.000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 To Kabartonjo 804000 804400 804800 805200 805600 CBD Area Show grounds 2100


Locations Riparian corridor

Riparian Seguton Buildings reserve/Fragile Hill Forest areas

Contours 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .

0 0 0 0

6 6 5 5 5 5 Existing Water Pipe

Police KABARNET WARD station Existing power lines


Riparian corridor Kabarnet Forests Kabarnet school rehabilitation for the deaf and centre Riparian blind primary corridor

Kaptimbor Residential, Medium density primary school water offices Residential, Low density Development Authority Kabarnet hotel Agriculture 0 0

0 To0 0 Stadium 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 . . 0 0

0 0 2 2

5 5 5 5 water offices Commercial Riparian corridor Hurth secondary school PAG Church Mosque Education Buffalo hotel Governmnet Industrial offices/ Baringo Estates ltd Training Institute Industrial Riparian corridor Full Gospel Church Matt Petrol Borehole Kabarnet station high school Monument Public purpose Bus-stage Open Valley Hotel Tobil petrol station space

Open space Jua kali Public utility KANU office 2000 Riparian corridor Recreation Timber yard

Muslim cemetery Post Office 0 0 0 0

0 0 Transport 0 Agricultural 0 0 KFA 0

0 Kenol 0 . finance Kabarnet . 0 Petrol 0 0 corperation high 0 8 station 8

4 school 4

5 5

Kobil Petrol To station KAPROPITA WARD County assembly County Town KOICA ICT administration AIC academy AIC Church Admin. centre offices Office Open space Client:

Christian cemetery Kabarnet Governor's high Survey of office Kenya Kabarnet school offices Governmnet housing scheme GOVERNMNET

Kabarnet Department of lands, housing and physical planning polytechnic Museum Government Kenya St. Mary's prison School of Catholic Government Church Kenya School of Government Visa Oshwal Rift-valley Project drawing: KABARNET MUNICIPALITY

0 Primary 0 0 hills hotel 0 0 0 0 0

0 school 0 0 0 . Kenya 2100 . 0 0

0 School of 0 4 Government 4 Existing CBD land use plan 4 4 5 1900 5

Riparian reserve/Fragile areas Consultant: GEOMAESTRO CONSULT AFRICA Geoinformatics for sustainable development SDA Church Warwa Academy www.geomaestroafrica.com 1800

Dump site Scale Refer to scale bar AP Lines Riparian Date September, 2018 0 125 250 corridor 500 Checked by A.O Eshitera Kabarnet Meters Hospital Kabarnet Hospital Drawn by K.M Muthui, J. Ohinya, H. Bett

.000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 804000 804400 804800 805200 805600 Ê