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- Aircraft Propeller Revolutions Per Minute
- Underwater Noise from Arctic Shipping Impacts, Regulations and Recommendations
- Chapter 7 Resistance and Powering of Ships
- Analysis and Initial Optimization of the Propeller Design for Small, Hybrid-Electric Propeller Aircraft
- Fan Performance Characteristics of Axial Fans
- Influence of Rudder Location on Propulsive Characteristics of a Single Screw Container Ship
- 13.012 Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineers Marine Propellers
- Us Coast Guard Polar Class Icebreakers
- Chapter 11 Transition to Complex Airplanes
- CFD Application for an Icebreaker Propeller Design
- On the Effect of a Rudder on Propulsive Performance
- History of Submarine Composites the Use and Contemplated Use Of
- Some Human Powered Submarine History... and Something of the Future
- Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker Modernization
- 3-D Printed Metal and Plastic Propeller Design and Manufacturing for Small- Scale Underwater Thrusters
- Module-2:Propellertheory 1 | Dept of Aeronautical Engg, ACSCE
- The Basics of AXIAL FLOW FANS
- A Performance Analysis of Folding Conformal Propeller Blade Designs