8 May 2020 © The Center on Conflict & Development Conflict & on Center The © MARKETS WATCH | UPDATE


Economic Conditions cutting back on their operations to keep costs low as revenues deteriorate. Source: https:// Kenya’s private sector activity dropped tradingeconomics.com/kenya/manufacturing-pmi in April 2020: The Stanbic Bank Kenya Inflation: According to the Kenya National Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI™)1 – Bureau of Statistics, the overall year-on-year which tracks business performance in the inflation in April 2020 stood at 5.62 percent manufacturing and services sector – fell to 34.8 in April, from 37.5 in March and from a revised 5.51 percent in March 2020. 49.0 in February 2020. Readings above The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 50.0 signal growth in business, so the latest 0.86 percent from 107.00 in March 2020 to data points to the biggest contraction in 107.92 in April 2020, meaning that, nationally, private sector activity since October 2017, the average cost of a household basket of when a record low of 34.4 was reported. The goods (food and non-food) as well as services coronavirus pandemic is leading to reduced has increased by 7.92 percent compared to business output as firms are affected by the base period of the new CPI (February falling consumer demand, input shortages 2019). and lockdown restrictions. Businesses are reducing staff numbers, lowering wages and Kenya currency exchange rate: As of Thursday 7th May, Kenya’s currency was KES 3.75 weaker to the US Dollar compared to 1 The Stanbic Bank Kenya Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI™) is based on data compiled from monthly replies 13th March, when the first COVID-19 case was to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in approximately 400 private sector companies, which have reported in the country. The rate dropped been carefully selected to accurately represent the true by one percent compared to last week, when structure of the Kenyan economy, including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, services, construction and retail. the Kenyan Shilling closed at 107.275 against The panel is stratified by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) group, based on industry contribution to GDP. the Dollar, see figure 1.Kenya is a net Survey responses reflect the change, if any, in the current commodity importer, so a weaker shilling month compared to the previous month based on data collected mid-month. makes commodity imports expensive.

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 May 2020 | and Markets Update 1 Kenya’s exchange rate to the us dollar Staple Food Availability, and 108 Global and Regional Prices 106.18

106 1ST COVID-19 WFP is actively contributing to the food Case in Kenya security and price monitoring efforts of the 104 Kenyan Government through the War Room

102.42 102 under Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock

Kenya Shilling and Fisheries leadership for the COVID-19 100.89 100 response with the aim of i) maintaining a flow of produce from production to markets, 98 ii) ensuring minimal disruption to markets and access of population to food and iii) 96 managing pricing spikes and volatility. WFP 24/04 18/02 19/02 20/02 21/02 22/02 24/02 25/02 26/02 27/02 28/02 02/03 03/03 04/03 05/03 06/03 09/03 10/03 11/03 12/03 13/03 14/03 16/03 17/03 19/03 20/03 23/03 24/03 25/03 26/03 27/03 30/03 01/04 02/04 02/04 03/04 06/04 07/04 08/04 09/04 14/04 15/04 16/04 17/04 20/04 21/04 22/04 23/04 26/04 27/04 28/04 29/04 30/04 05/04 07/04 is also supporting the Council of Governors to establish county food security situation Figure 1: Kenya’s exchange rate to the US Dollar. Source: Central Bank of Kenya rooms to mirror the national war room. Food Availability in Kenya: The weekly update from the Food Security War Room led by the Ministry of Agriculture states that the current food balance sheet data shows that the country has enough stocks to sustain the country until the end of June. This food availability outlook was validated on 1st May using one-month estimates for eight food commodities2 in 30 counties that submitted data (see figure 2). For these 30 counties3, which represent 60 percent of the

2 Cereals: maize, rice, wheat, millet, sorghum; legumes: beans, green grams; tubers: Irish potatoes. 3 Reporting counties: , Busia, Elgeyo Marakwet, Embu, , , , , , Kirinyaga, Kisii, , , , , Makueni, , Meru, , Nandi, , , Nyandarua, , © ©2010CIAT/NeilPalmer , Taita Taveta, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, Vihihga and .

Figure 2: Food availability outlook as of 1st May 2020. Source: Ministry of Agriculture (Food Security War Room)

COVID-19 Supply Chain 2 and Markets Update | 8 May 2020 country’s food demand, there is sufficient stock Farm Inputs: Supply, Price and for most key commodities except tomatoes and wheat (which Kenya imports). However, some Access to Finance counties4 are having deficits in the majority of key food commodities, but their demand is able The Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA), through the to be covered by other counties. The Ministry Cereal Growers Association, continues to monitor of Agriculture is following up to understand the farm input supplies and prices and access to finance reason for these deficits in counties that typically for farm inputs. Table 2 shows average fertilizer have enough food commodities. prices in counties monitored by FtMA.

Global and regional imports and prices as The monitoring teams reported low purchasing reported by the Food Security War Room power due to lack of credit services. Rice: Sixty percent of Kenya’s rice imports come Where no farmer service centres are available, from Pakistan, 30 percent from Thailand and 10 the majority of farmers are purchasing inputs percent from India. Global supply is sufficient to from stockists in urban centres. The new public meet demand (600 million mt of supply vs 500 sector transport rules have increased travel million mt of demand). Global prices rose by 15 costs, which is having a knock-on effect on percent from February to March including in farmers. key source countries, e.g., Thailand, 12 percent There has been a noted increase in the cost of increase. Indian exports have stalled; however, accessing inputs, which is attributed to increased imports continue from other source countries. travel charges as vehicles adhere to the capacity Wheat: Forty percent of Kenya’s wheat imports restrictions imposed by COVID-19 regulations. come from Russia, 25 percent from Argentina and 10 percent from . Global supply is 5 sufficient to meet demand (1 billion mt of supply vs General situation overview in the 12 counties 700 million mt of demand). Prices in major export monitored by the Farm to Market Alliance countries rose in March (e.g. by 4 percent in Russia (FtMA) and 12 percent in Argentina). Russia has halted Farmer service centres and individual farmers exports; however other countries such as the USA are stocking up on farm inputs (seeds, fertiliser and Argentina continue to export. and agro-chemicals) in response to the onset of Maize: At this time of the year, Kenya mostly the long rains season. relies on regional imports. The country imports Fertilizer shortages are reported in Busia, approximately 65 percent of its requirements and Siaya counties. from , 20 percent from Zambia and 15 percent from Tanzania. Regional imports are FtMA is using digital extension as an alternative supplemented by inflows from Mexico and Ukraine. form of knowledge transfer to farmers on good Global supply is sufficient to meet demand (1.5 agronomic practices and use of farm inputs. billion mt of supply vs 1.1 billion of demand). The They have successfully rolled out two interactive regional surplus is expected to decrease by voice response (IVR) services: a fall army worm approximately 20 percent due to reduced advisory and a potato production guide, with production. Global maize prices dropped by 5 over 15,000 farmers reached. The IVR includes percent in March compared to February. However safety messages related to COVID-19. regional prices (e.g., in Uganda) increased WFP continues to raise awareness among and due to seasonal patterns and panic buying. sensitize food value chain actors on food safety Regional imports from Tanzania and Uganda and quality and on COVID-19 issues through continue. International imports (from Mexico and market-based applications, radio talk-back Ukraine) are unlikely to reach Kenya before the end shows and radio advertisements. of import window, which is 30th May 2020.

5 Busia, Elgeyo Marakwet, Homabay, Kakamega, Kisumu, Meru, 4 Bomet, Homabay, Kericho, Nandi, Narok, and Wajir. Nakuru, Narok, Nyandarua, Migori, Siaya and Tharaka Nithi.

Counties/Fertilizer Uasin Gishu Elyeyo Bomet (Bomet Narok (Narok Meru Nyeri Nyadarua Nakuru Brand (Ainobkoi) Marakwet central) north) DAP fertilizer 2,650 2,900 2,733 2,650 2,800 3,000 3,000 3,000 Baraka fertilizer 3,100 3,200 3,033 3,000 3,100 3,150 3,100 3,000 Yara milla Power 2,850 2,900 2,917 3,000 2,900 2,950 2,900 2,800

Table 2: Average fertilizer prices as of the week ending 30th April 2020 (KES/50Kg bag) Source: FtMA - Agro-dealers and farmer coordinators

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 May 2020 | and Markets Update 3 Farmgate, Wholesale and Retail Retail Price Trends in the Arid Regions and Price Trends the Refugee Camps Retail price trends in Kakuma camp and Maize Farmgate and Wholesale Price Trends Kalobeyei settlement (average)

Farmgate prices have remained largely stable Compared to last week, there was a stable inflow in the five counties monitored in the last two of various key commodities in the markets so 6 weeks. availability was also stable. Prices were also Wholesale prices increased by more than 10 stable: there was even a marginal drop in percent in Homabay, Narok, Elgeyo Marakwet, the wholesale price of maize from KES 1,800 Tharaka Nithi and Meru counties. recorded last week to KES 1,700. recorded a 5 percent drop in wholesale price compared to last week. Most of the fresh produce commodities Wholesale prices in other counties remained (mangoes, kales and bananas) that were sourced stable. from West Pokot (Sigor, Lomuut and Mwinu) areas were spoiled in transit. A bridge between Marich and Sigor was washed away by floods, causing delays. Additionally, Kawalase River in flooded rendering the Lodwar-Kakuma road impassable for several days. Traders incurred losses due to damage to fresh produce (kale, bananas and tomatoes) that were in 6 Elgeyo Marakwet, Nakuru, Narok, Trans Nzoia and Uasin Gishu. transit from .

Farmgate* price (90 Kg bag) Wholesale** (market level) price (90 Kg bag) County Week ending Week ending Week ending Week ending % Change % Change April 30th May 8th April 30th May 8th Busia 4,000 4,700 Kakamega 3,700 4,000 Siaya Homabay 4,000 5,000 5,600 12% Kisumu 3,200 4,200 4,000 -5% Migori 3,300 4,000 4,000 0% Nakuru 2,800 2,800 0% 3,000 3,000 0% Narok (Transmara) 2,600 2,700 4% 2,700 3,000 11% Elgeyo Marakwet 2,800 2,800 0% 2,900 3,200 10% Uasin Gishu and Trans 2,800 2,900 4% 3,200 3,200 0% Nzoia Tharaka-Nithi 2,600 2,900 3,300 14% Meru 3,000 3,000 3,300 10% Nyandarua 3,000 Laikipia 2,700 3,000 3,100 3% Kitui 2,250 3,600 Makueni 2,250 3,600 Embu

Table 3: Maize farmgate and wholesale prices

*Farmgate price: price at which farmer sells to the collector/aggregator

**Wholesale price: the price buyers are paying at the market

Source: Farm to Market Alliance through the Cereal Growers Association

COVID-19 Supply Chain 4 and Markets Update | 8 May 2020 The wholesale price of potatoes has risen this Supply of fruits and vegetables to Lodwar week by 13 percent to KES 3,150 per 90-kg bag. markets was temporarily affected due to rains This is attributed to increased costs of transport that cut off Lodwar-Kitale highway. There were due to suppliers’ difficulty in accessing farms in no shortages reported in the markets, only Trans Nzoia due to rains. delays. Cabbages are not in season and the wholesale Concerns were raised by some traders in Lodwar price offered by truck vendors has increased that some suppliers from Kitale are supplying by 6 percent to KES 80 for a medium cabbage. poor quality fresh food and vegetables, hence Most of the small vegetable vendors in Kakuma traders are incurring losses. and Kalobeyei have not been able to buy cabbages or onions from truck vendors as Retail Price Trends in Refugee Camp supply is limited. Onion wholesale prices from suppliers in Kakuma town still remain high at Dadaab Refugee Camp KES 150 per kg. Low onion production coupled Dadaab Refugee Camp 160 25% with the ongoing closure of Ortum onion 20% market in has necessitated 140 20% 120 15% alternative sourcing and increased transport 8% 7% 8% 8% 10% costs by suppliers. 100 3% 1% 5% Retailers who are selling sugar in the refugee 80 4% 3% 2% 5% 0% 60 100 camp marketsDadaab were Refugee asked Camp by the Kenyan Police -4% -5% 160 25%

to show documentary evidence that the duty Price in KES/Kg/L 40 -13% 20% -10% changePercentage 140 20% 100 98 had been paid on this commodity on import 20 147 75 72 -15% 120 15% 50 -16% 8% from Uganda. There have been claims7% that the 8% 8% 10% 0 -20% 100 3% sugar1% being sold in the shops is counterfeit 5% Beans Cooking Oil Maize Maize Meal Rice Sugar Wheat flour 80 and has been imported4% from Uganda without3% 0% 2% 100 5% Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20 60 -4% validation by the customs department -5% Price trends for key commodities in Dadaab. Source: WFP Price Monitoring

Price in KES/Kg/L 40 -13% -10% changePercentage 100 and payment of tax. Kakuma town/camp98 Figure 4: Price trends for key commodities in Dadaab 20 147 75 72 -15% wholesalers 50who supply most-16% of the retailers refugee camp. Source: WFP Price Monitoring 0 -20% Beansin theCooking camps Oil Maize are collectingMaize Meal Rice the sourcingSugar Wheat flour Kakuma Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement (average) Currentdocumentation Price (07-May-20) Percentage to Change present from February 2020to the Percentageauthorities Change from 29-Apr-20 to 160 The main road connecting Garissa, Agarbul and 50% Price trends for key commodities in Dadaab. Source: WFP Price Monitoring 43% prove that the commodity sourcing followed 140 Dadaab has been cut off due to ongoing heavy the correct channels. 40% 120 rains. Subsequently, transporters and vehicles 151 are using an alternative21% road which is 50 km 30% Kakuma andKakuma Kalobeyei Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement Settlement (average)(Average) 100 longer (the main route is 90-100 km). This has led 160 50% 80 119 20% 43% to an increase in transport costs from KES 40,00010% 140 60 40% 98 3% 10% 120 to KES113 92,000-1% per 36-ton 69truckload from 151 2% 0% 30% 40 -1% 71 21% changePercentage 100 Price in KES/Kg/L to Dadaab. The County47 Government of Garissa 0% 20 2% -1% 80 20% has positioned-4% heavy-4% machinery-2% in- 2%the affected 119 10% 60 0 road section to patch damaged parts as well as -10% 113 -1% 98 3% 10% 2% 69 Beans Cooking Oil Maize Maize Meal Rice Sugar Wheat Flour 40 -1% 0% 71 assist trucks that are stuck. Percentage changePercentage Price in KES/Kg/L 47 0% 20 2% -1% -4% -4% -2% -2% TheCurrent Priceroad (07-May-20) conditionPercentage has Change led from February to a 2020 reducedPercentage supply Change from 29-Apr-20 0 -10% of commodities and consequent increase in Beans Cooking Oil Maize Maize Meal Rice Sugar Wheat Flour Price trends for key commodities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. Source: WFP Price Monitoring prices, especially of fresh produce. Although Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20 there has been a slight improvement in both Price trends for key commodities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. Source: WFP Price Monitoring supply and prices due to the use of alternative Figure 3: Price trends for key commodities in Kakuma Isiolo Town camp and Kalobeyei settlement. Source: WFP Price routes, supply is still low and prices high 200 40% Monitoring compared to average seasonal prices. 33% Isiolo Town 180 35% These supply chain and trade disruptions have 200 Retail Prices and Supply Situation in 40% 160 25% 30% 33% limited both refugees’ and host communities’ 25% 180 35% 140 30% access to sufficient, diverse and nutritious food 20% 160 25% 120 140 25% commodities for13% the last13% two weeks. 15% Prices of maize and maize flour have increased20% 100 120 10% compared13% to last13% week: maize increased by 15% 80 Traders are0% facing losses from damage of fresh 100 0% 5% 10% 0% 0% 0% 80 8 percent0% from KES 60 per kg to KES 65 per 60 produce travelling for over two days to0% arrive at 0%

0% 0% 0% 5% Price in KES/Kg/L 0% 40 0% 0% 160 changePercentage 60 kg, while maize flour recorded a 0%14 percent 0% Dadaab camp markets. One trader lost six 70-kg -5% Price in KES/Kg/L 40 0% 0% 160 -5% changePercentage 20 100 -10% increase from KES 70 per kg to KES 80 per kg. sacks60 of 65carrots90 worth180 KES100 50,400.50 100 -11% 20 100 -10% 60 65 90 180 100 50 100 -11% 0 -15% 0 The prices of onions remained high, retailing -15% ThereMaize isWheat a shortageRice Cooking in OilsupplySugar ofMaize onionsBeans in Onionsthe Tomatoes Maize at WheatKES 160Rice perCooking kg Oil dueSugar to MaizereducedBeans suppliesOnions Tomatoes as markets.meal flour Although some traders are able to meal flour outlined for Kalobeyei settlement and Kakuma sourceCurrent Price (07-May-20)onions fromPercentage the Change from February 2020 borderPercentage area Change fromof 29-Apr-20 Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20 refugee camp markets. Tanzania/Kenya, prices are high at KES 160 per kg. Price trends for key commodities in Isiolo Town. Source: WFP Price Monitoring Price trends for key commodities in Isiolo Town. Source: WFP Price Monitoring

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 May 2020 | and Markets Update 5 Dadaab Refugee Camp 160 25% 20% 140 20% 120 15% 8% 7% 8% 8% 10% 100 3% 1% 5% 80 4% 3% 2% 5% 0% 60 100 -4% -5%

Price in KES/Kg/L 40 -13% -10% changePercentage 100 98 20 147 75 72 -15% 50 -16% 0 -20% Beans Cooking Oil Maize Maize Meal Rice Sugar Wheat flour Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20 Price trends for key commodities in Dadaab. Source: WFP Price Monitoring

Kakuma Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement (average) 160 50% 140 43% 40% 120 151 30% 100 21% 80 20% 119 10% 60 -1% 98 3% 10% 2% 113 69 40 -1% 0% 71 Percentage changePercentage Price in KES/Kg/L 47 0% 20 2% -1% -4% -4% -2% -2% 0 -10% Beans Cooking Oil Maize Maize Meal Rice Sugar Wheat Flour

Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20

Price trends for key commodities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei. Source: WFP Price Monitoring The Dagahaley livestock market has been closed Retail Prices and Supply Situation in since 1st May 2020 owing to a reported COVID-19 Isiolo Town () Isiolo Town case in Wajir. Dagahaley livestock market is one of the top three livestock markets in the north- 200 33% 40% 35% eastern region of Kenya together with Wajir and 180 160 25% 30% . Most of the livestock traders move 140 25% from market to market as well as markets in 120 20% 13% 13% 15% Somalia. 100 10% 80 0% The closure of the market has impacted pastoral 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 60 0% 0% Price in KES/Kg/L host community income levels and their 40 0% 0% 160 -5% changePercentage 20 100 -10% purchasing power as well as reduced supplies of 60 65 90 180 100 50 100 -11% meat in the markets and increased prices. 0 -15% Maize Wheat Rice Cooking Oil Sugar Maize Beans Onions Tomatoes Despite the adjustment in beneficiaries’ meal flour Current Price (07-May-20) Percentage Change from February 2020 Percentage Change from 29-Apr-20 commodity preferences due to the Ramadan, there was no significant change in the price of Price trends for key commodities in Isiolo Town. Source: WFP Price Monitoring Figure 6: Price trends for key commodities in Isiolo. Source: dry foods. WFP Price Monitoring The Public Health Department is enforcing a Wholesale and retail prices were stable during directive earlier shared with all traders that they the week with very minimal changes compared must set up barriers to separate them and their to previous weeks. customers (social distancing) and every retailer must put in place a hand-washing amenity. Onion wholesale prices decreased by 11 percent to KES 160 per kg compared to last week due to Following the directive from the Government of the fairer weather experienced throughout the Kenya, there has been cessation of movement week prolonging their shelf life and quality. to and from the refugee camps since the 29th Rice had the highest wholesale price increase (2 April 2020. Food commodities and other cargo percent) to KES 2,200 per 25-kg bag due to its transporters can access the camp markets, but high demand in the ongoing Ramadan season. the trucks and vehicles can only carry up to two However, the retail price remained unaffected people including the driver. due to market competition. A steady supply of commodities was reported Retail Prices and Supply Situation in to be available by traders. However, traders are not restocking as they have adequate due to the reduced purchases from consumers over the last Prices of key commodities remain at the same 1.5 months. levels as last week due to the constant flow of cereals, pulses and fresh produce from , as well as informal cross-border in-flows of processed commodities from Somalia.

Retail Prices and Market Situation in

Maize, rice, sugar and beans were retailing at KES 68, KES 100, KES 110 and KES 120 respectively. The prices remain stable compared to last week. This stability in prices is attributed to the availability of stocks and the financial ability of traders to source. The price of vegetables, which are mainly produced within the county, increased slightly. In Hola town, the price of kale – which is the most consumed vegetable – increased from KES 50 to KES 65 compared to last week, as a result of flooding of farms. There is a notable shift in expenditure patterns, with many consumers buying basic commodities, such as maize, beans, vegetable oil and salt, and

holding off on higher-priced items, due to the © 2014CIAT/GeorginaSmith economic uncertainty during COVID-19.

COVID-19 Supply Chain 6 and Markets Update | 8 May 2020 © UN-REDD

Retail Prices and Supply Situation in Port Operations

Prices of cereals and pulses in market Operations at port continued smoothly with were reported to be the same as last week: 1 kg of no challenges despite the mass testing of Kenya Port maize was retailing at KES 40 and 1 kg of beans at Authority workers currently in progress. KES 120. The Ministry of Transport on Wednesday 6th May The weekly open livestock markets that were announced that the Kenya Ports Authority workforce in due for reopening will remain closed for an Mombasa will be reduced from 6,200 to 4,000 workers unknown period. Apart from trading livestock, in observance with the social distancing measures aimed these markets are also being used by food at containing the spread of coronavirus. Transport traders. Cabinet Secretary James Macharia explained that those Flooding reported in Tiaty and parts of both who continue working at the port will mainly be those Baringo North and Baringo South sub-counties in charge of key operations such as including vessel has affected the supply of commodities. The discharges and loading of exports. Measures have been County Government of Baringo is undertaking undertaken to mitigate any operational challenges from an assessment of the affected areas and its the ongoing curfew (from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m.). The Port impact. Health Authority has confirmed that for the last week, no COVID-19 positive cases have been reported from the mass testing. WFP will continue monitoring the Retail Prices and Supply Situation in operations, especially on the proposed reduction of port workers and its potential impact on WFP operations. For the third week in a row, the price of food Bagging of sorghum alongside the ship, loading to commodities has remained stable across warehouse and direct delivery of trucks carrying the 2,730 Marsabit County. This has been attributed to mt balance (from the initial 10,000 mt bulk sorghum smooth supply from Nairobi, neighbouring vessel from Port Sudan) was completed during the counties and locally available commodities. The week. This exercise was undertaken fully adhering to traders interviewed confirmed that there is no all COVID-19 safety guidelines and with the temporary significant change in prices compared to last suspension of the Port Directive of a ban on bulk cargo week. bagging in the port. The price of vegetables and fruit has also remained constant compared to last week apart WFP continued to sensitize all its service providers, from avocados whose price increased by 67 especially transporters delivering commodities to percent due to increased demand. Avocados are locations within Kenya and other neighbouring countries, being used as a substitute for dates (which are on full adherence of all COVID-19 directives in place in short supply) during Ramadan. at all points throughout the transit and border points.

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 May 2020 | and Markets Update 7 Many service providers have acknowledged There are discussions with all the Heads of States for and confirmed total adherence of the COVID-19 East African Community countries to develop clear guidelines circulated by WFP. guidelines on border crossing and the issue of driver testing to suit all the countries in the region. The Shipping: Kenya Revenue Authority has continued planned course of action is to test all drivers at the with smooth operations at Mombasa port by point of loading seven days prior to loading. The test implementing both internal and government shall be repeated every 14 days thereafter after the COVID-19 directives. Kenya Revenue Authority is not drivers are back to their country of origin. allowing physical contact of staff but has enhanced the availability of all documentation online, resulting As of Thursday 7th May, the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary in minor delays in cargo clearance. Container ship for the Ministry of Transport confirmed the testing arrivals were on time and no major changes noted. of truck drivers will be undertaken 48 hours before loading and that the driver and assistant are to In June, WFP expects a charter vessel, the MV carry their certifications to present them at the Universal Durban, with 15,000 mt in-kind rice in borders, with a repeat test after 14 days. The Kenyan jumbo bags from South Korea destined for Kenya Government is encouraging transporters to have and Uganda. Measures are in place to use fork- alternative drivers on standby to take up the role to lifts to minimize personal contact of workers and ease the turnaround of trucks where a repeat of the improve social distancing. A new Maersk/Cosco test is required. At Nadapal border point, the South partnership container service was announced last Sudan Secretary General of Kapoeta has issued a week from China, Malaysia and Singapore ports to special clearance to waive the condition of COVID-19 East Africa, including Mombasa port, with a shorter certificates for drivers. However, all other COVID-19 transit time of around 22 days. directives issued by the South Sudan government The Government last week delivered a new ferry will have to be strictly adhered to by respective vessel MV Safari that will be used at the Likoni ferry transporters. terminals for public transportation. The long lines of trucks reported last week at Malaba border has since reduced and currently there are no Borders and Landside Transport queues reported by the customs department. Other Border Points: At Namanga (with Tanzania), Malaba Border Point: The anticipated mass testing Nadapal (with South Sudan) and Busia (with Uganda) at all border points, announced by the Government border points, operations are reported to be smooth of Kenya on 27 April 2020, is yet to commence. The with no major challenges and the COVID-19 directives delay has been attributed to lack of enough testing and guidelines being strictly adhered to. kits. The mass testing in Mombasa and Nairobi border point (with ) remains closed for both hotspots as well as of health workers is reported to human and cargo movements. have taken more test kits than anticipated. However, the next Ministry of Health consignment of testing Overland and Inland Transport: WFP Kenya is kits (26,000) is expected to arrive early this month. planning to move by rail 3,000–4,000 mt of bagged Swabs are also scarce, but these will be sourced sorghum to Uganda from Mombasa. The dispatch within the week. will be made by railway wagons to WFP warehouses

© AfDB

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 and Markets Update | 8 May 2020 in Tororo (Uganda). This rail operation is a trial to measure the effectiveness (cost and time of rail) versus road deliveries. Transportation by rail might also assist in avoiding any repetition of truck queues at Malaba border and delays that may result from COVID-19 testing of drivers to be started in Kenya. A tender was floated seven days ago and offers from WFP rail agents will be evaluated by the end of the week. WFP Uganda has confirmed that the railway sidings in Tororo WFP warehouses are in good working condition and can receive rail wagons dispatched from Mombasa for offloading. However, the Kenya © WFP Railways Corporation confirmed there was a wash out of the line on two sections west of Nairobi. The line therefore to and Uganda will be out of service for at least two weeks, which will delay the trial transportation of the sorghum. This is the Medium Gauge Railway (MGR) that was built in the 1900s and still operates cargo movement to and from Mombasa to Uganda. The SGR (the new line that opened in 2019) that is now moving cargo from Mombasa currently terminates at (situated 100 km north-west of Nairobi). The Government of Rwanda established measures for transporters entering Rwanda to deliver cargo as a final point of delivery or in transit to other countries. Transporters must have a driver relay process where local Rwandese drivers take over at the borders of Rusumo (border with Tanzania) and Kagitumba (border with Uganda). For trucks © WFP/Antonio Salort-Pons transiting via Rwanda to other countries, trucks will be escorted by Rwandese police from entry to exit to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in Nairobi. border points. This complicates deliveries especially Pakistan International Airlines and Air Seychelles were also for Kenya to Rwanda and Burundi (Kenyan trucks authorised by the Kenyan Government to fly one charter access Burundi via Rwanda instead of via Tanzania each to uplift passengers out of JKIA. British Airways has due to the shorter distance). resumed cargo flights to and from Nairobi daily. The ongoing heavy rains have rendered some areas impassable in the ASALs, namely the north-eastern UNHAS (United Nations Humanitarian Air Services): counties of Wajir, Mandera and Garissa and the As per the Government directives that restricts movement south-eastern county, Tana River. out of and into the Nairobi metropolitan area, there are no UNHAS passenger flights. However, UNHAS continues Fuel stocks in Kenya are stable this week with no to operate cargo flights to Kakuma and Dadaab every expected shortages. No fuel challenges are foreseen Monday. UNHAS remains available to operate non-COVID in the coming months. emergency and medical evacuations.

ECHO flight services. ECHO resumed offering cargo Air Transport flights on Friday 8th May 2020. However, no flight took place on Friday 8th due to lack of demand from ECHO Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport partners and the humanitarian community. Flights are Operations: The Government of Kenya has operated by UNHAS and will be initially offered once continued to allow international cargo flights to per week with only freight cargo in adherence to the operate in compliance with the COVID-19 directives Government COVID-19 directives. as stipulated by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. Local flights to and from counties affected by the The first WFP passenger flight for the COVID-19 response cessation directives are still under suspension. took place on 1st May, flying – Accra – Addis Ababa. Since then, WFP has received authorization from The Government gave approval to Kenya Airways governments and the civil aviation authorities to operate to operate three flights from London, Bombay passenger flights to Uganda, Nigeria, Chad, Mali and and Guangzhou, all with evacuated passengers Central African Republic.

COVID-19 Supply Chain 8 May 2020 | and Markets Update 9 National Supply Chain Task COVID-19 Supply Chain System Force and Service Provision WFP launched the Emergency Service Government of Kenya and Multi-Agency COVID-19 Marketplace on 28th April, an online platform Task Force: WFP is ready to expand its logistics where United Nations agencies, international and services and supply chain capacities within Kenya national NGOs, and civil society partners can access to support the Government of Kenya’s response to cargo transport services for the COVID-19 response COVID-19. WFP has seconded a supply chain expert to on a free-to-user basis. Partners who wish to access the surge team to support WHO Kenya and the national COVID-19 free-to-user WFP supply chain services authorities in reinforcing the response operations. will now need to lodge their requests for these services through this platform. WFP, working closely with WHO and the Ministry of Health, is exploring ways to offer courier services to The first cargo flight as part of WFP’s common support the Ministry of Health on transportation of services support to the humanitarian and health the COVID-19 test samples from points of entry, mass community for COVID-19 took place on 30th April. testing areas, quarantine centres, isolation centres and PPE and other COVID-19 medical items were border points to the designated national or county transported on behalf of UNICEF and ICRC from laboratories. Air services will also be explored for Liege to Burkina Faso and Accra. Flights from other counties with suspected or contact tracing cases and hubs are beginning in the coming days. A schedule those counties cut off by floods as well as Dadaab and for further cargo flights from Liege and Guangzhou Kakuma refugee camps. is currently being prepared.

If you would like more information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

COVID-19 Supply Chain 10 and Markets Update | 8 May 2020