Arxiv:1608.05241V1 [Nucl-Th]

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Arxiv:1608.05241V1 [Nucl-Th] Comparison of Yields of neutron rich nuclei in Proton and Photon induced 238U fission F. A. Khan1∗∗, Debasis Bhowmick2∗, D. N. Basu3∗, M. Farooq4∗∗ and Alok Chakrabarti5∗ ∗ Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, India and ∗∗ ∗ Dept. of Physics, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar 190 006, India (Dated: October 1, 2018) A comparative study of fission of actinides specially 238U, by proton and bremsstrahlung photon is performed. Relative mass distribution of 238U fission fragments have been explored theoretically for both proton and photon induced fission. The integrated yield along with charge distribution of the products are calculated to find out the neutron richness in comparison to the nuclei produced by r-process in nucleosynthesis. Some r-process nuclei in intermediate mass range for symmetric fission mode are found to be produced almost two order of magnitude more for proton induced fission than photofission, although rest of the neutron rich nuclei in the asymmetric mode are produced in comparable proportion for both the processes. Keywords: Photonuclear reactions; Photofission; Nuclear fissility; GDR; Exotic nuclei. PACS numbers: 25.20.-x, 27.90.+b, 25.85.Jg, 25.20.Dc, 29.25.Rm I. INTRODUCTION fission is known to take place in both asymmetric and symmetric fission modes with comparable probabilities Fission of actinide targets, especially Uranium or tho- [14]. However probability of asymmetric fission relative rium is a highly promising route for producing, neutron to that of symmetric fission decreases with proton ener- rich (n-rich) Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) for nuclear gies. For very high energy (100 MeV), the mass yield spectrometry. Fission by neutron [1] , proton [2] and curve does not have any trough, although the total fis- photon [3, 4] has been studied for several decades and sion cross section remains constant after 30 MeV [15]. In is still relevant. Among three, photo-fission [5] has been neutron and photon induced fission, at low energies, the found more promising for having better thermal manage- pattern of mass distribution of the products are found to ment and being a cold process creates higher yields for be nearly identical with that of proton induced fission. n-rich nuclei as compared to light ion induced fission ex- However, in case of photo-fission, the n-rich nuclei pro- cept in the mass range of 110 <A< 125. Therefore there duced in symmetric fission mode have much lower cross is a renewed interest presently to go for photo-fission [6] section compared to two asymmetric modes and increas- using e-LINAC as a primary accelerator to produce en- ing the excitation energy does not help because total ergetic photons in the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) cross-section decreases rapidly due to absence of giant region [7, 8]. The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory dipole resonance, unlike proton induced fission where in- (ARIEL) [9, 10] at TRIUMF, JINR, Dubna [11] and at crease of symmetric fission mode has been compensated ALTO, IPN, Orsay [12] are the laboratories, where ini- by reduction in asymmetric mode, so that total fission tiative have already been taken. As an extension of the cross section remains unchanged after 30 MeV. There- present RIB development, a facility called ANURIB [13] fore, in the present work, we would like to perform a (Advanced National facility for Unstable and Rare Iso- simultaneous analysis of the behavior of the symmetric and asymmetric modes of proton induced fission for dif- tope Beams) will be coming up at this center with e- 238 LINAC as primary accelerator for photo-fission. How- ferent excitation energies of U and a comparison with ever, it is true that low energy proton induced fission that of photo-fission is made. Depending on the avail- arXiv:1608.05241v1 [nucl-th] 18 Aug 2016 also provides relatively less expensive means to produce ability of data, the analysis can also be be extended to n-rich nuclei substantially in a specific mass region. For other actinides (Th, Pu, Am, Np etc.). TALYS [16] and this one can have low energy proton beam (either from PACE4 [17] results are also incorporated in the compari- cyclotron or proton LINAC) instead of e-LINAC, so that son for the calculation of total cross section of proton in- n-rich RIBs, produced in 2nd target station be put sub- duced fission along with experimental data because both sequently, in the same post-accelerator module. the codes take into account the competition of other re- action channels in addition to fission. Finally the role It is well known that the properties of fission mass of proton induced fission of actinides, specially 238U to- distribution is governed by asymmetric and symmetric wards the production of n-rich nuclei in the mass range mass split of the fissioning nuclei depending on the ex- 110<A<125 is explored. citation energy. In the energy range 12-30 MeV, 238U ∗E-mail 1: 29fi[email protected]; E-mail 2: [email protected]; E-mail 3: [email protected]; E-mail 4: [email protected]; E-mail 5: [email protected] 2 II. THEORETICAL FORMALISM OF FISSION 7 CROSS-SECTION U-238 at E = 12 MeV Experimental data P 6 Calculated The empirical formula employed in our calculation is 5 taken from Ref.[18] as 4 σf (Ep)= P1[1 − exp(−P2(Ep − P3))] (1) 3 where σf , is the total fission cross-section (mb); Ep is Yield (%) the incident proton energy (MeV). Pi(i =1, 2, 3) are the 2 arbitrary fitting parameters with physical meaning that P1,the saturation cross-section, P2, the increasing rate of 1 cross-section with energy and P3, the apparent threshold energy respectively. The Pi’s have been parametrized 0 with fissility parameter Z2/A as: 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 2 2 2 2 Mass Number (A) Pi(Z /A) = exp[Qi,1 + Qi,2(Z /A)+ Qi,3(Z /A) ] (2) 2 FIG. 1: Comparison of the measured mass yield distribution where Qi’s are the coefficients of the powers of (Z /A) 238 which are also determined by fitting the experimental (full circles) [24] for U fission induced by 12 MeV Proton fission cross-section data for a wide range of fissioning with the prediction (solid line) of the three Gaussian formula nucleus from 181Ta to 181Bi as shown by Fukahori and for Y (A). Pearlstein [19]. However, later on Fukahori and Chiba [20] modified the expression, where the fission probability was calculated as a ratio of experimental fission cross- section and the total reaction cross-section as calculated specific shape. For each fission mode, the yield is de- by Letaw [21]. With the availability of precise data of scribed in the form of a Gaussian function. Three Gaus- fission cross-sections from time to time, the systematics sian functions are found to be good enough for describing improved quite a lot. Systematics used by Prokofiev [18] three fission modes. The symmetric fission mode (SM) is found to be very effective in the energy range 12-63 is peaked around A = 118, while for asymmetric fission MeV for calculation of total fission cross-section σf as modes (ASYM), the maxima are at A = 137 and A = described in Eq.(2) by fitting experimental data [22, 23], 99. The total yield of fragments whose mass number is while P1 is parametrized differently as: A is given by the expression: 2 2 1 2 P1(Z /A)= R11[1 − exp(−R13(Z /A − R12))] (3) Y (A)= YSM (A)+ YASY M (A)+ YASY M (A) 2 It is important to mention here that we have not con- (A − ASM ) = CSM exp h − 2 i sidered here the high energy correction term because it 2σSM 2 is effective for proton energy in the range hundreds of (A − ASM − DASY M ) MeV or more. The values of P2 = 0.111 and P3 = 12.1 +CASY M exp − 2 h 2σ i are considered as constant since from Ref.[19], it is found ASY M 2 2 to be invariant for Z /A in the range 35.9 to 36.1 for (A − ASM + DASY M ) 132 239 +CASY M exp h − 2 i Th - Pu. The values of R1j(j = 1 − 3)are fitted 2σASY M by least square fit and found to be R11 = 2730 ± 82.962, (4) R12 = 34.99 ± 0.034 and R13 =2.07 ± 0.120. where, the Gaussian function parameters, CSM , CASY M and σSM , σASY M are the amplitudes and widths, respec- III. SYSTEMATICS OF MASS AND CHARGE tively, of the symmetric (SM) and asymmetric (ASYM) DISTRIBUTION fission modes, and ASM is the most probable mass value for the symmetric fission mode while ASM −DASY M and Although we have tried to accumulate the data till ASM +DASY M being the most probable masses of a light date as much as possible [24, 25], the availability of data and the complementary heavy fragments respectively in for both fission cross-section and mass distribution are the asymmetric fission mode. not too many in the energy range of 13-60 MeV. In gen- In Figs.1-2, approximation by the preceding three eral the mass distribution is interpreted as a sum of the Gaussian functions for the mass distribution Y(A) of contribution from the symmetric and asymmetric fission fragments per 100 fission events originating from 238U modes for multimode fission model. Each fission mode fission induced by 12 and 35 MeV proton are plotted and corresponds to the passage through the fission barrier of compared with experimental data in Ref.[24] and Ref.[25] 3 Experimental data 5 U-238 for E =35 MeV P Calculated 4 3 2 Yield (%) 1 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Mass Number (A) FIG.
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