Study on the Post-Tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and Fisheries-Based Livelihoods in Indonesia by Hilde Janssen In

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Study on the Post-Tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and Fisheries-Based Livelihoods in Indonesia by Hilde Janssen In Study on the Post-tsunami Rehabilitation of Fishing Communities and Fisheries-based Livelihoods in Indonesia by Hilde Janssen International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) Banda Aceh/Jakarta, December 2005 Study post-tsunami rehabilitation of fishing communities - Indonesia Content 1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 4 2 The Context................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Small scale fisheries depending on big money ................................................... 6 2.2 Traditional dispute settlement and illegal fishing............................................... 7 2.3 Impact of the armed conflict ............................................................................... 8 3 Rehabilitation of Fisheries-based Livelihoods.......................................................... 10 3.1 Damage to craft, gear and livelihoods .............................................................. 10 Boats ......................................................................................................................... 11 Fishing Gear.............................................................................................................. 12 Engines...................................................................................................................... 13 Fisheries Infrastructure ............................................................................................. 13 Aquaculture............................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Funding and Organisations ............................................................................... 16 Coordination and Collaboration................................................................................ 16 The Main Players ...................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Interventions in pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest sector........................... 19 Replacement of Craft and Gear................................................................................. 19 Changing gear: turning to the bigger crafts .............................................................. 22 The second priority: Fisheries Infrastructure............................................................ 25 Aquaculture Infrastructure........................................................................................ 26 Post harvest fishery-based livelihoods...................................................................... 27 3.4 Interventions specifically aimed at women and other vulnerable groups......... 28 3.5 Rehabilitation of fishing communities: Land and Shelter Issues...................... 29 Number of fishing villages affected and infrastructure ............................................ 29 Reconstruction progress and relocation.................................................................... 30 Right to return........................................................................................................... 31 Participation, minimum standards and scientific norms........................................... 32 4 Key issues ................................................................................................................. 34 The quality of Aid: How to ensure that people get helped well?.............................. 34 The quantity of Aid: Danger of oversupply and depletion of resources................... 34 The Question of Coordination .................................................................................. 34 Who comes first? Potential social conflicts.............................................................. 35 Local Logging: Illegal or justified? ......................................................................... 35 Cashing in on Social Responsibilities....................................................................... 35 The Cooperative Allergy: Looking for suitable alternatives .................................... 36 Striving for utopia? Cutting out the middle men ...................................................... 36 5 Conclusions and Recommendations ......................................................................... 37 A fine balance - quick, good and participatory......................................................... 37 Challenging times ahead........................................................................................... 37 List of tables Table 1 Boats lost and damaged in Aceh.......................................................................... 11 Table 2 Estimated price of craft lost and damaged in Aceh ............................................. 12 - 2 - Study post-tsunami rehabilitation of fishing communities - Indonesia Table 3 Estimated price of fishing gear list in Aceh......................................................... 12 Table 4 Infrastructure lost and damaged in Aceh ............................................................. 14 Table 5 Fish drying facilities lost...................................................................................... 14 Table 6 Embankment area and damage (in ha. and %)..................................................... 15 Table 7 Replacement and repair of boats in Aceh ............................................................ 20 List of boxes Box 1: Bad Practices - Providing and Allocating Aid-................................................. 21 Box 2: Best Practices -Targeting Improvements.......................................................... 22 Box 3: Good Initiatives – Striving for Transparent Cooperative Management............ 24 Box 4: Best practices – participatory approach ............................................................ 33 List of Annexes Annex 1: TOR Study ICSF........................................................................................38 Annex 2: List of Resource Persons............................................................................39 Annex 3: List of Key Documents..............................................................................43 Annex 4: Detailed Table Fishing Boats in Aceh pre-tsunami...................................44 Annex 5: Detailed Table Boats Lost and damaged in Aceh………………..............45 - 3 - Study post-tsunami rehabilitation of fishing communities - Indonesia 1 Introduction The tsunami trigged by a massive earthquake offshore the west coast of Aceh on December 26th 2004, caused enormous damage to almost the entire coastal area of the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam as Aceh is formally known. The tsunami also affected some coastal areas in the neighbouring province of North Sumatra, predominantly the island of Nias. The latter was hit by a second strong earthquake in March 2005, which caused even more damage to the island. However, given the extent of damage and rehabilitation work going on in Aceh, the focus of this study will be on the interventions in the coastal areas of Aceh. Although some data will be provided on Nias as well, the island was not visited for this study. The objectives of this study as defined in the terms of reference prepared by ICSF are1: • Provide an overview of major interventions related to rehabilitation of fisheries-based livelihoods and analyze some of the key issues and challenges arising form their design and possible impact on fisheries resources and fishing communities • Provide an overview of shelter and reconstruction interventions specific to fishing communities and discuss their merits and demerits The information presented in this study was collected during the months of October and November and is based on both primary and secondary sources. Visits were paid to Banda Aceh and other affected areas along the east and west coast of Aceh province, more specifically the districts of Aceh Barat (Meulaboh) and Aceh Jaya (Calang and Lamno) on the east coast and the districts of Pidie and Bireuen on the west coast. The interviewed resource persons include government officials, international donor agencies, local NGOs and network organisations and a broad group of representatives of the fishing communities, among others traditional fishers leaders, fishers, boat builders, fish-processors and traders (both male and female). A list of persons met is given in Annex 2. The secondary sources consist mostly of government statistics and policy papers and assessment studies on fisheries from FAO as well as general assessments and appraisal reports regarding the reconstruction and rehabilitation process from various agencies. Where used in this study they are referred to in footnotes. An overview of key documents will be given in Annex 3. 1 See Annex 1 for ICSF TOR - 4 - Study post-tsunami rehabilitation of fishing communities - Indonesia 2 The Context Marine fisheries in the Indonesian province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam are predominantly small-scale and traditional, both on the east and west coast. According to Department of Fisheries statistics the provincial marine capture in 2003 totalled a little more than 134,000 tons, with a value of Rp. 863 billion ($ 86 million)2, accounting for 3 percent of the provincial GP. Most of the catch is sold fresh for local consumption, either at the immediate local market or in larger towns such as Banda Aceh and Medan, the provincial capital of North Sumatra. A small
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