings, Y. H. 0 2 6 Holt, Mr...... 0 10 7 Collected by Burnett, Miss K. 0 14 3 Muse, Mrs...... 0 5 6 5 17 10 Quibell, Miss...... 0 3 3 Jackson, Miss ..150 Atton, Miss A 1 8 9 Rolfe, Lucy ..... 0 4 9 Do., for Borne 0 15 0 Davis, William ..140 0 6 7 Smith, Mrs ...... 0 4 3 Marshall, Fred... 0 C 4 Guy, Alfred E.... 1 0 6 Under 3s...... 0 9 1 Marshall, Laurence 0 9 4 Guy, John 0 13 6 5 11 3 Bose, Mrs ...... 1 4 2 James, Miss A. 0 11 8 26 7 10 Swift, Miss ...... 0 17 0 Limmer, Miss E. 0 15 6 Less expenses 0 4 10 Palmer, Albert... 0 11 6 AYLSHAM. 17 2 7 Parker, Miss G. 1 3 6 26 3 0 Less expenses 0 7 3 Stanger, Walter 2 2 0 Rev R. H. Rigfby. Thompson,Miss M. 0 16 3 16 15 4 Wadsley, Richard 2 3 6 Contributions ... 3 11 10 LINCOLN. White, Miss Mabel 1 17 0 Do., S.-Sch. for Mint Street. Congo 1 ß 0 Rev A. A. Saville. LOUTH. SPALDING COMMON. 4 16 10 Collections ...... 3 0 0 Eastgate. Collection ...... 0 2 7 Do., for W & O 1 0 0 Sunday-school... 0 15 1 Contribs.,S.-sch. 3 9 6 Bev F. Norwood. BUXTON. Subscription: Collections ...... 4 8 0 PINCHBECK. Do., public Collection ...... 0 19 6 Bausor, Mr W.... 1 0 0 meeting 3 17 2 Collected by Do., for WAO 0 12 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 Squier, Miss A. 0 8 0 Collected by United prayer Subscriptions : Bausor, M rs...... 1 1 0 meetings ...... 0 14 8 Howes, Mr 1 0 0 Donations 1 7 0 P O S E H O L E . Rye, M r ...... 0 10 0 9 10 6 Do., for Debt 3 9 6 Sunday-school... 0 17 5 3 1 6 Subscription : LINCOLN. Newman, Mr W. 5 0 0 Collected by Monk’s Road. , Branton, Nellie 0 2 0 CARLETON RODE. Collection, & c.... 1 10 0 Knighten, Thos. 1 2 0 MALTBT-LE-1IABSH. Rev H. W. Clabburn. 36 8 0 Collections ...... 2 1 0 LONG SUTTON. Collections 4 14 8 Less expenses 0 10 6 Do., for W A O 0 10 0 Boxes ...... 0 42 2 Rev G. W. Oldring. Subscriptions: 35 17 6 Collections...... 2 17 5 By Miss Mager. Subscription : Do., for W & O 0 8 0 Sunday-school... 2 3 5 Brown, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Bryant, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Brown, Mr G. J. 0 10 0 SUTTON ST. JAMES. 6 3 2 Subscriptions: Mager, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Kerkham,MrJ.C. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Rev A. E. Cawdron. Oldring, Bev G. Collection 0 16 0 W. & Mrs (2 28 1 0 COS SE Y. Less expenses 014 9 Do., for W AO 0 3 6 years)...... 1 13 0 Rev A. E. Saxby. Collected by 27 6 3 0 19 6 Collection 1 10 0 Colton, Miss G.... 0 5 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Leaver, Miss A.. 2 8 5 £301 10 5 for N. P 0 14 6 Under 5s...... 0 8 11 SPALDING. 2 4 6 11 4 2 Less expenses 0 14 6 Rev J. C. Jones, M.A. IRorfolft. 10 9 8 Collections...... 6 16 3 DISS. Do., for W 0 1 6 0 Balance from last Rev J. Easter. year 7 16 0 Subscriptions: Collection ; 118 5 LOUTH. By Mrs Hockney. Do.,public mtg. 1 11 3 Northgate. Do., for W A O 1 1 0 Jones, Rev J. C. 1 0 0 ATTLEBOROUGH. Contribs., S.-sch. 4 4 1 Rev S. H. Jackson. Selby, M r ...... 0 10 6 Do., for Jf P... 0 17 3 Collections 3 5 9 Smith, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Rev E. J. Burrows. Young men’s class 2 0 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 14 11 Stubbs, M r.... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 1 15 0 Youngwomen’sdo 3 8 9 Prayer meetings 0 10 4 Under 10s...... 1 12 6 Do., for W A 0 1 0 0 Prayer meetings 1 2 0 NORFOLK. Ixxvii

EAST DEREHAM. HUNSTANTON. Slater, Harry ... 0 6 G Slater, Sydney... 0 4 3 10 6 Rev R. J. Laysell. Un'on Church. Rice, Edith ...... 0 1 5 Richards, Bertie 0 2 0 0 0 Coll., for W & 0 1 5 0 Rev W. C. Bryan. 10 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 10 0 0 6 4 0 10 0 Coll. (moiety) ... 0 14 Prayer Union Less expenses 0 2 0 15 6 subs...... 1 0 3 Boxes (moiety)... 0 15 Subscription : Subscriptions: 6 2 0 3 3 Larwood, Mr 1 0 0 Bryan, Rev W.C. 0 10 8 4 Ibberson, Mr C... 5 5 2 2 Boxes by NECTON. 7 5 4 4 2 Empson, Miss ... 0 4 6 Grey, Miss 0 5 0 Rev J. Porter. Leecb, Mrs ...... 0 1 8 6 10 Collection ...... 1 0 0 2 6 Rickett, Mrs 0 5 3 LYNN. Williams, Miss... 0 4 4 7 11 Stepney Chapel. 2 0 14 6 0 2 0 Rev T. Perrv. NORWICH. 5 0 2 0 Collections 4 2 United Meetings. 9 0 Do., for W lc O 2 10 4 0 FAKENHAM. Magdalen ...... 0 4 Moiety of collec­ Contrib. S.-sch... 4 0 tions...... 40 2 10 10 6 Rev A. J. Causton. 19 6 Subscriptions: 6 0 Collection ...... 1 2 8 5 0 A Friend ...... 1 0 Do., for W

Jewson, Mr R.... 2 2 0 KOEWICH, Slipper, Mr W.... 1 0 0 WORSTEAD. 0 Joplin, Mrs ... , 0 10 0 Worts, Mr T ..... 1 0 Rev J. Jackson. Juniper,Mr R.K. 20 0 0 St. Clement’s. Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Knights,Mr S. C. 0 10 0 Rev W. Ruthven. Collections ...... 2 11 6 Lincoln, Mrs J.... 0 10 0 Boxes by Do., for IF A 0 1 7 0 Marston, Miss ... 1 0 0 Collections 2 9 4 Contribs.,for NP 5 3 6 Do., for W & O 0 12 6 Coman, Miss .... 0 4 6 Marston, Miss S. 1 0 0 Gedge, Mr H. J. 0 10 0 Moore, Mr G. G. 1 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 8 5 9 Subscriptions: 2 Do., for N P ... 0 11 0 Harvey, Miss M. 0 12 6 Newbegm.MrJ.G. 2 0 Pestle, Miss Ida 0 11 0 Barcham, MrsR. 0 10 0 Norton, Miss J... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Slipper, Mildred 0 15 9 Foster, Mr...... 0 10 0 Robertson, Mr... 1 0 0 Venimore, Miss 1 10 0 Gaze, Mr C...... 1 0 0 Shakespeare,Rev 2 By Mrs Ruthven. Gedge, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 J. H., m . a ...... 0 0 19 13 6 Hewitt, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Shakespeare,Mrs 0 16 3 A Friend (thank- Less expenses 0 5 0 Learner,Mr E. T. 6 0 0 Shakespeare,Mrs offering) 1 1 0 Learner, Mrs..v.. 1 0 0 A...... 0 10 0 Gibbs, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 19 8 6 Wright, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Shead, Mr G. W. 0 12 0 Ruthven, Bev W. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Shead, Mrs G. ... 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 Smith, Mr J. D. 2 2 0 Boxes by Taylor, Rev G.... 1 1 0 Boxes by SWAFFHAM. Theobald, Mrs... 3 5 0 Allen, Mr ...... 0 10 7 Smith, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Coll. for W A O 1 5 2 Thompson, Mr... 0 10 0 Wcyer, Mr 0 4 3 Barcham, Miss... 0 16 0 Thompson, Mrs 0 10 0 Contributions ... 45 0 0 Foster, Mr...... 0 4 0 Tillyard, Mias E. 5 0 0 Collected by Do., Special ... 1 16 3 Green, Mrs...... 3 0 6 Tillyard, Miss R. 0 10 0 Do., for NP... 0 6 5 Withers, Miss ... 0 6 2 Tillyard, Miss F. 0 10 0 Kemp, Herbert 0 3 6 Wright, Mrs J.... 1 1 0 Trevor, Mr H. .,. 10 0 0 Weyer, Miss A... 0 6 6 48 7 10 True,MissesE .&A. 0 18 0 26 13 3 Venimore, Mr ... 1 0 0 17 1 10 Less expenses 0 4 6 Watson, Dr J. ... 1 4 0 THETFORD. White, Mr G...... 15 0 0 26 8 9 £13 6s. of above sum for Rev W. Fitch. White, Mrs G. ... 1 0 0 support o f N P, Balage- White, Miss Alice 0 15 0 jemia, Orissa. Collection ...... 0 13 3 W omersley ,Mr J. 2 2 0 Do., for W tb 0 0 6 0 YARMOUTH. Under 10s...... 2 10 6 NORWICH. Sunday-school... 0 14 6 St. George’s Park. 416 15 4 Surrey Road. Subscriptions : Fison, Mr C. H. 2 0 0 Rev J. H. Jones. Rev R. Govelt, M.A. Joslin, Mr G. ... 1 0 0 Joslin, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 8 16 10 NORWICH. Coll., for W A 0 1 10 0 Do., for W AO 2 17 2 Peche.y, Mr W. 0 10 0 Juvenile col­ Unthanks Road. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 lectors 43 17 11 Rev H. Youlden. Do., for NP... 1 1 7 RINGLAND. Boxes by Arnold’s, Mr, Collection 5 4 Collection ...... 0 6 9 Bullett, Mr & Mrs 0 5 6 Bible-class 1 17 7 Do., for W $ O 2 2 Fowell, Miss M. 0 1 6 Arnold’s,Mrs, do. 2 0 0 Do., at prayer Joslin, Mrs...... 0 10 6 Cntrbs. ,f or Congo 1 4 0 meetings ... 1 15 Marriott, Miss... 0 15 8 J uvenile Auxiliary 16 10 SHELFANGEB. Special Donations. Subscriptions : Rev A. J. Jarrett. For N P, by Ames, Miss ...... 5 0 0 Ashfleld, Ethel... 0 6 0 Do., for Congo 80 0 0 By Miss N. Butler. Coll., for W A 0 0 10 0 Bullett, Lillie ... 0 3 3 Do., for china 20 0 0 Carr, B...... 0 2 6 Under 10a.... 1 2 11 A Friend...... 2 2 For N P, by Duffield, Frank 0 3 8 Butler,MrW.J.G. 2 2 Duffield, Alice ... 0 3 0 Subscriptions; Savage, Mr ...... 0 10 Ball, Herbert ... 0 3 6 Downing, Edith 0 2 11 Goddard, L...... 0 2 11 Taylor, Mr F. O. 1 1 Jessop, Harry ... 0 4 0 By Miss H. Howes. Taylor, Miss 1 1 Por eher, Eva ... 0 2 4 Potter, Anna .... 0 3 0 Large, Harry ... 0 1 11 Ellerd, Miss ...... 0 11 0 tinder 10s...... 0 4 Newell, R...... 0 1 6 Gambling, Mrs... 2 2 0 By Mr W. Dakin. 1 1 9 Wright, M...... 0 2 6 Hepburn, Mr ... 0 12 0 Saul, Mr...... 3 0 0 Barber, M rs 1 1 9 3 2 Saul, Mr T. J. ... 0 17 6 Dakin, Mr W.H. 2 2 Under 103..... 1 11 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 STALHAM. UPWELL. By Miss Cook. By Miss Thompson. Bev B. V. Bird. Rev A. C. Batts. Aldred, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Crosskill, Mrs ... 0 10 Collections 3 12 11 Cushion, Miss .. 0 1 1 0 Skoyles, Mr E.... 1 1 Do., for W A O 1 11 0 Collection ...... 0 18 0 Under 10s...... 2 0 10 Under 10s...... 0 9 Ludham, for do. 0 5 0 Do., for W AO 0 8 6 Ladies’ working By Miss Pap worth. By Miss E. Mase. party ...... 2 0 0 For N P, by Arnold, Mr ...... 3 0 0 Howes, Miss 0 10 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 11 10 Deptford, C 0 2 8 Humphries, Mrs 0 12 0 Wheeler, D r 2 2 Wooll, H. B 0 6 1 Jones, Mrs 1 10 0 Under 10s...... 2 7 Subscriptions: Under 2s 0 2 3 Knights, Mrs ... 0 12 0 Gaze, Mr C 1 0 0 Platten, Mr ...... 0 12 0 43 0 Slipper, Mrs T... 0 10 0 1 17 6 Welton, Mr ..... 0 12 0 Slipper, Mr E. ... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 2 10 0 1895.] NORFOLK NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. l x x i x

Collected by Cave, Miss N. ... 0 11 6 BURTON LATIMER. Boxes by Griggs, Mr, and Latter, Miss, for Rot T. Collings. A Friend ■...... 0 2 0 Congo...... 0 10 0 family...... 0 14 0 Smith, Mr G..... 0 10 6 Hanson, Mr C., Contributions ... 12 0 0 class ...... 0 4 8 Boxes by For N P , by Coll, for W & O 0 10 0 Hunt, Mrs 0 2 6 Bately, Mrs ...... 0 8 4 Jordan, Mr ...... 0 10 O Burrows, Miss ..090 Allbright, W. ... 0 3 0 12 10 0 Knight, Mrs G. 0 3 0 Cowl, Miss 0 7 0 Barford, John ... 0 4 4 Knight, Mrs E... 0 5 0 Pastor...... 1 13 6 Carter, F...... 0 2 6 Pettit, Miss A .... 0 8 0 Hatch, Nellie ... 0 5 6 Rogers, Mrs ...... 0 5 6 Keech, George... 0 3 4 CLIPSTONE. Sheffield, Mrs W. 0 4 0 YARMOUTH. Pacey, Francis... 0 7 1 Thorpe, Mr ...... 0 7 6 Sturgess, G...... 0 3 0 Rev D. R. Owen. Tabernacle. Townsend, May 0 2 0 8 1 5 Turney, Mabel... 0 1 9 Collections, &c... 19 17 0 Rev T. B. Carry. Do.,for W

BRAUNSTON. DENTON. Collections 2 10 9 ALDWINKLE. Do., for W A 0 0 10 0 Bev T. Brimley. Collection ...... 0 17 Pastor’s Bible- Rev O. Thompson. class...... 4 5 3 For N P, by Boxes by Contribs., S.-sch. 0 15 0 Hollis, Walter ... 0 3 7 Dawkes,Mr W... 0 2 Boxes by Knight, Elizabeth 0 11 0 Gibson, Mrs Jas. 0 10 Knight, Alfred... 0 2 2 Collyer, Mr .T. M. 0 2 0 Rainbow, Mrs ... 0 6 Valentine, Mr ..,0 4 4 BLISWORTH. Under 2s 0 1 11 1 15 2 Whiting, Mrs ... 0 8 0 0 18 8 Rev H. Wyatt. 8 0 10 Collections 7 10 7 Do., for W & O 1 0 0 DE3BOROUGH. BROUGHTON. S.-sch. & Bible- HACKLETON. classes...... 5 5 11 Collections 0 15 Rev Isaac Near. Prayer meetings 0 17 1 Collections 2 2 9 Rev W. V. Phillips. Do., for W $ 0 0 8 0 Subscriptions : Collections 3 7 6 BUGBROOKE. ‘Campion, Mr ... 2 0 0 2 10 9 Coll. for W&0... 1 0 0 Griggs, Mr 1 1 0 Rev W-. Adams. Contribs. & S.-sch. 6 12 0 ■Stops, Mr T. S... .0 10 0 Do., for NP... 0 11 O Westley, Mr J. Collections and Profit ontea 1 1 0 (the late) ...... 5 0 0 Contributions 14 6 EARL’S BARTON. Prayer meetings 0 11 6 Westley, Mr A.... 0 10 6 'Westley, Miss ... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Rev H. A. Hunt. Subscription: Westley,-Mr J.H. 1 1 0 Adams, Rev W. Collection 2 5 Phillips, RevW.V. O'10 0 Under.10s...... 1 9 6 and Mrs ...... 0 15 Do., for W&O 012 Campion, Mr & Do., prayer 13 13 0 Boxes by Mrs 0 10 meeting 0 17 Less expenses 0 12 O Ayres, Mrs.. 0 2 3 Subscriptions ... 1 1 ^Campion, Mr, 15 12 0 Ydungnien’sclass 0 10 13 1 0 1 andfamily.:.,.. 1 2 8 Y.P.S.C.E.,;...... 0 7 16* lxxx H OBTHAMPTONSHIfiE. [1895.

HARPOLE. By Miss Taylor. 2 15 e MOULTON AND PITS- Boxes ...... 0 17 4 Rev A. Parker. Goodfellow, Mrs 1 1 0 FORD. Sargeant, Miss .. 0 10 0 Sundries...... 0 14 5 Collection ...... 3 13 3 Taylor, Miss (the Rev F. C. Watts. Do., for W & 0 1 0 0 late)...... 2 2 0 Subscriptions : Profit on tea 0 17 10 Taylor, MiS9 H. 2 2 0 Collections...... 3 2 5 Timson, Mr W.... 0 10 0 By Miss Ashb.y and Mr Do., for W ic 0 1 0 0 Boxes by Under 10s...... 0 14 0 Rendell. Moulton young Ashby, Mr John 1 0 0 women’s Bible- Bible-class.. 0 3 7 By Miss Robinson. class...... 0 9 8 Blackwell,Mrs S. 0 14 2 Ashby, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Ballard, Mr W.... 0 10 0 Ashby, M iss...... 0 10 0 Pitsford S.-sch. 1 14 6 Spokes, Miss A. 0 14 6 Quarterly sub­ Sunday-8cliool... 0 7 6 Chater, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Ashby, Miss L. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 17 0 Ashby, Mrs E .... 0 10 0 scriptions ..... 1 3 1 Weekly do., by For N P by Coleman, Mrs E. 0 10 0 By Miss Hincks. Hawkes, Mr 0 10 0 Miss Scott...... 8 4 6 Paine, Frank 0 3 3 Donation R.M.S. 1 10 O Wallis, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Tebbitt, Mr C .... 1 0 0 Tebbitt, Mrs G. 0 10 0 Mrs Scott’s box 0 8 9 7 14 1 Under 10s...... 1 1 0 Tebbitt, Mrs R. 0 10 0 By Miss F. Baker 1 11 0 Under 10s...... 5 0 0 17 12 11 25 1 0 KÉTTER1NG. Less expenses 0 3 8 NORTHAMPTON. Rev T. Phillips, B.A. KBIT BEING. 24 17 4 College Street. Collections. 23 4 9 Nelson Street. Do., for tP

By Mrs Brice, sen. Prayer meetings 0 7 11 Colman, Mr and Collected by Briee, Mrs 10 0 0 Sunday-school ...100 Mrs S. C 2 12 0 Shipman, MrsW. 1 0 0 Colman, Miss A. 0 12 0 Stimson, Mis3 ... 0 14 10 Tebbutt, Mr G.... 0 1" 0 Boxes by Colman, Mr H. .. 1 0 0 "Whiting, M r 0 10 0 Dunkley, Mr ... 1 7 3 Marriott, Mr and Boxes by Page, Mrs ...... 0 5 0 Mrs ...... 2 8 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Prentice, Lizzie .023 By Mrs L. W. Moore. Woods, Maude... 0 1 1 4 14. 6 Deacon, Miss .. 0 10 0 By Miss L. Barrass. Dyer, Mr ...... 10 0 0 160 12 0 Gibbs, Mr J...... 1 0 0 A Friend_T 1JKLLU...... V 0 10 0U Less expenses 0 19 10 Lovell, Mrs 0 10 0 NOBTHAMPTOIT. A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Mawby, Mr ..... 1 0 0 165 12 2 Mount Pleasant. Barrass, Bev T 2 2 0 Moore, Mrs 0 10 6 Colman,Mrs H.S. 1 0 0 Partridge, Mr ... 0 10 6 Rev F. T. Smythe. Jarmin, Mr .. . 1 10 0 Pickering, Mr ... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Skelly, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Collections ...... S 16 5 PETERBOROUGH. Timms, Mr...... 0 10 6 Do., for Wtg. 2 10 7 Collection at Under 10s...... 2 13 6 Contribs. S. s h . Jelley, M r ...... 2 2 0 meetingofEast (2 years) 26 12 0 Mackinder, Mr M idland As­ By Miss March and M rs...... 1 4 0 sociation ...... 10 1 3 Cleaver, Mr R ... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Tansley,Mr&Mrs 2 2 0 Cleaver, Mr W. . 1 1 0 Harris, Mrs J. ... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 11 6 Kingham, Mr ... 0 10 6 Leadbeater,Mr J. 0 10 0 March, M r...... 1 1 0 By Mrs Smith. RINGSTEAD. Rose, Mr...... 1 1 0 Collected by Goddard, Miss... 0 10 0 Smith, Mrs T. ... 0 12 0 Atkins,MissA.M. 1 a 0 Mellows, Mr .... 1 1 0 Rev J. Bates. Under 10s...... 0 16 0 Billington, Mrs 1 15 9 Smith, Mrs .... 0 10 0 Collections...... 1 19 9 By Miss Shrewsbury Gibson, M rs 0 4 1 Under 10s...... 2 3 6 Sunday-school... 1 1 3 Grimble, Mrs ... 3 13 5 Prayer meetings 0 7 3 Ansell, Miss ,,,, 2 0 0 Collected by Miss Bull’s box 0 5 0 Hollowell, Mr ... 0 10 6 42 15 3 Burch, Mrs 0 16 3 Maule, Mrs&Miss 1 0 0 Gipson, Mrs O... 0 4 4 Subscription: Smart, Miss ...... 0 12 6 Jennings, A...... 0 4 8 Under 10s.___ 1 6 0 NORTHAMPTON. Palmer, Lillie ... 0 13 8 Willson, Mr S .... 0 10 6 Boxes by Thain, Miss F .... 1 1 2 St Mißhael’s-road. Widlake, Mrs ... 1 6 0 Brice, Mr R...... 1 14 6 For N P, by CastleHall school 2 0 0 Union Chapel. Boxes by Abbott, Lilian ... 0 4 4 Cobley, Mr W__ I 10 0 Rev H. Bradford. Garrett, Miss 0 7 11 Barrass, Mrs,class 2 5 3 Bates, Mary...... 0 6 3 Gray, Miss P. C. 1 1 0 Collection ...... 2 14 8 Goodwin, Etta, Bull, Ruth...... 0 2 0 Nichols, Mrs .. 0 3 6 Prayer meetings 0 12 4 Maggie, and Sykes, E...... 0 1 3 Robinson, Miss... 0 16 3 Donation ...... 0 2 6 Percy ...... 0 2 11 Wittering, Sarah 0 3 2 191 2 7 3 9 6 4 19 9 Less expenses N e w F l b t t o n . ------and balance 7 0 9 Collections 1 1 3 Barrass,Mrs,class 0 12 7 181 1 10 PETERBOROUGH. Sunday-school... 2 5 2 ROADE. Rev T. Barrass. Collected by Rev F. G. Masters. NORTHAMPTON. Collections 27 5 0 Do., at juvenile Allen, Ethel 3 0 5 Collections...... 1 9 0 Princes Street. meeting 3 9 4 Currington,Ethel 2 8 6 Proceeds of tea 0 7 8 Do., for W 4 O 5 10 0 GarBeld, Edith... 3 19 9 Boxes by Rev A. A. Morgan. Contribs., S.-sch. 23 18 6 Giilings.John W. 2 10 7 Collections...... 6 5 6 Do., for sup­ Long, Richard... 0 17 4 Masters, Miss ... 0 4 6 Dò., for W & O 1 0 0 port of Mhi- Perry, Annie 2 18 0 Sunday-school... 0 8 4 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 9 6 kari Santra 20 0 0 Tomlin, Sarah... 3 0 0 Prayer meeting. 0 11 0 Mrs Allen's box 0 5 0 Do., for sup­ port of Mosa 4 0 0 S k a e j k a n t S t r e e t . 3 0 6 Subscriptions : Less expenses 0 3 0 Subscriptions: * By Mrs J. Leadbeater. Collections 2 4 4 A Friend per Sunday-school... 8 15 0 2 17 6 Leadbeater,Mrs J. 0 12 0 S.W...... 1 0 0 Roberts, Mr A.... 0 12 0 Collected by Under 10s...... 2 9 8 By Rev T. Barrass. Bonshor, M r 1 0 0 Brooks, Alfred... 1 8 1 RUSHDEN. 13 13 11 Hall, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Chambers,Ernest 1 6 3 Heath, M r 1 0 0 Orchard, Reay... 0 16 9 Old Meeting. Torey, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Pamely,Gertrude 1 4 9 Rev W. J. Tomkins. NOBTHAMPTOIT, Pamely, Edith... 0 17 1 Grafton Street. By Miss J. Colman. Collec.,forTF<£0 2 0 0 8 Bains, Mr & Mrs 1 6 0 S t AWGBOUND. ' Contributions ... 24 5 Bey S. Needham. Carr, Mr & Mrs 0 17 4 Collection 0 18 4 Cole, M r...... 1 0 0 Collections 0 11 0 26 5 8 Do., for Win O 0 10 0 Collier, Mr J 0 0 Sunday-gchqol... 1 7 1 lxxxii NORTHAMPTONSHIRE— V ORTHUMBERLAND. [1895.

STANWICK. fllortbumberlanfc. Young people’s Davison, Mr T., meeting 3 17 sen...... 2 0 Collection...... Douthwaite.MrsT. 1 1 Do., for W de O ALNWICK. 101 1 4 Lonsdale, Mr B. 0 10 Less expenses 13 15 10 Lonsdale, Mrs E. 0 10 1 6 2 Rev W. W. Wilks. McKinl ay ,Mr T. B. 0 10 Contributions ...IOC 87 5 6 Ramsay, Mrs ... 0 12 Robson, Mrs A. 0 12 Sowerby, Mrs G. 1 11 THRAPSTONE. Under 10s...... 1 4 NEWC A STLE-ON-T YNE Bev H. E. Boberts. BE RWICK-ON-TWEED. AUXILIARY. By Mrs F. J. Culley. Rev J. L. Harvey. Collections 19 Treasurer-. Aid. E. ADgus, Mrs Jona­ Dj., for W&0 3 Treasurer & Secretary, Culley, J.P. than ...... 2 0 Mr A. J. Dodds. Angus,MissJessie 1 10 22 1 7 Westgate Road. Bell,Mr Jonathan 0 12 Collections 4 8 7 Culley, Mrs F. J. 1 10 Do.,"for W dl 0 0 11 5 Secretary: Mr Edward H. Goodwin, Mr T. 0 12 Angas. TOWCESTER. Balance, 1894 ... 1 11 3 Leech, Mr T...... 0 11 Subscriptions: Collections 12 10 9 Midgley, Mr and Rev W. Fidler. Do., juvenile... 1 7 8 Mrs J. C...... 1 1 Black, Mr T. P. 1 0 Do., for w & 0 4 2 10 Turnbull, Mr W. n lì Collec.,forJP’

Culley.Miss E.M. 0 15 0 For N P, by Pursey, Stanford KIRKB Y -IN - ASHFIELD Errington, Mr G. 0 10 0 & Norman 0 18 Harris, Mr J. B. 0 10 0 Bell, Miss ...... 0 3 6 Stokes, John...... 0 2 9 Collections 2 11 7 Johnson, Mrs Cowan, Miss..... 1 2 6 Swann, Louis ... 0 14 8 Sunday-school... 0 4 3 Hep pie, Master.. 0 4 3 B. W...... 1 1 0 Swann, Mr, Class 0 6 11 Subscription: Landels,RevT.D. 3 0 0 Moore, Miss ..... 0 4 0 Wain, Hannah... 0 6 0 Logan, Mr Jas... 1 0 0 Paterson, Miss.. 0 2 6 Under 2s...... 0 3 0 TomlinsoD,Mr T. 1 0 0 Logan,Mr J.,jun. 0 10 0 0 10 6 — Lownds, Miss ... 1 11 6 0 4 0 23 13 5 Collected by 0 3 4 Mack, Mr B, 1 1 0 Beastall, Lottie... 0 15 0 Murtón, Mrs 0 10 0 Cooper, Kate ... 1 1 8 Murtón, Mr H. A. 0 10 0 21 3 3 BUL WELL. Davison, Sarah 0 10 0 Murtón, Mr C. J. 0 10 0 Davison, Agnes 1 7 0 Oliver, Mrs J. T. 1 1 0 Bev W. Slater. Hewis, Kate 0 8 6 Potts, Mr W. D. 1 0 0 NEWCASriE-ON-TVlTE. King, Fred 0 7 11 Potts, Mrs T. F. 2 0 0 Contributions ... 11 3 4 Scothern, George 0 11 6 Roche, Mr W. M. 1 1 0 Heaton. Street, Maria ... 0 5 3 Sample, Mr T. ... 1 0 0 Taylor, Mr J. G. 0 10 0 Bev B. Gawthrop. 9 2 6 Under 10a...... 0 5 0 CALVERTON. Collections 1 19 0 By Miss F. A. Craggs. Do., for W # O 0 10 0 Bev J. H. Plumbridge. Sunday-school... 0 11 0 KIRKBYWOODHOUSE Craggs, Mr Jos. 0 10 0 Collection ...... 0 10 0 Davison,MrT.,jun. 1 0 0 3 0 0 Collections 1 2 6 Davison, Mrs T. 1 0 0 Do., for W&O 0 10 0 Jenkins, Mr G.... 5 0 0 451 12 5 Howell, Mr T.W. 1 0 0 Less District COLLINGHAM AND 1 12 6 Rowell,Mrs T.W. 0 10 0 expenses..... 1 6 0 CARLTON - LE- M OOB- Sayers, Miss 0 10 0 Squire, Mrs E .... 0 10 0 £450 6 5 LAND. EAST KIRKBY. Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Rev E. B. Shepherd. Collections 4 15 7 Bos by Collections, Col- Do.,for W&O 0 10 0 Gibson, Miss 0 8 6 Iftottmgbamsbire. lingham 0 14 0 Collected by Do., public mtg 0 33 2 169 1 0 Do., Carlton... 0 4 11 A Friend ...... 0 5 0 BEESTON. Do., for W&O 0 5 0 Allen, Herbert... 0 2 11 Clarke, William 0 2 6 Rev R. Pursey. Subscriptions: Copeland, Maude 1 1 5 2TEW CASTLE-0 IT-TXirB. Davison, George 1 12 0 Collections 6 3 10 A Friend ...... 1 1 0 Davison, Lawson 3 5 8 Bye Hill. Boys’ School 1 11 0 Ball, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 Fox, Mary 0 17 6 Girls’ do 1 4 2 Foottil, Mr 0 10 0 Gilbert, Annie ... 0 8 0 Bev W. Walsh. Under 10s...... 0 7 6 Gore, John G. ... 2 11 0 Subscriptions: Sec., Mr A. Welford. Boxes by Harrison, Annie 1 12 6 By Miss Walker. Key, Cecil 1 0 0 Collections 2 4 1 Beedham, Miss... 0 5 2 Lewitt, Gertie ... 0 14 1 Do., for W & O 1 16 fi Neville, Mr W. .. 0 10 10 Cole, M iss 0 14 1 Pugh, J. W 0 16 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 12 10 Venn, Mr B. B.... 1 0 0 Marshall, Miss... 0 2 9 Purdy, E. A 1 5 0 Under 10s...... 1 14 5 Smith, M iss 0 4 6 Toon, Arthur ... 1 2 6 Subscriptions: Sunday-school... 0 4 6 Unwin, Clara ... 1 7 1 By Miss Oldham. For ¿V P, by By Mrs C. E. Cowan. Claringbull, Mr 0 10 0 23 9 5 Under 10s...... 1 4 0 Pearson, William 0 2 1 Less Heralds Andrews, Mr R. 0 10 0 Smith, Bertie 0 3 4 and expenses 1 14 1 Cowan, Mrs G.... 1 0. 0 By Miss Daubney. Cowan, Mr C. E. 0 10 0 6 2 0 21 15 4 Grant, Mr J 0 10 0 Warren, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Less expenses 0 6 3 Reed, Mr B 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 17 4 6 15 9 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 MANSFIELD. Collected by By Mrs Smith. Turney, Miss E... 1 2 8 Rev A. Firth. Foster, Mr R. ... 1 0 0 EAST LEAKE. Hutchinson, Mr 0 10 0 Boxes by Contributions ... 6 3 6 Smith, Mr Jno. 1 0 0 Contribs., for Do., for N P... 0 12 6 Bexton, George 0 5 2 Orissa...... 4 0 0 Stanton Hill 1 7 1 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Brown, Annie ... 0 12 4 Claringbull, F.... 0 3 2 Subscriptions: By Mrs Welford. 8 Easom, Mary ... 0 4 Cleverley, Miss.. 0 10 0 Anderson, Mr R. 0 10 0 Frettingham, P. ~0 5 3 HUCKNALL TORKARD. Key, M iss 0 10 0 Hogg, Mr G. J... 0 10 0 Jackson, Mr J., Under 10s...... 0 5 Q Under 10s...... 0 16 0 class...... 0 12 1 Bev T. Cutts. Newbert, Arthur 0 2 10 9 8 1 Collected by Newbold, Mr H. Contributions ... 28 15 0 and Miss M. ... 0 8 11 Coll., for W&O 0 10 6 Less expenses 0 16 1 Cowan,MissA.'G., Neville, Mr W., 8 12 0 Sunday break- class ...... 0 12 6 29 5 6 .fast box' ..... 0 14 3 Infants* class ... 0 6 2 lxxxip NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. [1895.

NEWARK. Ward, Mrs 1 0 0 Douglas, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Granger,Mr F. S. 1 0 Ward, Mr J 1 1 0 Hazzledine, Mrs Hill, Mr H 2 0 RevE. B. Shepherd, Under 10s...... 2 10 6 F. G...... 0 10 6 Hill, Mr C 1 0 Lamb, Mr R..... 0 10 6 Hill, Mrs C 1 0 Collection 4 By Miss Dunn, Manning, Mr J... 0 10 6 Mallett, MrW. H. 3 0 Do., for W % O 1 Barber, Mr J...... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 0 Mallett, Mr J. T. 0 10 Confcribs., Sun.- Barber, Mr E. ... 0 0 Peck, Mr J 0 10 school 3 Bennett, Mr J. .. 10 0 By Miss Overbury. Sulley, Mr E .... 5 0 Beverley, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Thornton, Mr J. 0 10 Subscriptions: Morley, Mr F. ... 0 10 6 Bradley, Mr J.... 0 11 0 Turner, Mr W.... 0 10 6 Walker, Mrs B... 1 0 A Friend,per Rev Burton, M rs 1 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 15 Crofts, Mrs ...... 0 Woods, Rev W... 0 10 6 E. B. Shepherd 0 10 12 0 Wright, Mr J. ... 0 10 6 Under 10s.... 0 10 Do., In Memo- By Mr W. M. Hunt. riam ...... 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 7 2 By Miss Lane ... 1 8 Cutts, Mrs 0 10 0 By Miss Oldknow. By Mrs J. T. Derry, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Mallet, for 10 15 Dunn, Mr J. N.... 0 10 0 Barber, M rs...... 0 10 6 Orphan 3 11 Hill, Rev. G 2 2 0 Dawson, M r..... 0 10 6 Davies,Rev T.W. 2 2 Jowett, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Oldknow, Mi's ... 0 10 6 Douglas, Rev J., 1 1 Lewis, Mr W. W. 5 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Granger, Miss ... 0 10 NOTTINGHAM. Mathews,MrJ.W. 0 10 0 Hunt, Mr W 5 0 Small, Mr W 5 5 0 By Miss Fisher 0 7 6 ■Collections, &c. Stafford, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Juvenile Auxiliary. Walker, Mr J. 26 5 9 Public meeting . 8 1 (don.) ...... 0 10 0 Baldwin, Nellie.. 0 5 6 Juvenile services Warren, Mrs 1 0 0 and pub. mtg.. 14 10 Whitty, Mr F. B. 0 10 0 Collected by Profit on break­ NOTTINGHAM. Under 10s...... 3 14 0 fast ...... 1 3 Fenton, Miss B. 0 5 1 Donations for Liquidation Arkwright Street. Greenwood,Mr K 0 10 0 23 15 of Debt: Rev W. Rufus Jones. Greenwood,MrW 0 9 0 Anon...... 10 0 0 Hill, Misses ...... 0 16 2 Anon...... 5 0 0 Collections 1 8 Hunt, Mr W. S. 0 13 6 Do., for W & 0 1 1 Hunt, Mr C. E ... 0 17 6 NOTTINGHAM:. Barber, Mr J. ... 2 2 0 Contribs., S.-sch. Barber, Mr G. ... 1 0 0 Lees, Miss A. ... 0 10 0 Derby Road. Barnard, Mieses 0 10 0 & Bible-classes 7 5 Onion, Miss F .... 1 5 0 Tinswell, Miss £.152 Rev G. Hill, M.A. Beilby, Miss 5 0 0i Donation : Bennett, Mr & Mrs 10 0 0 Wood, Mi A 0 5 0 Collections 17 13 Bolton, Mr C. A. 5 0 0 Kent, Mr H., for . Smaller sums Do., for fV ¿ 0 6 5 Bolton, Mrs ...... 1 1 Debt...... 1 1 and classes... 5 6 1 Do., Independ- Bright, Mr J. 0 ent-street ... 0 15 Bright, Mr A. ... 10 0 0 10 15 10 131 2 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 33 11 Bright, Mr L. ... 5 0 0 Less Heralds 0 7 6 Do., Independ- Dunn, Miss ...... 0 10 0 ent-street ... 6 15 Dunn, Mr J. N... 3 10 0 NOTTINGHAM. 130 14 7 Mrs Kelsall’s Gell, Miss ...... 0 10 0 class ...... 2 2 Gill, Mr F 3 0 0 Broad Street. NOTTINGHAM. Children’s Bible- Girls’ Guild ...... 0 10 0 Rev J. Douglas, B.A. 0 4 Hague, Miss 2 0 0 Daybrook. American Sale... 5 0 Humphrey, Mr J. 5 0 0 Collections 5 11 1 MissDunn’8 class, Kelsall, Mrs 1 0 0 Do., for W & O 2 10 0 Collections 1 9 0 for support o f Lewis, Mr W. W. 5 5 0 Y.P.S.C.E 2 0 0 Congo boy, Pike, Miss 1 0 0 Collected by Dimbu ...... 5 Pike, Miss E. ... 2 0 0 Donations for 'Deficit: Y.P.S.C.E 1 Small, Mr W. ... 10 0 0 Carter, Wilfred 0 13 9 Arnica...... 0 10 0 Corden, Edna ... 0 13 11 Two Ladies ...... 3 0 0 Brownsword, Mr Subscriptions: Vickers, Mr C. H. 5 0 0 Dove, Clara ...... 1 5 Vickers, Mr (class) 0 10 6 A...... 10 0 0 Flowers, Frank 0 19 Baker, Mr W. J. 1 1 Davies,Rev.T.W. 1 0 0 Horton, Emma... 1 4 Bolton, Mr C. A. 1 1 Ward, Mr James 5 0 0 Douglas, Mrs, & Walker, Mr W.... 1 0 0 Horton, Thomas 1 1 Rogers, Misses .. 2 0 children 0 10 0 Horton, John ... 0 19 Under 10s...... 1 6 Wells, M rS 1 1 0 Goodliffe, Mr W. 5 0 0 Wells, Mrs S. ... 1 0 0 Lovegrove.E.Ann 1 2 Hill, Mr H 5 0 0 Tatham, Herbert 1 10 By Miss Daft. Wells, Miss K.... 0 10 0 Hill, Mr C 5 0 0 Under 10s...... 10 Templeman, Mrs 1 19 Ashwell, Miss ... 1 10 Hill, Mrs C 2 0 0 Hill, Mrs C.f Beecroft. Mr. S. 0 10 279 6 5 12 17 1 Birkin, Mr T 1 0 children 0 10 0 Less expenses 0 10 3 Bright, Mr J 3 0 Hunt, Mr W 20 0 0 Bright, Mr A. ... 3 0 NOTTINGHAM. Mallet, Mrs J. T., Bright, Mr L. ... 4 0 and family ... 1 0 0 Gill, Mr F 1 0 George Street. Smith, Mr B. ... 0 10 0 Sulley, Mr E. ... 20 0 0 Hague, Miss ..... 1 0 Rev L. C. Parkinson, B.A. NOTTINGHAM. Hague, Miss H... 1 0 Thornton, Mr J. 2 0 0 Collections...... 4 4 0 Under 10s...... 5 10 0 Humphrey, Mr J. 1 0 Mansfield Road. Langham, Mrs . . 4 0 Sunday-school... 13 4 1 Subscriptions: Pike, Misses 4 0 Subscriptions: Rev G. M. McElwee, Richardson, Mrs 1 0 By Miss Hill. M.A., B.Sc. Smith, Miss C. .. 0 10 By Mrs F. G. Hazzledine. Tickers, Mr C .... 0 10 Douglas,Mr J.B., Bretland, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Collections ...... 8 4 3 WflJlig, Migs Q JO • for D ebf... 1 0 0 Brownsword,MrA. J 0 0 P a „for JF.f-0 3 3 0 1895.] NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Ixk xv

Subscriptions: Lockwood, Mrs.. 1 7 0 NOTTINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. By Miss F. Forth. Pepper, Miss N. 3 3 4 Pidgeon, Mr W. 1 8 0 Woodborough Road. Palin Street, Hyson Green. Allen, Mrs 0 10 0 Stretton, Miss ... 2 0 0 Rev R. Silby. Allsopp, Mis; 0 10 0 Rev G. H. James. Bradley, Mr: 1 0 0 By Juvenile Collectors. Collections 2 19 10 Bradley, Mi Collections 6 10 3 Do., for W & O 1 1 0 5 5 0 Bexon, Ralph A. 2 1 8 Coll., for W & O 1 0 0 Booker,Mr 2 0 0 Bexon, Muriel E. 2 0 2 Interest ...... 0 5 9 Booker, Mr I Girls' first class 0 3 0 0 10 0 Birch, Francis... 1 0 3 Donation : Booker, Mrs! 1 0 0 Bradley, Kate A. 0 15 6 Bojs’ first class 0 5 0 Forth, Mr C. 1 1 0 Brown, Ernest... 1 2 4 Hoffmann, Mr, Collected by 1 1 0 Browidow,Byron 0 19 9 for D ebt 10 0 0 0 10 0 Blankley.Miss A. 0 4 0 Cartwright, C.... 0 19 1 Caulkwell, Harry 1 8 9 0 10 0 Chawner, Wm .. 0 17 4 Subscriptions : 0 10 6 Chilton, Miss C. 0 13 2 Cooke, Emma ... 0 13 7 Barker, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Cundy, Bernard. 0 4 6 0 10 0 Uox, Thomas ... 0 15 3 0 15 0 Do., for Rome. 0 10 0 Daykin,Miss M. A. 3 6 4 Daykin, Emma.. 0 12 10 Barwick, Mr 1 1 0 Daykin, Miss F. 1 2 6 ' By Mr P. H. Stevenson. Elliott, Eliza 1 8 8 Bayley, Miss 2 2 0 Easom, MissC.... 0 4 2 Ellis,Elizabeth... 0 5 3 Gane, Miss Mabel 0 10 O Beverley,Mrs, for Hall, Albert 0 13 7 Booker, Mr C. ... 0 10 6 Orissa ...... 0 10 0 Bown, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Green,Bernard... 3 0 0 Herod, H. A 0 1 2 Brailsford, M r... 0 10 0 Green, Miss Ida 1 0 11 Booker, Mr.W.H., Hicks, Elizabeth 1 1 1 for Rome 0 10 0 Cox, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Martin, Bertie... 0 12 9 Inger, Ethel ...... 1 3 10 Middleton, G. ... 0 9 10 Savage, Mr, for Jebbett, Nellie... 1 3 9 Dobbs, M r 0 10 6 Borne ...... 0 10 0 Hoffmann, M r... 2 2 0 Read, Miss E. ... 1 1 0 Rickett, Maud... 0 17 1 James, Rev G. H. 1 1 0 Shepherd,MissN. 1 13 « Stevenson, Mr J.J. 1 0 0 Scott, Maud .... 0 5 4 Stevenson,MrP.H. 1 10 0 Moore, Mr, for Silby, Miss Alice 0 12 0 Spencer, Fred G. 1 16 0 Rome ...... 0 10 0 Smedley.MissAda 0 13 0 Collected by Spencer, Ethel.. 0 17 7 Smedley, Miss B. 3 4 0 Towlson,01iverC. 0 7 4 Roe, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Booker, M;ss M. 1 19 2 UnderlOs 0 12 6 Srnedley, Mr A. 0 7 0 Towlgon, Minnie 2 1J 10 Smedley, Miss C. 1 16 4 Cullen, Mr E. A. 4 4 0 Wright, John ... 0 17 7 Do.,ioiRome 0 10 0 Jackson, Miss ... 1 3 4 Smedley,Mr E. S. 2 4 8 By Miss Johnson 1 2 0 Smedley, Harold 0 7 G Juvenile Auxiliary. 57 5 5 Walker, Miss N. 0 9 11 Sun.-schl. boxes 3 18 5 Juvenile Auxiliary. Wheeley, Miss L. 0 18 2 Collecting books 3 0 9 White, Miss J.... 0 3 6 OLD BASSORD. Sunday-school... 11 18 10 Smaller sums 0 8 3 Box by Queensbury Street. Legacy: 31 10 5 Ashwell, Austin, Collections ...... 5 4 10 for Congo ...... 0 10 0 Interest ...... 1 0 0 Roe, the late Mr William 50 0 0 41 14 5 Collected by NEW BASFOBD. Bexon, MrWalter 1 5 6 Boxes by Chelsea Street. Bexon,Miss Clara 1 4 0 NOTTINGHAM. Frettingham, H. 0 11 3 Rev E. E. Coleman, Bexon, Miss C.... 2 3 0 Hoffmann, H. ... 0 5 10 Tabernacle. Cave, Mrs ...... 0 16 0 Kent, E. & M. ... 0 9 5 Collected by Cooper, Miss 1 11 7 Marsh, Ernest ... 0 Rev J. Clark. Holroyd, Miss ... 1 3 8 7 1 Cooke, Miss ...... 0 18 8 Rollett, Benj 1 10 4 Elliott, Master W. 1 7 1 Collection 3 3 Kinton, Miss D. 0 13 8 Under 5s...... Leaper, Miss 1 10 6 0 10 10 Fox, Miss Daisy. 1 1 4 Sheffield, Mr H. 1 3 0 Fox, Miss D. M. Twiss, Miss S. A. 1 4 11 Collected by (box) ...... 0 15 0 NOTTINGHAM:. Goodall, Miss ... 0 11 4 Lenton. By Juvenile Collectors. Burrows, A. W. 0 6 9 Haddon, Miss M. 0 7 7 Bexon, Florence 1 16 0 Cox, Gertrude ... 1 3 6 Haddon, Miss G. 0 4 5 Collection 2 4 Dennison, Annie 0 6 5 Do., for W4c 0 0 10 Brough, Wm. E. 0 15 9 Holmes, Miss L. 2 9 9 Brown,Arthur F. 0 16 5 Eley, Edith ...... 2 18 10 Mosley, Master L. 1 2 6 Hind, Benjamin 4 0 3 2 14 6 Brown, Albert... 1 8 2 Parker, Miss L. 2 15 3 Brown, George... 1 2 7 Lawrence, Nellie 4 8 6 Waters, Miss L. 0 10 0 Burton, Fred. ... 0 12 10 Wilcox, Gertrude 0 8 11 Webster, Glad­ Castle,William... 0 17 3 stone ...... 1 19 10 OLD BASFOKD. Cooke, Thirza ... 1 7 8 111 0 6 Weston, Miss E. 0 12 6 High Street. Cooke, Thomas... 1 3 8 Less Weraldr... 0 13 9 Woodward,MissP. 0 13 11 Rev R. Jenkins. Dicks, Herbert... 1 10 4 Smaller sums 0 6 6 Gadsby, Samuel. 1 1 8 110 6 9 Collections 7 13 Hall, Amy A 1 9 2 15 15 8 Do., for W 4s O 1 0 Hammond, Ada 1 1 6 0 5 0 Interest ...... 1 0 Hickling, Wm.... 0 13 10 NOTTINGHAM. Hutchby,Florence 1 6 0 15 10 8 Collected by Leake, F red 1 5 6 Carrington. Bexon, M iss 2 16 Mellors, Daisy... 0 12 9 £10 of the above sum Bexon ,MissCissie 2 3 Parkes, John T. 1 2 3 Rev J. F. Makepeace. foi» support of Willie and Bingham, Miss... 1 8 Pendleton,Harry 0 17 4 Cooper, Miss M. 1 0 Raynor,Williams 0 17 9 Coll., for Wdk 0 (2 Idly Stevenson, Cuttack. Foulds, Miss 1 0 Webb, Frank ... 0 18 3 years)...... 0 10 0 Hopewell,Mrs N. 2 2 Under 5s...... 0 18 3 Juv. Auxiliary ..206 NEW BASFOBD. Hunter, Miss 1 6 Palm Street. Lees, Miss A. ... 1 4 42 15 7 Afps I 4 Conteibs., B.-soh. 9 0 0 lxxxvi NOTTINGHAMSHIRE— OXFORDSHIRE. [1895,

Donation : Subscriptions: Dows well, Mr,bos 0 2 6 Hawkins, Mrs ... 0 3 10 Gfuy, M iss 5 0 Clements, Mr ... 1 1 •Penny - a - week Keen, M rs 0 10 0 Do., Thank- subscription... 2 10 5 Martin, Mrs ....;. 0 2 11 14 0 offering ...... 1 0 Sunday-school... 6 14 0 Webb, Eva 0 6 9 Do., for Debt . 1 0 Subscriptions: 10 0 9 Collected by Less expenses 0 3 6 RADFORD. Cubitt, Mr T. H. 0 10 Prospect Place. Pyzer, Miss ...... 0 6 Horwood, Mr ... 1 1 9 17 3 Lovell, Mrs Jos. 0 10 Coll., S.-sch. ... 0 8 8 12 17 Watts, Rev I. ... 1 0 Less expenses 0 3 Collected by 17 17 0 CHARLBURY. Goulder, Kate ... 0 5 2 Husbands, E. ... 0 12 6 Rev R. Parkin. Marshall, Emma 0 18 6 BLOXHAM, Collection 1 8 10 Newbutt, Edith 0 8 0 SUTTON-IN-ASHFIE LD. Rev J. Churchill. Richardson,Nellie 1 0 4 0 11 0 Turner, Eunice.. 0 6 3 Rev J. Cornish. Contributions ... 2 0 0 7 10 Under 5s...... 0 4 Do., Special... 0 3 7 Collections 2 5 0 >n: 4 0 Do., public mtg. 0 17 6 4 Contributions ... 0 2 5 Boots, Mrs G. 0 10 0 Do., Sun.-sch. 3 7 0 Boxes by RETFORD. Collected by CAVERSHAM. Boots, Edith and Rev S. Skingle Childs, Clara ... 2 1 0 Rev S. H. Case, M.A. 0 11 2 Whetton, C. H... 2 12 0 Collections...... 1 14 3 0 4 5 Collections 6 15 0 3 0 Do., for W ¿c O O il 4 Boxes by Do., for fF 4- O 5 5 2 Sun Hy-school... 2 3 6 0 3 Newham, Marian 0 3 8 Con., Sun.-school 12 15 0 6 8 Subscription : Straw, Bertha ... 0 4 6 Juv. Miss. Work­ 0 2 11 Wharmby,Luther 0 6 0 ing Party for 0 6 6 Cottom, Mr T., Oirls' ac/i oo>, 0 2 0 J.P ...... 0 10 0 11 19 1 Conqo 10 0 0 2 5 0 4 0 Do., for Girls’ 0 6 0 Collected by Sch' oi Intally 10 0 0 2 5 A Friend ...... 0 2 6 11 15 1 Do,, for dins' 0 4 10 Betts, Annie..... 0 2. 1 ¿School, China 10 0 Do., for Girls' 5 12 3 Coates, C...... 0 6 0 School, Cut­ SDTIOIÎ-IN-ASHIIELD. 0 3 6 Demie, Mr W .... 0 3 5 tack ...... 10 0 Funstan, Miss ... 0 2 2 Eastfield Side. Women’s Bible- Hopkinson, W.... 0 5 9 5 8 9 Town, R ...... 0 Rev M. Fox. c’.ass ...... 0 12 6 9 Do., for Congo 0 12 Wright, Ernest... 0 11 4 Collections 4 9 8 Subscriptions: CHIPPING NORTON. 6 19 1 Subscription : Less expenses 0 6 8 Case, Mrs ...... 1 1 Fox, Rev M 0 10 6 Collier, M rs 0 10 Rav T. Bentley. Talbot, Mr G. W. 0 10 6 12 5 6 0 2 Collections 5 12 9 Warwick, Messrs 0 10 Do., for W dbO 1 15 0 West, Mr E 4 4 Do. , public mtg. 2 0 3 RUDDINGTON Do. (don.) 10 10 Do., Special... 0 12 10 SUTTON-ON-TRENT. West, Miss 1 1 Contribs,, S.-sch. 7 9 1 Collections...... 1 6 10 Under 10s...... 0 5 Y.P.S.C.E. box... 0 12 4 Rev E. B. Shepherd. Do., Working 84 12 2 Donation : Collection ...... 0 13 3 Band ...... 1 5 4 Plowright, Mr.... 0 10 0 Do., for W& O 0 5 0 Subscription: Collected by 0 18 3 CHADLINGTON. Bentley, Rev T. 0 10 0 Bowley.Miss S... 0 17 0 978 16 6 Rev R. Parkin. Plowright,MissM. 1 0 0 Boxes by Less county ex^ Collection ...... 2 1 6 penses...... 3 13 10 . 22 9 Do., Special... 0 5 3 Bentley, Edith J. 0 7 7 Less expenses 0 2 6 Do., for W &0 0 10 0 Castle, Mrs ...... 0 7 3 £956 8 9 Prayer meetings 0 9 6 Mace, Mrs J 0 14 o 3 11 4 Proceeds of chil­ ManchesterHouse 2 10 o dren’s and Parsons, Miss E. 0 5 8 ladies’ work ... 2 1 6 Smith, Mrs G. B. 1 5 8 SOUTHWELL. ©ïfotOsbire. “ The Mount 0 7 0 Weekly Pence by Rev J. H. Plumbridge, Under 5s 0 7 7 Collections...... 3 16 0 BANBURY. Parkin, Miss A... 1 15 4 26 2 4 Do., for W ¿eO 0 13 3 Less Heralds Sunday-school... 0 10 0 Rev Isaac Watts. Boxes by 2 9 8 Do., for N P... 113 5 Collections 4 1 2 Abraham, Mr, Bible-clBSB...... 0 2 4 ~Do.,îotW&0 1 0 0 children 15 2 23 12 8 Home boxes 2 15 1 Do., Special... 0 6 11 Burden,Mrs&Miss 0 10 0 1895.] OXFORDSHIRE RUTLANDSHIRE. lxxxvii

COATE, &c. HOOK NORTON. Contribs., Sunday- OXFORD. Rev C. E. Shearman. sch.,Penson’s Rev J. Stanley. Gardens, for Commercial Road. Collection ...... 0 18 0 MutlahMssn. 7 6 4 Rev H. B. Case. Coll., for W A 0 0 12 6 Do., for W

Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 Morgan, Miss L. 1 9 2 Senior Y.P.S.C.E. Gould, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 Do., Langham 0 10 0 Webb, Mrs...... 0 9 5 for Congo ...... 0 15 0 John, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Prayer-mtng.box 1 9 5 Wnittaker,Agnes 0 2 6 Junior do...... 0 10 6 Long, Mr C. H... 0 10 0 Under 2s...... 0 4 9 Donation ...... 0 7 6 Long, Mr G 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Mills, Miss 1 1 0 Butler, Mr Jas... 0 10 0 6 0 0 Collected by Moore, M r 0 12 0 Mundy, Mr E. ... 1 1 0 Royco, Mr J 1 0 0 Reid, Mrs H...... 0 14 0 Royce, Mrs J. ... 0 10 0 “ Oneinterested” 0 10 0 Suter, Rev H. J. 0 10 0 Ransford, Mr ... 6 0 0 NEWTON. 3 13 10 Do.,for W&O... 1 0 0 Boxes by Rev M. Matthews. Seaman, Mr .„ .. 0 11 0 Spear, Mr P. W. 10 0 0 Laxton, Mrs 0 10 e Contributions ... 1 7 6 WEM. Silcocks, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Munton, M rs 0 6 0 Taylor, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Thirmann, Miss. 0 12 0 10 2 6 Collection ...... 1 3 3 l)o., for »v & (i 0 16 1 Yeale, Mr ...... 0 13 0 OAKENGATES White, Miss ...... 0 10 0 £10 12 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 0 12 9 Rev E. Towler. Do., for N P... 0 17 6 Under 10s...... 10 17 11 Mrs Sear’s class 0 10 0 Collection...... 0 10 0 Collected by Contribs., S.-sch. 1 5 6 3 19 6 Allan, Mrs 0 9 11 Shropshire. Bosh, M rs 0 15 5 For N P, by Havman, Mr 1 5 6 BRIDGNORTH. Blackwell, H. ... 0 3 0 Hearse, Miss L. 5 8 9 Corbet, Mabel ... 0 2 0 WHITCHURCH. Knight, Miss ... 0 15 0 Rev J. J. Griffiths. Guy, E...... 0 4 0 Roberts, Mrs 0 12 0 Collection ...... 3 8 9 Jones, S...... 0 5 0 Rev S. T. Williams. Silcocks, Mrs ... 0 5 0 Do., for W$ O 0 10 0 Under 2s. ,.,, 0 2 6 Staples, Mrs 1 0 0 Do., pryr. mtgs. 0 16 10 Coll., for W & O 1 0 0 Underwood,MrF. 0 17 4 Contrib.,for jV P 3 0 9 2 12 0 Wheatcroft, Mrs 0 2 7 Sunday-school... 1 4 5 Subscriptions: 128 11 10 Subscriptions: Hares, Mr S 0 10 0 OSWESTRY. Ledsham, Mr W. 0 10 0 Lloyd, Mr G 5 0 O! Rose, Mr & Mrs 0 15 0 BATH. McMichael, Mr J. 1 1 0 Collections...... 4 7 1 Whittingham, Mr 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Do., for W Je 0 1 0 0 Wycherley, Mr... 0 10 0 Bethesda. Collected by Contribs., S .-sch. 7 12 1 ULder 10s...... 0 17 0 Do., for Al P ... 1 17 2 Contribs., for If P 1 0 4 1’oxall, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 Boxes by Subscriptions: Do., for sup­ Lloyd, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Berry, Miss ...... 1 3 8 port of “ Ma• Saloway,Miss... 2 6 0 Bayley, Mrs C. G 0 10 6 Oakes, Miss ...... 1 12 6 lakara” ar‘d Lloyd, Mrs M. ... 0 10 6 Smaller sums 1 3 10 “ Little Dot,” CHOBLET. Morris, Miss .... 0 10 6 Congo ...... 9 8 6 Collection ...... 1 10 2 Under 10s...... 1 6 0 9 0 0 Contribs., forNP 0 19 2 10 8 10 17 13 10 £86 13 0 21 13 1 Less expenses 0 8 6 Less expenses 0 9 1 BATH, 17 5 4 21 4 0 Hay Hill Chapel. Somersetshire. Rev T. R. Dann. SHREWSBURY. DAWLEY. Collections...... 3 0 2 Claremont Street. BATH. Do., juv- mtg. 2 9 1 Rev A. Lester. Do., for W

B A T H i Pople, Mr H...... 0 12 6 Collected by Profit from publife Pople> Mrs...... 0 9 7 breakfast ...... 11 11 3 IWBEXOX-OK-ATOIT. Under 5s...... 0 12 10 Wliitby, Miss ... 5 2 8 Christmas offer, Rev B. Oriel. ing, Mr Jos. 11 7 1 78 16 1 Storrs Fry...... 40 0 0 Collections 3 1 7 Legacy: Miss K. Contribs.,S.-sch. Leonard...... 90 0 0 'for support of BRISTOL AUXILIARY. Special Contrib. 'Congo boy ËOROUGHBRIDGE. for Outfit Pas­ “ XJmbango" ... 8 2 0 Cöhtribs. by Mr sage o f Mr. Rev A. Spfagiie G; M. Garlile, Stonelake Ill 15 3 : Subscriptions: Treasurer 1,751 10 2 Banwell...... 6 3 5 Oriel, Rev B 1 1 0 Collectionâ...... 1 4 9 Do., for W&O 53 9 4 Broadmead (Rev P. J. A...... 0 10 0 Do., for W de O 0 12 0 Do.i for N P ... B 4 5 D. J. Hiley) ...341 6 0 Pullarj M r 2 2 0 Do.,public mtg. 1 2 9 Do.i for C»ngn 26 Ó 0 Buckingh am (Rev Pullar, Miss ...... 1 1 0 NorthmoorGreen 0 5 d Do., for Outfit T.R. Williams) 121 12 9 Under 10s...... 1 12 0 Stathe ...... 0 3 a and Passage Burnham (RevH. o f Mr Stone- V. Hobbs)...... 29 5 0 Box by Subscriptions : lake...... 101 10 6 City-road (Rev J. Do. ¡ for support T. Briscoe)...... 245 19 9 Bonce, Miss A.... 0 5 6 A Friend (don.) 0 io 0 Cothatn-grove (Rev Baker, Mr J...... 1 0 0 of Congo boy 17 15 1 0 10 6 “ Mamwa” ... 5 0 0 R. Richard) ...249 8 4 Bell, Mr T. S. ... Do., for support Counterslip and Under 10s. .... 0 10 0 o f Robin Tower - street ChunderDas (Rev H. Knee) 145 2 6 BATH. Juvenile Auxiliary. at Seram- Downend (Rev Widcombe Chapel. Collections...... 1 1 9 pore College 6 0 0 G. A. Webb)... 11 10 10 Do., Sun.-sch. 0 5 4 Do., for sup­ East Street (Rev Rev J. Huntley. Subscriptions ... 1 0 0 port of girl T. Davies)...... 22 15 2 Collections 2 3 3 Weekly pence ... 1 10 3 in. Mr Dan- Fishponds (Rev Do.ypublicmtg. 4 1 10 can’sSchool, T. S.Campbell) 82 15 10 Contribs., S.-soh. 3 17 8 Boxes by Shensi...... 3 0 0 Highbridge ...... 5 16 3 Do., for sup­ Hillesley...... 3 18 3 Subscriptions : Baker, Misses ... 1 6 2 port of Congo Hotwells (RevW. Chambers,Misses 1 8 0 boy ...... 5 0 0 Tucker) ...... 19 1 9 Baker, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Sprague, Miss M. 2 0 0 Berriman, Miss 0 10 0 Do., for sup­ Kensington (Rev Wheadon, Jessie 0 3 0 port of girl C. Griffiths) ... 26 0 2 Challen, Miss ... 0 10 0 Woodland, B. 0 5 4 Curtis, M r 0 11 6 in India ... 5 0 0 Keynsham (Rev Huntley, Rev J. 0 10 6 Do., for Mr W. Mann) ...... 22 17 2 14 19 0 H e r b e r t Old King - street Huntley, Miss ... 0 10 6 Less expenses 0 G 6 Huntley,Mr J. R. 0 10 6 Thomas’ s (Rev J. Moffat Under 10s...... 0 10 0 work, Delhi 10 0 0 Logan) ...... 63 3 1 14 12 6 Do., for Mr Paulton (Rev J. Kempton) ...... 41 4 4 14 6 3 Whitewriaht's work, China 8 0 1 Philip-street (Rev Pill, for W# O... 0 17 8 H. Moore) ...... 55 4 6 BRIDGWATER. Banwell, for Prewett-street ... 38 16 4 BATH. W dc O ...... 0 10 6 Radstock (Rev Rev C. H. M. Day. Limpley Stoke. Do., for N P ... 1 0 0 W. H. Buller) 4 2 0 By Miss Ashmead Students’ Mis- Collections 9 18 1 sionary Asso­ Boxes by Do., for W & O 2 11 5 for Palestine... 4 0 0 Shirehampton, ciation.... 115 11 6 A Friend ...... 0 15 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 28 1 10 Contribs.,for A'A’ 2 1 3 for W & -O...... 0 7 0 Totterdown (Rev Collections...... 3 2 9 Hanham S.-scb., G. Jarman) ... 63 13 6 Holbrow, Mr...... 0 8 4 Mr .A. J. Whitby’s morning class 1 10 0 for M r Hale’s Tyndale (Rev R. Hutton, Miss...... 0 8 3 work, Agra ... 1 14 0 Glover, D D.) 635 13 10 Sunday-school.. 1 13 1 Do., proceeds Weston - super - Unity-street 0 11 0 Wilkins, M r ...... 0 12 7 of entertain­ Wadham - street, ment ...... 1 5 0 Mare ...... 2 3 3 Home boxes 1 17 1 Do., Bristol-rd 3 3 9 Weston -super- 7 0 0 Do., for W & O 2 2 0 Mare (Rev T. J. Y.P.S.C.E., for Longhurst) ...116 11 7 N P, Premia, Handel at 1,998 12 8 West-street ...... 2 19 4 BECKINGTON. Rungpore 0 0 0 2,828 16 9 Summary of Contributions Rev S. J. Somers. Subscriptions: acknowledged in the Less Zenana Mission 777 19 1 Subscriptions: n local report for year A Friend...... 5 0 q ending April 30th, 1895. Bourne, M rs 1 0 0 A. L...... 0 10 £2,050 17 8 Bourne, Miss 1 0 0 Aplin, Mr ...... 0 10 0 United Sunday- Piqkford, Mr 1 0 0 Baker, Mr J 0 10 0 school services 15 6 9 Tyson, Mr J. J. 1 0 0 Day, Rev C. H. M. 0 10 0 1 Collec., annual Dosson, Mr J. N. 2 0 0 sermon ...... 8 15 1 Class Boxes by Hamlin, Mr J .... 3 0 0 Do., annual CHARD. Hamlin, Mr H. J. 0 10 0 meeting...... 50 2 9 Biggs, Mr ...... 0 10 6 James, Miss 0 10 6 Do., united R ev A . M acD onald. Bourne, Mr ...... 1 0 7 Sully, Mr J. G.... 2 0 0 Communion Bourne, Miss R. 0 17 4 Sully, Mr Owen 1 0 0 service...... 6 12 5 Collections 2 10 8 Bourne, Miss ... 1 1 9 Whitby, Mr F. F. 1 0 0 Do., 'Zenana . Do., for IY 4" O, 2 6 0 Keate, Miss ...... 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 3 8 3 meeting...... 21 10 1 Sunday-school... 5 4 0 SOMERSETSHIRE; [1895.

Collected by Isle Abbots Sun* Subscriptions: Bowgin, Florrie 0 2 4 school...... 0 7 10 Carpenter, M r... 0 10 6 Fry, Cissie...... 0 3 11 Rawlings, Mrs.. 0 10 0 Jelly, Grwennie... 0 10 2 3 2 2 Rawlings,'Mr S.T. 1 0 0 Kerton, Daisy... 0 1 0 Thomas, M r 0 10 0 0 "Weeks, Eva ...... 0 10 0 Y. T. S. (1894)... 1 0 0 FROME. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 AXT.KBTON’. Coll.,annnalmtg. 4 1 3 0 Collection ...... 0 12 0 Do.,juv.service 2 7 2 Family Boxes by 0 Boyce,E. (box)... 0 1 4 “ C ” ...... 1 0 0 0 6 8 5 Swaine, M. & J.. 1 1 0 0 CRICKHAH. Less expenses 1 1 0 47 10 1 Collection ...... 0 7 4 5 7 5 Sunday-school... 0 7 0 7 8 Boxes by FBOME. HATCH BEAUCHAMP. 0 Davey, Mrs ...... 0 4 2 0 Lukins, Miss A. 0 6 9 Sheppard’s Barton. Rev E. Curtis. 6 Webber, Miss ... 0 6 10 Collections 3 9 4 7 Rev J. Walker. Do., for W& O 0 15 0 9 Collections 5 6 4 Boxes ...... 5 8 0 6 BOOKSBBIDGE. Contribs.,for N P 1 11 8 10 Do., for W 4 native girls, Staple, M iss 1 0 0* 2 20 14 4 in Intally 6 Sch...... 12 0 0 Boxes by 3 Weekly pence by Hawley, Miss ... 0 2 10' Miss Rawlings 2 14 3 Meech, M iss 0 2 11« FIYBHEAD AND ISLE One year’s divi­ Passley, Miss ... 0 2 6- ABBOTS. dend on Mr. Butcher’s legacy 5 3 10 Rev E. S. Hadler. 14 15 G- 0 4 9 OollectioES 1 16 0 Donations: Fivehead S.-sch. 0 12 8 Coombs, Mr H. P. 1 0 0 I 14 10 9* Do., for N P... 0 5 8 Under 10s...... 0 5 01 1895.] SOMERSETSHIRE. xci

NORTH CURRY AND STOGUMBER. Hole, Mr...... 0 10 0 WELLINGTON. STOKE ST. GREGORY. Knight, Mrs ,, 6 0 Rev F. T. White. Knight, Miss..... 4 2 Rev G. W. Humphreys, Re? B. W. Osier. Collections 2 9 3 Knowls ...... 7 2 B.A. 0 WORTH CUEET. Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 Westlake.MissK 16 0 Collections 6 8 5 Do., Vexford ..070 Do., S.-scb. ... 0 16 4 Collections 1 16 Prayer meetings 0 4 6 For N P, by Y.P.S.C.E 0 3 Do.,for W&O 2 0 0 Sunday-school... 0 8 3 Contribs., S.-sch. 12 7 1 Prayer Union Baker, Mabel .. 0 1 1 Subscriptions : Clarke, Frank .. 0 4 0 Rockwell Green 1 2 0 subscriptions... 7 14 8 Y.P.S.C.E 0 10 0 Dare, Mr J. T .... 0 10 0 Sharp, Ada 0 3 0 Osier, Rev B. W. 1 10 0 Boxes by Subscriptions : Osier, Messrs J. Creech Duddridge, Mrs 0 9 11 Baker, Mr C 0 10 0 and E 0 10 0 Collection ...... - Under 10s____ 1 1 6 Duddridge, Miss 0 9 8 1 11 6 Bond, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Norman, Miss W. 0 8 0 Sunday-school.. 2 19 5 Burnett, Mrs ... 1 5 0 Boxes by Norman, Stanley 0 8 0 Haddon, Mrs ... 0 10 0 112 16 Female Bible- Radley, M rs 0 10 3 7 Harris, Mrs F. .. 0 15 0 class...... 0 5 6 Summerbayes.Mrs 0 2 0 Less expenses Hill, Mr T 0 10 0 Paul, Miss 0 5 0 Venn, Miss B. ... 0 5 9 and Hcraldi 4 17 9 Humphreys, Rev Under Is 0 0 11 G. W., B.A. ... 1 0 Ó For N P, by ■ 107 18 10 Price, Mr G 0 10 0 For N P by Amery, E 0 4 0 Thomas, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Beel, Eva ...... 1 2 3 Brewer, A 0 5 6 Under 10s...... 4 1 6 Burrows, Kate... 0 4 0 Cridland, J 0 6 0 TAUNTON". Gillard, Ivy ...... 0 2 0 Hole, K ...... 0 1 C 33 15 4 Simmons, Chas. 0 9 8 Norman, W 0 10 6 Albemarle Chapel. 0 10 6 Symes, Beatrice 0 7 4 Winter, Ada 0 3 1 15 14 9 Rev L. Palmer. 33 4 10

STOKE ST. GKKGOEY. Collections 2 0 0 WELLS. Collection ...... 2 4 n STREET. Sunday-school... 2 11 7 Y.P.S.C.E 3 2 e Do., for y P ... 1 14 3 Rev W. Owen. Rev J. Bartlett. Collections 2 10 10 Subscriptions: Subscriptions : Bobbett, Mr G. L. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 1 9 3 Do., for W 4 0 0 10 0 Boobyer, Mr E... 0 10 0 Do., for N P ’ ... 1 7 0 Adams, Mr ... . 0 10 0 Do., Wookey... 0 3 11 Garland,Mr C.... 0 10 0 Daniel, Mr...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions, by Herle, Mr A 0 10 0 2 16 3 Marshall, Mr l 0 0 Miss Bundey. Wicker Workers 0 18 0 Palmer, Rev L. l 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 2 0 Potter, M r...... 0 14 0 Davies, M rs 0 10 6 TAUNTON. Under 10s...... 5 '0 0 Boxes by Price, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Cridge, Miss V... 0 4 0 Silver Street. Boxes by 8 15 3 Keirle, Miss F.... 0 4 6 Musgrave, Mr G. 1 15 10 Rev J. P. Tetley. Challenger, Miss 0 7 c Sunday-scliool... 0 7 2 Chamberlain,Mrs 0 5 4 WINCANTON. Collections 7 9 10 Revill, M iss..... 0 14 1 For N P, by Do.,specl.mtg. 11 17 9 Tomes, Miss...... 0 14 0 Rev J. Brown. Do., for W

YEOVIL. BURSLEM. 1 Thorpej Ada 0 9 9 COSELEV. ! Werrett, Daisy... Ó 7 0 Rev S. Newnam. Rev J. C. Taylor. j Wheway, Nellie.. 0 2 1 Ebenezer. Collections 15 1 11 Contributions ... 1 10 0 Wright, Martha 0 8 3 Coll., Sun.-school 0 8 0 Do., for W ¿ Ô 5 0 0 Do., for N P ... 1 2 Sunday-school ... 25 0 0 2 12 OVEBSEAL. Donations C o s e l e t . Collections 3 1 3 Brewer, Mr 0 10 0 Providence Chapel. Dewing, Miss ... 0 15 0 BURTON-ON-TRENT. Collected by Loney, M r...... 1 0 0 Rev J. T. Whitaker. New Street. A Friend...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions Cross, Harry 0 13 0 Contrib., S.-sch. 5 16 7 Rev James Porteous. Do., for sup­ Beard, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Fisher, George... 1 11 0 Collections 16 14 1 Freeman, Effie... 0 11 6 port of Congo Burt, Mr W. , 5 0 0 boy ...... 5 0 0 Burt, Mr S...... 0 10 0 Do., for W & 0 2 15 1 Freeman, Harriet 0 14 0 Haynes, Alice ..066 Chaffey, Mr E. R. 0 10 0 10 16 7 Chapman, Mrs Subscriptions : Haynse, Hetty... 1 9 6 (the late) , , , 1 0 0 Allsop, Rev S. S. 2 2 0 Moore, Eva ...... 1 0 0 Chislett, Mrs 0 10 0 Bailey, M iss 1 1 0 Moore, George ... 1 11 0 Ewens, Mrs 5 5 0 Bake well, Mr J. 0 10 6 Moore, Carey ... 1 16 6 EASTWOOD VALE. Stewardson, Ada 1 9 6 In Memoriam ... 0 10 0 Bannister,Mr Jas. 2 2 0 Johnson,MrW. W. 0 10 0 Toplis, Phoebe ... 0 16 0 Collection ...... 0 12 0 Dunicliff, Mrs ...110 6 6 Masters, Mr and Ellis, Mr John ... 1 1 0 Wain, Lizzie 0 11 6 Do., Fenton ... 0 Mrs J. L...... 1 1 0 Kvershed, Mr S., Maynard,MrW. T. 1 96 5 2 0 18 6 1 0 m . p ...... 0 10 6 2 Newnam, Rev S. Goodyer, Mr H... 0 10 6 2 16 and M rs...... 5 0 0 Porteous, Rev J. 1 1 0 Pippard,MrA.W. 0 10 0 Poynton, Mr W. 0 10 6 93 9 0 HANLEY. Pittard, Mr C. W. 0 10 6 Spalding, Mr C. 1 1 0 New Street. Pittard, Mr E .... 0 10 0 Wardle. Mts H... 1 1 0 Vincent, Mr J.„. 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 BTJETON-OK-TBKNI. Rev G. Buckley. Under 10s.,, , 3 2 6 Juvenile Association. Tabernacle. Collections...... 2 11 0 74 6 11 Do., pub. mtg. 1 3 1 Less expenses 0 9 0 Collected by Rev J. Askew. Do., for W ¿ () 0 15 0 Contrib., S.-sch. 4 6 0 73 17 11 Appleby, C. M.... 1 8 1 Contribs., S.-scb. 7 1 0 Do., for N P ... 1 0 0 Appleby. Lizzie 0 8 8 Smith, Mr (box) 0 8 6 Baddeley Edge, 2859 0 4 Bannister, Geo... 3 4 1 for W & 0 ..... 0 6 0 Bannister, Jos.... 3 3 7 7 9 6 Subscriptions : Less district Beale, Grace.... 1 2 6 expenses...... 6 9 7 Bentley, Annie... 2 7 fc Bennett, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Bramall, Alice... 1 0 0 Eyton, Mrs ..... 0 10 6 £2,852 10 9 Cross, Mercy..... 0 16 5 BUBTON-OIÎ-TBE1ÎT. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Farrall, Ernest... 1 4 1 Station Street. Hardy, Denny ... 0 6 4 Boxes by Hardy, Patty ... 1 19 9 Rev J. Toogood. Eardley, Mrs ... 0 2 0 House, Maud..... 1 2 11 Huyton, Mrs...... 0 7 0 Humphrey, M.... 1 12 8 Contributions ... 6 14 8 Walton, M rs...... 0 2 4 Statforòsbtre. Keen, Annie..... 5 5 5 Under 2s...... 0 5 2 Keen, Edgar..... 2 2 0 King, Frances... 0 6 8 12 3 7 BILSTON. Lees, William ... 1 2 9 CHADBMOOR. Nutt, Oliver..... 0 17 4 Collection ...... 4 10 7 Philips, Annie... 0 10 1 Collection ...... 0 7 3 HAHXEV. Do., for W & O 1 0 0 Philips, Hettie ... 0 19 6 Welsh Chapel. Contribs.,for NP 0 8 3 Poynton, George 0 13 0 B oxes...... 0 11 10 Poynton, Joseph 0 19 6 Rev J. Williams Poynton,William 0 17 7 CHEADLE. Contributions ... 0 6 0 Subscriptions : Reader, Nellie ... 1 7 2 Do., for NP... 112 8 Spalding, Annie 2 4 0 Marshall, Mr G. 2 12 0 Thompson,MrW. 0 10 0 Stretton, L. M.... 0 11 2 1 18 8 Under 10s...... 3 1 0 Tarver, Mabel... 1 0 7 Williams, M...... 0 7 0 10 1 8 Under Is...... 0 11 11 COSELEY. LONGTON. Boxes by Darkhouse. •Rev J. Briggs. BRIERLEY HILL. Adult class...... 0 15 3 Rev G. Dunnett. Beale, Harold ... 0 13 11 Collections 5 0 0 Rev W. B. Bliss. Bentley,Mr(class) 1 1 0 Contributions ... 6 9 0 Y.P.S.C.E 0 12 1 Foster, Mrs ..... 0 5 5 Collected by Collection 1 16 5 Holden,Mr (class) 0 17 3 Subscription s Do., for W A O 1 0 6 Phillips, Georgo 0 4 7 Cyples, Miss A. 1 14 4 Subscriptions ... 0 10 5 Porteus, Jeannie 0 16 4 Green, Mrs Thee. 6 0 0 Ferneyhough.M. 0 14 9 Smith, Miss ...... 0 3 10 Houghton,MissE. 1 4 9 3 7 4 Tarver, Mr, 10 9 0 Palmer, Miss S. 0 2 0 family...... 1 13 2 Thomas, William 0 4 6 STA.I’Ï’OR'DSHÎRE— StTFIOLK. xciii

TIPTON'. Wilkins,Mr G .... 0 5 0 WILLENHALL. Wilson, Albert... 0 7 4 I 2 0 Prince’s End. Under 5s 2 11 11 Collection ...... 1 0 10 I 10 4 Contributions ... 1 8 4 ) 4 11 Rev J. 0. Whitaker. 40 17 3 » 2 2 Collections 3 0 0 Less expenses 0 9 6 2 9 2 I 3 0 Do., for W 1 0 Greenway, Mr Vicarage Walk. W. P...... 10 0 0 Collections 10 10 8 Rev A. Hampden Lee. . 3 0 Do., In loving Do., pub. mtg. 3 1 2 memory of Mrs Collections 10 6 2 Do., for W # O 2 11 3 Greenway, for Do., for W At O 2 0 0 Prayer meetings 0 17 7 Debt...... 50 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 26 1 1 Contribs., S.-sch. 9 1 5 Lewis, Mr E. W. 5 0 0 Subscriptions s Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Subscriptions: I 2 10 A Friend, D. J... 0 10 6 Collected by By Mrs Lee. Richards, M rs... 1 1 0 Gwilliam, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Gameson, MrC... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr T. H. 0 10 6 Gameson, Mr A. 1 0 0 Thompson, Mr J. 2 2 0 75 4 9 Lee, Mr ,...... 0 10 0 Thompson,MrG.B. 1 1 0 rs. Lyons, Mrs ..... 1 0 0 Watkins, Mr S... 1 .1 0 Lyons, Mr 1 0 0 i 8 0 £5 of above sum for sup­ Scott, Mr J. P. ... 1 1 0 32 8 1 : 0 7 port o f Congo boy, Less expenses 1 1 6 “ Nsompi.” Under 10s...... 0 15 0 ; 8 7 41 3 3 31 C 7 Less expenses 2 13 3 WALSALL. £414 16 8 41 10 0 ENT. Stafford Street. S. Rev George Barrans. WALTON-ON-TRE NT. 7 4 Collections 8 17 8 Contributions ... 0 10 0 Suffolk, 10 0 Do., for W & 0 1 1 0 ALDEBURGH. Subscriptions: WEDNESBURY. Rev L. Bartlett. 1 0 By Miss Barrans. Rev W. Williams. Coll., for W & 0 0 8 0 10 0 Barrans, Rev G. 0 10 6 1 0 Collection ..... 1 5 0 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 3 0 10 6 Juvenile Auxiliary: BARDWELL. WEST BROMWICH. Collection 10 1 Rev G. F. Wall. Rev A. W. Oakley. 6 6 Collected by Collection 0 8 9 Collections 4 0 9 Allen, Edith and Do., Sun.-sch. 0 13 0 Boxes by ry. Harry...... 0 19 11 Do., Bible-class 0 7 0 Crosby, Mrs 0 6 6 3 0 Allsop, Alberta . 0 18 10 Mole, Miss, box 0 10 0 12 4 Allsop, Rose...... 1 7 2 Mayes, Mrs W,... 0 3 6 Allsop, Clara 0 18 8 Subscriptions: Wilkin, Miss 0 1 9 Allsop, Ebenezer 0 18 4 Bailey, Mr A. ... 0 10 0 Attkins, Willie... 0 5 2 1 Q 0 2 8 Barrans, Mrs,class 2 9 0 Bailey, Mr C 1 1 0 11 0 Benton, Emily... - 1 3 9 Bright, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 2 3 Cole, Mrs W. H. 0 10 0 13 4 Benton, Nellie... 0 11 4 Fisher, Mr J. W. 0 10 6 B lLD E S TO N . Brown, Florence 0 19 10 Rev F. W. Walter. 15 10 Drew, Daisy 2 9 3 Garratt, Mr G.... 0 10 6 19 4 Ennals.ArthurF. 2 3 10 For If P, by Contributions ... 1 10 0 3 11 Gee, Edith 0 15 10 3 0 Glover, Henry... 0 7 2 Cox, Sami. B. ... 0 4 2 Gray, Gertrude . 2 13 9 Fisher, Annie ... 0 6 6 13 0 Harrison, Willie 0 19 4 Green, A ;. 0 2 1 BBADFIELD SÏ. Hawtiii, Fred ... 0 11 11 Hemming, Annie 0 8 1 GEORGE. Holl, Mr, class ... 0 12 1 Lowe, H...... 0 2 8 R e v W . Dixon. Hubball, Mr E., Price, Lily 0 4 4 (class)...... 0 9 0 Steventon, F. 0 2 0 Coll., for W<&0 0 10 6 Infant class ...... 0 9 1 Under 2s 0 4 10 6 0 Monk, Thomas .. 0 10 9 0 10 Rainep,Miss, class 0 10 4 10 17 5 BURY ST. EDMUNDS. 9 0 Randle, Thomas 0 9 11 Less expenses 0 5 0 Slater, Lizzie ... 0 12 8 Collections 7 14 2 14 10 Tharp, Alice and 10 12 5 Do., for W & O 2 0 0 Lilian 0 13 10 Do.,prayermtgs.O 14 4 xciv SUTFOLK. [ 1 8 9 5 .

Contribs. ,S .-sch., Subscriptions: IPSWICH. Boxes by for Congo 22 14 9 Boxes ...... 3 6 10 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Turrett Green. Calver, Mrs W... 0 8 1 Bayley, Mr J. E. 2 2 0 Clarke, Miss 0 5 6 Special Donation : Bayley, Misses... 2 0 0 Steele, Mrs ...... 0 10 3 Blofield, M rs 0 10 0 Collections 30 7 3 Elven, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Canham, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Do., nnited juv. 25 18 11 Cantlow.MrW H. I 4 0 meeting ...... 1 1 5 Subscriptions : Do., for W& O 5 0 0 Less expenses 0 7 6 Cantlow, Miss ... 0 10 0 Do.,pryr. mtng 3 12 2 Beard, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Catton, Mr W. E. 1 0 0 Sunday-school... 12 14 6 25 11 5 Brooke, Mrs 0 10 0 Christopherson, Haken, Mr R. P. 0 10 6 Miss Emma ... ■ 0 17 0 Mitchell, Mr A.... 1 0 0 Christopherson, Subscriptions : EATTLESDEN. Eidley, Mr F. ... 1 0 0 Miss...... 0 15 0 ïlirkett, Mrs...... l 0 0 Clifton, Mr E. S. 0 15 0 Snell, Mr J. , 1 0 0 Bloomfield,EevW. 2 2 0 Eev W. H. Evans. Watson, Mr J .... 1 0 0 Coe, Mr Alfred... 0 10 6 Bloomfield, Mrs 2 2 0 Collier, Mr Jas. 2 2 0 Brand, Mr E. ... l 1 0 Collection ...... 1 11 9 43 0 7 Croft, Mr W. E. 3 3 0 Brand, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Do., for W it 0 1 0 0 Less expenses 0 8 7 Croft, M rs 1 1 0 Buck, Mr W. M. 1 0 0 Davies, Mr E. J. 5 5 0 Burton, M rs...... 2 0 0 2 11 9 42 12 0 Doughty, Mrs ... 2 0 0 Gooding, Mrs E. 0 10 0 Ennals, Mr H. M. 0 10 6 Houghton, Mrs 1 1 0 Fison, Mr E. H. 1 0 0 Howes, Miss C. 1 0 0 In loving memory 0 10 0 SOMERLEYTON. EYE. Last, Mr B ...... 0 10 0 King, Mr P 1 0 0 Mortimer, Mr T. 0 10 6 Hey F. E. Cossey. Kirby, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Oxborrow, Mr W. 0 10 6 Contributions ...200 Lord, M rs 5 5 0 Piper, Mrs A. ... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 2 6 6 Morris, Eev T. Eidley, Mr A. P. 0 10 6 Subscription: M. and Mrs 6 0 0 Saunders, Mrs... 1 1 0 Rix, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Morris, MissM.... 0 10 0 Shalderg, Mr A. 1 0 0 IPSWICH. M.’sthankoffering 1 10 0 Shalders, Mrs A. 1 0 0 2 10 0 Mostyn, Eev J.... 0 10 6 Smith, Mr R. M. 1 0 0 Stoke Green. Parkington.MrT. 1 1 0 Sparrow, Mr W. 0 10 0 Peirce, Mr E 0 10 6 Sparrow, Mr C. E. 0 10 0 Bev E. E. Willis. Phillips, Mr H.D. 2 10 0 Underwood, MrH. 0 10 6 STEADBROKE. Phillips,MrTheo. 0 10 6 Webb, Mr B. J.... 0 10 0 Collection...... 3 3 0 Piper, Mrs W. ...200 Whiting, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 1 6 10 Do., annual Piper, Mr C 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 3 6 Do., for W & O 1 0 0 meeting...... 2 12 8 Piper, Mr E 1 0 0 Sunday-school... 0 5 8 Do., for W is O 1 1 0 Eidley, Mr A. C. 2 2 0 Sunday-school... 4 4 0 Ridley, Mrs E.... 1 10 0 Boxes by Subscription : Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 4 0 Do., donation.. 1 0 0 Bushmere...... 3 0 5 Barker, Miss...... 0 4 8 Cobb, Eev G. ... 0 10 6 Ridley, Mrs F .... 1 0 0 Berry, Master ... 0 2 1 Eidley ,MissAnnie 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Brett, Master G. 0 4 0 Boxes by Eidley, Mr A. J. 0 10 6 Chaplin, Miss ... 0 5 6 Bayley, Mr...... 1 1 0 Eidley, Mr A. P. 0 10 6 Cheneiy, Miss .. 0 12 0 Barney, M rs 0 7 0 Carter, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 Roche, D r 3 3 0 Holder, Miss M. 0 4 4 Butcher, Miss E. 0 6 8. Cowell, Mr A. H. 1 1 0 Eouse, Mr E 0 10 0 Levington, — ... 0 4 8 Burrows, Mrs ... 0 3 10 Cowell, MrW. S. 1 1 0 Sayer, Mr E. C. 0 10 6 Perry, Miss, Harsant, Mrs ... 0 5 8 Everett, Mr E. L. 2 2 0 Seager, Mr 0 10 0 Bible-class ... 1 2 6 Pite, Mrs ...... 1 9 1 Everett, Miss ... 1 1 0 Thompson, Mr B. 0 10 0 Roper, Master... 0 3 11 Bose, Mrs A 1 3 3 Girling, Mr ...... 2 2 0 Thompson,MrW. 1 1 0 Butter, Mrs ...... 0 11 1 Skeet, Mr H...... 1 1 0 Webb, Mrs 0 12 0 .. 81 4 6 Whatliig.MisaM. 0 5 4 Under 10s...... 4 11 2 Less remitted too Other boxes 3 11 8 Boxes by late ...... 2 15 6 Coad, M rs...... 0 4 0 For JV P, by 11 6 5 78 9 0 Less expenses 0 11 5 Crichmore, Mr... 0 4 1 Baldwin, Lillie... 0 3 0 Haggis, Mr ...... 0 2 4 Bird, William ...0 6 0 10 15 0 Ixer, Mr...... 0 5 0 Goate, Susie 0 2 3 Palmer, Mr ...... 0 9 0 Green, Ethel 0 3 3 Knight, Thomas 0 2 0 LOWESTOFT. 25 8 6 Eouse, Charles... 0 3 0 SUDBOURNE. Thompson, M .... 0 2 0 London Road. IJnder 2s 0 11 0 Bev W. Large. irswicH. Eev J. M. Hamilton. B oxes...... 110 3 Burlington Chapel. Boxes by Collections 8 8 1 Do. for W & 0 1 5 7 Sunday-school... 1 0 3 Bev T. M. Morris. Anonymous ...... 0 2 0 ContribB., S.*sch. 9 19 6 Collections 8 5 10 Blyth, Percy 0 4 0 Young men’s 2 10 6 Do., for W é O 5 0 0 Blyth, Edith 0 4 3 class ...... 1 13 5 Prayer meetings 1 14 0 Boyce, A.1j 0 8 9 Young women's Sunday-school... 22 13 11 Clifton, Olive ... 0 14 6 class ...... 2 0 0 . 8TJDBUBY. Mr Piper’s class, Cornell, M. & E. 0 5 9 fo r support o f Moss, Gertrude... 0 2 6 Subscriptions i Bev B. Jones. Chinese Evan­ Pilborough, Mrs 0 16 6 gelist ...... 6 13 10 Under 2s 0 4 9 Butterfield, Mrs 0 10 0 Collections 2 16 8 Prayer Union Savage, Mr B,... 0 10 6 Do., Sun.-sch. 1 1 3 contribs., by 119 13 4 Smith, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Do., pub. mtg. 2 2 2 Miss Bayley ... 1 IS 1 Under 10s...... 4 10 0 Do., for W it 0 1 2 Ö kcv

13 7 Sunday-school... 6 10 7 BARNES. CROYi>Oii. 10 O Do., for N P ... 1 12 1 19 2 Prayer meetings 4 3 4 Bev W. H. M‘Meehan. Bev J. A. Spurgeon, D.D. 19 6 Collection ...... 1 5 6 Collections 20 6 1 Subscriptions: Do., for W & 0 1 0 0 Contribs.,S.-8ch., Do., for W & O 6 0 0 10 0 Bayley, Bev H... 2 0 0 for Intally Ladies’ Associa­ 10 0 Bayley, M rs 1 0 0 Orphanage 3 10 0 tion, per Miss 0 0 Bayley, Miss 1 0 0 Do., for N P... 0 7 3 F.M. Spurgeon 18 11 3 0 0 Bayley,Mr W. M. 0 10 0 Special Contribu­ Lobby box, &c... 1 1 11 10 0 Fox, Mr ...... 0 10 0 tions for Debt 0 7 6 Balance fromlast 5 0 Gibbs, Mr W.B... 1 0 0 year...... 7 0 1 Longhurst.Mrs... 0 10 6 Subscriptions : 19 10 Marnbam.MrF.J. 10 0 0 Subscriptions: Chapman,MrC.H. 1 1 0 5 0 Maxwell, Miss... 1 0 0 By Mrs Henson. Page, Dr...... 4 0 0 Chapman, Mrs... 0 10 6 14 16 Turner, Miss 1 0 0 Hedgman,MrW.J. 1 1 0 Allder, M r 1 0 0 Barrow. Mr, u.p. 5 0 0 9 2 9 Bryan, M r 1 0 0 Boxes by Chandler, Miss... 0 10 0 ION. Bayley, M rs 1 6 6 Chappell, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Bayley, Mr W. M. 0 12 0 Daintree, Mr 2 2 0 7 0 Dale, Mrs ...... 0 10 1 CHE AM. Fern, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Fox, Miss ...... 0 14 9 Rev T. G. Griffiths. Hart, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Lawson ,Miss 0 5 4 4 Jenkins, Mrs 1 0 0 Pyle, Mr...... 0 11 6 Collections...... 2 7 Jones, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Temple, Mr ...... 0 3 11 Do., for W & O 1 17 1 Little, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Boxes by Lloyd, Mrs 1 0 0 4 6 48 11 10 Meredith,Mr J.B. 6 0 0 1 0 Less expenses 0 4 6 Austin, Miss..... 0 7 3 Neve, Mr ...... 1 1 0 9 0 Bean, Mr ...... 0 6 0 Palfrey, Mrs 2 0 0 48 7 4 Cheeseman, Miss 0 8 4 Read, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Child, Mr. 0 6 6 Bead, M rs 0 10 6 10 0 Cox, Mr, sen. ... 1 0 4 Spurgeon, RevDr 1 0 Cox, Mr, jun. ... 0 6 0 J. A. and Mrs... 2 2 0 1 0 ( €6 of above for Barisal Farquharson.Miss 0 6 6 Spurgeon, Rev J. 0 10 0 1 0 School.) Fiddyment, Mr.. 0 11 8 Stoneman, Mr... 1 0 0 10 6 Gilham, Mr ..... 0 7 6 Wallbank, Mr ... o 10 6 10 0 Hills, Mr...... 0 9 8 Whiteman, Mr... 1 0 0 BALHAM. Jennings. Mr ... 1 2 10 Under 10s...... 3 9 0 Moore, M r...... 0 7 6 Ramsden Road. Morris, Mr...... 0 6 2 Boxes by 8 2 Norkett, Mr ..... 0 10 2 Daintree, Miss... 0 18 8 10 9 Bev T. Greenwood. Ockenden, Mr ... Medland, Mrs ... 0 15 10 2 11 1 4 9 5 9 Watts, M r...... 0 10 2 Moore, Mrs G. N. 0 13 G 2 7 Collections...... 7 Pledge, Miss 0 7 8 2 4 Do., for W & O 2 7 6 Under 5s...... 1 2 1 3 Spurgeon,Master 13 4 S.-sch., girls...... 13 6 and M ss 0 11 1 5 7 Do., boys...... 12 17 10 For N P, by 4 2 Do., infants. 0 10 4 Juvenile Auxiliary. 3 9 Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 10 0 Brooks, Jessie ... 0 3 9 Child, Dennis ... 8 5 0 3 3 Contribs., S.-sch. 4 10 6 6 10 Subscriptions: Cox, Edgar ..... 0 10 6 Do., for “ West 3 10 Cox, Thomas ... 0 2 0 Oroydon” 4 1 Clifford, Miss.... 0 10 0 Fiddyment,Albert 0 6 2 Dudman, Miss... 1 0 0 Morris, Jessie ... 0 5 1 Sch.,Piirana Stenning, James Kila, near Ellwood.Mrs...... 1 1 0 0 2 0 Delhi ...... 12 0 0 Etheridge, Rev Yale, Thomas ... 0 4 3 12 0 Do., for Congo B. C...... 0 10 0 boys...... 10 0 0 2 6 Franklin, Mr...... 0 10 6 15 12 9 14 8 Fuller, Mias . , 1 1 0 0 6 7 115 13 7 9 6 Goldsmith, Mr... 0 10 6 2 3 Hailes, Mr...... 0 10 6 15 7 2 Jarrett, Mr...... 0 10 0 CBOTDOIT, 6 8 Johnson, Mr...... 0 10 6 Jolly, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Memorial Hall. 3 0 Mackerell, Mrs... 0 10 6 CHIDDINGFOLD. 16 6 Contribs.,S.-sch., Oakley, M rs...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 2 17 4 for Congo ...... 7 11 2 Olney, Mr T. H. 2 2 0 I 6 6 Olney, M iss...... 1 1 0 For N P, by Sharman, Mrs... 0 10 0 OBOXDOX. Tee, Mr W. J. ... 0 10 6 Herrington, A.... 0 8 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Lintott, E 0 6 6 Brighton Road. Lintott, Leonard 1 12 0 Bev B. E. Chettleborough. Boxes by Lintott, Emily... 0 11 0 Bapley, Elate ... 0 8 4 Collection 3 0 0 Goldsmith, Mr E. 1 14 1 Trusler, Tottie... 0 13 3 Contribs.,S.-sch., Stiff, Mies E...... 0 12 4 Wasley, Mitford. 0 4 8 for Congo 12 7 6 10 6 60 8 11 6 1 0 16 7 6 0 8 17* SUB.REY* [1895.

DORKINÖ. Matthews, Miss. 0 10 6 Timberley, MI T. 0 10 0 Woodioffe, Miss Under 10s., for Unstead, Miss ... 0 10 0 K. and D 1 1 0 Rev T. F. Wâddell. NP...... 0 11 0 Wray, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Wright, Mr T. ... 0 10 0 6 6 0 Coll., for W & 0 1 1 0 Wright, Rev G... 0 10 0 Cönttibutions ... 7 7 5 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 Do., Juvénile.. 1 17 6 NEW MALBBIT. Collected by Rev S.‘ S . Moore. 10 5 10 GUILDFORD. Ford, Miss...... 0 15 7 0 0 Collection ...... 2 6 9 Commercial Road. Timberley, Miss 2 Boxes by DOÄMAN’S LAND. Rev J. Rankle. Bell, Master W... 0 3 1 NORBITON. Lingfield. Collections 5 13 5 Elston, W. A. R. Do.,for “'«CO 1 0 0 and E...... 2 19 0 Rev D. Thompson. Rev R. Wilson. Prayer meetings 2 0 0 Gosling, Master 0 7 9 Conti;ibs.,S.-seh. 8 4 8 Contribs., for 2 11 2 Heydon, Miss ... 2 C 10 support o f Collections...... Do., for N H ... 5 6 11 Kidd, Miss E. ... 0 7 2 fontribs., S.-sch. 1 9 5 R,unstiest,S. scli. 2 12 0 “ Lizzie ” in Mr Wilson's box. 0 13 9 Summers, Mr J. 1 7 0 C uttack Subscriptions : Under 2s...... 0 0 8 Orphanage ... 6 0 0 Subscriptions : Baker, Mr W. ... 2 0 0 For N P, by A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Billing, Mr .f. H. 0 10 6 Elston, J. A. .. , 0 3 10 Carling,Mr W. R. 0 10 0 Relf, Florrie..... 0 5 7 OUTWOOD. 5 14 4 Coote, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 2s...... 0 2 9 0 13 9 Coote, Mr A 2 2 0 Rev T. Green. Less Heralds.. L)u Sautoy, Miss 1 0 0 45 12 8 Coll., for W & O 0 13 0 5 0 Hicks, Mrs 0 10 6 Less expenses 2 0 8 7 McDonald, Mr J. 2 2 0 Sunday-sch. box, Rankine, Rev J. 0 10 0 for Conyo ...... 3 0 2 Short, M rS 1 Subscriptions : DTJLWICS. Small, Mrs 0 Stephensan.MrF. 0 10 0 Green, R e v T .... 0 10 0 Lordship Lane. Williamson, Mrs 0 10 6 LOWER TOOTING. Green, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Do..donation... 1 0 0 Rer E. T. Mateer. Under 103... 0 15 0 Longley Read. Collected by Coll., for W if 0 1 1 Boxes by Rev G. H. Rumsey. Green, Miss E. A. 1 Contribs.,S.-sch., Hamblin, Master 0 for China, ... 10 0 Barnes, Mr 0 11 0 Coll., for W A O Rice, Master J.... 1 Do., for Congo 5 0 Barter, Miss L.... 0 7 8 Contributions ... Hextall, Mrs 0 7 3 7 4 2 Subscriptions: Hicks, Mrs 0 9 6 8 6 01 Austin, Mr & Mrs 3 0 Love, M rs 3 10 6 Peacop, Mr ...... 0 10 McDonald, Mrs .114 PENGE. Peacop, Mr A. J. 0 19 Parsons, Mrs 0 3 5 IiOWEE TOOTING, Under 10s...... 3 13 Snell, M rs 0 7 9 Trimmer, Mrs ... 0 6 6 Summers Town. Tabernacle. 21 3 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 4 1 Rev J. W. Boud. 46 3 10 Collections ...... 14 10 11 Do., for W& 0 5 13 0 D u l w i c h H a l l . MERSTHAM. Contribs., S.-sch. 23 17 0 Contrih., S.-sch. 1 10 6 KINGSTON-ON- Do., for Congo Sun.-scb.,for NP 0 18 0 boy under THAMES. Mr Bentley 6 0 0 Rev G. Wright. Subscriptions: E3HER. Collections.. 8 0 MITCHAM. A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Rev T. G. Head. Do., for W A 0 3 3 Ashley, Ml* A. ... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Beech, Mr H. ... 0 10 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 10 3 for support of Collections 1 6 Do., Miss. Sch. 1 15 Brittain, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Pastor s Bible- Congo boy Chaytor, M r 0 10 0 class...... 1 15 . Subscriptions: ■under M r Coulson, Mr A.... 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 0 6 R oger...... 2 1 Bacon, Mrs ...... 0 10 Fawkes, Mr T.... 1 0 0 Bos by McLatchie, Mr A. 1 0 0 Butt, Mr 0 ...... 1 1 Vine, Mr A 0 10 6 Cam, Mr W 0 10 Under 10s...... 1 5 6 Maskell, Mis ^0 14 Deacon, Miss ... 0 10 NEW MALDEN. East, Mrs 0 10 4 2 Hart, Mr W 1 1 Friends at Congregational Boxes by Healey, Mr A 0 10 Chapel. Beech, Miss M..., 0 12 6 Hidden, Miss ... 0 10 Blake, Miss E .... 0 9 1 X30DALMING. I Hodgson, Miss... 0 10 Subscriptions : Boud, Miss 0 10 1 Inder, M i 0 10 Pascali,'Mr J. ...110 Brittain, Mrs ... 0 6 0 Subscriptions : Lane, Mr W 0 10 Woodroffe, Mrs 2 2 0 May, Master W. 0 11 1 I Lovell, Mrs ...... 1 1 Woodroffe.MrO.G. 1 1 0 Birt-, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 ; Lovell, Miss ...... 0 10 Woodroffe, Mrs 58 13 8 Hallam, Higs ... 1 1 0 I Ruff, Mr S 0 10 O.G.-,...... 1 1 0 Ì 1895.] SURREY. xcvii

BEDHTLL. SOUTH NOBWOOD. Storr, Mr ...... 5 4 UPPER NOBWOOD. Trapp, Mrs .... . 0 15 0 London Boad. Rev J. Chadwick. Utton, Miss .... , 0 18 2 Bev S. A. Tipple. Wray, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Collections 4 3 10 Rev G. Davies. Collections 4 10 Collec.,for W & 0 4 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 27 11 For N P, by Coll., for W A O 7 17 10 Subscriptions,&c.10 4 Subscriptions: Contribs, S.-sch. 3 5 0 Day, Nellie , 0 4 9 Do. ,f or support 42 6 5 Francis. Maud. . 0 6 3 Canham, Mr 1 1 0 afNP Babu Jones, Patty ,. 0 4 9 Cooper, Mr ...... 0 10 6 Haranando King, Frederick 0 2 2 Judd, Mr Jas. ... 0 10 6 Mondol at Mutimer, Wm„ . 0 7 8 Heath, Mr H. H. 1 1 0 Rungpore... 15 0 0 STBEATHAM. Peay, Ernest... 0 2 6 Russell, Mr J. A. 3 3 0 Do., for N P... 8 18 11 Saunders, Chas. 0 3 7 Prayer Union ... 8 11 0 Lewin Boad. Under 2s...... 3 4 14 9 10 Boys and Girls’ Wc rking Party, B&v J. Ewen. 36 5 6 by Miss Mum- Collections 2 2 UPPER TOOTING. fo r d ...... 10 0 0 Do., for W & 0 1 2 Contribs., S.-sch., Trinity Road. Subscriptions: SUTTON. for support t f Rev H. Oakley. A Friend 0 18 0 KcpilEshwera H. H...... 2 2 6 Das, Cuttack 10 0 Rev G. Turner. Collection ...... 7 0 0 Hope, Mr T. S. 1 l 0 Y. W. B. C., for 10 Do., for h & O 3 3 0 Maxwell, Miss... 2 2 0 support o f Collections...... 0 0 Sunday-school... 21 18 11 Under 10s...... 0 7 0 Da., annual orphan gii I, mtg. (moiety) 1 0 0 Cards and boxes 3 0 0 Cuttack 4 4 Collected by Do., for W &u 3 7 6 Subscriptions: Girls’ Home class, S.-sch., for N P Haltam, Miss ... 4 9 9 per Miss Bull, at Dq h i..... 9 2 0 Buckingham, Mr 0 10 0 Lucas, Miss E.... 1 12 6 for India ...... 2 1 Mothers’ meeting 0 14 7 Carter, M r 0 10 0 Peters, M iss 2 4 0 Collectors cards. 1 17 2 Evans, M r 0 10 0 Collected by Head, Mr ...... 0 10 0 63 9 6 Airey, Miss ...... 1 3 Subscriptions: Helby, Captain... 0 10 0 Less -expenses Lunn, M rs 1 7 Jones, Mr B 2 2 0 and balance Pontifex, Miss ... 1 10 Appleton, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Lamprey, Mr ... 0 10 0 in hand ...... 1 19 9 Arnett, Mrs , , 0 10 0 Latham,Mr W.S. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Bergin, Rev J. Bead, M rs 0 II) 0 61 9 9 M. and Mrs ... 1 0 0 Scoft, Mrs 0 10 0 Finch, M r 1 0 Carr, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Shepherd, Mr ... 1 1 0 Thompson, Mr... 0 12 Goff, Mr W. 1 1 0 Whitwell, Mr ... 2 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 9 Lovegrove, Mr... 0 10 0 Woolger, M r 0 10 6 Pedley, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 3 6 6 RICHMOND. Boxes by Poulter, MrT. ... 2 0 0 Duke Street. Starling, Mrs ... 1 0 0 48 11 11 Grinder, Mrs 0 16 Starling, Miss ... 1 0 0 Hart, Miss E. ... 1 2 Less Heralds.. 3 13 0 Bev E. Matthews. Todd, Mr H. , 1 0 0 Wall, Mr T...... 3 0 0 44 18 11 Collections 3 13 2 27 11 Weekes, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Do., for W & 0 1 6 0 Under 10s...... 1 17 6 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 19 0 Y.P.S.C.E 0 15 2 SURBITON HILL. Donations WALLINGTON. Subscriptions : Appleton, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Rev J. E. Jasper. Oaklands Chapel. Under 10s...... 0 16 6 Burford,Mr&Mrs 0 10 0 Collec.forW & 0 1 4 0 Cooper, D r o 10 0 Bev W. Baster. Contribs.,Sun-sch 0 11 6 Dafforne, Mr and Boxes by Do., for NP... 1 9 4 Collection ...... 0 12 8 Do., for sup- Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Do , for W & 0 1 9 0 Bergin, Miss M. 3 4 1 Franklin, Mr C. 0 12 0 Cutmore, Mrs ... 0 12 5 p ort o f Sunday-school... 2 5 6 Kushol and Tillett, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Pastors’ Bible- Fry, M rs...... 0 4 10 Tipping, M r o 10 0 Harris, Mrs ..... 0 4 2 G o I abd i, class...... 2 12 2 B arisal 5 12 1 Vipers, Mr 6 0 0 Contribs., 1894... 17 9 6 Hepbum, Miss Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Lucy...... 3 1 8 Longley ,MrsA.J. 0 3 3 Subscriptions : Boxes by Boxes by Walker, Mrs 0 4 2 Bacon, M r o 6 0 Adams, Miss 0 14 10 Weeks,MissEileen 0 5 8 1 0 0 Cheyney, Miss J. 0 4 9 Barnard, Miss... 1 1 8 Dawbarn.MissM. 5 0 0 Dafforne, Bobin 0 3 6 Barrett, Miss ... 0 11 8 51 19 0 1 1 0 Gill, W. and L.... 0 4 6 Baster, Bev W... 0 10 7 Bunn, Mite 0 8 4 Classes for NP, by Butts, Miss ...... 1 4 0 Morton, Mrs C.D. 1 1 0 Child, Miss E. ... 0 5 10 THORNTON HEATH. Pewtress, Mr J. 1 1 0 Cheyney, Miss J. 0 5 0 Etheridge, Miss 0 1 0 Richardson, Mrs 0 10 0 Dafforne, Mrs ... 1 1 o Goodwin, Miss... 0 7 5 Bev T. Lardner. Under 10s...... 2 13 0 Tillett, Miss E.... 0 3 10 Griggs,. Miss 0 10 5 Tinkler, Miss C.. 0 2 6 Higgs, Miss May 0 11 6 Collec., for VT

WEST NORWOOD. Sunday-school... 25 10 6 Susses. Rees, Mr R...... 2 2 Bible classes 2 0 0 Rees, Mrs R 1 1 Gipsy Road. B oxes...... 7 14 8 BATTLE. Robson, Mr C. .. 3 0 Sharp, Mr, Hove 0 10 Rev W. Hobbs. Special Contributions Rev J. Howes. Sharp, Mr Isaac 2 2 Sibley, Mrs ...... 10 0 Collections 6 6 5 for Debt. Collections 1 9 0 Sunday-school... 2 8 1 Thompton, Miss 0 10 Contribs.,S.-sch., Wildish, Mrs 2 0 tor India ... 5 9 10 A Friend of Donation ...... 0 5 0 D o.,fori art saZ Missions 6 15 0 Willett, Mr W.... 2 2 Ingrem, Rev C. 0 11 6 For N P, by Wolf, Miss 0 10 School 10 0 0 Under 10s...... 3 12 Do., for Congo 5 0 0 Johnson, Miss ... 0 10 0 Carrick, Daisy ... 0 12 2 Under 10s...... 2 3 6 Do., for Mr Hoad, Lily 0 6 6 Box by Wills’ work, Keen, Howard... 0 4 6 China 1 10 0 For N P, by Parks, Jabez 0 4 6 Dawson, Mrs ... 0 6 0 Do., for Mr Parks, Joseph ...0 2 1 S purgeon’s Barnard, Miss ... 0 6 3 Juvenile Collectors. •work,Barisal 1 0 0 Deadman,Florrie 0 2 2 5 11 10 Austen, A.E. & F. 0 8 8 Do., for Debt... 0 15 0 Hunter, Florrie 0 10 1 Less expenses 0 7 9 Bishop, Percy ... 0 3 1 Money, Percy ... 0 1 7 Bourne, Geoffrey 0 2 6 Por N P, by Smith, Agatha... 0 3 0 5 4 1 Cavalier, Charles 0 3 7 Danstone, Mr ... 0 2 9 Wood, May ...... 0 3 6 Clarke, George... 0 7 Raymond, Miss. .081 51 16 8 Davies, Gertrude 1 6 6 Wright, Miss 0 1 6 BRIGHTON. Deighton, Mabel 1 9 6 Less expenses Delves, Harvey 0 1 0 0 30 13 7 and amount Bond Street. Hewitt, Mabel ... 1 2 7 already ac­ Hewitt, Tom...... 0 6 8 knowledged 3 16 1 Subscriptions: Hurst, Rosie...... 0 2 6 WEST NORWOOD. Arkill, Miss ...... 1 0 0 King, Maud...... 0 6 0 48 0 7 Harris, Miss 0 10 6 Muddle, Edwin... 0 13 3 Chatsworth Road. Ince, Mr J 1 1 0 Nugent, Herbert - 0 5 7 Read, M rs 0 10 6 Start, Miss F. ... 0 3 0 Rev J. L. Stanley. Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Stephens, Arthur 1 5 7 WOKING. Tedrake, Percy- 0 3 4 Collections 12 3 7 Collected by Under 2s...... 0 12 11 Do., for W & O 4 15 7 Rev E. J. Page. Contribs., Sun.- Read, Miss ...... 1 5 0 140 19 6 school 20 14 6 Collections ...... 3 12 2 Less expenses 0 14 9 Do., for Congo 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 4 12 6 4 12 0 Do., boxes 3 10 10 Subscriptions ... 11 15 4 140 4 9 Subscriptions: 20 0 0 BRIGHTON. Anger, M r...... 0 10 0 Holland Road. BBIGHTOW. Arnold, Mr A. J. 0 10 0 Rev. D. Davies. Queen’s Square. Busby, Mr H. ... 1 1 0 YORKTOWN. Crisp, Mr J. B.... 1 0 0 Contribs. fo r stc Rev. J. S.Geale. Cross, Mr & Mrs Rev J. M. Bergin. Rev. R~H. Kirklati Coll., for W&O 1 10 0 W. M...... 5 5 0 Congo. Contribs., S.-sch. 4 0 0 Grindlay, Mr ... 0 10 0 Collec. for W JbO 0 15 Howieson, Mr P. 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 11 Collections 15 12 Subscriptions: Jones, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Prayer Union Do., for W é O 5 7 Knowles, Miss... 0 10 0 subscription... 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 8 6 Bullen, Miss, for Lawson, Mr J .... 1 1 0 Y.P.S.C.E...... 5 10 Young Men’s Congo...... 0 10 6 McDiarmid,MrA. 0 10 6 Society ...... 26 6 Chi vers, Miss ... 0 10 0 McDiarmid, Mrs 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Collins. Mr 1 0 0 Neale, Mr G. W. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Geale, Rev J. S. 0 10 0 Baughurst.MrA. 0 10 © Richardson, Miss 0 10 0 A Friend...... 5 0 0 Isaac, Mrs 0 10 0 Scorey, Rev P.G. 0 10 6 Martin, Mr T. ...10 0 Jones, M r 0 10 0 Over, Mrs R. P. 5 5 0 Armes, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Scott, Mr S. R.... 5 5 0 Avron, Mr G 1 1 Juniper, M r 0 10 0 Smith, Mr A...... 0 10 0 West, Mr S 0 10 0 Bone, Mr W 1 1 Me Kell vie, Mrs... 0 10 0 Stanley,Rev J.L. 0 10 0 Branch, Mr 1 Marchant, Mrs... 0 12 0 Thomas,MrW.R. 1 0 0 Box by By waters, Mrs... 10 6 Mason, M r 0 10 0 Tresidder, MrW. 0 10 6 C. M. P...... 0 0 Parker, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Tritton, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Town, Miss E .... 0 10 1 Carthew, Miss E. 0 0 Peck, Miss, for Tritton, Miss 4 i 0 0 0 Congo 0 10 6 Congreve, Mr ... Pickett, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 2 2 5 For N P, by Davies, R«v D.... 0 0 Davies, Mr H. ... 10 0 Ransford, Miss . 1 0 0 80 5 11 Abbett, Lizzie... 0 2 Edmonds, Misses Sear, Mr and Mrs 0 15 0 Baughurst, O. M. 0 8 Gandee, Miss ... Tester, Colonel... 0 10 6 Denyer, Annie... 0 4 Hardy, Mrs ...... Under 10s...... 5 4 10 Denyer, George 0 3 Hoare, Mr, sen... Boxes by WIMBLEDON. Walker, Lillie ... 0 8 Horton-Stephens, Queen’s Road. Under 2s 0 4 Mr J...... '£ 2 Akehurst, Miss— 0 5 0 Knight, Mrs 5 0 Ayling, Miss R... 0 10 2 Rev C. Ingrem. Leeney, M rs 1 1 0 Chandler, Miss... 0 7 6 Marchant, RevF. 2 2 0 Goddard, Mrs ... 0 6 0 Collections 3 9 Northern, Mrs... 2 2 0 Herbert, Mr ...«• 1 6 8 Do., for fP&O 2 3 £1,057 11 7 Pearce, Mr W .... 2 2 0 McKellvie, Mrs . 0 11 9 Prayer Union ... 0 II Piesse, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Marchant, L 0 5 0 SUSSEX. XC1X

0 0 CUCKFIELD. 0 2 1 Ward, Miss 0 10 fl 5 0 0 2 0 Williams, Miss... 0 10 0 18 0 Contributions ... 0 10 0 0 2 3 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 1* 7 56 12 6 By Miss Floyd. 0 6 6 EASTBOURNE. Compton,MrB F. 1 0 0 8 3 Floyd, Miss ...... 0 10 0 12 0 Rev W. J Harris. 66 6 0 Stanger, Mrs 0 10 6 7 6 Winter, Miss 1 1 0 6 8 Collection 8 18 4 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 18 0 Do.,publicmtg. 4 0 8 EASTBOUB1TB. 4 1 Do., for W & O 4 1 0 By Mr J. J. Saunders. By Mrs Goward. Bontribs., S.-sch. 8 0 0 7 6 Neville, M rs 0 10 0 Do., for N P ... 0 15 9 Subscription : Under 10s...... 0 11 6 3 0 Prayer meetings 1 0 5 Saunders,Mr J.J. 0 10 6 By Miss Plumstead. 4 6 Special Donations for Debt: Box by Honlden, Mr A. 0 12 9 Under 10s...... 1 13 7 Barker, Miss 1 0 0 Saunders, E. A. trade. E. G. C...... 0 10 0 and 0 ...... 0 14 1 ByMrBeilly 0 6 0 Hobbs, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 >s. Under 10s...... 0 8 6 1 4 7 Boxes by 0 0 Collected by Allder, M r 0 6 5 Arnold, Miss 0 17 3 Barker, Miss, and Perch, Miss ...... 0 12 0 HASTINGS. pupils ...... 3 0 3 1 0 Whiteman, Miss, Beater, Mrs ...... 0 6 11 10 6 Wellington Square. Blackburn, Mrs 1 14 2 10 0 for Congo ...... 1 7 4 Compton,Miss A. 0 10 0 Bev W. R. Peacock. 1 0 Subscriptions: Cmtis, Mr H. E. 1 7 0 17 2 Collections ..... 13 17 4 Huggett, Mrs ... 0 5 7 Turner, Rev J.... 2 2 0 Do.,Pub.meet- Kent, Mr ...... 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 0 11 G i 'g ...... 8 0 5 Plumst.eail, Miss 0 11 9 2 4 Do., for IV& O 2 19 0 Price, Mrs 0 6 1 3 7 By Miss English: Contribs., S.-sch. 7 10 0 Beilly, M r 0 7 10 2 6 Do., for2VP ... 1 15 8 Richardson, Miss 0 18 1 Barker, Miss 4 10 0 Halton Sun.-sch. 1 19 5 Saunders, Mr ... 0 13 2 2 2 English, Miss ... 0 10 0 5 6 Do., for iV P ... 0 12 4 Stone, Mrs 0 14 3 5 6 Harris, BevW. J. 1 1 0 Toovey, Miss, Till, Miss C 2 1 6 Knott, Mrs ...... 0 12 6 Toovey, Miss ... 1 2 6 2 1 Scott, Miss 0 10 0 Bible-class 1 0 9 2 0 Y.P.S.C.E 0 4 1 Warner, Miss ... 0 13 11 2 0 Stroud, Mr D. ... 1 0 0 Wingfield,Miss... 0 11 0 3 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Special Donations: Under 6s 0 13 10 3 1 By Miss Cruttenden: Mannington,MrA- 2 5 0 I 6 10 Mannington,MrW. 2 7 0 105 1 6 5 5 Baddeley,Mr,sen. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 13 0 i 6 1 6 Under 10s...... 1 1 8 5 8 Subscriptions: 100 0 0 Boxes by By Bev. W. B. Peacock. Bird, Master F. 0 12 7 li . Buxton, Miss ... 0 17 10 Bevan, Miss 1 0 0 HENFIELD. 10 6 Collin, Mr ...... 0 6 5 Colquhoun, Sir Harris, Miss D.. 0 11 3 James, Bart.... 3 0 0 Coll., for W& 0 0 6 0 Hickley.Mrs..... 0 2 1 Hill, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Subscription : Hoadly, Mrs 0 5 2 Slade, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Hobbs, Mr 1 1 9 Under 10s...... 0 9 6 Hockey, Bev J. ne. Jacoby, Mrs ...... 0 18 0 S. & Mrs...... 0 10 0 Knott, Mrs ...... 0 9 6 By Miss Barker. ' 15 0 0 15 0 0 8 Lewis, Miss ...... 1 1 4 Barker, M rs 1 0 0 I 6 1 Moorton. M r 0 11 7 Morris, Mrs ...... 0 7 10 Barker, Miss 1 0 0 Bickle, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 PORTSLADE. Powell, Miss J... 0 6 11 Do., for JF> 0 1 1 0 Prudden, Miss... 0 3 5 Friends ...... 0 10 6 I 10 0 Pugh, Mr ..... 0 8 11 Caffyn, Miss 1 0 0 I 10 0 Raynor, M rs 0 4 6 Caffyn, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 0 0 Reid, Mrs ...... 0 2 1 Clarke, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 ' 10 0 Dobbs, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 BYE. Turner, Miss F. 0 2 9 Gilbert, Miss ... 0 10 0 » 12 0 Wood, Miss ...... 0 6 6 Rev E. Compton. Under 2s...... 0 2 2 Kelly, Mr T. A. 1 1 0 Mannington,Miss 0 10 6 Collection 0 19 0 Mannington,MrA. 0 10 6 . 9 6 Juvenile Collectors: > 3 0 Osborn, Mr G., Boxes by I 3 4 Betts, L ...... 0 5 1 10 0 0 Terry, Miss ...... 0 9 10 Betts, W...... 0 4 Price, Mrs J 0 10 0 Watson,MissA.N. 0 7 2 i 19 7 Bird, F 0 6 7 Slade, Mr ...... 0 10 0 . 4 0 CamberbeUa, C. 0 2 0 Thorley, Miss ...5 0 0 For 2V P, by Fraser, D ...... 0 4 9 Tyrie, Mr ...... 2 2 0 i 15 7 Lade, M. J 0 7 1 Tyrie, Miss ...... 1 1 0 Bayley.W... 0 4 3 Stewart, F 0 3 0 Walton, Miss....;, 1 Q Bayley, Lily 0 2 0 c SUSSEX WARWICKSHIRE. [1895.

Bootes, K 0 2 1 TKHarwtcfcsbire. Handsworth Mis­ COVENTRY. Bourn, Ellen 0 2 7 sion ...... 1 13 2 Phillips, F 0 4 7 Selly Park S.-sc., Queen’s Road. Phillips, Frank . 0 4 11 ALCESTER, for NP 0 10 3 Rev W. E. Blomfleld, Clark-street adult B.A., B D. 2 16 5 Rev E. J, Crofts. school, class 9. 0 12 0 Less expenses 0 5 1 Wycliffe Chapel. 0 14 6 Collections ...... 27 5 8 Smethwick, Bap­ Do., for W A O 7 10 0 Collections 6 15 Cow-lane S.-sch. 2 11 4 Do., for W & O 1 0 tist Brethren Sunday-sch.... 6 13 6 and classes ... 37 3 9 Sunday-school... 0 9 Lord-street, do. 17 2 10 ST. LEONARDS. Subscriptions: 1,032 18 9 Subscriptions: A Friend...... 0 10 6 Rev H. Rodger. Hitchings, Mr ... 0 10 Hughes, Mrs 1 0 Atkins, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 2 7 0 Simpson, Mrs A. 0 10 BIRMINGHAM Baddeley, Mr B. 1 1 0 Contribs., S.-soh. 2 11 6 Smith, Mr E. ... 5 0 Barber, Mr G .... 0 10 0 Y.W.B.C...... 1 4 0 Wright, M rs 0 10 AUXILIARY. Bill, Mrs J 0 10 6 Summary of contributions Brown, Miss E... 0 10 0 2 0 Boxes by acknowledged in the Burdess, Mrs ... 1 1 0 local report for the year Bushill, M rs 3 0 0 Bomford, Master 0 10 Bashill, Mr T.W. 3 0 0 Burdett, H.

Bain bow, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Hill, Messrs ...... 1 0 Over, Thomas ... 0 5 2 Watts, Mr A 0 10 Robinson,Mrs W. 3 9 0 Lord, Mr W. J.... 0 10 0 Bice, Mìbs M...... 0 8 0 Sheasby, Misses 1 1 0 Badbum, Rev W. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 Shaw, Frank...... 0 4 0 Smith, M iss...... 0 10 0 0 Badbura, Mrs ...100 By Miss Willcox. Turner, Mr H. ... 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 2 6 13 19 4 Yardley, Mr G.... 0 4 6 Bennett, Mr J .... 1 1 Less expenses 1 11 8 Boxes by Palmer, Mr J. ... 0 10 12 7 10 Edginton, Mrs... 0 7 0 Phillips, Bev A. Gould, Miss ...... 0 10 0 and M rs 0 10 Collections and Harris, Mrs ...... 0 7 0 Willcox, Mr T.... 6 6 Boxes 1 10 Badbum, Mrs ... 1 11 1 Willcox, M rs 0 15 NUNEATON. Bussell, Miss ... 0 4 0 Willcox, Misses 0 10 172 11 7 Stanley, Bose ...0 4 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 Collections ...... 2 18 4 Do., foi Wit O 0 10 0 By Mrs Purser. Wilson, Miss, 10 6 0 class...... 0 11 0 COVENTRY. Less expenses 0 2 0 Dawbam,MrB.B. 1 0 Giles, Miss. 0 10 Subscription : St. Michael’s. 10 3 0 Powell, Mr J 0 10 Purser, Mr C 1 0 Parkinson,Bev J. 0 10 0 Collections 13 2 6 Sanford, Miss ... 0 10 Do., for W ik O 3 3 0 Thorp, Mrs ...... 1 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 11 1 10 4 9 10 LEAMINGTON. Tyler, Mr & Mrs 0 10 Less expenses 0 0 4 Subscriptions: Under 10s...... 0 12 Clarendon Chapel. 4 9 6 Atkins, Mr John 2 2 0 Boxes by Bev G. A. Willis. Beamish. Mrs ... 0 10 0 Anderson, Mrs... 0 8 Berry, Mrs 1 1 0 Collections 2 12 0 Ashwin, Miss ... 0 8 Bird, Mr W 0 10 0 BUGBY. Bird, Mr 6. E. ... 0 10 0 Do.,public mtg. Chat taw ay, Miss 1 1 (moiety) 0 8 3 Craigie, Miss 0 3 Bev. J. Young. Bush, Mr W 0 10 0 Do., juv. mtg. 0 7 3 Graves, Miss 0 2 Carpenter, Mr C. 0 11 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 14 7 Hancox. Miss ... 0 7 Collections...... 4 11 2 Comley, Messrs, Hayes, Mr A 0 6 Do., for W& O 0 16 0 & Son ...... 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Hayes, Mrs ...... 0 12 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 6 3 Davies, Mr A. ...110 A Friend’ ...... 0 11 0 Butlin,RevJ.,M .A. 5 5 0 Hewitt, Miss...... 0 5 Dowse, Mr H. ... 0 10 6 Jacobs, Mrs ...... 0 16 Edwards, Mr B. 1 0 0 Do., Extra 2 2 0 Boxes by Gill, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Lewin, M iss 0 10 Hill, Mr N 1 1 0 By Mrs Willis. Morris, Mrs ...... 0 11 Andrews, Miss .. 0 5 0 Liggins, Mr Jos. 0 10 6 Palmer, Miss ... 0 12 Pettitt, Miss...... 0 17 8 Bates, Miss ...... 2 0 0 Paxton, Mrs 0 3 pepperday, Miss 0 4 9 Mawby, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Gardiner, Mrs ...3 3 0 Moore, Mr J. J. 0 10 0 Purser, Miss 0 6 Do., card ...... 0 3 1 Do., for Congo 5 0 0 Tarplee, Mrs 0 3 Ward, Miss ...... 0 3 3 Reynolds, Mr T. 0 10 0 Do., for W & O 1 1 0 Welch, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 White and Rawl­ Robinson, Miss L. 1 1 0 ings, Misses ... 0 12 8 18 2 Wenlock, Mr J.E. 0 10 0 Robinson, Mrs Willcox, Miss 2 7 White, Mr Jos.... 2 2 0 H. M...... 1 1 0 Under 2a 0 0 Penny-a-week by Radford. 45 10 3 Y.P.S C.E 7 4 10 Collection 0 0 4 0 10 6 By Mrs Hall. Boxes ...... 0 8 6 Boxes by 41 19T9 Contributions ... 0 11 A Friend... 0 4 2 27 9 11 Allen, Miss 0 5 0 Less expenses 0 2 6 Scrivener, Mrs .. 0 5 0 Weston, Mr W.E. 0 2 7 27 7 5 LONGFORD. STBATFOBD-ON-AVON. Rev J. Spanswick. Bev J. Pugh. 62 2 11 Collections 5 3 8 Collections 0 19 3 LEAMINGTON. Do., Sun.-sch. 0 11 4 Do., for W& O 2 16 0 Do.,public mtg. 3 11 0 COVENTRY. Warwick Street. Subscriptions : Do., Preston on Stour ...... 1 12 3 Gosford Street. Bev A. Phillips. A. Friend ...... 1 0 0 Wilson,MrsW.H. 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-BCh. 0 7 8 Collections 2 6 0 Collections. 7 0 4 Pastor’s prayer- Do., for W& O 0 10 0 Do., for W&O 2 13 6 Class boxes by meeting box ... 0 12 11 Contribs., S.-sch, 3 6 0 Do.,public mtg. (moiety) 0 18 2 Boys’ Bible-class 0 6 0 Subscriptions: Prout, Mrs, box 0 7 0 Bull, M iss 0 18 0 Do., juv. mtng. 0 7 3 Smallwood,Mr J. 6 0 0 Missionary work­ Burrows, Miss... 0 8 3 0 8 0 Carpenter,Mrs... 0 7 11 Smallwood, Mrs 1 0 0 ing p a r ty 1 14 3 Hackett,Mrs ..... 0 5 3 Smith, Mr J. C. 0 10 0 ^Prayer meetings 0 8 7 White, Mr Jos.... 0 10 0 Sun.-sch. boxes 3 15 6 Spanswick, Miss 0 16 2 HENLEY-IN-ABDEN. Whate.Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Boxes by Subscriptions : Under 6s 1 2 0 Bev E. Edginton. Allen, Miss ...... 0 12 0 Collected by Collections 1 15 0 By Mrs Anderson. Alveston, — ...... 0 10 7 Do., for W fO 0 4 0 Anderson, Mr E. 0 10 6 Fanlconbridge, Ashby, Mr H. ... 1 1 1 Yarningale ...... 0 3 7 Gammage, Mr E. 0 10 6 Miss Nellie 0 18 0 Attwood, Mrs ... 0 3 0 Sonday-schooV... 1 7 0 Gowan, Miss 0 10 0 Hanson, Mrs Baum, John 1 6 0 Weekly pence ... 1 9 4 Hambly, Mr W. 0 10 0 (box) ...... 0 5 1 Crammer, Mrs... 0 12 4 c i i WARWICKSHIRE WESTMORELAND WILTSHIRE, [1895.

Davis, Miss A.... 0 2 7 Elliott, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 For N P, h y Newman, Mr G. 0 6 8 Davis, Mr R...... 0 2 10 Elliott, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Balmer, R...... 0 3 11 Reeves, C...... 0 2 0 Edwards, Mrs T. 0 2 4 Elliott, Miss L.... 1 0 0 Brogden, J. J. ... 0 6 3 Reeves, Miss’ 1!. 0 15 7 George, Mrs . . 0 2 5 Elliott, Mrs C .... 0 5 0 Kearton, S..... 0 2 1 Whitaker,Miss S., Hodgkins, Mr A. 0 5 6 Morland. M.. & for Congo ...... 0 15 0 James, Miss...... 0 3 6 By Mrs Beamish. Hastwell, E.... 0 11 3 Johnstone, Mr T. 0 4 6 Jackson, A., & 16 16 8 Mulliss, Mr ...... 0 2 4 A Friend ...... 1 0 0 Bobinson, M. 0 3 10 Powell, M iss..... 0 2 6 Beamish, Rev H. Smith, Mr J. C. 1 6 1 and M rs...... 0 10 0 32 3 0 BROMHAM. White, Mr J...... Under 10s. .. ,, 0 8 3 0 5 9 Less expenses 0 17 3 Coll., for W

COBS HAM. Anstie, Mr T. B. 2 0 For N P, by Dallimore, Miss. 0 10 10 Chivers, Mrs H.. 0 10 Keevil, Miss. 1 6 0 Rev J. Smith. Evans, Charlie... 0 13 0 Pooock, Master... 0 9 4 Knight, Miss ... 0 10 Hunt, Archie ... 0 2 1 Collections...... 3 0 1 Mullings, Miss F. 1 0 Pocook, Miss A .. 0 IS 6 Balph, John 0 2 3 Pooock, Miss E .. 0 6 0 Contribs.,for2V P 2 2 8 Mailings,MissM. 1 0 Under 2s 0 2 11 Sunday-school... 2 6 11 Oakley, Bev H... X 1 Sheppard,MissL. 1 0 3 Prayer meetings 0 12 6 Pettit, M r 0 10 Smith, M iss 0 10 0 SeniorBible-class 0 13 10 Price, Mr ...... 0 10 BBDLYITCH. Whitelock, Miss. 0 6 8 Sainsbory, Mrs.. 0 10 Biddlestone, coll. 0 7 0 Sunday-school ClasseB, by Do., San.-8chl. 1 4 Sainsbnry,MrH. 0 10 Collection 0 12 6 2 0 Wilson, Mr 0 10 Sunday-school... 1 8 7 Velley ...... Young men’s class 2 10 0 Brown, Mr 0 9 1 Do.,prayer-mtg. 8 5 Under 10s...... 1 13 Collett, Mr W. ... 0 18 6 Do., Bon.-schl. 5 1 Crook, Miss N.... 0 9 9 Atworth collec... 3 10 42 11 0 For N P, by 0 6 Do., donation.. 0 10 Kmpe, M iss 0 3 8 17 12 11 Mitchell,MrsJas. 0 10 McKay, Miss 0 5 7 1 4 10 Payne, M iss 0 15 Tompkins, Miss 0 2 2 Pearse, Mr F. ... 0 10 DAMEBHAM. Stiles, Miss ...... 0 10 3 12 6 Do., donation.. 0 10 NOBTH BEADLE Y. Rev H. Eamey. Taunton,Mr John 2 10 Collections 1 4 0 Taunton,MissF.E. 0 15 Collections 3 11 8 Do., for W & O 0- .6 0 Taunton, Mr W. 2 10 MELKSHAM. Taunton, Mrs W. 2 10 Subscription: Taunton, Misses 0 10 Broughton Boad. PEWSEY. Thompson, Mrs Earney, Bev H. 0 10 0 T. H. idon.) ... 1 0 Bev W. Smith. Collection and West, Mr & Mrs 1 0 Collections 4 11 8 boxes ...... 3 11 0 1 19 0 Whitchurch, Mrs 1 1 Forest S.-school 0 16 2 Contribs. for Debt 1 6 6 Whitchurch, Beanacre do 0 14 3 Misses 0 10 Prayer mtg. box 0 13 1 4 17 6 DEVTZES. Under 10s...... 0 14 Bev J. Day. Subscriptions Boxes by SALISBUBY. Collections 15 0 10 Carter, Mr, family 1 2 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Do., for W à O 1 17 6 Evans, Willie ... 0 3 A Friend...... 0 10 0 Bev G. Short, B.A. S.-sch., for sup­ In Memoriiim ... 1 0 0 port o f Congo Godwin, Miss G. 0 9 Collections 9 12 8 Harrison, Mr T., Keevil, Mr J 1 0 0 Do., pub. mtg. 14 1 0 boy ...... 5 0 0 Keevil, Mrs B.... 10 0 0 Prayer meetings 0 7 7 for Congo ...... 0 10 Do., for W A O 6 11 9 Hickman, J. J.... 0 5 Lee, Mr E. J. ... 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 73 16 0 Do., Salem Ch. 0 6 0 Lee, Mr J...... 1 0 0 A Friend, Thank- Mitchell,MrsJas. 0 11 Do., Bodenham 2 0 0 Pearse,'Muriel... 0 8 Margetson, Mr... 0 10 0 JuvenileAuxiliary 0 7 0 offering, per Smith, Bev W.... 0 10 0 Local Secretary 2 10 0 Stevens, Miss E. 0 10 Taunton, Mrs W. 2 0 Stratton, Mr A... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Taunton, Ivon... 0 7 Wallis, Mr 0 10 6 Ladies’ Auxiliary. Willis, Emma ... 0 8 Wiltshire, Mr 0 10 0 A Friend (don.). 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 0. 0 Addenbrooke, Contributions ... 5 15 1 Misses...... 1 1 0 Collected by Collected by Atkins, Mr S. B. 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Ericsson, Miss... 0 7 Atkins, Mr W. B. 0 10 6 A Friend 1 o 0 W h itchurcb, Collett, Master G. 0 7 8 Atkins,Mrs W.E. 0 10 6 Anstie, Mrs E. B. 0 10 0 Misses H, & 1ST. 0 13 Collett, Miss L. 0 7 6 Bidwell, M r 1 1 0 civ "WIIiTSHIBE. [1895.

Botham, Mr&Mrs STUDLEY GBEEN. ' Subscriptions : Subscriptions: A. C...... 1 1 0 Hardick, Mr T... 0 10 6 Bracher, M r 3 3 0 Collections 1 16 2 Blair, Mr...... 0 10 0 Chapman,Mrlsaac 1 0 0 Baby, Bev Dr.... 0 10 6 Clench* Drewitt, Sunday-school... 3 5 4 Under- 10s...... 0 19 3 Misses 1 0 0 Contribs., for NP 1 6 10 Chivers, Mrs 0 10 0 Diplock^ Mr ...... 0 10 0 Do. (don.) 1 0 0 Do., for Mrs Boxes by Collier,Mrs&Miss 0 15 0 James' work, Druce, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Edney, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 Madaripore 1 0 0 Evans, Mr J. E .. 0 10 0 Angell, Miss 0 3 4 G-alpin, Miss 0 10 0 Trading account 0 3 9 F. H., Thank-offer- Best, Alice 0 3 2 Hicks, Mrs J 1 0 0 ing ...... 5 0 0 Dewey, Harold... 0 2 0 Jarman, Miss ... 1 10 0 Subscriptions: Francis, Mr W.... 2 0 0 Maxfleld, Grace.. 0 5 1 Keynes, Mrs 1 1 0 Hayward,Mrs W. 0 15 0 A Friend of Mis­ Boughton,MissN. 0 ‘0 0 Keynes; Dr J. N. 1 1 0 Hiscock,MrA. S. 0 10 0 Scott, Garnett ... 0 4 8 Macklin, M r 0 10 6 sions, per Mr Hussey, Mr A. H. 0 10 6 Deacon ...... 1 0 0 Toone, Willie, for Macklin, Mr and Kingham, Mr ... 0 10 0 Congo...... 0 17 6 Mrs, jun 1 1 0 Bricker, Mr J . ... 1 0 0 Linzey, MrE. ...100 Rose, Mr W 4 10 -0 Main, Mr & Mrs 5 5 0 Lyle, Mr...... 0 10 0 For 2V P, by Main, Mr G 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Pickard, Mr ...... 1 5 0 Main, Mrs G 1 0 0 Beoves, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Butcher, Ernest .026 Main, Miss V 0 10 0 14 7 1 Seife, Mr 1 0 0 Butcher, Edwin, 0 2 11 Main, Mr&MrsW. 1 1 0 Stancomb,MrJ.P. 10 0 0 Hicks, Edith 0 4 0 Main, Mr E 1 0 0 Turner, Bev J ... 1 0 0 Boughton, Dora 0 5 0 Main, Miss G. ... 0 10 6 Woodfln.MrC.H. 1 0 0 Scott, Garnett... 0 2 2 Painter,Mr &Mrs 1 1 0 SWINDON. Under 10s...... 3 3 0 Toone, Ellie ...... 0 5 0 Pye-Smith, Mr Toone, Beggie ... 0 4 6 Bev F. Pugh. and Mrs E. F. 1 1 0 Penny-a-week System : ¿owe, Miss ..... 0 15 0 Collections 8 10 7 21 8 10 Short,BevG.jB.A., Do., for W & O 2 4 6 Collected by 0 10 Ö and Mrs Short 5 0 0 Do., S.-school 2 2 8 Stanford. Mrs ... 0 10 0 Do., Cambria... 0 9 0 Bison, M'ss ...... 2 0 0 20 18 4 Thorn, Miss ...... 2 2 0 S.-school boxes .. 28 9 2 Seife, Miss 1 5 0 Tucker, Mrs, sen. 0 10 6 Contribs.,for NP 2 5 9 Wilkins, Miss ... 0 17 0 W alker.Mr & Mrs 2 2 0 AdultBible-classes3 3 0 WESTBUBY. Watson,Mr&Mrs 5 0 0 Boxes by ■Woodrow, Mrs... 1 1 0 Subscriptions : West End. Woodrow, Mr & Hill, Mr F 0 10 1 Mrs C. J...... 1 1 0 A Friend...... 1 1 0 Woodfln,Mr C.H. 0 7 8 Bev W. P. Laurence. Woodrow, Mr W. 0 10 0 Borson, Mr 1 l o Collec.,for IK & O 1 5 0 Woodrow, Mr F. 1 1 0 Butler, Mr, for 97 2 11 Sun.-ech. boxes. 7 1 0 Woodrow, Mrs F. 1 1 0 C o n g o ...... 1 1 0 Less expenses and Contributions ... 8 0 0 Deacon, Mr H 0 10 0 balance in hand 1 19 9 Boxes by Hughes, Mr J .... 1 1 0 95 3 2 Addenbrooke, Hughes, M rs 1 1 0 , Misses, pupils 0 4 10 Lay, Mr E 0 10 6 Goodeve, Elsie... 0 5 11 Shawyer, Mr J. J. 1 1 0 WESTBUBY. Lewis, Josie 0 3 0 Shawyer, Mrd ...110 TBOWBBIDGE. Penknap. Pye-Smith, Miss Wearing, Mr W. 2 0 0 O. & Master D. 0 1 > 0 Williams,MrA.D. 1 1 0 Bethesda Chapel. Bev A. E. Johnson. Under 10s...... 2 7 6 Wa:ner, Mrs 0 4 0 Bev H. Sanders. Collections 2 5 8 ■Woodrow’s, Mrs Do., for fPO' O 0 5 0 Collected by W.. children ..234 Collection 2 6 Do , pryr. mlgs. 0 14 G Woodrow,,Lilian Filtness, Miss ... 0 16 4 Do., for W <* if 1 1 Sun.-sch. boxes . 3 12 8 & Beginald ... 2 3 1 Gardener, Mr ... 1 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 3 18 Y.P.S.C.E 0 11 0 Greenaway,MrsW. 1 0 8 Subscriptions ... 0 3 161 11 1 Hughes, Master 0 17 10 Subscriptions : Less expenses 0 8 o Sealey.MissE.,., 0 3 8 Boxes by McNiven, Miss .. 0 10 0 Under 2s 0 0 11 Millard, Miss E... 0 11 Parsons, Mr J.... 0 10 0 164 3 1 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 65 0 1 Nash, Mr...... 0 4 3 0 18 0 Stuckey, Mrs 0 4 0 Boxes by SEMLEY. 8 Bev T. Yauldren. 64 2 1 Hunt, Mr L...... 0 0 9 Less Heralds.. 0 7 0 Johnson, Miss L. 0 2 1 Contributions ... 3 7 0 8 9 2 8 TBOWBBIDGE. Less expenses 0 7 5 SHBEWTON. Back Street. Bev T. C. Davies. 8 15 3 Collections 19 0 7 WABMINSTEB. Collection ...... 0 15 0 Do., for W O 5 0 0 Do., for W & O 0 11 6 Do., Westwood 0 8 6 Bev G. W. Boughton. Boxes ...... 3 8 11 Yambrook Coll.. 0 8 9 WESTBUBY LEIGH. Tilshead School .047 Do., 8.-sohool. 2 0 4 Collection ...... 3 0 0 Contribs. for Mrs Do., for W

Smith, Mesar sJ. Contribs., S.-sch. 0 15 10 Harvey,.Mr J .... 1 1 0 CÜ OUUb...... á £i V Do., for NP... 1 7 8 Lucas, Mr S. ... 10 0 0 o Yeomans,MrW.H. 2 2 0 Lobby boxes , . 0 6 3 Do., for Congo 10 0 0 o Young Disciples’ Mayers, Mr F. ... 0 10 0 o 33 3 0 class...... 0 15 1 Turton, Misses... 1 0 0 o Less expenses 0 8 6 Under 10s...... 1 6 G o Subscriptions : o 32 14 6 Boxes by 6 Garf.mage, Mr J 0 10 6 Palethorpe, Mr C. 0 10 6 Bristow, Miss L. 0 4 5 Toon, Mr Jabez 1 1 0 Bowdler, Miss ... 0 3 6 ATCH LENCH AND Under 10s...... 1 17 0 Doolittle, Mrs ... 0 2 6 9 DUNNINGTON Gazard, Mr ...... 0 5 0 O 10 1 0 Guest, Mrs 0 6 0 Bev C. Chrystal Harvey, Miss A. 0 8 4 Lucas, Mrs S 0 8 9 Coll., for W & O 1 1« 0 Lucas, Miss C.... 1 0 0 2 Do.,Dunnington 6 0 8 EYESHAM. Mayers, Mrs F. 0 5 3 O Do., Lencli . 3 10 0 Bev A. W. L. Barker. Powney, Miss ... 1 1 8 6 Woodhouse.G.H. 0 5 0 1 Subscriptions : Collections...... 11 8 4 8 Do., for w * 0 1 10 0 Milton Hall. 6 Bomford.MrH.B. 3 3 0 Sunday-school... 3 0 0 3 Bomford, Misses 1 1 0 Bev L, T. Harry. O Chrystal, Bev C. 0 10 .0 Subscriptions: 4 Collections...... 2 9 5 3 16 0 8 Ashley, Mr W .... 1 0 0 Do. for iV ár O 0 6 9 7 Bomford, Mr F. B. 1 0 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 1 1 2 White, Mrs ... 50 0 0 Do., for N P .. 3 0 3 Under 10s...... 0 11 BROMSGBOVE. C 0 Prayer meetings 0 11 •1 11 New Road. Collected by Subscriptions: O Rev J. Ford. Merrill, Mrs . . 4 1 c White,MissEsther 7 8 9 Harvey, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Collection ...... 2 5 11 Harvey,Mrs J. P. 0 10 6 Do., for w

Subscriptions: Evans, Mrs E. B, 1 1 0 BARNSLEY. Gardiner, Miss... 0 10 0 2 Cornford,Mr J. E. 2 0 0 Btanson, M r 2 2 0 Rev J. Young. Craimess.MrE.T. 0 10 0 Hanson, Mrs 2 2 0 Pearsall,MrW.H. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 0 6 3 Hanson, Mr and Do., for W&O 1 17 6 6 Woodcock,MrJ.S. 0 10 0 Mrs 8. 8...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 18 0 0 Hawkins, Mr J... 0 10 6 Subscriptions: 0 Boxes by Heath, Mr H 0 10 6 0 Jackson, Rev F. 1 0 0 Bennett, Mr 0.... 0 10 6 0 Gittens, Mrs 0 6 0 Jones, Mr J 1 0 0 Buckley, Mr C.... 1 0 0 5 Rider, Miss ...... 0 8 6 Larkworthy, Mrs 1 0 0 Habbershon, Mr 1 0 0 6 Welch, Mrs ...... 0 3 9 Larkworthy,Miss 0 10 0 Luigard, Mr C 1 0 0 0 Woodcock, Mrs 0 7 0 Lewis, Mr G 1 0 0 Marshall, Mr T. 0 10 6 6 Lewis, Mrs 1 0 0 Marshall, Mr F. 0 10 6 15 2 1 Lewitt, Rev J . ... 1 0 0 Pick, Mr T. J. ... 0 10 6 0 Lewitt, Mrs ...... 2 0 0 Senior, Mr W .... 1 1 0 6 Locke, Capt. 1 1 0 Wood, Mrs 1 1 0 0 STOURPORT. Manning, Miss... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 12 0 Osborne, Miss ... 0 10 0 Rev R. Evans. Price, Mr W 1 0 0 Boxes by 4 1894. Walford, M r 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Addy, Mr D 0 3 10 0 Collections...... 3 10 0 3 Barraclough,Mrs 0 4 8 Do., for W&O 0 10 0 Boxes by Latchem, Mrs... 0 4 4 0 Contrib. for N P 0 15 G McDevitt, Mr ... 0 2 4 1 Alderton.MissN. 0 5 8 Marshall, Mrs G. 0 3 3 5 1895. Baylis, Miss D.... 0 5 8 5 Marshall, Mrs F. 0 . 6 1 8 Chair, Mr ...... 0 13 0 Mellor, Mrs ...... 0 2 8 Collections...... 2 2 Coney, M iss 0 7 2 Do., for W&O 1 0 0 Senior, Mrs ...... 0 15 4 10 Cropper, Mr E... 0 3 6 Wood, Mrs 2 8 10 10 Fawdry, M r 0 6 6 Young, B. and G. 0 13 6 7 18 2 Frost, Mrs 0 5 0 Less expenses 0 5 0 0 Hainsworth, Mrs 0 8 0 23 4 6 Hawkins,Mr H. J. 0 7 0 Less expenses 1 0 0 7 13 2 Hawkins,Miss L. 0 15 3 Hawkins,Miss H. 0 10 9 22 4 6 Jackson, Miss M. 0 3 3 UPTON-ON-SEVERN 4 Lord’sDayOffng. 1 16 7 Rev W. T. Shepherd. Prayer meetings 1 3 9 0 B A E H S 1E V . 6 Contributions ... 1 8 10 Pope, Miss 0 13 1 Rogers, Mr S. ... 0 4 0 Parker Street. 6 Whiteman, Miss 0 10 2 0 Rev W. Ponton. 1 WORCESTER. Whittall, Mr 0 4 0 Collection ...... 0 10 0 Rev F. Jackson, M.A. Collected by Do., for W&O 0 6 4 Giles, Miss Maiy 0 14 0 Mrs Watson’s 6 Collections...... 15 10 0 box ...... 0 8 4 1 Do.,public mtg. 6 8 3 Larkworthy,Miss 0 5 0 4 Do., juvenile... 2 3 0 Manning, Miss... 0 3 6 Subscriptions : 6 Do.,for W&O 3 3 0 LI Sale of Gold 107 5 10 Taylor, Mr J. B. 0 10 0 Bracelet...... 0 16 0 Less expenses Under 10s...... 0 5 0 and balance 9 Boys’ classes...... 8 4 8 1 19.8 Girls’ do...... 13 16 1 in hand ...... 7 1 10 Infants’ class ... 0 6 6 Less expenses 0 4 4 a. Contribs. ,for NP 0 19 3 100 4 0 Red-hillSun.-sch. 2 0 0 115 4 Do., Young £37713 2 6 Men’s Class 2 13 0 9 Rainbow-hill Sun BilTLEY. 6 school...... 5 2 10 6 Do., collection 1 5 2 Collection, & c.... 2 6 6 9 Kempsey, call.... 1 14 2 locfcsbtre. Do., for W&O 0 8 8 Do., Sun.-sch. 4 16 1 Fearnall Heath 2 15 0 Sunday-school 0 14 0 ARMLEY. 0 Young People’s Carr Crofts. 5 Meeting...... 0 4 0 BEDALE. 6 Rev W. Sumner. 1 Subscriptions : 1 Collections 4 10 10 Rev G. Charlesworth. Allbutt, Mr A. J. 1 1 0 Do., for W & 0 0 12 7 0 Baylis, Mr E. E. 0 10 6 Collections 0 17 9 Baylis, Mr F...... 0 10 6 Sunday-sch. box 1 1 3 Bennett, Mr W... 0 10 0 S 3 6 Do., collectors 3 6 10 Berry, Mr E...... 0 10 6 Bullock, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Darby, Mr...... 0 10 0 BABNOLDSWIOK. Less expenses 10 Dudfleld,Mr&Mrs 1 5 0

5 Evans, Mr E. P., H t-f Contributions ... 7 7 0 7 J.P...... 0 i 895.3 ŸOftKSHI&Ë. c v ii

BEVEELEY. Y.M.C.A..F.M.B. 0 10 0 Croft, Mr & Miss 0 10 Ó Waddingtön.Mrö 1 1 0 Ladies Zenana Skemp,Rev C.W. 1 0 0 Wells, Mrs 0 10 0 Rev 0. B. Williams. Guild, for M r Under 10s...... 1 3 6 Under 10s...... 0 10 6 James' School, Collections 13 3 8 M adaripur ... 3 0 0 By Miss Wray. 49 17 11 Do.,for W& O 2 16 6 Do., Wood- 172 3 6 Clarkson, Mrs ... 0 10 6 mansey ...... 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 1 2 8 B B A D iO B D . Contrita., S.-sell. 4 15 0 Do., for W P... 5 0 0 Collected by Trinity Chapel. Do., Beckside BEADFOBD. Barker, M rs...... 0 14 0 Eev C. Bignal. Sun.-school . 1 18 7 Leak, Miss ...... 0 6 2 Ladies’ Working Westgate Chapel. Miles, Miss ...... 0 9 0 Collections...... 20 13 6 Society ...... 3 0 0 Do., for W & O 4 10 0 Juvenile do., sale Bev C. W. Skemp. 106 14 10 Contribs., juven. 23 15 0 of work ...... 20 0 0 Do., for 2V P... Collections 11 13 6 1 5 7 Subscriptions : Do., for W & O 7 10 0 Subscriptions : Juv. Missionary BEADFOBD. Sample, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Society ...... 34 10 0 Akam, Mr B...... 0 10 0 Sample, Miss ... 1 1 0 Dawson, Miss ... 1 0 0 Smithson,Miss... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Girlington Chapel. Mitchell,Mr John (don.) ...... 5 0 0 Boxes by Illingworth,MrW. 5 0 0 Rev E. Evans. Mitham, Miss A. 1 5 0 Moulson, Mr W. Williams, A. & F. 1 5 0 By Miss Best. Collections...... 13 15 1 2 2 0 Sbung women’s 0 0 Moulson, Mr A. 0 10 0 class...... 1 0 0 Acworth, Mr Jas. 3 3 0 Do., for W&O 3 Bignal, Bev C. & Acworth, Mrs ...10 0 Juvenile Society Mrs ...... 1 1 0 (2 years) ...... 6 2 9 66 12 0 Best, Mr J. G. ... 1 0 0 Shepperd, Mrs... 0 10 6 Less expenses 1 0 6 Best, M iss 0 10 6 Watson, Mrs .... 1 1 0 Dowson.MrW.A. 1 1 0 Subscriptions Watson, Mr P.... 0 10 0 65 11 6 Foster, Mr J. ... 2 2 0 By Mrs G. Snowden. Watson, Miss ... 0 10 0 Holden, Mrs A.... 5 0 0 White, Mr J...... 1 1 0 Illingworth,MrsJ. 0 10 0 Illingworth, Mr Wood, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Hlingworth,Miss 1 1 0 A., M.P. 5 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 3 0 BINGLEY. Jolly, Mr P 1 1 0 Illingworth,MrH. 10 0 0 Whitehead, Mr Illingworth,MrsH. 1 1 0 66 17 7 Bev E. B. Lewis. W. A...... 5 0 0 Mellor, Mr D. ... 1 1 0 Whitehead, Mrs 1 0 0 Newboult.MrF.W. 1 1 0 Collections, &c... 6 3 0 North, Mr W. H. 1 0 0 BRADFOBD. Contrib., io v N P 0 4 2 By Miss Field. Smith, Mrs Isaac 2 2 0 Smith, Mrs B. ... 2 2 0 Hallfield Chapel. 6 7 8 Field, Mr M 0 10 6 Hardaker, Mrs J. 0 10 6 Rev T. G. Hunter. 46 4 10 Under 10s...... 1 1 0 Collections 6 5 2 Do., for W & O 1 U 2 By Miss M&cfarlane. . BIBCHCLIFFE. BEADFOBD. Barber, Mr W .... 0 10 0 7 19 4 Bev J. Guy. Casson, Mr C. ... 0 10 0 Sion Jubilee Chapel. Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Contributions ... 31 5 4 Eev G. C. Williams. Do., for W it O 1 6 0 BEADFOBD. By Miss Boberts. Collections 10 2 10 Leeds Boad. 32 10 4 Illingworth, MrD. 1 6 0 Do., for W & O 4 8 7 Wade, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Do., Sion and Bev B. Herries. Whitehead,MrW. 0 13 0 Caledonia-st. Collections 6 0 9 Whitehead,MrK. 0 13 0 S.-schools ... 22 16 0 Do., for W k O 2 0 0 BISHOP BUBTON. Under 10s...... 1 4 6 Juvenile Aux. ... 20 12 0 Subscriptions : Collections 3 7 6 By Miss Watson. Subscriptions: By Mrs Laycock. Aykroyd, Mr 2 2 0 By Misses Smith and Jarratt, Mr J. W; 0 10 6 Harwood, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Hindley. BLACKLEY. . Under 10s...... 0 16 6 J. W...... 0 10 0 Best,MrW 6 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Best, Mrs W. 2 0 0 Bev B. Briggs. By Misses White & Cook. Herries, Bev B... 0 10 6 By Mrs Cockcroft. Ollorenfihaw.MrW.O 10 0 Collection ...... 2 2 4 Birkinshaw, Mr 2 2 0 Whiteley, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Smith, Mr T 0 10 6 Hodgson, Mr 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 19 0 Under 10s...... 1 8 6 Holmes, Mrs 1 1 0 Waddington,MrJ. 1 1 0 39 2 9 BBADF0ED. By Miss Whitley. Whitaker, Mrs... 1 1 0 Coll. at annual' Clough, MrW. H. 1 0 0 Williams,BevG.C. 1 0 0 meeting at Trickett, Mrs 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 6 0 B B A D IfO B D . Westgate Ch. 8 13 6 Whitley, Misses 0 15 0 By Miss Craven. YoungMen’sMiss. Under 10b...... 0 14 6 Tetley Street. ßooiety for A Friend ...... 0 10 0 -support o f By Mrs Denbigh. Anonymous 0 10 0 Bev Sandy Kent. • Congo mis­ Audsley, Mr B. 0 12 6 Hird, Mr ...... 0 10 0 sionary,VS&k 60 0 0 Brown, Mxs E., & Pratt, Mrs 0 10 0 Collections 3 14 10 Do., 1805 10CT 0 0 Suttle, Miss ... 0 10 0 Bussell, Mr&...... 0 10 0 Do., for W & O 1X 9 Q cViii YORKSHIRE.

Subscriptions: BRAMLEY. Watts, Miss, for DENHOLME. Congo 0 15 6 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Zion Chapel. Coll., for W& 0 0 4 0 Barker, M rs 0 10 0 10 10 3 Robinson, Mr ... 1 0 0 Rev J. Wilkinson. Less expenses 1 0 0 Collected by Collection ...... 8 3 0 9 10 3 DEWSBURY. Carter, Geo. 0 16 8 Do., for TP

Tranter,Rev F. D. 2 0 0 FABSLBY AITS DI8TBICT. Hoyle, Mr J. E. 0 10 0 HALIFAX. Hoyle, Mr R 2 2 0 Baptist Union Oddie, Mr J 0 10 0 Lee Mount. lfi 6 3 United Com- Spencer. Mrs ... 1 1 0 0 7 6 mimionServl.ee, Walker, Mr J. W. 1 1 0 Rev J. H, -Robinson, coll. for W & O 2 15 11 Contributions ... 20 17 5 15 18 9 38 17 5 Less Heralds.. 1 12 8 GILDERSOME. - 37 4 9 HALIFAX. ECCLESHILL. Rev J. Haslam. Trinity Road. Eev T. E. Rawlings. CoU., for W & O 1 1 0 Rev H. Davis. Sunday-school... 3 6 10 Collections 5 11 1 Collections 2 3 6 Vote of Church 3 10 0 Pellon Sunday-school. Juv. Association 12 17 3 Sunday-sohool... 2 2 6 Subscriptions : Collection ...... !.. 1 11 10 Do., for Jf P ... 0 13 0 Contributions ... 3 1 10 Subscriptions : Crowther, Mr S. 0 10 0 Davis, Rev H. ... 0 10 0 4 19 0 Haslam, Rev J. 1 1 0 Subscription : Fawcett, Mr J.... 2 0 0 Do. (don.) ...... 1 0 0 Clark, Mr J. W. 0 10 0 Lockhead, Mr W. 0 10 0 Mann, Mr S. B. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 ELLAND EDGE. 23 14 4 Collections. 3 5 0 GOLCAR. Rev W. Gay. Collection ...... 8 2 1 North Parade. HARROGATE. FARSLEY. Do., for W Sc O 1 0 0 Rev Carey Hood. Collection ...... 14 2 0 Rev H. Ellis, M.A. 9 2 1 Collections 7 12 Do., pub. mtg. 6 18 9 Sunday-school... 3 5 8 Do., for W&O 7 0 0 Collections 17 5 2 Sunday - school, Do., for W

Turner, M rs...... 0 10 0 Riley, Miss ...... 2 0 0 Subscriptions : Sunday-School... 12 19 0 Webster, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Robertshflw,MrG. 0 10 6 Do., tov.NP ... 0 18 4 Whitewood, Mr 1 1 0 Under 10a...... 0 2 6 Bate, Mr J...... 0 Church Council 1 6 9 Wyles, M r...... 1 1 0 Benskin,RevF.J. 1 Brooke, Mr Jos. 2 Donation : Yellowley, Mr ... 1 1 0 67 4 8 Cook, Mr J 4 Under 10s...... 2 19 0 Cook, Mr F. L.... 0 Meek, Mr, for Crowther, Mr Al­ Congo ...... 1 0 0 Boxes by HELLIFIELD. fred (2years)... 4 0 0 B rew er, Mrs, Crowther, M rs... 2 0 0 23 11 1 pupils...... 0 15 Collections 1 0 0 Dyson, Mr E. ... 0 10 0 Raw,Mrs,children 0 4 Holmes, Miss S. 2 0 0 Jenkins,Mr J.... 0 10 0 HTOl. 81 3 6 HEPTONSTALLSLACK. Lawton, Mr W... 1 3 16 0 Mason, Mr G. ... 1 South Street. Rev J. K. Archer. ~ Norton, Mr G. P. 1 Rev J. M. Murphy. 77 7 6 Rushworth, Mr Collections...... 4 16 6 and M rs 6 0 0 Collections 3 11 8 Do., for W & O 1 1 0 Wheatley, Mr J.. 0 10 6 Do., for W&O 1 0 0 Girls’ School ... 9 9 9 Under 10s...... 1 15 0 Sunday-school... 1 16 6 HAWORTH. Boys’ School...... 8 10 1 Do., for N P ... 0 12 6 53 7 11 Rpv D. Arthur. Subscriptions 7 0 8 Collections 11 12 Hoyle, Mrs A. ... 1 0 0 Do.j " Hawks- 0 10 6 HUDDEBSFIELD. bridge l 10 Lawton, Rev J... Lawton, Misses 0 10 0 Lindley Oaks. Sunday-school... 1 0 Sutcliffe,Mr Jno. 2 0 0 Sutcliffe,MrT.M. 0 10 0 Bev W. H. Holdsworth, Tabernacle. Subscriptions : Sutcliffe,Mr G. L. 0 10 0 M.A. Sutcliffe, Misses 0 10 0 Collections 2 2 8 Bland, M r 1 0 Collections 7 10 9 Sunday-sch. and Haggas, Mr T. H. 2 2 Under 10s...... 2 15 0 Do., for WdtO 1 12 9 Shacketon, Mr 0 10 Bible-classes... 4 18 7 For N P, by Do., Juv. Mis. Society ...... 6 6 0 Subscriptions : 17 14 6 Barritt, J. C...... 0 2 0 Penny - a - week 0 11 6 English, G...... 0 3 7 system...... 11 0 10 Hunter, Mrs 1 0 0 Greenwood, T .... 0 3 8 Juv. Missy. Soc., Under 10s...... 0 4 6 17 3 0 Greenwood, 0.... 0 7 0 sale of work 18 13 6 Halli well, J. T.... 0 2 0 Boxes by Hollinrake, W.... 0 9 6 Subscriptions: Clark, Mr & Mrs 0 4 4 HEATON. Ellis, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Firth, Mr ...... 0 2 2 33 10 7 Haigh, Mr H. C. 1 0 0 Russell, Rev F... 0 2 8 Rev R. Howorth. Haigh, Mrs B .... 0 10 0 Pittick, Mrs ...... 0 3 1 Collections 3 10 Hall, Mr G 2 2 0 Do., for iV<&0 o 10 HO RKIN GSTONE. Hall, Miss E 0 10 0 Collected by Hall, Miss 2 2 0 Atkinson,MrsW.T. 1 16 0 4 0 0 Collections...... 2 2 11 Walker, Mrs 0 10 0 Walker, Mrs A... 1 1 0 Dook, Mr J. W... 0 7 0 Young, Mr E. ...110 Garnett, Miss F. 0 2 0 Under 10s...... 1 9 0 HEBDEN BRIDGE. HORSFORTH. 11 3 0 Collections...... 6 15 8 Boxes by Rev W. Jones. Do., for WtfO 1 0 0 Ellis,Miss, 0 7 6 COTTIITGHAM, KEAB HUIit. Collections 25 17 6 Do., anni. mtg. 4 2 0 i, Mrs E. J. 0 4 8 Do., for W

Contribs., S.-sch. 1 8 9 Bilbrougb,Mr W. 2 0 0 Holroyd,MissA.M. 1 1 0 Pugh, Rev F. W. 1 0 0 Alderson s, Mrs, Bilbrough, Mr A. 4 0 0 Hustler, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Rimmington,Mrs 0 10 0 class...... 3 5 0 Bilbrough, Miss. 2 0 0 Macfarlane.MrJ.P.l 11 6 Rimmington.MrF. 0 10 0 Young Men’s BiDgley, Mrs..... 1 0 0 Nettleton.MrH.D. 0 10 6 Yause, Mr F 1 1 0 Class ...... 3 8 6 Bing’ey, Mr G .. 1 0 0 Peel, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Yause, Mr T. O... 1 1 0 Bingley, Mrs G. 0 10 0 Pilkington, Mrs 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 1 18 0 Subscription: Boden, MrW. ... 0 10 0 Pullen, Mr E. ... 1 1 0 Bond, MrsF...... 0 1 0 Boxes by Paget, Mr S 6 0 0 0 12 Senior-Smith.Mrs 1 Burras, Miss .... 0 18 0 Spice, M rs...... 1 6 0 Mountain, Mr H. 0 7 0 Collected by Burras,Miss S.A. 0 18 0 Spice, Mr W. H. 10 0 0 Nicholson, Mrs... 0 9 0 Buttle, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Sutcliffe, Mr W. 1 1 0 Reed, Mr H 0 4 0 Coley and Bas- Clarkson, Mr W. 0 10 0 Thomas, Mr T... 0 10 6 Thornton, Mrs... 0 13 3 low, Misses ... 0 16 10 Cuttriss, Miss ... 0 17 0 Thompson,MissA. 2 0 0 Day and Hay- Dolby, Miss ..... 0 13 6 Thompson, MissE. 2 0 0 42 6 0 garth, Misses .360 Finnie, Mrs ...... O 10 0 Under 10s...... 3 9 6 Heaton and Green Hartley, Mr S.... 1 1 0 Misses.. 2 16 6 Hartley, Mrs S. 0 10 0 93 13 3 LEEDS. Hield, Mrs, and 39 4 1 family...... 1 12 6 Burley Road. 1 2 9 Illingworth,MrS. 0 10 0 Rev W. R. Golding. Mitchell, Hr&Mrs 1 0 0 LEEDS. Collection ...... 2 1 7 38 1 4 Musto, Mr F ___ 0 16 0 York Road. Osborne, Mr, and Juvenile Society 27 0 0 family ...... 1 8 0 JEtev C. Riseborough. Phillips,Mr T.W. 6 0 0 29 1 7 LEEDS. Phillips, Mrs..... 1 10 0 Collections 1 11 0 Sanderson, Miss 0 11 0 Do., for W& O 0 10 6 Collection, united Schofield, Miss... 1 4 0 Do., S.-sch., LEEDS. communion ser­ for support Shaw, Mrs...... 0 12 0 Hunslet Tabernacle. vice, for Vf S¡ O 11 16 6 Smith, Mr J. G. 1 4 0 of Congo boy Spink, Miss A. E. 0 12 0 under Mr Rev A. E. Greening. 0 12 0 Clark ...... 6 12 11 Spink, MissM.... Coll., for W Je O 1 10 0 LEEDS. Starmer, Mr Jas. 0 17 0 Starmer, Mr E.J. 0 12 0 Subscriptions: Contributions ... 17 3 8 South Parade. Stuart, Miss 0 10 0 Greenwood, Mr... 1 1 0 Town, Mrs...... 2 0 0 Stockdale, Mr ... 0 10 6 18 13 8 Rev C. B. Sawday. Town, Miss ...... 1 10 0 Town, Miss J. E. 1 10 0 10 6 11 Collections...... 34 0 9 LEEDS. Contribs., Juv. Town, Mr J. E... 1 0 0 Society ...... 36 0 0 Town, Miss F. M. 1 0 0 Wintoun Street. Town, Miss E. G. 1 0 0 LEEDS. Subscriptions : Town, Mr J. A. 0 16 0 Rev R. Davies. Town, Mr John 0 12 0 Beeston Hill. Barran,Sir John, Town, Mrs John 0 12 0 Collection, &c.... 1 19 10 Bart...... 150 0 0 Waddington, Mr Rev G. W. Bonell. Contribs.,S.-sch. 2 6 4 James C...... 2 2 0 Collections, &c.... 8 5 3 Coll. by Miss L. Barran. Waddington,MrH. 0 10 0 4 5 2 Barran, Sir John, Waddington.HrC. 0 10 6 Por N P by Bart...... 20 0 0 Wilkinson, Mr A. 0 12 0 Bárran, Lady ... 10 0 0 Wilkinson,MissA. 0 10 0 Smith, Mr M. ... 0 6 6 LEEDS. Barran, Mr A .... 6 6 0 Wilson, Mr Jos... 0 10 0 Newton Union Church. Barran, Mrs J..., 10 0 0 Wright, Mr T. ... 2 0 0 8 10 9 Barran, Miss.... 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 11 4 9 Rev A. K. Stowell. Barran, Miss L. 2 2 0 Barran, Mr R. H. 2 2 0 360 8 0 I.EEDS. Collections 5 8 5 Barran, Mr H. ... 2 2 0 Meanwood Boad. Do. for W & O 1 1 2 Finnie, Mr R. ... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 6 12 6 Hepton, Mrs...... 0 10 0 LBBDS. Contribs., S.-sch. 14 16 11 Hield, Mr T...... 3 3 0 Blenheim Chapel. 13 2 1 Hindle, Mr J. E. 0 10 6 LEEDS. I liingworth,MrE. 1 0 0 Rev P. T. Thomson, M.A. lllingworth, Mr North Street. LEEDS. W. K...... 1 1 0 Collections 10 1 0 Lister, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Do., for W & 0 2 15 6 Rev F. W. Pugh. Kirkstall. Miller, Mr E...... 1 1 0 Prayer meetings 2 8 2 Roberts, Mrs ... 2 0 0 Juvenile Society 29 12 10 Collections 4 13 8 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 13 7 iloberts.Mr John 2 2 0 Do.,Camp-road 12 9 9 Do., for W Je 0 1 0 0 Robinson, Mr ... 0 10 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 18 3 1 Town, Miss ...... O 10 0 Subscriptions: Profit on Tea 2 0 0 Whiting, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E 0 10 6 LINEHOLME. Wilson, Mr J. T. 1 1 0 Adgie, Miss ...... 0 10 0 0 Baldwin.MrE.... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Rev G. M. Rice. Under lOs...... 1 0 Black, Mis 1 1 0 Blakey, M rs 1 1 0 By Envelope System Crane, Mr R...... 0 10 0 Collection ...... 2 2 6 Dyall, Mr G 0 10 0 Brown, Mr 0 10 0 Do., for W& 0 0 8 0 Amott, Mr J. T. 0 11 0 Haigh,Mrs 1 0 0 Cundall, Miss ... 0 10 6 Ashworth, Mrs.. 1 1 0 Hobson, Mr W. A. 0 10 0 Gardam, M r 1 0 0 Subscription : Barber, Mr F. W. 0 10 0 Holroyd, Mrs ... 2 2 0 Gardam, Mrs 1 0 0 Baxter, Mr & Mrs 1 1 0 Holroyd, Miss ... 1 0 0 Horsfield, Miss... 3 3 0 Rice, Rev. G. M. 0 10 O Bell, Rev J...... 0 12 0 Holrojd,Mr J. A- 1 1 0 Horsfield.MrR. Äf, 1 1 0 A Friend...... 0 4 3 1 8 * exii TOBKSHIbE. [1895.

Collected by Subscription : Dawson, Mrs E. 2 0 0 M1RFIELD. Stansfield.MrJohn 1 0 0 Dawson, Mrs W. 0 19 6 Crossley, Miss S. 1 8 8 French, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Rev J. Kitchener. Greenwood,MrsC. 1 7 2 Under 10s...... 2 9 11 Sutcliffe, Miss M. 1 13 3 Collected by Collections 2 9 5 Do., Sun.-sch. 0 14 9 Barker, Mr J. ... 2 15 4 By Mrs Kent. 7 13 10 Greenwood, Mr Subscriptions: Jas. G...... 4 0 0 Derwent, Mr E ... 0 10 0 Horsfall, Mr E... 2 12 0 Pounder, Mr 0 10 0 Brown, Mrs ...... 0 12 0 LITTLEMOOR Helliwell, Mr A. 2 10 6 Williams, Dr 0 10 6 Walmsley, Mr J. 1 1 0 PUDSEY Omerod, Bernard 0 9 0 Under 10s...... 3 15 1 Under 10s...... 1 15 8 Stevenson.MrH.0.2 3 5 By Mrs Gould ... 2 0 10 Rev F. W. Turner. Sutcliffe, Miss R. 1 14 8 6 12 10 73 6 9 Coll., for W & O 0 12 4 22 5 2 Colls. (2 years)... 2 4 8 MORLEY. Y.P S.C.E...... 0 6 C MIDDLESBOttOUGH. 6 Sunday School... 1 19 Linthorpe Road. Rev C. Welton. MALTON. Subscriptions (2 years). Rev R. Ensoll. Collections 5 1 0 Rev J. O. Ogilvy. Do., for W& O 0 15 O Child, Mrs...... 1 0 0 Collection ...... 1 5 6 ConscienceMoney 0 5 0 Longley.Mrs...... 5 0 1 Collections...... 2 11 6 Sunday-school... 0 15 5 Boxes by Do., for w

POLEMQOB. RODLBY. SCAPEGOAT HILL. Coll sited by Collections 3 11 6 Collections...... 3 6 4 Rev T. R. Lewis. Smith, MrsE. ... 0 5 6 Do., for W <£-' O 0 10 0 Pirie, M rs 1 4 6 Do., for Vf A 0 0 12 0 Collection ...... 1 13 9 Winter, Misa 1 3 6 Haigh, the late Home boxes...... 1 7 8 Mr John 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 1 2 0 Quarmby.the late Y.W.B.C...... 1 2 0 Burniston. Mr Jonathan... 1 1 0 Y.P.S.C.E...... 0 4 6 SCARBOROUGH. Collection ...... 0 4 7 S.-school ...... 0 6 7 5 12 6 7 14 G Albemarle Chapel. Ward, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Rev R. Wood. 78 10 0 Less expenses 0 11 6 QUEENSBURY. ROTHERHAM. Collections 8 19 10 Do.,united pub. Rev A. C. Carter. Rev J. Collinson. meeting 4 4 6 77 19 0 Do., for & O 2 0 0 Collections 3 11 0 Collections 4 12 0 Contribs, S.-sch. 8 0 8 Do.,for W& O 0 7 6 Do., for W& O 0 10 0 Donation ...... 4 5 0 SHEFFIELD. Juvenile Aux. ...8 6 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 5 17 0 Y.P.S.C.E 1 12 10 Subscription ... 0 6 0 Do., for Congo Collec., United boy under Mr Subscriptions: 12 10 6 Whitehead... 3 15 0 public meeting 8 9 6 Do., for N P ... 1 0 6 Archer, Mr 0 10 6 Do., children’s Prayer Meetings 0 7 10 Barry, M r 5 0 0 service, Cem­ Barry, Mrs ...... 2 2 0 etery ioad... 2 13 G RAWDON. Burkill, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Do.,Portmahon 2 1 0 Subscriptions : Bowles, Miss E., Rev A. P. Payers. Cowton, Mr ...... 1 1 0 A Lover of the Dennis, Mr ...... 0 10 0 far Mrs Lewis’s Collections 12 12 2 Work ...... 0 16 0 Ilomsey, Miss... 0 10 0 work, Congo... 3 10 1 Do., for W A 0 4 8 5 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 I Hornsey, Mr 0 10 0 Tucker, Miss N., Young Women’s Lamb, Miss ...... 0 10 0 for do...... 1 4 0 Class ...... 1 18 6 Boxes by Rope, Miss 1 0 0 Treeton Mission 0 10 3 Rowntree, Mr ... 1 1 0 Balance from Contribs., S.-sch. 9 0 3 Bray, Mrs G. ... 0 3 1 last year 3 3 6 Prayer Meetings 2 10 10 Collinson, J. W... 0 3 10 Ward, Mrs 0 10 0 0 6 0 Wood, Rev R. ...3 0 0 Fields, Miss ...... Under 10s...... 0 15 0 21 12 4 Subscriptions: Holden, Mr ___ 0 2 1 Less expenses 8 5 6 Bilbrough, Miss 5 5 0 Price, Mrs J. B. 0 4 0 Monthly subscriptions, by Bilbrough,MissL. 5 5 0 Price, Mrs J. J.... 0 12 0 13 6 10 Payers, Rev A.P. 0 10 0 Rickett, Miss ... 0 4 6 Acworth, Miss... 0 12 0 Holmes, Mr J .... 2 2 0 Thain, Mrs...... 0 5 0 Farthing,Mies E. 1 7 0 0 8 0 Maule, Mrs ...... 1 6 10 Illingworth,MrT. 1 1 0 Turner, Mrs T.... SHEFFIELD. Page, Mr A. T.... 1 1 0 By Miss B. Harro wby. Pratt, Mr J. H.... 3 3 0 19 11 10 Glossop Road. Less expenses 1 13 6 Harrowby, Mrs 0 12 0 Tymms,Rev T. V. Rev J. Bailey, B.A. (2 years) 12 12 0 Richardson, Mr 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 0 6 10 17 18 4 Under 10s...... 0 15 6 Collections 12 11 1 Do., for W&O 3 4 10 61 16 0 By Mrs Noble. Proceeds of break­ SALENDINE NOOK, Marks, Mr 1 0 0 fast meeting... 11 7 0 near HUDDERSFIELD. Under 10s...... 1 15 0 Special donations RB DC AR. for.De&* 13 1 0 Rev D. W. Jenkins. For N P by Sunday-school... 10 16 9 Rev J. Horn. Do.,for i^-P... 2 8 0 Collections 8 6 0 Hepton, W 0 3 0 Collections, Ac.... 2 15 9 Ladies’ Auxiliary 3 6 6 Jackson, J 0 5 0 Subscriptions. Boxes by By Mrs Charles. Subscriptions : Subscriptions. Blanchard, H .... 0 17 6 Derwent,Mr J. A. 0 10 0 By Miss B. Stock. * Rawlings, Mrs... 1 9 5 Charles, Mrs 0 10 0 Murray, Mr G.G. 0 10 0 Jenkins, Rev. B. 0 10 0 Walker, Mr Jas. 1 0 0 Gaunt, Mrs S. ... 0 10 0 Long Westgate Chapel. Lawrence, Miss 0 10 0 Shaw, Mr J. W. 1 0 0 Marsden, Mr B. 2 2 0 4 15 9 Shaw, Mr W 0 10 0 Rev J. H. Smith. Marsden, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Smith, Mr. Jos. Shaw, Miss 1 0 0 (don.) ...... 5 0 0 Collections 3 14 0 Sibrey, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Stock, Misses ... 1 10 0 Do..united Juv. Travis, M r 2 0 0 EISHWORTH. Webster,Mr &Mrs 0 10 0 Service ...... 0 16 6 Weston, Mr E.... 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 2 2 6 Do., for W A 0 1 7 0 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Collections 6 15 4 Sunday-school... 1 15 9 Do., for W # O 1 9 6 22 15 0 Do.,torsuppori By Mrs J. D. Eaton. ContribB., S.-sch., o f boy in Mr forJVP .... 1 8 6 Cou ling’s Eaton, Mr J 2 2 0 Prayer Meetings 3 6 2 School,China 5 0 o Baton, Mrs J. ... 0 10 0 SALTERFORTH. Eaton, Mr J. D. 1 11 6 Subscription : Subscriptions : Eaton, Mrs J. D. 0 10 6 Collections 4 3 1 Hancox, Miss ... 0 10 0 Whiteley,MrJ. W. 5 0 0 Weekly contribs. 1 19 2 Ashby, Mr R., 2 0 0 Raby, Mrs 1 I 0 Delday, Mr J. H. 1 1 0 Sissons, Mr H.... 1 1 0 17 19 6 6 2 3 Delday,MasterJ.B. 1 5 0 SissonBj'Mr J. W. 2 2 0 Smith, Rev J. H. 0 10 0 Unde:-' 10s,...... 0 7 0 cxiv ÎOEË.SI1IEË. f l 895.

By Mrs Miirrowood, fot Hobbis, Kate ... 0 8 8 Subscriptions: Rowbotham, Anniel 3 2 Congo. Hobbis, Lucy ... 0 9 0 Sheard, Amelia . 1 5 4 By Miss Hall. Walker, Agnes... 1 0 6 Dixon, Mr B. ...330 Greaves, Mr S. 0 10 0 Walker, Mable... 1 11 1 Murrowood.MrA. 1 1 0 Knowles, Miss .. 0 10 0 Whitaker, Edith 0 15 0 Muirowood, Miss 0 10 6 j Under 5s 0 14 9 Slater, Mrs 0 10 0 Knowles, Miss G. 0 10 0 SHEFFIELD. Pashley, Miss ... 2 0 0 Boys’ School. Stubbings, Mrs... 0 10 0 Swonnell, Mr ... 1 0 0 Under 10s..... 4 10 6 Townhead Stree\ Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Eberlin,Mr(class) 2 18 6 Johnson, Percy 6 2 0 Rev I. A. Ward. By Mrs F. P. Rawson. By Miss Williams. Johnson&Tucker 0 12 1 Collections 5 11 6 Norwood, Gilbert 0 12 4 Birt’es, Miss 0 10 0 Calvert, Mrs 0 12 0 Portass, Arthur 1 3 3 Olegg, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Do-.forW^O 2 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 9 3 Hayward, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Slack, Ernest ... 1 0 4 Drabble,MrR.C.H. 5 11 0 Do., for Jf P ... 0 12 11 Masterton, Mr ... 0 10 0 Under 5s 1 3 1 Do., for China 0 10 0 Oxley, Mr ...... 0 12 6 Drabble, Mrs 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Trotman, Rev H. 0 10 0 55 1 11 Do., for China 0 10 0 Williams, Miss... 0 12 0 2 9 7 Parker, Mr J. H. 0 10 0 By Mrs H. Sarson. x n ...... o 10 o Pipe, Mr Hy 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 4 5 6 62 12 4 Rawson, Mr F. P. 0 10 0 Barnes, MrW. H. 1 0 0 Do., for Congo 0 10 0 Sarson, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 Collected by Rawson, Mr J. H. 0 30 0 Under 10s...... 0 9 6 SHEFFIELD. Do., for Congo 0 10 0 Machen, Mr ...... 0 5 8 Attercliffe. Rawson,MrsJ.H. 0 10 0 By Mrs Allsop. Do., for Congo 0 10 0 Boxes by Rev J. G. Williams. Wilson, Mrs H. J. 1 0 0 Hobbis, Mr C. B. 1 1 0 Booker, M rs 0 3 0 Collections 3 19 11 Under 10s...... 4 5 6 Under 10s...... 0 16 6 Nemo ...... 0 3 5 Do., for W # 0 0 10 3 Orange, Mrs and Contribs., S.-sch. 4 15 6 By Mrs S. Smith. By Mrs Norton. family...... 0 18 2 Do., for I 3... 0 5 5 Bailey,RevJ.,B. A. 2 10 0 Rawson, Mr H. A. 1 0 0 Y.P.S.C.E. Boxes by Briggs, Mr W. M. 10 0 0 Standish, Mr H. 0 10 0 Do., in memo- Under 10s...... 0 5 6 Contributions ...296 Challinor, Mr H. 0 10 0 riam, for Denton, Mr ...... 0 4 1 China 5 0 0 By MissWichman 1 0 0 Boxes by Jones, Mr S. S... 0 11 0 Smith, Mrs A. ... 1 0 0 Platts, M r 0 8 1 Box by Gilbert, Mr ..... 0 12 2 Shaw, Mr .... .'. 0 5 0 Smith, Mr F. E. 10 10 0 Gorse, Mr ...... 0 0 3 Williams,RevJ.G. 1 0 0 Smith, Mrs F. E. 0 10 0 Barratt, Mrs 1 17 0 Woods, Mr A. ... 0 2 6 Witherley, Mr ... 0 10 10 Smith, Mr S 10 0 0 Wood, Mr ...... 0 8 0 Under 10s...... 0 C C Sunday-school, coll. by 43 9 6 Wood, Mr W. H. 0 4 6 By Miss Wheatley. Briggs, S. E 0 5 2 Under 4s. 0 5 2 Chapman, Aug. 0 9 6 Burrows,MrS.H. 1 1 0 Clayton,Gertrude 1 6 6 SHEFFIELD. 13 17 9 Less expenses 0 4 0 Dixon, MrB 1 1 0 Hobbis, W. C. ... .2 1 8 Cemetery Road. Dixon, Mrs B. ... 1 1 0 King, Leonard... 1 6 0 Hobbis, Mr W. B. 0 15 0 Murfitt, S. A. ... 2 10 1 Rev E. Carrington. 13 13 9 Wilson, Mrs E. 0 10 0 Rawson, Elsie ... 2 2 8 Under 10s...... 0 12 6 Sarson, Elizabeth 2 3 4 Collections.. 5 6 0 ScholefLeld, M. E. 2 1 8 Do., for W & O 2 2 0 SHEFFIELD. — By Mrs Mackley. Standish, Harry 1 19 0 Ward, Archie ... 1 17 9 Subscriptions: Walkley. Hides, Mrs 1 0 0 Ward, Florrie ... 1 18 4 By Miss Farran and Miss Rev A. G, Haste. Hides, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 F. Bradley. Xiindley, Mr T. A. 0 10 6 39 4 10 Collections 2 4 Mackley, Mr G. 0 12 0 0 7 0 Hiller, Mr J. F. 0 10 0 Do., for W & O 0 10 Under 10s...... 1 4 6 Under 10s...... 1 6 0 Sunday.sohool... 2 7 38 17 10 By Mr H. T. Westby. Juvenile Society. Subscriptions : Butler, Mr& Mrs Girls’ School. Gardiner, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Milne, Mr J. 0 10 0 John B 0 12 0 SHEFFIELD. Edwards, Mr Jos 0 12 0 Allen, Lavinia.... 1 5 0 Norton, Mr A., Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Portmahon. Bardili, Gertrude 3 1 6 birthday tea... 2 18 4 Blackburn, Mr Norton, Mrs A... 1 5 0 Christian Endeavour Rev H. Trotman. (class) ..... 0 5 Turton, Mr ..... 0 10 0 Society, coll. by Bowles,Miss(olaBs) 1 11 Under 10s...... 0 9 0 Collections 6 10 6 Burgon, Elsie ... 0 5 Marsh, Miss E.... 0 8 8 Do., for W <£ O 1 9 2 Carrington,Daisy 1 13 Boxes by Hides, Miss ...... 2 17 6 Sunday-school... 8 12 2 Do., Miss Bloom 0 10 Fumiss,Beatrice Ó 3 9 Gardiner, Ruth.. 0 7 10 Donations for Debt. Collis, Nellie...... 1 0 Boxes by Daniels, Daisy... 0 19 Green.MrA...... 0 9 8 0 6 Hazell. Mr J. 0 5 6 Bailey,Miss Dora 0 14 9 F. T. M...... 2 0 0 Darling, A. E .... Gilbert, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 GilbertjMr (class) 1 18 Hazell, Miss ;..... 0 10 7 Coward, Mrs 0 5 0 Mason, Amy 0 9 6 To wnend, M. & V. 0 12 2 Gilbert, Mr J. W. 1 0 0 Green, Emmie... 0 17 Hobson, Mr 1 0 0 Green, Lily ...... 0 17 2 Smith, F. & A,... 0 8 8 Under 3s...... 0 8 11 Sunday-school cards, by S...... 1 0 0 Johnson, Beatrice 6 10 8 Wellwisber ...... 1 0 0 Johnson,Florence 1 8 11 Hobbis, Carrie... 0 9 2 Trotman, Rev'H. 1 0 0 Johnson, Lily ... 1 8 0 14 8 4 Hobbis, Frank... 0 6 6 Under 10s...... 0 2 0 Johnson, Nellie 1 18 0 1895.] Y0-RK.SH1B.JE. CXV

SHEFFIELD. For N P, by STAINCUFFE. Prayer meetings 1 2 8 Sunday-Bchool... 0 9 2 Hilsbro*. Culshaw, F., and Rev J. Rigby. Bennett, E., Collected by Rev A. McKittrick. Misses...... 0 2 0 Collection ...... 2 5 Do., for W & 0 0 9 Collections...... 1 5 4 Garwood, A., and Regent, Mrs 0 18 0 Culshaw, N., Bunday-school... 4 3 1 2 14 0 Misses...... 0 3 1 For iV P, by 5 8 5 Hudson, T. and Bandall, F. ...0 3 0 Bennett, M r 0 5 6 STEEP LANE. SHEFFIELD. Judge, Misses E. Hudspeth, Miss 0 3 0 and A. J 0 fl 7 Rev W. Haigh. Sugden, Miss ... 0 4 3 Dronfield. Judge. W. A. ...021 Ward, Miss A. .. 0 4 2 Rev C. J. Rendel 1. Mather, Alex. ... 0 3 10 Collection ...... 6 17 0 Under 2s 0 2 3 Bead, S. A., and Contribs.,S.-sch. 3 5 Collections ...... 7 10 0 Broaden, L., 4 3 G Misses...... 0 3 0 10 2 0 0 4 6 Rodgers, Misses 0 3 11 SHIPLEY. Tye, E., and Cow- 3 19 0 Collection...... 1 2 0 gi 11, A.,Misses 2 15 6 SUNNY BANK. Under 2s. ... 0 6 10 Collections 1 1 0 TODMORDEN. SHIPLEY. 11 4 2 Do., for W& 0 0 3 6 Rosse Street. United Meetings. Collections...... 4 18 0 SKIPTOK. Lydgate...... 2 2 7 Do..for W&O 2 11 0 Belmont. Shore ...... 3 2 8 Contribs.,S.-schl. 6 16 5 Wellington-road. 2 5 2 Rev J. S. Griffiths. SUTTON-IN-CRAVEN. Subscriptions Collection ...... 1 13 3 7 10 5 Croft, Mr J. 010 0 Do., for W & 0 0 12 2 Rev F. W. Follard. Less district expenses 2 18 0 Fyfe, Mrs Jas.... 2 0 0 Collections 16 14 5 Fyfe, Mr Jno. R. 1 0 0 Subscription: Do., for W If 0 1 15 0 Hopkinson,Mr J. 0 10 0 Parkinson, Mr & Medley, Rev W. 1 0 0 Subscriptions: Neville. Mr C. E. 1 1 0 Mrs ...... 2 7 10 Spurr, Miss ...... 0 10 6 Cuthbertson, M rs 1 0 0 TOBUOBDEir. Under 10s...... 1 12 6 4 13 3 Clough, Mr Jas., sen. (2 years) 2 0 0 Roomfield. Hargreaves,MrE. 1 0 0 22 9 5 SLACK LANE. Less expenses 0 4 0 Rev H. Briggs. By Miss Laycock. Rev H. Davies. Collections 5 6 0 22 5 5 Collections, &c.... 8 2 1 Duckett, Mrs ...220 Do., for W it O 0 10 0 Duckett, Miss ...110 H. B. (Don.) 0 10 0 Duckett, Dr ..... 0 10 6 SHIPLEY. Subscriptions: Horsfall, Mr J. 0. 10 10 0 Subscription: Bethel Chapel. Davies, Rev H... 0 10 0 Horsfall, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Town, Mr W 5 0 0 Pilling, Mrs A.... 2 10 0 0 Laycock,MrH.W. 0 10 0 Collections...... 3 18 Pollard,RevF.W. 1 0 0 13 12 1 Under 10s...... 0 8 6 Collected by SHORE. By Miss Ferguson. Briggs, John T. 0 18 5 SLAITHWAITE. Cunliffe, Miss E. 0 13 0 Rev J. F. Archer. Netherwood.Mrs 0 10 0 Fielden,MrsF.D. 1 17 7 Zion Chapel. Under 10s...... 0 12 9 Knowles, Mr Jos. 5 0 2 Collection ...... 5 11 6 Pilling,MissEdith 3 17 6 Donations...... 0 9 6 Rev E. Evans. Juvenile Auxiliary. Pilling, Mr J. S. 2 6 4 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 11 11 Collection 16 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 16 6 0 Sutcliffe, B., and Do., for N P, Fielden, H., PrabhatDair Subscriptions: Misses ...... 2 3 4 Singh ...... 4 1 4 SOUTH BANK. Smith, Miss M. 1 0 0 Boxes by Collected by Under 10s...... 1 0 7 Nonnariby Road. Pilling, Mrs A.... 0 8 8 Carter, Mr F. ... 0 12 0 Collected by Sutcliffe,MissA.M. 0 9 11 Cunliffe,Mr G.H. 1 14 0 Rev D. M. Pryse. Greenwood, Mr Laycock, E., and 26 10 11 Contributions ... 1 14 4 Overend, Misses 2 18 7 J. H...... 0 11 0 Do., forJVJP... 0 19 10 Southwell, Mr T. 6 19 4 Clarkson, Mrs, for support o f 2 14 2 20 10 7 Congo boy 5 0 0 (£5 o f abovefo r support o f Congo boy, Mbundu.) 67 0 4

8KIPTON. SOWERBY BRIDGE. i o u m o e d e n *. Oxley Street. Collections 110 7 THORNABY- ON - TEES. Do., for N P ... 0 9 9 Wellington Road. Rev W. Judge. D o.,forW&O 0 10 0 Rev H. W. Winsor. Rev Thos. Cotes. Collections...... 2 1 0 Do., for W& O 0 11 4 2 10 4 Collection ...... 0 4 6 Collections 3 1 3 Contribs.,S.-schl. 4 2 0 Do., for W & 0 0 10 0 Do., for W i 0 1 0 0 exvi YOBKSHIfcE- —ANGLÈ8EA. [1895.

Subscriptions s YALE. WAKEFIELD. YORK. Rev J. Cottam. Rev C. Pates. ! By Miss Barker. Rev W. Stone. Collections...... 7 18 7 Cotes, Rev T...... 0 10 6 Do., for W&O 1 10 0 Juvenile Society 11 13 6 Gill, Mr J. S .. 0 10 6 Collection ...... 3 6 0 Jnv. M iss.Soc.,for Greenwood, Mr Do.,for W&O 0 7 2 NPfiroonoday Subscriptions : and Mrs A. ... 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 1 11 10 Ghoze,Back«r- By Miss Kershaw. Newell, Mr S ... 1 1 0 gunge...... 12 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 17 6 Kershaw, Mr 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Subscription : Collected by Under 10s...... 3 6 0 Marshall, Mr L .. 0 10 0 Nicholson,MrW., Ashworth,MissE. 1 13 6 J.P...... 10 0 0 Barker, Miss...... 2 15 2 Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Boxes by Cotes, Thos. L.... 1 2 9 6 0 0 81 8 7 Kay, M iss 0 14 2 Crossley, Miss... 2 8 11 Less expenses 0 6 0 Kershaw, Miss ..042 Newell,Miss, class 1 2 0 Under 2s 0 0 8 Ratcliffe, J...... 0 4 5 31 2 7 Sunderland, J.... 0 3 11 16 9 0 Sutcliffe, Miss G. 0 15 2 WAINSGATE. Ladies’ Monitor WEST VALE. class for sup­ Rev G. W. Wilkinson. 3,211 2 4 Rev D. R. Lewis. port of orphan Less district girl, "Naomi” 3 0 0 Collections 4 7 2 Collections...... 1 13 3 expenses ... 30 16 1 Wood, Miss F .... 2 8 9 Do., for W&O 0 8 0 Do., for W 4 0 0 15 0

23 5 4 4 15 2 2 8 3 £ 3 ,2 1 0 6 3


NORTH WALES BRYNSIENCYN. GARBGFAWR. HOLYHEAD. Rev E. T. Jones. Siloh. Contributions ... 0 14 6 Contributions ... 2 10 Contributions ... 3 2 6 Bnglesea- Do., for N P ... 0 6 8 1 1 2 HOLYHEAD. AI NON. CAERGEILIOG. Hebron. Contributions ... 2 6 3 Siloh. RevW. Price. Contributions ... 4 3 HOLYHEAD. Contributions ... 4 4 0 AMLWCH.

Salem. Bethel. HOLYHEAD. Rev G. Williams. CAPEL GWYN. Rev T. M. Rees. New Park Street. Contributions ... 6 13 3 Contributions ... 1 17 Do., for N P ... 1 13 3 Contributions ... 8 10 Rev G. Evans. S.-school boxes... 10 2 0 Do., for N P .. 1 10 Contributions ... ■ 1 0 3 CAPEL NEWYDD. Do., for Congo 0 6 Subscriptions: Rev J. C. Rees. Subscriptions : Hughes. Mr Owen 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Hughes, Mrs 0 10 0 Contribution 0 8 Jones, Mr W. D. 0 10 6 Noble, M r 0 10 0 Brearton, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Williams, Miss Collins,Mis ¡¿H. A. 0 10 0 M. A...... 1 0 0 19 18 6 Hughes, Dr E. T. 1 1 0 CEMABS. Hughes,Mr John, 2 16 9 Contribution ... 6 0 for Congo ...... 0 12 6 BEAUMARIS. Lewis, Misses C. and M...... 0 10 6 LLANDDEUSANT. Rev T. Hughes. Owen, Mr W. ... 0 0 10 Contributions ... 1 2 2 Contributions ... 3 16 GAERWEN. Rees, Rev T. M. 0 10 0 Roberts,Mr T .... 0 10 0 Moriah. Roberts, Mrs T. 0 10 0 Subscription : 1 1 0 BELAN. Rev T. E. Williams. Thomas, Mr W. Roberts, Miss E. 1 0 0 Contributions ...230 Contributions ... 2 7 16 11 3 2 2 2 1895.] AN&LESEA— CARNARVONSHIRE. CXV11

LLANELIAN. PEN CARNEDDI. Carnarvonshire. Subscriptions: Bethania. Davies, Bev O.... 0 10 0 Rev T. E. Williams. AINON. Rev E. Evans. Evans & Lake, Contributions ... 3 0 0 Messrs 1 1 0 Contributions ... 1 9 9 Contributions ... 0 10 Roberts, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Roberts, M rs 0 10 0 PENSARE. Williams, Mr & LLANERCHYMEDD. Carmel. BANGOR. Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Rev H. Edwards. Rev J. C. Rees. English Church. 25 0 0 Contributions ... 9 10 0 Contributions ... 2 1 6 Rev W. R. Saunders. Subscription : Contributions ... 5 6 DINORWIC. PBirsA.Eir. Roberts, Mrs 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Sardis. Sardis. Beck, Mr R...... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 1 10 0 10 0 0 Rev J. C. Rees. Lewis, Capt. H. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 2 15 0 Roberts, M rs.... 0 10 0 Roberts,Mr W. O. 0 10 0 GARN. LLANFACHRAETH. Subscription: Wickens, Mr J. .. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 3 16 0 Contributions ... 2 9 3 Hon. Lady Neve 1 0 0 Subscription : 3 15 6 GIIjFACH, LLANFAIR- Williams, Mr j BAXGOB. R ice...... 2 0 0 FECHAN, AND PEN- PONTRYDYßONT. Penuel. MAENMAWR. 4 9 3 Contributions ... 5 11 G Rev E. Evans. Rev J. Griffiths. Subscription : Contributions ... 14 16 ® : Contributions ... 5 16 0 LLANFETHLU, SOAR. Owen, Mr E 0 10 0 Subscriptions : , Subscriptions ; ! A Friend...... 1 0 1891. 6 1 6 ® i Ellis, Miss Ann... 2 0 0 I Davies,RevGethin A ■ Ellis, Mr H 1 0 o Contribution 9 6 0 • n.o...... 0 10 " Ellis, Mrs H 1 0 0 ; Davies, MrJohn 0 10 " Ellis Mr H. J. .. 0 10 0 Subscriptions: PORTHAETHWY. ! Elias, Mr 0 ...... 0 15 X Ellis, Miss A. K,J. 0 10 0 Evans, Rev E. ... 1 0 Griffiths, Rev J. 0 10 0 A Friend...... 1 0 0 Menai Bridge. In memory of the Jones.Mrs Cathe­ Contributions ... 10 0 0 late Mrs Anu rine ...... 5 0 0 Williams 0 10 Williams, Mr R. 1 0 0 Matthews, Mr Welshman 1 0 0 W. P. C.C. 0 10 RHOSYBOL. GLANWYDDEN. 1895. Morris,Prof. Silas, Rev E. E. Jones. M.A ...... 0 10 Rev J. Thomas. Contributions ... 10 0 10 Williams, Mr Do., for NP... 1 9 3 Contributions ... 4 15 0 Evan ...... 0 10 Contributions ... 3 4 3 Do., Sun.-sch. Subscriptions: Subscriptions : Bos by for N t ...... 0 7 8 Jones, Mrs C. ... 5 0 0 Jones Rev E. E. 0 10 0 Evans, Mrs, for Williams, Mr R. 0 15 0 Congo...... 1 8 Wright, Mrs D... 0 10 0 5 5 0

35 1 1 LLANBERIS. RHYDWYN. BETHESDA. Rev G. Williams. Rev D . Lloyd. LLANFAIRMATH. Contributions ... 0 4 6 Contributions ... 8 10 0 Rev T. P. Davies. Rev E. W. Lewis. Contributions ... 11 17 Subscription : LLANDUDNO. Contributions ... 2 2 0 Thomas, Mrs 0 10 0 Tabernacle. 9 0 0 CAPEL-Y-BEIRDD. Rev D. Davies. LLANGEFNI. Contributions ... 1 13 Contributions ... 10 11 2 Rev T. Frimston. VALLEY. Subscription : Subscriptions t Contributions ... 11 8 6 Contributions ... 3 0 0 Nanney.MrS. J. 1 0 Davies. Rev D... 0 10 0 Do., for N P ... 0 6 0 Edwards, Mr D. 1 1 0 Subscriptions : 2 13 Hughes, Mr Jno. 0 10 0 Llsyd, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Hughes, Mr Jos. 1 0 0 Salisbury,Mr W. 0 10 0 Jones, Mrs 1 1 0 Williams, Mr T., 184 1 11 CAERNARVON. Jones, Mr E 0 10 0 In memory of Less f orCounty Parry, Capt. J... u 10 0 the late ...... 0 10 0 HomeMission 46 13 1 Caersalem. Williams, MrsE.H. 1 1 0 Rev O. Davies, D.D. 13 8 6 £137 8 10 16 14 2 Contributions ... 21 8 C x v m CARNARVONSHIRE— DENBIGHSHIRE. [1895.

LliAjrDtTDJfO. PONTLLYFNI. BRYMBO. GARTH. English Church. Contributions ... 1 18 4 Welsh Church. Rev T. Morris. Mostyn Street. Rev E. K. Jones. Contribs., 1894... 1 15 0 Rev J. Raymond. Do., 1895... 1 14 0 PORTDINORWIC. Contributions ... 8 2 4 Do.,do.,for NP 0 10 3 Collection prayer Subscriptions: meetings 2 4 3 Salem. 3 19 3 Col]ec.,for W&0 0 18 10 Contribs.,f or NP 0 15 6 Edwards,MrPdter 0 11 0 Contribs., S.-sch., Jones, Rev and boxes & cards 3 7 4 Mrs E. K 1 0 0 Williams, Miss GEFAILRHYD. Subscriptions: PORTHÏNLLEYN. Gladys...... 1 10 6 Rev 0. M. Owen. By Misses Foulkes and Caersalem. Williams, Mr and Annie Davies. MrsJ.,Wrexham 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 10 0 0 10 0 11 14 3 0 10 0 Marks, Mr J. j., GLYNCERIOG. M.A...... 1 1 0 CEFNMAWR. ■Raymond, Rev J. 1 6 0 PORTMADOC. Rev J. L. Jones. Wiley, M rs...... 0 10 0 Berea. Zion. 2 16 10 Contributions ... 5 0 0 Rev S. Jones, Contributions ... 3 1 Subscription: 13 4 3 ributions ... 0 12 6 Do., for N P ... 0 10 Less for Home Green, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 4 8 1 3 11 3 5 10 0 8 16 2 PWLLHELI. Rev S. P. Edwards. CEFNKAWB. Contributions ... 6 10 6 Tabernacle. LLANFAIR. LLANAELHAIARN. Do., prayer meeting, for Rev R. E. Williams. Contributions ... 0 8 6 Trefor and Llithfaen. NP ...... 0 10 0 Contribs., 1894... 1 10 0 Rov H. Hughes. Subscriptions: Do., 1895... 2 0 6 LLANEFYDD. Contributions ... 2 15 8 A Friend...... 1 0 0 3 11 6 Do., for N P ... I 4 11 A Friend...... 0 15 0 Bryn. Anthony, Mr W. 0 10 0 4 0 7 Davis,Mrs (2yrs.) 0 10 0 CEFNBYCHAN. Contributions ... 1 0 0 Evans, Mr O. ...2 0 0 Jones, Mrs 1 0 0 Rev J. Roberts. Owen, Mr R 0 10 0 LLANDWROG. Contributions ... 1 18 0 LLANGERNYW. Groeslon. 13 5 6 Contributions ... 0 13 2 Contributions ... 0 17 6 Do., for N P... b 10 4 CEFN RUABON. RHOSHIRWAEN. 1 3 6 LLANLLYFNI. Contributions ... 0 19 8 Rev J. J. Williams. Rev W. Evans. Contributions ... 0 16 6 Contributions ... 2 10 CODAU. Ll a n g o l l e n . Subscriptions : TALYSARN. Contributions ...2 4 6 Welsh Church. •fones, Mr J . 0 10 Rev J. Frimston. J jnes, Mr D 0 10 Rev D. Williams. Contributions ... 0 15 COLWYN BAY. 3 10 0 Contributions ... 3 2 4 Contributions ... 0 15 8 Subscriptions. TYDDYNSHON. KEVIN. Rev 0. Roberts. Morris, Mr J. ... 1 0 0 Rev D. H. Hughes. DENBIGH. Under 10s...... 1 9 6 Contributions ... 4 3 Contributions ... 2 8 6 Welsh Church. 5 11 10 £ 1 5 3 9 10 Rev B. Williams. LessHomeMission Subscription : and expenses 210 7 Joneß, Mr 0 ...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 4 Do.,S.-sch., for 8 1 3 NP ...... 0 12 2>enbi0bsbire. 1 16 9 IiLA.ITGOI.LBK. PENYGROES. ABERGELE. Penybryn —English Ch. Rev J. J. Williams. Rev T. Roberts. DOLYWERN. Rev H. Rees. Collections 3 5 7 Contributions ... 2 6 0 Contributions ... 2 2 4 Contributions ... 3 12 2 Coll., for W&O 0 6 0 1895.] FLINTSHl RS— MERIONETHSHIRE— MONTGOME RY S H Iß E. CX1X

Subscription : Subscriptions: MOLD. Subscriptions : Jones, Mr S... 2 0 0 Williams.MrR.W. 1 5 0 Coward, M r 0 10 0 Rev T. Morgan. Williams.MrsR.W.l 5 0 Dodd,Mr&MrsW. 0 10 0 Hawkins,MrF. H. 0 10 6 Owen, Mr B . 1 0 0 Contributions 1 10 0 Hughes,Mr&MrsS. 0 10 0 11 17 (5 Page, M rs 1 0 0 Tharsfield, Mr R. C...... 0 10 6 Under 10s. ...050 NANTMAWR. 6 7 LLANELIDAN. Less Home Rev W. Jenkins. Mission ...... 2 0 18 14 9 Rev W. T. Davies. Less expenses 0 10 3 Contribs. for N P 0 11 6 Contributions ... 3 5 4 7 2 Do., Daisy Hill 18 4 6 for Do 0 5 0 LLANSANTFFRA.ID & £90 14 0 LLANRHAIADR. GLYNDYFRDWr. Salem, Rev W. G. Owen. RHYL. Rev O. M. Owen. fflintsbire. Contributions ... 2 6 0 Contributions ... 1 5 English Church. BODFARI. Rev D. Lewis. PANDYRCAPEL. LLANRWST. Rev T. Davies. Collected by Miss E. F. Walton. Rev W. T. Davies. Rev M. H. Jones. Contributions ... 1 6 6 Cox, Mrs 0 ...... 0 14 0 Contributions ... 2 16 0 Contributions ... 2 2 Hughes,— ' Mrs. '■ 10 0 Subscription: Hugheä, Miss 0 10 0 BUCKLEY. Under 10s..., 2 8 0 Roberts, Mr E.... 1 0 0 LLANSILIN. Rev W. Jenkins. 4 12 9 3 16 0 Rev O. M. Owen. Contributions ... 0 8 Conrributions ... 3 0 £19 16 3 PENRHYNDEU- CAERWYS. DRAETH. MOELFRE. Zion. Contribs...... 2 18 0 Rev O. M. Owen. Contributions ... 0. 6 8 d&edonetbsbice. Contribs., 1894... 2 18 0 Do., 1895... 2 8 0 TRAWSFYNYDD. BARMOUTH AND GREENFIELD-IN- ARTHOG. Scotch Bp. Church. 6 6 0 HOLYWELL. Rev T. J. Roberts. Coll. for W&O... 0 10 0 Contribs. for N P 0 2 11 MOSS. Contributions ... 2 18 2 £39 8 5 Contribs.,forici* 0 13 Subscription: Jones, Mr W. ...110 PANT-Y-GOHALKIN. PONKEY. jfllbotttgomergsbire. Contributions ... 1 15 2 3 19 2 Zion Church. CAERSWS. Rev E. Mitchell. BLAENAU FESTINIOG. Contributions ... 0 16 0 Cont. for N P ... 0 7 HOLYWELL. Calvary. Subscriptions : Contributions ... 4 9 8 Contributions ... 4 8 4 Do., for JVP ... 1 2 4 Campbell, Dr RHOSLLANER- Do., for N P ... 0 19 11 Munro...... 0 10 0 CHRTJGOG. Subscription : Joaes, Mr Ellis... 0 10 0 Rev E. Williams. Evans, Dr R, D. 0 10 C 1 16 0 Contributions ... 3 3 11 LIXWM. 6 18 9 Contributions ... 1 3 5 CWM, NEAR SARN. Do., for NP ... 0 16 3 RUTHIN. CORWEN, CYNWYD Contributions ... 0 7 6 1 19 8 AND THRERDDOL. Rev 1. James, Sen. Rev H. C. Williams. Contributions ... 4 13 Contributions ... 4 18 0 CWMBELLAN. LLANELWY. Subscription : Rev D. E. Hughes. WREXHAM. Contributions ... 0 14 0 Williams, Rev Contributions ... 1 10 0 Do., for NP... 0 15 0 Chester Street. H. C...... 0 10 0 Subscription : Rev J. H. Thomas. 6 8 0 M lr.W R . Hughes,RevD.E. 0 10 0 Collections ...... 3 11 Coll., for W&O 10 » Contributions ... 0 12 0 DOLGELLY. | 2 15 0 Sunday-school... 9 17 6 I Contributions ... 8 17 6 1 ÖXX k MONT&OMEîtYSaiBÊ — BRECKNOCfcSHÎfiE. [189Ô.

LLANFAIR. Collected by SOUTH WALES. ERWOOD. Contributions ... 2 18 0 Hodges, J. W. ... 0 0 3 Hephzibah and Ramah. Subscriptions : 20 G 2 JBrecftnocfcsbire. Rev.J. Morgan. Ellis, Mr S. 1 Less exoenses, BRECON. 1 0 Heralds 3 17 1 Contributions ... 1 0 5 Ellis, Mrs S. 1 1 0 Watergate. GLASBURY. 5 0 0 Rev D. B. Edwards. Contributions ... 3 4 7 Rev J. Lloyd Williams. SARN. Do., for N P ... 0 19 5 Contributions ... 1 11 10 LLANFYLLIN AND Rev E. Lawrence. Subscription : BETHEL. 1893. Evans, Mr Daniel 0 10 0 Rev W. H. Jones. • LLANFRYNACH. Subscriptions: Contributions ... 6 14 11 4 14 0 Contributions ... 0 14 0 Do., for N P... 1 13 1 Davies, Mr & Do., Bethel ... 2 14 10 Mrs G...... 0 12 0 BBECON. Do., Pontllogel 1 0 2 Morgan, Mr R.... 1 0 0 LLANFIHANGEL. Kensington Chapel. Subscriptions: 1891. Lower Chapel. Contributions ... 4 3 8 Rev S. Jones. Davies, Mr Evan 1 0 0 Bethel. Edwards, Mr T>. 1 0 0 Collections 6 2 10 Jones, Mr T. B., Subscriptions: Do., Sun-sch... 9 1 8 Rev J. L. Evan?. in Memory of Subscriptions : his father...... 1 0 0 Davies, Mr & Contributions ... 1 2 3 Mrs G...... 0 12 0 Evans, Mr John 1 1 0 15 3 0 Morgan, Mr R.... 1 0 0 Jones, Rev S. ... 0 10 0 Less Home Mis- LLANGYNIDR. sion&expenses 5 3 0 1895. 16 15 6 Rev W. Llewellyn. Contributions ... 2 4 2 10 0 0 Contributions ... 16 7 9 Subscription: BRYNMAWR. Subscriptions : Calvary Chapel. Morgan, Mr R .„. 0 10 0 Jenkins, Mr T.... 0 15 0 LLANIDLOES Rev J. Williams. Jones, Mr M. P. 1 0 0 10 1 10 Jones, Mrs M. P. 1 0 0 Rev J. Griffiths 1891. Jones, Mrs A. ... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 4 Id 9 Contribs.,S.-sch., Jones, Mr W 1 0 0 STAYLITTLE. for N P ...... 4 3 2 Longfellow, Mr J. 0 10 0 Subscription : Roberts,Mr A. J. 0 10 O' Rev J. John. Donation: Smout, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Williams, Rev J. 0 10 6 22 2 9 1891. 6 0 9 1893. Contributions ... 2 19 3 MAESYBERLLAN. Do., for N P ... 1 1 11 Contribut:ons ... 3 19 6 Do., Sunday- Rev G. H. Llewellyn. NEW CHAPEL. Subscription : schools, for NP ...... 0 17 8 Contributions ... 1 13 3 Rev D. E. Hughes. Morris, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Do., for NP... 1 17 5 Subscription: 1695. Contributions ... 1 19 0 Williams, Rev J. 0 10 6 3 10 8 Do., for NP ... 0 16 0 Contributions ... 1 18 11 Do., for NP... 2 6 1 10 1 4 Subscriptions : NANTYFFIN. Chapman, Mrs... 0 10 0 Subscription ; Hughes,Re vD.E. 0 10 0 BBYNMAWR. Rev D. H. Jones. Morris, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Tabor. 3 15 0 Contribs., 1894... 0 15 4 10 6 2 Rev H. J. Evans. Do., 1895...... 2 0 0 Contribs., 1894... 2 17 7 2 15 4 Do., 1895...... 3 5 0 NEWTOWN. TALYWERN. Rev T. E. Williams. 6 2 7 PANTCELYN. Zion. Collections 4 10 10 Rev S. Thomas. Do., for W & 0 0 18 0 Contributions ... 4 13 6 CRICKHOWELL. Contribs., S.-sch. 9 13 7 Bethabara. Contributions ... 0 16 6 Subscriptions: £71 4 10 Rev W. F. Stephens. Davies, Mr Job... 0 12 0 Collections 2 1 8 PENYRHEOL. Jones,MrT.Parry 1 0 0 Total of Contri­ Do., Sun.-scb. 3 8 4 Lewis, Mr H. E. 0 10 6 butions from Rev J. Lloyd Williams. Turner, Mr W. A. 0 10 6 NorthWales £512 2 2 6 10 0 Contributions ... 1 10 2 Under 10s.... „216 1895.1 BRECKNOCKSHIRE— CARDIGANSHIRE---CABMABTHENSHIBE. Cxxi

PISGAH. ABERYSTWITH. TALYBONT. CAIO. Bev T, Harries. Moriah. Rev E. R. Williams. Salem. Contributions ... 0 7 6 Rev J. E. Thomas. Contributions ... 0 11 0 Contributions ... 3 10 0 Subscriptions: Contributions ... 2 19 5 TALGARTH. Ellis, Mr Tom ... #10 0 Morgan, Mr Joel 0 10 0 YERWIG. Rev D. Harris. CARMARTHEN. Siloam. Contributions ... 2 4 0 1 7 6 Penuel Church. Contributions ... 4 0 5 Contributions ... 7 6 8 BLAENWENEN. TREFIL. £94 4 3 Subscriptions : Contributions ... 2 11 0 Rev P. Williams. Evans, Mr T. C. 0 11 0 Contributions ... 1 2 0 Lewis, Mr J 0 10 0 CARDIGAN. Phillips, Mr R.... 0 12 6 £ 82 6 4 Mount Zion. Carmarthenshire. 9 0 2 Rev G. Hughes. Collection, Ac.... 6 0 2 ABERDUAR. Caröigansbire. Do., for If P ... 3 0 9 CABUABTHEIT. Rev H. I. James. Tabernacle. Subscriptions : ABERAYRON. Contiibutions ... 9 0 11 Bev E. U. Thomas. Davies, Mr H. Contributions ...050 (in memory of Contributions ... 13 0 1 late) for A frica 2 10 0 Subscriptions: Do., for China 2 10 0 AMMANFORD. ABERYSTWITH. Evans,MissAnnie 1 0 0 Edwards,MrW.R. 1 1 0 Evans, Mrs B.,in Rev T. F. Williams. Evans, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Bethel. memory of ... 1 10 0 Hodges, Mrs 0 10 6 James, Mr J. ... 0 10 6 Contribs., 1894... 3 3 10 Do. (box) ...... 1 4 7 Ber J. A. Morris. Do., 1895 ...... 1 15 10 Lloyd, Mr J 1 1 0 James, Mrs J. ... 0 10 6 Do., for N P... 1 16 0 Collections 8 19 8 James, Master Lloyd, Mr W. ... 0 10 6 Morgan, Mr G.... 0 10 0 Contiiba.jfor NP 1 6 6 H. D...... 0 10 6 6 15 8 Thomas, Mr T.... 0 10 6 Morgan, Mr W. 1 1 0 Subscriptions : Under Ils 3 10 0 Morgans, Mr E. 0 10 0 Price, Mr E 0 10 6 Davies,Mrs,Bryn- For Italian Evangelist. Rogers, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 awel...... 2 0 0 BETHEL PliASHET. Jones, Mr Peter 0 10 o James, Mr and Thomas,RevE.U. 1 1 0 Morgan, Mr M. 0 10 0 Mrs John ...... 0 10 0 Rev L. Davies. Thomas, Mr and Morris, Rev J. A. 0 10 6 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 M rsT...... 1 0 0 Roberts.RevT.F. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 8 18 7 Roberts,MrsT.F. 1 0 0 23 2 11 23 0 2 Thomas, Mr D., J.P...... 0 10 0 CABMABTHEK. Under 10s...... 9 10 2 CARDIGAN. BWLCHNEW YDD. Bethany, Welsh Ch. English Church. 19 16 10 Bev L. Davies. Bev J. Williams, J.P. Contributions ... 4 1 5 Rev A. F. Mills. ABERYSTWITH. Contributions ... 16 10 1 Contributions ... 3 16 8 Do., for W A O 0 5 U Subscriptions: English Chapel. Do., for N P... 1 6 4 Bev T. Williams, B.A. BUBBY PORT. Mills, Rev A. F. 0 10 6 18 1 5 Mills, Mrs ...... 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Tabernacle. Morgan, Mr Geo. 0 10 6 Angus, Mrs ...... 1 1 0 Rev W. E. Watkins. Price, Dr R. G. 0 10 6 Angus.Prof. J.M. 1 1 0 PENRHYN COCH. Richards,MrR.W. 1 1 0 Ellis, Mr B...... 2 0 0 Contributions ... 8 15 1 Ellis, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Horeb. 6 19 8 Ellis, Mr D. F. .. 1 1 0 Contribs.jforiPP 2 0 8 Subscriptions: Frost, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Jones, Mrs...... 1 1 0 Hammond,MrR.T. 0 10 0 CWMDU. Morgan, Mr J., PENYPARC. Reynolds, Mr Jno. 0 15 0 J.P...... 0 10 0 Talley. Moms, Eev B. & Rev W. T. Francis. 9 10 1 Miss...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 5 9 0 Bev J. M. Pugh. Naish, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Owen, Misses ... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 3 4 5 Bichards.Mr&Mrs 0 10 0 SWYDDFFYNON. CAIO. Bowley, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Bethel. Williams, Bov J. 0 10 0 Bethel. CWMDUAD. Under 10s...... 1 17 0 Rev T. R. Morgan. Rev J. E. Thomas. Rev D. Richards. 12 12 6 Contributions ... 1 7 0 Contributions ... 1 13 4 Contributions ... 1 4 6 CA EM AETHEKSHIBE. [1895.

CWMIFOR. LLANDOVERY. LLANELLY. Subscriptions : Thomas, Mr B. 1 0 0 Bev D. J. Davies. RevD. P. Evans. Bethel. Contributions ... 2 10 10 Thomas, MrsJ.G. 1 0 0 Thomas, Mr J. 010 0 Contributions ... 2 2 9 Rev T. I. Jones. CWM FELIN. Contributions ... 17 4 8 5 3 7 Ramoth. LLANDYFAN. Subscriptions: Eev D. S. Davies. Rev Moses Jones. Roborts, Capt T. 1 0 0 LLANGTJNNOG. Contributions ... 6 2 6 Samuel, Capt E. 0 10 0 Eev E. "Watkins. Do., for N P... 1 4 10 Contributions ... 0 18 11 Do., for N P ... 2 2 4 18 14 8 Contributions ... 8 10 0 7 7 4 3 1 3 Subscriptions : LLANELLY. Griffiths, Mr. J. 0 10 0 FELINFOEL. Moriab. Lewis, Mr. J. ... 0 10 0 Adulam. IiLANDYSUIj. Rev J. Rowland, D.D. 9 10 0 Eev B. Humphreys. Penybont. Rev J. Jones. Contributions ... 37 16 6 Collections,&c.... 25 2 10 LLANSTEPHAN. Contribs. ,f orIt P 1 2 7 Contributions ... 1 2 4 Subscriptions : Bethany. Subscriptions: Bowen, Mr Jno. 1 1 0 LLANELLY. Davies, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Eev D. Williams. Davies, Mrs A.... 0 10 0 Davies, Mr B. ... 0 10 0 0 Contributions ... 2 11 0 Humphrey s,RevB. 1 1 Greenfield Chapel. Griffiths, Mrs ... 0 10 6 Jenkins, Mr D.... 1 0 0 27 16 5 Rev E. Evans. Rowland, Rev Dr 2 2 0 Rowlands, Mr D. 0 10 0 LLWYNHENDY, Collection ...... 6 6 0 Thomas, Mr Jno. 0 10 0 FYNNONHENEY. Do., for W & 0 6 13 8 Soar. Contribs., Green­ 44 10 0 Rev T. John. field & Beulah Rev J. E. Evans. Contributions ... 1 17 1 Sunday-schools, Contributions ... 11 16 7 for Congo ...... 23 19 3 LLANELLY. Subscriptions : Bethlehem Pool. GELLYWEN. Subscriptions : Bonville, Mr O... 0 10 0 Ainon. Clement. Mr J.... 1 0 0 189Î. Bonville, Miss ... 0 10 0 David, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Evans, Rev J. R. 1 1 0 Eev D. Williams. Davies, Mrs J. A. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 4 14 0 Harry, Mr T 0 10 0 Contributions ... 4 10 0 Evans, Bev E .... 5 0 0 Rees, Mr M 0 10 0 Morgan, Mr H.... 0 10 0 Francis, Mr D.... 0 10 0 Rees, Mr Thos.... 0 10 0 Rees, Mrs J 1 1 0 Francis,Mr H.... 0 10 0 Rees, Mrs W. 1 0 0 1895. Roberts,RevR. D., G LAN AMMAN. Harries, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 James, Mr D. ... 5 0 0 Contributions ... 4 5 3 In Memory of 0 10 0 Bethesda. Jennings, Mr J. 1 0 0 Do., for N P ... 1 2 3 Jones, Mr T...... 0 10 0 17 8 7 Rev H. Jones. Mee, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions : Contribs...... 1 10 e Samuel, Mr A .... 0 10 0 Samuel, Mr W.... 5 0 0 Rees, Mr Thos.... 1 0 0 LOGIN. Thomas, Mrs W. 25 0 0 Rees, Mrs Maria 1 0 0 KIDWELLY. Thomas,Mr H. E. 6 0 0 Calvary. Wilkins, Mr H.... 1 0 0 13 1 6 Siloam. Under 10s...... 0 10 0 Rev D. S. Davies. Rev J. Reynolds. Contributions ... 15 17 6 Contributions ... 1 5 2 90 8 11 LLANELLY. 1 Subscriptions : Horeb. LLANDEBIE. LLANELLY. Hughes, Mr J .... 1 0 0 Rev O John. John, Mr E . 0 10 0 Bev D. S. Davies. Zion. Llewellyn,MrJno. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 1 16 10 Contributions ... 1 16 6 Eev J. R. Morgan, D.D. 17 17 6 Do., for N P ... 3 1 9 Contributions ... 32 17 0 4 18 3 LLANFYNYDD. MAESCANNER. LLANBLLY. Rev J. M. Pughe. LLANDILO. Rev P. Phillips. Bethany. Contributions ... 0 14 10 Contributions ... 3 15 0 Eev D. James. Rev W. T. Jones. Subscription! Contributions ... 0 15 3 Contribs. (1894) 7 15 0 LLANGENNECH. Do., for JNP... 3 3 10 Do. (1895) ...... 5 7 1 Phi'lips, Rev P... 2 0 0 Eev P. Phillips. 3 19 1 13 2 1 6 15 0 Contributions ... 2 13 7 1895.] CARMARTHENSHIRE— GLAMOBGANSHRE. cxxiii

MEINCIAU. Subscriptions: ABERDARE, Subscriptions: Collection 0 16 5 Bowen, Mr J. ... 0 10 Cwmaman, Zion. Edwards, Mr T. 1 0 0 Bowen, Mr D. J.. 0 10 Evans, Mr H. .,.500 Bowen, Mrs A. 0 10 Rev T. Humphreys. Evans, Mr J., in MYDRIM, Howell, Mr J. ... 0 10 Contributions ... 5 6 10 memoriam 2 0 0 John, Mrs F...... 0 10 Griffiths, Mr E. 0 15 0 Salem. John, Mrs S 0 10 Jones, Mr W. H. 0 10 6 Rev D. Williams. John, Mr W ...... 1 0 ¿BEBDARE. John, Mr J 1 0 0 Rogers, Mrs S.... 0 10 Morgan,Mr Evan 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 12 7 Rogers, Mrs A.... 0 10 Pontbrenllwydd, Siloa. Robert, Mr W.... 0 10 6 Subscriptions : Contributions ... 4 7 10 Thomas, MrB.... 0 12 0 Davies, M rs 0 10 0 12 2 John, Mrs L. ... 0 10 0 0 0 £ 4 6 3 6 John, Miss 0 10 0 ABERDARE, ABERRANT. Jones, Mrs 1 0 0 Rogers, M rs 0 10 0 Bethel. ABERDULAIS. Thomas, Mrs ...2 0 0 Rev J. Mills. Williams, Mr J. 1 0 0 ©lamorgansbire. Rev E. Parry. Williams, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 5 10 10 Williams, Rev D. 0 10 0 ABERCANAID. Contributions ... 0 19 6 Williams, Mr W. 0 10 0 Rev H. J. Harris. ABERDARE, 9 2 7 Contributions ... 3 12 Mill Street. ABERGWYNFI. Subscription : Rev W. Harris. Caersalem. Vaughan, Mr R. 0 10 NEWCASTLE EMLYN. Contributions ... 9 8 6 Rev W. G. Jones. Rev O. M. Prichard. 4 2 Contributions ... 1 13 I Coll., Sun.-sch. .11 9 11 ABERDARE. ABERAVON. Abaraman, Gwawr. BARRY. PONTHENRY. Ebenezer. Rev T. Davies. English Church. Bethesda. Rev D. Griffiths. Contributions ... 6 3 Rev O. John. Contributions ... 5 11 Rev F. John. Contributions ... 1 6 2 Contributions ..100 ABERDARE. ABERDARE. Cwmbach, Bethany. PORTHYRHYD. Calvary. BERTHLLWYD. Rev D. Thomas. Smyrna. Rev J. Griffiths. Contributions ... 4 11 8 Contributions ... 1 3 Contributions ... 0 11 6 Contributions ... 18 16 Subscriptions: Griffiths, Rev J. 0 10 BLACKMILL. REHOBOTH. ABERDARE, Llewellyn, Mr J. 1 1 Paran. Contributions ... 0 19 9 Llewellyn, Mrs... 1 1 Nebo, Cwmdare. Rev W. Griffiths. Pullin,Mrs 0 11 Rev W. Thomas. Rees, Mr Rees ... 1 1 Collection ...... 1 7 3 RHANDIRHWYN. Boderick, Mr T. 0 10 Contributions ... 5 6 8 Sion. Thomas, Mr E.... 0 11 Williams, Mr T. 0 10 BLAENYCWM. Contributions ... 0 16 1 ABERDARH. 24 12 Ynysllwyd. Rev D. W. Hopkins. RHYDARGAEN. Rev R. E. Williams. Contributions ... 1 16 5 a b e k d a .b e , g a d l y s . Do., for N P ... 1 10 1 Rev T. John. Rev B. Evans. Contributions ... 10 4 7 Subscription : Contributions ... 1 9 3 Contributions ... 11 3 Walters, Mr Jno. 0 10 6 Subscription : ABERDARE, MOUNTAIN ASH. RHYDWILYM. Evans, Rev B .... 1 0 Nazareth. 3 17 0 Rev J. J. Evans. 13 3 0 English Church. Griffiths.MrjJun. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 16 16 0 BRIDGEND. JLBEBDA.BK. NewtownBranch 1 1 0 Miskin Branch... 3 17 9 Hope Church. SITTIM, FELINGWM. Carmel, Pentremoor Sch. 0 16 11 Rev J. S. Johns. Rev J. Herbert. Rev T. Jones. 22 11 8 Collections 5 0 0 Contributions ... 2 10 0 Contributions ... 3 15 Sunday-school... 6 2 Coll. for W é 0 0 5 0 Prayer Meetings 0 16 8 Subscriptions : ST. CLEARS. ABERDARE, MOUNTAIN ASH. Contribs. S.-sch. é 4 6 Pardoc & Son ... 1 0 Do., for N P.., 2 7 9 Zion. Rhus. Williams, Mr D.. 0 10 Subscriptions : Rev R. H. Jones. Rev T. T. Hughes. 11 7 8 Lewis, Mr W. J. 0 10 0 Contributions ...720 Contributions ... 24 2 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 cxxiv GLAMORGAN SHIRE. [1895.

Collected by CAERSALEM NEWYDD Subscriptions : Jones, Mr H 0 10 0 Lawrence, MrM. 0 10 6 Hughes, Mrs J.T. 2 9 Rev Isaac Thomas. A Friend...... 1 5 0 Lewis, Mr T 1 1 O Mountjoy, Miss 1 3 Ambrose, Mr. Lewis, Mr R. ... 0 10 0 Thomas, Mr J. H. 3 19 Contributions ... 6 18 9 D .R ...... 1 1 0 Lewis, Mr A. ... 0 10 0 Wilson, Miss...... 1 6 Do., for Brittany 0 10 0 Andrews, Mrs ... 0 10 6 LucoviCh, Coun­ Do., for ¿VP ... 5 4 5 Barry, Mr J. T., tess de...... 1 0 0 11 2 Do., Sun-sch. 10 1 2 jun...... 0 10 6 Morgan, Mr W. 0 10 0 Barry, Mr E. ... 0 10 6 Newton, Mr J.... 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Birney, Mr H.... 0 10 6 Parr, Mr & Mrs G. 0 10 G B E I D G B I f D . In Memoriam, Davies, Mr Owen 0 10 6 Sparks, Mr F . ... 0 10 0 Mr John Evans 0 10 6 Edwards, Mr Summers, Mr & Ruamah. Morgan, Mr E.... 0 10 6 J. T...... 1 1 0 M rs...... 0 10 0 Thomas, Rev I, 0 10 6 Do., tor Debt... 1 1 0 Thomas,Mr J. M. 0 10 0 ■Rev G. James. Edwards, MrsM. 1 1 0 Thomas, Mr T.... 2 0 0 24 5 10 Do., for Debt... 1 1 0 Thompson, Mr Contributions ... 4 9 9 Evans, Miss ...... 1 1 0 and M rs 0 10 0 * Subscription: Evans, Mr David 1 1 Ò Tilly, Rev A 1 1 0 Evans, Mr R...... 1 1 0 Tilly, The lateMrs 1 1 0 Cule, Mr D 1 1 0 CARDIFF AUXILIARY. Do., donation 0 10 6 Williams, Mrs H. 1 1 0 Griffiths, Mr W. 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 1 16 6 CAKDIEF. Howell, Mr Jas. 3 3 0 Jacob, Mr I. T. 0 10 0 For NP, by Hope Chapel. Jacob, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 BRITON FERRY. Jacob, Mr E. H. 0 10 6 Evans, Miss D... 1 0 0 Rev T. W. Medhurst. Jenkins, Mr. J.H. 0 10 6 Jerusalem. Collections 3 14 3 Jones, Mr Rees 10 0 0 Collected by 0 0 Rev W. Davies. Coll., for W ie O 5 0 0 Jones, Mr W. ... 1 Conlribs.,S.-sch. 15 10 8 Jotham.Mr T.W. 0 10 6 Goss, Mrs ...... 2 12 7 -Contributions ... 1 10 Do., for N P... 11 14 7 Kyte, MrW...... 0 10 6 Tarrant, Mise R. 5 18 3 Lusty, Mr A* ... 2 2 0 Prayer meetings 2 12 0 Sunday-school Classes, by Subscription : Pastor’s B.-class 1 10 0 Merrick, Miss ... 1 1 0 Morgan, Mr A.... 1 0 Sundries...... 0 13 3 Morgan, Mr R J. 0 10 6 Allan, Mr ...... 4 19 0 Nash, Mr J. T. 0 10 6 Bolt, Miss ...... 1 16 8 2 10 Subscriptions: Do., for Debt... 1 1 0 Chard, Miss M... 0 18 1 Powell, Mr W....' 0 10 6 By Mrs T. W. Medhurst. Collings, Miss ... 0 18 2 Proger, Mr J. G. 1 0 0 Cory, Miss B 0 17 7 Davies, Mr John 1 1 0 Richards, Mr D. 0 10 6 BEITOÎÏ PEEET. Elliott, Mrs ...... 0 19 10 Green, Mrs A. ... 0 10 0 Scott, Mr Jas. ... 1 0 0 Evans, Miss 1 2 11 Rehoboth. Grey, Mr S. 1 1 0 Scott, Mr R...... 0 10 6 Everest, Miss... 0 6 7 Grey, Mr W...... 0 10 0 Thomas, Mrs E. 2 0 0 Gilbert, Mr ...... 0 6 5 Rev H. Hughes. Jones, Mr Jno. 1 0 0 Winks, Rev W.E. 0 10 6 Goss, Mrs ...... 1 14 7 Lewis, Mr W. ... 1 0 0 UnderlOs...... 2 2 2 Green, M r 2 19 8 Contributions ... 3 7 Medhurst, Rev Hughes, Mr ...... 2 6 11 2 6 T. W. and Mrs 2 119 10 7 Jenkins, M r 3 19 9 Medhurst, Mr W. 1 6 0 Johns, Rev R. O. 2 9 11 Melhuish, M rs... 1 12 0 Jones, Miss ...... 0 18 0 ERYNAMAN. Pearce, Mrs W... 1 0 0 Lewis, Mrs 1 15 10 West, Mrs W. ... 0 10 0 Siloam. Tredegarville. Mabany, M r 0 16 7 II. Cor. viii. 2 ... 1 0 0 Morgan, Mr ...... 2 10 8 Under 10s...... 4 2 7 Rev J. L. Davies. Rev R. O. Johns. Morgan, Miss F. 0 7 1 Newton, M r 0 10 2 Contributions ... 1 13 Collected by Collections ..... 6 13 7 Parr, Mr 0 8 4 Do., for N P... 2 14 Davies, Miss E.. 1 12 6 Do., for W&O 4 4 0 Rees, Miss 0 10 8 Davies, MrsL.M. 0 13 11 Prayer-meetings 3 9 9 Sanders, Miss ... 0 18 8 4 7 Davies, .Mrs W. 0 10 6 Merthyr sheet ... 0 18 0 Bparkes, M r 1 7 0 Down. Miss ...... 0 19 5 Summers, Mrs... 0 14 8 Griffiths,MissL.E. 3 1 7 Subscriptions Tarrant, Miss R. 0 5 10 Tarrant, Miss E. 0 9 <• CADOXTON. Boxes by Allen, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Tilly, Miss 0 15 9 Allen, Mr and Warman, Miss... 1 6 5 Philadelphia Chapel. Grey, Mrs S...... 0 10 4 Mrs A. J...... 1 1 0 Griffiths, Miss L. 0 12 0 AylifEe, W. T. ... 0 10 6 Wasman, Miss, EevM. Isaac* Minifie, Miss A. 0 8 7 Bartlett, Mr S.... 1 6 6 In' memory of Bishop, Mr E. J. 0 10 0 MissG.Morgan 1 1 0 Contributions ... 1 10 0 05 18 8 Cory, Mr Jno., Williams, Mr ... 0 11 2 J.P...... Collections 4 9 11 X 0 0 Under 5s 0 14 5 c a d o x t o k . Cory, Mrs and CABBIFV. ttxe Misses...... 2 2 0 Boxes and books : Contributions ... 1 4 0 Creese, Mr T. ... 0 10 0 Bethany. Earl, M r...... 1 1 O Griffiths, Mr W. 0 6 0 Francis, Mr R.... 0 10 0 Jackson, M r 0 6 6 Rev W. E. Winks. Griffiths, Mr T.L. 1 0 0 Johns, Miss B .... 0 6 2 CAERPHILLY. Howe, Mr & Mrs 1 0 0 Lyons, Mr A. E. 0 5 8 Collections 11 8 7 Hughes, Mr G.... 0 10 6 McKensey, Miss 0 15 l Tonyfelin Welsh Church Do.. Auxiliary 22 19 10 Jelliman, Mr T. 0 10 0 Mathias, Miss C. 1 1 3 Coll. for W is O 3 0 0 John, Mr and Miles, Mrs E 0 7 1 Rev J. P. Davies. Freewill offering Mrs B...... 2 2 0 Owen, Mr B. J.... 2 16 3 Contributions ... 2 4 0 for D ebt 22 8 3 Johns, Rev R. O. 1 1 0 Williams, Mrs A. 1 2 6 Sunday-school... 14 1 9 Jones, Mr S. E... 1 0 0 Under 5s...... 0 17 8 1895*] &LAMÔR&AÎÎSÎÎIÏIË, cxxv

Maindy Mission Church. I Morgan, Mrs..... 1 1 0 CARDIFF. oia u iïi. San.-schl. classes 3 6 1 j Richards, Mr Jas 1 10 0 Ainon. Brunei Street. Robinson, Mr S. 25 0 0 Rev T. Morgan Subscriptions: Stalberg, Rev J.O. 2 2 0 Oontribs., Sun.- Armer, Mr 0 18 0 Stowe, Mr G. S... 10 0 0 Contributions ... 2 0 0 sch...... 1 10 0 Parson, Mi & Mrs 0 10 0 Stowe, Mr and Under 10s...... 1 18 6 Mrs R. L. •...... 1 1 0 Tregellus, Miss... 0 10 0 CARDIFF. CARDIFF. Rumney Mission. Under 10s...... 2 9 6 Bethel. Whitchurch. Collections 0 8 0 69 19 0 Mount Stuart Square 5 Griffiths, M r 1 1 10 Contributions ... 1 1< Sun.-sch. boxes 6 15 8 Rev T. Davies. CARDIFF. Collections , , 2 18 6 124 9 8 Penarth. Sunday-school... 10 6 10 CARDIFF. Prayer Meetings 1 6 9 Plassey-street. Cottrell Road. CARDIFF. Subscriptions : Rev W. G. Davies. Sunday-school... 2 0 0 Tabernacle. Collections ...... 4 16 2 A.S.D...... 0 10 0 Do., for W

Griffiths, Rev C. 0 10 0 CARDIFF. Stanwell Road. Griffiths, Miss ... 0 10 0 6 4 6 Rev J. O. Stalberg. Hopkins,Mr A.L, 0 10 0 Splott Road. Morris, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Collections...... 6 8 4 Radcliffe, Mr T. 0 10 0 Rev C. H. Hawkins. COEDPENMAEN. Coll., for W & O 3 0 0 Under 10s. i 1 16 0 Sunday-school... 11 3 8 Collections...... 2 9 8 Rev J. Thomas. 2 Heralds...... 0 10 0 23 18 6 Prayer Meetings 3 7 Sunday-school... 8 17 8 Contributions ... 1 6 6 Subscriptions Benjamin, Mr ... 0 10 0 CARDIFF. Subscriptions : Francis, Mr 1 1 0 Caerphilly. Bryan, Mr A. A. 0 10 0 CWMAVON. Hurley,(Mrs E.... 1 1 0 Morgan, Mr H.... 1 1 0 Jones, Mr L...... 0 10 0 Carmel. Morgan, Mrs H... 1 1 0 Penuel. Jotham, Mr F. J. 1 1 0 Under 10s...... 1 19 4 Kirkpatrick, Mr Rev J. G. Hopkins. Äev R. Si Morïie. Jas...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 2 10 9 19 6 10 ContribSè tu...;., i 0 5 Mason, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 19 cxxvi GtÀMOBGÀNSHÎBli.

CWMRHïDYCÉWRÎ. Subscriptions: LLANTBISSANT. ItEfcTHYB TYDVIL. Contributions ...10 0 Harris, Mr 0 10 Tabor. Ebenezer. Oriel,Mr John... 2 10 Rev J. Lewis. Oriel, Mrs, for Bev J. Jones. lepers...... 0 10 Contributions ... 2 2 7 CWMTWRCH. Oriel, Misses 0 10 1894. Beulah. Sargent, M r 0 10 Vaughan, Mr J. 1 10 Contributions ... 2 2 MEBTHYB TXDVIL. Bev B. James. Vaughan, Mrs & Do., for NP... 0 10 Misa...... 1 2 Tabernacle. Contributions ... 0 7 4 1895. Vaughan, Mr Rev D. Price. Sidney...... 0 10 Contributions ... 2 0 Vaughan, Mr Do., for A P... 0 13 Contributions ... 10 5 5 DERI. Stanley ...... 0 10 Do., for N P .., 6 1 0 6 6 0 Tabernacle. 20 0 Subscriptions : Bev H. Thomas. Davies, Mr D. ... 10 0 0 LLWYDCOED. Davies, Miss N. 5 0 0 Contributions ... 3 13 6 GLYN NEATH. Price, RevD.&Mrs 0 10 0 D o.,forN P ... I l l 1 Soar. Bethel. 31 16 5 Subscriptions : Rev T. Harries. Bev D. Jones. Bevan, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 3 4 Contributions ... 1 C MEETHYB TYDVIL. Lewis, Mr £ ...... 2 0 0 Do., for NP... 0 5 Watkins, Mr E.... 1 1 0 George Town. 3 10 8 15 7 Rev H. Jenkins. LLWYNYPIA. Contributions ... 0 12 0 GLTNCORRWG. DINAS, NODDFA, Jerusalem. Bev J. L. Jones. MEHTHYB TYDVIL. IiANDOBE. Bev E. T. Jones. Contributions ... 1 1 Zion. Bev W. P. Williams. Contributions ... 35 0 Rev W. A. Jones. Contributions ... 6 11 9 Contributions ... 10 0 0 Subscription : GOWERTON. Williams,Bev.W. 0 10 0 Bethany. MAESTEG. Subscription : Bev W. J. John. Davies, Mr D. ... 0 10 0 6 1 9 Bethel. Contributions ... 0 12 Bev I. Lloyd. 10 10 0 DIHAS. Contributions ... 3 17 Zoar. GWAELOD Y GABTH. MEfiTHYB TYDVIL. Contributions ... 6 0 10 Contributions ... 0 7 Morlais Church. Do., for N P ... 8 16 9 UAESTEG, Do., for Italy 1 13 6 Rev E. G. Thomas. HIRWAEN. Zion. 16 11 l Y.P.S.C.E 1 0 0 Rev D. Collier. Rev W. fiarris. Contributions ... 6 14 DOWLAIS. Contributions ... 1 0 MERTHYR VALE. Caersalem. Rev H. P. Jones. LANTWIT MAJOR. Bev T. Morgan. Bev O. Davies. Contribs., 1894... 1 18 0 Contributions ... 1 5 10 MAitDY. Do. 1895... 1 16 6 Contributions ... 2 6 Rev J. Evans. 3 14 6 SOWLUS. Contributions ... 5 14 Moriah. LIBVANÏ3. MORRISTON. Bev B. Davies. Bev D. Davies. Contributions ...4 0 0 Zion. Collections 0 17 MERTHYR TYDVIL. Contribs.,for NP 2 10 Rev R. Roberts. High Street. Collection ...... 4 0 0 d o w i a i b . 3 7 0 Beulah. Rev A. Hall. UOBEISTON. Bev J. Williams. Contributions ... 4 16 Dontributions ... 6 S 9 LLANCARFAN. Contribs., S.-soh. 7 11 Calvary. Doll., for W* O 013 9 Bev E. D. Lewis. Coll., for IF <£ O 1 0 Rev J. W. Lewis. Sunday - school, for support o f Contribn., for .W P 2 4 1 13 7 9 Contributions ... 3 9 0 Congo hoy ...... 5 0 i89à.j frtlM O RGAlÎSHIfiË. é X x v u

MOHBISTON. PEtfDARREN. PONTYCYMMEft. SWANSEA. Hope Chapel. Elim Church. Noddfa. United Meetings ! Rev D. Samuels. Rev J. James. Rev T. Davies. Public meeting, Mt.PleasantCh. 4 0 ? Contributions ...100 Contributions ... 2 C 9 Contribution 11 1 Prayer meeting, Gorse Lane ... 1 10 0 Subscription: Do.,“ Memorial” 1 8 2 NEATH. Public meeting, Lewis, Mr W. ... 1 13 3 POXTYCri£MfiB. Orchard Place. Albert Hall.. 0 7 4 4 0 0 Zion English Church. Do., Landore.. 0 9 Ö Do.,Manselton 0 5 0 Bev E. R. Evans. Rev. J. Lamb. Collections 4 6 4 Contributions ... 1 14 0 8 0 1 Do., public PENGAM. 1 2 6 meeting ...... 6 11 11 Do., for W & 0 0 13 4 Rev J. M. Jones. 6 17 7 Prayer Meetings 2 6 3 Contributions ... 3 8 11 PONTYGWAITH. Contribs.,S.-8ch. 7 0 1 Do., for NP ... 0 18 11 Do., for N P... 6 0 4 Rev J. D. Hughes. SWANSEA. Miss Curtis’ box 0 4 6 Subscription: Collection ...... 4 19 6 Bethesda. Subscriptions: Davies, Mr W. A. 0 10 0 Curtis, Mr E. C. 15 0 0 Rev E. Edmunds. Curtis, Mrs E. ... 1 1 0 4 17 10 Collections, &o.... 21 1 1 Curtis, MissiF. C. 0 10 0 PORTH. Foley, Mr F 0 10 0 Tabernacle English Ch. Subscriptions: Llewellyn,MrJ.D. 2 2 0 Benjamin, Mr J. 0 10 0 Page, Mrs H. M. 0 10 6 PENRHIWCEIBER. Rev O. Owens. Do., for Debt... 0 10 6 Davies, Mr J., in Bethesda. Contributions ... 2 16 6 memory of 0 10 0 Steer, Mr G 0 10 0 Edmunds, Rev E. 1 1 0 Thomas,MrB. H. 1 11 6 Rev D. Howells. Do., for Debt... 2 2 0 George, Mr W.... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 13 19 10 Griffiths, Mr T. 1 1 0 Thomas,MrsB.H. 0 10 6 PONTYPRIDD. JenkinR.MrJacob 1 1 o Under 10s...... 1 10 0 Lake, Mr J. .... 0 10 6 Tabernacle. 52 16 9 Price, Mr J 0 10 0 PENTRE. Rev J. R. Jones. Rees, Mrs Jas..., 1 1 0 Richards,MrJno. 1 1 0 Moriah. Contributions ... 6 13 4 NEATH. Richards, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 1 13 1 Thomas,Mr D.H. 1 1 0 Bethany. Thomas, Mrs S. 0 10 0 Rev D. W. Hopkins. PYLE. Thomas, Mr B..„ 1 1 0 Walters, Mrs, in Contributions ... 5 6 0 PENTYRCH. Pisgah. memory o f 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Rev J. Jenkins Contributions ... 0 5 2 Jones, Mr T. W. 0 10 0 Do., for N P... 0 9 10 32 11 1 Thomas, Mrs 1 0 0 Contributions ... 1 18 6 0 15 0 6 16 0 SWANSEA. PENYVAI. Mount Pleasant. HÏAÏH. RESOLVEN. Rev W. E. Harries. Rev J. Owen. Christchurch. Bethany. Contributions ... 0 17 8 Collections ...... 8 2 6 Bev W. Davies. Do., for# P ... 0 16 4 Rev D. C. Davies. Do., for W&O 4 10 0 Contributions ...050 Do., Y.P.S.C.E. 1 1 0 Contributions ... 0 17 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 0 14 1 Subscriptions: Do., for N P ... 1 8 0 A Friend, special, 2 7 1 for D ebt 5 0 0 PONTARDAWE. RHONDDA. Cook, Mr T. P, 1 1 0 Adulam. Cook, Mr P 2 2 0 Rev W. Rees. Cook, Mr G. E. 1 1 0 OGMORE VALE. Rev„E. R. Evans. Contributions ... 2 3 3 Davies, Mrs S. ... 10 0 0 Bethlehem. Davies, Mr W. 4 4 0 Contributions ... 0 11 Evans, Mr J. C. 0 10 0 Rev J. A. Humphreys. Grey, Mr S 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 4 10 RHYDFELEN. Howell, M rs 1 1 0 DO., for NP... 1 13 0 PONTLOTTYN. Hughes,Mr W.D. 0 1) 6 Bethlehem. Jones, Mrs T. B. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 11 5 Rev J. S. Morgan. Jones, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 2 17 10 Ladd, Miss ...... 0 10 6 ■Subscriptions : Contributions ... 1 13 0 Lintern, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Evans, Mrs L. ... 1 0 Subscription : Lloyd, Mr D 0 10 0 PENCLAWDD. Lewis, Mr J 0 10 Lloyd, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Roberts, Mr Jno. 0 10 Thomas, Mrs 1 0 0 Meyler, Mr 1 0 0 Rev J. Thomas. Owen, Rev Jas. 3 3 0 Collection l 19 6 13 5 2 13 0 Palmer, Mr S. ... 1 0 0 Phillips, Mr E.V. 0 10 6 IS* iö 0 Joseph, Mrs D.D. 0 10 6 Jones, Mr J. W .. 0 1 0 <5 ÎÔN PENTBE. 15 0 Lewis, Bev D r... 1 1 0 Matthews,MrB.J. 0 10 6 Zion. 1 0 2 0 1 6 B evD .G. Morris. 10 0 Contributions ... 1 6 0 SWANSEA. 10 0 SWANSEA. 10 0 Philadelphia. TON PENTBE, YSTBAD. 0 0 St. Helen’s. BevB. O. James. Hebron. 3 0 Madoc Street. 10 6 Contributions ... 4 8 8 Bev E. W. Davies. 0 0 Bev J. W. Causton. 2 0 Contributions ... 12 14 0 Contributions ...2 6 1 Do., Sun.-sch., SWANSEA. Subscriptions: fo r M o u n t Carmarthen Boad. Davies,Bev E.W. 0 10 0 10 1 Pleasant Sch., Contributions ...2 2 0 Watkins, Mr T., 16 6 San Salvador 8 10 11 for China ...... 0 10 0 10 6 Subscriptions: 10 4 SWANSEA. 13 14 6 Billings,Mr H.... 0 10 0 Brynhyfryd. es,for Gwyther, Mr ... 0 10 0 fount Bev D. B. Bichards. TBEALÀW. , San 11 17 0 Contributions ... 11 17 8 Bethlehem. Contributions ... 3 5 4 10 9 SWANSEA. 3 7 SWANSEA. 3 8 Memorial Chapel. James Street. 15 1 Bev J. Williams, D.D. TBEHABBIS. 1 10 Contributions ... 0 6 6 7 4 Collections 2 18 0 Brynhyfryd. 8 6 SWANSEA. Bev W. Jones. 14 9 Subscriptions: 15 6 Penygraig. Contributions ... 1 0 1 10 Jenkins, Mr D.... 1 0 0 10 5 “ es, Mr W. H. 1 1 0 Contributions ...0 5 0 16 4 Bichards, Mrs ... 1 1 0 TBEHABBIS. 15 2 Under 10s...... 1 10 0 17 11 TONDU. Bethel. 13 6 7 10 0 Bev W. D. Nicholas. 12 6 Carey English Chapel. 10 6 Contributions ... 7 11 11 Do., for NP ... 2 0 10 11 6 SWANSEA, Bev W. W. Bichards. 2 5 York Place. Contributions ... 6 13 5 9 12 9 19 8 Do., for HP ... 1 15 1 10 5 Bev D. B. Davies. 17 2 Subscriptions : 0 3 Contributions ... 8 7 0 TBEHEBBEBT. 14 10 Davies, Mr B. ... 0 10 0 Hurley, Mrs Jesse 0 10 0 0 9 Williams, Mrs E. 0 10 0 Libanus. 9 3 8 17 0 X Y Z ...... 0 10 0 6 7 Bev H. Harries. Contributions ... 9 9 10 SWANSEA. Subscriptions : 12 8 Mumbles, Bethany. TONDT. 16 2 Oule, Mr Evan... 1 1 0 0 1 Bev T. Davis. Jerusalem. Cule, Mr Taliesen 0 10 6 7 9 Contributions ... 6 8 9 Cule, Miss Mary 0 10 6 Bev B. John. Davies, Mr W. H. 1 1 0 7 1 Contribs. forJV ? 2 19 0 Jenkins, Mr W. 0 10 6 WilliamB, Mr D. 0 10 6 10 6 SWANSEA. 13 13 10 16 7 Cwmbwrla, Libanus. TON GWNLAIS. Contributions ... 17 0 0 Salem English Church, TBEOBKIE, NODDFA. Bev C. Bees.

SWANBEA. Contributions ... 2 13 8 Bev W. Morris. Gorse Lane. Contributions ... 22 6 3 D.D. Do., S.-school 17 4 3 Bev C. S. Shipley. TONYBEFAIL. ; 0 2 Subscriptions > Contributions ...4 8 0 A in o n . Austin, Mr I. ...10 0 Subscriptions; Bev J. Pntchardi Austin, M rs 0 15 0 > 10 6 Griffiths, Mr J.... 0 10 6 Contributions ...19 0 Bowen, Mr D. ... 0 10 0 . 1 0 Hood, Mr H. F. .220 Griffiths, Mr T,... »1 0 e 1895.] GLAMORGANSHIRE MONMOUTHSHIRE. CXX1X

Jenkins, Mr W., YSTRADGYNLAIS. Subscriptions: George, Miss N. 0 10 0 in lovinjr re­ Jenkins, Mr J.... 0 10 0 Rev D. J. Davies. Cordey, M rs 1 1 0 Meredith, Mr D. 2 2 0 membrance of Davies, Mr W .... 0 10 0 the late ...... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 11 8 Morgan, Miss ... 0 10 6 Meredith, Mrs M. 1 10 0 Jones, Mr J 0 10 6 Do., tot Ñ P... 1 5 0 Williams, Capt... 1 1 0 Watkins, Mr W. 0 10 0 Morgan, Mrs E. 1 1 0 Young, Rev S. R. 2 2 0 Morgans, MrJno. 0 10 6 2 16 8 Young, Miss D. 37 10 0 Morris, Rev W.... 2 0 0 (box) ...... 1 5 0 Morris, Mrs W.... 2 0 0 £ 1 ,5 4 8 4 6 Morris, Miss M.... 0 10 6 Samuel, Mr J . ... 0 10 6 18 12 9 B ARGOED. 50 0 0 Caersalem. dftonmoutbôbire. ABERSYCHAN. Rev J. Parrish. English Church. Contributions ... 8 15 10 ABERCARNE. Do.,Cangencwm 2 1 2 TREORKY. Rev J. O. Hughes. English Church. Subscription : Horeb. Collections. &c... 3 16 10 Rev E. Aubrey. Jenkins, Mr T.B. 1 1 0 Rev E. D. Lewis. Sunday-school... 4 18 0 Collection 4 0 0 Contributions ... 3 1 Contributions ... 3 14 6 Subscriptions: 11 18 0 Do., foriV P ... 110 11 Brain, Mrs H. ...200 Howe, Aid. & Mrs 0 10 6 James, Mr Wm... 0 10 0 TROEDYRHIW. James, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 BASSALEG. Subscriptions i Jones, Mrs E. ...10 0 Bethania, Carmel. Bethel. Jones, Mr&MrsF. 1 0 0 Jones, Mr A. E. 0 10 0 Rev W. G. Owen. Morgan, Mrs A. 1 1 0 Lewis, Mr W. ... 0 10 0 Rev W. Morgan. Contributions ... 7 0 Pitts,Mr and Mrs 1 0 0 Parry, Mr S 0 10 6 Wail, MrW. G.... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 6 14 6 12 16 11 14 15 10 WAUNARLLWYD. BEDWAS. Zion. ABERGAVENNY. ABBBSYCHAN. Rev M. James. Contributions ... 1 4 11 Noddfa. Do.» for N P ... 1 2 7 Frogmore Street. Contributions ... 5 0 0 Rev T. E. Cozens Cooke. Rev D. Lewis. 2 7 6 Collections 4 18 4 Contributions ... 1 4 6 Do., for W AO 2 0 0 BLACKWOOD. Do.,Unitedmtg. 3 14 8 Mount Pleasant. WAUWi-ElLWYD. Sunday-school... 13 18 4 ABERTILLERY. English Church. Rev G. Evans. Subscriptions: King Street. "Contributions ... 1 7 3 By Miss Hiley. Rev T. Griffiths. Contributions ... 4 3 6 Do., S.-soh. ... 5 8 6 Beveridge, M r... 1 1 0 Contribution 7 9 3 Cooke,RevT.E.O. 1 1 0 Subscriptions: Subscription : WAUNTRODAU. Eyers, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Foster, Mrs E .... 0 10 0 Griffiths, Miss E. 0 12 6 Jones, Mrs Evan 0 10 0 Ararat. Hubbal, Miss ...110 Griffiths, MissL. 0 12 6 Jacob, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Handy, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 10 2 0 Rev J. Bevan. Jenkins, Miss ... 0 10 0 Harrison,MrW.B. 0 10 6 Contributions ... 2 12 0 Kirby, M r 0 10 6 Prosser, Mr W... 1 1 0 Morgan, Mr B.C. 1 1 0 BLACKWOOD. Pearce, Mr D .... 0 10 6 10 15 9 YNYSYBWL. Watkins, Miss ...110 Libanus. Under 10s...... 1 16 0 A.BEBTILLEEY. Contributions ... 2 8 3 Welsh Church. Do., foriV P ... 3 5 9 Boxes by Ebenezer. Rev J. Williams. Bevan, M. .. 0 10 4 5 14 0 Contributions ... 1 15 0 0 10 0 Rev D. Hussey. 0 6 3 Contributions ... 4 1 2 YSTALYFERA. 35 18 11 BLAENAU GWENT. Less Heralds ARGOED. Caersalem. 1 13 6 Rev T. T. Eyans. Rev J. Evans. Rev E. George. Contributions ... 9 6 6 34 6 5 Do., for ¿TP... 13 10 0 Contributions ... 0 8 0 Contributions ... 19 11 4 Do., for N P ... 6 0 S Subscriptions: ABEBGAVEITirY. Do.,Holly Bush YSTALYFERA.. branch ..... 3 12 0 James, Mr John 1 0 0 Bethany. Do., for N P ... 2 3 11 Lewis, Mr D. W. 0 10 0 Soar. Phillips, Mr T.... 1 1 0 Rev S. R. Young. Subscriptions ; Spencer,Mr Wm. 0 10 0 Rev W. Jones. Collections. 3 6 0 Contributions ... 2 2 9 Do., for W &0 1 2 0 Eynon, Mr W .... 0 10 0 25 16 6 Contribs.,S.-sch. 7 15 3 George, Rev E.... 0 10 6 cxxx MONMOUTHSHIBE. [1895.

BLAENAVON. Subscriptions ' Subscription: LLANTAENAM. King Street. Baker, Mr D. ... 0 12 6 Kelly, Mr D. H. 1 1 0 Ebenezer. Davies,Mr W. H. 0 10 0 Rev W. E. Stephens. Fursey, Mr W.... 0 15 0 4 13 0 Eev W. E. Eobinson. Contributions ... 3 5 10 Lloyd, Eev E. ... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 2 11-10 Kemys - Tynte, Subscription : Capt. H. M. ...100 EBBW VAIiB. Thomas, Mr J. .. 0 10 0 Brierley Hill. Davies, Mr B. ... 1 1 0 LLANVIHANGEL. Zion. 4 6 10 25 5 0 Crucomey. Eev W. Powell. Contributions ... 0 12 0 CHEPSTOW. Contributions ... 3 9 8 BLAENAVON. Do., S.-sch. ... 14 9 4 "Eev C. Thomas. llanvihangsl . Bbenezer. Subscriptions : Contributions ... 1 0 9 Yesteme. Rev I. Meredith. Dp., for WSc O 0 10 0 Phillips, Mr E.... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 5 8 11 Sunday-school... 4 13 6 Pritchard, Mr L. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 1 10 0 Do., for 2?P ... 3 o 11 Do,, for N P... 2 2 10 20 0 0 7 9 10 Subscription- LLANWENAETH. Sargent, M r 0 10 6 GLASCOED. Eev T. H. Williams. BLAENAVON. Boxes by Eev J. Lewis. Contribs. (1894) 2 15 0 Horcb. Dexter, M rs 2 6 6 D». (1895) 4 15 8 Sargent, M r:.... 1 4 2 Collections 1 1 0 Rev J. Johns. Subscriptions: Col. united mtg. 1 7 0 12 8 2 Hiley, M rL 1 0 0 Contributions... 3 2 6 Less expenses ... 0 11 4 GOYTRE. Williams,EevT.H. 0 10 0 Sunday-school... 15 16 6 11 16 10 Saxon. 9 0 8 Subscriptions : Contributions ... 2 0 11 James, Mr T. ... 0 10 6 MACHEN. Lewis, Mr Jas.... 0 10 0 CEOSS KEYS. Lewis, Mr D 1 0 0 Eev W. Evans. HENLLAN. Siloam. Eev J. N. Smith. Eev D. Evans. 22 5 6 Contribution^ ... 5 16 Do., Sun.-sch. 8 7 Contributions ... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 2 16 1 Do., for sup­ BLAENAVON. port o f Congo girl ...... 0 12 Broad Street. LLANDEWI MAESYCWMMEE. Subscriptions. Bev T. Phillips. EH ÏDDEECH. Eev T. Batstone. Contribs., S.-sçh. 3 0 0 Nurse, Mr G. H. 1 1 Nurse, Mrs 1 1 EevW. Eees. Contributions ... 10 12 6 Sweet, Mrs ...... 1 1 Contributions ... 2 16 6 Subscriptions : BLAINA. Sweet, Mr F. H. 0 12 Sweet,MissH.... 0 10 Subscriptions : Edwards, Mr E. 0 10 0 Salem, Lewis, Mrs... 1 0 0 Edwards, Mrs E. 0 10 0 Bev J. Gimlett. 19 1 9 William, Mr W... 0 10 0 Williams, Mrs A. 0 10 C Contributions ... 7 14 2 12 3 0 Do., S.-sch. ... 5 18 4 CWMMERA. 4 6 6 Subscriptions : Eev B. Davies. Jones, Mr J. A... 0 10 6 Contributions ... 2 8 9 LLANGIBBY. ■ MAGOR. Williams, Mr Eev O. Tir!man. J. P. D 1 1 0 Bethel, DAEANVELEN. Eev B. Davies. Contributions ... 11 5 0 15 4 0 Contributions ... 1 10 0 Contributions ... 0 18 7 Do,, for W de O 1 7 7 MICHABLSTONE-Y- CAEELEON, 2 17 7 LLANGWM. VEDW. Eev D. B. Jones. Eev B. Davies. Tirzah. Contributions ,.. 2 0 0 EBBW VALE. Collections 0 6 Contributions ... 6 14 0 Do., for N P... 0 13 Nebo. CAEEWBNT. Subscription : Eev J. A. Evans. 0 19 Eev J. Berryman. Bees, Mr W. G. 0 10 0 Contributions ...650 Contributions ... 5 10 4 LLANHIDDEL. 6 4 0 E B B W V A L B . Ebenezer. CASTLETOWN. Brynhyfryd, Eev J. Lloyd. MONMOUTH. Eev E. Lloyd. Eev L. M. Roberts, M.A. Contributions ... 1 17 2 oll and boxes... 2 2 3 Contributions ... 21 7 6 Contributions ... 3 12 0 Sunday-school... 2 3 2 1895.] MOHMOUTHSHIRB. oxxxi

Subscriptions : Subscriptions : Waite, Mr C 0 10 6 Subscriptions: Waite, Mr J. 0 10 0 Basham, M r... 0 10 0 Per Mr Wheeler. Collier, Mr C. ... 0 10 0 Brace, Mr J...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 3 2 6 Maybury, Mr J. 1 i 6 Davies, Mr & Mrs Brace, Miss 2 1 6 36 0 8 Thomas, Rev J. P. 2 0 0 Davies, Rev E. 0 10 0 E .F 2 2 0 Thomas, Mrs J.P. 0 10 G Davies, Mrs E.... 0 10 0 Davies, Dr G. A. 2 2 0 Under 10s...... 1 8 6 Evans, Mrs G 0 10 0 Gooding, Mr R. 0 10 0 NBWPOET. Sambrook, Mr... 0 10 0 Francis, Mr D. 1 1 0 By Mrs Fred. Jones. Tylor, Mr A...... 1 11 6 Fuller, Mr W. M. 3 3 0 St. Mary’s-street. Hodgson, Mr J. 0 10 0 Austin, Miss 0 10 0 10 18 5 Howell, Mr T. H. 2 0 0 Rev C. AylifEe. Davies, Mrs O.... 0 10 0 James, Mr A. M. 1 1 0 Collections...... 2 10 0 EUis, Mr J.G. ... 0 10 0 Jones, Mr W. ... 3 0 0 Sunday school... 3 8 10 Jones, Mr F 1 0 0 NANTYGLO. Lawrence, Mr J. 0 10 6 Collected by Mr Morgan, MrW.E. 0 10 0 Lewis,Mr E., J.P. 10 0 0 Cornelius Wil­ Strawbridge,MrW.O 10 0 Thomas,MrsJ.P. 0 17 0 Bethel. Moses, Mr Alder­ liams ...... 6 4 6 man ...... 10 0 0 Watts, Mr S. ... 0 15 0 Rev J. Grlyn "Williams. Northcott, Mr J. 1 1 0 12 3 4 Watts, Mr T 0 10 0 Contributions ... 1 16 11 Phillips, Mr H., Under 10s...... 9 8 0 J.P...... 5 0 0 Richards, Mr T. 0 10 6 NEWPOBT. Boxes by N iH T T G I iO . Rowe, Mrs C. ... 1 1 0 Temple. Austin, Miss 9 10 0 Sheppard, Mr E. 1 0 0 Gardner, Miss ... 0 10 0 Hermon. Smith, Mr E. J. 0 10 6 Rev D. Evans. Rev H. Williams. Taylor, Mr A. . . 0 10 6 Contributions ... 1 4 4 30 14 3 Thomas, Mrs J. 0 10 0 Contribs. (1894) 2 9 3 Vaughan, Mr W. 1 1 0 Do., for NP ... 1 16 11 Wade, Mr G. and NEWPOBT, Do. (1895) 7 10 4 Miss...... 1 1 0 NEWPOBT. Do., for N P... 3 9 8 Wheeler, Mr M... 6 0 0 Charles Street. Maindea. 16 6 2 Rev D. Davies. Summerh'll. Monthly & Weekly Subs., by Miss John Thomas. Contributions ... 8 4 9 Rev G. H. Co )k. Fennell, Mrs, for Subscriptions Collections, &c... 2 8 7 NEWBRIDGE. Congo ...... 110 Do., for W O 1 1 n English Church. Little, Mrs 1 0 0 Davies, Rev D.... 0 10 6 Do., for ¿V P ... 1 18 0 Under 10s...... 6 4 6 Davies, Mrs D.... 0 10 6 Sunday-school... 19 13 11 Rev J. M. Jones. Morgan, Mr D.... 0 10 0 Bible-class 2 0 0 Collections 3 12 0 By Miss F. Serjent. Boxes ...... 12 10 0 9 15 9 Subscriptions: Cards ...... 4 12 10 James, Mrs J. ... 0 12 0 Under 10s...... 0 18 0 Blow, Mr ...... 0 10 0 NEWPOBT. Cook, Rev G. H. 1 10 0 Subscriptions : Davies, Mr W .... 1 1 0 Boxes by Stow Hill. Daniels, Miss ... 1 10 0 Edwards, Mr W., 4 0 0 Do., for Congo 4 3 6 Evans, Miss H. 0 10 3 Rev H. Abraham. Hill, Mr E 0 10 0 Davies, Dr...... 2 0 0 Lewis, Miss ...... 0 13 9 Jones, Mrs J. ... 2 0 0 Collections...... 2 6 0 Jordan, M rs 0 10 0 Davies,MissL.M. 3 0 0 Do., S.-school 3 2 4 Jones, Mr Aid. G. 2 0 0 99 18 0 Overstone, Mr L. 2 10 0 Less expenses 0 14 0 Do., for W Sc O 1 2 6 Under 10s...... 3 13 6 Jones, Mrs G. ... 2 0 0 3 0 0 Prayer Meetings 3 Jones, Mr J. L.... 0 10 Prayer Union ... 1 6 0 Jones, Miss E. M, 1 0 0 99 4 0 43 6 0 Subscriptions : 36 18 4 Abraham,Rev H. 1 0 0 K E W e O S T . NEWPOBT. Barber, Mr J. ... 0 12 6 Clarke, Miss...... 0 10 0 Alexandra Road. Commercial Road. NEWBBIBGE. Cooke, Mr E. , , 1 1 0 Contributions ... 1 15 9 Beulah. Rev J. Evans. Davies, Mr D. ... 1 0 0 Garra way, Mrs... 1 0 0 Rev J. Edwards. Collections 1 4 Grower, Mr T. S. 1 1 0 Do., for W& O i l NEWPOBT. Contributions ... 7 1 7 Hughes, Mr J .... 0 10 0 Sun.-scb. boxes 10 19 Jones, MrThos... 0 10 0 East Usk Road. Do., S.-sch. ... 3 17 10 Prayer-mtg. box 1 16 Keene, Mr C. E. 0 10 0 Rev A. Purnell. Subscriptions : Subscriptions : McDaniel, Mr J. 1 0 0 Taylor, Mr H. V. 1 0 0 Contributions ... 0 13 0 Evans, Mrs E .... 0 10 0 Arthur, Mr W.D. 2 0 Tbomas, Mr J .... 0 10 0 Phillips, Mi E.... 1 10 0 Bale, Mr A 0 15 Under 10s...... 2 6 2 Davis, Mr W 0 10 12 19 6 Davis, Mrs ...... 0 10 23 9 6 NEW TREDEGAR. Francis, Mrs 2 2 Griffiths, Mr J.M. 3 3 Rev W. Williams. 0 N E W P O B T . NEWPORT. Hockey, Mr Jas. 1 1 Knight, Mr J. ... 1 1 0 Alma Street. Contributions ... 7 2 5 Do., for H P ... 2 7 9 Commercial Street. Llewellyn, Mr I. 1 1 Lewis, Mr J 0 10 Q Rev J. P. Thomas. Sunday-school... 3 16 6 Collections 4 10 7 Matthias, Mr J. 1 1 0 Collections 1 6 Subscriptions: Do., iasW & O 6 0 0 Phillips, Mr C.... 1 1 0 Prayer meetings 1 15 Sunday-school... 15 18 11 Price, Mr W 1 1 0 Contrib., S.-sch. 3 10 4 Hiley, Mrs 1 1 0 Balance, 1894 ...9 4 0 Pullin, Mr T 1 0 01 Collier, Mrs, class 2 11 0 Hiley, Mr F. ...200 CXXXU MON MOUTH SHIRE— . [1895.

Llewellyn, Mr T. 1 1 0 RAGLAN. TAFARNAUBACH. USK. Llewellyn, Mrs 010 6 Phillips, Mr N., Contributions ...400 Rev D. E. Davies. Rev F. Johnson. I. P. v...... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 2 9 11 Walters., Mr W. 0 10 6 Contributions ... 0 14 REDWICK. Do., for N P ... I l l Subscriptions: 19 10 8 Rev J. Berryman. 2 6 0 Evans, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 Contributions ... 1 6 2 Hiley, Mr S. A. 1 5 0 PETERSTONE. Thomas,MrW.M. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 0 11 2 RHYMNEY. TALYWAIN. 4 14 11 Penuel. Rev J. Morgan, PONTRHYDYRUN. Rev G. Griffiths. VICTORIA. Rev J. D. Rees. Contributions ... 8 12 4 Contributions ... 20 1 3 Caersalem. Contributions ... 0 10 10 Do., for A P ... 3 2 3 Subscriptions : (J hildren’s boxes, Morgan, Mr Jos. 1 1 Rev W. Saunders. for ¿TP ...... 3 0 2 Subscriptions : Morgan, Mrs M. 1 1 Contribs. (1894) 2 17 3 Bubscriptions: Eiddel...... 1 1 0 Do. (1895) ...... 5 4 0 Conway, Miss ... 0 10 0 Edwards,MrJ.W. 0 10 6 10 14 4 DawsonyMrs, for Evans, Mr T. M. 0 10 0 8 1 3 Congo ...... 0 10 0 Griffiths, Rev G. 1 1 0 Morgan, Mr H. 0 10 0 Harris, Mr R. ...110 TINTE RN. Hiley, Mr W. ...10 0 6 7 0 Contributions ... 0 6 WHITEBROOK. 28 7 0 Rev E. Probert. PONTNEWYDD. TREDEGAR. HHYMNEY. Contributions ... 1 10 0 Merchants’ Hill. Jerusalem, Churoh Street. Rev J. G. Watts. £927 12 10 Contributions ...2 9 0 Rev W. Evans. Con'ributions & Do., for N P ... 1 15 0 Contribs., 1894... 3 10 Collection 6 13 0 Do., 1895...... 4 3

POlfTJTBWYDD. 7 13 0 Pembrokeshire, Richmond Hill. RISCA. Contributions ... 0 6 0 TBEDBGAB. ABERCYCH. Moriah. Siloh. Ramoth. Rev J. O. Jenkins. PONTYPOOL. Rev P. Williams. Contributions ... 2 4 Contributions ... 4 15 0 Crane Street. Contributions ... 6 4

Rev J. Williams. BISCA. Collections 6 0 0 Bethany. TBEBEGAB. BEULAH. Do,, for W ¿c O 1 6 0 Armageddon. Do.,pryr.mtgs. 2 4 0 Rev T. Thomas. Rev J. John. Do., classes ... 1 5 6 Contributions ... 4 14 0 Contributions ... 0 11 Boxes ...... 2 0 4 Contributions ... 2 2 1 Subscriptions : Do., for P... 0 14 6 TWYNGWYN. Hckersley, Mr P. 0 10 0 ST. BRIDE’S. Subscription: Contributions ... 4 5 Kckersley, Mr J. 0 10 0 Rev W. Morgan. Havard, Mrs 1 0 0 John, Rev J.... 0 10 0 Jones, Mr D . 0 10 0 Contributions ... 3 12 6 Mcholas, Mr 1 0 0 TYDEB. 3 6 7 Pratt, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Bethesda. Walters, Mr ..... 0 10 0 SAINT MELLONS. Rev T. G. James. Williams, Rev J. 0 10 0 BLAENCONIN. Williams, Mr J. E. 1 0 0 Rev J. A. Thomas. Contributions ... 16 8 Williams, Mr O. E. 0 10 0 Rev J. D. Thomas. Williams,MrA. H. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 5 8 10 Subscriptions : Under 10s...... 0 9 6 Subscriptions: Contributions ... 14 2 1 Budding, Mr W. 0 10 Do., for NP... 2 3 8 21 1 3 Davies, Mrs S.... 0 10 6 John, MrW 0 10 Wass, Mrs 0 10 6 Jones, Mr.C 0 10 Subscriptions : Sansome, Mrs ... 1 1 PONTYPOOL. 6 9 10 Jones, Mr Thos. 1 0 0 19 0 0 Jones, Mrs T. ... 1 0 0 Upper Trosnant. Llewellyn, Mrs SIRHOWY. M. A...... 1 5 0 Rev D. R. Jenkins. Morris,Mrs M. A. 0 10 0 Contribs., 1894... 2 15 9 Carmel. UPPER CWMBRAN. Morris, Mr H. ... 0 10 0 Do., 1895...... 2 1 0 Rev D. Mathias. Biioam. Thomas, Mr H... 2 0 0 4 16 9 Contributions ... 2 18 1 Contributions ... 1 11 22 10 9 1895.] PEMBROKESHIRE. cxxiii

BLAENFFOS. CRESOGOCH AND Rees,Rev W. and HÀVBBÏOBDWEST. Mrs ...... 0 10 0 • Bey A. Morgan. THE VINE. Bethlehem. Contributions ... 7 10 0 Eev D. Phillips. 10 18 10 Rev D. O. Edwards. Collections 10 C 10 Contributions ... 3 12 4 Subscriptions : Subscriptions : HAVERFORDWEST. BLAENLLYN. Francis, Mrs M.. 0 10 0 Rev T. John. Evans, Mr David 0 10 0 Bethesda. Howells, M r 0 10 0 4 2 4 Contributions ... 1 13 0 Thomas, Mr Jno. 2 0 0 Rev O. D. Campbell, M.A. Do., for N P... 2 0 0 13 0 10 Collections ...... 11 13 4 Subscriptions ¡ HONE YBOROIT GH. Subscriptions and Griffiths, Mr J.... 0 10 0 Donations : Hephzibah. Rees. Mr D...... 0 10 0 DINAS CROSS. Rees, Mrs D...... 0 10 0 Davies, Rev T., Rev J. John. Rees, Mias N. ... 0 10 0 Bev J. W. Maurice. D.D...... 0 10 6 Thomas, Mrs..... 2 0 0 Davies, Sir W. 2 2 0 Contributions ... 3 11 4 Thomas,Mr T.E., Contributions ... 3 14 11 Evans, Mr J 0 10 6 Subscription : J.P...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions ... 4 10 6 Greenish & Daw­ Thomas, MissM ,M 1 0 0 kins, Messrs ... 0 10 6 Johnstone,Mrs... 0 10 0 Thomas.MissM.A 1 0 0 8 5 5 James, Mr 2 0 0 Llewellyn, Mr J. 0 10 0 4 1 4 10 13 0 Morris, Mr W.... 0 10 6 GELLY. Owen, Rev W .... 0 10 0 Boberts, Mr D.... 0 10 6 JABEZ. BLAENYWATJN. Rev J. D. Thomas. Roberts,Mr Isaac 5 0 0 Rev J. LI. Morris. Rev H. Jones. Contributions ... 2 10 10 Thomas, Mr W. 0 10 6 Do.,-for NP ... 5 11 10 Contributions ... 4 6 5 Contributions ... 15 10 3 Do., for Italy 0 16 1 Boxes by Do., for N P ... 118 10 Do., for N P ... 8 19 0 Carter,Miss Lettie 0 11 3 Do., for W db 0 0 8 0 Subscription: Roberts, Miss A, 0 10 0- 24 15 3 Under 10s...... 1 5 8 0 13 3 Llewellyn, Mr T. 5 0 0 27 6 8 BROADHAVEN. 13 18 9 Less District 1 LLANFYRNACH. Hephzibah. expenses..... 2 0 Rev S. F. Roberts. i Eev T. E. Lewis. GOEDWIG,FISHGUARD 26 4 3 Contributions ... 9 10 1 Contributions ... 5 14 8 Contributions ... 0 15 2 Do., for N P... 1 5 3 Bubsoription Do., Working HAVEEEOBDWEST. Party, for 10 15 4 Thomas, Miss ... 1 1 0 support o f 2 Hiü Park. girls in Shen­ 0 15 3 Rev J. Jenkins. si School 0 0 0 LLANGWM. Contributions ... 8 11 8 CAERSALEM. 0 15 2 Do., for N P ... 5 13 9 Contribs., for N P 0 5 8 Eev J. LI. Morris. Subscriptions : Contributions ... 4 15 6 GLANRHYD. A Friend...... 0 10 0 LETTERSTON. Do., for W A O 0 5 0 Bowen, Mr D. ... 0 10 0 Do., for N P ... 0 15 0 Bev J. Edwards. Davies, Mr E. ... 0 10 0 Rev B. Thomas. Jenkins, Rev J. 0 10 0 Subscription: Contributions ... 9 6 0 Morris, Rev D.... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 6 18 1 George, Mr T. Subscriptions : Morris, Mrs 1 0 0 Do., for N P ... 2 1 5 Hemlys ..... 0 10 0 Philpin, Mr T. ... 1 2 0 Edwards, Mr G. 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Griffiths, MrW.J. 0 10 0 Phillips, Mr D.... 1 1 0 0 6 0 Owens, Mr & Mrs 0 10 0 Rowlands, Mr J. 1 1 0 Williams,Mr Jae. 0 10 0 Thomas, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Williams,Mr Jno. 1 0 0 10 16 0 Williams, Mr R .. 0 10 0 Williams, Mrs M. 0 10 0 CEMAES. 22 9 5 Penuel. 10 17 6 Rev J. Lewis. HARMONY. Contributions ... 2 8 6 Rev W. Rees. HAVEEFOEDWKST. MAENCLOCHOGG. Salem. Contributions ... 5 13 4 Rev W. Davies. CLYNDERWEN. Do.,forUrittany 2 0 0 Rev D. O. Edwards. Contribs., Horeb 1 19 0 Contribs., forNP 1 10 0 Contributions ... 3 11 3 Subscriptions: Subscription : COLD INN. James, Mr W. G. 1 5 0 MARTLETWY. Lewis, Capt W. Jenkins,MrW. C. 0 10 0 Bev T. Gravell. and M rs 0 10 0 RevW. Reynolds. Collection ...... 3 1 0 Mills, Mr J 0 10 0 4 1 3 Phillips, Eev J. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 2 2 0 csxxiv PEMBROKESHIRE— RADNORSHIRE. [1895.

Subscriptions : , Donations. PENNAR. BVENJOBB. A Friend 6 0 0 Meyrick,MrJohn 25 0 Gilgal. Davies, Mr T 0 10 0 Rev G. P. Edwards. Bev T. P. John. Davies, Miss 1 2 6 47 0 Contributions ... 1 2 1| Thomas, Mr G.„, o 10 0 Collection ...... 0 11 1 Do., for (TtO O C 10 5 0 NEWTON. . 1 7 PENYBRYN. Bev Theo. John. MIDDLBMILL, SOLYA, Contributions ... 5 18 0 FBANBBBBIDGE. Contributions ... 3 8 AND TBETIO. Do., for J? P... 2 4 Rev C. Harris. Rev W. Boberts. Subscriptions: POPE HILL. Contributions ... 2 1 l j ------f Contributions ... 9 16 6 Harris, Mr J. ... 0 10 Near Haverfordwest. Do., Solva 1 11 5 Harris, Mrs J. ... 0 10 Collection 0 10 0 Subscriptions: GLADESTBY. Davies, Mr Levi. 0 10 0 Bev G. P. Edwards. Jenkins, Mr J.... 1 0 0 SARDIS. Jenkins, Mr B. 0 10 0 Contributions ... 0 15 0 Reynolds,BevW. 1 1 0 NEYLAND. Contributions ... 1 17 0 Boberts, Bev W. 1 1 0 Bethesda. Subscriptions: Boberts, Mrs 1 1 0 Symonds, Mrs R. 1 0 0 Bev B. C. Evans. Lewis, Mrs S. ... 0 12 0 GLYN ELAN VALE. Peters, Miss E.... 1 0 6 Collection 7 8 Bev T. Bees. 17 10 11 Tombs,Misses ... 0 10 6 Subscription : Contributions ... 3 6 Ó .4 0 0 Johnston, M rs... 0 10 Subscription : MILFOBD HAVEN. 7 18 9 SUTTON. Evans, Mr Thos. 0 10 0 Rev W. H. Bosser. Collected by 3 15 0 Contributions ... 2 0 Arthur Davies 0 17 3 PEMBROKE. Collected by £ 4 2 5 11 7 Powell, Mrs ...... 1 5 Rev E. Thomas. GBAVEL. 1 Contributions ... 11 11 3 Bev W. D. Young. 3 5 3 Subscriptions : tRafcnorsbire. Contribs., 1894 ... 6 4 111 Do., 1895 ... 1 15 0| Beddoe, Messrs BWLCHYSARNAU. MYNACHLOGDDU. A. &J...... 0 10 6 7 19 1M Johns, Mr G. ... 0 10 0 Rev D. S. Evans. RevW. Griffith. Mathias, Mr J.... 1 1 0 Contributions ... 12 4 Mathias, Mrs ... 1 1 0 Contributions ...220 Thomas, Bev E. 0 15 0 HOWEY. Subscription : 15 8 9 Griffith, W. & J. 0 10 CASCOB. Bev J. Boberts.- Rev G. P. Edwards. Contributions ... 0 10 0 12 14 0 PEMBROKE DOCK. Contributions ... 0 12 4 Bethany. KNIGHTON. NABBEBTH. DOLAU NANTYMBL. Bev J. D. Jones. Bev W. Williams. Bethesda. Contributions ...6 0 0 Bev J. A. Thomas. Contribs., 1894... 3 6 0 Contributions ... 22 0 Subscriptions s Do., 1895... 6 8 10 «Contributions ... 6 9 4 A Friend ...... 0 10 0 Subscriptions : Subscriptions : Walker, Mrs 0 10 0 p e m b b o k e s o c k . Rogers, Mr W.... 0 10 0 Thomas BevJ.A. 0 10 0 6 0 0 Thomas, Mr Jno. 0 10 6 Bush Street. Williams,Rev W. 0 10 0 Williams, Mr E. 0 10 0 Rev R. C. Roberts. 7 9 10 Contributions ... 8 5 DOLAU Subscriptions : LL ANFIHAN GEL. NEWPOBT. Hancock, Mr B. 0 10 Rev W. D. Young. LLANDRINDOD Bethlehem. Jobn, Miss E. H. 1 0 Owen,E...... 0 15 Contribs., 1894... 0 17 1 WELLS. Bev J. JenMns. Willing,MrsS.W. 3 4 Do., 1895... 1 8 0 Bev J. Jones. Contributions ... 21 0 0 IS 15 1 2 5 1 Do., for Congo 1 0 0 Contributions ... 8 12 4 1895.] BADNOBBHIBE— SCOTLAND. cxxxv

Subscription * NEW RADNOR. PAINSCASTLE. ROCK PENYBONT. iorris, Mr E. P. 0 10 0 Rev G. P. Edwards. Rev T. James. Rev D, Thomas. Contributions ... 1 16 11 4 2 4 Coll,, for W A O 0 1 11 Contributions ... 0 17 4 Contributions ... 2 15 0 [MAESYRHELEM. 0 19 3 VELINDRE. Her D. Davies, Rev W. G. Mansfield. itributions ... 3 2 8 PRESTEIGN. Contributions ... 1 14 0 Subscription: NEWBRIDGE-ON- WYE. Ivies, RevD..., 0 10 0 Rev W. Skinner. 72 17 9 iorris, Mr K. 2 2 0 Rev H. C. Edwards. Less Home Contributions ... 4 5 9 Mission ..... 1 2 5 5 14 8 Contributions ... 4 6 9 £7115 4 Subscription: NANTGWYN. Price, Mr J...... 0 10 0 RHAYADER. Total of Contri­ Rev T. D. Jones. butions from Contributions ... 6 10 0 4 16 9 Contributions ... 0 19 6 Sth.Wales £3,613 1 7


ABERCHIRDER. For JV P, by Subscriptions: ABERDEEN. Gilcomston Park. ntributions ... 4 0 0 Sunday-school. Crichton, Mr Jas. 5 0 0 Elmslie, Mr A. G. 0 10 0 Rev A. Bisset, M.A. A family card ... 0 5 0 Grant, Mr J 2 0 0 Sunday-school, for N P. Do., do...... 0 10 6 Kennedy, Miss, ABERDEEN. Birnie, Jessie ... 0 5 0 for Congo ...... 0 10 0 Davidson, J 0 6 9 Dick, C...... 0 6 4 Raffan, Mr John 7 0 0 Law, N. C 1 0 0 Crown Terrace. Ewen, Bella 0 10 0 Watt, Mr Alex... 2 0 0 McPhail, F 0 11 6 Macdonald, Miss 0 10 0 Woodrow,RevS.G. 0 10 0 Reid, Jas...... 0 5 0 Bev W. S. Chedbum. Michie, W 0 5 0 Under 10s...... 1 0 0 Scott, Kate ..... 0 10 0 Miller, Josephine 0 8 0 Scott, George ... 0 8 0 Treasurer, Mr Alexander Peterkin, Ethel... 0 10 6 38 2 9 Under 5s 0 15 8 k Gibb. Sunstrom, Henry 0 5 0 Less,forZZeraifis 2 0 8 3 16 11 Coll., monthly Tait, Alice 0 5 0 prayer zntgs. 3 9 8 Under 5s 2 14 5 » 36 2 1 t* Do., for W

ARBROATH. CRIEFF. DUHDE*. Subscriptions and ] Donations: I Rev W. R. Simpson. Rattray Street. ' Rev G. Menzies. Archibald,MrJ.L. 1 l J Contributions ... 3 17 0 Coll., for W & O 0 13 0 Rev T. W. Lister. Barlow, Miss ... 0 10S Do., Sun.-seh. 0 6 0 Contribs., for Bishop, Misses... 1 Ofl Congo 1 5 0- Contributions ... 17 18 8 Coll., for W & O 0 7 8 Do., for India 3 0 0 Bonella, Mr ...... 0 ICH S.-ach., for Congo 1 4 0 Do., for China 1 0 0 Do. .Fellowship Bowie, Mr A. F. 1 OH Do., Sun.-Bch. 0 4 0 Association 0 10 0 Burton, Mr J. H. 0 10H 5 14 8 Chatham, Mr J. 0 1CH 3 2 0 Do., for China 1 0 0 Coll., S.-sch., for Chisholm, Mr ... 4 Congo ...... 2 10 0 Comer, Miss...... 0 1CH Cowan, Mr M. T. 3 (W ARDBEG. Do., do.,ioiNP 3 10 0 OROOK EDAY. Do.i do., for Crombie, Mr R. 3 0 j Subscription : China 3 0 0 Curr, Mr...... 3 3 J Orkneys. Do., do., for Fowler, Misses... 2 0 " Muir, Mr C 1 0 0 India ...... 3 0 0 Gibb, M rf.O . 5 0 ( Contributions ... 0 10 0 Gibb.Mrs ...... 2 0 ( 84 8 8 Gowan, Mr J. ... 0 10 C AYR. Gray, M rs 4 0 ( DALKEITH. Grieve, Miss 0 12 ( Rev H. D. Brown. DUNDEE. Rev H. McLean. Henderson, Mrs 1 0 fl Contribs., S.-sch. 1 2 0 Girls’ Penny Mission. Inglis, Mr G 0 10 C Contribs. ,f exsup- Innes, Miss ...... 1 0 < port o f Congo Contributions ... 3 11 3 Landels, D r 5 0 0 BRANDERBURGH. Native ^Evan­ Lauder, Miss 0 10 fl gelist ...... 7 0 0 DUNFERMLINE. Lockhart, Mr R. 5 0 S Rev B. J. Oole. MacAndrew,Mr J. 1 0 Contribs.,S.-sch. 0 9 8 Rev J. T. Hagen. MacDougall, Mrs 2 0 fl Coll., for W & O 0 10 4 DUNDEE. Colls.,monthly... 75 6 11 MacGregor,Mr J. 1 0 fl St. Enoch’s. Do., for W & 0 4 5 7 MacGregor, Mr J 1 0 0 Contribs. ,S ,-sch., Jas. G...... 1 0 C Rev D. Clark. foTt(Joseph,” MacNair, Mrs ... 2 0 C Massie, Mrs ...... 0 10 C Collection ...... 5 13 6 care o f G. C. Mathewson, Mrs 6 0 C LongWyndS.-sch., Dutt ...... 20 0 0 BROUGHTY PERRY. Do., for Congo 10 0 0 Menelaws, Miss 0 10 <( for support Muir, Mrs ...... 0 10 t Rev G. P. Craise. o f Congo boy 5 0 0 Do., for China 4 18 0 Missionary boxes 24 11 10 Park, Miss 0 12 f Do., Bible-class 0 10 0 Pass, Mrs ...... 0 10 j Coll., for W & O 0 17 6 Heralds...... 0 17 0 Bank interest ... 1 1 3 Contributions ...12 0 Paterson, Mr J. S O - Do., S.-school, For N P, by Subscriptions: Price, Mr J. W... 0 lO fl for N P 0 15 4 McLaren, Nellie 0 5 0 Ireland, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Rose, Mr Hugh... 26 O' McPherson, H.... 0 7 6 Spedding.MrsW. 2 0 0 Rose, Miss J. A. 10 0 2 14 10 Philp, M...... 0 8 9 Rose,Mr Andrew 25 0 Spence, Mary ...090 143 4 7 Sawers, Mr ...... 1 0 Under 5s 1 9 11 Scott, Mr G 1 1 j Shearer, Mrs 1 0 BURRAY. Subscriptions and DUNOON. Stewart, Mr R.... 3 3 Donations : Stirton, Mrs, sen. 0 10 Coll., for W & O 1 0 0 Rev D. Macgregor. Anderson, Mr A. 1 0 0 Stirton, Mr J. ... 0 10 ■'kmtribs.,S.-sch., S.-sch., for Congo 1 5 0 White, Mr Thos. 2 0 t o i N P . . 0 1C 1 Anderson, Mr R. 1 0 0 Bell, Miss M...... 0 10 0 BoyB’ and Girls’ Under 10s...... 8 17 1 16 1 Clark, Rev D. ... 1 0 0 Religious Soc., David, Mr J...... 1 0 0 for Mr Kirk­ 192 2 A Duncan, Mr 0 ... 2 0 0 land’s work, Easson, Mr T. ... 0 10 0 Cong o ...... 1 0 0 CAMBUSLANG. Family worship 3 1 0 A Friend, for BDIHBURBH. Fraser, Mr S. G. 0 10 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 Rev A. A. Milna. Gardner, Mrs, for Charlotte Chapel. Congo...... 0 10 0 3 5 0 Coll., for W

Fodd, Miss 0 10 FORTBOSE. Campbell,Messrs Boxes by Jrquhart, Mr ... 1 O J. and W...... 1 1 0 Talcot, Mr ...... 1 1 Contribs., for NP 0 16 Bowser, Mr S.... Ô 17 Campbell, Dr J. Forrester, Mrs... 0 6 Falcot, Mr G. ... 0 10 A., i . i i . n . , m . p . Tay, Bev T. W. 2 0 Ker, Mr David S. Gray, Mis B 2 10 tâte, Mrs F . ... 0 10 FRASERBURGH. Mackinlay, Mr D. Murray, late Mrs Jnder 10s...... 9 9 Rev E. Hughes. Smith, Messrs. D. (per Mrs R. Marshall) ...... 0 18 Coll., for W # O Geo., & Sons... 5 0 27 17 2 Du., S.-sch. ... 392 18 8 Prayer Union ... 16 15 .EDINBURGH* Subscription : GLASGOW, Bristo Place. Dathie, Hr G. ... 1 G l a s g o w . Adelaide Place. Hillhead. ‘ Bevs W. Grant and l i 18 9 A. Cromar. RevT. H. Martin. Rev F. H. Robarts. golL, 1891 ...... 54 5 Collection ...... 3 15 Collections 49 0 3 Do., 1895, for GALASHIELS. Do., for W4- 0 11 2 7 Do., for W & O 28 7 7 W ét O 18 6 Stirling Street. Quarterly subs. 71 6 6 MrsRobarts’Bible- Contribs., 1895... 70 S.-sch., for China, class...... 1 0 0 Do., pub. mtg., 8 11 9 Rev J. B. Johnston, M.A. India, Italy, S.-sch., for N P 6 10 10 Coll., for W& 0 1 14 2 and Congo 6 6 6 Do., for Congo 5 12 9 146 8 5 Cards, for NP... 6 10 1 Contributions ... 25 9 6 Subscriptions: Do., S.-sch., Brown-streetSch. 0 15 3 for if P ...... 2 9 1 Do., boxes 1 0 0 A. F. P...... 2 0 0 BDIKBUBGtH' St. Clair-street Aitchsson, Mr J. 2 0 0 Do., for support S.-school for Duncan Street. o f Congo boy 5 6 0 Aitcheson, Mrs J. 0 10 0 Do., for China 1 10 10 India ...... 2 12 0 Alexander, Dr J. 5 0 0 N Rev P. Fleming. Do.,for MrsFor- Arthur, Mr J. W. 4 0 0 syth’s Station, Barber, Mr F. W. 0 10 0 Coll., annual 9 10 11 36 8 7 China 1 10 o Do., monthly... 4 6 6 Barker, Mr J. D. 1 0 0 Do.,for W&O 2 15 0 Subscriptions: Bell, Mrs J. T.... 1 o 0 Contribs., for if P 3 9 3 GALASHIELS. Binnie, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Victoria Street. “ A debtor to the Blythe, Miss 0 10 0 20 0 8 Lord” ...... 1 0 Boyd, Mr R. H... 2 0 0 Rev A. Thomson. A Friend, for Debt 0 10 Brodie, Mr McL. 1 0 0 Coll., for W 4- 0 1 1 Angus, Mr David 2 0 Brown, Mr, for Contributions ... 2 16 Arthur, Mr F. W. 2 0 Congo...... 1 0 0 ELGIN. Do., for Congo 0 9 Beveridge, Miss, C...... 2 0 0 for Centenary 1 0 Cameron, Mrs ... 0 10 0 |pev R. E. Glendenning. 4 6 4 Bowie, MrW.E. P. 1 1 Campbell.MissM. 0 12 t' Cibll., monthly ... 0 18 2 Bowser, Mr H....100 0 Cowper, Mr &Mrs 4 0 Cioll., forWJsO 1 8 8 Buehanan.Mr A. 10 0 Cowper, K 2 0 0 Balance, 1894 Coll. 2 0 0 B. W. A. R 0 16 Crichton, Mr G., If as tor’s Bible- GLASGOW AUXILIARY Coats, Dr Jos. ... 10 0 for China ...... 1 0 0 f class ...... 2 7 6 FOR ITALIAN MIS­ Cutbbertson.MrG. 3 3 Denham, Mr A... 1 0 C S.-sch., for Congo 1 3 3 SION. Cuthbertson,T.&R.2 0 Dick, Miss 10 0 0 Donation ...... 25 0 Dick, Mr W. D... 2 0 0 Subscriptions : Contribs., per Mr Dun, Dr W. G.... 8 0 Dick, Mr A. W... 0 10 0 Davidson, Miss 0 10 0 F.W. Arthur... 133 5 0 Findlay,MrW.M. 1 1 Duncan, Mr ..... 0 10 0 Ogilvie, Miss A., Gillespie, Mr A .. 1 0 Eckhout, Mr B... 5 0 0 u for Congo ...... 0 13 0 Gray, Mr & Mrs B. 2 0 Fletcher,Mr J.D., Urquhart, Mr & GLASGOW AUXILIARY Hendry,Mrs Jas. 0 10 for D ebt 6 0 0 Mrs ...... 10 0 0 “ Hermans” 3 3 Forrest, Misses 0 10 0 President, Mr Howard Lookhart, Mr D., Fulton, Mrs ..... 10 0 0 h For N P, by Bowser. for Congo ... 8 6 Galbraith,MrJ.B. 2 0 0 Fraser, G. G 0 Treasurer, Mr D. Do., for China 8 6 Galbraith, Miss 0 10 0 Hay, Bella 0 Lockhart. Do., for India 8 6 Galbraith,MrJ.L. 0 10 0 Mclvor, M 1 Lockhart, Mr & Gardiner,MrD.K. 6 0 0 Rankin, James... 0 Coll. at annual Mrs J. R 4 4 Gardner, Mr A... 0 10 0 Rankin, G 0 mtg. in Ade- Martin,Rev T. H. 2 10 Gemmill, Miss ... 0 10 0 Under 5s 0 fl 10 laide-pl. Ch. 16 19 3 Macfarlane, Mr Glen, Mr J 1 0 0 Do.,do.,in Spring-; Jno. R ...... 1 0 Hamilton, Mr J. 6 0 0 21 12 11 burn Ch 0 8 0 McPherson, Mr D. 1 1 Hamilton, Mrs J. 5 0 0 McKean,Mr J.... 2 10 Hamilton, Mr C. 1 10 0 17 7 3 McNicol, Misses 1 Hamilton, Miss 0 10 0 Less expenses 6 19 3 McRae, Miss 1 Henderson, Mrs FALKIRK. Millar, Mr W. J. 1 J. L...... 2 0 0 11 8 0 Murray,Mr Thos. 3 Herbertson, Mr Rev A. Paterson, M.A. Nimmo, Mr Jas. 60 J. B. (2 years). 4 0 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 6 0 0 N immn, Mr A dam 6 Honcyman, Mr Ormond,MrJas. Jr. 1 P. S...... 10 0 0 Collected by Paterson,MrW.B. 2 Hunter, Mr R. H. 30 0 0 Scott, Mr D. M. 6 I. T. O. (2 years) 1 0 0 FORFAR. Mr D. Lockhart, Mission Sloan, Mr&Mrs W. 1 Jack, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Treasurer. Spretili, Mr J. ... 1 Johnston, Mr H. 1 0 0 Rev G. Lauder. Anderson,MrC.J. 0 10 0 Stewart, Mr D.... 2 Kirkpatrick,MrT.15 0 0 Collection 0 11 Arthur & Co., Watson, Miss... 1 Kirsop, M rs 1 0 0 Messrs ...... 1 1 0 Under 10»...... 0 10 Lament, Mr J.... 5 0 0 Cx&xviii éÓOlLÀNfl.

Lamonfc, Miss ... 0 10 0 GLASHOW. GLASGÒW. Subscrijjtions: Lorrimer, Mr W. 1 <5 0 M. C...... 2 10 0 John Enos Street. Foundry Boys’ Religious Borthwick, Mrs 0 10 ft McDiarmid, Mrs 5 0 0 Society. Brown, Mr G. ... 1 0 j McClure, MrJ.H. 5 0 0 Rev P. J. Rollo. Brown,MrM.McC. 1 0 J Contributions for Corbet, Bev A.... 1 o f l McKinnon,MissF . 1 10 0 Collections ...... 2 8 1 Forbes, Mr. John 5 0 ■ McLellan, Rev J. 2 0 0 Do., for W&O 1 11 0 Congo, per J.L. Selkirk ...... 6 0 0 Macfie, Mr R. ... 1 O l McLeod,Mr D. B. 0 10 0 Do., at lectures 1 2 6 MacIntyre, Mr J.D. 1 OH Mathews, Mr H. 0 10 0 Collector’s books 6 17 0 Mcllvain, Miss... 2 O l Napier, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Sunday - school, Mcllvain, Miss H Newlands.MrG.F 1 0 0 for support o f GLASGOW. Parker, Miss .. , 0 10 0 A. J...... 2 0 B Congo boy 6 0 0 Spring Burn. McLeod & Gry 11s, H Pattison, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Misses...... 1 0 a Patrick, Mrs...,., 0 10 0 Subscriptions: Rev J. Home. Morrison, Mr A. 0 10 q Polsford, Mrs ... 1 0 0 Colburn, Mr A. 0 10 6 Rae, Mr A...... 2 0 0 Coll. for W & O 011 6 Muir, Mr R. W.... 1 0 0 Reid, Mr J...... 1 0 0 Parker, Mr A. ... 1 0 0 Muir, Mr W m .... 4 0 0 Richmond, Dr T. 1 10 0 Reid, Mr Jas. ... 0 10 6 Munro, Mr W .... 0 10 0 0 Rollo, Rev P. J. 0 10 0 Paterson,MrAlei. 1 0 0 Robarts.RevF.H. 50 0 Smith, Mr A. ... 110 0 GOYAN. Under 10s...... 1 5 0 Bobarts, Mrs. ... 10 0 0 Stevenson.MrT.L. 0 10 6 Rose, Mr C. A....100 0 0 Bev J. Coats, A.M. Rose, Mr A ...... 35 0 0 Under 10s...... 0 10 6 41 2 7 Shanks, Mr Wm. 5 0 0 Coll.forTP&0,1894 1 7 0 22 1 0 Simmons, Mrs... 1 0 0 Do.,forDo.1895 0 18 4 GBBBNOCK. Smith, Mrs ..... 0 10 0 S.-sch., for China 4 2 8 Stewart, Mrs ... 0 10 0 Do., for Congo 4 2 8 George Square. GLASGOW. Sutherland,MrG. 2 0 0 Do., for NP... 4 2 7 Rev W. H. Griffiths. Tillie, Mrs...... 2 2 0 Cambridge Street. Tulloch, Mr W. 5 0 0 Subscriptions: Coll., for W ¿k O 0 13 3 Rev E. Last. S.-sch.,for Congo 1 10 0 Walker, Mrs W. 10 0 0 Brath, Mr B. ... 2 10 0 Watson,Miss M.B 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 Do., for China 1 10 0 Coats, Rev Jervis 2 0 0 Do., for India 1 10 0 Wylie, Mr W. A. 1 0 0 Church Contribs, 1 10 0 Forbes, Mr T. ... 0 10 0 Youden, M rs.... 0 10 0 Y.P.S.C.E 1 0 0 Hutchinson, Mr 5 3 0 Under 10s...... 13 19 6 Do., for China 2 18 0 J. H...... 0 10 0 Do., for support Mackio, Mr W.... 0 10 0 512 1 5 o f Congo boy Under 10s...... 13 2 10 Less expenses 1 7 8 under Mr HAMILTON. I Leuns ...... 2 10 0 610 13 9 33 16 1 Rev J. R. Chrystal, B.D. Donation: Sunday school... 0 15 * A Friend, for GLASGOW. Congo 0 10 0 GRANTOWN. HAWICK. ) John Street. Box by Rev W. H. Davies. Rev W. Seaman. / Revs B. Watson and Turner, Duncan, G. McCrie. for Congo ...... 1 15 1 Contribs., Prayer Collec.,for W & 0 1 5 p meeting 16 9 Contributions ... 2 17 6 Quarterly colls... 47 0 0 12 3 1 Monthly for Congo 3 18 10 Do., Sun.-sch., io r N J ? 2 16 5 Subscriptions: Do., for Mr GLASGOW. Duncan's ' GLASGOW. Davies,BevW.H. 1 0 0 Work,Shensi 10 15 3 North Frederick Street. Glass, Mr W. ... 1 0 0 Queen’s Park. Welsh, Mr and Balance, 1894 ... 1 12 10 Grant, Miss ...... 0 10 0 Mrs, for D o .... 2 0 0, Coll., for W & O 1 8 5 Rev H. Wright. Grant, Mr A. F. 0 10 0 10 Smith, Mr D...... 0 10 0 Donations, special. Contributions ... 28 1 Contributions ... 30 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 6 0 Do., for N P ... 4 18 8 Do., for W & O 5 6 0 Seamans, RevW. 0 10 0 Do., Y.P.S.C.E., Do., Sun.*sch. 12 12 8 Under 10s...... 0 10 0 for support Collected by o f Congo boy 47 17 8 Grant, M iss 1 1 0 20 14 S under Mr Grant, Miss J 1 1 2 Cameron ... 6 0 0 Under 5s 0 4 0 GallowgateBranch, HELENSBURGH. 4 Y.M.C.A.,for GLASGOW. 12 6 9 support o f Rev G. A. Wilson. Congo boy, Bridgeton. Collection ...... 1 0 0^ “ Loleko ” ... 7 10 0 Do., tor distribu­ Sister Street. GREENOCK. Coll. for (PdtO... 1 7 0 tion o f Gospels Working Boys & on Congo ... 4 0 0 Rev W. J. Millar. Orangefield. Girls’ Society Do., from women for Congo ...... 0 14 10 for Mrs For­ Contributions ... 22 19 2 Rev A. Corbet. Pastor’s Bible- Y.P.S.C.E 9 0 10 class for India 1 0 0 syth’s work Collections 3 10 0 am ongst Subscription: Do., for WdbO 4 0 0 Subscriptions : , w om en in ContribSyS .-sch., A Friend ...... 1 0 0 China...... 2 6 0 Ormond, Mr Jas. 3 0 0 for China ... 2 2 0 Arthur, Mr C. ... 1 0 0 Do., for Congo 2 2 0 Arthur, Mr J. A. 1 0 0 - 54 16 9 36 0 0 Do., for P ... 4 12 7 Beveridge, Mrs... 0 J.0 O'* Do., for India 1 1 0 Inglis, Mrs 1 0 0 1Ô95.] feCOTLÀlîi). cxxxlx I Bale, Mrs ...... 1 0 0 Subscriptions and Donation : PAISLEY, Young, Mrs ...... 30 0 0 Donations : tfoung, M iss 0 10 0 Christie, Miss ... 7 Ö 0 Hunter,RevW. J. 1 0 0 Victoria Place. 30 7 10 Ireland, Miss ... 1 1 0 8 14 0 Rev J. Crouch. Ireland, MrW. L. 4 4 0 Do., for China 1 1 0 Collection ...... 17 12 0 I IRVINE. Landels, Mrs J. 1 1 0 LOCHEE. Do. for W écO 2 6 7 Do., for Genoa 1 1 0 Contributor9 2 6 l i Subscriptions: McIntosh, Mr Rev P. T. Thomson, M.A. H is, Mrs ...... 0 10 0 A. H...... 0 10 0 Contribs., S.-sch. 1 0 0 Contributions, foTsupport ■ memory of Peebles, Mr Jno. 1 0 0 of N. P. Kironoday ■tf.M ...... 0 10 0 Venters, Capt. ... 0 10 0 Ghose. Punday-school... 0 15 0 LOCHGILPHEAD. Wallace, Miss... 0 10 0 73 3 1 BarrStreet.Sun.- Under 10s...... 0 6 0 Rev J. Knox. school...... 0 16 6 Do., for N P ... 0 10 0 Children’s Fore­ Contributions . . 8 0 0 noon Service... 3 9 0 KIRKINTILLOCH. Do. for N P ... 1 8 6 Minister’s Bible- 3 0 0 class...... 1 4 6 Rev W. B. Nicolson, M.A. 4 8 6 Female do 7 0 0 Church contribs. 10 6 6 Junior do...... 0 6 0 KEISS. Proceeds sale of Sunday-school... 3 16 7 Rev J. McPherson. work...... 5 0 0 LOSSIEMOUTH. I Do., Cards 1 0 8 Coll., for W db O 0 3 Sunday-school... 1 0 0 j T. F. R...... 2 6 10 Contributions ... 2 17 0 Cards for N P ... 1 5 6 For N P , by 40 1 1 Subscriptions: Stoddart,Bella... 0 9 7 Craig, Mr I1 0 10 0 Stewart, Chas.... 0 6 2 LOWER LARGO. Manson, Mr S., Under 6s...... 0 7 9 PAISIEY. for Congo ...... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 2 6 7 Under 10s ...... 0 19 6 17 10 0 George Street.

3 18 3 MONTROSE. Rev J. Farquhar, M.A. LEITH. Subscriptions : Collection ...... 1 17 0 < KELSO. Collect., Prayer Do., for W& O 2 0 0 Meeting, for By Mrs R. Barclay. Rev W. Shearer. China...... 2 10 0 3 17 0 Collection ...... 0 11 0 Contrib., S.-sch., Barclay, Mr and Uipntributions ... 1 10 9 for China ...... 2 16 0 Mrs R...... 2 0 0 1 Do., Sun.-sch. 1 1 0 Millar, Mr Edw. 1 0 0 jD o ., for NP ... 0 17 0 5 6 0 Millar, Mr R. H. 1 0 0 PERTH. Bible-class, for Mitchell, Mrs W. 0 10 0 j Congo...... 0 17 0 Two Friends..... 2 0 0 Rev J. A. G. Robinson, LEITH. M.A. 4 16 9 6 10 0 Family box by Church Contrib. 6 18 1 Richards, RevW. 1 15 0 S.-scbool, do. 12 12 6 Don., for Bengal 0 10 0 KILMARNOCK. PAISLEY. Subscriptions: Rev W. Donald. LERWICK, SHETLAND. Coats’ Memorial. Contributions ... 4 7 4 AChurchMember 6 0 0 Rev H. Bailey Collection Annual A Friend,per Rev > Do., Sun.-sch 6 6 0 meeting (less J.A.G.Robinson 2 0 0 For N P, by expenses) ...... 1 6 8 A Friend, Thank- 9 12 4 Anstre, Geo ...... 0 7 6 Contribs. S.-Schl. 6 18 0 offering, per Hunter, Jno. H... 0 6 9 Sunday Morning Mrs A. Jack ... 1 0 0 Thomson, J. R. 0 6 6 Association ... 1 5 0 Grant, Rev P. W. 10 0 0 KIRKCALDY. Under 6s...... 1 6 3 Subscriptions: 38 0 7 Whyte’s Causeway. 2 6 0 Barr, Mr G 0 10 6 Rev W. J. Hunter. Barr, Mr Hugh 0 10 6 Collection...... 2 1 0 . LESLIE. Coats, Family of PETERHEAD. iSolL, for W& O 1 11 3 lateMrThos. 80 0 0 Contribs. mis- Rev D. Kerr. DO. for China 10 0 0 Rev A. J. Payne. sionary boxes 6 13 10 Collee.,forTF Do., for Genoa 10 9 8 Rev A. Piggot. ► Do., for China 10 9 8 Church ônd Sun.- 152 4 2 Contributions ...480 Do., for Congo 10 9 8 school ...... 1 14 0 cxl SeOTliANi>-“ IREt-lNU. £■1895.

PRESTWICK. Contributions ... £ 8 8 Church boxes ... 1 4 6 WICK. Do., S.-scb., Contributions ... 1 7 11 Bible Class ...... 1 0 0 f or JV P 0 16 5 T)o.,îoT8upport Rev W. H. Millard. Y. P. S. C. E. ... 10 1 5 o f Congo boy 2 10 0 Penny-a-week... 12 8 2 Pastor’s Bible PITLOCHRIE. 18 3 11 Sun.-sch. box for Class ...... 0 13 <1 Rev J. W. Kettle. Congo...... 1 1 0 Do., for NP... 1 10 | Contributions ... 18 15 10 For N P, by SCARFSKERRY. Subscriptions: g Subscriptions : Davidson, W. ... 0 5 0 Kettle, Rev J. W. 1 0 0 Contribs., for Dowdy, M ay...... 0 13 1 Coehill, Mr ...... 0 10 I Macbeth, Mr A. 3 3 0 Allahabad..... 1 10 0 Stanborough, M. 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 .2 | Under £s...... 0 6 5 10 18 10 2 16 1 SELKIRK. 28 18 8

ROTHESAY. Rev J. Brown. TOBERMORY. Rev S. Crabb. A Friend (don.) for Congo and Rev D. Bell. WESTRAY. Contribs., 1894 ... 3 16 8 China...... 1 0 0 Contributions ... 3 10 0 Do., 1805... 4 1 2 Collection, &c. ... 2 0 0 Contributions ... 0 17 6 Miss Murray’s 7 17 10' Bible-class ... 0 7 0 TULLYMET. Sunday-school... 1 3 0 Rev L. S. Steedman. RUTHERGLEN. ForiV P, by Contributions ... 2 0 0 WISHAW. Rev J. Young. Binnie, Annie ... 0 7 3 Contribs., S.-sch. 2 0 0 Chryne, L...... 0 14 3 Rev G. Whittet. Missionary Box 0 6 0 Scott, Janet ...... 0 12 6 TILLICOULTRY. Rev J. Holden. Contributions ... 7 9 3 2 6 0 0 4 0 Church Contribs. 1 14 0 Coll., for W& O 1 0 0 Do., Sun -sch. 1 10 0 Sunday-school... 0 11 6 ST. ANDREWS. STIRLING. Do., for Mr Cam eron ’s 9 0 9 Rev S. Hirst. Rev G. Yuille. Work,Congo 1 10 0 Collection...... 1 1 0 Collections...... 7 0 1 £2846 2 2 Do.,for W&O 0 16 5 Do., for W&O 1 12 6 4 14 0


ATHLONE. Special donations for Mr BRANNOXTOWN. COLERAINE. Walker's work, Calitri. Coll..for Congo... 1 10 0 Huey,Mr J., J.P. 0 10 0 Rev J. D. Gilmore. Rev P. H, Blaikie. Moore, JMrs ...... 1 0 0 Coll., for Congo 6 0 0 Whigham.MrsDr. 1 10 0 Collections 3 11 2 Do., for W tt 0 1 13 1 Sun.-sch. box ...120 AUGHNACLOY AND 6 0 0 Collected by MULLYCAR. Gilmore,Haldane Subscriptions: BELFAST. C...... 0 10 0 Subscription b : McLean,MissIreneO 11 0 By Treasurer. Great Victoria Street. Duncan, Mr Jas. 0 15 0 8 14 1 Gribbon,Mr H. A. 5 0 0 Duncan, Mr John 0 10 0 Rev A. Walker. Gribbon, Mr J.... 1 0 0 Under 10s...... 1 8 0 Collections ..... 6 7 0 Harnden, Miss... 1 0 0* Contribs,, S.-sch. 6 10 0 Macaulay, Mrs... 1 0 0 2 13 0 CARRICKFERGUS. Under 10s...... 1 4 0 12 17 0 Rev A. Woodward. By Miss Irwin. Collection 8 0 7 BALLYMENA. B B L P A 8 T . Do., for W écO 0 10 6 Irwin, Mr Jos.... 0 10 0 Regent Street. B oxes...... 2 8 2 Magowan, Mrs... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 12 0 Rev T. Whiteside. Rev C. S. Donald. Contribs.,for 2V.P 1 1 6 Collection 1 15 0 Contributions „.878 6 16 0 By Miss Young... 0 16 0 subscription 0 & 0 By Mrs Lynn....,, 1 £ 0 1895.] IRELAin>-*-CHANNEL ISLANDS. cxli

Boxes by Donations: l im e r ic k :. For N P, by A Friend 0 10 Gribbon.Mrs ... 0 7 0 % Rev A. G. Gibb, M.A. Black, Mr John 2 2 0 Hegarty, Mrs ... 0 4 6 Wilson, Mrs ...... 0 10 Haire, Miss A .... 1 14 6 Under 10s...... 0 3 0 Coll. (less ex- Porter, Miss J.... 1 16 0 17 18 7 Boxes by penses) ...... 4 1 7 Sandford.Miss J. 2 0 0 Coll., for W & 0 3 4 6 Phillips, Miss ... 0 7 2 ______14 7 6 Wilkinson, Miss 0 6 CORK. 6 7 6 1 For N P, by Rev W. L. Tweedie. B&llentine, Miss 0 10 0 TÜBBERMORE. Dickey, Miss 0 4 0 LISNAGLEER. Coll., for W&O 017 6 Henry. Mrs ...... 0 10 0 Rev G. Marshall. Nichol, Miss H... 1 0 0 Rev. J. W. Pearce. Collection (1894) 6 12 6 Patterson, MissA. 0 10 0 Collection 2 17 6 Do. (1895) 4 4 0 Subscription ...0 4 0 DUBLIN. 1895. 0 16 6 Haroourt Street. Collection ...... 1 0 0 Boxes by Do., Killybeg 1 6 0 Subscription,P.H. 1 0 0 Black, Miss S.A. 0 8 4 Rev H. D. Brown, M.A. Dunlop,MissS.J. 0 4 1 Sale of Straw­ Irwin, Miss J. ... 0 2 0 WATERFORD. berries,for Conffo 1 0 0 Coll., for Congo 10 16 0 Higgarty, Mr D. 0 2 8 Rev. J. Lloyd. Contributions ... 10 10 0 Boxes by Jordan, Mr Geo. 1 2 3 Moore, Mr D. ... 0 0 11 Collection (1894) 2 17 0 Beattie, Miss...... 0 2 6 Do. (1896) 3 0 0 21 6 0 Jenkin, Miss L. 0 1 7 5 7 9 Do., for W&O 0 15 0 Nichol, Mrs ...... 0 9 10 Do., monthly S 16 5 Phillips, Miss ... *0 7 10 Boxes ...... 2 2 0 GRANGE CORNER. Phillips, Netta... 0 12 0 Weir, Mrs...... 0 2 3 TANDRAGEE. Subscriptions: Wilkinson, Miss 0 6 6 Elliott, Mr J. C. 1 0 0 Rev H. Phillips. Wilson, Miss...... 0 3 6 Rev J. Taylor. Sparkes, MrR.E. 0 10 0 Wilson,MrJ.,J.P. 0 10 0 1894. 13 1 0 Collection 2 6 0 Collections ...... 1 2 4 Less expenses 0 13 0 13 9 6 Do., for W 4 0 0 12 5 Collected by Sale of Straw­ 12 8 0 £140 0 5 berries,for Congo 0 6 8 Atkinson,Miss E. 4 9 0

CHANNEL ISLANDS AND ISLE OF MAN. JERSEY. GUERNSEY. £ s. d. St. Heliers—Vauxhall. Les Landes, Vale ...... 1 3 0 Rev C. A. Fellowes. St. Martins, La Fosse ...... 0 14 0 £ s. d. Forest...... 0 4 0 Contribution...... 7 14 0 Collection (special) ...... 3 13 6 2 1 0 Collection,for W&O ...... 2 0 0 Vauxhall and Town Mills Sun-sch...... 7 16 2 For N P, by ISLE OF MAN. Cabeldu, Alfred H...... 0 17 0 Humby, Lillie and Jessie ...... 4 0 0 Douglas. Le Quesne, Charles ...... 2 0 0 Moss, Cissie...... 0 8 0 Rev F. T. B. Westlake. Under 6s...... 0 12 0 Collection for W&O ...... 0 7 0 28 19 8

20 cxlii FOREIGN— DIVIDENDS, ETC. [1895.

FOREIGN. Sunday-sch. con­ rcurfteg. AMERICA. ASIA. tribs., for two NEW JERSEY. years' support o f Congo boy CONSTANTINOPLE. South Vineland, Jn&ia. under Mr Bent­ Prayer Union ley ...... 10 0 0 Contributions 1 0 0 Bebek Sun.-sch., American Tract for Congo ...... 6 18 6 12 4 10 PATAGONIA. Society, for Oriya Tracts 37 12 0 Chubut, Vrou Dacca, for Chapel Subscription : Deg, Sun.-sch. 3 6 0 Repairs 40 12 0 Subscription : Rouse, Rev G.H. 120 ® 0 jftance. Harris, Mr J. ... 0 10 0 Legacy of the Sellar, Mr W 1 1 0 late Rev H. L. 3 15 0 KalbrHuer 200 0 0 NORD. 7 19 6

4 0 Croix Sun.-soh., AUSTRALASIA. per Rev C. Contributions from Faulkner,M.A. 4 0 0 South Austra­ WEST INDIES. lia, Queensland, Victoria, New EUROPE. South Wales, Grinifcafc. and New Zea­ land for work ROME. Port of Spain, in Mymensing, SBelgium. for Congo ...... 6 0 0 Furreedpore, Mrs Wall’s class, and Comillah, Contribs., per for support o f East Bengal 2,601 9 6 Rev P. Davies, Congo hoy 1 1 0 £3,129 1 5 B.A., for Congo 2 4 10


DIVIDENDS, INTEREST, &c.: SALE OF PUBLICATIONS s £ s. d. £ S. d. On account of Ward’s Serampore £ s, d. £ s. d. Fund in England ...... 84 1 9 Amount received for *• Heralds” Du.,DrElton’sSeramporeFund 4 17 8 and other publications for 12 Do., Dr Pearce’s Trust for months, ending March, 1895..263 0 3 Serampore...... 18 2 6 Do., for Prayer Union Calen­ Do.,Widows and OrphansFund 551 0 4 dars, &c ...... 56 4 4 Do., Indian ditto ...... 169 2 0 Indian and Cinghalese Pictures 59 10 0 Do.,“ Whitchurch Family School Missionary Loto...... 33 10 3 Fund,” and “ Davies’ Sub­ 412 4 10 scription Fond” ...... 11 0 7 Do., Peck’s Legacy Fund” ... 11 0 3 Do., “ Cachar” Fund ...... 78 9 6 Do., Annuity Capital and other Funds...... 265 0 7 MISCELLANEOUS: Do., “ Arthingfcon s.s. * Peace ’ Fund” ...... 79 13 1 Do., “ Aruwimini” Fund ...... 53 2 1 Calcutta Press Profit...... 500 0 Do., Estate of late Rev T. King 10 8 10 Amount received on sundry ac­ Do., Trotter’s Trust ...... 15 2 6 counts, Rents,



£ S. d. £ B. d. £ s. d Baynes, Mr A. H...... 20 0 0 Mounsey, Mr E., J.P. . . . 20 0 0 Rawlings, Mr E...... 60 0 0 Baynes, Mr W. W., J.P., Olney, Mr Thos...... 80 0 0 Rickett, Mr W. R...... 105 0 0 D.L...... 5 0 0 Parkinson, Mr W. C., Smith, Mr J. J., J.P. ... 60 0 0 Barran, Mr A...... 5 0 0 L.C.C...... 50 0 0 Whitley, Mr Thos..... 0 0 Clarke, Mr D...... 10 10 0 Payne, Mr W...... 10 0 0 Wherry, Mr Aid., J.P ... 6 0 0 ‘ift 0 o Foster, Mr G. E...... 50 0 0 Penny, Mr T. S...... 5 0 0 £495 10 0


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. A Friend (on account) 1,000 0 0 Reading, King’s-road— DORSETSHIRE. Ames, Miss, Great Yar­ Collier, Mr E. P., J.P. 10 0 0 mouth ...... 100 0 0 Wokingham— Weymouth— Anonymous ...... 10 0 0 Brown, Mrs S. C 2 0 0 Fowler, Mr ...... 0 14 0 A. W...... 1 0 0 Humphrey, Miss O 10 0 Bompas, Mr H. M., Q.C. 15 0 0 Rendell, Mr ...... 1 10 0 Cowley, Mr W. A...... 2 2 0 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Under 10a...... 0 11 8 Morgan, Mrs...... 0 10 0 Young, Mrs (amount col­ lected)...... 7 0 0 Cambridge, Zion Ch. ... 6 0 0 ESSEX. Loughton ...... 0 18 6 LONDON AND MIDDLESEX. CHESHIRE. Bloomsbury— Birkenhead, Cathcart-st. HAMPSHIRE. Benham, Mr John"..... 25 0 0 Sunday school...... 2 1 8 Benham,Mr W. J..B.A. 25 0 0 Boscombe— Brockley-road...... 6 10 8 Stephens, Mr J. R. M. 10 0 0 Camberwell, Denmark Place— CORNWALL. Southampton, Portland Skerry, Rev W. R...... 10 0 0 Chapel— Under 10s...... 0 5 0 Falmouth— Pocock, Mr ...... 0 10 0 Camden Road— Bray, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Under .10s...... 0 6 8 Hawker, Rev G...... 6 0 0 Johnson, Rev C 2 0 0 Peacock, Miss...... 0 12 6 Smith, Mr Jonas...... 10 0 0 HERTFORDSHIRE. Islington, Salter’s Hall— DEVONSHIRE. Bax, Rev A ...... 6 0 0 St. Albans— Upper Holloway...... 46 17 0 Bowers, Mr ...... 1 0 0 Wandsworth-road, Victoria Exeter— Watford— Chapel— Wilson, Mr Thomas ... 10 0 0 Myers, Rev J. B 10 13 4 Nevill, Mr...... 2 2 0 Plymouth, George-street— Sullivan, Mr A...... 6 0 0 Babb, Mr W...... 10 0 0 Woodberry Down— Hawkes, Mr W...... 100 0 0 KENT. James, Mr Russell..... 2 5 0 Kingdon, Mr ...... 10 0 0 Folkestone— Wood Green— Spurgeon, Mr H...... 2 0 0 Iveson, Mr...... 6 5 0 Dudley, Mr ...... 1 10 0 Vmcent, Rev S...... 5 0 0 Jeffery, Rev R. F 1 O O Vincent, Mr E. S 1 13 4 May, Mrs E...... 1 6 0 Weekes, Mr F...... 10 0 0 Vickery, M r...... 2 10 0 BEDFORDSHIRE. Weekes, Mr S...... 10 0 0 Watford, Mr...... 4 10 0 Maulden— 148 13 4 Goodman, Mr R 8 6 8 Less on account last yr.21 13 4 LANCASHIRE. Under 10s...... 0 J1 6 127 0 0 Manchester— Plymouth, Mutley Ch.— Roberts, Rev J.E., M.A. 6 0 0 BERKSHIRE. Seymour, Mr ...... 2 0 0 Sutherland, Mr ...... 1 1 0 Totnes— Rochdale, West-street— Newbury— Windeatt, Mr E 2 10 0 Jackson, Mrs ...... 5 0 0 Bowden, Mr G...... 6 13 4 Torquay— Packer, Rev W. J 5 0 o Davies, Mr J. J % o o Wreyford, Mr C. D. ...2 2 0 Scott, the late Mr H. H.100 0 0 20* cxliv CENTENAKT FUND. [1895.

NORFOLK. £ s. d. £ s. d, Y eovil—continued. WILTSHIRE. £ s. d. Chaffey, Mr E. R 0 10 0 East Dereham...... 1 15 0 Childs, Mr John 0 10 0 Salisbury ...... 6 0 0 Btalham— Clothier, Mr & Mrs F. 1 1 0 Trowbridge, Back-street— Gedge, Mr J...... 1 0 0 CousinB, Mr C. H...... 1 2 6 Chapman, Mr Isaac ... 6 0 0 Woods, RevE. B..B.A. 014 0 Dalwood, Mrs ...... 0 11 0 Davis, Mr 0. S...... 0 14 0 Davis, Mr E. .T...... 0 10 0 YORKSHIRE. NORTHAMPTON SHIRE. Dominey, Mr & Mrs J. 1 10 0 Ewens, Mr Fred 2 9 6 Halifax, North Parade— Kettering— Godfrey, Mr & Mrs 5 0 0 Haley, Mr E...... 5 5 0 Phillips, Rev T., B.A. 25 0 0 Godfrey, Mr Stanley ... 0 15 0 Morley— Gregory, Mr L...... 0 10 0 Green, Mr H...... 1 6 8 Hicks, Mr & Mrs. F. J. 1 1 0 Swallow, Mr T...... 2 0 0 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Hicks, Mr Alfred ...... 0 10 0 Under 10s...... 0 14 G Maynard, Mr W. T. ... 5 0 0 Morris, Mrs Dinah. 1 0 0 Nottingham, Derby-road— Perry, Mr H...... 0 10 0 WALES. Bright, Mr...... 10 0 0 Pippard, Mr A. W 2 0 0 Nottingham, Broad-street— Pittard, Mrs C. W 2 0 0 Amlwch— Douglas, Rev J 5 0 0 Pittard, Mr E...... 2 0 0 Evans, Rev E...... 1 0 0 Squier, Mrs (the late) 30 0 0 Pittard, Mr H. M 0 10 0 Hughes, Mr 0 ...... 1 0 0 Nottingham, Mansfield-rd— Steel, Mr Jas. P 2 0 0 Cardiff, Tredegarville— Leighton, Mr J...... 10 0 0 Taylor, Mr Sami. 0 11 0 Crease, Mr Thomas ... 2 10 0 Nottingham, George-st— Tupman, Mr F. W 0 1» 0 Newport, Commercial-street— Douglas, Mrs ...... 3 13 0 Howell, Mr T. H...... 5 0 0 Douglas, Mr J. B 3 10 0 Vincent, Mr John ...... 5 0 0 Lewis, Mr D., J.P...... 100 0 0 Under 10s...... 2 0 0 Morris, Mr H...... 1 1 0 Richards, Mrs...... 6 0 0 SOMERSETSHIRE. Rowlands, Miss ...... 1 0 0 Wilding, Mr A...... 1 1 0 STAFFORDSHIRE. Newport, Maindee— Bath, Manvers-street 0 7 0 Overstone, Mr Lloyd... 20 0 0 Bristol— Robinson, Mr and Mrs Longton— Edward, for Gotch Briggs, Rev J...... 2 10 0 SCOTLAND. Robinson College, China...... 1,200 0 0 Edinburgh, Dublin-street— Per Mr G. M. Carlile Rose, Miss...... 50 0 0 (treasurer)...... 160 14 10 WARWICKSHIRE. Glasgow, Queen’s Park 5 10 0 Taunton— Glasgow, Billhead— Tetley, Rev J. P 3 8 0 Arthur, Mr C...... 10 0 0 Wellington— Birmingham, Moseley Ch.— Hamilton, Mr C. E. ...110 Bond, Miss...... 3 3 0 Dobson, Mr W...... 6 13 4 Hamilton, Mr John 10 0 0 Winters, Mr T...... 1 0 0 Gray, Rev R ...... 6 0 0 Tulloch, Mr William, Yeovil— Birmingham, People’s Ch.— Jun...... 80 0 0 Allen, Mrs...... 3 0 0 Prickett, M r...... 4 2 6 Smaller sums .... 2 6 3 Barrett, Mr W...... 2 0 0 Round, Mr B. J 30 0 0 Bishop, Miss Annie ... 1 10 0 Round, Mr B. J., Jun. 5 0 0 Bond, Mr & Mrs F. ... 0 15 0 Birmingham, Wycliffe Ch.— FOREIGN. B. R. D., Mr. & Mrs ...200 Overbury, Mrs...... 4 0 0 Chaffey, Mrs B...... 1 0 0 Showell, Miss ...... 2 0 0 Genoa ...... 2 6 0 cxlv


1890-1. 1891-2 . 1892-3 1893-4, 1894-5 Annual Services . 137 9 10 192 8 2 179 14 8 139 1 2 174 17 5 Ann, S abscriptione 2585 0 0 2476 6 6 2536 1 2 2781 17 9 2567 13 6 Donations . 8853 9 3 5428 9 0 3894 8 11 3619 7 7 4660 2 3 Legacies 2872 17 6 8463 12 3 3165 18 8 1599 9 0 3328 2 11 London & vicinity 7875 6 2 7937 2 9 7803 5 11 7834 3 2 8439 9 0 Bedfordshire 367 12 4 375 11 8 312 19 3 375 8 4 401 12 7 Berkshire 791 13 10 680 15 6 708 3 10 783 9 1 780 11 7 Buckinghamshire 230 18 2 236 2 3 269 17 1 262 5 2 291 10 1 Cambridgeshire 460 7 3 749 1 11 829 13 6 858 18 8 1128 11 2 Cheshire 334 8 0 188 16 8 248 4 5 209 10 2 178 19 4 Cornwall 175 3 8 179 16 6 166 17 9 166 5 4 138 1 10 Cumberland 53 4 2 33 7 6 36 0 10 28 11 4 28 16 3 Derbyshire . 61 18 1 410 9 0 416 17 4 509 18 2 485 6 7 Devonshire . 1154 7 9 1029 7 4 1061 12 3 1000 0 9 967 1 7 Dorsetshire . 112 5 6 98 16 1 115 10 7 113 8 9 125 4 It Durham . 240 17 2 221 18 1 238 19 9 249 18 7 234 4 3 Essex . 474 17 5 451 3 9 517 9 6 445 15 10 506 14 10 Gloucestershire 635 2 4 588 3 9 692 13 2 619 17 4 674 13 0 Hampshire . 854 14 11 1021 17 9 1037 19 0 1122 7 2 1206 8 4 Isle of Wight 86 0 1 75 14 7 79 2 6 113 1 7 80 8 8 Herefordshire 118 18 3 118 15 5 138 1 1 155 14 10 160 17 7 Hertfordshire 645 17 9 717 17 2 737 19 10 771 0 9 799 19 6 Huntingdonshire 106 1 0 106 13 11 103 11 7 73 16 0 101 1 6 Kent . 1283 2 4 1293 2 0 1293 4 4 1512 16 6 1557 14 10 Lancashire . 3876 19 9 4160 IS 0 3848 11 4 4040 12 9 3936 12 11 Leicestershire 686 9 5 1237 16 4 1182 17 0 774 9 10 1206 12 0 Lincolnshire 77 10 6 236 15 5 336 6 7 274 19 6 301 10 5 Norfolk 871 15 6 1019 5 8 975 5 9 897 6 4 912 1 7 Northamptonshire 687 3 5 778 15 2 783 11 9 797 1 0 846 4 8 Northumberland 498 4 0 463 15 1 395 13 10 398 10 4 450 6 5 Nottinghamshire 217 17 7 611 15 5 660 11 6 642 1 6 956 8 9 Oxfordshire 315 7 7 331 10 9 298 16 2 279 18 8 289 19 11 Rutlandshire 8 17 0 7 2 3 9 1 3 8 13 10 10 12 , 6 Shropshire . 92 17 11 102 17 11 83 1 8 90 19 7 86 13 0 Somersetshire 2373 11 0 2436 5 8 2390 6 5 2526 18 6 2852 10 9 Staffordshire 110 15 4 363 3 1 363 2 7 391 2 4 416 18 8 Suffolk 347 17 4 353 13 6 333 11 7 338 16 9 343 6 6 Surrey 1046 17 10 994 1 0 983 16 3 1010 16 0 1067 II 7 Sussex 827 5 2 315 0 2 297 5 10 385 10 7 . 396 13 2 Warwickshire 1515 6 3 1599 11 11 1487 4 6 1464 19 11 1462 14 3 Westmoreland 45 2 0 35 0 0 33 9 1 32 17 0 31 5 9 Wiltshire 684 5 5 682 17 5 689 11 2 681 19 8 686 14 11 Worcestershire 276 1 3 256 6 6 262 18 0 336 15 8 377 13 2 Yorkshire . 2991 17 2 3096 11 5 3177 16 10 3248 11 7 3210 6 3 Wales—North 471 17 9 528 12 11 490 0 2 458 16 2 512 2 2 Do. South 4575 19 11 4194 16 2 3893 2 6 3707 16 6 3613 1 7 Scotland . 2998 13 10 2918 18 5 2830 1 10 2929 0 10 2846 2 2 Ireland 100 18 0 101 10 1 109 16 3 102 2 6 149 a 5 Channel Islands 1 3129 l 5 and Foreign . j 2758 17 11 3168 17 4 3146 13 4 3838 15 10 Dividends, Inter-' eat, House Ac­ counts, Sale of Publication«, 7519 15 0 9084 6 2 4396 4 9 4276 1 1 3404 0 0 Press Advances, and Sundries Speoial Funds 21 8 6 675 0 0 935 16 10 931 7 11 495 10 0

S6011 5 0 72729 8 3 60879 1 8 60213 4 0 Total Contributions for the year as per Bummary of Cash Account, p. cxlviii...... £62,999 18 3 c x lv i

An Approximate Statement of Amounts Contributed and Expended fo r Missionary Purposes at the various Stations of the Society, so fa r as known.

India ...... £5,459 0 0 Ceylon (not including English Church) .. 325 0 0 China ...... 575 0 0 Bahamas, Caicos, San Domingo, and Trinidad 1,570 0 0 Brittany...... 85 0 0 Italy ...... 230 0 0

£8,244 0 0

N o te .—The above Statement is only approximate, many returns not having come to hand. N.B.—The Contributions raised in Jamaica are not included in this list—the Churches in Jamaica being entirely independent of the Society.

* This total is oarried into the " General Summary of the Cash Account/’ at p. czlyiii. Cxlvii


Baptist Mission Home,

19, Furnival Street, Holborn, E.G.,

April 1 7th, 1895.

We have examined the following accounts and found them correct

(Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, j Members o f the W. W. BAYNES, j Finance Sub-Committee.

Baptist Mission House,

19, Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C.,

April 18th, 1895.

We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have this day examined the following Accounts with the vouchers of receipt and expenditure, and found the same to be correct.

(Signed) JOHNJ U iU N JENNINGS,JiUJNJNJJMUa, \ HENRY KEEN, ( . ... , , , T > Auditor s. J. M. BELL, l W. W. PARKINSON, / Baptist fllMssionat^


Dr. £ s. d. To Balance in hand from last year— Special Funds Account ...... 1,872 9 1

To R e c e ip t s —

£56,782 General Account ...... 58,854 3 7 Do. Special for Debt ... 1,146 15 9 2,500 Widows and Orphans’ Account 2,503 8 11 931 Special Funds Account ... 495 10 0 62,99918 3 £60,213

To Balance overdrawn on General Fund ...... 22,593 16 1 Widows and Orphans’ Fund 266 9 5 ------.------22,860 5 6

¿687,232 12 10

To Receipts for Missionary purposes at various Stations, as per contra (see Appendix, p. c x lv i) ...... 8,244 0 0

£95,476 12 10

To Cash Receipts during year for Centenary Fund £4,825 13 11

Note.—The figures for 1894 will be found on the left-hand side of the page. S o c i e t y

ACCOUNT, MAECH 31st, 1895.

Cr. £ s. d. By Debt brought forward from last year’s account on— General Fund ...... 13,840 19 5 Ditto, Widows and Orphans’ Account 342 9 5 ■------14,183 8 10

By Expenditure—

£70,623 General Account ...... 68,753 16 0 2,842 Widows and Orphans’ Account 2,427 8 11 1,061 Special Funds Account ... 518 18 7 71,700 3 6 £74,526

By Balance in hand on— Special Funds Account ...... 1,349 0 6

£87,232 12 10

By Expenditure of sums received at various Stations, as per contra (see Appendix, p. c x lv i.) ...... 8,244 0 o

£95,476 12 10

By Expenditure during year on account of Cen­ tenary Fund ...... £22,821 13 8

Examined and found correct, (Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, ) Members of the W. W- BAYNES, ) Finance Sub-Committee. April 17 thy 1895. c l ABSTRACT OF TSE CASH ACCOUNT


To receipts on account of—

GENERAL PURPOSES. £ 8. d. s. d.

o 09 Contributions ...... 43,452 18 0 Ditto for D e b t ...... 1,146 15 9 3,506 Ditto from Colonial Churches ...... 2,664 9 5 2,000 Legacy Fund ...... 3,318 2 11 500 Calcutta P r e s s ...... 500 0 0 60,082 6 1 £46,040 SPECIAL STATIONS AND FUNDS.

India and Indian Stations 1,716 16 G C eylon...... 17 0 0 China ...... 669 19 10 Palestine ...... 15 7 0 Congo ...... 3,046 4 10 Jamaica and Calabar College 140 0 0 Italy ...... 469 6 0 Brittany ...... 61 13 6 Native Preachers ...... 812 8 2 £7,439 6,848 15 10



‘ ‘ Ward’s English Fond ” 84 1 9 “ Pearce’s Trust ” 18 2 6 “ Dr.Elton’s Trust” ... 4 17 8 £110 107 1 10


Grants from “ Bible Translation Society ” ... _ 900 0 0 £1,160 900 0 0


Amount« received from various Societies for Rent, &c...... 283 0 6 283 0 6 £287 Carried forward...... £68,221 4 for the year ending march si, 1895. cti


£ s. d. £ s. d> Brought forward ...... £58,221 4 3


Sale of Heralds, &c...... 263 0 3 Prayer Union Calendars, &c. 56 4 4 Indian and Singhalese Pictures ...... 59 10 0 Missionary Loto ...... 33 10 3 £299 412 4 10


Dividends on Cachar F u n d ...... 78 9 6 Interest on Annuity Capital and other Funds 265 0 7 Interest on‘Whitchurch Family School Fund and Davies’ Subscription Fund 14 0 7 Interest on Trotter’s F u n d ...... 15 2 6 Interest on Estate of late Rev. T. King ... 10 8 10 Interest on Axthington s.s. “ Peace” Fund 79 13 1 Interest on Aruwimini Fund ...... 53 2 1 Difference on Conversion of Rupee Stock ... 16 6 11 £542 532 4 1


Amounts received on private accounts of Missionaries and sundry Station ac­ counts ...... ••• 272 3 2 Amounts received for Freight, &c., per “ Goodwill” ...... 138 16 0 Amounts received on sundry accounts, In­ terest, Rents, &c., in India ...... 424 7 0 £901 835 6 2

Total Ordinary Receipts for the Year £60,000 19 4 £56,781

Examined and found (Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, l Members of the W. W. BAYNES, ; Knance Sub-Committee.

April 11th, 189 5. olii ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

EXPENDITURE. Gr. By expenditure on account o f :— NORTH INDIAN MISSION. BENGAL, BBHAE, OEISSA, AND NOBTH-'W'BSTEBN PEOVINCES. £ 8. d. £> s' &• Allowances to Missionaries ...... 12,802 2 0 Allowances to Home Missionaries ...... 1,187 16 0 Allowances to Evangelists ...... 2,998 2 0 Allowances to Pensioners ...... < 90 14 0 Travelling Expenses of Europeans, Home Mis­ sionaries, and Evangelists, &c., including expenses of Mission Boats ... 1,760 13 0 House and Ground Rents, and Allowances for Furniture to New Missionaries ...... 1,333 17 0 Building and Repairs, &c., including payment on account of New Houses at Muttra, Pooree, Allahabad, and Julpaigori...... 2,131 17 0 School Expenses (including Intally, Delhi, and Cuttack Training Institutions, &c., and Boys’ and Girls’ Orphanage, Cuttack) ... 2,358 0 6 Bible-Women ...... 127 18 0

SEBAMTOBE COLLEGE. Salaries to Tutors ...... £757 0 0 Grant to College ...... 1,056 2 0 House Rents...... 30 0 0 Repayment of Dividends and Speoial Contributions ... 146 0 0 Native Evangelist ...... 59 0 0 ------2,048 2 0 Medical Expenses ...... 84 12 0 Votes of Committee and Repayment of Special Contributions ... 104 14 9 Tracts and Publications, Stamps, Postages, &c.. 210 13 7 North-West Bengal and Orissa Triennial Mis­ sionary Conferences, Indian Income Tax, &c. 367 18 0 Outfits and Passages of New Missionaries, Furlough Passage Expenses and Freight of Goods, &c...... 2,016 7 4 27,170 ------8,202 £29,623 7 2 ------Less Profit on Exchange ...... 10,558 14 1 £18,968 19,064 13 1 BAST BENGAL WOBK. (Supported entirely by Colonial Churches.) Mymensing, Furreedpore, Comillah ...... 2,664 9 5 8,506 ■ 2,664 9 5 Carried forward ... £21,729 2 6 FOE THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1895. cliii

EXPENDITURE. Or. £ s. d, £ s. d. Brought forw ard...... 21,729 2 6

TRANSLATIONS. Translations of Scriptures in India (Bengal, Orissa, and North-West Provinces)...... 2,200 0 0 £1,600 2,200 0 0


Allowances to Missionaries ...... 747 10 0 Allowances to Native A g en ts...... 1,369 11 4 Allowances to Schoolmasters and School Expenses...... 840 3 7 Travelling Expenses of European and Native Agency...... 511 4 8 Rent, Taxes, and Repairs ...... 112 2 9 Outfits and Passages of New Missionary and Pastor of Colombo C h u rch ...... 165 0 0 Books, Postages, Bill Stamps, and Sundries ... 63 3 3

3,808 15 7 Leee Profit on Exchange and Local Contri- 1,731 13 0 butions .. £ 2 ,5 3 5 2,077 2 7


Allowances to Missionaries ...... 5,399 15 0 ÛO Allowances to Native Agents and Helpers ... 15 8 Rent, Repairs, Taxes, Furniture, &c., and Station Expenses ...... 728 5 3 Books and Tracts, Printing, &c...... 235 9 2 Medical Expenses ...... 324 5 6 Theological Institution, Schools, Leaders’ Classes, &c...... 472 8 1 Travelling Expenses ...... 192 5 10 Transport, Freight, Mail, and Coapt Agency... 197 7 11 Outfit and Passage Expenses, &c...... 216 6 4 Shrinkage of Silver Assets ...... 275 8 8 Sundry Incidental Expenses ...... 161 15 2 £9,750 8,788 2 7

PALESTINE MISSION. Allowance to Missionary 200 0 0 Schools ...... 124 0 0 324 0 0 £354 Carried forward ... £35,118 7 8 cliv ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

EXPENDITURE. Cr. £ s, d. £ s. i. Brought forward...... 35,118 78


Allowances to Missionaries ... 4,48G 0 0 Outfits and Passages of New and Returned Missionaries ...... 864 2 4 Ocean and River Freight and Insurance with Packing Expenses and Customs ... 1,945 4 11 Medical Expenses ...... 67 9 3 Expenses of s.s. “ Peace” and “ Goodwill” 904 7 0 New Steel Boat ... 100 0 0 Transport and Travelling Expenses ... 3,843 17 8 Labour, Wages, Food, and Passages...... 2,140 16 11 Building Repairs and Station Expenses, Materials, Tools, Taxes, &c...... 820 13 5 School Expenses...... 400 6 0 Books and Printing Expenses...... 205 7 8 Stationery, Postages, and Sundries ...... 166 8 3 5,996



Repayment of Special Contributions...... 35 0 0 £130 —


Allowances to President and Tutors ...... 750 0 0 Repayment of Special Contributions 115 0 0 Special Yote of Committee for R e n t...... 50 0 0 Expenses of Special Deputation ...... 10 0 0 0 £1,039 -


Allowances to Missionaries ...... 205 0 0 Native Pastors ...... 24 0 0 TravellmgExpenses ...... 66 0 0 House Rent ...... 30 0 0 Medical Expenses and Sundries...... 9 3 10 Special Vote - f Committee 57 10 0 £ 4 9 2

Carried forward ...... 52,504 14 11 FOR THE TEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1895. civ

EXPENDITURE. O r. t. i. £ 8. d. Brought forward ... 52,504 14 11

TETNTDAD Allowances to Missionary ... 195 0 0 Ditto for Southern District, Native Preachers, Travelling Expenses, &c. 50 10 7 Pinal Payment to Missionary ... 200 0 0 £ 4 6 0 445 10 7


Allowance to Missionary ...... 150 0 0 Allowances to Native A g en ts...... 133 4 6 Travelling Expenses ...... 44 17 9 Rent, Taxes, and Repairs and Sundry Expenses 59 14 9 Repayment of Special Contributions...... 6 2 4 £ 8 4 9 393 19 4

ITALIAN MISSIONS. Allowances to Missionaries ... 1,310 0 0 Allowances to Native A g en ts...... 1,206 8 0 House Rent and Taxes ...... 283 0 0 Rent, Repairs, and Taxes of Stations in Rome, Civita Vecchia, Florence, Tivoli, Turin, Genoa, Leghorn, Naples, Calitri, and Avellino...... 1,034 13 10 Travelling Expenses, &c. ... 93 6 2 Repayment of Special Contributions, Printing, Stationery, and Sundries ...... 11913 0 £ 4 ,150 4,047 1 0

SUPERANNUATED MISSIONARIES. Allowances to Superannuated Missionaries— India, Africa, and Jamaica...... 1,656 8 3 £ 1 , 8 3 0 1,656 8 3


Annuities...... 536 0 0 Interest on Loans and Charges ...... 159 17 2 £ 7 3 5 ------695 17 2

Carried forward ... £59,743 11 3 elvi ABSTRACT OF THE CASH ACCOUNT

EXPENDITURE. Cr. £ 8. d. £ ». d. Brought forward...... 59,743 11 3 DEPUTATION EXPENSES. Annual Metropolitan Sermons...... 155 1 9 Deputation and other Travelling Expenses in the ...... 608 f 8 0 £ 7 96 • 763 9 9 COMMITTEE EXPENSES. Travelling Expenses of Ministerial Members attending Meetings ...... 341 0 6 £377 ANNUAL SERVICES. Hireof Halls,Bills,Tickets,Advertisements,&e. 221 13 7 £2 46 AGENCY. General Secretary (£500), Association Secre­ tary (£450), Accountant, Clerks, Messenger, and Income Tax ...... 2,317 5 9 "Welsh A g e n c y ...... 25 0 0 £ 2 ,3 3 « 2,342 6 9 HOUSE ACCOUNT. Rates, Taxes, Insurance, Gas, Water, and Coals 264 11 5 Housekeeper, and Housekeeping Expenses ... 236 19 9 Repairs and Alterations...... 67 1 11 Pension to former Housekeeper ...... 75 0 0 £ 6 0 5 643 13 1 BOXES, BOOKS, AND CARDS. Collecting Boxes, Cards, and B o o k s ...... 165 5 9 £127 PUBLICATIONS. 12,250 “ Reports,” 500 “ Balance Sheets,” and 10,500 “ Report” Wrappers ...... 403 15 1 “ Welsh Reports,” Editing, Postage, and Carriage ...... 177 15 3 Stamped Wrappers for circulation of “ Mis­ sionary Herald ” ...... 336 0 0 “ Missionary Heralds ” with Wrappers, and Illustrations ...... 1,487 10 9 Advertisements, Circulars, Committee Reports, Appeals, Statements, Books, Binding, Papers and Magazines for Mission Stations aad Library...... 337 12 4 Welsh “ Missionary Heralds ” ...... 91 12 10 “ Juvenile Missionary Heralds ” 1719 8 Prayer Union Calendars and Cards ...... 60 4 2 Indian and Singhalese Pictures ...... 186 9 3 Missionary L o to ...... 28 10 6 £ 2 ,8 9 7 3,117 9 10

Carried forw ard...... £67,338 9 Q FOR THE YEAR ENDING MA&CH 31, 1895. clvii

EXPENDITURE. Or. £ s. A, £ t. d. Brought forward...... 67,338 9 6


Office Ledgers, Bookg, Letter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Packing Paper, String, &o. £95 94 3 2


Medical Examination Fees ...... 63 0 0 Fire and Marine Insurance ...... 540 0 0 Vote of Committee to Y. M. M. A ...... 50 0 0 Votes of Committee to Mission Schools at Sevenoaks and Blackheath ...... 50 0 0 Legal Expenses, Extraots of Wills, and Sundries...... 72 12 11 £754 775 12 II


Carriage and Postage of Letters, Papers, Magazinee, Reports, Appeals, &c...... £512 545 10 &

Total Ordinary Expenditure for the Year ... £68,753 16 0 £70,622

Examined and found correct, this 17th day of April, 1895.

(Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, 1 Members of the W. W. BAYNES, / Finanoe Sub-Committee.

21 SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNT. r March 31st, 1895. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Dr. £ 8. d. Or. £ s. d BENGAL FAMINE FUND. INDIAN PREMISES FUND. Balance from last year ...... 25 8 7 Payments to date ...... 250 0 0


Balance from last year ...... 73 10 0 Payments to date ...... 268 18 7 618 18 7

BRITTANY PREMISES FUND èlviii Balance from last year ...... 250 0 Balances in Hand:— Bengal Famine Fund £25 8 7 INDIAN PREMISES FUND. Rome Premises Fund 73 10 0 s Balance from last year...... 1,023 10 0 Brittany Premises Fund ... 250 0 0 Indian Premises Fund ... 773 10 6 SPECIAL EFFORT EXPENSES FUND. Special Effort Expenses Fund 226 11 5 — 1,349 0 6 Contributions to d a t e ...... ^ ^ ^ £1,867 19 1 £1,867 19 1

Examined and found correct this 17th day of April, 1895. (Signed) F. J. MARNTTAM, \ Members of W. W. BAYNES, f Finance Sub-Committee. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS’ ACCOUNI.

2 )r , March 31st, 1895. C t*

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. To Dividends on “ English” Stock ... 554 0 4 By Balance overdrawn last year ...... 342 9 5 ,, Ditto “ Indian” do. ... 169 2 0 ,, Annuities and G-rants to Widows and ,, Ditto ‘ ‘ Peck’s Legacy F und ’ ’ 11 0 3 Orphans in England, Jamaica, ,, Contributions...... 1,769 6 4 and Bahamas ...... 1,105 10 0 £2,500 ------2,503 8 11 ,, Ditto ditto in India ... 242 0 0 „ Balance overdrawn ...... 266 9 5 ,, Life Assurance Premiums in England 1,043 3 11 ,, Ditto ditto in India ... 36 15 0 £2,842 ------2,427 8 11

£2,769 18 4 £2,769 18 4

Examined and found correct, this 17th day of April, 1895. (Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, 1 Members of the Finance W. W. BAYNES, / Sub-Committee. LEGACY RESERVE FUND.

March 81st, 1895.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from last year’s account ... 5,609 13 2 By amount carried to credit to General „ Ditto on Account of Calabar College 450 0 0 Account ...... 3,318 2 11 ------6,059 13 2 ,, Ditto for Orissa Mission ...... 10 0 0 ,, Receipts from Legacies during the year £2,704 3,328 2 11 ending date on General Account... 3,318 2 11 ,, Balance in hand ...... 6,059 13 2 ,, Ditto for Orissa Mission • ... 10 0 0 '£1,599 3,328 2 11

£9,387 16 1 I £9,387 16 1

Examined and found correct, this 17th day of April, 1895.

(Signed) F. J. MARNHAM, \ Members of the Finance W. W. BAYNES, J Sub-Committee, ' * ’ ■ ' I ! ; • : .' I .March ;31st, 139,5. . RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. WORKING CAPITAL. To Balance from last year’s Account ; ...... 69,313 8 9 £ s. d. Amount transferred to General Account for Working ,, Contributions to date ...... 3,550 13 10 C apital...... 2 0 ,00 0 0 0 ,, Interest ' ditto 1,275 0 1 NEW CONGO STEAMER “ GOODWILL.” ------4,825 13 11 By Expenses of Rebuilding...... 357 7 2 Outstanding promises ...... 2,126 12 8 NEW THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, CHINA. Total Receipts and Promises ...118,717 19 1 ,, Payments to d a te ...... 3 3 0 10 4 NEW MISSION PREMISES, BRITTANY. ,, Payment to d a t e ...... 20 0 0 NEW MISSIONARIES. ,, Payments to date...... 1,000 0 0 ,, Do. for Zenana Mission ...... 1,0 0 0 0 0 Note.—¿640,000 invested in 2£ per cent. Annuities. „ Agency ...... £78 0 0 £10,000 on deposit. ,, Carriage, Postage, and Sundries... 35 16 2 ------113 16 2

22,821 13 8 ,, Balance ...... 51,317 9 0

£74,139 2 8 £74,139 2 8

Examined and found correct, this 17th day of April, 18 9 5 . (Signed) F.__ j m. MARNHAM, , ,l Members of the W . W . BAYNES, J Finance Sub-Committee. clxii

ÿife Sttfcscrifcers to ijw §aptist lïtôssxüttarg Saraefg.

Contributions of ten ponnds and upwards are transferred to this List, and continued in it doling th& life of the Donor. The Contributions are inserted without specifying the particular object for which they are given. The names of Anonymous Contributors, and of persons known to be deceased, are not inserted.

Abraham, U r R ., C oate £10 0 Babb, Mr W., Plymouth 10 0 Betts, Mrs, Brighton *0 0 » Ackland, Mr F. J., Bristol.... 10 0 Bagshawe, Mr w. H. G 100 0 Betts, Mrs, St Albans 55 0 0 Acwòrth, M r & Mrs, Bradford 100 o Balkie, Miss, Edinburgh 10 0 Beveridge, Mr T. W., Aber­ Adams, Misses, Plymouth.... 10 0 Bailey, M r, W a tford...... 20 o gavenny ...... ~ 50 0 0 Adams,Mr H. O., Birmingham 10 0 Bailey, Rev J. Sc Mrs, Sheffield 12 10 Bew, MrJno., Manchester.... 25 0 O Adams, Mr T., Birmingham.. 29 4 Bailey,Mrandfamily,Torquay 10 0 Bexon, Councillor A , Old Bas- Addington, Mr ...... 100 0 Baflhe, Rev J., Bloomsbury .. 13 0 ford ...... 10 o o Adshead, Mr Joseph, Stock­ Baines, Mr J., Clapton 158 0 Bickham, Mr William, Man­ port ...... 50 0 Baines, Miss, Clapton ...... 25 o chester ...... 66 0 0 Aitken. Mr J. G„ Stirling.... 20 10 Baker, Mrs, L u to n ...... 24 0 Billrough, Miss, Rawdon .... 30 o 0 Aked, Mrs, Harrogate 25 0 Balding, Mr & Mrs, Holloway 15 0 Billrough, Miss L. H. K., Alcorn, Mr R., Manchester . • 10 0 Balfera, Mrs ...... 12 0 Rawdon ...... 80 0 0 A ld is ,R e v J ...... 10 o Ball, Mr Arthur, Hampstead 10 0 Billrough, Mr A ,Leeds...... 70 0 0 Aldridge, Rev Dr S. R. and Bannatyne, Mr N-, Manchester 220 10 Bills, Mr Jas., Leicester...... 10 o o M rs...... 10 0 Bannerman, Mr II., Han ton 100 0 Bird, Rev B.. Plymouth 24 0 0 Alexander, Dr, Glasgow 10 0 Banister, M r H. C...... 21 0 Bird, Mr W . K ., Cambridge . . 85 0 0 Alexander, Mr G. W ...... 516 15 Barber, Councillor, Birming­ Bird, Mr W. K., junr, Cam. Alexander, Sir J . W ...... 105 0 ham ...... 25 0 bridge ...... 80 0 O A llen, Mrs E. P., Auckland .. 180 o Barcham. Mrs, Worstead .... 20 0 BirMnshawJir J.R., Bradford 12 2 0 Allen, Rev Isaac, M.A...... 12 0 Barclay, Mr J. Gurney ...... 320 o BirreU, Mr H . G 10 0 0 Allison, M r C. F ...... 10 0 Barker, Miss, Lenton ...... 10 o Birt, Mrs...... Ambrose, Mr D. R.. Cardiff .. 10 0 Barker, Miss, Eastbourne 10 0 Bishop, Councillor, Birming­ Ames, Mrs, Bath...... 65 0 Barker, Mr, Nottingham .... 25 o ham ...... 100 0 0 Ames, M r & Mrs E. G., Frome 50 0 Barker, Mr M., Halifax 10 10 Black, Mr J„ B erw ick....»» 20 0 0 Anderson, Miss, Bridge of Barker, M r Thos., J .P ., Liver­ B lackmore,Mr S.H.,Holloway 10 o o A lla n ...... 40 o pool ...... 10 10 Blackwell,Mr A., Birmingham 20 o 0 Anderson, Miss, Glasgow .... 30 0 Barlow, Miss, Accrington .... 250 o Blackwell, Mr John, North­ Anderson, Mr Robt. & family, Barlow, Mr Jas., Accrington .. 820 0 am pton...... 21 0 0 D undee...... 23 0 Barnes, Mr T., J.P., Bolton .. 10 o Blackwell, Mr J. S.,Northamp­ Anderson, Mr C., Edinburgh 132 IS Barnes, Mr W. H., Sheffield.. 50 0 ton ...... 10 10 0 Anderson, Mr R K ...... 20 0 Barnhill, Mrs ...... 25 0 Blake, Mr G., Reading 21 0 0 Anderton, Mrs, Accrington ..131 0 Barran, Sir John, Bart 3220 0 Blake, Mr A. T., Bristol...... Anderton, M r aud Mrs, South* Barran, Lady, L eeds...... 207 0 Blomfield. Rev W. E., B.D., port ...... 160 0 Barran, Mrs J ., L e e d s...... 80 0 and M r s ...... 14 4 0 Andrews, Dr...... 86 0 Barran, M r A , Leeds ...... 36 o Blyth, Mr W.j Norwioh ...... 80 0 0 Andrews, Mr J., Watford .... 10 10 Barras, Rev T. & Mrs, Peter­ Boden, Mr Adam, Liverpool „ # 0 0 Andrews, MrWm., Wat'ord.. 11 10 borough ...... 22 2 Bolton, M r...... 10 0 0 Angas, Miss, Plymouth 665 0 Barrett, Mr T ...... 10 0 Bolton, Mr C...... 10 0 0 Angus, Rev Joseph, D .D 342 2 Barrow, Mr R. V„ M.P 175 15 Bolton, Mrs, Highchurch „ „ 80 0 9 Angns, M r and Mrs C. J 50 0 Barrow, Mr S...... 30 10 Bompas, Mr H.M., Q.C .212 0 0 Angus,MrsT.C.,Newcastle.. 132 0 Barry, Mr J. T., senr, Cardiff 105 0 Bond, Mr and Mrs J. T., Ply« Angus, Mr J. H., Collingrove, Barry, Mr J. T„ junr, Cardiff 10 0 mouth ...... 55 0 0 Australia...... 60 0 Bartlett, Mr G. W.,Darlington 10 0 Bond, Mr J. WinBor, Birming­ Angus, Mrs G.. Newcastle .... 21 1 Bartlett, Mr J. Newcastle 12 12 ham ...... 100 0 9 Angus, M r T. C., Gateshead . . 12 0 Bates, Mr W. H., Leicester .. 25 0 Boocock, Mr & Mrs, Brondes* Angus, CoL, Newcastle ...... 52 10 Batten, Mr J. W., Westboume b u r y ...... 11 0 0 Angus, Mrs J., Newcastle .... 20 0 P a r k ...... 10 0 Booker, Mr W. H., Notting­ Angus, Miss, Newcastle 10 0 Baugh, Mr, Holloway 10 0 ham ...... 27 0 O Angus, M r and Mrs W ., New­ Bax, Mr W. T., Manchester .. 20 0 Booth, R ev S. H ., D.D...... 41 0 o castle...... 165 o Bayley, Miss, Nottingham 100 0 Boulton, Mr & Mrs W ., Stoke* Anstie, Mr G. W-, Devizes .... 105 0 Bayley, Mr J. R., Ipswich .... 10 0 upon-Trent...... 11 0 0 Anstie, Mrs G. W ., Devizes •• 10 U Baynes, Mr and Mrs A H . .. 781 12 Bowie, M r A , L iverp ool 10 0 0 Anstie, Mrs E. B...... 10 o Baynes, Mr and Mrs H. A , Bowser, Mr Howard. Glasgow 3440 o o Appleton, Dr and M rs 126 o Reading ...... 43 15 Bowser, Mr and Mrs C, H., Appleton, Mr W., Camberwell 400 0 Baynes, Mr W. W., J.P 108 18 Glasgow ...... 10 10 0 Archard, Mr and Mrs, Bath.. 26 10 Beale, Miss, Torquay ...... 20 0 Bowser, Rev S. W ., B . A . . . „ „ 21 0 0 Armitage. Mr S., Manchester 335 0 Bebington, M r E. T., Bootle .. 10 0 Bowser, Mr W. A ...... 123 15 0 Arnold, Mr & Mrs, Yarmouth 24 o Beckingsale,MrA.,Cheltenham 20 0 Bowser, Miss H, C., E aling.. 10 10 0 Arnold, R ev G. E ...... 56 o Beddow, Mr Josiah, Sutton .. 10 0 Bowser, Miss R. M., Ealing.. 10 10 0 Arnold, Mr G., Ramsgate .... 10 0 Bell, Mrs, Bellingham 130 10 Boyd, Mr and Mrs R .H ., Arnott, Mr W., Beverley .... 10 10 Bembridge, M r W . B 10 0 Glasgow ...... „ 10 0 • Arthington, Mr Robert, Leeds8200 o Benham, Mr and Mrs John .. 232 0 Boyd. M r Thos. A., Glasgow ... 1* 0 0 Arthington, Mrs, Leeds ...... 40 0 Benham, Mr W. J., B.A 364 0 Bradley, Mr A., Nottingham.. 55 0 0 Arthington, Mr R. ju n , Leeds 41 0 Benham, Dr H .J ...... 166 0 Bradley, M r F ., Nottingham .. 10 o 0 4*thington, Miss ...... 100 0 Bennett, Mr, Leicester 11 0 I rewin, Mr W., Cirencester.. 21 0 0 Arthur, M r 0., G lasgow 110 0 Bennett, Mr and Mrs.- Not­ Brice, Mr R., Northampton _ 390 o 0 Arthur, Mr and Mrs F. W.t tingham ...... 10 0 Brice, Mrs, sen...... 185 0 0 Glasgow ...... 10 0 Bennett, Mr T. H., Derby.... 10 0 Bridges, M r and M rs...... 10 o o Adhfora, Mr, Northampton .. 140 0 Bennett, Mrs E ., Liverpool .. 12 12 Briggs, Mr W. M., Sheffield .. 135 0 0 Ashman, Mr Herbert, Bristol Bennett, Misses, Leicester.... 17 0 Briggs, Mr & Mrs. Accrington 50 0 0 Ashmeafd, M r G. C...... Bentley, Rev W. and Mre .... 10 10 Briggs, Miss, Ulverston 10 o 0 Ashmead, Miss E ., B ristol. . .. Bentley, RevW.Holman & Mrs 35 0 Bright, Mr A , Nottingham .. 34 0 0 Ashwell, Mr H., Nottingham 632 2 Bergin. Rev J. M. and Mrs .. 10 o Bright,.Councillor J „ Notting- ABhworth, Mrs, Cloughfold .. 20 0 Best, M r J ., Helston...... 30 0 • ham ...... 79 0 0 Ashworth, Miss, Southport .. 10 0 Best, Mr J., Bradford ...... 10 0 Bright, Mr & Mrs L. Notting­ Asquith, Mr, J.P., Halifax .. 87 2 Best, M r J. G., Bradford...... U 0 ham ...... 53 0 0 Atkins, M r S. R „ Salisbury .. 21 o Best, Mr W ., Bradford...... 30 0 Brock, Mr G. E...... 32 2 0 Atkinson, Rev J. H., Liverpool 25 0 Best, Misses, Bradford 10 0 Brock, Rev W. and Mrs, Aykroyd, Mr J., Bradford.... 35 0 Bettinson, Mr J., Hitehin 30 0 Hampstead ...... 120 0 (V 1895.J .LIFE SUBSCRIBERS. clxiii

Brodie, Mr M.* Glasgow ...... 20 0 0 ’ Clark, Mr H., and Miss ...... 30 0 Crowley, Mrs, Birmingham .. 10 8 Brooke,Mr Jos.,J.P., Hudders­ Clarke, Mr D., High Wycombe 134 0 Crowther, Mrs J.H.,Lockwood 68 15 field ...... 25 0 Clarke, Mr G., Peckliam 10 10 Crowther, Mr and Mrs A. Brooks, Mr R. H ., Stockwell.. 10 o Clarke, Mra R. P.. Bristol 10 0 Huddersfield...... 67 0 Brough, Mr F., Camden-road 13 0 Clarkson. Mr T., Liverpool 20 0 Oulley, M r J ., Norwich ...... 120 o Brown, Mr Bateman, J.P., Cleaver, Mr R., Northampton 116 0 Culley, Mr & Mrs E., New­ Huntingdon ; ...... 307 16 Clegg, Mrs & family. Rochdale 20 0 castle ...... SO 0 0 Brown, Mrs Aaron, Liverpool 315 0 Clifford, Rev J.. M. A., D.D. .. 31 1 Culley, M r S.. Norwich 22 0 0 Brown, Mrs, Camberwell .... 10 0 Cloudsley, Mr J.. Tottenham.. 135 0 Culross, Rev J ., D .D ...... „ „ Brown, Mr Aberdeen 10 0 Clover, Messrs. O. & S o n 21 O Curling, M rW ...... 31 0 0 Brown, Mr G., Bucks tone . . . . 10 0 Coates, Mr W e , Bristol ...... 25 0 Curr, Mr H., Edinburgh 10 0 0 Brown and Son, Messrs, Leeds 20 0 Coats, Mr Jas...... 220 0 Curtis. Mr E. C.. N ea th 120 0 0 Brown, Rev J. T. and Mrs. Coats, Mr Jas. jun...... 40 0 Dakin, Mr W. H.,Norwich .. 12 2 0 Northampton ...... 80 0 Coats, M r T. H ...... 75 0 Dalton, Mr R. U...... 1 « £ J Brown, Mrs J. G...... : .. 60 0 Coats, Mr ¡Tos, P aisley...... *70 0 Daniel, Mr H., Felingwm .... 20 0 0 Brown, Miss M., Meaton Mer­ Coats, Dr Jos, Glasgow...... 190 0 Daniel, M r W ., Felingwm . . .. 20 0 0 sey ...... 10 0 Coats, Sir Thomas Glen ...... 640 0 Daniel, Mrs W., Felingwm .. 2» 0 0 Brown, Mr F. W., Chard .... 21 0 Coats, Famiiy of the late Mr Darby, Rev R. D., & Mrs ...... SO 0 0 Brown, Rev J. A..M.R.C.S. .. 16 0 Thomas ...... 980 0 David, Mr A. J., L.L.M., Brown, Mr J. G...... 20 0 Coats, Mre T., Paisley ...... 310 o Hampstead ...... 10 0 0 Brown, Rev J. J. and Mrs, Coats, Mr G. H., Paisley 10 10 Davies, Rev D„ Brighton .... 25 0 B Birm ingham ...... 100 0 0 Cochrane Mr K., Edinburgh 10 o 0 Davies, Mr E. J., Ipswich .... 18 7 6 Brown, Mr and Mrs L., Chard 21 0 Cockett, Mr J., Wisbech 14 0 0 Davies, Dr G. A., N ewport.... 10 10 0 Browne, Mrs H ...... 10 0 Colbran, Miss, Brighton ...... 45 0 0 ; Davies, Mr P. E., Reading.... 10 0 0 Browne, Dr H.. Manchester .. 10 0 Cole, Sirs, Liverpool...... 10 0 0 \ Davies, Mr Robert, Cardiff .. 25 0 0> Brownsivood, Mr A., Notting­ Collier, Mrs S. J ., Reading .. 86 10 o Davies, Rev T., Cardiff 10 ham ...... 38 0 Collier, Mr E. P.,Readiug 293 0 0 Davies, Mr W , Swansea. 25 0 0 Bruce, Mr A. I/.. Edinburgh.. 10 0 Collier, Mr J., and family, Davies, M r and Mrs W. G., Brugmann, M r G, Brussels .. 168 0 Ipswich ...... 12 12 01 Newcastle ...... 80 0 O Bruton,Mrs. Dursley ...... lo 0 Collier, Mr W. E. Reading .. 15 0 0 | Davies, M r E. W ...... 180 0 0 Bruton. Mr R., Stroud 10 0 Colman, Mr J. J., Norwich . .2425 0 0 I Davies, Mr W „ Goole.... 20 0 0 Bryan, Mr Jno.. Kettering .. 131 5 Colman, Mrs James ...... 170 0 0 Lavies, Mrs Evan ...... 400 0 0 Buchanan. M r A ., Glasgow .. 20 0 Colman, Mr Jeremiah 103 3 0 Davies, Mrs H.. Swansea . . . . 10 0 0 Bunney, Mr A. H .. Liverpool 25 0 Colman, Mr R., J.P ...... 145 12 0 ; Davies, Mr P., Reading ...... 174 0 o Bumeu, Mr W., Plymouth .. 15 0 Colman.MrH.S..Peterborough 16 0 Davies, Mrs S., Swansea.. 40 0 0 Burnett, Rev A ...... 30 0 Colman, Mr and Mrs S. C., Davies, Mr D., Merthvr.. 20 0 0 Burt, Mr W .. Y e o v il...... 30 0 Peterborough ...... 22 12 Davie9, Mr Jas., Eom biy — 12 0 0 Burton, M r and Mrs S. B.. Colmer, Mr Jas., and family. Davis, Rev C. A. and Mrs . . .. 90 0 0 N ew castle...... 1945 0 B ristol...... 20 0 Davis, Rev J., Clifton ...... Butterwortb, Mr and Mrs J. Coltman, Mr H., Loughboro’.. 21 0 Davis, Miss L. M , Clifton .... Rochdale...... 10 0 Coney, Mr C. W. F., Birming­ Davis, Mr and Mrs J., Reading 142 10 0 Buxton, Dowager Lady ...... 10 0 ham ...... 100 0 Daw, Mr R. H., Plymouth— 50 0 o Byerley, Mr J. A., Portsmouth 15 0 Congreve, Mr G. T., Brighton 30 0 Dawbarn, Miss H., Liverpool 15 0 0 Byles, Mrs, Ipswich ...... 1° 0 Conran, Major H. N...... 75 o Dawbarn,1 Miss M.,Wallington 10 0 O' Cadby, Sir P...... 902 0 Cook, Mr J., Houghton Regis 20 0 Dawbarn, Mrs...... 0 ” Caine, M r f f .S ...... lo 0 Cook, Mr Bernard, Birkenhead 10 0 Dawbarn, Miss E. Y . 60 0 0 Cameron, Mr Jno...... 60 0 Cook, M r G. E.. Swansea 10 10 Dawson, Mr E , Middlesboro’ 200 0 0 Cameron, Rev G., Congo 10 0 Cook, R ev G. H ., N ew p ort 1115 Dawson, Miss S. S.,Lancaster 5® 0 0 Cameron, Miss M., Edinburgh 10 0 Cook, Mr Jno., Huddersfield 24 4 Day, Mr Wm..J.P., Maidstone 10 0 0 Campagnac,Mrs and MrEmest, Cook, M r P., Swansea ...... 12 0 Dean,Mr G., Sittingboume .. 133 0 0 B ristol...... 21 3 Cooke, Rev J. Hunt ...... 10 0 Deans, Mrs, Edinburgh ...... 15 10 0 Campbell, Mr A., Glasgow.... 30 o Coop, Mr Thos., Wigan ...... ion 0 Deayton, MrC ...... 12 10 0 Campbell, Mr J., Perth ...... 10 0 Cooper, Mr Councillor 10 0 Denning, Mr H., Bristol 25 0 0 Capell, Mr G., Watford ...... 10 0 0 Cooper,Mr Henry.Nottingham 20 0 Denny, Mr and Mrs, Blooms­ Carey, Mr E., J.P., Liverpool 10 0 Cooper, Mr J. J. and Mrs, bury ...... 22 10 0 Carlile, M r and Mrs G. H ., Reading ...... 57 0 Denny, Mr E. M., Maze Pond 50 0 0 Bristol ...... Cooper, Mr J. O., R eading 25 0 Dent, Miss, Milton . 100 0 0 Carlill, Mis, Hampstead 15 0 Cooper, Mr W., Birmingham.. 10 0 Dick, Miss, Glasgow . 90 0 O’ CarmichaelJUiss Jane,Dundee 710 0 Coote, Mr Thomas, J.P., St. Dickins, Mr B., Liverpool.... 20 0 0 Carrisgton.Mr S.,Notting Hill 20 s Ives ...... 230 0 Dicks, Mr Jas., Cheltenham.. 10 0 0 Oarter, D r W ., Liverpool . . . . 10 0 Coote, Mr J., M.D...... 10 0 Digby, Mrs. Edinburgh ...... 20 0 0 Carter, Mr J. W ., East Barnet 10 0 Cope, Mr and Mrs J.,Birming- D iion, Mr B., Sheffield . 20 10 6 Cartei.-, Miss E., Southampton 30 0 0 | ham ...... : ...... 15 15 0 ! Dixon, Rev Herbert.... 10 0 0 Carter, Mr Alfred, Farringdon 10 10 0 i Copeman, Mr J.. Norwich .... 25 0 0 Doble, Mr and Mrs F., Becken- Carter, Mr-George...... 13 2 6 ! Cothett. Mrs T. L ...... 45 0 0 i ham ...... 46 6 0 Catley, Mr and Mra, Reading U o 0 Comford,Mr J. E ,Stourbridge ll 0 0 I Dobson, Rev N., Deal ...... 14 10 0 Caulkin, Mr-A'.. Birmingham 10 10 0 I Cornwell, Mr J., Bristol 30 0 0 ’ Dodd, Mr J. T. G...... 90 0 0 Cave, Mrs Alfrbd, Hackney Cory, Mr and Mrs. R , CardiffllSl 11 6 Dodds, Mr A. J-, Berwick 20 0 0 College : : ...... '...... 25 0 Cory, Mr J., J.P., Cardiff .... 116 o 0 Dodds, Mr G.AV., Berwick.... 29 4 0 Ceams & Brown, M essrs 60 10 0 Cory, M rS. C., Cardiff...... 10 o 0 Dodson, Mr G...... 40 0 0 Chandler, Mr and Mrs B. W ., Conch, Mr, Torquay ...... 10 0 0 ! Dodson, Mr J., Eastbourne .. 25 0 0 Regent’s Park ...... 27 0 Cowdy, Rev Dr and Mrs 11 0 0 I Doggett, Mr F. W., Bourne- Channon,- Mt €. H., Chelten­ Cox, M r H .T ...... lo 0 0 m o u th ...... 20 0 (h ham ...... 10 0 0 1 Coxeter, Mr and M rs...... 511 5 0 ' Doke, Rev J. J. and Mrs 10 0 0’ Chapman, Mrs, Edinburgh .. 80 o o Coxeter, M r C.. Newbury . . . . 113 10 0 I Dore, Mr, Clapton...... 60 0 0 Chapman, Mr H. P., Birming­ i Craig, Mr R. H.. Glasgow .... 80 0 0 1 Dowse, Mr J., Birmingham .. 25 0 0 ham ...... 10 10 0 1 Craven, Mr Michael, Farsley 10 0 0 i Drabble,Mr R. C.H..Sheffield 36 0 0 Chapman, Mr Isaac...... 10 10 0 Crew, M r E. G., Bristol ...... : Drake, Mr J. A., Halifax .... 10 0 O Chapman, Mr Jas. L., Harrow >3 3 0 Crichton, Mr J., Aberdeen 25 0 " Drake, Mr Jonas, Halifax— 10 0 0 Charnley, Mr J., Liverpool .. 10 0 Cripps, Mr Jno., Liverpool ..145 0 Drysdale, Mrs D.M.,Liverpool 20 0 0 Charter, Mr, Norwich 10 0 Croft, k r W. E., Bristol .... 12 2 Duckett, Mrs, Crosshills...... 50 0 0 Chater, Mr E. M.. Watford .. SO 0 Croft, MrW. E., Ipswicli — 10 o Duckett, Miss Ann, Crosshills 10 0 O Chater, Mr M., 'Watford lo o Cromar, Mr A., Edinburgh ..125 0 Duckworth,Mrs,Oswaldtwistle 25 0 0 Chick, MrS...... 30 0 Crombie, Mr R., Edinburgh .. 10 0 Duke, Mrs, Harbome ...... 20 0 0 Chisholm, Mr, Edinburgh .... 25 0 Crook, M r W ., Preston ...... 10 0 Dunn, M r Thos., Gla'gow . . . . B0 0 O' Chitty, Mr E., Dover ...... 55 o Cropper, Mrs, Liverpool 30 10 Duncan. Rev M., M.A. and Chown,Mrs ...... 68 ,3 Cropper, Mr Jas ...... 10 0 Mrs, China...... 10 0 0 Chown, M r and Mrs John . . .. 145 0 Cropper, Mrs, Southport .... 15 0 Dunmcliff, Mrs, Burton ...... 10 0 0 Church, Miss, St Albass 35 0 Crosley. Miss Mary ...... *4 5 Dyer, Mr T„ Northampton .. 116 0 0 Churchill, Mr C , Hackney .. 24 14 Cross, M rB . C., Plymouth . . .. 10 0 Eames, Misses. Leicester 54 4 0 Churchill, Mr W. S., Manches­ Cross, M rW . M.,WestNorwood 15 5 Eason. Mr C., Dublin ...... 10 0 O' ter ...... 65 0 Crossley, Mr F., Manchester.. 21 0 East, Rev D. J. and Mrs 10 0 0 Clapham, Mr J., Bradford.... 20 0 Crossley, Mr and Mrs D. J., Eastcott, Mr H., Gateshead .. 50 o o Clark, Mr J. W., Leicester 343 8 Hebdent-bridge ...... 250 0 Eaton, Mr J ., Sheffield ...... 22 2 0 Clark, Mr J., Lambeth 1022 0 Crossley, Mrs F ra n k ...... 50 0 Eccles. Mr. J., Ashton-on- Clark, Rev J. A.. Congo 50 0 Crossley, Miss S. A ., Hebden R ilb le ...... 860 0 0 Clark, Mr and Mrs C.E., Clial- Bridge ...... 10 0 Eckhout, Mr B., Glasgow . . . . 220 0 0 ford ...... 21 16 10 Crossley, Mr W. J ...... 25 0 Ecroyd, Mrs, Sabden...... 10 o 0 •clxiy .LIFE 8UBSCEIBEES. [1895.

Edmonds, Mr, 'Watford ...... 25 0 0 Fry, Mr J. S., Bristol ...... 195 0 Haigh, M r H ., Huddersfield.. 10 0 0 Edminson, Mrs, Paisley 37 10 0 Fuller, Mr J H , Reading.... 11 1 Hales, Mr Thos., Kettering .. 10 10 0 Edwards, Miss, Holloway 20 0 0 Fulton, Mrs, Glasgow 40 o Hall, Miss, Peterboro’ 16 0 0 Edwards, Rev E. J. and Mrs, 1 Fyfe, Mr John R_ Shipley .. 21 0 Hall, MrG., Huddersfield 11 11 O Dover...... 10 o o Fyfe, Mrs, Shipley...... 22 0 Hall, Mr Jas., Manchester 25 0 0 Edwards, Rev P., B.A.,Harlow 10 0 0 Galbraith, Mr J. IS., Glasgow 10 0 H all, Mr and Mrs M. L., Liver­ Edwards, Mrs, Harlow 10 0 0 Gale, M is s ...... 14 1 pool ...... 10 0 0 Edwards, M r r . C., Harlow .. 10 0 0 | Galloway, Mr J., J.P., Man- Hallam, Miss, and Birt, Mrs, Edwards, Mr J.,Bloomsbury.. 10 o 0 I clxeBter ...... 390 0 G odalm ing...... 25 0 0 Edwards, Mr J. T„ Cardiff 20 0 0 : Gamble, Mrs, Torquaj’ ...... 10 0 Hallett, Mr and Mrs W.,Wey­ Edwards, Mr W., Newport .. 23 0 0 ) Gamble, Mrs, Gourocfc 10 0 mouth ...... 12 0 0 Edwards, Mrs and Miss, New­ ! Gardiner, Mrs, Wisbech ...... 12 0 Ham ilton, Mr & Mrs J ., Glas­ port ...... 10 0 0 Gardiner, Miss, Wisbech — 11 0 gow ...... 105 0 0 Edwards, Rev E., Torquay .. 42 0 0 Gardiner, Mr John, Wisbech.. 40 0 Hammer, Mr G. M ., Brockley 23 12 6 Edwards, Mr & Mrs E., Lee... 11 1 0 Gardiner,Mr F Wisbech .... 55 0 Hannam, Mr W., Wincanton 10 0 o Edwards, Mrs, Rochdale ____ 115 o 0 Gardner, Mrs, G lasgow 10 0 Hannay, Mr R ., TJlverstone .. 10 o 0 Edwards, Rev T. R., India .. 15 0 0 : Garland, Mr T., Clapton 220 10 Hannay, Mrs, Bridie of Allan 10 0 o Elam, M r C. W ...... 20 0 0 ; Garlick, Mr ...... 20 0 Hanson, M r G. H ., Milns- Elliott, Mt S., Penzance 20 0 0 Garnett, Mrs...... *0 11 bridge ...... 15 0 0 Elliott, Miss, Cheltenham 10 o 0 Gafcoyne, Kev R ...... SO 0 Hardy, Rev C. M„ B.A., St. Ellis, M rH ., Llanfairfechan 10 10 o Gatty, M r i . I I ...... 1S3 o A lba n s...... H 5 0 Ellis, M r and Mrs S., Llanfair 10 0 0 George, Mr, W atford...... 25 0 Hargreaves, Mrs R. H., Bacup 10 0 0 Ellwood, Mrs, Ballia.ni...... 45 0 o George, Rev B ...... 10 0 Harmer, Mr.D., Coaley 148 14 o Elroft, M r, Accrington 10 0 0 , Gibb, Mr W. 0 , Edinburgh .. 60 0 Harnden, Miss, Hampstead.. 10 0 0 Emery, MrG., Birmingham.. 50 0 n Gibbins, Mrs S...... 20 o Harper, Mr and Mrs W., Em eiy, Miss E. J ...... 70 0 Gibson, M r R ...... 10 0 Madely...... 21 0 0 Engall, Mr T. H „ A cton 15 5 Gilbert, Mr, Bristol ...... Harries, Mrs Either, Blaen- Entwistle, Mr Aid., J.P., Gill, Mr Thos., Edinburgh.... 100 0 conin ...... 45 0 0 A ccrington...... 100 0 Girling, Mr, Ipswich — 13 3 Harris, M r C., Kingsbridge .. 10 10 0 Entwistle, Mr and Mrs J., Glasgow. Mr R. J., Bootle .... 30 0 Harris, Mr R.. Newcastle .... 12 2 o Accrington...... 20 0 Glazier, Mr E. G...... 16 17 Harris, Mies, Barnstaple .... 60 0 0 Etherington, Rev W. I) 61 16 Gleave, Mr J. J., Manchester 100 0 Harrison, Mra'd Mrs 204 12 0 Evans, Miss E. B., Worcester 110 o Glover, Rev R., D.D...... Harrison, Mr, Hadlow ...... 40 0 0 Evans, M r J. L , Bristol...... Glover, Mrs, Bristol ...... Harrison, Mr J. P. and Mrs, Evans, Mr Howell, AberJare 40 0 Glover, Mr J. Grey, M.D., Derby ...... 30 0 0 Evans, Mr R.. Consett 42 0 Highbury ...... 10 10 Harrison, Rev J., Portsmouth 11 0 0 .Evans, Mr E. P., J.P., Wor­ Glover. Mr Richard ...... 10 o Harrison, Mr. T., Liverpool .. 10 0 0 cester...... 10 o Goddard Mr J. W., Leicester 275 0 Harrison, Mrs T., L iverpool.. 10 o o Evans, Mr Jno., Brecon 25 0 0 : Goddard Miss, Leicester .... 250 o Ilartland, Mr J.,Camden Road 10 0 0 Evans, Mr and Mrs John, ' Goodchild, Mr, Holloway 10 0 Hartley, Miss K. E ...... 10 0 0 Southport ...... 10 0 Goode, M r C. I I...... 180 15 Hartley, Mr R. J., Burnley .. 10 o o Ewens, Mrs, Yeovil...... 25 6 Goodenough, Mr B., Bristol . I Harvey, Rev A. J., B.A 128 5 o Pauldiig. Mr ...... 10 o Goodenough, Mrs B.,Bristol.. I Havill, Mr P., Tiverton 10 o o Fawcett, Mrs...... ]0 0 Goodliff, MrW., Nottingham 20 o 0 Hawkes, Mr W., Plymouth .. 390 0

Höoper,Mr,-Kingsbridge .... 11 0 0 Jones, M r and Mrs W ., Hebden Lloyd, Messrs A. & Sons, W il- Hooper. Mr Cleeve...... 25 0 0 B rid g e ...... 10 0 0 lenhall...... - 10 10 0 Hope. Mr T. A., J.P.,Liverpool 281 0 0 Jones, Mr W., and Mrs A., Loake, Mr Jno., Kettering .. 25 0 0 Hopkins, Miss S. A., Card iff.. 30 0 0 Llangunidr ...... 30 Loake, M r W ...... 13 2 6 Hopwood, Mr G. E., Barnet 13 S 0 Jones, Mr W., Liverpool 10 0 0 Locke, Captain A., Woroester 1*5 u 0 Horton, Misses, Plym outh. . . . 10 0 0 Jones, Mr W. G., Birkenhead 10 0 0 Lockhart, Mrs W. P., Liver- Horton-Stephene, Mr J., J.P., Jones, Miss M. J.. Birkenhead 10 0 0 pool ...... 10 0 0 B righton...... 12 2 Joseph, Mr T., Blaenyowm .. 94 10 o Lockhart, Miss 0. P., Birken­ Horsfall, M r J. C , Sutton-in- Jotham, Mr F. Vi., Cardiff .. 20 0 0 head ...... 25 0 0 Craven...... 342 0 0 Joyce, Mrs. Brom ley...... 12 2 0 Lockhart, Mr D., Glasgow 360 0 0 Hougham.Blr J. Birmingham 23 0 0 Juniper, M r 11. 1C., Norwich 170 0 0 Lockhart, Mr It., Edinburgh 80 0 0 Houghton, Mrs E...... 20 0 0 ' iCeen. Mr H., Camden Road.. 13 o 0 Longland, Mr and Mrs G., Houghton,MrRichd,Liverpool 705 0 0 Keevil, Mrs B., Melksham .. 35 o 0 Northampton ...... 15 10 0 Houghton, Mrs, ditto ...... 50 0 0 Kelsey, MrH.K ...... !0 10 0 Lonsdale, BIrE.,Oswaldtwistle 10 0 0 Houghton, Mr P. A ...... 10 0 0; Kem p, Mrs and Misses, Iloeli- Lord, Mrs Isaac, Ipswich .... 20 0 0 Houghton, Mr W. C...... 160 00 dale ...... 4810 0 0 Lorrimer. Mr, Leicester 36 l o Howard, Dr, Liverpool ...... 10 0 0 K em p. M rG ., M .P...... 115 0 0 Lovatt, M rS. G., Stafford . . . . 11 1 0 Howard, Mr Jno. B...... 23 3 0 Ken . M r...... *7 7 0 Lucas, Mrs, Bedford...... 10 0 0 Howartli, Mt and Mrs T., Ac- ! Kentish, Mr J ...... 15 15 0 Lucas, Mr S., Kidderminster 106 1 o crington ...... *95 0 0 K enyon, Mr O. S., Clayton-le- Luntley, Mr and Mrs P. H ... 210 0 0 Howarth, Mr W., Accrington 295 0 0 Moor...... 60 o o Luntley, Miss ...... 20 o 0 Howe, Rev G...... 20 0 o Kershaw, Mrs,Dewsbury .... 20 0 0 Lush, Dr and Mrs P. J. P. 40 0 0 Howe, M r T. J., L e e ...... 10 0 0 ‘ Kerry. Rev G.. Calcut’a 10 0 0 Lush, Mr C. M., Regent’s-park Howe. Misses ...... 10 u 0 Kidgell, Mr and MrsJ ..Reading 77 0 u Lusty, Mr A J., Cardiff 20 0 O Howell, Mr T. H-, Newport .. 24 0 0 ; Kidgell, Miss. Reading ...... 10 0 0 Lvon, Mr H. G.,Hampstead.. 25 0 0 Howeate, BIr and Mrs J 135 5 0 ! Kimber, H r J. W ., Torquay .. 21 o o Lyon, M r B. A ...... 270 0 0 Howland, Mr H., Plymouth.. 47 0 0 King, Sir Geo...... 10 0 0 Lyon, Mr P. S., Birkenhead.. 103 0 o H owlett, Btr J. G., Norwich.. 400 0 0 . King. M rG .,H ereford 13 3 0 Lyon, Mrs S. A., Birkenhead. 20 0 0 Hoyle, Mr R.. Halifax 12 2 0 Kingdon, Mr, Plymouth 20 0 0 Macallan, Mrs, Hatherleigli. 20 0 0 Hudson, Mr T.. Burnley 25 0 0 i Kingerlee,Mr G.,Buckingham 148 5 0 Macbeth, Mr W., Manchester 10 0 0 Hughan, Mr W. J., Torquay.. Kingham, " —Mr —H., Watford ... .. 25 » 0 ..0 McClure, Sir J. fi ., Glasgow 10 0 0 Hughes, Mr & Mrs, Clapton.. 167 1 0 Kingham, Sirs H., Watford .. 10 0 0 McDiarmid, Mrs, Glasgow.... 30 0 0 Humphrey, Mr J., Nottingham 10 0 0 Kirk Professor, Wellington, Macdonald, Sirs, Edmonton., 32 2 0 Hunt, Mr W.,Nottingham.... 130 0 0 New Zealand...... 30 0 0 McGregor, Mr J., Aberdeen.. 10 0 0 Hunt, Sirs E., West n ...... Kirkpatrick, Mr T ...... 92 0 o M cllvain, Blisses, G reenook.. 68 0 0 Hunter,BIrR. H.. Glasgow.. 230 0 0 Knight, Mr and Mrs W. D .... 315 0 0 SIoAUan, Mr, Glasgow 20 0 0 Hurrell, Mr H., Plymouth .. 587 0 0 K n 'g h t.M r W ...... 105 5 0 MeArthur.MrAlexander, M.P. 21 0 0 Husband,Mr C.G.,Birmingham 25 o 0 Knott,Mrs,Ashton-under-Lyne 50 0 0 Macalpine, Mr G. W., J.P., Husband.MrJ.P..Birmingham 10 0 0 Knott,MrH.,M.A..Mancliester 50 0 0 Accrington ...... 500 0 0 lies, Mr Samuel, B ristol...... Knott, Sirs H., Manchester .. 50 o 0 Slacalpine, Sirs G. W„ lies, Mrs S., Bristol ...... 20 0 0 Lambert, Sirs, Bristol 20 0 0 1 Accrington...... 250 0 O Illingworth,BIr H. J.P., Brad­ Lancaster Sir. Laudport ___ 40 0 0 : Macintosh, Mr H., Edinburgh 247 0 O ford ...... 110 0 0 Landels, Rev W. K. and Sirs 20 0 0 Mackay, Sire, Bristol ...... 10 0 o Illingworth,Mr A., M.P..... 15 0 0 Landels.RevW.,D.D.,andSIrs 428 0 0 j MacKay, Rev G. P ...... 10 o 0 Illingworth, Mr W., Bradford 105 o 0 Lane, Sirs, T iverton...... 30 2 0 Mackenzie, Sir A., Edinburgh 10 0 O Illingworth, M r F...... 500 0 0 Lang, Sir David, Glasgow 20 0 0 Mackie, Sliss, St Andrews. . . . 80 o 0 Inglis, M r ...... 10 0 0 Lang, Rev W. L. and Sirs .... 90 0 0 McDaniel Sir J„ Newport .. 11 0 0 Inglish,^Uj^UOlJi MlM r, t Sale ...... : ...... «It XV10 v V Larkworthy, Sirs, Worcester 50 0 0 SIcDougall, Sir A., Manches­ Innes, Sliss, Edinburgh ...... 13 0 0 Larsen, Mr Bertheus. Norway 54 18 0 ter ...... 10 0 0 Ireland, Mr and Mrs W. L., Laurie. Sir G., Birkenhead.... 20 o 0 McFarlane, Mr D. and family, Kirkcaldy ...... 25 10 0 Law, Sir Jno.,Bacup...... 125 0 0j E dinburgh...... 25 0 0 Jack, Sir D. Hill, Glasgow 10 0 0 Law, Sirs Jno., Bacup 50 0 o i McKean, Mr and Sirs Jas., Jackson, Mr & Mrs H., Burnley 18 3 0 Law, Sir and Sirs J. A ...... 30 0 0; Glasgow ...... 10 0 0 Jackson,BIr&Mrs E..Reading 59 0 0 Law, Miss ...... 11 11 0 SIcLaren, Bliss...... 100 0 0 Jackson, Mr John, Edinburgh 60 0 0 Lawden, MrCaleb, Binning- McLaren, Sliss Jane R 166 0 0 Jackson, Mrs, Edinburgh .... 10 0 0 ham ...... 10 0 0 Maclaren, Mr David...... 160 0 O Jackson. Mr T.. Manchester.. 80 10 0 Lawrance, Mr, Camden-rd... 20 0 0 Met/ ren, R ev D r ...... 150 0 0 James, Sir W.. Goedwick ____ 100 O 0 Lawson, Sir and Mrs James, McMaster, Sir J. S...... 345 0 0 James, Sir and Mrs, Cardigan 10 0 0 Dundee ...... 10 0 0 i Maden,Mr J. H .,Ram sbottom 220 0 0 J ames, ------Mr J., Birmingham------.. 10 0 0 . Lee, M r J L la n din a bo *0 0 0 i MacDougal, Miss Scott ...... 1130 0 0 James, Mr-J., Upper Holloway 15 0 0 I Lee, Mr Thos.,Liverpool 20 0 0 i Black, Sir Wm., Bristol ...... James, Sirs J., Upper Holloway 15 0 0 i Lees, Sir E., Birmingham .... 25 0 o i Slack, Sir Jas. S., Berwick 13 2 6 James, Dr P rosser...... 35 0 0 Lefevre, 3Ir W., Canterbury.. 10 0 0 Main, Mr, sen., Salisbury .... 15 James, Sir T., Bristol ...... 10 0 0 ; Leigh, Sliss, I n d ia ...... 12 0 0 ”Maitland, Bliss F., " Elgin ' . . . . 15 o 0 Japp, Bliss J. R , Glasgow . . . . 25 0 0 Leighton, Mr J., Nottingham 30 10 0 Slanning, Miss, Reading 13 2 6 Jarrold, Mrs T., Norwich . . . . 320 0 0 ; Lejeunc. Sir A. Ed., Stanches er 45 0 0 Blausfield, Mr 8 , Cambridge 64 5 0 Jeeves, Mr, Hitchiin...... 20 O 0 j Leonard, BIr John H .. Bristol Slarks, Sir and Mrs T. S 16 1 0 Jefferis, Mrs, Manchester .... 10 0 0 Leonard, Sir G. H .,ditto .... Blarks, BIr and Mrs J. T...... 10 0 0 Jenkins, Rev« A. . L., and , Mrs, Leonard, Bev H. C , M.A. Marks, BIr T. T...... 14 0 0 Morlaix- ...... 10 0 0 Leonard, Miss. Bristol...... Marlow, Sir John, Liverpool 25 0 0 Jenkins, Mr Isaac, Argoed.... 140 0 0 Leonard, Sliss Edith. Bristol.. Blamham, BIr J ...... 4480 o o Jenkins. Mr G., Newcastle 80 0 0 Leonard, Sirs S., Bristol...... 50 0 0 Marnham,Mr Herbert, Hamp­ Jewson, Sir R., Norwich 1111 0 Leonard, Bliss Kate, Bristol.. stead...... 280 0 0 Jewson, Mrs ...... 20 0 0 Leonard, Sliss L ., Bristol...... 100 0 0 Mamham, Mr F. J., Addle- Jewson, Mr G...... 20 0 0 Lewis, BIr and Sirs E. W. . . . . 110 0 0 stone ...... 70 0 0 Jewson, Sir J. W.. Norwich .. 621 0 0 Lewis, Mr G , Clapton...... 14 14 0 Slarsden, M r E .-S heflield 27 0 0 John, M r B., C a rd iff...... 20 O 0 Lewis, Mr G. P., Liverpool 10 0 0 Marsden, Mr J. W , Blackburn 10 0 0 Johnson, Mr I., Liverpool 13 2 6 Lewis, Sir and Mrs Geo., Marshall, Rev J. T., M.A., Johnson, Mr John, Wigan 20 0 0 Worcester ...... 25 0 0 Manchester ...... 11 0 0 Johnson, Mr & Mrs R., North Lewis, Mr Jno., Cowbridge .. 50 o o Blartin, BIr F.. Paisley ...... 20 0 0 F in ch le y ...... 45 0 0 Lewis, Mr Jos., W alsall...... 20 o 0 Martin, BIrs H . W ...... Johnson, M r W ., Fulboum ..1920 0 0 Lewis, Mr and Mrs Mark, Martin, Bliss, Regent’a Park 36 4 6 Johnstone, M r Jos...... 50 0 0 Liverpool ...... 110 10 0 Blartin, M r and Sirs, Southsea 20 0 0 Jonas, Mr, Parramatta,N.S.W. 10 0 0 Lewis, Rev R. and Mrs, Liver­ Blartin, Sir T.. Paisley ...... 20 o 0 Jones, Miss, Blaenvcwm 30 0 0 pool ...... 11 11 0 Martin, Rev W., Bath ...... 20 0 0 Jones, Mr E. M., Westboume- Lewis, BIr T ., Brom ley 10 0 0 Massey, BIr Stephen...... 20 o 0 grove ...... 45 0 0 Lewis, Sir W. W., Nottingham 40 0 0 Blasters, M r J., New B ilton.. 264 0 0 Jones, Rev A. G...... 200 0 o Lewis, Sir & Mrs Dan, Stoke- Masters, M rand Mrs J., Yeovil 11 1 0- J ones, Mr, Orpington ...... 25 0 o upon-Trent ...... 154 0 0 Matheson, M r H . M., London 50 0 0 Jones, BIr David, Cardiff 50 0 0 Lewis, Sir and Mr F. T„ Cal­ Mathewson, MrW., Du. ferm- Jones, Mr & MraT-.Llangynidr 10 0 0 cutta ...... 116 18 0 line...... Jones, Mr, and Mrs, M.P., Lewis, Mr E., J.P., Newport 340 0 0 Mathewson, Mr Geo., Dun­ Llangunidr...... 32 0 0 Lewis, Rev T. and Sirs, San fermline ...... Jones, Mr Rees, Cardiff 120 0 0 Salvador...... 80 0 0 Matthews. Miss, Bristol...... Jones, MrsC.,Iilanfaethlu .. 10 0 0 Lewitt, Rev J. and Mrs, Blaxfield, Sir. Leicester 13 3 0 Jones, Str Thos., Kettering .. 11 0 0 Worcester ...... 30 0 0 Mawby, Mr, Northampton.... 10 0 0 Jones, Sir T. G „ N ew p ort 10 0 0 Lilley, Sir and Mi's, Iloniton 10 0 0 Maynard, Mr W. T.. Yeovil .. 10 0 0 Jones, Mrs T. G., Newport 10 0 0 Lister, Sirs, Dundee...... 10 0 0 Mead, Mr and Mrs J. B 1625 0 0 clxvi M FE BTXBSCRIBEB8. [1895.

Meadows, Mr W., senr., Ket­ Ogden, Mr and Mrs, Woodberry Pratt, M r J. H ., R&wdon 18 8 0 tering ...... 100 0 D ow n...... 56 6 Prestige, M r Geo., B rixton.. . . 11 1 0 Meadows, Mr W., jun., Ket­ Olney, Mrs W. and family .. 50 0 Preston, Mr E. J., Brockley-rd 50 0 0 tering ...... 25 0 Olney, Mr T. H ...... 1513 0 Pricc, Mr 0. and Mrs, Hamp* Medley, Mr G...... Oram, Mr R . E , Sprague ___ 60 0 stead...... 288 0 0 Medley, Rev E., B.A ...... 34 4 Oram, M rs...... 20 © Prioe, Mr F. K „ Melbourne, Medley, Rev W ., M .A...... 11 0 Orchard, Mr E., Salisbury 10 0 Australia ...... 10 0 0 Medway, Mr H, A., Bristol .. Orchard, Mr T. L., Boxmoor.. 10 0 Prideaux, Mr E. D., Birming­ Medhurst, Bev C. S., & Mrs.. 35 0 Orton, Rev W., Leicester 12 2 ham ...... 21 0 0 Melland, Mr W., Manchester ISO u Osborn, Mr, Hampstead ___ 6< 0 Priestley, Mr J. V., Liverpool 20 0 0 Melsom, Mr. Bristol...... 10 0 Osborn, Mr G , St. Leonard's 2A5 10 Priestley, Mr and Mrs J. G. Meredith, Mr and Mrs J. J... 10 0 Osborne MrsW.,HemelHemp- Catford...... 45 0 0 Meredith. Mi and M s J. B... 73 10 stead...... '0 0 Pritchard MrE.,Up.Norwood Merrick, Mr W., Bristol...... Overstone, Mr Lloyd...... 22 10 Pritchard. Mr, Salisbury .... 15 0 0 Merrick, M r W ., Hampstead.1010 0 Owen, Mr E. R.. Liverpool.... 10 0 Proctor, M r Jas...... 385 0 0 Meyer, RtfvF. B „ B.A...... 10 10 Owen, Rev .'as., Swansea ___ 23 S Proctor. Mr R . J ...... 10 10 0 Meyrick, Mr John ...... 28 0 Owen, Rev W ., Haverfordwest 50 o Pryor, Mr E., Liverpool 103 0 O M icklem, M r T., L ee...... \ 456 0 Owen, Mr J., Liverpool ...... 12310 Pullar, Mr Laurence, Perth.. 66 0 0 Mieklem, Mr and Mrs, Bron- Owens, M r O., Liverpool 30 0 Pullar, Mr'Robert. Perth 470 0 0 desbury ...... 57 7 Owens, Mrs O., Liverpool ___ 13 0 Pullar, Mr John, Perth 156 10 0 Middlemore, Mr J ...... 40 10 Owens, Mrs, Liverpool ...... 55 0 P liar, Mr J., London...... 10 0 o M ilford, M r A. P ...... 10 0 Owens, Mr T. G...... 10 0 Pullar, Mr J. F ...... 1» 8 0 Millar, Mr A ., Edinburgh.. ., 21 0 Page, Miss 0 . 8elfe, Mai em 85 0 Purdy, Mr A. J., Bath’...... 10 0 0 Millar, Mr G.. Dundee ...... 11 o Page, Dr A., Addlestoje 22 10 Purser, Mr J . J., D ublin 30 0 0 Millard, Mr, Manchester .... 100 o o Page, Mr \V., Hendon ...... 10 10 Purves, Mr Thos., Berwick .. 20 0 o Miller, Mr and Mrs, Preston.. 20 10 Palmer, Miss, Leicester 10 0 Pye-Smith, Mr E. F., Salis­ Miller, Bev. W., Chesham 10 0 Palmer, Mr Geo. B ea d in g 21 0 bury ...... •. 10 0 0 Mills, Mr F., Dorchester ___ 20 0 Parker, Rev E., D.D., Man­ Quick, Mr James...... 20 0 0 Mills, Mrs, Dundee ...... 11 0 chester ...... 25 0 Radcliffe, Mr R. H ...... 40 0 0 Mitchell, Miss Agnes ...... 20 0 Parkinson. Mr and Mrs W. C. 1076 0 Rae, Mr Jno., Liverpool 25 10 0 Mitchell, Mr and Mrs J. A., Parsons, M r W. B., Lynn ___ 10 0 Rains. Mr John,Clapham..,, 85 0 0 Dewsbury ...... 10 10 Parsons, M r and Mrs Isaac J., Ran&ford, Mr J .. Bath...... 12 0 0 Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Joshua, Bristol ...... 25 0 Rankine, Mrs, Glasgow ...... 10 0 o Dewsbury ...... 75 10 Parry, Mrs^Liverpool ...... 20 0 Ranyard, Mr Robt...... 13 2 6 Mitchell, Misses, St. Andrews 10 o Parry, Mr D., Liverpool 11 0 Rawlings, M r E ...... 11555 0 0 Morgan, Mr R., Birkenhead.. 10 0 Parry, Mr J., Liverpool ...... 35 0 Rawlines, Mrs E ...... 46 0 0 Morgan, Miss J. C., Birken­ Parry, Mr R., Liverpool 11 0 Raws, Rev J. G. and fam ily.. 12 0 0 head ...... 25 0 Parry, Mr T., Liverpool ...... 11 0 Rawson, Mr and Mrs, Leicester 21 0 0 Morgan, Mr R. C., Bourne­ Parry, Mr W., Liverpool 11 0 Rawson, Mr and Mrs H., mouth ...... 50 10 Pattison, Mr S. R - ...... 55 0 Sheffield ...... 10 10 0 Morgan, Mr A. F., Leamington 25 0 Paul, M rD., Leicester ...... 25 0 Rawson, Miss H., Bristol .... 25 0 0 Morgan, Mrs, Leamington— 10 0 Paxton, Mr. Harrogate ...... 40 0 Rayner, Mr and Mrs F., Bir­ Morgan, Rev Evan and Mrs, Paxton. Mr T., Berwici 220 0 mingham...... 100 0 0 China ...... 15 0 Payne, Mr Jae...... 92 0 llavnes, Mr A. E...... 36 15 0 Morice, Captain ...... 10 0 Payne, Mr D., Trowbridge 10 o Readan, Mr, Notting-hill .... 10 0 0 Morriee. Mr R.IE...... 21 0 Payne, Mr W „ Clapton ...... 4’ 5 0 Rees, Mr D ., lAandoloy ...... 362 0 0 Morris, Mrs G. J ...... 20 0 Payne, Mr J .W ...... 10 5 Reeve, Mr A. T., Tunbridge Morris, Rev T. M., Ipswich .. 16 10 Payne, Miss ...... 40 0 W e lls ...... 15 0 0 Morris, Miss, Kettering 11 l Pearce, Mr W., Hereford 21 0 Reid, M r' and Mrs Chas., Morrow. Mr Jno., Liverpool . . 1 1 0 Pedley, Mr G., Camberwell.. 110 0 Glasgow' ...... 13 2 6 Moser, M r 3...... 10 o Pedley, Miss A. J., Tottenham 13 13 Renshaw, M rs ...... 25 0 o Moser, M r R. J., Bloomsbury 10 10 Pedley, Dr S. E ...... 50 0 Renwick, Mr, Derby...... 10 0 0 Moses, Mr J., J.P., Newport.. 51 0 Peebles, Mr, Kirkcaldy ...... 10 0 Rhodes, Mr Geo , Manchester 10 0 0 Moulson, M r W ., Bradford 12 2 I’egg, Mrs G. W .,C hesham .... 30 0 Richards. Mrs Swansea IS 2 6 MounseyjMrE.,J.P.,Liverpool 375 o Pennell, Mrs...... 10 0 Rickett.M rW .R Hamp >tead 14840 O 0 Mullings.Mrdno...... 21 0 Penny, Mrs. John ...... 112 0 Rickards, Mr S D...... 50 0 0 Muir, D r.:;;; ...... 20 O Penny, Mr T., Taunton ...... Ridgway, Mrs. Manchester ,, 16 0 0 Muir, M r W ...... 12 10 Penny, Sir T. S., Taunton . . .. Ridgway, Mr F., Sheffield .... 20 0 0 Mumby, Col. C'.,Portsmouth.. 25 0 Pensam, Mr and Miss ...... 11 0 Ridley, Mr A. C., Bristol .... 10 0 8 Muntz, M r G. F...... 2520 0 PerkinB, Mr W ...... 10 o Ridley, Miss, C m > toa...... 194 0 0 Murch, Rev B. -and Mrs ...... 380 0 Perrin, Mr H. S ...... 425 0 Riley, Mrs Jas., Brearley . . . . 13 0 0 Muntz, Mt s G. F...... 10 0 Perry, Miss E ...... 10 0 Rixon, Mr A. H ...... 11 1 0 Murray, Mrs J as., Glasgow.... 13 2 Peto, Sir Henry, Bart...... 10 10 Robarts, Mrs, Glasgow...... 10 0 0 Hurrowood, Mr and Mrs, Pewtress and Co.. Messrs . . .. 120 o Robarts, Rev F. H., Glasgow 780 0 0 Sheffield ...... 11 11 Pewtress, Mr John...... 21 0 Roberts, Mr I, Haverfordwest «0 0 0 Mursell, Rev A. and Mrs 20 0 Pewtress, M r E., L ee...... 10 10 Roberts, Miss E ...... 30 n 0 Mursell, Rev J.and Mrs,Derby 23 0 Phillips, Rev H. R. and Mrs, Roberts, Rev R. H., B . A . 24 4 0 Murton, Mrs, Newcastle 21 0 Congo ...... 21 0 Roberts, Mr E., Swansea . . . . 22 2 0 Myers, Rev J .B ...... 56 0 Phillips, Rev T.. B.A...... 25 0 Robertson, Mr,\Valworth-road 11 1 0 Nall, Mr J ., Nottingham 280 0 Phillips,Mr T. W., Leeds .... 10 10 Robertson, M iss...... 45 0 0 Neal, Mr Jno., Winslow 27 2 P h ilip s. Mr H . J.. J .P 10 0 Robertson, Mr R., Dunferm­ Nelson, Mrs J. G„ Edinburgh 10 10 Piokworth, Mr, Highgate-rd.. 11 1 line ...... 800 0 0 Ness, Mrs Newton Abbot .... 790 o Pierson, Rev Dr...... 31 10 Robertson, Mrs R.. ditto 90 0 o Nevison, Mr K., Harrow-on- Pigo.t, Mrs, Rochdale 65 10 Robertson, Mrs, Edinburgh .. 10 0 0 the-H ill ...... 10 10 Pike, Rev J .G , C uttaci ___ 40 o Robinson, E. S. & A ., Bristol 360 0 0 New, Mrs, Nottingham 110 o Pike, Misses, Nottingham .... 13 3 Robinson, Mr Alfred, Bristol 1270 0 0 Newbegin, Mr G. J., Norwich 12 12 , Pilkington, Dr G., Southport 10 10 Robinson, Mr. and MrsEdwd, Newboult, Mr A., Bradford ., 10 0 Pill, Miss, Wallington 10 0 B ristol ...... 4300 0 0 Neirboult, Mr F. W ...... 20 0 Pilling, Mrs, Todmorden 22 10 Robinson, Mrs, Buxton ...... 85 0 0 Newnam, Bev S. and Mrs .... 55 0 Pine, Mr G , B risto l...... Robinson,Mr Arthur, Bristol 185 0 o Newth, Mr C., Bristol 25 0 Pinnock, Rev J., Congo ...... 25 0 Robinson, M r C. S , Leicester 297 0 0 Nicholson, Mrs T...... 50 0 Player, Mr John, Birmingham Robinson, Mi-s, Bristol 75 0 0 Nicholson, M r F ...... 25 0 Plowman, Mr E., Shefford 20 10 Robinson, Mr A. R., Bristol.. 100 0 0 Nicholson, Mr W., J.P., Wake­ Plummer, Mr and Mrs, South­ Robinson, Miss Amy, Bristol 25 0 0 field 10 0 port ...... 20 0 Robinson, Mr Kossuth, Bristol 10 0 0 Nimmo, M r Jos., Glasgow . . . . 125 o Pocock, Mrs E.. Bristol ...... 10 0 Robinson, Miss M. E., Bristol 50 o 0 Nimmo, Mr, Edinburgh 10 0 Ponder, Mr, Edinburgh ...... 10 10 Robinson,MrTheodore,Bristol 50 0 0 Nimmo, Mr Adam, Glasgow .. 10 0 Popham, Mrs T.W.,Plymouth 130 o Robinson, Mr S., Cardiff 20t 0 0 Nimmo, M r Jas., Glasgow . . . . 200 0 Popplestone, Misses, Plymouth 10 0 Rodway, Rev E. J ...... Nisbet, Miss Lamden, N.B. .. 12 o Potter, Mr H., Peckham 11 1 Roe, M r W., Nottingham . . . . 10 0 0 Noble, Miss Christina 18 0 Potter, Mrs H., Peckham .... 10 0 Rogers, Misses. Nottingham.. 53 0 0 Noel, Rev H ., M A ...... 15 0 Potter, Rev G. J ...... 63 0 Rogers, Mr, Woodfield, near Northcott, Mr J., Newport 11 1 Potts. Mr T. F., N -wcastle.... 20 o R obs ...... 100 0 0 Norton, M r G. P., Huddersfield 13 1 Powell, Mrs A .. A r g o e d 61 0 Rooke, Miss A. E ...... 188 12 0 Norton, Mr J., Cambridge .... 10 0 Powell, Mr T. W ...... 10 0 Rooke, Mrs T. G ...... 20 0 0 Nutter, Mr S., Cambridge .... 12 2 Pratley, Mr and Mrs W., ttose, M r A., Glasgow 6M 0 0 Oatley, Mr and Mrs F., Wat­ Reading ...... 10 0 Rose, M r C. A., ditto...... 1797 0 0 ford ...... 25 0 Pratt, Mr C., Wickenden .... 34 4 Rose, Mr H., Edinburgh 527 0 0 1895.] XIFJS SUBSCßlBEBS. clxvii

Hose, Miss. Edinburgh 203 0 ' Smith, Mr J. B ., Southampton 10 10 Taylor, Mrs ...... 10 • 0 Bose, Mr H . A ., E dinburgh.. 85 0 < Smith, Dr B. G., Liverpool .. 20 0 Taylor, Mr. and Mrs E. L., Bose, Air A. A.. Edinburgh „ 630 0 i Smith, Mr W. Ll, Watford.... 36 0 Rochdale...... 28 8 0 Rose, Mr J .8-, Bristol ...... Smith, ilrs W. L., Watford . . 1 6 0 Taylor,Mr H.E.J..Che«t*rfi

Wallace, H i and Mrs, Man* Weekes. Mr and Mrs.Brondes- Williams, Dr & Mrs, Eubulus, ehester ...... 26 5 bury ...... 180 © 0 B r is to l...... Wallis, Mr E. L., Hereford .. 21 1 W ells, Mr and Mrs G. F 20 0 0 Williams, Sir Geo...... 270 10 O' Wallis, Mrs S ...... « 13 2 Wells, Mrs Capt., Clapton 12 0 0 Williams, Rev H . C. and Mrs, W allis, M r J ...... 1*10 West, Mr Eb , Caversham 703 0 0 Corwen...... 10 10 0 Ward, Mrs, N ottingham 11 0 West, Mrs, Clifton ...... 20 o 0 Williams,Mr Joshua,Birming­ Ward, Mr J., Nottingham.... 10 10 West. RèvA. B ...... *0 0 0 ham ...... 25 0 O' Ward, Mr J., Rickmansworth SO 0 Westley, Mr & Mrs, Blisworth 50 0 0 Williamson, Mr R ., Se wry .. 81* 15 0 Ward, Mrs J.. Rickmansworth 16 0 Wheeler, Dr H...... 39 4 0 Willis,Dr, QC ...... 90 0 0 Warden, Mr J . J., Bromley • 10 0 Wheeler, M r G., Leicester . . . . 10 10 0 Wilson, Mr G. D., Darlington 9* 10 0 WarmlngtoD, Miss H.n *25 0 Wheeler, Mr M., Newport .... 15 0 0 Wilson, Mrs G. D.. Darlington 52 10 0 Warner, Mr W., East Dereham 11 0 W herry, M r and Mrs W. R. .. 60 0 0 Wilson, Mrs J.. Falkirk *75 o o Wamock, Mr J., Colyton-by- Whitaker, Mrs L., sen.. Has- Wilson, Mr J . E,Birm ingham . 30 0 ^ A yr...... SO 0 lingden ...... 95 0 0 Wilson, Mr J. F., Button-in- Warren, Mr and Mrs 6. A., Whitchurch, Mrs...... 10 0 0 Craven...... -20 O O Streatham ...... 56 10 White, M r G., Norwich 150 0 0 Wilson, Mr J., Camberwell .. 10 0 0 Warwick,Mr J...... : 15 0 White, Mr and Mrs W. J., Wilson, M r T., E x e te r 12 2 O Wates, M r C. M ...... 10 0 Plymouth ...... 11 1 0 Wilsonne, Mr R . W . S 100 6 o Wates,Mx&.MrsB.C.,Leicester 185 0 W hite, Mrs, E vesham ...... Winsford. Mr and Mrs W., Wates, M r J oseph ...... 618 0 Whitehead, Rev J., Congo 10 0 0 Upper Tooting...... 31 0 O Wates, Mr R . L ...... 10 0 Whitehead,. Mr W. A., Brad­ Winterbotham, Mr J., Chel­ Watkin, Sir E., Folkestone .. 10 0 ford ...... 400 0 0 tenham...... 10 0 9 Watkins, Mr B., Sidcup 15 0 Whiteley, MrJno. Lockwood.. 21 0 0 Winterton, Mr J., Ferme Park 10 0 O Watkins, M r H ., Swansea . . . . 23 S Whiteley, Mr J. W ., Rishworth 30 0 0 Wood, Rev J. R., Holloway .. 10 O 0 Watson, Mr and Mrs, Salis­ Whiting, Mr R. G., Bristol ... 12 10 0 Wood, Mr C. H ...... 20 o 0 bury ...... 35 0 W hitley, Mr and Mrs T 435 0 0 Wood, Mr E.. Leicester ...... 10 15 0 Watson, Mrs and family, W hitley, Mr G...... *0 10 0 Wood, Mr &. Mrs. -Camberwell 1S5 10 0 Rochdale...... 337 0 Whitney. Col., Liverpool 10 0 o Wood,Mr H. E.Camberwell.. 25 0 0 Watson, Mr Jas., Edinburgh 10 0 Whittaker, Mrs, Hackney.... 30 0 © Woodall, Mr.F...-...... 207 0 o Watson, Mr Thomas, Glasgow 10 0 Whittingh&m, . Mr W. E., Woodhill.MrJ.C.,Birmingham 38 11 0 Watson, Miss E .,R och da le.... 3* 0 Walthamstow ...... 16 10 o Woodrow, Mrs. sen., Eali ¿bury 10 0 » Wat£on,Mr&Mrs R„Rochdale S81 0 Whittieton.Mr. Haokney .... 80 0 o W oof. Mr. Sheffield ...... io o o Watson, Mr L - Middlesboro’ 110 0 Widgery, Mr W. H., Bristol.. 50 o 8 Woolley. Mr.T. B...... is 5 o Watson, MrT., Rochdale S85 0 W igner, Rev J. T., and fam ily 12 0 o Worts, Mr T - Stalham ...... 20 0 o Watt, Mr & Mrs, Brondeabury 30 10 Wiles, Mr Jos.. St Albans .... 20 o o Wright, M r B. H ...... 10 o 0 Watt, Mr Edward, Plymouth 12 o Wilkes, Mr & Mrs,Finchley.. 80 o o Wright, Mr Holmes...... 100 0 0 Watts, Mr W. H., Liverpool.. 25 0 Wilkin, Mr M. H., Hampstead *0 0 0 Wykes, Mr W., New Jersey .. 10 0 O Watts, Mr H ., M .A ...... 10 0 Wilcox, Mr T .. Leamington .. 105 5 0 Yates, M r J. H ...... 15 o o Watts, M r J. C., Cambridge .. 15 0 Wilcox, M rs, Leamington 15 15 0 Yeo, M r Jno., Plymouth . . . . 68 0 0 Webb, Mr and Mrs W. T li 0 Willett, Mr Edward^Norwich 25 3 0 Yorath, Mr.T.. Swansea 11 o o Webb, Mr H.,.Hampstead.... 10 0 Williams, Mr C., Ferme Park 20 0 0 Yorston, M r A. G., Edinburgh 12 0 0 Webb, Mr and Mrs PC 45 0 Williams, Mr J., Abingdon .. 10 o 0 Young, Mrs, Helensburgh..., 87 0 0 Webb, Mr & Mrs W., London 70 10 Williams, Mr J., Sirhowy.... 60 0 0 Young, Miss, Cambridge . . . . 15 o 0 Webb, Mr C.E., Hampstead.. 697 0 Williams, Mrs L., ditto 52 0 0 Young, Mr & Family, Andover 17 10 » AVeeks, R ev J . H . and Mrs . . 70 0 Williams, 31r J. E., Bradford 12 0 o Young, Rev S. R . and Mrs, Weekes, Mr P ., Plym outh. . . . 10 0 W illiams, Rev C. and Mrs, Abergavenny ...... l i 2 » Weekes, Mr S., Plymouth.... 10 0 A ccrington...... 50 o 0

.A l b x a x d b b & S h e p h e a b d , Printers, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.