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- Two Types of Classifier Languages: a Typological Study of Classification Markers in Paiwan Noun Phrases*
- Do Serial Verb Constructions Describe Single Events?: a Study of Co-Speech Gestures in Avatime
- Anthropocentrism, Egocentrism and the Notion of Animacy Hierarchy Sandrine Sorlin, Laure Gardelle
- Plural Morphemes, Definiteness, and the Notion of Semantic Parameter*
- Definite-Like Plurals
- Definiteness As Maximal Informativeness⇤
- Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation Worksheets
- Unification of Numeral Classifiers and Plural Markers: Empirical Facts and Implications
- Seth Cable Proseminar on Semantic Theory Fall 2010 Ling 720 1
- Evidentiality and the Structure of Speech Acts
- Latin Conjugations and Declensions
- The Plural of Nouns
- Number in Classifier Languages
- Reexamining the Status of Inclusive Pronouns: a Typological Study
- Plural Words*
- Grammatical Typology and Frequency Analysis: Number Availability and Number Use Dunstan Brown University of York, UK
- The Semantic- Syntactic Scopes of Negation in English Language