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- The Clever Hans Phenomenon Conference
- Lin 111 Course Title: Introduction to Linguistics I
- Augmentative Communication Systems: Communicating with the Non-Vocal Handicapped - Part 1
- Breakingthesilence
- VCU Open 2014 Round #2
- Facilitating Independent Communication for an Adult with Severe, Nonfluent Aphasia Using a Voice Output Communication Aid" (1994)
- The Study of Language, THIRD EDITION
- The Yerkish Language. from Operational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication
- Communication Development in Young Children with Deaf-Blindness: Literature Review
- Apes, Symbols, and the Evolution of Language Janni Pedersen Iowa State University
- Amalia Pica 4 August – 7 October Please Open Hurry Amalia Pica
- A Formative Evaluation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Approaches to Promote Literacy in Young Children with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments