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- Pinniped Phylogeny and a New Hypothesis for Their Origin and Dispersal
- Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses 4–8 Teacher’S Guide
- The Northern Fur Seal Bibliography
- Individual Variation in Seasonal Movements and Foraging Strategies of a Land-Locked, Ice-Breeding Pinniped
- Periodic Status Review for the Steller Sea Lion
- Commonly Found Marine Mammals of Puget Sound
- Story 5 Pinnipeds Story5 Masterpgs119 144.Qxd 5/21/02 2:02 PM Page 123
- Northern Fur Seal Callorhinus Ursinus
- Population Genetics of the Monk Seals (Genus Monachus): a Review Jennifer K
- Impact of Pinnipeds on Chinook Salmon
- (Zalophus Californianus) Use of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in California
- Pinniped Movements and Foraging: Seasonal Movements, Habitat Selection, Foraging and Haul-Out Behavior of Adult Bearded Seals in the Chukchi Sea
- Pinnipeds of the California Islands: Abundance and Distribution Burney J
- Diet Estimation in California Sea Lions, Zalophus Californianus
- Annotated Bibliography on Mediterranean Monk Seals (Monachus Monachus)
- Northern Pinnipeds Unusual Mortality Event Closure: Update May 2014
- Pinniped Vocal Communication: an Introduction