Terminalia sericea
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- THE USE of a RAT MODEL to EVALUATE the in Vivo Toxicity and WOUND HEALING
- Antifungal Activities of Fifteen Southern African Medicinal Plants Against Five Fusarium Species
- Screening of Venda Medicinal Plants for Antifungal Activity Against Candida Albicans ⁎ V
- Title Variations in Mopane Vegetation and Its Use by Local People: Comparison of Four Sites in Northern Namibia Author(S) TESHIR
- Ecological Niches Occupied by Dichapetalum Cymosum (Hook.) Engl
- Flora and Fauna Habitat Assessment
- Ecological Profiles of Potential Bush Encroacher Species in the Manyeleti Game Reserve
- 2017 Student Project
- Leaf Nutrient Draw Back As a Strategy for Tree Grass Co-Existence in The
- Wound Healing Potential of Terminalia Sericea
- Terminalia Sericea Combretaceae Burch. Ex DC
- Title Variations in Mopane Vegetation and Its Use by Local People
- Traditional Medicinal Uses and Biological Activities of Some Plant Extracts of African Combretum Loefl., Terminalia L
- An Ecological Assessment of the Sustainable Utilization of the Woody Vegetation in the Lowveld Bushveld, Mpumalanga Province
- A Phytosociological Synthesis of Mopaneveld
- Interaction Between Animals, Vegetation, and Fire in Southern Rhodesia
- Anti-Proliferative Properties of Terminalia Sericea Burch. Ex Dc Leaf Extracts Against Caco2 and Hela Cancer Cell Lines
- Analysis of Antibacterial Activity of Terminalia Sericea and Combretum Imberbe Two Combretaceae Species from Namibia a Thesis S