London: England: United Kingdom: The Humanion North America Coverage: January 20 18 -December 20 18 Cogito Ergo Sum: Descartes: Contact: [email protected] Read Free Everyday: To Seek: To Try: To Do: To Change: To Make Better: The Human Condition

The Humanion North America Coverage: January 2018- December 2018: This Is Published As Historic Archived Materials

Nicaragua: The Onslaught Against Key Human Rights Groups

|| December 23: 2018 || ά. After the Nicaraguan Government announced that it had asked two key human rights institutions to leave the country, the head of the United Nation Human Rights Ms Michelle Bachelet, said on Friday that she was extremely alarmed by a decision that means, in effect, there will be no functioning independent human rights bodies left in Nicaragua.

According to High Commissioner Bachelet, the two non-profit human rights organisations were set up by the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights:IACHR, in full co-operation with the Government after the violence and unrest earlier this year. One of them is MESENI, a follow-up mechanism from IACHR, set up specifically for Nicaragua and the other is known as, the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts:GIEI.

“After the earlier cancellation of the registration and confiscation of properties of national NGOs working on human rights, the de facto expulsion of the two IACHR organisations means there are now virtually no functioning independent human rights bodies left in Nicaragua.” said Ms Bachelet. She added further that the Government has said it will no longer accept visits by the IACHR itself.

1 Since April, when student-led protests began in response to a decree, which raised taxes and ordered changes to social security, hundreds of people have been arrested. The UN human rights office:OHCHR has received reports that fair trial rights of protesters and their leaders are being violated.

According to media reports, the violence and civil unrest has led to around 300 deaths and a report from the UN rights office in late August, detailed numerous violations carried out by Nicaraguan security forces, including, extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances. The report noted that 22 police officers had, also, lost their lives.

“Coupled with the parallel clamp-down on independent media, including, last weekend’s raids on media outlets, the net result is a country where civil society is in danger of being shut out altogether and international organisations are, also, struggling to keep operating.” warned the UN Human Rights High Commissioner.

“These actions by the Government make resolution of the crisis affecting the country much more difficult and risk blocking all dialogue within the country, with neighbouring states and with the international community at large, with possible wide-ranging consequences.” she said. She further added that hoping that some common ground can be found with the Government so this trend can be reversed.

Caption: Artículo 66: Students protest in the Nicaraguan capital, Managua, July 2018: Image: UN Photo:::ω.

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In 2016 Over 38,000 People Were Killed and 116,000 Suffered Non-Fatal Injuries Due to Firearms in the United States: Amnesty International Report Declares Gun Violence in the United States to Be a Human Rights Crisis


|| September 14: 2018: Amnesty International News || ά. The U.S Government has allowed gun violence to become a human rights crisis, according to ‘In the Line of Fire: Human Rights and the U.S Gun Violence Crisis’. a new Report from Amnesty International. The report examines how all aspects of American life have been compromised in some way by the unfettered access to guns, with no attempts at meaningful national regulation. While most countries have licensing and regulation systems in place for firearms, the United States lacks measures like a national registration and 30 states allow handguns to be owned without a license or permit. “The U.S. government is prioritising gun ownership over basic human rights. While many solutions have been offered, there has been a stunning lack of political will to save lives.” said Ms Margaret Huang, the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. “Despite the huge number of guns in circulation and the sheer numbers of people killed by guns each year, there is a shocking lack of federal regulations, that could save thousands.” Acknowledging the decades of work by impacted communities and activists, the Amnesty International Report aims to support those efforts by

3 placing the problem of gun violence in the framework of universally recognised human rights and offering solutions within that framework, that the U.S should adopt to address the crisis. In 2016, the last year stats were available, over 38,000 people were killed and 116,000 suffered non- fatal injuries due to firearms in the United States. The Report examines the ways in which gun violence affects communities of colour, where gun violence is the leading cause of death for men and boys between the ages of 15 and 34, who are 20 times more likely to be killed by a gun than their white counterparts. Women facing domestic violence and children are, also, disproportionately affected. While the Report offers many different recommendations for each of the focus areas, the overarching call is for national laws, that would eliminate the current inadequate and arbitrary patchwork of state laws, that leave people in some states more vulnerable to gun violence than others. Among the recommendations are: Comprehensive background checks; National regulations for licensing and registering firearms and required training for gun ownership; Ban on semi-automatic assault rifles and other military-grade weapons; Investment in evidence-based community violence reduction and prevention programs; Mandatory safe-storage laws The Report notes that, while mass shootings have profound emotional and psychological effects and could be prevented by banning assault rifles and high-capacity firearms, such mass events only account for less than one percent of gun deaths. More common and less publicised are individual incidents, that pervade everyday life in communities across the country. To that end, the report shares individual stories of people affected by gun violence. “You have to understand, our children are suffering.” said Ms Pam Bosley, a Chicago mother, whose son Terrell was killed by gun violence in a still-unsolved crime in 2006 and, who spoke with Amnesty International for the Report. “We need social services and counselling for youth. How can we expect them to survive and excel in this climate? When a child is killed, at most, the school will bring in a counsellor for one day. If, they treated us like Sandy Hook, things would be different. When lives were taken in that community, they brought in counsellors for a year to work with the kids, our kids go through this every day. Our community is not valued by America. They don’t feel like we are worth the counselling or support.” The Report, also, explores the consequences for the thousands of people, who survive gun violence. On average, more than 317 people are shot every day and survive, at least, long enough to get to the hospital. The mental, physical and financial consequences of their injuries shape their lives forever. This is a public health crisis of astonishing proportion, with remarkably little government response, given the life-long effects on many survivors. Dr. Thomas Scalea, the Director of the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Centre in Baltimore, spoke to Amnesty International about a patient, who exemplifies the struggles faced by survivors: “I have one guy, who had multiple shots. I’ve operated on him, may be, 15 or 20 times in 18 months, because he had a lot of problems, he was really sick. But I got him through it and we closed his colostomy and he is fixed and he is known as a ‘great save.’ Except he was, also, shot in the arm and has severe

4 nerve damage and he made a living moving stuff, picking things up. You need two arms to pick things up, so he is disabled and he can not work. And that’s it, there is no re-education or training. And in order to get disability you have to be able to negotiate the health care system and that’s hard enough for me to do, so how do you think it’s going to work out for him?” In addition to working to implement the federal and local recommendations made in the report, Amnesty International will work with local partners at the state level, starting with initiatives in Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan. In Illinois, Amnesty International members will urge the Governor to pass the Combatting Illegal Gun Trafficking Act, that will help stop the flow of illegally trafficked guns and stop gun dealers from opening next to schools and day cares. In Ohio, activists will work to stop a bill, that would make violent confrontations with firearms more likely to occur. A third campaign in Michigan aims to pass a law allowing family members to take steps to prevent loved ones from harming themselves or others. Further campaign efforts will call on city and state governments to invest in communities by fully funding community-based solutions programmes, proven to be the most effective urban gun violence reduction interventions in the U.S.:::ω. || Readmore || 140918 || Up ||

Regardless of How the American Flag is Flown: Senator McCain’s Legacy Is This: Being American and Being the Supporter of White Supremacy Racism and Xenophobia and Being in the Pocket of Big Money are Incompatible


|| August 27: 2018 || ά. The Humanion is saddened to hear, with the world, that Senator McCain has lost his battle with brain cancer with his hall-mark staunchest of will, steely determination and fierce dignity and our sincere condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues at this saddest of times. The Humanion, has very little to say about much of his politics and world view and much to say against all that he stood for because he happened to have chosen a very conservative way of serving America. However, this piece is about, not the politician McCain but the human McCain and as such, he had and still have and will continue to have ‘enemies’ in the political front, no one can fail to acknowledge the integrity of this human being. Maverick he has been, surely, he contradicted himself many a times, he faltered and, sometimes, failed in his judgment to his own detriment, such as, choosing his running mate at the last time he ran for the Presidency, but he had a ‘method’ to his ‘madness’ or ‘being that maverick’. And in this, he voted against Obama care while it came about but, yet, he voted down the later efforts by his own party to repel this very same act. This goes to show this mind was a ‘living, developing and progressing mind’, that it learnt and took notes of the reason and evolving evidence and was capable of passing the ‘dictate’ of the dogma and make decisions based on that ‘learning’. No republican presidential candidate is very likely to contradict an ardent and wild supporter at an election rally, that was jumping up and down with wild accusations and allegations against his opponent but he had the decency, honour and dignity to ensure his ‘disassociation’ was vocalised and heard and noted for he stood for America in this: America is neither a country nor a nation, if, it becomes racist, if, it becomes white supremacists, if, it falls to the grasp of xenophobia and it surely becomes a ‘toy-thing’ of the rich as and when it is under the ‘prowess’ of big money, which is what has happened a long time ago and more and more it is not ‘we the people’ but ‘it the money’, that determines the fate and rate and ratio of America. McCain was, probably, the last Republican, who stood for this: that America is not and can not be a people, land, country and nation unless it raises itself to the highest of abstractions: values: democracy, rule of law, liberty and equal opportunities and dignities, ideals, that its founders dreamt of but America has been faltering and falling away from it ever since and now stands at the point of ‘self-annihilation’ for the current path, that America has taken, has the potential to end it all. America, might, scream that this is the way to make America great again but this is the way America is going towards its self-diminishing. He was a kind of his own, Senator McCain. Love him or loathe him: but must you acknowledge him, register him and come to respect him. In his failures he was humane and in his successes he was more so. But how would the world view him: he subscribed to the world view of America being a ‘power’ in the world, but he wanted it to be a ‘good power’ fostering and supporting a rule-based democratic world not dictated and bullied but working together and

6 party-lines must always be ‘crossable’ to him and he has shown that by his life. Whether he was a ‘hero’ is a pointless ‘sentimental’ argument. It should be a different question: he was and he existed but did he aspire, aim and try to serve his country throughout his life: no one can deny that he did his absolute utmost do so and that is not a mean feat! Deny what the Americans may, Senator McCain has shown and left a legacy for the ‘ruined America’, once his very party’s administration comes to an end, to redirect them towards ‘America’: we the people: that people is made of the Original Americans, whites and blacks and African-Americans and Hispanics and Arab-Americans and Asian Americans and Christians and Jewish and Muslims and Buddhists and Rastas and Sikhs and many, who do not follow any faith and those, who are men and those, who are women and those, who are able and those, who are disabled and this and that and the other: America there is none, if, it does not accept all that diversity and unify itself under the most abstract of all values. The Humanion pays tributes to this human being, despite not liking the vast chunk of his ‘politics’ or what his party stands for and a great deal of what he stood for, for the legacy he has left behind: they are ideals by which America must seek to rebuild itself while the destruction of it is attempted and contemplated and implemented by the current administration and, then, there is still the people, the Americans and there it all becomes so diverse a symphony is required: that symphony of America is diversity of its people and its unity is in its humanity: rise to grasp that and go forth to forge an America: mature, well developed and visionary enough to celebrate its humanity, which will not happen unless and until America forgets everything and repeats education, Universal Education for all from Seattle to Alabama, from Detroit to New Orleans, from Alaska to Ohio: and this humanity comes in all colours and sizes and shapes except there is no room for white supremacy, there is no room for racism and masochism and misogyny and there is no room for hatred and xenophobia and there is not a nano-dot of a space for ‘big money’ dictating the human condition. This legacy of Senator McCain is the biggest challenge for the Republican Party that it can not exist as a political party fostering, harbouring, festering, feeding, courting and exploiting white supremacy, racism and xenophobia and, were it to fail to follow that course it will begin to become irrelevant in the political landscape for America can not exist as a white supremacist country but will perish away in destruction. America can only stay as the statue of liberty of all humanity and to be able to leave this behind for one’s people and country is not a small accomplishment and we need not be Republicans nor Democrats nor anything else to say this. :::ω. || || 280818 || Up ||

7 As Thousands Flee Violence in Nicaragua UNHCR Urges More Support for the Countries Taking Them In

|| August 01: 2018 || ά. As thousands flee mounting political tensions, violence and serious human rights violations in Nicaragua, the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, has called for international solidarity and more support for the countries hosting those, who are joining the exodus. Around 300 people have been killed during three months of anti-government protests, which have been calling on long-serving President Mr Daniel Ortega to step down. Hundreds have reportedly been detained, amid a violent crackdown by police and pro-government paramilitary groups, according to news reports. “Currently, an average of 200 asylum applications are being lodged daily in Costa Rica.” UNHCR Spokesperson Mr William Spindler told journalists on Tuesday, noting that applications have increased exponentially in recent months, since protests against the Nicaraguan government began. According to Costa Rican authorities, nearly 8,000 asylum claims by Nicaraguan nationals have been registered since April and some 15,000 more have been given appointments for later registration, due to the application system being overwhelmed. Mr Spindler said that UNHCR is supporting the Migration authority to increase its processing capacity from 200 to at least 500 claims daily.

8 “UNHCR is strengthening its presence in Costa Rica’s northern border region together with the Costa Rican Government, other UN agencies and NGO partners.’’ The refugee agency was gearing up its response capacity to provide immediate protection and assistance to thousands of Nicaraguan refugees and asylum seekers, both in the northern region and in the metropolitan area of the capital San Jose. An estimated 100,000 to 150,000 Nicaraguan families already living in Costa Rica are providing an initial safety net for friends, relatives and fellow citizens as they arrive. “UNHCR appreciates the efforts of the Costa Rican authorities in keeping the country’s borders open to Nicaraguans in need of international refugee protection, in line with its long tradition of solidarity.” Mr Spindler said. “At the same time, UNHCR calls on the international community to provide support to Costa Rica and other countries hosting Nicaraguan refugees and asylum seekers, in the spirit of solidarity and responsibility-sharing of the Global Compact on Refugees and the application of the Regional Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, a collective regional action plan to strengthen protection and promote durable solutions among countries of origin, transit and destination in Central America and Mexico’’ said Mr Spindler. While Costa Rica has received the lion’s share of asylum claims, Panama, Mexico and the United States have, also, recorded hundreds of applications; especially, during the first half of 2018, with a significant peak in June. Meanwhile, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are increasingly becoming transit countries for Nicaraguan refugees. In co-ordination with government authorities, the spokesperson said that the UN System and its partners would elaborate a comprehensive regional response to address the international protection and humanitarian needs of Nicaraguan refugees. UNHCR and its partners are providing assistance to more than 700 refugees and asylum seekers, mostly, from El Salvador and Honduras, living in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua and other parts of the country. :::ω. || Readmore || 020818 || Up ||

Nicaragua Must End Demonstrator Killings and Seek a Political Solution i n the Wake of Absolutely Shocking Death Toll: António Guterres


|| July 18: 2018 || ά. Mr António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, has called on the Nicaraguan Government to end violence against demonstrators, which has cost an estimated 280 lives and begin a national political dialogue to end the crisis, which has gripped the country for nearly three months. Speaking in neighbouring Costa Rica on Monday night, Mr Guterres said, ‘’It was an essential responsibility of the State to protect its citizens and this basic principle can not be forgotten, especially, when, unfortunately, we have a death toll, that is absolutely shocking.” At least 12 people were killed over the weekend, mostly, as police and paramilitary supporters of the government confronted demonstrators, who had been protesting proposed reforms to the pension system across the country, since April 18. Protesters are demanding that the long-serving President, Mr Daniel Ortega, step down. Mr Guterres told reporters on Monday that it was essential that violence stopped immediately and that the political dialogue, the national dialogue, be revitalised because only a political solution was acceptable for Nicaragua.” Mr. Guterres said that he was not a supporter of simplistic analysis of complex problems but there was one thing that was obvious: there was a death toll that was shocking due to the use of force on the part of entities linked to the State, that was not acceptable.

10 His words were amplified by the UN human rights office, OHCHR, on Tuesday in Geneva, where the Agency’s Spokesperson Mr Rupert Colville noted the increasing climate of fear and mistrust in the country and called for protesters’ safety to be guaranteed, along with their right to freedom of expression. “The appalling loss of life must stop, now.” he said. “The violence is all more horrific as armed elements loyal to the government are operating with the active or tacit support of the police and other state authorities. Of those, who lost their lives protesting at the weekend, two died when shots were fired at the Divina Misericordia Church in the capital, Managua, where student demonstrators had sought refuge after the university they had been occupying came under attack. Of those killed in the demonstrations to date, at least 19 were police officers…the police, along with pro-state armed groups, have forcibly removed barricades erected by demonstrators and communities in so-called ‘clean-up operations.’’ Amid reports that demonstrators have been subject to numerous rights violations, including, torture and extrajudicial killings, the OHCHR Spokesperson said that there were growing concerns that violence would intensify as Nicaragua prepared to mark Liberation Day on Thursday, 19 July, the date marking the overthrow of the Somoza regime in 1979 by the Sandinistas. “We are expressing the concern that it could get worse.” Mr Colville said, explaining that the initial spark for the demonstrations was proposed pension reforms, which evolved into wider discontent at President Mr Daniel Ortega’s Government. Dismissing Government claims that the demonstrators were intent on regime change, Mr Colville said that there was no united opposition and no armed opposition. “It’s certainly not an insurrection at this point, even, though, those accusations are being made by the authorities.” :::ω. || Readmore || ‽: 190718 || Up ||

To Build a Mathison Hall: The University of to Build an Expansion to Its Haskayne School of Business as It Receives a $20 Million Gift || June 18: 2018 || ά. When it opens in 2022, Mathison Hall will offer business students an advanspirational learning environment and provide much-needed classroom space at the and propel the Haskayne School of Business to the next level. And in this, Haskayne School of Business will aspire, we hope, to create an advanspiratonal learning environment, which just does not say it is advanced and visionary but, at the same time, seeks to bring about visions, ideas and concepts, that do not exist and, because of this, they challenge, they question and they show how and why and this way they inspire human endeavours to see k to better the human condition. Advansprirational is advanced, sophisticated, visionary and inspirational.

The University of Calgary has announced that it has received a gift of $20 million from Calgary

11 business leader Mr Ronald P. Mathison, Chairman of MATCO Investments Ltd to help fund a second building for the business school. Construction of Mathison Hall is scheduled to begin adjacent to Scurfield Hall in 2019. “My late father, Ken Mathison, and Richard Haskayne were lifelong friends. This was the g enesis of me wanting to make this gift.” says Mr Mathison. “Treating people with respect, acting ethically, holding high standards and always trying to do the right thing were shared values of my dad and Dick Haskayne.

Today, the business school, that be ars Mr Haskayne’s name, has come to embody these and other important ideals. So, my own belief in what the school stands for and that very warm, lifetime friendship, offer a certain symmetry to now building a Mathison Hall at the Haskayne School of Business.”

Mr Dick Haskayne echoes these sentiments. “I’ve known Ron since he was a young kid, his family and mine literally lived next to each other in the small town of Gleichen. His father, Ken, was like a brother to me. Ron’s a terrific guy. I’ve admired him and how he does business based on the principles his father taught him about ethics and how to treat customers, some of which his father learned in my family’s butcher shop in Gleichen.”

Mathison Hall will provide a technology-rich, innovative learning e nvironment and will facilitate meaningful networking opportunities across the university and the community. The 10,000-square-metre building will offer additional study space, a 300-seat auditorium, diverse learning environments to enable new ways of teach ing and learning, a student success centre and dedicated space for activities focused on entrepreneurial thinking.

The 12,000-square-metre Scurfield Hall has been the home of the Haskayne School of Business since it opened in 1986. Since then, enrolment i n business programmes has tripled and now only one sixth of the courses take place in the building.

“When our students enter Mathison Hall at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, they will launch a new era, that will set the Haskayne School of Business apart.,” says Dr Jim Dewald, PhD, Haskayne Dean.

“The long wait will be worth it as our students, staff and faculty will have wonderful new space purpose-built for unparalleled learning opportunities, exceptional student services and meaningful community engagement.”

“The Haskayne School of Business is the community’s business school.” said Dr Elizabeth Cannon, PhD, President of the University of Calgary. “So many people have lent their support to ensure that we offer unparalleled business education, hands-on learning experiences and world-class research and innovation that reflect Calgary as an important corporate hub of Canada.

This gift reflects the excitement the community has for the university and we are deeply grateful to Ron for his continued ge nerosity and support for our students, faculty, staff and

12 alumni.”

In 2012, Mr Mathison gave a $10-million gift to establish the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education in the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. He is , also, a member of the Haskayne Founders’ Circle and started the Ronald P. Mathison MBA Fellowship in 2002.

Mr Mathison’s gift is part of the university’s ongoing fundraising campaign, Energize: The Campaign for Eyes High, which is targeting $01.3 billio n in support by 2020. The campaign recently crossed the billion-dollar milestone and is helping the university invest in new student experiences, innovation in teaching and learning, and fostering deeper connections with the community.

Caption: Mr Ronald P Mathison, University of Calgary donor and Calgary business leader: Image: Marnie Burkhart, Jazhart Studios:::ω.

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Regine Humanics Foundation Begins Its Journey Today: The Humanion Is Now A Regine Humanics Foundation Publication

|| April 06: 2018 || ά. The Humanion was first published on September 24, 2015 and has been run, since that day, on a complete voluntary basis without any 'formal' or 'constituted' manner or form and, it was run on as a Human Enterprise, which is an idea of Humanics, in which,

13 ownership is replaced by belongingship and, thus, in a Humanical Society, no one owns anything but everyone belongs to the whole as the whole belongs to everyone lawfully and equally and, it ne ither believes in nor makes money but human utilities, needs, aspirations, creativity, imagination and dreams are served without money, where everyone works and creates for all others as all others create and work for all others, thus, bringing in meaning and purpose to life along with it come natural justice, equality and liberty, that establish a true civilisation within the Rule of Law. And in one word, this system of human affairs management is called, Humanics and a society that runs itself in humanics is called a humanical society. Today, we have begun the process of 'constituting' this Human Enterprise, which does not exist in the current system, but the next closest thing to it, that exists in the UK Law is Social Enterprise. Therefore, today, Friday , April 06, 2018, we are beginning Regine Humanics Foundation, that is the 'Agency', that will lead, run, manage and develop everything, that The Humanion has been trying to do.

Regine Humanics Foundation is established by the Thinker, Author, Poet, Noveli st, Playwright, Editor of The Humanion, Festival Director of London Poetry Festival and a Humanicsxian: hu: maa: neek: tian: One, that believes in, lives and exists by Humanics, Mr Munayem Mayenin, of London, England, United Kingdom. Mr Mayenin says, ''Hum anics is a vision; people, may, call it, utopia, we, call it our Humanicsovicsopia; Humanics. Humanics is our philosophy, our faith, our conviction, our resolution, our way of existing, thinking, being and doing: to seek and try to do so in the determinati on that all we must do and be is to exist to advance the human condition. People, readers and agencies and organisations, from all across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the whole of the United Kingdom and Australasia, Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, from all walks and strata of life, have supported our endeavours, supported The Humanion and The Humanion Team, who volunteered their time to run things, since the beginning of The Humanion and long before that, when other things, that are now part of The Foundation, were developing. Nothing has changed in terms of the nature and value of what we have been seeking to do.''

''But the founding of The Foundation brings it all in a solid foundation so that we can keep on building this ' vision' so that it keeps on going regardless of who come to take the vision- mission of The Foundation forward. The Foundation runs along with time and along with the flowing humanity. This is the dream, this is the vision, this the hope in founding this Fo undation. And, in this, we hope and invite all our readers, supporters, well wishers and all agencies and organisations to support our endeavours to build something, a Human Enterprise, which we are in the process of registering as a Social Enterprise, as a Community Interest Company, working for the common good of the one and common humanity. No one makes or takes profit out of The Foundation, which now runs The Humanion and everything else, that is part of it. The Foundation, once registered, will have an Asset Lock, which means that in any event, should The Foundation dissolve itself, all its existing assets shall go to a similar Social Enterprise. Therefore, we invite everyone to support The Foundation, support The Humanion in whatever way they can. And, there are endless number of ways people and organisations can support The Foundation and The Humanion.'' ::: ω.

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Deborah Yedlin Named as the 14th Chancellor of the University of Calgary

|| April 29: 2018: University of Calgary News || ά. Ms Deborah Yedlin, a community leader and Calgary journalist, has been named as the 14th Chancellor of the University of Cal gary. Members of the University Senate selected Ms Yedlin to the position on April 26. Her four- year term as Chair of the Senate and Ambassador for the University will begin on July 01. Ms Yedlin has been observing, commenting and writing about the nexus o f business and politics for more than two decades, as a journalist for the Financial Post, Globe and Mail and Calgary Herald newspapers. In addition to her writing, she has been a regular commentator on these matters for CBC Radio and Television and CTV since 1996.

“Universities play a critical role in bringing people together, especially, in a dynamic, business -driven city like Calgary. I grew up in a home, that valued education and am looking forward to fostering the connections between the University of Calgary and the community at large." said Ms Yedlin. As someone deeply committed to the importance of education in society, I am honoured to have been selected as the Chancellor of the University of Calgary, an institution, that is poised to play a critical role in the economic transition of Calgary and through its commitment to entrepreneurial thinking and innovation.”

15 Born and raised in Edmonton, Ms Yedlin witnessed, first-hand, the power of education to provide the opportunity to rebuild a life in a new country, as the daughter of immigrants. Both of her parents went on to become educators, in the public primary system and at the post-secondary level. She was Co-chair of the 2016 United Way Campaign, which raised more than $55 million during a difficult economic time for the city.

She is an active member of the Calgary community, having served on the board of a number of arts and community organisations, including, the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Calgary Opera, YMCA Calgary, United Way Calgary and Winsport. She was previously a member of the President’s Advisory Council at the and currently serves on the Deans’ Advisory Council for the Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary.

Ms Yedlin graduated from the University of Alberta in 1984, with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and English. She, also, holds an MBA from Queen’s University. “Deborah Yedlin is an accomplished professional with numerous connections to the Calgary community and is eager to advance our university’s bold vision and community relations.” said the outgoing Chancellor Mr Robert Thirsk. “Our students, faculty, staff and alumni will certainly be inspired by her unique experiences and fresh perspectives.”

Chancellors are passionate advocates for higher education and research. They Chair the University of Calgary’s Senate, work to advance the university’s position in the community and encourage the pursuit of excellence and the recognition of the university’s essential role in society. The Chancellor represents the University at ceremonial occasions and presides over convocation ceremonies. The Chancellor is an ex-officio member of the University’s Board of Governors.

Ms Elizabeth Cannon, University of Calgary President and Vice-chancellor, said, ''Yedl in will play an integral role in the UCalgary community, supporting the Eyes High Strategy 2017-22 to be recognised as one of the top five research universities in the country and helping share the story of the university in our communities.

I am so pleas ed that Deborah will be the next Chancellor; she will be an excellent ambassador for all we do to advance teaching, learning and research, every day. I want to thank the current Chancellor Robert Thirsk for his enthusiasm and passion to the University of Calgary, which has been deeply appreciated by all.”

The Chancellor Search Committee was chaired by Mr James McNeil and was made up of Mr Steve Allan, Ms Susan Barker, Mr Branden Cave, Ms Jacqueline Engstrom, Ms Eva Friesen, Ms Jacqueline Jenkins, Mr Willem Klumpenhouwer, Mr James McNeil, Mr Andrew Mosker, Mr Nuvyn Peters, Ms Helen Sunderland, Ms Dianne Tapp and Mr Glenn Tibbles. ::: ω.

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What Are Building -Block Foundational Human Rights

Ask Your Political Leaders About Building -Block Foundational Human Rights and Ask Them About Humanics The Building -Block Foundational Human Rights

A: Absolute Right to Live in Clean, Healthy, Safe and Natural Environment B: Absolute Right to Breathe Natural, Fresh, Clean and Safe Air C: Absolute Right to Necessary Nutritional Balanced Food and Drink D: Absolute Right to Free Medical Care at the Point of Need E: Absolute Right to an Absolute Home F: Absolute Right to Free Degree-Level Education and Life Long Learning G: Absolute Right to Guaranteed Social Care H: Absolute Right to a Universal Income I: Absolute Right to a Job J: Absolute Right to Dignified Civic and Human Funeral Paid Through by Universal Income

This Is the Body of Work, by Munayem Mayenin, That Has Brought Into Existence t he Philosophy and Vision of Humanics

Dehumanisation of Humanity: Volume One: Published: July: 2007: 978-1-4477-1330-2

Mayenin worked and developed the very critique of capitalism and Marxism while at university in which he had elvisioned the world's future in humanics for humanity to reach a nd achieve liberty and equality for all humanity, which capitalism has continually slaughtered and Marxism failed desperately, even, to understand, let alone, to know or show how to seek and achieve them. Some of these works were published in publications in the early 00s and the volume was published as a book in 2007. There are three other volumes of this planned work, yet to be published.

17 Humanics The Foundation: Volume One: Published: December 06: 2017: ISBN: 978 -0- 244-34575-4

This piece of work elaborated the philosophy of humanics and presented the idea of human enterprise and how it works to enable humanity to conduct the human economical endeavours in humanics.

Humanics The Humanicsonomics: Volume Two: Published: June 12: 2018: ISBN: 978-0- 244-48334-0

This is the political economics or humanicsonomics of humanics in human enterprise. This volume presents the political economics of humanics and elvisioned world's future as two distinct phases: pre-humanical or Kapitalawnomics phase in which capitalism is saved from pseudonomics and brought under the absolute and complete control and power of the rule of law so to make it serve the people at all times and not the rich and through this phase, humanity brings into existence the humanical Building-Block Foundational Human Rights and end capitalism's Poverty Paradigm, that causes all of the high-cruelties, high-brutalities and high-barb arities, that are inflicted on the vast number of humanity on this earth. Further to this, this work advances the system and mechanism of human enterprise and elvisioned at the end of the development of Kapitalawnomics human societies will have developed e nough to be able and equipped to try and seek to bring into existence humanical societies, that will begin to form a grid of humanical societies into a universal humanical civilisation on earth.

The Humanics Elleesium Declaration 2019: The Humanicsxian Manifesto: Published: April 06: 2019: ISBN: 978-0-244-76474-6

This short piece of work nano-summarised the entire body of Munayem Mayenin's works on humanics. This calls on the working humanity o f the world to rise, organise and united under new and humanical political forces, parties and organisations to seek and try to bring about a humanical world movement to lead humanity to equality and liberty.

Humanics The Humanicsovics: Volume Three: To Be Published Later This Year

This volume presents the political philosophy of humanics and the means to deliver that political philosophy by and through humanicsovics, humanical direct form of democracy without party politics whereby each and every individua l human being becomes his:her own High Representative and they all run their society's human affairs management together as individuals, working together as scientists and mathematicians without any political parties.

Alphansum Sovereign Necessarius: Published April 14: 2020: ISBN: 978-0-244-58241-8

Although, this large volume is of metaphysical work, it has brought the whole humanical universal view in a harmonious outlook, unifying all expressions, fields, areas and arenas of

18 human existence and in this process this work elvisioned the coming into existence the new branches of science, that has already been mentioned.

Laranska The Anatomy of Fear: Novel: Published: January 2009: ISBN: 978-1-4477-1426- 2

No Man’s Land’s Bloom: Play: Published: May 2010: ISBN: 978-1-4477-0903-9

United Colours of Blood: Screenplay: Published: January 2009: ISBN: 978-1-4477-1615-0

Larantia Poetry of Anatophysiophilosophicamonimayareginata: A Magnum of a Planne d Volume of 850 Sonnets About All Branches of Medicine: Currently Having Few Hundred Sonnets: First Published: October 14, 2016: ISBN: 978-1-326-28882-2

In his other major bodies of works, that are yet to be published Mayenin has worked on further in elabo rating the psychology and social psychology of the zoohumanity, that capitalism and all the dehumanisations it has inflicted on humanity through its enforcement of inequality and the absence of liberty. These as yet unpublished works include: Psychology of Zoohuman, Humanical Jurisprudence, Sociology of Evil, Economics of Squalors: The High-Cruelties High-Brutalities and High-Barbarities of Capitalism, Humanical Moral Science, Social Morality Or Good State, Humanical Civilisation: A Universal Grid of Humani cal Societies and Colossus Complexus: Eternally Learning Humanity.

|| The Humanion UK Online Daily: North America Coverage: January 2018- December 2018: Published by: Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: A Not for Profit Social Enterprise: Company No: 11346648 ||

|| Regine Group of Publications ||

The Humanion UK Online Daily: Free Online Everyday: In Publication Since September 24: 2015


The Humanion Portable Daily: Paid for Daily, Published in PDF Format: Monday-Friday at 12:00: Founded: June 12: 2019

|| ΕΛ || Journal of Imagination Ingenuity and Creativity for Eternal Learners || ΕΛ || Launching on October 14: 2021 ||


|| Humanity Will Continue to Live an Inferior Life Than What is Possible Until the Two Halves, Women and Men, with All Individuals in Them, are Absolutely, Fundamentally and Jubilantly Equal at Liberty. Humanity, Therefore, Is Not and Can Not Be Free Until All Humans are Equals for Only by the Yardstick of This Equality Their State of Being Free Can Be Measured. In Other Words, There Can Not Exist Liberty Unless There Exists Equality Between and Among All Humans and This State of Equality Can Not Come to Exist So Long There Remain Two Groups of Humans: The Powerful and The Powerless: Whereby the Former Controls the Later and Creates, Maintains and Carries Forward the Perpetual State of Inequality: Economically, Politically, Judicially, Constitutionally, Socially, Culturally and Spiritually. To Reach the State of Equality and Liberty, the Task Before Humanity is, Therefore, to Change This State by Taking Away Ownership and Money and, with Them, the Power They Generate and Confer, That Lets One Small Group of Humans, The Powerfuls, Subjugating the Vast Multitude of Humans, The Powerless, Under Their Dictatorship. For Only by Taking Away 'the Gun' of the Power of the Powerfuls, Humanity Can Bring About the State of Liberty, as Well as, Equality at Once: Equality and Liberty Can Not and Do Not Exist Separately But Together and Simultaneously. Equality and Liberty Exist as The Promethumean Fire: In Which There is the Light and There is the Heat in One Flame: The Humanion Stands Here on the Path of Humanics: A State of Liberty for All Humanity at Equality. The Promethumean: Where Prometheus is Not Seen as a Man But a Human: In Short, Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd and The Humanion Stand for These and Exist and Work for the Promotion of This Vision of Humanics for a Better Human Condition for All Humanity Across the Mother Earth on the Mother Universana: We Invite You All for Your Support: Join Us in Telling the World and World Humanity That: An Infinitely Better Human Condition for All Humanity Across the Mother Earth IS Possible. || Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd ||

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The world has, apparently, accepted that Capitalism is the High Pinnacle of All Systems and, some still dream that Marxism will rescue humanity from this Killing Mechanism Capitalism, we refuse to subscribe to that. Humanics is the Post-Marxist and Post-Capitalistic World View of What Humanity can be and what it can do and how infinitely better a human condition can be created in a Humanical Society, by eradicating ownership and money and by establishing belongingship in human enterprise, setting all humans at liberty and equality under the rule of law in natural justice with a direct form of democracy, humanics calls it, Humanicsovics, in which, each human soul is her:his own High Representative. In this, Humanics is the Minority Vision and we do not and can not expect millions and billions of people supporting our vision today but We Whole-Heartedly Believe That ONE DAY This Humanity Shall BE ALL HUMANICAL: By When: We Know Not But This: That Being a Monstrous Killing Mechanism Capitalism IS Unsustainable: The World Shall Change One Day and Every Change Begins with an Idea, with a Vision:

We invite you to Envision the Vision and Philosophy of Humanics and Support The Humanion, The Humanion Portable Daily, The Humanion Larnaarch and The Foundation to Keep Taking Forward the Vision and Philosophy of Humanics, to Keep on Challenging Capitalism’s Poverty Paradigm, for an Infinitely Better Humanity in an Infinitely Better Human Condition for All Humanity Across Mother Earth. Thank You. The Humanion UK Online Daily: Free Online Everyday: In Publication Since September 24: 2015


There can not be any sustainability until and unless we take the view that sustainability comes as philosophical, political philosophical, political economical, ethical, moral, sociological, educational, jurisprudential, socio-cultural and ecological and humanical spiritual so that we are able to create a sustainable ‘architecture’ of existence in a clean, green, circular and sustainable political economics, that underpins all forms and expressions of sustainability and when such an ‘architecture’ exists within the Larin Paraske Maxim or Oath: Do No Harm to Anyone or Anything: all things and all living forms must have equitable status in the sphere of all existence or all life on earth, with an emphasis on the Universana. Because humanity does not just exist on earth but it does so in the Sunnara, in the Home Bay of the Milky Way Galaxy in the vast expanse of the Universe, our home Universana. Dear Reader, we are on the path of humanics, please, tell the world and world humanity that humanics has arrived on earth from ‘the without of human imagination’, learning, questioning and thoughts, gained from the eternal walks of this human soul’s eternal journey on the eternal path of eternal learning, with its humanical metaphysics, humanical philosophy as natural science, humanical psychology, humanical political philosophy, humanical political economics, humanical jurisprudence, humanical sociology, humanical moral science and humanical arealism. For capitalism has created global warming and climate change and wracked the earth with environmental degradations and pollutions in all spheres, where bio-diversity is getting lost at an alarming rate as the earth keeps on being heated up. Humanity is devastated by capitalism’s poverty-paradigm, delivering all its high-cruelties, high-brutalities and high- barbarities. This is why it is paramount that that we speak up and out and try our hardest to inspire faith, hope, determination and resolution among all humanity of this world, women and men, that we shall not just accept this ‘sentence of doom’, that capitalism’s mindless consumerism, infinite greed of infinite profiteering, decadent voguism and venomous voyeurism, orchestrated by the

23 Distorteddia have brought us and, yet, that we can, we should, we ought, we must keep on trying: ‘to seek to try: to do: to change: to make better the human condition’ and we do so as one humanity, as women and men, working together as one, in unison with the same aim, same goal, same objective: to get all humanity to liberty, equality, fairness and justice in the rule of law in natural justice, with a purpose and meaning to our existence, where we all humanity, with our all-unity and all-diversity, exist as one humanity naturale on one Mother Earth, in one Sunnara, in one Home Bay Milky Way Galaxy in the one Universana with the humanical foundation of faith: humanity is an infinity unfolding itself, in which, we are all-for-one and one-for-all.

|| The Humanion || Editor-In-Chief: Munayem Mayenin: [email protected] Deputy Editor-In-Chief: Dr J Everet Green: [email protected]

|| Published by: Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: A Human Enterprise: A Company Ltd by Guarantee: Registered in England and Wales as Not for Profit Social Enterprise: Company No: 11346648 ||

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|| VIII London Poetry Festival 2021: October 14-15: The Finnish Church in London: 33 Albion Street: London SE16 7HZ || || Sponsorships Welcome ||

|| II Humanics Spring Festival 2021: Tuesday: April 06: 10:00-20:30 || || Sponsorships Welcome ||

|| II Regine Humanics Lecture 2021: Tuesday: April 06: 10:30-20:30 || || Sponsorships Welcome ||

|| Regine Humanics Foundation Ltd: A Human Enterprise: Registered As A Not for Profit Social Enterprise: Company No: 11346648 ||

For a Better Human Condition for All Humanity Across Mother Earth