Lamian War
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- The Athenian Reaction to the Hegemony of the Macedonian Kings, Philip II and Alexander III, 338-323 B.C.E
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- “The Hellenistic Ruler Cult and Ptolemy I's Quest for Legitimacy”
- Index of Passages Cited
- The Enslavement of War Captives by the Romans to 146 BC
- Alexander I of Molossia and the Creation of Apeiros
- 2844 10653 1 Sm 9
- Ancient Macedonia
- Ancient Macedonian Ethnic Identity
- Reading the Arrivals of Harpalus Alex Gottesman
- Roy Van Wijk, the Centrality of Boiotia to Athenian Defensive Strategy
- Macedonian Succession: a Game of Diadems
- Author Index Author Index