
Risk of Importing Zoonotic Diseases through Wildlife Trade, United States

Technical Appendix

Technical Appendix Table. Risk zoonoses capable of infecting imported into the United States, 2000–2005 Helminths Helminths Bacteria Viruses Total potential Risk Zoonoses (i.e., Risk Zoonosis found within family) family) within found Zoonosis (i.e., Risk Risk Zoonoses potential Total complex* complex* tuberculosis Mycobacterium Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) virus virus (H5N1) influenza avian pathogenic Highly South American hemorrhagic fever arenaviruses* fever hemorrhagic American South Tick-borne encephalitis virus complex* complex* virus encephalitis Tick-borne Hantaviruses associated with with HFRS* associated Hantaviruses Cercopithecine herpesvirus-1 (herpes B) (herpes herpesvirus-1 Cercopithecine Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus choriomeningitis Lymphocytic Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus encephalitis equine Venezuelan Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus fever hemorrhagic Crimean-Congo spp. spp. Leptospira Hantaviruses associated with with HCPS* associated Hantaviruses SARS virus (orSARS-likeCoV) Total Risk Zoonoses in genus in Zoonoses Risk Total Coxiella burnetii Coxiella burnetii Rabies viruses* Rabies viruses* Common name or or type name Common Echinococcus tularensis Francisella Rift Valley fever virus fever Rift Valley Brucella spp. Monkeypox virus virus Monkeypox Ebola viruses* Ebola viruses* Bacillus anthracis Burkholderia mallei mallei Burkholderia Marburg virus Yellow fever virus Yersinia pestis Yersinia pestis Lassa fever virus virus Lassa fever Family Genus Genus Nipah virus 2,80,136-148,187,202,205,209,210,218,219,232 spp. 2,49,80,94-100,208,211,221 2,80,106-115,187,204,205,207,220 2,32-74,80,135,195,227-229,233 1,2,24-28,80,189,223 2,28,29,80,212,225 2,80,163-184,186,196,203 2,77,80,230 2,80-82,198,199,206 2,32,80,101-105 2,80,150-162,188,201

2,49,80,84-93 2,20,80,202 1,2,7-15,80,190 2,49,80 `,2,80,149

2,49,80,116-135,196,200,202,217 2,31,80,194,225,226

2,78-80,190,191,216,231 2,18,19,76,80,186,191,198





2-26,80 `,2,49,80,83,-215


o o X o o X o o o o o o o X o 3 15 X o X o o X o o X X o X o o X 7 15 Aepyceros Impala Bovidae o o o X o o o 1 7 Ursidae o o o o o X o o X o o X o o o 3 15 Alcelaphus Hartebeest Bovidae X o o X o o o o X o o o o o X o 4 16 Alopex o o o o o o o o o o o - 11 Amblonyx o o X o o X o o o o o X o o X 4 15 Antidorcas Springbok Bovidae o o o o o o o o o o o - 11 Clawless otter Mustelidae X o o o o o o o o o o o 1 12 Aotus Monkey Aotidae o X o X X X 4 6 Atelerix Hedgehog Erinaceidae X o X o o X o o X o o o o o X 5 15 Bison Bison Bovidae o o o o o o - 6 Cacajao Uakari Cebidae X X o X X X 5 6 Callithrix Monkey Cebidae o o o o o o o o o o - 10 Callosciurus Sciuridae X X X X X o X X X o X X X X X X 14 16 Canine Canidae - - Capromys Capromyidae o o o o o X o o o o o o o X o 2 15 Caracal Felidae X X X 3 3 Castor X X X 3 3 Cavia pig Caviidae X o o X o X o 3 7 Cebus Monkey Cebidae o o o o o o o o o o X o o o o 1 15 Cephalophus Duiker antelope Bovidae o o o o X o o o o 1 9 Cephalorhynchus Dolphin Delphinidae X X o X X 4 5 Ceratotherium White rhinoceros Rhinocerotidae X X X X o X X o X o o o 7 12 Cercopithecus Guenon Cercopithecidae X o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 2 16 Cerdocyon Fox Canidae X o X o X X X X X 7 9 Cervus Deer Cervidae - - Chaeropus Bandicoot Peramelidae o - 1 Chaetophractus Armadillo Dasypodidae - - Cheirogaleus Dwarf lemur Cheirogaleidae X X 2 2 Chinchilla Chincilla Chinchillidae o o o o o o o o X o o X 2 12 Chlorocebus Monkey Cercopithecidae X 1 1 Choloepus Sloth Megalonychidae o X o o o o X 2 7 Civettictis African X 1 1 Coendou Porcupine Erethizontidae o o X o o o X o o o X X 4 12 Colobus Monkey Cercopithecidae X o X o o X o o X X o o o o o 5 15 Connochaetes Wildebeest Bovidae X 1 1 Cricetomys Pouched rat o X o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 3 20 Cricetus Hamster Cricetidae X X X X X X 6 6 Crocuta Hyaenidae o X 1 2 Herpestidae - - Cryptomys rat Bathyergidae o X o o o o o 1 7 Cryptoprocta Fosa Viverridae o o o o o - 5 Cryptotis Shrew Soricidae o X 1 2 Cynictis Mongoose Herpestidae o X X o o X o o o o X 4 11 Cynomys Prairie Sciuridae o - 1 Dactylopsila Striped possum Petauridae X o X o o X o o X o o X o o X 6 15 Damaliscus Antelope Bovidae X X 2 2 Dasyprocta Agouti Dasyproctidae X 1 1 Dasypus Armadillo Dasypodidae o o X 1 3 Dendrohyrax Hyrax Hyracoidea o o o - 3 Dendrolagus Kangaroo Macropodidae X X 2 2 Desmodus Vampire bat Phyllostomidae o o o - 3 Dolichotis Mara Caviidae o o o o o o o X o o o 1 11 Eira Mustelidae X X o X 3 4 Elephas Asian elephant Elephantidae o o - 2 Eliomys Dormouse Gliridae X X X X X X X X X X X 11 11 Equus Horse Equidae X X X o o o 3 6 Erinaceus Hedgehog Erinaceidae o o o o - 4 Euoticus Galago Galagidae o - 1 Euphractus Armadillo Dasypodidae o X X o X o o o o X 4 10 Eutamias Chipmunk Sciuridae X X X X X X X X o X X X X X X 14 15 Felidae o o o o o o o - 7 Viverridae o o o o o o o o X o 1 10 Funambulus Palm squirrel Sciuridae X X X X X 5 5 Galago Galago Galagidae o o o X o o o o o o o 1 11 Grison Mustelidae X o o o o X X o X o o o o o o 4 15 Gazella Gazelle Bovidae X X X o o X X 5 7 Genetta Viverridae - - Gopher Geomyidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 1 21 Gerbillus Gerbil Muridae o X 1 2 Glossophaga Long-tongued bat Phyllostomidae o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 21 Grammomys Thicket rat Muridae o o o o o o o - 7 Helarctos Sun Ursidae o X o o o o 1 6 Hemiechinus Indian hedgehog Erinaceidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 15 Hemitragus Tahr goat Bovidae o X 1 2 Mongoose Herpestidae - - Heterocephalus Naked mole rat Bathyergidae o o o - 3 Heterohyrax Hyrax Procaviidae o - 1 Hexaprotodon Pygmy hippopotamus Hippopotamidae X o X o o X o o X X o X o o X 7 15 Hippotragus Antelope Bovidae X o o o o X 2 6 Hyena Hyaenidae o X X 2 3 Hydrochaeris Capybara Hylobatidae X o o X 2 4 Hylobates Gibbon Hylobatidae o o o o o o o o o o o o - 12 Hylochoerus Forest hog Suidae - - Hyperoodon Bottlenose whale Ziphiidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 21 Malagasy giant rat Muridae X X X 3 3 Hystrix African porcupine Hystricidae o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 2 21 Lemniscomys Rodent Muridae o X o o o X 2 6 Leontopithecus Monkey Cebidae o o o o o o X o o o o o o o o 1 15 Leptailurus Cat Felidae X X X X X X X o X X X 1- 11 Lepus Hare Leporidae o o o o o X o o o o o o o o o 1 15 Litocranius Antelope Bovidae o o o o o o o o o o o o - 12 Lophocebus Mangabey Cercopithecidae X X X X 4 4 Loxodonta African elephant Elephantidae o o o o o o X o o o X 2 11 Otter Mustelidae X o o o o X o o X o o o o o X o 4 16 Lycaon Wild dog Canidae X X X o o X o o X o o o o X o 6 15 Cat Felidae X X X o X X X X X o X o X 1- 13 Macaca Monkey Cercopithecidae X X X X 4 4 Macropus Kangaroo Macropodidae o - 1 Macroscelides Elephant shrew Macroscelididae o o o o o X o o o o o o o o o 1 15 Madoqua Dik-dik antelope Bovidae - - Manis Pangolin Manidae o o o o o o o X o 1 9 Marmosa Mouse opossum Didelphidae X o o o o X o o o o o o o o o X o X o X o 5 21 Mastomys Multimammate rat Muridae o X o X o o o o o o X 3 11 Mellivora Mustelidae o o o o o o X 1 7 Melursus Ursidae X o X X X X X o o o X 7 11 Mustelidae X X o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 21 Meriones Jird Muridae o o o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 21 Mesocricetus Hamster Muridae - - Microcebus Mouse lemur Cheirogaleidae X o o o 1 4 Mirounga Phocidae X o o X o X X o o o o o o o o o X o X X X 8 21 Mus Mouse Muridae X X X X X o o X X o X 8 11 Mustela Mustelidae X o o o o X X 3 7 Myotis Bat Vespertilionidae X o 1 2 Myrmecophaga Giant anteater Myrmecophagidae o o o X o o o X X 3 9 o - 1 Neophocaena Porpoise Phocoenidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 15 Neotragus Antelope Bovidae X o o o o o o o o X o o o o X o 3 16 dog Canidae X 1 1 Nycticebus Slow loris Loridae X X X X X o o X X 7 9 Odocoileus Deer Cervidae o o o o o X o o o o o o o o o 1 15 Oreotragus Antelope Bovidae X X 2 2 Orycteropus Aardvark Orycteropodidae o o X X o o X o o X 4 10 Oryctolagus European rabbit Leporidae o o X o o X o o X o o X o o o 4 15 Oryx Oryx Bovidae o o o o o o o o o o o o X o o 1 15 Otocolobus Pallas cat Felidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 1 16 Otocyon Bat-eared fox Canidae X o o o X X o X X X o X X o X 9 15 Ovis Sheep Bovidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 21 Pachyuromys Gerbil Muridae o o X o o X X o o X X o o o o o o o o X o o o X o X o 8 27 Pan Chimpanzee Hominidae X o X o X X o o o o X X o o o 6 15 Great Felidae X o X X o o X o X X o X 7 12 Papio Baboon Cercopithecidae o X o o o o o 1 7 Palm civet Viverridae X 1 1 Pedetes Spring hare Pedetidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 15 Pelea Rhebok Bovidae X X o X o o X o o o o X o o o o o o o o o 5 21 Peromyscus Mouse Muridae o o o o o o o o o o - 10 Petaurillus Squirrel Sciuridae o o o o o o o o o o - 10 Petaurista Flying squirrel Sciuridae X 1 1 Petaurus Glider Petauridae X o o 1 3 Petrogale Wallaby Macropodidae X X X o o o o o o X o X 5 12 Phacochoerus Warthog Suidae - - Phascolarctos Koala Phascolarctidae o o o X o o o o o 1 9 Philander Opossum Didelphidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 21 Phodopus Rodent Muridae o o X o o o o o o X o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 27 Pongo Orangutan Hominidae X X X o o o o o o o o o o 3 13 Potamochoerus African bush pig Suidae o o o o o o o o o - 9 Potos Procyonidae o o o o o X o o o X o o o o o 2 15 Feline Felidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 15 Procapra Antelope Bovidae o X o X 2 4 Procavia Hyrax Procaviidae X X X X X X X o X 8 9 Raccoon Procyonidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 21 Psammomys Rodent Muridae X o o o o o o o o o o o o o X o 2 16 Pseudalopex Fox Canidae - - Pseudocheirus Ringtailed possum Pseudocheiridae X 1 1 Pteronotus Bat Mormoopidae o o o o o o o o o o o - 11 Pteronura Otter Mustelidae o o o o o X X 2 7 Pteropus Bat Pteropodidae X o o o o X o o o o o o o X o 3 15 Feline Felidae o o o o o o o o o o o o - 12 Pygathrix Langur Cercopithecidae o o o o o X o o X o o o o o X 3 15 Raphicerus Antelope Bovidae X X X X X X X o o X o o X o X o o o X X X 13 21 Rattus Rat Muridae X o o o o o o o o o 1 10 Ratufa Squirrel Sciuridae o o X o o X o o o o o X o o X 4 15 Redunca Reedbuck Bovidae X X X X X X X 7 7 Rhinolophus Bat Rhinolophidae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 21 Rhipidomys Rodent Muridae o o o o o o o X X o o o o o X 3 15 Rupicapra Chamois Bovidae o X o X o X 3 6 Saguinus Tamarin Cebidae X X X X X o o 5 7 Saimiri Squirrel monkey Cebidae X o o 1 3 Scapanus Mole Talpidae o X X X X o X o o X X 7 11 Sciurus Squirrel Sciuridae o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - 16 Canine Canidae o X X o X o o o o X 4 10 Spermophilus Sciuridae X X 2 2 Suricata Suricate Herpestidae o o o o o X o o X o o X o o X 4 15 Sylvicapra Bush duiker Bovidae X o X o o X o o X X o X o o o 6 15 Syncerus Cape buffalo Bovidae o X 1 2 Tamandua Anteater Myrmecophagidae o X X o o o o o o o 2 10 Tamiasciurus Squirrel Sciuridae o o X o o X o o X o o X o o X 5 15 Taurotragus Eland Bovidae o - 1 Tolypeutes Armadillo Dasypodidae o o o o o o o o o o o o - 12 Trachypithecus Monkey Cercopithecidae X o X o o X X o X o o X o o X 7 15 Tragelaphus Antelope Bovidae - - Tragulus Mouse deer Tragulidae X X X 3 3 Trichosurus Brushtail possum Phalangeridae - - Tupaia Tree shrew Tupaiidae o o o o X o o o o 1 9 Tursiops Dolphin Delphinidae X X X X X X X 7 7 Bear Ursidae o X o X o o o 2 7 Civet Viverridae X X X o o o X X X X o o X o X o 9 16 Fox Canidae X o o 1 3 Wallabia Wallaby Macropodidae o X o o o o o X o X 3 10 Xerus Squirrel Sciuridae 13 27 78 41 24 48 31 57 35 20 32 13 16 1 2 4 1 5 6 4 5 6 7 5 8 4 Total affected genera† -

155 101 124 115 113 131 108 17 23 17 76 14 17 55 91 59 46 23 12 25 89 46 95 62 37 56 62 Total potentially affected genera‡

Legend: X = Risk Zoonosis identified in genus; o = Risk Zoonosis identified in different genus within same family. *Rabies viruses includes the zoonotic lyssaviruses Australian bat lyssavirus, Duvenhage, European bat lyssavirus 1 and 2, Mokolo, and rabies (234); tick-borne encephalitis complex includes Kyasanur Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and tickborne encephalitis (234); Ebolaviruses include Bundibugyo, Côte d’Ivoire, Reston, and Zaire (234); epidemiologically relevant South American hemorrhagic fever arenaviruses include Guanarito, Junin, Machupo, and Sabia (234); hantaviruses associated with HFRS include Dobrava, Hantaan, Puumala, Saaremaa, and Seoul (234); hantaviruses associated with HCPS include Andes, Bayou, Black Creek Canal, Laguna Negra, New York, and Sin Nombre (234); Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species are M. africanum, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG, M. caprae, M. microti, M. pinnipedii, and M. tuberculosis hominis (235). †Risk zoonosis identified in genus. ‡Risk zoonosis identified in different genus within same family.


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