Great Basin pocket mouse
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- TEHACHAPI POCKET MOUSE Perognathus Alticola Inexpectatus
- Clarifying the Distribution and Ecology of Pocket Mice in Wyoming
- Dynamics of Peripheral Populations of Great Basin Pocket Mice, Perognathus Parvus , and Western Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys Megalotis , in Southern British Columbia
- Chapter 3: Small Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians
- Adaptive Physiology of Heteromyid Rodents
- Mammal Species of the Green River from Flaming Gorge Dam to Split Mountain
- Some Coyote Food Habitat Patterns in the Shrub-Steppe of South-Central Washington" (1976)
- Dominates Cheek Pouch Contents of the Great Basin Pocket Mouse (Perognathus Parvus) Authors: Kristen A
- Short-Eared Owl Post-Fledging Survival and Breeding Season Diet
- Wildlife Observers Hart Mountain Weather National Antelope Refuge Remarks
- Technical Report #82-3-08B DIETS of LONG-EARED OWLS from THREE HABITATS in NORTH-CENTRAL OREGON Oregon Department of Fish and Wi
- Chris Moore Letter
- Mammal Inventory of the Mojave Network Parks
- B Wildlife Species List
- Importance of Western Juniper Communities to Small Mammals
- Species on the Umatilla National Forest
- Life History Account for Great Basin Pocket Mouse