PROSPECTUS FOR 1865. POUTZ’S AyerS AVKRS D*s*m*e~iA~~ - ¦ Agricultural. | Saturday Evening Post, CELEBRATED ..cs. AND The (tattle DISEASES DESrt.TINT. FROM DISORDERS ——— -—¦ anti ” govsc gouto. and Hast SaFsapariOa;* & "Ths Oldest of t'uo Wceklie* OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, • Butter ia Winter. ¦ , FOR PURIFYING THE ' AUK CUBED UV igould the iPILJJS- BLOOD, How very difficult it is to find good, 'i MIR pub! iShef&’of the POST call { Arc yon sic’ , .io cures, have does make delicious butter in the midst of CHOICE and cleanse the dfcor- ftoiiißtime* it turned inward and difitiim'ilme at Hie (U remedy for all Diseases to the doled hnmoip —puilD the ago it on • im! jjiv*la Her Biiiblni tu>n. hitve more tisii- no includin'? Stories, Sketches, Poetry, Essays, An- incident Horse, 1 Momach. Two years broke out my lieail i winter, that there is solid reason why as Gian- Mood, uitd Set the> and covered mv'*un>p ami can* with one *oe,'w hich | nmny, Imve more res|i etnhlc to Voiitli for an interesting charac- such > butter generally should not be good ecdoles, abd everything of move on uuub>tiiii ted in was and Umtlipoiuc beyond desoiiption. 1 ‘hem—!•• nnv wrllelc in the nmiKef. , l.cullh again. They *tinm- many phv ter. tried medicine* and ncvernl tnciun-, but Ui* t( Into the tillOtloi.H of I lie relief from defy im\ one to ntrmliet this assertion, throughout the year, lie say? all that is give & §e- without much nnvthhiir. In fact, the will one of WHEELER WILSON' S We body into tigoiuin* tictivitv, ; disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to AND WILL PAY $1,1)00 needed is, first, to adopt his mode, and j| Celebrated Sewing Maibine#—lire regular price 1 purifv the svrtcm from the übctrucrion* which nitike read in the losrnl Messenger that von hud pn’pnied then to give it proper care and attention. of which is Fifty -live dollar#—uu the following | disease. A co’d settles somewhere in the I . and an ulternti n (aaranpnriiiak lor 1 knew l'ion your To any one that \\ ill product* u Certificate pub' obstructs its nut mill functions. These, if not re- npiitation that anything you made must ho good, j n.% that is as ; terms: fished by not okntine. If wo remember correctly, this mode is ; I limed, tenet upon them.'elves and the runoUllttilig i sent to Cincinnati ami got it. and used it till it. follows; i 1. Twenty copi s, one year, and the Sew- ; organs, pruiinciiig geneinl MHlering, ¦Mired nuv 1 took it, us you advise, in sniuli dunes of and disease. While in tills condition, oppressed by a touspoouful over a month, and used almost three Koofland’s Geiman Billers ing M tebine 00 • as many car- S7O tlie derail Yemenis, take Ayer's rills, nnd see how es. healthy skin soon lo Every farmer should raise I bolt New and began lorm U ill m?e I j ‘i. Thirty copies, one year, and the-Sew- i directly they restore the natural action of the s\s- under Hie scab, whicii aher a white tell off. Mv cure every of Chronie or Nervous De- rots through* : Eiicr- is as his milch cows wdl need i ing Machine 85 00 | Vita! ' 1 tern, m d u itii it the buoyant W’injrol health again, skin now clear, ami 1 know bv my fee’lngs flint j'ilily,Disease of the Kidney*, sort DiseatMS hi is- - - and com- out such IForty copies, one year, tire Sew- gy, *c. i What it* lim and so nppaiein in this trivia! Hi.* disease ks gone from my ’ You can well ifrom h stomach. User fol- the winter, giving each quantity 1 and i complaint, disordered f vc the Machine.... 100 00 In poor, low-spirited animals, it bus the mon is also true in immv ol the deep- bt.ieve that 1 feel what 1 am when 1 tell you, as he judged This has ai> ing seated and dangerous distempers. The same purga- that 1 ho!d you to be of lie apostles age, lowing symptoms resulting from disorders of the may proper. I most beneficial effect. one 1 of the nnn ense#, tbe Machine will Ire tire reg- tive effbet expels lItem. Caused by tdmPHr obstnic- and lenuun ever gratefully. Yours, dip stive orpm.s : excellent effect upon the freshness ami | Tlie use of them improves the wind, slrcnpth- deniugenientsof the natural functions ol -1 uUr WHEELER i WILSON'S No. 3 Machine, Huus nnd ALFRED U. TALLEY. Constipation. Inwiird Piles, Fulness of Wood richness of milk. Before churning, two ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a Hie body, they are rapidly, ami many ol tliem mie’v, j or sold by them in New York for $55. Tire ma- who the 3t. Anthony Fire. Rom Brydiirlnot to the Iliad, .Aridity of the carrots fine, smooth glossy skin—tints improv- cured by the same means. None know Tfllrr mul Mull lihi*mia Ht-iilii ifirad Stomach, Nausea, or three middle-sized orange are chine w ill lie selected new at the ma on factory in and i virtue* of these Tills, will neglect to employ them 9 I lean hum. Disgust or j ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this filiogu ori:), More Eye*, Dropsy, I Uu Food. Fulmss Weight 'pressed out a ; New York, forwarded cost, when Hollering from Hie disorders they cure. Treble in the ftiolnach, Krurtafions, Sinking or grated, the juice through | boxed and lice of Matemenis leading some ofthe Dr. Uoliert il. writes IVoin Haleru, N. Y., Sour exception noble animal. fiom physicians’in 12ih be j 1., ISSO. that ho ha* cured an inveterate FJnitering at the Pit of .Stomach, cloth ; over the juice water is pour- 1 with the offreiyht. principal cities, and (torn other well-known public tlie Swimming i persons: cu‘o of Dropsy, which threatened to tciminntc fa- of the Head, Hurried and Breathing, ed, and then pressed through cloth.— tally. bv the pen-eveiiug use of our buisnpniilln, Difficult tlie CASH IN ADVANCE. From a Forwarding Merchant St. Louis, Feb. 4, dangerous Muttering at the Heart, ( linking and Sufioca* a milk, stir, of and also a Malignant Ergsijiefas by large I To this add pint of new amii 1860. doses of the same; says he cures the common Erup- • ting Sensation** wheu in a lying posture. Ditn- copy, one year $3 50 uie One Dr Aver Your Fills the pniagou of all that tions by it constantly I ness of \ lints or \Vels hefore file throw into the cream before churning —j “ is gunt in medicine. They have cuied little i ision. Sight, Two copies, 4 00 my Rronrhorrlr, (Soilrr or Swrlloil Fovei and ten or 11 daughter of inoeion* sOies upon her hands and feet IVrcli. Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of This sufficient for twelve! .... juice is Four copies, 8 00 Zebulon b‘omi,of l'iosj*cct Texas, vviiie.-: “Three J \ “ i that had pio\id Deniable for years. Her mother IVispiral ic u, eliowm ss of the Skin and potlnds ofbutter. Made in this way, dime ! Eight copies and one to getter up bottles of our bursapnriim cured me Horn n (ioitrr Eyes, I has been long giie\misty uillicDd with blotches and —a hideous swelling on the neck, which 1 hud ¦ Pain in the Side, Ihuk, Chest, Liiuhs. Ac., Sud- . pimples .suf- | of cl nit, . . . IC 00 on tier skin and in her hair. Alter our is scarcely any difference either in “ fered from over two vears.’’ den Flushes of Heat, Ihruiug in the Flesh, color! ] Twenty copies, and one to getter up child was cuied, she ulto tiicd you* Tills, and they Con- or flavor, between it and the best summer j have cuied her. ASA MoUuKIDGE. l/fieorrhrrn or Whilr*,Ovarian Tumor, j slant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Gun, ..... 35 00 Uicnrutiuu, of butter. Am a Family riiyhlv. Uterine Tnunlc Diirates. 1 Spirits, i Out copv of THE °OST and one of THE l>i' l. U S. Chanmng, of New Yo:k City, writer: , From Dr. E IV. Cartwright. A>ir Orleans. “ cheerfully REMEMBER. ... comply request your [We give the above, though we do not LADY'S FRIEND, 400 are 1 with the of Your I’ills the prince of purges. Their ex, agent in saying vour SttisHpuriha a qualities cut we 1 have found Thai lids Bitters is much like countenancing the adding of so* in celicut sin puss any ha? He possess. £ numerous com- i The matter Tie FtiU will always be | They mild, mo t excellent alterative In the harmless —to the from that in The Lady's are but very certain ami iilictnal in their plaints lor which we employ such a rcmedv,but NO T A L CO 11 0 L IC } anything —however different F/ienrl. action on Hie bowels, which makes them invaluable especially in Female Diseases of the Scrofulous J’jO" As ptice of is lie daily lieatmeut ol cream.— Ed. Sal. Eve. Post. the the Foil same as j j The property this Powder possesses in in- I lo us in the disease. ; diathesis. 1 have cured many inveterate eOrcft of Contains no Rum or Whiskey, and Lmlys Friend, coin- Leitporrhcoa can’t make that of the the Clubs may be ] creasing the quantity of Alillc in Cows, gives Headache,f4icl Headache, B'onl Hloimirh. by it. and some wliero the complaint Drunkards, hut is exclusively of the paper, or pirtly of tbe caused bv idcernfian of the uterus. The \ Importance op Gravel Stones for posed it an importance and value which should From Dr Edward Pnj/d, Ha'thnofc. nicer- i and of the Magazine. Of course Dear Uro Aysii: I cannot answer you what atiou itself was soon cured. Nothing within my in paper partly the | place it in the hands of every person keeping ki.owledgeeqna'sit for thc*e femn e The he*t Ttmir thti Worhl I Fowi.s.—Header—did you ever dissect premium for getting up a club be either one coniplnints I have cared with your Tills better than ileiangemcuts” 1 may • 1 a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven lo say all that veer treat ui'h a purgative nuiti Edward S Marrow, of Newbury, Ain., writes: the gizzard a 01 ks person “ of hen, turkey, goose. or tbe other, desired. Any having ! that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Ij cine.' 1 place gnat dependence on Hint eflcctiml A dangerous ovarian *umnr on one of the I‘emaleH P*' Read Who says so: cluck f The gizzard and gravel stones in. sent a Club may add ot or names at any time | twenty per cent., ami make the Butler cathartic in my daily contest with disease, ami be- in m-- lami.y, which had defied all the remedies wo 1 Cream as do. G. of Bap- during the year. The papers for a duh may be | sweet. Cattle, it gives ! I Roving, J that your Tills alibid us Hie toft wo eou.d employ, tuts at length brim completely cured From the Rev. Levi Beck. Pastor the U the purpose to facilitate firm and In fattening (Jar Church, serves of leeth, to and have, 1 ofcourse value them highly. j ny >our E.xnuct of Sarsapaiilla. plivsician tist iViuLciton. N. J., formerly of the sent different post'.dices. The names them an appetite, loosens their hido and tl ought nothing but extirpation could relief, digestion. The feed is swollowed in money ( ITttsuuro, To.. May 1.1555. 1 iilTord North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. should lie forwarded us rapidly ns obtain- makes them tli.ivo tnneh litslcr. Dr. J. Ayer {Sir but he advised the trial of your SarsnpariMn mtlio 1 C. I have been repeatedly * $ * * m * chunk-, nr grain is received into the crop ed, in cider that the subscribers may begin to 1 body e by a In.-l resort before cutting, ami it proved effectual. i h o s. cured of lie worst headache any can hn\ taking papers a two of your Alter your remedy eight weeks uo symptom I have fa- unbroken. Here all such substances are receive their at once. j dose or Tills. If seems'to arise Horn a ” known riooflnmßs German Putters In all Diseases of foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. cl Hie disease rvmr.lns fern a time, Remittances should lie made in tl. S. notes.— I I vorably numhciA of years. I have used softened, and passed, little at a Five , JBMJfc—- Yuura with great rt'bpecl. ED W FItKHLE. Myphilix nn l Mprrnrial Dica*o. them in rm own For all amounts over Dollars we prefer j Clerk Clarion, New <*ulkaxh, 2jth ISC9. family, and have hecn so through the gizzard, which is surrounded drails any of the ofSteamer August. p*eased with their effects that 1 was to on Eastern cities, payable to j BilioiiM Disordm-flilrrr Uoiiipluiutn. Du. .1. C Aver: .Sir, 1 cheerfully comply with induced by strong muscles; ami the request of agent, and jepdrt to you recommend them to many when food is pass- our order. I) Hell, your some i others, and know that Specimen numbers The sent gratis. From r. Theoelore. ofNew York City. of the dice is 1 have ieali;:ed with your Sarsaparilla, they have operated in a strikingly beneficial man- ing through it, it dilates ami contracts of Post I Not only arc your Tillsmluiiinblv adapted lo their 1 have cured with it, in most, , my practice, of tho ner. take great pleasure in publicly pro* similar to the motion of a bellows, and Address purpose as an npeiicut. blit I find their beneficial 1 complihnts for which it is i*‘ooramcmjt‘il, nml have I thus DEACON & PETERSON, | effects upon tl.e l iver very marked indeed. They found i’s elfects tutly wonderful in the cure ol i claiming this fact, an ! calling file attention of con- b have in my proved more for the i the food, kernels of grain, coming in 319 i practice etleciiml I j Venereal and Mercurial Disease. Uue of my pu- j those afflicted with tlie diseases tor which they No. Walnut street, Philada. j rel of the cuic of bilious complaints any one leniedy I ; Svphidtlc tliroat, • tact with the gravel stones, i> separated Swiff we haw’at -1 tieuts had ulcers ir. which were | are recommended to these Bit tors’. knowing from above Diseases can no cnreit or entirely pre- can mention J sincerely lejoice that | consunvn his jialate ami the lop of his month. a \\ is experience that my recommendation will he sus- and torn to pieces After the process is vented. By using these Powders the Hog length purgative l.ich worthy thecontidence of Vonr Sarsaparilla steadily taken cured him in live the projection and the peoplu ! weeks Another was attacked by secondary svmp- tained. Ido this more clan Ially as Hoofland’s completed, the food ia digested. These Cholera can lie prevented. nose, Department op the Interior, I I lotus in ids ami the uicei atibii had eaten away Bitters is intended fo benefit the oflheud, and is little mill stones, as it trot remain Prioo 25 ots. per Paper, or 5 Papers for Washington, !).('. 7ih l eb . 186'h j ! a considerab e part of ir, so that 1 bedevo the clls- | “not a rum drink." Yours, trul\, sl. I Sir: I have used your lilt* in my general ami ! order wou’il soon reach his brain and kill liim. hut , long in the gizzard; they are carried out rliKl*AItl!Il BY ! hospital piact ice ever since you untile them, and it yiedtvJ ’oiny administration of >(iui'Buitaparilln; LEVI G. BECK. with the food, and a new set is brought; & j cannot hesitate lo say they are the best cathartic ; the ulceis hen ed. nnd he is wed again, not olcon iso S. A. FOUTZ ERO., we employ. Their icgidntnig action on the liver is i [ without some to his luce A woman From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of along, froth the crop, to he thus ground.— AT TllF.ra i quick and decided, coi-eqnei'tiv they me nu ad- ; who had been treated fur the same disorder by iner- j the Encyclopedia of Relipious Knowledge, and Now, if fowls confined, as mirable u-medy tor ileningeiiuntg or that organ. i cury was sulTeriiig bom f hi-* poison in her bqties. • Chronicle, are they often 1 WHOLESALE CFUG Af 0 MEDICINE DEPOT. Indeed. I have seldom lonnd u case of bilious di*- Tliey had become so ensitlvc tokbe weather that on , Christian Philadelphia. are, where they cannot have access to all No. 116 Franklin St,, Baltimore, H., joints and bones blie. ton, was cuied entirely by , Patent Medicines in general, through of the sharp gravel they need, their diges- For Sale hr Dnippists mid CtorcLccpci’9 rhgsiciau ofthe Marine Hospital. >our Sairapniithi in a few weeks I know from its I distrust * formula, agent ingredients and effects, 1 id’ no tion must be imperfect, and they can- throughout the United States Hyarntory, Hinrrhcrn, lirinx, WorniH. winch your gave me, that this j their yet know Trepaialiou from’ your laboratory mn*t be a great reasons why . man may not testify to From Dr. J. (>’. tireen.oj Chicago. sufficient not do well, especially if led on whole For Hal", .llice, Handled- Ant, l!ed remedy; consequently, these truly remurkubiu re- the to Your Tills have had a long in in im 1 benefits he believes himself have received Itligs, Molin' In Furs, Woolen*- Are-, SHEiNEA’S 11 I practice, sults with it have not surprised mo. grain. Fowls need sharp gravel stones and I hold them in e.-teem as one of the best npen- Fraternally yon is, ii. V. LA 111 MED, M. D. from any simple preparation, in the hope that he within their reach to swallow luseeld ou PlunlM, Fowls, Animals, ents I have ever lonnd. Their n'teiutiw* ellecf noon may thus contribute to the benefit ofothers. every day. IIre liver makes them an excellent remedy, when Rlirninntisni, 4>!o:it 9 Liver d’ois;T.iint. not a Ac. Balsamic Cough Syrup, given lolion* j XDKI*INDiJNCK. Tiesion Co . Va., dill da v. 1859. ; I do this the more readily in tegard to Hoof- and if they do have range, gravel in small doses toe dysentery and diar- * Sin, 1 have rheas. Titcir Hlgai'-coaling makes Hum very a> Du J. C. Avcu been uUliciiil’with u , land’s Geiman Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. should them, tniinini chioiiic Itheumn'ism for a long time, w inch ' he kept by in their ittclos- Put up in 25c. 50c. and 81.00 Bottles, FOR COCCUS, CROUP. WHOOP ci plable and convenient tor Use use of women in. i Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced ures;—Boston COLDS. cbiidrcu. bullied the skill of phj sicinmq mid stuck lo me in < Cultivator. Boxes and flasks. $,3 and $5 sizes for j ING COUGH, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, spite of nil the icinedies 1 could lind. until 1 tried against them for many years, under the linpres- Hotels, Institutions, Sec. SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN AND WEAK- Dynpepsin, Empurify of i!jr ISlood. ¦ your bnr-npnrilla. One bottle cured me in two ; ; siou that ’hey were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. Public \ restored my general so my NESS OF From Rev J. f Himes. Pastor of Adeem Church , weeks and health much am indebted to friend. Robert Shumaker, How to Build a Smoke-House.—ls THE BREAST, DIFFICULTY was /, I “Only infallible remedies known.” BREATHING, Host on. that Inm far bettcm Mum befoic'l at tacked Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper best constructed ou a side hill, should he OF &C. Dr. Ayer: 1 have used voiir nils with extra- think it a wonderful medicine. J IREAM i “Free from Poisons.” is a tests, and for enc airageitenl to try them, when two T/iitSyrup pur !y Vegetable Compound. Itt otdinnn success in my lamllv nnd among those li.m dales Y. Celchcll, of St. Louis, writes: “I have ; stories in height, the lower pan built dangerous to Human to lake and culled to visit in distress. To* regmate the.organs of I suffering from grc*i and long-continued debility. ! “Not the Family.” is pleasant never dots injury. Bat [ been uißicteu for > earn with an a. dec.'inn ofthe Diet r. of stone or brick, and the upper portion of “Rats tome out of their holes to die.” j,owing to pnrilyi. g qualities, must do good j digestion md pnrily the hood, Hiev me the very whicii dv-trayed my he.i:lii. 1 riinl everything, The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the be- its best leniedy 1 have'ever known, and 1 can confi- or brick, as most Its tlhcls are truly and everything failed to relieve me; nnd I have ginning of the present year, was followed by evi- wood is convenient under any circumstances.. dently lecommetid (hem to mv fiiei its. been n broken-down man lor S"ld Wholesale in all latge cities. * some rears from no dent and rcstoiation to degree of bodily Two tilings are to be guarded against in a j wonderful—soothing, calming and allaying the Von is. J. V HIMES. other cause than derangement of flu Liner. My idiet iky- Sold by all Druggists and Retailers Co pastor, Iv-py. and mental vigor which 1 hud not felt for six smoke-house, viz., fire and pilfering. I most violent coughsi purifying, strengthening : Warsaw. Wyoming . N Y.. Od. k 4. 180. ' beloved the Lev .Ur. advised me lb , The i everywhere. jiand invigorating the w hole system, calming and | Dear Stic I nhi liningyourt at tun lie Tn.s in my | try vour Suisupnrimi, hecnn-c he said he knew you, months before, and had almost despoiled of re- slono or brick basement with an iron-lined I Soothing the aiding facilitating practice, and lind I hem an excellent pm.-alive d and anything yon made was worth Irving 11.: tho gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend !!!BcYTaue!!! of all worthless : nerves, and ex- blessing me, ai has so punfieil cleanse the system mul purify the fountains of' the of t*od it Inis cined <1 for directing me to the use of them. door on the lower side, provides against; pectoration. and heuiir.g the Diseased Lungs , blood. JOHN L ME Ai'llAM, .M.D. my bioodn? to made a new man of me. 1 tool voting j imitations. at of and again. The host can be tuid half J. NEWTuN BROWN, the first, and a strong lock thus striking the root disease driving ' Cou'tlipnlioii, fodlii'iiexs, MnpproM*iou, that of >ou is not upon the up- | See that “Costar’s” name is on good enough.” Philadelphia. it all it from the system., Ncuru^ia, Dropny, per makes secure. The floor or li-| Box, Bottle and before | Par-.ihsin, rits,rli*. Mrhirrii*, Caiipcr Tumor*, I every Flask, yon Curios aud Hlsfaiialio.l or vision between the two rooms should he j CROUP. From Dr.J. I*. Vaughn, Mon!real. Canada. Ulcer.itio:a. From the Rev Jos. 11. Kennurd, Pastor of the bnv. Too cannot he of lor the Boiiok. of set on much said your Tills Hie A variety have to us loth Baptist Church. scantling, sedge, several inches \ COSTAR, of croup Syrup it cm eol cost ice urna. it othetsoi our ua.e gieat of cases been reported iff-Address HENRY R. No child need die if this is irateinitv ot tormidnb e complaints have apart, to admit the smoke freely, to re- j properly used, and used in time Mothers hav- found Iheni as etl.cncious as I l-ave. ihev sl.ou'id join where cures these Dr Jackson: Dear Sir:—l have been fre- and tin* ot reined , but our space j Piiticipal Depot, 482 Broadway, me in piochiimingH. tot the b uelllol the iniilliuiuen , rest!lteil from use this quently to connect m\ name with com- ing heie will not admit them. of may be requoted tain any which may fall from the! ctonpy children should watch the first show who snllev Hem Hull complaint, which, adl.i.iigh Homo them New York. : found in our American A’lminue, which Hie agents mendations of different kinds of medicines, hut of disease, and alwayskti p this remedy at hand. bad enough in itself, i** Hu*(progenitor oi other- mat hooks." Five feel in height is sufficient below named arc to uirni.-h giutiv to ad who regarding prn> as out of my appropriate (fJ-Sold all For coughs measles most ate 1 believe costinioss to onginaie in the pleased the lice by Wholesale and Rstail alter this Syrup is t worse : call for titem. for each story beyond the pitched roof.— j in litis excellent. Experience has proven that it is< liver, but your Tills ulicet that oiuau unit cute tiio sphere, 1 have in all cases declined ; but with a I Druggists county. nihlS fliseusc. Dyvpriwiii. Fit**,Epilepay, clear proof in various instances, and particularly The meat portion is entered bv a equalled hy no other preparation. a. door< From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Mr holy, rural# in in\ family, of the iiM'fuluess of Dr. HooHand's the Manv remarkabe c of the e nllectionp have upon upper side of the hill, and cross Price 40 cents per bottle, or three bottles forr Host on, Bitters, depmt for once (mm my usual Ifind or two large do-es of your Tills, taken been made bv the alleifitl.e jhivvim-ot tins meditii.o I timbers, filled with hooks, FARMERS, SI.IO. one It stimulates the viral functions vigorous action, course, to my full it, for strong nails or j NOTICE! nt the pioper lime, aic excellent piommivesof Hie into cxpre.'S conviction lit Prepared by S A. Fodtz k Bno., at their and thus overcomes di-ordcra whicii vvou'd be sup- are provided for hanging up the , , r , natural secret ton when wholly or pniliiitiy snp- gem ral def-i'ily of the system and especially tor to beyond if*reach. Such a remedy linn long 1 Wholesale Drag and Medicine Depot, No. lit!* pressed, and also very eth-ctuul cleanse me posed Liver Complaint, it is a safe and vain prepa- tongues, Stc. The while inside to the sale by A. . si licit and expel I'hey ure so inttcli the been required by the uecessiiics of me people, and .hie j• Franklin street, Baltimore, and for M. out worms. we are confident that this will do for (hem ail that ration. In some cases it may fail; but usually, peak may filled lo Wm. H. Roberts, GREENFIELD. Air. , and all Slorc- best physic we have that 1 tecommend no oilier to thus be with meat, i 4 Bel Md my p-uticuts. medicine cun do. I doubt not, it will lev cry 1 cut filial to those which even the person Street, keepers throughout the United States. w ho suffer from the above tending the the' 172 Forest Baltimore, I 1 From the Her. Dr. Unwkes. of the M< thodist Epis. came. need have no access. Of course the low- ( ( Aim*. | Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Yours, very respect InIIy, prepared to serve the farmers of Har- Tui abki llocse. Snvflni.aln <*a . .Inn. O,lW>O. J. 11. er part needs no floor. Six feet \ ron the rapid citsu: or KENNARD, square is ford and Baltimore counties, with | Shriner’s Indian Vermifuge, lioxonsH mu 1 should he iitigiuieinl tor the Eighth below Coates street, Philadelphia, u good size for a building. IS relict your shill Las b.onglit me it 1 did t ot teport Conrrh, I’oldt, Saflupann, 2l:irenes, TO DESTROY AND EXPEL WORMS I my Cftce to y ou. A cold settled in my limbs and t'ro iji, Rromriiilis, 9ii;*jirjit foci- bionght on excruciallng neuralgic j"uns, which luaiaiion, nu.l for Ihr i*e!icf From TL v. J S. Herman, of the German Re- Preserving GUAWO Vermifuge ts Vegetable'— perfectly y chronic rheumatism. NotwtHe landing 1 of Consumptive Grass and Flowers.] This enlinlii ended in lvajii formed Church, Kntztown, Beiks Co., Pa. OF ALL KINDS, safe and harmless, but an effectual and poaorlul | hud the best of physicians, the disease grew wore In ii u l Njngc.i —As some persons seem to wish to know ' I , and worse, until li> the advice oi your \ccnent of Ilie S9j tease. DrMJ. M. Jackson ;—Respected Sirl have ! Remedy for all species of Worms that affect remedy so (o at one how to preserve kc., to guano, 1 agent in Knitimoie, Dr. 31aektM.>ie. i tried your This is n universally known nirpaw been troubled with Dispepsia neatly twenty grasses, rffo. i ?ssiuvun mow, sine. any other lor the of throat and lung i I children or adults. 1 Tills. Titcir edicts ucte but Hy pet- cure complaint*, '• years, and have never used urn medicine that use in the pi ice of artificial, I say a severing it: the me ol Ihtni, 1 am now entirely well. that itis useless here to publish the evidence of its will j AND GUANOS, uiiiivulled excellence did me as much good as iioidhind’s Bitters. I few WHITE BROWN MEXICAN Chamber, Kongo, Dee., 1855. Virtuca. 1!h for cbuglui and words here about how to do this, I Senate Union La.. 5 colds, nnd its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary am much improved in health, alter having Dr Aver: i have been entirely cured, bv your disen>c. it known civil- ver.v without wailing for it to find place in Reese’s, Rhodes’, & Foutz’s Mixture, Tilis. ofRheumatic (.out —a niiii:i>il disease t!mt las have made throughout the taken five bottles. Yours, with respect, my ! Whitelock’s Baugh s ! 1 ized nations are I . aflllcted me fur years. VINCENTfiLIDIXL. of the earth. Few the ci-mmimiiios, papers on arranging flowers. The Get'- or even (amides', among them who have not some J. S. HERMAN. i RAW BONE The lest Liniment Man anil Beast the Tills in mnikct contain .Meicnry, man mode is to take or for C/*3Io-t of personal exp ; • of its elTecs -aomo living largo shallow pans i Now in us.e which although a valuable lemedv in skiliul hands, ironliv in their midst of il* vietorv over tie subtle Trices. boxes, and covering them with a layer of! is dangerous in a public pill, Horn the uicadtnl con- and dangerous disorders of the thiout and lungs. PHOSPHATES, Is a safe and reliable remedy the of,f sequences that frequently follow its ii cautions u>?e. As all know Hie dreadful fataljtv of these disorders, Large (holding neatly double quanti- the finest and dryest sand, to for cure contuiu uo or lay the grass- j At manufacturers’ prices. Rheumatism, painful Nervous Allen lions,Sprains, ! These mercury iiiinciui cubsiance and as ti.ey know, 100, the eflhcts ot leniedy, fy.) $1 per houle— halt* doz. 85 1)0 es in tliis, and t I whatever, we need not i•> more Mian to assure them that it hm caiefnlly sift in'more sand I *, Barns, Swellings, and 'all requiring ant: till all diseases I now all the virtues that it dm have tvhen innkhq, Small size—7s rents per bottle— are completely covered. The sand | | GUANO, BONE exlerm.l application on Alan, Price, 25 cents ucr Pos, or 5 Dozes for $l- ! th cine* which have vvou so strongly upon tLo Half doz. 84 00 DUST. On it will never tail to cure Evil, cuntMenco ofnißnkiiid. is then kept for some days exposed to Horses Poll & Co.. I - Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER Lowell, Macs. & slight heat, at the end of which process DISSOLVED BUNES, 1 Fistula, old running Sores, or Sweeny, ifprop- Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER Ce., Lowell, Masc. it erly applied. For Sprains, Scratches, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! is left to I AND i Bruises, ,' For sale by A. li. GKEEN FIELD, Bui For sale by A. H. GREENFIELD, Bel cool gradually, and the flowers ! Crooked Hoofs, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, See that the signature of UC. M, JACK- or grasses when 'alien ' 1 Air. janSO | Air. jan3o out are found to re-! j Cuts or Wounds, it is an infallibleremedy. Try SON” is on the WRAPPER of tarn it. and be convinced of its perfectly their natural form, and, with I ALSO efficacy. bottle. littledifference, AUCTIONEERING! each their own color also.—E. Seeds, RHEUMATISM. THE GREAT v3. Muling. Grain, Mill Feed, Hay, undersignpil, thniiklul for past Ta- jjtj*Should your nearest druggist not And Country Produce Persons afflicted with this disease, no mutter THEvors, inlorms his I'riemls anil the pub- have the article, do noHte pill off by any generally. of how long standing, can he promptly and | AMERICAN TEA COMPANY Economical VV jckin y.—A correspon- lic iliut he has renewed his Auctioneer’s | o( the intoxicating preparations that may The highest price paid for Grain effectually cured by using ibis Mixture. A T THEIR orjritizaiinii iutemleil to do dent says: is in or good District, 1 be offered in its place, but send to ns, and and Produce. There nothing the world so sure so 1 License for liie 2d Conjrressional strictly TEA business, but as they “In Hie present high price of kerosene ju3l to take away Corns, and Cure Frost Bites as comprising ihe oili, Bill, 7ih, 9th, lOili, a we willforward, securely packed, by ex* ~ s I luui some customers who wished lo be lamp wicks, people can make a belter wick this preparation. Tty it and satisfy yourselves. 11 li and 12'h Election Districts of Bal- press. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. i 1 supplied from lirsi builds will. Codee, as I than they buy by taking cotton flannel, of CEURCHVILLE tiar.ore and ihe whole ol Harford HOTKIT' Prepared by ft. A. FOUTZ & BRO., at their | county ns Teas, and as ibeirTea Taster was I PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, which all have pieces, end folding it up Drug Depot, ; county. He taken out License for well Wholesale nnd Medicine No. 11CG has also possessed of infornmiiou rululive lo a Coffee Arch three thicknesses, just wide enough logo Franklin street, Baltimore, Aid J 631 Street, Ihilad'a, i the 15lh Congressional District of Penn- which could be furnished at a moderate into the t"be, and catching .the edge fold by A. H. GREENFIELD, Bel Air, Md,, sylvania, comprising York anil oiliercoun- s with , ] price nnd (five universal saiislaclion, they & coarse stitches. The wick will burn well and Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the 'i ties,and attend promptly to the Auc- I JONES EVANS, fPHE SCRSCRTBER. having taken this well United Slates. c will liave added a large masting appaialus to and can always easily be rolled up and known establishment, tioneering of (Successors to C. M. JACKSON to CO ) 1 long known as “Han- The above medicines enn be had at manufactu- their establish men* and given orders down. na’s Hotel,” is prepared to ; BEAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY! I Proprietors, accommodate his rers’ prices of JOHNSON, HOLOWAV & (,'OW- • for TliisCoflue is called tlie friends and the public. Charges moderate, the best refer- importation. Sago and Arns Pudding.— DEN, No. 28 North Gill street, Philadelphia, and of and Dinner Cofluu.”— For sale by A. 11. GREENFIELD, TakeC novG i “Freiirh Breakfast j oz ofsago, pieviously picked, 5 largo, rich THE ACCOMMODATION STAGE ences given, if required. | Coffee dealers willreceive full partirnlars | corner of Mam street ami Port Deposit All communications addressed to WIL- apples, peeled, quartered and cored, and 1-1; Running between Churcbville and Aberdeen - in a circular letter by sending their address . ! avenue, BEL A 18, iVM ,amj by Druggists leaves LIAM B. JAR RKTT, Jarrcttsville, JOHN tea-cup of sugar. Pour boiling, water oti • the Hotel dally Iexcept Sundays) at IB j to the and Dealers in every town in the United minutes CHEAP FOR CASH. DALLAM, Air, or the j the sago; let it stand till cold; then mix | belbvo 10 o’clock, A. M., returning, S. Bel to subscriber, i Stales. jun!29 in tlie apples and i leaves Aberdeen immediately on the arrival of willreceive prompt attention. Great American Tea Company, sugar, and bake about j{ the train. EVERY DESCRIPTION Or Persons desiring his services will please & one hour. ti e lust Saturday of each month, at 2 Nos. 35 37 Vcsey St., N. Y’. SAPPIKGTOK’S i o’clock P, give lime'v notice,so that proper arrange- ! M.j a PUBLIC SALE will come off, I • _j>J Chicken Croqcf.tts.— I pair fowls at which all kinds of Stock, Carriages, Wagons F men's may be made. OF FiAXSEED. i Farming Implement#, JOB PRINTING :SYIUJi> weighing 10 lbs.; boil them —mince it,, I Ac.', Ac., will he offered Address, S. R. GILBERT, VESTING, is for coughs mill colds, and fel2-y PHILIP DbSWAN, Proprietor. SUCH AS S 3 Sm “This the season very fine indeed ; add 1 pint cream, i lb. Black Horse P. 0., Harford Co., Md. jnil families, pm Ocularly those residing at some and Oriui!ilin, stores, butler, salt and pepper to ta#le; shape HANDBILLS,j fe4 - Civil Kniii(Tring | distance horn villages and should have SADDLE & CIRCULARS _ some good reliable cough remedy at hand in ease them oval by a jelly-glass, as ; HARNESS neat- I mould boil MAKING, NOTES. CARDS. with arruracy and lofattack. We know of no heiler medicine ol in lard, and serve brown. I)v I know noth- IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, GOAL. I PERFORMEDness the uudersigiteil, who has ’ 1 the kind than Flaxseed Syrup, ing in this way so delicious. had years of practical experience in | h ivmpr used it in our family lor Sonic time, and Executed Gy the undersigned,at mu, company coal on many i Glenville, tlie U. S. or Public work, ami also pri- . | always lonud it cflicaciuus. —JktHimore County Vr True politics rest more upon a pro- ! Harford County, Md. Also, Repairing j" Baltimorehand and for sale at Lapipcm, Md., I Advocate. vate work in the above hr’ aches of bnsi- TtICHxUI) found of human nature than dotto to order. Jail aiR £)ic Invitations, By ANDREW ABELS. \ Prepared and sold by Dr. ¦ Die i ness, in of Louisiana urn! Cali- ' 132 North (Jay upon historical (¦id. Axittmow, 030 Agent for Davis &. Pugh. the Stales SAFPIMGTON, No street, Bal- researches into the deep! Maker. i RICHARDSON, timore. A. 11. OKKEXFIELD, A|jnl, a VISITING CARDS, fornia. E. D. corner night of past forever vanished, and of ’ Co.,Md. of Main street and I’orlDeposit Avenue, Del Air. no WOURIS, Mill Green P. 0., Harford which vestige remains. A. W. BATEMAN, MAOOtTRATES’ ASD OTHER Dr. J. W STUMP jati29-y himself lor tire OF The student of nature can permanently located EVERY UKSCBiI’TIUN find no j amasrsT avx lw, blanks, practice of his profession, at WOODfiIDIO, ai one thing to l HAVING I Q PKINTIKG erttly weetei in it despise. IJ*l Jiir, County, Met. near Thomas’ Run, offer* hi* profisiional ser- JOB PRI3ST Harford Ifoetly prints at the office f ih* W-N VMMqtsd at tbU for Cat*. Un mint. M TioM 1*tb* paiilw. o&r*. JOB