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Population Genetics of the Monk Seals (Genus Monachus): a Review Jennifer K

Population Genetics of the Monk Seals (Genus Monachus): a Review Jennifer K

Aquatic 2011, 37(3), 227-235, DOI 10.1578/AM.37.3.2011.227

Population of the Monk Seals ( Monachus): A Review Jennifer K. Schultz

Hawaii Institute of , School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of , PO Box 1346, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Summary (M. monachus), and Hawaiian (M. schauinslandi) monk seals. There are few distinguishing morpho- Monk seals (genus Monachus) are among the logical characters among the (Scheffer, most endangered mammals in the world, with 1958), and the genus appears to be monophyletic. all species sharing a similar history of anthropo- Phylogenetic analyses of the two extant species genic . Reductions in population (M. monachus and M. schauinslandi) at mito- abundance have been accompanied by the loss of chondrial DNA loci indicated deep divergence genetic diversity in Mediterranean (M. monachus) between Mediterranean and Hawaiian monk seals and Hawaiian (M. schauinslandi) monk seals. and a mid-late origin of the Both species are characterized by extremely low (Davis et al., 2004). Sequencing one nuclear and variability at all genetic markers tested to date, three mitochondrial genes, Fyler et al. (2005) esti- including microsatellite loci, the mitochondrial mated the date of divergence to be 10.6 to 11.6 control region, and major histocompatibility com- million ago (MYA). Citing the occurrence plex class I genes. Genetic variation is partitioned of Monachus fossil representatives in southern differently in the two species. The Hawaiian monk Europe, Fyler et al. described a Tethys origin of seal does not exhibit spatial population structure the genus with initial dispersal to the Caribbean throughout its range in the Hawaiian Archipelago via the North Equatorial Current. Subsequent dis- (FST = 0.00); therefore, it is unlikely that the trans- persal to the tropical Pacific occurred through the location of monk seals will result in genetic incom- , prior to the emergence patibilities. In contrast, Eastern Mediterranean and of the Isthmus of Panama (de Muizon, 1982). Western Saharan M. monachus populations are Higdon et al. (2007) supported this hypothesis, reproductively isolated (FST = 0.56), though the citing greater morphological similarity between distribution of alleles likely signifies a once con- the Hawaiian and Caribbean species. They also tiguous range sundered by the extirpation of geo- analyzed a large, multi-gene dataset to date the graphically intermediate subpopulations. Given origin of the genus at 11.3 MYA. Arnason et al. the magnitude of genetic differentiation, moving (2006) proposed an alternative phylogeographic Mediterranean monk seals between eastern and hypothesis. Sequencing the whole mitochondrial western populations could result in reduced over- genome of the Hawaiian and select genes all fitness; additional data is required to assess the of the , they estimated risk of moving monk seals within a population interspecific divergence at ~13 MYA. Because (e.g., the Eastern Mediterranean). Recent advances the earliest monachine fossil (~14.5 MYA) was in genomics will facilitate future investigation into found in southeastern North America, they pos- the reproductive success of both species and guide tulated that the origin of the genus occurred in managers in their quest to recover Mediterranean the western , followed by dispersal to the and populations. Mediterranean and Hawaii (Arnason et al., 2006). Regardless of which hypothesis best represents Key Words: monk seal, conservation, DNA, Monachus evolution, the species have occupied genetic diversity, , stock structure their respective ranges for millions of years. The now extinct once Introduction occupied a large range throughout the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Historically, the The genus Monachus is comprised of three spe- Mediterranean monk seal ranged throughout cies: Caribbean (M. tropicalis), Mediterranean the Mediterranean and and into the 228 Schultz subtropical East (Johnson & monk seals reside in the Northwestern Hawaiian Lavigne, 1999). Its range is now restricted to pock- , where their is protected as the ets of the northeastern Mediterranean and eastern Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Atlantic. Hawaiian monk seals are endemic to Since the 1990s, monk seals have also recolonized the Hawaiian Archipelago and are occasionally the main Hawaiian Islands (N = ~152 monk seals; observed at , ~1,400 km west of Baker et al., 2011). Hawaii (Antonelis et al., 2006). Such extreme population reductions have All three species have been hunted throughout impacted the diversity and distribution of genetic their respective ranges for meat, oil, and skins such variation within the extant species. The follow- that Monachus seals are among the most endan- ing is a review of published literature on popula- gered of all marine mammals. McClenachan & tion genetics of the Mediterranean and Hawaiian Cooper (2008) estimated that 233,000 to 338,000 monk seals, focusing on genetic diversity, popula- Caribbean monk seals were distributed among 13 tion bottlenecks, and stock structure. Implications colonies prior to discovery and exploitation by for conservation and future directions are also Westerners, beginning with addressed. in 1494. The last monk seal was observed in 1952, and the species has since been declared extinct Genetic Diversity (Le Boeuf, 1986). The Mediterranean species has a long history Genetic diversity refers to the extent of variation of exploitation. Monk seal remains found in caves found throughout the genome of a species or pop- occupied by exhibit anthropogenic ulation. It is the raw material upon which natural damage (Stringer et al., 2008). Prehistorical draw- selection acts and is essential to population persis- ings and historical accounts document exploitation tence. Genetic diversity is often assessed at both of the once abundant species since the , nuclear and mitochondrial loci (i.e., location of a through the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods, coding gene or non-coding DNA sequence). Each and into modern times (Johnson & Lavigne, 1999; individual possesses two alleles at a single nuclear www.monachus-guardian.org). Extirpation along locus; the individual is heterozygous at that locus most mainland Mediterranean has left only if the alleles differ. Mitochondrial loci are mater- three small and isolated populations in remote nally inherited, and each individual generally locations: of , Cap Blanc possesses only one form or haplotype. Measures Peninsula in the , and in caves of genetic diversity include polymorphism (P), throughout the northeastern Mediterranean (i.e., the proportion of genetic markers (or loci) which and ). The Western Saharan popu- exhibit more than a single form (or allele); allel- lation was reduced from an estimated 317 monk ism (k), the number of alleles at a given locus; and seals in 1996 to 109 individuals in 1997 after a heterozygosity (H), the percentage of individuals mass mortality event (Forcada et al., 1999). Only in a population or species that possess two differ- 20 to 30 adults reside in the Madeira Archipelago ent alleles at a given locus or averaged over all (Pires et al., 2008). The largest population con- loci. While polymorphism and allelism reflect raw sists of 250 to 350 individuals in the eastern genetic variability, heterozygosity is a measure (Dendrinos et al., 2008). of how existing diversity is partitioned among Little is known regarding the first human inter- individuals. actions with the Hawaiian monk seal. Remains found at an archaeological site in the main Microsatellite DNA Hawaiian Islands, radiocarbon dated to 1400 to Mediterranean and Hawaiian monk seals exhibit 1750 a d , suggest that early Hawaiians harvested low diversity at all genetic markers tested to date, monk seals (Rosendahl, 1994). Monk seals had including microsatellite loci—that is, tandemly been extirpated from the main Hawaiian Islands repeated regions of nuclear DNA that are gener- prior to the arrival of the first Western explorers in ally characterized by high variability. Gemmell the 18th century. Western exploration of the unin- et al. (1997) surveyed the utility of 20 microsat- habited Northwestern Hawaiian Islands begin- ellite loci across 18 pinniped species (Table 1). ning in 1805 led to the discovery and exploitation Twelve of the 20 loci were polymorphic in the of the species (Ragen, 1999). A minimum of 23 Mediterranean monk seal (P = 0.60), and allelism individuals survived at the nadir of the - was low (k = 1 to 6, kave = 2). Only three of the 20 induced bottleneck (c. 1893; Schultz et al., 2009). loci were polymorphic in the Hawaiian monk seal Despite a partial recovery by the mid-20th cen- (P = 0.15); allelism was also low (k = 1 to 4, kave = tury, population abundance is currently in decline. 1.25). Though limited in scope (only four and five At present, less than 1,200 Hawaiian monk seals Mediterranean and Hawaiian monk seals were ana- remain (Carretta et al., 2009). The majority of the lyzed, respectively), the study is important because Monk Seal Genetics 229 -poly polymorphic

proportion illiamson, 2001 W Reference loci/for vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 vis et al., 2002 vis et al., 2008 loci, astor et al., 2004 astor et al., 2007 astor et al., 2007 Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da all P P P Schultz et al., 2010 Coltman et al., 2007 Kretzmann et al., 1997 for ) for Garza & k ( microsatellite alleles of alleles e for H ); 0.40 0.73 0.85 /0.23 /0.35 α ( 0.05/0.46 0.16/0.41 0.84-0.89 0.59-9.69 0.55-0.76 0.72-0.76 0.70-0.74 number ersity v erage va), va), k 5 4 9 6 2 1 4 9 5 12 25 16 13 14 12 21 2 1/3 2/2 2/3 2/2 P ( nucleotide di nucleotide and ) and studies Microsatellite loci h 2 P 6/20 15/39 11/24 13/24 14/41 14/17 21/21 17/19 17/19 24/24 24/24 22/22 24/24 17/163 versity (di versity independent spp.). in 1 3 9 8 5 P 12 16 14 hus haplotype ers, mark ers, polymorphic α 0.006 0.021 proportion h mitochondrial 1.0 1997), 0.24 Mitochondrial loci for al., et species: 5 5 5 5 N 17 20 90 16 50 52 12 98 300 303 119 893 150 303 2,423 seal sample 80-160 Gemmell ) for all loci/for polymorphic loci (for Monac .iucnredlist.org) e ; 1 P ( among loci N ersity ~500 v <1,200 census* 171,000 592,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 130,000 950,000 150-300 100-130 di >1 million pinniped 20 of 20 ) ) ) ) genetic of set gus ) ) ) ostris spp.), and heterozygosity ( H ossii) ) hus ) hauinslandi cinopha common a cristata hus a at a hotes weddellii Comparisons Monac ga leptonyx hus sc 1. able 1. aiian monk seal estern Saharan w W W eddell seal Monac M. monac angustir Mirounga Cystophor hispida Erignathus barbatus Ha ( Mediterranean monk seal ( Eastern Mediterranean Northern ( ( ( ( W ( Leptonyc seal ( Hydrur ( Ommatophoca r ( Lobodon car T morphic loci (for *Rough estimates of total population size (www 230 Schultz it compares the genetic diversity of the two species control region, which does not code for proteins at a common suite of markers, allowing for direct and thus may accumulate mutations more quickly comparison (Gemmell et al., 1997). The results than other regions (Table 1). Harwood et al. (1996) are surprising given that the less abundant species found only two mitochondrial haplotypes in (Mediterranean monk seal, N = ~500) has higher seven Mediterranean monk seals: one haplotype genetic diversity than the more abundant species was shared by four monk seals from the Eastern (Hawaiian monk seal, N < 1,200). Possible reasons Mediterranean population, and another was shared for this discrepancy are discussed below. by three monk seals from the Western Saharan Additional studies of microsatellite diversity population. Kretzmann et al. (1997) found only have been completed for both species (Table 1). three mitochondrial haplotypes in 50 Hawaiian Pastor et al. (2004) analyzed 39 pinniped micro- monk seals: 43 monk seals shared a common hap- satellite loci (including those already mentioned) lotype, six monk seals shared a rare haplotype, and in 52 pups at Cap Blanc, Western Sahara, and one individual exhibited a unique haplotype. found 15 to be polymorphic (P = 0.39, k = 1 to 3, kave = 1.5). Mean expected heterozygosity was He = Major Histocompatibility Complex 0.16 for all loci and He = 0.41 for polymorphic Genetic variation at neutral (or nearly neutral) loci only. In a later study, Pastor et al. (2007) com- markers, such as microsatellites and the mitochon- pared the genetic diversity of 98 Western Saharan drial control region, is expected to be high. Coding monk seals to 12 monk seals from the Eastern genes may also exhibit high levels of variability if Mediterranean. Analyzing a panel of 24 pinniped polymorphism is linked with greater fitness. One microsatellite loci, 13 were found to be polymor- example of this is the major histocompatibility phic in Western Saharan monk seals (P = 0.55, complex (MHC), which plays an important role k = 1 to 5, kave = 2), while 11 were polymorphic in in the immune response of vertebrates. The high Eastern Mediterranean monk seals (P = 0.45, k = allelic diversity of MHC loci provides resistance 1 to 5, kave = 1.88). Only 52% of all alleles were to a broad variety of pathogens; when MHC diver- shared by both populations: 18 private alleles sity is low, populations may be more susceptible were found in the Western Saharan and 14 private to infectious disease epidemics (Gaggiotti, 2003). alleles were found in the Eastern Mediterranean. Aldridge et al. (2006) found unprecedented uni- Mean expected heterozygosity at the polymor- formity in MHC class I genes in a survey of 80 phic loci was similarly low in Western Saharan Hawaiian monk seals. Though MHC studies have (He = 0.38) and Eastern Mediterranean (He = 0.32) yet to be performed in the Mediterranean monk populations. seal, the species may be prone to disease epi- The Hawaiian monk seal has also been the demics. In 1997, the Western Saharan population subject of more in-depth analyses of genetic suffered a mass mortality event as the result of a diversity (Table 1). The species was surveyed at morbillivirus outbreak or a dinoflagellate bloom an additional 10 microsatellite loci isolated from (Osterhaus et al., 1997; Harwood, 1998). seals (Davis et al., 2002), but none were found to be polymorphic (Schultz et al., 2009). Inferring Demographic Events Because loci isolated in one species are often invariant in distantly related taxa, microsatellite Low genetic diversity may threaten the future of loci were isolated from the Hawaiian monk seal a species, but it also reflects past demographic genome (Schultz et al., 2009). Of 143 loci iso- events. The various measures of genetic diver- lated in the first round of microsatellite develop- sity provide insight into the cause, duration, and ment, only seven were found to be polymorphic. severity of population reductions. For example, a A second round of development, using more severe disease epidemic may result in a selective stringent requirements for microsatellite selec- sweep (i.e., the loss of variation at loci located tion, resulted in the isolation of an additional 10 near a gene under strong, positive selection; polymorphic loci (Schultz et al., 2010). Overall, Smith & Haigh, 1974). Selective sweeps result the Hawaiian monk seal exhibits extremely low in localized loss of genetic diversity at a specific genetic diversity (P = 0.10, kave = 1.1, He = 0.05) area on a single chromosome. Mapping 110 of compared to other similarly exploited pinniped 163 Hawaiian monk seal loci to the genome species (Table 1). Diversity is low, even when revealed broad distribution of polymorphic and only polymorphic loci are considered (kave = 3.4, monomorphic loci, likely reflecting genome-wide He = 0.46). rather than localized loss of genetic diversity (Schultz et al., 2010). Therefore, extremely low Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity in the Hawaiian monk seal is Mediterranean and Hawaiian monk seals also probably not the result of a selective sweep result- exhibit low genetic diversity at the mitochondrial ing from a disease epidemic. Monk Seal Genetics 231

Sudden, dramatic reductions in effective popu- isolated stocks. Effective migration or gene flow lation size (Ne) result in the loss of rare alleles with (i.e., mating among stocks) diminishes the magni- little impact on heterozygosity (Nei et al., 1975). tude of these genetic differences. Bottlenecked populations often will exhibit tempo- The two largest Mediterranean monk seal rary heterozygosity excess relative to expectations populations (Eastern Mediterranean and Western given the number of alleles (i.e., alleles have been Saharan) are separated by 4,000 km. Though lost from the population but average heterozy- only a limited number of samples have been ana- gosity remains relatively unchanged; Cornuet & lyzed, Eastern Mediterranean (N = 4) and Western Luikart, 1996). There is genetic evidence for a Saharan (N = 3) populations appear to be fixed recent bottleneck in both the Mediterranean and at different haplotypes as determined by compar- Hawaiian monk seal species. Pastor et al. (2004) ing partial mitochondrial sequences (Harwood reported a deficit of rare alleles and an excess of et al., 1996). Though such results may reflect heterozygosity in the Mediterranean monk seal, reproductive isolation, the maternal inheritance of which were attributed to recent reductions in effec- mitochondrial genes allows for the possibility of tive population size. Schultz et al. (2009) described male-mediated gene flow. Therefore, Pastor et al. a similar loss of alleles and heterozygosity excess, (2007) analyzed Eastern Mediterranean (N = 12) likely caused by the extreme reduction of effective and Western Saharan (N = 98) monk seals at 13 population size as a result of 19th-century hunting nuclear microsatellite loci. Each population had in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. several private alleles (14 and 18, respectively). Recent declines in the Mediterranean and There was substantial genetic differentiation (FST Hawaiian species are not sufficient to explain the = 0.58) and virtually no gene flow (0.47 effective low levels of heterozygosity exhibited by both spe- migrants per generation) between the populations cies. Heterozygosity is lost only when the effec- (Table 2; Pastor et al., 2007). These results con- tive population size remains small for long peri- firm that the two populations are reproductively ods of time. Thousands of years of hunting of the isolated and should be managed as independent Mediterranean monk seal resulted in severe popu- stocks. The Western Saharan population inhabits a lation reductions and likely explain the species’ relatively small area at the peninsula of Cap Blanc low heterozygosity. Compared with less-exploited and is assumed to be a single stock. The Eastern pinniped species, the Mediterranean monk seal has Mediterranean population, however, consists of lost ~53% of its expected heterozygosity (Pastor monk seals scattered throughout the Ionian and et al., 2004). Heterozygosity is similarly low in Aegean Seas and in remote locations along the the Hawaiian monk seal. It is unlikely that the Turkish ; it remains to be determined whether 19th-century hunting (which lasted less than eight this population is comprised of one or several monk seal generations) could reduce heterozygos- stocks (Pastor et al., 2007). ity so dramatically. A more likely explanation is Reproductive isolation among geographically long-term population size restriction as a result of distant populations may reflect extirpation of geo- earlier, undocumented hunting (i.e., the species graphically intermediate subpopulations as is true may have been extirpated in the main Hawaiian of the Mediterranean monk seal, which was once Islands by early Polynesian colonizers) or natural found throughout the Mediterranean Sea. In the mechanisms (i.e., the abundance of a large, insu- past, it was likely comprised of a single large and lar population may be restricted due to interbreeding population. The two remaining pop- habitat availability or prey abundance). ulations exhibit a similar size range for most loci, with the intermediate-sized microsatellite alleles Genetic Stock Structure missing in one population present in the other. Furthermore, when data from both populations Genetic stock or population structure refers to the are combined, there is a continuous distribution of spatial partitioning of genetic variation within a alleles, indicative of a once contiguous population species. It provides an important tool for wildlife (Pastor et al., 2007). managers tasked with delineating stocks (i.e., a The Hawaiian monk seal is found throughout group of potentially interbreeding individuals that the Hawaiian Archipelago, a range of ~2,000 km. are exposed to common threats) and understand- Parturition and nursing occur primarily at six loca- ing how those stocks are connected via migration. tions in the uninhabited Northwestern Hawaiian If a stock is reproductively isolated from other Islands and throughout the main Hawaiian Islands. stocks, it may accumulate unique alleles through Using mitochondrial analyses, Kretzmann et al. mutation. In addition, allele frequencies will ran- (1997) found no evidence for population differen- domly change over time, relative to other stocks. tiation, comparing 10 individuals each from five This mechanism is called genetic drift, and it locations in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. results in genetic differences, or structure, among However, preliminary analyses of multilocus DNA 232 Schultz

Table 2. Recent studies of seal population differentiation based on microsatellite analyses of stock structure, including FST or Weir & Cockerham’s θ (1984), an exact test of differentiation, the number of populations (K) as determined in the software Structure (Pritchard et al., 2000), and isolation by distance (IBD)

N # Exact Species sample sites θ or FST (P) K IBD Reference

Hawaiian monk seal 1,897 7 -0.01 1 1 0.0001 Schultz et al., 2010 Mediterranean monk seal 110 2 0.58 Pastor et al., 2007 Hooded seal 300 4 -0.003 0.13 1 Coltman et al., 2007 Ringed seal 303 8 0.005 0 1 0.52 Davis et al., 2008 Bearded seal 119 6 0.064 0 2 0.46 Davis et al., 2008 893 23 0.03 0 3 0.16 Davis et al., 2008 150 6 0.001 0.001 1 0.14 Davis et al., 2008 Ross seal 90 4 0.006 0.221 1 0.33 Davis et al., 2008 Crabeater seal 303 4 0.003 0.045 1 Davis et al., 2008 fingerprinting (Kretzmann et al., 1997) and a single Both monk seal species exhibit extremely microsatellite locus (Kretzmann et al., 2001) indi- low genetic diversity, which is required to adapt cated significant genetic structure. To resolve this to a changing environment and mount an effec- discrepancy, Schultz et al. (2010) genotyped ~85% tive immune response (Frankham et al., 1999; of the entire species living over the past 14 y (N = Gaggiotti, 2003). Infectious disease epidemics are 1,897) at 18 microsatellite loci. They did not find an emerging threat to the future of both species. evidence for reproductive isolation among any of The Mediterranean monk seal is comprised of two the locations (FST = 0; Table 2). A Bayesian cluster- small but genetically differentiated populations ing method indicated that the species is comprised separated by 4,000 km (Pastor et al., 2007). Thus, of one population (K = 1), and genetic results sup- it is unlikely that an infectious disease would be port the current management of the species as a transmitted between populations. In the Western single stock. One possible caveat is that the lack Saharan population, however, monk seals breed of population structure might be a result of recent and haul out in two main caves (Gazo et al., 2000); population expansion (since the 19th-century such close proximity of individuals increases the bottleneck) or anthropogenic translocation. This risk of disease transmission. Hawaiian monk is unlikely, however, given the extremely small seals do not form large breeding colonies. They population sizes (in which genetic drift should act do, however, appear to move and mate freely quickly) and the high rate of inter- move- throughout their range, providing a greater chance ment (10 to 15%), which provides the potential for for transmission throughout the entire species. As substantial gene flow. the number of Hawaiian monk seals increases in areas of dense human population (i.e., the main Conservation Implications Hawaiian Islands), there is increased potential for exposure to infectious diseases carried by Though the Mediterranean and Hawaiian monk humans, , , and (Littnan et al., seals share a common history of evolutionary ori- 2006). Given the differences in the proportion of gins and anthropogenic exploitation, their manage- polymorphic loci, the Hawaiian species is also ment needs are quite different. These differences more likely to be monomorphic at genes confer- can be explained in the context of the single large ring immunity. To prevent an epidemic in either or several small (SLOSS) paradigm. Managers of species, management may strive to limit exposure, captive populations and protected areas have long vaccinate, develop early detection systems, and debated the relative merits and concerns associ- quarantine symptomatic monk seals. ated with a single large population or alternatively Despite having greater raw genetic diversity, several small populations (Simberloff & Abele, the Mediterranean monk seal exhibits lower 1982). A single large population has the demo- heterozygosity at polymorphic loci. This is likely graphic advantage: its overall risk of extinction a result of long-term small population size. Small is lower than that of smaller populations. Several populations are often plagued with inbreeding and small populations, however, may have a genetic an accompanying loss of fitness (i.e., inbreeding advantage. As observed in the Mediterranean monk depression). Similarly, there may be a positive seal, several small isolated populations preserve a correlation between heterozygosity and fitness. greater wealth of genetic variation than would a Translocation of Mediterranean monk seals single population of the same total size. between populations could restore lost genetic Monk Seal Genetics 233 diversity, alleviate inbreeding depression, and New genomic techniques provide the opportu- boost heterozygosity; however, the large degree nity to discover further genetic variation in both of genetic differentiation may signify long-term species. “Next-generation” sequencing technol- isolation of the two populations, providing ample ogy is able to read and process millions of base time for local adaptation. Because translocated pairs in parallel (Mardis, 2008). For species with Mediterranean monk seals may be poorly adapted low genetic diversity, such advances will pro- to their new habitat or have difficulty in finding vide a greater opportunity to identify variable mates, such initiatives are not encouraged without loci, such as microsatellites or Single Nucleotide further investigation. In addition, future research Polymorphisms (SNPs), in the pursuit of parent- is required to determine whether monk seals may age and HFC studies. Next-generation sequenc- be translocated within a population (e.g., Eastern ing technology has also proven to be an effective Mediterranean). method for examining MHC variability (Balbik The Hawaiian species has less raw genetic diver- et al., 2009; Wegner, 2009), which should be sity but higher levels of heterozygosity. While its further investigated in both species given the population size has been recently reduced, it does potential impact of an infectious disease epi- not appear to be inbred (FIS = 0.02; Schultz et al., demic. Sequence variation alone is not sufficient 2009). A possible explanation for both of these to measure the potential for an effective immune observations may be the apparently extensive response. Therefore, functional genomics should movement of monk seals and alleles throughout also be an area of future research. The develop- their range. Given the lack of population struc- ment of cell lines and advances in transcriptom- ture, Hawaiian monk seals may be translocated to ics will allow the detection of gene expression in areas with higher survival rates with little concern response to various pathogens in vitro. for genetic incompatibilities; however, transloca- In conclusion, population genetics has and will tion will not improve the genetic diversity of the continue to inform managers of Mediterranean and species. Hawaiian monk seal stocks. Though these findings may not directly impact population persistence, Future Directions they provide a wealth of knowledge regarding reproductive potential and epidemiological risks. Future areas for research include determining the Thus, studies of monk seal genetics can guide ini- extent of inbreeding in both species. Are inbred tiatives, which could promote population growth, monk seals less likely to survive to maturity? Do restore genetic variation, and hopefully lead to the they exhibit lower reproductive rates? To address recovery of these critically . these questions in the Hawaiian monk seal, a spe- cies-wide wild pedigree could be constructed by Acknowledgments confirming maternity and elucidating paternity of nearly all pups born from 1994 to 2010. Such in- Thank you to Editor K. M. Dudzinski and an depth analysis is possible as a result of long-term, anonymous reviewer. I would like to also thank extensive monitoring of the species, of which A. Karamanlidis and C. Littnan for helpful com- ~85% of all pups have been genetically sampled ments on an earlier version of this manuscript. over the past two decades. New advances in Funding for this work was provided by the genome sequencing would allow the identification Marine Commission and the Marine of an adequate number of variable markers; how- Institute. JKS was supported ever, the costs associated with genotyping thou- by a SOEST Young Investigator Fellowship, pro- sands of monk seals at all markers remains high. vided by the School of Ocean and Earth Science The elusive behavior of the Mediterranean monk and Technology, University of Hawaii. This is seal prevents a similar study, but the Hawaiian contribution #1448 from the Hawaii Institute of monk seal data could be used as a model to inter- Marine Biology and #8193 from the School of pret observations in the Mediterranean species, Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. which may be more prone to inbreeding given its smaller population size. Heterozygosity-fitness Literature Cited correlations (HFC) may also provide an estimate of inbreeding (though the linkage has not been Aldridge, B. M., Bowen, L., Smith, B. R., Antonelis, G. A., verified) or at least a genetic measure of poten- Gulland, F., & Stott, J. L. (2006). Paucity of class I MHC tial fitness. Performing HFC analyses requires an gene heterogeneity between individuals in the endan- abundance of polymorphic loci (Balloux et al., gered Hawaiian monk seal population. Immunogenetics, 2004), which is currently not available for either 58(2-3), 203-215. doi:10.1007/s00251-005-0069-y species. Antonelis, G. A., Baker, J. D., Johanos, T. C., Braun, R., & Harting, A. L. (2006). Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus 234 Schultz

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