North Africa
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- Chapter 17: North Africa Today
- GBD 2010: Countries by Region Region Name Country Name Andean Latin America Bolivia Andean Latin America Ecuador Andean Latin America Peru
- World War II: Europe and Africa, 1942–1944
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Key Issues and U.S. Engagement
- Emerging Risks and Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa
- A North Africa - Europe Hydrogen Manifesto
- Africa: Greening of the Sahara
- Europe-Mediterranean-Africa Commerical Connectivity: Geopolitical Opportunities and Challenges
- 2019 Policy Note on Africa Infrastructure and Regional Connectivity
- The Middle East and North Africa North African Countries
- Global Food Losses and Food Waste
- Chapter 2. the Middle East and North Africa: Prospects and Challenges
- Toward a Red Sea Forum: the Gulf, the Horn of Africa, & Architecture For
- The New External Security Politics of the Horn of Africa Region’, SIPRI Policy Brief, Apr
- Maps in Time from 1900 to 2000
- Infrastructure Investments in the Middle East & North Africa
- North Africa and Europe
- North Africa More African Than Ever: Maghreb Countries Towards ECOWAS