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ڼ 5: ਝ!!!ڼ 4 ೺ Wpm/5:!!!!!Op/4 ዷ!!!!Պǖྤॺ௷ ዷ!Պǖጼ෌֜!!༚ࣀਯ ࿲੥௽!ޭ ዐࡔ౫ᄽ੔ბ !!!!!!!!!!ࡓᇎᇮ!!߼!!Ⴝ ໥!!། ኴႜዷՊǖୟ࿔ස ISSN 0578-1752 CODEN CKNYAR ᇗ ڼ ljЁ೑ݰϮ⾥ᄺNJ㓪ྨӮ ݛ ෙ ঃ া ఁ ࡔ ༵ ୲ ॆ ೺ ਽ ঃ ᮎ᫇ ˄ᣝྦྷ⇣ヨ⬏ᥦᑣ˅ ቅҥ⥟䖲䫂श∌ḍश㡃ᘩ⷇ܗ᯹৩亲ᵄӏ㒻਼ ၄ ߬⾔ẉ৥ӆᗔ߬ᯁᴅ㣅೑ਈᯢ⦴ਈᐌֵᓴᄤҾ ज़ ᓴਃথᴢᤃໄᴳᗔ⨲∾សढ≜㤷ᰒ䰜᭛ᮄ䰜ᅫស ࿘ 䰜⛩᯹ሜހ⥝ᅬ᯹ѥ㣗ѥ݁փዄ㤷ᓋᰁ㹕䱚ᑇ ⨲Ⲫ䩻䬦ٙᓋᷟ⿟乎੠䇶㘨䕝㖳㰢⏴❞䖰㨫᠈᱃ ˞͉ށտ ᴢᆊ⋟ Ͼ ҝ˞͉ށտ 䍉ᮍ⬄ᮍᱎ䖰Michael T. Clegg ᄍ ށ տ ˄ᣝྦྷৡ㣅᭛ᄫ↡ᥦᑣ˅ ॄ M. Alley, USA Bouzayen M, France Matthew J. W. Cock, Switzerland ዐࡔ౫ᄽ੔ბ David A. Andow, USA John Bower, South Africa Nick Costa, Australia R. Appels, Australia Kenneth G. Cassman, USA Thomas Crenshaw, USA ׃ Jill Shore Auburn, USA Chen Xian-ming, USA Zhanao Deng, USA Bing Yang, USA Chen Z X, USA C. Robert Dove, USA ශ SCIENTIA AGRICULTURA SINICA Bas Bouman, IRRI Michael T. Clegg, USA Lester E. Ehler, USA Ḹᣀ࠯ʻḹ ് ࣼ ᎃ ᣣ ᦉ त ೺ 4 ڼ!!!ਝ :5 ڼ ׃ ᴢѥ䳲 ͉ ˞ ҝ ˞ ͉ ߛᭆॶ ೠ Ϙာᎃᣣ ᡎ ျ ဌጙᓤ ဌ૜෇ Laurie Burkitt ఁ Wpm/5:!!!!!Op/4 Ё೑ݰϮ⾥ᄺ Scientia Agricultura Sinica Ḹञ᳜ߞˈ1960 ᑈ߯ߞḹ (Semimonthly, Started in 1960) 2016 ᑈ 2 ᳜ 1 ᮹ ㄀ 49 ो㄀ 3 ᳳ Vol.49 No.3 February 1, 2016 йˉᦉ Superintended by Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. Chinaڍክ ˖ӧ̠ඞР֖ ˞ йˉመߥᬒ Sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciencesڍ˖ Ҩ ˞ йߥ͗ Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societiesڍ˖ йˉመߥǒᎃᣣᦉ Published by Editorial Department of Scientia Agricultura Sinicaڍ˖ᎃᣣѢྟ Ǒ ӑ̚˖СెӮܷᛣ 12 Ձ Address No.12 South Street, Zhongguancun, Beijing ڦ ڠ ᥪஊᎃᆉ 100081 Postcode 100081 ႂ ព 010-82109808 82106281 Telephone 010-82109808 82106281 ͛ ᄽ 010-82106247 Fax 010-82106247 http://www.ChinaAgriSci.com Website http://www.ChinaAgriSci.com ڦ Ꭹ ႂߔᥪ͇ [email protected] E-mail [email protected] Ӿ҄ᜈᝠ ӑ̚ӑౣӾ҄ԇ Issued by Beijing Newspapers and Periodicals Distribution Office ЮԦᛠ ӑ̚ઐѮԦᛠࡌ Subscription Domestic Post Officeڍ ,ᥪႂࡌ Issued Abroad by International Book Trading CorporationڠՉڍК ܪᝠ᠓ ᠞௛঳МՂ P.O.Box 399, Beijing, P.R. China˹ڎᬄڍڍ˖ Ԧᛠܰڍ م Ḹӑ̚ 399 ζ኷ḹ Abroad Issued No.BM43 µ Ю߿͈ 49.50 Њ/య 1188.00 Њ/ࣱ Price US$ 49.50 / Issue US$ 1188.00 / year ၊ڍ ੊ ЮܰМधԦᛠ ዐࡔ౫ᄽ੔ბᇾڍ ISSN 0578-1752 ᥪԦ̼ՁṊ2-138 ୕ ዷӸ ՁṊBM43 ࣸնፂᖸ᝴Ժ᝼Ṋ̚๑ࢹ׷ࣸߙኃ 0178 Ձ ዐࡔ౫ბ̼ࣷܰڍ CN 11-1328/S 中国农业科学2016 3 2016.1.28, 2:53 PM 中 国 农 业 科 学 ZHONGGUO NONGYE KEXUE 2016 年第 49 卷第 3 期 目 次 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 407 水稻茎秆性状与抗倒性的关系及配合力分析 陈桂华 邓化冰 张桂莲 唐文帮 黄 璜 418 高抗白粉病小麦-山羊草新种质 TA002 的创制和遗传研究 王玉海 何 方 鲍印广 明东风 董 磊 韩庆典 李莹莹 王洪刚 429 玉米种胚内质网胁迫相关基因对人工老化处理的响应 曹广灿 林一欣 薛梅真 邢芦蔓 吕伟增 杨伟飞 陈军营 耕作栽培·生理生化·农业信息技术 443 玉米秸秆低温高效降解复合菌系 GF-20 的菌种组成及降解稳定性研究 青格尔 高聚林 于晓芳 胡树平 王志刚 王 振 闹干朝鲁 455 薯/豆套作模式下不同熟期大豆品种的生长补偿效应 陈光荣 杨文钰 张国宏 王立明 杨如萍 雍太文 刘卫国 468 半干旱区全膜覆盖垄沟间作种植马铃薯和豆科作物的水热及产量效应 张绪成 王红丽 于显枫 侯慧芝 方彦杰 马一凡 植物保护 482 水稻 NBS-LRR 类抗稻瘟病蛋白 Pik-h 的互作蛋白筛选 王加峰 刘 浩 王 慧 陈志强 491 干涉丹参 SmORA1 对植物抗病和丹参酮类次生代谢的影响 化文平 刘文超 王喆之 李翠芹 土壤肥料·节水灌溉·农业生态环境 503 氮循环与中国农业氮管理 王敬国 林 杉 李保国 518 控释氮肥与尿素混施对连作春玉米产量、氮素吸收和氮素平衡的影响 王 寅 冯国忠 张天山 茹铁军 袁 勇 高 强 园艺·贮藏·保鲜·加工 529 基于花青素苷合成和呈色机理的观赏植物花色改良分子育种 戴思兰 洪 艳 543 核桃青皮的强抗氧化活性成分及其抗氧化稳定性 田平平 李仁宙 简永健 李健明 王 杰 554 冰温贮藏对宰后肌肉成熟进程的影响 李培迪 李 欣 李 铮 陈 丽 李仲文 陈立娟 田建文 张德权 - I - 中 国 农 业 科 学 2016 年第 49 卷第 3 期 畜牧·兽医·资源昆虫 563 鸡生殖干细胞中 Piwi 基因的干涉效率 李志腾 常国斌 徐 璐 马 腾 陈 静 陈 蓉 王洪志 刘 璐 徐 琪 陈国宏 573 豆粕与发酵豆粕中主要抗营养因子调查分析 杨玉娟 姚怡莎 秦玉昌 邱 静 李军国 李 俊 谷 旭 581 利用 Bac-to-Bac 杆状病毒系统超量表达家蚕 let-7 簇 microRNAs 何 婷 尹 权 王 伟 黄亚玺 吴小燕 夏庆友 刘仕平 研究简报 593 中国西南地区甘薯主要育种亲本的遗传多样性及群体结构分析 罗 凯 卢会翔 吴正丹 吴雪莉 尹 旺 唐道彬 王季春 张 凯 - II - SCIENTIA AGRICULTURA SINICA 2016 49 (3) CONTENTS CROP GENETICS & BREEDING·GERMPLASM RESOURCES·MOLECULAR GENETICS 407 The Correlation of Stem Characters and Lodging Resistance and CHEN Gui-hua, DENG Hua-bing, ZHANG Combining Ability Analysis in Rice Gui-lian, TANG Wen-bang, HUANG Huang 418 Development and Genetic Analysis of a Novel Wheat-Aegilops WANG Yu-hai, HE Fang, BAO Yin-guang, Germplasm TA002 Resistant to Powdery Mildew MING Dong-feng, DONG Lei, HAN Qing-dian, LI Ying-ying, WANG Hong-gang 429 Responses of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Related Genes in Maize CAO Guang-can, LIN Yi-xin, XUE Mei-zhen, Embryo to Artificial Aging Treatment XING Lu-man, LÜ Wei-zeng, YANG Wei-fei, CHEN Jun-ying TILLAGE & CULTIVATION·PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY·AGRICULTURE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 443 Function and Composition Stability of a Composite Microbial System Qingge-er, GAO Ju-lin, YU Xiao-fang, HU GF-20 with Efficient Corn Stalk Decomposition Under Low Shu-ping, WANG Zhi-gang, WANG Zhen, Temperature Naoganchaolu BORJIGIN 455 Compensation Effect of Different Soybean Varieties in Potato/ CHEN Guang-rong, YANG Wen-yu, ZHANG Soybean Intercropping Systems Guo-hong, WANG Li-ming, YANG Ru-ping, YONG Tai-wen, LIU Wei-guo 468 The Study on the Effect of Potato and Beans Intercropping with ZHANG Xu-cheng, WANG Hong-li, YU Whole Field Plastics Mulching and Ridge-Furrow Planting on Soil Xian-feng, HOU Hui-zhi, FANG Yan-jie, MA Thermal-Moisture Status and Crop Yield on Semi-Arid Area Yi-fan PLANT PROTECTION 482 Screening of Putative Proteins That are Interacted with NBS-LRR WANG Jia-feng, LIU Hao, WANG Hui, CHEN Protein Pik-h by the Yeast Two-Hybrid System Zhi-qiang 491 Effect of RNAi of SmORA1 on Disease Resistance and Tanshinones HUA Wen-ping, LIU Wen-chao, WANG Secondary Metabolism in Salvia miltiorrhiza Zhe-zhi, LI Cui-qin SOIL & FERTILIZER·WATER-SAVING IRRIGATION·AGROECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT 503 Nitrogen Cycling and Management Strategies in Chinese Agriculture WANG Jing-guo, LIN Shan, LI Bao-guo 518 Effects of Mixed Application of Controlled-Release N Fertilizer and WANG Yin, FENG Guo-zhong, ZHANG Common Urea on Grain Yield, N Uptake and Soil N Balance in Tian-shan, RU Tie-jun, YUAN Yong, GAO Continuous Spring Maize Production Qiang HORTICULTURE·STORAGE·FRESH-KEEPING·PROCESSING 529 Molecular Breeding for Flower Colors Modification on Ornamental DAI Si-lan, HONG Yan Plants Based on the Mechanism of Anthocyanins Biosynthesis and Coloration - III - SCIENTIA AGRICULTURA SINICA 2016 49(3) 543 Analysis of Antioxidative Functional Components from Walnut Green TIAN Ping-ping, LI Ren-zhou, JIAN Yong-jian, Rind and Its Antioxidation Stability LI Jian-ming, WANG Jie 554 Effects of Controlled Freezing Point Storage on Aging from Muscle to LI Pei-di, LI Xin, LI Zheng, CHEN Li, LI Meat Zhong-wen, CHEN Li-juan, TIAN Jian-wen, ZHANG De-quan ANIMAL SCIENCE·VETERINARY SCIENCE·RESOURCE INSECT 563 Interference Efficiency of Piwi Gene Expression in the Chicken Germ LI Zhi-teng, CHANG Guo-bin, XU Lu, MA Stem Cells Teng, CHEN Jing, CHEN Rong, WANG Hong-zhi, LIU Lu, XU Qi, CHEN Guo-hong 573 Investigation and Analysis of Main AFN in Soybean Meal and YANG Yu-juan, YAO Yi-sha, QIN Yu-chang, Fermented Soybean Meal QIU Jing, LI Jun-guo, LI Jun, GU Xu 581 Bac-to-Bac Baculovirus System Facilitates Overexpression of let-7 HE Ting, YIN Quan, WANG Wei, HUANG Cluster MicroRNAs of Silkworm (Bombyx mori) Ya-xi, WU Xiao-yan, XIA Qing-you, LIU Shi-ping RESEARCH NOTES 593 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analysis of Main Sweet LUO Kai, LU Hui-xiang, WU Zheng-dan, WU Potato Breeding Parents in Southwest China Xue-li, YIN Wang, TANG Dao-bin, WANG Ji-chun, ZHANG Kai - IV - 中国农业科学 2016,49(3):407-417 Scientia Agricultura Sinica doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.03.001 水稻茎秆性状与抗倒性的关系及配合力分析 陈桂华 1,2,邓化冰 1,2,张桂莲 1,2,唐文帮 1,2,黄 璜 1,2 (1 湖南农业大学农学院,长沙 410128;2 南方粮油作物协同创新中心,长沙 410128) 摘要:【目的】研究水稻茎秆形态性状、化学成分含量和茎秆解剖结构与抗倒性的关系,分析抗倒伏相关性 状的配合力,为抗倒伏高产水稻品种的选育提供依据。【方法】2014 年,以 3 个水稻新两用核不育系和 5 个恢复 系按不完全双列杂交所配的 15 个组合为材料,2015 年,以 4 个水稻新两用核不育系和 3 个恢复系按不完全双列 杂交所配的 12 个组合为材料,以单茎抗推力作为抗倒性的评价指标,研究水稻茎秆形态、化学成分含量、茎秆解 剖结构与抗倒伏能力的关系及相关性状的配合力方差和亲本的一般配合力。【结果】2014 年的相关分析表明,单 茎抗推力与秆长、单茎鲜重、弯曲力矩、粗纤维含量、硅含量和小维管束数目呈显著正相关;2015 年的相关分析 表明,单茎抗推力与秆长、茎粗、单茎鲜重、弯曲力矩、粗纤维含量、钾含量、硅含量、大维管束数目和小维管 束数目呈显著正相关。其中秆长、单茎鲜重、弯曲力矩、粗纤维含量、硅含量和小维管束数目与单茎抗推力的相 关性在 2 年的试验中均达显著水平。2014 年的逐步回归分析表明,弯曲力矩、硅含量和小维管束数目对单茎抗推 力具有正向作用;2015 年的逐步回归分析表明,秆长、茎粗、粗纤维含量和小维管束数目对单茎抗推力具有正向 作用。2 年均入选回归方程的性状有小维管束数目。单茎抗推力的不育系×恢复系特殊配合力方差和不育系的一 般配合力方差两年均达到显著水平,且单茎抗推力的不育系一般配合力方差明显大于恢复系的一般配合力方差和 杂交组合的特殊配合力方差。水稻不育系 075S 和 023S,水稻恢复系 R276、R964、R527 和 R389 的单茎抗推力的 一般配合力较高。【结论】秆长、单茎鲜重、弯曲力矩、粗纤维含量、硅含量和小维管束数目是影响水稻抗倒伏能 力的主要因素。单茎抗推力的遗传由加性基因和非加性基因共同控制,不育系的基因加性效应对杂交组合的抗倒 能力影响较大。不育系 075S 和 023S 及恢复系 R276、R964、R527 和 R389 的单茎抗推力的一般配合力较高,可用 于抗倒伏杂交水稻组合的配制。 关键词:水稻;抗倒伏;配合力;形态性状;化学成分 The Correlation of Stem Characters and Lodging Resistance and Combining Ability Analysis in Rice CHEN Gui-hua1,2, DENG Hua-bing1,2, ZHANG Gui-lian1,2, TANG Wen-bang1,2, HUANG Huang1,2 (1 College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128; 2Southern Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops in China, Changsha 410128) Abstract: 【Objective】 Lodging is one of the main constraints to the yield of rice. This study investigated the relationships among stem morphological index, chemical constituents and anatomical structure with lodging resistance. The combining ability of lodging related traits were analyzed. Results of the study will provide a theoretical basis for breeding of high yield rice varieties with lodging resistance.【Method】Three new rice dual-purpose genic male sterile lines and 5 restorer lines were crossed using incomplete diallel crosses and 15 hybrid combinations as materials in 2014. Four new rice dual-purpose genic male sterile lines and 3 restorer lines were crossed using incomplete diallel crosses and 12 hybrid combinations as materials in 2015. The 收稿日期:2015-10-20;接受日期:2015-12-01 基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金(13JJ8011)、湖南省科技计划项目(2014NK3006)、湖南省教育厅重点项目(13A042) 联系方式:陈桂华,E-mail:[email protected]。通信作者邓化冰,Tel:0731-84618625;E-mail:[email protected] 408 中 国 农 业 科 学 49卷 anti-thrust per stem was used as the lodging resistance index.
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