Land degradation
Top View
- Impact of Population Growth on Environmental Degradation: Case of India
- Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought: a Complex Nexus
- The Value of Land
- A Review of the Ecological Footprint Indicator—Perceptions and Methods
- Linking Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security
- Land Degradation Assessment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) LAND and WATER DIVISION 17 WORKING PAPER
- African Group Position on the Theme of Unea-3
- Soil Erosion and Acidity Issues
- Interlinkages Between Biodiversity, Climate Change, Land Degradation, and Freshwater and Coastal Systems
- The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
- IPBES Regional and Land Degradation and Restoration Assesments of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Report on Climate Change and Land
- “Of the 80 Countries Substantially Affected by Land Degradation, 36
- Land Degradation Is Indicative: Proxies of Forest Land Degradation in Ghana
- Poverty and Land Degradation Linkages in the Developing World
- Global Catastrophic Risks 2018 INTRODUCTION
- Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought1
- Our Ref: JM/RKS/DCPI-5-6