the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

CB(1) 1394/11-12(02)

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, Why Big Government Is Literally manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more administrative compulsions and restraints, harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small familiar with the attainment of them by which results from the unforeseen evils and enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or Killing You subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before —Dr Robert Hanson a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his campaigner to break a couple of high priced CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? promotion of their own products in a free radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a unfortunate symptom of the pro-European than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU public roads themselves but ban you from followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of to yield up and that which he is allowed to media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. for potential environmental health impacts Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ ten people read what amuses them rather retain; and it matters not whether his master green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, is a single person or a society. based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. ‘Energy saving’ bulbs and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. are the asbestos of conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the 21st Century. the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and CAPITALISM other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect • quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment HK taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 09

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, government is also wary of the power of physical harm to significant numbers of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and heavily funded green groups supporting the people from workers to consumers. Big you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of government claims the ban is about saving of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under the demagogic behaviour they are capable energy and saving the planet; both claims are thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly false. There is strong evidence that over their mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not and weak who are not capable of staging whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. elaborate protests or riots. more energy and resources than says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Big government has a bad record of When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially swindling and bullying the public from Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old —many getting away with simply giving the in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more administrative compulsions and restraints, harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small familiar with the attainment of them by which results from the unforeseen evils and enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing In banning the arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom incandescent bulb, concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of big government has banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, broken new ground; the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for for the first time big —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for government has Philips sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his campaigner to break a couple of high priced CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The actually banned a taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. safe product and is Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an forcing people to use bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the an unsafe product. mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little Even more are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave concerning, is that the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his big government, of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? before banning promotion of their own products in a free radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. incandescent bulbs, government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others was aware of the pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a unfortunate symptom of the pro-European than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as serious health risks ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than associated with attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is ‘energy savers’. have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of There was also plenty in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally of research prior to Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the ban showing that the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For when all costs of pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU public roads themselves but ban you from followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of to yield up and that which he is allowed to manufacture and media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. for potential environmental health impacts Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ ten people read what amuses them rather retain; and it matters not whether his master green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets disposal are taken The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, is a single person or a society. based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— into account, energy achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of saving bulbs did not of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving even save energy and their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. should be aptly conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that named ‘energy the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from wasting bulbs.’ daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and CAPITALISM other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect • quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment HK taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 10

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, government is also wary of the power of physical harm to significant numbers of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and heavily funded green groups supporting the people from workers to consumers. Big you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of government claims the ban is about saving of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under the demagogic behaviour they are capable energy and saving the planet; both claims are thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly false. There is strong evidence that over their mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not and weak who are not capable of staging whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. elaborate protests or riots. more energy and resources than says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Big government has a bad record of When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially swindling and bullying the public from Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old —many getting away with simply giving the in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste It is morally wrong of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small administrative compulsions and restraints, for government to spokesman of the Federation of German familiar with the attainment of them by which results from the unforeseen evils and enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to take tax payer money bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t to subsidize and Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before promote the a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big products of bulb bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming companies— to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. bulb companies are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us should pay for the harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as promotion of their skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? own products in a released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets free market. that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour Government in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for Philips sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his subsidies are taking campaigner to break a couple of high priced CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it tax payers’ money ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing Adolf Hitler & Joseph Goebbels. and putting them yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the into the pockets of bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to rich bulb company the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and executives. If ‘energy harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from saving’ bulbs were in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? promotion of their own products in a free really so great, they radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax would be sold and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the without the need for Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a government subsidies unfortunate symptom of the pro-European than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for and without the need electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need to ban the incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ incandescent bulb. Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU public roads themselves but ban you from followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of to yield up and that which he is allowed to media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. for potential environmental health impacts Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ ten people read what amuses them rather retain; and it matters not whether his master green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, is a single person or a society. based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the CAPITALISM into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government •

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the HK Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 11

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, government is also wary of the power of physical harm to significant numbers of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and heavily funded green groups supporting the people from workers to consumers. Big you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of government claims the ban is about saving of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under the demagogic behaviour they are capable energy and saving the planet; both claims are thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly false. There is strong evidence that over their mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not and weak who are not capable of staging whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. elaborate protests or riots. more energy and resources than says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Big government has a bad record of When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially swindling and bullying the public from Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old —many getting away with simply giving the in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste The top three of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more administrative compulsions and restraints, harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. pollutants in the poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small familiar with the attainment of them by enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. which results from the unforeseen evils and world that cause A supporter of imposing these poisonous Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as really serious harm governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before to humans and the a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big environment are bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to mercury, lead and All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. arsenic—the three are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in key toxins used in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as ‘energy saving bulbs’. skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets All ‘energy saving’ that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour lighting, LED and CFL, in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for Philips sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his harm humans in two campaigner to break a couple of high priced CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it ways. First, harm ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing arising from just being yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the close to them; this bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to harm ranges from just the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and feeling lethargic, to harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from skin cancer. Second, in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? promotion of their own products in a free harm from the toxins radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax released when they and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the break exposes people Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a to a risk of a number unfortunate symptom of the pro-European than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for of cancers in the long electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need term. incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are Smooth healthy light spectrum of incandescent bulbs vs. unhealthy spiky spectrums of LEV and CFL bulbs about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. to yield up and that which he is allowed to incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU SWOP IIW CFL public roads themselves but ban you from for potential environmental health impacts followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a retain; and it matters not whether his master incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the using an incandescent bulb in your own before being marketed.’ The 2011 University ten people read what amuses them rather green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in Philips Genie IIWWW 827 Hospital, London, believes that the reasons prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his is a single person or a society. bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets world in the same way Hitler rolled out his The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— achieved under competitive market GE FLEI2HLX/T2/827 12W spiral There is something not quite right here. people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low 1989 double envelope emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated EcoGold 28W clear halogen GLS environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with Philips 40W clear tungsten GLS the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the Ledon WW 6W LED President of the British Association of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the CAPITALISM into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy Date: 2011-10-25 Time: 20:43:06 photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government • BabelColor CT&A Version: 3.0.0 b238

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the HK Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to Created by Malcolm Innes for Spectrum Alliance and supplied by Kevan Shaw, Lighting Design Director (KLSD). from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 12

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, government is also wary of the power of physical harm to significant numbers of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and heavily funded green groups supporting the people from workers to consumers. Big you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of government claims the ban is about saving of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under the demagogic behaviour they are capable energy and saving the planet; both claims are thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly false. There is strong evidence that over their mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not and weak who are not capable of staging whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. elaborate protests or riots. more energy and resources than says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Big government has a bad record of When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially swindling and bullying the public from Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old —many getting away with simply giving the in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more administrative compulsions and restraints, harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small familiar with the attainment of them by which results from the unforeseen evils and enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for Philips sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his campaigner to break a couple of high priced CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? promotion of their own products in a free radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the Lighting is more of a is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a unfortunate symptom of the pro-European than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of necessity than a Rolls toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences Royce—yet light bulb vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be executives and their shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking banker friends think have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a it fine to drive a Rolls the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Royce or Jaguar on Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on public roads knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU public roads themselves but ban you from followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of to yield up and that which he is allowed to media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. themselves but ban for potential environmental health impacts Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ ten people read what amuses them rather retain; and it matters not whether his master green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons you from using an ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, is a single person or a society. based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting incandescent bulb in people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the your own home—all more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs in the name of saving raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of the planet. There is central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is something not quite The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of right here. pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will CAPITALISM found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government •

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, HK the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 13

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under The ban on incandescent bulbs shows may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point how government intervention, rather than sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English helping and protecting people, is causing real of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, physical harm to significant numbers of government is also wary of the power of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and people from workers to consumers. Big heavily funded green groups supporting the you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to government claims the ban is about saving ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under energy and saving the planet; both claims are the demagogic behaviour they are capable thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment false. There is strong evidence that over their of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use and weak who are not capable of staging examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. more energy and resources than elaborate protests or riots. says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To Big government has a bad record of Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an swindling and bullying the public from chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and —many getting away with simply giving the recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 the sense it is now generally admitted, needs The exclamation also implies the employment under Government. One that university of State-regulation which legislating for and organizing at least as unhesitating belief, here especially consequence is that men who might characterizes the militant type of society has much as work.” concerning us, that evils of all kinds should otherwise reprobate further growth of been carried furthest, we see this ambition Not precedent only prompts this spread, be dealt with by the State. There does not officialism, are led to look on it with pushed to its extreme. Says Mr. Wallace, but also the necessity which arises for occur the inquiry whether there are at work tolerance, if not favourably, as offering quoting a passage from a play: “All men, supplementing ineffective measures, and for other agencies capable of dealing with evils, possible careers for those dependent on them even shopkeepers and cobblers, aim at dealing with the artificial evils continually and whether the evils in question may not be caused. Failure does not destroy faith in the among those which are best dealt with by agencies employed, but merely suggests more these other agencies. And obviously, the stringent use of such agencies or wider more numerous governmental interventions ramifications of them. become, the more confirmed does this habit of thought grow, and the more loud and Laws to check intemperance, beginning in perpetual the demands for intervention. early times and coming down to our own times, not having done what was expected, Every extension of the regulative policy there come demands for more involves an addition to the regulative agents thoroughgoing laws, locally preventing the —a further growth of officialism and an sale altogether; and here, as in America, these increasing power of the organization formed will doubtless be followed by demands that of officials. Take a pair of scales with many prevention shall be made universal. shot in the one and a few in the other. Lift shot after shot out of the loaded scale and put All the many appliances for “stamping it into the unloaded scale. Presently you will out” epidemic diseases not having succeeded produce a balance; and if you go on, the in preventing outbreaks of smallpox, fevers, position of the scales will be reversed. and the like, a further remedy is applied for Suppose the beam to be unequally divided, in the shape of police-power to search houses and let the lightly loaded scale be at the end for diseased persons, and authority for of a very long arm; then the transfer of each medical officers to examine any one they shot, producing a much greater effect, will think fit, to see whether he or she is suffering far sooner bring about a change of position. I from an infectious or contagious malady. use the figure to illustrate what results from Habits of improvidence having for transferring one individual after another generations been cultivated by the Poor-Law, from the regulated mass of the community to and those related to them. Any one who becoming officers, and the man who has and the improvident enabled to multiply, the regulating structures. The transfer remembers the numbers of upper-class and passed his whole life without official rank the evils produced by compulsory charity are weakens the one and strengthens the other in middle-class families anxious to place their seems to be not a human being.” which there are members of more than one now proposed to be met by compulsory a far greater degree than is implied by the children, will see that no small These various influences working from family, and are now passing to a kindred insurance. relative change of numbers. A comparatively encouragement to the spread of legislative above downwards, meet with an increasing inspection of all small houses. The extension of this policy, causing small body of officials, coherent, having control is now coming from those who, but response of expectations and solicitations The buying and working of telegraphs by extension of corresponding ideas, fosters common interests, and acting under central for the personal interests thus arising, would proceeding from below upwards. The the State is made a reason for urging that the everywhere the tacit assumption that authority, has an immense advantage over an be hostile to it. hard-worked and over-burdened who form State should buy and work the railways. Government should step in whenever incoherent public which has no settled This pressing desire for careers is the great majority, and still more the Supplying children with food for their anything is not going right. “Surely you policy, and can be brought to act unitedly enforced by the preference for careers which incapables perpetually helped who are ever The blank form of an inquiry daily made minds by public agency is being followed in would not have this misery continue!” only under strong provocation. Hence an are thought respectable. “Even should his led to look for more help, are ready is—“We have already done this; why should some cases by supplying food for their exclaims someone, if you hint a demurrer to organization of officials, once passing a salary be small, his occupation will be that of supporters of schemes which promise them we not do that?” And the regard for bodies; and after the practice has been made much that is now being said and done. certain stage of growth, becomes less and less a gentleman,” thinks the father, who wants to this or the other benefit of State-agency, and precedent suggested by it, is ever pushing on gradually more general, we may anticipate resistible; as we see in the bureaucracies of get a Government-clerkship for his son. And ready believers of those who tell them that regulative legislation. Observe what is implied by this that the supply, now proposed to be made exclamation. the Continent. his relative dignity of State-servant as such benefits can be given, and ought to be Having had brought within their sphere of gratis in the one case, will eventually be Not only does the power of resistance of compared with those occupied in business given. They listen with eager faith to all operation more and more numerous It takes for granted, first, that all suffering proposed to be made gratis in the other: the the regulated part decrease in a geometrical increases as the administrative organization builders of political air-castles, from Oxford businesses, the Acts restricting hours of ought to be prevented, which is not true: argument that good bodies as well as good ratio as the regulating part increases, but the becomes a larger and more powerful element graduates down to Irish irreconcilables; and employment and dictating the treatment of much of the suffering is curative, and minds are needful to make good citizens, private interests of many in the regulated in society, and tends more and more to fix every additional tax-supported appliance for workers are now to be made applicable prevention of it is prevention of a remedy. being logically urged as a reason for the part itself, make the change of ratio still more the standard of honour. The prevalent their welfare raises hopes of further ones. to shops. In the second place, it takes for granted extension. rapid. In every circle conversations show that ambition with a young Frenchman is to get Indeed the more numerous public that every evil can be removed: the truth From inspecting lodging-houses to limit And then, avowedly proceeding on the now, when the passing of competitive some small official post in his locality, to rise instrumentalities become, the more is there being that, with the existing defects of human the numbers of occupants and enforce precedents furnished by the church, the examinations renders them eligible for the thence to a place in the local centre of generated in citizens the notion that nature, many evils can only be thrust out of sanitary conditions, we have passed to school, and the reading-room, all publicly public service, youths are being educated in government, and finally to reach some everything is to be done for them, and one place or form into another place or form inspecting all houses below a certain rent in provided, it is contended that “pleasure, in such ways that they may pass them and get head-office in Paris. And in Russia, where nothing by them. —often being increased by the change.

Each generation is made less familiar with is carried. popular favour by countenancing them. form which commonly arises where, having pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other the attainment of desired ends by individual There is that increasing need for Getting repeated justifications from new laws been a free man working on his own land, manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, actions or private combinations, and more administrative compulsions and restraints, harmonizing with their doctrines, political conquest turns him into what we distinguish Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small familiar with the attainment of them by which results from the unforeseen evils and enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. governmental agencies; until, eventually, shortcomings of preceding compulsions their agitations with growing confidence and year a fixed amount of labour or produce, or subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as governmental agencies come to be thought and restraints. success. Journalism, ever responsive to both: retaining the rest himself. ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken of as the only available agencies. popular opinion, daily strengthens it by bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous total energy consumption and everything to tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in Moreover, every additional Finally, in some cases, as in Russia before a conference here in Hong Kong, where a develops around these lamps. They should giving it voice; while counter-opinion, more waste recycling sites—failure to do this will do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ This result was well shown in the recent State-interference strengthens the tacit serfdom was abolished, he is allowed to leave In banning the incandescent bulb, big bunch of legal academics had jetted in from not be used in unventilated areas and It is simply wrong Trades-Unions Congress at Paris. The and more discouraged, finds little utterance. his owner’s estate and work or trade for government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament assumption that it is the duty of the State to All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple English delegates, reporting to their Thus influences of various kinds conspire himself elsewhere, under the condition that first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ when green groups bulbs.’ deal with all evils and secure all benefits. harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not constituents, said that between themselves to increase corporate action and decrease he shall pay an annual sum. banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a and big government Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Increasing power of a growing arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on and their foreign colleagues “the point of individual action. And the change is being on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact administrative organization is accompanied What is it which, in these cases, leads us harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to assert that because the environment are limited. You can sit difference was the extent to which the State all sides aided by schemers, each of whom concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, by decreasing power of the rest of the society to qualify our conception of the slavery as skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at CFLs only contain a close to one and suffer no harm, break one should be asked to protect labour”; reference thinks only of his pet plan and not at all of banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, to resist its further growth and control. more or less severe? released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of small quantity of and you are not exposed to any poisonous being thus made to the fact, conspicuous in the general reorganization which his plan, the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the The multiplication of careers opened by a Evidently the greater or smaller extent to risk of a number of cancers in the long term toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL the reports of the proceedings, that the joined with others such, are working out. It is ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a mercury a broken SCENIHR committee, the UK developing bureaucracy, tempts members of which effort is compulsorily expended for —if you have any doubts about this, ask your lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have French delegates always invoked said that the French Revolution devoured its research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small frequency range known to produce adverse CFL cannot harm representatives and I were all of similar mind the classes regulated by it to favour its the benefit of another instead of for Philips sales representative or Greenpeace read the EPA instructions on what to do if a governmental power as the only means of own children. Here, an analogous all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been Seaton himself is more likely to be flying apartments the choice of using a healthy effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught concerning the potentially adverse effects of extension, as adding to the chances of safe self-benefit. If all the slave's labour is for his campaigner to break a couple of high priced you. When a CFL is CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a satisfying their wishes. catastrophe seems not unlikely. The taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar incandescent bulb and force them to use in classrooms [with such lighting] had a the lamps. The lighting representatives (three and respectable places for their relatives. The owner the slavery is heavy, and if but little it ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. broken, mercury is restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How The diffusion of education has worked, numerous socialistic changes made by Act of not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need and has promoted them in the local press— bulbs that will make them ill—all in the 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify is light. Not all light is the same. Incandescent about working in an office with sealed and will work still more, in the same Parliament, joined with the numerous others named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing yet he wants to ban the incandescent light name of saving the planet! And, as it turns that was statistically significant. ...studies released in its most the overall opinion slightly towards Take now a further step. Suppose an bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air direction. “We must educate our masters,” is presently to be made, will by-and-by be all cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do with diabetics and people who have multiple toxic and deadly suggesting less harm but were not hugely owner dies, and his estate with its slaves spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work the well-known saying of a Liberal who merged in State-socialism—swallowed in the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you At another talk that afternoon was Michael more harm to the planet than the sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose Liberal Fascism or Free Markets light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce form—as an in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? opposed the last extension of the franchise. vast wave which they have little by little are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants reduced their symptoms diminish.’ was that the lamps had a number of the estate and everything on it to be bought energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful odourless vapour Are you foolish enough to use them in your Yes, if the education were worthy to be so raised. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in the world that cause really serious harm to potentially adverse effects, mostly for by a company; is the condition of the slave the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? called, and were relevant to the political “But why is this change described as ‘the are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global humans and the environment are mercury, (very different than abnormally photosensitive subjects but also any the better if the amount of his of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come It is simply wrong when green groups and enlightenment needed, much might be coming slavery’?”, is a question which many under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used mercury in your somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and compulsory labour remains the same? promotion of their own products in a free radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony big government assert that because CFLs hoped from it. But knowing rules of syntax, will still ask. The reply is simple. All Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part independent scientists). in ‘energy saving bulbs’. eye. …SCENIHR committee members also Suppose that for a company we substitute the market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of fillings and only contain a small quantity of mercury a being able to add up correctly, having socialism involves slavery. government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and of Hilter’s template for global domination, The bulb ban is a case of big government suggested that the incandescent lamps may community; does it make any difference to payers’ money and putting them into the Electricity consumed in the home is diagram shows the smooth healthy Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of thermometers). It broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL geographical information, and a memory regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a putting image ahead of substance—an not be particularly more wasteful of energy What is essential to the idea of a slave? the slave if the time he has to work for others pockets of rich bulb company executives. If measured on a meter. It should be up to the spectrums of light produced by tungsten Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the is broken, mercury is released in its most stocked with the dates of kings' accessions form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in movement of a few straw brains, but rather a unfortunate symptom of the pro-European also means that you than the new CFLs.’ We primarily think of him as one who is is as great, and the time left for himself is as ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, individual how he chooses to use that incandescent lights compared to the lumpy consistency with which a proportion of toxic and deadly form—as an odourless and generals' victories, no more implies these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. movement that can conquer the broad Blairite political class which continues to be owned by another. To be more than small, as before? they would be sold without the need for electricity, whether through using an unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences do not immediately vapour (very different than mercury in your fitness to form political conclusions than attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an masses. Propaganda should be popular, not self serving and rotten to the core. It is nominal, however, the ownership must be government subsidies and without the need incandescent bulb or watching television. A and CFL lights. in settings lit with fluorescent lights, realise that you have Toxic LEDs fillings and thermometers). It also means acquirement of skill in drawing implies The essential question is—How much is have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of precisely because governments cannot be shown by control of the slave’s actions—a to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban person living in a small apartment in Hong ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to been poisoned. that you do not immediately realise that you expertness in telegraphing, or than ability to he compelled to labour for other benefit than Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the The diodes are widely hailed as safer than control which is habitually for the benefit of in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was cause problems. Note that we are not talking have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in play cricket implies proficiency on the violin. his own, and how much can he labour for his than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of the controller. That which fundamentally Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a the body and attacks the vital organs—the own benefit? When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb University of California (UC) Irvine’s “Surely,” rejoins someone, “facility in distinguishes the slave is that he labours (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a problem resulting from the characteristics of brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and The degree of his slavery varies according they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy the champagne socialist green movement executives and their banker friends think it Department of Population Health & Disease reading opens the way to political under coercion to satisfy another's desires. Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist massive ten pounds for an LED, while the the light emitted when they are functioning prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For pulling the puppet strings of big government. fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on knowledge.” Doubtless; but will the way be to the ratio between that which he is forced ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy new order, money is being extracted from remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested extracts from the U.S. Environmental The relation admits of sundry gradations. incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU public roads themselves but ban you from followed? Table-talk proves that nine out of to yield up and that which he is allowed to media and politicians desperate to appear people under regulations aimed at closing selling for one pound each. for potential environmental health impacts Protection Agency issued in June 2010; Remembering that originally the slave is a incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ ten people read what amuses them rather retain; and it matters not whether his master green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have than what instructs them; and proves, also, is a single person or a society. based on the false assumption that all light the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs captor, it suffices here to note that there is a saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let that the last thing they read is something If, without option, he has to labour for the bulbs produce and distribute the same type ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen harsh form of slavery in which, treated as an people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on which tells them disagreeable truths or society, and receives from the general stock ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, people at large, led to look on benefits animal, he has to expend his entire effort for not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the dispels groundless hopes. That popular such portion as the society awards him, he the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving their claimed life span (they don’t), and brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and received through public agencies as gratis his owner’s advantage. and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the education results in an extensive reading of bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. benefits, have their hopes continually excited becomes a slave to the society. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning publications which foster pleasant illusions Under a system less harsh, though strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the by the prospects of more. A spreading Socialistic arrangements necessitate an mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a rather than of those which insist on hard occupied chiefly in working for his owner, he cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, education, furthering the diffusion of enslavement of this kind; and towards such and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken realities, is beyond question. is allowed a short time in which to work for ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths, an enslavement many recent measures, and other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will CAPITALISM found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding himself, and some ground on which to grow developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: See, then, the many concurrent causes renders such hopes both stronger and more still more the measures advocated, are ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken extra food. kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with which threaten continually to accelerate the general. carrying us. energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from A further amelioration gives him power to ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make thirty plus electronic components ‘energy photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once transformation now going on. Worse still, such hopes are ministered to and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, sell the produce of his plot and keep the energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers savers’ contain. use lights that don’t exacerbate their released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government •

There is that spread of regulation caused by candidates for public choice, to augment taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, HK the clothing or bedding should be thrown proceeds. that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody by following precedents, which become the their chances of success; and leading Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe Bans and Subsidies number of elderly in England suffering ‘there are more people impacted by exposure away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light breathed in the fumes released, it could act as more authoritative the further the policy statesmen, in pursuit of party ends, bid for Then we come to the still more moderated the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same 14

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s put into each bulb to start the chemical each type of bulb; in other words he was not zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent and suffering it is inflicting on families in accumulation in the body can damage the into account. processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs developing countries must no longer be technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, government is also wary of the power of physical harm to significant numbers of companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and heavily funded green groups supporting the people from workers to consumers. Big you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of government claims the ban is about saving of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under the demagogic behaviour they are capable energy and saving the planet; both claims are thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly false. There is strong evidence that over their mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not and weak who are not capable of staging whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. elaborate protests or riots. more energy and resources than says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. thousands times higher than the safety limit. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Big government has a bad record of When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially swindling and bullying the public from Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old —many getting away with simply giving the in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, bag or box. money back—to now bullying elderly ladies Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb has banned a perfectly safe, high quality exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. health problems. As Professor Hui points on being informed and spearheading safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? ‘In China, however, a heavy name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. environmental awareness, people are The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ environmental price is being paid for the cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the Environmental Protection Agency have disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus know it. Governments across the globe numbers of Chinese workers have been avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal In many countries, like Hong Kong, the contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple It is simply wrong when green groups and ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have Roger estimated that the total cost would Roger estimated that So we set off to see what we could do. He replied to my query, “My boy, nobody So, I said, “Bugger it all Roger, I’ll So, with that settled, I suggested that we Roger later published a booklet titled Poisons Released from Broken ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ a tipping point on top of exposures to other carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, it is possible that children may mistake small ornamental LED lights as candy. and safe. The tungsten they use does not harm humans and the effects of tungsten on the environment are limited. You can sit close to one and suffer no harm, break one and you are not exposed to any poisonous toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have read the EPA instructions on what to do if a CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How about working in an office with sealed windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? Are you foolish enough to use them in your home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? big government assert that because CFLs a only contain a small quantity of mercury broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL is broken, mercury is released in its most toxic and deadly form—as an odourless vapour (very different than mercury in your fillings and thermometers). It also means that you do not immediately realise that you in have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates the body and attacks the vital organs—the brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and are prolonged period of time. The following extracts from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued in June 2010; let people and pets leave the room, and don’t anyone walk through the breakage area on the their way out. Open a window and leave room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the conditioning central forced air heating/air Do not use a system, if you have one. clean up the broken vacuum or broom to If clothing or bedding bulb on hard surfaces. contact with broken materials come in direct powder from glass or mercury containing stick to the fabric, inside the bulb that may should be thrown the clothing or bedding clothing or bedding away. Do not wash such no more than two per week, there will be no more than two per no fee.” As he was well be approximately $25,000. world and I connected in the commercial the Australian was well connected with thought that it would be Mining Industry, we an easy matter to get the tour underwritten. After a week’s travelling and lobbying, I could not find a single executive willing to undertake part in such a “revolutionary” activity. I returned to my home rather dispirited about it all. I rang Roger to see how he was doing. wants to know me. They are all running for cover.” I then went on to say that the average be answer I got was, “We cannot be seen to endorsing the right wing views of such a radical figure.” He replied that that was precisely the response he got too. underwrite the tour myself.” He replied, “I won’t see you do that m’boy, I’ll go you halves”. again go around the traps, and, seeing the tour was underwritten by somebody who wished to remain anonymous, try to see what could be raised for the venture. We were ably assisted in this effort by Mr. Ref Kemp, Director of The Institute For Public Affairs in Victoria, Mr. Viv Forbes in Brisbane, and Mr. R. H. (now Sir Robert) Norman OBE of Cairns. “Social Justice Socialism and Democracy” featuring three of Hayek’s most important lectures on the tour. In that small book he said, “Many publicly spirited citizens, institutions and organisations donated, (numbering no fewer than 62, in sums ranging from $50 to $2,000) towards the visit, but no list is given because some wish The diodes are widely hailed as safer than The diodes are widely hailed as safer than to warn consumers The UC study went on The great Nobel Prize winning Roger and I were good mates so he rang “Should first class return airfares be Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at Toxic LEDs CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair University of California (UC) Irvine’s Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested for potential environmental health impacts before being marketed.’ The 2011 University of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen more potentially hazardous substances, raising wide-ranging health and environmental issues. from contaminants of the potential harm Toxins like lead and found in LED bulbs: various cancers, brain arsenic are linked to skin rashes, and other damage, hypertension, in LED bulbs, once illnesses. The copper lakes, and infect released, can affect rivers, break, and somebody fish. If a bulb was to released, it could act as breathed in the fumes economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made a month long lecture tour of Australia in October 1976. There is a bit of an inside story to this tour which so far few know a about. Hayek was invited to Australia for lecture tour by economist Mark Tier. However, Hayek, at that time, had to decline, but as circumstances changed and as he did not know anybody else in Australia, he wrote a note to Sydney Economist/Barrister Roger Randerson, whom he once tutored at The London School of Economics, saying that he could squeeze in a month before going on previously scheduled visits to New Zealand and Japan. me with the good news. I then suggested to Roger that he immediately write back to Hayek and ask what his fee would be. I can still quote the answer. Hayek replied saying: provided for my wife and myself both internationally and nationally, and first class accommodation be provided for us, and also providing that my lectures are confined to to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John Hawk, from the St John's Institute of Dermatology, London, has similarly observed, ‘a significant number of people with certain skin disorders such as seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate incandescent lighting from tungsten filament bulbs.’ the SCENIHR meeting on Compact Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the SCENIHR committee, the UK representatives and I were all of similar mind concerning the potentially adverse effects of the lamps. The lighting representatives (three lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify the overall opinion slightly towards suggesting less harm but were not hugely adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting was that the lamps had a number of potentially adverse effects, mostly for abnormally photosensitive subjects but also and somewhat for normal ones, on both skin eye. …SCENIHR committee members also suggested that the incandescent lamps may not be particularly more wasteful of energy than the new CFLs.’ In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Magda Havas, Associate Professor at Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ is confident that, Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ spokesman of the Federation of German Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog develops around these lamps. They should not be used in unventilated areas and definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ in study lamps that are placed close to a child’s head. Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a frequency range known to produce adverse effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught in classrooms [with such lighting] had a 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) that was statistically significant. ...studies with diabetics and people who have multiple sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is reduced their symptoms diminish.’ that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of of Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the consistency with which a proportion of CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences in settings lit with fluorescent lights, ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to cause problems. Note that we are not talking a about defective fluorescent tubes, but about of problem resulting from the characteristics the light emitted when they are functioning as intended.’ Hospital, London, believes that the reasons behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting are in part due to the ultraviolet light they emit and also because, ‘there are other differences between incandescent and as the ‘spikiness’ of fluorescent lights such light. Thus, it is the spectrum of emitted UV protection is put likely that, whatever lights, there will into place with fluorescent patients who react to always be a group of and can only tolerate the fluorescent light incandescent lights.’ impacted by exposure ‘there are more people All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Not all light is the same. Incandescent Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the skin cancer from the There is a real risk of Cancer Causing Energy Saving Bulbs Radiation from CFL Bulbs harm humans in two ways. First, harm arising from just being close to them; this harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins released when they break exposes people to a risk of a number of cancers in the long term —if you have any doubts about this, ask your Philips sales representative or Greenpeace campaigner to break a couple of high priced ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, and imperceptibly flicker. The following diagram shows the smooth healthy spectrums of light produced by tungsten incandescent lights compared to the lumpy unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED and CFL lights. of a Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb it executives and their banker friends think fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on public roads themselves but ban you from using an incandescent bulb in your own home—all in the name of saving the planet. There is something not quite right here. Dr Colin Holden, radiation CFLs produce. Association of President of the British this risk as follows: Dermatologists, explains with ‘It is important that patients are allowed to photosensitive skin eruptions their use lights that don’t exacerbate eruptions range condition. Photosensitive reactions, to light from disabling eczema-like trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have cheated on their expenses—that free markets serve consumers better than corrupt big governments. One only has to look at the private jet The bulb ban is a case of big government Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be consuming a considerably less amount of energy than bulb executives and their multi-millionaire carbon trading friends living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. The bulb ban his little to do with reducing total energy consumption and everything to do with telling people what they can and cannot do in their own home. setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us to give up consumerism. Gore has a private jet and the WWF has offered exclusive wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet the same minds deny the elderly in small apartments the choice of using a healthy incandescent bulb and force them to use bulbs that will make them ill—all in the name of saving the planet! And, as it turns out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do more harm to the planet than the incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants to in the world that cause really serious harm humans and the environment are mercury, lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used in ‘energy saving bulbs’. putting image ahead of substance—an unfortunate symptom of the pro-European be Blairite political class which continues to self serving and rotten to the core. It is precisely because governments cannot be A supporter of imposing these poisonous Seaton himself is more likely to be flying Electricity consumed in the home is under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number of bin collectors being exposed to mercury poisoning. bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at a conference here in Hong Kong, where a bunch of legal academics had jetted in from London (paid for by someone else) to preach to Hong Kong students (get them while they are young) the need to reduce CO2 emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a conference being that one return trip, economy class, from London to Hong Kong produces the same amount of C02 emissions that an average Hong Kong person produces in a whole year. business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar and has promoted them in the local press— yet he wants to ban the in the name of reducing C02 emissions. At another talk that afternoon was Michael Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in their reduction of C02 to curb global warming (something disputed by many independent scientists). measured on a meter. It should be up to the individual how he chooses to use that electricity, whether through using an A incandescent bulb or watching television. person living in a small apartment in Hong It is morally wrong for government to The increase in revenue has not been take tax payer money to subsidize and promote the products of bulb companies— bulb companies should pay for the promotion of their own products in a free tax market. Government subsidies are taking payers’ money and putting them into the If pockets of rich bulb company executives. ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, they would be sold without the need for government subsidies and without the need ban to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was are selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies a able to extract four pounds for a CFL and massive ten pounds for an LED, while the remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are selling for one pound each. achieved under competitive market conditions, but through a government ban. This ban has left the poorest people on low and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly very ill without the people are being made have grown up with incandescent light they a different type of (‘energy savers’ produce bulbs). Yet whilst the light to incandescent that banned the elderly suffer, the politicians the globe and bulb continue to jet across paid for by the drive Jaguar motor cars to see the taxpayer. It is quite sickening England suffering number of elderly in Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Moral Wrongs of Government Moral Wrongs Bans and Subsidies light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less are energy, and are good for the planet—you the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit of Goebbels. of Hilter’s template for global domination, Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a a movement of a few straw brains, but rather movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ is masses’—today, one arm of this movement the champagne socialist green movement pulling the puppet strings of big government. The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the world in the same way Hitler rolled out his armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, ‘contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term They confiscated “National Socialism”).’ inserted the authority inherited wealth and nook and cranny of of the state into every ban, just like the daily life. The lightbulb entering every nook Nazis, is liberal fascism in 2012. and cranny of your life Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in Differences in light spectrum, radiation Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist bullied its way into This ‘new order’ has When I was at school, green groups would at school, green groups When I was The ban on incandescent bulbs shows Big government has a bad record of The Dark Side of Green The Dark Conclusion ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. Used energy savers should not be put in your dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t break, and then taken to specialist hazardous waste recycling sites—failure to do this will result in mercury vapour spewing in to the lungs of any unfortunate persons coming into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. your home you are recommended to open all windows (tough if you work in one of those offices with sealed windows), evacuate the room, and throw away all clothing, carpets and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour from the bulb. Such details have been deliberately left off the packaging of these toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need to label cigarette packets containing cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ and spread of light are similarly absent from information contained on the packaging— because incandescent bulbs outperform ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are not toxic and as such can be disposed of in your dustbin without harming anyone. Similarly if you, or your child, break an be incandescent bulb the only harm likely to suffered is a possible cut—much less harm than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘energy saver’. new order, money is being extracted from people under regulations aimed at closing in down free choice and concentrating power the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nike sneakers and jack-boots. It will be Germany lost Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Fascism won it.’ the Second World War. your safe and your home, removed incandescent bulbs inexpensive high quality buy expensive, low and is forcing you to bulbs—ones that can quality, CFL and LED you actually believe harm you. Worse still, provide the same that these CFL and LEDs have been protesting at people driving Jaguar protesting at people have been bulbs private jets, and promoting cars, taking in the name of profit— that poison workers supporting these guys. now green groups are have green groups been It begs the question, office to promote taken over by EU central It certainly seems EU law across the globe? Greenpeace this way. Patrick Moore, in Driessen’s co-founder, points out environmental ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The has lost its movement I helped found and humanity. The pain objectivity, morality on families in and suffering it is inflicting developing countries must no longer be tolerated.’ how government intervention, rather than real helping and protecting people, is causing physical harm to significant numbers of people from workers to consumers. Big government claims the ban is about saving are energy and saving the planet; both claims false. There is strong evidence that over their whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use more energy and resources than incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great deal of harm to the environment as they rely the on the top three most polluting toxins on planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. swindling and bullying the public from Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer —many getting away with simply giving the money back—to now bullying elderly ladies into using light bulbs that big government knows is making them ill. Big government has banned a perfectly safe, high quality product, sold at a low price; and is forcing people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly expensive products in their own homes. As pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. Bulb company executives, like bankers, Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights are good for Claims that ‘energy savers’ In banning the incandescent bulb, big To add some numbers to what Hui is To add some numbers Liberal Fascism or Free Markets are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses under free markets and genuine capitalism. Rather, they are making money through government bailouts, subsidies, and regulations mandating their products—a form of champagne socialism. In making these regulations palatable and even attractive, bulb companies and green activists have successfully manipulated language to hide the toxic side of their operations. (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy media and politicians desperate to appear is green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim based on the false assumption that all light bulbs produce and distribute the same type of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last their claimed life span (they don’t), and the huge costs of conveniently ignores of lead, mercury, mining and manufacturing a whole cocktail of and arsenic along with required to make other harmful toxins It also ignores the ‘energy savers’ work. required to make the energy and resources components ‘energy thirty plus electronic savers’ contain. around the fact that the environment dodge pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb manufacturers and powerful green groups. Big Government then set about taking millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to subsidise bulb companies and various ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ bulbs. government has broken new ground; for the first time big government has actually banned a safe product and is forcing people to use an unsafe product. Even more concerning, is that big government, before banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of the serious health risks associated with ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of research prior to the ban showing that when all costs of manufacture and disposal are taken into account, energy saving bulbs did not even save energy and should be aptly named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ route to the landfill]. The lamps will be landfill]. The lamps route to the will be means the mercury broken which Hong Kong all over the city. The transferred can told us that the landfill government mercury I told them the handle mercury. it gets there. Even vapour will escape before the CFLs [to the if they can safely transport has a lifespan of landfill], the safety layer are building a time about 100 years. So you bomb for future generation.’ Canadian Water saying, based upon the to protect Quality Guideline (CWQG) freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. gallons) of water to levels that exceed Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In Sweden, which has established and well organised recycling practices and prides itself on being informed and spearheading environmental awareness, people are disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus contaminating all the other glass for recycling. Had free market forces been allowed to at stake, With potential high revenues Incandescent bulbs were artificially bulbs were artificially Incandescent Practically, there is no way to prevent Practically, there is no The EU in its promotion of CFL and Across the EU and America, which are How We Got Into This Mess ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the ‘Energy Saving Environment run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but failed, to persuade people to buy their expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets had sent a clear message to manufacturers— people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ governments and bulb companies lobbied standards that even wrote the regulatory bulbs from would ban their incandescent bulbs was crucial sale. A ban on incandescent strategy. to the major bulb manufacturers’ else could make Without a ban, someone what consumers them—and actually provide weak governments wanted. Unfortunately caved in to wanting to appear ‘green’ hours (five years) it would give you only 12 years) it would give hours (five so of light before dying months or unceremoniously. the a mere 1000 hours under limited to that Philips, Osram et Phoebus Cartel. Now cartel, incandescent al have abandoned this a massive 20,000 bulbs are lasting up to than any ‘energy saving hours—much longer bulb.’ people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs with their other garbage. This leaves garbage collectors and anyone collecting or handling rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be emitted for weeks after a single bulb is broken. Young children and the elderly who drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken CFL risk serious long term health problems. to LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken special collection points for ‘recycling’ under Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE). However, they are not actually fully recycled and used again. Rather they are classified as hazardous waste and require special energy intensive procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ sounds so much nicer! And it is not just about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special on hazardous waste sites; before embarking the journey, they need to be specially packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage —they should not be just placed in any old bag or box. supposed to have high standards, most CFL and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and end up in landfills where they pose major environmental risks. Landfills become waste sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak these deadly poisons into the water stream and food chain, thus creating long term health problems. As Professor Hui points out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. In many countries, like Hong Kong, the garbage truck will compress the garbage [en When governments intervene in things, ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Incandescent bulbs are LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last Introduction Energy Saving Lamps are Energy Saving Lamps are Energy Be Lamps and Should Wasting from Use Discouraged they often get things spectacularly wrong. they often get things spectacularly wrong. No more so than with the ban on incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now bullying people into using toxic ‘energy saving bulbs’—in their own homes. the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving tired, cause eye bulb’ can make you feel rashes and even skin strain, headaches, skin to a broken cancer. If you are exposed you run the risk of ‘energy saving bulb’, cancer of the liver, developing long term the claim that kidneys and brain. Believing are safe, and save ‘energy saving bulbs’ Blair’s claim energy, is a bit like believing had weapons of mass that Saddam Hussein destruction. quality light and use very few resources to quality light and use apart yourself and see. make—just pull one bulbs, ‘energy In contrast to incandescent a complex mixture of saving bulbs’ contain indispensable for the substances which are compounds, production of light: Phosphor cadmium bromides, zinc beryllium silicates, rare earths vanadium compounds, etc.), lead and arsenic. (europium, terbium, and chemically Sourcing these elements processing them requires substantial technical facilities and corresponding energy consumption. Producing compact fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication steps for the control gears taken into consideration require considerably more energy to produce than a simple safe incandescent bulb. since they must include conversion to DC (direct current), and additionally a heat sink system since, as with CFLs and unlike with incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized rather than radiated externally, and adversely affects performance and lifespan. their light in the same way as a standard incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading an surface appearing effectively dimmer than incandescent with the same lumens. To produce the same effective light as an incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need to generate about a third more lumens and thus use a third more energy. This is why, Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a detailed investigation into the resource implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are energy wasting lamps and should be discouraged from use.’ longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been artificially measured under laboratory conditions. Studies have shown that in the real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be shortened by a massive 85% under normal domestic household use conditions. In other words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 Lord Taylor was not able to produce an Lord Taylor was not However it is the bullying, with a big Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply denying free choice, the British Government choice, the British denying free arrogance, awarded first prizes in should be raised these and bullying. After I smugness, Philip Conservative MP concerns with was 2011, a reply Davies in December the minister now received from Lord Taylor, down to, and responsible for bowing forced on England— enforcing the EU ban the English people. against the wishes of the total energy and actual comparison of the life cycle of resources used throughout other words he was not each type of bulb; in claim that able to support his department’s less energy than CFL and LEDs consumed all factors are taken incandescent bulbs when into account. the polite smug smile, by big government, of elderly, sick and poor that is particularly disconcerting. There is no doubt that a growing number of people are ill under ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point Lord Taylor manipulated the English language to making this knowingly harmful ban appear to be helping people by stating that the British government was, ‘working with patient groups, clinicians and the lighting industry to keep the health issues under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but is it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that creating sick people; people who were perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; people that consume considerably less energy than you and your jet setting cronies in the House of Lords. that the Conservative Party, like the Labour and Liberal Party, does not respect free markets and free choice, and that big government, rather than protecting people, is knowingly causing physical harm to people with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that underline the importance of the need to remove big government from the lives of as many people as possible. Whilst people suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs who think it right to ban the bulb in the name of saving energy (itself a false claim) cheat on their expenses, drive highly polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the taxpayers expense. Mercury is recognised as a health hazard Mercury is recognised In addition to being fully aware that the surge in foreign demand, set off by a demand, set off surge in foreign these Union directive making European Doctors, regulators, bulbs compulsory. supplies courts in China - which lawyers and bulbs of the compact fluorescent two thirds alert to the sold in Britain—are increasingly public health of an potential impacts on itself as a friend of industry that promotes on highly toxic the earth but depends bulbs requires workers mercury. Making the either solid or liquid to handle mercury in amount of the metal is form because a small start the chemical put into each bulb to light. reaction that creates wide because its by authorities world accumulation in the body can damage the a nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing particular threat to babies in the womb and young children…mercury poisoning in lighting factories is a growing public health concern. Doctors at two regional health the centres said they had received patients in big past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a manufacturer serving the British market.’ bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese workers, the British Government is also aware that over two million people are ill under energy saving bulbs, particularly the elderly and sick. By not facing up to the serious health problems it has created by

CAPITALISM•HK 15 Governments across the globe committed to banning incandescent bulbs without doing their homework; so they now have to talk out of both sides of their mouths—one side telling you they are safe, and the other side issuing safety warnings in the form of clear up and disposal instructions. “Well, while I am here, I would like to I got this bright idea that I’d put the bull Nevertheless Hayek still wanted to meet Well the old boy was delighted. He was I am happy to announce that I recently Hayek’s grand daughter, who was present, When I wrote to then British Energy ‘In China, however, a heavy have to talk out of both sides of their mouths —one side telling you they are safe, and the other side issuing safety warnings in the form of clear up and disposal instructions. Big government is also wary of the power of heavily funded green groups supporting the ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of the demagogic behaviour they are capable of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly and weak who are not capable of staging elaborate protests or riots. meet him, ” Hayek exclaimed. So I put that on the agenda. in the yard, get a step ladder, put Hayek on the bull, (if he agreed), and take a picture, which would carry the caption, “Hayek’s on Top of Inflation”. I told my wife and that was the end of it. She would not under any circumstances countenance such a move. “What if the Professor fell off and was injured,” and all of that sort of chatter. So that project was abandoned. the bull. Next day I took him down the paddock and took several pictures of him and the bull when another idea popped into my head and I quietly mentioned it to him. He was delighted to have a bit of fun. The caption of course was to be “Hayek’s Got Inflation By The Balls.” quite at home with animals and had palled up with the bull, which was an easy matter with this particular animal. So he posed and I took the picture. He predicted that if the Americans got hold of a copy, the picture would become famous. heard from Dr. Eamonn Butler of the Adam Smith Institute in London. He told me that at a recent luncheon in her honour in London, Mrs. Thatcher, much to her delight, had a picture presented to her of her favourite Economist/Philosopher and with Inflation by the balls. read out the story. ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison Workers Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the inevitable exposure workers will have to face in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware that workers were being poisoned in China. Yet despite this awareness, the British government continues to promote these bulbs and in the next breath criticizes China’s human rights record. The following is an extract from what the Sunday Times had to say: environmental price is being paid for the production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large numbers of Chinese workers have been poisoned by mercury, which forms part of the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A If advertisements for bulb companies are Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Yet despite these guidelines, bulb Hayek laughed and said that he knew a bit He then noticed hanging on the wall of When he arrived we had a celebratory Roger decided that in the middle of the In addition, in total he kept no less than Hayek was in great form and he appeared There were complaints from high level “The Hayek visit was a co-operative telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies know it. Governments across the globe committed to banning incandescent bulbs without doing their homework; so they now from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury concentration in the study room air often exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline has particular significance for children rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ companies are still putting out adverts telling companies are still putting out adverts telling you that CFL’s only contain a small amount of mercury, or try to mislead you into thinking that their CFL does not contain mercury. Such claims need careful examination. All CFLs, whatever the label says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a toxic chemical hazard with toxicity thousands times higher than the safety limit. Most of the electronic components and toxic chemicals such as carcinogenic flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be recycled.’ because mercury fragments in the clothing because mercury fragments in the clothing may contaminate the machine and/or pollute sewage.’ about inflation and that he would like to meet this one. I told him that compared with the inflations he had witnessed, that this one was rather tame and that my boys jumped on to his back in the paddock. “I even jump on his back when he is in the yard and I can climb up the rails to do so,” I told him. the bar, a large picture of a magnificent Brahman Bull I owned. He asked about the Bull, so I told him he was a prize winning show bull which I had nicknamed Inflation as he would not stop growing. “He weighs 2,500 pounds in his working clothes,” I told the small gathering present. drink of his favourite tipple, Johnny Walker Black Label. “When ever I drink this brand of Scotch,” Hayek announced, “I get ideas beyond my station”. He was a past master at putting people at ease. tour he would give him four days off on the Atherton Tableland. I had a spacious home there and as half of my six children were away at boarding school, we had ample room to accommodate Roger, and Professor and Mrs. Hayek. 60 appointments, including visits to heads of state, seminar and lecturing engagements. A very heavy schedule for anybody, but at that time Hayek was 76 years of age. He was in scintillating form. as Guest of Honour on the hour long Monday Conference with Robert Moore, and televised by the ABC network in all states on October 11th 1976. “intellectuals”, that the visit was everything from a white washing of dangerous capitalist ideology, a political plot of ever devious Jews, to a “bankers plot”. Hayek incidentally was a non-practising Catholic. private enterprise. Indeed it had to be, because approaches at high levels for concessions from government owned or controlled internal and external airlines were refused.” to be nameless. Their generosity is, however, gratefully acknowledged. Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple It is simply wrong when green groups and ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have Roger estimated that the total cost would Roger estimated that So we set off to see what we could do. He replied to my query, “My boy, nobody So, I said, “Bugger it all Roger, I’ll So, with that settled, I suggested that we Roger later published a booklet titled Poisons Released from Broken ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ a tipping point on top of exposures to other carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, it is possible that children may mistake small ornamental LED lights as candy. and safe. The tungsten they use does not harm humans and the effects of tungsten on the environment are limited. You can sit close to one and suffer no harm, break one and you are not exposed to any poisonous toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have read the EPA instructions on what to do if a CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How about working in an office with sealed windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? Are you foolish enough to use them in your home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? big government assert that because CFLs a only contain a small quantity of mercury broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL is broken, mercury is released in its most toxic and deadly form—as an odourless vapour (very different than mercury in your fillings and thermometers). It also means that you do not immediately realise that you in have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates the body and attacks the vital organs—the brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and are prolonged period of time. The following extracts from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued in June 2010; let people and pets leave the room, and don’t anyone walk through the breakage area on the their way out. Open a window and leave room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the conditioning central forced air heating/air Do not use a system, if you have one. clean up the broken vacuum or broom to If clothing or bedding bulb on hard surfaces. contact with broken materials come in direct powder from glass or mercury containing stick to the fabric, inside the bulb that may should be thrown the clothing or bedding clothing or bedding away. Do not wash such no more than two per week, there will be no more than two per no fee.” As he was well be approximately $25,000. world and I connected in the commercial the Australian was well connected with thought that it would be Mining Industry, we an easy matter to get the tour underwritten. After a week’s travelling and lobbying, I could not find a single executive willing to undertake part in such a “revolutionary” activity. I returned to my home rather dispirited about it all. I rang Roger to see how he was doing. wants to know me. They are all running for cover.” I then went on to say that the average be answer I got was, “We cannot be seen to endorsing the right wing views of such a radical figure.” He replied that that was precisely the response he got too. underwrite the tour myself.” He replied, “I won’t see you do that m’boy, I’ll go you halves”. again go around the traps, and, seeing the tour was underwritten by somebody who wished to remain anonymous, try to see what could be raised for the venture. We were ably assisted in this effort by Mr. Ref Kemp, Director of The Institute For Public Affairs in Victoria, Mr. Viv Forbes in Brisbane, and Mr. R. H. (now Sir Robert) Norman OBE of Cairns. “Social Justice Socialism and Democracy” featuring three of Hayek’s most important lectures on the tour. In that small book he said, “Many publicly spirited citizens, institutions and organisations donated, (numbering no fewer than 62, in sums ranging from $50 to $2,000) towards the visit, but no list is given because some wish Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at The diodes are widely hailed as safer than The diodes are widely hailed as safer than to warn consumers The UC study went on The great Nobel Prize winning Roger and I were good mates so he rang “Should first class return airfares be Toxic LEDs to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John Hawk, from the St John's Institute of Dermatology, London, has similarly observed, ‘a significant number of people with certain skin disorders such as seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate incandescent lighting from tungsten filament bulbs.’ the SCENIHR meeting on Compact Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the SCENIHR committee, the UK representatives and I were all of similar mind concerning the potentially adverse effects of the lamps. The lighting representatives (three lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify the overall opinion slightly towards suggesting less harm but were not hugely adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting was that the lamps had a number of potentially adverse effects, mostly for abnormally photosensitive subjects but also and somewhat for normal ones, on both skin eye. …SCENIHR committee members also suggested that the incandescent lamps may not be particularly more wasteful of energy than the new CFLs.’ CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair University of California (UC) Irvine’s Department of Population Health & Disease Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested for potential environmental health impacts before being marketed.’ The 2011 University of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen more potentially hazardous substances, raising wide-ranging health and environmental issues. from contaminants of the potential harm Toxins like lead and found in LED bulbs: various cancers, brain arsenic are linked to skin rashes, and other damage, hypertension, in LED bulbs, once illnesses. The copper lakes, and infect released, can affect rivers, break, and somebody fish. If a bulb was to released, it could act as breathed in the fumes economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made a month long lecture tour of Australia in October 1976. There is a bit of an inside story to this tour which so far few know a about. Hayek was invited to Australia for lecture tour by economist Mark Tier. However, Hayek, at that time, had to decline, but as circumstances changed and as he did not know anybody else in Australia, he wrote a note to Sydney Economist/Barrister Roger Randerson, whom he once tutored at The London School of Economics, saying that he could squeeze in a month before going on previously scheduled visits to New Zealand and Japan. me with the good news. I then suggested to Roger that he immediately write back to Hayek and ask what his fee would be. I can still quote the answer. Hayek replied saying: provided for my wife and myself both internationally and nationally, and first class accommodation be provided for us, and also providing that my lectures are confined to In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Magda Havas, Associate Professor at Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ is confident that, Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ spokesman of the Federation of German Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog develops around these lamps. They should not be used in unventilated areas and definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ in study lamps that are placed close to a child’s head. Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a frequency range known to produce adverse effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught in classrooms [with such lighting] had a 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) that was statistically significant. ...studies with diabetics and people who have multiple sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is reduced their symptoms diminish.’ that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of of Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the consistency with which a proportion of CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences in settings lit with fluorescent lights, ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to cause problems. Note that we are not talking a about defective fluorescent tubes, but about of problem resulting from the characteristics the light emitted when they are functioning as intended.’ Hospital, London, believes that the reasons behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting are in part due to the ultraviolet light they emit and also because, ‘there are other differences between incandescent and as the ‘spikiness’ of fluorescent lights such light. Thus, it is the spectrum of emitted UV protection is put likely that, whatever lights, there will into place with fluorescent patients who react to always be a group of and can only tolerate the fluorescent light incandescent lights.’ impacted by exposure ‘there are more people There is a real risk of skin cancer from the There is a real risk of All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Not all light is the same. Incandescent Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the Radiation from CFL Bulbs Cancer Causing Energy Saving Bulbs radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, radiation CFLs produce. Association of President of the British this risk as follows: Dermatologists, explains with ‘It is important that patients are allowed to photosensitive skin eruptions their use lights that don’t exacerbate eruptions range condition. Photosensitive reactions, to light from disabling eczema-like harm humans in two ways. First, harm arising from just being close to them; this harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins released when they break exposes people to a risk of a number of cancers in the long term —if you have any doubts about this, ask your Philips sales representative or Greenpeace campaigner to break a couple of high priced ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, and imperceptibly flicker. The following diagram shows the smooth healthy spectrums of light produced by tungsten incandescent lights compared to the lumpy unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED and CFL lights. of a Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb it executives and their banker friends think fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on public roads themselves but ban you from using an incandescent bulb in your own home—all in the name of saving the planet. There is something not quite right here. trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have cheated on their expenses—that free markets serve consumers better than corrupt big governments. One only has to look at the private jet The bulb ban is a case of big government Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be consuming a considerably less amount of energy than bulb executives and their multi-millionaire carbon trading friends living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. The bulb ban his little to do with reducing total energy consumption and everything to do with telling people what they can and cannot do in their own home. setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us to give up consumerism. Gore has a private jet and the WWF has offered exclusive wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet the same minds deny the elderly in small apartments the choice of using a healthy incandescent bulb and force them to use bulbs that will make them ill—all in the name of saving the planet! And, as it turns out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do more harm to the planet than the incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants to in the world that cause really serious harm humans and the environment are mercury, lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used in ‘energy saving bulbs’. putting image ahead of substance—an unfortunate symptom of the pro-European be Blairite political class which continues to self serving and rotten to the core. It is precisely because governments cannot be Seaton himself is more likely to be flying Electricity consumed in the home is A supporter of imposing these poisonous produces the same amount of C02 emissions that an average Hong Kong person produces in a whole year. business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar and has promoted them in the local press— yet he wants to ban the incandescent light bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. At another talk that afternoon was Michael Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities in their reduction of C02 to curb global warming (something disputed by many independent scientists). measured on a meter. It should be up to the individual how he chooses to use that electricity, whether through using an A incandescent bulb or watching television. person living in a small apartment in Hong under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number of bin collectors being exposed to mercury poisoning. bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at a conference here in Hong Kong, where a bunch of legal academics had jetted in from London (paid for by someone else) to preach to Hong Kong students (get them while they are young) the need to reduce CO2 emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a conference being that one return trip, economy class, from London to Hong Kong It is morally wrong for government to The increase in revenue has not been take tax payer money to subsidize and promote the products of bulb companies— bulb companies should pay for the promotion of their own products in a free tax market. Government subsidies are taking payers’ money and putting them into the If pockets of rich bulb company executives. ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, they would be sold without the need for government subsidies and without the need ban to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was are selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies a able to extract four pounds for a CFL and massive ten pounds for an LED, while the remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are selling for one pound each. achieved under competitive market conditions, but through a government ban. This ban has left the poorest people on low and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly very ill without the people are being made have grown up with incandescent light they a different type of (‘energy savers’ produce bulbs). Yet whilst the light to incandescent that banned the elderly suffer, the politicians the globe and bulb continue to jet across paid for by the drive Jaguar motor cars to see the taxpayer. It is quite sickening England suffering number of elderly in Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part ‘A movement that can conquer the broad Moral Wrongs of Government Moral Wrongs Bans and Subsidies light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less are energy, and are good for the planet—you the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit of Goebbels. of Hilter’s template for global domination, Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a a movement of a few straw brains, but rather movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ is masses’—today, one arm of this movement the champagne socialist green movement pulling the puppet strings of big government. The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the world in the same way Hitler rolled out his armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, ‘contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term They confiscated “National Socialism”).’ inserted the authority inherited wealth and nook and cranny of of the state into every ban, just like the daily life. The lightbulb entering every nook Nazis, is liberal fascism in 2012. and cranny of your life Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in Differences in light spectrum, radiation Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist bullied its way into This ‘new order’ has The ban on incandescent bulbs shows Big government has a bad record of When I was at school, green groups would at school, green groups When I was Conclusion The Dark Side of Green The Dark ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. Used energy savers should not be put in your dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t break, and then taken to specialist hazardous waste recycling sites—failure to do this will result in mercury vapour spewing in to the lungs of any unfortunate persons coming into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. your home you are recommended to open all windows (tough if you work in one of those offices with sealed windows), evacuate the room, and throw away all clothing, carpets and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour from the bulb. Such details have been deliberately left off the packaging of these toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need to label cigarette packets containing cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ and spread of light are similarly absent from information contained on the packaging— because incandescent bulbs outperform ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are not toxic and as such can be disposed of in your dustbin without harming anyone. Similarly if you, or your child, break an be incandescent bulb the only harm likely to suffered is a possible cut—much less harm than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘energy saver’. new order, money is being extracted from people under regulations aimed at closing in down free choice and concentrating power the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nike sneakers and jack-boots. It will be Germany lost Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Fascism won it.’ the Second World War. your safe and your home, removed incandescent bulbs inexpensive high quality buy expensive, low and is forcing you to bulbs—ones that can quality, CFL and LED you actually believe harm you. Worse still, provide the same that these CFL and LEDs how government intervention, rather than how government intervention, rather than real helping and protecting people, is causing physical harm to significant numbers of people from workers to consumers. Big government claims the ban is about saving are energy and saving the planet; both claims false. There is strong evidence that over their whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use more energy and resources than incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great deal of harm to the environment as they rely the on the top three most polluting toxins on planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. swindling and bullying the public from Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer —many getting away with simply giving the money back—to now bullying elderly ladies into using light bulbs that big government knows is making them ill. Big government has banned a perfectly safe, high quality product, sold at a low price; and is forcing people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly expensive products in their own homes. As pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. have been protesting at people driving Jaguar protesting at people have been bulbs private jets, and promoting cars, taking in the name of profit— that poison workers supporting these guys. now green groups are have green groups been It begs the question, office to promote taken over by EU central It certainly seems EU law across the globe? Greenpeace this way. Patrick Moore, in Driessen’s co-founder, points out environmental ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The has lost its movement I helped found and humanity. The pain objectivity, morality on families in and suffering it is inflicting developing countries must no longer be tolerated.’ Bulb company executives, like bankers, Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights are good for Claims that ‘energy savers’ In banning the incandescent bulb, big To add some numbers to what Hui is To add some numbers Liberal Fascism or Free Markets are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses under free markets and genuine capitalism. Rather, they are making money through government bailouts, subsidies, and regulations mandating their products—a form of champagne socialism. In making these regulations palatable and even attractive, bulb companies and green activists have successfully manipulated language to hide the toxic side of their operations. (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy media and politicians desperate to appear is green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim based on the false assumption that all light bulbs produce and distribute the same type of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last their claimed life span (they don’t), and the huge costs of conveniently ignores of lead, mercury, mining and manufacturing a whole cocktail of and arsenic along with required to make other harmful toxins It also ignores the ‘energy savers’ work. required to make the energy and resources components ‘energy thirty plus electronic savers’ contain. around the fact that the environment dodge pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb manufacturers and powerful green groups. Big Government then set about taking millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to subsidise bulb companies and various ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ bulbs. government has broken new ground; for the first time big government has actually banned a safe product and is forcing people to use an unsafe product. Even more concerning, is that big government, before banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of the serious health risks associated with ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of research prior to the ban showing that when all costs of manufacture and disposal are taken into account, energy saving bulbs did not even save energy and should be aptly named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ route to the landfill]. The lamps will be landfill]. The lamps route to the will be means the mercury broken which Hong Kong all over the city. The transferred can told us that the landfill government mercury I told them the handle mercury. it gets there. Even vapour will escape before the CFLs [to the if they can safely transport has a lifespan of landfill], the safety layer are building a time about 100 years. So you bomb for future generation.’ Canadian Water saying, based upon the to protect Quality Guideline (CWQG) freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. gallons) of water to levels that exceed Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In Sweden, which has established and well organised recycling practices and prides itself on being informed and spearheading environmental awareness, people are disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus contaminating all the other glass for recycling. Had free market forces been allowed to at stake, With potential high revenues Incandescent bulbs were artificially bulbs were artificially Incandescent Practically, there is no way to prevent Practically, there is no The EU in its promotion of CFL and Across the EU and America, which are How We Got Into This Mess ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the ‘Energy Saving Environment run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but failed, to persuade people to buy their expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets had sent a clear message to manufacturers— people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ governments and bulb companies lobbied standards that even wrote the regulatory bulbs from would ban their incandescent bulbs was crucial sale. A ban on incandescent strategy. to the major bulb manufacturers’ else could make Without a ban, someone what consumers them—and actually provide weak governments wanted. Unfortunately caved in to wanting to appear ‘green’ hours (five years) it would give you only 12 years) it would give hours (five so of light before dying months or unceremoniously. the a mere 1000 hours under limited to that Philips, Osram et Phoebus Cartel. Now cartel, incandescent al have abandoned this a massive 20,000 bulbs are lasting up to than any ‘energy saving hours—much longer bulb.’ people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs with their other garbage. This leaves garbage collectors and anyone collecting or handling rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be emitted for weeks after a single bulb is broken. Young children and the elderly who drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken CFL risk serious long term health problems. to LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken special collection points for ‘recycling’ under Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE). However, they are not actually fully recycled and used again. Rather they are classified as hazardous waste and require special energy intensive procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ sounds so much nicer! And it is not just about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special on hazardous waste sites; before embarking the journey, they need to be specially packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage —they should not be just placed in any old bag or box. supposed to have high standards, most CFL and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and end up in landfills where they pose major environmental risks. Landfills become waste sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak these deadly poisons into the water stream and food chain, thus creating long term health problems. As Professor Hui points out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. In many countries, like Hong Kong, the garbage truck will compress the garbage [en When governments intervene in things, ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Incandescent bulbs are LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last Introduction Energy Saving Lamps are Energy Saving Lamps are Energy Be Lamps and Should Wasting from Use Discouraged they often get things spectacularly wrong. they often get things spectacularly wrong. No more so than with the ban on incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now bullying people into using toxic ‘energy saving bulbs’—in their own homes. the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving tired, cause eye bulb’ can make you feel rashes and even skin strain, headaches, skin to a broken cancer. If you are exposed you run the risk of ‘energy saving bulb’, cancer of the liver, developing long term the claim that kidneys and brain. Believing are safe, and save ‘energy saving bulbs’ Blair’s claim energy, is a bit like believing had weapons of mass that Saddam Hussein destruction. quality light and use very few resources to quality light and use apart yourself and see. make—just pull one bulbs, ‘energy In contrast to incandescent a complex mixture of saving bulbs’ contain indispensable for the substances which are compounds, production of light: Phosphor cadmium bromides, zinc beryllium silicates, rare earths vanadium compounds, etc.), lead and arsenic. (europium, terbium, and chemically Sourcing these elements processing them requires substantial technical facilities and corresponding energy consumption. Producing compact fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication steps for the control gears taken into consideration require considerably more energy to produce than a simple safe incandescent bulb. since they must include conversion to DC (direct current), and additionally a heat sink system since, as with CFLs and unlike with incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized rather than radiated externally, and adversely affects performance and lifespan. their light in the same way as a standard incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading an surface appearing effectively dimmer than incandescent with the same lumens. To produce the same effective light as an incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need to generate about a third more lumens and thus use a third more energy. This is why, Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a detailed investigation into the resource implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are energy wasting lamps and should be discouraged from use.’ longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been artificially measured under laboratory conditions. Studies have shown that in the real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be shortened by a massive 85% under normal domestic household use conditions. In other words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 Lord Taylor was not able to produce an Lord Taylor was not However it is the bullying, with a big Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply denying free choice, the British Government choice, the British denying free arrogance, awarded first prizes in should be raised these and bullying. After I smugness, Philip Conservative MP concerns with was 2011, a reply Davies in December the minister now received from Lord Taylor, down to, and responsible for bowing forced on England— enforcing the EU ban the English people. against the wishes of the total energy and actual comparison of the life cycle of resources used throughout other words he was not each type of bulb; in claim that able to support his department’s less energy than CFL and LEDs consumed all factors are taken incandescent bulbs when into account. the polite smug smile, by big government, of elderly, sick and poor that is particularly disconcerting. There is no doubt that a growing number of people are ill under ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point Lord Taylor manipulated the English language to making this knowingly harmful ban appear to be helping people by stating that the British government was, ‘working with patient groups, clinicians and the lighting industry to keep the health issues under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but is it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that creating sick people; people who were perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; people that consume considerably less energy than you and your jet setting cronies in the House of Lords. that the Conservative Party, like the Labour and Liberal Party, does not respect free markets and free choice, and that big government, rather than protecting people, is knowingly causing physical harm to people with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that underline the importance of the need to remove big government from the lives of as many people as possible. Whilst people suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs who think it right to ban the bulb in the name of saving energy (itself a false claim) cheat on their expenses, drive highly polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the taxpayers expense. Mercury is recognised as a health hazard Mercury is recognised In addition to being fully aware that the surge in foreign demand, set off by a demand, set off surge in foreign these Union directive making European Doctors, regulators, bulbs compulsory. supplies courts in China - which lawyers and bulbs of the compact fluorescent two thirds alert to the sold in Britain—are increasingly public health of an potential impacts on itself as a friend of industry that promotes on highly toxic the earth but depends bulbs requires workers mercury. Making the either solid or liquid to handle mercury in amount of the metal is form because a small start the chemical put into each bulb to light. reaction that creates wide because its by authorities world accumulation in the body can damage the a nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing particular threat to babies in the womb and young children…mercury poisoning in lighting factories is a growing public health concern. Doctors at two regional health the centres said they had received patients in big past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a manufacturer serving the British market.’ bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese workers, the British Government is also aware that over two million people are ill under energy saving bulbs, particularly the elderly and sick. By not facing up to the serious health problems it has created by In addition to being In addition that the fully aware promote bulbs they are poisoning the Chinese workers, British Government is also aware that over two million people are ill under energy saving bulbs, particularly the By elderly and sick. not facing up to the serious health problems it has created by denying free choice, the British Government should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, smugness, and bullying.

CAPITALISM•HK 16 “Well, while I am here, I would like to I got this bright idea that I’d put the bull Nevertheless Hayek still wanted to meet Well the old boy was delighted. He was I am happy to announce that I recently Hayek’s grand daughter, who was present, When I wrote to then British Energy ‘In China, however, a heavy have to talk out of both sides of their mouths —one side telling you they are safe, and the other side issuing safety warnings in the form of clear up and disposal instructions. Big government is also wary of the power of heavily funded green groups supporting the ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of the demagogic behaviour they are capable of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly and weak who are not capable of staging elaborate protests or riots. meet him, ” Hayek exclaimed. So I put that on the agenda. in the yard, get a step ladder, put Hayek on the bull, (if he agreed), and take a picture, which would carry the caption, “Hayek’s on Top of Inflation”. I told my wife and that was the end of it. She would not under any circumstances countenance such a move. “What if the Professor fell off and was injured,” and all of that sort of chatter. So that project was abandoned. the bull. Next day I took him down the paddock and took several pictures of him and the bull when another idea popped into my head and I quietly mentioned it to him. He was delighted to have a bit of fun. The caption of course was to be “Hayek’s Got Inflation By The Balls.” quite at home with animals and had palled up with the bull, which was an easy matter with this particular animal. So he posed and I took the picture. He predicted that if the Americans got hold of a copy, the picture would become famous. heard from Dr. Eamonn Butler of the Adam Smith Institute in London. He told me that at a recent luncheon in her honour in London, Mrs. Thatcher, much to her delight, had a picture presented to her of her favourite Economist/Philosopher and with Inflation by the balls. read out the story. ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison Workers Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the inevitable exposure workers will have to face in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware that workers were being poisoned in China. Yet despite this awareness, the British government continues to promote these bulbs and in the next breath criticizes China’s human rights record. The following is an extract from what the Sunday Times had to say: environmental price is being paid for the production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large numbers of Chinese workers have been poisoned by mercury, which forms part of the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A Yet despite these guidelines, bulb Similarly Maine DEP tests found that If advertisements for bulb companies are “The Hayek visit was a co-operative There were complaints from high level Hayek was in great form and he appeared In addition, in total he kept no less than Roger decided that in the middle of the When he arrived we had a celebratory He then noticed hanging on the wall of Hayek laughed and said that he knew a bit because mercury fragments in the clothing because mercury fragments in the clothing may contaminate the machine and/or pollute sewage.’ companies are still putting out adverts telling you that CFL’s only contain a small amount of mercury, or try to mislead you into thinking that their CFL does not contain mercury. Such claims need careful examination. All CFLs, whatever the label says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a toxic chemical hazard with toxicity thousands times higher than the safety limit. Most of the electronic components and toxic chemicals such as carcinogenic flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be recycled.’ from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury concentration in the study room air often exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline has particular significance for children rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies know it. Governments across the globe committed to banning incandescent bulbs without doing their homework; so they now to be nameless. Their generosity is, however, gratefully acknowledged. private enterprise. Indeed it had to be, because approaches at high levels for concessions from government owned or controlled internal and external airlines were refused.” “intellectuals”, that the visit was everything from a white washing of dangerous capitalist ideology, a political plot of ever devious Jews, to a “bankers plot”. Hayek incidentally was a non-practising Catholic. as Guest of Honour on the hour long Monday Conference with Robert Moore, and televised by the ABC network in all states on October 11th 1976. 60 appointments, including visits to heads of state, seminar and lecturing engagements. A very heavy schedule for anybody, but at that time Hayek was 76 years of age. He was in scintillating form. tour he would give him four days off on the Atherton Tableland. I had a spacious home there and as half of my six children were away at boarding school, we had ample room to accommodate Roger, and Professor and Mrs. Hayek. drink of his favourite tipple, Johnny Walker Black Label. “When ever I drink this brand of Scotch,” Hayek announced, “I get ideas beyond my station”. He was a past master at putting people at ease. the bar, a large picture of a magnificent Brahman Bull I owned. He asked about the Bull, so I told him he was a prize winning show bull which I had nicknamed Inflation as he would not stop growing. “He weighs 2,500 pounds in his working clothes,” I told the small gathering present. about inflation and that he would like to meet this one. I told him that compared with the inflations he had witnessed, that this one was rather tame and that my boys jumped on to his back in the paddock. “I even jump on his back when he is in the yard and I can climb up the rails to do so,” I told him. pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous a conference here in Hong Kong, where a total energy consumption and everything to develops around these lamps. They should tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in In banning the incandescent bulb, big waste recycling sites—failure to do this will bunch of legal academics had jetted in from do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs not be used in unventilated areas and their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the risk of a number of cancers in the long term the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet SCENIHR committee, the UK —if you have any doubts about this, ask your radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small representatives and I were all of similar mind Philips sales representative or Greenpeace frequency range known to produce adverse read the EPA instructions on what to do if a all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been apartments the choice of using a healthy concerning the potentially adverse effects of Seaton himself is more likely to be flying campaigner to break a couple of high priced effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these incandescent bulb and force them to use the lamps. The lighting representatives (three business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. in classrooms [with such lighting] had a restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need bulbs that will make them ill—all in the lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify and has promoted them in the local press— 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) about working in an office with sealed named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing name of saving the planet! And, as it turns Not all light is the same. Incandescent the overall opinion slightly towards yet he wants to ban the incandescent light that was statistically significant. ...studies windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the suggesting less harm but were not hugely bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. with diabetics and people who have multiple out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you more harm to the planet than the spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting Liberal Fascism or Free Markets At another talk that afternoon was Michael sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce was that the lamps had a number of Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong reduced their symptoms diminish.’ Are you foolish enough to use them in your energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and in the world that cause really serious harm to harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful potentially adverse effects, mostly for Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— humans and the environment are mercury, toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ abnormally photosensitive subjects but also are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and It is simply wrong when green groups and under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part promotion of their own products in a free in ‘energy saving bulbs’. radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, eye. …SCENIHR committee members also big government assert that because CFLs Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform independent scientists). Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of of Hilter’s template for global domination, market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following suggested that the incandescent lamps may only contain a small quantity of mercury a government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and Electricity consumed in the home is The bulb ban is a case of big government Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a payers’ money and putting them into the diagram shows the smooth healthy not be particularly more wasteful of energy broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are measured on a meter. It should be up to the putting image ahead of substance—an Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the movement of a few straw brains, but rather a pockets of rich bulb company executives. If spectrums of light produced by tungsten than the new CFLs.’ is broken, mercury is released in its most form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in individual how he chooses to use that unfortunate symptom of the pro-European consistency with which a proportion of movement that can conquer the broad ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, incandescent lights compared to the lumpy toxic and deadly form—as an odourless these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. electricity, whether through using an Blairite political class which continues to be CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences masses. Propaganda should be popular, not they would be sold without the need for unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED vapour (very different than mercury in your attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an incandescent bulb or watching television. A self serving and rotten to the core. It is in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of government subsidies and without the need and CFL lights. fillings and thermometers). It also means have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be person living in a small apartment in Hong precisely because governments cannot be ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the that you do not immediately realise that you Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm cause problems. Note that we are not talking The diodes are widely hailed as safer than in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb the body and attacks the vital organs—the When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is problem resulting from the characteristics of University of California (UC) Irvine’s (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a executives and their banker friends think it brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist the champagne socialist green movement the light emitted when they are functioning Department of Population Health & Disease Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as massive ten pounds for an LED, while the fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For new order, money is being extracted from pulling the puppet strings of big government. as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are public roads themselves but ban you from extracts from the U.S. Environmental incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but people under regulations aimed at closing The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU for potential environmental health impacts media and politicians desperate to appear selling for one pound each. using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ Protection Agency issued in June 2010; incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs based on the false assumption that all light achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen bulbs produce and distribute the same type conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and their claimed life span (they don’t), and and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to thirty plus electronic components ‘energy and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers use lights that don’t exacerbate their savers’ contain. quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect the clothing or bedding should be thrown that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe number of elderly in England suffering fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to Bans and Subsidies from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light ‘there are more people impacted by exposure the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same breathed in the fumes released, it could act as

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, Wasting Lamps and Should Be months or so of light before dying broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems no more than two per week, there will be to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace no fee.” form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s Roger estimated that the total cost would put into each bulb to start the chemical zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the each type of bulb; in other words he was not Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental be approximately $25,000. As he was well reaction that creates light. able to support his department’s claim that vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment movement I helped found has lost its (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. connected in the commercial world and I Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain was well connected with the Australian Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken and suffering it is inflicting on families in Mining Industry, we thought that it would be processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs Practically, there is accumulation in the body can damage the into account. developing countries must no longer be an easy matter to get the tour underwritten. technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage no way to prevent nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling So we set off to see what we could do. particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the people disposing of a fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and After a week’s travelling and lobbying, I young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly used CFL and LEDs steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion could not find a single executive willing to lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is with their other undertake part in such a “revolutionary” concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who garbage. This leaves The ban on incandescent bulbs shows activity. I returned to my home rather centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than dispirited about it all. I rang Roger to see past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English garbage collectors of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real how he was doing. Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, and anyone physical harm to significant numbers of government is also wary of the power of He replied to my query, “My boy, nobody companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and people from workers to consumers. Big heavily funded green groups supporting the collecting or wants to know me. They are all running for you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to government claims the ban is about saving ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of handling rubbish cover.” I then went on to say that the average of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under energy and saving the planet; both claims are the demagogic behaviour they are capable answer I got was, “We cannot be seen to be thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment vulnerable to lead, false. There is strong evidence that over their of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly endorsing the right wing views of such a mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use The great Nobel Prize winning and weak who are not capable of staging mercury and arsenic radical figure.” He replied that that was examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. more energy and resources than economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made elaborate protests or riots. poisoning. Mercury precisely the response he got too. says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great a month long lecture tour of Australia in Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive vapor can be emitted deal of harm to the environment as they rely October 1976. There is a bit of an inside So, I said, “Bugger it all Roger, I’ll is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ for weeks after a on the top three most polluting toxins on the story to this tour which so far few know underwrite the tour myself.” He replied, toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just single bulb is broken. planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. about. Hayek was invited to Australia for a “I won’t see you do that m’boy, I’ll go you thousands times higher than the safety limit. about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special lecture tour by economist Mark Tier. halves”. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To Big government has a bad record of Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on Young children and However, Hayek, at that time, had to decline, When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an swindling and bullying the public from So, with that settled, I suggested that we chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially the elderly who drop but as circumstances changed and as he did Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer again go around the traps, and, seeing the flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage not know anybody else in Australia, he wrote inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and rubbish into a bin —many getting away with simply giving the tour was underwritten by somebody who recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old a note to Sydney Economist/Barrister Roger in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, containing a broken money back—to now bullying elderly ladies wished to remain anonymous, try to see what bag or box. Randerson, whom he once tutored at The Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government could be raised for the venture. We were ably CFL risk serious long London School of Economics, saying that he from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government assisted in this effort by Mr. Ref Kemp, term health could squeeze in a month before going on concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL has banned a perfectly safe, high quality Director of The Institute For Public Affairs freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb previously scheduled visits to New Zealand exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and problems. product, sold at a low price; and is forcing in Victoria, Mr. Viv Forbes in Brisbane, and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. and Japan. has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major Mr. R. H. (now Sir Robert) Norman OBE gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Roger and I were good mates so he rang of Cairns. Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak me with the good news. I then suggested to Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet Roger later published a booklet titled If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream Roger that he immediately write back to organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid “Social Justice Socialism and Democracy” telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term Hayek and ask what his fee would be. I can CAPITALISM on being informed and spearheading for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. featuring three of Hayek’s most important safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory health problems. As Professor Hui points still quote the answer. Hayek replied saying: ‘In China, however, a heavy environmental awareness, people are lectures on the tour. In that small book he The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. “Should first class return airfares be environmental price is being paid for the disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic said, “Many publicly spirited citizens, bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be Environmental Protection Agency have provided for my wife and myself both production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus institutions and organisations donated, know it. Governments across the globe avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. internationally and nationally, and first class (numbering no fewer than 62, in sums numbers of Chinese workers have been • In many countries, like Hong Kong, the HK contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other accommodation be provided for us, and also ranging from $50 to $2,000) towards the garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 providing that my lectures are confined to visit, but no list is given because some wish 17

to be nameless. Their generosity is, however, “Well, while I am here, I would like to gratefully acknowledged. meet him, ” Hayek exclaimed. So I put that “The Hayek visit was a co-operative on the agenda. private enterprise. Indeed it had to be, I got this bright idea that I’d put the bull because approaches at high levels for in the yard, get a step ladder, put Hayek on concessions from government owned or the bull, (if he agreed), and take a picture, controlled internal and external airlines were which would carry the caption, “Hayek’s on refused.” Top of Inflation”. I told my wife and that There were complaints from high level was the end of it. She would not under any “intellectuals”, that the visit was everything circumstances countenance such a move. from a white washing of dangerous capitalist “What if the Professor fell off and was ideology, a political plot of ever devious Jews, injured,” and all of that sort of chatter. So to a “bankers plot”. Hayek incidentally was a that project was abandoned. non-practising Catholic. Nevertheless Hayek still wanted to meet Hayek was in great form and he appeared the bull. Next day I took him down the as Guest of Honour on the hour long paddock and took several pictures of him Monday Conference with Robert Moore, and and the bull when another idea popped into televised by the ABC network in all states on my head and I quietly mentioned it to him. October 11th 1976. He was delighted to have a bit of fun. The caption of course was to be “Hayek’s Got In addition, in total he kept no less than Inflation By The Balls.” 60 appointments, including visits to heads of state, seminar and lecturing engagements. A Well the old boy was delighted. He was very heavy schedule for anybody, but at that quite at home with animals and had palled time Hayek was 76 years of age. He was in up with the bull, which was an easy matter scintillating form. with this particular animal. So he posed and I took the picture. He predicted that if the Roger decided that in the middle of the Americans got hold of a copy, the picture tour he would give him four days off on the would become famous. Atherton Tableland. I had a spacious home there and as half of my six children were I am happy to announce that I recently away at boarding school, we had ample room heard from Dr. Eamonn Butler of the Adam to accommodate Roger, and Professor and Smith Institute in London. He told me that at Mrs. Hayek. a recent luncheon in her honour in London, Mrs. Thatcher, much to her delight, had a When he arrived we had a celebratory picture presented to her of her favourite drink of his favourite tipple, Johnny Walker Economist/Philosopher and with Inflation by Black Label. “When ever I drink this brand of the balls. Scotch,” Hayek announced, “I get ideas beyond my station”. He was a past master at Hayek’s grand daughter, who was present, putting people at ease. read out the story. He then noticed hanging on the wall of the bar, a large picture of a magnificent Brahman Bull I owned. He asked about the Bull, so I told him he was a prize winning show bull which I had nicknamed Inflation as he would not stop growing. “He weighs 2,500 pounds in his working clothes,” I told the small gathering present. Hayek laughed and said that he knew a bit about inflation and that he would like to meet this one. I told him that compared with the inflations he had witnessed, that this one was rather tame and that my boys jumped on to his back in the paddock. “I even jump on his back when he is in the yard and I can climb up the rails to do so,” I told him. pressure from a coordinated attack by bulb ‘energy saving bulbs’ unlike incandescent under ‘energy saving bulbs’ and the number Kong using incandescent bulbs is likely to be trusted—over half of Westminster MPs have sensitivities that can lead to skin cancer.’ to CFLs than are in wheelchairs’. Dr. John a tipping point on top of exposures to other manufacturers and powerful green groups. bulbs, are classified as hazardous waste of bin collectors being exposed to mercury consuming a considerably less amount of cheated on their expenses—that free markets In 2011 Andreas Kirchner, Environmental Hawk, from the St John's Institute of carcinogens. Plus, because lead tastes sweet, Big Government then set about taking which is disguised by their label ‘recyclable’. poisoning. energy than bulb executives and their serve consumers better than corrupt big spokesman of the Federation of German Dermatology, London, has similarly it is possible that children may mistake small millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to Used energy savers should not be put in your A supporter of imposing these poisonous multi-millionaire carbon trading friends governments. Engineers, re-emphasized the mercury observed, ‘a significant number of people ornamental LED lights as candy. subsidise bulb companies and various dustbin. Rather, used energy savers need to bulbs on people is Andrew Seaton, British living in a house on the Peak or in Brussels. problems of CFLs and the electromagnetic with certain skin disorders such as ‘greens’ to promote toxic ‘energy saving’ be carefully packed, to ensure they don’t Consul General in Hong Kong. I met him at The bulb ban his little to do with reducing Cancer Causing Energy radiation they produce: ‘Electrical smog seborrhoeic eczema and lupus cannot Poisons Released from Broken bulbs. break, and then taken to specialist hazardous a conference here in Hong Kong, where a total energy consumption and everything to develops around these lamps. They should tolerate any form of fluorescent lighting in In banning the incandescent bulb, big waste recycling sites—failure to do this will bunch of legal academics had jetted in from do with telling people what they can and Saving Bulbs not be used in unventilated areas and their vicinity. [Such people] can only tolerate ‘Energy Efficient Bulbs’ government has broken new ground; for the result in mercury vapour spewing in to the London (paid for by someone else) to preach cannot do in their own home. definitely not in the proximity of the head.’ incandescent lighting from tungsten filament All ‘energy saving’ lighting, LED and CFL, Traditional incandescent bulbs are simple first time big government has actually lungs of any unfortunate persons coming to Hong Kong students (get them while they One only has to look at the private jet Yet, even schools are using ‘energy savers’ bulbs.’ harm humans in two ways. First, harm and safe. The tungsten they use does not banned a safe product and is forcing people into contact with your broken ‘energy saver’. are young) the need to reduce CO2 setting lifestyles of self titled eco warriors, in study lamps that are placed close to a Dr Hawk was the SPECTRUM observer at arising from just being close to them; this harm humans and the effects of tungsten on to use an unsafe product. Even more Likewise if an ‘energy saver’ breaks in emissions—the hypocritical nature of such a such as Al Gore or the World Wildlife Fund child’s head. the SCENIHR meeting on Compact harm ranges from just feeling lethargic, to the environment are limited. You can sit concerning, is that big government, before your home you are recommended to open all conference being that one return trip, (WWF), who are forever telling the rest of us Fluorescent Lamps, European Commission, skin cancer. Second, harm from the toxins Magda Havas, Associate Professor at close to one and suffer no harm, break one banning incandescent bulbs, was aware of windows (tough if you work in one of those economy class, from London to Hong Kong to give up consumerism. Gore has a private Brussels, in October 2011. After the meeting, released when they break exposes people to a Trent University, Canada, similarly warns of and you are not exposed to any poisonous the serious health risks associated with offices with sealed windows), evacuate the produces the same amount of C02 emissions jet and the WWF has offered exclusive Dr Hawk wrote, ‘It seemed to me that the risk of a number of cancers in the long term the dangers of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) toxins. In contrast, both LED and CFL ‘energy savers’. There was also plenty of room, and throw away all clothing, carpets that an average Hong Kong person produces wildlife viewing trips at US$64,000 a pop. Yet SCENIHR committee, the UK —if you have any doubts about this, ask your radiation from CFLs: ‘CFL’s produce a lighting contain harmful toxins. If you have research prior to the ban showing that when and bedding etc. exposed to mercury vapour in a whole year. the same minds deny the elderly in small representatives and I were all of similar mind Philips sales representative or Greenpeace frequency range known to produce adverse read the EPA instructions on what to do if a all costs of manufacture and disposal are from the bulb. Such details have been apartments the choice of using a healthy concerning the potentially adverse effects of Seaton himself is more likely to be flying campaigner to break a couple of high priced effects on one’s health. Teachers who taught CFL breaks, who would want to eat in a taken into account, energy saving bulbs did deliberately left off the packaging of these incandescent bulb and force them to use the lamps. The lighting representatives (three business or even first class, he drives a Jaguar ‘energy savers’ and breathe deeply. in classrooms [with such lighting] had a restaurant in which a CFL was broken? How not even save energy and should be aptly toxic bulbs—yet governments feel the need bulbs that will make them ill—all in the lighting experts from Philips) tried to modify and has promoted them in the local press— 5-fold increase risk of cancer (risk ratio 5.1) about working in an office with sealed named ‘energy wasting bulbs.’ to label cigarette packets containing name of saving the planet! And, as it turns Not all light is the same. Incandescent the overall opinion slightly towards yet he wants to ban the incandescent light that was statistically significant. ...studies windows (which cannot be opened to ‘air cigarettes which do a lot less harm than the out, these ‘energy saving bulbs’ actually do bulbs produce healthy light; they mimic the suggesting less harm but were not hugely bulb in the name of reducing C02 emissions. with diabetics and people who have multiple out’ the Hg vapors)? Would you like to work mercury, lead and arsenic poisoning that you more harm to the planet than the spectrum of natural light, they don’t flicker adamant. The overall feeling of the meeting Liberal Fascism or Free Markets At another talk that afternoon was Michael sclerosis found that when [such radiation] is in a factory making ‘energy saving bulbs’? are at risk from with ‘energy saving bulbs.’ light quality as incandescent bulbs, use less It is morally wrong for government to incandescent bulb. The top three pollutants the same as ‘energy savers’, don’t produce was that the lamps had a number of Bloomberg who had jetted into Hong reduced their symptoms diminish.’ Are you foolish enough to use them in your energy, and are good for the planet—you are take tax payer money to subsidize and in the world that cause really serious harm to harmful radiation, and don’t contain harmful potentially adverse effects, mostly for Bulb company executives, like bankers, Differences in light spectrum, radiation Kong—on his private jet—to promote cities Dr. David Carpenter believes it is likely home, particularly in your kid’s bedroom? the victim of another evil EU force, the spirit promote the products of bulb companies— humans and the environment are mercury, toxins. In contrast, ‘energy saving bulbs’ abnormally photosensitive subjects but also are not earning their ‘new money’ bonuses and spread of light are similarly absent from in their reduction of C02 to curb global that up to 30% of all childhood cancers come of Goebbels. bulb companies should pay for the lead and arsenic—the three key toxins used contain a cocktail of toxins, produce harmful somewhat for normal ones, on both skin and It is simply wrong when green groups and under free markets and genuine capitalism. information contained on the packaging— warming (something disputed by many from exposure to EMFs. Professor Anthony Goebbels was Hitler’s spin doctor; as part promotion of their own products in a free in ‘energy saving bulbs’. radiation, produce a lumpy light spectrum, eye. …SCENIHR committee members also big government assert that because CFLs Rather, they are making money through because incandescent bulbs outperform independent scientists). Pinching, Associate Dean and Professor of of Hilter’s template for global domination, market. Government subsidies are taking tax and imperceptibly flicker. The following suggested that the incandescent lamps may only contain a small quantity of mercury a government bailouts, subsidies, and ‘energy savers’ at every level of safety and Electricity consumed in the home is The bulb ban is a case of big government Clinical Immunology at Peninsula College of Goebbels wrote, ‘We do not want to be a payers’ money and putting them into the diagram shows the smooth healthy not be particularly more wasteful of energy broken CFL cannot harm you. When a CFL regulations mandating their products—a quality. Traditional incandescent bulbs are measured on a meter. It should be up to the putting image ahead of substance—an Medicine & Dentistry, is aware of the movement of a few straw brains, but rather a pockets of rich bulb company executives. If spectrums of light produced by tungsten than the new CFLs.’ is broken, mercury is released in its most form of champagne socialism. In making not toxic and as such can be disposed of in individual how he chooses to use that unfortunate symptom of the pro-European consistency with which a proportion of movement that can conquer the broad ‘energy saving’ bulbs were really so great, incandescent lights compared to the lumpy toxic and deadly form—as an odourless these regulations palatable and even your dustbin without harming anyone. electricity, whether through using an Blairite political class which continues to be CFS/ME patients report adverse experiences masses. Propaganda should be popular, not they would be sold without the need for unhealthy light spectrum produced by LED vapour (very different than mercury in your attractive, bulb companies and green activists Similarly if you, or your child, break an incandescent bulb or watching television. A self serving and rotten to the core. It is in settings lit with fluorescent lights, Toxic LEDs intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of government subsidies and without the need and CFL lights. fillings and thermometers). It also means have successfully manipulated language to incandescent bulb the only harm likely to be person living in a small apartment in Hong precisely because governments cannot be ‘fluorescent tubes have been most likely to propaganda to discover intellectual truths.’ to ban the incandescent bulb. Before the ban Incandescent light is not only safe; it is the that you do not immediately realise that you Introduction How We Got Into This Mess hide the toxic side of their operations. suffered is a possible cut—much less harm cause problems. Note that we are not talking The diodes are widely hailed as safer than in England, a 60W incandescent bulb was Rolls Royce of lighting. Lighting is more of a have been poisoned. Mercury accumulates in than a possible cut and cancer from a broken ‘A movement that can conquer the broad about defective fluorescent tubes, but about a CFLs. But, as Oladele Ogunseitan, Chair of Toxic mercury Compact Florescent Lights selling at 23 pence. Now bulb companies are necessity than a Rolls Royce—yet light bulb the body and attacks the vital organs—the When governments intervene in things, Had free market forces been allowed to ‘energy saver’. masses’—today, one arm of this movement is problem resulting from the characteristics of University of California (UC) Irvine’s (CFLs) and toxic lead and arsenic Light able to extract four pounds for a CFL and a executives and their banker friends think it brain, liver and kidneys—over a long and they often get things spectacularly wrong. run their course, it is unlikely that ‘energy Under this ‘green’ champagne socialist the champagne socialist green movement the light emitted when they are functioning Department of Population Health & Disease Emitting Diodes (LEDs), are referred to as massive ten pounds for an LED, while the fine to drive a Rolls Royce or Jaguar on prolonged period of time. The following are No more so than with the ban on saving bulbs’ would still be sold today. For new order, money is being extracted from pulling the puppet strings of big government. as intended.’ Prevention said, ‘they weren’t properly tested ‘energy saving’ or ‘green’ bulbs by a lazy remaining 40W incandescent bulbs are public roads themselves but ban you from extracts from the U.S. Environmental incandescent light bulbs. In banning safe over 25 years, bulb companies tried, but people under regulations aimed at closing The lightbulb ban is top drawer EU for potential environmental health impacts media and politicians desperate to appear selling for one pound each. using an incandescent bulb in your own Dr R. Sarkaney, FRCP MD St Thomas’ Protection Agency issued in June 2010; incandescent bulbs, Big Government is now failed, to persuade people to buy their down free choice and concentrating power in eco-fascism being rolled out to conquer the before being marketed.’ The 2011 University green. However, this ‘energy saving’ claim is The increase in revenue has not been home—all in the name of saving the planet. Hospital, London, believes that the reasons ‘Before Cleanup: Air out the room. Have bullying people into using toxic ‘energy expensive ‘energy saving bulbs’. Free markets the hands of the few. Goldberg refers to this world in the same way Hitler rolled out his of California (UC) found that that LED bulbs based on the false assumption that all light achieved under competitive market There is something not quite right here. behind people feeling ill under CFL lighting people and pets leave the room, and don’t let saving bulbs’—in their own homes. had sent a clear message to manufacturers— ‘new order’ in the following way, ‘When armies in 1945. As Goldberg points out, contain lead, nickel, arsenic, and a dozen bulbs produce and distribute the same type conditions, but through a government ban. are in part due to the ultraviolet light they anyone walk through the breakage area on ‘Energy saving’ bulbs are the asbestos of people wanted incandescent bulbs, they did fascism comes to America, it will not be in ‘contrary to what most people think, the more potentially hazardous substances, of light (they don’t), that ‘energy savers’ last This ban has left the poorest people on low emit and also because, ‘there are other their way out. Open a window and leave the the 21st Century. Just using an ‘energy saving not want ‘energy saving bulbs.’ brown and black shirts. It will not be with Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term Radiation from CFL Bulbs raising wide-ranging health and their claimed life span (they don’t), and and fixed incomes hardest hit. Many elderly differences between incandescent and room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off the bulb’ can make you feel tired, cause eye With potential high revenues at stake, jack-boots. It will be Nike sneakers and “National Socialism”).’ They confiscated environmental issues. conveniently ignores the huge costs of people are being made very ill without the fluorescent lights such as the ‘spikiness’ of central forced air heating/air conditioning strain, headaches, skin rashes and even skin bulb companies lobbied governments and Smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley. Germany lost inherited wealth and inserted the authority There is a real risk of skin cancer from the mining and manufacturing of lead, mercury, incandescent light they have grown up with the spectrum of emitted light. Thus, it is The UC study went on to warn consumers system, if you have one. Do not use a cancer. If you are exposed to a broken even wrote the regulatory standards that the Second World War. Fascism won it.’ of the state into every nook and cranny of radiation CFLs produce. Dr Colin Holden, and arsenic along with a whole cocktail of (‘energy savers’ produce a different type of likely that, whatever UV protection is put of the potential harm from contaminants vacuum or broom to clean up the broken ‘energy saving bulb’, you run the risk of would ban their incandescent bulbs from daily life. The lightbulb ban, just like the President of the British Association of other harmful toxins required to make This ‘new order’ has bullied its way into light to incandescent bulbs). Yet whilst the into place with fluorescent lights, there will found in LED bulbs: Toxins like lead and bulb on hard surfaces. If clothing or bedding developing long term cancer of the liver, sale. A ban on incandescent bulbs was crucial Nazis, is liberal fascism entering every nook Dermatologists, explains this risk as follows: ‘energy savers’ work. It also ignores the your home, removed your safe and elderly suffer, the politicians that banned the always be a group of patients who react to arsenic are linked to various cancers, brain materials come in direct contact with broken kidneys and brain. Believing the claim that to the major bulb manufacturers’ strategy. and cranny of your life in 2012. ‘It is important that patients with energy and resources required to make the inexpensive high quality incandescent bulbs bulb continue to jet across the globe and the fluorescent light and can only tolerate damage, hypertension, skin rashes, and other glass or mercury containing powder from ‘energy saving bulbs’ are safe, and save Without a ban, someone else could make photosensitive skin eruptions are allowed to thirty plus electronic components ‘energy and is forcing you to buy expensive, low drive Jaguar motor cars paid for by the incandescent lights.’ illnesses. The copper in LED bulbs, once inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, energy, is a bit like believing Blair’s claim them—and actually provide what consumers use lights that don’t exacerbate their savers’ contain. quality, CFL and LED bulbs—ones that can Moral Wrongs of Government taxpayer. It is quite sickening to see the released, can affect rivers, lakes, and infect the clothing or bedding should be thrown that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass wanted. Unfortunately weak governments condition. Photosensitive eruptions range Owen Z. Perlman, M.D., is confident that, Claims that ‘energy savers’ are good for harm you. Worse still, you actually believe number of elderly in England suffering fish. If a bulb was to break, and somebody away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding destruction. wanting to appear ‘green’ caved in to Bans and Subsidies from disabling eczema-like reactions, to light ‘there are more people impacted by exposure the environment dodge around the fact that that these CFL and LEDs provide the same breathed in the fumes released, it could act as

surge in foreign demand, set off by a denying free choice, the British Government Energy Saving Lamps are Energy hours (five years) it would give you only 12 route to the landfill]. The lamps will be The Dark Side of Green European Union directive making these should be awarded first prizes in arrogance, months or so of light before dying When I was at broken which means the mercury will be bulbs compulsory. Doctors, regulators, smugness, and bullying. After I raised these Wasting Lamps and Should Be unceremoniously. transferred all over the city. The Hong Kong school, green groups When I was at school, green groups would lawyers and courts in China - which supplies concerns with Conservative MP Philip Discouraged from Use Incandescent bulbs were artificially government told us that the landfill can have been protesting at people driving Jaguar two thirds of the compact fluorescent bulbs Davies in December 2011, a reply was limited to a mere 1000 hours under the would have been handle mercury. I told them the mercury cars, taking private jets, and promoting bulbs sold in Britain—are increasingly alert to the received from Lord Taylor, the minister now Incandescent bulbs are safe, produce high Phoebus Cartel. Now that Philips, Osram et protesting at people vapour will escape before it gets there. Even that poison workers in the name of profit— potential impacts on public health of an responsible for bowing down to, and quality light and use very few resources to al have abandoned this cartel, incandescent driving Jaguar cars, if they can safely transport the CFLs [to the now green groups are supporting these guys. industry that promotes itself as a friend of enforcing the EU ban forced on England— make—just pull one apart yourself and see. landfill], the safety layer has a lifespan of bulbs are lasting up to a massive 20,000 taking private jets, It begs the question, have green groups been the earth but depends on highly toxic against the wishes of the English people. In contrast to incandescent bulbs, ‘energy hours—much longer than any ‘energy saving about 100 years. So you are building a time taken over by EU central office to promote mercury. Making the bulbs requires workers Lord Taylor was not able to produce an saving bulbs’ contain a complex mixture of bulb.’ and promoting bulbs bomb for future generation.’ EU law across the globe? It certainly seems no more than two per week, there will be to handle mercury in either solid or liquid actual comparison of the total energy and substances which are indispensable for the that poison workers To add some numbers to what Hui is this way. Patrick Moore, Greenpeace no fee.” form because a small amount of the metal is production of light: Phosphor compounds, resources used throughout the life cycle of in the name of saying, based upon the Canadian Water co-founder, points out in Driessen’s Roger estimated that the total cost would put into each bulb to start the chemical zinc beryllium silicates, cadmium bromides, ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison the each type of bulb; in other words he was not Quality Guideline (CWQG) to protect ‘Eco-Imperialism’, ‘The environmental be approximately $25,000. As he was well reaction that creates light. vanadium compounds, rare earths Environment profit—now green able to support his department’s claim that movement I helped found has lost its connected in the commercial world and I (europium, terbium, etc.), lead and arsenic. groups are Mercury is recognised as a health hazard CFL and LEDs consumed less energy than objectivity, morality and humanity. The pain was well connected with the Australian Sourcing these elements and chemically Practically, there is no way to prevent by authorities world wide because its incandescent bulbs when all factors are taken supporting these and suffering it is inflicting on families in Mining Industry, we thought that it would be processing them requires substantial people disposing of a used CFL and LEDs accumulation in the body can damage the into account. guys. developing countries must no longer be an easy matter to get the tour underwritten. technical facilities and corresponding energy with their other garbage. This leaves garbage nervous system, lungs and kidneys, posing a However it is the bullying, with a big tolerated.’ consumption. Producing compact collectors and anyone collecting or handling So we set off to see what we could do. particular threat to babies in the womb and polite smug smile, by big government, of the fluorescent bulbs, with all pre-fabrication rubbish vulnerable to lead, mercury and After a week’s travelling and lobbying, I young children…mercury poisoning in elderly, sick and poor that is particularly steps for the control gears taken into arsenic poisoning. Mercury vapor can be Conclusion could not find a single executive willing to lighting factories is a growing public health disconcerting. There is no doubt that a because mercury fragments in the clothing have to talk out of both sides of their mouths consideration require considerably more emitted for weeks after a single bulb is undertake part in such a “revolutionary” concern. Doctors at two regional health growing number of people are ill under may contaminate the machine and/or pollute —one side telling you they are safe, and the energy to produce than a simple safe broken. Young children and the elderly who The ban on incandescent bulbs shows activity. I returned to my home rather centres said they had received patients in the ‘energy saving lights.’ In dodging this point sewage.’ other side issuing safety warnings in the form incandescent bulb. drop rubbish into a bin containing a broken how government intervention, rather than dispirited about it all. I rang Roger to see past from the Foshan factory of Osram, a big Lord Taylor manipulated the English of clear up and disposal instructions. Big CFL risk serious long term health problems. helping and protecting people, is causing real how he was doing. Yet despite these guidelines, bulb manufacturer serving the British market.’ language to making this knowingly harmful LEDs are even more complex than CFLs, physical harm to significant numbers of government is also wary of the power of He replied to my query, “My boy, nobody companies are still putting out adverts telling In addition to being fully aware that the ban appear to be helping people by stating since they must include conversion to DC The EU in its promotion of CFL and people from workers to consumers. Big heavily funded green groups supporting the wants to know me. They are all running for you that CFL’s only contain a small amount bulbs they promote are poisoning Chinese that the British government was, ‘working (direct current), and additionally a heat sink LEDs refers to them as needing to be taken to government claims the ban is about saving ban on incandescent bulbs and is scared of cover.” I then went on to say that the average of mercury, or try to mislead you into workers, the British Government is also with patient groups, clinicians and the system since, as with CFLs and unlike with special collection points for ‘recycling’ under energy and saving the planet; both claims are the demagogic behaviour they are capable answer I got was, “We cannot be seen to be thinking that their CFL does not contain aware that over two million people are ill lighting industry to keep the health issues incandescent bulbs, the heat is internalized Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment false. There is strong evidence that over their of—it is so much easier to bully the elderly endorsing the right wing views of such a mercury. Such claims need careful under energy saving bulbs, particularly the under review.’ Thank you Lord Taylor—but rather than radiated externally, and adversely Directive (WEEE). However, they are not whole lifecycle, ‘energy saving bulbs’ use The great Nobel Prize winning and weak who are not capable of staging radical figure.” He replied that that was examination. All CFLs, whatever the label elderly and sick. By not facing up to the it is the EU ban that you are enforcing that is affects performance and lifespan. actually fully recycled and used again. more energy and resources than economist/social scientist F. A. Hayek made elaborate protests or riots. precisely the response he got too. says, contain toxic mercury. As Professor serious health problems it has created by creating sick people; people who were Energy saving bulbs do not distribute Rather they are classified as hazardous waste incandescent bulbs. They also cause a great a month long lecture tour of Australia in Ron Hui points out: ‘The danger of mercury perfectly well under incandescent bulbs; their light in the same way as a standard and require special energy intensive deal of harm to the environment as they rely October 1976. There is a bit of an inside So, I said, “Bugger it all Roger, I’ll is measured by its toxicity. Each CFL is a ‘Energy Saving Bulbs’ Poison people that consume considerably less incandescent bulbs, resulting in the reading procedures to make them safe—‘recycling’ on the top three most polluting toxins on the story to this tour which so far few know underwrite the tour myself.” He replied, toxic chemical hazard with toxicity Workers energy than you and your jet setting cronies surface appearing effectively dimmer than an sounds so much nicer! And it is not just planet—mercury, lead, and arsenic. about. Hayek was invited to Australia for a “I won’t see you do that m’boy, I’ll go you thousands times higher than the safety limit. about taking ‘energy saving bulbs’ to special lecture tour by economist Mark Tier. halves”. in the House of Lords. incandescent with the same lumens. To Big government has a bad record of Most of the electronic components and toxic hazardous waste sites; before embarking on However, Hayek, at that time, had to decline, When I wrote to then British Energy Lord Taylor demonstrated in his reply produce the same effective light as an swindling and bullying the public from So, with that settled, I suggested that we chemicals such as carcinogenic the journey, they need to be specially but as circumstances changed and as he did Minister, Dan Norris, regarding the that the Conservative Party, like the Labour incandescent bulb, ‘energy saving’ bulbs need Westminster MPs stealing from the taxpayer again go around the traps, and, seeing the flame-retardant coatings PBDE cannot be packaged so as to avoid breakage or leakage not know anybody else in Australia, he wrote inevitable exposure workers will have to face and Liberal Party, does not respect free to generate about a third more lumens and —many getting away with simply giving the tour was underwritten by somebody who recycled.’ —they should not be just placed in any old a note to Sydney Economist/Barrister Roger in the production of ‘energy saving’ bulbs, markets and free choice, and that big thus use a third more energy. This is why, money back—to now bullying elderly ladies wished to remain anonymous, try to see what bag or box. Randerson, whom he once tutored at The Similarly Maine DEP tests found that Norris’s reply, littered with ‘hopes’ and government, rather than protecting people, is Dr Klaus Stanjek, after carrying out a into using light bulbs that big government could be raised for the venture. We were ably London School of Economics, saying that he from just one broken CFL: ‘Mercury ‘shoulds’, made it clear that he was aware knowingly causing physical harm to people detailed investigation into the resource Across the EU and America, which are knows is making them ill. Big government assisted in this effort by Mr. Ref Kemp, could squeeze in a month before going on concentration in the study room air often that workers were being poisoned in China. with this ban. It is such arrogant, dismissive implications of ‘energy saving’ bulbs supposed to have high standards, most CFL has banned a perfectly safe, high quality Director of The Institute For Public Affairs freshwater life, one ‘energy saving’ light bulb previously scheduled visits to New Zealand exceeds the Maine Ambient Air Guideline Yet despite this awareness, the British and misleading letters from Lord Taylor that concluded that, ‘Energy saving lamps are and LED bulbs are just thrown in the bin and product, sold at a low price; and is forcing in Victoria, Mr. Viv Forbes in Brisbane, and could contaminate 190,000 liters (50,193 U.S. and Japan. has particular significance for children government continues to promote these underline the importance of the need to energy wasting lamps and should be end up in landfills where they pose major Mr. R. H. (now Sir Robert) Norman OBE gallons) of water to levels that exceed people to use unsafe, highly toxic, highly rolling around on a floor, babies crawling, or bulbs and in the next breath criticizes remove big government from the lives of as discouraged from use.’ environmental risks. Landfills become waste Roger and I were good mates so he rang of Cairns. Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. In expensive products in their own homes. As non mobile infants placed on the floor.’ China’s human rights record. The following many people as possible. Whilst people Claims that ‘energy saving’ bulbs last sites of major toxicity and ultimately leak me with the good news. I then suggested to Sweden, which has established and well pensioners suffer, MPs continue to jet Roger later published a booklet titled If advertisements for bulb companies are is an extract from what the Sunday Times suffer under toxic ‘energy saving bulbs,’ MPs longer than incandescent bulbs are not true. these deadly poisons into the water stream Roger that he immediately write back to organised recycling practices and prides itself around the world and drive Jaguar cars paid “Social Justice Socialism and Democracy” telling you their ‘energy saving’ bulbs are had to say: who think it right to ban the bulb in the The lifespan of a CFL bulb has been and food chain, thus creating long term Hayek and ask what his fee would be. I can CAPITALISM CAPITALISM on being informed and spearheading for by the taxpayer—big government is evil. featuring three of Hayek’s most important safe, why the need to issue these guidelines? name of saving energy (itself a false claim) artificially measured under laboratory health problems. As Professor Hui points still quote the answer. Hayek replied saying: ‘In China, however, a heavy environmental awareness, people are lectures on the tour. In that small book he The answer of course is that ‘energy saving’ cheat on their expenses, drive highly conditions. Studies have shown that in the out, ‘Government departments like the U.S. “Should first class return airfares be environmental price is being paid for the disposing of their Mercury CFL and arsenic said, “Many publicly spirited citizens, bulbs are not safe—and the bulb companies polluting Jaguar cars, set up trust funds to real world, the lifespan of a CFL can be Environmental Protection Agency have provided for my wife and myself both production of “green” lightbulbs.. Large LEDs in glass recycling bins, thus institutions and organisations donated, know it. Governments across the globe avoid tax, and jet around the globe at the shortened by a massive 85% under normal misleading arguments, like landfills are OK. internationally and nationally, and first class (numbering no fewer than 62, in sums • numbers of Chinese workers have been • HK In many countries, like Hong Kong, the HK contaminating all the other glass for committed to banning incandescent bulbs poisoned by mercury, which forms part of taxpayers expense. domestic household use conditions. In other accommodation be provided for us, and also ranging from $50 to $2,000) towards the garbage truck will compress the garbage [en recycling. without doing their homework; so they now the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. …A words, if the bulb lab lifespan was 6,000 providing that my lectures are confined to visit, but no list is given because some wish 1810

to be nameless. Their generosity is, however, “Well, while I am here, I would like to gratefully acknowledged. meet him, ” Hayek exclaimed. So I put that “The Hayek visit was a co-operative on the agenda. private enterprise. Indeed it had to be, I got this bright idea that I’d put the bull because approaches at high levels for in the yard, get a step ladder, put Hayek on concessions from government owned or the bull, (if he agreed), and take a picture, controlled internal and external airlines were which would carry the caption, “Hayek’s on refused.” Top of Inflation”. I told my wife and that There were complaints from high level was the end of it. She would not under any “intellectuals”, that the visit was everything circumstances countenance such a move. from a white washing of dangerous capitalist “What if the Professor fell off and was ideology, a political plot of ever devious Jews, injured,” and all of that sort of chatter. So to a “bankers plot”. Hayek incidentally was a that project was abandoned. non-practising Catholic. Nevertheless Hayek still wanted to meet Hayek was in great form and he appeared the bull. Next day I took him down the as Guest of Honour on the hour long paddock and took several pictures of him Monday Conference with Robert Moore, and and the bull when another idea popped into televised by the ABC network in all states on my head and I quietly mentioned it to him. October 11th 1976. He was delighted to have a bit of fun. The caption of course was to be “Hayek’s Got In addition, in total he kept no less than Inflation By The Balls.” 60 appointments, including visits to heads of state, seminar and lecturing engagements. A Well the old boy was delighted. He was very heavy schedule for anybody, but at that quite at home with animals and had palled time Hayek was 76 years of age. He was in up with the bull, which was an easy matter scintillating form. with this particular animal. So he posed and I took the picture. He predicted that if the Roger decided that in the middle of the Americans got hold of a copy, the picture tour he would give him four days off on the would become famous. Atherton Tableland. I had a spacious home there and as half of my six children were I am happy to announce that I recently away at boarding school, we had ample room heard from Dr. Eamonn Butler of the Adam to accommodate Roger, and Professor and Smith Institute in London. He told me that at Mrs. Hayek. a recent luncheon in her honour in London, Mrs. Thatcher, much to her delight, had a When he arrived we had a celebratory picture presented to her of her favourite drink of his favourite tipple, Johnny Walker Economist/Philosopher and with Inflation by Black Label. “When ever I drink this brand of the balls. Scotch,” Hayek announced, “I get ideas beyond my station”. He was a past master at Hayek’s grand daughter, who was present, putting people at ease. read out the story. He then noticed hanging on the wall of the bar, a large picture of a magnificent Brahman Bull I owned. He asked about the Bull, so I told him he was a prize winning show bull which I had nicknamed Inflation as he would not stop growing. “He weighs 2,500 pounds in his working clothes,” I told the small gathering present. Hayek laughed and said that he knew a bit about inflation and that he would like to meet this one. I told him that compared with the inflations he had witnessed, that this one was rather tame and that my boys jumped on to his back in the paddock. “I even jump on his back when he is in the yard and I can climb up the rails to do so,” I told him.