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- Glossary of Geology
- Inclusions of High Pressure Origin in Tasmanian Cainozoic Basalts: a Catalogue of Localities
- Zoned Olivine Xenocrysts in a Late Mesozoic Gabbro from the Southern Taihang Mountains: Implications for Old Lithospheric Mantle
- "Xenolith Formation & Development of Basaltic Volcanic Conduits During
- Título Aquí (Times New Roman 16, Negrita, Centrado)
- Mafic and Ultramafic Xenoliths from Volcanic Rocks of the Western United States
- ROCKS ... and How to Identify Them the ROCK CYCLE
- Ž / Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths for Relatively Thin
- General Dictionary of Geology
- Melting Residues of Fertile Peridotite and the Origin of Cratonic Lithosphere
- Pyroxenite Xenoliths from the Rio Puerco Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism of the Bah Lake Assemblage, Ospwagan
- Plutonic Xenoliths Reveal the Timing of Magma Evolution at Hualalai and Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The Palisades Sill and Watchung Basalt Flows, Northern New Jersey and Southeastern New York: a Geological Summary and Field Guide
- Possible Xenolith and Xenocrysts of Olivine in the Asuka-881371 Angrite Collected from Antarctica. K. Yanai, Environmental
- Determining Relative Magma and Host Rock Xenolith Rheology During Magmatic Fabric Formation in Plutons: Examples from the Middle and Upper Crust
- Nature Ano Evolution of the Subcontinental Mantle Lithosphere Below Southern South America Ano Implications for Anoean Magma Genesis