The Rise of the Bolsheviks
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The Russian Revolution, 1919: the Rise of the Bolsheviks Table of Contents Page No. 1. Letter from Director 2. Letter from Chair 3. Introduction 4. House of Romanov 5. Revolution of 1905 6. Stolypin Reforms 7. Duma 8. Issues plaguing Russia 9. Ideology of Bolsheviks 10.Russian Revolution of 1917 11.Conclusion and current scenario 12.Character Bios 13.Timeline of Russian History Letter from Director Dear Comrades, Greetings! My name is Dhruv Tyagi, and it is my distinct honor to serve as your Director for The Russian Revolution: the Rise of the Bolsheviks. I am currently a freshman majoring in Physics and minoring in Political Science. I was born in Bangalore, India, but I had always dreamed of coming to the US for my undergraduate education. When I am not sleep deprived from Model UN, you can find me on a soccer field, in the gym, rapping, or watching my favorite genre of movies: horror! This year we will be simulating the Bolsheviks cabinet in 1919. I am extremely excited for this committee as we will be taking a trip back in time to one of history’s most monumental periods that would change the world forever. I await to see your skills of creativity, rhetoric, diplomacy, and subversion on display. As Bolsheviks, you wield enormous power and influence in deciding the fate of Russia and her people. I hope you will not disappoint the millions of Russians dreaming of a greater future for their country. My role as your director is to ensure that MUNI is the best Model UN conference you have ever attended; your role as delegates is to soak in as much as possible from this conference. While awards are important, I want you to recognize that MUN holds so much more value than just a certificate or trophy in a cabinet. MUN is not merely a competition but an avenue for fostering new friendships, gaining invaluable knowledge, and most importantly enjoying yourself. I sincerely hope all of you will aim to at least take these things away from MUNI if not anything else. This background guide is by no means exhaustive; this should serve as the foundation for your further research. A great delegate is one who positively influences committee and helps move committee forward. A strong delegate is sure not only in voicing their opinion but also listening respectfully to others. Being involved both in-room through your speeches and out-room through your crisis notes is essential if you wish to be an impactful delegate. I understand that this may be your first time in a crisis committee, so please do not hesitate to reach out to my email [email protected] for any queries or if you just want to introduce yourself! Crisis committees often get a bad rap for being challenging, but they are the most exciting and challenging committees that MUN has to offer. I wish you all the best, and слава маме россии! Sincerely, Dhruv Tyagi Director of the Bolsheviks Letter from the Chair Dear Comrades, Hello! My name is Carter Smith, and I have the honor of being the Head Chair of the Russian Revolution crisis at MUNI XXV. Although I’m a freshman, this will be my sixth year participating in Model United Nations in some capacity. I have chaired several conferences in my home state of Tennessee, and I look forward to the exhilarating weekend of debate ahead of us. I am currently majoring in electrical engineering; however, I will be transferring to Econometrics next semester to fully embrace Model UN and (hopefully) law school in the future. When I’m not preparing for Model UN, I find time to pursue my love for consuming copious amounts of coffee, watching Chelsea lose in the Premier League, programming, and listening to Kid Cudi and Kanye. Narrowing down my list of favorite shows is difficult, but Seinfeld, Mindhunter, and Black Mirror would definitely be my top three. I eagerly await the fierce debate and treachery which will most certainly befall the Bolshevik cabinet while in session. All committees at MUNI challenge you to think critically and to thoroughly understand your country/character’s position, but I hope that the wide reaching effects of this crisis encourages every delegate to go above and beyond in their research and debate. As high-ranking members of the Bolshevik party, you must solve the most challenging and complex issues facing Russia all while a power vacuum emerges. Issues such as internal dissent, economic stagnation, and the Great War loom on the horizon for any government which will form from the ashes of Tsarist Russia. The crisis at hand presents every delegate the opportunity to shape Russia how they deem fit through the tools at their disposal. Comrades, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me using the information I have provided below. Вперёд, к победе, коммунизма! Sincerely, Carter Smith Head Chair of Bolsheviks Introduction There is perhaps no phenomenon in global history as monumental and significant as the Russian Revolution: it would lay the foundation for the emergence of communism as a competing ideology to capitalism which hitherto had remained unchallenged. The rise of communism would lead to the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and it would play a crucial role in shaping the modern world through the Cold War against the United States of America. However, the journey to the zenith of global power would not be a straightforward one which would begin with the Bolshevik takeover and the end of the Tsarist rule in 1918. Our committee will be simulating the cabinet of the prominent Bolsheviks in the year 1919 after the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family. The Bolsheviks have been in a contentious position of power for nearly a year, but our ambition is to solidify our hold on Russia and cement Communism’s place as the only ideology appropriate for Russia and her people. Notwithstanding the gains the Bolsheviks have made recently, this will not be a simple task: there are several obstacles to Bolshevik rule in the form of the Provisional Government, the Mensheviks, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the anarchists, and more who do not wish to see the Bolsheviks at the helm of the upheaval that Russian society is undergoing. Furthermore, the Bolsheviks must seek to solve the problems that plague the common people of Russia. Having utilized the slogan of “Peace, Land and Bread” in order to win the support of the populous, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, must devise plans to solve these issues.1 Simply put, Russia has a herculean task ahead of her if she is to overcome the hold of the bourgeoisie, but if there were to be solutions to the current conundrum, the only ones who are capable of bringing them to light are the Bolsheviks. Using our resources, powers, and support, we must seek to achieve our aspirations through cooperation and pragmatism. Удачи Bolsheviks, the fate of Russia is in your hands. House of Romanov In order to fully comprehend the Russian Revolution and its consequences, it is important to first understand the underlying history of Russia and the events that led up to the revolution. Russia had always been an ethnically diverse country – a fact that added to its uniqueness but also complicated matters for any ruler. The most prominent monarchs belonged to the Romanov 1 family, and they ruled over Russia as Tsars for over 300 years.2 Romanov rule began in 1613 with the election of Mikhail Romanov by the National Assembly.3 Under the Romanov’s tsardom, Russia would undergo its largest territorial expansion transforming a landlocked state into one of Europe’s largest empires.4 During the reign of Peter the Great (1696-1725), Russia and its culture would welcome several new changes, and Peter would overrule the country’s medieval aristocracy in an attempt to revitalize Russia’s standing globally. Peter the Great was responsible for the creation of a navy, the establishment of a reorganized Russian army in accordance with the standards adopted by Western countries, secularized schools, and the administration of greater control over the reactionary Orthodox Church. Peter was greatly influenced by European culture and set up the city of St. Petersburg, which he made his new capital, deemed the country’s “window into Europe.” He was a visionary and an excellent diplomat, and he appointed a Russian Senate who’s work it was to regulate all branches of administration and formulate Russian foreign policy. However, Peter the Great enacted reforms that were accompanied by high taxes resulting in several revolts among citizens; however, these were quickly suppressed by Peter who developed a reputation of being cruel and tyrannical. Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great, was another exemplary monarch who served as Russia’s longest female ruler. She faced more than a dozen uprisings during her reign, but she was able to put them down without losing her hold on the throne. Ironically, she arose to the throne as a result of a coup that caused her husband Peter III to abdicate. She was a dedicated patron of the arts, and her reign also enjoyed Russian adoption of Western European culture and philosophies. 5However, like her predecessors, Catherine II allowed the unjust practice of serfdom to carry on, and she did very little to alleviate the lot of her people. The abolishment of serfdom finally came in 1861 during the reign of Alexander II through the Emancipation Reform.6 This reform freed the peasants of their bondage to one piece of land, and it enabled them to move around freely while purchasing land if they wished to.