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- A Critical Look at Vitruvius
- Vitruvius and Augustan Rome 592 ARTHUR SEGAL
- Re-Thinking the Roman Domus: How Architects and Orators Construct Self, Space, and Language
- Palladio and the Legacy of Vitruvius PROVIDENCE COLLEGE 13
- Roman Building Materials, Construction Methods, and Architecture: the Dei Ntity of an Empire Michael Strickland Clemson University, [email protected]
- Lucretius in the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance: Transmission and Scholarship
- Proportion and Building Material, Or Theory Versus Practice +LVWRULHV in the Determination of the Module
- The Rhetoric of Explanation in Lucretius' De Rerum Natura
- 12Th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna, 6-10 April 2021
- The Vitruvian Virtues of Architecture: Utilitas, Firmitas, Venustas
- Homer Through Roman Eyes Hum 110 Lecture Laura Leibman Friday Feb
- Urbanitas Against Urbanism: a Latin Paradox
- UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA Los Angeles the Roman
- Why Classical Written & Presented by Eric Inman Daum, AIA New England Chapter Co-Founder & Treasurer at the 4Th Annual Bulfinch Awards November 14, 2013
- Vitruvius, De Architectura Book IX, Chapter 7*
- Design with Climate in Ancient Rome: Vitruvius Meets Olgyay
- Lucretius' De Rerum Natura and Satire
- Materials Science in Ancient Rome