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- On Electromagnetic Duality
- A Basic Operations of Tensor Algebra
- A Brief Introduction to Tensors∗
- Performance Tensor Transpose Library for Gpus
- 171-201 (1960)
- Exterior Powers
- 1 Cartesian Tensors and Rotations
- Tensor Balancing on Statistical Manifold
- Dyadic Tensor Notation Similar to What I Will Be Using in Class, with Just a Couple of Changes in Notation
- Symbolic Tensor Calculus on Manifolds: a Sagemath Implementation Vol
- An Exterior Algebraic Derivation of the Euler–Lagrange Equations from the Principle of Stationary Action
- 221A Lecture Notes Notes on Tensor Product
- Chapter 22 Tensor Algebras, Symmetric Algebras and Exterior
- A Multivector Derivative Approach to Lagrangian Field Theory
- Lorentz Group Projector Technique for Decomposing Reducible Representations and Applications to High Spins
- Appendix F Multilinear Algebra
- Introduction to Tensors and Dyadics
- A Child's Guide to Spinors