r r ^ fx. ' THE ONE H U M ^D AND THIRD v w e p - ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE Baptist JJissiowy SoGiety YEAR ENDING MARCH 31st, 1895, LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS» BEING A CONTINUATION OF THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS. Xon&oit: PRINTED BY ALEXANDER & SHEPHEARD, L onsdale B u il d in g s, Ch an c er y L ane, W.C. TO BE HAD AT THE MISSION HOUSE, 19, FURN1YAL STREET, HQLBORN, E.C. /V £ € T A ' v', V.B. THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF THE PABENT SOCIETY ABE MADE IIP OK THE THIRTY-FIRST OF MABCH, PREVIOUS TO WHICH ALL CONTRIBUTIONS MUST BE FORWARDED : IT IS THEBEFOBE DESIRABLE THAT THE CURRENT YEAR OF AUXILIARIES SHOULD BE FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER TO ALLOW TIME FOE THE BEMITTANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS. CONTENTS. Notice in reference to Bequests... ' “... iv Committee and Officers for 1895-96 vi List of Sub-Committees—1895-96 ... ' . vii Honorary Members ............................................................................................ vii District and Corresponding Secretaries ............................................................ ix Rules and Regulations for Auxiliaries ... ... ... ... ... ... xii Plan and Regulations of the Society ... ... ... ... ... xiv Minutes of the General Meeting ..................................................................... xvi Annual Public Meeting................................................................................................xviii New Mission House, Bopoto Station, Upper Congo River... ... Frontispiece 2 R epobt ................................................................................. 3 India .................................................................................................................. 10 C ey lon .................. ... ... 39 China ... ... ... ... ... 45 Palestine ....................................................................................................... 65 A f r i c a .................................................................................................................. 66 West Indies ....................................................................................................... 83 Brittany ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 Italy ...................................................................... 88 Centenary Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Finances ....................................................................................................... 98 APPENDIX No. I. List of Missionaries, showing the Dates of their Appointments, &o. ... ... 101 APPENDIX No. II. Stations, Missionaries, &c.................................. 110 APPENDIX No. III. Statistics for 1894-5 126 Tabular View ....................................................................................................... 130 Summary for 1894-5 ... ......................... ... ... ... ... ... 135 APPENDIX No. IV. Missionaries, Native Evangelists, Bible Women, &c., specially supported ... 136 APPENDIX No. V. ^ Annual Subscriptions ............................................................................................ i v Collections at Annual Services................................................................................. iv ^ Donations received at the Mission House ........................................................... iv ** Legacies.................................................................................................................. vii Contributions from Auxiliaries................................................................................. viii S. Dividends, Interest, House Account, &e.................................................................. cxlii Special Funds .......................................................................................................... cxliii > Centenary F und........................................................................................... ... cxliii Summary of Contributions ... ... ... ... cxlv jCGeneral Summary of Cash A c co u n t.......................................................................cxlviii ^ Abstract of the Cadi A ccount............................................... c-1 Special Funds A ccount................................................................................ ... clviii 'A Widows and Orphans’ Account ..................................................................... clix Legacy Reserve Fund ........................................................................................... clx Centenary F u n d ......................................................... dxi Life Subscribers ... clxii 1% iv ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD REPOST- [1895. NOTICE IN REFERENCE TO BEQUESTS. As the kind intentions of some of the deoeased friends of the Society have been rendered abortive for want of correct knowledge o£the law, the Committee call special attention to tho following directions ¡— R e q u i s i t e s f o e V a l i d i t y o p Wira,.—It should be remembered in the first place that (a) A will must be in writing, and signed at the foot or end thereof by the Testator or by some other person in his presence and by his direction; (6) Such signature must be made or acknowledged by the Testator in the presence of two Witnesses, who must be present at the same time, and (c) Such Witnesses must attest and subsoribe the will in the presence qfthe Testator. G i f t s b y W i u t o Ch a b i t a b l e I nstitutions .— Gifts by will to the Baptist Missionary Society and other Charitable Institutions were formerly subject to restrictions stated in the “ Notice in Reference to Bequests” oontained in previous reports. But the effect of the Mortmain and Charitable Uses Act, 1891 (51 and 58 Viet. o. 73), Secs. 3 and 6 and 9, is that no gift in favour of a Charitable Institution, made by the will of a Testator dying after August 5th, 1891, can be void by reason of the subject matter of the gift being land or an interest in land. The distinction formerly drawn between personal property which is an interest in land (that is, in anyway secured upon or payable out of land) and pure personalty is abolished, and even land may now be lawfully given by will to a Charitable Institution. But lands so given must be sold within one year from the Testator’s death, or such extended period as may be determined by the Court or the. Charity Commissioners, and if not .sold within such period it will vest in the official Trustee of Charity Lands, and the Charity Commissioners will order it to be sold, and the net proceeds of sale to be paid to the official Trustees of Charity Fonds in trust for the Charity in favour of which the laud has been given (Sec. 8). 1.—B e q u e s t o f a n O r d i n a r y P e c u n i a r y L e g a c y t o t h e S o c i e t y .—In this case there is no need for the provision formerly inserted in wills directing the legacy to be paid exclusively out of such parts of the Testator’s estate as might lawfully be disposed of for charitable purposes. The bequest may be in the following form :— “ I give to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society the sum of £ , free of duty, for the general purposes of the said Society ” (or, if so desired, “ for the Translation Fund of the said Society,” or “ for the School Fund of the said Sooiety” ). 2.—Bequest to the Society or a Pecuwiaey Legacy made Payable out op the Proceeds op Saxe and the Conversion op the Testator’s Real and Personal Estate, ob op a Share op such Proceeds.— Very frequently a Testator gives his real and personal estate or his residuary estate to Trustees on trust to sell, and out of the proceeds of sale to pay the legacies previously bequeathed, which may include a legacy to the Society. And a Testator may now bequeath a share of such proceeds to the Society. In these cases, although perhaps not essential, it is considered prndent, at all events until the interpretation of the above- mentioned Act has been settled by judicial decision, to add to the gift of the pecuniary legacy or share to the Society the following direction:— ** And I direct that in case all the real and leasehold estate comprised in the devise and bequest in trust for sale herein contained shall not bo sold within one year from my death then the said legaoy (or share) herein bequeathed to the said Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Baptist Missionary Society, and the duty thereon shall be paid out of the proceeds of sale and conversion of my personal estate and the proceeds of sale of such of my real and leasehold estate as shall be sold within one year after my death in priority to all other legacies (or shares) payable thereout.” 1895.] ONE ttTJNDEED AND THIED EEFOET. V 8.—G ift by W ill of La.nd to the Society. —If land or a house of any tenure or a freehold or leasehold ground-rent ia intended to be given to the Society, it should be given to a Trustee or Trustees on trust to sell within one year after the Testator’s death if practicable, and to receive the net purchase money and pay it to the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being of the Society. The Testator will probably desire that the Succession Duty on the gift and also the cost of any application which may be necessary to extend the period of one year within which the sale must be made under the above-mentioned Act shall be paid out of his general estate. A gift by will of freehold land or a freehold house or a freehold ground-rent for the benefit of the Society may be made in the following form “ I give unto and to the use of (names of Trustees), their heirs and assigns, my freehold (description of land or house or ground-rent)
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