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- PHOTOFISSION of 232Th NEAR THRESHOLD , , 1. Introduction The
- Expanding Nuclear Physics Horizons with the Gamma Factory
- Mass Yield Distributions and Fission Modes in Photofission of 238U
- Precision Requirement of the Photofission Cross Section for The
- Energy Dependence of Exotic Nuclei Production Cross Sections by Photonuclear Reaction in the GDR Range
- Simulations of Events for the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter Experiment
- Bmblmos Los Alamos,New Mexico 07545
- A Photofission Delayed Γ-Ray Spectra Calculation Tool for the Conception of a Nuclear Material Characterization Facility
- Delayed Neutron Yields and Spectra from Photofission of Actinides: Data
- The Calculation of Total Fragment Excitation Energy for Photofission of Uranium Isotopes
- Arxiv:1608.05241V1 [Nucl-Th]
- Measurement of the Energy and Multiplicity Distributions of Neutrons from the Photofission of 235U
- RFQ Neutron Generator
- Industrial Applications of Photonuclear Resonance Excitation
- Active Interrogation Using Photofission Technique for Nuclear Materials Control and Accountability
- Prompt Neutron Polarization Asymmetries in Photofission Of