Gerrard Winstanley
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- Decentralization 1 Decentralization
- Varieties of Early Modern English Radicalism in Context Copy
- Anarchism and Planning
- The Two Souls of Socialism
- Varieties of Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century English Radicalism in Context
- Digging, Levelling and Ranting: the Bible and the Civil War Sects
- Topics in Social and Polical Philosophy P
- Benjamin Tucker (Editor of the Anarchist, a Highly Individualist Journal Published in Boston)
- 2011 University of Cyprus Nicosia, Cyprus
- A Rough Guide to Commons, Enclosure and Popular Insurgency in Durban1 by Richard Pithouse
- Socialism 1111
- Gerrard Winstanley and Jacob Boehme
- Anarchist Voices a Journal of Evolutionary Anarchism Incorporating Total Liberty Magazine Vol
- Winstanley & the Diggers
- Lysander Spooner
- Murray Bookchin and the American Revolutionary Tradition, 1921-1971
- The English Radical Tradition and the British Left 1885
- "Liberating Ourselves": Utopian Communalism in The