PROSPECTUS FOR 1865. POUTZ’S AyerS AVKRS D*s*m*e~iA~~ - ¦ Agricultural. | Saturday Evening Post, CELEBRATED ..cs. AND The (tattle DISEASES DESrt.TINT. FROM DISORDERS ——— -—¦ anti ” govsc gouto. and Hast SaFsapariOa;* LIVER & "Ths Oldest of t'uo Wceklie* OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, • Butter ia Winter. ¦ , FOR PURIFYING THE ' AUK CUBED UV igould the iPILJJS- BLOOD, How very difficult it is to find good, 'i MIR pub! iShef&’of the POST call { Arc yon sic’ , .<vb!o, nnd Anil forthcrprviiy cure oft he following cumgluints: SL attention of tl.eir host ofold friends and the Am* ion our Mcrofali :i:ni ArvofulouN AflTcriionH, unch in winter. When- one farmer of ouler, HOOFLAND’3 butter ; public to Ptospicius tor die coming year. with yur’nvhtcm at Tumors. INwrq Kruptionx, their deiniifP'd, md a ((•cling* makes uu aUiactive article, one Immlrei! Pile POST still'continues to ma main its pioud our FimpT-*, Taituli-*, STotrhi'H, Roils, ( in comlortnbk* ?Tlicm*m mp- Dl.tia*i| tttcia me nail all give it to ns vvhtte and iasleless. How ia position as toiiih oiten the include OAKLAND, lull., 6HI June, 185( ). flt & tuts ? Why cannot a general mode he A FIRST GRASS LITERARY PAPKR, to serious illnew*. aome J. (’. Ayer Co. oenla: I f*el it nv duty to no- 1 of ricki****is creeping upon kiiowlerlzn whut vonr SaiHUpahiia has done for mo. I GERHAN ils and numerous col- \on,niid should Ik* melted BITTERS.- manufacturing arrays weekly solid llnving a intectiun, . adopted by dairymen in and right inlieriteil 1 have TONIC) umns of b\ a tiineiv nee ol Hie Miifciei from it in vniioiH way* for yearn. Some- THI GREAT STRENGTHENING butter ? We are assured by one who They r# a leniedv. Ini*, mv TukeA’erV tiim* it burst out In U cent on hand* and arm*; j These imve nu><l LITERATURE, lore preventive of Lung Fever. end a certain out . Bidvr* )M-rfi ni>io cures, have does make delicious butter in the midst of CHOICE and cleanse the dfcor- ftoiiißtime* it turned inward and difitiim'ilme at Hie (U remedy for all Diseases to the doled hnmoip —puilD the ago it on • im! jjiv*la Her Biiiblni tu>n. hitve more tisii- no includin'? Stories, Sketches, Poetry, Essays, An- incident Horse, 1 Momach. Two years broke out my lieail i winter, that there is solid reason why as Gian- Mood, uitd Set the llnv.li> and covered mv'*un>p ami can* with one *oe,'w hich | nmny, Imve more res|i etnhlc to Voiitli for an interesting charac- such > butter generally should not be good ecdoles, abd everything of move on uuub>tiiii ted in was paiitl.il and Umtlipoiuc beyond desoiiption. 1 ‘hem—!•• nnv wrllelc in the nmiKef. , l.cullh again. They *tinm- many phv ter. tried medicine* and ncvernl tnciun-, but Ui* t( Into the tillOtloi.H of I lie relief from defy im\ one to ntrmliet this assertion, throughout the year, lie say? all that is give & §e- without much nnvthhiir. In fact, the will one of WHEELER WILSON' S We body into tigoiuin* tictivitv, ; disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to AND WILL PAY $1,1)00 needed is, first, to adopt his mode, and j| Celebrated Sewing Maibine#—lire regular price 1 purifv the svrtcm from the übctrucrion* which nitike read in the losrnl Messenger that von hud pn’pnied then to give it proper care and attention. of which is Fifty -live dollar#—uu the following | disease. A co’d settles somewhere in the I<hl> . and an ulternti n (aaranpnriiiak lor 1 knew l'ion your To any one that \\ ill product* u Certificate pub' obstructs its nut mill functions. These, if not re- npiitation that anything you made must ho good, j n.% that is as ; terms: fished by not okntine. If wo remember correctly, this mode is ; I limed, tenet upon them.'elves and the runoUllttilig i sent to Cincinnati ami got it. and used it till it. follows; i 1. Twenty copi s, one year, and the Sew- ; organs, pruiinciiig geneinl MHlering, ¦Mired nuv 1 took it, us you advise, in sniuli dunes of and disease. While in tills condition, oppressed by a touspoouful over a month, and used almost three Koofland’s Geiman Billers ing M tebine 00 • as many car- S7O tlie derail Yemenis, take Ayer's rills, nnd see how es. healthy skin soon lo Every farmer should raise I bolt New and began lorm U ill m?e I j ‘i. Thirty copies, one year, and the-Sew- i directly they restore the natural action of the s\s- under Hie scab, whicii aher a white tell off. Mv cure every of Chronie or Nervous De- rots through* : Eiicr- is as his milch cows wdl need i ing Machine 85 00 | Vita! ' 1 tern, m d u itii it the buoyant W’injrol health again, skin now clear, ami 1 know bv my fee’lngs flint j'ilily,Disease of the Kidney*, sort DiseatMS hi is- - - and com- out such IForty copies, one year, tire Sew- gy, *c. i What it* lim and so nppaiein in this trivia! Hi.* disease ks gone from my ’ You can well ifrom h stomach. User fol- the winter, giving each quantity 1 and i complaint, disordered f vc the Machine.... 100 00 In poor, low-spirited animals, it bus the mon is also true in immv ol the deep- bt.ieve that 1 feel what 1 am when 1 tell you, as he judged This has ai> ing seated and dangerous distempers. The same purga- that 1 ho!d you to be of lie apostles age, lowing symptoms resulting from disorders of the may proper. I most beneficial effect. one 1 of the nnn ense#, tbe Machine will Ire tire reg- tive effbet expels lItem. Caused by tdmPHr obstnic- and lenuun ever gratefully. Yours, dip stive orpm.s : excellent effect upon the freshness ami | Tlie use of them improves the wind, slrcnpth- deniugenientsof the natural functions ol -1 uUr WHEELER i WILSON'S No. 3 Machine, Huus nnd ALFRED U. TALLEY. Constipation. Inwiird Piles, Fulness of Wood richness of milk. Before churning, two ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a Hie body, they are rapidly, ami many ol tliem mie’v, j or sold by them in New York for $55. Tire ma- who the 3t. Anthony Fire. Rom Brydiirlnot to the Iliad, .Aridity of the carrots fine, smooth glossy skin—tints improv- cured by the same means. None know Tfllrr mul Mull lihi*mia Ht-iilii ifirad Stomach, Nausea, or three middle-sized orange are chine w ill lie selected new at the ma on factory in and i virtue* of these Tills, will neglect to employ them 9 I lean hum. Disgust or j ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this filiogu ori:), More Eye*, Dropsy, I Uu Food. Fulmss Weight 'pressed out a ; New York, forwarded cost, when Hollering from Hie disorders they cure. Treble in the ftiolnach, Krurtafions, Sinking or grated, the juice through | boxed and lice of Matemenis leading some ofthe Dr. Uoliert il. writes IVoin Haleru, N. Y., Sour exception noble animal. fiom physicians’in 12ih be j 1., ISSO. that ho ha* cured an inveterate FJnitering at the Pit of .Stomach, cloth ; over the juice boiling water is pour- 1 with the offreiyht. principal cities, and (torn other well-known public tlie Swimming i persons: cu‘o of Dropsy, which threatened to tciminntc fa- of the Head, Hurried and Breathing, ed, and then pressed through cloth.— tally. bv the pen-eveiiug use of our buisnpniilln, Difficult tlie CASH IN ADVANCE. From a Forwarding Merchant St. Louis, Feb. 4, dangerous Muttering at the Heart, ( linking and Sufioca* a milk, stir, of and also a Malignant Ergsijiefas by large I To this add pint of new amii 1860. doses of the same; says he cures the common Erup- • ting Sensation** wheu in a lying posture. Ditn- copy, one year $3 50 uie One Dr Aver Your Fills the pniagou of all that tions by it constantly I ness of \ lints or \Vels hefore file throw into the cream before churning —j “ is gunt in medicine. They have cuied little i ision. Sight, Two copies, 4 00 my Rronrhorrlr, (Soilrr or Swrlloil Fovei and ten or 11 daughter of inoeion* sOies upon her hands and feet IVrcli. Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of This sufficient for twelve! .... juice is Four copies, 8 00 Zebulon b‘omi,of l'iosj*cct Texas, vviiie.-: “Three J \ “ i that had pio\id Deniable for years. Her mother IVispiral ic u, eliowm ss of the Skin and potlnds ofbutter. Made in this way, dime ! Eight copies and one to getter up bottles of our bursapnriim cured me Horn n (ioitrr Eyes, I has been long giie\misty uillicDd with blotches and —a hideous swelling on the neck, which 1 hud ¦ Pain in the Side, Ihuk, Chest, Liiuhs. Ac., Sud- . pimples .suf- | of cl nit, . IC 00 on tier skin and in her hair. Alter our is scarcely any difference either in “ fered from over two vears.’’ den Flushes of Heat, Ihruiug in the Flesh, color! ] Twenty copies, and one to getter up child was cuied, she ulto tiicd you* Tills, and they Con- or flavor, between it and the best summer j have cuied her. ASA MoUuKIDGE. l/fieorrhrrn or Whilr*,Ovarian Tumor, j slant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Gun, ..... 35 00 Uicnrutiuu, of butter. Am a Family riiyhlv.
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