Top View
- Thyasirid Bivalves from Cretaceous and Paleogene Cold Seeps
- Marine Litter in Nordic Waters
- Norway North Sea and Skagerrak Herring” Norges Fiskarlag
- On the Physical Oceanography of the Kattegat and Clyde Sea Area, 1996
- Ecosystem Services Provided by the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak - Baltic
- SKAGERRAK - the Gate-Way to the N Orth Sea
- Unit-1-Understanding-The-Ecosystem
- The North Sea and Skagerrak Cumulative Environmental
- DENMARK, NORWAY and SWEDEN Agreement on Reciprocal Access to Fishing in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat (With Protocol)
- Cold Seep Communities in the Deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Composition, Symbiosis and Spatial Distribution on Mud Volcanoes
- Recent Sediment Accumulation in Skagerrak As Depicted by 210Pb-Dating
- Agreement Concerning the Delimitation of the Fishery Areas of Norway and Sweden in the North-Eastern Skagerrak (With Declaration and Maps) 5 April 1967(1)
- Marstrand and Northeastern Kattegat
- How Skagerrak Became the Focus of a Naming Dispute Between Denmark, Norway and Sweden Gammeltoft, Peder
- M629p019.Pdf
- Eye of the Wind Segeltoern
- Privateers of Skagerrak LICENSED to PLUNDER Introduction