U.S.S.R. CHARGES ,UNFOUNDED 501 Furby St, 'Phone 783-7053 From' the Proceedings
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, . ' , , , " 1£C'O AUG 2 3'966 \ Paae EIght THE JIlWISH POST Thursday, August 11, 1966 the same policy, then their sons DEBATE CONVERSION OF J'EWs', BY CATHOLICS PHARMACIST A VAILABLE might bring back Israeli wives but Pharmacist available for part or CONGRESS London, (JTA) - One of Britain's outstanding lay Catho The Chairman of the conclave was Sir Seymour Edward religious cooperation. ''The striving for internal Christian would certainly bring back a greater lics, who is a leader in the efforts to improve relations Karminski, judge of Britain's Hight Court of Justice. full time position locally. Apply (COM. from pa~ 1) , unity," he said "might lead to a pan-Christian exc1usivism Box "A", The Jewish Poot, 1244 understanding of the Jewish people between Jews and Christians, declared at Cambridge Uni "We," said 'Mr. Hollis, speaking of the Catholics, "hope that could ignore the authentic pluralism of the global human versity this week that the of the recent Ecumenical for conversions. We frankly admit we pray for conversions. Ma~n St., Winnipeg 4.' come" ibut 'just a group of Jews and how it happened that the Pil "crux" family." He warned ,that such approach "could create a living there." Council declaration regarding Jews was the aim of convert But our prime business is not with conversions but with problem for aU non-Christian religious groups. 'BACHELOR SUITE Meanwhile, police here were in grims, landing, at Plymouth Rock, ing Jews to Catholicism.' However, he insisted, "the notion edification of Catholics, Conversion is something that must The participants in the week-long parley also called atten Garden City vestigating anti-Semitic vandalism drew up fueir first charter of laws that th,ere was a campaign on to convert Jews is quite be left for God to look after." tion of the Catholic Church to its Vatican Council declaration Immediate possession, private, with at the Palais de Congres where the patterned after the Hebrew laws 111 fantastic." , A number of Jewish participants in fue conference condemning hatred and pe,rsecution of Jews and anti stove, fridge and parking. Phone WJC is holding its assembly, Swas they copied from the Five Books M N The statement was made iby Ob.ristIoIlher Hollis, a well objected to Mr. Hollis' formulations regarding con version. Semitism in general. A resolution adopted by the particio:. The Rev. Dr. L Levy, attending the conference as a repre ED' 9-4361, between 6 and 9 p.m. tilms ~nd Nazi slogans were found of Moses. ~ Cii known British author, who is head of the Catholic Church pants requested the Catholic Ohurch to issue "clear and daubed on the WJC banners outside Co) 'I: Council in this country, charged with implementing a new sentative of the World Jewish Congress, led the counter unambiguous expressions of regret regarding those events 5 Room Apartment For Rent the 'building. One of the inscriptions c:::c 111 approach toward friendship !between Catholics and Jews in attack against Mr. Hollis. He said: ''The mere use of the in the history of Christian:"Jewish relationships which are Garden City bore the name of an association of ti ~ Britain. He was one of the speakers at the International word 'conversion' has been a warning light for Jews, It has , contrary to the spirit of the document." ' Private. L-shaped liv. and din. nationalist Flemish students, but the Bon'/" Women plan L __ ~ Conference on Christian - JewiSh. Relations at Newnhain undermined the undoubtedly good intentions of the Vatican As for the Protestants, the session noted that the World room. Carpeted. Kitchen, 2 bdrms. association vigorously denied having ..• College, at Cambridge. Ninety scholars and religious lead CounciL" Council of Churches has shown a desire at its New Delhi and balcony. Close to sehool and anything to do with the inCident. C~en ofunc~eon ers of variouS faiths £rpm a number of European countr;ies Rabbi Tallnenbaum, in addressing the conference, urged assembly to improve relations with Jews, The consultation shopping. Built-in oven and range, Among 'the slogans, in the Flemish as well as .from the United States, attended, tlbe 'Conference. Ohristian .Jeaders not, to ,"go it alone," 'in the area of inter- then called on' Protestants for' See INTERFAITH, p~e 7 , . " , fridge. Parking. bver 1100 sq. £t. language, were the usual Nazl cries , , Possession Sept. L' Reasonable rent. "Down ..with the Jews" and "death' , . Phone ED 9-4361, between,6& 9 'p~ to the' J ews," painted on the steps TOURING'RABBIS PESSIMISTIC of the building housing the plenary assembly. Nearby, on 'the pedestal ABO'UT SOVIET JEWIS'H FUTURE i Jansen Produce Ltd. ' of a statue of the late King Albert , ' WholE8sle Veeetables Fresh nail,. I, were painted in English the words: New York, (JTA) - Grim pros- ignorance and decline." Growers of Potatoes 8ud Farm Produetil "Free 'Europe from Jewish p,eople." peets for the'survival of Jewish cul- He noted that individual Russian I Phone Your Orlle1"8 - We 1>'1"11"'" I Swastikas were also painted on the tural and religious life in the Soviet Jews, displayed fear and tension , City Phone WHitehall' 3-8446 I pedestal. Union were expressed here this when speaking w'ibh members of ! Ross & Ellen Winnipeg, Man. week hy sPokesmell for a delegation, delegation and were' suffering , , , However, the symposium itself Shalom, Mr. Prime Minister went off Wi,thout incident, It began , - of~~~ofh~~~i~=~~~~~~E;~~~~~~i=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ff~i~~~~~~ffi~~~~~~~==~-~ference of American Rabbis who and were the victh",s of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol (right) greets Dr. William A. Wexler, president See Us for Complete Satisfaction I with statements by representatives returned last week from a visit to tion especially in the fiel!). of WiNNIPEG" AUGUST 18, 1966 No. 33 Front End Wheel Alignment of the three political groups _ 'Russia, Poland, Hun gar y and culture. ofQ'nai B'rith, in Jerusalem. Dr. Wexler, on 17·day tour, reviewed B'nai Collision Work - Frame Work Herut, Ma'pam and Achdut Avoda Czechoslovakia.' , 'I'he dele'ga tiqn spokesmen said B'rith installations in Israel, also met with David Ben·Gurion, govern- Auto Painting - which decided to bOycott the Ass\'rting that the Soviet authori- that the synagogues in Russia "were meeting with the Germans and 'ment and education leaders and officials of B'nai B'rith's Israel District KURBY AUTO BODY' LTD. ties "have almost triumphed in the~ the gathering places for the old, the whose members absented' themselves He tuld Mr. Eshkol of plans to intensify B'nai B'rith activities in, Israel 'Nepon B,others battle against orgariized religion," halt and the retired pensioners." ~ . ..' , , U.S.S.R. CHARGES ,UNFOUNDED 501 Furby St, 'Phone 783-7053 from' the proceedings. Rahbi Lieberman, the only Russian- While, in addition to the '''synagogue -1 ....!...._ speaking member of the group, said, Jews," there' were small numbers JerusaIemt (JTA) - 'Israel this week rejected charges printed in Izyestia, the Soviet Government's official organ, accusing Israeli diplomats of ','smuggling" Zionist propaganda into the USSR. as not only unfounded but ROOM FOR RENT that the Soviet, Jewish conununity '1of "cultural Jews,", Rabbi' Pilchik PARY PRODUCTS LTD.' Harry Golden particularly was beset, with, "fear, said that the vast majority were slanderously false, Izvestia had charged that Israeli diplomats smuggled "Zionist 'propaganda booklets" into" Furnished room for rent, 'in a nice loneliness and isolation, inequality; See JEWISH FUTURE, page 7 the Soviet Union ,and tried to distribute them at an agricultural exhibition in Moscow and in' Leningrad, Kiev 496 JARVIS AVE., WINNIPEG 4, MAN. quiet home, Near bus. Suitable for (Cont, from page 7) and Odessa. ' , ',' STEEL FABRICATION SUB CONTRACTING, student, Board optional. 'Phone to cognac. • "The, competent Soviet organiza-' for a reply to ,~osc0w. to what circles! H S ., b ,AND PAINTING Phone JU' 9-2855. " tions have taken all necessary meas- her.e called a SOVIet provocatIon \ S~RAY If there is a solut,ion to this con MRS. FANNY' REICH Syria Attacks Is,raeli Vessels arry • ver erg ures to stop this illegal activity in which brea,ks no~mal co,:ventlOns • Shearing • Punching • Forming • CJItting' ROOM FOR RENT troversy it is for American middle \P t 60 ' • Drilling, ,Canadian women's, director for Tel Aviv, (JTA)-Israel this week Ipositions, and soon wounded two which some ISraeli tourists were also ~overmg . <!lploma~c ~,elahons be-, asses a , • Welding , Suitable for male or female stu- class Jews to have the same rela shot down two Syrian jet fighters Israelis. involved," Izvestia reported,' The ween Cl vll~zed nations., . ., " i the Statae of Israel Bonds, Mrs. Pho~e MAX ROSENBERG, General Manager, at dent, in nice quiet home. Board tionship with Israel: as Southern and blew up some fortifications well, Israel, sent speedboats to take the newspaper indicated that violators Mr, Gavlsh has been servIng In I ~ ',' H~, , 586-2270 for free estimates optional. Close to bus. Phone Fanny Reieh, will will be guest inside Syrian territory after Syria I wounded off the stranded vessel, and 'of Soviet customs .regulations would \ the Israeli legation in .Moscow for ~~~~~ ______~ ____________________~~~IIJU~_2-_4_9M_. ______________ __ planters once, had with England, the started a ~miniature war by shelling· immediately asked the United Na- be dealt with harshly. It, said' that 13 I!lonths, OCCUPle,d WIth consular i mother country. ' speaker at' a "Chen" luneheon Thursday, Nov. 8, at 12 noon at Israeli Coast Gua'rd vessels accom- tions military observers in the area "our doors are open to all people aff~Irs., Part of his, work was to I Furnished Room for Rent piinying fisIring ,boats" on Lake to order' a cease-fire so that "the who come to us with honest' inten- maIntain contact WIth those Jews, Between the invention of the cot the Royal Alexandra Hotel Tapestry 1 furnished room.