Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 35.19
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 35.19 the propeller installation and oper- (2) The following are regarded as ation instructions required under § 35.3. major propeller effects for variable (e) If the safety analysis depends on pitch propellers: one or more of the following items, (i) An inability to feather the pro- those items must be identified in the peller for feathering propellers. analysis and appropriately substan- (ii) An inability to change propeller tiated. pitch when commanded. (1) Maintenance actions being carried (iii) A significant uncommanded out at stated intervals. This includes change in pitch. verifying that items that could fail in (iv) A significant uncontrollable a latent manner are functioning prop- torque or speed fluctuation. erly. When necessary to prevent haz- [Amdt. 35–8, 73 FR 63346, Oct. 24, 2008, as ardous propeller effects, these mainte- amended by Amdt. 35–9, 78 FR 4041, Jan. 18, nance actions and intervals must be 2013; Amdt. 35–9A, 78 FR 45052, July 26, 2013] published in the instructions for con- tinued airworthiness required under § 35.16 Propeller critical parts. § 35.4. Additionally, if errors in mainte- The integrity of each propeller crit- nance of the propeller system could ical part identified by the safety anal- lead to hazardous propeller effects, the ysis required by § 35.15 must be estab- appropriate maintenance procedures lished by: must be included in the relevant pro- (a) A defined engineering process for peller manuals. ensuring the integrity of the propeller (2) Verification of the satisfactory critical part throughout its service life, functioning of safety or other devices (b) A defined manufacturing process at pre-flight or other stated periods.
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