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AUXILIARY POWER UNITS The PBS brand is built on 200 years of history and a global reputation for high quality engineering and production AUXILIARY POWER UNITS by PBS PBS AEROSPACE Inc. with headquarters in Atlanta, GA, is the world’s leading manufacturer of small gas turbine propulsion and power products for UAV’s, target drones, small missiles and guided munitions. The demonstrated high quality and reliability of PBS gas turbine engines and power systems are refl ected in the fact that they have been installed and are being operated in several thousand air vehicle systems worldwide. The key sector for PBS Velka Bites is aerospace engineering: in-house development, production, testing, and certifi cation of small turbojet, turboprop and turboshaft engines, Auxiliary Power Units (APU), and Environmental Control Systems (ECS) proven in thousands of airplanes, helicopters, and UAVs all over the world. The PBS manufacturing program also includes precision casting, precision machining, surface treatment and cryogenics. Saphir 5 Safir 5K/G MI Saphir 5F Safir 5K/G MIS Safir 5L Safir 5K/G Z8 PBS APU Basic Parameters Basic parameters APU MODEL Electrical power Max. operating Bleed air fl ow Weight output altitude Units kVA, kW lb/min lb ft 70.4 26,200 S a fi r 5 L 0 kVA 73 → Up to 60 kVA of electric power Safír 5K/G Z8 40 kVa N/A 113.5 19,700 output Safi r 5K/G MI 20 kVa 62.4 141 19,700 Up to 70.4 lb/min of bleed air flow Safi r 5K/G MIS 6 kW 62.4 128 19,700 → Main features of PBS Safi r 5 product line → Simultaneous supply of electric
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