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- Using Social Norms to Regulate Fan Fiction and Remix Culture
- Cultural Remix: Polish Hip-Hop and the Sampling of Heritage by Alena
- Media Streams Metadata Exchange User Study and Initial Requirements
- Vidding and Vidwatching As Collaborative Interpretation Tisha Turk
- Assignment 4 – Remix and Collage Instructor: Claudia Laska Digital Image Development
- Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation
- Remix Theory
- Remixing Media
- Remix Transit Documentation of Software Features and Unique Functionality
- Three Junctures of Remix
- Title: Remix Cultures, Remix Methods: Reframing Qualitative Inquiry for Social Media Contexts
- Geometries of Flight – Remix As Nodal Practice
- Data-Visualization and New Literacies: New Methods
- Rethinking the Rhetoric of Remix Copies and Material Culture in Digital Networks
- Remix Documentation Release 1
- Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody: an Empirical Study of Music Videos on the Youtube Platform, and an Assessment of Regulatory Options
- Remix Terms and Conditions
- The Three Basic Forms of Remix: a Point of Entry, by Eduardo Navas