Supplementary Table 8. Genes Expressed in HNSCC and That Map to Regions Exhibiting Recurrent Genomic Amplification in Head and Neck Carcinomas

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Supplementary Table 8. Genes Expressed in HNSCC and That Map to Regions Exhibiting Recurrent Genomic Amplification in Head and Neck Carcinomas Supplementary Table 8. Genes expressed in HNSCC and that map to regions exhibiting recurrent genomic amplification in head and neck carcinomas. Note that these ORESTES contigs do not contain sequences derived from non-tumour sequences. Legends to table “Tissue” corresponds to the origin of the sequenced EST: Thy= thyroid; La= larynx; Pha= pharynx; OC= oral cavity.From Locus Link ( IMP=Inferred from mutant phenotype; IGI=Inferred from genetic interaction; IPI=Inferred from physical interaction; ISS=Inferred from sequence or structural similarity; IDA=Inferred from direct assay; IEP=Inferred from expression pattern; IEA=Inferred from electronic annotation; TAS=Traceable author statement; NAS=Non-traceable author statement; NR=Not recorded; E=Experimental evidence; P=Predicted/computed; GC: from Genecards ( Refseq description Cytogenetic Tissue Cluster Refseq accession Group/ Mapping Category absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) 1q22 Oc R2_CLUSTER_12274 gi|4757733|ref|NM_004833| Cell communicatio n/ Response to external stimulus (GC) ACN9 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (ACN9) 7q22.1 Pha R2_CLUSTER_36704 gi|9910179|ref|NM_020186| Unknown function/ Unknown adrenergic, beta, receptor kinase 1 11q13 Oc R2_CLUSTER_21698 gi|6138971|ref|NM_001619| Cell (ADRBK1) communicatio n/ Signal transduction (IEA, TAS) AE(adipocyte enhancer)-binding protein 12p12.3 Oc, Thy R2_CLUSTER_42981 gi|34222204|ref|NM_153207| Unknown 2 (AEBP2) function/ Unknown aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, 11q13 Pha R2_CLUSTER_34245 gi|4580414|ref|NM_000695 | Cell member B2 (ALDH3B2) metabolism/ Lipid metabolism (TAS) aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase 7q31.3 La R2_CLUSTER_36371 gi|13027639|ref|NM_005763| Cell (AASS) R2_CLUSTER_4381 gi|13027639|ref|NM_005763| Structure, Motility & Transport / Transport (IEA) ankylosis, progressive homolog (mouse) 5p15 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_26599 gi|34452701|ref|NM_054027| Cell structure, (ANKH), transcript variant 2 R2_CLUSTER_20351 motility & transport/ Transport (IEA) ash1 (absent, small, or homeotic)-like 1q22 Oc R2_CLUSTER_34747 gi|8922080|ref|NM_018489| Cell (Drosophila) (ASH1L) metabolism/ Transcription regulation (TAS) atrophin-1 interacting protein 1 (AIP1) 7q21 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_49969 gi|27436956|ref|NM_012301| Cell R2_CLUSTER_32294 communicatio n/ Signal transduction (GC) calcitonin receptor-like (CALCRL) 2q32 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_29431 gi|34878691|ref|NM_005795| Cell R2_CLUSTER_45756 communicatio n/ Signal transduction (TAS, IEA) calcium channel, voltage-dependent, 7q21-q22 La, Thy R2_CLUSTER_32874 gi|4757893|ref|NM_000722| Cell structure, alpha 2/delta subunit 1 (CACNA2D1) R2_CLUSTER_35171 motility & transport/ Transport (IEA) calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L 12p13 Pha R2_CLUSTER_26662 gi|27597079|ref|NM_000719| Cell structure, type, alpha 1C subunit (CACNA1C) motility & transport/ Transport (E) calneuron 1 (CALN1) 7q11 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_29667 gi|13899314|ref|NM_031468| Unknown R2_CLUSTER_27031 function / Unknown calsequestrin 1 (fast-twitch, skeletal 1q21 La R2_CLUSTER_23179 gi|21536273|ref|NM_001231| Cell structure, muscle) (CASQ1) motility & transport/ Motility (IEA) carnitine O-octanoyltransferase (CROT) 7q21 La, Oc R2_CLUSTER_44655 gi|31542324|ref|NM_021151| Cell R2_CLUSTER_36337 metabolism/ General metabolism (GC) Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral 7q22 Oc R2_CLUSTER_23343 gi|13376203|ref|NM_024814| Unknown transforming sequence-like 1 (CBLL1) function / Unknown CCR4-NOT transcription complex, 7q22-qter Oc R2_CLUSTER_13443 gi|7019466|ref|NM_013316| Unknown subunit 4 (CNOT4) function / Unknown CD84 antigen (leukocyte antigen) 1q24 Oc R2_CLUSTER_48640 gi|4502686|ref|NM_003874| Cell (CD84) communicatio n/ Response to external stimulus (GC) chloride channel 2 (CLCN2) 3q27-q28 Oc, Thy R2_CLUSTER_50739 gi|5803001|ref|NM_004366| Cell structure, motility & transport/ Transport (IEA) choline kinase (CHK) 11q13 La R2_CLUSTER_46668 gi|4557454|ref|NM_001277| Cell metabolism/ Lipid metabolism (TAS) cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 2q24-q32 Oc R2_CLUSTER_46191 gi|4557456|ref|NM_000079| Cell structure, polypeptide 1 (muscle) (CHRNA1) motility & transport/ Transport (IEA, TAS) chromosome 1 open reading frame 10 1q21 Pha, La R2_CLUSTER_6197 gi|7706634|ref|NM_016190| Unknown (C1orf10) function/ Unknown chromosome 11 open reading frame 23 11q13 La R2_CLUSTER_31954 gi|13489082|ref|NM_018312| Unknown (C11orf23) R2_CLUSTER_40608 function/ Unknown chromosome 12 open reading frame 5 12p13 Oc R2_CLUSTER_33339 gi|9966848|ref|NM_020375| Cell (C12orf5) metabolism (IEA) coatomer protein complex, subunit 7q32 Oc R2_CLUSTER_28160 gi|6912319|ref|NM_012133| Cell gamma 2 (COPG2) R2_CLUSTER_49430 Structure, Motility & Transport / Transport (IEA) cold shock domain protein A (CSDA) 12p13 La R2_CLUSTER_23473 gi|21359983|ref|NM_003651| Cell metabolism/ Transcription regulation (E) component of oligomeric golgi complex 7q22-q31 La R2_CLUSTER_24679 gi|32481215|ref|NM_006348| Cell structure, 5 (COG5), transcript variant 1 motility & transport/ Transport (IEA, NAS) contactin associated protein-like 2 7q35-q36 Pha R2_CLUSTER_32315 gi|21071040|ref|NM_014141| Cell (CNTNAP2) communicatio n / Cell adhesion (IEA) cut-like 1, CCAAT displacement protein 7q22 La R2_CLUSTER_34860 gi|31652239|ref|NM_181552| Cell (Drosophila) (CUTL1), transcript variant metabolism/ 1 Transcription regulation (E) cytochrome b reductase 1 (CYBRD1) 2q31 Oc R2_CLUSTER_20640 gi|19923602|ref|NM_024843| Cell structure, motility & transport/ Transport (IEA) cytoplasmic linker 2 (CYLN2), transcript 7q113 La, Thy R2_CLUSTER_34145 gi|14702160|ref|NM_003388| Unknown variant 1 R2_CLUSTER_45880 function / Unknown deltex homolog 2 (Drosophila) (DTX2) 7q113 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_18029 gi|24308252|ref|NM_020892| Unknown R2_CLUSTER_29201 function / Unknown discs, large (Drosophila) homolog 1 3q29 Oc,La R2_CLUSTER_36831 gi|4758161|ref|NM_004087| Cell (DLG1) R2_CLUSTER_29359 communicatio n/ Signal transduction (TAS) distal-less homeo box 6 (DLX6) 7q22 Oc R2_CLUSTER_45223 gi|41147638|ref|XM_371934| Cell metabolism/ Transcription regulation (TAS, IEA) DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, 7q36 Oc R2_CLUSTER_19204 gi|24234717|ref|NM_058246| Cell member 6 (DNAJB6), transcript variant 1 metabolism / Protein metabolism (NAS) E3 ubiquitin ligase SMURF1 (SMURF1), 7q21-q31 La, Oc R2_CLUSTER_32334 gi|31317291|ref|NM_020429| Cell transcript variant 1 R2_CLUSTER_33552 metabolism/ R2_CLUSTER_3643 Protein metabolism (IDA) elastin (supravalvular aortic stenosis, 7q113 La R2_CLUSTER_34507 gi|5881412|ref|NM_000501| Cell Williams-Beuren syndrome) (ELN) Structure, Motility & Transport / Intracellular matrix, membrane, cytoskeleton (IEA) ELKS protein (ELKS) 12p13 Oc R2_CLUSTER_9609 gi|38045899|ref|NM_015064| Unknown function/ Unknown ems1 sequence (mammary tumor and 11q13 La R2_CLUSTER_30031 gi|20357551|ref|NM_005231| Cell structure, squamous cell carcinoma-associated motility & (p80/85 src substrate) (EMS1), transcript transport/ variant 1 Extracellular matrix, membrane, cytoskeleton (GC) enhancer of zeste homolog 2 7q35-q36 La R2_CLUSTER_18289 gi|23510382|ref|NM_004456| Cell (Drosophila) (EZH2), transcript variant 1 Metabolism / Transcription regulation (GC) ets variant gene 5 (ets-related molecule) 3q28 Oc, Thy R2_CLUSTER_40729 gi|4758315|ref|NM_004454| Cell (ETV5) metabolism/ Transcription regulation (IEA, TAS) ets variant gene 6 (TEL oncogene) 12p13 La R2_CLUSTER_38631 gi|41872473|ref|NM_001987| Cell (ETV6) R2_CLUSTER_39962 metabolism/ Transcription regulation (TAS, IEA) FK506 binding protein 2, 13kDa 11q13-q13 La R2_CLUSTER_28402 gi|17149841|ref|NM_004470| Cell (FKBP2), transcript variant 1 metabolism/ Protein metabolism (IEA) glutaminase (GLS) 2q32-q34 Pha R2_CLUSTER_51296 gi|21361451|ref|NM_014905| Cell metabolism/ General metabolism (IEA, NAS) guanine nucleotide binding protein (G 7q21 La R2_CLUSTER_31558 gi|33946323|ref|NM_002069| Cell protein), alpha inhibiting activity communicatio polypeptide 1(GNAI1) n/ Signal transduction (IEA) guanine nucleotide binding protein (G 3q27 La R2_CLUSTER_28836 gi|20357531|ref|NM_021629| Cell protein), beta polypeptide 4 (GNB4) communicatio n/ Signal transduction (IEA) H2A histone family, member J (H2AFJ), 12p12 La R2_CLUSTER_35496 gi|29553976|ref|NM_018267| Cell structure, transcript variant 1 motility & transport/ Intracellular structure & organization (GC) HRD1 protein (HRD1), transcript variant 11q13 La R2_CLUSTER_30132 gi|27436926|ref|NM_172230| Unknown 2 function/ Unknown hypothetical 55 kDa protein F09G8 in 11q13 Thy, Oc R2_CLUSTER_19759 gi|21687174|ref|NM_145309| Unknown chromosome III (LOC220074) R2_CLUSTER_37146 function/ Unknown hypothetical protein DKFZp434O0515 2q31 La R2_CLUSTER_37514 gi|31342410|ref|NM_178123| Unknown (DKFZp434O0515) function/ Unknown hypothetical protein DKFZp761P1010 12p131 Oc R2_CLUSTER_12857 gi|8922178|ref|NM_018423| Cell (DKFZp761P1010) communicatio n/ Signal transduction (GC) hypothetical protein FLJ10204 8q243 La R2_CLUSTER_14014 gi|8922280|ref|NM_018024| Unknown (FLJ10204) function/ Unknown hypothetical protein FLJ10300 7q36 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_35791 gi|21361686|ref|NM_018051| Unknown (FLJ10300) R2_CLUSTER_44172 function / Unknown hypothetical protein FLJ11280 1q21 Oc, La R2_CLUSTER_19625 gi|31377840|ref|NM_018379| Cell (FLJ11280) metabolism/ Transcription regulation (IEA) hypothetical protein FLJ12519 2q32 Oc R2_CLUSTER_47101 gi|29789282|ref|NM_032168| Cell structure, (FLJ12519) motility & transport/ Transport (IEA) hypothetical protein FLJ13195 similar to 7p11-q11 La R2_CLUSTER_25743
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