Historia Brittonum
Top View
- Recovering the Historical Arthur Marcus Ladd Bucknell University
- The Origins of the Arthurian Legend
- Merlin: Ambrosius and Silvester
- From Ambrosius Aurelianus to Arthur: the Creation of a National Hero in Historia Brittonum
- OBINUS, Fictitious Archbishop of London. He Appears Fourth in a List Attributed to Jocelin of Furness, Succeeding Cadar and Succ
- Florida State University Libraries
- Lincolnshire Arthur? As I See It, There Are Three Possible Conclusions
- The Diffusion and Bastardization of Mordred in Arthurian Legends from Select Works of the Sixth Through the Fifteenth Centuries
- A Companion to Geoffrey of Monmouth Brill’S Companions to European History
- NENNIUS History of the Britons (Historia Brittonum) J. A. Giles
- Red Crests and Frontier Wolves the Passage of Britain from Rome to the Anglo-Saxons
- Breuddwyd Rhonabwy: a Historical Narrative?
- Derivation of the AC Date for Badon from Gildas and Bede
- The Development of Arthurian Legends
- The Latin Reception of the De Gestis Britonum
- Arthur of History
- Scandinavian Loanwords in English in the 15Th Century
- The Early Arthur