Православните Патриарси Orthodox Patriarchs 8
WELCOME NOTE Dear Passengers, Welcome aboard Bulgaria Air! Goethe called architecture “frozen music”. To Constantin Brancusi it was “inhabited sculpture". Even the imperturbable Sir Winston Churchill conceded its importance: "We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us." Янко Георгиев, Изпълнителен директор Initially starting as a means to protect Yanko Georgiev, Executive Director against the elements, even millennia ago architecture became something much more than that: a factor which determines not only our Уважаеми пътници, way of life, but our mentality as well. And is now Добре дошли на борда на България Ер! about to climb the next step. The architecture of the future won’t consist only in the creation of efficient and comfortable Гьоте наричаше архитектурата "замръзнала музика". За buildings – it will become a much broader Константин Брънкуш тя е "обитаема скулптура". Дори discipline, closely related to things like energy, невъзмутимият сър Уинстън Чърчил признаваше значимостта й: economics and social sciences. And will shape "Ние оформяме нашите сгради; след това те оформят нас". not only our individual homes, but our whole cities, with well-thought-out and targeted efforts. This is the only way to solve problems such as Започнала някога като средство да се нето и глобалното затопляне. В новия resource shortage, pollution and global warming. предпазим от стихиите, още преди хиля- брой на THE INFLIGHT MAGAZINE ще ви The new issue of THE INFLIGHT MAGAZINE долетия архитектурата се е превърнала в представим петима архитекти, които със presents five architects who are bound to play нещо много повече от това: във фактор, сигурност ще играят водеща роля в тази an important role in this transformation.
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