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- Pacific Golden-Plovers Pluvialis Fulva in American Samoa: Spring Migration, Fall Return of Marked Birds, and Other Observations OSCAR W
- Tracking the Migration of Pacific Golden-Plovers from Nonbreeding Grounds at Moorea, French Polynesia, Using Pinpoint GPS-Argos Tags
- American Golden-Plover
- Shorebirds Identification Booklet
- Stopover Ecology of Spoon-Billed Sandpipers and Nord- Mann's
- The Spring Migration of Grey Plover Pluvialis Squatarola in Sweden Vårflyttningen Hos Kustpipare Pluvialis Squatarola Över Sverige
- Grey Plover Lesser Golden Plover Ruddy Turnstone Shoreline Dynamics Waste Audit in the North Region
- The Effect of Recreational Disturbance on an Upland Breeding Bird, the Golden Plover Pluvialis Apricaria
- Phylogenetic Reanalysis of Strauch's Osteological Data Set for the Charadriiformes
- A Guide to Helminth Parasites Reported from Shorebirds (Charadriidae) from the Americas
- The Population History of Grey Plovers <I>Pluvialis Squatarola</I> in The
- Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis Fulva (Charadriidae): First Record for Bhutan
- The Phylogeny of the Charadriiformes (Aves): a New Estimate Using the Method of Character Compatibility Analysis