Master race
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- More Ustification Fur Creatifg the WHITE SUPREMACY Su Ect Heading Mmended 8-17-18. with Warmest Regards, Sanford Berman 4400
- The Far Right, Punk and British Youth Culture, 1977–87
- REVIEWS November/December 2018 Volume VIII, No
- Aryan Ancestors, Pariahs and the Lunatic Fringe
- Swastikas and Silver Shirts: the Dawn of American Nazism
- Women's Wombs As Weapons: the Impor Tance and Coor Dination of Mother Hood in the Ear Ly Year S of the Thir D R Eich
- Aryan Race”: a Profound Failure of Interdisciplinary Communication Christopher Mark Hutton, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
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- Traces | the UNC-Chapel Hill Journal of History
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- The Explotiation of Women Under the Nazi Regime
- Racial Science in Hitler's New Europe, 1938-1945
- The Nazi Regime's Resonating Effects on Racialisation in Germany
- Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race March 13 to July 19, 2009
- 1.1 . Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race
- Nazi Theory and Its Role In