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- On Sound, Survival, and Becoming in Muslim Toronto
- MYSTERIES of the SUFI PATH the Sufi Community in Jordan and Its Zawiyas, Hadras and Orders Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan National Library Submission No
- Succession to the Caliphate in Early Islam
- American Imams from Cairo to California A
- Intellectuals in the Modern Islamic World
- Ethnographies of Islam : Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices Baudoin Dupret, Thomas Pierret, Paulo Pinto, Kathryn Spellman-Poots
- Relations of the Sufis with the Rulers of Deccan (14^" -17^" Centuries)
- Militant Islam
- Tasawwuf (Sufism) As the Basis for Internalizing Humanist Character of Indonesian Muslims (Case Study of Pesantren in Yogyakarta and Madura)
- The Position of Islam on Marriage to a Jewish Or Christian Woman (Ahlul Kitab)
- Disability in Different Cultures Reflections on Local Concepts
- Readings from Quran and Scripture Compiled by the Hoda Islamic Center
- Traditionalism in Islam: an Essay in Interpretation Author(S): William A
- Europe a Literary History, 1348 - 1418
- ESQ (Imam Kanafi) 77
- The Teaching, Practice, and Political Role of Sufism in Dushanbe
- INTEGRATION of EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM BETWEEN MADRASA and MA'had (The Case Study at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Lamongan)
- 243 the Implementation of Tariqa Naqshbandiyah's Sufism Values In