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- Chapter 3. Race, Kinship and the Ambivalence of Identity
- Evolution of Kinship Structures Driven by Marriage Tie and Competition
- Grand Anthropological Themes
- Ch 8: Kinship
- A New Approach to Forming a Typology of Kinship Terminology Systems from Morgan and Murdock to the Present
- Kinship Networks, Wealth and Economic Behaviour in Rural Ethiopia: Does Family Come at a Cost?
- Kinship Support Services in King County
- Kinship Caregivers and the Child Welfare System
- Virtual Ethnography
- SEM 61 Annual Meeting
- Feminist Ethnography in Cyberspace, Final Submission, Unformatted Citations
- Improving Cultural Competence
- Field Techniques in Ethnomusicology: the Basongye (Republic of the Congo) Alan P
- Families Redefined: Kinship Groups That Deserve Benefits Jane E
- Chapter 5: Kinship and Family
- I. Buchler Measuring the Development of Kinship Terminologies: Scalogram and Transformational Accounts of Omaha-Type Systems
- WHAT IS KINSHIP? Dwight W. Read Department of Anthropology UCLA
- Vegan Lifestyle on Facebook: an Online Ethnography Study