
arXiv:1610.04272v1 [cs.NA] 13 Oct 2016 lcrncEgneig h nvriyo ogKn.E-mai Kong. Hong of University the , Electronic [email protected] nwong hr h s ftno optto ol eo advantage. of be could computation probl tensor un EDA of open use high-dimensional further the and suggests where and modeling quantification), circuit tainty applicat EDA nonlinear tutorial h of basic examples efficiently (e.g., recent a solving some gives and a demonstrates paper storing tensors, vector, This a both problems. a is for EDA and choice tensor dimensional natural A a de a tools. is the and of for generalization EDA framework high-dimensional efficient “tens general presents of alternative paper velopment ba an This are handle as computation. that to vector computation” algorithms and hard core matrix generally EDA on traditional are with problems de efficiently dimensional genera high and challenges such analysis computational ful p The extensive (e.g. variability/reliability manufacturability). or parameters (e.g. sizing), optimization circuit variations or and discretizations design routing/placement chip solvers of number field unknown a devices large spatia 3-D of and/or nonlinearity multiple (e.g. simulation), by circuit parameters multi-rate factors caused be temporal of may or number phenomenon This large variables. computation by fast-scaling very produced the i.e. dimensionality, of CETDB EETASCIN NCMUE-IE EINO I OF DESIGN COMPUTER-AIDED ON TRANSACTIONS IEEE BY ACCEPTED optrSine ascuet nttt fTcnlg ( Technology E-mails: of MA. Institute Massachusetts Science, Computer opttoa rbesi D.Seicly efcson focus we concerns Specifically, mainly EDA. paper in This problems l computational verification. languages, description formal hardware synthesis, e.g., topics, diverse spending of without work. labor-intensive chips on designer complex years and or large-scale months tasks, further design design were various could success tools accelerate the and to to algorithms until Due developed EDA Berkeley. fiction numerous UC SPICE, science by of as released 1960s. was regarded the [1] was SPICE in idea proposed this was Nonetheless, computers, syste and using circuits electronic automatically Th designing manually. namely transistors EDA, of designers i of number 1970s idea invented small early a was the handle only until (IC) However, could Kilby. circuit Jack by integrated semiconducto 1959 of first progress two The the are driving industries. been (EDA) have Automation that Design engines Electronic of Hystory EDA velopment in Computation Vector & Matrix of Success A. .BteiradN ogaewt eateto lcrclan Electrical of Department with are Wong N. and Batselier K. .Lui ihCdneDsg ytm,Ic a oe A E-ma CA. Jose, San Inc. Systems, Design Cadence with is Liu H. .ZagadL ailaewt eateto lcrclEngi Electrical of Department with are Daniel L. and Zhang Z. Abstract h D raide nopse eylrevariety large very a encompasses indeed area EDA The de- the and technology fabrication of advancement The } @eee.hku.hk e srCmuain e rmwr for Framework New A Computation: Tensor Mn rtclEApolm ufrfo h curse the from suffer problems EDA critical —Many { z hn,luca zhang, ihDmninlPolm nEDA in Problems High-Dimensional .I I. hn hn,KmBteir ata i,Lc ailadNga and Daniel Luca Liu, Haotian Batselier, Kim Zhang, Zheng } @mit.edu NTRODUCTION I) Cambridge, MIT), IvtdKyoePaper) Keynote (Invited dcircuits, nd ern and neering lburden al ls: infor sign e by ted rocess { kimb, ogic ions igh- ems cer- and sed ms nd on TGAE ICISADSSES O.X,N.X,X 061 2016 XX XX, NO. XX, VOL. SYSTEMS, AND CIRCUITS NTEGRATED or il: l- n e d s r - l mrvd o ntne naao/Fcrutoptimization circuit extracte were were models analog/RF engines performance polynomial in or optimization posynomial instance, EDA For many approximatio improved. of numerical or performance [6 heuristics [60], the optimization design routing circuit on [59], analog/RF Based solve [63]. and placement to [61] VLSI developed synthesis as were logic solutions such algorithmic problems of EDA lot uncertain- a [58], process or parameters design [47]–[55]. extend ties with iden- further system problems were or techniques to [34]–[42] These compact reduction [43]–[46]. generate order tification then model data, by electroni device measurement models describing some describing system or dynamic equation circuits] a diffe or or [31]–[33] partial from a (PDE) start [e.g., equation They system-level description tial formulation. and mathematical generic detailed circuit their a to to applicable due problems also Math-based implemented. model- are MOS- and math-based approaches reported for and a were [30] models) frameworks level, interconnect BSIM ing device RLC (e.g., and the physics-based FET of At number [27]–[29]. manufac huge a variations characterize statistical to process many proposed turing level, were process algorithms the learning At hierarchy. of level meth- spectral stochastic and stochastic simulation. variation accelerate [15] to process investigated were [14], handle [16]–[26]) ods Carlo to circu nonlinear order Monte and In both [9]–[11] [13]. implement linear [12], further large-scale simulation were up for variants speed developed parallel to their were It communication and simulation. [8] simulators solvers by noise and Driven RF [3]–[7] steady-state [1]. specialized periodic SPICE in design, of implemented IC version were early iteration) the Newton’s elimin a factorization, Gaussian of (e.g., LU network solvers dynamic integrati equation the numerical linear/nonlinear Standard describe circuit. to electronic proposed general was [2] sis results. among EDA. research examples of numerous in number the small challenges a summarize computational briefly we the Here be address Many have to algorithms verification. developed such vector-based system-level and tools and matrix-based EDA efficient higher-level optimization many design too by as core repeatedly simulation called or implementa modeling are numerical numerical effective often, Very on tion. per relies whose heavily problems, formance optimization and simulation modeling, hnst h rgeso ueia piiain[56]– optimization numerical of progress the to Thanks design every almost at developed were models Efficient analy- nodal modified simulation, circuit of context the In Wong i nand on erative circuit ation, ren- 2], nd en ed ed n, ls s, it d c - - - , ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 2 to significantly reduce the number of circuit simulations [64]– by choosing the best values of d design parameters (e.g. [66]. the sizes of all transistors). When the performance metric is a strongly nonlinear and discontinuous function of B. Algorithmic Challenges and Motivation Examples design parameters, sweeping the whole parameter Despite the success in many EDA applications, conven- is possibly the only feasible solution. Even if a small tional matrix-based and vector-based algorithms have certain number of samples are used for each parameter, a huge intrinsic limitations when applied to problems with high number of simulations are required to explore the whole dimensionality. These problems generally involve an extremely parameter space. large number of unknown variables or require many sim- • Variability-Aware Design Automation. Process varia- ulation/measurement samples to characterize a quantity of tion is a critical issue in nano-scale chip design. Captur- interest. Below we summarize some representative motivation ing the complex stochastic behavior caused by process examples among numerous EDA problems: uncertainties can be a data-intensive task. For instance, • Parameterized 3-D Solvers. Lots of devices are a huge number of measurement data points are required described by PDEs or integral equations [31]–[33] with d to characterize accurately the variability of device pa- spatial . With n discretization elements along rameters [27]–[29]. In circuit modeling and simulation, each spatial (i.e., x-, y- or z-direction), the the classical stochastic collocation [22]–[24] number of unknown elements is approximately N=nd requires many simulation samples in order to construct in a finite-difference or finite-element scheme. When n a surrogate model. Although some algorithms such as is large (e.g. more than thousands and often millions), compressed sensing [29], [71] can reduce measurement even a fast iterative matrix solver with O(N) complexity or computational cost, lots of hidden data information cannot handle a 3-D device simulation. If design param- cannot be fully exploited by matrix-based algorithms. eters (e.g. material properties) are considered and the PDE is further discretized in the parameter space, the computational cost quickly extends beyond the capability C. Toward Tensor Computations? of existing matrix- or vector-based algorithms. In this paper we argue that one effective way to address • Multi-Rate Circuit Simulation. Widely separated time the above challenges is to utilize tensor computation. Tensors scales appear in many electronic circuits (e.g. switched are high-dimensional generalizations of vectors and matrices. capacitor filters and mixers), and they are difficult to Tensors were developed well over a century ago, but have simulate using standard transient simulators. Multi-time been mainly applied in physics, chemometrics and psycho- PDE solvers [67] reduce the computational cost by dis- metrics [72]. Due to their high efficiency and convenience cretizing the differential equation along d temporal axes in representing and handling huge data arrays, tensors are describing different time scales. Similar to a 3-D device only recently beginning to be successfully applied in many simulator, this treatment may also be affected by the curse engineering fields, including (but not limited to) signal pro- of dimensionality. Frequency-domain approaches such as cessing [73], [74], and scientific multi-tone harmonic balance [68], [69] may be more computing. Nonetheless, tensors still seem a relatively unex- efficient for some RF circuits with d sinusoidal inputs, plored and unexploited concept in the EDA field. but their complexity also becomes prohibitively high as The goals and organization of this paper include: d increases. • • Probabilistic Noise Simulation. When simulating a cir- Providing a hands-on “primer” introduction to tensors cuit influenced by noise, some probabilistic approaches and their basic computation techniques (Section II and (such as those based on Fokker-Planck equations [70]) appendices), as well as the most practically useful tech- compute the joint density function of its d state variables inques such as tensor decomposition (Section III) and along the time axis. In practice, the d-variable joint tensor completion (Section IV); density function must be finely discretized in the d- • Summarizing, as guiding examples, a few recent tensor- dimensional space, leading to a huge computational cost. based EDA algorithms, including progress in high- • Nonlinear or Parameterized Model Order Reduction. dimensional uncertainty quantification (Section V) and The curse of dimensionality is a long-standing challenge nonlinear circuit modeling and simulation (Section VI); in model order reduction. In multi-parameter model order • Suggesting some theoretical and application open chal- reduction [47], [48], [54], [55], a huge number of mo- lenges in tensor-based EDA (Sections VII and VIII) in ments must be matched, leading to a huge-size reduced- order to stimulate further research contributions. order model. In nonlinear model order reduction based on Taylor expansions or Volterra series [36]–[38], the com- II. TENSOR BASICS plexity is an exponential function of the highest degree of Taylor or Volterra series. Therefore, existing matrix-based This section reviews some basic tensor notions and op- algorithms can only capture low-order nonlinearity. erations necessary for understanding the key ideas in the • Design Space Exploration. Consider a classical design paper. Different fields have been using different conventions space exploration problem: optimize the circuit perfor- for tensors. Our exposition will try to use one of the most mance (e.g., small-signal gain of an operational amplifier) popular and consistent notations. ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 3

TABLE I FV13161922 STORAGECOSTSOFMAINSTREAMTENSORDECOMPOSITION i3 GW APPROACHES. GW14172023 i 2 GWHX15182124 Decomposition Elements to store Comments FV1 4 7 10 Canonical Polyadic [81], [82] ndr see Fig. 2 i GW 1 GW2 5 8 11 Tucker [83] rd + ndr see Fig. 3 GWHX3 6 9 12 Tensor Train [84] n(d − 2)r2 + 2nr see Fig. 4 Fig. 1. An example tensor A ∈ R3×4×2. Some additional notations and operations are introduced A. Notations and Preliminaries in Appendix A. The applications in Sections V and VI will make it clear that the main problems in tensor-based EDA We use boldface capital calligraphic letters (e.g. A) to applications are either computing a tensor decomposition or denote tensors, boldface capital letters (e.g. A) to denote solving a tensor completion problem. Both of them will now matrices, boldface letters (e.g. a) to denote vectors, and roman be discussed in order. (e.g. a) or Greek (e.g. α) letters to denote scalars. Tensor. A tensor is a high-dimensional generalization of a III. TENSOR DECOMPOSITION matrix or vector. A vector a ∈ Rn is a 1-way data array, A. Computational Advantage of Tensor Decompositions. and its ith element ai is specified by the index i. A matrix Rn1×n2 The number of elements in a -way tensor is , A ∈ is a 2-way data array, and each element ai1i2 d n1n2 ··· nd is specified by a row index i1 and a column index i2. By which grows very fast as d increases. Tensor decompositions extending this idea to the high-dimensional case d ≥ 3, a compress and represent a high-dimensional tensor by a smaller tensor A ∈ Rn1×n2×···×nd represents a d-way data array, and number of factors. As a result, it is possible to solve high- dimensional problems (c.f. Sections V to VII) with a lower its element ai1i2···id is specified by d indices. Here, the positive integer d is also called the order of a tensor. Fig. 1 illustrates storage and computational cost. Table I summarizes the storage an example 3 × 4 × 2 tensor. cost of three mainstream tensor decompositions in order to intuitively show their advantage. State-of-the-art implementa- B. Basic Tensor Arithmetic tions of these methods can be found in [75]–[77]. Specific examples are for instance: Definition 1: Tensor inner . The inner product • While the hidden layers of a neural network could between two tensors A, B ∈ Rn1×···×nd is defined as consume almost all of the memory in a server, using

hA, Bi = ai1···id bi1···id . a canonical or tensor-train decomposition instead results

i1,iX2,...,id in an extraordinary compression( [78], [79]) by up to a As of a tensor A, it is typically convenient to use the factor of 200, 000. • High-order models describing nonlinear dynamic systems Frobenius norm ||A||F := hA, Ai. Definition 2: Tensor k-modep product. The k-mode product can also be significantly compressed using tensor decom- n ×···×nk×···×nd position as will be shown in details in Section VI. B = A×k U of a tensor A ∈ R 1 with a matrix U ∈ Rpk ×nk is defined by • High-dimensional integration and convolution are long- standing challenges in many engineering fields (e.g. nk computational finance and image processing). These two b = u a , (1) i1···ik−1jik+1 ···id jik i1···ik ···id problems can be written as the inner product of two iXk =1 tensors, and while a direct computation would have a n ×···×nk− ×pk ×nk ×···×nd and B ∈ R 1 1 +1 . complexity of O(nd), using a low- canonical or Definition 3: k-mode product shorthand notation. The tensor-train decomposition, results in an extraordinarily multiplication of a d-way tensor A with the matrices lower O(nd) complexity [80]. (1) (d) U ,..., U along each of its d modes respectively is In this section we will briefly discuss the most popular and (1) (d) (1) (d) [[A; U ,..., U ]] , A ×1 U ×2 ···×d U . useful tensor decompositions, highlighting advantages of each.

When A is diagonal with all 1’s on its diagonal and B. Canonical Polyadic Decomposition 0’s elsewhere, then A is omitted from the notation, e.g. Polyadic Decomposition. A polyadic decomposition ex- [[U (1),..., U (d)]]. presses a d-way tensor as the sum of r rank-1 terms: Definition 4: Rank-1 tensor. A rank-1 d-way tensor can be r written as the of d vectors (1) (d) (1) (d) A = σi ui ◦···◦ ui = [[D; U , ··· , U ]]. (3) (1) (2) (d) (1) (d) A = u ◦ u ◦···◦ u = [[u ,..., u ]], (2) Xi=1 (1) (1) n1 (d) nd where u ∈ R ,..., u ∈ R . The entries of A are The subscript i of the unit-norm ui vectors indicates a completely determined by (1) (2) (d). index and not the vector entries. The u(k) vectors ai1i2···id = ui1 ui2 ··· uid i ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 4

n3 n r (3) 3 1 r u(3) u (1) 2 n 1 (2) r (2) G 3 u ur r (3) s 1 sr 2 G 1 = n 1 r (2) n n 1 = 2 + … + 1 A G n n u(1) u(1) n 1 A 1 1 r 3 n2


n2 Fig. 4. The Tensor Train decomposition decomposes a 3-way tensor A into Fig. 2. Decomposing A into the sum of r rank-1 outer products. two matrices G(1), G(3) and a 3-way tensor G(2).

n 2 with the factor matrices U (k) Rnk ×rk and a core tensor n ∈ 3 r3 r ×r ×···×rd n3 S R 1 2 (2) ∈ . The Tucker decomposition can signifi-

U r2

(3) U cantly reduce the storage cost when rk is (much) smaller than = r r1 3 nk. This decomposition is illustrated in Fig. 3. n1 A r Multilinear Rank. The minimal size (r1, r2,...,rd) of the 1 S core tensor S for (4) to hold is called the multilinear rank n1 U ( 1 ) n2 of A, and it can be computed as r = rank(A ),...,rd = r2 1 (1) rank(A(d)). Note that A(k) is a matrix obtained by reshaping (see Appendix A) A along its kth mode. For the matrix case A Fig. 3. The Tucker decomposition decomposes a 3-way tensor into a core we have that r1 = r2, i.e., the row rank equals the column S U (1) U (2) U (3) tensor and factor matrices , , . rank. This is not true anymore when d ≥ 3. Tucker vs. CPD. The Tucker decomposition can be con- are called the mode-k vectors. Collecting all vectors of the sidered as an expansion in rank-1 terms that is not necessarily same mode k in matrix U (k) ∈ Rnk ×r, this decomposition canonical, while the CPD does not necessarily have a minimal (k) d core. This indicates the different usages of these two decom- is rewritten as the k-mode products of matrices {U }k=1 with a cubical diagonal tensor D ∈ Rr×···×r containing positions: the CPD is typically used to decompose data into interpretable mode vectors while the Tucker decomposition is all the σi values. Note that we can always absorb each most often used to compress data into a tensor of smaller size. of the scalars σi into one of the mode vectors, then write A U (1) U (d) . Unlike the CPD, the Tucker decomposition is in general not = [[ , ··· , ]] 2 Example 1: The polyadic decomposition of a 3-way tensor unique . is shown in Fig. 2. A variant of the Tucker decomposition, called high-order Tensor Rank. The minimum r := R for the equality (3) to singular value decomposition (SVD) or HOSVD, is summa- hold is called the tensor rank which, unlike the matrix case, rized in Appendix C. is in general NP-hard to compute [85]. Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD). The corre- D. Tensor Train Decomposition sponding decomposition with the minimal R is called the Tensor Train (TT) Decomposition. A tensor train decom- canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD). It is also called position [84] represents a d-way tensor A by two 2-way Canonical Decomposition (CANDECOMP) [81] or Parallel tensors and (d − 2) 3-way tensors. Specifically, each entry Factor (PARAFAC) [82] in the literature. A CPD is unique, of A ∈ Rn1×···×nd is expressed as up to scaling and permutation of the mode vectors, under mild G(1) G(2) G(d) (5) conditions. A classical uniqueness result for 3-way tensors is ai1i2···id = i1 i2 ··· id , described by Kruskal [86]. These uniqueness conditions do − G(k) Rrk 1×nk ×rk 1 where ∈ is the k-th core tensor, r0 = not apply to the matrix case . (1) (d) rd = 1, and thus G and G are matrices. The vector The computation of a polyadic decomposition, together with (r0, r1, ··· , rd) is called the tensor train rank. Each element two variants are discussed in Appendix B. (k) of the core G(k), denoted as g has three indices. By αk−1ik αk+1 (k) fixing the 2nd index ik, we obtain a matrix Gik (or vector C. Tucker Decomposition for k =1 or k = d). Tucker Decomposition. Removing the constraint that D is Computing Tensor Train Decompositions. Computing a cubical and diagonal in (3) results in tensor train decomposition consists of doing d−1 consecutive reshapings and low-rank matrix decompositions. An advantage (1) (2) (d) A = S ×1 U ×2 U ···×d U (4) of tensor train decomposition is that a quasi-optimal approxi- = [[S; U (1), U (2),..., U (d)]] mation can be obtained with a given error bound and with an automatic rank determination [84]. 1Indeed, for a given A = UV and any nonsingular 2 k matrix T we have that A = UTT −1V . Only by adding sufficient conditions One can always right-multiply the factor matrices U ( ) with any nonsin- −1 (e.g. orthogonal or triangular factors) the matrix decomposition can be made gular matrix T (k) and multiply the core tensor S with their inverses T (k) . unique. Remarkably, the CPD for higher order tensors does not need any such This means that the subspaces that are defined by the factor matrices U (i) conditions to ensure its uniqueness. are while the bases in these subspaces can be chosen arbitrarily. ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 5

E. Choice of Tensor Decomposition Methods modes. This heuristic makes (7) convex, and its optimal Canonical and tensor train decompositions are preferred for solution can be computed by available algorithms [90], high-order tensors since the their resulting tensor factors have a [91]. Note that in (7) one has to compute a full tensor low storage cost linearly dependent on n and d. For some cases X , leading to an exponential complexity with respect to (e.g., approximation), a tensor train decomposition the order d. is preferred due to a unique feature, i.e., it can be implemented • Approximation with Fixed Ranks. Some techniques with cross approximation [87] and without knowing the whole compute a tensor X by fixing its tensor rank. For tensor. This is very attractive, because in many cases obtaining instance, one can solve the following problem a tensor element can be expensive. Tucker decompositions P 2 min k Ω (X − A) kF are mostly applied to lower-order tensors due to their storage X d cost of O(r ), and are very useful for finding the dominant s. t. multilinear rank(X ) = (r1,...,rd) (8) subspace of some modes such as in data mining applications. with X parameterized by a proper low-multilinear rank factorization. Kresner et al. [92] computes the higher- IV. TENSOR COMPLETION (OR RECOVERY) order SVD representation using Riemannian optimiza- Tensor decomposition is a powerful tool to reduce storage tion [93]. In [94], the unknown X is parameterized and computational cost, however most approaches need a by some tensor-train factors. The low-rank factorization whole tensor a-priori. In practice, obtaining each element of a significantly reduces the number of unknown variables. tensor may require an expensive computer simulation or non- However, how to choose an optimal tensor rank still trivial hardware measurement. Therefore, it is necessary to remains an open question. estimate a whole tensor based on only a small number of • Probabilistic Tensor Completion. In order to auto- available elements. This can be done by tensor completion or matically determine the tensor rank, some probabilis- tensor recovery. This idea finds applications in many fields. tic approaches based on Bayesian statistics have been For instance in biomedical imaging, one wants to reconstruct developed. Specifically, one may treat the tensor fac- the whole magnetic resonance imaging data set based on a tors as unknown random variables assigned with proper few measurements. In design space exploration, one may only prior probability density functions to enforce low-rank have a small number of tensor elements obtained from circuit properties. This idea has been applied successfully to simulations, while all other sweeping samples in the parameter obtain polyadic decomposition [95], [96] and Tucker space must be estimated. decomposition [97] from incomplete data with automatic rank determination. A. Ill-Posed Tensor Completion/Recovery • Low-Rank and Sparse Constraints. In some cases, a low-rank tensor A may have a sparse property after a Let I include all indices for the elements of A, and its linear transformation. Let z with subset Ω holds the indices of some available tensor elements. = [z1,...,zm] zk = A W A projection operator P is defined for A: h , ki, one may find that many elements of z are close Ω to zero. To exploit the low-rank and sparse properties P ai1···id , if i1 ··· id ∈ Ω simultaneously, the following optimization problem [98], B = Ω (A) ⇔ bi ···id = 1  0, otherwise. [99] may be solved: In tensor completion, one wants to find a tensor X such that m 1 P 2 it matches A for the elements specified by Ω: min k Ω (X − A) kF + λ | hX , Wki | X 2 Xk=1 P 2 k Ω (X − A) kF =0. (6) s. t. multilinear rank(X ) = (r1,...,rd). (9) This problem is ill-posed, because any value can be assigned In signal processing, z may represent the coefficients to x if i ··· i ∈/ Ω. i1···id 1 d of multidimensional Fourier or wavelet transforms. In uncertainty quantification, z collects the coefficients of B. Regularized Tensor Completion a generalized polynomial-chaos expansion. The formula- Regularization makes the tensor completion problem well- tion (9) is generally non-convex, and locating its global posed by adding constraints to (6). Several existing ideas are minimum is non-trivial. summarized below. • Nuclear-Norm Minimization. This idea searches for the C. Choice of Tensor Recovery Methods minimal-rank tensor by solving the problem: Low-rank constraints have proven to be a good choice for instance in signal and image processing (e.g., MRI reconstruc- min kX k∗ s.t. PΩ (X )= PΩ (A) . (7) X tion) [88], [89], [92], [96]. Both low-rank and sparse properties The nuclear norm of a matrix is the sum of all singular may be considered for high-dimensional functional approx- values, but the nuclear norm of a tensor does not have a imation (e.g., polynomial-chaos expansions) [98]. Nuclear- rigorous or unified definition. In [88], [89], the tensor nu- norm minimization and probabilistic tensor completion are clear norm kX k∗ is heuristically approximated using the very attractive in the sense that tensor ranks can be automati- weighted sum of matrix nuclear norms of X(k)’s for all cally determined, however they are not so efficient or reliable ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 6

for high-order tensor problems. It is expensive to evaluate the Vdd nuclear norm of a high-order tensor. Regarding probabilis- tic tensor completion, implementation experience shows that many samples may be required to obtain an accurate result.

V. APPLICATIONS IN UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION Tensor techniques can advance the research of many EDA topics due to the ubiquitous existence of high-dimensional problems in the EDA community, especially when consider- ing process variations. This section summarizes some recent progress on tensor-based research in solving high-dimensional Fig. 5. Schematic of a multistage CMOS oscillator (with 7 inverters). uncertainty quantification problems, and could be used as guiding reference for the effective employment of tensors in TABLE II COMPARISON OF SIMULATION COST FOR THE RING OSCILLATOR, USING other EDA problems. DIFFERENT KINDS OF STOCHASTIC COLLOCATION.

method sparse grid tensor completion A. Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) total samples 1.6 × 1027 6844 500 Process variation is one of the main sources causing yield degradation and chip failures. In order to improve chip yield, efficient stochastic algorithms are desired in order to simu- weights, and thus is easy to compute. Obtaining Y exactly late nano-scale designs. The design problems are generally is almost impossible because it has the values of y at all described by complex differential equations, and they have to integration samples. Instead of computing all elements of Y be solved repeatedly in traditional Monte-Carlo simulators. by n1n2 ··· nd numerical simulations, we estimate Y using Stochastic spectral methods have emerged as a promis- only a small number of (say, several hundreds) simulations. ing candidate due to their high efficiency in EDA applica- As shown in compressive sensing [71], the approximation tions [16]–[26]. Let the random vector ξ ∈ Rd describe (10) usually has sparse structures, and thus the low-rank process variation. Under some assumptions, an output of and sparse tensor completion model (9) can be used. Using interest (e.g., chip frequency) y(ξ) can be approximated by tensor recovery, stochastic collocation may require only a few a truncated generalized polynomial-chaos expansion [100]: hundred simulations, thus can be very efficient for some high- p dimensional problems. Example [98], [99]. The CMOS ring oscillator in Fig. 5 y (ξ) ≈ cαΨα(ξ). (10) has 57 random parameters describing threshold voltages, gate- |αX|=0 oxide thickness, and effective gate length/width. Since our Here {Ψα(ξ)} are orthonormal polynomial functions; focus is to handle high dimensionality, all parameters are the index vector α ∈ Nd indicates the polynomial order, and assumed mutually independent. We aim to obtain a 2nd-order its element-wise sum |α| is bounded by p. The coefficient cα polynomial-chaos expansion for its frequency by repeated can be computed by periodic steady-state simulations. Three integration points are chosen for each parameter, leading to 357 ≈ 1.6 × 1027 sam- cα = E (Ψα(ξ)y(ξ)) (11) ples to simulate in standard stochastic collocation. Advanced where E denotes expectation. integration rules such as sparse grid [105] still needs over 6000 Main Challenge. Stochastic spectral methods become inef- simulations. As shown in Table II, with tensor completion ficient when there are many random parameters, because eval- (9), the tensor representing 357 solution samples can be well uating cα involves a challenging d-dimensional numerical inte- approximated by using only 500 samples. As shown in Fig. 6, gration. In high-dimensional cases, Monte Carlo was regarded the optimization solver converges after 46 iterations, and the more efficient than stochastic spectral methods. However, we tensor factors are computed with less than 1% relative errors; will show that with tensor computation, stochastic spectral the obtained model is very sparse, and the obtained density methods can outperform Monte Carlo for some challenging function of the oscillator frequency is very accurate. UQ problems. Why Not Use Tensor Decomposition? Since Y is not given a priori, neither CPD nor Tucker decomposition is feasible B. High-D Stochastic Collocation by Tensor Recovery here. For the above example our experiments show that tensor train decomposition requires about 5 simulations to obtain Problem Description. In stochastic collocation [101]– 10 the low-rank factors with acceptable accuracy, and its cost is [103], (11) is evaluated by a quadrature rule. For instance, with even higher than Monte Carlo. nj integration samples and weights [104] properly chosen for each element of ξ, cα can be evaluated by C. High-D Hierarchical UQ with Tensor Train cα = hY, Wαi . (12) Hierarchical UQ. In a hierarchical UQ framework, one Here both Y and Wα are tensors of size n1 ×···× nd. The estimates the high-level uncertainty of a large system that rank-1 tensor Wα only depends on Ψα(ξ) and quadrature consists of several components or subsystems by applying ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 7

25 10 107 relative error of tensor factors cost funct. 20 10 106

15 10 105

10 10 104

105 103

0 10 102

10-5 101 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 iteration # iteration # 3 0.15 gPC coeff. for α 0 tensor recovery 2.5 MC (5K samples)

2 0.1 1.5


0.05 0.5


-0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 frequency (MHz)

Fig. 6. Tensor-recovery results of the ring oscillator. Top left: relative error of the tensor factors; top right: decrease of the cost function in (9); bottom left: sparsity of the obtained polynomial-chaos expansion; bottom right: obtained density function v.s. Monte Carlo using 5000 samples. stochastic spectral methods at different levels of the design hierarchy. Assume that several polynomial-chaos expansions are given in the form (10), and each y (ξ) describes the output of a component or subsystem. In Fig. 7, y (ξ) is used as a new random input such that the system-level simulation can be accelerated by ignoring the bottom-level variations ξ. However, the quadrature samples and basis functions of y are unknown, and one must compute such information using a 3-term recurrence relation [104]. This requires evaluating the following numerical integration with high accuracy:

E (g (y (ξ))) = hG, Wi , (13) where the elements of tensors G and W Rnˆ1×···×nˆd are ∈ Fig. 7. Hierarchical uncertainty quantification. The stochastic outputs of i1 id g(y(ξi1···id )) and w1 ··· wd , respectively. Note that ξi1 ···id bottom-level components/devices are used as new random inputs for upper- i1 id level uncertainty analysis. and w1 ··· wd are the d-dimensional numerical quadrature samples and weights, respectively. Choice of Tensor Decompositions. We aim to obtain a discretization of y(ξ) on a 46-dimensional integration grid was low-rank representation of Y, such that G and E (g (y (ξ))) represented by a tensor Y (with integration points along each can be computed easily. Due to the extremely high accuracy 9 dimension), then Y was approximated by a tensor train decom- requirement in the 3-term recurrence relation [104], tensor position. After this approximation, (13) was easily computed completion methods are not feasible. Neither canonical tensor to obtain the new orthonormal polynomials and quadrature decomposition nor Tucker decomposition is applicable here, as points for . Finally, a stochastic oscillator simulator [21] they need the whole high-way tensor Y before factorization. y was called at the system level using the newly obtained basis Tensor-train decomposition is a good choice, since it can com- functions and quadrature points. As shown in Table III, this pute a high-accuracy low-rank representation without knowing circuit was simulated by the tensor-train-based hierarchical the whole tensor Y; therefore, it was used in [18] to accelerate approach in only min in MATLAB, whereas Monte Carlo the 3-term recurrence relation and the subsequent hierarchical 10 with 5000 samples required more than 15 hours [18]. The UQ flow. variations of the steady-state waveforms from both methods Example. The tensor-train-based flow has been applied to are almost the same, cf. Fig. 9. the oscillator with four MEMS capacitors and 184 random parameters shown in Fig. 8, which previously could only be solved using random sampling approaches. In [18], a sparse VI. APPLICATIONS IN NONLINEAR CIRCUIT MODELING generalized polynomial-chaos expansion was first computed Nonlinear devices or circuits must be well modeled in order as a stochastic model for the MEMS capacitor y(ξ). The to enable efficient system-level simulation and optimization. ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 8


L R L Parameter Value V 2.5V RF Conducting C dd Path V 0-2.5V V1 V2 ctrl Cm Cm Vctrl C 10.83fF Ω C R 110 Cm m L 8.8nH

(W/L) n 4/0.25 Secondary RF Capacitor Actuator M M Iss 0.5mA Contact Bump Primary n n Actuator Rss 10 6Ω

Rss Iss

Fig. 8. Left: the schematic of a MEMS switch acting as capacitor Cm, which has 46 process variations; right: an oscillator using 4 MEMS switches as capacitors (with 184 random parameters in total).

TABLE III SIMULATION TIME OF THE MEMS-IC CO-DESIGN IN FIG. 8 2 x T V V x^ 2 method Monte Carlo proposed [18] B V B total samples 15.4 hours 10 minutes

(a) 6 ^ 4 B x^ 2


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t [ns] 0.6 Fig. 10. Traditional projection-based nonlinear model order reduction meth- B Bˆ (b) ods reduce a large system matrix to a small but dense matrix through 6 an orthogonal projection matrix V . 4

2 variables and input signals and E ∈ Rn×m describes how 0 the input signals are injected into the circuit. This differential 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 t [ns] equation will serve as the basis in the following model order reduction applications. Fig. 9. Realization of the steady-state waveforms for the oscillator in Fig. 8. Top: tensor-based hierarchical approach; bottom: Monte Carlo. Matrix-based Nonlinear Model Order Reduction. The idea of nonlinear model order reduction is to extract a compact reduced-order model that accurately approximates the input- Capturing the (possibly high) nonlinearity can result in high- output relationship of the original large . Sim- dimensional problems. Fortunately, the multiway nature of a ulation of the reduced-order model is usually much faster, so tensor allows the easy capturing of high-order nonlinearities that efficient and reliable system-level verification is obtained. of analog, mixed-signal circuits and in MEMS design. For instance, projection-based nonlinear model order reduction methods reduce the original system in (14) to a compact reduced model with size q ≪ n A. Nonlinear Modeling and Model Order Reduction ˆ˙ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ 3 ˆ ˆ ˆ Similar to the Taylor expansion, it is shown in [37], [38], x = Ax + Bx + Cx + D(u ⊗ x)+ Eu, (15) 2 3 [106]–[108] that many nonlinear dynamical systems can be where xˆ ∈ Rq, Aˆ ∈ Rq×q, Bˆ ∈ Rq×q , Cˆ ∈ Rq×q , Dˆ ∈ approximated by expanding the nonlinear terms around an Rq×qm and Eˆ ∈ Rq×m. The reduction is achieved through equilibrium point, leading to the following ordinary differential applying an orthogonal projection matrix V ∈ Rn×q on the equation system matrices in (14). Fig. 10 illustrates how projection- ˆ x˙ = Ax + Bx 2 + Cx 3 + D(u ⊗ x)+ Eu, (14) based methods reduce B to a dense system matrix B with a smaller size. where the state vector x(t) ∈ Rn contains the voltages and/or Most traditional matrix-based weakly nonlinear model or- currents inside a circuit network, and the vector u(t) ∈ Rm de- der reduction methods [36]–[40] suffer from the exponential notes time-varying input signals. The x 2 , x 3 notation refers growth of the size of the reduced system matrices Bˆ, Cˆ, Dˆ . to repeated Kronecker products (cf. Appendix A). The matrix As a result, simulating high-order strongly nonlinear reduced A ∈ Rn×n describes linear behavior, while the matrices models is sometimes even slower than simulating the original 2 3 B ∈ Rn×n and C ∈ Rn×n describe 2nd- and 3rd-order system. polynomial approximations of some nonlinear behavior. The Tensor-based Nonlinear Model Order Reduction. A matrix D ∈ Rn×nm captures the coupling between the state tensor-based reduction scheme was proposed in [109]. The ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 9


Reduction methods Function evaluation cost Jacobian matrix evaluation cost Storage cost Traditional matrix-based method [36]–[40] O(qd+1) O(qd+2) O(qd+1) Tensor-based method [109] O(qdr) O(q2dr) O(qdr) -based method [110] O(qr) O(q2r) O(qr)

xT xT xT x^T . C x A B T = + + (4-way T x V T (2-way) (3-way) conceptual) x^

T ^ T B V B B x uT E + D + (2- (3-way) way)

(a) (b)

Fig. 11. Tensor structures used in [109]. (a) Tensor representation of the original nonlinear system in (14); (b) tensor B is reduced to a compact tensor Bˆ with a projection matrix V in [109]. coefficient matrices B, C, D of the polynomial system (14) Symmetric Tensor-based Nonlinear Model Order Re- were reshaped into the respective tensors B ∈ Rn×n×n, duction. A symmetric tensor-based order reduction method C ∈ Rn×n×n×n and D ∈ Rn×n×m, as demonstrated in in [110] further utilizes the all-but-first-mode partial symmetry Fig. 11(a). These tensors were then decomposed via e.g. CPD, of the system tensor B (C), i.e., the mode factors of B (C) Tucker or Tensor Train rank-1 SVD, resulting in a tensor are exactly the same, except for the first mode only. This approximation of (14) as partial symmetry property is also kept by its reduced-order model. The symmetric tensor-based reduction method in [110] ˙ (1) T (2) T (3) x =Ax + [[B , x B , x B ]] provides further improvements of computation performance + [[C(1), xT C(2), xT C(3), xT C(4)]] and storage requirement over [109], as shown in the last row + [[D(1), xT D(2), uT D(3)]]+ Eu, (16) of Table IV. where B(k), C(k), D(k), denote the kth-mode factor matrix from the polyadic decomposition of the tensors B, C, D re- B. Volterra-Based Simulation and Identification for ICs spectively. Consequently, the reduced-order model inherits the Volterra theory has long been used in analyzing communi- same tensor structure as (16) (with smaller sizes of the mode cation systems and in nonlinear control [111], [112]. It can factors). If we take tensor B as an example, its reduction be regarded as a kind of with memory effects process in [109] is shown in Fig. 11(b). since its evaluation at a particular time point requires input Computational and Storage Benefits. Unlike previous information from the past. Given a certain input and a black- matrix-based approaches, simulation of the tensor-structure box model of a nonlinear system with time/frequency-domain reduced model completely avoids the overhead of solving Volterra kernels, the output response can be computed by the high-order dense system matrices, since the dense Kronecker summation of a series of multidimensional convolutions. For products in (14) are resolved by matrix-vector multiplications instance, a 3rd-order response can be written in a discretized between the mode factor matrices and the state vectors. There- form as fore, substantial improvement on efficiency can be achieved. M M M 3 Meanwhile, these mode factor matrices can significantly re- y [k]= h [m ,m ,m ] u[k − m ], duce the memory requirement since they replace all dense 3 3 1 2 3 i mX1=1 mX2=1 mX3=1 Yi=1 tensors and can be reduced and stored beforehand. Table IV (17) shows the computational complexities of function and Jaco- bian matrix evaluations when simulating a reduced model with where h3 denotes the 3rd-order Volterra , u is the dis- dth-order nonlinearity, where r denotes the tensor rank used cretized input and M is the memory. Such a multidimensional in the polyadic decompositions in [109]. The storage costs of convolution is usually done by multidimensional fast Fourier those methods are also listed in the last column of Table IV. transforms (FFT) and inverse fast Fourier transforms (IFFT). ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 10

System Identification. In [114]–[116], similar tensor- Volterra models were used to identify the black-box Volterra kernels hi. It was reported in [114]–[116] that given certain input and output data, identification of the kernels in the polyadic decomposition form could significantly reduce the parametric complexity with good accuracy. (a) VII. FUTURE TOPICS: EDA APPLICATIONS

1 Z Z 3 L This section describes some EDA problems that could be C C potentially solved with, or that could benefit significantly from v1*v2 employing tensors. Since many EDA problems are charac- 2 Z terized by high dimensionality, the potential application of (b) (c) tensors in EDA can be vast and is definitely not limited to the topics summarized below. Fig. 12. (a) System diagram of a 3rd-order mixer circuit. The symbol Π denotes a mixer; (b) the equivalent circuit of the mixer. Z = R = 50Ω; (c) the circuit schematic diagram of the low-pass filters Ha, Hb and Hc, with L = 42.52 nH and C = 8.5 pF. A. EDA Optimization with Tensors Many EDA problems require solving a large-scale optimiza- tion problem in the following form: Although the formulation does not preclude itself from model- min f(x), s. t. x ∈C (18) ing strong nonlinearities, the exponential complexity growth in x multidimensional FFT/IFFT computations results in the curse where x = [x , ··· , x ] denotes n design or decision vari- of dimensionality that forbids its practical implementation. 1 n ables, f(x) is a cost function (e.g., power consumption of Tensor-Volterra Model-based Simulation. Obviously, the a chip, layout area, signal delay), and C is a feasible set 3rd-order Volterra kernel h3 itself can be viewed as a 3-way specifying some design constraints. This formulation can tensor. By compressing the Volterra kernel into a polyadic describe problems such as circuit optimization [64]–[66], decomposition, it is proven in [113] that the computationally placement [59], routing [60], and power management [117]. expensive multidimensional FFT/IFFT can be replaced by a The optimization problem (18) is computationally expensive number of cheap one-dimensional FFT/IFFTs without com- if x has many elements. promising much accuracy. It is possible to accelerate the above large-scale optimiza- Computational and Storage Benefits. The chosen rank tion problems by exploiting tensors. By adding some extra for the polyadic decomposition has a significant impact on variables xˆ with nˆ elements, one could form a longer vector both the accuracy and efficiency of the simulation algo- x¯ = [x, xˆ] such that x¯ has n1 ×···× nd variables in total. rithm. In [113], the ranks were chosen a priori and it was Let X¯ be a tensor such that x¯ = vec(X¯), let x = Qx¯ with demonstrated that the computational complexity for the tensor- Q being the first n rows of an , then (18) can Volterra based method to calculate an dth-order response be written in the following tensor format: is in O((Rreal + Rimag)dm log m), where m is the number of steps in the time/frequency axis, and R and R min f¯(X¯), s. t. X¯ ∈ C¯ (19) real imag X¯ denote the prescribed ranks of the polyadic decomposition used for the real and imaginary parts of the Volterra kernel, with f¯(X¯)= f(Qvec(X¯)) and C¯ = {X¯|Qvec(X¯) ∈ C}. respectively. In contrast, the complexity for the traditional Although problem (19) has more unknown variables multidimensional FFT/IFFT approach is in O(dmd log m). In than (18), the low-rank representation of tensor X¯ may have addition, the tensor-Volterra model requires the storage of much fewer unknown elements. Therefore, it is highly possible only the factor matrices in memory, with space complexity that solving (19) will require much lower computational cost d O((Rreal + Rimag)dm), while O(m ) memory is required for for lots of applications. the conventional approach. In [113], the method was applied to compute the time- B. High-Dimensional Modeling and Simulation domain response of a 3rd-order mixer system shown in Fig. 12. Consider a general algebraic equation resulting from a high- The 3rd-order response y3 is simulated to a square pulse input with m = 201 time steps. As shown in Fig. 13(a), a rank- dimensional modeling or simulation problem 20 (or above) polyadic decomposition for both the real and N g(x)=0, with x ∈ R and N = n1 × n2 ···× nd (20) imaginary parts of the kernel tensor matched the reference result from multidimensional FFT/IFFT fairly well. Figs. 13(b) which can be solved by Newton’s iteration. For simplicity, we and (c) demonstrate a certain trade-off between the accuracy assume ni = n. When an iterative linear equation solver is and efficiency when using different ranks for the polyadic applied inside a Newton’s iteration, it is possible to solve this decomposition. Nonetheless, a 60x speedup is still achievable problem at the complexity of O(N)= O(nd). However, since for ranks around 100 with a 0.6% error. N is an exponential function of n, the iterative matrix solver ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 11

−4 x 10 0 400 1.2 10

Reference 1 Rank 10 Rank 20 300 Rank 40 0.8 −1 10 200

(V) 0.6 3 speedup y relative error 0.4 100

−2 0.2 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 rank R=R =R rank R=R =R time (nsec) real,3 imag,3 real,3 imag,3 (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 13. Numerical results of the mixer. (a) Time-domain results of y3 computed by the method in [113] with different rank approximations; (b) relative errors of [113] with different ranks; (c) speedups brought by [113] with different ranks. quickly becomes inefficient as d increases. Instead, we rewrite (20) as the following equivalent optimization problem: min f(x)= kg(x)k2, s. t. x ∈ RN . x 2 This least-square optimization is a special case of (18), and thus the tensor-based optimization idea may be exploited to solve the above problem at the cost of O(n). A potential application lies in the PDE or integral equation solvers for device simulation. Examples include the Maxwell equations for parasitic extraction [31]–[33], the Navier-Stokes Fig. 14. Represent multiple testing chips on a wafer as a single tensor. Each slice of the tensor captures the spatial variations on a single die. equation describing bio-MEMS [118], and the Poisson equa- tion describing heating effects [119]. These problems can be described as (20) after numerical discretization. The tensor Instead of measuring each device on each die (which representation of x can be easily obtained based on the numer- requires kmn measurements in total), one could measure only ical discretization scheme. For instance, on a regular 3-D cubic a few devices on each wafer, then estimate the full-wafer structure, a finite-difference or finite-element discretization variations using tensor completion. One may employ convex may use nx,ny and nz discretization elements in the x, y and optimization to locate the globally optimal solution of this 3- z directions respectively. Consequently, x could be compactly way tensor completion problem. represented as a 3-way tensor with size nx ×ny ×nz to exploit its low-rank property in the spatial domain. VIII. FUTURE TOPICS:THEORETICAL CHALLENGES This idea can also be exploited to simulate multi-rate circuits or multi-tone RF circuits. In both cases, the tensor rep- Tensor theory is by itself an active research topic. This resentation of x can be naturally obtained based on the time- section summarizes some theoretical open problems. domain discretization or multi-dimensional Fourier transform. In multi-tone harmonic balance [68], [69], the dimensionality A. Challenges in Tensor Decomposition d is the total number of RF inputs. In the multi-time PDE Polyadic and tensor train decompositions are preferred for solver [67], d is the number of time axes describing different high-order tensors due to their better scalability. In spite of time scales. their better computational scalability, the following challenges still exist: C. Process Variation Modeling • Rank Determination in CPD. The tensor ranks are In order to characterize the inter-die and intra-die process usually determined by two methods. First, one may fix the variations across a silicon wafer with k dice, one may need rank and search for the tensor factors. Second, one may to measure each die with an m × n array of devices or increase the rank incrementally to achieve an acceptable circuits [27]–[29]. The variations of a certain parameter (e.g., accuracy. Neither methods are optimal in the theoretical transistor threshold voltage) on the ith die can be described sense. m×n by matrix Ai ∈ R , and thus one could describe the • Optimization in Polyadic Decomposition. Most rank- whole-wafer variation by stacking all matrices into a tensor r polyadic decomposition algorithms employ alternating k×m×n A ∈ R , with Ai being the ith slice. This representation least-squares (ALS) to solve non-convex optimization is graphically shown in Fig. 14. problems. Such schemes do not guarantee the global ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 12

optimum, and thus it is highly desirable to develop global FFT/IFFT approach. These are just few initial representative optimization algorithms for the CPD. examples for the huge potential that a tensor computation • Faster Tensor Train Decomposition. Computing the framework can offered to EDA algorithms. We believe that tensor train decomposition requires the computation of the space of EDA applications that could benefit from the many low-rank decompositions. The state-of-the-art im- use of tensors is vast and remains mainly unexplored, ranging plementation employs “cross approximation” to perform from EDA optimization problems, to device field solvers, and low-rank approximations [87], but it still needs too many to process variation modeling. iterations to find a “good” representation. • Preserving Tensor Structures and/or Properties. In ACKNOWLEDGEMENT some cases, the given tensor may have some special This work was supported in part by the NSF NEEDS properties such as symmetry or non-negativeness. These program, the AIM Photonics Program, the Hong Kong Re- properties need to be preserved in their decomposed search Grants Council under Project 17212315, the University forms for specific applications. Research Committee of The University of Hong Kong, and the MIT Greater China Fund for Innovation. B. Challenges in Tensor Completion Major challenges of tensor completion include: APPENDIX A • Automatic Rank Determination. In high-dimensional ADDITIONAL NOTATIONS AND DEFINITIONS tensor completion, it is important to determine the ten- Diagonal, Cubic and Symmetric Tensors. The diagonal sor rank automatically. Although some probabilistic ap- entries of a tensor A are the entries ai1i2···id for which proaches such as variational Bayesian methods [96], [97] i1 = i2 = ··· = id. A tensor S is diagonal if all of its have been reported, they are generally not robust for very non-diagonal entries are zero. A cubical tensor is a tensor for high-order tensors. which n1 = n2 = ··· = nd. A cubical tensor A is symmetric • Convex Tensor Completion. Most tensor completion if ai1···id = aπ(i1,...,id) where π(i1,...,id) is any permutation problems are formulated as non-convex optimization of the indices. problems. Nuclear-norm minimization is convex, but it is The [120] is denoted by ⊗. We use only applicable to low-order tensors. Developing a scal- the notation x d = x ⊗ x ⊗···⊗ x for the d-times repeated able convex formulation for the minimal-rank completion Kronecker product. still remains an open problem for high-order cases. Definition 5: Reshaping. Reshaping, also called unfolding, • Robust Tensor Completion. In practical tensor com- is another often used tensor . The most common pletion, the available tensor elements from measurement reshaping is the matricization, which reorders the entries of or simulations can be noisy or even wrong. For these A into a matrix. The mode-n matricization of a tensor A, problems, the developed tensor completion algorithms denoted A(n), rearranges the entries of A such that the rows should be robust against noisy input. of the resulting matrix are indexed by the nth tensor index in. • Optimal Selection of Samples. Two critical fundamental The remaining indices are grouped in ascending order. questions should be addressed. First, how many samples Example 2: The 3-way tensor of Fig. 1 can be reshaped as are required to (faithfully) recover a tensor? Second, how a 2 × 12 matrix or a 3 × 8 matrix, and so forth. The mode-1 can we select the samples optimally? and mode-3 unfoldings are 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 IX. CONCLUSION A(1) = 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 , By exploiting low-rank and other properties of tensors (e.g., 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 sparsity, symmetry), the storage and computational cost of   1 2 3 4 ··· 9 10 11 12 many challenging EDA problems can be significantly reduced. A = . (3) 13 14 15 16 ··· 21 22 23 24 For instance, in the high-dimensional stochastic collocation   modeling of a CMOS ring oscillator, exploiting tensor com- The column indices of A(1), A(3) are [i2i3] and [i1i2], respec- pletion required only a few hundred circuit/device simulation tively. samples vs. the huge number of simulations (e.g., 1027) Definition 6: Vectorization. Another important reshaping required by standard approaches to build a stochastic model is the vectorization. The vectorization of a tensor A, denoted of similar accuracy. When applied to hierarchical uncertainty vec(A), rearranges its entries in one vector. quantification, a tensor-train approach allowed the easy han- Example 3: For the tensor in Fig. 1, we have dling of an extremely challenging MEMS/IC co-design prob- A T lem with over 180 uncorrelated random parameters describing vec( ) = 1 2 ··· 24 . process variations. In nonlinear model order reduction, the  high-order nonlinear terms were easily approximated by a APPENDIX B tensor-based projection framework. Finally, a 60× speedup COMPUTATION AND VARIANTSOFTHE POLYADIC was observed when using tensor computation in a 3rd-order DECOMPOSITION Volterra-series nonlinear modeling example, while maintain- Computing Polyadic Decompositions. Since the tensor ing a 0.6% relative error compared with the conventional rank is not known a priori, in practice, one usually computes ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATEDCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS, VOL. XX,NO.XX,XX2016 13 a low-rank r < R approximation of a given tensor A by inverses with the original tensor to compute the HOSVD core minimizing the Frobenius norm of the difference between A tensor. For a 3-way tensor this entails a computational cost of 2 2 2 3 and its approximation. Specifically, the user specifies r and 2n1n2n3(n1+n2+n3)+5(n1n2n3+n1n2n3+n1n2n3)2(n1+ 3 3 3 3 3 then solves the minimization problem n2 + n3)/3(n1 + n2 + n3)/3 [122]. argmin ||A − [[D; U (1),..., U (d)]]|| F EFERENCES D,U (1),...,U (d) R [1] L. Nagel and D. O. Pederson, “SPICE (Simulation Program with r×r×···×r (i) ni×r where D ∈ R , U ∈ R (i = {1,...,d}). One Integrated Circuit Emphasis),” University of California, Berkeley, Tech. can then increment r and compute new approximations until a Rep., April 1973. “good enough” fit is obtained. A common method for solving [2] C.-W. Ho, R. Ruehli, and P. Brennan, “The modified nodal approach to network analysis,” IEEE Trans. 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[120] C. F. V. Loan, “The ubiquitous Kronecker product,” J. Comp. Appl. Luca Daniel (S’98-M’03) is a Full Professor in Math., vol. 123, no. 1-2, pp. 85–100, Nov. 2000. the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science [121] L. Sorber, M. V. Barel, and L. D. Lathauwer, “Optimization-based Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- algorithms for tensor decompositions: Canonical polyadic decomposi- nology (MIT). He received the Ph.D. degree in Elec- tion, decomposition in rank-(lr , lr, 1) terms, and a new generalization,” PLACE trical Engineering from the University of Califor- SIAM J. Optim., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 695–720, 2013. PHOTO nia, Berkeley, in 2003. Industry experiences include [122] P. Comon, X. Luciani, and A. L. F. de Almeida, “Tensor decompo- HERE HP Research Labs, Palo Alto (1998) and Cadence sitions, alternating least squares and other tales,” J. Chemometrics, Berkeley Labs (2001). vol. 23, no. 7-8, pp. 393–405, JUL-AUG 2009. Dr. Daniel current research interests include inte- [123] K. Batselier, H. Liu, and N. Wong, “A constructive algorithm for gral equation solvers, uncertainty quantification and decomposing a tensor into a finite sum of orthonormal rank-1 terms,” parameterized model order reduction, applied to RF SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1315–1337, Sep. 2015. circuits, silicon photonics, MEMs, Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanners, [124] J. Salmi, A. Richter, and V. Koivunen, “Sequential unfolding SVD and the human cardiovascular system. for tensors with applications in array signal processing,” IEEE Trans. Prof. Daniel was the recipient of the 1999 IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics Signal Process., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 4719–4733, Dec. 2009. best paper award; the 2003 best PhD thesis awards from the Electrical [125] L. D. Lathauwer, B. D. Moor, and J. Vandewalle, “A multilinear Engineering and the Applied Math departments at UC Berkeley; the 2003 singular value decomposition,” SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 21, ACM Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Electronic Design Automation; no. 4, pp. 1253–1278, 2000. the 2009 IBM Corporation Faculty Award; the 2010 IEEE Early Career Award in Electronic Design Automation; the 2014 IEEE Trans. On Computer Aided Design best paper award; and seven best paper awards in conferences.

Zheng Zhang (M’15) received the Ph.D degree (2015) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- ence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA. Currently he is a Postdoc PLACE Associate with the Research Laboratory of Electron- PHOTO ics at MIT. His research interests include uncertainty HERE quantification, tensor and model order reduction, with diverse engineering applications including na- noelectronics, energy systems and biomedical imag- ing. His industrial experiences include Coventor Inc. and Maxim-IC; academic visiting experiences include UC San Diego, Brown University and Politechnico di Milano; government lab experiences include the Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Zhang received the 2016 ACM Outstanding Ph.D Dissertation Award in Electronic Design Automation, the 2015 Doctoral Dissertation Seminar Award (i.e., Best Thesis Award) from the Microsystems Technology Laboratory of MIT, the 2014 Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, the 2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, and the 2011 Li Ka-Shing Prize from the University of Hong Kong.

Ngai Wong (S’98-M’02) received his B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineer- ing from The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. Kim Batselier (M’13) received the M.S. degree PLACE Dr. Wong was a visiting scholar with Purdue in Electro-Mechanical Engineering and the Ph.D. PHOTO University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2003. He is cur- Degree in Engineering Science from the KULeuven, HERE rently an Associate Professor with the Department Belgium, in 2005 and 2013 respectively. He worked PLACE of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Uni- as a research engineer at BioRICS on automated versity of Hong Kong. His current research interests PHOTO performance monitoring until 2009. He is currently HERE include linear and nonlinear circuit modeling and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at The University simulation, model order reduction, passivity test and of Hong Kong since 2013. His current research enforcement, and tensor-based numerical algorithms in electronic design interests include linear and nonlinear system the- automation (EDA). ory/identification, algebraic geometry, tensors, and numerical algorithms.

Haotian Liu (S’11) received the B.S. degree in Microelectronic Engineering from Tsinghua Univer- sity, Beijing, China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of PLACE Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2014. He is currently PHOTO a software engineer with Cadence Design Systems, HERE Inc. San Jose, CA. In 2014, Dr. Liu was a visiting scholar with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cam- bridge, MA. His research interests include numerical simulation methods for very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits, model order reduction, parallel computation and static timing analysis.