Depleted Spinel Harzburgite Xenoliths in Tertiary Dykes from East Greenland: Restites from High Degree Melting
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 154Ž. 1998 221±235 Depleted spinel harzburgite xenoliths in Tertiary dykes from East Greenland: Restites from high degree melting Stefan Bernstein a,), Peter B. Kelemen b,1, C. Kent Brooks a,c,2 a Danish Lithosphere Centre, éster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark b Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, City, MA 02543, USA c Geological Institute, UniÕersity of Copenhagen, éster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark Received 28 April 1997; revised 19 September 1997; accepted 4 October 1997 Abstract A new collection of mantle xenoliths in Tertiary dykes from the Wiedemann Fjord area in Southeast Greenland shows that this part of the central Greenland craton is underlain by highly depleted peridotites. The samples are mostly spinel harzburgites with highly forsteritic olivinesŽ. Fo87± 94 , average Fo 92.7 . This, together with unusually high modal olivine contentsŽ. 70±)95% , places the Wiedemann harzburgites in a unique compositional field. Relative to depleted Kaapvaal harzburgites with comparable Fo in olivine, the Wiedemann samples have considerably lower bulk SiO2 Ž average 42.6 wt% versus 44±49 wt%. Spinel compositions are similar to those in other sub-cratonic harzburgites. Pyroxene equilibrium temperatures average 8508C, which is above an Archaean cratonic geotherm at an inferred pressure of 1±2 GPa, but low enough so that it is unlikely that the xenoliths represent residual peridotites created during Tertiary magmatism. Among mantle samples, the Wiedemann harzburgites are, in terms of their bulk composition, most similar to harzburgites from the ophiolites of Papua New GuineaŽ. PNG and New Caledonia Ž.
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