

Cedar EXPLANATION OF MAP SYMBOLS cycle; lake level rises creating a stable deep lake environment followed by a fall in water level leading to complete Cardozo, N., and Allmendinger, R. W., 2013, Spherical projections with OSXStereonet: Computers & Geosciences, v. 51, p. 193 - 205, doi: 74°37'30" 35' Hill Cem 32'30" 74°30' 5 000m 5 5 desiccation of the lake. Within the , organic-rick black and gray beds mark the deep lake 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.021. 32 E 33 34 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 490 000 FEET 542 40°30' 40°30' period, purple beds mark a shallower, slightly less organic-rich lake, and red beds mark a shallow oxygenated 6 Contacts 100 M Mettler lake in which most organic matter was oxidized. Olsen and others (1996) described the next longer cycle as the Christopher, R. A., 1979, Normapolles and triporate pollen assemblages from the Raritan and Magothy formations (Upper ) of New 6 A 100

I 10 N Identity and existance certain, location accurate short modulating cycle, which is made up of five Van Houten cycles. The still longer in duration McLaughlin cycles Jersey: Palynology, v. 3, p. 73-121.


T 44 000m MWEL L RD 0 contain four short modulating cycles or 20 Van Houten cycles (figure 1). Olsen and others (1996) used the 83 N A 100 0 4 Identity and existance certain, location approximate Millstone 1 9 6 9 pg 4483 McLaughlin cycles to define their member breakdown of the sediments. Members are not shown Cobban, W. A., and Kennedy, W. J., 1990, Upper Cenomanian ammonites from the Woodbridge Clay member of the Raritan Formation in New 100 pg 100 Faults on the map due to the difficulty in characterizing individual Van Houten cycles with sparse outcrop and in the Jersey: Journal of Paleontology, v. 56, p. 845-846. M 100 pg 11 absence of deep rock cores in the quadrangle. However, gray beds were used as marker beds in mapping the i 24 l 7 16 13 l Passaic Formation. Select gray beds contain malachite (a copper mineral), which allows them to be more easily Cook, G. H., 1878, Report on the clay deposits of Woodbridge, South Amboy, and other places: Geological Survey of New Jersey, Trenton, s Identity and existance certain, location accurate t p k D New Jersey, p. 38. o 11 o pg Identity and existance certain, location approximate correlated. As gray beds are typically only a few feet thick, the width of many is exaggerated on the map to make n e 100 o e l r a them more visible. LIDAR coverage across the northern half of the quadrangle aided in individual bed correlation R B 10 w l U i l across long distances where outcrop and float locations were limited. de Boer, J.Z., and Clifford, A.E., 1988, Mesozoic tectogenesis: development and deformation of ‘Newark’ zones in the Appalachians (with v a i 5 Normal - U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side. e 0 D D r H special emphasis on the Hartford basin), Connecticut: in Manspeizer, W., ed., - rifting, continental breakup and the origin R r e 16 10 p HA W a M of the and passive margins, part A., Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., , p. 275-306. p 13 e IL The Rocky Hill , a large intrusive sheet intruded the Lockatong and Passaic formations along the O n e TO L t N L d I pg S S T Planar features southern part of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle. The Rocky Hill diabase mainly occurs as a sill with several W R 44 0 4 Houghton, H.F., ca. 1985, unpublished data on file in the office of the New Jersey Geological and Water Survey, Trenton, New Jersey. a 12 apophyses cutting across layers as dikes. It extends northeastward as part of the along the Hudson 82 7 10 100 7 44 r pg 82 i 15 River. The diabase continues westward forming the Mount Rose diabase in the Rocky Hill and Princeton t 7 of inclined beds a Houghton, H.F., Herman, G.C., and Volkert, R.A., 1992, Igneous rocks of the Flemington fault zone, central Newark basin, New Jersey: n quadrangles and to the northwest to become the diabase in the Rocky Hill and Hopewell

C 11 Geochemistry, structure, and : in Puffer J.H., and Ragland, P.C., eds., Eastern North American Mesozoic Magmatism, p Other features quadrangles. From east to west across the Monmouth Junction quadrangle, the igneous sheet climbs upsection p a 7 Geological Society of America Special Paper 268, p. 219-232. n 100 from the Lockatong into the Passaic. Near Tenmile Run Mountain the diabase intrudes upward through the a 24 pg l Abandoned rock quarry Passaic Formation as a dike. Two isolated dike bodies, one near Sunset Hill Garden and the other just to the east 100 100 pg Hozik, M. J., and Columbo, R., 1984, Paleomagnetism in the central Newark basin: in Puffer, J. H, ed., Igneous rocks of the Newark basin: 14 are likely connected to the Rocky Hill diabase at depth. A thin diabase sill occurs within the Passaic Formation in 100 Petrology, mineralogy, ore deposits, and guide to field trip, Geological Association of New Jersey 1st Annual Field Conference, p. D pg R Active rock quarry the northwestern part of the quadrangle. It stands as a slightly elevated ridge and outlined using LIDAR coverage 100 137-163. W 100 and several diabase float stations to the west of the Millstone River and the Delaware and Raritan Canal. To the O 600 000 L L I 11 pg Prospect pit, copper east, the diabase sill is visible in outcrop along Canal Road. Malachite occurs within the small zone W 10 Husch, J.M., 1988, Significance of major and race element variation trends in Mesozoic diabase, west-central New Jersey and eastern Pennsyl- 12 FEET associated with this dike. 44 vania: in Froelich, A.J. and Robinson, G.R., Jr., eds., Studies of the early Mesozoic Basins in the Eastern . U.S. Geological 81 D 12 S R 44 Location of Griggstown copper mine L pg 100 81 Survey Bulletin, 1776, p.141 -150. 100 Jd IL S M k pg 100 The intrusive bodies on the Monmouth Junction quadrangle have the same magmatic source as the Orange 11 LL o 8 E ro 12 12 KW B Float stations Mountain based on geochemical and paleomagnetic data similar to that of the Palisades Sill (Hozik and AC 12 Kummel, H.B., ca. 1895, unpublished data on file in the office of the New Jersey Geological and Water Survey, Trenton, New Jersey. BL sh HI 100 12 8 u Colombo, 1984; Husch, 1988; Houghton and others, 1992). Thermally metamorphosed sediments occur both LLSB b pg 100 ORO 8 le 15 pg UG H d Diabase above and below the intrusions. Contacts between the diabase and sedimentary rocks are rarely exposed. For RD 11 (! id 11 Lucas, M., Hull, J., and Manspeizer, W., 1988, A Foreland-type fold and related structures in the Newark Rift Basin: in Manspeizer, W., ed., l pg M mapping purposes, the first occurrence of hornfelsic rock when traversing the diabase bodies was taken as the 10 6 ixmi e Ru 11 Triassic-Jurassic rifting, continental breakup and the origin of the Atlantic Ocean and passive margins, part A., Elsevier Science Publish- 10 S n 6 4 4 Hornfels contact. The hornfels varies in thickness and appearance within the quadrangle depending on the extent of the 8 SK 16 ers, B.V., New York, p. 307-332. 14 10 10 8 IL 10 10 LM local intrusive body. Nearest the diabase intrusion, Lockatong hornfels are black and fine-grained; farther away, it A 15 8 N 100 10 16 S is difficult to differentiate the hornfels from the non-baked . The Passaic hornfels, adjacent 10 11 LN Purple beds in Passaic Formation Malinconico, M. L., 2003, Estimates of eroded strata using borehole vitrinite reflectance data, Triassic Taylorsville rift basin, Virginia: Implica- 12 6 pg to the intrusion, are dark gray, fine grained, and sometimes contains cordierite (Van Houten, 1969); farther away, p k pg tions for duration of syn-rift sedimentation and evidence of structural inversion, in LeTourneau, P. M., and Olsen, P. E., eds., The Great o 100 the Passaic hornfels is medium purple, massive, and has clearly defined bedding and fractures. The massive 44 o 12 Gray and/or black beds in Passaic Formation Rift Valleys of Pangea in Eastern (Volume 1, Tectonics, Structure, and Volcanism): Columbia University Press, New York, 80 Jd r 12 11 11 44 nature and increased hardness of the Passaic hornfels makes it easy to distinguish from the Passaic purple beds. B p 80 p. 80-103. s 100 s Gray and/or black beds in Passaic Formation with copper mineralization present

10 o 10 r 9 7 100 pg STRUCTURE

10 C 13 Marzoli, A., Renne, P.R., Piccirillo, E.M., Bellieni, G., De Min, A., 1999, Extensive 200-million--old continental flood of the Central 100 pg Red beds in Passaic Formation Atlantic Magmatic Province: Science, v. 284, p. 616-618. 100 o o 8 pg Sedimentary bedding mapped across the quadrangle has a dominant strike of N60 E with a gentle 11 NW dip 11 p 10 D (figure 2a). All bedding data come from outcrops of the Passaic Formation. Float occurrences in regions of no McLaughlin, D. B., 1945, Type sections of the Stockton and Lockatong Formations: Proceedings of the Academy of Science, v. p R p pg R 8 E 6 definitive outcrops guided mapping of the Lockatong Formation. Proximal to the diabase, the sediments were IV CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS 20, p. 89-98. R E metamorphosed to hornfels. These units, though with limited data, portray a similar bedding trend to the N TO Franklin SURFICIAL DEPOSITS LS unmetamorphosed Passaic Formation (figure 2b). Fractures are common in the Passaic Formation with the McLaughlin, D. B., 1959, Mesozoic rocks: Geology and mineral resources of Bucks County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, IL pg Memorial Park 100 100 o M 7 dominant strike approximately N10 E (figure 2c). These features average to near vertical (figure 2b). Subsidiary Bulletin C-9, p. 55-114. 100 pg 8 Quaternary 44 D fractures strike more easterly while maintaining a fairly steep dip both to the east and west. Fracturing within the R 14 79 pg 44 and Pliocene H pg S 22 Sixmile 79 diabase and Passaic hornfels zone are also steeply dipping but with a more easterly strike than those in the Musser, J.A., 1998, Rocky Hill, Kingston and Griggstown, Charleston: Arcadia Publishing, 128 p. U pg 13 B COASTAL PLAIN 19 E Run Passaic Formation (figure 2d). A subsidiary fracture trend strikes east-southeast with a dominant northeast dip. L 4 S 0 D 100

0 i D x Olsen, P.E., 1980, The latest Triassic and Early Jurassic formations of the Newark basin (eastern North America, ): Stratig- 27'30" 14 20 1 I m pg pg M i 27'30" S le Previous workers (Parker and Houghton, 1990) mapped several, northeast striking faults, most of which were not raphy, structure, and correlation: New Jersey Academy of Science, Bulletin, v. 25, p.25-51. Ru 17 7 7 9 8 n 11 Krw encountered in the present mapping. Elsewhere in the Newark basin, an increase in fracture density occurs as 100 15 «¬27

p 0 one approaches a fault. A similar increase in fracture density was only seen along Healthcote and Simonson Olsen, P.E., 1986, A 40-million-year lake record of early Mesozoic orbital climate forcing: Science, v. 234, p. 842-848. 5 10 10 0 14 Late

1 CRETACEOUS 7 10 100 16 100 0 C Cenomanian Brooks and within the Kingston quarry. A small fault in the southwestern part of the quadrangle, named the O 10 13 10 Krf D 27 Z Olsen, P. E., Kent, D. V., Whiteside, H., 2011, Implications of the Newark Supergroup-based astrochronology and geomagnetic polarity time R 11 ZE Heathcote Brook Fault by Parker and Houghton (1990) runs parallel to a small brook of the same name. Here,

L 9 . N . . A . .. S r . . scale (Newark-APTS) for the tempo and mode of the early diversification of the Dinosauria: Earth and Environmental Science Transac- . . N p . L diabase marks the eastern block with Passaic hornfels along the western block. Two exposures contained e . . . . . N 100 v A SU . . . pg 8 2 i C YD ...... 15 ROCKS tions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, v. 101, p. 201–229. R pg A .. . . numerous slip surfaces with slickenlines displaying an oblique motion with right lateral and normal sense of 10 M NEWARK BASIN 44 e RD pg 78 n 0 displacement. The fault orientation NNE to NE aligns with other cross faults cutting across the basin that are

. .

o 100 ... . 44 UNCONFORMITY N . t 10 ..... 78

s . Olsen, P.E., Kent, D.V., Cornet, Bruce, Witte, W.K., and Schlische, R.W., 1996, High-resolution stratigraphy of the Newark rift basin (early

l . .... generally synthetic to the border fault system (Schlische, 2003). A fault of similar dimension noted by a high

9 . l i 12 .

. .

. . pg . i .

. . . n . . 11 .. . pg .. . . pg . . . . Mesozoic, eastern North America): Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 108, p. 40-77.

. M p .. . . fracture density occurs along Simonson Brook. The largest fault lies within the Kingston quarry. Slip indicators

. . e ...... Jd 100 10 . . . 11 m .. . Lower JURASSIC . . .


. . p .. .. 16 ...... show oblique offset dominated by right-lateral motion and minor normal offset. Where clay-rich beds dominate, 100 . . . . 100 11 i 100 .


.. l . .. Owens, J. P., Sugarman, P. J., Sohl, N. F., Parker, R. A., Houghton, H. F., Volkert, R. A., Drake, A. A., Jr., and Orndorff, R. C., 1998, Bedrock e faults may have a very narrow zone of deformation, which makes them difficult to detect with limited outcrop Jd . .. 14 R Brunswick ph exposures. However, displacement along faults with larger offset should be visible on high resolution LIDAR, but geologic map of central and southern New Jersey: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2540-B, scale u p pg l 8 n p Group no such displacement was evident in the mapped area. 1:100,000. na 16 pg Ca 6 n pg 13 O ta 7 Newark Parker, R.A., and Houghton, H.F., 1990, Geologic map of the Monmouth Junction Quadrangle, New Jersey, U.S. Geological Survey: Open File ri 100 C O a p 10 T C Supergroup l Upper TRIASSIC Report, OFR 90-219, map scale 1:24,000. R pg E d 1212 10 S X A n 17 pg R E ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 44 a pg E S 77 e 16 CL E Ratcliffe, N.M., 1971, The system in New York and adjacent northern New Jersey: a case of tectonic heredity: Geological Society r 100 13 AR M L 44 a E O D 77 15 MO S s of America Bulletin, v. 83, p. 523-530. w 100 pg N T ID ¤£1 The Monmouth Junction quadrangle contains an active diabase quarry, the Kingston quarry, as well as la 12 7 RD Franklin e pg M abandoned diabase, gravel, and copper quarry pits and mines. The Kingston quarry is located within the Rocky D Sunset Hill 12 15 Park Ratcliffe, N.M., 1980, Brittle faults (Ramapo Fault) and phyllonitic ductile shear zones in the basement rocks of the Ramapo seismic zones New 7 -1 Hill diabase and began operations prior to 1869 when David H. Mount purchased and expanded the Rocky Hill 12 15 S B 7 U York and New Jersey, and their relationship to current seismicity: in Manspeizer, Warren, ed., field studies of New Jersey geology and UN Garden Quarry Company. This title was transferred to Martin A. Howell in 1872, who provided crushed stone for the


. KE . pg R T pg 13 . .... F guide to field trips: 52nd Annual Meeting of the New York State Geological Association, p. 278-311. H . . IN I e . N construction of roads and railroads. Stone was transported along the Delaware-Raritan Canal. The quarry was L L n E R 15 ... . . G 21 D m p . A 20 100 Jd N temporarily closed from 1918 to 1930; Theodore Potts reopened the quarry in 1930 and sold it to Linus R. Gilbert, pg i L D l 14 Ratcliffe, N.M., and Burton, W.C., 1985, Fault reactivation models for the origin of the Newark basin and studies related to U.S. eastern seismici- e N R 17 k 15 13 INTRODUCTION who changed the name to the Kingston Quarry in 1933 (Musser, 1998). The Stravola Family, owners o 20 R D R ro 20 R ty: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 946, p. 36-45. S . E i B . mo o n u . ns .. .. of Trap Rock Industries, purchased the quarry in 1966 and remains at the helm to the present day. Today, the V H . I n . . Jd .

. . R 16 . US .. . The Monmouth Junction 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle lies mostly within the Piedmont Physiographic quarry mainly produces crushed stone and aggregates for construction projects across New Jersey. B Jd 13 E 100 Ries, Heinrich, Kummel, H. B., and Knapp, G. N., 1904, The clays and clay industry of New Jersey: New Jersey Geological Survey Final Report, 10 L 44 pg D Bunker Brook Province and includes parts of Somerset, Middlesex, and Mercer counties in central New Jersey. Roughly one 11 D eys 76 100 I ak v. 8, 218 p. 12 18 O 44 100 M Hill 76 square mile at the southeastern corner of the quadrangle lies within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. The Griggstown copper deposit was discovered in 1753 in the hornfelsic zone of the Triassic-aged Passaic 13 S «¬27 pg Like a large part of New Jersey, this region has felt the growing pressure of suburban development and has Formation west of Tenmile Run Mountain. Mining began shortly thereafter and was so successful that by 1765 r 10 Schlische, R.W., 1992, Structural and stratigraphic development of the Newark extensional basin, eastern North America: Evidence for the ive pg ph Y R HW changed from a predominantly agricultural to suburban, commuter developments that occupy an ever-increasing the mine employed 160 laborers. Mining operations paused for the Revolutionary War and resumed around ne Jd 12 N p growth of the basin and its bounding structures: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 104, p.1246-1263. o 9 OL 17 proportion of the countryside. Franklin Township, which covers a large area of the central and northeastern part t NC H 1800. The copper mine operated at a loss and was open intermittently through the 19th century. By the 20th ls LI E il 12 N 6 14 D of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle, has preserved over 4,000 acres of land both as preserved farmland and century, Isaac Gabel and Robert Dixon opened the mine and renamed it the Franklin Mine. Much prospecting M 14 E Schlische, R.W., 1993, Anatomy and evolution of the Triassic-Jurassic continental rift system: eastern North America: Tectonics, v.12, 9 R S public open space with numerous hiking and bike trails. took place and stocks were sold, but the mine was never again successful (Woodward, 1944). Tenmile 4 O p.1026-1042. D Jd 20 N R Jd 200 R L Run 200 D A 13 N ph Low topographic relief dominates the mapped area’s geomorphology. A large part of the landscape lies between The abandoned gravel pits are associated with former diabase quarrying and the abandoned copper pits are A Mtn 0 Schlische, R.W., 1995, Geometry and origin of fault-related folds in extensional settings: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, C 11 10 50 and 200 feet in elevation. Several low gradient tributaries including Steep Hill Brook, Six Mile Run, and associated with zones of hornfels and gray beds in the Passaic Formation. In the gray beds, the copper is mainly 15 v. 79, p. 1661-1678. 300 pg Simonson Brook gently incise the landscape as they flow northwest to the Millstone River. A change in exposed as small malachite crystals, some too small to see with the naked eye. The reason for abandonment for 14 4475 topography occurs in an area of diabase bedrock in the southwestern part of the quadrangle where the elevation these quarries is uncertain. Schlische, R.W., 2003, Progress in understanding the structural geology, basin evolution, and tectonic history of the eastern North American 200 20 4475 12 12 Krf k rises to 300 feet. Also located in the southwest corner of the quadrangle is the Kingston quarry near the low point Rift System, in LeTourneau, P.M. and Olsen, P.E., eds., The Great Rift Valleys of Pangea in Eastern North America, v. 1: Tectonics, o Jd 24 p O 8 15 o of the quadrangle, where excavation has lowered the quarry floor to sea level. C 11 r structure and volcanism, Columbia University Press, New York, p. 21-64. 10 T 20 0 ph Jd 15 E B S CO 10 DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS 11 p s ER X 15 SE p y The Mesozoic-aged Newark basin, a rift basin that formed during the breakup of the Pangea, was M e Schlische, R.W., 2008, Structural geology and tectonics group: . O LE 10 S D 10 k 16 infilled with sediments of Triassic and Jurassic age and was both intruded and locally covered by D a Black Surficial Deposits 18 I 13 M 13 ¤£1 l O Triassic-Jurassic age intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks, respectively. Subsequently, these basin deposits 15 100 Horse Schlische, R.W., Young, S.S., Ackerman, R.V., and Gupta, A., 1996, Geometry and scaling relations of a population of very small rift-related have been tilted, jointed, faulted, and locally folded (Schlische, 1992; Olsen and others, 1996; Withjack and (Quaternary and Pliocene) – Unidivided surficial sediments more than 20 feet thick. 13 -1 normal faults, Geology, v. 24, p. 683-686. «¬27 N 200 S U 100 i others, 2013). Most of this tectonic deformation took place in the to Middle Jurassic (Lucas and 200 n e

m others, 1988; de Boer and Clifford, 1988). Reactivation of originally southeast-dipping thrusts as normal faults Coastal Plain Smoot, J.P., 2010, Triassic depositional facies in the Newark Basin, in Herman, G.C., and Serfes, M.E., eds., Contributions to the geology and p p ¤£130 25' 15 i ph 16 l 25' guided the basin morphology along its northwestern margin, northeast of the map area (Ratcliffe, 1971, 1980; hydrogeology of the Newark basin: New Jersey Geological Survey Bulletin 77, p. A1-A110. 44 e

R Ratcliffe and Burton, 1985; Withjack and others, 1998). These primary features influenced sediment deposition 74 44 Woodbridge Clay (Late Cretaceous) – Clay and silt with minor thin beds and laminas of fine quartz sand. Clay

u 74 Krw

n patterns and the orientation of secondary structures within the basin. Episodic, periodic slip along these faults and silt are gray to black where unweathered, yellow to brown where weathered. Sand is white, yellow, and light Stanford, S. D., 2002a, Surficial geology of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle, Somerset, Mercer, and Middlesex counties: New Jersey: N. J. influenced sediment deposition resulting in a thicker sediment dispersal pattern parallel to the northwestern gray. The unit is 60 feet thick in map area with a full thickness downdip to the east and southeast of as much as Geological Survey, Open-File Map OFM 47, scale 1:24,000. ph D E lh A 100 border of the basin (Smoot, 2010). Secondary intrabasinal faults, such as the Hopewell Fault to the west of the 140 feet (Stanford and others, 1998; Stanford and Sugarman, 2008). The Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian) N 300 300 rd B S Ya roo L 100 quadrangle, formed across depositional strike and dominantly have a normal sense of offset. These faults, age date is based on pollen (Christopher, 1979) and ammonites (Cobban and Kennedy, 1990). Krw is only Stanford, S.D., 2002b, Surficial geology of the Rocky Hill quadrangle, Somerset and Mercer Counties, New Jersey: New Jersey Geological 200 w k 200 Co N Krf Davidsons originally thought to have been active during Passaic Formation deposition (Schlische, 1992, 1993) are currently present in the subsurface, covered by surficial deposits. Survey, Open-File Map OFM 48 Scale 1 to 24,000. ph Y 0 A thought to have formed coincident with the beginning of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) W Millpond Jd 10 N IO magmatism (Withjack and others, 2013), which is younger than the Passaic Formation sediments (Marzoli and Farrington Sand (Late Cretaceous) – Quartz sand, fine- to coarse-grained, some thin beds of angular very coarse Stanford, S.D., Monteverde, D.H., Volkert, R.A., 1998, Geology of the New Brunswick Quadrangle, Middlesex and Somerset Counties, New T Krf C U Jd IB others, 1999). Differential slip along individual segments of both fault systems resulted in a series of depressions quartz sand to fine pebble gravel, and minor clay and silt in beds and lenses up to 3-feet thick, chiefly near base. Jersey: New Jersey Geological Survey, Open-File Map OFM 23, scale 1:24,000. 22 a R Davidsons Krf Sand T r IS (synclines) and ridges (anticlines) oriented normal to the fault trends (Schlische, 1995). Sediment thickening into Sand, clay, and silt are white, yellow, pink, and reddish yellow where weathered, gray where unweathered. t D Millpond e Hills r the fold troughs indicates the syndepositional nature of part of these regional fold structures. Extensional faulting Trough and tabular cross-bedding are common in sands. Sands are also iron-cemented into irregular blocks, Stanford, S.D., and Sugarman, P.J., 2008, Bedrock geology of the Beverly and Frankford Quadrangles, Burlington County, New Jersey: New 10 44 300 s 200 73 0 B 44 and synchronous sedimentation continued into the Early Jurassic (Malinconico, 2003). At this stage, lenses and beds in places and are as much as 90-feet thick. Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) age dates are based Jersey Geological Survey, Open-File Map OFM 71, scale 1:24,000. r Dean Jd 73 o s KE post-deposition highly oblique basin inversion further folded and faulted the basin sediments by both left-lateral on pollen (Christopher, 1979). TP o IN k and reverse offset along border faults (de Boer and Clifford, 1988; Withjack and others, 1995). Sugarman, P.J., Stanford, S.D., Monteverde, D.H., and Volkert, R.A., 2015, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hightstown Quadrangle, Middlesex KL N A Piedmont and Mercer Counties, New Jersey: New Jersey Geological and Water Survey, Open-File Map OFM 107, scale 1:24,000. R 0

F 3

- . Jd .

. 1 .

. N ... .

.. . - Jd . . .. STRATIGRAPHY . . . . W . . ... S . . . . . O ......



U . T ...... Van Houten, F.B., 1969, Late Triassic Newark Group, north central New Jersey and adjacent Pennsylvania and New York: in Subitzky, S, ed., E ...... Diabase (Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic) – Fine-grained to medium-grained sill and dike diabase intrusions ...... G r Jd 200 . . . . Jd R .

...... O B . Geology of selected area in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania and guidebook of excursions, Rutgers University Press, New Bruns- E Surficial deposits up to 20 feet thick cover some parts of the quadrangle. These surficial units are shown on the composed of mainly plagioclase feldspar, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and opaque minerals. Color ranges from G D k E wick, New Jersey, p. 314-347. o A Wash N ington map as a transparent overlay. Quartz pebble gravels and unconsolidated sandy deposits are the predominant dark-gray to dark greenish gray; texture is hard and massive; the units are sparsely fractured, but typical fractures Little o S Cem r R surficial units (Stanford, 2002a). are northeast striking with a high angle dip. Near the contact with , the grain size is typically R HO ockingham B Jd -1 D Rocky Hill Jd S ok E Withjack, M.O., Olsen, P.E., and Schlische, R.W., 1995, Tectonic evolution of the Fundy rift basin, Canada: Evidence of extension and shorten- e U ro HA finer grained. Away from the contact, the grains are medium in size and specimens are typically rounded and t L 570 000 100 B L RD ing during passive margin development: Tectonics, v.14, p. 290-405. Kingston o ce The quadrangle includes two informal members of the Cretaceous-aged Raritan Formation: the Woodbridge Clay display a thick tan-orange weathering rind; some samples display a plagioclase weathering rind. Outcrops of ^Jd c en FEET h r 44 200 Quarry t w 72 and the Farrington Sand, both Coastal Plain units. The Woodbridge Clay contains gray, black, yellow, and brown are rare; large float boulders are common and utilized when determining the extent of the unit. The thickness of

a k a Withjack, M.O., Schlische, R.W., and Olsen, P.E., 1998, Diachronous rifting, drifting, and inversion on the passive margin of central eastern

e o L Floral clay and silt. Minor thin beds and laminae of fine quartz sand are interbedded with the clay and silt. The the Rocky Hill diabase intrusion, known from the Princeton corehole located in the Hightstown quadrangle, is

o T H

r er Park Cem North America—an analog for other passive margins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 82, p. 817–835. h 100 Farrington Sand is composed of white, yellow, pink, and reddish, fine- to coarse-grained sand with minor clay and approximately 1,325 feet (Olsen and others, 1996). ¤£1 B u 200 n

e e silt lenses. Pollen in the Farrington Sand in the New Brunswick area (Stanford and others, 1998) and in the 200 e 100 t Gr R e Withjack, M.O., Schlische, R.W., Malinconico, M.L., and Olsen, P.E., 2013, Rift-basin development—lessons from the Triassic-Jurassic Newark o at Ditc Jamesburg area (Stanford and Sugarman, 2008) is like that found in the youngest member (unit 3) of the Passaic Formation (Upper Triassic) – Fine-grained to very fine-grained interbedded siltstone, shaley siltstone, c u h 100 «¬27 p basin of eastern North America: in Mohriak, W.U., Danforth, A., Post, P.J., Brown, D.E., Tari, G.C., Nemcock, M., and Sinha, S.T., eds., h n Deans Degel Potomac Formation. The Potomac Formation underlies the Raritan Formation down dip to the southeast of the silty mudstone and mudstone that range in color from reddish-brown to brown to maroon and purple (^p) and are 200 t Y a Jd Yehudo Cem Conjugate Divergent Margins, Geological Society (London) Special Publication 369, p. 301-321. e Pond map area and crops out along strike southwest of the map area where the Raritan Formation pinches out ^ 100 HEATHCOTE separated by gray to greenish-gray to dark-gray siltstones, mudstones, and ( pg). Reddish-brown W pg H C H (Sugarman and others, 2015). These relationships suggest that the Farrington in the map area may be partly the N a siltstone to mudstone is planar to cross-bedded, platey/micaceous to chippy/fissle to blocky and locally contains L r Woodward, H.P., 1944, Copper Mines and Mining in New Jersey, New Jersey: Department of Conservation and Development Bulletin 57, p. O Krf C t same age as the Potomac Formation, unit 3. mud cracks, ripple cross-lamination, analcime (a white star-like crystalline material), joints, veins, and reduction e G N I 200 ph 109-117. r E L O surfaces. These interbedded sequences form rhythmically fining upward sequences up to 15 feet thick. Gray bed s R 44 14 B G ^ E Another informal member, the Raritan fire and potter’s clay of Cook (1878) and Ries and others (1904), which sequences ( pg) are medium- to fine-grained, thin- to medium-bedded, planar to cross-bedded siltstone and silty U 71 r S 44 S o R - 71 underlies the Farrington Sand in the New Brunswick area to the east of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle, is mudstone. Dark gray, and argillite are laminated to thin-bedded, and commonly grade upwards into o 1

Heathcote Brook Fault D 3 k . ph . 0 . . included as part of the Farrington Sand on this map. The Raritan fire and potter’s clay contains two units: the desiccated purple to reddish-brown siltstone to mudstone. Thickness of gray bed sequences ranges from less VD . . 2

. . 2 17 10 E BL . ... R-5 NAD C 100 potter’s clay and the fire clay. The lower clay, the potter’s clay, is predominantly red, white, and gray clay derived than 1 foot to a few feet thick. One of the gray bed sequences contains visible malachite and crosses the area of OME K O PR I N N C O L from the weathering of underlying bedrock formations. The upper clay, the fire clay, is a discontinuous, gray an old copper mine located in the southwestern part of the quadrangle. The dark purple to black fine-grained to G T N Monmouth Junction Stereonet Diagrams S C TO T E S sandy clay located near the base of the Farrington Sand. The maximum thickness of the Raritan Formation in the ophiolitic unit (^ph) contains visible bedding, cordierite and is typically indurated; it weathers O X 100 G S 10 S 13 lh IN ¤£130 O N R E K Monmouth Junction Planes Plot Contour Plot Rose Plot - S quadrangle is about 150 feet in the southeast corner. subrounded/subangular and was formed because of the diabase intrusion baking the surrounding bedrock. p BEDDING N N N M R M E E E O C M L 14 E 100 14 100 -522 R R K O D CR Y S C S D Owens and others (1998) map the deposits of the Sand Hills and Tenmile Run Mountain outliers as the Magothy Lockatong Formation (Upper Triassic) – Cyclically deposited sequences of mainly gray to greenish-gray, and in 120 E H I ook E Br South Brun l I swick T L M e R t Formation, which overlies the Woodbridge Clay member of the Raritan Formation. Here, they are mapped as upper part of unit, locally reddish-brown siltstone to silty argillite and dark-gray to black shale and mudstone. L 14 o 100 C c 10 R h Terrace C t 0 O D 100 Farrington Sand because the coarse texture of the sand and the general absence of interbedded silt and clay O a Siltstone is medium- to fine-grained, thin-bedded, planar to cross-bedded with mud cracks, ripple 80 44 e lh 70 100 Krf (except at the base of the unit) is more typical of the Farrington Sand than of the Magothy Formation. Also, cross-laminations and locally abundant pyrite. Shale and mudstone are very thin-bedded to thin laminated, platy, 60 -1 H 44 000m S 100 k U 70 N 100 o projection of the Magothy-Raritan contact from the Jamesburg area (Stanford and Sugarman, 2008, section AA’), locally containing desiccation features. Lower contact gradational into and placed at base of 40 o 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 r l directly downdip to the southeast of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle, places the contact at an elevation of 250 lowest continuous black siltstone bed (Olsen, 1980). Maximum thickness of unit regionally is about 2,200 feet 20 p B Percent s 100 s feet at the east edge of the Sand Hills outlier. This is slightly higher than the highest elevation of the outlier (230 (Parker and Houghton, 1990). Thermally altered to dark gray to black hornfels (^lh) adjacent to the diabase r per 1% area e 13 Krw t l D feet) at that location, indicating that the outlier sediments are stratigraphically below the Magothy. intrusion. r E R Mean a IDG C R Vector 40°22'30" 40°22'30" 5 460 000 FEET 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 000m Late Triassic-aged sedimentary rocks, formed in alluvial and lacustrine environments, dominate the bedrock units s Stockton Formation (Upper Triassic) – Unit is an interbedded fluvial sequence of white, gray, grayish-brown, or 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42RID E 74°37'30" D 35' 32'30" GE R 74°30' of the Monmouth Junction quadrangle. Later, igneous bodies locally intruded these sediments. The basal unit, Value (in R Kingston D A’ slightly reddish-brown, medium- to fine-grained arkosic to a pebbly arkose, thin- to thick-bedded, N 100 O Presbyterian Cem % of total) of T the Stockton Formation, is not exposed here, but described from the Princeton corehole (Olsen and others, 1996) grading upwards into a brown or gray mudstone. These cycles are locally 15 to 30 ft thick. Coarser units S N = 124 N = 124 N = 124 perimeter = 35 G N in the Hightstown quadrangle adjacent to the south (Sugarman and others, 2015). There, the Stockton Formation commonly occur as lenses and are locally graded. Finer units are bioturbated and fine upwards. Formation rests I figure 2a Base MapK produced by the United States Geological Survey MN SCALE 1:24 000 developed an alluvial sequence of red, light brown, and gray siltstone/mudstone, buff , nonconformably on Proterozoic through metamorphic rocks. Thickness is approximately 4,500 feet. North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) Bedrock geology mapped by Beetle-Moorcroft and 12° 40´ Ø 1 2 0 1 MILE conglomeratic sandstone, and arkosic sandstone. Less common, but increasing in abundance upward through Unit not observed in outcrop but projected from outcrop and corehole information on adjoining quadrangles N Planes Plot N Contour Plot N Rose Plot World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 225 MILS GN Monteverde 2016-2017 ph BEDDING 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 18T 0° 17´ the formation, are micaceous sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone - more common in the upper half of the 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET Coastal Plain geology mappped by Stanford 1989, 2016 (Olsen and others, 1996, Stanford and others, 1998; Sugarman and others, 2015). 10 000-foot ticks: New Jersey Coordinate System of 1983 5 MILS Stockton (McLaughlin, 1945, 1959). Smoot (2010) attributed these to avulsion floodplains associated with lakes Limited data from .Parker and Houghton (1990) 80 Imagery...... NAIP, July 2010 - August 2010 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER that intermittently dried up. He also suggested that the conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone formed as Roads...... HERE, ©2013 Unpublished data by Kummel 1895 60 Names...... GNIS, 2013 UTM GRID AND 2014 MAGNETIC NORTH braided channel deposits and the arkosic were deposited as lateral accretion sediments associated 40 Hydrography...... National Hydrography Dataset, 2010 DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET with point bars in larger meandering rivers. REFERENCES CITED OR USED IN MAP CONSTRUCTION 20 Contours...... National Elevation Dataset, 2013 This geologic map was funded in part by the U. S. Geological Survey, Percent Boundaries...... Multiple sources; see metadata file 1972 - 2013 CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, The Lockatong Formation overlies the Stockton Formation and is typically a black, dark gray, and less commonly Allmendinger, R. W., Cardozo, N. C., and Fisher, D., 2013, Structural geology algorithms: vectors & tensors, Cambridge, per 1% area 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 LOCATION IN under STATEMAP award number G16AC00284. The red mudstone to silty mudstone. Black and gray mudstones, generally more organic-rich than the red beds, were England, Cambridge University Press, p. 289. Mean NEW JERSEY views and conclusions contained in this document deposited in deep lacustrine paleoenvironments. Slightly coarser sediments within the Lockatong were deposited Vector are those of the author and should not be interpreted in shallower water. The Lockatong Formation grades upwards into the Passaic Formation, which tops the Newark Bedrock Geologic Map of the Monmouth Junction Quadrangle as necessarily representing the official policies, Basin deposits in the Monmouth Junction quadrangle. The Passaic Formation (Olsen and others, 2011) contains either expressed or implied, of the U. S. Government. red shale, siltstone, and mudstone and was deposited in both lacustrine and fluvial environments. Thin gray, Value (in Somerset, Middlesex, and Mercer Counties, New Jersey black, and purple beds are interspersed within the red shale deposits. % of total) of GICAL A Van Houten Short Modulating McLaughlin N = 6 N = 6 N = 6 perimeter = 35 LO ND O W figure 2b E A Bound Olsen (1986) and Olsen and others (1996) showed that the depositional sequences within the Lockatong and Cycle Cycle Cycle G T Plainfield Raritan Brook Y E Passaic formations represent climatically controlled wet-and-dry cycles guided by Milankovitch periodicity of the E R p FRACTURES N Planes Plot N Contour Plot N Rose Plot S S Earth’s orbit. Olsen and others (1996) described a hierarchy of three Milankovitch-controlled cyclic lithologic

R feet in feet in feet in U

E by R

J patterns that consist of the Van Houten cycle of 20,000 , the short modulating cycle of 109,000 years and

Monmouth New

V Rocky core core core E

W Hill Junction Brunswick the McLaughlin cycles of 413,000 years. They are the Van Houten, short modulating, and McLaughlin cycles 25 Y

E Fern Beetle-Moorcroft, Donald H. Monteverde and Scott D. Stanford N respectively. Lithologic variations influenced by the Van Houten cycles suggest a complete wet-dry lake level 20 15 2018 Princeton Hightstown Jamesburg 10 1835 5 Percent 5 10 15 20 ADJOINING 7.5’ QUADRANGLES 2390 per 1% area 2410 2300

Value (in

AMTRAK % of total) of train tracks N = 176 N = 176 N = 176 perimeter = 25 figure 2c US Route 130 Millstone River Delaware and Raritan Canal Somerset Co. Middlesex Co. Route 1 NW Krf Krf Krw SE ph & ^Jd N Planes Plot N Contour Plot N Rose Plot A A’ 2410 FRACTURES

0 0 2415 25 p 2400 lh 20 Jd p Jd p ph 15 s 10 -1000 -1000 5

ph lh l Cycle Climactic Precession ~20,000 year Percent 5 10 15 20 ph per 1% area ~109,000 year “Eccentricity” Precession Cycle Precession “Eccentricity” ~109,000 year ~413,000 year “Eccentricity” Precession Cycle Precession “Eccentricity” ~413,000 year Jd -2000 -2000 2430 l s Jd Value (in % of total) of -3000 s -3000 N = 22 N = 22 N = 22 perimeter = 20 lh Black Purple Red figure 2d ph l Gray mudstone mudstone mudstone mudstone p l -4000 Figure 2. Stereonet and rose diagram plots of structural data from the Monmouth Junction quadrangle using software of -4000 Allmendinger and others (2013) and Cardozo and Allmendinger (2013). All stereonet plots are equal area, lower hemisphere Figure 1. Diagram showing the relationship between the Van Houten, Short Modulating, and McLaughlin Cycles based with “N” values equal to the number of planes analyzed. Plots from left to right show planes, poles to planes and rose diagrams on Olsen and others (1996) and Schlische (2008). The Van Houten cycle represents ~13 ft of core, ~20,000 years of of dip directions. Poles to planes display the plane representing the maximum value. Note difference in contour and rose deposition, and is related to the precession of Earth’s axis; the Short Modulating cycle correlated ~60 ft of core with diagram scales. Passaic Formation bedding is represented in 2a, Passaic Formation fractures in 2b, Passaic hornfels bedding ~109,000 years of deposition and is related to the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit; the McLaughlin cycle matches ~260 ft of in 2c and Passaic hornfels and diabase fractures in 2d. core with ~413,000 year cyclicity is also related to eccentricity.