Presidential system
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- Semi-Presidential Systems: Dual Executive and Mixed Authority
- Constitutional Framework and Fragile Democracies: Choosing Between Parliamentarianism, Presidentialism and Semipresidentialism
- Presidential Form of Government
- Challenges and Presidential Falls in South America Author(S): Kathryn Hochstetler Reviewed Work(S): Source: Comparative Politics, Vol
- Parliamentary Vs. Presidential System
- Parliamentary and Presidential Democracies Reconsidered
- The Constitution of Afghanistan: Structure of Government and Center-Periphery Relation
- Making Presidentialism Work: Legislative and Executive Interaction in Indonesian Democracy
- CIDOB International Yearbook 2008
- Why Do Military Dictatorships Become Presidential Democracies? Mapping the Democratic Interests of Autocratic Regimes Christi
- Presidential Or Parliamentary Democracy: Does It Make a Difference?
- Timor-Leste: Divided Leadership in a Semi-Presidential System
- Regime Stability and Presidential Government: the Legacy of Authoritarian Rule, 1951-90
- Survival of Democracy in Parliamentary and Presidential Systems
- 40Yrsfes Booklet4
- Chapter Seven Forms of Political ADMINISTRATION ""' SYSIEM
- Centralism and “Decentralization” in Unitary States: a Comparative Analysis of Peru and Senegal
- Parliamentary, Presidential and Semi-Presidential Democracies Democracies Are Often Classified According to the Form of Government That They Have