Player character
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- The Design, Implementation, and Incorporation of "Hack and Slash" š Animation Into the Unreal Development
- Realms of Màgia: Exploring Roleplaying Games As Interaction Design Systems
- Characters Sarah C. * Trinity University, San Antonio, TX Abstract
- Exploring the Game Master- Player Relationship in Video Games Abel Neto
- The Non-Player Character – Exploring the Believability of NPC Presen- Tation and Behavior Henrik Warpefelt
- The Quest for High-Quality Video Game Text Corpora
- C Sc 335 Final Project Option
- Let CONAN Tell You a Story: Procedural Quest Generation Vincent Breault, Sebastien´ Ouellet, Jim Davies
- Everquest: an Equation for Addiction
- The Science of Level Design: Design Patterns and Analysis of Player Behavior in First-Person Shooter Levels
- Reputation Systems for Non-Player Character Interactions Based on Player Actions
- Supplemental Material
- Player Modeling for Role-Playing Games Improving Bethesda’S Radiant AI
- ANP 489: Anthropology Capstone Course Adam Weickersheimmer-Austad Final Paper
- Instrumental Play in a Mmog
- Video Game Metadata Schema: Controlled Vocabulary for GAMEPLAY GENRE
- Mud, Blood, & Glory Mud, Blood, & Glory
- On the Structure of Role Playing Game Quests