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- Radiochemistry of Uranium, Neptunium and Plutonium
- Neglected Neptunium
- Quarterly Actinide Research
- Thorium and Neptunium in Water
- Fact Sheet: Epa Facts About Americium-241
- Assessment of Neptunium, Americium, and Curium in the Savannah River Site Environment
- Elements and Minerals
- Periodic Table of the Time" Just Prior" to World War II, with Predicted Positions for Elements Beyond Uranium, Is Shown in Figure 1
- Quaternary Neptunium Compounds: Syntheses and Characterization of Kcunps3, Rbcunps3, Cscunps3, Kagnps3, and Csagnps3
- From Alchemy to Atoms-The Making of Plutonium
- Peculiar Protactinium
- A Comparison of Curium, Neptunium and Americium Transmutation Feasibility Timothée Kooyman, Laurent Buiron, G
- Separated Neptunium 237 and Americium
- Trs and Adss”, Advanced Reactors with Innovative Fuels (Proc
- Overview of Plutonium and Its Health Effects
- Synthesis and Utility of Neptunium(III) Hydrocarbyl Complex Alexander J
- Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium and Curium)
- The Transuranium Elements: from Neptunium and Plutonium to Element 112