Phylogenetic Reanalysis of Strauch's Osteological Data Set for the Charadriiformes

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Phylogenetic Reanalysis of Strauch's Osteological Data Set for the Charadriiformes College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU Biology Faculty Publications Biology 2-1995 Phylogenetic reanalysis of Strauch's osteological data set for the Charadriiformes Philip C. Chu College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biology Commons, Evolution Commons, and the Ornithology Commons Recommended Citation Chu, PC. 1995. Phylogenetic reanalysis of Strauch's osteological data set for the Charadriiformes. The Condor 97(1): 174-196. Published as Phylogenetic reanalysis of Strauch's osteological data set for the Charadriiformes. The Condor 97(1): 174-196. ©1995 by The Cooper Ornithological Society. Copying and permissions notice: Authorization to copy this content beyond fair use (as specified in Sections 107 and 108 of the U. S. Copyright Law) for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted on behalf of The Cooper Ornithological Society for libraries and other users, provided that they are registered with and pay the specified eef via Rightslink® on JSTOR ( or directly with the Copyright Clearance Center, TheCondor97:174-196 0 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1995 PHYLOGENETIC REANALYSIS OF STRAUCH’S OSTEOLOGICAL DATA SET FOR THE CHARADRIIFORMES PHILIP c. CHU Department of Biology and Museum of Zoology The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Abstract. Strauch’s (1978) compatibility analysisof relationshipsamong the shorebirds (Charadriifonnes) was the first study to examine the full range of charadriifonn taxa in a reproducibleway. SubsequentlyMickevich and Parenti (1980) leveled seriouscharges against Strauch’s characters,method of phylogenetic inference, and results. To account for these charges,Strauch ’s characterswere re-examined and recoded, and parsimony analyseswere performed on the revised matrix. A parsimony analysison 74 taxa from the revised matrix yielded 855 shortesttrees, each length = 286 and consistencyindex = 0.385. In each shortest tree there were two major lineages,a lineageof sandpiper-likebirds and a lineageof plover- like birds; the two formed a monophyletic group, with the auks (Alcidae) being that group’s sister taxon. The shortest trees were then compared with other estimates of shorebird re- lationships, comparison suggestingthat the chargesagainst Strauch’s results may have re- sulted from the Mickevich and Parenti decisions to exclude much of Strauch’s character evidence. Key words: Charadrilformes; phylogeny; compatibility analysis: parsimony analysis; tax- onomic congruence. INTRODUCTION Strauch scored 227 charadriiform taxa for 70 The investigation of evolutionary relationships characters. Sixty-three of the characters were among shorebirds (Aves: Charadriiformes) has a taken from either the skull or postcranial skel- long history (reviewed in Sibley and Ahlquist eton; the remaining seven involved the respec- 1990). Almost all studies used morphology to tive origins of three neck muscles, as published make inferences about shared ancestry; infer- in Burton (1971, 1972, 1974) and Zusi (1962). ences were made using an intuitive method. These data were analyzed using the method of character compatibility (Estabrook 1972; Esta- Much of the literature of systematicsdeals with the brooket al. 1975,1976a, 1976b; McMorris 1975; identification of characterswhich are good estimators Es&brook et al. 1977). of phylogenetic history. Early systematistshad little In compatibility analysis, characters are treat- more than their own insights to help them choosethe characterswhich best indicate relationships. The sta- ed as partially-ordered sets; that is, each char- bility of much of zoological classificationis testimony acter is viewed as a set of states, with the states to their goodjudgment in their choices.Their methods, being ordered by some hypothesis of character however, have made it difficult or impossiblefor others evolution (Fig. 2). Strauch generated hypotheses to follow or repeat the stepsfrom observationsof spec- of character evolution using a common = prim- imens to the statements of relationship among taxa itive criterion. The most common state was de- (Strauch 1978:269). termined with reference to the Charadriiformes Appropriately, Strauch’s own (1978; Fig. 1) in- alone. For many characters, the most common vestigation of charadriiform relationships was state in two outgroups- the cranes and their rel- explicit in both its assumptions and method of atives (Gruiformes) and the pigeons (Columbi- clustering taxa, and is therefore repeatable. In- formes)-was identified as well, but if the most deed, among morphological studies examining common outgroup state differed from the most the full range of charadriiform taxa, only that of common charadriiform state, then the latter was Strauch meets the criterion of repeatability; a coded as primitive (e.g., characters 38, 45, and second such study is currently under way 56). (McKitrick, unpubl. manuscript). Many of Strauch’s characters had more than two states. For each of these an ordered trans- formation series was constructed, though Strauch said (1978: 277) that his hypotheses oforder were ’ ’ Received 4 April 1994. Accepted 14 October 1994. sometimes only a guess. 11741 REANALYSIS OF CHARADRIIFORM PHYLOGENY 175 Cladorhynchus leucocephalus, Recurvirostra Himan topus lbidorhyncha struthersii Haematopus lapwings (Vanellinae ) true plovers (Charadriinae), feltohyas australis thick-knees (Burhinidae) Pluvianus aegyptius Dromas ardeola Pluvianellus socialis Chionis alba coursers (Cursoriinae) pratincoles (Glareolinae) 1 ’ - Rynchops I I terns (Sterninae) gulls (Larinae) skuas (Stercorariinae) Hydrophasianus chirurgus, Jacana Metopidius indicus, Actophilomis, lrediparra gallinacea, Microparra capensis seedsnipe (Thinocoridae) painted snipe (Rostratulidae) phalaropes (Phalaropodinae) Tringa, Heteroscelus, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Numenius, Bartramia longicauda Prosobonia cancellata Arenaria Actitis, Aphriza virgata, Calidris, Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus, Micropalama himantopus, Tryngites subruficollis, Philomachus pugnax, Limicola falck7ellus Limnodromus Xenus cinereus Limosa Coenocorypha aucklandica Lymnocryptes minimus Philohela minor, Scolopax Gallinago auks (Alcidae) FIGURE 1. Strauch’s hypothesisof shorebird relationships. The tree is modified from his (1978) fig. 36; modificationswere made as specifiedin his fig. 2. As its name suggests,the character-compati- senting character-statecombinations not in the bility method requires that the compatibility of study collection are discarded and the result is a charactersbe assessed.To determine whether or non-reticulate tree-any non-reticulate tree- not two charactersare compatible, their cartesian then the characters are compatible. Character product is calculated. The result is a new set that compatibility thus refersto the conditionin which can be visualized as a lattice; the lattice has a the sequenceof character-statetransformations vertex for every possible combination of states hypothesizedfor two or more characterscan be from both characters (Fig. 3). If vertices repre- accommodated by a single phylogenetictree. 176 PHILIP C. CHU a a FIGURE 2. Charactersas partially ordered sets. In the ball-and-stick diagrams shown here, each ball is a characterstate; the balls are connectedso as to depict hypothesesof character-statepolarity and order. In diagram A, state a is primitive and state b is derived. In diagram B, a is primitive; b is derived from a; and both c and d are derived independentlyfrom b. The likelihood of finding a large set of mutually be determined, there is no underlying biological compatible charactersis taken to be small unless validity” (1980: 109). A secondcharge addressed compatibility results from shared evolutionary the particulars of Strauch’s character-state cod- history. Thus, large setsof compatible characters ing, ordering, and polarization; a third addressed provide better evidence of shared history than Strauch’s results,which were claimed to be “rad- do small sets,and permit greater confidence that ically different from all previous published hy- the tree capable of accommodating their respec- potheses” (1980: 109). tive transformation series is the true genealogy. Mickevich and Parenti, disagreeingwith some Initially, the largestset of mutually compatible of Strauch’s coding procedures,rejected 35 of his characters is determined. This initial analysis 70 characters, then analyzed the remaining 35 typically resolvesthe deepestpart of the tree, but using the computer program WAGNER 78 (Far- fails to resolve relationships at less general hi- ris 1978). Two shortest Wagner networks were erarchical levels. found; thesewere rooted with a hypothetical an- Within each group identified by the initial cestor constructed from characters for which analysis, the resolution of relationships is accom- Strauch described an outgroup state (Lundberg plished by determining which charactersvary in 1972). The consensustree calculated from these that group and then identifying from those vari- two shortest networks is shown in Figure 4. able charactersa largest clique. The processmay Unfortunately, the Mickevich and Parenti be repeated in smaller and smaller groups until reanalysis is itself not entirely satisfactory. As the tree is suitably resolved. indicated by the character descriptions below, Mickevich and Parenti (1980) leveled
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