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- Adolescents' Definitions of Cheating in Romantic Relationships
- Infidelity Counseling Principles and Treatment Challenges
- Relational Infidelity Is Identified As a Severe Relational Transgression In
- How Selected Personality Factors Affect the Relationships Between Marital
- Sexual Infidelity in Ovid's Metamorphoses Meredith Prince
- And Shame-Proneness and Their Relation to Perceptions of Dating Infidelity
- Sexual Infidelity Among Married and Cohabiting Americans
- Different Types of Love in Polyamory: Between Primary and Secondary Haojun (Vivie) Jiang Western University, [email protected]
- Infidelity: When, Where, Why.” in WR Cupach and BH Spitzberg, the Dark Side of Close Relationships II, New York: Routledge, Pp 175-196
- Infidelity and Affairs
- Effects of Sex, Sexual Orientation, Infidelity Expectations, and Love on Distess Related to Emotional and Sexual Infidelity
- Understanding How Couples Maintain Monogamy: the Development of a Theory of Protective Factors Using Grounded Theory
- Polyamory As "Ethical Nonmonogamy" : a Viable Alternative to Infidelity : a Project Based Upon an Independent Investigation
- What's the Deal with Cohabitation
- Recovery from an Affair
- Virtual Adultery: No Physical Harm, No Foul? Kathryn Pfeiffer University of Richmond
- Reconstructing the Meaning of Fidelity: a Qualitative Inquiry Into Swinging Relationships
- Fatherhood Is Associated with Increased Infidelity and Moderates the Link Between Relationship Satisfaction and Infidelity