A North Africa - Europe Hydrogen Manifesto
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A North Africa - Europe Hydrogen Manifesto Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk Frank Wouters, MSc Dr. Samir Rachidi Dr. Badr Ikken Dii Desert Energy Dubai, London, Madrid, Munich 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 1 29.11.2019 12:52:18 Desert Power Getting Started Dii Desert Energy Vision Increased competitiveness of renewables shall swiftly lead to economic growth and secure 100% energy supply without harmful emissions or waste Our Mission: No Emissions! Towards a fully emission free energy supply in MENA before 2050 and making MENA a ‘power house’ for the global energy markets offering benefits to the region Strategy Connecting the international industry active in the MENA region with authorities and institutions. Focus on practical conditions for ‘green electrons’ and ‘green molecules’ along the energy value chains leading to tangible and profitable projects and other benefits for local and international stakeholders www.dii-desertenergy.org 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 2 29.11.2019 12:52:18 3 SUMMARY A joint hydrogen strategy between Europe and North Africa can help build a European energy system based on 50% renewable electricity and 50% green hydrogen by 2050. For Europe, the green hydrogen shall consist of This paper is a summary of the chapter Hydro- hydrogen produced in Europe, complemented gen, the Bridge between Africa and Europe in by hydrogen imports, especially from North Af- the book “Shaping an Inclusive Energy Transi- rica. Hydrogen produced in North Africa will be tion” (M.P.C. Weijnen and Z. Lukszo (editors), beneficial for both Europe and North Africa. A Frank Wouters, Ad van Wijk), Springer (2020), bold energy sector strategy with an important complemented with valuable insights in recent infrastructure component is suggested, which developments in the green hydrogen space in differs from more traditional bottom-up secto- Morocco. ral strategies. This approach guarantees opti- mized use of (existing) infrastructure, has low risk and cost, improves Europe’s energy secu- rity and supports European technology leader- ship. In North Africa it would foster economic development, boost export, create future-ori- ented jobs in a high-tech sector and support social stability. 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 3 29.11.2019 12:52:18 4 A North Africa - Europe Hydrogen Manifesto INTRODUCTION Green hydrogen made from renewable electricity and water will play a crucial role in our decarbonized future economy, as shown in many recent scenarios. In a system soon dominated by variable renew- North Africa has good solar and wind resources ables such as solar and wind, hydrogen links and many countries are developing ambitious electricity with industrial heat, materials such renewable energy strategies to cater for grow- as steel and fertilizer, space heating, and trans- ing energy demand of urban and industrial port fuels. Furthermore, hydrogen can be sea- centers, but also electrify the unserved parts sonally stored and transported cost-effectively of the population in remoter areas. Low-cost over long distances, to a large extent using exist- and price-stable renewable electricity has the ing natural gas infrastructure. Green hydrogen potential to spur economic growth, necessary in combination with green electricity has the to stabilize societies and reduce economic mi- potential to entirely replace hydrocarbons. gration. However, over and beyond catering for domestic demand, most North African coun- Today, electricity comprises some 20% of final tries have huge potential in terms of land and energy demand, including feedstock and inter- resources to produce green hydrogen from so- national transport. About 80% of final energy lar and wind for export. The resources in North demand are molecules, mainly fossil fuels. A Africa are vast, only 8% of the Sahara Desert small percentage is heat. The share of electric- covered with solar panels is required to pro- ity in final energy demand is expected to grow duce 155.000 TWh, all the energy the world re- 2.5 times until 2050, still leaving a large require- quires (van Wijk, van der Roest, & Boere, 2017). ment for green molecules across all sectors. There are few alternatives to hydrogen, if any, When Europe and North Africa develop a joint to fully replace hydrocarbons in a decarbonized hydrogen economy, both North Africa and energy system, so electricity and hydrogen will Europe will benefit. Like natural gas, hydrogen both play an important role as energy carriers can be imported from North Africa by pipeline, in the 2050 energy system. Therefore, a 50%- which is more cost effective than import by ship. 50% share split of green electricity and green With hydrogen imported from North Africa, Eu- hydrogen in Europe’s final energy demand is rope could realize a sustainable energy system, proposed for all sectors: industry, transport, required to meet the obligations of the Paris commercial and households. Agreement, faster and cheaper. Furthermore, a joint European - North African renewable Due to its limited size and population density, energy and hydrogen approach would create Europe will not be able to produce all its renew- economic development, future-oriented jobs able energy in Europe itself. Therefore, it is as- and social stability in North-African countries, sumed that a large part of the hydrogen will be potentially reducing the number of economic imported. Although hydrogen import can come migrants from the region to Europe. from many areas in the world with good solar and wind resources, an interesting possibility is the import from North Africa. Already today, according to OPEC and EIA, 13 % of the natural gas and 10 % of the oil consumed in Europe comes from North Africa, and 60 per cent of North Africa's oil exports and 80 % of its gas exports are sent to Europe. 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 4 29.11.2019 12:52:18 5 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 5 29.11.2019 12:52:19 6 A North Africa - Europe Hydrogen Manifesto RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES IN EUROPE AND NORTH AFRICA In Europe, good renewable energy resources are geographically distributed. However, they are not evenly distributed among the EU member states and therefore large scale, pan-European energy transport and storage is necessary. Large scale on- and offshore wind can be pro- solation levels of 2,500-3,000 kWh per square duced at competitive and subsidy free prices in meter per year (Varadi, Wouters, & Hoffmann, several parts of Europe. Large scale offshore 2018). wind has great potential in the North Sea, Irish Sea, Baltic Sea and parts of the Mediterranean Also, the Sahara Desert is one of the windiest Sea. And large-scale onshore wind potential areas on the planet, especially on the west can be found especially in Greece, the UK, Ire- coast. Average annual wind speeds at ground land and in many other coastal areas in Europe level exceed 5 m/s in most of the desert and such as Portugal, Poland and Germany. Large reach 8-9 m/s in the western coastal regions. scale solar PV can also be built competitively Wind speeds also increase with height above and subsidy-free, most notably in Southern the ground, and the Sahara winds are quite Europe, for instance in Spain, Italy and Greece. steady throughout the year (Varadi, Wouters, & Hoffmann, 2018). Also, Egypt’s Zaafarana Furthermore, low cost hydropower electricity region is comparable to Morocco’s Atlantic can be produced in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, coast, with high and steady wind speeds, criti- Austria, Switzerland, etc. and geothermal elec- cal for the economics of wind energy as the tricity in Iceland, Italy, Poland and Hungary. energy derived from a wind turbine scales at Although, the potential expansion of the hy- the third power of the speed of the air pass- dropower and geothermal capacity is limited, ing through its blades. In Morocco, Algeria and the future introduction of marine/tidal energy Egypt certain land areas have wind speeds that converters could furthermore augment the are comparable to offshore conditions in the production of renewable electricity and hydro- Mediterranean, Baltic Sea and some parts of gen in the UK, Portugal, Norway and Iceland. the North Sea. In North Africa, however, the solar energy re- Large scale solar PV, Concentrating Solar Power sources are even better than in Southern Eu- and wind can be realized in North African rope. The Sahara Desert is the world’s sunniest countries against production cost lower than area year-round. It is a large area (more than 3 in Europe. The expectation is that solar PV and million square miles) that receives, on average, wind onshore production cost in North Africa 3,600 hours of sunshine yearly and in some will come down to 1 $ct/kWh before 2030. areas 4,000 hours. This translates into solar in- 2019-11-29_Dii_Studie2019_v03a.indd 6 29.11.2019 12:52:19 7 Energy in Europe Energy is used for heating, mobility, electricity instead of fossil fuels, over time Europe shall and in industry for high temperature heat and import energy in the form of green electrons, as a feedstock. In 2017, the total energy con- but especially in the form of green molecules. sumption (Gross Available Energy) in the Euro- pean Union amounted to almost 20,000 TWh, To achieve the binding Paris Agreement, Eu- with final energy consumption, the energy con- rope’s electricity sector needs to be fully decar- sumed by end users, was about 13,000 TWh, of bonized by 2050 and other energy sectors to a which 21% was electricity. The European Union large extent also. Several scenarios have looked is a net energy importer, with 55% of the 2017 at how to achieve this and comparing these energy needs met by imports, consisting of oil, scenarios, some 2,000 GW of solar and 650 natural gas and solid fuels.